#give her the pulitzer! lol
crunchie-morris · 9 months
At long last, in honor of it closing, here are my notes from Newsies UK from the June 10th matinee 😌
(I wrote these totally for myself so pardon the gushing lol but I decided to share because I’ve seen a lot of people post their notes and to reminisce!)
Under the cut because it’s loooong!
- Michael’s Jack was much more humble than I’ve ever seen Jack played. I really saw a 17 year-old kid who was just thrust into this leadership position, who was scared but excited and not sure how to approach it, especially during that moment when they lift him up during TWWK and he looked around like, “all this for me?”
- Speaking of Santa Fe - the lighting started off with a cold, white-gray wash and shifted until there was a big yellow moon projected on the back wall - LOVED IT
- Back to the beginning - the sudden open with the blackout that snapped into the sound of a gate opening and the newsies were SURROUNDING THE STAGE
- All the chitter-chatter during the overture was so fun
- Also!! The reorchestrations??? AMAZING!! I noticed entirely different orchestrations for the overture, Seize The Day dance break, and KONY dance break, but also added drums in Watch What Happens (EPIC), strings in LFTR (heartbreaking), and something I can’t pinpoint added in OAFA (epic again)
- Crutchie’s a fellow Catholic 😌 he had a little rosary that he wore all the time, he prayed with it when the nuns came out. He wasn’t wearing it in The Refuge but he pulled it out at the very end (like scene transition) to pray again
- Crutchie had more solos in Act One, thank God
- Davey was such a NERD, his line delivery was hilarious
- Crutchie and Les’ friendship is something that can be so special, like when Crutchie was riding on the wagon during TWWK and Les was pulling it, and Crutchie poked Les with his crutch like he was a horse pulling a carriage, and then later after TWWKR, when Les started to follow Crutchie out before Davey called for him, and Crutchie gave Davey a look like, “what gives?!”
- Katherine and Jack had sO much more chemistry than I’ve ever seen. Right from the scene in the theatre booth, I could see her warming up to him, and then during the interview scene, they were literally just two kids flirting. The way Jack was awkwardly like, “can’t you see it in my eyes?” trying so hard (and failing) to be suave, and then him sing-songing, “I’d rather tell you what I’m hoping for toniiiight?” was just hilarious, and Katherine was just smitten for all of it already. Plus, after they got together in STBI, they were so close to each other all the time, constantly hugging and teasing. It was so adorable 🥺
- I want Bronté Barbé’s voice
- This Katherine had the newsies’ best interest from the beginning, she didn’t start out just chasing a story. It makes me think that she interacted with them a lot before the strike, even if she didn’t know them by name
- Spot calling Jack an asshole after he betrays the newsies was iconic
- Actually Spot in general was iconic. Rather than playing her very stoic and tough, she was a leader who ate up the spotlight and loved the power she had over people. She even made Bunsen/Seitz (idk which one they kept, they removed one) cower, and she loved it. She was also very loud and boisterous, something I’ve never seen in Spot before
- H A N N A H omg Bobbie Chambers was The Hannah Of All Time. Her line deliveries were hilarious, like her mocking Pulitzer with “he got elected!” and crying on the phone at the end when she was like, “Mr. Pulitzer can’t come to the phone right now 😭”
- When one of the newsies literally jumped on another one (idk who’s who and that’s so sad, they even did a role call) with excitement when Kath said they could make the front page, and then them immediately stepping away from each other like, “we’re cool, oh yeah”
- I really liked that they had Crutchie on a few boxes on the ground surrounded by other boys leaning against it for the Refuge. I feel like that communicates the tight, uncomfortable space he’s in much better than the typical move of having him on top of the tower
- Also loved the foreshadowing to the next scene with Crutchie coughing during LFTR, then falling on his way off-stage, then Jack says how he couldn’t make it to the window
- Also!! Another Refuge inmate helped Crutchie offstage after LFTR, which was necessary due to the fact that Crutchie’s crutch was left after he was arrested (😢), but the thing that got me was that the boy with him was reassuring him that it’d be okay, and continued doing so after he fell and he helped him up
- Another lovely bit of foreshadowing: how Katherine looks toward “The World” door on “no sir, we’ll stay young forever” (she was literally talking to her daaaaad)
- Jack was ALWAYS ready to pick a fight. Like the scene where he writes “strike” on the chalkboard is normally a funny, slapstick back-and-forth, but he straight-up kicked the chalkboard writer really hard, and the writer was reeling until he was done writing “strike”. This fight-instinct made it that much more impactful when the boys want to fight the scabs and he tells them not to.
- And then his speech to the scabs was just so touching. I’ve heard that speech a million times and it felt just like the first time. When he went up to one of the newsies in particular and was like, “there ain’t no crime to being poor” and he looked doubtful and he was kinda like, “hey, there ain’t” and looked him in the eye? Powerful stuff, man.
- I loved the choice not to have Jack sing during WWHR. Katherine and Davey were comforting him during the chorus, which was so sweet.
- Similarly, Jack got choked up when he saw the amount of newsies that came to help print The Children’s Crusade and I just :’)
- Not a part of the show but Bronté Barbé and one of the newsies both noticed (at different times) how amazed I was by the show. Bronté grinned and like scrunched her nose at me (it was during bows) and that’s just the magic of live theatre. Core memory right there
- Back to the show - Jack and Davey actually danced during Seize The Day? Iconic
- Medda and the Bowery Beauties were way more of a burlesque show than a vaudeville
- Overall, reactions were more grounded and less “Disney” than every other production I’ve seen, but they still managed to be big and theatrical. It was the perfect balance of realism and showmanship.
- The Delanceys weren’t as loud and boisterous, which honestly made them scarier
- Jack really said “but I’m pretty scared of you” and booped Katherine on the nose - precious
- Also Katherine sticking her tongue out after being like “imagine my father blissfully snoring while we take him down with his own printing press!”
- The way Davey was super excited when he found out that Jack did the painting and then looking at Jack and immediately getting all flustered and being like, “you’re really good?” Happy pride month everyone
- The newsies watching Medda’s show “she’s talking to me!” “No, she’s talking to me!!”
- Katherine’s spoon crown 😌
- They managed to still show the trauma Crutchie went through during the Snyder sendoff scene without changing a word! He does the whole “guess who’s back! And I brought along a little treat from the Refuge!” (Wearing the police cap) but then when he turns face-to-face with Snyder, his smile drops and he composes himself. But then he handcuffs him and kicks him off as usual 😌 but again, another example of the balance of realism and theatricality!
- It really seemed in this version, just by the line delivery and reactions, that Jack made up his mind about staying in NY long before Katherine says “you’ve got one more ace up your sleeve” and I love that
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duchessanon · 11 months
A few short story ideas, bb:
Anne, the Olympian, at The Olympics in Montreal
Anne the speed demon lol! Apparently, she drove 93 mph in a 70-mph zone near her home in Gloucestershire, went to court and fined.
Anne's affair with her bodyguard, Mark Cross👀
bb, your version of the private letters between Anne and Sir Tim Laurence, that were obtained by The Sun but never published.
The Fandom rigged the Pulitzers?! Justice for busybody!
Inspired by true events. For the Annedom/fAnnedom xo
One fine morning in 1993, Princess Anne stood in the mirror combing her bouffant for another day of busy engagements. Today she was going to an engagement at a horsey school and decided to wear her full Olympic horsey outfit for the occasion.
Her husband, Timmy appeared behind her with hearts in his eyes. 'Wow, you look fresh out of a trough'
Anne scowled. 'What have I told you about making horsey compliments when you don't understand horses!'
'I'm sorry my beloved' Timmy said mournfully. He really was trying to understand her love of horses and continued to wear his chaps every evening because the sight of them set her nethers in a flutter.
'A trough is what animals drink out of, if I had come out of a trough I'd look like a rat coming out of a sewer!'
Timmy did a sad face but didn't argue with Anne. She was in a bad mood because Fergie had pranced too far and trampled over her cabbage patch.
'If you want to give me a horsey compliment there's many of them!' Anne proceeded for ten minutes listing horsey related compliments starting with 'Your heart is like a Trojan Horse' and ending with 'I could ride you!'
All of a sudden Anne snapped out of her equine reverie and hollered 'oh busybody I'm late! This is your fault for distracting me!!!'
Timmy was startled and tried to help but Anne was out of there and he mused out loud 'like a stallion out of a stable'.
'It's like a horse out of a gate!!!' Anne shouted as she sped away.
On the way to the horsey school, Anne put her foot down and grumbled about the uselessness of men. Just look at her three brothers. She couldn't be late, the family already had a reputation for being lazy, useless, tax money stealing busybodies.
Suddenly a siren started blaring behind her. 'What the shit butt are my escort doing?!' When they levelled up next to her, she suddenly realised this was no royal escort, it was the Pauper Police.
Anne dutifully stopped in a layby and the officer approached her.
'Excuse me, my name is Constable Buthol. Do you realise you were going 93 MPH?'
'Well yes of course I do Constable Butthole, I am Princess Anne and I have an important engagement at the horsey school, and now I'm even more late!!!'
'It's Buthol'
'That's what I said busybody Butthole! Now fine me quickly so I can get on my way'
'That's enough of your insolence, I'm an officer of the law and I am hereby confiscating this vehicle under section 6.9 of the highway code - dangerous driving and abuse of a member of the Pauper Police'
'ASS FLAKES!!!' As Butthole went to fill in the paperwork, Anne quickly used her car radio to call Timmy. 'Timmy I'm in trouble, I know I called you useless but I've been stopped by the Pauper Police for speeding and verbal abuse (snowflakes!) and I must get to the horsey school!'
'You didnt call me useless, my beloved'
'Well it was in my head then! Just hurry up will you, I'm on the road next to the lake. The traffic is too heavy. Bring me my horse!'
Timmy panicked. He couldn't ride a horse well, but what else would get Anne there in time? Suddenly he had a brainwave, his nethers jolted up at his cleverness.
Back on the road, Anne was standing alone after Butthole had taken her car. 'Fucking asshole busybody bitch bastard, and WHERE is Timmy with my horse?'
Just then there was a gigantic splash in the lake behind her. Timmy sat in a speedboat wearing his boaty uniform waving up at her and shouted, 'I can't do horses but I can do boats!'
Anne's nethers and whethers fluttered at her handsome sailor's efforts. She immediately jumped off the road and landed in his arms.
'I wondered if I had been too brusque this morning and you'd given up on me' Anne said as they sped along the lake, narrowly missing Fergie as she performed a solo synchronised swim.
'Never my beloved, wild horses couldn't drag me away from you or your nethers'
'Finally you got one right!' Anne said gleefully. Someone would be getting a roll in the hay tonight.
@fannefictionarchive @princessanneftw
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professorspork · 11 months
How did you decide on the roles you did for: Emerald, Mercury, Neon, Robyn, Oscar, Sun, Maria?
but ough this got long so UNDER THE CUT
Em and Merc
This one was a pretty intuitive one for me. In Newsies, the Delanceys are a matched set pair of pain-in-the-ass bruisers, and their role seemed like the perfect launching point for whatever I wanted to do with the murder kids. the only real question was whether only Em or both of them would get a face turn, as in Newsies neither do and so far in canon only one has. I knew from early that it would be a great opportunity if I included Yang getting framed for Merc's leg, and I knew from early on that Emerald would "catch" them during the climactic printing of the manifesto and choose to let them go. em and merc being Yang's only friends while she scabbed was more of a game time decision that unfolded organically.
this took some time to arrive at!
my first instinct for who would fill the Spot Conlon role was Nora (as evidenced by the fact that she still gets his dialogue sometimes). this probably could have worked if i'd insisted on it, but I needed Nora too much to be Racetrack and serve as Yang's Best Friend/The Newsie We Know Best to cut her off from the main story like that. giving Nora the "no one hates Neon, she's just a little unhinged" so Blake could be like COMING FROM *YOU,* THOUGH? mostly satisfied that first gut instinct.
the next person I considered for the Spot role was Coco, because of that effortless cool and intimidation factor, but... if I couldn't make myself believe in Pyrrha being a street urchin newsie, there was just NO WAY I could pull it off for Coco. her the rich girl energy is just too strong.
only then did I land on Neon as the next candidate, because she and Yang had that antagonistic relationship and it would be both a) entirely believable for her to be a crater kid and b) shore up the Faunus storyline in foundational ways. even though in hindsight she's kind of the ONLY choice, I resisted it at first because Neon's dialogue felt like a big challenge for me... that sort of gleeful negging and lowkey sexual harassment isn't exactly in my usual wheelhouse. realizing I could translate that combative stance into an entirely justifiable hostility towards humans was the key that made it click, and then she sort of exploded in importance when I was like OH she's my truth to power who gets to say the uncomfortable thing that everyone needs to hear.
This one also came with a bit of time and development. someone had to be the Deus Ex Teddy Roosevelt, and Robyn was an obvious candidate... but the other one was Ghira.
(this goes on a bit of a tangent but I think you'll forgive me, lol)
figuring out Blake's (and the White Fang's) placement in the story took some doing. in Newsies, David is new to hawking but not new to New York; the main antagonist outside Pulitzer is Snyder, the warden of the juvenile hall. I knew that Adam's pursuit of Blake had to fill that role narratively, but my initial thoughts were to have a higher level of fidelity to Newsies, too-- that Clover would also be chasing Blake because she's wanted for something Adam did, maybe, and the two would play off each other. in that version, everything was thus very local-- Blake was from Mantle just like the rest of the characters are, and her separation from her family was an estrangement without that profound physical distance.
when I tried to game that out over the long-term of the story, however, having her parents so close by just felt too brain-bending; it gave Blake an escape hatch when I needed her to not have one. even then, I considered Blake writing a letter to her family and Ghira showing up in answer as a potential Teddy solution, but it just didn't hit right.
having given up on Ghira, I turned back to Robyn, and then when I gave her full consideration I realized that I could take the election storyline from RWBY and use it as the inciting incident for the price hike, which would nicely dovetail the two canons and hopefully strengthen both. from there, it was much more natural.
This one was pure necessity. Anyone i COULD justify using in the union inner circle, I wanted to, and Oscar-- by virtue of being a conniving, clever, mercenary thinker in canon both for Ozpin-related and crucially not-Ozpin-related reasons, was SUPER useful to me.
creating that inner union core so that way I could get the fic's political and plot-related thinking out through (relatively organic) dialogue instead of in more cumbersome ways was really key. if you go back and read all their conversations, you'll see patterns emerge as they always take on the same roles: Oscar is a rational thinker and an Ideas Guy; Nora's completely gung-ho; Ren is supportive but is also the first to fold when he feels like they've failed; Jaune is the one who asks the questions that keep the conversation going (with BRNZ also doing that or being nay-sayers if they're around). Velvet, of course, was crucial for getting a Faunus voice in the inner circle while Blake was stealth, but even more crucial because she's a big-picture thinker and a compromise-oriented person who could find bridges between two seemingly-incompatible thoughts.
which is a long way of saying Oscar is Oscar so he could voice the Ruby thoughts in the chapters before Yang lets Ruby participate.
I am ashamed to admit it, but for a long time Sun was not going to be in this story, and in fact I was making a WHOLE BIG POINT of Sun not being in the story.
this is sort of related to the Ghira of it all; I always knew that Blake would need to go somewhere after she ran from the big confrontation where everything went wrong, but at first I wanted her to be able to get back to her parents, like in canon. when I realized that would be a logistical impossibility (having Blake leave the continent mid-strike just wouldn't fly), I didn't know WHAT I was going to do with the Blake Alone chapter.
at first, I swore to myself I wouldn't use Sun in that role because like... the whole point of Sun is that he's Blake's friend first and he makes her feel less alone. I told myself this meant he couldn't be in the Blake Alone chapter because the whole point of it is she's ALONE, and if that were true then I certainly couldn't let him be in the union main friend group squad; the point of them is that they're Yang's Friends that Blake gets to know through her, and if I give Blake more true supports that aren't Yang it gets in the way of the love story as necessitated by this plot outline. which meant NO SUN, SORRY.
and then I thought of that "holy shit you're Blake Belladonna, should I bow?" meet cute and I was like... okay maybe a little Sun.
luckily for both Blake and the story as a whole, by the time i GOT to the Blake Alone chapter it had become very clear to me that it wouldn't be Blake Alone at all-- that it would be Blake With Community, and it would be a healing and rising arc to balance Yang's sharp fall into depression. they couldn't BOTH be miserable or else the story would grind to a halt. and so Sun got to shine (pun intended).
I'm still a little bummed I wasn't able to find more of a use for Maria than I did; Tukson HAD to be Tukson for book reasons, and Pietro HAD to be the head of the lodging house for Mercury reasons, and the plot just couldn't carry more mentor-types in expanded roles. so I gave Maria ownership of the only other Third Space in the story, even though that meant we didn't see much of her after the beginning.
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blorb-el · 2 years
Hello! What are the things that you'd like to see (or see more) in a Superman story?
o/ !
hmm, fanfiction or canon? Because in fanfiction... we're all here for fun, and I'm more interested in reading something the author's genuinely interested in writing. What I want out of canon Superman stories is pretty different than what I’m looking for when I fire up AO3. That being said, here is a long stream of consciousness of fanfic concepts that are currently living rent free in my brain. at least the sfw ones lol
there was An Art gremlin did a while back of Bruce tearing up when Clark was washing his hair and tbqh i think that would go both ways. the idea of an invulnerable man being treated softly drives me insane
superbat hand kisses. do i even need to elaborate. i will (threat)
i love plotty long world built alien space mission fic, which I realize is hard to write, but I love it anyway
Kryptonian. I know the grammar is hard and the vocabulary is sparse but I would be willing to beta or translate lines of dialogue if anyone wants to include Kryptonian in their fics...
(clark and diana teaching each other kryptonian and themysciran greek…)
general Kryptonian worldbuilding. I am on the verge of trying to encyclopedia precrisis Krypton just so people can throw in tanthuo flez or :dhosurro.
also kryptonian myths, ethics, nicknames... like just tossing it out into the wild that zhor krigia means bright heart... clark calling kara kir-a as a pun on bright... kara calling clark kahl-te...
also alien biology but that’s a given with me. still. had to throw it in
i know i'm superbat on main but. good clois content...
good kara content................
kara where she shows up and is markedly Other and. everyone is at first confused (’that’s not how kryptonians are’) and then slowly realizes how much clark masks...
how many languages does Superman speak? Can Superman pull a child out of a mudslide in rural India and reassure her she's going to be all right and help her find her parents - in her own language? (yes. ideally he should be able to.)
the adventures of insomniac superman. precrisis the man only sleeps 1 hour a day. granted lots of time is taken up studying aforementioned languages but. 3AM clark sitting in an all night diner in texas because there was a robbery nearby and he needed to not to be alone wanted coffee afterwards. clark watching the earthrise standing on the moon. sunlight tasting different at different altitudes.
(clark bringing a moon rock back to bruce like hey thought you might like this)
you know those fics where clark meets the batfam and like. learns to get along or whatever with them. that but in reverse. give me bruce wayne learning how to tolerate the menace that is jimothy james pulitzer prize winning photographer turtle boy menace olsen
young clark reading. actually clark in general reading but especially young clark reading, trying to understand his place in the world. Superman should have an opinion on Nietzsche's Ubermensch.
clark as a chaotic good person locked into a society and a role that demands lawful goodness of him
well thought out implications of growing up with superpowers. not to toot my own horn but this post i did from a while ago explains why the concept of infrared vision still lives rent free in my head
i am ALWAYS trash for listening into people's heartbeats. it makes no sense auditorially but neither does superhearing in general. read this fic diptych from bruce and then clark pov it's about their twinned nightmares and listening to heartbeats and overhearing bruce crying and the hurt of privacy invasion!!! then go read the first one in the series. wah.
The Call from Batman Black and White has a pretty garbage Clark but the idea that sticks in my brain from that is when Clark is afraid he’s just another tool in Bruce’s utility belt. chefs kiss. god i love angst. not the time to angst when someone’s bleeding out clark but god i love it anyway. anyway fic of this scenario (Clark is Bruce’s absolute last resort and he has to call on him) but not bad
crossovers... get flashpoint kal some HELP that man needs HELP
just because bruce timm was not going to address clark being essentially sexually assaulted during that arc doesn't mean we gotta leave it alone
anyway basically. just. good characterization. or. i’ll settle for interesting characterization at this point. my personal standards of clark characterization hinge on my three favorite Capital S Superman Stories: birthright, all-star, and miracle monday. if a fic has just one of the aspects of those characterizations I'm content. I would elaborate on that but this is already too long.
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florasletter · 2 months
i am gonna rant, tomorrow is the oscars, i need to say something ive been wanting to say for a while
any fucking filmmaker that makes drama/comedy (taika, gunn, greta, etc) movies would make barbie, its easy marketing, hoards of money, its a low risk investiment since its a popular, PG 13 movie, colorfull, appealing for everyone, has all the IP to make money, WB is thirsty for good press and is swimming on money, they will give its full support, its a story everyone knows for 60 years of a ficctional character or a doll the whole world knows. i like barbie it was a good movie. greta did a wonderful job for what was giver her. period.
now tell me
a book about a historical controversial figure, boring ass talks abt nuclear war, ww2, communism and cold war, phsysics stuff, relased in 2006 and won a pulitzer prize.
no director dared to make a movie abt it. very high risk, why?
the pandemic and its inflation and new habits of consumption post super hero (very saturated) cinema era in an era quick shitty streaming movies bc they dont need theatrical release, little effort, just pump movies out, no control wheater is good or not no one (as many would think) would want a 3 hour movie, with heavy dialogue (bc it needs it to tell the story properly) with many black and white scenes, Rated R, nudity and s3xual representation scenes about this historical controversial figure. tiktok and reels era, most people are obssessed with a 30 seconds videos in their hands, keeping a very bad habit of zero attention span and quick serotonin, unable to enjoy the development of a full story that is longer than 30 without a pop music playing on the background can't go around marketing the movie like its super fun and colorfull for the entire family ahah cool, lets make it a competition like ahaha BARBIEMHEIMER ahah so fun lol why dont they get into it too? it would help their marketing bc lol who wanna watcha 3 hour R rated movie abt a physicist lmao get real!!! No buddy, you wanna scrutinize what happened the people of japan? this guy was scrutinized by its own country after everything he was asked to do? no, you cant market it like that, its harder, but thankfully the ppl making the movie ARE THE MARKETING. also the ppl saying "who cares abt nuclear war lmao, it wont happen" guess who just did a speech abt it the other day abt using them?? i am not gonna say his name yall know who it is. now invest 100mi on a movie like this. didnt see all the others directors around rushing to make a movie abt oppenheimer like chris did, he thought it was very interesting and passionate abt it, he had a vision for it, to contextualize yall: he has been wanting to make something biographical for years (will we ever see his howard hugues movie? thanks martin for doing it first??? will chris ever recover from this? poor bby). and ffs this movie didnt even use that much computer VFX, so much amazing pratical effects it didnt even an oscar nom for it, any other director could have done with the computer technology from 10 years ago. buddy literally asked for black and white imax films, no one did this before. buddy dark knight came out 16 years ago, the first movie shot in imax, back then there was 4 or 3 cameras in the world and this idiot i love even managed to break one of them during the shooting (see the behind the scenes of dark knight its amazing and hilarious). what other filmmaker is going this far for a biography? they could have made this movie but
they didnt make it. period.
i am not here to say that this is better than every other movie, oppenheimer should be forever praised (it is not in my sincere opinion chris' best movie, neither my fav of his) but this is for the ppl whining abt barbie and putting oppenheimer against it.
the reels i saw the other day "greta could make oppeneimer, but nolan couldnt make barbie" HONEY... WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS INFO? IS THIS SUPPOSED TO ME HER LOOK GOOD ? you are not helping her at all... if she can make oppenheimer why didnt she make it before? is it bc it would be hard to pitch? it wouldnt be easy to make money from it or get funded? it would just be another oscar winning box office flop? bc lets be real, many amazing oscar movies i love, they were commercial flops, and its ok, BUT YOU SEE IT RIGHT?
marvels endgame was a huge commercial movie and a great box office, no one here is screaming the russos to get noms
"ah its a groundbreaking movie bc of feminism"
honey please there's more groundbreaking movies better than barbie, are you fucking kidding me. this is the stuff that makes me ashamed of saying i am a feminist.
also who cares abt margot, isnt it abt to be feminism or is it white feminism ? i wanna see support for lilly gladstone who did and insane work in KOTFM than emma stone in PT.
i am biased, i am his fan afterall, i have no hate for the others, but i am a realist. chris has been making movies for 20 years, groundbreaking breathtaking beautiful stuff, i am not here to throw the party like "visionary director" but i wanna put things on the table, he has been way past what the academy considers cinema, he has been snubbed for so long it became ridiculous. he has been doing an imppecable work of supporting filmmaking and the theater industry, supporting the craftsmanship of filmmaking the studios' inverstors and companies look down on just for profits. to end my rant now, the last thing i wanna say is: i don't care if yall say "ah just another cis het white man winning/being nominated" yes honey, it is.
if anything, this is the "cis het white man" who you just can't believe has not won yet. insane right? he has been snubbed by other cis het white males who would believe it right? lmao
now i am done.
we take in the sheets tomorrow evening. have a great saturday yall
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apoptoses · 9 months
Just when I thought I had my Top 5 @apoptoses smut scenes SET IN STONE (a solid top 5 at least), you post the second chapter of Come Get Your Knife and turn my whole world upside down!!! Where to even BEGIN here jfccc
1. That blowjob scene at the beginning, so stupid hot and we were like 5 paragraphs in lmao insane 😭and then their conversation right after that, with Armand clinging to Daniel’s tigh and then going to the bathroom to spit out his cum without Daniel knowing. Armand would 100% swallow and then not tell Daniel it can’t actually stay in his system for long lmfao I love him sm
2. Daniel putting a hand on Armand’s exposed waist in the kitchen and Armand lowkey losing his mind over it yes GOOD
3. THE PLAY WRESTLING ON THE COUCH MY BELOVED. they totally still do this at home btw it’s just way more competitive now that Daniel actually has a shot.
4. Armand wearing Daniel’s hoodie and then trying to pass it off as an accident when Daniel noticed 🥹
5. “There were all sorts of ways Armand adored seeing him- half awake and grumbling in the evening, tipsy and hanging off his arm. Bright eyed and enthusiastic about the film they’d just seen. But Armand thought this was one of them that he loved best. Daniel loose limbed and eager to get close to him, with that hint of mischief in his eye.” GIVE HER THE PULITZER 👏 😤 And then Daniel blowing smoke into Armand’s mouth!! 🥵 still losing my mind over it.
6. the fingering bit aka the star of the fucking show. I had to pause like three times while reading it lol I didn’t want it to end and needed to drag it out for as long as possible 🥹 idk if we’ve talked about this before but like... Daniel fingering Armand is one of those things I consider 100% canon lmao. I mean it makes perfect sense ("every inch of his body" etc) and of course Daniel felt curious enough to try it and of course Armand let him. so if a fic includes a fingering bit I have to read it lmao regardless of the circumstances/plot/setting idc I’m giving it a go. But some of the ones I’ve read have been like... unnecessarily aggressive? still hot, don’t get me wrong, but they were basically about Daniel wanting to be as rough as possible because Armand didn’t feel much anyway/could take it and Daniel got off on it. just aggressive in ways I don’t think it ever was between them during their most intimate moments. Daniel is a passionate lover yes but he’s a gentle king first and foremost, and he cares so much about Armand’s pleasure, and you captured that so perfectly. Armand coating Daniel’s fingers with his blood please  🥵 🥵  
I’ll stop now before I get carried away but know that I’m still very much obsessed!!! xoxo DA
DA I've missed you!!
Lord I have so many obscene thoughts on Armand and Daniel's come haha Like absolutely he would swallow despite what the vampire body can or cannot consume. Absolutely he would let Daniel come inside him and walk home to his hiding place and go to sleep with that in him, because that part of his body is useless now! It's just a receptacle for Daniel's messes and he's a little freak who would want to keep part of Daniel inside him in more ways than one (which I discuss in an upcoming wip)
haha I forgot I had that in there but that's a domestic thing I think about all the time with them. Like, little touches that make them both insane but especially when Armand is the receiver of those touches. It's intimacy he's never had before!
YES like even if Daniel doesn't 100% equal him in strength after he's turned Armand would be so overwhelmed and caught off guard that Daniel would win just by sheer virtue of getting him worked up over having his wrists pinned (I might also have this in a wip oops)
Daniel, deep down, knows it was no accident 🥹
🥹🥹🥹 listen Armand loves when Daniel is being a little shit, he's beseeching and demanding and that's why he liked him in the first place! He's found the man who is the same flavor of randy pain in the ass as him 🥹
HELLO I love a gentle overwhelming fingering for Armand and I think it was you who gave me the idea of Daniel teaching Armand dirty talk? So like I wrote that and you'll be happy to know that specific act occurs in there too. But YEAH I think Armand can feel a lot if he lets himself and gentleness gets him out of his mind better than roughness, so just Daniel's long fingers are perfect for him because like- that's ALL about him, you know? Being fucked is mutual pleasure, getting touched with hands/someone's mouth is more hedonistic, and he deserves hedonism ♥
Hey, because I love you, here's a fingering preview treat for you (this will go up for kink week for impact play day)
“What would you call this part of you?” Daniel asks.
He’s tracing over his entrance again with a slick finger, maddening slow circles. He presses firmly like he might slip his finger inside and then pulls it away and starts the whole process over again.
Armand’s brain feels like the eggs he makes Daniel for breakfast, a sloppy mess that’s liable to run out his ears and stain the blanket with the way Daniel has taken him apart. He’s so thirsty his veins seem to have constricted with their demand for blood. Everything in him feels drawn too tight.
“I only know the clinical term,” Armand finally manages to admit.
Daniel’s finger slips inside him in one slick motion. It’s humiliating how Armand’s body doesn’t even resist it. Even the most dead, useless parts of him are desperate for sensation.
Or maybe just desperate for Daniel. Armand has the delirious thought that if this part of him has no purpose then Daniel could stay inside him forever, could live in his body and become part of him.
“You’re tight. Sometimes I wonder if that’s because you’re so clenched up all the time or if it’s just because you’re dead, and I’m the only person who uses this part of you,” Daniel says absently, like he’s saying these things to himself. As if Armand isn’t even in the room, he’s just a toy to be played with and not acknowledged. “I’d ask if you like having something in your hole but then the way you keep lifting your hips up like a slut answers that question for me, doesn’t it?”
The word comes out in a ragged rush of breath. Armand’s been called names before. Words meant to humiliate, to shame. But coming from Daniel it’s different. It sounds loving, like Daniel has stared down into his soul and seen him for the needy thing he is and adores him for it. Daniel, whose hand keeps stroking his lower back as his finger sinks in deeper, deeper. Armand feels the bumps of his knuckles, the stretch as his finger grows wider closer to his palm. And then it’s all the way in, rubbing at his insides while he struggles for air.
Daniel is always good at this. He’s always got this gentle way with his hands, a light touch that leaves Armand aching for more. Immortal flesh is sensitive- Armand has never told him that, he’s just picked it up on his own. And so he knows exactly how to rub teasing circles into his insides. How to drag his finger in and out so slow Armand thinks he’s about to sob with it. It’s only his index finger and that’s all it takes to have him come undone.
His finger presses all the way in, curls at just the right angle to make Armand make a choked off sound; something halfway between a moan and repeating Daniel’s name. Armand lifts his hips. Shameless, he spreads his thighs and arches his back in his silent demand for more.
“Hm? Is there something you need?” Daniel asks. 
xoxo ♥
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spookfished · 8 months
kades big media roundup (august)
hiii! like i said in my last post i spent a big portion of august being sick :| which involved spending like a Lot of the time sitting around playing pikmin 4, going "oh i think im thinking so hard about pikmin that its making me more tired?" and then playing more pikmin anyways. i 100%d this game guys it was so serious
books/comics/written media: paladins strength by ursula vernon: this is part of the saints of iron series, but i dont think context from the other books is really needed! romantasy/murder mystery about a nun and a paladin travelling together to the city by chance… they both have their own agendas but something draws them together 0///0 i found this really fun!! may have too much blood and guts for a pure romance fan but its very sort of pragmatic and down to earth in that ursula vernon way. nice dynamic between the leads, had a delightfully creepy (and sad!) antagonist and wrapped up threads from the previous book very nicely. would recommend 👍
in other words by jhumpa lahiri: semi autobiographical literary fiction about a (pulitzer winning) author who decides to move to italy and start writing exclusively in italian. (its translated!) hmmm as someone who also really loves languages but also doesnt really have the resources or desire to do something like. move to a different country (i mean maybe!) and only speak and write in that language from now on (probably not), it was a really interesting perspective. i was sort of put off by her attitude towards bengali but the whole "triangle of languages" theory makes sense… the writer is very straightforward and honest feeling in a way thats almost irritating sometimes but i think thats how a lot of artists are. and the concept alone is still very interesting.. lol anyways its a very short read so id still recommend 👍
the twisted ones by ursula vernon: horror. a woman is tasked with cleaning out her late hoarder grandmothers' house, located in rural north carolina. this was ursula vernons first horror book, i think! i was a little disappointed bc this wasnt very scary, exactly--but i feel like ive also been learning that even if i startle easily, my horror threshhold is actually very high……? i ended up liking what moves the dead more (it was scarier!) but this still had a fun cast of characters. still worth a read though :3 i enjoyed it
dungeon meshi by ryoko kui(catchup): manga about a group of adventurers looking for their lost friend. stuck in the dungeon for months on end, they resort to eating monsters! ohhhhh my god drags down myface dungeon meshi is literally one of the best manga out there and im glad everyone recognizes this. its about desire and need and the way unfulfilled desires is what propels our lives forward and gives them meaning and also how its SUPER IMPORTANT TO GET 3 NUTRITIOUS MEALS AND SLEEP 8 HOURS and all that. lol. phenomenal art i cant help but think that ryoko kui draws women as only a lesbian can..? highly recommend 👍
witch hat atelier by kamome shirahama(catchup): coming of age/fantasy manga--a girl discovers the secret behind the magic that powers her world. she's determined to use it to save her mother, but it may bring a heavy price--or maybe not at all…? like vita nostra (which i read last month!), this is also a book about learning magic that focuses heavily on pedagogy itself (which in this case is also a direct parallel to learning about art/drawing!). however, unlike vita nostra the characters are more like 10-11, and so it also takes a much more gentle and compassionate approach to how we should learn. but it also tackles some really interesting themes about restriction of information, and if said info should be restricted and why! and sort of digging deeper into the idea of "a secret hidden from the normal world". the art is soooo gorgeous i think its all done by hand? looks like a picture book can honestly get a bit overwhelming. highly recommend 👍
bloom into you: f/f manga about a girl who has never fallen in love, and a girl who never wants to be loved. bloom into you is one of those Yuri Classics that i enjoyed a lot as someone who has complicated feelings about romance :3 theres that really interesting quote thats like "love isnt about wanting someone to change or stay the same. when i say 'i love you,' its an expression of faith that even as you change, youll always be the person i adore"….. very interesting! also the sort of idea that you cant 'no true scotsman' love--you can just decide that you love someone, and then you do? kind of? anyways i thought it was pretty interesting :3
beastars: coming of age manga, set in a world kinda like zootopia but if someone thought about it way more. legosi, a large grey wolf struggles with distinguishing between his carnal desires and his, uh, carnivorous desires. ok EYE really liked it but also i think it handles a lot of themes really weirdly… maybe this is because legosi is just really fucking weird (this is definitely part of it) but in many ways beastars portrays the split between men and women as being even more uncrossable than the split between herbivores and carnivores.. which to me was surprising since the manga itself is written by a woman? definitely look up a TW list if youre planning on reading lol. it definitely has some of the best "what if animals lol" worldbuilding out there. i had louis/legosi/haru ot3 in my heart the whole way through LOL but i, uh, dont really think legosi and haru work as a couple just by themselves .. also the gaybait in here is crazy. i think past the midway or maybe 3/4 point it kinda starts to lose focus, but it still had a lot of compelling drama. yayyy louis beastars i think more theater kids should go through unbelievable self-inflicted pain
beast complex: anthology about the surrounding stories of the ppl of beastars. SO fun many people agree that the best part of beastars was the worldbuilding and this was basically all that. very fun :3
surviving romance: horror/adventure? chaerin wants nothing more than to live her fated fairy-tale life--so much so that people other than her love interest appear as nothing more than extras. one day ZOMBIES ATTACK!!!!11! very fun :33 maybe this is just me but is meta stuff getting more popular because of orv…? its not doing it as well ngl but still entertaining. chaerin trying to gain the trust of ppl that she originally didnt gaf about is fun
video games: pikmin 4: pikmin 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its a game about being 1 inch tall and controlling your hordes of small creatures (pikmin) to gather things like fruits. i think i bought this when i was sick because i saw a post that was like "pikmin cured my executive function" lol everyone who plays pikmin doesnt fucking shut up about what an indie gem it is but theyre kinda right………pikmin is really good…. its all about finding beauty and joy in the small intricacies of this wide world……i know some people were annoyed by the story parts but i thought it was cute idk :] and oatchi was there . recommend if you like games like starcraft or if you like watching ants carry around a giant caterpillar
movies: farewell my concubine: coming of age/literary/tragedy/historical/??? its a wong kar wai movie. dieyi has nothing in his life but the stage, where he plays as the faithful concubine to a doomed king. his life offstage is much more fraught. i would dearly love to read any articles or things about this movie so if you got anything come find me? ALSO if you have the forbidden cancelled broadway adaption script please let me know. im so curious. ok so its a wong kar wai movie so everyone knows its crazy good already. did watch it when i was sick so not super coherent ideas about it but its like omggggg dieyiii hes so doomed. the way it integrated with history was also interesting (i kinda cant believe someone made a rakugo-based adaptaiton of this. bro it doesnt WORK like that) its really interesting that like dieyis single point of friction between himself and consort yu is his gender.. but that constant emasculation is also what allows him to be so unique in theater and have a special bond w xiaolou.. man well it really was a movie. i want to see it again in a couple months maybe..? its about performance and gender and Performance of Gender and sexuality and cyclical violence and art during a time of strife and art as apolitical and also art as very political. and also a lot of other stuff. very awesome
we are the tigers: thriller musical about a terrible group of cheerleaders coming together for the first meeting of the year. and bad shit happens!!! omg i love girls who kill. and girls who kill each other i dont think this was particularly deep or anything but i enjoyed it :3
nope: horror movie about oj and em, two siblings struggling to keep their stunt horse business running after their father dies. ok well like above its a jordan peele movie so of course its very good. scary as well! i loved the themes… i went back to when ppl were talkingabout the movie to see what people said! ngl i kinda thought jupe was going to have a bigger part in the movie but he was cool as he was. idk it was just very enjoyable and had a lot of things to think about. the idea of spectacle and like.. tragedy-voyeurism are something thats really important to examine closely in times like these i think?
when harry met sally: ROMCOM YAYY about a man and a woman meeting each other across multiple periods of their life. literally one of the only romcoms i can remember my dad openly admit to liking it really deserves the hype. its so heartfelt and sweet and genuinely funny and the character development is so good. its like gay people for straight people
how to lose a man in 10 days: romcom about a guy who thinks he can make any girl fall in love vs a girl who is trying to give the worst dating experience possible. um well it was ok? i only really felt the chemistry between the main leads in a couple of scenes (like when she visits his home) it wasnt really funny or romantic enough..? especially given that most of the humor was predicated on LOL LOOK HOW SHITTY AND CONTROLLING GFS CAN BE which is like ok fine. whatever. idk it was ok
annihilation: horror about a group of scientists who go into a unsettling area to see whats wrong with it.. um well i read the book first and i had heard that this was a pretty good adaptation ? a la howls moving castle book vs movie. i thought it was pretty good? but WAY more focused on the horror stuff than the book, and also (bc its a movie) not really able to focus on the characters interiorities as much..? and also like the way the characters slowly lose it in weird ways and their dynamic frays was one of the cooler parts of annihilation (book) to me. i think at the time having queer characters and characters of color and a cast comprised almost entirely of women was a pretty big deal though i think i heard a lot about it on tumblr lol. its hard not to nitpick on lots of details but i thought it was pretty good overall! a lot of the differences that i didnt like that much made sense as a migration from book->movie--like for example if theyd made the mc as cold and unfeeling it would have been harder to have her be a sympathetic movie protagonist. i thought the infidelity plot w the professor was kind of a timewaster though . anyways still recommend 👍
blue beetle: action movie about a guy whos blue and a beetle. i liked this a surprising amount but i also saw it with friends. the first half of the movie is kinda better than the first also being a tokusatsu fan makes me go "wow this would be so much better if it was with suit actors" lol but the first half of the movie was sooo fun i think also had a really good depiction of a genttrifying city which i enjoyed
oppenheimer: historical drama about that one guy. copy pasting my thoughts from discord: even my dad who liked the movie more was like wow… this movie was kinda too long idk i think it was like technically cool in terms of like imagery and sound and actgin and stuff. but i like wasnt really moved LOL. christopher nolan is playing a little game where i have to recognize as many white men in sequence as possible and im going to be real i can manage maybe like 3? also the whole outer shell plot with strauss and misha collins (EDIT: it was not misha collins) who literally unironically said "youre the god of shadows now" (????) was like. um well this is really intricate but also i dont really care…? like am i supposed to have a stake in this…..? and sort of the intertwining of that story combined w the creation of the atomic bomb was like kinda so-so (my inability to tell faces didnt help w this) it was fine but not really my kind of movie. omg i did like the part with like all the thundering applause and stuff but it blows up there was this part where they kept on being like omg the X incident. all this stuff happened with X and i was like wow what is it….. turns out it was literally referring to a recurring character that i neither remembered nor could recognize. sad
us: horror movie about doubles. YESSS SO FUCKING SCARY i watched this on the airplane to school and the old lady sitting next to me had to watch me hyperventilating and clutching my chest and the whole nine yards. definitely the scariest jordan peele movie. man and the twist at the end was so freaking good. i think its the scariest because the danger is so there, and so immediate, but the beginning part of the movie actually succeeded (for me?) in getting you to be invested in the characters as well. i was wondering if maybe the doubles were also supposed to be connected to like ideas of caricature about black people..? it leaves just enough unanswered that youre still scared. and the questions that do get answered leave you with………THE HORRIFYING TRUTH!! god what a good movie
moonlight: coming of age about a boy who struggles with being black and gay during the crack epidemic of the 80s/90s. < sorry if this isnt a good summary i remember this was a pretty important film when it came out.. i watched part of it a couple years ago and then just remembered to finish this month. its a good movie… you kinda just sit with it yk. hm i (obviously?) dont have a lot of experience with black masculinity but i thought it was interesting how vulnerability can be like taken away from you or you can withhold it from yourself..and that can feel or even be really powerful! but its also like never too late to do that until youre dead. waves my hands around
thanks if you got to the end of this :3 stg ive had like 5 books on loan that ive had on loan for several months by now? idk if ill be able to get to them now (its the beginning of the school year..) but hopefully. i will do that soon. me n neil are sort of planning to get into "film bro movies" were watching the shining soon im very excited. see you later!
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autisticlenaluthor · 1 year
I can’t believe I forgot to say I was sending another ask/song. Sorry lol. Also if you have any opinions on any songs I’d love to hear. Well, here is me lining up Lena with Big Man Little Dignity by Paramore (once again) because I haven’t been able to get this song out of my head, and earlier today I realised that wow this is like word-for-word things Lena would say to a lot of people (also considering the reference to men in power and celebrities), with Lex especially in parts, but then- this being Lena word for word directly about Kara in season 5.
Don’t mean to stare at you from across the room. 
It’s like I’m glued to the sheer sight of you.
Even if you don’t take it in terms of the ship, Lena is constantly fixated on Kara, and she’s in her mind all throughout season 5. Lena can’t help but look at her and stare, she’s glued just to the sight of her former friend, this great hero. She doesn’t mean to because she shouldn’t, they’re ‘broken up’ after all, but like in the scene at the Pulitzer part BEFORE the reveal, she can’t detach herself from that person who’s /meant to be/ her friend.
And you’re so smooth, it’s pitiful
Know you could get away with anything,
So that’s exactly what you do
Whenever Kara gets in trouble with the media by accident or might do something wrong, she gets a way out of it and is forgiven. When Kara stiffs up outside of being Supergirl? It’s the same thing and Lena’s seen that, she’s probably been one of the people to allow that. But then Lena sees that as Kara taking advantage of her power and difference to get her way, she sees it as her doing things unapologetically, always having to be right, and Lena’s disappointed with that. What she sees is a pity to her because they’re meant to be friends and equals but that’s not how it seems.  Kara is Supergirl, and now that Lena knows that, she resents almost everything about her and you can almost see it as her laughing at the fact that no one else agrees with how Lena sees the situation in the whole identity thing, and how everyone seems to agree with Kara and boost her ego, going against Lena (although at one point Kara initially still has faith in Lena).
Big man,
Little dignity
No offense, but you
You got no integrity
To Lena now, Kara is like this ‘big man’, especially with being Supergirl and the ‘I do so much good’. She sees it as an act perhaps, and an act she hates. Whether or not you see it as true, Kara acts all ‘high and mighty’ especially once she starts giving up on Lena, so that’s how Lena sees her. That talk of ‘I will treat you like any other villain’? That almost seems like a play of this ‘crime fighting superiority’ who can threaten someone into goodness. But go go so far as to do that and say that, and to do that to your friend- to your best friend who you should be trusting and trying to understand? (God I could do a whole analysis on season 5 Kara and her superiority complex here.)  Not only is that betrayal, but where is dignity in doing that? Where is the integrity in how she’s acting?
Well, well, well, look at you, don't you clean up nice?
Bet it feels good to leave the past behind
Your subscription to redemption has been renewed
You keep your head high,
Smooth operator in a shit-stained suit
This part kinda reminds me of Lena calling Kara out in Tremors, with how she acts different to how she is, and she’s left their history behind but yet no that’s meant to be okay, Lena shouldn’t feel betrayed. Once again it’s like a reference to Kara getting away with things and sweeping stuff under the rug, doing things- and for Lena, hurting her but blaming her for it, and ‘cleaning that up’ through fake or empty apology. It’s like Kara has left everything they’ve been through together - the friendship, trust, and belief - behind her, forgetting about it, saying it’s not worth it. All of that loyalty she promised that means so much to Lena because she finally has someone like that? It seems not to matter anymore, because it was betrayed, from Lena’s pov there was never honesty. Yet Kara denies this, saying she never betrayed Lena and never did anything wrong, that she’s still trust worthy. But she’s not. She’s disregarded everything while Lena still clings on to it. Lena bets it feels good, but she’d never know. But everyone forgives Kara, and Lena is expected to too; it’s as if Kara should always be redeemed just because of who she is. The final line of this verse- I mean, THE SUPERGIRL SUIT HELLO??? Lena always trusted Kara more than Supergirl, not because Supergirl’s an alien, but because in that suit Supergirl has done things that have somewhat hurt Lena, even if she’s saved her. That suit is this sign of hope and help, but also power. But with what she’s done, especially with the reveal and betrayal, that suit is tarnished now. As much as Kara can try to act and believe that what she does is right and she’s never done wrong by Lena, Lena will see her as merely an operator of this tarnished and stained cover, not really preaching what she’s saying.
I memorized all your lies
I can’t look away, you’re like a movie that I love to hate
I fantasise your demise
I should look away because I know you're never gonna change
I keep thinkin' this time, the end'll be different
But it isn't/you keep on winning
Lena practically clung to Kara when they were friends, having another chance at a relationship so strong. She would’ve remembered every moment but now those moments are lies, and perhaps now that she knows that, she goes to the effort to remember the lies even more so she knows what they are, and also perhaps because of the impact that shift has made. From best friends to strangers, the big change is imbedded on her mind whether she likes it or not. So Lena keeps looking at Kara and what she does, following her activity. She can’t stop, and she’s almost enjoying it as watching someone or something she hates just to see how bad it gets, just so she can keep feeling that hate and resentment. Then there��s how she looks at ways she can get ‘revenge’ or get it into a Kara’s head that stuff has happened and it’s big and means something, fantasising how it can end and how people will come to see the truth. Although in the show she never goes as far to kill her, still protecting her, even saying that ‘We don’t hurt people, no matter how much they’ve betrayed us.’. She should be looking away because she ultimately knows or believes it won’t end well and she’s stuck at the bottom with no one ever going to be on her side because look at who she is and then look at everyone else- look at who Kara and who Supergirl is. Now that Kara’s done what she’s done and she’s called Lena a villain and won’t acknowledge her own faults anymore, Lena doesn’t see an opportunity for change, and very time something happens the end it’s the same and Kara always comes out on top. So she’s attached to this person who is no longer who she thought and knew, a sliver of hope against the constant disappointment and failure. Lena continues to be in love with someone when she knows she shouldn’t, and she won’t stop doing that.
oh my god yes to all of this.
the line about the duality to kara’s suit - bc to everyone else it symbolizes hope and protection but to lena its a visual reminder of all of the lies and ways her best friend has hurt her. supergirl was a person who blatantly showed her mistrust towards her time and time again. and for years when supergirl hurt lena - kara was the one she confided in about the pain.
also you’re so right about how kara used to get out of trouble so easily. there was never any accountability for her actions when she got something wrong - including from lena. i think it’s so interesting how she’s given all this lenience but when lena starts falling down a dark path (as a direct result of her actions) kara is so quick to put all the blame on her and treat her as a villain
obviously what lena’s doing isn’t right by any means. but the situation could’ve 100% been avoided. or at least de-escalated if kara (and tbh the rest of the super friends) had really owned up to what happened
i feel like i don’t even have anything else to add bc you covered everything
but as for my own song recs - ‘cool about it’ by boygenius reminds me of their season 5 relationship (and i’ll post a whole analysis on that if you wanna hear it lmao) and ‘not strong enough’ also by boygenius is SO freaking lena i can’t even
i feel like this reminds me that even tho they’re my faves the toxicity with them is strong
ALSO i was going to post your other ask but you didn’t set it to anon so lmk if you’re okay with me sharing it or not
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fearsomeandwretched · 10 months
being completely honest, i love emily nussbaum's writing and media critique and i think it's harsh to call her a blue check rando when she has a pulitzer. she's also having a lot of really good faith discussions in the replies. idk i feel like we should give people grace when they're generally on the same side as us on various issues but have one difference of opinion
Tbh I generally am never going to give ppl grace when they're trying to respectability police abuse survivors. Like I get what you're saying but I will not be doing that here lol
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kitkatt0430 · 11 months
The time has come!!!! To watch the final four episodes of the Flash. Starting here with episode 10. I've currently got some tasty pizza but I may make some popcorn later. Will definitely have to resist the urge to throw the popcorn at the screen because my house is soooo dusty right now. (mid home-reno, at the point where all the big stuff is done and everything is now covered in a thick layer of drywall dust and i will literally be dusting the house over this for weeks to come)
The opening with Eddie is cute. Looks like 'Malcolm' is a research scientist? Since, from what spoilers I've seen, the N!SF is what resurrected Eddie, I have to wonder if the Malcolm persona was crafted to fit what Eobard wished Eddie was like. The N!SF has been retconned so much since it was first mentioned, but it started as an artificial speed force the Eobard created and it took Eobard as its first avatar. So it'd make sense if it was trying to remake Eddie in an image more pleasing to Eobard...
Still, it's too bad Malcolm isn't a separate character from Eddie.
Lol, Allegra as Rainbow Brite. I do find that hilarious. And the suit is awful.
Chester is no Cisco when it comes to super suits, that's for sure. How about calling up Ryan. He's not as good at is as Cisco, but he's not rainbow bathrobe bad at it.
I still think Cecile should have moved with Joe and Jenna. She's a great lawyer when the show remembers that she's a lawyer, but there's a lot of tell-not-show going on with her being a super hero and she seems happiest when she's with Joe and Jenna. This season's biggest problem, I think, is that it hasn't handled juggling the main cast well and, much as I like Cecile... I think that having her go into semi-retirement with Joe would have been a good choice. She still could have been commuting for her defense lawyer practice, giving us that one episode with Becky, but otherwise it would have been one less character to juggle and opened up the opportunity for Barry and Iris to raise Nora in the same house they were raised in.
Khione's place is very plant-filled. And I love that she's named them all. She's definitely leveled up on her powers since last we saw her and I like that she writes her diary entries as letters to her sisters, Caitlin and Frost. I still don't know what her purpose is because she hasn't done anything that couldn't have been easily handed off to someone else, so... *shrug* I've given up on the idea that she has an actual purpose that only she can do - you know, right hero at the right time - at this point. Still, very sweet.
Also did she have to look at the camera directly while talking about Blaine?
Iris - Since when do you do things last minute. Me - Where have you been? This man is your husband, sweetie. If he isn't doing something last minute, then he's doing it five minutes late.
Pulitzer nomination!!!! YAY!!! Go Iris!!!!
It's 'cobalt' blue energy that takes Barry to the past. I like the person who walks by cupping a cd player in their hands. That's so funny, but very 2000.
Oh!!! the laundry van!!! reference to the pilot episode!!! love it :D
Barry being an awkward duck with not-yet-Captain Singh. David is going to remember this one day and wonder. Anywho, love that Barry's first instinct is to go to Joe for help when he can't get back home. Not surprising it doesn't work out - you're a stranger to him now, Barry - but still.
Next try, Professor Stein. Who, given the time travel shenanigans he's already played with his own timeline at this point, would probably believe Barry a little more easily. But still not surprising he didn't believe him over the phone. Bet if Barry had shown up in person and started talking about the Legends, that would have gone better.
Of course, Barry then sees his parents. And just. Gets so focused that the Reverse Flash blindsides him. Love that Henry saves Barry from being killed. Nora's first thought at seeing Barry is 'he looks just like my father'. Their shared concern about Barry even though he's just some stranger... it's good to finally see the people who raised Barry before Joe. And that Barry's kindness towards strangers and sense of duty to help is something that is as much from them as from Joe.
Henry - I'm Dr. Allen and this is my wife Nora and we were first on the scene after your accident. Barry - *internally freaking out because he loves his parents but he knows his mom is gonna die soon and his dad will go to prison and he wants to save them, knows he can't, and doesn't want to fuck up the timeline again because he actually didn't intentionally time travel for a change* O_O Umm.... hi... I'm... Bart.
Barry calling himself Bart will never not be funny to me.
Nora - Can we call family or friends for you? Barry - *No mom, you can't call yourself, sorry* Nope.
Gosh, I do love Henry and Nora so much. They save this guy on the street, take him to the hospital, and insist on taking him out for pizza. Knowing they're such kind and helpful people really highlights what a tragedy what happens to them are because... how many people would they have tried to help if Nora had lived and Henry hadn't spent fifteen years in jail? Not with super powers but with just kindness and an insistence on helping the people around them.
Joe and David wanting to help Barry now too. :D Mysterious voice growls Joe's name and there's a blue crystal that... possess Joe? Well. Would you call that shade of blue... cobalt? *snicker*
Nora - Well, what about your family? Where are they? Barry - *AWKWARD* They died.
Again. Nora and Henry being so very, very kind to Barry. Giving him something he's missed for so long. And he can't accept their offer to stay with them, much as he wants to.
Matt!Eobard shows up, with the ominous helicoptor noises! Of course Barry assumes this whole setup is his fault. But it isn't.
Barry could be having a nice evening with his parents, instead he's at a bar with the guy who is an evening away from causing Barry's childhood PTSD. And Eobard laying out the situation is interesting because there are more options than Eobard mentions and he genuinely doesn't realize that. It's just... kind of fascinating for Barry to see what's happening from the point of view of knowing how this will turn out in the end.
For Barry to have the life that Eobard is threatening to take away... he does kind of have to let Eobard win. Just not in the way that Eobard intends to at that moment.
Barry going back to Henry's office right as Henry and Nora at talking about how they wish they could have helped him... do love that timing. :D
Barry getting to tell his parents that their love made him who he is even now, so many years after their deaths... even if they don't realize his words really are for them. Very sweet.
Uh-oh, growling voice is back. I suspect it's trying to stop Barry from getting to Eobard in time to save mini-Barry from Eobard's evil plans. Though that begs the question of why it brought Barry back in time in the first place.
Joe - Hey, so I know everything. Barry - Oh? Not even gonna question this. Help me Joe.
Waiting since the dawn of time, huh? So if the N!SF's main color is red, then why is it using blue now instead?
I like the doctor who takes charge when the hospital is damaged - she's my hero now. Oh gosh, she's Ramsey Rosso's mother. Now his disdain towards his mother for dying of HLH pisses me off even more. Dr. Rachel Rosso was an amazing woman.
Seriously, why is the N!SF's main color suddenly blue????
Barry - I'm not here to save myself. I'm here to save you. Eobard - Bullshit. *it's in his eyes, okay???*
Oh yeah, he's not here to save himself. He just... carries himself... out... of the building.
Though I do appreciate Barry risks his own timeline to offer Eobard the chance to do the right thing. But Eobard can't see beyond his own ego to realize that Barry already knows what will happen if Eobard goes through with his plan.
And I do love that we finally get to have Eobard call himself the hero and Barry the villain. Eobard cannot see beyond his own selfishness to realize that not only is he the bad guy, but that he's the bad guy because of his own actions. Even in his personal future when he 'embraces' being the bad guy, Eobard still thinks that it's all Barry's fault and the real villain is Barry even if no one sees it.
And there's the big fight. S1 Barry!!!! aww, back when his suit looked like actual protective gear and not a Halloween costume made of moisture wicking fabric.
Eobard - OH NO NOT THE CONSEQUENCES OF MY ACTIONS CATCHING UP TO ME!!!! Barry - Told you so. Also thanks for the catharsis, asshole.
Back to Malcolm!Eddie. Who gets the classic struck by lighting of destiny, but it's red. Like the N!SF usually is but hasn't been all episode - see this is why changing the color coding for the N!SF to blue suddenly was bad. Consistency is important!!
And apparently the N!SF can transport objects because it also brought Malcolm!Eddie a police dossier. On Eddie Thawne.
That was actually a really strong opening episode for the finale. I am glad that they're closing the loop before the end of the show. That said, I'm not sure how I feel about it being one of the focuses of the series finale. It's appropriate to revisit what started it all at the end of the show, but at the same time there's been an obsession with Nora's death throughout the whole show that, at this point, it does also feel like they're beating a dead horse. But I'm not sure when else in the show it might have gone... unless they'd done Savitar as the Flash from the timeline Eobard came from where Nora didn't die with Savitar causing Flashpoint towards the end of S3 instead of Barry causing it at the end of S2, but I've got a post about that fanfic idea somewhere. (I actually really want to write that at some point.)
The fact that this was such a well written and paced episode makes me worried the rest of the episodes aren't going to live up to it. Because I've been watching this whole season and, uh, this quality of episode really isn't what the season's average has looked like.
Getting a glimpse of the N!SF's personality here does make me wonder just how much it may have warped Eobard's mind already by the time Barry first met him. Or if its personality was modeled off it's creator and it merely encouraged Eobard's worst traits. This Barry knows Eobard is capable of choosing to be a good person and caring about other people beyond his own selfishness, which is why I think Barry gave him the warning even knowing Eobard wouldn't take it. He still wanted to give that part of Eobard that genuinely wants to be a hero a chance to be one. Given what spoilers tell me the N!SF is gonna do to Eddie, I can't discount the idea that Eobard might have turned out very different as a speedster without the N!SF's corruption - and I think maybe Barry wonders that now too, having spoken to the N!SF directly through its possession of Joe.
That said, I do enjoy Eobard being an entitled asshole who cannot see beyond his own ego and cannot conceive of being wrong. We got a glimpse here of Eobard back when the character was still well written and fascinating to watch because he is a genius but his blind spots are so obvious to everyone but him. So when his well thought out plan falls apart, he doesn't see why until it smacks him in the face.
Anyway, one episode down and three to go.
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I posted 1,194 times in 2022
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1,182 posts reblogged (99%)
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I tagged 554 of my posts in 2022
#newsies - 144 posts
#jack kelly - 52 posts
#newsies shitpost - 38 posts
#davey jacobs - 34 posts
#percy jackson - 26 posts
#lord of the rings - 22 posts
#important - 22 posts
#newsies fanart - 21 posts
#fansies - 21 posts
#tumblr culture - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i’m currently in a room with 11 other people who are presumably asleep and will be for another hour and a half so i can’t listen to it now
My Top Posts in 2022:
This is a tumblr hug, or a tumblr high five, or a tumblr sitting in the same room together, pass it on to your ten favorite followers or mutuals <3
AYYYYYY THANK YOU BESTIE! Right back at you! I saw your other ask too, you're so sweet <3
1 note - Posted August 10, 2022
2 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Ok now I'm curious to see which newsie you associate ME with
Okay so I went to look through your blog and the very first thing I saw screaming lady and cat meme and so my brain instantly said Race but then then the very first couple posts were about how nice it is when someone's open about how much they care about you and giving someone the bigger or better part of something you're sharing because you love them and so I'm gonna say you're Jojo.
I've always seen him as a bit of a jokester and always trying to make people laugh, but he's also the sweetest guy ever and one of the first people to know if someone is having a bad day. Basically, I think you're really cool!
2 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
for the newsies association, either kath or finch!
Ooooo interesting! I am very honored that I remind you of our queen, her majesty Katherine Pulitzer Plumber! And Finch is cool too, I never would have thought about that! We stan our bird man
2 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sprace Royal Wedding AU (Let me know if anyone has an idea for a good title!)
@gendistic42 Here is your fic for @newsiesgiftexchange! I absolutely LOVED your prompt! This was my first time writing an au, so I hope you like it. It's also important to note that this fic isn't finished yet because it is going to become my first ever series! Updates will probably be sporadic, but shall be made with love so hopefully that counts lol I'm so glad I got to be a part of this! Without further ado, here is the first part of *Inset Title Here That I Will Come Up With Later!* I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Spot was pissed. He'd always known that one day he was going to have to marry someone who was chosen for him, someone that he wouldn't have much time to get to know, and given his track record, likely someone he wouldn't even like. All the same, to find out that Denton had chosen someone without even talking to him first made him angry.
Denton had been his father's advisor before he died. He'd practically raised Spot and while it was safe to say he was one of the only people Spot actually loved, they two didn't always get along very well. Denton wanted to make sure that Spot would be ready to rule when the time came. Seeing as how his father had died years ago, he would be crowned king as soon as he turned 18, leaving him with far less time to prepare than most had. Spot had watched Denton rule as the Lord Protector, learning all he could from him, until he effectively took over at 16. It was a hard life and while Spot often wished it had been passed to someone else, he wanted the best for his people and wasn't willing to risk turning over his kingdom to someone who didn't care about it as much as he did.
Spot's inevitable marriage was one of the most common debates between the him and Denton. It always started the same way. Denton would ask if Spot had thought any more about one suitor or another, Spot would get defensive over all the other things he had been working on lately till Denton pointed out that Spot was using that as an excuse to avoid thinking about it. Spot would get angry, Denton would yell back and they'd fight till Spot inevitably stormed from the room to lock himself away in his office for hours on end. They always made up quickly, they couldn't afford not to, and they both understood the other's position. The last argument had ended with Spot telling Denton to just find someone for him so that he didn't have to think about it anymore.
Sitting in his office, Spot now regretted telling Denton to decide without him. Spot realized that while he trusted Denton to try not to doom him to a miserable life, he had given up what little choice he'd had in finding someone to marry. Knowing Denton, it was likely someone serious, stoic, and far to boring for Spot's taste. Someone who could help him run his kingdom well, but probably not someone he would want to spend his life with.
Most of the reason why Spot loathed the idea of an arranged or political marriage, though he would never be caught dead admitting it, was that he wanted to have a chance to actually fall in love with someone. He wanted the chance to admire them from across the hall, for his friend's to tease him whenever his crush walked in the room. He wanted to ask them on a date and go to the movies or watch the stars together talking about everything and nothing. He wanted to hold their hand and watch their face light up when they talked about their passions. He wanted to make pancakes on a Sunday morning while his partner cooed over their kid in the living room. He wanted so many things that he'd never get the chance for.
Spot jumped as his phone vibrated next to him. Looking down he saw the name lighting up the screen. Of course Davey would be calling him. Spot had known Davey Jacobs for as long as he could remember. The Jacobs family had always been granted nobility back when Spot's grandmother had been queen for their ongoing efforts to align the monarchy with the needs and feelings of the people. Ever since the family had been both politicly active and well loved by most of the nation. Because of their close relations with the royal family, Davey, Sarah, and Spot had practically grown up with each other. Spot wasn't always sure if Les knew that he was technically his future king, but Spot didn't care for Les to ever see him as anything other than his older brother's stressed out friend.
He huffed and ran a hand down his face before declining the call and going back to the document he had been trying to distract himself with earlier. Not five seconds later his phone lit up again. Groaning he declined the call again, unlocking his phone and typing out a text before the young politician could call him another time. Just as he was about to send it, that damned picture of a smiling, gap toothed 8 year old Davey took over his screen again.
"Davey what the fuck do you want?"
"Wow, Denton said it was bad but I didn't expect that," Davey's languid and amused voice gave away that Spot's reaction was exactly what he had expected.
Spot gritted his teeth a took a deep breath before he responded.
"Jacobs, I swear, you'd better have something real important to say."
"Dude you just got engaged and you don't even know who it is. You literally told your dad to choose someone for you."
Only a handful of people knew that Spot would often refer to Denton as his dad. Given that his actually father had been the king and was now dead, it would have been considered disrespectful of him to refer to anyone else as his father, even though the former king had never had much of a hand in raising Spot in the first place.
"Yes, which is why you had better say something interesting in the next five seconds or I'm hanging up, I've got work I was doing before you called!"
"Uh huh, because you were definitely focused on that and not on your future husband," Spot could hear Davey rolling his eyes through the phone.
After a moment of silence, Davey huffed slightly before speaking again.
"Look Spot, how about I come over tonight. I don't want you stewing around your office and don't say you're working, we both know you aren't gonna get anything done like this. Let's just watch a movie, maybe sleep out on the balcony and talk. You need some time to process this."
Spot sighed before answering. "Ya know what Dave, you pick out the movie and I'll cover snacks."
"I'll be there in 20 minutes."
Spot laughed, "You'd better, Jacobs."
20 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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jacquesdemys · 2 years
which reminds me, I am still amazed by the one karl lagerfeld biographer who found the woman (colette bracchi) who won the international wool secretariat alongside karl and yves...
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and first, of all, i love that the woman claimed that a) yves winning the dress category was RIGGED (because according to the rules you weren’t supposed to have any “acquaintance” with a fashion house, but... he knew the editor of vogue paris, etc. etc. etc. drama drama drama) b) she liked karl more, but he wasn’t “naughty” then
she didn’t like the contest because her mother forced her to enter it LOL, she was offered a position at nina ricci but didn’t like the fashion industry, so then went on to create fabrics for the textile industry
give the author a pulitzer for finding her!!!
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empressofkalumina · 3 years
I love flowering gardens.
I love creeping plants.
I love walking in the air,
but I fear swarming ants.
                 -Tallie Dickinson
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mar-bluu · 3 years
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What is a "konsistencie"
@cutesiewooren (i made it belmerttons ft. Elmer in a bow) @the-cowbi (,,,davey,,) and @ that one (or maybe 2??) Anon/s from last night (race and then this is what i was talking abt) :3
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fiddler-sticks · 2 years
Soooooooo, as y'all know, I went to see a highschool production of Newsies earlier today, and this is a ramble about it lol
It was absolutely AMAZING for a highschool production!!!
The Jack absolutely BLEW ME AWAY HOLY CRAP. He had the accent and mannerisms down, and I only heard his very very thick Wisconsin accent a few times lol. His performance was filled with emotion, and he could actually dance UNLIKE SOMEONE *cough cough* Jeremy Jordan *cough*. He couldn't belt the full last note of Santa Fe, but he went for it and I love that.
If y'all know me, you'll know I rarely cry. Literally nothing makes me cry, and it's actually quite frustrating. Well, Letter From the Refuge actually brought a tear to my eye. Crutchie was amazing and an absolute all-around Sunshine Boi™. (something specific that I remember is that when Kath told them they might make the front page, he slumped against a table like he was about to faint lol)
Davey left a lot to be desired, and I don't love Kath enough to have paid enough attention to her to give a character analysis lol. She was an AMAZING singer though!
Race was a girl, and I normally don't like when productions do that, but she got all the mannerisms down, and I really liked her! (something specific I noticed was she was leaning on the set during Once And For All, and when she was called over she lazily peeled herself off the wall, and I was just like 'yessss, that's my Racer' lol). She also did the erster bit amazingly. It's really easy to be cringy doing that, but she did it well and I laughed
Pulitzer was really great!! I normally zone out during Pulitzer scenes (especially Bottom Line), but I really liked his performance! He was very realistic. At the end when Jack and Pulitzer 'spit shake', he actually spit in his hand and shook Jack's hand XD
Hannah was SO FUNNY OMGGGG. Her comedic timing was exactly on point, the voice was great, and she got the accent DOWN PAT.
The Delanceys were just- 🤌Love love love love love!!
I absolutely LOVED Weasel, too. I liked how he said his lines, and he was just the right amount of funny while still being an antagonist. I didn't really like the way he played some of his other characters, but I loved Weasel.
In terms of choreography, there wasn't much of it (and KONY was MAJORLY abridged so that there was no dance break), but what choreo it had was very clean and together. I can tell the choreographer knew these kids, what they could do, and how to make them look good.
As for songs, they kinda butchered Watch What Happens Reprise, but that one's hard, so I understand lol. For Carrying the Banner Reprise (MY FAVORITE!! [right after Bottom Line]), instead of everyone coming out and singing it, they did tiny groups singing a line or two each while moving office set pieces off the stage, and I kinda liked it like that. It's kinda like they're all over the city, instead of all together in one part of the city.
Anyway, that's all I can think of right now, except for that my sister and I wore our newsie caps lol. I might make another chapter later, or just add onto this one.
Here's a collage of pics from the school's facebook page
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Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. I might make another post later with more stuff I can remember.
My sister and I wore our newsie caps, and if mom would just LET ME HAVE A SMARTPHONE, I would have more pictures. But I she won't, so I don't :((
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cocoartistwrites · 3 years
i have a hermione journalist au in my head but idk if that career matches with her personality? as character analysis extraordinaire and journalist yourself, what do you think? thx ❤️
OK SO this is an amazing question thank you!!! also for the compliment.
JKR hates journalists and tbh I think *flails hands at the world* it's an overly broad term?? Hermione would never be a tabloid journalist for sure, never ever ever.
BUT she would definitely be some sort of Pulitzer level award-winning investigations journalist or war correspondent or similar. She said she wants to do some good in the world - I can totally see canon!Hermione doing an exposé on the treatment of house-elves or Ministry corruption or whatever. That very much checks out. Giving a voice to the voiceless you know?
She could also be a broadcaster (in the UK this is more impartial than newspapers - the opposite of the U.S.). She'd think she was being more impartial than she was lol and probably be very sanctimonious about it occasionally.
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