#gojo be pulling on his ears and chewing on his hair at night like a cat
vita-divata · 10 months
I’m pretending this was the reason Suguru looked hella tired in the recent episodes ;;
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yanderenightmare · 5 months
Gojo Satoru
TW: drinking, Gojo's overbearing
gn reader
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Thinking about a pushy Gojo who incessantly flirts with his shy underclassmen.
He thinks your reluctance is the most adorable thing ever – never respecting when you cutely shake your head no, ignoring the hand you put on his chest to keep him at a distance when his lips seek out yours at every turn. 
Whining his name, “Gojo-Senpai~ stop~” all meekly while hiding your face from his searing blue leer when he slinks his arms around your smaller body, tugging you tightly to him – brazenly telling all the other underclassmen that “This Kohai belongs to me~”
He thinks he can lure you into giving him a kiss after a couple of drinks. And you’ve been playing drinking game after drinking game in his dorm room for the past three hours, and everyone was relatively wasted by the time Gojo suggested they switch to truth or dare – sitting with the card up his sleeve during the entire game while waiting his turn.
You silly little Kohai~ biting off a little more than you can chew, choosing dare – only to blanch when he tapped his lips and told you to come closer and give him tongue. 
You refused, of course, hands thrown up in a protective x in front of you – wide eyes hoping everyone would tell him he was crossing a line – but between Suguru having been made to wear Gojo’s blindfold while slurping a body shot out of Shoko’s belly button, who had been made to forfeit her bra over to a poor Nanami, who sat there in the pretty B-cup – everyone but Haibara, who gave you a sympathetic smile, agreed that it was high time you did something you didn’t want to do too.
“Either you kiss me for a whole minute or sit on my lap the rest of the game.”
It wasn’t really like you could say no either – someone had the idea that you all make a binding vow to make things more interesting.
“Here-” Shoko handed you the remaining spirits of the two-liter bottle the six of you had passed around all night – and you grimaced with a sigh, knowing there was no getting out of it. 
Swigging the last two gulps, you crawled over to the white-haired upperclassmen.
But as he leaned forward to finally catch your pretty drunken pout with his own puckered lips, you turned around.
“What are you doing?” He shook his head incredulously – like a baffled cartoon character.
You smacked your lips, saying, “I’m not giving you my first kiss.”  while shimmying back to plant yourself on his lap.
Nanami sighed, shaking his head at you. “Only you would think sitting on his lap is any better…”
Your brows furled. “What does that mean?”
But before you could get your answer, Gojo was slinking his arms around your front and nuzzling his chin into your neck. “It means you’re the cutest~” He murmured against your ear – pulling you snugly against his chest. His nose nudged itself against your hairline. “And you smell like good~”
“Ew, Gojo-Senpai – don’t smell me.” You cringe, but he just squeezes you tighter.
Pouting, “You’re so mean~” with his wet lips ghosting your throat. “Kohai are supposed to respect their seniors...”
The room rolls its eyes, and Nanami blanks a stare – even when sitting in Shoko's black bralette, he still holds higher ground than the shameless senior. “Not much about you calls for respect, senpai.”
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whalesforhands · 11 months
swallow your doubt (gojo x reader x geto) pt.1
next masterlist
warnings: ao3 is down and i’m losing myself; i have a clear bias but i like them equally i swear; gojo
In more ways than one, Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru completed each other.
Darkness and light.
Black and white.
Yin and yang.
What they had for each other was more than a feeling, more than a simple friendship. It transcended the meaning of the much too simple word of ‘like”, or ‘love’.
It was always, always so much more. What one was, so was the other. What one could, so could they.
In other words, they were made just for each other.
But, why, oh, why? Why do you long for what couldn’t, shouldn’t be yours?
Your lingering gaze on Geto whenever he gently placed his hand on your waist to move you to the side whenever he needed to pass by you.
“Please excuse me…” He would whisper into your ear, the dull, calming scent of lavender filling your nostrils whenever he pressed himself close to you for that brief moment.
Your stunned stare at Gojo whenever he would unceremoniously shove one of his many treats into your mouth. Sometimes even purposely leaving his sugar-coated fingers in your mouth to perhaps spite you. His grin a little too wide when you obediently chewed, his pale fingers reaching to pull at one of your cheeks and cooing before leaving.
It was wrong. So wrong. Yet, your heart ached, yearned for them.
You craved them.
But how do you fit in what has already been completed?
How do you trace the calluses that mar Ge- Suguru’s hands as he watched you so?
How do you count the stars reflected within Satoru’s eyes as you both gazed up at the night sky above?
How could you continue to live with such guilt, such pining, such anguish?
Your hands shook as you watched the pair shove and tease each other, their forms slowly disappearing into the distance, with Shoko watching with a lazy grin on her face as she leaned against your dazed form.
A hot summer afternoon, a warm bench and a cute girl to relax with. Everything Shoko needed to kick back and chill, all she was missing was an ice cold drink from the vending machine. Should she get one with you?
She watched as your eyes glazed over, your breaths growing a little shorter, your hands moving to hug yourself a little tighter than usual.
“Hey.” She shook you gently.
No response.
You must be really deep in thought. It wasn’t rare to see you lose yourself to your creative little head. Wasn’t rare to see you dazed over in your imagination and giving Shoko free reign over you for a little while as she played with your fingers or twirled your hair.
She let out a hum, debating whether or not to interrupt your little internal debate, watching your pretty eyes shine before she caught a glimpse of the troublesome duo making their way over. With gifts in hand, no less.
“Yo! Feeling hot?” Gojo greeted as he tossed a can of cold soda over to Shoko, the girl catching it with ease and an easy grin as she felt the coolness of the can against her warm skin.
“And for the other lady… Tada! Your favourite chocolate milk! Fresh from the vending machine!” The grandiose speech went unheard even as the white-haired menace dangled the drink in front of you, waiting for your response in order to tease you.
No response.
Gojo leaned down to be eye level with you, sunglasses tilted down onto his nose bridge as glittering blue eyes stared into your empty ones. Ah, you were having another of your moments.
“Satoru! Don’t run off with the drinks I bought!” Another male voice made itself known before Gojo was roughly shoved to the side, a whine escaping the white-haired sorcerer’s lips as he absorbed the shove, nearly falling over as Geto moved to snatch your drink from him.
He gave one glance at you, and another to Shoko.
The brunette shrugged, “I bet she’s having fun in there.” Opening her can, she leaned back into the backrest and chugged. “You could try to get her out though. You succeed the most.”
“That’s not true! Suguru and I have a 50/50 split on that!”
“More like 70/30. She doesn’t even respond to you half the time.” A pause. “And why does my soda taste weird?”
Their continued banter went unheard by the raven haired sorcerer as he moved to sit beside you on the 2/3 filled bench.
No response.
He gently tucked a strand of stray hair away from your face.
No response.
He pressed the still cold carton of milk to your cheek. Watching with a fond smile as you slowly started to come back. A hand reached up to relish in the chill of the drink, to relish in the feel of his hand pressed close to you.
“Suguru.” You quietly greeted, lips slowly pulling into a cute smile as your eyes moved to meet his.
“Welcome back.” Your hand was now placed over his in another greeting, gently patting it before you moved to take the packet from him with gratitude.
(He wished you let yourself linger your touch on him longer.)
Suguru chuckled, watching as you pulled the plastic straw out and began to drink. “I should be telling you that.”
Suguru moved himself to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with you, relaxing in your presence as he searched his pocket for his now lukewarm soda. He’s still content anyway.
“And why is everyone on the bench but me?! No fair! Move over!”
His last statement was directed at Shoko. Instead of pressing Ieiri inward and sitting at the other end of the bench, the long legged menace chose to squeeze himself in-between Shoko and yourself, pushing you closer to Suguru as he fought off Shoko’s smacks and yells of discontent.
Finally settled uncomfortably with all of you on the bench, his long arms stretched out over the backrest, one arm even daringly resting over your shoulders as he crossed his legs and took in the afternoon sunshine.
“Lovely day we’re having!”
masterlist next
Shoko still finds it hard to believe you aren’t taking any of the hints the two boys have been giving you. No matter, she’ll let you figure it out yourself as she continues to lowkey flirt with you.
You remain oblivious to the two’s very obvious flirting but, you’re not immune to Shoko’s charm at all.
Shoko, despite not showing it much here has made you flustered way more than Gojo or Geto ever have.
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kentocalls · 3 months
soulless sukuna ryomen author note: red string of fate!au, sukuna does not have a string, technically it should be stringless!sukuna but it’s not the same as soulless!sukuna so pls let me have this. i probably won’t write ever again
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Soulless!Sukuna who is sure you’ve lost your mind when he finds you on his balcony, trying to slip your heels onto his expensive outdoor coffee table. He admires the skin peaking through that awfully conservative outfit, watches you sit and lean back dangerously, the city wind making hair hair dance, a shiver crawling up your neck. He’s not intrigued.
Soulless!Sukuna lights his cigarette and pretends you aren’t there. Pretends he doesn’t feel your eyes on him, assessing. Mind vaguely shuffling through what he remembers about you; something in your file mentioned part of the job you hold is analytics? Whatever. It’s not like he kept tabs on you for a year due to interest. You’re simply a very easy piece to fuck up Gojo Satori’s empire with. That’s it.
Soulless!Sukuna who takes his sweet time smoking, enjoying the ambience below him, his street is kept clean and quiet out of sheer fear of his wrath. Those who know, understand it's best to not bother the king of the city with anything stupid. His mind wanders back to you, realizing that you’re not invited to his celebration, how the fuck did you get past his security? He’s not going to ask, he doesn’t care. You’re not a threat.
Soulless!Sukuna who saunters over it’s to use his crystal ash tray, to keep his balcony clean, it’s not to admire your silhouette lit up by city lights. It’s not to make you acknowledge his presence, it’s not to pull you out of scary thoughts, it’s not to catch your eye and watch how you hold your breath.
Soulless!Sukuna who understands the look when he gets it. After all, Sukuna doesn’t have a soul tie. Has no blessed love or scared attachment or whatever the fuck people say it is. He’s the first in years to be born without one, happy to have one less complication given the kind of work he builds his fortune on. Makes him a fantastic one night stand, makes it easy for him to walk away. Nothing to tug him back to bed in the morning.
Soulless!Sukuna who isn’t captivated by the twinkle in your eye, whose fingers don’t itch to touch, whose hand doesn’t want to pull you in close. A taste, he doesn’t need.
Soulless!Sukuna who watches you shiver, serves you right for sneaking into his place unprepared. Clearly you’re bold enough to seek him out, you have his attention now. He's not lingering, he owns the fucking place, he can stay out on his balcony for as long as he wants. You, however, need to say whatever the fuck it is you’re here to say.
Soulless!Sukuna who almost misses your “Thought you’d have better security, being an important figure and all…” you exhale, ready to see if the ever infamous Sukuna is going to chew you like you’ve seen him do before. Your soultie despises the very ground he walks on, refuse to do business within miles of his establishments. He would be so fucking furious at you being here, perfectly content in his presence. He is dangerous, he should feel that way to you but he doesn’t.
Soulless!Sukuna walks in close, the cigarette smoke clinging to his skin alongside something spicy. He leans in, face bored, eyes trailing past your shoulder, down to the road below his luxurious apartment. His voice serious, right in your ear “Don’t have time for games, fall off someone else’s balcony.”
You pout. The most dangerous man in the city is less than 10 inches from your face and you pout at him. “Not gonna fall unless you push me.”
That gets a smirk from him, “Tempting, might want to see the face Gojo Satoru would make when his pretty mate is splattered on asphalt.”
Soulless!Sukuna likes when you hum as you lean further back, despite himself Sukuna is drawn closer, and arm tempted to pull you to his chest, keep you safe from the edge. He doesn’t need another detective on his ass about another murder he didn’t commit.
“You might make things easier for Satoru, the complication simply disappears, the guard tailing me provides photos of us on this balcony, moments before my demise and you’re back in court. Paying your stupid expensive lawyer all over again No, my death wouldn't drive him insane, he'd just use to his advantage.” Now he hums.
“Want to know what actually drives soul ties mad?”
Soulless!Sukuna whose seen what rejection of a soul tie does, knows you're not as calm, collected, and in control as you appear. He’s not nice, he’s indulged enough, should probably push you off the balcony to prove a point. He knows soul ties is an insanity, it’s a weakness. He has and will continue to exploit. You’ve snuck into the tigers den completely unprepared. Oh, the things he can do, should do, will do.
Soulless!Sukuna who cares nothing about personal space, pulls you close, hands burning where they touch skin. “Don’t care.” Lips centimeters from your own. “What do I get out of it? What can you give me?” You don’t cower, you don’t pull back like others have done before, his hands might move higher, one may find the back of your neck and squeezes. He’s not sure what he’s expecting, but it isn’t “Whatever you want.”
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❥ A Stranger No Longer.
princess!blackfem reader x sorcerer!gojo
Word Count... 4.8k
Warnings… Pussy worship, reader has nipple piercings, cheating, a dead marriage, an implied orgy, outdoor sex, reader is a sex symbol, explicit language and smut, mentioned blood pact, squirting, biting, fingering, oral sex (f!recieving) cum eating, mention of sex swings, reader teasing, breeding.
Author’s Notes… This fic will have a part two! I had a lot of fun writing this, period pieces keep me in a chokehold. Please reblog, like, and follow! I have a few more works in progress my doves <3
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The bets were placed on your wedding.
It wasn’t every day an Empress’ daughter got married. Your marriage had been anticipated since you were eighteen when your Mother decided you were to be married by your twenty-first year.
You went on to endure suitor’s offers and flirtations for two years. The glances at your chest, wandering hands, and cheesy lines men told you soon became exhausting—echoes in your ears. Old, decrepit men approached you with chapped lips and wrinkled fingers.
One of them even managed to marry you a year ago.
“Artists should follow you, my Princess,” An elderly man said, offering his hand. You politely placed your gloved hand in his and watched as he kissed the small diamond ring on your left pinky, nothing compared to the rock on the finger next to it.  “You are always the picture of perfection.”
“Thank you, Sir. It’s a pleasure to see you at these soirées.” A fake, bright smile passed on your face, for you knew where this conversation was going. 
“Likewise!” He responded, his hand still holding yours as he pulled away from kissing your ring.
“The thought of you keeps my bed warm, my precious. I have to come back and visit to see you sometimes.”
Your stomach turned. The yellow grin on his lips made you rather want to chew glass than be here for another minute.
‘Mother needs to stop inviting these fucking sickos to these parties,” you grunted to yourself, tearing your hand away from the old man and gracefully adjusting your glove back into place.
“I’m not interested.” You immediately shut down, the man persisting.
“It still works, I promise. I’ll keep your womb full-“
You chose to ignore him, already beginning to walk down the hallway of the palace and back to the party.
With everyone in high society at this soirée, you couldn’t afford to have your mother upset with you over a man who couldn’t keep it in his pants. After years of dealing with it, you learned it was best to keep it direct and short.
You found yourself back at the royal table, high above the dance floor in its own section of the dining room. It seemed the maids had moved tables to make room for drunk guests (who ignored the grand ballroom a few doors down) to dance and mingle. 
High above the sea of bodies, you watched the party slowly evolve from a sway of bodies to something of a more debaucherous nature. 
This is what your mother was known for.
The late night hours of the Empress’ soirées were a legend across your kingdom. Tales of the parties included rooms full of sex swings with a reversible floor, (in case things get messy) a thirteen-person orgy where blood pacts were taken, and a grand “breeding event” that was organized to encourage the next line of royal babies. It worked.
Tonight had no specific theme, but the warmth in the summer air encouraged the drunk partygoers to do what they expected of the party. 
As you leaned over the railing, your eye caught a glimpse of a head of white hair cutting through the dense crowd, ignoring the seductive hands grabbing at his robes. Your eyes lingered on them for a moment- noticing something off. 
“He has a hood on his robe!” You whispered to yourself, realizing his rank and status. Leaning a little closer to the railing to see who he might be, you squint your eyes and try to remember all the members of your mother’s Circle of High Sorcerers. 
He turned around at the edge of the crowd and looked directly at your table. Piercing, icy blue eyes caught yours and sent a chill down your spine. The look on his face was electrifying- you recognized the lust in his eyes with ease, but there was something else there. Goosebumps bite at your brown skin, despite the humidity of the night. 
I heard you, my Queen.
His voice echoed in your head, a reassuring tone that had your knuckles lightening as you gripped the railing. A knowing smirk passed his lips, then he turned to leave.
Air filled your lungs for the first time in what felt like days. The white-haired mage captivated your attention, and before you knew it, you were down the stairs and towards the hall he turned into.
You knew the palace like the back of your hand. You’d spent your childhood hiding in nooks and crannies, running through maids and knights and nannies. The magician wouldn’t make it far.
The stylist for today did you justice as well. They dressed you in a puff-sleeved floor-length silk dress that complemented your skin and braided your hair into a secure updo. When you sprinted through the hallways and into the garden, you were still very put together. 
The garden you found yourself in was a smaller one on the east side of the palace. The glass ceiling allowed in the moonlight for visibility, illuminating tall bamboo shoots and oversized leaves. The room smelled of roses and books, overwhelming the senses. 
Or was that from the tall man standing next to a bookshelf in the center of the room?
“Princess (Y/N)?” He called out to you. The same chill floated down your back and into your core. His voice was exactly like the one from before- bright, clear, and charming. When you turned around, he was already on one knee and taking your hand into his.
“Gods, it’s my pleasure,” he gushed, pecking each of your fingertips. “To meet the most important woman in our kingdom.” His head lifted to gaze into your eyes, and you felt your face get warm.
“Don’t let my mother hear you say that,” You chuckled, suddenly nervous in his presence. After running around the palace and approaching him, you’d think you would have something to say- but instead, you uttered,
“How did you hear me? I was across the room.”
The mage held your now bare hand in his, the glove and wedding ring on your finger now disappeared. He ran his lips across your knuckles, his eyes slowly blinking as if he were under the influence. You opened your mouth just as he answered.
“I hear everything.” He blankly stated, standing up. Gods, how tall was he? You hadn’t noticed the pristine white bandages around his neck until he pulled them up and over his eyes, much to your dismay. 
Smoothing your dress down with your bare hand, you asked, “What’s your name?”
“Satoru Gojo.”
“Well, Satoru Gojo, May I have my glove and ring back?”
It was as if it disappeared into thin air. There were no pockets in his robe unless they were all on the inside. 
He pondered your request for a moment. He hummed, tapped a booted foot, and looked up at the sky despite his eyes being covered. 
“Will you come to the observatory with me? Not the one at the Academy. I’m sure there’s one here-“ It was his turn to be nervous. Slender fingers held his robe and swayed it softly, as if he were getting hot. He swung it open far enough for you to catch a peek at the jeweled vulture pendant on his chest and the bulge in his pants. 
You gulped, excitement pooling in your stomach.
“Y-Yes, of course! I’d never deny such an important guest a request.” You’d decided to take the easiest route- flattering and seducing him into getting the information you wanted. Or more.
Maybe he’ll do for the night…
“Ah! Thank you!” Surprise genuinely crossed his face. “I’d get us there faster but I’ve never been,” he smiled at you as you turned away to lead him to the Observatory. The hall you'd turned into displayed hand-painted vines and colorful flowers on the walls, each center of the flowers secured with a small jewel.
White lights that flickered idly on the high ceiling illuminated them until they dazzled. 
“It’s fine,” you spoke, not bothering to look at him. “The walk there is nice and you’re enjoying the view.” Distant moaning filled the hall and Gojo laughed quietly beside you.
“You’re the kingdom’s most prominent sex symbol,” he stated, amused. “And you do it as a fully clothed wife.”
Have we met before?
You continued strolling through the halls, your heels clicking against the marble. Gojo’s presence next to you sparked something you rarely felt- self-conscious. It was as if his gaze was burning into your back, hips, and ass. The pleasured grunts and pleading reverberating through the walls didn’t help the tension between your legs either.
“I’ll stop staring so much?”
“But I mean, are you really staring? Your eyes are covered.”
He didn’t answer. You assumed it worked the same way his long-distance hearing did, which didn’t help your understanding. You only approached the spiral staircase that led upwards into the observatory, Gojo not far behind. The silence was stiff and awkward until you spoke. 
“Sorry for the long staircase,” you said, trying to start a conversation. “You’ll find the building is full of them.”
“Will I?”
“I hope so.” 
You hadn’t stopped stepping up the staircase through your conversation, as Gojo was gaining on you. The small, unfamiliar feeling shot through you again, knowing he was definitely watching your ass in motion. 
 “What’s that mean?” He asked innocently. 
“Just that I'm a dedicated hostess,” You peeked back at him, an eager smile across your cheeks. He returned the smile brightly, long purple robes consuming his figure from your angle. His hands peeked out to hold onto the handrails and you got a better look at the jewels that decorated his fingers. Glowering gems around gold on his thumbs and middle fingers.
I wonder if Mother has those.
“Well,” he started as you reached the top of the staircase. “You look radiant tonight, Hostess.” 
The Observation Tower’s glass dome was open to allow the summer night air in. The tower was lit by small stars on crystal strings. Benches sat around a large water fountain near the massive, expensive microscope. 
“Thanks. I like your jewelry,” you offered, stopping next to him and breathing in the clear air at the top of the tower. It was incredibly refreshing after being stuck in the stuffiness of the party. Gojo joined you in your deep breaths.
It felt silly. The hopeful future Queen and a High Sorcerer, doing breathing exercises. It was midway through a long inhale that you realized it felt comfortable like you could do anything you needed to relax with Gojo and he wouldn’t judge you. 
“Ready?” He asked. You opened your eyes just as he was offering his arm to you, which you took with warm cheeks. 
You walked together to the bench farthest away, one that was turned towards the iron railing for those who wanted to gaze at the wide view high above the kingdom. Lights flickered below, the only source of life you could see.
Reminiscing on your childhood, the view always left you awestruck. You’d been up here countless times, but the bashfulness you felt now was something new.
“So…” You started, tapping your gloved hand on the bench. “Purple robes?”
“Yeah! I’m actually the head of the curses faction at the Academy.”
You nodded in interest. “I heard the work was going well after that tomb was discovered.”
He sighed in relief at the thought. “Things are fine and the new class of sorcerers is promising…”
He leaned against the wall behind you, head slightly tilted back with long legs slightly too open.
Lewd thoughts distracted you from the conversation, but Gojo’s voice pulled you back.
“I’m actually the strongest.” He noted humbly.
You rolled your eyes. “The strongest, huh?” You taunted, pushing the braids that fell over your shoulder back behind you. Gojo watched, instantly transfixed by your figure turning toward him. His cock twitched in his pants at the sight of your breasts moving in your dress.
“I’m cold, Gojo. Could I wear your robe?”
His cheeks turned a deep pink at your suggestion, hands tightening around the iron bench. He was previously thankful for the robe to help hide his erection, but it seemed you were already on to him.
“Of course, Princess. Whatever you want.” He ran a hand over the neck of the robe, where a gold clasp lay.
He stood and pulled the robe from his back, the black uniform under it now exposed to the night air.
He draped the warm, surprisingly weighty robe over your shoulders. You glanced at the hardness in his pants as he stood in front of you and quickly tried to look away, but it was too late.
“Don’t look away. Take a good look at what you do to me.” His voice was hard, a slim hand reaching to smooth the front of his pants down and give you a better look at his length. Your eyes followed his pants as he sat back down next to you, the coverings on his eyes coming loose.
“Satoru Gojo… Why are you at the Queen’s party tonight?”
He smiled, crystal blue eyes peeking between the bandages.
“To meet the most intriguing woman in the world.”
You laughed, a foot slipping out of your heel to push yourself up and climb over Gojo’s lap. Straddling him, you opened the robe and covered the two of you in it. 
“And now that you’ve met her, what are you gonna do to keep her attention?” 
He kissed your gloved knuckles, the palm of your hand, then your fingertips, similar to what he did earlier. Instead this time, he nipped and bit until he could pull the final glove from your hand. He took it from his mouth and dropped it on the bench.
“If Her Majesty will allow it, I’d like her company for the night. You’ve captivated my soul and thrown my mind into disarray without effort. My magic can’t even perform the same way- not since I felt you notice me in the crowd. That’s why I can’t get your glove back- it’s not in a secret pocket or anything…”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” you giggled. It was clear that Gojo’s magic rarely failed, but he still found himself laughing along with you.
“I’ll just buy one? Or maybe let you duplicate the one I have another time?”
His hands were on your waist, thumbs stroking your hips soothingly. “If I duplicate it you’ll have two gloves for the same hand.”
You rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You’d figure it out, Finding a princess’s glove should be light work for a man of your abilities.” 
He detached a hand from your waist to pull the bandages off and onto the bench. “Before you, maybe.” His hand found itself on your ass this time. “Now it’s like my mind is always somewhere else.” The hand helped push your ass forward and onto his cock, your warm heat grinding against his dick print and causing both of you to moan.
You initiated a greedy kiss that had your lips sliding against each other and tongues fighting for dominance. Soft silk ran across your skin as he held you delicately in his arms. Between kisses, he huffed out, “Gonna wanna take you out here,” Your teeth ran across his bottom lip to shut him up, pulling on it softly and letting it go. The slight groans that he gave only increased your desire to take him now. 
He watched as you reached an arm around to unzip your dress, insisting, “My Princess- Someone might come by-“
“There’s an orgy happening downstairs, no one is coming stargazing. Be quiet, Sorcerer.” 
He watched as a strap fell from your shoulder, the other one falling suit. Eyes glued on your chest, Gojo played with his buttoned uniform until it exposed his built chest and abs. Your eyes greedily feasted on his body from the pink of his nipples to the trail of pale white hair leading down his pants.
“I shouldn’t have to remind you of the consequences of this getting out,” you warned, teasing. The top of your dress fell from your shoulders onwards, exposing your lace and satin bra. “My husband would have your head.”
“He can have it as long as I can have some of yours.”
You rolled your eyes at the joke, only giving him a sly smile. “No challenge too big for the strongest?”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and laid you down on the bench, his robes providing a spot for you to comfortably lie. Your legs playfully wrapped around his waist and tried to pull him closer.
“Should I call you Satoru or Gojo?” You mischievously questioned. “Or something else?”
“Sorcerer seems to be working for you,” he leaned in, eyelids drooping to gaze at the smeared gloss on your lips.
Breaths mixed as you wordlessly dared Satoru Gojo to fuck the Princess of his kingdom and effectively cuckold one of the most powerful lords in your country.
You smirked. “Well, Sorcerer-“
Hungry lips crashed against yours and immediately made an effort to make you forget about everything- your forceful mother, your dead marriage, the title of Queen awaiting you. 
Satoru’s kisses had an effect on you- one that you hadn’t felt since before you married. It was addictive and you missed it, but your sorcerer would provide what your husband failed to.
What he stole from you, Satoru could return.
Between kisses, your hand trailed to the center of your bra to unlock it with a slide of your fingers. The fabric was pulled away to reveal your breasts, your pierced nipples making the man’s eyes widen. 
His brain malfunctioned for a moment before he uttered a whiny “Fucking unbelievable-“ and dove his face into your tits to immediately take a nipple into his mouth. Teeth bit at your nipple and lips kissed and sucked on the skin. A warm breeze licked the saliva on your sensitive brown skin, raising goosebumps on your arms. One of Satoru’s hands cupped the breast his mouth wasn’t already on and the other tugged at his pants.
“Take my panties off too,” you purred as your fingers found his soft white locks. He responded by releasing your breast and pushing himself down the bench and between your legs. “Gods, you’re so good for me.”
His hand moved from his pants and to your hips. “Showing my loyalty to the future Queen,” he assured between pulling your panties off, “brings me joy like nothing else.”
Legs spread wider to give Satoru a better look at your cunt. You watched his eyes light up and slowly soften as you run your fingers through your folds.
“I think I wanna cum twice with you here, then we’ll finish downstairs in my bedroom,” Head tilted and wide-eyed, your gaze remained on Satoru. He nodded mindlessly, clearly half-listening as he leaned down to kiss your pussy.
You pulled your fingers away and into your mouth, sucking them loud enough for your lover to hear. His warm, thick tongue gave your cunt a slow, generous lick, making you smile around your fingers.
“Already wanna come back for more,” he murmured against your core, his voice giving a deep vibration that made you audibly shudder. “How am I supposed to let you go back to him now?”
Two of Satoru’s fingers pushed into your pussy before you could answer. His tongue drew circles around your sensitive clit and gave it the occasional appreciative lick when he felt it twitch. 
“Hold your knees,” he grunted out, mouth now sucking your bud. You spread your legs wider and did as he told, giving him the space he needed to sloppily fuck your cunt with his fingers.
You watched Satoru play with your pussy with an open mouth, the wetness on his fingers giving his rings a different kind of shine. 
“So, so perfect, Princess,” he cooed to your cunt, his fingers curling to find the spot that makes your eyes roll back.
“Not sorcerer?” His strong voice nearly demanded, pushing his fingers deeper and laughing at your needy whines. “Has any of your other lovers told you that this is the tightest cunt they’ve ever felt?”
Incoherent murmurs fell from your lips, brain too cloudy to give him an actual response. Other lovers were far from your thoughts right now. 
“Letting me finger fuck you brainless on a bench outside?” He questioned in a fake surprise voice, feeling you get shamefully wet. Your eyes screwed shut just to open again at the waves of pleasure.
“Is that what Princesses do in their spare time? Let strangers taste their cunt?” He continued, fingertips finding what they were looking for.
Your pussy clenched around his fingers as they pressed on the fleshy part of your walls. The feeling of needing to pee approached you rapidly and you felt Gojo’s mouth humming against you amusedly, as if he knew what you were about to do.
“Fuck- fucking Satoru,” you barely made out, legs shaking around your grip. His lips smirked for a moment against your cunt. Then they opened to allow him to suck and slurp your cunt until your legs slipped and your cunt spasmed one final time. 
Gojo wore your thighs as earmuffs as your pussy squirted all over his mouth and chin; some of it soaking into the fabric of his black boxer briefs. He watched lovingly as you lost and caught your breath mid-orgasm, hair now a mess with a slightly sweaty face. Your orgasm blurred your vision and had you choking out broken groans and pleas to your sorcerer like just fuck me like you mean it! or Can’t wait for when your magic is back…
Has it always been such a hazy summer night? 
Your eyes slowly opened to the picture of perfection- Gojo fucking his cock with the hand coated in your juices. Soft clicking from the wetness on his fingers and desperate sighs replaced your moans.
 “Haah, Satoru,” you breathed out, tongue running across your bottom lip. His hand generously stroked the head of his dick.
“You did so well,” he sighed in pleasure as he pulled your legs over his shoulders and kissed the gold anklets adorning your skin. His hands then traveled to your hips, gave them a tender pinch, and pulled flush to his hips in one pull.
You laughed playfully at his strength, wondering if it were just a spell. It wasn’t.
He rested his cock between your legs and on your stomach, balls warmly sitting against your pussy lips. Heavy and warm on your skin, it was 7 and a half inches of sin with a girth that made you question how it would fit.
You wrapped a delicate hand around it and caressed it, relishing in the sweet moan Gojo released from his throat at the contact. 
“You said your room after this?”
A clear bead of precum pearled at the tip and before you could swipe it onto your thumb and into your mouth, Gojo guided his dick out of your hand.
“Need you now, angel. That pussy’s waitin’ for me,” he yearned before giving his cock a few indulgent runs through your folds and making you drool.
“My mouth is too,” you playfully complained. A cheeky smirk passed his lips before he pushed the full length of his cock into your cunt. Your hips met in a harsh way that had your hips digging into his.
“S-Sorcerer!” You yelped, fists balling and nails digging into your fists. The stretch was deliciously painful as Satoru slowly started to fuck into you.
“Knew you’d have some good pussy…” He mumbled to himself, eyes glued on your cunt gushing on him. Long white hair fell into his eyes and you clenched around him at the sight.
“Gods, you’re fucking filthy,” You barely purred out between thrusts. His arm came down between your head, the other on the back of the bench. “Fucking the next head of state? Without protection?” Your nails found his thighs and they drew red lines into the pale skin. He leaned down to whine softly in your ear, a piece of vulnerability to contrast with the way he was ruining you.
Satoru’s dick poked and prodded at the sensitive spot in your cunt. Every thrust brought a satisfying stretch and burned the memory of the night into your mind.
“Wanna get me pregnant, Satoru?” you asked, watching his hips falter for a moment.
“Fuck, if you’ll have me,” he rushed out, cheeks turning pink. “We can do this without him knowing, as long as you want me to.”
He huffed out tired breaths that made you lock your legs around his waist. 
You nodded at his words, knuckles grazing along his jawline to capture his chin in your grip and guide his lips to yours. Nimble fingers reached down to draw circles on your clit just as Satoru’s tongue slipped past your lips. 
We’ll be doing it forever then.
Satoru rolled his hips into yours and pushed himself deeper into your cunt, a deep groan coming from his throat as your cunt hugged him greedily.
Between kisses, he slurred out, “Princess, I’m gonna cum…”
Your legs involuntarily shook around his waist as your tongues danced. The fingers strumming your clit sped up, a silent beg to cum with him. His lips released yours to bury his face in your neck, sucking purple spots into the skin. 
Stars filled your eyes, the stimulation overwhelming your senses as you came around Gojo. 
“Satoru,” you whined out, cunt spasming and back arched. His arms wrapped around your waist to give you a couple more rough thrusts. His voice cracked as he filled you with hot ropes of cum and you swear you could’ve squirted again at the sounds of his moans.
The brain fog that came afterward was made sweeter by the soft, comforting rubs Satoru gave the globes of your ass. His warm hands traveled to the stretch marks on your hips and gave them a loving pinch.
“Gonna pull out now, ‘kay?” He warned, knowing you’d protest. 
 “We’re going downstairs, remember?” He reminded you, pulling out in one smooth motion. You felt cum drip from your hole for a moment only for Gojo’s long fingers to scoop it up and into his mouth.
“Come on, babe,” he continued. “I wanna get a bath in.”
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It wasn’t hard to sneak Gojo into your room.
Many of the doors in the hallway were still locked with occupants on the inside, and the open rooms were already immaculately clean. 
You held hands. It felt immensely intimate for a man you just met, but you figured you’d already squirted on his face, and there weren’t more things more intimate than that. 
Gojo peeked over at you a few times, smiling a little when you caught his eye the first few times.
“How’re you feeling?” He asked as you pulled him softly into a smaller corridor. You pushed the door open with your heeled foot, pulled the sorcerer in, and shut the door, locking it.
“I’m great,” you smiled, turning around to undress in front of him. He watched silently, appreciating the view.
“I’ll tell the maids I'm hungover so we can sleep in tomorrow morning. I’m sure you can teleport out of here?”
You picked up your clothes and threw them into a wicker bin in the bathroom.
“My husband will be here in the evening. I live two hours away at his estate, but I visit every other week to spend the weekend with my mother.” 
He had followed you into the bathroom and stripped naked, leaving his clothes in your hamper and hanging his robe on a jeweled hook near the shower.
“That’s fine,” he responded coolly. He closed the toilet seat to allow you to sit while he filled the tub with warm water. “I’ll make time for you when you’re here.”
His answer was so simple. It lessened butterflies in your stomach, simplifying the situation like that. Cheating wasn’t something you ever considered, but with Satoru, it didn’t feel wrong. Your marriage left you void in ways you couldn’t have predicted and Satoru knew that. It was complicated and political and exhausting but Satoru was none of that. It was refreshing.
He flicked his wet fingers at your face and turned the water off. “C’mon, I’ll let you sit between my legs,” He offered, climbing into the large square thumb and offering his hand to you.
Graciously taking it, you tiptoed into the bath and sat with Gojo. He kissed your cheek and slipped one of his gold rings onto your ring finger under the water.
“It might slip off, but I'll just give you another one…” He promised. “No matter how many rings slip off, I'll put another one on my girl.” 
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© succubusonthedoorstep2023. all rights reserved. please dont copy, repost, steal, or translate my work.
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silversatoru · 3 years
HOHO💖THANK YOU 💘 I was thinking one very Angst with Gojo, like.. He realizes he loves his best friend, but when he confesses they heavily reject him saying they could never trust him that way due to his womanizer self(?) and bc they love nanami,, like,, when they see him they're like 🎇💘MMHH YES, I feel awful but I love seeing gojo in pain for somewhat reason
Im so sorry😂🙏 if you don't want to write this, it's okay👌😌 thank you dear💖
too late
a/n: my past like 4 gojo asks have all been about him being a whore,,, y’all love to slander this man and see him in pain (me too)
synopsis: gojo loves you, you love nanami, things are messy 
t/w: angst, gojo is very sad
w/c: 1.4k
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you’ve been gojo satoru’s best friend for as long as you can remember — two brainless jujutsu sorcerers who could never take anything seriously. the two of you together were simultaneously the biggest annoyance and also quite a force to be reckoned with. your abilities were no where near those of satoru, but you complimented him perfectly and no one stood a chance if the two of you were together — and you were always together.
in fact you were together right now, grabbing some food after effortlessly taking out some curses a few cities over. satoru enjoyed the sweeter things in life, downing a package of powdered-coated dough balls while you stuck to your savory bowl of spicy rice cakes. this was tradition for the two of you, sitting on a random bench somewhere in a random city munching on snacks and debriefing on the mission you’d just completed.
you loved it, and you loved satoru — like a brother, like a best friend, like a favorite teammate. you loved satoru but not in the way he loved you.
it was a recent realization, that he loved you in a romantic kind of way. he’d always just seen you as his best friend, but recently your eyes have sparkled a little more, your skin glowed a little brighter, and your voice sounded a little smoother when it flowed into his ears. it was right now, while he watched your sauce-covered lips suck down another rice cake, that he realized he wanted nothing more than to kiss you — right here and right in front of everyone. 
the only problem was, he had quite the history of being a womanizer. satoru went through women as if they were a one-time-use disposable product, and you were very aware of this. but none of those women were you, and he promised himself that he’d give you everything you deserved when he finally confessed. 
“can i have one?” you pointed to his near empty package of sweets and shook him out of his thoughts.
satoru wasn’t much for sharing, especially his desserts, but you were an exception. he plucked out a powdery ball (one that he knew was your favorite flavor) and popped it into your mouth. him hand-feeding you should have been weird, but you’ve been friends for so long that you didn’t think twice about it. you bit the sticky dough down between your teeth, a cheesy smile stretching across your face when you noticed he got your flavor right. 
“th-aanks,” you mumbled, mouth stuffed full of sugary confection. 
in the midst of your chewing, you felt a napkin swipe across your mouth to remove the excess powdered sugar. you eyed satoru suspiciously, starting to catch on to how overly-touchy he was being today. but he just shrugged, making snarky comments about how messy of an eater you were.
it wasn’t until the two of you finished your snacks and were walking through the city that you finally questioned him. he’d wrapped his arm through yours, pulling you close so you were walking right next to his side — his weirdly intimate actions today were starting to stack up. 
“what are you doing?” you peered up at him, giving your arm a small yank as you attempted (and failed) to put some space between the two of you. 
“that guy over there was checking you out,” he shamelessly pointed to a dark-haired man further up the street, his voice defensive. 
“okay, and? that bothers you-?” you yanked again, finally pulling your arm free of his embrace.
“no, but he looks like a weirdo, you deserve someone better than that,” he insisted, an evil grin on his face as he turned his pointer finger so it was facing himself. 
“like me!”
“oh, like nanami” 
your voices came out at the exact same time, but the content of your words could not have been more different. 
the two of you froze in the middle of the street, faces covered in equal amounts of shock and confusion. satoru had finally confessed his feelings to, and you’d just accidentally and unintentionally shut him down with one word — nanami.
“nanami?” he repeated again, an edge to his voice as he tried to protect his ego and mask his jealousy. 
“yeah, i- uh, i planned to tell you soon that we’ve been seeing each other recently. i had no idea that you-” you scrambled to explain the situation, trying not to let the hurt on your friend’s face get to you, “you’re with other women all the time satoru, how was i supposed to know?”
he winced at the unintentional insult, his history with women weighing heavy on his shoulders as he realized it was a prominent factor in your rejection. 
“ah - it’s fine! nanami beat me to it i guess. i’m happy for you guys,” he attempted a genuine smile, and anyone else may have been fooled by it too, but you knew him better than to fall for his shitty façade. 
you noticed the tiniest twitch of his eyebrow, and the smallest quiver of his lip as he continued to hide and protect his true feelings. it broke your heart in half, having to watch him put on a show like this. 
“i’m sorry,” you let the apology spill from your lips a few times, but he was very quick to remind you that none of this was your fault. 
“we’ll still be friends, right? i don’t know what i’d do without you,” you gave him a somber look, imagining a future without him by your side. 
satoru and nanami were good friends as well, and you’d never forgive yourself if this tore their friendship apart. 
“of course,” he gave you a cheeky smile and then continued walking down the street with a quick wave of his hand, instructing you to follow him. 
you jogged a couple steps to catch up to him, and he immediately started making jokes about a weird-looking man who was selling street food to your left. in a matter of seconds he was back to his typical self — so much so that it seemed as if your conversation had never happened. 
and that's exactly how satoru tried to imagine his life — as if that conversation had never occurred. he knew how important he was to you, but he also saw the way you looked an nanami with stars in your eyes. he knew that you needed them both, and so he stayed and watched you fall in love with someone who wasn’t him. 
whenever you asked, he told you that it had been a weird one-time thing and that he didn’t feel that way towards you anymore. he’d listen to your stories about the ex-business man and force smiles and laughter to make you happy. because that was all he ever wanted, for you to be happy, and if that meant you had to be with someone else, so be it. 
you and satoru were one in the same, so incredibly alike that maybe you would never have worked out anyway. you were raging with energy, energy that satoru only fueled stronger — where as nanami was gentle, peaceful, the opposite of you and your silver-haired counterpart. nanami cooled you down and and kept you centered, and that was what you needed, but it was something satoru would never have been able to give you. 
so when years had gone by and nanami asked him to be the best man at your wedding, he was crippled. he knew how important it was to you but he could hardly stand the thought of watching you vow yourself to the blonde-man. but despite his feelings, he didn’t even hesitate to say yes. you’d be so disappointed if he hadn’t.
and so he threw on his mask one last time, standing tall in a sleek, black suit as he watch you spill your feelings to nanami in a beautiful vow. you looked perfect, so stunning, and it tore him up that he wasn’t the one standing across from you. 
but he laughed and smiled all night, because that’s who he was. gojo satoru was always expected to be the life the party, and it was a heavy burden to carry. he was so tired of keeping up an act for you and for everyone else; all he wanted was to bury his head into your neck and rest. but he’d never have that, he’d never have you, and tonight made it official. 
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gojology · 3 years
Jealousy. (3/3)
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | I WORKED SO HARD ON THIS AND I RLLY LOVED HOW THE ENDING WENT BUT IF U WANT ME TO WRITE A LITTLE EXTRA OF WHAT HAPPENS AFTERWARDS JUST SPAM MY INBOX K THX ENJOY!!!! 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Teen! Gojo x Gender Neutral Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2286 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | Cursing.  ALL CHARACTERS HERE ARE AGED DOWN FROM PRESENT ANIME/MANGA INTO WHEN THEY WERE TEENAGERS. 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | Your plan with Geto finally unfolds, and Geto thinks with the information he has gathered, that it’s a perfect time for you to confess to Gojo. Shoko answers your suspicions about her and Gojo before Geto crashes the scene, telling you last second that he had set you up with Gojo for a confession, you had almost no time to prepare. Before you could even hold a proper scolding, Gojo arrives, it’s time to confess.    “Okay, here’s the plan.”     Geto slapped his hand onto the table, handing you a fizzy drink. You watched the bubbles rapidly float upwards. Inside, there’s various fruits, strawberries, kiwis, some lemons for added fanciness.     “(Y/N), the drink is not what we’re focusing on.” he snaps his fingers, you glance up, he’s shaking his head and smiling.     “Sorry, uh, I’m not good with serious conversations.” you twiddle with your thumbs, studying the table. Your fingers itch for your something to fidget with, the whole reason why you two met up was awkward anyways.     You had conspired with Geto to make Gojo jealous. Having already tried being subtle, you had eyed him across the room, flirted with him, and he still hadn’t realized. You had bought him free stuff whenever you went to the store, and once again, he never really realized. Geto did, though. He always raised his eyebrows when you handed Gojo a bag of kikufuku from his favorite shop, or if you got him a stupid cheap trinket from the night markets.     The point being, you were much more affection with Gojo then anyone else.    Even when you tried to conceal this jealousy, the cracking point was when you had found out that Gojo had gone out with Geto the night before and had sex with a few random girls.    You had chewed Geto and Gojo both out, while Gojo was yawning and tousling his hair, boredom evident in his face, Geto examined every single little thing about your body language. How your face seemed to drop a little more when you talked about Gojo, and how you seemed so self conscious when you talked about the girls that he had had fun with.     He had approached you, with no time for small talk. His arms crossed, he blew a strand of hair away from his face, looking at you. He had oh so casually asked you if you had a thing for Satoru, and here you were now. Just short of having a heart attack from sheer panic.     “Hey. Don’t be scared.” placing one of his hands on your shoulder, he smiles. “I know Gojo, did I ever tell you how we compared dick sizes once? Wild, I’ve also had a few foursomes-”     You retch, and Geto snickers.     “Moving on, that guy gets jealous EASILY. He’s also as dumb as a rock, probably can’t define the word love.” he looks down, the easygoing expression on his face wiped off, replaced with a rather saddened one, “but I guess he hasn’t experienced the feeling a lot.”     He looks back up at you, brushing his bangs behind his ear. “This brings me to Operation: Make Gojo Jealous Because That’s The Only Way I Know How To Get Him To Realize If He Likes You or Not!”     He leans over the table, looking left and right before leaning into your ear. “What do we say if Gojo doesn’t like you back?”     Your stomach twists as the words, “Gojo doesn’t like you back.” echoed in your mind, you sigh.     “That’s okay Gojo, and whatever your opinion is, I will respect.”     “Perfect, if you have any objections, tell me now.”     A deafening silence settles between you two, he chuckles again.     “Also, Shoko’s smart as shit. She can probably catch on, or maybe she already knows that you have a crush on him. Maybe she’ll play into this, fair warning. Alright, ready? Listen close.”     He stops leaning over the table, sitting back down normally.     “We start spending a lot more time with each other, as in, we spend more than half of our day with one another.” you open your mouth to complain, as Geto would be sure to annoy you knowing that you had to spend half the fucking day with you, but he shushes you up with his finger.    “I’m a good stalker, so I’ll be watching Gojo. If he doesn’t have a crush on you, he’ll be just fine. Albeit, just a bit lonelier, because his best bud is ditching him for you, maybe talk to Shoko or some shit. If he DOES in fact have a crush on you, he’ll watch our every move. He doesn’t hide his anger very well, so I’ll be able to tell.”     “You’re a good WHAT?”     “Shut up, and I have everything planned out. We’ll probably have a celebration at this park after we get back from wiping out all the curses from this village, and by then I’ll have enough information to see if that’s a good day to confess to him. Understand?”     You nod, shocked that he had literally planned this all out. He gets up, nodding at you and waving, giving you a playful wink before leaving the room.  —        Here you were now, sitting on the picnic blanket. Shoko digs her hand into her pocket, pulling out a few cigarettes.     You eye them as she whips out a lighter, delicately placing the cigarette into her mouth and lighting it. Taking in a deep breath, you watch her exhale, a hazy cloud of gray swirled around into the air.    You never took Shoko as a person to smoke, but your gut wrenches. Does Gojo like smokers? He seemed interested in Shoko, and maybe Shoko was trying to confess with him before you and Geto had crashed the party.     Nervously shoving the marble in your ramune down, you stutter, Shoko glanced up. Her lukewarm eyes stared into yours.     “Have a question, honey?” her cigarette between her pointer and index, she coughs before placing it back into her mouth.     “Uh, yeah. A-actually.”     A pleasantly surprised face covered her calm expression, looking at you with curiosity, she nods, telling you to continue.     “...Do you have a crush on Gojo?”     She looks at you, bewildered, before pulling the cigarette out of her mouth. Chortling turning into coughing, she spits into the grass.     “Oh NO honey, I can’t even picture dating a guy, actually, especially not that monkey. What made you think that?”    Waves of relief rushed over your body, and you realize how stiffly you were sitting up. Relaxing your shoulders, you take a swig out of your ramune.     “Uh, I-I don’t know. I saw you two u-uh... Really close...”     Shoko smiles, her eyes crinkle at the side as she did. Scoffing a little, she places the cigarette back between her lips, taking a deep inhale before exhaling.     “We were talking about shit, no bother, oh hey, Geto’s back.”     You stare at where she’s pointing, Geto’s hands were shoved deep into his pockets. He had a toothy grin on his face, and strands of hair strayed from his bun as the wind whipped against him.     “(Y/N)! I have news~!” he screams, approaching the picnic with long strides.     Your heart jumps out of your chest, did he talk for you instead, and got Gojo to confess?     “I set you and Gojo up!” he sang, sitting down with a heavy thud and digging his hand into the picnic basket, sticking his tongue out as he searched for snacks. He looks at you sadistically, thoroughly enjoying the shocked expression on your face.     “WHAT?”     Shoko snickers a little, before changing it into a cough as you glare at her.     “Yep, he’s coming back now, so you better prepare!” yanking out a snack, he peers down. “Fuck yeah! Dried squid!”     “ARE YOU GOING TO FUCKING IGNORE HOW YOU JUST SET UP MY CONFESSION WITH GOJO SO CASUALLY?”     He looks up at you, sharing a look with Shoko before both burst into laughter.     “(Y/N) being angry is a fucking knee slapper, isn’t it Shoko?”     ‘Who the fuck uses the phrase knee slapper, Geto?”    Ignoring Shoko’s sarcastic comment, Geto stared up at your figure. “Anyways, go for it sweetheart.” Geto calmly responds, Shoko still laughing.     You splutter, cursing Geto under your breath and everyone under his family tree for raising such a child.     “Aw hey now (Y/N), no cursing me! I know you’re doing it, and hey look, here he comes! Shoo lovebirds!” he waves his hand. Shoko, in an attempt to calm down, pulled her knee into her chest and giggled into her arms.    You match your line of sight with his, Gojo’s lanky build was quickly approaching. Instead of his usually scowling face, he seemed more relaxed.     “Yo.” he scratched the back of his neck as he walked up to the group, studying the grass. “Sorry for blowing up.”     Geto stood up, patting Gojo’s back. “There there, truthfully no one gives a fuck! Actually, I don’t know if you remember but (Y/N) over here requested your audience, bye bye now!” shoving Gojo in your direction, he stumbled a little, before scrambling and placing his hands on your shoulder.     ‘Sorry.” he murmured, a light blush crept up to his cheeks. “had to try to grab onto something or else I fall flat on my face.”     You found your cheeks also getting warm, you touched your skin, thankful that he was looking in another direction.     “Yeah. No problem.”     “Fuck off, you two! Flirt somewhere else!” hollered Geto.    “OKAY, HOLY SHIT!” hollered Gojo back, rolling his eyes before he looked down at you.     “Geto told me you wanted to talk to me about something.”     Your breath hitched, and you nodded nervously, he cleared his throat, arm snaking around your waist.     Shocked by the sudden realization that he had his arm wrapped around your fucking waist, your heart was now pounding out of your chest, eyes wide.     “The plot thickens.” Shoko lazily laid her head down on Geto’s shoulder, he grinned.     “That’s my fucking child right there.”  —    Gojo walked with you on a long, narrow path. Trees as a sort of canopy hung over your head, rustling with the wind. No people in sight.     He cleared his throat again, looking down at you.     “Uh, here looks really nice. Pretty peaceful, and there’s seating.” he gestured to a bench with his unoccupied hand.    You nod as he pulled you a bit closer into him, before letting go.     A whine almost leapt out of your throat before he slammed your hands over your mouth, for all you knew he wasn’t going to ask you out, and rather ask you directions to the nearest bathroom or some shit.     “Hey, sit down.”     Snapping out of your daze, you nodded, sitting down and staring at the opposite direction of wherever he faced.     You wished you had the courage to stare at his face, to look at his sunglasses while he ruffled his snow white locks. His defined collarbones, and his chiseled jawline and...     “So! What did you wanna talk about, (Y/N)?” you whipped your head to stare at him, jumping a little as you did so.     “Um.” FUCK, what were you supposed to say?     “...Lovely weather we’re having?”     Gojo scoffed, leaning towards you. He really did know how to work a person. Breathing heavier then you were when he pulled you closer to him, you looked at him, anticipating whatever he would say.     “I know that’s... Not what you were asking to talk to me for. Let me guess, you have a crush on Geto and you want to ask me how to get him to like you?”     ‘What! No!” you responded exasperatedly, hiding your face with your hands.     “I... Don’t have a thing for Geto!”     “What was that?” Gojo paused, before pulling at your sleeve. “Hey, I couldn’t hear you.” joking teasingly, he fixed his askew sunglasses.    “I DON’T HAVE A THING FOR GETO!”     He jumped back, rubbing his temples and sighing before chuckling.     “You didn’t have to be that fucking loud! Holy shit that hurt my ears.” rubbing them, he looked at you with a laugh.     You noted that his friendly behavior was back in business, as opposed to the serious one he had adopted as soon as you started hanging out with Geto.     Suddenly, the atmosphere changed as his laughter died out, both of you silent.     “Then... Who do you have a thing for?” Gojo whispered breathily, crossing his legs.     You opened your mouth, about to respond with every bit of power that you had left inside of your already frazzled body that he was the one that you had a thing for, and the one you had a thing for for multiple fucking months. You closed it before you could, taking a deep breath in.     “Hey.” leaning closer into your face, you swore you could count every hair strand that he had. He breathed heavily as well, and his chest heaved, he placed a hand onto your shoulder.     “It’s okay, you can tell me.”     You shook your head, looking away once again.     He cursed to himself, was he too straight forward? Or were you that stupid, did he have to confess himself?     No, he didn’t want to damage his pride. He wanted you to confess, to tell him how much you loved him, and the things you wanted to do together.     But what if you were going to tell him that you had a thing for Shoko or some shit?     “Come on, (Y/N), I won’t judge you.”     ‘No!” you shook your head furiously again, “you’re going to judge me!”     “I wont, come on, spill!”     You bit your lip, twisting yourself to look at him, tears dawning on your eyes. Diving headfirst into his chest, you whined. Fuck it all.    “I like you, Gojo.”     “...What?” he wrapped his arms around your head, looking down at you sniffling on his t-shirt.     “I like you, I like you, I like you DAMN IT!” you whined, banging your fists against his chest weakly.     “Woah, hey there little baby.” he pushed your head gently off of him, kissing your red, sweating forehead gently.     “I like you too, (Y/N).    
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cherryonigiri · 3 years
nanami kento [evenings with you]
nanami kento x reader || cw: descriptions of blood/injuries, light angst
a/n: this is just self-indulgent writing for me but i'm v stressed about school rn and this is the result. just imagine that y/n is a bio/medical phd candidate lol.
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Nanami can tell that you're stressed. Usually you savor the nights he's not on overtime, asking him about work and refusing to leave his side for most of the evening. He's used to you being attentive, so the fact that you've asked him the same question twice within the last ten minutes is already setting alarm bells ringing in his head. You're constantly fiddling with something, or flashing furtive glances towards the bedroom when you think he's not paying attention.
It only gets worse after dinner. You insist on washing up, something about how you want him to 'enjoy his night off.' Nanami compromises, silently grabbing a towel and drying the dishes. It's clear that your mind is elsewhere. Your hands scrub the porcelain on autopilot, and he can hear you muttering under your breath.
Every now and then you'll mutter a list of tasks under your breath. Nanami remembers you mentioning that things were hectic in lab. You're almost always still working when gets home from work, even when it's well past when you eat your dinner. It's clear that you've had a busy day-- the apartment is far more cluttered than it usually is. There are post-it and pieces of scrap paper stuck to every single surface, and a forgotten pile of folded laundry rests on the couch.
An intense burning sensation across your palm causes you cry out. "Shit!" You drop the knife you were washing in favor of cradling your already bleeding hand. Nanami is instantly by your side, firmly pressing the dishcloth against your cut. There is a worrying amount of red seeping into the fabric, so he silently ushers you to the bathroom.
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It's a strange reversal of roles. He's used to being the one leaning leaning against the counter while you bandage his wounds. Instead, it's you who is perched on the marble surface, wincing as he dabs an antiseptic soaked cotton ball against your injury. "Sorry, I'm almost done," he says when you let out a loud hiss.
"It's fine," you reply, sheepishly looking away. "I should have been paying more attention."
Nanami chooses to only respond with a nonchalant hum, focusing on cleaning your palm. The two of you sit there in comfortable silence while he applies ointment to the cut, adding gauze once he's finished. It's only when he reaches for the bandages that he decides to ask. "What's stressing you out?"
Your eyes widen as you realize you've been caught. Nanami is rarely home early these days, especially since he's been mentoring Itadori on behalf of Gojo. (Not that you mind - in the few times you've met Itadori through video call with Nanami, the pink-haired student's sunny disposition has never failed to cheer you up.) When he'd texted you saying he'd be home by dinner, you'd jumped at the opportunity to spend some much needed time with him. You'd pulled out the stops, cooking something a little fancier, and intent on spending the earlier part of the evening cuddling with him. Secretly, you had planned to sneak out of bed after he'd fallen asleep (he always goes to bed early on days like these) and finish preparing for the gauntlet of meetings and presentations you had tomorrow. It was your fault for putting off the tasks, and you didn't want to let your own bad habits get in the way of some quality time with your boyfriend.
"It's nothing, I just have a lot on my plate tomorrow." You do your best to laugh it off, but quickly trail off once when you catch Nanami's deadpan expression. He's always been too good at seeing through your white lies. "I put off some work..." A raised eyebrow from him prompts you to continue, "And I was planning on doing it after you went to bed..." You can't help it when your face scrunches into a pout. After all, now your carefully-laid deception has been revealed.
When Nanami bursts into amused chuckles, you're momentarily surprised, but quickly go back to sulking. "Stop laughing at me Ken!" you whine, "I'm a--"
"Self-aware procrastinator," he finishes your sentence with an amused grin. "I know love, I know. I've seen you write far too many papers within 24-hours of a deadline to be surprised." He presses an affectionate kiss against your wrist.
You scowl at your boyfriend, snatching your bandaged hand away from his grasp. "I'm glad that my suffering is entertaining for at least one person." You stomp back to the bedroom in faux-anger, smiling when you hear Nanami's footsteps not far behind you.
When he steps into the bedroom Nanami drapes his frame over your shoulders, his warm torso nestled against your back. "It is one of your more...endearing traits," he murmurs into your ear before pressing a kiss into the crook of your neck. You can feel your cheeks and ears tingle at his words of affection.
"Sometimes you can be such a sweet talker," you mumble to yourself while you change into your pajamas. This week it's been an old Jujutsu tech hoodie and a pair of well-worn athletic shorts.
"Only for you," Nanami replies while he undoes the buttons of his outfit, chucking his tan pants and blue button up into the laundry basket in the corner. He dons a pair of sweatpants before returning your side to recapture you in another affectionate hug. It's a well kept secret of the Kento-Y/N household that Nanami Kento likes to lounge around shirtless in the privacy of his apartment. (You've been sworn to secrecy, but only because your boyfriend claims that Gojo and the students would have a field day teasing him if this information were to be made public amongst the jujutsu sorcerer community.)
Turning around, you wrap your arms around his waist, burying your nose against his torso and taking in his comforting scent. It's been so long since the two of you have had a moment to yourselves, and for once your hectic thoughts are silenced in favor of sharing a moment of calm bliss with Nanami. He hums in appreciation, thumbs rubbing soothing circles against your hips.
"Do you want to watch anything tonight?" you ask after a few seconds of silence.
"No," he replies. "I was actually planning on reading the briefing Ichiji just sent me. Gojo apparently has another scheme up his sleeve." You giggle when your boyfriend lets out a pained sigh. On more than one occasion, your boyfriend has ranted to you about Gojo's unorthodox approach to exorcism. "I swear that idiot shaves a year off my lifespan every time I go on a mission with him," Nanami complains. "He's taking away the years I could spend in Malaysia."
You hum thoughtfully before responding, "Then do you mind--"
Once again, Nanami already knows what you're going to say. "Just remember to bring your laptop charger, I know you have a thousand tabs open on your computer right now," he says while exiting to the living room. After a few moments you join him, overburdened laptop and charger in hand. You both take your usual spots in the living room, him resting comfortably in the center of the loveseat and you sitting on a floor cushion, nestled between his legs. Soon you've fallen into a groove, fingers steadily typing on the keyboard. The warmth of Nanami's presence next to you brings a sense of calm, giving you the grounding focus you need to finish off the last of your tasks.
As he thumbs through the printouts Ichiji gave him, Nanami can't help but let his eyes drift towards you every now and then. You look so adorable when you work. From the way your brow furrows whenever you reread a line, to the way you unconsciously chew on your lip when you scrutinize your draft for any errors. Every now and then he'll gently run his fingers through your hair, relishing the content sighs you let out in response.
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It only takes about another hour before you're (finally) closing all your tabs (he still doesn't know why your laptop hasn't crashed yet). As you scroll through social media, your head begins to droop. Soon enough you've fallen asleep, breaths coming in soft and even puffs as you rest against his thigh. Smiling to himself, he puts down his papers and gently lifts your body from the floor. He's careful not to wake you as he slowly makes his way back to the bedroom.
Setting you on the bed, he tucks you under the blankets before lying beside you. The moonlight coming through your window softly illuminates your relaxed features, and he softly traces the outline of your face with his thumb. As he continues to caress your cheek, his eyes are drawn to the dark circles under your eyes. He rarely falls asleep after you these days - between his physically demanding occupation and the ever growing number of things you are responsible for at work- he's often the first to fall asleep from sheer exhaustion while you work well into the night. Not to mention that he's had to spend an increasing number of nights away from you, either on challenging missions or accompanying Gojo's students. And while he knows most of your stress comes from being a student, he can't help but feel guilty about all the additional distress his status as a jujutsu sorcerer has caused you.
When you started dating him, you insisted that Shoko teach you how to suture. He hates how much your stitches have improved since then. The neatness of your stitches is a constant reminder of how much you've endured because of him. When he hears you trying to muffle your sobs into a pillow, he swears he can feel his heart crack in his chest, hurting more than any kind of physical wound from battle. Those nights end with him holding you tightly to his bandaged chest, murmuring reassurances and affection into the crown of your head until you've calmed down enough to fall into a fitful sleep. Even when you're unconscious he'll still continue, words morphing into apologies for the sadness he's inflicted upon your shoulders.
Feeling his eyelids being to droop, Nanami presses one last kiss against your forehead before laying down. He wraps his arms around your waist, surrounding you with warmth, hoping that his presence will be enough to keep your nightmares away, at least for tonight. I love you, y/n is the last thought he has before he drifts away, ready to dream of a tropical sunset and a peaceful future with you by his side.
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authorautumnbanks · 3 years
How To Tame A Sorcerer(5)
The next morning finds Kagome stretched out on the simple twin bed Gojo purchased for her. She didn't mind the lack of space. It wasn't as though she was going to be in this world for very long–at least she hoped that she'd be able to find a way back to her home, preferably back to InuYasha.
She lies there, listening to the soft chimes of the birds outside. Almost shyly, she lifts the hold on her spiritual powers, feeling for his presence.
I really hope he didn't get killed last night; she thinks as she gets out of the bed. As much as it pains her to admit it; she needs him around so she can navigate this world. Kagome stumbles out of the bedroom, grabbing a change of clothes on her way out and down the hall to the master bath.
He did tell her to make herself at home; she affirms to herself. So, there's no reason why she can't start her morning off on the right foot. Ignoring how much more spacious his room is and how soft the bedding looks; she heads straight to the bathroom; grateful that the controls for the bath are actually inside the room and not outside of it.
With her free hand, she rubs at her eyes in disbelief. The bathtub sits elevated on a platform with the shower at the bottom and off to the side. Both are inside of a glass enclosure that most likely helps with keeping the heat more contained. With a squeal, she sets her clothing on the marble countertop and turns the bath on.
After rinsing off at the shower, she lowers herself into the bath; the heat does wonders for the tension that has gathered in her muscles. Tilting her head back, she muses on how she's supposed to find her way back home.
Maybe there's a portal in the sky? She flicks that thought away. There's no way she would have missed a portal, and surely the well wouldn't have sent her somewhere with no way to get back home. After all the outstanding work she's done, saving the world it would be a crime to be stuck with Satoru forever. But with all this talk about curses and that spirit at Ikea yesterday, her insides churn with unease.
"Honey, I'm home!"
Kagome's face scrunches up as the sounds of Satoru's steps get closer.
"D-don't come in here! I'm taking a bath."
"Oh? In my master suite. You just wanted an excuse to see my room." He teases, his voice sends shivers down her spine. How he can switch from being a menace to flirty so quickly makes her head spin.
Think of InuYasha, she berates herself. You've waited this long, now isn't the time to be swooning over the first white-haired man she's seen in years.
"The other one doesn't have a bathtub." Sighing, she steps out of the bath and wraps a towel around herself. "I wasn't expecting you to be out so late."
"Did you wait up for me, Gome-chan?"
She bites her tongue as she shimmies into the jeans. "No, it was just an observation. Just glad you didn't get murdered."
"Please, I'm the strongest." She could practically hear the eye roll.
"Right, right," she placates. Gathering up her dirty clothes and towel, she opens the door. He's still dressed in his work uniform with his blindfold stuffed in his pocket. It's not that his eyes do something to her, though admittedly they are more vibrant than Koga-kun's eyes, the blindfold blocks out her ability to get a good read on him.
Probably why he wears it or those sunglasses.
"Have you eaten yet?"
"You realize there's no food in the fridge, right?"
"Oh! That's what we forgot to do yesterday!" He snaps his fingers. "Well, why don't we got out and get some breakfast?"
"Alright," she agrees, "where can I put these clothes?"
"Just leave them on the floor, you can do laundry later." He flashes her smile as he takes the pile of clothes from her and tosses them behind him.
"How old are you?" She mumbles.
"28, Gome-chan," he replies, grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the room. "Well?"
"Well, what?" Her head is fuzzy, there's a pool of what she assumes is cursed energy in his pocket. The signature of it differs from the curse energy he radiates–it's sickening, whereas Satoru likes to play footsie with her own spiritual energy.
"I told you my age, it's only polite to return the favor."
"It's actually rude to ask a woman her age, but fine. I'm 24. I'm more shocked at how old you are. You don't act your age at all."
"Don't sweet talk me like that, we haven't even had breakfast yet."
Kagome pulls her hand away to tug her shoes on. "What's going on with your left pocket? Did you get hit with something last night?" She tilts her head at the blank stares he gives her.
"You can sense it?" He leans forward, invading her space. She chews on the inside of her cheek, their noses just a hair width apart.
"Of course, I can. It's sickening. Can't you do something about it?"
He leans back and pulls out a… finger? It's red, tipped with a black nail.
"The seals have been weakening on these, but the fact that you can sense it is really amazing."
"I don't think so."
"I went to go retrieve one of these fingers last night." He puts it back in his pocket. "And a civilian actually ate one. Can you believe that?"
"That's disgusting."
"He's still alive. Well, the higher-ups want to have him executed because now he's the vessel for the curse king." He waves it off as if they are discussing where to get breakfast at.
"Did you say, curse king?" Maybe she got some water in her ears from the bath and it's just fucking up her hearing because there's no way that now there's a revived curse king in this world.
"Yep. Funny how Sukuna got revived the same day you dropped into my lap."
"It's really not funny." She hands out her hand with her palm facing upwards. "If you aren't going to do something about it, then let me. There's no way I'm going to stomach breakfast with that energy around."
She expects him to put up more of a fight, but he takes the finger back out of his pocket and drops it into her palm with no complaints.
"So, what exactly are you going to do?"
"Purify it." Kagome almost gags when the finger twitches in her palm. Freaking disgusting, she thinks, as her palms glow. The light pink aura soothes her every time. Opening her palm, the finger's lost some of its demonic markings. It's no longer red, instead it just a couple shades darker than her own skin, and the nail looks duller.
"Change of plans," Satoru says, plucking the finger from her and putting it back in his pocket. "we're going to invite Yuji and Megumi-kun to this little outing."
"Who?" she asks, not that it really matters since he's the only person she knows here.
"Megumi is my student, and Yuji is the vessel. Just keep your powers under wraps, yeah? And no talk about curses." He pulls out his blindfold and covers his eyes.
"Wait! You're a teacher." She doesn't pull away when he grips her hand again and leads them out of the house.
"You say it like that's a bad thing."
"For the students it is." Her face heats at the laugh she gets in response.
Maybe she should have just used the other bathroom this morning instead of jinxing herself.
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