#god there are so many tag variations
mitcheechee · 2 days
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small astarion doodle i made for good luck during finals (did not work)
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thebusytypewriter · 29 days
Hail the Lamb, Resilient and Eternal
Here it is, the starting point of the Tri-God AU timeline! Many thanks to Jonnie @jonquilandlace my beloved for helping me out :D
You can also find this on AO3 if that suits you better.
CW: blood, gore, major character death (not permanent)
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All hell broke loose at the cry, startling every creature within the grounds into action. The aforementioned medics scrambled from their idle activities to meet a wide-eyed rabbit at the camp entrance, where they kept their benevolent leader from collapsing by holding them upright as best as they could.
The Lamb of prophecy, who seemed indestructible to the common folk, stood half limp in their support. Crimson blood flowed down their face from somewhere atop their wooly head, dripping onto both an equally-red cloak and the vegetation below. One eye was bruised deeply to the point of being swollen shut, while the other stared at the ground, cloudy and unfocused.
Truely, it was a rare sight to behold for their flock, and many panicked animals dropped what they were doing to either assist or observe.
In the small hut of a kitchen remained one deer, silver in color, who watched the events unfold with worry. Kaliaphra wasn’t one to act in such situations, lest she be in the way of the people whose skills mattered there. That wasn’t to say she was unskilled, just that she’d never belonged to the area of healing.
Instead, she stared with horrified intrigue, a half-finished fish dish already forgotten on the counter behind her.
“My Lamb!” exclaimed the head medic, an elderly turtle by the name of Zelva. “My Lamb, what happened? Can you speak? Please, say something if you are conscious!”
Despite her distance, Kaliaphra could tell that The Lamb didn’t respond based on the increased numbers of furrowed brows. More hurried words were exchanged between Zelva and her students, and the largest among them took their leader into their arms to carry them toward the healing tent. The Lamb’s limbs dangled limply as they did so.
Whatever had happened in Anura, it wasn’t good.
“Kali, your tuna’s burning.”
She startled, whirling back around to pull her skillet off the fire. “Hells, Theo! You nearly gave me a heart attack.”
The brown buck that entered the kitchen—Theanno, her cousin who might as well have been her brother—simply smiled at her, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “At least you’d be seeing Death. Aside from the, um, burning, how’s it coming in here?”
“Slow,” she sighed, pulling out a cloth to wrap the burnt fish. “I was already having a difficult time staying on task, and then The Lamb returned, and… did you get a better look at them? How bad is it?”
He leaned back against the countertop adjacent to her. “Couldn’t have seen more than you just now. That was… a lot of blood coming from them, though. I wonder if the healers can patch them up.”
“Well, even if they cannot, our leader will return to us shortly after, right? Death favors them. They bear his Crown.”
“Yeah, but…”
Kaliaphra turned sharply toward her cousin with wide eyes. “‘But’? Theo, you cannot question the nature of the Lamb.”
“I’m not,” he insisted. “I’m just worried. We’ve never seen them so hurt, right, so what happens if we lose them? Do we just… go back to where we were before?”
“We should not be thinking about this.”
“It’s a real problem, Kali! We couldn’t stay here; the Bishops—”
With a loud metallic thunk, Kaliaphra slammed the still-warm skillet on the counter next to him. She stared up at Theanno there, at his stunned expression, and hissed, “The Bishops, of two there are remaining, cannot touch this place. I am not worried about it, and you should not be, either. Imagine if an elder heard you; they would think that you are dissenting.”
Calmly, solemnly, Theo raised one hand and extended a finger to lightly boop her on the nose. “I’m not dissenting. We’re under the Lamb’s protection, I know. I’m just… thinking out loud. I’ve gotta get back to the crops. You should see if the healers need lunch. That way, you can keep an eye on our Lamb.”
The tonal shift of their conversation threw Kali off-balance. “What—you—”
“Okayloveyoubyeeee!” In a torrent of a wave and a head pat, Theanno slipped back out of the hut, leaving her alone again.
He throws existential dread on me then leaves, she grumbled to herself. Now I have to check in on the Lamb.
She grabbed a few covered bowls from the storage crate—only berries would be properly stored there—and layered them on a tray, careful to balance each even as she lifted the tray. It wasn’t an unpracticed movement, given how she’d taken to serving dinner to her family before, well, being separated from them. If anything, it was comfortingly familiar.
Kaliaphra slipped out of the kitchen hut and crossed the grounds toward the infirmary tent. Many of her fellow cultists were still floating around the entrance, their tasks remaining unfinished in their hands, but they didn’t seem to care. They stared at the infirmary in deep concern and only scattered when she gently told them to shoo.
With a deep breath, she prepared to announce her entrance, but a scream cut her off.
She shouldered her way inside to assist and was met with a rather… frightening scene.
The circle of healers had taken a large step back from the cot, each raising their hands in some semblance of placation. Upon the cot, most worryingly, squatted the Lamb. Their eyes were wide with fear, and they had somehow managed to grab hold of a small and pointy stick.
“Get back!” the Lamb shrieked, waving their acquired stick like a dagger. (Instinct, perhaps?) “I won’t go with you, do you understand? I refuse to be sacrificed just because of some… some dumb prophecy!”
Confounded murmurs filled the space.
“Have they forgotten the years of this establishment?”
“My Lamb,” Zelva said, playing up her comforting tone, “we are not here to bring you to the Bishops. You escaped from them, and you have unified us all here under the Red Crown. Do you… not remember?”
They stared up at her with the most dumbfounded expression Kali had ever seen on them. “I don’t know what in the hells you’re talking about. I was… on my way to scavenge when a group of robed individuals—” The Lamb glanced suspiciously about the tent, which contained several people fitting that description— “bounded me in chains to take me away to the Bishops. I don’t follow the Red Crown; I don’t follow anyone!”
There was something of a faint collective gasp among the group (which made sense, since the Lamb was essentially speaking heresy without realizing it).
“Zelva,” Kali murmured, setting her tray of berry bowls on a table, “what… happened to them?”
The old turtle sighed and dragged a hand down her face. “From what I could see before they began threatening us with a stick, there are signs of severe head trauma possibly originating from their most recent trip through Anura. They most certainly defeated the Bishop Heket, but I imagine something hit them before they made their escape.”
“Amnesia. At least partially. They appear to have forgotten events after their execution, including the founding of this camp.”
“And the Red Crown?”
“At the moment, Filip is placing the Crown within the Temple.”
“The sermons?”
“Canceled until further notice.”
“The Bishops?”
“Will never know.”
“Kaliaphra.” Zelva grabbed her by the shoulders. “We will ensure that the Bishops will never know. If they find out, our little camp here is done for. We have nothing to defend us. Please, remain diligent in your duties, and if anyone asks, the Lamb is injured and recovering.”
Kali looked between her and their now-sedated leader, who appeared as a small lamb for once instead of the grand holy being the cult knew them to be.
Or thought them to be.
“Yes, ma’am,” she nodded. “If you or anyone here needs anything, let me know. Or let Theanno know.”
Zelva visibly relaxed, a tired smile finding its way onto her face. “Of course. Thank you, dear. We will get through this together, under Death’s grace.”
“Yes, ma’am. Praise the Lamb.”
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Sleep was difficult to wrangle that night, and the next, and the next.
Kaliaphra stared at the roof of her tent as she silently begged to fall into the sweet abyss, but her thoughts granted her no such relief. She was too busy thinking about the events of the previous days, about Theanno’s words and Zelva’s worry and the Lamb’s evident amnesia.
“We’ve never seen them so hurt, right, so what happens if we lose them?”
“We will ensure that the Bishops will never know. If they find out, our little camp here is done for. We have nothing to defend us.”
Granted, it had hardly been half a week since the Lamb returned, but with how fast word spread about the camp, Kali was certain that all of the Lamb’s followers would know soon. If doubt grew among them, flowering into dissent, it would only be a matter of time before someone left and crawled back to the Bishops.
The Lamb was not improving.
Someone had to do something.
They needed help of divine levels, and she wondered, if nothing else, whether the Lamb’s sacred Red Crown would have some form of solution, even a temporary one. She’d seen its power in action before, when the Lamb took command over their fields during the Heket-inflicted famine. Surely it had something, like a barrier to put up around the grounds.
The only question was whether someone had to wear the Crown—or maybe even be skilled with it—for it to do something. Only one way to find out, she supposed.
Kaliaphra pushed herself up from her bedroll and cautiously poked her head outside, letting the tent flaps continue to obscure her some. She appeared to be lucky in that all lanterns around the residential area of the camp were out, save for the infirmary, which was still a large enough distance away that it wasn’t a threat.
She went through a mental checklist of members, trying to discern who did and didn’t have one of those moon pendants the Lamb had offered. The only one that came to mind was a medic, who was no doubt in the infirmary.
Assuming no one was guarding the Crown—and why would they, when anyone in the cult hardly separated it from its bearer in terms of fear and respect—she had a straight shot.
As swiftly as possible, Kali made a sprint for the temple. She dared not go slower, even if it meant a lesser likelihood of stepping on something loud, since it would be way more likely for someone to wake up for a snack or to use the outhouse. All she had to do was slip in through the semi-ajar door (which she mentally thanked Filip for, even if it was unintentional) and close it behind herself, which went off without a hitch.
A dim temple greeted her, the only light coming from the ever-lit candles on either side of the lectern. It was just enough to provide some visibility, even if both Kali and Theanno had great night vision to begin with, but more specifically on the Red Crown sitting upon the altar.
It was odd, seeing the Crown not on the Lamb’s head. While the Lamb, in their state, seemed much smaller than usual, the Crown without the Lamb felt larger than it should. More imposing, even. Its singular red eye remained wide open, and though its glow had dimmed significantly, she had the feeling it was anything but dormant as it stared through her.
She almost wanted to tell it to blink.
Nevertheless, Kali swallowed her unease and strode forward down the aisle just as she had been for something close to twenty years, which might as well have been two years with the enchanted pendants the Lamb had gifted her and Theo. It came second nature; little light needed to guide her.
Though she had never been afraid of the dark, her fur stood on end as she noticed the feeling of being watched. By the Crown? Perhaps, but… not quite.
With a bowed head, she stepped up to the altar. Her heart raced with the panic of I should not be here, I should not be the one standing at the altar, but she tried her best to shove it down. What she was doing was important and could possibly save the cult from being wiped out.
Kaliaphra lowered herself to kneel in front of the altar, bending until she was just under eye-level with the Red Crown and folding her hands neatly upon her lap. “I am… unsure if I should be addressing Death here, as I am simply looking at the Crown without its bearer, so I will plead with both god and tool.”
If the Crown could look expectant, it did.
“I fear for the safety of these people,” she began, letting her eyes fall shut. “I have only ever been afraid like this when the Lamb brought me here for the first time. I doubted then. Over time, I have grown to trust them with my life. But they have fallen. Not in death, but I am afraid this is worse. If it were death, The One Who Waits would surely revive them. Instead, they cannot be helped outside of medical attention, and even that is a waiting game.
“If the Bishops find this place, all will be executed for heresy. What shall be done? I would sacrifice anything to make this right. I would give my own life. What is my life in comparison to the many other lives being lived here? It is but a speck of dust.” Kali paused for a moment, cracking one eye open to check if the Crown was still paying attention. (What a silly thought, she mused. The Red Crown is not sentient.)
Its singular red eye stared back at her, unblinking and unmoving.
Somehow, that was more discouraging.
She sighed. “We were taught that The One Who Waits does not answer prayer directly. He speaks through his vessel in miracles, but they are the one to hear our pleas. What is left when the vessel forgets that they are a vessel? What is left when a fawn who loves her family has to leave them behind? Theanno… he is all I have of them here. I promised him that he would be safe in this place, under the Lamb.”
A growing desperation bubbled in her chest with each passing thought, and Kaliaphra found herself crawling forward to grasp the altar and stare into the Crown’s eye directly as her vision blurred. “Please, do you not understand how hopeless this is? I do not ask for much if you do not wish to give it, but the situation must be remedied! Tell me what I have to do! Help me!”
The plea rang out through the temple, bouncing off the walls again and again until it faded.
The Red Crown did nothing.
Bitterly, she had the passing thought that a no would’ve hurt less than this.
Kaliaphra pushed herself up to stand over the Crown upon the altar, wiping the few stray tears that had fallen. “…Foolish. I do not know why I thought Death would listen to one little follower, anyway. It was worth a—”
In a flash, a literal flash of red, the sacred artifact shifted forms.
No longer did she see the Red Crown as a crown, or at least not a full crown; the pointed tips of its top stretched and wrapped around and around each other to a point, leaving it in a vague lance shape in the span of milliseconds.
That is, she was only somewhat sure it came to a point. The end of the Crown was out of her view, even as she followed it from the altar closer to her and—
Through her chest.
Through her heart.
Out her back.
That was when she registered two things a second too late. One, the deafening squelch and crack of flesh and bone being driven through by, well, Crown. Two, the burning pain that felt more like a stream of red hot fire than a blade.
Kaliaphra screamed, agony tearing through her throat.
There was a fleeting thought that she just woke up the entire camp, but it was drowned by growing panic accompanied by the taste of iron in her mouth. Her throat was closing, but was it due to the blood, or was she in shock? Shit, she didn’t know enough about medicine to tell.
What she did know was that she was going to die.
She had asked to help her be rid of the situation.
Was this a sick joke?
Was it mercy?
To be put out of her misery?
Her hooves scraped weakly at the floor beneath her, the Crown’s sharp blade holding her just aloft with surprising strength—as if she weighed nothing to it. As she struggled to catch her breath, choking on it instead, a strangled bleat pulled itself from her in some desperate attempt to call for Theanno.
The Red Crown retracted then, its lance shape ripping from her chest and dropping her onto the wooden floor. Kaliaphra’s vision was flickering then, and a horrific numbness began to settle in. The floor grew wet beneath her, and she felt it pooling around her fingertips and ear as she lay discarded on her side.
What… did I do wrong?
A distant muffled bleat was the last thing she heard.
Then there was nothing.
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When her eyes opened, Kaliaphra was blinded with white.
Given how dark the temple had just been, the change of brightness was undesirable. The sky above her was far too bright, and the ground beneath her was far too soft. Fluffy, almost.
She turned her head to get a better look and was greeted not with a wooden floor, but with what appeared to be… clouds.
A discomfort upon her chest suddenly became apparent to her, both crushing and sharp, two different sensations. Images flashed through her memory. The eye, the blade, the blood.
The weighted sensation, she realized, was likely her stopped heart.
Kali moved to sit up, knocking something sitting on her chest onto her lap instead. When she looked down, she was greeted with the unblinking stare of the Red Crown.
“You,” she murmured, afraid of her voice carrying through the expanse. “What… did you do?”
There was no response, which had to be the most normal thing in the situation. It was still enough that one wouldn’t have known how it morphed to stab her only moments ago.
Kaliaphra huffed through her nose with growing annoyance. “Some help you are. Perhaps if I simply stay here and do not move, do not interact with anything, I will wake up from this nightmare. The Lamb will be fine, everyone will be safe, and everything will be as it should.”
“I know you’re there.”
A deep, rumbling voice reverberated around her, startling her and sending some of the clouds scattering. Kali looked up from her lap to fully survey her surroundings, and she took notice of a distant but massive figure bound in chains among the clouds. The image was familiar, one that the Lamb had explained vaguely to their flock from their times of indoctrination. Death had an incredibly recognizable appearance, all things considered.
She swallowed hard, a pit opening in her stomach.
The distance and the veil made it impossible for her to see his face, but she somehow knew that The One Who Waits was looking directly at her. “Come closer, little fawn,” the tall cat bishop purred. “In death, you will be of use to me.”
Kali looked back down at the Crown.
It looked back at her, and she’d almost expected it to give a meaningful glance toward said bishop. A go on gesture, in a sense. But it gave no such answer.
Once again, incredibly helpful.
She lifted the Crown from its place on her lap and pushed herself up, instinctively brushing off her tunic as if rising from the dirt instead. (It was silly, she acknowledged, but at least it could give her the appearance of being put together.)
Kaliaphra strode forward on shaking legs through the parting clouds. If she was to meet her god, she needed to be calm and collected, but her tight grip on the Crown did nothing to help.
As she grew closer, she noticed the two smaller cats kneeling on either side of the god. Their fur was a deep gray—not quite black—and their matching pairs of crimson eyes remained solely on her as she approached. The one on Death’s right donned black and red robes, while the one on his left had white robes. Both wore veils like their master, though theirs were slightly more transparent, hence why she could meet their intense stares.
She felt more like an intruder within their space. Her gaze snapped once again to the being in the middle, though she dared not look him in the eye, instead settling for the clouds at his feet.
The sound of her footsteps changed from soft pompfs of air to hooves on stone as she stepped onto a small circular platform painted with a pentagram, and she figured that was a good place to pause. Kali dipped low into a curtsey, one she had perfected during her time under the Bishop Shamura, but said nothing. The common rule within the Silk Cradle was do not speak unless spoken to.
Given how she was standing before Death, she didn’t feel like testing the limits with other gods.
“Polite little thing,” said The One Who Waits, finally. “What a refreshing change of pace. Stand, little fawn, and let me see you.”
Without a second thought, she complied, raising her gaze enough to find the bottom edge of his veil.
“How peculiar that you would enter my domain with my Crown in your hands. I entrusted that Crown to The Lamb. How is it, then, that you hold it, mere follower?”
Despite having little-to-no control over that exact situation, Kali stuttered, “I mean no disrespect by it, my lord! The Lamb is—”
He held up one skeletal hand to stop her. “I am well aware of what has befallen my vessel. It is… inconvenient, to say the least. Since The Lamb is neither dead nor dying, I can do nothing to assist. Truly a setback.” Jagged teeth became more visible as the corners of his mouth curled upward. “But no matter. You worry for the safety of your flock, do you not? That is why you volunteered your life.”
Kaliaphra bit her lip anxiously for a moment. She did offer her life to the Crown in panic, didn’t she? While she certainly didn’t expect to stand before The One Who Waits in order to fulfill that statement, there really were only so many ways such an offer would come to fruition. “What… What would you have me do, my lord? I am just a deserter who can only somewhat mince fish and cauliflower.”
“Ah… but you can brandish a knife, then?” The God of Death inclined his head in what she faintly recognized to be a patronizing manner. “While you may not believe it, that is more than The Lamb could say when they first appeared before me. Rejoice in your abilities, for they will save your hide in battle.”
“B-Battle, my lord?”
She swore she saw the cat at his right snicker from her question.
“Battle,” he repeated. “Despite the façade you put on, I know you are familiar with it. I have seen you cut down many an enemy during your time as a soldier trainee.”
Ah, damn it. “Oh, I, uh—“
“And yet you lie to my face.” The ever-present grin dropped abruptly. “Fear lingers in you despite your experience, Kaliaphra. I will be merciful just this once.”
Kali’s breath hitched as terror took its choking hold on her. He knew her name. He knew her by name. “Forgive me, please! I would have been upfront about it, but… it has been some time since I fought last.”
The One Who Waits waved a hand. “It has become instinct for you, nonetheless, one that you will utilize while you bear the Crown.”
It was like ice had been dumped over her. She dared to meet his gaze, finally. “…My lord?”
“A temporary vessel,” he clarified, his wide smile of sharp teeth returning. “You shall take on the duties of the Lamb until they can return once more. Tend to the flock. Venture forth on crusades. Spread faith and influence. Slay my traitorous siblings. That is for which you have volunteered your life.”
She stared up at him, up at the gleeful unblinking trio of red eyes behind a veil, and found no trace of humor. No ounce of empathy. The One Who Waits was placing her in the position of leader against her will. If she should decline…
One clawed hand, belonging to the white-robed cat in white on Death’s left, twitched as if he’d heard her thought.
Ah. She couldn’t.
To decline meant death. No doubt it would be an insult to the bishop himself. She had no other option.
“It will not be for an eternity,” The One Who Waits purred, “that much I can swear with the assumption that my vessel recovers. Should they not, your position will become a permanent one. Do we have an understanding, fawn?”
As much as she wanted to do otherwise, Kaliaphra lowered herself back into a deep curtsy. “Y…Yes, my lord. I will do everything in my power to serve you.”
“Good. Do not disappoint me. Unlike the Lamb, you are incredibly replaceable.”
The pentagram lit up beneath her feet, and her soul left the Below with a new weighing dread upon it.
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Kaliaphra propped herself up with one arm and promptly vomited onto the floor next to the altar.
Her chest ached, not with the pain of the fatal wound but with anxiety and horror. She was faintly aware that she had, in fact, returned to the living world, but she was waiting for the pounding of her heart to cease before fully taking stock.
Was she dreaming? Surely, she had been dreaming. In her panic to do something about the Lamb’s situation, she had run into the temple and… hit her head. Passed out. That was the only logical option. Or, better yet, all of that was a dream, too; she’d eaten some wild mushrooms by mistake and had a wild dream as a result.
…Why did her head feel so heavy?
Something, some form of light, reflected off of the polished quartz altar, startling Kali. As she turned her head back to further investigate, the colored light reflected again—red. Once she sat still, the steady red glow remained… just above her head, if the silhouette was anything to go by. Was that…
She raised one hand up to grab it, but the crash of the temple doors startled her into dropping her hand and pushing herself onto her feet.
“Kaliaphra,” came the clipped voice of Zelva as she led what looked like the entire cult into the room. “What on earth is—Are you wearing the Red Crown?”
Her eyes ran over the assembling crowd, already trying to think of a way out of facing them yet. Was there one, though? Was it right to wait, if this was in fact really happening? Was there even a way for her to answer without looking like a fool? “Y…Yes, I am.”
The old turtle scoffed incredulously. “Stars above, no one should be touching it but the Lamb. And—is that… blood? Vomit? Child, are you drunk?”
“No!” she snapped back, the weight of the eyes on her immensely present. “I am not drunk. I… I have…” 
But she trailed off, uncertain how exactly to explain the situation. Kali’s eyes skimmed the assembled followers, searching desperately for reassurance, for familiarity, for her cousin’s eyes among colleagues, friends, acquaintances, accusers. 
In the doorway, familiar horns just barely fit in the doorway. 
She held her breath, a long moment, then began again. “I have spoken to The One Who Waits. It appears that he has placed me in the Lamb’s position until they recover. And I know that sounds insane, but…” She looked down at herself, reaching up to run her fingers over the tender flesh where her impalement wound had been. The skin there was still agitated and raw, like a fresh scar had just formed. “I died, I believe. That was the commotion you heard. If you will just—”
“A’right,” huffed Chifre, the rhinoceros in charge of behavior enforcement, as he stepped through the crowd toward her. “Take the Crown off, c’mon.”
Anxiety flipped to annoyance in just a moment, and she straightened her spine stubbornly. “I cannot. I now have a duty to uphold, it seems.”
“No, you don’t. Take it off, or I’ll take it myself. Playtime’s over, kid.”
“I am not a child!”
Her voice boomed through the space, and she would’ve taken notice of how it split apart if it weren’t for the flash of bright red, almost like lightning, that illuminated it all. The light seemed to startle the crowd more than her, as they all scrambled back several feet from the altar, eyes blown wide.
They… weren’t looking at her.
Kaliaphra turned, slowly, and looked up to the front wall of the temple.
Over the wood and stained glass, there resided a massive shadow, one of distinct silhouette, stretching across the pulpit floor to the wall and traveling up to touch the ceiling. The body, with its tall feline ears and glowing trio of eyes, was incredibly familiar to Kali herself. Its limbs, clearly defined as skeletal and crude, extended over the walls and arched across the temple floor. There, the claws of bone hovered around the place where the deer stood, as if claiming her—his plaything, perhaps.
Separate from the shadow, Kaliaphra was graced with the whisper of feeling bone brush her cheek. It was a distant mockery of sentiment, but it made her heart leap into her throat all the same.
“Stand tall, my vessel,” the voice of The One Who Waits purred into her ear. “They will learn to fear you in time.”
Then, with another flash of red light, it was all gone. Kali and the others were left standing in an empty temple, shellshocked at what had just occurred.
They stared at her, no longer annoyed, but hesitant. As if they didn’t know what to do.
Across the crowd, Kaliaphra’s gaze finally found her cousin’s, meeting eyes wide in something between awe and terror. He ran his gaze over her form, inspecting her, she thought, hesitating on the blood stain on her shirt, then the glowing crown, and then back to meet her eyes in turn, looking for something, the same safety they’d promised one another for years.
Then, finding it, whatever he was looking for, his expression calmed, pride replacing the fear as a grin stretched over his cheeks. He bent his knee, head still raised, unwilling to break her gaze, yet folding over nevertheless.
A bow, she realized. He is bowing. To… to me?
“My Fawn,” Theanno called.
The followers nearest to him looked back, murmurs rippling through them, noises and expressions flickering wildly between surprise and… uncertainty, perhaps, before looking back to the crown that now rested on her brow. 
Then, with the same subtle confidence, one follower after another bent at the knee, their gazes turning to the ground. 
“My Fawn.”
“My Fawn.”
“My Fawn!”
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kittykat-pikachu · 8 months
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my fav bomb rush cyberpunk character
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tiabwwtws-art · 1 year
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*sun/moon-ifies your duo*
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agentsnickers · 1 year
If your still doing the ask game…..Crutchie and music
Oh! I've actually had a headcanon abt this for a while!!
My Charlie is very musical. Canon era, he hums or whistles all day long and has a very nice singing voice. If you ask, he'll sing you a lullaby if you're having a rough time (not even just the littles; in all honesty it's usually the older boys who need it more). Modern Charlie also usually has at least one instrument under his belt, though which one would vary a bit. Obviously I had him playing piano in dyrm, but a fun NM(etc) fact which i have never had a reason to include is that he also plays piano in those aus!
I even have him as a son of Apollo in my halfblood AUs!
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if 2012!Leo and rise!Leo met it would be like og!Robin and go!Robin meeting in the ttg! movie.
“when i first met you, i thought you were weird. and annoying.”
“and you are.”
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polyamoryprincess · 7 months
desperate for y’all to actually tag your shit clearly and consistently. Can you not just put “OFMD Season 2 spoilers” in your damn tags? (both for here and for Fanfiction)
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sphericalgears · 1 year
Its really funny to look back to when i was fresh off Instagram and tagging so many things, now you get like a tag if you’re lucky.
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kaciidubs · 7 months
Solely for You | Spooktober 2023
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❣ Summary: It’s always the ones with the pretty faces who have the filthiest kinks, and Hyunjin was not an exception. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 2.4k ❣ Warnings: Kink discovery, feet kink, light mommy/miss kink, Sub! Hyunjin, Dom! Reader, smut, fluff, slight humor, slight cock stepping, clothed footjob, degradation, praise, begging, kinda forced orgasm, Hyunjin's embarrassed and Reader loves it ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Hyunjin is referred to as Hyune, my love, and pretty boy, Reader is referred to as my muse, baby, and miss. The pictures are solely for fishnet aesthetic only, there is no description of the reader visually or physically. ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist ❣ Spooktober 2023
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If there was one thing Hyunjin would say about himself, it would be the fact that he was helplessly in love with you in every sense of the word, for every sense of your existence - he loved you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.
Especially your feet.
Now, he wasn’t a man who advertised himself as having a feet kink - honestly, he didn’t even think he’d care what his potential partner’s feet would look like, but the more time he spent with you, the more intimacy that grew between the two of you, the more he realized his admiration for you stretched farther than he could’ve imagined.
It was fall, the season of coziness and embracing change, evidenced by the yellows, oranges, and reds of leaves decorating trees and spreading across the streets like pencil shavings - and with this change of scenery came the change of wardrobes.
Specifically, your wardrobe.
So many clothes came back into your rotation; hoodies, sweaters, sweatpants, skirts, leggings, and most importantly fishnet tights.
Oh, how he loved the fishnets.
The way you paired them underneath ripped jeans had his mind exploding, the variation of a slight grunge aesthetic or soft autumn vibe inspiring him in more ways than one - or the way you kept it simple by wearing them underneath a skirt of your choosing, he could never keep his eyes off of your legs.
However, the best of you wearing that stretchy netting would have to be the same way you were wearing them now; lounged comfortably on the couch after a small lunch date together, your outside outfit swapped for a large t-shirt that stopped just at the mid of your thigh while the coveted fishnets stretched down your thighs and around those pretty feet of yours.
The burnt red color of your nail polish was a nice choice - you always seemed to choose the perfect colors once the seasons changed.
Your legs were tucked slightly as you leaned against the arm of the couch, eyes glued to the tv as you watched the recap of some competitive show he had no energy to try to recall - nothing on that screen could’ve compared to the view of you right now, effortlessly beautiful without a care in the world.
“My love?”
Hyunjin blinked himself out of the stupor you fixed him in, humming, “Yeah?”
“I can feel you staring at me,” your lips pulled into a smirk as you fully met his gaze, “and I don’t know if you’re trying to make me catch a hint, or if you’re just really zoned out because you’re full.”
Gasping dramatically, his lips pulled into a pout, “I can’t just look at you because you’re pretty? Is this some new couple law? Do you have some handbook I don’t know about?”
“Oh my god,” a humored scoff floated past your lips, your right leg stretching out so you could nudge his thigh with your foot, “no, you drama queen! I just wanted to know if you wanted to say something, or if you’re waiting for my reaction because you watched this episode without me.”
His hand slid to lay over your ankle, a small smile gracing his lips when you settled into his touch, “You know I’d never do that-”
“Remember when you had that late practice and stayed at the dorms for the night?”
“I- You said it was okay!”
“I didn’t think you’d believe me!”
“I can’t read your mind!”
“I had to deal with Changbin sending me ‘spoilers without context’ pictures until I was able to watch it by myself!”
The silly argument dissolved into lighthearted giggles, your position now shifting so that your back was against the arm of the couch, legs splayed out and feet pleasantly resting against his sweatpant-clad thigh.
Your attention fell back toward the tv, and his would’ve followed suit if it weren’t for the subtle warmth radiating onto his thigh, his gaze dropping to your fishnet covered feet; the tiny pattern starting at your toes before branching up the tops of your feet and up your shins.
His left hand slid from your ankle to your foot, fingers tracing the nylon as his thumb grazed along the inside.
“Hyune, if you’re gonna do that, would you mind giving me a foot massage then? I promise I’ll give you one later, unless you want a back massage instead?”
Oh, fuck.
“Y-Yeah, I can do that, angel.”
Shifting so that he was mirroring the way you were sitting, he stretched his left leg alongside your right, corralling your feet near his crotch before scooting forward to give himself a comfortable position for the ensuing massage.
It started out perfectly fine, your right foot propped up on his thigh as his thumbs gently worked the pressure points he could recall from Felix’s many, many massage attempts on his own body - he could even feel you relaxing further, his heart swelling at the sight.
Though, his peace wouldn’t last for long; when the intro theme of the next episode floated through the speakers, you subtly danced to the catchy tune, humming along without a care in the world - and, as a further result, you began rocking your feet in time with the music.
Rocking your feet which were currently in his hold and personal space; wiggling your right foot as much as his slightly loose grip would allow, while rocking your left foot against his crotch.
Hyunjin’s breath hitched at the sudden pressure, glaringly aware of the chub he was sporting now victim to the light grazing of the bottom of your foot.
This could not be happening right now.
Just as fast as it started, it stopped - the sound of a commercial now floating through the air as your happy humming died down, though your left foot remained propped against the crotch of his sweatpants, the gentle pressure of the balls of your foot against his dick making his brain go haywire.
Could you feel him getting hard? Did you think it was weird? Why weren’t you saying anything- fuck, did you have to flex your foot down like that? 
He didn’t have a foot kink, he didn’t have a foot kink - or a stocking kink for that measure, he just thought you were gorgeous, you were always gorgeous no matter what you were doing or what you wore.
He stole a glance to his crotch, the sight of your toes - prettily painted in the polish you asked him for his opinion on - decorated in the criss-cross webbing of your tights earning a soft whimper from the back of his throat.
The man shivered, his hips gaining a mind of their own as they tilted further into the sole of your foot - the slight increase of pressure sending goosebumps spreading along his pale skin.
Then, the unthinkable happened; you fully pressed your foot against his clothed dick, your toes wiggling lightly against where the tip laid.
Hyunjin moaned, eyelids fluttering when you rolled your ankle ever-so-slowly, massage completely forgotten as he simply held onto your right foot for support.
“Oh, my pretty boy-”
“I’m sorry,” he gasped, pretty pink lips set into a pout, “I- t-this is new, I swear, I haven’t- I never-”
“Easy, baby, relax - you know I’d never kink shame you, we’re each other’s safe spaces, remember?” You watched as he visibly relaxed, well, as much as he could with your foot still pressed against the erection straining his sweatpants. “If I’m honest, I kind of had a suspicion - nothing bad, but I’d always catch the way you’d stare, like you weren’t even aware you were doing it; or the times you’d go completely into ‘focus mode’ during foot massages, or when I’d ask you to help me with the buckle on my heels.”
A hot blush flushed his face in red, “Baby, my muse-”
“Your muse,” you hummed back, a soft smirk on your lips, “you always say how I inspire you, how I push you to do better, how you love everything about me - this is just you showing that you do, and this is me showing you that I accept it. Will you let me do that, Hyune? Can I show you how much I love your love?”
The sultry stare you were giving him made him feel like he was two seconds away from dying and going to heaven, the only thing keeping him tethered to the earth being the points of contact he had on you.
With a shallow breath, and a thick swallow, he found himself nodding his head.
“Alright, pants off for me, pretty boy - leave your boxers on.”
He fought the cry of disdain when you pulled your legs toward your body, taking away the sweet pressure he was quickly getting used to, and hastily made work of tugging his gray sweatpants down his slender legs and dropping them unceremoniously on the floor.
You eagerly took in the lengthy print of his dick through his red briefs, the matching elastic band adoringly labeled ‘loverboy’ disappearing underneath the hem of his t-shirt.
“Look at you, this hard for me already?”
An embarrassed whine of your name fell from his lips, the blush traveling down his neck nearly rivaling the color of his underwear, “It didn’t help when you kept grinding on it!”
Raising an eyebrow, you sat up straight, “It didn’t help, hm?” Stretching your legs back out, you pressed the sole of your right foot against his cock instead, applying more pressure than you did before, “So you need more than that, is that what you’re telling me, Hyune? Need to feel me harder?”
Hyunjin nearly fell back, managing to catch himself on a throw pillow as a desperate moan shot from his mouth, “A-Ah- oh fuck!”
“Answer me, my love,” you dug your foot harder, practically stepping against the throbbing shaft, “it’s not enough to see my feet all dolled up for you, no, you need to have them on you - worship them like you do the rest of my body.”
“Y-Yes! Yes - wanna worship them, m-my muse, wanna worship you!”
A sinister laugh bubbled from your chest, the sight of him falling apart without you having to touch him with your hands sparking a fire in your stomach as you ground your foot in slow, circular motions.
You couldn’t help but notice the darkened red fabric around his tip, the cotton soaking up the precum he was undoubtedly leaking underneath his briefs.
“It’s always the ones with the pretty faces who have the filthiest kinks, isn’t that right, baby?” Your lips curled into a smirk when he keened, hips bucking up against your foot at an uneven pace, “What else do you want me to find out, hm? Anything you’re waiting for me to discover? Hell, you already let me use you like a pussy drunk toy sometimes - you always come the hardest when I’m in charge, taking care of you like a mommy would.”
The minute that word left your lips, a shivering gasp left your black-haired boyfriend, lust fogged eyes gazing at you in equal parts embarrassment and pure need, “P-Please, I-”
“Mommy, hm? Is that what does it? Or, maybe something formal like mistress, miss-”
“M-Miss,” Hyunjin whimpered, hips jerking through the uncoordinated footjob he was trying to initiate, “mommy i-is… okay, but Miss-” a shiver ran down his spine, eyes rolling when your dragged your foot up, your toes grazing against the flare of his cockhead, “-fuck, Miss is b-better.”
The airy, lilted tone in his voice made your head spin, the title stroking your ego in ways you hadn’t expected - there would definitely be more chances to explore that.
“My love,” you cooed, a sickeningly sweet smile curling your lips, “My sweet, dirty love, Miss promises to take good care of you, okay?”
His head lolled back, eyes fluttering shut and pink lips parted in an unabashed moan, “I-I’m gonna come - oh my god, ‘m gonna come.”
“Really? We haven’t even kissed - I haven’t even seen that gorgeous dick of yours, and you’re already about to come? All because of my feet?”
He whined, a pitiful sound emanating from the back of his throat, hands gripping the cushions underneath him, “I-It’s not like that- shit, y-you’re so beautiful a-and - ah- the fishnets, they- oh, fuck, please let me come, Miss!”
“Look at me, my love.”
He brought his head back down, black strands tickling his sweat-slickened forehead as rounded, desperate eyes gazed into your focused stare.
His dick throbbed under the sole of your foot, urging you to press against him just a bit more, the frantic thrusts of his hips shaking your leg as he fucked himself against your foot; mouth falling open in a loud moan of your name.
Hot ropes of cum spread along his hip, the cotton of his briefs immediately soaking up his release with a dark red stain left behind, putting the previous stain of precum to shame and making him feel utterly filthy.
Eventually the twitching of his dick slowed, and the jerking of his hips stopped as he settled back onto the couch - a small flinch shooting through his body when you gently prodded at his softening length with your toe.
Bringing your legs back to your end of the couch, you maneuvered yourself onto your knees and crawled between his still open legs, “Hyune?”
He blinked dazedly, breathing heavily as he attempted to recover from one of the many mind blowing orgasms of his life. “Y-Yeah?”
Hands finding their way to his cheeks, you gently held his face as you placed an even gentler kiss to his lips - laughing softly when he tried following you as you pulled away. “You did so good for me, you know that? And I meant everything I said before; I love how much you love me - personally I think I love you more than you love me - and I’m glad that includes every part of me, too.”
The look in his eyes could have only been best described as adoration and pure, unadulterated love, his larger hands coming up to cover your own with ease.
“You could never know how much I love you - I don’t think they’ve discovered the words for me to even try to describe it.” Dipping his head forward, plush lips brushed against your own, “But I can show you, if you’ll let me.”
A short laugh escaped you, eyes shining in mischief as you nodded, “You know… I really, really love your hands, it might even be a kink of mine.”
Hyunjin smirked, eyes narrowing at your attempt of a tease, “Then let me show you how much I love your love - have you worship them like the rest of me.”
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes
✧. ┊If your username is in bold italics that means I'm unable to tag you. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form!
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molinaesque · 6 months
On the topic of Raphael and him "being bad in bed".
Okay I'm only ever going to talk about this at length once and then never again. I've been avoiding talking about it until now because bringing it up always just seems to keep this topic in circles and it becomes an endless pit of nothing.
First of all, I know most of the time (like maybe 70% of the time) it's for the lolz. I get it. Hell, Raphael fans will be the FIRST to quip about this.
For those taking it seriously one way or another... It becomes such old hat VERY fast.
Those who use it as a jab towards Raphael havers are... Kinda dumb. Because it's like... Okay, and? You act as if somehow negates the entirety of his character somehow just because "HAR HAR HANDSOME DEVIL MAN IS BAD AT SEX" and it's so... vapid and boring? Also it seems a lot of people keep thinking "bad at sex" = JUST that he finishes too fast and nothing else but they seem to forget that the player character came up with that insult on the spot (rather than seeing it as a commentary about his pure selfishness and where it stems from). Haarlep is also a bias source. There's a semblance of resentment from them AND they're a damn incubus. EVERYONE'S terrible in bed in comparison (have you seen Tav? Little shit just lays there like a sack of potatoes during the Haarlep scene). This isn't me saying "Oh it means Raphael is terrific in bed because Haarlep's word cannot be trusted". HELL, no. Quite the opposite, actually. I'm saying "okay... What can I glean from that set of information?"
I feel like this goes for Raphael havers too who have this conversation. I feel like many tend to fall into this trap of odd desparity when they realise that "oh no our magnificent hot man is bad at sex" and somehow treat it as if it's forever a caveat and somehow negates the ENTIRETY of Raphael as a complex character. My first reaction when I got this information during House of Hope was laughing and then going "mmm that's so interesting and adds such a great layer to this already amazing character. Where else can I take this to". In fact, House of Hope as a quest does SO much in adding all these tidbits that make Raphael not just another boring, all knowing, god like, ineffible character. It made me love and appreciate his character even MORE. instead of going in circles and lamenting in how this is somehow "the worst thing ever", I think it's way more fun to explore it and delve into where the root of his narcissism and self esteem issues come from. The dichotomy and complexes of his character. There's SO much to talk about there and yet we're still just stuck on "haha devil man is a bottom and bad in bed" (which is another ridiculous thing btw because people seem to misconstrue bottoms as JUST being submissive. Y'all need to be more open minded 😂).
Apologies if this came off as ranty/condescending maybe. But it's coming from someone who's just minding her own business but have to see a variation of that line CONSTANTLY in the notes/tags on my art/gif posts and as I said... It gets so old REALLY fast. Like please be more imaginative than this, I beg of you. 😭
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thecuriousquest · 9 months
Yandere Gaara SFW Headcanons
Yandere Gaara x Fem!Reader
Tag List: @issamomma
Warnings: Yandere themes, slight fluff, SFW, murder mentioning, manipulation, control issues, obsessive tendencies, stalking, itty bitty meanness, desperately trying to court you
Checkout my Master List here.
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Yandere Gaara is obsessive, overprotective, and self-aware.
He obsesses over you touching him. He’ll paint your nails if it means he can hold your hand. His favorite thing is when you allow him to rest his head on your lap and you drag your fingers through his hair softly.
This Jinchuriki is overprotective because he fears something bad happening to you. He has been faced with loss and depression in his life. You are his safe haven. He needs to keep tabs on you and make sure you’re okay at all costs. He’ll go as far as he has to, even if that means stalking you.
A variation of his protection isn’t just killing for you, but he’ll find ways to manipulate you into settling down with him. This might look like isolation. He’ll find a way to get in between you and your friends, shutting off their contact with you, forcing you to turn to him for solace seeing as he’s the only one left. He’ll have you make friends with his sister, and he’ll make sure that she talks about how great he is to you.
Being self-aware is really hard for him. On one hand, he knows something isn’t exactly right. He knows it’s not normal to obsess over a person and stalk them. However, he’s not going to do anything about it, and this leads to further turmoil because he feels guilty for not putting a stop to his behavior.
Panda Boy seeks your guidance on so many things, believing that you hold the wisdom of a thousand gods. You could be the village idiot, but he sees you as someone worthy of being the Kazekage’s advisor. Isn’t that so sweet? It’s not at all a tiring job that you didn’t want in the first place. Like I said before, he’ll do anything to keep you close to him.
Gaara can have a mean side, but you’ll never see it unless you SEVERELY piss him off. You’ve only seen this side of him one time when you kept asking him to stop sending shinobi to guard your place. He blew up on you, frightening you into silence. He slammed his hand down on the table and stood up, pointing in your face. “I’m doing this for your safety! Don’t stand there and act so ungrateful. Leave before I end up doing something I might regret.” His sand started floating from his gourd, and you ran from his office.
He doesn’t know how to flirt, and it’s hilarious to watch his attempts at flirtation. “How are…your legs look very long today.” He gets better later on, saying things like, “Your beauty is more rare than painite.” It’s cute, though, and you start to see a side of Gaara you didn’t even know was there.
Lastly, you will get to know his romantic side because he will have dozens of roses sent to your house on a regular basis because “flowers don’t last forever” as he puts it. He will fill your sweet tooth craving (if you have one) by ordering you the finest desserts. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, he’ll spoil you with the finest presents of silks and jewelry.
All in all, he’s just a man who wants to have you in his life, and he’ll do anything he has to in order to make that happen.
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deardiary17 · 8 months
The more time I spend in the doctor x rose side of the fandom, the more I understand creators and authors who abandoned it. The toxicity is impossible, and oftentimes it's pointed towards people who have never hated on any characters or pairings at all. I love doctor x rose dearly, but seeing the hate-posts in the tags makes me want to stop sharing my writing, because God forbid I write more than just one variation of doctor x rose. I've been writing NineRose my whole time in the fandom while adoring TenRose and TentooRose and writing them, too, and now I genuinely feel anxious to share anything because people happily categorise and hate on people simply for their preferred characters and pairings. Wow. Like, I get it now why so many great, lovely, talented authors straight up just left the fandom (I don't consider myself great, I just understand now why someone would abandon something they're passionate about because of this).
You can't even reblog something without being watched over by people who scour other people's blogs for hidden meanings.
This is why. Because a bunch of people decided to scrutinize and curate other people experiences while hating on certain ships and characters for no reason.
I hope we all will come to our senses and just enjoy what other authors and creators have for us! Otherwise we all risk to be left with nothing to enjoy.
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goodnightmoonvale · 2 months
I saw your tags; please tell me about the rioting pants from Orderville.
Okay so
To fully understand this, I have to go into a bit of Mormon history. The first thing you need to know is that at some point in the early days of the church, Joseph Smith receives a revelation that he calls "The Law of Consecration".
Essentially the revelation says the law of consecration was for the support of the poor and to ensure that all members would be "equal according to his family, according to his circumstances and his wants and needs" (see Wikipedia), and involved giving all your property to the church, and the church redistributing it to everyone as they saw fit.
(Yes, this sounds a lot like communism. Yes, this is where you learn that the Mormon's church's long-standing hatred of communism comes not because living communally is bad, but because doing it without god is bad. This information comes as a surprise to many conservative Mormons who are deep in the libertarian brainrot and think private property is somehow sacred.)
This went through a LOT of variations over the years, as what exactly being "equal according to his family, according to his circumstances and wants and needs" is open to a lot of interpretations. One of the strictest variations occurred in a little Utah town called Orderville.
Orderville was set up completely communally - all land & resources were held collectively. Everyone ate together in communal dining halls. Everyone was allowed to take clothes and personal supplies as needed. (I recommend you look at the Wikipedia article for Orderville, Utah to learn more about how it all worked; it's actually super fascinating)
One of the ways to keep costs low and to ensure equality was that everyone's clothes were the same. Everyone's clothes were handmade from the same patterns, with the same types of cloth, with the same few variations in color. In fact, it was often joked that you could recognize an Orderville resident by their straw hats and home-made clothing.
Some teenage boys were not too happy about this - they wanted stylish clothes. So one boy started saving up little bits of discarded wool until he had enough to sneak away, sell the wool, buy himself a new pair of storebought pants, and come home.
Apparently these pants made quite an impression at the next community dance-- one account says a girl literally ran up to him and kissed him because she thought his pants were just that sexy. Understandably, the other boys were insanely jealous; the parents were also shocked and appalled by the impropriety, etc etc.
It caused such a scandal and uproar that the town leaders confiscated the pants, saying they were "community property", and the town seamstresses took them apart to use them as a pattern for future pants.
Which you'd think would be the end of it, but people were only getting new, updated pants if their old ones wore out, so then kids started sneaking out to the grindstone and wearing their pants out on purpose so they could justify having new ones.
Once that was found out, the town leaders finally heaved a big sigh and said "fine, I guess everyone gets a new pair of pants." So once everyone got a new pair of fancy pants, order (and uniformity) was restored. (See this fantastic article from the Great Basin Museum)
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danwhobrowses · 4 months
nothing to see here just a crazy shipper guy going crazy over Callowmoore under the bit, if that's not for you then go about your business
So fellow Callowmoores how we feelin' this morning/evening? Because it's evening right now and I'm still bouncing off the walls in my mind
The one post could not keep me contained! No seriously the amount of tags I put in hit a limit and doesn't show them all
I mean yes we didn't get a kiss (yet) but goddamn we got so much, it has possessed me, deranged me, it's leaking outta my brain I gotta talk about it, so either jump out or buckle up because this overflow is gonna be long
First off I just gotta talk about how so many things almost lined up how I imagined them because it just makes it feel like they looked into my head and thought 'hey that's kinda good'. Like, I wanted Fearne to take the shard at Mori's, it was a safer space for her than the Ziggurat which is tainted by bad memories (this and other campaigns), I just didn't expect it so soon, thought they'd at least have a full rest first. In fact I had a whole scene in my mind where in a desperate gambit Delilah took over Laudna while she slept and just knocked on Ashton's door in a form of dread going 'where's the shard Ashton?'. It's key to this I promise not only because I enjoyed the idea of Ashton not taking any of Delilah's shit (plus for you Imodnas out there the mental scene involves Ashton whispering 'Imogen's in danger' to wake her, they also ask where Paté is because they still have that 'Paté is Delilah' theory) but it also expanded on the possible helplessness Ashton would have being unable to assist Fearne with taking the shard
'You're a child, Ashton. A blunt instrument that charges blindly into harm, would you really risk Fearne's life to earn her forgiveness? You know what it can do, what happens when you can't protect her from it?'
Of course, Ashton would never give Delilah the shard, which would frustrate Delilah since she can't manipulate them, but the comment weighs on Ashton a little. Which is when the whole waking Laudna happens and she leaves, but Fearne is in his room (the Vox Machina bathtub scene being inspiration), having asked to sleep there for comfort and asks them if it worries them. Which is where I often got to use this quote
'I don't believe in fate, but I believe in you'
And it sticks with me because it's super romantic, but also on-brand for Ashton, there were variations like the longer 'things only affect our path if we choose to believe they do; fate is complicated, the gods don't give a fuck, and I don't wanna even think about legacy anymore, I don't believe in them, but I believe in you' but then the next morning comes and Ashton gives her the ring, since I forgot about attunement there were instances where it was a sneaky sleight of hand thing, and Fearne completes the process. Of course, with weeks to go on there were a lot more scenarios like Fearne pickpocketing the Ashton doll to practice talking to and putting it back, Ashton seeking Mori for advice, herbal tea visions where Ashton entered their own mind and encounters the empress while on the outside Delilah possesses Laudna to try and drain the power from them, one where the shard having been reshaped through Ashton is less intense on Fearne for the first 4 rounds (since they blew up on the fifth) because Ashton's essence is containing and dissipating the hostile energy, and one where the group secretly vote against Ashton being there for Fearne taking the shard (Imogen, Laudna, and Chetney 3 to 2 against Orym and FCG) but Fearne as the decider pulls them over because she needs them there, stuff like that I'm sure fanfic writers could consume to their heart's content (and are free to, go nuts). But these scenes stood out because it had elements of stuff that are linked to or actually happened in the episode; Fearne does take the shard, Ashton endorses that Fearne is the only one who can take it, Ashton gives her the ring and Shattered Vigor is apparently a thing where Ashton is practically taking Fearne's pain to protect her, that alone is enough to go insane over.
And can we talk about the ring for a moment, because like THE RING. I'm not talking about generically either I mean that this ring has been significant to the shard saga ever since Ashton claimed it. It was found on the corpse of someone infused into stone, into the earth, right between the whole eidolons stuff where Ashton connected with an Earth elemental and then the Grau Dashari stuff with the crystals they merged with their hammer and then the Bor'dor incident, that could've easily been a titan-based punishment. Also, Ring of Volcanic Flesh, like Ashton's stone arm? And if that wasn't enough, what was the first thing Fearne stole from Ashton when they reunited? The ring, the act that broke down Ashton's walls as they let out a most heartfelt 'I missed you, so much' the ring that Fearne stole right off of Ashton's fingers only for them to willingly put in her hand to protect her, because just as they said at the clock tower, everything they have belongs to her. And while legacy and hubris had a part in the shard incident, part of it was also for Fearne. I don't believe there's any situation where if Fearne said she wanted the shard at the clock tower Ashton would've said no; Ashton knows that Fearne was key to the shard dislodging in the lava, they sensed it was in a way key to both of them, but there was no reality where Ashton was gonna force Fearne to take the shard if she didn't want it. And yes it blew up in their face, much like Fearne they saw an image of themselves they didn't want to be, their soul broke with the realisation that they hurt the one person they never wanted to hurt, but thanks to Percy they also realised that they had to change. It wasn't enough to see everyone else having someone at the reunion and internalizing 'if someone has to not come back it's gotta be me' they had to make steps towards being the person the Hells needs them to be, someone who can come back with them.
Which is where last episode started setting it up, and I didn't speak much about it at the time because other than the pretty plain 'I would've rather died than hurt Fearne' insinuation (which in turn was confessed to save Fearne from falling) there was only crumbs that could be interpreted other ways; for instance Birdie's tale with Athion and Olly being somewhat of a parallel to Tevan and Ashton, the formers wooing Birdie and Fearne with temptations of indulgence while the latters drawing their attention by being subjects of intrigue, defiance and kindness, plus they saved the latters (Birdie literally via escaping the prisons and Fearne emotionally and literally), or before the Orym conversation when Ashton takes 'one last look' Taliesin looks towards Ashley last. But I knew there was poetic significance to Ashton failing the communication trial, Marisha sensed the vibe too, but even though Fearne was nervous about guiding Ashton, the fault fell to poor dice rolls (and Liam not keeping shtum and summoning thunderwasps) and once again Ashton in an attempt to prove themselves falls flat on their ass in front of the person they most want to prove it to. And that did break my heart a little I must admit because as poetic as it was who hasn't been there? Ashton's journey of proving themselves has been laden with failure too; being unable to protect anyone from Otohan led to them almost being TPK'd, being unable to keep the group together at the Malleus Key led to the group being scattered, and then Team Trauma's stuff - Orym was despondent and Laudna's a wreck, got a random 'shepherd's boy', a powerful Cobalt Soul teen prodding about the solstice and all of Deni$e here added as mainly combat support, loners but no leaders, Dawnfather angel thinks them insignificant, dark spirits trying to consume their only leads about the Hishari - and the moment Ashton started to trust Bor'dor after the pipe vision what happens? Betrayal, Hunger of the Shadow and Delilah is let back in, Ashton couldn't even keep Laudna safe from herself, they reunite, try to sort out their shit with their past, discover that they might have a destiny to fulfill and end up being too willing to die in place of others, and unable to protect their new family from themselves, because of these recent failures it was important that Ashton proved themselves in the trust trial.
And thankfully they did, there was no way to prove that anyone was a Doppelganger and yet, Ashton still trusted Fearne; twice saving her from the flora even when told to leave her behind. And they were close to another failure when the branch was snatched - after their attempts to keep it safe by throwing it in the pool alone - but they trusted Chet and Orym (father/son duo) to cover more ground while they helped Fearne. And even when FCG told Ashton 'I think it's Fearne', and when Imogen was untrusting of Fearne, Ashton abandoned their held action to save FCG from the brambles because they knew Fearne could be trusted. They trusted Imogen to connect to Ruidus and as mentioned endorsed Fearne to take the shard.
And sure, in my mental scenarios Ashton gives her the shard, doing the same she did for them, but I did say almost like how I imagined. And Ashton still did everything they could, plus Imogen comforted their visible worry, but once it's complete they're just in awe, and then their own spark awakens through her touch, a touch they were unafraid of even at the threat of newfound fire, and now for the first time ever they feel whole. She saved them, and now they finally feel complete, and now this time Fearne is agape, Fearne is in awe, and everything she had hoped Ashton would gain from taking the shard before has come to fruition through her, and it's just, joy, pure incorruptible joy, a kindred connection that belongs to just them. Plus a big piece of paper for all the new powers they are excited to learn about from each other, with each other, and while Matt can talk about there being risks to them because you gotta balance the combat the narrative significance is still there.
But dammit they need to kiss, I've yelled it enough times in my head; like the lava, the clock tower, before and after Fearne took the shard, the only times they did kiss was before the solstice (the forehead kiss) and the ziggurat and both preceded bad times, they deserve a proper one, not one at risk of being a goodbye, something precious, irreplaceable and theirs to have, to share. And I don't know if they should use the patented 'can I kiss you?' or take a tip from BeauYasha and use 'I wanna kiss you so bad right now' or find something else to make their own but I desire it so much, had it happened this ep I probably would've melted out of my seat. They're awkward and nervous but they gotta take the leap, Ashton needs to realise they're loved and maybe even be told that they deserve it even when they feel they don't, and Fearne has to take a risk too, the shard put doubt to her decisions but that doesn't mean she can run from her strong emotions. It doesn't fix everything of course, but sometimes people heal better together than apart. As a currently vorbed half-elf once said 'drink the courage first'.
Curiosity continues to send me after the ep, and while some people are attempting to blemish or rain on the parade (I mean, I try not to speak ill of other ships in general, but if you're gonna be negative about it you can at least do it in your lane, your tags not ours) I am still just riding the high of the possibilities. True, the unknown can make me nervous, and I will admit the group has to give Ashton and Fearne space (they're just excited, and with the bloody bridge hinting to be a final moon-based battle there is that sense of urgency) Imodna had nudges sure but they have been a bit heavy-handed and kinda chaperoned around them, Fearne and Ashton seldom get time alone, one can hope they can get that time with each other next episode.
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meiliarotten · 10 months
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time
Day 1: Bitte (Begging)
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Pairings: Medic x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader gets to dominate for once and by God is she gonna enjoy it.
Tags: Edging, hair pulling, dom/sub, dominant reader
Word Count: 2.7k
The Masterlist
It wasn’t that the sex was unsatisfying. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Medic was attentive to your reactions, and he always found ways to make you beg and scream and writhe beneath him. In fact, it was practically routine at this point.
That was the real problem. The routine. There wasn’t really any variation to be had. You couldn’t be content with the same thing forever. Even if it was satisfying in the end, you needed a bit more to feel truly fulfilled. The buildup was important to you, and recently that essential factor had become mundane.
You were growing bored, and that deeply concerned you. Sex should never be boring. That was a rule to be lived by, and so you vowed to yourself; the next time you and Medic were together, something was going to change. You figured it was about time the two of you switched roles.
As luck would have it, your opportunity presented itself that evening. Medic caught you off guard in the halls, coming up from behind and wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you flush against him. Immediately, he was ambushing your neck with kisses and running his hands over your hips, making his intentions clear. Once the two of you were in the privacy of his quarters, you would make your intentions clear as well.
Slowly, the two of you made your way to Medic’s room. With how many times you had paused to kiss or grasp at each other along the way, it was a wonder how you had managed to get there without getting caught by someone wandering the halls. Once in the room, Medic wasted no time guiding you to the bed, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap.
He pressed his lips roughly against yours, taking advantage of your surprised moan to slip his tongue between your lips. You shivered as you felt his hands begin to explore beneath your shirt. The feeling of his tongue against yours and his deft fingers trailing up your spine clouded your thoughts. You finally pulled away before you could lose track of your plan. It was now or never.
“What’s wrong, dear?” Medic asked, immediately noticing that you had something on your mind. He was perceptive like that.
“I want to be in charge this time,” you said, meeting his gaze with a determined glint in your eye. The look you were met with was doubtful, but it only bolstered your conviction. If he doubted your ability to take control, then it would only make it sweeter to prove him wrong in the end.
“Very well,” Medic said after a moment. He leaned back on the bed, pulling you along so that you were sitting atop him. You wavered for a moment when you saw his expression; so perfectly smug.
Oh, you recognized that look. He expected you to give in. He expected you to ride on top for a bit only to then be flipped over and fucked senseless like always. Admittedly, you had done it that way a few times before, but if that’s what he thought was going to happen tonight, he was in for a surprise.
Quickly, you unzipped Medic’s fly, pulling his waistband down just far enough to release the beginnings of his erection. Wasting no time, you gripped his cock, intent on stroking him to full hardness.
“Easy now,” you whispered when he tried to thrust up into your grip. You placed your unoccupied hand against his hip, a gentle warning that he should keep himself still.
You watched him try to restrain himself. The moment he was fully hard, you stopped using your full hand to jerk him off. Rather, you gently teased him by dragging your fingertips up his shaft, letting your thumb rub over the head every so often.
“Don’t come just yet, doctor,” you warned, suppressing a laugh at the way he bit his lip to keep from moaning, only allowing soft gasps and sighs to escape every now and then.
“Meine liebe, please,” Medic begged, but you could tell he was just humoring you. His plea was just for show, and it wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted him to beg you for release. You wanted to hear him whine.
“No, not yet,” you said, returning to a full handed grip, but moving agonizingly slow. When Medic bucked up into your grasp again, you immediately removed your hand. The genuinely needy whine that you got in response made it somewhat difficult for you to keep up the cold, domineering gaze you were trying to maintain.
“None of that,” you ordered. “I’m in charge tonight. Do you understand?”
“Liebling,” Medic said gently, trying to appeal to your more affectionate side. But there would be none of that tonight. You took hold of Medic’s chin, mirroring a gesture he had used on you multiple times. His look of surprise at the tables being turned was quite rewarding.
“Do you understand?” You asked, more firmly this time.
Medic seemed rendered speechless for a moment, and you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of that. After a few moments he finally managed to answer you.
“I understand.”
“Good,” you responded curtly. You glanced aside, thinking about how to proceed. Medic looked up at you curiously, waiting for your next move. After pondering for a moment, you decided you knew exactly what needed to happen next.
“I want you on your knees,” you said, rolling off of Medic’s lap and motioning to the floor.
Medic blinked for a moment, actually looking quite surprised, “What?”
“Don’t make me repeat myself again,” you said, taking him by the tie once again and pulling it once as a warning. You couldn’t be sure, but you could have sworn you heard him whimper at the action.
He obeyed, albeit hesitantly, and dropped to the floor in front of you. You stood, quickly dropping your pants and underwear before sitting back down at the edge of the bed. Taking him by the tie again, you pulled him forward slightly. Medic’s breath hitched as you did so, understanding your wordless command.
He leaned forward between your legs. You bucked your hips forward before he even had the chance to make contact for himself, eliciting a surprised grunt, which quickly turned into an eager moan as he delved his tongue into you. His hands rested on your hips, pulling you forward a bit as he flicked his tongue up against your clit.
“That’s it, right there,” you sighed, sprinkling words of praise in between your firm instructions.You released your grip on the tie only to weave your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly just to see if you could get a good reaction. Medic groaned in response, and the vibrations against your clit made you gasp.
A few more well placed thrusts of Medic’s tongue, coupled with the way he moaned against your clit, had you coming within the next few moments. Medic caressed your shaking thighs, patiently waiting for you to ride out the waves of your release.
“Fuck, that was good,” you muttered as the aftershocks finally subsided. You finally released your grip on Medic’s hair and he pulled back to look up at you as you basked in the afterglow.
“Danke, I love making you feel good, meine liebe,” Medic said in a sweet tone, clearly hoping you would reward him for his efforts. Part of you almost wanted to give in, pull him on top of you and let him do as he wished, but you resisted. You still weren’t done with your fun.
“Up here, now,” you ordered, softly but firmly, patting the empty space next to you on the mattress.
Medic obeyed much less hesitantly this time, only pausing to remove his own pants completely, discarding them next to yours. He climbed up onto the bed with an eager grin, sitting next to you and looking at you expectantly, awaiting further instruction. You couldn’t help but smirk at how quickly you had been able to tame him.
“Now, if you promise to behave, I’ll let you finish too,” you said, reaching out to caress his cheek.
“I promise,” Medic said, and this time you were definitely sure you heard a whimper in his voice.
You gripped his cock again, not yet moving your hand. “Be good, or I’ll stop again,” you warned, before proceeding.
You watched Medic resist the urge to thrust into your grip as you stroked him. You whispered praise into his ear, knowing it was a weakness of his. It was cute to see his face flush at your words and actions, and you loved to hear him moan at the sensation of your hands on him. However, the moment you heard those sounds start to reach a peak, you stopped. You let your fingers trail up the shaft, allowing for some stimulation, but definitely not enough to push Medic over the edge.
“You said you would stop teasing me,” Medic groaned, looking at you with a combination of confusion and indignation.
“No, I said you could come. I never said when,” you corrected him with a devious smirk, pausing to press a kiss to his neck. You heard him mutter to himself as you continued to deny him any gratification.
“Mein Gott, darling. How long do you plan for this to go on?” He asked.
“That’s for me to decide,” you said. “You did say I could be in charge, after all.”
You continued this cycle of denial a few more times, letting Medic get to the edge before stopping to press teasing kisses to his neck and face as he whined. You loved it. You loved watching him squirm, and you loved that you were the one doing this to him.
You couldn’t deny that you were impressed at his restraint. He listened to you well, keeping his hips still as you stroked him. Of course, the threat of you dragging this out longer was probably enough incentive for him to behave. Still, it must have been quite the feat of self restraint.
“Schatz, please!” Medic groaned at one point after you had let him get particularly close, almost too close.
You cut off his desperate plea with a kiss. He moaned as you slid your tongue between his lips. You traveled down his jaw and neck, relishing the sound of him begging and pleading for more, for release.
“Patience, Medic,” you said, playfully chastising him for his restlessness.
“Bitte, liebe, I need to-” he never got to finish his sentence, as you cut him off once again, this time not with a kiss, but with a firm tug on his tie.
“Not until I say so,” you gripped the fabric a bit tighter for emphasis. Your other hand trailed down his body to start stroking him again.
Precum leaked and dripped freely down the length of Medic’s cock at this point, becoming slicker with each pass of your hand. You carefully alternated between tantalizing him with the tips of your fingers and stroking him in earnest. You practically had this down to a science at this point, listening intently to the intensity of Medic’s moans, knowing how he sounded when he was close, and therefore knowing just when to stop. All this was done to the tune of desperate begging.
Every “please,” and every “bitte” was music to your ears, and you made sure he knew it, whispering your approval in his ear and making him shiver. “I like that, keep saying that.”
“Bitte darling, please…”
“Please what?” You asked, pausing to look him in the eyes. A more gentle smile replaced the smirk on your lips, giving him a hint of hope that you may have mercy on him.
“Please let me come!” He gasped with a shuddering breath. His hands gripped the bed sheets as he watched you stroke him so agonizingly slow. Just enough to keep him on the edge but never enough to push him over it.
“Only when I say so, liebe ,” you whispered, your voice dropping lower as you made an effort to tease him in his native language, something he had done to you several times before. The hitch in his breath told you that you had hit your mark, and you laughed softly, using your unoccupied hand to trail along his thighs and and hips.
It was an intoxicating sight to see the man who you had let dominate you so many times moan and plead for your touch. You weren’t sure how long you had kept him on the edge at this point. It was such a lovely view, part of you didn’t want it to end.
“Darling, bitte, let me come!” Medic sobbed, managing to form some kind of coherent sentence through his desperate moans. “Bitte, mein herrin!”
You sighed, looking over the mess you had made of your dear doctor. As lovely of a sight as it was, it had to end eventually, and you decided you were satisfied with your work.
“Guter junge, liebe. You can finish, go on,” you whispered, grasping Medic’s cock and stroking him fast, finally intent on letting him come.
And he did so almost immediately, teeth clenched and hands gripping the edges of the mattress. Gasping and moaning in a delirious blend of English and German, he came undone in your hand after aching for release for so long.
Medic collapsed back onto the bed, a euphoric grin spreading across his face. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you cleaned your hands off, admiring him splayed out and satisfied all thanks to you. Laying down next to him, you loosened his necktie- now severely wrinkled thanks to being repeatedly misused as a leash- and removed it, tossing it aside before undoing the top few buttons of his shirt to allow him to cool off.
“Danke liebling,” Medic finally said after taking a few minutes to lounge in the afterglow. “That was far better than I anticipated.”
A wide smile stretched across your face as you took the praise to heart. You shifted a bit closer to throw an arm over Medic’s chest. His arms wrapped around you in response, pulling you close against his warm body with ease.
“I must ask, did you study German just for this, liebling?” Medic asked.
“Honestly, I didn’t learn much. Most of what I said was just repeating things I’ve heard you say,” you admitted, “Hopefully it wasn’t too bad.”
“Not at all. In fact, your accent was quite good,” Medic said, his face growing flushed now as he recalled how you had spoken to him. “It was incredibly erotic as well, I must admit.”
You grinned at that little confession, but you also couldn’t help but laugh.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure you were able to focus on my accent in the heat of the moment,” you said, words dripping with sarcasm. Medic only scoffed in response.
“Don’t scoff at me! I’m serious!” You said, although the giggles that you failed to suppress implied otherwise. “Honestly, I rather liked being the dominant one for once.”
You craned your neck upwards, breath tickling Medic’s ear and making him shudder slightly. A bit of that dominant tone you had made use of earlier began to shine through again. “I might ask for it more often, especially if it means I get to see you desperate like that.”
“I obeyed without question because it was your first time in charge, liebling. But after seeing the skill you displayed today, I might put up more of a fight,” Medic said, a wicked grin spreading across his face. “You will have to put a bit more work in to make me beg like that next time.”
While you were a bit put off at the fact that Medic had basically just admitted to going easy on you. However those feelings were eclipsed by the promise of a ‘next time.’ You weren’t sure how to respond for a moment.
“What’s wrong? Is mein herrin afraid of a challenge?” Medic asked, apparently interpreting your silence as reluctance. He couldn’t be more wrong.
“No. In fact, I look forward to it,” you said, gently biting Medic’s neck to emphasize your point. He grabbed your chin and kissed you hard in response, only parting from you to whisper in your ear.
“You did well today, but I hope you know that I am going to get you back for all this teasing, meine liebe. Next time, it will be your turn to beg .”
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Just the Way You Are/ 1
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 3.6k
Includes- Seonghwa is amazing at oral, pussy eating, cum swallowing, dirty talk, squirting, multiple orgasm
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @aichanvlog @vemarkciraptor @soulseobi05
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"Joong what do I do?", I whine
"Get laid", he answers
I scoff, "No shit. I need someone to lay me though"
"Not me"
"No shit not you!"
He has a girlfriend
And as my ex I wouldn't do it anyway
I don't need that mess
We have a great friendship after we decided we were better off friends than a couple
His girlfriend Hyeon is nice and a good fit for him
She knows we hang out a lot
He made sure that she accepted me before they started dating her
I do the same for him
He's the closest that I have to a best friend and I'm not messing up the good thing we have going on
"So ask Seonghwa to eat you out", he shrugs
I sit up and stare at him
"Seonghwa? As in your roommate?"
He rolls his eyes, "Do you know another Seonghwa?"
I glare at him, "Shut up"
He sighs dramatically, "Yes my roommate Seonghwa"
"But he's a total dork!"
Park, Seonghwa is a lit professor at my college
Don't ask me how he got the job as a professor at 25 bevause I don't know
Joong and I are 25 too
Joong has a good gig going with his heavy metal band
They're popular and constantly have shows
Me on the other hand, I'm still in school and I still have no idea what I want to do
So Seonghwa is the only one out of us three that has his life out together
But he is so nerdy and dorky
He constantly wears button downs, slacks, fancy shoes, sometimes ties, sometimes sweater vests
His black hair always parted at the side
No variation
And he always wears glasses
Some pairs are dorky, some are nice but the whole outfit screams dork, nerd, geek... loser
He can be attractive but he's so.... boring
The complete opposite of Hongjoong who has two lip rings, an eyebrow ring and a nose ring as well as tattoos galore
How these two met and became best friends is beyond me
They can't get anymore different
Hongjoong is more my type although I don't dress like him either
I'm all about comfort
Sweatpants, leggings, t shirts, sneakers are my daily go to
I do have some tattoos but not like Hongjoong
Hongjoong is a ladies man
But Seonghwa......
There's no way he gets that many girls
"A dork who knows how to eat cunt apparently"
"How the fuck do you know that?"
"Well when every girl he brings home screams, "Seonghwa fuck you're tongue is amazing", I'm assuming he's really good at it"
There's no way
I just realized Hongjoong said girls, plural
Not only does Seonghwa not seem the type to get loads of girls, he also doesn't seem the type to do one night stands or fuck around
"Yes girls", Hongjoong rolls his eyes, "Contrary to what you think, lots of girls throw themselves at him. Especially his students"
My mouth drops in shock
I've known Seonghwa for years, as an acquaintance of course, but I never thought to throw myself at him
"Oh my god"
"Yeah. He gets lots of pussy. But he never stays with them. One and done, maybe twice if they're lucky. And he's very selective"
This is so interesting
I've never thought about Seonghwa any other way except Hongjoong's nerdy shy roommate
Hongjoong shrugs, "He just says he hasn't found the right girl yet that makes him want to commit to her"
Well seeing as he gets a lot of ass, I doubt he's inclined to look for a girlfriend when he can have girl after girl
"These girls...they don't scream about his dick?"
"Sometimes. But a lot of the time he doesn't fuck them. The girl has to be really special for him to fuck"
That is so weird
How can he eat out a girl and not get anything back?
Is it like a power trip for him?
Does he like knowing that he's the reason someone is coming?
"So should I call him here so you can ask him?", Hongjoong asks, taking me out of my thoughts
Then what he said resisters
"Are you fucking insane? I'm not asking him to do that"
"But if he offered would you?"
I bite my lip thinking
Before I'd say no but now that I know his reputation then fuck yes
"I'll take that silence as a yes"
I just glare at him while he smirks
"Seonghwa!", he yells
"Joong, you jerk!", I gape
"Hey, I'm getting you laid remember....well sort of", he says then continues to scream for Seonghwa
"He's in the shower you idiot"
He was when I got here
"No he's not. He's out. Water's not running"
"C'mon Seonghwa! Come here!"
"What?", a voice that sounds nothing like Seonghwa growls
Raising my eyes to the hallway, Seonghwa steps into the living room, glaring at Hongjoong
And holy fuck
He's smoking hot
It's just the wet hair slicked back off his forehead, the black Tshirt, the black sweatpants...these clothes I've never seen him in before...hot damn
His eyes find mine and his whole demeanor changes to the dorky shy man I know
"Oh hi Jo. I didn't know you were here"
"Uh yeah", I say, not able to tear my gaze from him
"So Jo had a problem", Hongjoong starts
That gets my attention
"Shut the fuck up Joong", I warn, lowly
"Uh ok", Seonghwa says
"That you can help"
"I will fucking murder you", I threaten
"How?", Seonghwa asks
"By eating her out"
"Hongjoong!", I shriek
"I uh don't understand", Seonghwa says, his face red
"Easy. She's horny. Hasn't been laid in like two months"
I smack his arm, ready to gauge his eyes out
He scoffs at me then returns his attention to Seonghwa
"You are good at eating cunt. She needs to cum. Therefore you eating her out will help her"
"Oh my fucking god", I moan, mortified
I swear I wish the earth would open up and swallow me whole
I'd gladly jump in
"Ok", Seonghwa says, my mouth dropping to the floor
"You'll do it?", Hongjoong clarifies
Hongjoong turns to me, "You're welcome"
"You are so fucking dead", I growl
"Uh huh sure. Just get up and go to his room with him"
Seonghwa stands there waiting for me
I give Hongjoong one more glare then I stand up and walk to Seonghwa
He avoids my gaze, turning around and I follow him
He opens his door and I walk in
I've never been in his room before
And it's immaculate
Shelves full of books on one of the walls, his desk and chair by the window with a laptop and notebooks probably full of his lectures
A dresser on one side, the closet next to it
One nightstand next to his big bed
The only thing a little messy is his bed
It's not made which to me isn't a big deal
I never understood the concept of making the bed when you're just gonna sleep in it again
He sits on the bed, apologizing that is not made
"Please Seonghwa, it's completely fine", I answer, sitting cautiously next to him
We don't look at each other, my eyes on the floor and awkward silence filling the room
"We don't have to if you are uncomfortable", he says
He's giving me an out and I should take it
"Do you really want to do this?", I ask instead, "Or are you just doing it because Joong asked you too?"
"I decided to say yes. I don't just do whatever Joong asks me to do. If I didn't want to I would have said no"
Ok well at least that's cleared up
"The question is do you want to? It seems like Joong decided upon himself to ask me on your behalf. And I know he asked in front of you which was a shitty move. It kinda gave you no way to back out when I said yes"
Thank god he saw the situation Hongjoong put us in
"If you don't want to it's fine. I'm not going to be mad or anything like that. It's your choice. I wouldn't force you to do anything you don't want to"
At least he's honest and his asking me to be honest is nice
I do have a few questions though
"Hongjoong told me about your reputation. That uh your tongue is....uh"
"Hongjoong is an idiot", he says under his breath, "But yeah, I'm good at it"
"Do you always do it to a girl you're hooking up with?"
"Most of the time", he answers
"And you have sex after?"
"Not always"
That is still so weird especially now that he confirmed it
Normally if a guy goes down on a girl, they want sex or a blowie in return
"But why not?"
He shrugs, "It's not something I do to just get sex. I like doing it. I don't care if I get anything in return"
Ok he is fucking strange
"Why do you like it so much?"
He shrugs, "I like the way it feels on my tongue. I like how messy it is. The taste, the scent, the moans. Depending on the girl of course. I also like knowing I'm the reason why someone feels good, why they get off"
I was right about the power trip thing but I didn't think that he may just like it
Lots of guys do it to get something so it never entered my mind that he has no reason other than he enjoys it
To each their own right?
"But....you're not scared to catch something?", I ask, thinking about STDs now
Shit I don't even know if he has any
I got tested after the last guy I fucked and I'm negative
But I would be worried if I blew as many guys as girls he apparently eats out
He sighs, "Did Hongjoong make me out to be a man whore or something?"
"He said you get a lot of girls"
Seonghwa snorts, "Yes I get a lot thrown at me. I don't eat or fuck them all. I'm not with girls everyday. Not every week. It's more like one every four to five months. I always get tested after. I'm clean if you want to know. I tested two months ago and haven't been with anyone since"
"I uh...I'm clean too. For months because like Hongjoong implied I can't get laid"
"Look Jo, I don't believe that. Like I said before, Hongjoong is an idiot. As I'm sure you know"
I laugh, nodding
I do know
Hongjoong's so oblivious sometimes then so observative the next
"So I guess it's up to you what you want to do", he says
I look over at him and at his pretty lips
And my mind immediately goes to those lips sucking on my clit, his tongue pleasuring me until I cum
And that seals it
"I want to"
He nods, "Ok"
I sit there frozen for a minute until he asks, "Can you lay down"
Shit, right
"Uh yeah"
As I lay down on his bed, he reaches to his face and takes off his glasses
And mother of God, is there no end to the surprises today?
First I find out Seonghwa can eat pussy like a god, then I see him in a casual outfit and now without glasses
He is fucking stunning
Those cheekbones, those deep brown eyes
"You don't need your glasses?", I say like an idiot
He shakes his head, "I can see up close. It's seeing far that gives me a problem"
"Oh", I say
I watch him kneel down on the floor and my heart beats into overdrive
I never thought I'd ever see Seonghwa of all people in this position
He places his hands on my clothed thighs, making me jump
"Relax ok? It won't feel good if you don't relax"
I nod, "Ok"
I try to relax my body as his hands slowly move up my legs, squeezing gently
It does feel good
Almost like he's massaging me
His fingers slip into the waistband of my sweatpants, slowly pulling them down
I lift myself slightly so he can get them down
He pulls my sneakers off, getting the pants completely off
I stare at the ceiling feeling so exposed
"I didn't know you had this", he says, his fingers running along my thigh tattoo
I mean yeah there isn't a reason why he should know about it
He hasn't seen my body
"It's pretty", he says, tracing the lines, making my skin shiver
I'm shocked when his lips press kisses to my tattoo, kissing along it and further down
He opens my legs and I feel his lips press against my pussy, kissing me through the fabric of my panties
"You're so wet already", he says softly, making me close my eyes in embarrassment and arousal
Giving me another kiss, he continues, "You smell so fucking good"
"Fuck", I whimper, shivers running up and down my spine
I feel the band of my panties sliding down, the air cool on my pussy when he finally pulls them off
He widens my legs more and I can't help but look at him look at my cunt
"So pretty", he says, kissing me without a barrier now and it sends shockwaves up my body, "So small. So pink"
He gives me kiss after kiss all over, my pussy lips, between them, my clit
And it feels so good
I can't believe this is Seonghwa doing this
Suddenly I feel the flat of his tongue on me, licking up slowly, making sure I feel all of it
"Oh my god", I cry, pleasure coming so fast it's surprising
He moves his tongue at a steady pace, up and down and it feels so goddamn good
I feel his fingers spread and hold me open, his tongue licking right at my slit then dragging all the way up my pussy finishing by flicking my clit
Over and over
"Fuck!", I moan, feeling myself getting wetter and wetter with every swipe of his tongue
Goddamn Hongjoong was right
Seonghwa is amazing with his tongue
He knows how to use all of his tongue- the flat of it, the tip, all making sure I feel all of his tongue
And it's fucking amazing
And I'm so horny I'm ready to cum embarrassingly fast
"Ssss... Seonghwa....", I call, "I'm..I'm..gonna..."
"Go ahead", he tells me, his tongue going right back on me, licking and swirling
"Oh fuck!", I yell, massive pleasure taking over me, my fingers gripping his sheets so fucking hard
I can't...it's so much pleasure and so good
His tongue doesn't stop, licking me through my orgasm
My god he goes all in
No wonder all the girls scream and rave about his tongue
"You taste so fucking good, it's fucking ridiculous", he moans softly
"Fuck are you serious?", I pant
"Dead serious. Your cum is the best I ever tasted. You're pussy is the best I've ever eaten"
"Oh my fucking god", I moan, his words shocking the fuck out of me
There's no way he's serious
I can't be the best
All thoughts leave my mind when his tongue rolls over my clit
"Seonghwa, oh shit", I moan, more pleasure hitting me hard
His tongue moves over my clit so fast, my body shaking from the bliss
Without thinking, I plunge my hand in his black hair, tugging hard on it as he keeps going
His hands squeeze my thighs, keeping my legs open for him
His mouth wraps around my throbbing clit and the second he sucks, my body is thrown into pleasure I have never felt before
Seriously, never felt this before and fuck I don't want it to stop
He increases his speed with each suck until he's going hard and fast
"Seonghwa fuck", I moan, the bliss so intensely crashing over me
"Fuck you're clit is throbbing so hard", he murmurs between sucks, "Begging me to suck it"
"Oh god"
Fuck I never knew I'd like to hear a guy talk while I was being pleasured
But Seonghwa and his voice is turning me on even more
"Feels so good against my lips, so good in my mouth", he says, "Best clit I ever sucked on"
"Seonghwa", I whine
"Mmm baby, yell my name", he moans, continuing to suck hard
Jesus Christ he's so hot
How did I not know he's so hot?
My back arches off the bed as I get closer and closer, my hand pulling the strands of his hair hard
He doesn't stop and I feel myself snap
"Seonghwa! Oh my fucking god Seonghwa!", I shout, coming hard, my mind blanking
He sucks me through it until I finish then his tongue moves to my hole, licking and moaning, "So fucking good"
His amazing tongue circles my slit over and over, as I lay in his bed, my thighs shaking
Suddenly his tongue plunges inside me and I scream from the pleasure
His tongue moves fast, fucking in and out of me, my pussy throbbing and clenching his tongue hard
"Fuck baby, keep throbbing on my tongue", he urges, his tongue plunging in as far as he can get it, wiggling around
Stars burst in my vision as I continually yell his name
"Fuck you're tongue Seonghwa! You're tongue is amazing", I yell, waves of pleasure crashing into my body over and over
How is he not tired?
How is his jaw not tired?
I don't know but fuck I'm glad he can still keep going
I'm so close again, whining his name over and over
"Yes, good girl. Fuck, cum on my tongue baby", he groans and it seems like that I needed because his tongue slides in and I explode
"Seonghwa!", I shout, holding his head against my cunt as I throb and cum all over his tongue
I hear him moaning as his tongue stays buried inside me
When it's over, I let go of him, hearing him swallow over and over
He pulls his tongue out, then asks, "One more"
I lift my head, looking at him and getting so turned on to see his face so wet with juice and my cum on it
His dark brown eyes look into mine, "Please. Just one more"
I can't say no to him and the thing is I don't want to
I should be completely overstimulated but I'm not
I want more
Running my fingers in his hair, he closes his eyes, biting his bottom lip
Fuck he's stunning
Completely stunning
He opens his eyes, lust blazing in them as he nods
His mouth wraps around my clit again, sucking over and over and Jesus Christ he looks so pretty in between my legs
As he goes at my clit hard, I feel his fingers slide inside my cunt
"Fuck", I shiver
His fingers move around, pressing everywhere until he presses on the right spot and I scream, getting wetter
He looks at me, letting go of my clit and smirks, "Got it"
I'm still getting over how completely sexy he looks when he smirks when his mouth goes back around my clit, sucking hard
And at the same time his fingers massage my spot, every so often pressing into it
"Oh god oh god", I repeat, my back arching, my hand pulling his hair, the other hand clenching his sheets so hard it's hurting my hand
The pleasure is taking over completely
I can't think, I can't feel anything but his mouth and fingers
His fingers press on my spot just as he sucks and I'm blinded by sheer ecstasy
"Seonghwa! Seonghwa!", I cry, tears falling down my face as unbelievable bliss hits me hard
"Fuck so pretty baby", he moans, pulling his fingers out, putting them on my clit and rubbing, "Keep squirting baby"
I feel his tongue against me again, by my hole and I'm barely registering that I'm squirting and if his mouth is by my pussy that means he's swallowing my squirt too
And that makes my brain implode
As the intense pleasure ebbs away, he slowly stops rubbing my clit, slowly pulling his mouth away
My body feels heavy and I feel like I can't breath but my head is blissfully empty
I feel fingers running through my hair, a voice softly calling my name
I open my eyes, Seonghwa's face in my vision
"Are you ok Jo?", he asks
I'm so much more than ok
But I don't think I can talk right now
I nod
"Was it too much?", he asks worriedly
I shake my head, "No. It was amazing. Perfect"
He smiles shyly and god it's stunning
"Do you need anything? Water? Food?"
I shake my head
"Ok. You can lay down as long as you want ok? There's no rush"
I nod, grateful that he's letting the feeling in my body come back before I have to leave
"I'm gonna go to the living room ok?"
"Wait", I ask
"Don't you want-"
He shakes his head, "No Jo. I didn't do it to get anything back. I did it because I wanted to, ok?"
I nod, still finding that completely strange
"You can take a nap if you want to", he says, "Just don't rush ok? If you need something, let me or Hongjoong know, ok?"
"Yeah. Thanks"
He moves to the foot of the bed, putting his blanket on me
He smiles softly again, then he leaves
And I'm amazed that he's letting me stay in his bed, instead of kicking me out like most guys
As I lay there, I hear footsteps pass by
I look to the door, seeing Hongjoong pass by
He doubles back, sticking his head in the room, smirking, "I told you"
"Oh fuck off", I say tiredly
He laughs and continues to wherever he's going
I close my eyes, planning on resting for a few minutes then I'm gonna get up and go
Hongjoong is going to see his girlfriend and I was going to go home and chill out
Just a few more minutes in this comfortable bed and I'm leaving
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