#gonna have to bluff to hell and back for this one y'all. & doing that for public speaking... eugh...
orcelito · 1 year
well the good news is im gonna look the part of someone who hasnt been to class in several weeks
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chidoroki · 4 years
Emma - 63194
So, it’s August 22nd, otherwise known as the best day of the month because we get to celebrate Emma's birthday! I feel like she doesn't get enough credit, especially as a shōnen protagonist, probably because she's just a normal kid compared to others with overwhelming powers/magic/quirks/etc, but I think that just makes her feats all the more interesting and amazing. So, here I am, ready to praise the hell out of everything she's done, what she's capable of, and who she is on her special day.
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(spoilers for the entirety of The Promised Neverland, so if you haven't read/completed the manga yet, consider this your first warning, because I'm literally going from start to finish with this.)
This is gonna be one hell of a long post, so here we go.
- She's one of the smartest kids at Grace Field, alongside Norman and Ray, who all get full scores on the house's daily tests, which is by no means a simple task.
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- This is thanks to her ability to learn things quickly, which she puts to the absolute best use throughout the entire story.
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- She's undoubtedly the most athletic out of the full-score trio, as she can pull off a leap like this with no issue!
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- I gotta give her voice actor credit here because her scream at the end of EP1 is simply fantastic.
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- She noticed the windows in the house were screwed shut, which reinforced the idea that the kids were merely raised like cattle. (Ray was also aware of this, of course.)
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- Suspects the use of tracking devices. (The anime had Norman voicing this realization, so whoever you want to give the credit for this is up to you.)
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- Believe me when I say that her acting skills are top-notch.
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- She's so good that she was able to control her emotions enough and even regulated her pulse to fool Isabella.
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- This! Just all of this. Her crazy ideals, her never-give-up mentality, her ability to stay optimistic and strong despite everything they're up against.. just amazing.
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- She always thinks of her family first. (she honestly rarely cries too, now that I think about it.)
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- By using what she overheard from the demons at the gate and the “blood tests” Isabella once told her about, Emma was able to figure out where the tracking devices were located on her own. (Yeah, Ray knew of this too, but he kept that info to himself.)
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- She then created a situation that allowed her to confirm this and that yes, Isabella is indeed always checking their trackers.
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- It was Emma's idea to train the other children by playing tag. Not only did this help them during the escape, but afterwards as well.
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- Takes advantage of every opportunity to learn. (also, the strength she has!)
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- Amazing learning ability x2 (I'm aware the manga says 10 instead, but still! I bet she could memorize 100 too!)
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- She believes in everyone and makes Norman realize that no one in their family is truly bad and that leaving anyone behind, even the “traitor,” could cost them their life.
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- She called Ray out on his bluff about him actually being willing to help everyone escape.
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- Then confronted Ray about the possibility of him experimenting on the tracking devices of their siblings, thus resulting in their early shipments, which is something Norman didn't even realize, if his surprised expression is anything to go by. (Emma scolds him and hides her anger well, though she only stays mad for like, a minute.)
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- She, along with Gilda, notice Isabella disappear every night after 8pm, leading them to assume the house might contain a secret room. They eventually pinpoint where it's located. (Ray suspects such a room must have existed, but wasn't certain.)
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- Introduces the boys to William Minerva's books and the morse code bookplates they held, which the trio all know how to decode and understand. (I know Phil pointed them out to her originally and manga Ray was also aware of them, surprise, but..) the hunch she had about the two special books being important guides for them turned out to be true later on after the escape.
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- Accepts her mistakes and is quick to apologize when she's wrong.
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- Thank you anime for giving us these wonderful lines.
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- Has her leg broken and yet she doesn't shed one damn tear. (the horrific sound still haunts me.) Ah, might as well also mention this now, but her theme, 63194, is one of the best songs on the soundtrack.
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- Once again caring about others more than herself, as she was ready to destroy her leg/foot even more if it allowed Norman a chance to escape.
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- This absolutely amazing moment right here! Easily one of the best panels of her by far!
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- Used what she heard from Krone and spent two months hiding her emotions and plans from Isabella. Learning ability & best actress x10.
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- Isabella actually believes this. Seriously, someone give Emma an award. Best actress x50.
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- Do y'all know how strong physically, mentally and emotionally this girl must be to cut off her own ear? I know she was in a rush to escape while Isabella was busy with the fire, like she literally had about ten seconds (anime) to remove her tracker, but damn! Not once does she ever cry over it either. May I remind you she's only 11!
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- Stops Ray's suicide attempt by catching the match, thus burning her palms.
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- It was her idea to let the other kids know of the escape, which helped in proceeding with the preparations behind Isabella's back.
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- I love Ray x fire jokes as much as the next person, but we all know who the real pyro is. More props to her voice actor again for the scream that follows!
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- Successfully carried out Norman's plan and escaped Grace Field with 14 other children.
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(post-season one spoilers beyond this point)
- Keeps her cool in dangerous situations, which helps calm down the younger children. Also fairly knowledgeable of the books from Grace Field's library, such as “The Adventures of Ugo,” which came in handy in the demon forest.
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- Remains positive and completely hopeful after learning the truth about the demon world they're living in from Sonju.
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- It only took three days for her to become proficient enough in archery in order to hunt successfully. She apparently also knows how to use a harpoon (ch49) (but I don't think we ever see that, sadly). Learning ability x20.
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- She also didn't panic when she was held at gunpoint. She stayed reasonably calm and forced her way free instead.
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- Didn't even flinch when Yuugo's bullet grazed her cheek.
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- Can she just get a round of applause, please?
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- Emma is just so fearless. Gun to the head? Knife in her face? Doesn't matter. She'll threaten you right back.
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- Kudos to her learning ability yet again x50.
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- Her quick reflexes and accuracy are phenomenal.
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- Of course, cue the talk-no-jutsu skills that every shonen protagonist is undoubtedly skilled with.
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- Even Lewis knows at a first glance that our girl is good. Takes a lot to receive praise from this demon.
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- Offers herself up as bait to lure the poachers away from the other children.
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- Literally cares for anyone, as she helped countless kids she didn't even know during her first hunt at Goldy Pond by keeping them safe.
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- Thanks again to her knowledge of the “The Adventures of Ugo” novel, she was able to locate the memory chip for the pen that contains information about Minerva's supporters, the paths to cross over to the human world, Goldy Pond, The Seven Walls and Project Lambda 7214.
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- The damn skill she has in handling guns in the matter of two weeks is astonishing.. and she's still only 11.
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- Informed the Goldy Pond kids on how to accurately aim for the demon’s center eye, which greatly helped them take out the poacher Nouma.
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- She has the audacity to taunt Lewis right back and I love her for it. She also offered to stay behind in order stall Lewis on her own, despite knowing he's the most dangerous of the poachers.
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- When the talk-no-jutsu towards the crazy demon fails, she summons a wide array of guns against him, because why the hell not, right?
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- She once admitted that she was no good at reading an opponent's moves, but after watching many people in her life who are skilled in such a way (Norman, Ray, Isabella, Krone) and thanks to the knowledge she recently leanred about Goldy Pond, she manages to catch Lewis off guard and electrocute him. Her level of adaptability is wonderful. Learning ability x100.
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- Can we all just take a moment to obsess over Emma's Goldy Pond outfit because it is fucking fantastic! She just looks so damn good! (I owe Demizu my life for this.)
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- Actually manages to get Yuugo to call her by her real name after he was so adamant to no learn them or get attached to the kids.
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- This bright smile adds five years onto my life.
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- She’s the first to notice the disadvantage demons have with regeneration, which ultimately leads to their winning strategy against Lewis.
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- She somehow survives this. (plot-armor, I know, but goddamn!)
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- Now presenting, the exact moment I fell in love with Emma, because holy fucking shit! Not only does she survive getting stabbed like that, but she gets back up and continues fighting! Can I get a big ol' HELL YEAH!!
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- She busts out the pistol with the trick shots she's kept hidden this entire time until the very right moment, effectively taking Lewis by surprise and granting Yuugo a clear shot to his middle eye as the demon stands defenseless against the shower of bullets.
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- Emma's influence over everyone else is so powerful. We see it many times throughout the story, but because of her, they all accept that the impossible is possible, everyone is worth saving, and to never give up. This is especially amazing to witness in scenarios with Ray, since Krone once said that his weakness was that he's "a little quick to give up. He makes a decision fast but abandons other just as quickly."
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- Because of everyone's assistance, they were able to destroy Gold Pond and rescue over 60+ kids, which probably wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Emma presence at the hunting ground in the first place.
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- Not to discredit Ray, because I'm sure he did a fine job of cauterizing Emma's wounds, but she did survive a day and a half with a low blood count. (She was unconscious, sure, but her body didn't give up either.)
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- Finally wakes up from her coma a month later and the first thing she's concerned with is the safety of everyone else.
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- I swear, this girl has a heart of gold, but we knew that already.
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- Doesn't let her missing ear hinder her at all, just adjusts how it would function normally in her daily life.
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- Memorized the many maps found in the shelter's reference room alongside her siblings. Learning ability x125.
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- She's capable of taking out three wild demons in the matter of seconds. Accuracy and speed on point still on point.
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(Ah post-timeskip, just a little over halfway done now.) - Will not hesitate to jump in and save someone, regardless of the danger to herself.
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- No 13 year-old should have this amount of pressure on their shoulders, but I'll be damned, she handles this and so much more well.
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- She pushes aside her own anxieties over losing the shelter, those two boys and possibly Yuugo and Lucas and decides to lift the spirits of everyone else instead.
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- Y'all see this demon? Do you think she cares? Not one bit! All that matters is her family's safety and she'll do anything to preserve that. We stan one reckless girl.
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- Doesn't cry over the deaths of Yuugo and Lucas (at least, I don't think she does? She appears more frustrated here than upset.)
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- She can pick up on how others are feeling, even if they're trying to hide it. (also does so several times to Norman (ch30, 128,153) and even to Yuugo (ch64))
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- Is the first to volunteer to sneak into the mass production farm guarded by demons in order to retrieve the medicine Chris needs.
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- Honey, how are you not screaming for you life right now?
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- Official translation has Hayato saying “The Boss is saying he wants to meet you,” but I feel like this unofficial one here conveys the exchange between Emma and Oliver better. Their large family has children who are older and more experienced as a leader than Emma, but they all choose to follow her.
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- Just a casual reminder of how strong our girl is. (She even beats out Ray and Don in terms of strength too.)
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- I probably only find this impressive because I love my sleep, but she wakes up at 6 in the morning. Always. Without fail. For thirteen years. Then panics the one time she actually oversleeps.
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- She knows every life is precious, no matter who or what they are. Also doesn’t want to follow Norman's civil war plan, which is good, because damn that's a bit extreme. Doing so would only create more fear and hatred.
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- Say it louder.
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- Agrees to go and find out more about The Seven Walls in hopes to stop Norman's plan, despite the many risks. Can she really arrive at TSW? What's actually there? Could she even make a new promise? Will she be able to return afterwards? There's a bunch of unknowns, but that won't stop her. (“Simple?” “It is simple.” That line kills me every time.)
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- TSW proved to be very mentally exhausting but she and Ray did survive all the craziness they faced while trapped there.
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- Due to her unique way of thinking, she managed to remain sane and was able to figure out how TSW worked, which is something even Ray couldn't quite comprehend.
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- Because of that, she was then able to finally meet the bastard demon god.
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- Thus allowing her to..successfully.. make a new promise. (Ahhh)
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- Best actress x500 (damn damn damn!)
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- Honestly, have they practiced this before or is her athleticism just that superior? Either way, she never fails to surprise me.
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- Isn't afraid to speak the truth and put one of her best friends in their place.
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- But manages to (somehow) forgive him, after his plan successfully killed the queen, the demon royals and poisoned the capital city, which forced the nearby demons to degenerate.
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- Her optimism knows no bounds.
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- She & everyone else were able to infiltrate Grace Field which is not only guarded by demons but the Ratri clan as well.
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- Just how? I know your athletic but wow!
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- The woman who shipped out so many of Emma's siblings and broke her leg now holds a gun to her face and yet our girl doesn't look panicked in the slightest. Girl, how are you so brave?! Holy shit. There's no fear in those eyes, only anger.
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- AND she ends up forgiving her! After learning Isabella betrayed Peter and realizing that all the mothers and sisters are also fighting for their freedom, Emma gladly accepts Isabella's assistance. (Best mother daughter moment I've ever seen.)
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- The entire talk-no-jutsu she pulls on Peter in ch172. She's angry, even downright hates the Ratri, but she refuses to get revenge for all the trouble they've caused to her family and friends by killing Peter. She admits the clan's actions can never be forgiven, but she still shows sympathy because she knows they were also suffering due to the world and roles they were born into.
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- We find out that Emma worded the promise perfectly which allows every human raised as food to cross over into the human world. Truly thinking of everyone as per usual.
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- She kept her promise to Phil and came back for him and the rest of the children she had originally left behind at Grace Field.
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- Again, showing no hesitation to save someone she barely knows, even when unarmed.
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- Pretty sure I was in literal tears at this point of the chapter, so kudos to her for making me bawl my eyes out. Aahh, she's just so forgiving and her heart is so big.
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- Best actress x9999 (*screaming internally*)
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- She loves her family so deeply that even without her memories, her heart still remembers them. (it makes me cry too, hun, it's okay.)
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- She has a heart literally made of solid gold. Of course she can't refuse the bastard's reward, but still accepts it with a smile on her face knowing that all humans and demons, of the present and future, can now live freely without any fear. She completely ended the tragedy that persisted the last 1,000+ years and changed the world like she set out to do back in ch4. Sweetheart please, you're anything but selfish.
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- She has the most precious family on the planet. Her influence was so strong that they searched endlessly for two years just to see her again, by never giving up or doubting her words back in ch178. They're beyond happy when they do finally find her and are a bunch of sweethearts who accept her no matter what.
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- Ahh, I just really love Emma okay? She's honestly one of the few protagonists I actually enjoy. Happy Birthday again to this all-around amazing girl and I can't wait to see her in action in future anime seasons!!
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(congrats, you've made it to the end. i apologize if i missed any other moment worth mentioning, but yeah, i think this is enough for now.)
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4. Broken Promithes
"You have one of the prettiest dicks I've ever seen."
"And I hear it tastes even better."
I bet it does. I wish it were inside me. Right now.
I put my arm next to his penis for comparison wishing I could ride it. As wet as I am, I could lay him out across the desk and climb right on top of him. Push those papers off his desk and put it down like I do. He ain't ever had it like I give it, he'll be addicted if I fuck him.
"Put it in your mouth."
"Put it in my pussy, we gone fuck or what?"
His circumsized girth is as wide as the thinnest point of my wrist, though the head tapers off and is a bit smaller. His length, I'd put at about nine inches which is perfect for me. The smattering of hair here is dark and coarse, but trimmed.. and thanks to the spanking, which had him breathing pretty heavily, he's hard and a little veiny. My mouth is watering. I reach out to wrap my fingers around the base, but again he's cock blocking.
"Stop playing, Professor, and give me this dick before I take it."
And I mean it. As horny as I am?
"What you think you finna do? Suck, bitch, don't touch. This why y'all come to me worried about y'all grades, you don't fuckin listen."
The firm tap of his fingers against my cheek when he says "listen" is what has me blinking up at him like he'd better watch himself. He keeps smacking my face like he actually wants to slap me.
"What you lookin at? Get to work, it ain't gone suck itself."
"You could be a little nicer, I'm performing a service."
"Let me come down here to your level. You want me to be nicer?" He squats, his smile sarcastic.
"Nigga move." I push his knees but his squat is sturdy. He's lucky his legs are strong. "Yeah.. I do."
He reaches out briefly toward my face and I smack his hand to be petty but he moves the hair falling on the side of my face behind my ear ever so gently as he looks at me.. really looking at my face.
"You don't want that," he says simply. "You get enough of the nice niggas. Don't you? Everyday niggas.. Desperate niggas. Worshipping the dirt yo ass walk on. Doing everything you say. They some simp ass niggas. You get tired of 'em, don't you? Them do and say anything to get in that.. highly desired-"
"Mmh," I moan. I can't help it he's fondling my clit.
"-ass niggas," he smirks. "I see you, Ms. Gemini.. Ms. Pop that ass on a handstand.. You're bored. You're complacent. You need more."
If he weren't calling me out right now, I'd be doing a lot more. I'd be all over him, but his mouth!
"How the hell you gone tell me what I need? I tell you."
"Do you see yourself? Half naked on your knees.. letting your older professor spank you in hopes of an A?"
My pussy jumps. I've fantasized about a scenario like this. I've roleplayed scenarios like this. I've never actually been in a scenario like this.
"Ugh. You're not that old."
"What if I lied," he smirks. "What if that packet of paper on the desk is blank and I have no intention of helping you, will you regret letting me make you cry? Hm," he purrs.
"Excuse me, what?" I can hear the record scratch.
"You heard what I said," his chest jumps as he smiles. "And guess what? Packet or no packet.. You're gonna suck me off and let me fuck you on this desk. You know why?"
"You lost me at no packet."
"Oh? Then leave," he shrugs, picking at the edge of his stubby short fingernail. "If you can honestly say your pussy ain't Hoover Dam wet and the only reason you're on your knees in front of me right now is to secure a copy of the exam answer key.. I'm sorry to break it to you sweetheart.. I lied."
"Oh bitch. You don't wanna fuck with me Mr. Stevens, I'm not your other students. I will raise hell and you know! I'll tell it all. Shame does not exist in my vocabulary, I'll expose us both."
"Go ahead, Ms. Miller. Get expelled. Tell everyone I spanked you in my office as you begged and begged for a grade that in the end you couldn't finesse! Shit, I need a laugh more than I need this job. I won't stop you," he chuckles sitting in his chair with his bare ass and propping his black loafers on the desk, legs crossed at the ankle.
"Like I said, I'll expose it! I don't care," I bluff. He pulls a joint from the small drawer and lights it, taking a hit.. his head back as he blows out.
"..You still here?!"
"Hmph," I stomp and pull on my shorts, shimmying them over my ass as he snickers. It hurts to do it, not just because my ass is sore but because I want that dick! I've always wanted that dick, but now it's right in front of me and I can't have it because he's calling me out.
I straighten and strut right out into the suite hall, slamming the office door and I get as far as the suite exit/entrance when I stop. I'm waiting to see if he's as laid back as he tries to look. Will he come after me to stop me?
After a few minutes, I'm antsy and I don't like it. Anxiety does nothing for the complexion and stress causes premature wrinkling. I check my phone and it's not near time to meet Natalie and the crew. 
The longer I stand here the more clear the truth becomes.
1. I still want that dick.
2. Mr. Stevens doesn't give a damn about his job.
I walk back to his office and throw open the door as he's taking another puff, the joint relaxed between his fingers. He doesn't acknowledge that I've reentered or that I'm standing in front of his desk. I sit in the chair across from him and smack his shoe for him to get his feet off the desk and out my face. He leans his shoes to the side just enough to see my face.
"You got one more time to touch me without me telling you to," he mumbles, resuming his original placement.
"Fuck all that. Look, I came here from jump because of you. I'm on the road to a 4.0.. minimum.. and that's without your help. But I'm still gonna ask for that answer key or the questions ahead of time because that's what you told me." My fingers snap telling him to snap to it. "So you need to make something appear." Crossing my arms, I sit back.
"Tuh. Fuck yo grades." He blows his smoke.
"No, fuck you, you a liar."
"And?" His chest jumps, another laugh. "You don't care 'bout that shit... you ain't really mad... Ms. Gimini," he puffs, holding it before release.
"I'm bout sick of this."
"You like it 'cause why you still here? Every time you in my class, I see you lookin at me, tryna get some attention. You just wanna be a seen."
"I can't help being seen. I'm black, I have pink hair, and I'm extremely pretty so who wouldn't look? Don't act like I try."
He laughs, but I'm serious. It's offensive to act like I go out of my way for some lil attention when it comes naturally. I am that fine.
"I didn't have to do anything for you to notice me, Mr. Stevens, obviously you've been watching me for a long time."
"Hell yeah. You think I'd let you out of my class this semester without hitting it once?"
"Well we HAD a deal, but you playing."
"I said what I said," he chuckles. "Ain't no answer key! I'm not giving you the exam!" He shrugs like 'and what'. "I wanna fuck you. You wanna fuck me. Great. You wanna be free to be the slut you are inside? Cool. I'm a help you. Start by sucking me off."
"Nah, I don't wanna fuck you," I cross my left thigh over my right, "Not anymore."
"Now who's lying." He takes his shoes off the desk and sits up, hands clasped on the desk like he's serious now. "Neither of us stupid by any means. You want this dick."
"Yes nigga I want the dick!"
"And you ain't getting nothing from me, but this dick.."
"Okay, damn."
He grins wide, dimples popping.
Damn, I do want that dick, even more now. My panties feel past ruined and now they're uncomfortable because they're so wet. It's like wet socks after rain. Why am I like this?
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Welcome Home: Arthur Morgan x Modern!Reader (3/?)
Chapter Three: Dirty Rotten Bastards
"So," Dutch says as he walks over to where you're sitting by the campfire. His expression is borderline unreadable. "Hosea told me about your hunting trip."
You wiggle a stick in the air, trying to make it look like a piece of string. "Yep."
"And Arthur told me about what happened in Valentine. With George Foreman."
Snapping the stick in half, you toss it into the fire, watching it ignite with a strange sort of fascination. "Uh-huh."
Dutch sighs and moves until he's standing in your line of sight. "Y/N," he says, voice low and entirely too serious, "you need to be more careful, darlin'. You ain't from here. What'll happen when Hosea and Arthur aren't there to keep you from getting into trouble?"
You shrug. "Guess I'll die."
Of course, of course, the meme goes right over Dutch's head. He stares at you, mouth slightly agape as concern immediately floods his eyes. You internally groan. You'll have to keep reminding yourself that morbid humor doesn't mean the same thing in the past as it does in your time. Still, you stick to your guns and don't elaborate. Let Dutch figure it out for himself.
"And Hosea," he eventually grinds out, "told me about that kind of talk from you."
At this point, you decide to check out of the conversation. If he's just going to lecture, you'll wait for him to climb on his soapbox again. Thankfully, Dutch seems to get the hint and leaves. You sigh. You know he's just looking out for you, as he looks out for everybody else in the gang. Still: it's annoying. You don't need a father. Not right now.
The sun rises over the mountains off in the distance, and you go about getting ready for the day. Abigail and John argue about who knows what, and you find yourself drifting toward their conversation. You know John doesn't do nearly enough to help with Jack. Abigail does most of the work. The thought alone makes your blood curdle. John's a goddamn father. The least he can do is take some responsibility and act like one.
Speak of the devil, John finishes arguing and goes off to sulk. You glare at him as he passes. He doesn't seem to notice, though, which is probably a good thing. Sighing, you decide to check on Abigail. She's furiously scrubbing something or another, but looks up at you when you approach. You watch her try her best to put on a facade.
"How you doin', Y/N?" She asks, straightening up and setting aside the wash. "I know this's gotta be confusin' and all."
"He's a fuck-off," you blurt, jabbing a thumb over in John's general direction, completely ignoring her attempt at small talk.
Abigail blinks, clearly taken aback. For a moment, you wonder if you've said too much, but then you decide it doesn't really matter. You're only speaking the truth.
"No seriously," you continue. "What the hell's his problem? First of all: he completely ignores his kid, then has the audacity to get mad at you—you—when you're the one doing all the goddamn work!"
Briefly, Abigail looks so shocked, you almost want to apologize. But then her shoulders slump and she sighs before leaning heavily against the wagon.
"I don't know," she says. "I guess that's just the way he is."
You feel your eyebrows skyrocket. "Oh now that's some bull. Motherfucker's gonna get a piece of my mind—and my foot—if he doesn't square up."
Abigail blinks again, then laughs. "Now that's somethin' I'd like to see."
Before you can continue, you spy Arthur riding into camp. You immediately shut your mouth. Abigail frowns, then follow your gaze... and you're mortified when her eyebrows shoot up in amusement. A knowing grin spreads across her face, much to your chagrin.
"Well now," she says, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you fancy a certain rough-and-tough outlaw, Y/N."
You snap your eyes to hers. "Not even," you deny, though you can feel your face burning. "Not. Even."
Abigail shrugs and goes back to doing her wash. You look at Arthur as he feeds and waters his horse, then stare at your shoes when he glances your way. When you finally muster the courage to look up again, the corners of his lips are twitching. This, you've come to realize, is about as close to a smile as he gets.
"Y/N," he says in greeting when he walks over.
Your brain freezes momentarily, but you quickly recover. "Hey Arthur... nice weather, huh?"
If there was ever a time you wanted to die, actually die, that was it. Still, you don't bother trying to make a comeback. And lucky for you, Arthur chooses to let it go. Instead, he shrugs it off and starts walking toward the edge of camp.
You follow without really thinking. Surprisingly, you find yourself standing behind him a few feet away from the tied up O'Driscoll. Kieran, if you remember his name right. Arthur gives him a look—and you're suddenly grateful you're not on his bad side. Kieran leans away. You can see him shaking, and the stench radiating from him makes your nose scrunch up.
"Ready to talk yet, O'Driscoll?" Arthur asks as casually as if they're talking about the news.
Kieran groans. "How many times do I gotta tell you? I ain't an O'Driscoll."
"Really?" Arthur raises an eyebrow. "Ain't how it looks to me."
At that moment, Dutch walks over, followed by Bill Williamson. You're not too sure how you feel about Bill. He hasn't outright treated you poorly, but he's not the nicest guy in the gang. Then again, he is an outlaw. "Nice" isn't exactly a requirement.
"Oh who am I kidding?" Dutch says, getting close to Kieran's face. "This boy's not gonna talk. Not yet."
For the first time, Kieran seems to notice you're standing just a few feet away. His eyes find yours, wide and pleading, and your heart breaks just a little bit. You've never really paid him that much attention since Arthur found you in the Grizzlies. He was just some unlucky bastard who got mixed up in a bad scene.
"You want him to talk?" You say as you take a step closer. "Then let's make him talk. Gimme five minutes with him."
Dutch, Arthur, and Bill all stare at you like you've suddenly grown a second head. Kieran, though, just watches you warily. You can tell he can't quite figure out what game you're playing, so you give him your best smile. Honestly, you don't know what game you're playing yet, either. You're just making it up as you go.
Eventually, Dutch shrugs motions for Arthur and Bill to move away. "What've we got to lose?"
He and Bill stalk away, but Arthur lingers for a moment, glowering at Kieran with everything he has. Kieran shrinks back as far as the tree will allow.
"Try anything," Arthur warns, "and we'll have ourselves a dead O'Driscoll."
With that, he walks away. You catch him throw a glance over his shoulder, but he doesn't say anything else. Once you're sure he's out of earshot, you turn back to Kieran.
"Not an O'Driscoll, huh?" You plop down in the grass. "Me neither."
He watches you. "Then what are you?"
You shrug. "Just from the future. I know how this all ends."
It's one hell of a bluff, but you hope Kieran will take the bait. You've got a lot riding on this. Not only do you want to look good in front of the gang, you want to impress Arthur. And this seems like a good way to do it.
"H-how does it end?" Kieran, much to your delight, sounds like he believes you. The tremor in his voice is a telltale sign.
You shrug again, deciding to draw it out. "For them? Not too shabby. For you..." You give him a look. "Well... I don't think you wanna know."
// // // // //
Five minutes later, you casually approach Arthur, Bill, and Dutch. You twirl a few blades of grass between your fingers, then let them go and watch them fly away in the wind. Then, you turn to meet everyone's questioning stares.
"Y'all ever heard of Six Point Cabin?" You ask. "Kieran says that's where Colm O'Driscoll's hiding."
Bill nods. "Yeah, I know it. Ain't too far from here."
"How in the hell," Arthur says, "did you get him to talk?"
You shrug and absently draw a circle in the dirt with your foot. "I told him I'm from the future and that y'all kill him and cut up his body into fourteen pieces, then scatter them all around the Grizzlies so nobody can ever find him."
Three pairs of eyes widen as the outlaws gape at you. Eventually, though, Dutch lets out a bark of laughter and pats your shoulder.
"Nice work, Y/N," he praises. "Guess we can count on you to get things done around here."
You find yourself smiling. "Just takes a bit of skill and a whole lot of lying."
"Well then." Dutch glances around at Bill and Arthur, then back to you. "Why don't you tag along with Mr. Williamson and Mr. Morgan, see if you can't pay ol' Colm a visit?"
At this, Arthur shoots Dutch a look. "You sure?" He asks, giving you a once-over. "They still don't know how to shoot, Dutch."
You know he's right, but the last thing you want to do is stay cooped up in camp any longer. And besides: how hard could shooting a gun be? All you have to do is pull the trigger.
"Take the O'Driscoll with you," Dutch is saying, "and have Y/N watch him. Any luck, we can catch Colm unawares."
Arthur still seems uncertain, but eventually nods. "Fine." He turns to you. "Sound alright?"
"Oh absolutely." You give him a wide grin. "Let's go."
A/N: So, I know that it's been a while between updates, but life got a little hectic with the whole quarantine business. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Likes and comments are much appreciated!
Next Chapter: In Progress
Previous Chapter: Lionheart
Inspired Playlist Track: Green Day - “Dirty Rotten Bastards”
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fallout4holmes · 3 years
Nuka-World 6
We had a visitor the next morning. Mags Black left her two cronies at the base of the artificial mountain as she took the lift up herself. I don't know what she said to Gage to get him to stay put on the ground, but he wasn't happy about it.
Holmes had just finished his morning cigarette and a minimal breakfast. He stood as she stepped off the lift, "Ah. Ms. Black."
The raider boss raised an eyebrow, "Miz? It's like you're trying to stand out. You're the Overboss now, Mister Holmes, you get to be on a first name basis with everyone."
Holmes lit another cigarette and said with exaggerated politeness, "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
Mags smirked, "You can blame it on giving the Disciples The Galactic Zone. I don't know what you're planning, but I want my people to come out on top at the end."
"At the moment, avoiding the animosity of an amusement park full of raiders is my primary concern."
"Bullshit," she said pleasantly. "You're the General of the Minutemen, the frozen vault-dweller that destroyed the Institute. I heard about your almost-war with the Brotherhood too, how you kicked them out of the Commonwealth after destroying their toys." She gestured to me, “Most of the raiders in Nuka-World are from west of here, where the Institute never had a presence. They think your friend is just a nifty robot bodyguard. Creepy, but nothing more. Those of us from the Commonwealth though?” She smiled, sinister, “We know exactly what he is. William and I know better than most. You never did find that janitor that went missing, did you Nick? What was her name, Amelia?”
“Annette,” I corrected, tried not to rise to the bait. “Not usually a fan of kicking folks out beyond the Wall, but in the case of you and your brother I’m glad Diamond City did.”
“Funnily enough, so are we. This suits us much better.” She said it smoothly, nothing but charm, but you don’t last long in my line of work if you can’t tell a bluff when you see one. She turned her attention back to Holmes, “Either your rumored nobility is all an act to get you into a place of power, or you’re going to throw a wrench into the fragile gears of this place. If it turns out to be the first one, you may want to consider showing my people a bit of favor before ugly rumors of synths and interfering Minutemen start circulating the park. If it’s the second one, well. Just know that every Operator in this park is watching.”
Holmes glowered, “I don’t respond well to threats.”
“As long as you respond,” Mags said, and took the lift back down.
As soon as she was down, Gage came up. "Mags pissed?"
"A touch upset," Holmes offered me a cigarette, which I took. "I was a little surprised she remembered you, Valentine."
"Guess it's hard to forget a face like this," I said dryly.
"What the hell are you two goin' on about?" Gage sighed.
"Nothing important," Holmes said, "just the Operators being unhappy with me. They can have the next park, it doesn't matter."
"Giving 'em the next park might look like you were intimidated," Gage said.
"What is the next park?" Holmes asked.
"Figured we'd hit Dry Rock Gulch."
"Hm, the American 'Old West' theme. A fake gold mining operation should suit the Operators, don't you think, Valentine?"
I chuckled, "I think the implication is gonna go over their heads, but we might as well check it out and get it over with."
Holmes agreed and we headed off. We made it to the park’s gate when I heard something moving through the earth, sort of like the sound a mole rat makes just before it leaps out and bites you. Only these weren’t mole rats.
A handful of big red worms with mouths that took up the whole head attacked, surprising the hell out of me and Holmes and earning an annoyed growl from Gage. They weren’t much of a fight, but, “Well that was unpleasant,” I said.
“You never seen bloodworms before?” Gage asked, skeptical.
I shook my head, “We don't get these things back east.”
“Better get used to ‘em, they’re a fucking menace around here.”
Hopefully we wouldn’t be staying long enough for me to get used to them, but I kept that to myself. I glanced around as we entered the park, the Old West frontier outpost aesthetic turned kitsch.
“How’s it go,” Gage sarcastically drawled, “This town ain’t big enough for you and me… ah, never mind.”
Holmes chuckled. “Let’s ask the local law enforcement for information,” he pointed to a protectron wearing a sheriff’s hat.
“Hope y'all are having a good day here at Nuka-World. Ready to saddle up and ride into the old wild west?” the protectron said.
“Great,” Gage grumbled, “More dumb robots.”
The protectron was unperturbed, “I'm the sheriff of these parts, and I need your help getting rid of those no good outlaws holed up in Mad Mulligan's Mine!”
“This is why I hate robots,” Gage huffed. “They don’t even know the world ended, this playtime shit is annoying.”
The protectron’s park personality programming stopped, “Processing: Hostile visitor. Ignore and continue explanation for the sake of the other guests.”
I laughed.
The sheriff continued his job, “The door to Mad Mulligan's Mine is locked up. I got a spare key in a safe by the theater, but wouldn't you know, I plum forgot what the combination to the safe was! You'll need to talk to my three amigos: Doc Phosphate, One-Eyed Ike, and the Giddyup Kid. Prove to them you're tough enough to take on the outlaws, and they'll give you their part of the combination. Good luck, little doggie! And don't forget your complimentary deputy uniform, courtesy of Nuka-Cola!”
The sheriff handed Holmes a costume, who promptly handed it to Gage, who scowled before realizing, “You got a weird ass sense of humor, boss,” and tossed it away. As we walked he asked, “We really gotta do all that, talk to three other robots just to get a key?”
“I suppose we could simply hang a banner and be done with the place,” Holmes said.
Gage shook his head, “Not with the bloodworms. Gotta torch the nest first, otherwise whoever moves in is gonna be pissed to hell you gave ‘em an infested base.”
Holmes made casual eye contact with me. He’d been hoping for a raider-bloodworm showdown.
“I mean,” Gage was still talking, “why do we need this fucking key in the first place? Can’t we just blast the door open?”
“I try not to do anything rash if I can avoid it,” Holmes said, “and surely you don’t think we’ll be bested by a few challenges designed for children?”
“I’m starting to second-guess making you Overboss,” Gage grumbled.
“Perhaps you should have considered that possibility before enthroning a stranger you know precious little about, against his will,” Holmes steely replied.
“I can deal with an ass of a boss,” Gage played it cool, “as long as he gets done what needs to get done.”
We did the tasks for the park protectrons, fighting bloodworms, overgrown crickets, and giant ants along the way. Once we had the key, we headed for Mad Mulligan's Mine… a roller-coaster.
Gage had kept pretty quiet til then, "People actually stood in line and waited for this crap?" He scoffed, "Bunch of suckers."
"Roller-coasters were a popular attraction,” I commented flatly, “though I can’t say I ever saw the appeal.”
Holmes gestured for quiet as we headed into the ride. The lobby held a souvenir shop and the entrance to the tunnels that would lead folks to the boarding area, decorated to look like you’re walking through a mine out of a Saturday morning western. Back then it probably lacked the dead bodies, of course. Holmes and I had heard rumors of traders who hid from Colter’s raiders in Dry Rock Gulch. We found ‘em. Bloodworms saw to it they didn’t have long to enjoy their freedom.
The boarding area was a massive pit littered with brahmin corpses, bulging with bloodworm larvae. In the middle of the pit was the massive queen herself.
“I believe we’ve found the nest,” Holmes said.
“No shit, boss,” Gage scoffed.
“Valentine and I will take care of the queen, you exterminate everything hiding in those brahmin.”
Gage nodded, “Sounds like a plan.”
I might be getting too old for fighting overgrown monsters in caves… but every time I think that, I know it’s not really true. Or it is, and I’m too stubborn to admit it. Anyway, we got the job done but the queen did a number on my leg. At least we know that Nuka-Town’s got a competent mechanic. I could walk, which is saying something, just going to have a limp until whatever got whacked out of place could get realigned. Gage was going to make a remark, but wisely shut up when Holmes glared at him.
We let the Sheriff know the job was done, got paid, which was a nice surprise, and Holmes climbed up to the top of the theater to hoist a flag with a black heart in a bullseye, bleeding gold.
“Gave in to the Operators after all, huh?” Gage said once Holmes was back on the ground. He didn’t sound accusatory, which was kind of weird, just like he was making conversation. Which was also kind of weird.
“If I have to secure Mags Black’s silence with a token gesture,” Holmes said, “then so be it.”
Gage shrugged, “Just let ‘em know you’re the Overboss, not some do-good General.”
“Gage, you conned me into this mess for the purpose of bringing the gangs together, yes? How does strutting around threatening violence serve that purpose?”
“Because we’re raiders?? That’s the language these idiots speak. You gotta treat ‘em right, but make sure they know you can end them at any time.”
Holmes made a considering sound and headed out of the park, “I often thought that if raiders could ever organize, they would be a force to be reckoned with. It seems I was right.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” Gage exclaimed, relieved as if Holmes had finally come around. He didn’t know that every time the topic came up, it was followed with a list of possible ways the Minutemen would eliminate that threat.
Unfortunately, none of the hypothetical scenarios ever involved the General and his partner effectively being held hostage, with no way to call for help.
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onyx-void · 3 years
Answer 1 through 50
Okay. You called my bluff. (ok not really a bluff, tbh, thank you I appreciate you) Unfortunately, we're having an internet outage where I live, so this is gonna take a while. Also, I have to do this on the webpage, on my phone, cause otherwise I can't have an 'under the cut.'
1. Do you have a crush on anyone?
I suppose you could call it a crush. That's one layer to how I feel. Like an onion :p
2. What's your favorite candy?
Ferror Roche, or however you spell it, Unless it's a holiday, then I Love those chocolate covered marshmallow treats. 
3. Favorite love song? 
I don't really listen to music much, tbh, love songs included. The first one to come to mind is "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. My favorite when I actually think about it has to be "You Are My Sunshine" by Johnny Cash. 
4. What was your first kiss like?
My first kiss. I had my first kiss last year, actually, at the same age I am now, 22. That was my first date, too, such as it was during a pandemic. I hadn't -still haven't, I guess- had many 'first's.' It was awkward, but nice. Chaste, to start. 
5. What was your last kiss like? 
My last kiss, was a goodbye.
6. Sexual/romantic orientation?
I'm reasonably sure I'm straight, heteroromantic. I've questioned all my orientations several times over the years, but nothing seems to fit as well as that does.
7. Do you prefer poems or love letters?
I would be over the moon to get either. I've written a few poems, though they weren't For anyone. I would prefer love letters, though. Poems can wax and wain to the individuals interpretation, but love letters can declare for all to see. 
8. Favorite fanfic trope?
God, I'm Super self-indulgent with my fanfic. I love Mary Sue's, fix-it, time travel, amnesia, self-insert. I want everything to be okay, and for the main character to be able to have at least some idea of what challenges they'll face. 
9. Have you ever been in love?
Have been, still am.
10. Favorite milkshake flavor?
Strawberry. Also favorite ice cream flavor. Chocolate's fine, but strawberry Hagen Daaz is The Best. (tbh it's also a sorta reference to my fav character/anime, Ryougi Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai. It's also just damn good ice cream tho
11. Dinner dates or Brunch dates?
Dinner dates could be a great end to the day, but brunch date leaves the possibility for a full day together to look forward to, so I'll go with that.
12. Favorite flowers?
Sunflowers. Though lilacs are nice too.
13. Favorite perfume/cologne?
I've used a vanilla sugar scent in the past? Don't use or have others use it enough to have a favorite.
14. Favorite candle scent?
I got a pack of incense a while back, a dozen different scents. I think my favorite is called Celestial. It's smells like... lavender and petrichor and stardust, I suppose.
15. What's your ideal first date? 
Ideal, so everything's perfect. Hiking in the woods, a mountainous area, lots of ups and downs and winding paths and beautiful colors and views. We come to a clearing, and a picnic I've prearranged is already set up next to a glittering lake. We sit, and eat, and talk. 
16. What's your favorite love story?
Just the other day, I was finally able to watch The Princess Bride. I absolutely loved it. 
17. What's the most attractive thing a person could wear? 
Easy. One of my shirts, and that's all that's visible. Could they be wearing something underneath it? Maybe. But you can't be sure, unless they show you one way or another  It's a sort of, are they aren't they thing. That said, it works for just about anything where you can't tell if they're wearing short shorts or something, but it works best if it's something more casual than a dress, like a oversized hoodie or shirt. 
18. Chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?
Chocolate. Vanillas alright, red velvets gross.
19. Snow, rain, or sun? 
God, we just got snow here that Actually Lasted All Day. That's a miracle tbh. I absolutely love it. 
20. Sweetest romantic memory?
We were swinging at the local park, just talking. And I looked over, and the sun was shining through the trees onto the face of an angel. I could have spent eternity in that moment.
21. Favorite dating sim? (And favorite character?)
The only dating sims I know are yandere dating sim, and hautiful boyfriend. Favorite character in general is Ryougi Shiki
22. Fictional crushes?
...Ryougi Shiki...
23. What's your dream wedding like?
It's a small affair, outside, in our backyard on our plant of land, amongst the orchards and vegetable gardens. There's a living arch made of roses I've been growing in secret in preparation, and the bride's bouquet is made from cuttings we took on the spot. The sun is shining, everyone's full of joy, and our love is sure. 
24. What makes you blush?
Sincere expressions of love, or even just Being Known. If you say you care for me I Will Melt and that is a Threat.
25. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
I have to. I can't disregard my own experiences. That said, it's important to say that love is also something you work towards, together, day in and day out. It's not always hard work, it might not even seem like work, but it's an active thing. 
26. Do you believe in soulmates?
I think there are several people you can meet over the course of your life you can call a soulmate. 
27. Denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets?
Leather jackets cause I live in Texas. Otherwise, bomber jackets.
28. What's your sign?
Taurus. Lmk if you want my complete chart from that star app.
29. Are you single?
30. Do you prefer to charm, or be charmed?
I think I'm quite charming, I'd definitely say I'm in touch with people, though my execution probably leaves something to be desired. That said, I Love to be charmed. Tell me you like me, tell me I'm wanted. Hell yeah.
31. Guitar or piano?
Piano. Love the classics. I was actually looking at how much pan flutes cost just the other day. 
32. Favorite romcom? (Or any romantic movie?)
Once again going with The Princess Bride here.
33. Do you fall in love easily?
Far too easily, I'm afraid. Show your interest in me, and you'll catch mine in you. Doesn't happen very often, though. And if it's just something like a dating profile, I'm far pickier. 
34. Valentine's decorations, yay or nay?
If it's something personal, absolutely. As long as it has meaning, it's worth it. Even if the holiday itself is just to sell cards. 
35. Would you like to propose, or be proposed to? What's your dream proposal?
I would propose, after it's been made mutually clear and discussed we're both up for it. As a kid I dreamed about proposing on one of those boat rides under Niagara Falls. Now, I think it'd be during a hike, on an overlooking cliff, basically like my ideal first date, actually. That, or somewhere personal to the two of us. 
36. Cloud gazing or star gazing?
Star gazing, definitely. Out under the stars, looking up and sneaking glances at each other. Telling stories and making up constellations. What's not to love?
37. Do you like to dance?
Oooh, no. I've never danced, not really the social dancing type. Never really took the opportunity too.
38. What's your OTP?
....Ryougi Shiki and Mikiya Kokuto
39. Kittens or puppies?
You're gonna make me CHOOSE?! ...puppies, because they're more lively and willing to interact with me, generally speaking. 
40. Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?
Hot chocolate. Never got into coffee, I want to like hot tea, but eh. Iced tea is good tho y'all. 
41. Favorite soda?
God as a kid I Devoured grape Crush soda. Like. 24 cans a week. Mainly drink juice nowadays. Or choccy milk
42. Do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically on the sofa?
Window, definitely. Light as well have a view if I've gotta be dramatic, right?
43. Favorite ABBA song?
"Take a Chance on Me" followed shortly by "Dancing Queen"
44. Fuck/Marry/Kill?
You didn't name anyone, so... Fuck Lauren German (I've been watching Lucifer) Marry the one I love, and kill, idk, Trump?
45. Favorite pajamas?
For myself? They're fleece, I think. Usually I just sleep in my boxers tho. For my theoretical partner? How about my boxers ;)
46. Favorite liquor?
I've never had any alcohol, and I don't really intend to.
47. Do you think about love alot?
Every day. It's what drives me.
48. A walk in the park or a walk on the beach?
Walk in the park. More cover ;)
49. Hand kisses or nose kisses?
How about a hand kiss going up the arm, slowly, sensually, all the way up the arm, to the shoulder, taking a stop on the side of the neck, and right before it gets to the lips... Nose kisses.
50. What's your dreamhouse?
It's in a mountainous area. On at least 5 acres. Plenty of woods with trails in them, bordering a national park. On my land, there's an orchard of fruit trees, and greenhouses with herbs and vegetables. The house itself is actually japanese inspired. There's an outdoor garden you can access after coming through the entrance. The bedroom door is a sliding one, through a shortened circular opening. The whole thing gives off a cozy feeling. The love of my life has made their presence known in every room of the house.
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The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,525
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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“Dean!” you hissed after you busted out of the pub with the toothpick. Dean and Sam were waiting while your dad was in the car.
“How’s it going in there?”
“How do you think it’s going? You got everything you need?”
“We still need a little he-witch DNA.”
“He was chewing this,” you said, handing over the toothpick. “Hurry up, please.”
“Alright, just keep him busy. Y/N... don't lose.”
“Shut up and leave. I’m still fucking mad at you,” you glared and walked back inside the pub before returning to your chair.
Luckily, Lila and Patrick weren’t back yet so you could pretend like you never went out. Shortly after returning to your seat, Patrick came back and took his seat while Lila stood back. Patrick pushed the stack of cards over to you which signaled that he wanted you to shuffle.
“Question,” Patrick began, “Is this what you meant to give your boyfriend?” He took out a toothpick from his jacket pocket, but you wouldn’t give away your expression. “The one you gave him never passed my lips. Won't do a scrap of good. I don't like cheating, Y/N.”
Patrick held out his hand, and the first thing you did to defend yourself was hold out your hands in front of you. Your eyes shined a bright blue as a small wall of magic hovered in front of your hands as your magic protected yourself from Patrick’s. Lila watched with worried eyes at this interaction.
“I’m very impressed, Y/N. Not many witches can resist my magic,” his fist grew tighter as he spoke. “Unfortunately for you, I’m much older and stronger than you are.”
Patrick was able to break the barrier of your magic, and when he did, your throat closed up. The light in your eyes went out as you began to choke, and you looked at Lila for help. As soon as she locked eyes with you, she sprang into action. She bounced over to Patrick and grabbed his wrist.
“Stop it! Patrick, let her go!”
“She tried to kill us!”
“I did it! I gave them the spell!” Lila confessed. Patrick released his hold on you, and you gasped for air at the first chance you got.
“What?” he asked as he stood up and touched her face gently. “Why... why would you do that?”
“You know why,” she said softly, touching the locket around her neck. “You know.” Patrick stared at her painfully before taking a seat and facing you.
“Keep. Playing,” Patrick growled.
Taking a deep breath, you dealt the cards. A handful of moments later, and the game was thick with tension. More than a dozen chips are piled next to the eight of hearts, the queens of clubs and diamonds, and the two of diamonds. Patrick discards a card and deals the ace of clubs. Thinking about your next move, you stacked five chips next to another five that was next to the pile.
“Well, look at you—the percentage player betting the farm. Awful transparent of you, Y/N. I mean, if I had a monster hand like you have, I'd trap you. But you get so excited, you bet yourself right out of a big pot,” he sniffled and discarded his cards. “I fold.”
“Set of ladies, I'm guessing,” you said, collecting the couple dozen chips before turning over your set of cards: the three of clubs and five of diamonds, for one pair of queens.
“Nice bluff. If we had time, I could make a real player out of you.”
“I got time.”
“Maybe. But I can't say the same for Dean. Your boyfriend’s gonna be dead soon,” he ticked. Your heart raced at the thought of Dean dying, and you tried really hard to contain your rage. “And when I say 'soon', I mean minutes.”
“Fuck,” you muttered as you stood up to leave. However, Patrick extended a fist to yank you back down with his magic.
“The game's not over till I say it is. Blinds.”
“You son of a bitch,” you growled as your eyes glowed a soft blue.
Patrick slapped down two chips for him and one to you. He deals two face-down cards apiece. This game is more tense than the last one, and you kept checking your hand as you added more and more chips to the pile.
“So,” Patrick slaps down three cards and spreads them out: the ace of spades and fours of hearts and clubs, “when it's about your boyfriend, you get so emotional, and your brain just flies right out the window. Good to know.”
“Go to hell,” you threatened, shoving all of your chips into the middle of the table. “I’m all in.”
“Don't do that, Y/N,” Patrick warns as he checks out his hand. Lila watched with a worried expression.
“Why not? I can't leave until it's over? Fine. It's over. Now, where's my boyfriend?”
“Look, there's poker and then there's suicide.”
“Just play the fucking hand,” you glared.
Patrick sighed but adds all of his chips to the middle of the table alongside yous.
“Fine,” he said, discarding a card and dealing the seven of diamonds and the nine of spades.
Everyone in the room was very emotional: you are worried, Patrick is smug, and Lila is very nervous. This was the moment of truth, the win or lose. Patrick turned over his hand to show that he has the aces of clubs and diamonds. You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, and you looked at Lia who seemed to be crying.
“You’re crying,” you observed, and she looked away with a sniffle. “For a witch, you're so nice. It’s actually kind of assuring to know there’s others like me in the world. It's okay.” Turning to Patrick, you dealt with the matter at hand. “It was a great hand.” Patrick moves to collect the chips. The only thing that could beat a full house with three aces are a four of a kind and a straight flush, and you had the former. “Just not as great as four fucking fours.”
You flipped over your cards to reveal you had won the game. Patrick chuckled and leaned back, looking at your cards before making eye contact with you.
“Well played. You know, that whole... going-out-of-your-head bit—very method. There's more to you than meets the eye.”
“These are for Dean,” you glared.
“With pleasure,” he nodded.
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“Don’t ever be that stupid ever again,” you whispered, and grabbed your boyfriend’s cheeks before bringing him closer to you.
Your lips pressed against his feverishly which is why you waited until your dad and Sam was inside the motel room to do this. Dean pulled you closer as he kissed you back. He knew you were pissed at him for doing what he did, but he would do it all over again if he had the choice.
“You know me, I probably will be,” he chuckled when he pulled away.
“I’ll kill you myself,” you half-joked.
He kissed you once more and took you inside to face Sam and your dad.
“Hey. I'll see y'all guys later,” Sam announced as he grabbed his jacket and headed past you and Dean.
“Where are you going?” you asked.
“Uh... mm, nowhere,” he stalled. Everyone looked at him with suspecting gazes. “A booster shot. Don't say it.”
“Whatever, man,” you chuckled after he left. Now it was just the three of you.
“I shouldn't have called you an idiot,” Dean sighed.
“Which time?” your dad asked.
“I'm sorry. I mean, I actually get it. Getting old ain't a bachelor party. And dealing with the crap you got to deal with—”
“Don't you go on pity patrol.”
“I'm not. I'm not. I'm just saying, you know, if I was in your shoes...”
“You’d never stop complaining,” you snorted.
“Fair enough. You're not useless, Bobby.”
“Okay. Good talk,” your dad tried to wheel away, but you and Dean were quick to stand in his way.
“Dad, seriously. Listen to us. You’re my dad, you’re never not going to be useless. I don’t think I could deal with half the shit I deal with if it wasn’t for you,” you told the truth.
“You don't stop being a soldier 'cause you got wounded in battle. Okay? No matter what shape you're in, bottom line is, you're family. I don't know if you've noticed, but me, Sam, and Y/N, we don't have much left. I can't do this without you. I can't. So, don't you dare think about checking out.”
“I don’t want to hear that ever again,” you said emotionally.
“Okay,” your dad said after a beat.
“Okay, good,” Dean nodded.
“Thanks. Now, we done feeling our feelings? 'Cause I'd like to get out of this room before we both start growing lady parts.”
“Hey,” you scoffed, clearly offended.
“Yeah, we’re done,” Dean smiled as he slung an arm around your shoulder.
“Getting your feelings out is healthy. It’s not a woman thing, it’s a people thing,” you tried to defend yourself as the three of you left the motel room to pack the car.
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thrash-rocket · 5 years
My thoughts on Crystal Kingdom
Cool that the B.O.B. was watching the race
Also cool that Clint knows what twitch is
Aww the director loves the boys shenanigans, she knows they been goof all along
Our boys got the hell out of some job security now they're the only reclaimers
Oh no they locked Robbie up he popped and he couldn't stop
Angus is back and I am generally indifferent to this although I do like the ragging they do on him
Johann gets a Legend of Zelda style jam session with the void fish
I still feel so bad for Johann he wants so badly to be remembered but will suffer the fate of all the members fate of being erased by the void fish
Look if you've been reading these you know the bits with Leon and the gachapon
The music adds so much now they got a proper soundtrack
The shield of heroic memories sounds rad as hell on so many levels like design wise and Stat wise
Pretty sure Travis is right to fear Garfield the deals warlock he definitely seems...off
It's candle nights y'all!!
Be nice to Johann darn it
Despite my feelings about Johann it is totally OK to Bully Angus
Merle quit being a dick and regifting shit you literally just got
Man Lucas is kind of a dick just a bit, yeah? Like he should know the consequences of using the stone
Ah I see he's out for his own interests from the get go well intentioned probably but he dun goofed
"and I thought I was ordering a latte"
I love how willing Angus is to put up with the boys BS
Ya know when a word is repeated so much it just starts sounding off that's happening here
"eat me we don't know you"
The boys he honey we shrunk the kidsed
That roach battle was pretty cool and how they could have skipped it completely or have had it be much harder
Okay this little buddy bit totally reminds me of those 90s Era little kid knock off educational laptop things y'all know what I'm on about right
Hodgepodge is a dick Merle was right
Called it I knew the question in the bonus round would be some information fed to the void fish
Lucas says what I've been thinking all along that the gang is just kind of dicks to nearly everyone
I believe this is the first use of Takko's good out here
They are very right not to trust Lucas I mean he's already proved not great by hiding the relic
HUG BEARS!!! I'm so happy
Aww Klarg has a family and his name is Dennis I miss my boy
Magnus is unmoved by the death of boyland the dwarf with literal hundreds of children
Dang Merle got got
Oh dip he rolled a one I was about to roll some other shit but he rolled a one and lost his arm
God lied to Merle
Okay Merle got a wooden arm and I was multi-tasking and missed some exposition from Lucas but I snapped back when the Red Robe showed up
Who are you, you creepy red Robe bastard
Lucas is a bastard man
OMG holy shit between episodes I was listening to the crystal kingdom song and Maureen is totally the voice singing the song Lucas turned her into some sort of robo being I knew it as soon as the line "saved from the darkness by my child locked in a cage of glass and steel..." dropped I just know it's something like that
Okay what's with the golem now what with the bounty and all that
Oh shit it's bone daddy Kravitz so from what I know they're up against death now
Oh dang Garyl is back
Look trav not everyone eats 21 points of damage like takko who is at -9 for example
Okay I'm with magnus why, why is what I understand to be pretty much death after our bous
Oh dang they brought back some past baddies
Poor Brian he was gonna invite Takko to his wedding.
No 3113 got one hell of a short but sad backstory
CALLED IT Lucas' mom is a robo lady
Wait when have they died what's going I how have they died so much what happened to them?
What is the spooky hand what is going on here
He just up and ate the stone he just fucking ate it Magnus my dude you gotta think this shit through my guy
Still not understanding how they did all this dying
Who is Julia
Griffin keeps forgetting tat bluff is gone in 5e
Boy this is an odd show they just like I don't even know how to describe what just happened but the stone is out of Magnus now
I don't know whether to trust the director like given her position and job the B.O.B does I understand the need for trust but like every piece of media ever a figure of power that places trust the way she does is hiding something
I got chills from the part with the seven birds
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mindless21 · 5 years
ok Lover has me shook
So yes, in the last couple of hours since the release of Taylor’s seventh, wonderfully written, and fully OWNED album I’ve scattered and listened for my favorite parts of each song and decide to share because it is necessary ok????cool here we go. 
ps. the songs are not in order because I am a mess and it shows LLOOOOOLLL
False God. (13)
religion’s in your lips, even if it’s a false God, we’d still worship. We might get away with it. The altar is my hips.
I know heaven is a thing. I go there when you touch me honey, hell is when I’m fighting with you.
first of all I need an ambulance because when Taylor references anything sexual it does things to me cause OMG YES MAAM. The altar part had me ON THE FLOOR and the heaven and hell made me a new person.
Paper Rings. (8)
I want to drive away with you, I want your complications too, I want your dreary Mondays, wrap your arms around me baby boy
When I got home I tried to stalk you on the internet, now I’ve read all the books beside your bed.
Now I wake up at night and watch you breath.
You’re the one I want; in paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dream (in all my dreams)
this songs makes me SOFT ok ???? the little insights we get about her relationship make feel I don't know lucky?? like I know she is sharing this with the whole world but still?? like how sweet is this ??? like she went from wanting to know everything about him after they met to now knowing all of the books he reads in his spare time. I can't handle this my poor HEARTTTTT
Cornelia Street. (9)
We were a fresh page on the desk, filling in the blanks as we go.As if the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead, leading as home.
And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends. I’d never walk Cornelia street again. That’s thinking of heartbreak time could never mend. 
Barefoot in the kitchen, sacred new beginnings that became my religion, listen.
So barefoot in the kitchen ???? Im sorry but after the master piece that is All Too Well I’ve realized that to Tay Tay kitchens are internet places she shares sweet moments with people she loves and the fact that they're barefoot?? just shows how at home and intimate that moment is. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner thx. 
London Boy. (11)
But something happened, I heard him laughing. I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent. They say home is where the heart is but thats not where mine lives (but god I love the English)
Like a child when our eyes meet. Darling I fancy you.
So I guess the rumors are true. You know I love a London boy.
first of all. IS THAT HIM AT THE BEGINING ???? cause maam i know understand the accent thing good lord. Second. I know she loves him but the fact that she plainly says it in a song??? im crying and so so happy for her. LASTLY how does one stay calm after taylor swit writes a song about you like that?? like i need to know hoe Joe reacted cause holy shit. ALSO THIS SONG IS SUCH A BOP.
Death by a Thousand Cuts. (10)
Cause the morning comes and you’re not my baby.
But if the story is over why I’m I still writing pages?
My heart, my hips, my body, my love. I’m still trying to find a part of me you didn't touch.
Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand, paper cut stings from my paper thins plans. 
Gave you so much, but it wasn’t enough. But I’ll be alright, It’s juts death by a thousand cuts.
her mind y'all. her lyrics??? even more so. like the way taylor writes just amazes me, the way she puts words together that hurt ?? that make you smile?? and cry?? that woman has a gift and is A gift. also guys. the writing pages part touched my little heart. cause i felt that. 
Afterglow. (15)
Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves.
Why’d I have to break what I love so much?
I’m the one who burned this down. But it’s not what I meant. Sorry that I hurt you, I don't wanna do this to you, I don't want to lose this with you. 
It’s so excruciating to see you low, just want to lift you up and never let you go.
Tell me I am all you want, even when I break your heart.
this song broke my heart a little. so much damn vulnerability in these lyrics give me chills. she's so open and i HURTTTT. like he's in pain and she's in pain because of that and now im in pain because of them and once again crying and omg what’s new. nothings new. Im crying over one of taylor’s songs again.
Daylight. (18)
I’ll tell you the truth, but never goodbye.
I wounded the good, but trust the wicked. Clearing the air, I breathed in the smoke.
I can still see it all in my mind. All of you, all of me intertwined. I once believed love would be black and white. But it’s golden
I can still see it all in my head. Back-and-Forth from New York, sneaking in your bed. I once believed that love would be burning red like its golden.
I want to be defined by the things I love not the things I hate. Not the things that I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of the things that haunt me in the middle of the night.
I just think that You Are What You Love.
the fact that this song is what closes the album makes me emo. its such a wonderful conclusion and such and explanation of the last couple of years and the reference to RED??? I was NOT prepared. Also the last line tugged at my heart strings because I believe that with every little fiber of my being.
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince. (7)
American Glory faded before me, Now I’m feeling hopeless.
My team is losing, battered and bruising. I see the high fives between the bad guys.
Boys will be boys then. Where are the wise men? Darling, I’m scared.
Cause I know this is a fight, that some day we’re gonna win.
y'all. I am so so so proud of the fact that Taylor now uses her platform to speak about what she believes is right and wrong. she no longer story quiet. she backs up her people and advocates and that is so so so important in todays world. because people listen, and people watch and sometimes they need that someone to speak up so they can know whats happening out there. and the political message of this song got me. America is a mess, and as a person that lives in one its states im scared. but this song gives me hope. cause eventually we will win. we will see the light. and i can't wait for that day. also the boy will be boys?? shit that got me. screw that excuse.
Soon You’ll get Better. (12)
In doctor’s office lighting I didn't tell you I was scared.
Desperate people find faith, so now I pray to Jesus too.
And I say to you, ohh soon you’ll get better, ohh you get better soon, cause you have to.
I know delusion when I see in in the mirror.
You make the best of a bad deal, I just pretend it isn't real.
I hate that I make this all about me. But who I’m I supposed to talk to? What I’m I supposed to do? If there is no you.
Im sorry. But as someone that has lost her dad thanks to an illness this made me sob. I don't think I’ve cried this hard since the last time I listen to Ronan. holy damn. I am so glad Andrea is better because the pain of losing a parent beats every hear break. But with every lyric I related a little more, and maybe not the part where she got better but wow. It got me and it broke me na made me a little happy. Taylor this was beautiful. thank you.
It’s Nice to have a Friend. (17)
20 questions, we the the truth.
Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand.
Call my bluff, call you babe. Have my back, yeah, everyday.
this song was so sweet and simple with so much of that child innocence that it  makes me wish I had simple teenage years and not the mess they were looooll, This song is truly so sweet guys, like cotton candy sweet. 
You Need to Calm Down. (14)
Say it in the street thats a knock out, but you say it in a tweet thats a cop out.
But I’ve learned the lesson that stressing and obsessing about somebody else is no fun.
You need to calm down, you're being too loud.
And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate. Because shade never made anybody less gay.
this song is savagery and I LOVE IT. yeah you call people out Taylor, cause holy damn this was great. I took me a minute to get the fast parts but guys i got it downnnn and the song makes me JAMMMM. You go queen Taylor, you’ve won your crown, ily.
Me! (16)
Baby doll, when It comes to a lover I promise that you’ll never find another like me.
I know I tend to make it about me. I know you never get just what you see, but I will never bore you baby. 
And when we had that fight out in the rain, you ran after me and called my name. I never want to see you walk away.
Living in Winter, I am your Summer.
This song gave me such a laugh when it first came out, its freaking awesome (get it ????) but guys did the ran after me and called my name gave me such Mine vibes that I had to go and watch the video after cause damn. I love when lyrics bring me back to old albums, specially when the songs have two completely different tones in the story telling side.
I Forgot that You Existed. (1)
Lived in the shade you were throwing till all of my sunshine was gone.
Your name on my lips. tongue tied. Free rent living in my mind.
I forgot that you existed. And I though that it would kill me but it didn't. 
I forgot that you existed. It isn't love, it isn’t hate its just indifference. 
Sent me  a clear message, taught me some hard lessons. I just forgot what they were.
THIS SONG IS SUCH A MOOD yallllll, like byeee you hurt me? were my friend once??? tried to play me ???? CHAUUUU ADIOOSS like wow this not only a bomb but can easily be an anthem. Also I love shady taylor.
Cruel Summer. (2)
What doesn't kill me, makes me want you more.
And it’s new, the shape of your body, its blue. The feeling I got and it’s ooh.
No rules in a breakable heaven but, ooh. It’s a cruel summer with you.
I’m always waiting for you just to cut to the bone.
And I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you.
And I scream “For what it’s worth” “I love you, ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?” He looks up grinning like a devil.
A MF BOP OK???? the ohhhs had be screaming and the lyrics had me grinning. Also i need background .... secrets ??? what was he lying about??? and was her first i love you this dramatic ??? who knows, but I am so enthralled. Also its been decided that breakable heaven equals new scared oasis and OMG. Also the color blue has been mentioned so many times in this album anyone know what kind of easter egg that is ??? cause I’m lost.  like is it about Joe’s eyes?? cause honey honestly same. 
Lover. (3)
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years.
Can we always be this close? forever and ever?
I’ve love you 3 summers now honey, but I want them all.
With every guitar string scar on my hand I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.
My heart has been borrowed and your has been blue. All’s well that ends well to end up with you.
And you’ll say all of your dirtiest jokes for me, and at every table I’ll save you a seat.
mark my words. the day i get married this will be what i dance to on my first dance. if my spouse doesn't like it we are just gonna have to settle and do it anyway. this song is so timeless and the lyrics so soft, like i feel like i’m in love and so single. like c’mon lets dance around in the kitchen in the refrigerator light to this song because i am in my FEEELSSSSSS. (also y'all the reference to her scars from writing all those heart breaking songs??? i need to hug her.)
The Man. (4)
They’d say I played the field before I found someone to comment to, and that would be okay for me to do. Every conquest I had made made would make me more of a boss to you.
I’s be a fearless leader, I’s be an alpha type.
Wondering if I’s get here quicker If I was man.
I’m so sick of them coming at me again, cause if I was a man I’s be The Man
If I was flashing my dollars I’s be a bitch not a baller. They paint me out to be bad, so it’s okay that I’m mad.
BIG DICK ENERGY TAYLOR. y'all she’s so not wrong, 75% of the shot she has gotten about what she does she would have gotten praises for if she was a dude. i love love love how she is calling sexism out in this song.as much as it is progressive times and what not she is explaining the kind work we live in to those that don’t understand and YESSSS BAD BITCH TAY. WE STAN. (we have for 13 years but ya know who is counting)
The Archer. (5)
I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you.
I never grew up, it’s getting so old. 
All of my heroes die all alone, help me hold on to you.
Cause all of my enemies started out friends, help me hold on to you. 
Who could ever leave me darling? But who could stay? you could stay.
This song omg.... the music makes me melt first of all, and then the lyrics break me. like she is so clearly explain that she's doing all she can not lose him. explains how her best friends have betrayed her and how the people she had high regard for also hurt her and omg so open and honest my heart bleedddss. The heroes part also makes me feel like she's telling him that she sees him as one of her heroes which is why she asking for help to not lose him (i could be reaching buuttt) and I don't know how to deal with my emotions right now. 
I Think He Knows. (6)
I think he knows that his hands around a cold glass, make me wanna know that body like it’s mine.
want to see what’s under that attitude. I want you, bless my soul.
I think he knows he better lock it down or I won't stick around ‘cause good ones never wait.
He is so obsessed with me, and boy I understand. 
yallllll this songgggg. the innuendo ??? i love ittttttt. also I love the fact that she knows her worth. That she finally understand who she is in a relationship and is able to realize that she is a good one, that if she is not happy she can leave. AND THAT AMKES ME SO PROUD CAUSE TAYLOR YOU ARE SO AMAZING.
And thats the end of it folks. I waited so long for this album... had so many count downs and bless me for living in Hawaii were I go the album on the 22 at 6pm thanks to time differences. 
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