#godddd i wish i could write full fics
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rwrb au edit for @ironpe: ghost? au
"I don't know what to tell you, Alex. Prince Henry hasn't been in the public eye for nearly a year now. The official statement is that he had taken ill."
"I'm telling you, Nora, he's dead! That's why his ghost is here haunting me."
"Ugh, rude! I'm not a ghost!"
Alex chooses to ignore his uninvited spectral companion. It's only been occasionally effective in the past few weeks of their co-existence, but now appears to not be one of those times. He sighs at Nora through the phone and bids her a quick goodbye because Henry looks like he's gearing up for a rant.
"Alright, Your Majesty," says Alex in a placating tone. "I retract my previous statement. You're not a ghost, what you are is annoying!"
A translucent glare is thrown his way which gives Alex some satisfaction.
"If you're not dead, then why don't you just go back to your body? Why are you all the way here bothering me?"
"I told you! I'm waiting for someone."
It had only been a few months since the whirlwind of his mom's election, inauguration and their subsequent moving-in to the White House when Alex Claremont-Diaz got the fright of his life. He had been in his bedroom, slogging through Bleak House for an assignment, loudly complaining to no one that British authors are soooo boring when an offended voice huffs in his ear. "I beg your pardon??!!"
A totally masculine shriek and a thorough sweep from the Secret Service later and he was face to face with what looked to be a haughty blond man at 50% opacity that only he could see.
This event kicked off what is at best a surreal experience and at worst a literal nightmare.
Since then, Alex has spent a considerable amount of time alternating between adjusting to his new roommate and figuring out how the Prince of England could be haunting him and why he couldn't remember much of who he is, only that he's waiting for someone.
But as Alex gets to know Henry more and more, he's surprised he likes what he sees. Henry's sharp wit, affectionate sarcasm and deep passion have charmed him despite his initial resistance. And now, he's more determined than ever to find the truth and help Henry get back to his body, with the hope that maybe when he wakes, something more awaits them both on the other side.
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butterysalt · 1 year
🌿✨🎀🎀 (that's right TWO compliments, and here's one from me too bc you deserve them all: i love the way your fics feel like they take place in a universe full of life and detail even around the main characters or events. even the shorter ones still feel like you have a detailed picture of who the characters are and what parts of them you want to portray or focus on, and it makes reading that much smoother and more immersive!)
OH MY GODDDD BEANIE YOU'RE THE SWEETEST. Genuinely teared up over here... I get so happy whenever I get any kind of message notif but AGH??? SO DETAILED? CRYING.
(Fic writer asks here!)
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🌿how does creating make you feel?
Ahhh this is a big question! I like creating! But it can certainly be daunting sometimes... I think it's because I mostly do art. I find myself enjoying it less these days since I'm usually drawing for others in return for money. I keep taking commissions because I need money but it does take the joy out of creating sometimes. But whenever I do get to sit down and draw something I really enjoy, it's cathartic. It reminds me of why I still draw - it's that amazing gift I have to be able to make anything I want with my hands. And it fuels me with passion! I get really excited to see what else I can make! I have my ruts here and there but ultimately, I see creativity as a beautiful outlet and I'm really grateful for it. This all applies to writing too, of course!
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✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
ueihfjidsjgdsi I'm tempted to list one of my wips BECAUSE I DO NOT POST ENOUGH HELP DSDSFIJGD
If I had to pick, probably my John Watson x Reader Soulmate AU fic "A Silent Fate"! I thought it was a flop so I never had the motivation to finish it, but it's still one of my favorite ideas.
It uses the soulmate AU where everyone has the first words their soulmate says to them written on their arm. The twist is that the reader is mute! John Watson goes about his life, assuming that he simply doesn't have a soulmate - that theory further hardened after meeting Sherlock Holmes, a man who breaks all conventionality and rejects conformity. Then one day, the reader and John cross paths and the reader has to get creative with how they "talk" with John.
I really really love this idea because I'm all about "thinking outside of the box" and challenging myself with something uncommon. I don't think I see many mute!reader fics let alone mixed with the soulmate au so I wanted to give it a shot! I have the whole story drafted out... it's just unfortunate because I haven't felt the same way about the BBC Sherlock characters in a while ahaha
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🎀🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
GAAHHH TWO!!! hmmm hmmmh mmm
✦ I like that my fics are long! It's something I get self-conscious of sometimes but I think it really shows how passionate I am about a fic when I can't stop writing. Because I really love adding all those little details and getting into the worldbuilding - it's my favorite part (the setup)!! I love the feeling of reading a good story that feels like it comes to life around me with characters who feel like real people. That's what I hope to achieve in my writing
✦ Another thing I like about my writing is ummm umumummum I like the way I write dialogue! Coming back to "making characters feel like real people", I LOVE writing extremely awkward pauses and fumbles in written dialogue (Explains why I love writing Reigen so much). Adding those "Um... erm... well-" and "AhaHAH-" just adds flavor and I'm way too obsessed with it
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dreadlockholiday · 3 years
Hi Dready! Oohh you’re writing an A/B/O fic featuring Wakanda!Bucky getting brought presents from Steve?🥺😍 that hits a few of my occasional (maybe that’s understating it a tiny bit) soft spots! I can’t wait to read it!
When I travel, I like to buy tea and mugs, and just drinks that keep for awhile and is made local, like cider or wine and so on. Maybe they could enjoy that together one evening? Also I was thinking that coffee could be a nice thing, since I’m pretty sure that that was rationed during the war, and Steve would probably visit some places where you could get delicious coffee!! ☕️ (I find it hard not to have Bucky being grumpy in the morning before coffee as a general headcanon),
Aand my mind also jumped to something that is a little bit sexy (it doesn’t have to be though, Steve could even be all blushy when he says that it isn’t necessarily meant be sexy), that actually doesn’t have much to do with any certain place, when I saw that it was a/b/o. What I was thinking was that maybe Steve finds and brings Bucky something that comes in a neat, decorated pair and holds scent really good in some way, that lets a couple scent one each and give it to the other, to have something for when they are away from each other☺️ I feel like that would/should exist in a shop somewhere in an an a/b/o universe.
I hope you’re having a great day and wish you luck with your writing!
(Insert the appropriate greeting - sorry, it confuses me that “regards” is too formal and old fashioned for most relations these days, but all you can replace it with is “love” or “hugs”, which always makes me afraid to overstep when writing to someone I don’t know or don’t know that well) :):)😶
- Mari🌻
Awwwww sweetheart!! You are absolutely not gonna overstep if you say sweet things like that, 🥺 come here come here let's hug and cuddle you are absolutely lovely 😍💕💕 thank you so much for taking the time to write such a beautiful ask! I looooooooove it!! I absolutely didn't think about coffee at all ahaha (can you tell I'm not a coffee drinker) but yeah you're absolutely right, Steve brings bucky all the coffee and the best teas he can find 💕 bucky has a special wooden tea box that he made with his own hands where he stores all the teabags. Also at some point bucky would just tell Steve to bring him some specific spices, because bucky loves to cook spicy food and he needs all of the ingredients 😌 Steve gets a little list with everything jotted down and by the time he's back he has a full bag of world tour groceries!
As for that scent thing 😭😭😭 oh my godddd. I don't know how to play it out because in the fic they're not a couple from the beginning, so Steve surely can't bring something like that to his friend right? Only he can, and he does, because Steve is not subtle no matter how he tries. I'm thinking at first he brings his own scent holder to bucky. Maybe it comes in the form of a necklace? A pendant with a scent absorbent thing that carries Steve's scent after he coats it properly and bucky can wear it allllll the time. Steve probably tries to let it pass as a regular necklace gift, but hey, Bucky's not dumb, he knows what that thing is and it makes him absolutely melt 😭 which is why he asks shuri to bring him one of the pendants too so he can scent it, and when Steve comes back again this time bucky has a gift of his own to give him 🥺 ahhhh my heart.
This is so sweet and soft and full of pining 😩 thank you mari for sending this beautiful ask 🥰🥰 you're absolutely lovely, sending you hugs!!!
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IT CAME IN THE MANHOLE OH MY GODDDD. A coordinating magasine huh? Sounds intenseeee. I'm sure the clerk just thought you had a special thing for cryptids Harry ha. Cable bringing peter all that research makes my heart sing. Like damn man you're INTENSE. Go big or go home. Peter being excited about the FORBIDDEN info makes me so happy. That happy baby deserves everything. I still love your use of click clacking teeth with venom. Like I dunno what it is I just LOVE IT. And the liquid sounddddd.
I laughed myself sick typing that part and no one else thought it was funny lolol. Poor Harry, the video store guy is gonna out him as a monster fucker. 
OK and seriously, I used to be interested in journalism until I realized how terrible the field is. LIke you’re either writing bullshit pieces no one cares about or reporting on Real Things that then get tempered and cut down and twisted to mean whatever the controlling network wants it to mean. Not always, but it happens ALOT especially in US where somehow “the news” is just a political opinion or the venting ground of a rich guy (looking at you, Bezos) 
But the biggest lure to journalism for me was the chance to discover something AMAZING and uncover these incredible truths and maybe get my hands on classified info because all I’ve ever wanted out of life was to be invisible so I could eavesdrop on literally everyone. I want to know everything about everyone all the time. Not necessarily for any nosy or gossip reason just because I used to sit and watch people and just WISH I could understand what it meant to be them because there’s so much mystery about people you don’t know. 
And I super relate to Peter in this fic with his thousands of questions and that intense need to KNOW (hello self projecting onto characters) so I couldn’t resis him like “YAY” about boxes full of redacted information. Fucking Holla. 
My descriptions of Venom are so fun. I’ve always had A Thing for the noise monsters make in movies or like, holy shit when the first transformers movie came out and I heard how they changed up it was all I could talk about FOR DAYS. Things you hear when you can’t believe-- or don’t want to believe-- what you’re seeing are so permanent, like once you hear it you’ll never be able to not envision Some Terrible Thing. And the idea of someone out walking wherever and they hear first click click click that is the sound of too many nails on a surface or the pop of too many teeth and then they hear liquid rushing up next to them? NOPE. FUCKING NOPE. THEY WILL NEVER GO OUTSIDE AGAIN. 
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