gozandopelamente · 1 year
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Colombina GastroPub - Goiânia - Goiás - Brasil
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Ángel Berrueta, the only fatality not reknown as an official victim of the 11M attacks.
His widow recalls:
Around 13.15 entered María Pilar Rubio, telling my husband to hang a poster on the bakery shop window saying "ETA ez" [No to ETA]. Then my husband told her no, that he wasn't going to hang anything regarding politics because he'd never done so, and that if she wanted to hang it she could hang it in her own house. According to witnesses she went up to her apartment and two seconds later her husband and son came down with her. In the lobby she met some neighbors and told them directly, no questions aked: "we're gonna kill that son of a bitch". They entered the bakery, my husband was alone, and the Spanish national police officer's son fatally blew him twice with a machete. My husband tried to protect himself going to the back room and there the police officer finished him off with 4 shots from his standard issue pistol. I had just arrived home from the bakery and I recieved the call telling me to go back because Ángel had been shot, and I went back running. The police officers that were there didn't let me in but I eventually could and found him, lying on the floor, almost without life, paramedics were doing all they could to revive him.
Goian bego.
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Empower Young Minds: Early Childhood Education at ABM College
The first few years of a child's life are critical for their development, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and success. This is why the role of Early Childhood Assistants (ECAs) is so vital in the early years sector. If you're passionate about contributing to the growth and development of young children, then the NACC (National Association of Career Colleges) Early Childhood Assistant Diploma offered at ABM College Toronto Campus could be your gateway to a fulfilling career.
In this detailed guide, we’ll delve into what the NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma program entails, why it’s an excellent choice for aspiring childcare assistants and the unique advantages of studying at ABM College's Toronto Campus.
Understanding the Role of an Early Childhood Assistant
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by CDC (https://unsplash.com/@cdc)
Childcare assistants are instrumental in nurturing the physical, psychological, and social development of children. They work under the supervision of Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and are responsible for supporting the implementation of daily activities, assisting in child supervision, and contributing to the overall well-being and safety of children in various early years settings.
The Importance of Quality Early Years Education
The early years of a child's life are not only about learning ABCs and 123s; it's a critical period for holistic development. High-quality early education can lead to better health, employment prospects, and societal behavior in the long term. ECAs play a significant part in providing this quality education, working tirelessly to create a supportive and stimulating environment for young children.
NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma Program Overview
The NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the early childhood sector. The program combines theoretical learning with practical experience to ensure graduates are well-prepared for the workforce.
Curriculum and Learning Outcomes
The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including child development, the role of the family in early years, health and safety, and program planning. Students learn how to engage children in activities that promote their intellectual and emotional growth. They also gain an understanding of how to respond effectively to children's evolving needs.
Practical Experience through Field Placements
One of the key components of the NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma program is the field placement experience. This hands-on training allows students to apply their classroom knowledge in a real-world childcare setting, giving them invaluable industry experience and the opportunity to work with children of various ages.
Why Choose ABM College Toronto Campus for Your Diploma?
ABM College's Toronto Campus is an excellent choice for pursuing the NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma for several reasons:
Central Location and Modern Facilities
ABM College is conveniently located in Toronto, providing easy access to students from all over the city. The campus boasts modern facilities and classrooms equipped with the latest learning technology, creating an ideal learning environment for students.
Experienced Faculty and Supportive Staff
The faculty at ABM College consists of experienced professionals who are deeply knowledgeable about the early years sector. Moreover, the supportive staff is dedicated to helping students succeed, providing guidance and assistance throughout their educational journey.
A Focus on Career Development
ABM College not only provides education but also prioritizes the career development of its students. With job search assistance and a focus on employability skills, the college prepares students to enter the workforce with confidence.
Career Opportunities and Pathways
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by Ian Schneider (https://unsplash.com/@goian)
Graduates of the NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma program can look forward to a variety of employment opportunities in the early years sector. Positions may include working as an ECA in daycare centers, preschools, and after-school programs. Some may choose to pursue further education to become fully certified Early Childhood Educators.
The Growing Demand for Early Childhood Assistants
The demand for skilled Early Childhood Assistants is on the rise due to increasing awareness of the importance of early years education and the growing number of dual-income families. This trend is creating more job openings and opportunities for advancement within the field.
Guidance on Financial Options
The financial aid office at ABM College is available to help students navigate the various financial options and find the best solution for their individual needs.
Conclusion: Taking the Next Step in Your Early Childhood Career
Pursuing the NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma at ABM College's Toronto Campus is an excellent step towards a rewarding career in the early years sector. With comprehensive curriculum, practical experience, and dedicated career support, students are set up for success from the moment they step into the classroom.
If you're ready to make a difference in the lives of children and embark on a fulfilling career path, consider enrolling in the NACC Early Childhood Assistant Diploma program at ABM College. Take the first step today and shape the future of the next generation.
For more information on the program, admissions, and financial aid, visit the ABM College website or reach out to the admissions office to schedule a campus tour or consultation. Your journey to becoming an Early Childhood Assistant starts here!
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xcziel · 4 months
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Ian Schneider /@goian
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ilbasketlivornese · 9 months
#SerieBfemminile: altro colpo di mercato per il #JollyAcliLivorno #Livorno #ilbasketlivorneselive #basektmercato
(Fonte immagine: Jolly Acli Basket Livorno) Ingaggiata Rossella Goian Altro colpo importante in casa Jolly. Da La Spezia Academy arriva Rossella Goian, esterna, giocatrice giovane e di grande talento, che vanta numerosissime presenze nelle rappresentative nazionali under.   Le sue prime parole in rosablu  “La scelta di venire a Jolly è stata dettata dalla mia voglia di continuare a giocare ad…
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alexsavescu · 11 months
Finala pentru promovare: Foresta Suceava și Ceahlăul Piatra Neamț în bătălia pentru Liga a 2-a
Două echipe importante în zona Moldovei, Foresta Suceava și Ceahlăul Piatra Neamț, se pregătesc să se confrunte într-o luptă acerbă pentru promovarea în Liga a 2-a. Primul meci dintre cele mai bune echipe ale Ligii a 3-a (Seria 1) este programat să aibă loc sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2023, pe Stadionul Areni din Suceava. Cu un staff tehnic condus de fostul mare internațional Dorin Goian, echipa suceveană…
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culocostra · 1 year
Goian bego Euria.
Goian bego.
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chelscups · 2 years
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🫣🌨️🕰️ Time to stock up on your favorite coffee, tea, cider, and cocoa. “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” John Steinbeck . . . . . . . . . . 🤩 Photo by @goian @ChelsCups #WinterIsComing #Winter #HotDrinks #Cappuccino #Latte #EspressoYourself #PSLSeason #PumpkinSpiceLatte #AppleCider #HotCocoa #HotTea #Fall #Autumn #FallDrinks #AutumnVibes #WinterVibes #SnuggleSeason #AutumnLove #ReusableCup #ReusableMug #TeaTime #Cup #Mug #CoffeeBreak #CoffeeMug #TeaCup #CupCollector #CoffeeCup #GoodMorningCup🙌🏾 #ChelsCups Christmas is Coming https://www.instagram.com/p/CkxKF25uAqw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marepreta · 2 years
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Mês de julho, não vai ter férias, nem praia para nós, goianes do pé rachado.  Mas nós vamos dar um mergulho no livro "O sol na cabeça" que inaugura a escrita de Geovani Martins. O livro conta a infância e a adolescência de jovens que vivem na periferia carioca e, ao descerem pro asfalto às margens do mar que banha a Zona Sul, vivenciam o preconceito, a hostilidade e a violência policial. Em 13 contos, Geovani Martins desafia a gramática e constrói sua narrativa codificada que somente entendodoras entenderão. Não vai ter mar, mas vai ter sol, um pra cada pessoa!
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ebouks · 2 years
Algebra in exercitii si probleme pentru liceu
Algebra in exercitii si probleme pentru liceu
Algebra in exercitii si probleme pentru liceu Goian Ion, Grigor Raisa и др. Goian Ion, Grigor Raisa, Marin Vasile, Smarandache Florentin. Bucuresti: Editura Cartier, 2000. — 119 p. — ISBN 9975-79-040-Multimi, operatii cu multimi. Relatii, functii. Elemente de combinatorica.Содержит наборы, операции с наборами, отношения, функции, элементы комбинаторики для старших классов средней школы.…
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,,Huniadi Cantores’’  vor cânta la Festival de muzică veche ,,CORONA OLD MUSIC’’ în 14 august la Brașov
Centrul Cultural ,,Reduta" și Consiliul Județean Brașov în parteneriat cu Primăria Municipiului Brașov organizează în perioada 13-14 august 2022, cea de-a doua ediție a Festivalului de Muzică Veche CORONA OLD MUSIC la Brașov.
Evenimentul pune accentul pe muzica secolelor XIII-XIX, invitați pe scena din Piața Sfatului fiind: Cimpoierii din Transilvania, Huniadi Cantores și Trei Parale.
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Grupul HUNIADI CANTORES a fost înfiinţat în decembrie 2006, de către Mircea Goian,cu scopul de a promova legendele locale și imaginea Castelului Corvinilor,din vremuri memorabile,în care viaţa la castel a avut o strălucire specială.
În timp, Huniadi Cantores a evoluat, fiind în măsură să ofere publicului lucrări muzicale din perioada medievală şi a renaşterii, din diverse colțuri ale Europei, evidențiind instrumentele vechi,istoria lor și modu lîn care sunt puse în valoare,în funcție de piesele muzicale care le-au fost destinate.
Aranjamentele muzicale sunt realizate, în exclusivitate, de către membrii grupului, melodiile fiind reinterpretate într-o manieră particulară.
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Huniadi Cantores a realizat:
DVD-ul: Muzică Renascentistă–Huniadi Cantores.
CD –ul: Goddesses -Muzică din Renaştere -Huniadi Cantores și Duo Continuo
Ce piese veți asculta în Piața Sfatului?
Vă prezentăm doar câteva dintre acestea:
A vist lo lop – Traditional Galician
Paddy o'Keefe's Slide 1 – Traditional Irish
Beidh Anoah Amarach - Sefardi
Tarantelle Italienne - Traditional
Notați în agendă:  
14 august 2022, Piața Sfatului Brașov, ora 17.00
Vă așteptăm !
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Basque fashion designer Paco Rabanne passed away today.
We still remember how every girl we knew wore his perfume Ultraviolet in the early 2000, it smelled really good.
Goian bego.
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sergei-gussev · 3 years
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#riomiño #goian #tomiño #baixomiño #galicia #spain #january2020 (at Río Miño) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLlx6JiFZnR/?igshid=1vm5dpnb799wo
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edoardojazzy · 7 years
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© Dorin Goian
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alexsavescu · 2 years
Şomuz Fălticeni şi Foresta Suceava se întâlnesc în această după-amiază în Turul 2 al Cupei României
Şomuz Fălticeni şi Foresta Suceava se întâlnesc în această după-amiază în Turul 2 al Cupei României
Zi de fotbal la Fălticeni! În această după-amiază, începând cu ora 17.30, Stadionul “Constantin Jamaischi” va fi gazada meciului de fotbal dintre Şomuz Fălticeni şi Foresta Suceava, din Turul 2 al Cupei României. Întâlnirea de la Fălticeni este primul derbi judeţean al noului sezon competiţional. Este un duel interesant şi la nivelul antrenorilor, pentru că Iulian Ionesi şi Dorin Goian au…
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mahura · 3 years
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Olatz (2019)
A veces la vida es bastante cruel. Recuerdo un momento en el castillo de Almuñecar en el que te saque una foto y cuando la vistes te gustó y me dijiste que en esa foto te veías “madura”. En ese momento pensé, te queda mucho todavía por vivir y experimentar, pero me lo callé. Dos años después nos despierta la noticia de tu muerte en todos los periodicos en medio de otro viaje sin ti. Traigo hasta este rincón, solitario y poco transitado de las redes las últimas fotos que te mandé y me pedíste. Aún hay más que estaban pendientes de mandar y que probablemente se queden sin editar.
Que tu energía atraviese el universo.
Eskerrik asko bikotekidea su ezagutu zaitut.
goian bego
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