#goth magic coord
precure-stuff · 8 months
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Beware the girls at the Gothic Gate...
Thought I'd draw some Aikatsu goths for the spooky season
(Click for higher quality)
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hikaru-hoshina · 10 months
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Dress Up Style Aikatsu! Hoshimiya Ichigo ~Aurora Kiss Coord Set~ & Todo Yurika ~Goth Magic Coord Set~
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floofvoid · 8 months
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I recently bought Happy Treat Party and wore it for a bit yesterday. I'm kind of disenchanted with it, though, and I think I'm going to sell it.
I feel like I'm betraying my goth leaning sensibilities with something too obviously sweet. Like I know that a lot of my coords with dresses like Merry Making in the Ghost Town are technically dark motif sweet, but they at least pass as gothic to the less informed. That's my vibe. On the edge between gothic and sweet.
I bought this on a whim because I liked magical milk cats so much and wanted to have more AP Halloween prints, but maybe that's just not me.
Anyway I'm taking this to our local swap meet next month, and I hope someone will take it from me so that I don't have to ship it lol.
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tsunflowers · 9 months
Have to ask Ogami Koga and Sakuma Rei 🎀👗
koga would of course wear swing rock in aikatsu like the musical scorpio coord. I don't think he would wear universe queen from prichan generally but the funky fur coord has a fluffy tail attached so it's perfect
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it's equally obvious that if rei was in aikatsu he would wear loli gothic like the classic goth magic coord, and in prichan the haunted vampire coord
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yjyt85r98r · 1 year
15 or 24? ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
15. A character, song or coord that you initially didn't care for but ended up growing on you
Character - Sumire. As someone who became interested in gothic styles in part due to my inability to fit in, it irked me to see the poster child for a gothic brand being polite, quiet, and able to fit in perfectly. But over time I became a bit more like her, so I started to understand her better. She also won me over with the few times she let out her dark side, like the in the vampire movie, and when she told a scary story on the desert island.
Song - Summer Tears Diary. My opinion on it was initially “well it’s pretty but it isn’t the best”, but then I listened to it again and started crying. tbh all the Romance Kiss songs started off neutral but then really grew on me
Coord - Goth Magic Coord. When I first saw it, I was like “a goth coord with no black?! Are you kidding me?”, but now I love it for the checkered leggings, chains and top hat. Also Rose Yggdrasil, I guess... I still don't love it but I think it's really unique for an Aikatsu outfit
24. Which brand’s style do you think your own clothes are closest to?
This is actually a pretty hard question... definitely one of the gothic brands, but which one...? idk!
also that's a great little face you sent! Never seen that one before but it's so cute
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sapphiresring · 5 years
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Yurika Todo
Goth Magic Coord
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kariririi · 2 years
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Goth Magic Coord
Happy Birthday Yurika! One day late 😔 I haven’t had much of an on time streak recently. Hopefully next year I’ll be able to maintain a better streak. (This is probably my last post of this year btw 😮)
Anyways I really love this coord, and it’s one of the classic Premium Rares from the original Aikatsu! series.
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felixfathom · 2 years
(Goth Felix Anon) I have a magic clothes question! If the coords have a material/appear to have material in them that someone is allergic to would the person with the allergies be effected by it? Or would the magic change the physical properties of the material so that, for example, if the outfit looks and feels like silk it wouldn't actually trigger an allergy for someone allergic to silk?
What got me thinking about it was when you mentioned wanting to see Felix wearing Hibiki's coords and i noticed the coords have feathers. And i know that it isn't technically canon that Felix has the same allergies as Adrien but he probably does. So if allergies do work the same for coords as regular clothes then either the feathers would need to be removed or made synthetic or Felix would be sneezing while wearing the coords.
(also I have allergies so i probably would have started to question this eventually anyway, especially for more common allergies like silk, wool, polyester... )
by all accounts, pripara seems to be a virtual reality, not to mention that the system itself picks out ideal coords for each person. i may be wrong about this, as i haven't finished S3 or started idol time yet, but again - since the system calls the shots and chooses the ideal coord for someone taking into consideration their persona, i assume allergies should play a major part in case it was an actual danger!
hibiki does however wear the brilliant prince cyalume coord prior to her real pripara debut and it's probably explained by "she's rich and got people to make a real-world version of it" as coords originate as pritickets you have to scan in a machine to wear in a performance, and it's the form taken out of pripara as well!
so TL;DR unless felix actually minds wearing the flesh of his brothers for a hat he should b able to wear the coords i desperately need to see him in (#lovewins) it depends on my life
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lecherouscats · 4 years
Favorite brand?
Angelic Pretty followed closely by Royal Princess Alice. I usually go with AP because I have mostly bought AP. It's widely available on various sites and it's easier for me to remember the names of their prints.
Whats your favorite color combination?
PinkxLav, PinkxSax, RedxBlack
Do you focus on making your wardrobe cohesive?
I try to but I mostly try to balance my wardrobe by sweet and goth/sweet.
Who were your biggest non-celebrity lolita influences? (that is, someone who influenced your style but is not a youtuber, model, artist, etc.)
This is such an interesting question for me because I feel like I found about lolita through those who use SM the most. Plus my comm has several girls who are models and before I started going to meets, I followed those girls on various SM platforms and was heavely influenced by their styles.
There is a girl in my comm whose style I absolutely love however. She is mostly handmade and wears a lot of hime/goth/ero. I love how she breaks the rules and still looks fantastic every time. I've never seen this girl look bad in anything.
Do you let social media influence your coord decision?
I would say just because I have often used it as inspiration to get dressed up when there wasn't anything better to do.
What drew you to the substyles you wear?
Well, the first time I actually wanted to buy lolita fashion, it was Dolly Cat. How those dresses looked made me want to actually get into the fashion. I loved how all the prints looked even if it wasn't a dress I wanted. And even the dresses that didn't have prints had amazing shapes and details that drew me in.
What is a substyle you wouldn't wear?
Country. Although, even that there would probably be an exception to. Honestly, I could wear any substyle but actually doing it is a different thing.
What fashion were you involved in before you started wearing lolita? Did it influence your styling choices?
I'm definitely one of those lolitas who didn't have a fashion sense before getting into it. I used to get random comments from people telling me I had "my own" sense of style but I always felt like I just threw on random clothes. After lolita, I started actually putting together outfits even with normie looking clothing.
How has your style changed from when you first started wearing lolita to now?
I feel like overall I have improved quite a bit from when I started. But I don't think my style has changed at all in five years. When I decided to start buying pieces for my wardrobe, I already had an idea of what kind of style I wanted the most based on what I saw other girls wearing. I really liked sweet & goth and just about everything I own leans in one of those directions or sometimes both!
What is your go-to coord?
My Magic Amulet cutsew. It's easy cause it's an OP and it's a great fit on me, especially with a large waist belt. I always try to change up my coords by using different accent items, like different accessories, socks, etc.
What would you say is your most experimental coord?
I paired a pink blouse with my Milky Cross skirt that's been altered. A lot of people liked it but I felt like it was still an odd combo due to the shape of the blouse. I also have a BtssB dress that I often wear without a blouse due to the interesting sleeves/straps it has.
What's the weirdest or most unconventional thing you've used as inspiration for a coord?
Midsommar, which is a horror movie that takes place in a cult. I have a dress that I bought specifically for a Midsommar themed meet on my birthday and my friends all wore white with me, and I had a giant flower crown like the main character in the film.
What's a lolita style you'd like to wear but are otherwise to scared or broke to try?
I wish I could wear those couture type dresses that are super OTT that AP and BtssB put out every year. I'm definitely too broke to try.
Have you expanded your interest in other J fashion outside of lolita?
Yup! When I first got into lolita, I also got into Menhera and Fairy kei. My love of Menhera just turned into pastel goth.
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hothotmiso · 7 years
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Goth Magic Coord Mysterious Virgo Coord White Sky Veil Coord
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lucykisaragi · 7 years
hi! if it's not too much trouble, could i request renders of the card art of kaede and yurika's pierrot carnival and goth magic coords? thanks~
Saddly i never found either fullbody picture for Kaede’s pierrot carnival PR cards. though you can find Yurika’s goth magic PR coord fullbody renders here  
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tsunflowers · 2 years
Aikatsu coordes for Alkaloid? Not as a unit but individually
well aira is obviously a cute idol and mayoi is loli gothic. goes without saying
so I think aira would be cute with aine's sweet phrase coord bc apparently his image color is basically the same color as his hair but I really want it to be pink. so this is a coord that includes both of those colors
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mayoi could wear either sumire's blue empress or yurika's goth magic. the jagged ripped appearance of the skirt is a key point here
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hiiro is probably a spice chord or swing rock kind of guy so maybe seira's musical scorpio
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and I think tatsumi would be cute in gothic victoria noble viridian or even alicia's glorious emerald
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cbfirelight6104 · 5 years
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💜💀S P 0 0 K Y 💎 C 0 0 R D👻💜 🎀💜💎🎀💜💎🎀💜💎🎀💜💎🎀💜💎💗🎀 - 💀GOOOD AFTERNOON, FAMSS⭐️ Lets take a moment to pRAISE these adorable spooky pants✨👻🙏🏻💗 you guys said you wanted more full outfit photos & i got the most aesthetic pants ever by @merbunnybaby in the mail a few weeks ago & have been DYING to coord with them since then sO i put together this pastel goth themed coord!!✨// i seriously need to invest more into my pastel goth style because wearing these is so much fun! 💎💜💖⭐️ There are SO MANY goodies in this coord, my white mesh lenses by @pinkyparadisedotcom seriously tied this look together perfectly to match the spooky kitty ghosts on my pants 😭👻💗 & i couldnt have completed this look without my accessories by @eggliencreations & @kawaiibubbleteaart !! 🎀💜💎 PLEASEEEE go check all of these sites out if you would like to coord like this~⭐️💖💕✨✨ - 👀P.S: @princessbunbunx is the real mvp for taking these shots of me out in the FREEZING cold bitch, that was insane of us lmaooo. another p.s: why cant i fuckin properly pose for pictures 😷 LMAO i gotta be memey all the time i guess 💀💀 i hOPE EVERYONES HAVING A GREAAAT DAY TODAY AAA!! what do you guys think about this coord?? aaaaaa!! let me know~~ 💎💎 & also! please stay indoors for those of you in the midwest area because of the polar vortex! Stay safe & warm my friends!! Keep your fuzzy babies indoors & warm too🐰🐱🐶🐹💗 - - 🎀 Horns & Bat Wing Rings by @zombieunicornstore , Giant Candy Clip & Some Bracelets by @kawaiibubbleteaart , Mint Cross Necklace by @blackoutdolls , Bat Brooch by @moonbunnyofficial , Candy Accessories by @eggliencreations , Bat Tee by @spookiiland , Black Platform Shoes by @killstarco , White Mesh Lenses W/ Rim by @pinkyparadisedotcom , Magic Cat Blue & Purple Joggers by @merbunnybaby 🎀 From Instagram
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yjyt85r98r · 7 years
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Inktober Day 5 - Chicken
I’m trying to show Ray’s good side. That’s the summary. 
No big deal... just go out there in front of all those people and sing in your third language. No sweat.
Oh, but there was a lot of sweating going on. Ray could feel it trickling down her neck and into the collar of her favorite jacket. If she was lucky, it wouldn't be soaked through in the next five minutes. Her knuckles were white and were fitting to bust out. Maybe they were trying to run away to somewhere other than the small auditorium she was in. They were the smart ones.
A poster on the nearby wall advertised the showing – indy idols looking for a solo debut. Despite being from the well known Star Harmony Academy, she technically wasn't one of their idols. It was the whole gen class, idol class thing. Basically they couldn't claim her and she couldn't use their help without switching. So, that basically made her independent. That wouldn't normally have been a problem, but... well, nerves.
“Come on, keep it together.”
She muttered to herself in English as she stood to pace around the small dressing room. Going last had its benefits; she had it to herself. The other nervous idols had already gone out to seek their destiny among what she had heard was a packed auditorium. Packed with who, she didn't know – probably family members, friends, classmates who gave a shit. You know, the typical people that came to first performances and debuts.
So, nobody was there for her. Piece of cake.
“You're on in five. Follow me to the fitting room.”
The voice almost made Ray jump out of her seat. A tech had popped their head in, checking the clipboard that they had been carrying all afternoon. At least they didn't look too surprised by her display. They were probably used to it.
“Right. Thanks.”
The short walk from the dressing room to where Aikatsu got its name made Ray's heart try to pound out of her chest. Never before had she felt this nervous, not even when it was the bottom of the ninth and there were two on base. Then the pressure had only made her grip tighter and eyes sharper. Now it was just trying to tear her apart.
Man, why did she quit baseball to be an idol again? Oh... yeah... right. That thing.
“It'll light up when it's ready for you to go on. Good luck.”
The room she was left in by herself was one she had been in before. Well, not the exact room – the one at the arcade was smaller and the light flickered as you went in. This one was far larger and the doors to the fitting room glittered. It wasn't ready for her yet, but it was waiting for her all the same.
Honestly, she didn't know how to explain it besides magic idol stuff. Her stepsister had tried once – something about holograms and the cards they used. She had reminded her time and again to not forget either, even checking before Ray had left for the day. Both of those were in her pockets, just waiting for her.
Ray's hands shook as she got them both out. Today's coord – that's what they called them, or at least she thought so. Slang Japanese was still kind of hard for her – was one from a brand she had discovered one day walking home from school. Actually ,it had kind of been by accident. She had literally bumped into the designer as she left a shop. They had traded some harsh words, and the girl had left without one of her cards. The rest was history – an unofficial brand and an indy idol was a match made in heaven.
“Hope you can take a lot of sweat, or Hikari's gonna be pissed at me for screwing up her outfit.”
Ray heard her stepsister's voice in her head as she spoke. It was the usual reminder: she was being rude again. Just the thought of it loosed a weak chuckle from the girl's throat as she waited for the light to go on above the fitting room. At least even scared out of her wits, she could be properly rude.
She didn't have to wait long – the last idol to go out all but stumbled out of the door and ran in the most likely direction of the bathroom. The doors shut neatly behind her, and then the soft light above them clicked on. The Aikatsu system was ready for its latest victim, and there she was.  Good thing she had a strong stomach.
“Alright... guess this is it. Time to fuck it up.”
On went the cards and the magic-technology that went with it. The rest was a blur that even on her second time she wasn't used to. Why so much jumping and flashing lights? In the end, right before she hit the stage, Ray decided Aikatsu was just fucking weird and to roll with it.
The stage it deposited her on was a generic cool backdrop to match her card brand. Branded users got their logo and something to go with it, while school idols had their institution's mark on them. Ray had neither as she stepped into her starting position. And really, that was a load off. Only so many people she could embarrass.
At least, until she looked up. That... was a lot of people. They weren't kidding about it being a packed auditorium. Add in the people watching from the stream with their various colored headsets, and it was beyond standing room only. The arcade's audience had been a quarter of this size and that had set her knees to knocking. This? Well... she could see why the other girl threw up.
It sounded like a great idea.
“Don't chicken out now!”
Someone – was that Vaughan? Sounded like him – was shouting in the audience. It was English, so it had to be him. But she couldn't see his face to confirm it. Instead, there was just lights. Pink lights, as a matter of fact. People were starting to use a hot pink color when she went on stage. Ayame had called it an image color or something like that. The long story short was that they supported her or something like that.
Well... that was a lot of hot pink lights out there. Not bad.
Some of the tension melted away as the music started with a bracing guitar solo. Not all of it, it never did no matter what. She could be standing on the mound or on a stage, but it was there in the back of her mind. Maybe that was a good thing.
One thing was for sure, though. They definitely weren't expecting what she was about to drop when her cue hit. Oh well, if they could get used to goth space idols a little hardcore punk rock wouldn't kill them. At least that put a smirk on Ray's face as she started into her routine.
You know, she could get used to this. They might not, but she could.
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