enchanteeedtomeetyou · 7 months
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The gayest moment you've been waiting for has finally arrived... All seven character routes for the Resident Evil ladies are finally here and very queer! That's right everyone, Resident Lover has finally launched!
Resident Lover is a visual novel set in a mysterious university. You're just trying to get by when a peculiar envelope finds its way to you. In one letter, your life gets flipped on its head, and soon you're hopping on a plane to Romania with nothing but your second-hand travel bag and a dream.
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Take your pick from romancing roommates Daniela and Angie, wooing the lead actress Cassandra, seducing unforgiving student council president Bela, or flirting with death when going after Miranda, Alcina, or Donna.
Remember, some choices will cost you and some won't so be mindful to weigh the options.
Price: Completely FREE! Warning: Resident Lover contains scenes of horror and strobe lighting
Download it now on itch.io!
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larissa weems leaning over her desk. you agree. reblog.
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Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Scylla Ramshorn and Raelle Collar from Motherland: Fort Salem-Bisexual and Lesbian Respectively
Requested by Anon
Status: Alive (Resurrected-Raelle)
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Present Company Included - Prologue
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Pairing: WandagathaNat x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2,200
Warnings: Mild innuendos/flirting
A/N: Since chapter one will pick up in present-time, this is the prologue which has a bit of background information about Y/N and WandaNat. If you would like to be added to the taglist, check out the overview post linked above!
Summary: By not-so-random chance, you get to meet the Romanoffs and involve yourself in a deliciously taboo predicament that you never wish to leave.
Rain fell against the entirety of the world hard without much relent. It covered everything in its path, no hesitation in sight.
You looked out your window with a slight smile over your features, your eyes clung to the way raindrops fell harshly against your window, each one stronger than the last. For a typical day in Westview during the Spring, it seemed to be quite common. 
Your parents were the one that chose the new destination. Although you had graduated from college a year prior, finding a job had become nearly impossible, leading you to relive your teenage years by being under their roof. At the very least, they were not even half as overbearing as they were in your youth. 
Sitting in your room, you found yourself bored out of your mind. Typically you were used to studying your way through Spring Break, but given you had graduated a year prior and took time off before further education, there was nothing on the list to accomplish other than watching reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer while breaking the world record for most sour gummy bears eaten in one sitting.
When the soothing sound of the raindrops falling against the world shook you from the grasp of the television, you could not help but sigh in relief. 
Without pausing the show, you stood from your bed. It was cool enough that a hoodie was required as well as comfortable pajama pants. That along with the warm, fuzzy blanket over you was true heaven.
As you looked out the window, joy filled your features. The sky was dark with might. Grey clouds overtook the previously blue atmosphere. You were never a fan of the sun, but instead preferred its mighty cousin. It was difficult to truly enjoy the view given your neighbor's house blocked it. While it was a shame, scanning the place with your eyes made you frown.
There was a window open on the top floor right across from your room. It seemed to be yet another bedroom much like your own but with a hit of minimalism stricken on it. Water poured down into the hardwood floor by the gallons, caused your eyes to widen with worry. 
Without giving it much thought, you rushed out of your room — not caring to pause the show you had practically grown up watching. You were lucky your parents were not home as you barreled down the stairs. There were no screams of protest as you chucked your feet into your Crocs and bolted out the door, not caring to lock it in your wake. 
The rain was never something which bothered you. As you ran across the sidewalk, you barely noticed how, in a matter of seconds, your entire outfit was dripping wet. All you cared about was alerting whoever lived next door of the incident; you failed to notice how a striking blue pair of eyes gazed at you from a car afar, smiling as you ran. 
It was truly amazing how you had gone weeks living there and had yet to meet them.
As you reached the front porch, you sighed. Drops of water fell from your drenched clothes as you went to knock on the door. It was then that you took in your appearance, grimacing at the raggedness of it all. 
While waiting for the door to bed opened, you squeezed your clothes in an attempt to get as much water out. It would do you no good, but the panic that had set in at the thought of meeting your neighbors for the first time, the one impression of you which would taint their minds forever, was immense. 
It was just your luck that as you tried to brush off your hair and dry your clothes so as to not appear as a mad-woman, the door was opened. Your cheeks grew hot, a contrast to the cold your body felt, as you looked down to the ground with embarrassment. 
“Hey, sorry about suddenly appearing over here looking like a complete idiot. I just noticed your window was still open and as you can see it’s pouring like crazy, so if you just want to-”
You stopped dead in your tracks as you finally looked up. Wide eyes came in contact with tender green ones. There were plump lips, pink like the most wonderous candy, that your gaze settled upon. Her face was soft, one which you wished to cup before leaning in for a kiss. The red hair which was tied in a bun accented the look, along with the oversized hoodie with what seemed to be nothing underneath. 
“Oh Y/N!” The woman exclaimed with pure happiness. You ignored the fact that she knew your name, instead focusing on the warmth that shot through your body as slid you the most adorable smirk you had yet to witness. “That’s you, right? Your parents came over when you first moved here. We’ve been dying to meet you, darling. We have only heard great things!”
“I, uh, we?” was the first thing you could properly muster, mentally slapping yourself at the idiocy. “But yeah, sorry. I’ve been…busy.”
“No worries, dear. My wife and I live here together. I’m so glad we finally got to meet!” She said, “My name is Wanda. Wanda Romanoff.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L/N, but you already seem to know that.”
The two of you shared a laugh at that. You swore that if the woman wasn’t married, you would have already made the stupidest and boldest choice of your life. She was simply too beautiful to contain yourself. 
“What were you saying about a window? Sorry for having interrupted you.” 
“Oh, no worries. I was just in my room and noticed some room on your second floor had the window open,” You explained, still struggling to get words out in her presence. “I know I’m kind of a mess, but I just rushed over to tell you.”
“Well, thank you, dear. I’ll be sure to get that taken care of,” Wanda uttered with soft lips practically calling for you. She turned and slightly slipped into the house before raising her voice. “Nat, honey, our bedroom window is open and I don’t want the rain to flood our house. Can you close it?”
A soft spoken ‘I got it’ came from inside the house before footsteps ran across the foyer and up the staircase. 
When Wanda turned again, she reached out slightly to set a hand over your wrist. 
“You must be freezing. Come inside, we have the fireplace running so it’ll help you warm up,” Wanda explained as she pulled you in. When she noticed slight hesitation coming out, she smiled softly. “It’s alright, honey. I don’t bite. Well, unless you want me to,” she shot with a wink. 
You were far too hypnotized to properly take in her flirty words. As you were dragged inside, the instant coziness from the crackling fireplace hit you. 
“Bring a towel too, baby. We have a guest that is rather wet for us today,” Wanda announced to her wife, the innuendo going missing in your lulled state.
Soon enough, you found yourself standing before the couch. You remained awkwardly on your feet as Wanda took a seat on the one before you. The beam over her face had yet to be erased, leaving you a blushing mess.
“Here it is, baby,” a voice said as it approached the living room.
Apart from the heat of the fireplace, you felt your entire body burn up at the sight of another redhead. With similarly viridescent eyes, she strode into the room. Her body was covered in only a black tank-top with gray sweats. She flashed a smile to Wanda before leaning down and pressing their mouths together, a sight which would forever remain ingrained in your mind. 
“This is Y/N, honey. She’s our neighbor to the right. Remember we met her parents when they moved here?”
“Oh yes! So this is their kid, huh?” The other redhead exclaimed before turning to you with a knowing look on her face. “I assume the towel is for you. Name’s Natasha by the way, but you can call me Nat.”
As you nodded, Wanda’s wife handed you the towel. You wrapped it around your body, relaxing at the warmth it gave you. Your eyes moved to the coffee table, not being able to face either woman as you sat across from them.
“So, what do you guys do for work?” You suddenly questioned as your cheeks grew red due to both pairs of eyes staring at you intently. 
“Well, Nat here is a lawyer with her own firm, one of the best in the state, and I was a stay-at-home mom, but there’s no more children to stay home with, so I really just take care of the garden and volunteer at the local soup kitchen,” Wanda said.”
“Oh, sorry about the kids. I didn’t mean to bring up any sad memories.”
Wanda brushed off your concerned with an incredulous look, all while 
“It’s fine, sweetie,” she uttered. “We have two boys: Billy and Tommy. Twins actually. They’re finishing off their first year at UCONN. Tommy is majoring in actuarial science and Billy is still undecided, but knowing him, he’ll probably go for computer science.”
“Wow, that’s amazing! Pretty far from here though.”
“Yeah, very,” Wanda commented with a hint of sadness in her tone, tugging at your heartstrings as her wife embraced her lovingly.
“You know, Wanda is actually a twin,” Natasha piped up, lightening the mood slightly. 
“She is?”
“Yeah, which is why we were so surprised when we found out we were having twins. It’s just perfect,” Nat chuckled at the chances of it all. “Pietro, her brother, lives back in Sokovia and visits from time to time. They’re fraternal just like our boys.”
“What a coincidence,” You pointed out before the three of you shared a laugh. 
For a slight moment, all went quiet. You sat like a deer-in-headlights basking on the pleasure of having both women’s attention over you. They were trained on you, eyeing you like predators did with their prey. It was intoxicating – you found yourself wanting to be the center of their world much more. 
“You know, I was just about to prepare some warm tea for us. Would you like some, Y/N?” Wanda questioned as she turned to you, her eyes filled with unabashed hope. “It’s awfully cold out and you’re still dripping wet. Let me help warm you up.”
Without you replying, Wanda was already out of her seat. She squeezed Natasha’s hand before leaning down and pressing a kiss against her forehead. As you watched the scene unfold before you, you couldn’t help but feel arousal shoot through your body, even if simultaneously labeling yourself as an unwarranted voyeur. 
“That would be great, thanks,” You mumbled, but Wanda was already far from earshot. 
You found yourself under the dominant gaze of the older woman. Much like her wife, she tilted her head when eyeing you, smirking for no apparent reason before crossing her eyes. In her casual outfit, you could see her perfectly toned arms that you suddenly wished to have wrapped around your frame. 
“So, how ‘bout that weather,” You mused awkwardly. 
“Yeah, crazy,” Natasha replied flatly. She leaned forward slightly, setting her elbows on her thighs as she held your attention from afar. “So, you still live with your parents? I would assume that an English major such as yourself would have a full plate by now.”
“Well, I decided to take a year off before going in for a master’s of literary and cultural studies. I was looking into this Carnegie Mellon program and I am sold,” You explained sheepishly. Most people laughed when you mentioned your major, but not Natasha. It was a true relief that she listened closely to your words, seemingly enthralled by the conversation. 
“It’s a good school. Pittsburgh is a change from Westview though, but not bad. You seem smart enough to breeze through easily.” 
Natasha’s voice was soothing, a complete chance from her demeanor. You wished to hear it more, to be fully wrapped around it as well as her strong arms, but sadly that was Wanda’s predicament. You didn’t know whether you wished to be either of them or to be with them. 
“Here it is!” Wanda announced as she waltzed into the living room holding two cups filled with tea. She whispered something to Natasha while towering over the woman, which had them both smiling like crazy. 
Wanda sat on the couch before you, handing Natasha a cup of warm tea before setting the other down in front of you. She had the poise of composure of a queen, her back straight and hands on her lap as she tilted her head just enough to garner the entirety of your attention; you were hypnotized. 
She leaned in, green eyes suddenly dark and glinting with mischief. You didn’t know it then, but the window incident had been on purpose. 
Quietly, Wanda asked her question. 
“Would you like to play a game with us, Y/N? We can make it worth your while.”
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Taglist: @academiagaymess, @imnotawitch, @wandanatblogs, @liladoesfanfics, @marvel2024, @ilovehotactresses
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I’m growing more obsessed with Astrid and Lilly Save the World each episode.
Fat female teen monster hunters, one of whom is a wlw with two moms, the other played by a Filipino-Canadian actress (can’t recall if the character has discussed her ethnicity or not).
The show is campy with a clear homage-parody vibe of early Buffy seasons but certainly doing it’s own thing with it. 
The two leads have a very passionate, yet complex, friendship. The show centers them as besties who’ve solidly propped one another up through years of social isolation and bullying by believing wholeheartedly in one another. They have moments of feeling down about the way they’re treated, but ultimately NOT about who they actually are as people - which is great.
I love that the characters are not just “Hollywood fat” but have bodies that actually look the way real fat ppl look. And still, they are action heroes. :) 
Anyway, if you haven’t yet, give the show a peek. It’s a lot of fun and I adore these two friends and the random other kids they kind of collect and pick up along with them for the ride (also their monster hunting mentor from the portal world Brutus). 
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Maybe we can’t be friends.
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I'm actually loving both the Lilly x Candace ship AND the Astrid x Sparrow ship? Both feel so natural and nostalgic (to me, a 27yo) and genuine? Sparrow's a cool guy and it takes a lot for me to like a het ship these days.
They've not had a whole bunch of screentime yet obviously, but I think the writers have really done well to make us care so much in such a short space of time idk like it's only been four episodes but I'm invested!
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Astrid and Lilly Save the World
I have seen zero advertising for it, probably cuz the network is writing it off, but there is a Syfy show with two fat femme leads! It’s called Astrid and Lilly Save the World and it’s on Wednesday after Resident Alien, go watch! https://youtu.be/ayF1WXwKA80
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Astrid and Lilly Save the World - 1x09
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🚨SHIP ALERT🚨 - The Nevers
NEW SHIPS INCOMING!! The Nevers on HBO Max just dropped their first episode and good LORD its packed with shippable content.
First, we’ve got our two leads; the stoic, sharp tongued Amalia True and the charming, tech guru, Penance Adair. 
Together they help provide for an Orphanage for the “Touched” (the shows supernatural, those who gained some type of ability during a strange event that apparently only effected certain ppl). The duo tracks down the Touched in an effort to bring them home to safer grounds so the baddies can’t get to them first. 
Their energies are perfectly balanced and they keep each other going. Where Amalia is dark, Penance is light and where Penance is shy, Amalia is confident. The first episode brings them through a number of challenges and sets the tone for the two being each others rocks.
I don’t think anything tangible will happen between the two, but I’m excited to see what kind gay magic we can conjure between them.
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Penance keeping her gf warm 🥺
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The Nevers 
| How are you not wonderful? |
Ep 1 The Pilot
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I’m sorry but HOW is everyone sleeping on The Nevers????
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badass ladies fightin in historical dresses ? Check
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Found family to the next level? Check 
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Amazing ladies doing science? Check
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gnc legends? Check
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THE GRUMPY ONE IS SOFT FOR THE SUNSHINE ONE? CHECK! also plot twist with actually clues scattered all over the series? amazing one liners? check and check
idk honestly it’s so good pls watch it. also because i need more
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They’re back.
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“Heya, Red.”
Our Live Action Harley Quinn and Newly Announced Poison Ivy Folks!
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