#got7 sm au
jinkoh · 2 years
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jadededge · 1 year
Tear You Apart | Ch.2
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Pairing:  GOT7 x OC
Genre: Demon/Mafia AU, Romance, Smut
Rating: M
Summary: Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3    (will likely always update these 2 places first)  
Navigation: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
The next week, one of their men reported back to provide all information collected on her. It really was a test for them to not take matters into their own hands following the discovery of their girl. Luckily for them,  work was quite busy so they had other things to occupy their minds. But now they could focus on her. 
Profile Summary
Name: Selah Stone Age: 28 Occupation: Graphic artist Address: Midtown Lofts, Apt 32 Bank information: Aura Credit Union, Acct #78934 Medical records: Section D Family history: Section E Relationship history: Section F
And so on and so forth.
Got7's reach was far and wide. They were able to learn everything about her. Where she ate, where she got groceries, what bars she frequented. It appears she has no family in this city but quite a few friends, including an ex-boyfriend.
Jaebeom growls handing off the only copy of the file to Jinyoung. "What is it?" Jinyoung questions, opening the file.
"You'll see."
The maknaes gather around Jinyoung to see what has their leader perturbed.
"Ex-boyfriend? No problem, we'll just kill him." BamBam brushes it off.
Youngjae rolls his eyes, "no. Remember what happened before? And hyung just said-"
BamBam cuts him off "I know, I know. We play nice this time." He huffs and walks to sit down "but that's so boring and it takes too long."
He's right, it does take too long but we have to be better. Jaebeom thought. "I need to think before we do anything. And we still have problems to work out with the nightclub acquisition. Is Otto still giving us trouble? We've already started the transition and we have the grand reopening on Friday." He looks to his right hand, Jinyoung.
"He's still being a prick, stalling unnecessarily. Mark and Jackson are at a meeting there now, they should be back soon."
"Send them to my office when they return." He walks away.
"Can I see the file now hyung?" Yugyeom pouts.
"No. I need to dig into this. I'll be in my office." Jinyoung leaves the maknes alone.
Mischief plays in BamBam's eyes. "Want to see her ourselves? I saw where she goes for lunch during work."
"Lets go!" Yugyeom. 
Youngjae looks a bit apprehensive. Disobeying Jaebeom was not something he made a habit of but he wanted to see their new mate. "Okay let's go but we only look from a distance."
A knock on the door brings Jaebeom out of his thoughts. "Come in"
Jackson and Mark walk in. "You wanted to see us?" Mark questions taking a seat at one of the chairs in front of Jaebeom's desk.
"Yes. How did the meeting go?"
Jackson scoffs, "it went." Smirking towards Mark. "Things should go smoothly from now on."
Jaebeom chuckles. "I take it he pissed Mark off."
"And did. He's lucky he's in a partnership with our brother legion." Mark's eyes darken.
"So he beat the shit out of him instead of killing him." Jackson laughs.
Mark was always level headed in discussions but he had a nasty temper when pushed too far. They had recently started the process of acquiring a series of nightclubs. They owned just a few already but they needed new spots to do business among other things. Otto, the owner of the nightclubs and member of another legion, didn't want to sell. His constant meddling and procrastination had reached a boiling point at today's meeting.
"I'm sure I'll hear about that from the other leaders. But otherwise good work."
"So about our girl..." Mark trails off.
Jaebeom hands him the file and begins to rattle off his plan.
"I was hoping the acquisition would go smoothly because one of the places she frequents will now be under our empire. Jackson..."
Jackson perks up at the mention of her name.
"I want you to lure her in." Jaebeom orders.
Jackson smirks, "with pleasure."
Across town Selah was stepping into the café near her job that she frequented on her breaks. It wasn't huge but still had plenty of space for people to enjoy their food, or work.
Settling at a table in the corner, she feels like she's being watched again but a quick casual glance around doesn't provide any answers. Maybe i'm being paranoid.
"Dude stop." Yugyeom nudges Youngjae with a whisper yell. "You're going to scare her."
Youngjae shoves him off, "shut up, she can't tell its us."
BamBam chuckles, "and you didn't even want to come. God she's beautiful." The other two hum in agreeance. "I'm going to talk to her." He gets up.
The others hum again then they realize what he's doing, trying to stop him in hushed whispers. "Bammie wait-"
"Hi." Bam appears in front of Selah flashing his most charming smile.
Selah looks up and her heart stops. "Oh, um, hi!"
"I'm sorry to disturb your lunch but I saw you when I walked in and I'd regret it the rest of my days if I didn't at least introduce myself." He holds his hand out. "I'm BamBam."
"I'm Selah." She smiles mesmerized. "You're not disturbing me. Please have a seat"
After chatting for awhile, asking the basic 'get to know you' questions, Bam says, "I hate that to cut this short but I should get going. Can I get your number?" ____________________________
Back at the table. "You know, Jaebeomie-hyung is going to throttle him." Yugyeom says to Youngjae.
"Absolutely. But... we came with him." He sighs.
Yugyeom looks at his watch. "Yeah... we're in for it. We should head back."
"But we cant just yank him up from the table."
After what felt like forever, BamBam comes striding back over with a huge smile. The boys exit the café and get in the car to head back home.
"So what happened??" Yugyeom questions from the backseat.
"What's she like??" Youngjae adds in enthusiastically looking to Bam in the passenger seat.. All thoughts of what awaits when their older brothers find out are gone.
"She's perfect. I got her number." He giggles.
Yugy slaps his arm. "Bammie. You are in deep shit. You know that right?" He laughs.
"How are they going to know?"
"I'm not saying anything." Youngjae immediately responds. "Jaebeomie-hyung is already going to strangle me for coming along."
BamBam rolls his eyes, "no he won't. You're his precious baby." Bam pinches YJ's cheek. "You'll be okay. I, on the other hand may be banished."
Pulling up to the house they see Jackson coming out as they walk up.
"Where have you 3 been?" He questions.
Yugy quickly answers, "he had to collect from one of the groups on Canal. They gave one of our guys some problems, so we showed up together."
Jackson eyes them suspiciously as the maknaes try to keep their expressions neutral. "Hm. Okay. Well I'm off to get our girl. Jay B gave me the okay." He beams and walks away before they could say anything.
"Okay yeah. We might all die." Bam says with a 'yikes-my bad' expression. ____________________________________
Later that afternoon, Selah is shopping for dinner at her usual grocery store. She gets the feeling she's being watched again. "Ugh. Seriously whats wrong with me?" She says quietly to herself.
She continues her shopping thinking of her meeting with BamBam earlier. He was really nice, and very handsome. If he does text her, she was resolved to be open to getting to know him. He was intriguing and it had been sometime since she had met someone new that was interesting to her. Just as she rounds the corner she bumps into someone.
"Oop. I'm sorry!" She gains her balance dropping a couple of items out of her basket.
The stranger is already bending down to gather the lost items. "Oh no, its my fault. I'm sorry." He stands and places the items in her basket.
She finally gets a good look at him and Selah is stunned. How was she able to meet two hot guys in one day. "I'm Jackson."
She caught herself staring. "Oh- uh- I'm Selah." She extends her hand.
"Wow. If I knew I would bump into such gorgeous people, I would've tried this store out sooner."
She blushes. Hard. Trying to deflect the attention from herself she asks, "oh are you new to the area?"
"A bit. I don't live here but I just bought a business in the neighborhood, so I've been around. Figured I try it since its close." Placing the items back in her basket. "Making pasta for dinner?"
She chuckles nervously. "Yeah. It's quick and easy. Long day today."
"I'm sorry, I'm keeping you from finishing your shopping." He chuckles nervously and goes to move.
"Oh it's okay!" I wish we weren't awkwardly in a grocery aisle. She smiles.
"My business is actually a club. We're opening this weekend. It's called Se7en. You should come."
Note: it took me forever to write this and it kinda sucks and went all over the place lol to be honest I've been in a slump especially with this story. I just needed to get over this hump in the plot. I'll do better. Hope you enjoyed :)
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kpop-stories-21 · 7 months
Duty | Prelude: Kyungshi
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Group: SuperM
Pairing: ??? x Fem!OC
Word Count: 439
Rating: 18-21+
Genres, Tropes, & AUs: Non-Idol AU, Secret Agent/Spy AU, Good vs Evil, Colleagues to Lovers, Angst
Content & Trigger Warnings: Agent!Reader, Agent!SuperM, kpop companies as agent companies, mentions of past death, violence, guns, blood, death, murder
Summary: Kyungshi finishes an assignment and receives news that sets everything in motion
General tags: @kpop---scenarios @jeonrose @skittlez-area512 @mybiasisexo @biaswreckingfics @anyamaris @liliesofdreamsskz @rdiamond2727 @naturalogre @bxffietheblxxdy
If you want to be added to my taglist, click here
Network pings: @cacaokpop-fics | @kdiarynet | @cultofdionysusnet
MDNI banner and support banner courtesy of @cafekitsune
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Jun Kyungshi exhaled softly as she tiptoed through the darkened car park, taking care not to trip while still keeping an eye on her target.
The man she followed was 27-year-old Kim Yugyeom, a former JYP agent. Yugyeom, along with the rest of his agent group GOT7, had gone rouge a few months earlier. The seven men had then split up, taking on solo missions as assassins, bounty hunters, and other similar dirty jobs.
Yugyeom's current occupation was that of a "janitor" for a local gang; that is, he cleaned up loose ends by bribing people in power and killing allies who were likely to spill their secrets.
His most recent job had been securing the death of Taeyeon, a solo agent working undercover for SM, the very agency that Kyungshi was under. Kyungshi had been a close friend of the older woman, and was devastated to hear of her death. The Boss had not objected to Kyungshi going after Yugyeom, so there she was.
Yugyeom froze suddenly, and Kyungshi cursed mentally as he began speaking to someone through what was obviously an earpiece. A quick glance at her surroundings showed a single security camera that was fixed on her. Damnit, how could I have been so careless?! She berated herself.
Deciding to act while she still had some element of surprise, she stood to her feet and leapt forward, clearing the large Volvo in front of her in one smooth motion. Out of its holster came her beloved .32 mm Glock, a silencer attached to the barrel. She lined up her shot and fired quickly.
Three shots echoed through the silent night air. Yugyeom turned, gazing at Kyungshi in shock, and for a moment she feared that she had missed. But then she saw the rapidly growing patches of crimson that stained his white button-up, and she allowed herself a small smile as the older man crumpled to the ground without a word.
She fired off a fourth shot, destroying the camera that had followed her movements before it could record her face. Then she climbed into her own black BMW and sped away from the scene.
As she drove, she switched on her own earpiece and spoke. "Agent Jun reporting mission accomplished."
The static-laced voice of her friend Selgui responded immediately. "Good work Agent Jun. The Boss has summoned you to headquarters, so you'd best clean up and head straight there."
Kyungshi frowned. Usually the boss only called on agents when something bad happened. "What happened Selgui?"
Selgui's voice was soft and sad as she replied "Hybe has struck again."
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dootiexcupcake · 1 year
Other Works Masterlist
A = angst | S = suggestive | F = fluff | H = horror | D = dark | P = potential trigger warning | TW = triggering content | R = romance | P = platonic | AU = alternate universe | SM = social media au | M = mini series | O = random | C = collab | Q = request
Request are: OPEN
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Baker!au Imagine (Choi Youngjae x POC!reader) F, R, AU
A Winters Ball (Choi Youngjae x POC!reader) F, R, AU, Q
Kenshi crack (Kenshi Takahashi crack) O
Music Mini Series (a collab with @bloofairyfox of songs we associate our fav groups with)
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Main m.list
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lqfiles · 1 month
THE BOOKMARKING EVERY TWEET NAURRRRRR WHEN UR FOMO JUST HIT TOO HARD LIKE THAT😭😭😭😭😭😭 ok literally the exact same thing when they went to LA for that starstruck thing but we had no idea wtf they were doing so ppl kept posting such random clips like guys... that should be me... Oh dont even worry about me its like impossible (riize mentioned?👀) for me to go go tds FOR THIS YEAR AT LEAST. I gotta lock in school like ive never locked in before so sadly i am retiring from being dreamzen daughter for a bit 🥹🥹
OH THEYRE NOT READY INDEED WE'RE ABT TO TERRORIZE THE STREETS WITH OUR HATER TWEETS AND BRAINROT THOUGHTS 🤫🤫 plzzz make a main ill deadass follow even if im the only follower #loyalty also im not sure if ure okay with receiving dms but if u are and u give me the green light.. i might hit u up 👀 stay tuned 👀
AUGJDHEHDH ALSO GHE NEW PROFILES AND DESCS ARE SOOOO CUTESY AND PERFY I LOVE IT SM IM LOWK GETTING LIT but im like here from the beginning of the smau ik im gonna dai waiting for updates. Like with stg i came across it and got hooked AF so it was chill... but now ig we gotta play the nonchalancy 🚬
LOOKING FORWARD TO THE AU THO EEEKK i be checking ur active status like every once in a while and be like Damn i wonder what lqfilesnim up to rn?🤔
- 🍮 (ur fav)
DOMT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE STARSTRUCK CONTENT ISTG WHAT HAS LA DONE FOR THEM TO DESERVE RHAT PRIVILEGE……. they got to dance with them got to hug them got to play with them got to talk to them, should i just kill myself? starstruck preparations was so funny tho because they announced it like 4 months before the actual thing came out 😭😭😭 we all thought we got lied to they were playing too much istg, i loved that content tho it was fun to see them interact with strangers and get admired from afar (tho some moments were a bit errrr… that girl who acted like she knew mark and mistook him for got7 mark like oh that’s not???)
I CANF LIE THATS THE BOTH OF US HDHSJDHSK it’s just that i rlly wanna go at least once 😭😭 i should be focusing on studies fr but the fomo is tooo big and i heard they’re gonna perform bungee THATS MY TOP 3 SONGS I HAVE TO BE THERE OR I WILL DIE. i hope you still get to somehow go tho, the both of us should be able to experience such a fun moment 🥹
when yoy and me become mutuals and you find out just how hateful i can get like daaaamn you really negative that much..? but DONT WORRY YOU CAN BE ONE OF MY FIRST MUTUALS IF RHAT HAPPENS #LOYALCHINGU. tbh i hate the dming on here a lot but you can 100% message me i swear!! i feel like people are intimidated by me but i swear i’m so approachable and down to earth yall 💔 i need friends on here anyways because i swear it’s hard to make friends on here (i normally immediately log out of here and go to my other account after i post tho so be warned if i respond late hshdksj also i’m a bad texter.. confession..)
WE GETTING LITTY ASF IKTRRR i kinda can’t wait to post the rest i already got chaps ready and a good chunk of the plot too. I WILL TRY TO UODATE REGULARLY!!! i updated every other day with stg you guys will survive i’m sure, hang in there aegi, lqfilesnim is cooking🙏🏽
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leewonkyeom · 7 months
despite all the biases I agree SVT OT13 ALWAYSSS like if I'm supporting a group I'm gonna love and support ALL the members! WAIT WONWOO (and shua) WAS YOUR FIRST i love Wonwoo and dk biased creatures (this sums up both of us tbh) omg like ya'll slay fr‼️as for shua I was gonna mention him as bias wrecker in my previous ask (as if having 4 biases wasn't already enough 😭)
i will always support having same biases‼️I know some fans don't like having same biases and shit but I love it <33 it's good to meet someone who's as down bad, delulu and desperate for them as I am 🤧
Looking at Wonbin is justifiable like how can anyone NOT look at him??? He's just so majestic??? Like is this guy even real?? 😭😭
You get me fr i thought i was the only aghase to see them as big brothers and dw being mark and jinyoung biased is valid af‼️now that we are talking about got7 being like big brothers I wouldn't mind if fanfic authors and smau writers put in got7 as readers big bros or platonic bffs instead of y'know having the same Jackson party over and over (he's TIRED give my bro a break T^T)
WAIT NO WAY I WAS GONNA PUT JOOHEON AS MY BIAS TOO we're both illoyal when it comes to them 💀 (🤡- my honest to god reaction when i used to think that I'll stay loyal to Jeonghan)
It looks like all my current biases were your previous/first biases heheh
I get not liking action movies they're definitely a hit or miss for me other than Spiderman ofc because who doesn't love Spidey?? (Idk if it's just me but you've seen the mark Spiderman au fanfics right?? Okay now just hear me out for a sec...)
Wong kar wai is a Hong Kong director i found him through tarantino's recommendations and I loved his films so much his style of films are kinda different from your typical hongkong cinema hits. If you love dreamy (?) vivid cinematography with an aesthetically pleasing colour palette, amazing soundtracks and nonlinear narratives or you just appreciate good films i really recommend Wong kar wai! My favs have to be Chungking express (1994) and fallen angels (1995) they are kinda connected but can also be watched as stand alones (maybeee i love fallen angels just a little bit more because of Takeshi Kaneshiro) in the mood for love is also really good
yes😭😭 even though i joke about only looking at dk 90% of the time, i love them all sm😭😭 like my name is literally meant to represent lee (chan), won(woo) and (do)kyeom so i thought at least two of those were obvious😭😭 dino is more of a sympathy thing bc i love him sm but he could never replace dk in my heart (in contrast to wonwoo and shua who are very real threats)😭 me and my irl carat friend watch a lot of svt content together and sometime's she stops and is like "you and dk really are the same person" and it's always when he does something awful😭😭😭
omg mark spider-man🔛🔝 i was also living for those spider-man svt edits that were trending on tiktok a while back 😭 like i'll take a spider-man au any day... on that note... should i just write one myself?😩😩
oh my god the way you described his movies sounds so magical !!!! i'll definitely check them out when i have time (like i never watch movies😭) but it also sounds like something my dad would like so maybe i can get him to watch them with me when i go home for christmas, since i barely watch movies by myself
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
I Gotchu girl. there’s this app call memimessage and you can make fake text and there’s another app call twinote for the twitter (obviously) I still haven’t found one for Ig but when I do I’ll let you know. (the app I used to use I accidentally deleted it and since it was deleted from the App Store I had to find other apps) I hope this helps you and works for you 💕💕
Thank you, best friend! I have no idea when I'll get around to making an sm au but it is ALWAYS on my mind! I need to figure out something for Got7 'cause they are on my mind heavy lol
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kpopwritersblock · 1 year
Hi! My name is Bri, and I like to write. Feel free to come talk to me and send me kpop memes and stuff. I can do imagines, scenarios, sm au, and stories.
Groups I know and will write for:
Monsta X
NCT 127 and U
Stray Kids
These are not the only groups im into, but they are the ones im most familar with! If there's one not on this list that you have a special request for, let me know, and I will do my best to do some research before writing!
If there's anything I'm not comfortable with writing, I will be honest and let you know!
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milfgyuu · 3 years
anonymous asked: hey! Can I request a sexting with Youngjae from got7? Ty
So, it’s not necessarily sexting (because I didn’t want to get too nsfw with these) but you don’t really have to squint to get the picture here lmao
Warnings: CYJ is a dom........g00dn1ght! 😬
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Fake Text Requests 🔥
Choi Youngjae [Got7]
GOT7 M.List | Main M.List
→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms WITHOUT PERMISSION! All stories are copyrighted, Bubblebeom, 2020. ©️
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themymoonyblog · 3 years
just iced latte | mark tuan sm au
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synopsis: coming to a coffee shop almost every day just to see rather than attractive barista that works here you dont have a courage to ask him out. however, universe seems to be on your side when you bump into him on one of your friends party. will you be able to ask him out now?
pairing: mark tuan x reader
genre: college!au, fluff, little angst, humor???, eventual smut(?), slowburn
status: ongoing
profiles: yn and clique
profiles: 7 eleven
part 1: vodka incident
part 2: cute but also hot
part 3: little crush
part 4: that old
part 5: something more quiet
part 6: damn of a night
bonus: bunch of fakes
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dejayoonw · 4 years
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- yugyeom’s always there for her no matter what, even if it means talking her through her relationship problems while he’s painfully in love with her. 
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pairing: idol!reader x aspiring idol!yugyeom
type: social media au, written
genre: crack, fluff, angst
status: completed
mood: spotify link , pinterest board
a/n: i just wanted to put a disclaimer that i write jungkook like an asshole in this one,, like worse than loser baby,, you’d never guess he was my bias(along with yoongi). but anyways, i don’t think this is really how jungkook acts & i don’t write him this way because i dislike him.
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part 0.1 profiles
part 0.2 profiles
part 1 jeongguk’s,,, friendly
part 2 much to think about
part 3 campus princess seeks orgy
part 4 bible study family night
part 5 best mistake
part 6 everytime
part 7 domgyeom
part 8 crossed lines
part 9 guy fieri’s angels w the real t
part 10 fuck jk
part 11 an empty bed and a tiny dick
part 12 long live the queen
part 13 what stays in vegas
part 14 fireproof
part 15 daddy bublé
part 16 knew better
part 17 so no head?
part 18 easy
part 19 wtf
part 20 falling for you
part 21 all along
part 22 songs for yugyeom
part 23 first date tingz
part 24 rumors
part 25 hhishere
part 26 dirty little rat
part 27 take me home
part 28 natural
part 29 chip vs the property brothers
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thealexalcala · 4 years
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Coming Home - Master List (Got7 Social Media AU)
Your first love and first heartbreak are two things you will never forget. For Park Jinyoung, that was Yn Yln; someone he always thought would be his someday. But after being gone for three years, can they mend the bond they once had or will things be forever broken?
Jinyoung x Yn
Spin-off of What Can I Do
Written by :
@thealexalcala & @kpopstreetlight
Moodboard by :
Schedule :
*times and dates do matter*
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mxxn09 · 4 years
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I decided to keep you anonymous hope you enjoyed
“They dance pretty good, don't they?”
Jackson would say tapping on Jinyoung’s shoulder, he’d slightly nod. His eyes following your body, loving the way you just flowed with the music. Smiling to himself, you class finally came to an end. He entered the class quickly everyone’s eyes shot to his direction, running towards him.
“Now ladies that’s not how treat an idol”
The teacher would say, gathering everyone to talk with him personally.
“Oh I just saw how good they dance so I just wanted to come in and tell they did well”
Jinyoung smiled quickly shifting his eyes to your direction then looking back at the teacher,
“That’s good, well you should get going
before the girls trample you”
The two chuckled before bowing to each other, waving at the class goodbye before sending you a wink. You scrunched up your nose a bit, going back to putting away your clothes.
“It was such an amazing night”
Your roommate bragged, fluttering her eyelashes,
“You know should really be more responsible”
You said looking at her, she rolled her eyes smiling before placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Relax, in my mom's apartment I can do whatever I want and besides JYP won't even know”
“Okay, whatever you say”
After class, you went to a nearby cafe to drink some coffee and just relax. You spaced out staring at the window besides you, until you hear a voice.
“I saw you dancing… you’re pretty good”
You quickly turned the direction you heard the voice, your face turned red, were you hallucinating?
“Umm thank you..”
“I’m sure you’ll debut soon”
It was quite before you felt his body come a tad bit closer to yours, your eyes quickly shot up then back down to your coffee
“You know you dance pretty good”
Jinyoung said, taking a sip from his coffee.
“Thank you..”
You smiled sweetly at him, your eyes meeting his dark ones. There was something about him that just really wanted you to have him, you’d shiver setting aside your nasty thoughts and began to converse with the idol. His body would move closer to you, looking deeply into your eyes.
”How would you like that?”
”I'm sorry...what?”
A small chuckle left your lips, cocking your head to the side a bit. You'd space off here and there missing what Jinyoung would say, that's until you felt his hand on yours.
”Let me help you debut, you are pretty good, I'm sure that JYP would let debut soon”
Each word that would come out of him, his face would get closer. His lips grazing your ear,
”All I need to hear is your sweet voice”
Fuck you enjoyed having him this close, but it was too risky, you're literally in public fans can see you two. His cold fingertips grazed your neck, making a small whimper drip from your lips.
”that’s it beautiful”
”no Jinyoung…”
Your words surprised him, slightly moving back.
”not here”
Your back hit the wall roughly, taking your breath away but never taking your lips away from Jinyoung. It was amazing the affect this man had on you, making your thoughts go away to only focus on him and him only. This was wrong in so many ways but you loved it, you loved how his lips perfectly molded onto yours, how his hands traced your body purposely avoiding the places you desperately wanted him to touch.
Jinyoung pressed his body flush onto yours, grinding his hips onto yours his growing bulge rubbing your on your pussy. You’d whimper into the kiss wanting more from him. Everything was going so slow for you yet so fast, in one moment you’d be pressed against the wall the other your bent over the couch. His hands running through your back down to your ass, massaging you before pulling down your tight gym pants and smacking you roughly.
You squeaked at the rough contact, digging your fingernails into the fabric of the couch. Taking a breath in he spanked you once more before leaning into your ear.
“Be a good girl and take all of me”
Dear god you loved how smooth his voice was, your walls clenching around nothing. Soon everything went black, stars exploding in your eyes your moans coming out uncontrollably. You could just imagine Jinyoung behind you, a sigh left your lips at the thought of that.
“I cant n-no more Jiny-young”
A tight grip was felt on your scalp, forcing your head back.
“You will cum when say so”
A whine dripped from your lips, Jinyoung’s tip hit your spot so deliciously. You were on the verge of screaming, but you held your back biting on the couch pillow. Both of your eyes rolling into your skulls enjoying every second of the pleasure.
“Do it with me darling, cum with me”
“Oh fuck”
Within seconds you were cumming hard on Jinyoung’s cock before he came on your back, cleaning you up quickly.
“Hope you get some good news soon”
Any typos please let me know :)
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tuanhood · 5 years
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blurred (sm au) // chapter nineteen
summary: being a new study abroad student in seoul and maintaining your long distance relationship with your boyfriend should be pretty straightforward, right? unless one little mistake starts to make everything a little… blurred.
pairing: mark x reader
genre: angst, fluff
a/n: whaat do you guys think went down between mark and hana? i’ve tried to pretty vague with it but i’m curious to know what you think. will be revealed in the next one or two :) also this chapter is dedicated to my sick Anon 💌FEEL BETTER!! 
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markftmingi · 5 years
— quick poll (to participate in it send me an ask and/or message and/or comment which option you like)
(these might all get written in the future i’ve been thinking about these plots for awhile)
badboy mark lee au in which he’s a badass biker who works at a piercing shop and you’re a sweet girl who volunteers at pet shelters
long distance relationship with lucas wong au in which you’re on one side of the world and he’s on the other but your mutual friend ten hooks you two up
spiderman jeong yunho au in which well, yunho is spiderman
street fighter jackson wang au in which he’s an underground fighter and his personality doesn’t really match his job description
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urlocalkpoptrash · 5 years
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Every Time You Leave -
Teaser One.
You x Producer!Jaebeom
Genre: Crack, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn.
Warning: Cursing.
*YBF - Your Best friend.
It’s easy to get lost in this crazy life, but your best friend and the seven boys you call family, help you through the in’s and out’s of relationships, life, and maybe even love.
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