#given her whole medicine thing i think it would make a lot of sense if she could control plants to some extent
pinkniz · 7 months
Do you guys think Hebg Yue has some level of plant control? Her basic attack is summoning a little root and she has a lot of floral motives in her abilities
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genericpuff · 7 months
To be fair, a country can have more than one head of state. Political systems aren't as consistent as we might think them to be and even absolute monarchies like Spain have a prime minister. Then you have things like elective monarchies and hereditary republics. From what I remember, the idea of an election isn't even really treated as that big of a deal... but that right there is the problem. The first and I think only time it actually gets brought up is when it's introduced for a single panel, and even then, it's only in relation to Persephone's trauma. No one really comments on it afterwards. Even in Apollo's own episode, he very briefly comments how he could do a lot as king—not president, but king! Ergo, overthrowing Zeus. So either the whole president thing was a dropped plot point or Rachel couldn't think of any other reason for Apollo to be on a giant poster.
Regarding Eros' comment, Apollo is the god of medicine and the literal god of doctors is his son. Even if Asclepius himself doesn't have a bad record, he'd have reason to be wary. It's why I don't blame Hebe for automatically believing Apollo that nothing can be done about the poison after he simply touches Zeus, given what one of his domains is.
And speaking of Hebe, again, to be fair, a lot of people don't notice their surroundings when they're grieving and her back was clearly turned anyway, so I don't think this should necessarily be a strike against her. I honestly didn't find anything off about Apollo gaslighting her either (I mean, besides the obvious; gaslighting is horrendous) and he'd also just threatened her, so I don't blame her for running away either. Plus, the episode just ends with her noticing the snow soon after, so it's not like we get her thoughts on this one way or another. I don't have fastpass, though, so does it show her actually believing she'd somehow poisoned Zeus in a future chapter, or...?
Hebe poisoning Zeus also wouldn't necessarily be outside the realm of possibility either if Apollo were to argue she did it for Hera's sake or something and then she just snapped. That said, it is still ridiculous she's the first deity he would frame, rather than someone alot more believable, like Ares. Didn't Zeus sleep with Aphrodite that one time? And we know how protective he is of Hera. Or hell, if he wanted to topple the current monarchy entirely, he could've just framed Hera herself! Maybe even Hades!
And if this were any other comic, I'd say Apollo returning to the scene of the crime and then calling the media is just him being a narcissist, because some narcissists can be really, really dumb. But the chances of it being framed that way are practically at the bottom of the Aegean Sea. Even a single panel of someone asking why Apollo called a journalist first is doubtful.
But yeah, not trying to slam you or anything and sorry if it comes off that way. I really like your analyses and I love Rekindled, I'm just trying to offer a few explanations here. I do agree with you overall, though! Rachel has alot of great ideas, but the executions of said ideas are just terrible.
Okay so, while I really appreciate the amount of effort you put into defending these points and I can totally get the points you're trying to make in many of them (and yes this is the part where I respond with my own points, as we do) I think the fact that you presented all of these "well to be fair" talking points is just highlighting and further proving LO's biggest problems in its writing, one that I've talked about before on here but I think bears repeating.
And that's the fact that we (the readers) have to make massive assumptions just to make the plot make sense.
Yes, to be fair, there are government systems that run with a dual-system of monarchy + diplomatic government, but there was never any implication of this being a thing in LO until all of a sudden Rachel dropped the "Apollo for President!" plotline in S3.
Yes, to be fair, Apollo is the god of medicine, but we've never seen him actually fulfill a single duty regarding that, Asclepius is far more qualified as an actual doctor than Apollo (*from what we've been shown), who we've only ever seen apply a bandaid to Persephone's hand five years ago.
Yes, to be fair, people in shock may not take in their surroundings fully, but it seems really silly to have Hebe positioned in front of a window that has a FULL VIEW of what's going on outside and still have her just freeze in time when she's offscreen so she doesn't see or hear anything that's going on just several feet away through a sheet of glass. Just get rid of the window and find another way to force Eros and Psyche into confrontation with Apollo.
Yes, to be fair, Hebe could have a motive, if she were written as someone with some vendetta against Zeus. But she wasn't. That version of Hebe does not exist and, as you said yourself, there are way more gods who would have reasonable motive to poison him. We've only ever seen her dote on him and love him unconditionally as her father, and we've even seen scenes of them in S1 where they have a functional father-daughter relationship (if anything I'd be more inclined to believe she'd have a vendetta against Hera for being an alcoholic mom during her childhood but I digress).
Through all of these "to be fair's" when do we actually stop and ask ourselves why we have to constantly have the benefit of the doubt and jump through all these logical hoops to make sense of the plot to begin with? Again, all this just lends to how poorly structured and written the comic is, and all of these 'to be fair''s you've presented cannot reasonably apply to LO because LO never wrote those things. They never showed Apollo being an actual god of medicine, they never showed Hebe having ill will towards her father, and they never showed Olympus running with a monarchy + presidential government system. So to fill in those blanks ourselves is to do the legwork for Rachel who's only managed to write half a plot. It's why it's so jarring for random plot points like this to happen because it's just like "wtf do you mean Apollo is running for president? He can just do that??" That's not something that should be established five years in, it makes it really hard to just give benefit of the doubt because if that was something that actually existed in this world, it should have been established ages ago when the foundation for the story was still being built. We're in the endgame now, this is NOT the time to be throwing in new random plot threads pulled out of thin air.
This is what I mean from my essay post earlier that Rachel constantly fails to provide context for things she's trying to say, while overexplaining things that are already being shown onscreen. It's completely imbalanced between what we have to know and what could have stayed on the cutting room floor, and it makes for a messy story where people have to make gracious assumptions and do all the thinking for a plot that was never fleshed out to begin with. Why should we as readers have to do all the thinking for Rachel's lack of storytelling ability, when she clearly couldn't be bothered to put any thought into the narrative or the worldbuilding or the characterizations to begin with? It's lazy low-effort writing.
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grailfinders · 6 months
Grailfinders #330: Martha (Santa)
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today on Grailfinders we’re actually mealfinders! today we’re building Santa Martha! she’s still a monk, but Skadi’s rune magic has mixed things up a lot. now she’s a Mercy Monk, and since she had the literal bajesus zapped out of her, she’s a Shepherd Druid instead of a cleric. don’t ask why the Tarrasque is still hanging around, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t know either.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: tai gong what? *blush emoji*
Ancestry & Background
I know changing these around doesn’t make too much sense, but just blame Skadi for all of that. I’d love to keep Martha a human, but there’s really no way to sneak Create Food and Water in without the Mark of Hospitality, and the only way to get that is to be a Halfling. I mean, she’s a child now, so that tracks? I guess? like all halflings you’re Lucky, letting you re-roll all natural ones one time. you’re also Brave, giving you advantage against being frightened. you saw a guy warping reality and claiming to be the son of god and went, “yeah I want to hang out with him”. you don’t get phased easily. you’re Ever Hospitable, giving you a d4 extra on all checks involving brewer’s supplies and cook’s utensils, which tracks. finally, you learn some extra magic! your Innkeeper’s Magic gives you prestidigitation, purify food and drink, and unseen servant, the latter two once per day, for free. you’re killing your food and picking it up off the ground, so yeah. good call on washing it before cooking with it. on top of all that, Halfling Nimbleness lets you squeeze through spaces taken up by anything bigger than you are- now too many cooks won’t spoil the broth!
you also get Spells of the Mark, adding a bunch of stuff to your spell list. again, we’ve got the whole list on the character sheet, but spoilers- Create Food and Water is a third level spell and also why we’re here at all.
also since this is pre-jeezy Martha, she’s a Folk Hero, not an acolyte. that means she gets proficiency in Animal Handling and Survival checks.
Ability Scores
tbh stat #1 probably should be something else but I made it Dexterity any way, since cooking takes a few levels to get and I’d rather like you to not die before we get there. given that Martha wears, at best, super light armor, you need some good dexterity. you can also use good Constitution, but we can chalk that one up to home-cooked meals. third up is Wisdom, since that tends to be the cooking stat (and we need it for multiclassing). that means your Charisma isn’t super high, but you’ve still got that girl-next-door charm to you. your Strength is middling since you’re not kicking ass for jesus yet, and we’re dumping Intelligence. you got your christianity zapped out of you in order to celebrate a christian holiday, and I cannot believe Skadi did a good job of messing with your brain.
Class Levels
1. Druid 1: starting as a monk probably would be smarter, but druids get more skill proficiencies I like, such as Insight and Medicine, and they also get Intelligence and Wisdom save proficiency to boot. on top of that, your Spells can include all sorts of things like Create Bonfire and Mending as cantrips, so now we have the basic big sister package complete- figuring out when a sibling’s lying, taking care of them (sickness and health editions), and your first way to cook, sort of.
you also get a bunch of first level spell slots, and you can prepare spells each day to rotate whatever one you want/ think will be useful. this means we don’t have to worry about having a 100% in-character spell list at any one time, so we’ll just go over the highlights in this build breakdown. that being said, we might not bring up every one, but healing spells are always a good menu item.
for now, Beast Bond will help you work together with Tarrasque, Create or Destroy Water will help you boil pasta and drain it super easily, and Entangle is an early version of big sister meddling to stop baddies from using their noble phantasms. if you need to flavor it, consider it a very creative use of a scarf or something to that effect.
also, you learn Druidic. it’s a language.
2. Monk 1: we’re going to stick around druid for the early game, at least until we start cooking, but I wanted to grab the monk multiclass real quick for the Unarmored Defense it brings, adding your wisdom modifier to your AC while not wearing armor. it’s not much, but every addition to your santa suit makes Christmas a bit less traumatic for the little ones. you also get Martial Arts, letting you make unarmed attacks using your dexterity and as a bonus action after attacking, and your unarmed attacks are d4s, but I mean. when are you ever going to use that?
3. Druid 2: okay, back in our usual stomping grounds. as a second level druid you can use Wild Shape, but obviously the slightly more in-character option is using those two charges per short rest on a Wild Companion instead, which lets you cast find familiar for free. it’s not as powerful as the usual Tarrasque, but I bet he can still help with cooking. don’t worry, we’ll get the full sized one eventually.
and by eventually I mean now. second level druids get their circle, and as a Shepherd, you can summon a Spirit Totem as a bonus action to spread christmas cheer, creating a holographic Tarrasque who comes packing a 30’ aura of good cooking smell to bolster your allies for a minute per short rest. obviously all options are dragons, but the book gives you three “animals” to pick from. the bear spirit gives chosen creatures temporary HP and advantage on all strength checks and saves. the hawk spirit lets you use your reaction to give an ally advantage on an attack, and you all have advantage on perception checks for free. finally, the unicorn spirit spreads out your healing power- whenever you cast a healing spell, any creature you wish in the aura gets some HP back as well.
you also know the Speech of the Woods! it’s a language! specifically, it’s Sylvan, but it also gives you the ability to talk to beasts. I’m pretty sure Tarrasque can already speak on his own, but in case he can’t, now he can.
4. Druid 3: third level druids get second level spells, Locate Animals or Plants will make your treks through the storage rooms of Chaldea a lot less annoying, and Summon Beast is our first battle-ready Tarrasque, though he’s definitely not as strong as the original yet.
5. Druid 4: fourth level druids can give their friends Guidance, another big sibling classic, but you also get your first Ability Score Improvement, which we’re using to become a Chef. with this feat, your Wisdom gets +1, and you gain proficiency with chef’s tools. more importantly, you can use said tools to cook snacks for the party on a short rest, giving them an extra 1d8 HP. you can also spend an hour on (or get for free over a long rest) a bunch of treats you can hand out to people. if they’re eaten within 8 hours as a bonus action, that creature gets temporary HP. it’s not a lot at later levels, but it is, if you’ll pardon the pun, flavorful.
6. Druid 5: fifth level druids get third level spells, so now you can Create Food or Water out of thin air. you can also Conjure Animals to summon a bigger Tarrasque, but free food is always a good selling point.
7. Monk 2: second level monks can use Ki, letting you spend some points to attack twice, dash, disengage, or dodge as a bonus action. each option costs one point, and you get a pool of points equal to your monk level each short rest. you also get Unarmored Movement, increasing how fast you can book it in a single turn. kitchens get busy during the holidays, you have to keep your eyes on just about everything!
you can also turn a weapon nearby into a Dedicated Weapon as long as you’re proficient with it, making it a monk weapon no matter what it really is. that doesn’t matter much now, but it’s how you’ll be able to use your dexterity to hit people with cookware.
8. Monk 3: third level monks can Deflect Missiles as a reaction, reducing incoming damage from flying fruits or throwing knives. if you reduce the damage to 0 this way, you can even spend ki to throw it back! third level is also when we start showing Mercy to our foes with Hands of Healing. as an action, you can spend a ki point to heal someone with a touch(ing display of kindness by giving them food). you can also replace one of your flurry of blows attacks with this healing for free. if you’d rather give out rotten food, that’s a bad christmas party, but also you can use Hands of Harm to add necrotic damage to an attack once per turn.
9. Monk 4: fourth level monks can be caught by Tarrasque, reducing their falling damage with a Slow Fall. you also get another ASI, which we’re using to become a Tavern Brawler. that feels a little too OG Martha, but it’s the only way to get improvised weapon proficiency so you can turn cookware into battle gear. you can also grapple people using your bonus action if you hit them with a fist or a pan that turn.
10. Monk 5: fifth level monks can make an Extra Attack each turn, and you can make your melee attacks Stunning Strikes by, you guessed it, spending ki points. we’ve all seen Tom & Jerry, we know how getting hit in the face with a frying pan works.
11. Druid 6: now we’re pretty much done with your physicality, so let’s get back to cooking! sixth level shepherds are Mighty Summoners, granting your beast and fey summons extra HP and magical attacks, bringing them a lot closer to our draconic goals.
12. Druid 7: seventh level druids get fourth level spells- Confusion is our greatest meddling yet, throwing enemy strategy into complete disarray- any creature caught in its radius needs to make a wisdom save, and if it fails it starts doing stuff at random. also, if you find the regular Tarrasque out in the world, try using Dominate Beast on it. it won’t work, but at least you tried.
13. Druid 8: use this ASI to round up your Dexterity and Constitution for more AC and more health. my ma always said, “never trust a cook with less than 10 constitution.”
14. Druid 9: ninth level druids get fifth level spells. now we can Summon Draconic Spirit to get a proper Tarrasque on the battlefield! he’s still mostly supposed to be helping you cook though, so maybe consider using the less expensive spells unless you really need to.
15. Druid 10: Tenth level shepherds have a Guardian Spirit, which means whenever a creature you summoned ends its turn in your spirit totem, they regain HP. so now Tarrasque and Hatsune Miku Tarrasque have some synergy, go team. also you get a cantrip so… Frostbite? keep the food cold?
16. Druid 11: we’re all used to the song and dance by now, but the only sixth level spell we really want or care about here is Heroes’ Feast. it’s literally making food, it increases max HP, keeps people from getting frightened, and it’s MAKING FOOD.
17. Druid 12: last ASI, bump up your Wisdom. now you can spell good, but tbh it’s not that big a deal since most of your magic is here for healing, summons, or buffs anyway. still, now your perception is better, which means you can taste better, probably.
18. Druid 13: thirteenth level druids get seventh level spells, but by now there’s really nothing we’d want aside from using the bigger slots for bigger Tarrasques. I mean there’s Regenerate if you really want more healing, but I doubt Martha’s soup is so good it can regrow arms. I’m not confident to that that 100% until the end of the event, but it’s unlikely!
19 Druid 14: a fourteenth level shepherd has Faithful Summons- once a day when you hit 0 HP you automatically cast Conjure Animals at max level for free, creating four CR2 beasts to protect you for an hour. that’s right, if you faint in the kitchen Tarrasque, Tamamo Cat, Beni-Enma, and Jeff all appear to help out. it’s like a christmas miracle!
20. Druid 15: it’s an eighth level spell slot, which means your draconic Tarrasque is as powerful as he’ll ever be!
Pros & Cons:
like I mentioned in the Okuni build, having a character gimmick that requires materials from the world around you adds plenty of new excuses to go on adventures. while cooking probably won’t be as in-depth as building a combat robot, it’s still an additional way to interact with the world, and talking about food all the time will make the DM hungry, and thus more susceptible to snack-based bribes.
while you’re not the most powerful healer we’ve made, you’re probably one of the most economical. thanks to your unicorn aura, you can burn a first level spell slot to heal up a bunch of creatures at once, probably around or above 60 HP in total, or even more when you start throwing summons into the mix.
speaking of, while the in-character option is always to summon the one biggest thing you can as a Tarrasque stand-in, that still gives you the option of summoning large groups of small creatures, making your healing even more effective and skewing the action economy in your favor. just make sure you keep on top of everything so the DM doesn’t get too mad.
the best way to summon Tarrasque is to make him a Dragon, and our dragon summon has 0 synergy with your shepherd effects. unless your DM is okay with giving you a massive power boost for no reason, don’t expect that to change any time soon.
we also don’t do much in the late game. most players don’t get that far anyway, so it probably won’t be a big deal, but if you do get to the higher levels you might want a build that utilizes the big bad spell levels more effectively.
your Bonus Actions are absolutely packed, making it hard for you to multitasks. will you move your aura around to keep it centered on allies, or dash to keep up yourself, or use flurry of blows, or a spell, or- there’s a lot of plates you have to keep spinning, is what I’m trying to say.
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stellisketches · 1 year
For the worldbuilding of MCD how good do you interpret their knowledge of medicine as being? I don't remember if any other characters besides Irene/Aphmau have specifically healing magic that they perform (besides from maybe potions.) Do you think the majority of healers have magics or that maybe doctors of old studied Irene and her abilities and were somehow able to come up with new inventions in the field that the average non-magic person could use? Fictional healthcare is always interesting.
ooh you had me thinking hard about this one.
For one thing, I think progress in health care varies a bit by region. I'll make things easier by focusing mostly on Ru'Aun so I don't go off into a tangent. I'd say as a quick, rough comparison their probably up to 15-16th century standards as a whole. They understand certain things/activities/conditions make people unwell but they likely don't have a lot of scientific reasoning as to why.
Seeing as how persecuted magicks users are and the fact magicks cannot be learned, I'd say that the number of pure magick healers (like Aphmau's level of potency to just vanish wounds) in the region is pretty low. I could see these types of healers into two broad categories: I think the first would find safety as personal healers to high ranking noble families seeing they would likely be given their own security team plus the chance to live in relative comfort. The second type would be travelling healers- ones that would keep their power and identity on the down-low and just go from village to village performing miracles where they could. This would be a lot more dangerous but also morally-sound as they aren't being exclusive about who they heal and receive little if any payment.
We already know magick is an inherited trait, it's not something that can be taught, this leaves the only viable mix for medicine and magic (if I don't use the k assume I'm talking about the broader sense of the word) to be witchcraft and/or alchemy or something a bit more in-between. What interesting about this topic is that real world medicine/healing has had an underlying connotation of something magical/otherworldly for literally the entirety of human history up until, like, a couple of centuries ago. So I think the real question should be at what point do the Ru'Aunians separate natural remedy from the magical, or do they bother to separate it at all? Is it different depending on what part of Ru'Aun you live in? At what point does a cough syrup get the label of potion or elixir, or are all concoctions that affect the body given the potion treatment?
Personally, I haven't really decided on anything specific yet. My guess is that it's a very hybridized field where they don't make a whole lot of differentiation/hard classification on which medicines are natural and which are magic. You may have doctors performing witchcraft without them even realizing it and/or witches who sell the equivalent of tylenol in the bottle next to their nightvision and invisibility potions.
Also I'm just now realizing I brought up the subject of alchemy that I kinda wanted to expand upon but I might just save that for another time.
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sonia-kate · 1 year
Speculations and theories after 16th episode of King-Ohger
A new episode and a new theory! Or rather expanding on previous ones. Or even more accurately, in my case, adding new ingredients to the soup of ideas and speculations
So in the latest episode of King-Ohger (16th) we learned that the culprit behind the Wrath of Gods was actually identified and they are being held captive by the previous Supreme Judge (or whatever Rita's title is). The whole thing involved the Queen to fake her death and guard the cultprit for 15 years, while her husband takes the blame for killing her and spends said 15 years in prison and they leave the responsibility of ruling Gokkan to a 10-year-old Rita. They went with all those measures, because apparently, the crime committed cannot be judged by law (or sth like that). Well, causing a world-wide disaster and slaughtering lots of people seems like something that would easily get you a life sentence or even a death penalty, without going through all of that trouble, which means that this case can't possibly be that simple. Not only the guilt can't be clearly stated, but also, the case itself requires secrecy
Now, we've been given various glipses of information about the Wrath of Gods throughout the episodes, but during narration Jerami mentioned some interesting detail. He said that after the fated event, all the countries became dependant on Shugoddom. Now that we think about what we've got so far, it all makes sense. Rita and Himeno were just little children, N'kosopa was just a ruin at the time, used as a scrap heap of Shugoddom (as Yanma said). Meanwhile, Racules would be around 16 years old at the time and prepared to rule all his life, so it feels natural that he would take the lead in the world after the Wrath. The only exception being Kaguragi and Toufu. Kaguragi was in similar age as Racules and since he managed to lead a rebellion against the previous ruler, he clearly has leadership skills. But then, what is the very next thing that happens between Toufu and Shugoddom? Kaguragi secures help for Toufu in form of Demi-Shugods from Shugoddom in exchange for his own sister! Now, the only ruler that could potentially rival with Racules has become his puppet! Seems a little too convenient, doesn't it?
Let's go back to Shugoddom for a moment. So far, other kingdoms had rather clear themes. N'kosopa creates technology, Ishabana's domain are medicine and art, Toufu is all about agriculture and providing food and Gokkan is essentially an international prison colony, but Shugoddom was quite puzzling for the fanbase as to what does it do exactly? Sure, we've known it's the first kingdom or that it's aesthetic theme are gears and so on, but until recently we couldn't exactly figure out what could they provide to the other kingdoms. Now we know that Shugoddom's primary export goods are their Demi-shugods, like the snails and spiders traded for Suzume, those flying little TVs or pillbug taxi. This brings us back to the Wrath of the Gods, as Himeno mentioned that Shugoddom didn't send their demi-shugods to help them. And, of course, there is that gigantic swarm of cicadas
One can already see where this is going. Yes, indeed. I suspect that King Red killed with poison in Ishabana! (They're all even colour coded, anyway...) Previous king of Shugoddom and Gira and Racules' father, despite not showing up in the show so far at all nor being discussed by the characters, already has his name - Corsus Hastie - revealed back from the times when the show was just starting. Now that we know that not all previous kings are dead and could show up in the show, this could point to the relevance of the character to the story.
Before we'll go to his potential motives of let's go through means. As we know, Shugoddom produces demishugods, so if anyone could produce the swarm of cicadas, someone important in Shugoddom would be the best bet (unless it's some ancient army that layed dormant for years or sth). But he'd also need GodScorpion's venom. As we know, Sasorine's soul was in Gokkan, but the Shugod itself was called by Gira in Shugoddom. In episode 13 or so, Himeno wants Gira to communicate with Scopi, but he's unable to reach it in Ishabana, and he only hears the Greater Shugods underneath Shugoddom. This suggests that GodScorpion has been lying underneath Shugoddom the whole time and if so, even without the soul, King Corsus didn't have very far from the Shugod if he wanted to gather the venom for his purposes. The problematic would be actually going underground and knowing that GodScorpion is there in the first place. That's where the Bugnarok comes in! We saw them store the Greater Guardian Deities at their HQ and Gira sensing them under Shugoddom. Also, when Jerami emerges out of Bugnarok hiding place, he makes his first appearance in Shugoddom. This suggests that Bugnarok's main base lies right under Shugoddom (unless they have more than one and/or network of tunnels leading to every kingdom, but at least them sitting under Shugoddom is confirmed). That makes any potential cooperation between Shugoddom and Bugnarok far more convenient
But if he really was the one behind the Wrath of Gods, what would his reasons be? Of course, he could have simply wanted to seize the other kingdoms, but if his motive was simply conquest, then his conviction would be rather simple as well, wouldn't it? Unless the reason would be sth like not wanting for a conflict to break out between the kingdoms, but that's rather doubtful, imo. Far more probable, imo, would be if he had some good intentions behind his actions, but it still wouldn't justify, even slightly, what he bought upon the world, because whatever he was aiming at, sacrificing some people to make it better for others is completely unjust, as the other group could have lived just fine as they were and thus the improvement would have been just a whim and not a necessity. But what if it was? What if he sacrificed one group of people to save another one? Here we'd have a typical trolley problem
If, let's say, Bugnarok managed to plant giant cacoons (like the ones in episode 10) under every major city of Shugoddom and threaten to blow them up, destroying the whole kingdom? For example, of course. We already know that Bugnarok waited 2000 years not because they were dormant or anything like that, but because they were following Jerami's prophecy. Nothing prevents them from preparing for the foretold year. As we know, their hideout is right under Shugoddom so they could have prepared it without a problem and going to the King to blackmail him would be just a short trip as well. Add to that any of the variants of "Bugnarok meddles within Shugoddom court" theories and the king would find himself backed into a corner
Now, I don't know how would they possibly solve a threat like this in the show nor why wouldn't Bugnarok just do it with all of the kingdoms, but regardless of what the threat is exactly, it can't be really judged in an indisputable matter. As a king of Shugoddom, his duty would require him to save his people, even if it means dirtying his hands, as Kaguragi would say. On the other hand, he killed many other people to achieve that and it can't just go unpunished. What's more, revealing the threat will not only cause a mass panic among the population and may provoke the Bugnarok to fullfill the threat. Even if they don't if the king returns, they might just force him to do another horrible thing
With the king gone, the judgement remains unresolved and Bugnarok is left with no one to further blackmail. Well, except Racules who would become the new king. The question is, why wouldn't they blackmail him back at the time? Ah, yes, the prophecy that foretold Bugnarok's return 15 later. But then, why would Corsus have to disappear? Or maybe the disappearance wasn't something he planned, but was caught by the Gokkan crew? That being said, Racules being left with the country to govern, surrounded by Bugnarok spies would be hard enough, so having to also take care of his younger brother who could be used as another way to blackmail him would be exhausting
Here into play comes Gira's kidnapping. The reason why his very existance was erased, being that the information of his kidnapping would bring dishonour to the royal family always sounded like a bullshit excuse. If the situation described above would take place, though, Gira disappearing from the castle would not only ensure Gira's safety and lighten Racules' burden, it would leave Racules as the only remaining member of the royal family that would be available to Bugnarok. If Bugnarok tried to put a usurper on the throne, they wouldn't have as much support or devotion from the population like the rightful heir to the throne. What's more, power shift could raise people's suspicions and have them speculate on the reasons behind the power shift, risking Bugnarok to be revealed 15 years prematurely. To the equation we should add OhgerCalibur ZERO and King-Ohger ZERO. Those can only be used by someone with the genes of a Hastie family. Racules being the last of his family would make him untouchable to Bugnarok, if they want to make use of KingOhger ZERO
Bugnarok's involvement in Wrath of Gods is rather clear when we see Kamejim being dead-set on eliminating Shiron as soon as he left the prison. Shiron knows far too much and thus should be eliminated. If even he knows as little as who the culprit was, if it truly was Corsus Hastie, it would point everyone towards Shugoddom and could expose Bugnarok's machinations within the kingdom. Then why wouldn't Bugnarok kill him earlier, throughout those 15 years? Could be that they didn't want to draw attention to him, but if he spilled the beans they would be exposed and wouldn't be able to stop him on time. I guess it is possible that prison in Gokkan is just too well-secured to get in there. Sure, we saw Bugnarok break into the castle in episode 5, but it's possible that the cells are extra durant, as to prevent prisoners from digging their way out, and this way making it impossible for Bugnarok to reach
Why bring this up now? Well, if we remember the duel between Hastie brothers, Racules' demand regarding Gira's defeat was for him to be locked up in Gokkan. What's more, Racules thanked Kaguragi for his cooperation with capturing Gira, because if the matter didn't have international nature, Rita wouldn't take care of it. One could question whether Kaguragi was supposed to bring Gira back to Racules and decided to hand him over to Rita on his own accord, but Racules' reaction and the fact that Rita is seen investigating the case even before Gira was finally captured by Kaguragi suggests otherwise. If Shiron remained safely in his cell throughout 15 years, this suggests that so would Gira, yet not only Rita refused to put Gira into a safe cell in Gokkan, she also revealed to everyone Gira's identity as Racules' younger brother, putting both of them in even greater danger than before. No wonder that usually calm Racules lost his cool at that very moment
There are other things about Racules and Shugoddom that are yet to be covered. For example, his alliance with Bugnarok. If Bugnarok infiltrated Shugoddom, why make such a fuss about it? First of all, it's very possible that the infiltrating operation was Kamejim's doing and the meeting was supposed to have Desnarak involved. Another thing would be, that right now Racules' cooperation with Bugnarok is clear to everyone and no one is very surprised because they know that the peace negotiations took place. If they hadn't happen, it could make everyone question how did Shugoddom even manage to contact Bugnarok let alone to convince them to join forces. What's more, in current situation, it's very easy to shift the blame for the invasion on Jerami. After all, it's his silly idea of getting humans and Bugnarok to coexist that led to the disaster, didn't it? And he was the one who introduced Racules and Desnarak to each other! Because, of course, there is no evidence that the two had ever interacted between that very moment, isn't it?
Another yet unsolved mystery of Shugoddom and the Hastie family is GodKuwagata, it remaining dormant for years and Gira waking it up as well as Gira's ability to talk to Shugods. First of all, since we know that Shugoddom is filled with demishugods, can Gira talk to them too, can he only talk to guardian deities or maybe he'd be able to but the demi-shugods just don't talk much? Another thing is, since Shogoddom is literally State of Shugods (Shugod; -dom), could it be possible that whole Hastie family has that ability? After all, Racules still remains an enigma and he keeps his cards hidden, given above specultions, even from his closest coworkers. Maybe the ability to talk to shugods is related to the very same part of their genes that provides them with the red marks on their right temple and allows them to operate KingOhger ZERO?
But back to Kuwagon. When Gira manages to awaken it, Racules reacts by saying that it's impossible. He isn't shown to be accompanied by anyone, so we can assume that wasn't part of his act to keep Gira's identity hidden. This, together with the fact that GodKuwagata has been dormant for many years, suggests that Racules was genuinely surprised and didn't have an idea of what has happened. Again, if the theory above would turn out to be correct, it would mean that Racules has known about Bugnarok in Shogoddom's royal court, about Wrath of the Gods and circumstances of Gira's kidnapping. He's always seemed like he knows much more than other kings. He also seemed to recognize Jerami when he first appeared and Jerami's mention of history before the Great War seemed to mapke him realise something, but awakaning of Kuwagon seemed to be a surprise even for him. Again, Bugnarok weren't dormant themselves, they only waited 2000 years to reemerge because of Jerami's prophecy and thus they were able to still act and make their moves and preparations during that time. Imo, it's not impossible that the Bugnarok moles have been residing in Shugoddom for centuries. Maybe they were even the ones behind God Kuwagata going dormant or the fact that it's the only Guardian Deity without its soul being located within its cockpit
Another thing to speculate on is Suzume, she's been in Caucasus Kabuto Castle for 15 years already. I'm very curious on what did she learn over that time and what her relationship with Racules really is. Could she be in on the whole thing as well? Maybe they somehow cooperate together under Bugnarok's noses? It's worthto mention, that it's most likely thanks to her why Kaguragi decided to surrender Toufu to Racules and seeing what is about to happen in N'kosopa next week, I wouldn't be surprised if it was deliberate action to spare Toufu the same fate
What comes to mind are also flashbacks of Racules and Yanma working together in the past, contrasted with Yanma being now the one who opposes Racules the most. Coincidentally, he is the one that wasn't appointed as the ruler right after the events of the Wrath of Gods and he is the one who broke off from under Racules' leadership over the Quintet Alliance. Could Racules have done something to set Yanma against him? I mean, he sure had to, but did he do it on purpose? After all, (again, according to speculations above) the Wrath of Gods was specifically engineered to have all the other kingdoms to fall under Shogoddom's influence, that was by now in Bugnarok's grip. We remember how easy it was for Kaguragi to manipulate others in episode 4 as long as he ticked the correct boxes. Yanma and his drive to always emerge on top, as well as circumstances of his raise to power would make him the perfect target to sabotage the Alliance, if such necessity would occure. And if Alliance being led by Racules was orchestrated by the Bugnarok themselves, then it makes it quite possible that Racules purposefully discouraged Yanma towards himself, to sabotage Bugnarok's efforts. (Or maybe Yanma is on it as well? Though I doubt it)
That being said, I love all the little pieces we've been getting throughout the show and how such a complex intrigue is forming right in front of our eyes! I can't wait to see next episode and to finally see Racules back in action and working with Bugnarok, nonetheless. Many people already pointed out that Racules' evil mannerism from the preview resemble Gira's. Of course, that brings back suspicion that the two brothers used to play the exact same way as Gira did with kids in the orphanage, just with Racules playing the role of the Evil King, instead. I can't wait for more to be revealed and to see how the events unfold and what will the upcoming episodes bring to the table
Summary (speculations, not confirmed, major points)
Bugnarok has infiltrated Shugoddam's royal court over 15 years ago
Corsus Hastie, previous king of Shugoddom and Racules and Gira's father, is the culprit behind events of the Wrath of the Gods
He was forced to do so by the Bugnarok that infiltrated his kingdom and that's why judging his crime is such a difficult matter
Gira was taken from the royal court and erased from records for his own safety
Racules is in on everything: Bugnarok infiltrators, Wrath of the Gods etc.
Racules tried to imprison Gira in Gokkan to keep him safe like Shiron
Racules is forced to cooperate with Bugnark just like his father was
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everybody-loves-purdy · 6 months
I think them pulling a Nightstar could be really interesting and I can see StarClan denying Squirrelstar her lives considering what happened the last few times a leader stepped down (Pinestar leaving helped contribute to Tigerstar's rise, Rowanstar stepping down led to ShadowClan's temporary fall), but I don't really see what sort of reason Brambleclaw and Squirrelstar would have for lying. Even if it was out of desperation, why not just pass on the position to Ivypool? Squirrelstar clearly trusts her enough to make her deputy and so does the rest of the Clan, unless this is some sort of test since Dovewing is in ShadowClan, but even then... Unless StarClan put them up to it, in which case, yeah, that would check out. Regardless, the delay was really clunky, though that might just be the writing.
And as for not seeing her nine lives, this is by far the weakest argument for me. None of the current PoV characters are medicine cats (or anymore in Frostpaw's case, and she isn't even from ThunderClan anyway). I know this series doesn't have great consistency, but this is one of the few things it actually has been consistent on! We were never going to see the ceremony anyway. Even Bramblestar's was only featured in a field guide. If she did get her nine lives, it'll either be in the prologue of the next book, last book, or IH, they'll post an article about it, or we'll have to wait for another field guide to come out, and that's assuming we even ever get to see the nine lives ceremony at all. After all, it's been years since MFV and we still have nothing for Skystar or Thunderstar except that Gray Wing and Storm gave the latter one each.
All very good points
I do reckon we will definitely see the ceremony at some point it’s just when. A prologue could work and I think could be the most likely, especially if Squirrelstar has a further message from StarClan that she hasn’t divulged to Sunbeam, maybe the message about Nightheart came with a prophecy about the whole situation or something.
It’s just like you say the reasons to keep such a big and exposable lie just don’t make a lot of sense. And there’s been no hints in Squirrelstar or Brambleclaw themselves that either are carrying this burden, they seem very relaxed and happy. For them to have actually been carrying this massive secret it would just feel very out of left field in a reveal given how they’ve behaved, spoken, and acted about the ceremony.
It could be so interesting like you say if she was pulling a Nightstar, but I really don’t think that’s where the books are pointing us.
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fangaminghell · 2 months
Hi, I'm here for more insurgence rewrite content. Tell me literally anything that you've cooked up recently :D
So this is something that I talked about before but it's nice to actually explain it: The Timeless and the cults. I'll hopefully not make this super long lol.
I'm realizing, thinking about it, there's a lot to unpack, so for now, I'll keep things short by explaining the relationship between the Timeless and the first Infernal cult leader, who is Jaern's ancestor.
In my rewrite I pretty much. Tossed out the old Timeless and replaced them with my own ocs lol. The two important ones for this little story is Vasilios ( my replacement of Verysn) and Nikolas. Vasil is/was the king of Torren in this au, and was chosen by Diancie. Vasil was the one that stumbled upon the void gauntlet/the throne of hegemon ( which might get some tweaks later on we'll see). He fell into the pool of starry waters, which was made him see glimpses of what to come- Nyx, chosen ones, the crystal- all of which had led Vasil to Arceus. That's when Arceus itself gave Vasil his duty to protect the crystal and was ultimately chosen by Diancie ( via Arceus). Nikolas is Vasil's right hand man, a head knight who is severely loyal to his king. He is also the chosen one of Keldeo. Him and Vasil are in love. Just thought I'd mention that.
Jaern's ancestor was a good friend to both of them. How exactly they all met I haven't fleshed out but the vague idea I have is that they found her one day, took her in and they've been friends ever since ( Nik used to be jealous of her, given how close she and Vasil would be. She would tease him for it later down the line lol. They became good friends!). Jaern's ancestor ( I should really get a name for her) was a genuinely kind woman. She wanted to help the world in earnest, and thus has taken up medicine. Despite her efforts though, she always mused on how she wishes she could do more for the world. That is, until she stumbled upon the crystal. I don't think I thought out how she found it- maybe I explained it before but I forgot. But she did, and was ecstatic! Something with immense power- it could heal so many people! Vasil, however, wasn't as pleased that she found out. I should mention that Vasil is a sweetheart. He truly is. If it was up to him, he would have used the crystals power to make his home so much better for everyone, but it's still a crystal with infinite power. If gotten to the wrong hands, it could be disastrous, especially when Nyx is a looming threat (according to Arceus n his visions). It was too much of a risk. So when Jaern's ancestor suggested making the crystal public, Vasil adamantly denied it. It had caused a small argument between the two, but it ended with Vasil convincing Jaern's ancestor to just let it go, that the risk of it all would be too great ( without mentioning the whole Arceus stuff).
And that was that.....until it wasn't.
Jaern's ancestor does have a deep sense of justice within her. She wants to help the world, but never seems to have the right resources to do so. The crystal would be on her mind for ages. It would help heal the world, it could help so many people if Vasil just let it be known! That was when she decided to take a risk of her own: she attempted to take the crystal for herself. She snuck into the caves, found the crystal again, and just when she tried to take it- it wouldn't budge. Vasil and Nik was there behind her ( she didn't realize she was being followed), and explained that the only way for the crystal to be moved is if you beat the original owner in battle- him. Jaern's ancestor had no pokemon, nor any proper combat training. She would not win, even if she tried. Again, she tried to reason with him, tried to convince him that it would help so many people - but her going back to the crystal was already enough. With a heavy heart, Vasil exiled Jaern's ancestor. He couldn't take that risk. No matter how much it hurts seeing the pain in her face.
Vasil allowed her to gather her things before leaving. He was not expecting her to gather some doctors and healers to leave with her. He didn't expect her to quietly vow getting the crystal for all to use. He hadn't expected her to form the first cult. The Sky Cult......though if you'd ask her, she'd looked at you with disgust if you call what she's doing "cult work". I can't stress enough, Jaern's ancestor isn't doing what she's doing for power. She just wants people to have the resources they need to live, and the absolute best one is literally being hidden away. And she thinks that's unfair. Truly unfair. And even if she doesn't get the crystal ( which she is determined to get), she won't stop helping where she can. Exiled or not.
Some smaller things
Pre- Crystal, Jaern's ancestor had always had a connection to the sky. You'd find her playing her lute on a high place when the sky is nice and clear.
Vasil and her LOVED teasing Nikolas lol. Vasil even more so, in her opinion, but he denies it. She Knows What's Up though.
Post Exile Jaern's ancestor went from someone who was pretty dainty in appearance to someone who ended up being fairly muscular.
At some point she ends up dying, perhaps in a final battle between her and Vasil. I think despite everything, they consider each other their greatest friends, and deeply respect each other. Her death is one of Vasil's biggest regrets.
In connection to the above, I also imagined that by that point she had a child and husband. I think her final wish was for them to live comfortably. Vasil made sure her wish came true.
Aaaaand I think that's everything! There's other Insurgence stuff, but I love these guys, so here you go!
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realmyths · 3 months
anemone :   how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ?  where does that world view come from   (   what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  ( for both of your doctors ! )
The Thirteenth Doctor at first views the world with a sense of wonder. As time goes on, though, events have an effect on her. So by the end of her tenure, while she's still optimistic and hopeful, I'd say she lands more in the middle. I'd say this worldview is a direct result of the character development the Twelfth Doctor went through. In the beginning, he was a bit darker and grumpier, but by s10 he was still grumpy-ish but in a more endearing way and he realized the importance of kindness and hope. His speech before regenerating into 13 proves that. "Laugh hard, run fast, be kind." I think, as a regeneration, 13 really takes that to heart, almost too much. And she tries to be the kindest she can be, and the most hopeful. Sometimes this looks like her ignoring problems or just trying to find a solution but not really putting much thought into it. But sometimes it also works out for her, and her hopeful and kind nature makes her very open-minded. I think because 12 went through so much, and through it all realized the importance, as I said earlier, of kindness and hope, 13 really tries to embody those traits. And she truly believes in doing so. "Medicine, engineering, science, candyfloss, lego, problems, people, hope. Mostly hope." "Something I believe, in my faith, is that love is a form of hope. And like hope, love abides in the face of everything." "Keep your faith. Travel hopefully. The universe will surprise you. Constantly." You can see in these quotes that 13 truly believes in the power and importance of hope. And kindness goes right along with that. 13 always tries to do the kind thing, but sometimes gets frustrated when driven into a corner by the monster/villain of the episode. So if she can't find another solution, she'll be unkind. But only to those who she sees as deserving of it. If someone has done her no harm, and would not do harm to others, she won't. That's my take on it anyway.
For the [Redacted] Doctor, they're definitely in the middle as well. They still appreciate the wonders of the universe, and always try to help others. And they still believe in the power of hope and kindness, much like 13. But they also acknowledge their own moral grey areas a bit more than 13 does. (13's more in denial that she has them. Though she can recognize them in past incarnations.) They also are a bit more world-weary due to having lived a lot longer than 13 has and their existential crisis over this possibly being their last incarnation. So all they really want is to find some happiness, and to enjoy what the universe has to offer. Of course, they will never say no to helping others. And they are still overall a good person. But they acknowledge their moral greyness a whole lot more. For the Redacted Doctor, they've been through so so so much. Through it all they've retained certain traits like kindness, wonder, and hope. But they are also exhausted and though they try to live up to their "never be cruel or cowardly" mantra, it can get hard at times. They also have more of a temper than 13 would. (Though she still has one as well). And are somewhat easy to frustrate. The Redacted Doctor, however, will always apologize if they snap at someone or do anything harmful. They would never WANT to harm anyone, but they are aware that they're not perfect. So all they can do is try to appreciate what life has given them so far and continues to give them, and to enjoy the wonders of the universe, and to try to act with hope and kindness along the way. And they will.
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nellie-elizabeth · 11 months
Outlander: The Happiest Place on Earth (7x02)
Dang, I'm honestly incredibly surprised about some stuff in this episode!
As an overall note, this episode just felt incredibly crowded with incident. The fact that the episode in which we learn the end of the Christie storyline, with Allan telling his story and meeting his fateful end, is also the episode in which Brianna and Roger have a baby, discover Mandy's health problem, and leave, and is the episode where we meet adult William for the first time, and is the episode with the fire that's been built up for several seasons... it's just so much to happen all at once! I feel like especially the start of the episode with Allan, coupled with last week's revelations from Tom Christie, all belong to an earlier plot thread that really should have been resolved separately from the Brianna and Roger leaving story, and the Wendigo Donner/fire story.
Mainly, I'm surprised that Roger and Bree are actually going into the future at all, with their kids. That whole plot development in the books is incredibly important, but I thought after they hinted at it and then bailed back last season, they were just going to skip over it entirely. A lot of plot happens in these books, I wouldn't have been surprised if they'd given this whole thing a pass. I am excited to see how it plays out, I guess, but it does make the fact that they decided to go and then changed their minds before, kind of ridiculous.
A couple of small complaints that I keep making... the voiceover still feels clunky in some places, and the actress playing Brianna is an undeniably weak point in terms of performance. There were moments where she did well this episode, but other moments where she felt stilted and out of place.
As a last complaint, part of this is that it's been a while since I've read some of the books, but the whole circumstances around the fire just felt messy and out of the blue? At first we had Wendigo showing up demanding gemstones with his gang of reprobates, but then suddenly Mrs. Bug is involved and shouting about the gold? It was incoherent and strange and made for a shocking episode end, but maybe too shocking, given everything else going on beforehand.
I will say though, despite the somewhat muddied ending, I do think Wendigo Donner is a fascinating figure. I loved the sinister nature of his presence in the house, and when Claire told Jamie his name, and Jamie immediately lunged for him, furious, having heard of his involvement with the Browns... that was good stuff.
In all, I did think all the sappy stuff with Bree, Roger, Claire, and Jamie and the kids worked really well. First we get to see Claire and Jamie so excited about their new granddaughter, each telling her what they'll teach her as she grows older - Claire will teach her medicine, Jamie will teach her to ride a horse. And then when it's revealed she has a heart condition, the dawning realization that the one thing they have left to offer her is a way back to the 20th century... it really is heartbreaking. The goodbye moments had everything. Super cheesy declarations of affection and lasting love from everybody. Jamie saying he's proud of Roger Mac. Bree telling her dad about Disneyland and saying that he's magical to her. Jamie and Claire embracing their grandson and telling him goodbye. It was a real tearjerker all around.
And I really loved the aftermath with Jamie and Claire too, that sense of life going on, but the weight of their grief hitting them so seriously. Jamie says a line straight from the book about how he will try and go on for Claire's sake, but for his own, he would not. They have been permanently separated from their family, and it's a real tragedy for them all to grapple with. The scene where Claire goes kind of frantic and jumps Jamie, but then breaks down and cries as they contemplate all the people they've lost... that really got to me.
Despite feeling weird as a pacing thing, I did think that the Allan Christie reveal was well-acted and written, the visceral disgust on Claire's face was very clear. And Ian's decision to kill Allan felt so true to his character and what we know of all he's been through. Ian is a character I love from the books but I feel a little less connected to in his show version, but the scene of him and Claire burying Allan together felt like a really strong moment for him.
I've saved the Lord John and William stuff for last, because of course I have. We only get one brief scene with William so far, so it's a little too soon to tell what to think of him, but I love that Brianna just can't stop smiling like a loon when meeting her older brother for the first (and only, as far as she knows) time. And Lord John being so pleased to see her, but also being baffled by her rather forward suggestion that they tell the Ninth Earl of Ellesmere the truth about his parentage, was really funny.
And then of course pardon me while I go on way too long about that John and Jamie scene because my goodness. I don't know how to explain the difference between the vibes here and in the books, because it's hard to pin it down... in some ways I enjoy John a lot more as a character from the books, just because we don't get to spend enough time with him on the show to fully appreciate his nuance, but on the other hand, what we do see of him on the show, I do enjoy a lot. In the books, the vibe between these two men is very complicated. Jamie feels a deep gratitude and affection for John because he has raised William, and he is also aware of John's feelings for him, and so does his best to be respectful and kind while also not being false to his own feelings on the matter. In the show, I swear to god, the vibe is like... they're wistful exes who still love each other but know their love can never be. It's so insane to me that in this scene they're calling each other by first names, and gently regretting that the war must put them at odds, and John placing the gem into Jamie's hands and curling his fingers over his palm... that's romance, okay?
It's so funny because I don't even ship them, I just think it's fascinating that the show has decided to lean in really hard on the idea of there being this fraught, extra tension to this relationship, that these two men love each other in a way that is in some ways indefinable. They essentially share the love of a parent for their child, in William, which positions them as having a partnership all their own. It's such a fascinating dynamic and I can't think of another fictional relationship that I feel this way about. I don't want Jamie to have romantic/sexual feelings for John, but I want him to have... "you are my co-parent and you're such a good dad to our child" thoughts about him, which he canonically does, kind of? Like, John making that joke about "we should be discussing suitable wives for William, not suitable regiments." You should, John? Why on earth would Jamie Fraser actually be involved in those discussions? It's so funny.
And such a tragic, beautiful moment. It happens via letter in the books, Jamie telling John that they must sever all ties. So I was very pleased to see it happen in person here. The lingering shots on both men's faces after they've parted, thinking it likely to be for the very last time... man, in whatever form it takes, Jamie Fraser and Lord John Grey love each other very deeply, and I'm very into it.
That's where I'll stop for now. I was pretty legitimately surprised at Bree and Roger taking off into the future, and I can't wait to see how that plays out in the coming weeks!
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thegreatobsesso · 11 months
Word find tag (hold, fold, cold, and told)
Tagged by my talented friend, the glorious, the illustrious, the wintery, wordy @winterandwords :D
Callie POV
It wasn’t so much that he was thinking at her, he just wasn’t stopping her from hearing, and the stream of misery, of abject failure, froze her solid. 
“What’s wrong?” asked the beautiful man beneath her. 
But Bennett couldn’t turn it off like she could and it was too much to hold. Too many minds screaming into his, too much pain for one small heart. Too much being defeated because he cared the most. Too much, too much.
She cursed and allowed herself a split second to grieve. “I forgot,” she said. “I, uhh, I need to be somewhere.” 
Perfectly normal thing, she chided herself, remembering a prior engagement when you’ve got someone’s cock in your hand. A stunning liar, she was, and a stranger to herself to boot because she found herself in Bennett’s quarters when she could have been, would have been, getting plowed by the finest piece of ass in a hundred miles. 
“You didn’t have to come,” Bennett sniffled.
“I did,” she said, choosing not to comment on the terrible choice of words. 
Callie POV
Time to say goodbye to the suit. 
It was a generic thing, given to her for the hearing, too big in the shoulders and too small at the waist. But it was still probably nicer than anything she’d ever wear again. A moment of mourning was justified. 
They wouldn’t give her more than that - a roomful of watchful eyes waited for her to take it off, indifferent technicians and stoic guards whose hands lingered near their weapons, their belts sagging with the weight of guns and batons. They needed them - they were typs. 
Non-magicians, as it were - ain’t that a laugh? All the guards at the big scary magician prison and not one of them a magician themselves. They couldn’t be - if they were, the metal the whole place was built from would make them sick and probably drive them insane, like it was doing for her now - turning her insides all slippery and scrambled, and it was the waretamium doing it, and not the unfolding realization this was where she would spend the rest of her life. 
Riley POV
Riley Silver was in a good mood. 
This latest round of suppressants was actually doing something. Patching the leaks to the other world, if she was gonna get cute about it, and you know what? She just might. 
Because that was how good she felt without that constant creepy-crawly tug on her consciousness. 
She had to fight for this particular medicine. It was strong stuff, still in clinical trials and definitely not intended for long-term use, but right now, walking up the bridge to Delaney School of Magic with a small group of other arrivals, she didn’t even care. She could feel the texture of the cobblestone through her rubber-bottomed boots. She could smell the snow, crystalline and clean. She could smell the color white.
She understood, too, why Peter told her to bring layers. She’d never quite felt cold like this, and she couldn’t say she hated it. In fact, and maybe this was just the suppressants talking, she found it steadying. Clarifying. Comforting, being bundled up like this in the midst of it. 
(Riley, young and on drugs, is only featured in one chapter and it’s very dear to me because she’s almost relaxed and so OOC 😂)
Simon POV
“Did you hit your head?” Flora asked as she stood in the archway. 
“No,” he said. “Maybe. I don’t think so.” 
“You don’t remember?” 
He pulled smoke deep into his lungs and let the cold air cut through his tattered clothes. “A lot happened down there.” 
“Alright,” she said. “Touch your finger to your nose and walk a straight line to me.” 
He didn’t want to, for no other reason than he was told. “Why?” 
“Because you’re saying things that don’t make sense and indicating gaps in your memory. I’m trying to make sure you don’t have a concussion.” 
He laughed, sniffled. It was so much worse than that. 
“I don’t have a concussion, I have Callie.” He motioned to his head with his only good hand left, clutching the cigarette in it like a lifeline. How did she manage being herself? He was only half-her and he was drunk, overwhelmed, giddy and grieving all at once. 
“Simon,” Flora said evenly, “I don’t care if you have the entire population of the Western hemisphere in there. Show me you can walk a straight line.” 
(God bless Flora, the only one who can bring the energy down when Simon is having a Callie-induced nervous breakdown 💕)
Tagging @avrablake, @drippingmoon, @dontjudgemeimawriter, @diphthongsfordays and @afoolandathief to the play with word find game with bury, burden, burn and buy 😚
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somethingaboutmint · 1 year
i'm curious how Ziva's other main companions respond to her age, she's only 2 years younger than McCready and is the same age as "elder" maxson
Maccready doesn't think its weird but thats because both him and živa have eerily simmilar life circumstances and have basically skipped the "young adult" part of their lives to get straight into parenthood. They get along really well (wink wink nudge).
Other than maccready preston and piper are the closest to her in age (hc them both to be 23ish). Preston does not think its that unusual but then again he's also very young and already suffered insane trauma/is overworked as fuck constantly so he's not really a good frame of reference. Piper does secretly think Živa having a kid at 19 is a very "WHAT THE FUCK" moment because she had to take care of her sister at that age and determined that its way too young to be taking care of another person but she never really voices it because živa is close to snapping at any given point and she doesnt want to make it worse. Curie also vibes with živa which isn't relevant to how young živa is (curie spent 200 years as a robot and doesnt have the same sense of age that humans do i.e she can't really comprehend how young 19 is in the grand scheme of things) but because she dropped out of college so young (started at 17 and dropped out a year later cause of pregnancy basically) she never got an actual medical degree which is one of her biggest life regrets so curie ends up teaching her a lot about medicine that she would not get to learn otherwise.
The "older" companions are more prone to kind of treating her as a kid but she also isn't as close to most of them because...well.....not a lot to relate to. Nick is a brief older male role model to her and his opinion of her is basically "her whole deal is tragic as fuck someone make this girl some soup please". Hancock still acts like hes 20 so hes like damn really fucked it up by becoming a parent so soon you should be out having fun doing drugs or whatever the hell they did in your time and živa is a bit too uptight to appriciate that advice. Danse might have a simmilar "oh shit i thought you were older maybe i fucked up recruiting someone so young and traumatized to the BOS" to deacon but honestly him and živa spend so little time interacting that he probably never figures out what her age is. Then again his boss is the same age as her and in the millitary being young is like a given so maybe not who knows.
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Yeah, While I didn't like how Hajime was portrayed, He wasn't the worst out of all of them. There were some characters that I liked in dr3. For the new characters , It's Chisa for me. Perhaps of the fact of the potential she could go with by being so connected with class 77th. Munakata is another one being interesting as hell.
//If I'm being totally honest, of all the new characters introduced in DR3, there was only one that I really kind of liked, and that's obviously Seiko.
//I just felt really bad for her, and while I think she only had a few major contributions, such as the medicine that cured Kyoko as well as her involvement in Despair Arc with Nagito, I still feel like she was a fun character.
//That being said, I was ok with both Kizakura and Gozu too. But I didn't have any feelings of real affection towards either of them like I did Seiko. They were just alright.
//I had a lot of problems with both Yukizome and Munakata though. And I know that sounds weird considering Munakata and Kuripa share a lot in common, but they are different at core. Kuripa has a sense of loyalty to the people around him, whereas Munakata only treats everyone with doubt and suspicion.
//I just feel like what they were trying to do with Munakata was something original that would make him seem like a new, fresh threat to the series, but with the way it was done, it only painted him as a moron in my eyes.
//When the Final Killing Game starts, Munakata decides that the best way to figure out who the Mastermind is and stop the Killing Game is to kill everyone. Which wouldn't have worked anyway since killing Tengan didn't stop the Killing Game anyway. Then after he kills Tengan, he continues to kill everyone because the old, obviously evil bastard tells him everyone is against him, and Munakata doesn't DOUBT him for even a SECOND.
//He's an honestly stupid character who just keeps fucking up over and over again, for little to no reason. Even attributing it to Yukizome's death doesn't excuse the dogshit writing behind him.
//Speaking of Yukizome, she's a whole other issue. In my opinion, despite playing a central role in BOTH arcs of DR3, she just seems like incredibly wasted potential.
//She was a great teacher who looked after her students well, and her personality slotted PERFECTLY with the DR2 characters, who on their own are probably the best main cast in the entire series, and she is the voice of reason and figure of positivity they really really need at times.
//And then her entire arc ends with her getting brainwashed and lobotomized by Junko and Mukuro, thereby then becomes much less interesting, and then fucking dies in episode one of Future side.
//So yeah, just another reason why DR3's writing is awful.
//People keep saying that if DR3 was a game and the characters had more of a chance to be fleshed out, things wouldn't be as poor, but I genuinely disagree with that. The DR3 characters suck even at base level, and if Munakata is anything to go by, it's unlikely they would develop even if they were each given more time.
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randomleafoflove · 2 years
Xiachen starts ramping up her game. It really helps knowing the location of a legendary beast.
And Wuxian deals with a realization.
Wuxian looked at the trashing creature caught in the talismans shijie asked him to develop. Its snake-like head was pinned to the cave floor with the talisman shijie wielded. Zhuliu-shixiong and Tui-shijie had the front limbs taken care of, making sure the creature couldn’t move. Early in the fight Wuxian had shot its eyes out, enraging it beyond all reason, but also limiting its perception of their movements further.
It was the only success they had at first, since the creature’s skin was too thick for their swords to pierce. They nearly lost Pinde-shixiong when the creature managed to hit him, flinging him to the cave wall. Ji-shijie had been on him in an instant, administering first aid and getting him out of the thick of fighting.
Then Zhuliu-shixiong managed to capture the right fore limb, severely limiting the creature’s movements. After that, it was over quickly.
“Well then, shall we?” shijie asked, and manipulated Mingyùn to point straight at the creatures ruined eye socket.
Everyone capable mimicked her, and on signal, every sword shot through the eyes and into the creature’s brain, killing it instantly.
How such a creature had managed to survive so close to the Wen sect, Wuxian would never know. Even now it still reeked of resentful energy. He’d been able to sense it from some three or four li away, it was so potent. It didn’t really dissipate either. The sect would have a lot of work to do to cleanse the cave and the surroundings of the creature’s resentment.
“We’ll camp outside for the night and return home tomorrow with our spoils,” shijie said. “I’ll go check on A-Fu, and if he needs it, take him home early for medical treatment. A-Tui, Zhuliu-ge, look after the others while you deal with the sealing and begin purification, okay?”
“Of course, shijie.” “Understood, Xiachen-guniang.”
Wuxian inched closer to the carcass. It was disgusting, but also… it felt like it was meant for more.
“I think it’s the Xuanwu of Slaughter,” Tui-shijie mused aloud.
“The corrupted Xuanwu from some centuries ago?”
“Very good, Wuxian-shidi. Yes, I mean exactly that.”
Wuxian looked at the beast with new eyes. It was something past cultivators had struggled to bring down and kill. It was something that had almost been divine.
He wondered what kinds of things could be made from it. Would the skin… he looked at it more closely. Not skin, scales. Would the scales be useful for something? Livers were usually useful in medicine, if they could be extracted whole from a yao. Or the pancreas. The shell would probably be given to zongzhu as tribute. What about the bones? Would they be reduced to bonemeal, or could they be treated like ivory and carved into art or jewelry.
Of course, all that was for after purification, because if it wasn’t, they’d only be making cursed items or poisons.
“It’s a lot bigger and more malevolent than what we normally purify,” Lingchang-shixiong muttered.
Which was true. But the Wen sect was known for their purifying techniques. The only time they’ve failed in purifying before was the burial mounds. And it was the burial mounds.
Wuxian sat across from shijie, biting on his brush handle in thought.
“I mean, I’ve thought about it, and even talked with Wen-laoshi about it, but I don’t even have a working prototype yet. Attracting resentful energy is easy in theory, but one wouldn’t want to attract everything indiscriminately. And something powerful enough to attract a water born abyss would attract a lot of other resentful entities.”
Shijie sighed. “I wish I could help you more with this. Talismans were never my passion, so I know how to use and copy them, but making new ones just… escapes me.”
“Why are we working on this anyway?”
“Wen Xu is getting impatient with the abyss in Hanshui river. Knowing him, he’ll eventually drive it east to Lan territory. And I don’t want you to suffer there because of something stupid Wen Xu did.”
“So you’re coming with me to Gusu for the first week to use the Cloud Recesses’ library to do research on Water born abysses.”
“And take stock of their wards for father.”
Wuxian cocked his head. “Jin-laoshi’s coming too?”
“En. Her spiritual sensitivity and experience still eclipses mine.”
Jin-laoshi wasn’t a strong cultivator, but her practical if unconventional education in Koi Tower meant she could get more bang per buck from her spiritual energy when compared to others. The fact she was still alive, twenty-eight years after following Concubine Jin to Nightless Sky was impressive, given the rate women and servants dropped dead there. She’d been born as the shu daughter of a long line of shu sons and had permanently scarred her own face to get out of an arranged marriage to a non-cultivating noble nearly thrice her age. Even now, the scar ran across her face, all the way from forehead across her nose and down to her chin. Wuxian had liked wondering what ferocious beast had done it until he learned the truth recently. Then he went on a research binge on laws concerning women and had come to the horrible conclusion that women were their father’s (or brother’s or grandfather’s or uncle’s or cousin’s) or husband’s property. Only women with dead husbands and grown sons could in any way be considered free. Even if the woman in question was a cultivator. The only truly free woman he knew of was the Immortal Baoshan Sanren, and she was immortal and had secluded herself on a mountain away from society!
Jin-laoshi’s choice had been between two kinds of slavery, and she’d chosen the one where she wasn’t expected to let someone else use her body for their own pleasure. Of course she had been bound to Concubine Jin and with her death, to shijie, but she was a respected teacher to the cohort and a close advisor to shijie.
And when Wuxian tried to apply the same knowledge to shijie, his brain just broke. That zongzhu had arranged two marriages for shijie spoke of his power over her. It did not fit in with Wuxian’s understanding of the world. Shijie was the wisest, most powerful being in the world, obviously, but… Wuxian had taken a closer look at shijie’s family tree. She had her father and brothers, obviously, but she had no uncles. Wen Ruohan had killed all his brothers in the years before and after his ascension to sect leader. And his father had done the same, except for a brother who’d been the same age as the toddler Wen Ruohan. That toddler had been brought up by his concubine mother in the village of Dafan, because that was where she was from. A-Ning and his sister Wen Qing were his children.
So, in case shijie’s immediate family died, the custody of shijie would fall to A-Ning, but it could be contested by Jin-zongzhu as her maternal uncle. The only thing that would save her was either being Wen-zongzhu herself or having adult sons. On that the Wen sect’s by-laws were clear. A female zongzhu was her own master, needing no familial guardian.
It had been like everything about shijie made sense with the revelation.
Of course shijie was aiming to be Wen-zongzhu one day. That way, no one could tell her what to do, and she’d only have four equals in the eyes of the world.
As it should be.
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zorilleerrant · 1 month
I'm not actually planning on writing anything for this (so if anyone else wants to use it as a jumping off point, as always, feel free), but I'm still thinking about a Buffy/PJO crossover and who would belong to which god. because I have Thoughts about it
so the most difficult is the Slayers, because I do think they all need to be the chosen of some specific god, rather than assigning them individually. Ares is the most obvious, given all the punching. I think an argument can be made for Hestia or Hera, too, given that the First Slayer was created by her village as a whole working together to imbue her with protective powers. however if we follow the whole death is your gift then it would be Hades. I would pin them to Artemis if PJO hadn't jossed that concept by doing something really weird to Artemis's Hunters. I think we'd put Dawn here as well, since she'd made from Buffy's magic. (altho I do think they switch to the Roman counterpart when Buffy dies the first time. that just makes sense to me that it would be the same but not quite)
Willow - Athena, hands down. her entire point is she loves getting lost in research rabbit holes and building things. programming is just the modern day over-detailed blueprint. while she becomes a magical heavy hitter later, it takes a lot of pushing for her to figure out how to use magic; it's not intuitive to her just because she has talent, so it's not her godly skill
Xander - Hephaestus. early on he's always trying to make stuff (or MacGuyver it), and while it doesn't typically work out, later on he becomes really skilled at putting things back together, and building things from scratch. he seems to intuit machinery and other complex items in a way most people don't. plus he can make Vulcan jokes which only Oz will find funny
Cordelia - Ares. the very first thing she does on finding out there are monsters is try to hit them. she's often bloodthirsty about it, even, and despite not enjoying the process of research or fighting, she's very intense about Winning Against Them. she might be pretty and enjoy dressing up, but, as she says repeatedly, that's not natural; it's a lot of hard work. this is actually my strongest argument for Slayers belonging to Ares: it would offer a lot of opportunity to reimagine Buffy and Cordy's early interactions into this AU
Oz - Apollo. look, his whole thing is music. even when he sucks, there's nothing more powerful to him than creating the right sound. even seduction tactics are tied deeply into music for him, and it's built into the logics by which he fights. (it's even implicitly how he keeps the Wolf at bay.) he's good at lots of other things, but they're not so deeply a part of him as music is
Harmony - also Apollo, but for medical reasons. she has an odd obsession with human physiology, and her reaction to being accused of murder is to show why that doesn't match practical anatomy. we can also assume she has some familiarity with sports medicine, due to her interest in competitive cheer. we can assign her to a more specific medical god, too, but she's so bright and shiny all the time she really seems like an Apollo kid
Anya - as a Vengeance Demon, it seems to me Dionysus makes the most sense, and we could put all of them there. however, I think that could also be a boon he bestowed, rather than an inborn trait. I think the combination of her farming skills and her love of wealth/plenty makes her a better candidate for Demeter.
Giles - Dionysus. he's driven to excess; that's what got him into trouble in the first place, and even after decades, he has trouble staying away from it. his alcohol is picked for its excellence, and similarly, he loves rich food and throwing parties. his violence is similarly unbridled and passionate, even though he hides it. also his sex life is pretty kinky so jot that down
Angel - Aphrodite. he was picked for his beauty and his charm, and that's a huge amount of what he's known for, whether good or evil. his sadism and violence is taught, and his self-loathing is cursed into him later. mostly he can talk people into stuff
Spike - Hymen. being a caretaker is his defining trait throughout the entire series, and he does it well. he has to belong to one of the gods of home and hearth. there are a lot to choose from and tbh I'm picking because it's funny and Spike would be very 'yeah I guess that tracks' about it. plus he's intensely loyal
Drusilla - her visions are supposed to be innate to her in a way they aren't for Cordy, so we should center her powers around that. however, it's a tossup for me whether we should count them as prophecy and assign her to Apollo, messages from the gods and assign her to Iris, or guidance and assign her to Hermes. her visual stylings make me lean towards Iris tho
Darla - Ares. yes, she's gifted with beauty and uses it to survive, but the first thing she does when she's got the power to do whatever she wants is kill, kill, kill. she thrives on violence. even once she's human again she misses it and wants it back
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ihopethisendswell · 7 months
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I'm bored so I decided to revisit tpitt pokemon teams , starting with Jolee. I generally think she leans towards grass and poison types ( jee I wonder why), and given the fairy tales she based on, Appletun was pretty much a given. Electrode was second bc it's arguably the closest I would get to a pea, and it explodes. I don't talk about this a lot but I do think Jolee has an affinity for exploding things ( I blame Jinx for this idea lol).
I wanted to give her an insomnia pokemon, and the obvious choice was Hypno, however, given how Hypno is known for putting people to sleep and eating their dreams, and Jolee specifically cannot sleep, and thus, can't be fed off from, I think the poor Hypno wouldn't survive with Jolee. Though it was very close, I ultimately decided to go with Bannette, since I think she theme of loneliness and attachment issues is something it and Jolee share.
Salazzle honestly reflects on how I see Jolee now compared to when I created her. She honestly had become more sensual as I develop her more. She's incredibly comfortable with herself ( mostly bc she honestly doesn't think about it) and is kinda always aware of how people see her. Again, she doesn't really think about it, but is aware of it. Does that make sense? Anyway, yeah, in that sense, I do think Salazzle fits her well now. Also more recently I've been connecting the poison type to science and to a smaller extent medicine. At least within the logic of the pokemon world anyway. I've been throwing around this idea that Jolee has always had this affinity for science and medicine, but never got into it bc that wasn't what she was told to do ( one more time: she doesn't think about it), so yeah, a poison type fits her well. Also yeah, poison apple blah blah blah.
Adding onto the previous point, Audino plays into the whole interest in medicine stuff. It also plays into the genuine kindness that she has. Jolee, despite everything, is a sweetheart. Also Audino has regenerator and that's a nod to her superpower so. There's also that. Also according to Audino's pokedex entries, it can tell how a person is feeling by listening to their heartbeat. Which is really interesting since Jolee is kinda always neutral. Like she's kind and optimistic and bubbly, but kinda is...one note? Not the type to express herself beyond that. Possibly bc she doesn't exactly know what she's feeling. I dunno, some food for thought.
There could be a 6th pokemon, but I'm not sure about that yet.
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darlingkara · 9 months
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Nevermind the loose dirt. It's my 99 cent grocery store plant rescue that I am trying to save via better soil/re-potting and with bread ties, and my little tiny espresso. The stems were brown when I got it, but I don't think she is gonna make it. Taken a few days ago, but seemed like good photo for this post.
I woke up WAY too early. Again. I either stay awake for like 25 hours, and sleep 8, or the usual 16 hours and sleep about 4 hours. I have had 3 sleep lab tests done (albeit years and years ago) when I kept falling asleep. This was before I had this weird habit I have now. I slept normally back then. Diagnosis: Narcolepsy and non-24 hour sleep cycle (Circadian Rhythm Disorder?). I was a bit blown back, to be honest, especially by Narcolepsy. And guess what? The MD had to report it to the DMV, if I did not. If you have a driver's license, it is stated on it AND you have to be medicated while driving. The medicine was Dexedrine, or pretty much @mphetamine. Makes sense-- Can't be falling asleep while driving. I stayed awake, and my depression lifted. Any MD's reading this-- Please consider it for treatment resistant depression. I never felt hyper on it (I felt nothing, tbh) which would of course, lead me to being diagnosed with ADHD*.
So now, I am an unmedicated ADHD and sleep disorder gal of a mess, hahaha. But I am happy, or at least content. I think it has gotten better, or I have learned how to deal with it. I could not do now what I did in my unmedicated 20's-- Full time school, full time job and a kid. Nope. I have ZERO idea how I did it. The narcolepsy mostly went away. I WILL fall asleep at the theatre, so don't bother inviting me, especially in Plague Era that 99% of people refuse to admit still exists. And it is 50/50 in any dark situation, regardless of how well rested I am.
Luckily, I can now work when I want (other than 2 days a month), and do not have to drive. I do have to set an alarm for three days out of the week for class (it is used as a take a shower and get ready alert bc I keep waking up before it, lol), but luckily it isn't early. I LOVED driving, btw, and I loved cars. But as an American, what else are you supposed to do? Tangent, but... I would re-do SO much in the USA if given the chance. Like...Public transport and social housing. These are looked down upon in the US, which makes it seem SOOOOO odd to me now. Plus the whole gun thang. Sorry, but I will never change my mind. The 2nd Amendment was written for MUSKETS. We have drones now. If you feel the need to open carry a weapon of death to the grocery store, there is something wrong with you. Sorry, not sorry.
I am not exactly against hunting (if you do it for food, not sport). When I was about 12, we moved** to a mostly hillbilly area (not making fun of them-- I mostly like them dern hillbillies, and one of my BF'S was one since I was TWELVE... Though I have not been able to find her since 2021 or early 2022. Covid or went Trump, I do not know. I will continue my search. Her having the most generic name in the English speaking world does not help)). And well, my first look at hunting was not pretty. Dead deer legs, sticking out of truck beds. Like, everywhere. People told me this was normal. I literally vomited and remember thinking and saying, out loud at lunch, ''The fuck, this is NOT normal. Throw a TARP over it, for Christ's sake.''
*Btw, girls and women are SO good at hiding ADHD. We are typically not hyper or rowdy. If we are, it is within our safe spaces, with friends. If your sister/mom/gf/wife tends to forget things you have told her, seems unorganized or stressed over little things, gets bitchy before leaving the house with you, look into it first and do not get upset.
**I was not an Army Brat, but my family did move a lot (6 times, to different states), and it was not because of financial instability. Yes, my parents worked for the government, but not in any military way. So--I learned a new term-- TCK-- Third Culture Kid (also applies to adults). We are GREAT at fitting in anywhere, more empathetic, less racist (bc sometimes, even being white, people are racist if you are the minority. Trust me, I know personally, and it was horrible), tend to attend university more (not saying all should).. But of course there is a catch.
We probably have attachment disorders on all sides. I didn't get the overly attachment type, luckily. If anything, I need help attaching. And I do not have ''the itch'' to move. As an adult, I rented the perfect house for me and my minion at the time. Great school district, fenced in (by chicken wire on one side for most of the time) backyard, walkable to the downtown area in 3 mins, and I was allowed to plant a garden and paint, etc. I did have to mow the effing backyard when my weirdo neighbor went away every summer. Fucker never told me when he was leaving, but the grass length did. I lined the fences with gladiolas and ivy and had a gas BBQ and a nice table and umbrella. I would let my kitties out every now and then, but only when I was there-- they could escape if they wanted to. One was a serial killer, not even kidding. A Persian, fluffy, serial killer. I got minion*** a slip and slide, hahahaha... We threw some pretty good backyard parties. All of my neighbors were snobs. Like Harvard asshole snobbery. Anyway, I lived there the longest-- almost 11 years. My landlord wanted to sell it, and it was sold within about a month and a half. THAT SUCKED and was not expected... Thought I had about 5 or 6 months.
I had to go live with my mother, as she lived in the school district minion was in. Worst decision of my life. I love my mother, and she was really a great mother, but something went CRAZY in 2002 and again in 2014, that I am not yet capable of discussing on a public forum. Thinking of substack. Like a $4 a month thing. This is shit that horribly affected my life, and I needed therapy for-- as an adult. Shit that when I think about, even 8 years later, I still tear up. And I am NOT a cryer. As a mother, she was awesome! She told me to avoid beauty magazines, taught me how to plumb and do home repair, said chose your religion when you are an adult if you want to, and sooooo much more. My father was really great, as well. They stayed married for FAR too long. I think I was about 25 when they got divorced, but it was over my mom being selfish with her health insurance and cutting my dad off. He had a disabling heart attack when he was 42, and died in 2007. My mom cutting off his health insurance was fucking brutal.
The dude was ALWAYS on my side. So, I still say hello from time to time to my mother. Most importantly, I talk to minion, but he is busy working and crushing on some girl, his best friend's girl. They work together and he hates his job. He is waiting for her to give the okay for them to both leave and work somewhere else. I said DO NOT WAIT FOR ANYONE--- EVER!!! He sent me a pic of her and said that sometimes she drinks too much and gets sexual. I was like OMG.
She looks like me and that is what I did when I was younger. Freud, are you out there? It's me, Kara.
And I have lived here the second longest.
And I want to die and be buried here. Every year, there is a free concert, ranging from classical music to rock music, held at the cemetery.
5-30K people can come listen to music, drink a bit, dance, and have fun. That the cemetery I would like to be buried in.
If that is morbid to you, you are not invited. :)
***Minion is now an adult. I am not worried about his financial future (everyone born after The Boomers got fucked, let's be honest)because luckily, I am a Black Sheep, and he will get my inheritance. Good for him! Since I am 34-99 years old (haha), I will not tell you how old he is. Yes, I was married and he was planned. I was TOO young-- but when your spouse made $80k a year in the early 2000s, you figure, nice, I will just raise minion, and then finish school. That did not happen the way I had it planned. The ex husband is still wealthy and lucky, and it pisses me off. If you knew the full story, you would understand. Let's just say that one brutal character mentioned in today's blog had a lot to do with it, including my parent's divorce. I swear it is not some Jerry Springer shit, and they did NOT bang, and luckily, my father and I were together when we found ''the letters''. The Brutal one would end up doing MUCH worse things than having feelings for her daughter's husband, and yeah-- it is personal.
Life is 50% unplannable. I do believe in luck, and I do believe in you get what you give, although I LOATHE woo woo pseudoscience bullshit.
I will NOT be camming tonight. My theatre thing begins tonight. It is only once a month. Last week, I couldn't have a schedule because I still have periods, which are very predictable, but this every 18 days shit is a bit new. Usually its every 25 days, abnormal is under 23 days in between periods. Went to the dr, had hormone levels taken. Good news-- I am NOT an alien. Bad news is that the tests prove pretty much nothing. I am having about 5 more periods a year than normal-- so about half the year. Great. Of course I now have to a dailytake high-ish dose iron supplements. I believe I have peri or pre-menopause which literally NO ONE talks about, yet it affects HALF of the population. And pre or peri-menopause is WORSE than menopause. Menopause is easy street, so I have learned. Some days I am nice and patient, other days I want to bite your face off. Sometimes I am horny, sometimes I seem asexual. When my roommate/ex bf of like 12 years (No, we do not bang and maybe once a month I fall asleep in his room watching a movie), DARES to shut MY room's window or turn off MY fan, especially if I am sleeping and wake up hot, I am literally thinking:
''I could kill you, and if half the jurors were women 35+, it would be an excusable homicide.'' I am not a violent person at all, btw, in any way or sense. I am learning as I go along. Surprise, surprise, there is not a whole lot of research on it. Reddit's Menopause has been a Godsend.
In the one racist area I lived in, I was ''jumped'' by 3 or 4 girls who basically PLAN attacked me, outta the blue. I won. All almost 5 feet of me. I learned about adrenaline and JFC, I get strong and mean if I think I am gonna die. I kicked dirt into their eyes and kicked their throats. How fucked up is that? I was maybe 11 years old. I did not and do not know how to fight. Is is something instinctual? I have no idea and too many research topics as it is. All I knew was that there were three of them, one of me, and they were larger and taller than I was.
Anyway, off to shower and go to my classes. Idk if I will cam after the theatre or not.
And you would not believe what I found when I took out the garbage, shortly after writing this (within the hour). It is not a popular name here, afaik. I will post it on Twitter @DarlingKara.
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