#give them some privacy!
respectthepetty · 3 months
I was going to write a post about the red thread of destiny in Unknown, but I'm still stuck here.
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This man opened the door, saw his friend in bed with his brother, and OPENED IT AGAIN!
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When Qian finally came down, he said nothing. Not one word. Just stared, and it was Qian who spilled the beans about Yuan being gay.
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Homie was being smacked again and again with revelations. He was just here to pick up his friend for carpool duty, and now . . .
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Now he has to ask the questions that need asking: Does Yuan like "boys" or does he like one particular man? Does the man also like Yuan? Does this man even realize what is happening even though the same thing is happening to him with Lili?!
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I know he is going to piss me off when all hell breaks loose, but for now, I appreciate him putting those puzzle pieces together.
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He belongs with Lili. Two busy bodies putting the gay little dots together.
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employee052 · 1 month
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riddles-n-games · 29 days
Petition for Savannah and Rohan to have a "We can't do this." "Why not?" kissy kiss moment in a secret hallway in TGG.
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shiraishi--kanade · 1 month
"Go to hell" is basic. "I hope your proseka fav's room makes no sense" is possible. It has happened before. It's terrifying.
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columbos-dog · 1 year
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blhtgobsessed · 19 days
I want to know so bad what they had in their f*cking minds when they shot the Hangster interactions like what where the directives???? what where they thinking about doing here??? i need so much answers before i die please
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cynonariheaven · 1 year
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Strip Challenge Full❤️‍🔥🤭
I think they want some privacy now🫣
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vickyvicarious · 7 months
Since Dracula fled from Mina's mind on the noon of the 25th (and she woke up more energetic than she was in days)... Do you think she told Jonathan between then and now? I'm sure he noticed the change in her more than the rest due to the amount of time spent together at the least?
Also wow he left her brain one day after their 2nd monthiversary.
Oh, anon... I certainly think something happened on noon of the 25th, but I do not believe it was Dracula fleeing Mina's mind. If anything, people who have been unwell suddenly acting full of energy is at least as often a bad thing as it is good (for example, Lucy is chipper after being drunk from at first, but also when Dracula leaves town and she is recovering blood).
I am sure Jonathan is noticing Mina's changing condition but she isn't suddenly speaking up more or even acting like she thinks the risk is gone/lessened at all, and she has been pretty on top of sensing those sorts of things in the past. So whatever changes we see are not likely to be from Dracula evacuating her mind. I'd fear more that he is invading it further in some way, given the noon timing being specifically mentioned as when he can exercise some of his powers even in the day.
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drivestraight · 24 days
why would fred reveal that lewis has been ballsdeep inside the chussy
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madebysimblr · 2 months
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Alex: Whatcha looking at?
Sorella: Casting calls!
Alex: Not for anything lame like movies, right?
Sorella: Ha, ha, very funny. Obviously for some stage shows! Nothing that I could get a principal role in, that's fine though. Between class and work I wouldn't have the time, anyway. Just as important to be in an ensemble. And more fun sometimes!!
Alex: …. You can't star in that one? [points]
Sorella: [laughs] I'm not a soprano.
Alex: You aren't?
Sorella: Mezzo-soprano. It's the next range down. I can't hit the high notes.
Alex: Really? I've heard a few-
Sorella: [LAUGHS] I think I'll try out for these two…
Alex: Whichever one you get cast in, let me know the show dates.
Sorella: What, you'll come see me?
Alex: Of course I will. Plus I'll bring Takuya.
Sorella: Between you two and Envy, I'll have the best cheer section in the cast!
Alex: It's what you deserve, baby.
Sorella: You really are the best.
Alex: You tired?
Sorella: What do you think? If it's my last night here, I need you at least twice before bed.
Alex: Fuck, you turn me on.
Sorella: Good.
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andersdotters · 6 months
Hi! I recently found your blogs, and can I just say how much I love your character analyses? Your portrayal of each character is always so in depth to the point where I can even picture them acting and speaking the same in game! I'm so impressed and I seriously don't know how you connect to each and every one of them so perfectly :O
If I may ask, what does your research and character profile process look like? As someone interested in writing, I hope to be as skilled as you with analysing characters (and writing plots and writing in general--) one day :) Any tips would be appreciated!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. I know I'll enjoy the story you come up with next!
Aww thank you so much!! Honestly sometimes I worry that my analyses won't be to everyone's tastes, so I'm very glad you think that they're good! I feel the same way about my writing because I know they're not the most romantic, so it's a relief to know you like it. ;v; <3 I have a lot to say about your questions though, so I'm going to put it under a readmore. It's an uh... infodump HAHA
When it comes to research, what it basically comes down to is reading everything. Read the character's lore, read their voice lines. Read what other characters have to say about them. Even talking to every NPC you see in the hopes that they'll talk about a character helps out a lot too HAHA. I also recommend going back to old events when doing research too. Reread them. Listen to the voice actor's portrayal of them. Read everything you can.
This is take three of trying to explain my character analysis process, but I'm going to give up and just explain to you the main logic that governs it. Basically what it boils down to is: we are not unique. Humans are not unique. What do I mean by this? People that are certain ways--for example, they have a low self-esteem, consistently overwork themselves, they want children when they get older, etc--they will typically share common characteristics. When you know the defining characteristics of each trait, you can potentially apply that trait to everyone you know that displays those characteristics.
For example, people that constantly overwork themselves typically have unhealthily high levels of perceived responsibility, typically with a self-deprecative trait that they don't deserve to be happy and rest. People that are very showy tend to care a lot about what people think of them. People that are extremely close to their families typically lose the ability to function properly without them.
If you know people that are like the examples above, you know that these observations are pretty accurate. And these examples represent pretty common types of people as well. Once you've seen one of them, you've seen them all. Nobody is unique. And because of that, you can apply these observations to characters because characters are meant to be human. Example one is Kaveh. Example two is Itto. And example 3 is Lyney. Now you've gotten a deeper dive into their psyche.
The way you become better at character analysis is by broadening your internal library of traits and their defining characteristics. This involves three steps: observation, drawing connections between observations, and fine tuning these connections by applying them to other people.
These steps are easy to understand, but let me go a bit more into step one. Observations come in two categories: physical observations and intuitive observations. Physical observations encompass things they physically do. Intuitive observations are larger statements that can't be tied to just a single physical observation. For example, physical observations may be that they don't go out much, they don't talk much in groups but do one-on-one, they wear bright colors, they're rude, etc. Intuitive observations are more: they seem to be uncomfortable around children, they act like they're scared to contact first, they're always on the move, etc.
The second step involves drawing lines between observations and trying to deduce meaning. For example, [they end their sentences using a rising intonation] + [they ask me my opinion a lot] = [this person cares about not sounding rude or unwelcoming]. Or, [they have a low self-esteem] + [they care about being seen as morally good] + [they engage in fandom] = [I probably should not tell this person I think Dottore and his penchant for human experimentation is hot].
Typically the logic goes: [physical observation] + [physical observation] = [intuitive observation]. [physical observation] + [intuitive observation] = [mid-tier intuitive observation]. [intuitive observation] + [intuitive observation] = [top tier intuitive observation].
But it does not end at step two. Step three basically tests to see if your observation from step two is valid or not. When you apply your observation from step two to a multitude of people, you're able to fine tune your observation to make it more generalized and more accurate. Maybe you realize that not everyone that ends their sentences in a rising intonation is necessarily polite, but it's more of a cultural thing. Maybe you see that having low self-esteem isn't always a symptom of having a high moral code. Test, revise, then test again. The higher the tier of your observation, the greater the chance it has of being wrong.
When I analyze characters, I go through my mental library and see which traits and characteristics I've catalogued before. And for things that don't have an exact match, I try to find ones that shares at least a few things in common that may follow the same logic. For example, I don't know anyone like Zhongli. However, I do have a friend that's very outgoing, but you can have a full on conversation with them and leave not knowing anything about them. Can I apply the logic of my friend to someone like Zhongli?
I will say this and I will say this again. People are not unique. Everyone is a copy of someone else in some way. When you treat the characters as if you were analysing any other normal human being, you can quite easily draw conclusions from what they have in common with people you know and have seen.
Anyway, this is so long I am so sorry. Hopefully I didn't completely bowl you over with information. OTL
#interactions#anon#another thing i want to say is like....#don't try to hold back the frankness of your observations#if you've ever read my analyses of kaveh they're uhhh.... not the nicest (tho idk if i only posted them on my personal...)#in order to become aware of flaws of characters you need to be able to accept the flaws objectively in others#if someone is mean then say they're mean. if they have a martyr complex then say they have a martyr complex#don't be afraid of being objective. that only hurts the process#some people think that it's not nice to give attention to the flaws of people you love#in my opinion that's complete bull#when you are aware of a person's flaws you understand them better and they become easier to forgive#you can rightfully say#'yes you may have flaws but knowing them makes me love you even more'#you get me?#also what helps is sharing your analyses with others and have them help you to refine your observations#also don't be afraid to observe and draw conclusions in general#sometimes you may feel you're invading a person's privacy#and uh..... to that....... um...#you have to decide what matters more to you. getting better at analysis or giving someone their privacy HAHA#by this i don't mean like... be a stalker or anything#but i think the biggest thing to actually remember the most is that....#CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION#just because a character shares all the traits a pattern you've seen in real life doesn't mean that's their issue#take everything EVERYTHING you deduce with a grain of salt#this is ESPECIALLY so when you are analyzing real people#no matter how accurate you think you may be you are not an empath nor are you a mind reader or god#do NOT act upon your deductions or think you know what's best for people from them#in the end analysis is purely theoretical so like... don't take yourself too seriously and have fun uwu
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big-barn-bed · 4 months
WAKE UP BARN BED AND BEYOND NEW PAUL SLUT FIC JUST DROPPED📢💥💥🚨‼️ (in john’s lap by Crepe_Suzette :)<3 )
✨never been more jealous of john in my life✨
In John’s Lap by @crepesuzette2023
lap sitting paul enthusiasts are WINNING. Such a fantastic fic! I loved drunk john being all clingy, george was super funny, and even mike got some! All paul had to do was sit there and look pretty, and he did it well. 🩷
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placeinthisworld · 1 year
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meownotgood · 1 year
bnuuy anon here and...and...
going on a vacation with aki + power and denji(??) in separate rooms, and aki puts a packet of condoms "just incase" in his luggage wyd 🤨🤨
gosh this is so something aki would do 😭
you go through his bag once you arrive because you're looking for something when you notice the whole row of them he's tucked into the side, and when you question him about it he's instantly red-faced, shifting on his heels and looking away as he admits, "It was just in case of an emergency... Sorry."
well, it's not like he was expecting anything. maybe the two of you aren't close enough for him to be thinking about that. but if you're going on a nice vacation together... if you're going to have your own hotel room to yourselves... it's good to be prepared, that's all.
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3416 · 6 months
Sorry this is petty but I need 1634 back right NOW because why am I seeing soulmate talk with 3488 like the entire beginning of the season didn't happen
exactly 😭😭😭 like not even just this season but their whole nhl careers.... i'd respect it more if ppl were just like those are my favorite guys so !! but . they are trying to rewrite the history of these mens careers like willy hasn't ALWAYS had other guys he's way closer to and like auston and mitch aren't like. objectively this franchises superstars and also haven't been completely intertwined. like i don't even need to argue about it.... auston matthews literally says it himself over n over he loves mitch the most fjkdsksdfl so.
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texas-bbq-pringles · 6 months
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