#gil biology
🤔🧬 How do Gallifreyan Houses influence abilities and traits?
Forget the sorting hat, Gallifrey's got its own system for pigeonholing their kids. Each House shapes its members' abilities and traits through their distinct genetic Loom cores, mapping out their general talents when they're born.
Prydon Academy: Strategists and Linguists - Houses aligned with Prydon focus on developing strategic minds and language skills. Their Loom cores likely enhance brain regions for critical thinking and linguistic prowess, making them natural politicians and diplomats.
Arcal Academy: Scientists and Engineers - Arcal-affiliated Houses produce logical thinkers and scientific minds. Their genetic templates are tuned for analytical skills and technical understanding, perfect for those who love to unravel the mysteries of the universe.
Patrex Academy: Creative and Philosophical Minds - Houses from Patrex are all about creativity and deep thinking. They might have genetic enhancements for artistic abilities and telepathic skills, fostering a community of artists and philosophers.
Cerulean Academy: Environmental Guardians - Houses aligned with Cerulean nurture a connection with nature. Their Loom cores could instil empathy for ecosystems and a keen understanding of environmental sciences, creating guardians of Gallifrey's natural world.
Drome Academy: Social Advocates - Drome-focused Houses emphasise social awareness and empathy. Their genetic makeup might promote emotional intelligence and a strong sense of social justice, producing advocates for equality and democracy.
Scendeles Academy: The Versatile and Adaptive - Houses linked with Scendeles encourage a broad range of talents. Their Loom cores might be more diverse, allowing for adaptability and a wide array of skills, from innovative thinkers to practical problem-solvers.
So this leaves us with a fun reason for a poll. You might be a Hufflepuff, but ...
Gallifreyan Biology for Tuesday by GIL
→🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (WIP) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine/Monitoring Guides →📝Source list (WIP)
》📫Got a question / submission? 》😆Jokes |🫀Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts 》📚Complete list of Q+A 》📜Masterpost If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee or tipping below to help make future projects, including complete biology and language guides.
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bodyalive · 2 months
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The most detailed model of ONE human cell to date, obtained using x-rays, nuclear magnetic resonance, and cryoelectron microscopy data sets. Aren't we all just so filled with magical possibilities?
Most recent estimates put the number of cells in one body at around 30 trillion. Written out, that's 30,000,000,000,000.
Source and Credit: Transformation of the Cellular Landscape through a Eukaryotic Cell, by Evan Ingersoll Ingersoll Gael McGill ~ Digizyme's Custom Maya Molecular Software
Biología Al Instante
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Endless and infinite waves of vibration lap upon the shores of our bodies. We float in a sea of frequencies as fish in those waters, and we are rarely if ever conscious of the fact. Instead we assemble a world by transforming those frequencies into a vision that exists in the uniqueness of our mind's eye only, and then we believe with great insistence that what we see is real, and deserving the stamp of "truth," without pausing to consider the alternative realities held equally dear by our fellow fish. How to pierce the veil and see what actually is, as opposed to the creations of our minds? I'm not even remotely sure to be honest! The mechanics of "seeing" guarantee that "how I see it" must be different than how another does. So perhaps "reality" is more of a composite to be assembled with the help of the whole school of us~ Or perhaps it is an alternative altogether different from anything a shared vision might come up with, given our capacity to witness it with our senses is ultimately inadequate. Either option is cause for humility. Just thinking out loud here!
(Gil Hedley)
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spacebugarts · 2 months
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Stupid fish boy get out of my head /pos
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Helloo, could you please do one with mermaid Thena and fisherman Gil, btw i love everything you write, you are amazing 😃🖤
Gil struggled as he toppled over the rail of the boat and got dragged down by the net he'd been trying to untangle. It was bad form to fall overboard on your own fishing vessel; he would get made fun of when he got back to land, for sure.
Gil tried to free himself from the gnarled mess of a net around his ankle. But it was already sodden, it was tangled and full of seaweed and ocean litter. It wasn't as light as he would like it to be, as he tried to stay in good distance to the surface, hold his breath, and search for his pen knife at the same time.
He hadn't gotten the chance to take in a deep breath when he'd fallen. He didn't have nearly enough air in his lungs. The water was dark, and even as he sawed at the ropes, he could feel that he was nicking himself, the salt water immediately stinging him.
His vision was failing him. He blinked, sure that he was seeing things when a cloud of white started coming toward him. Maybe something from the deeps had come up, sensing an easy meal in his struggling. He blinked.
She was beautiful.
Now he knew he was dying, or already dead. No way an angel like this was appearing here, and now. She was so pale, like a ghost (which he would soon be, Gil was sure). Her hair floated around her in thick locks of blonde--almost white. White like the shimmering scales along her neck, her clavicle, over her chest and then melding into a sparkling tail, complete with billowing white fins.
She watched him from just out of reach for a moment. She had no need to keep herself afloat, her body already accustomed to and designed for the water around them. Her tail moved idly as she examined him.
Gil let out his last puff of air, closing his eyes as bubbles filled his vision.
She was a merciful Angelfish, because she pulled him up to the surface. They hit the open air with a burst, the strength of her swimming outdoing his tenfold. Outdoing any human's, really. But Gil didn't take in a gasp of air as soon as they were up.
She patted his cheek before taking them back to his boat, first launching him back up to the deck of it before clawing and slithering and flopping her way onto it as well.
Gil grunted as she whacked his chest. It wasn't so much CPR as it was her punching him in the diaphragm. But it worked, and he spat up the water in his lungs and gasped for air. He panted, looking around the deck but finding that he was not actually in the afterlife yet.
She looked at him, still curious seeming, her tail slapping against the deck of his boat akin to how a foot might tap impatiently.
"You," Gil blinked at her--at the vision of beauty still before him. "You saved me?"
She eyed him, judging any number of things about him.
"I did."
Gil's brows rose until they couldn't go any higher. Whether it was the soft, velvety voice, or the English, or her slightly annoyed look at him. "W-Why?"
She almost looked like she wasn't sure of it herself. She crossed her arms, although her tail had to move around her to re-balance herself. She didn't exactly have a butt to sit on. Her eyes drifted to the rope net still attached to him. "I have been in that predicament before."
"O-Oh," Gil paled. Of course she had, and of course she had every right to be wary of him. He was a fisherman. Even if she wasn't friends with fish like in a certain animated movie, he was still a contributor to the detritus that was polluting her home. He didn't doubt that she'd been tangled in a rotting, abandoned net before. "Uh...sorry."
She blinked at him. Clearly she didn't expect an apology from him, not that global pollution was his fault anyway. But she uncrossed her arms, at least. "You seem different from the humans I've seen before."
She had interacted with humans before? Well, if she was bold enough to swim right up to him, relatively close to the surface and quite close to regular fishing grounds, maybe it was just in her nature. But surely someone would have said something!
Gil thought about the guys who would come back to port raving about seeing things in the water. Everything from beautiful women - sirens, they said - to massive koi with shimmering scales of wild colours. They always got denounced as having gone sea-mad, but maybe there was something to all this...
She tilted her head at him, this way then that. "You...have gills?--I've never read anything about that."
"No, no," he shook his head, holding out his hand to her. Her tail curled a little but he turned his palm up for her. "My name, it's Gilgamesh. But you can call me Gil."
"Gil," she said to herself. She tilted her head the other way, her - remarkably dry - hair slipping over her shoulder. "Thena."
He smiled at her, and earned quite a lovely smile in return. "That's a pretty name."
She blinked at him owlishly before returning her attention to the net around his ankle. "How did the fishermen get stuck in his own net?"
"Right," Gil sighed, dragging his foot around so he could finish sawing the thing off of him. He pulled up his sodden pant leg, examining the cut marks of where he had clumsily attempted to free himself of it underwater. "Well, I didn't realise they were tangled together, so when I cast out one, I didn't realise this one was going to drag me out with them."
Thena tilted her head this way and that as she watched him continue to try and saw at the thick bound ropes with a tiny pocket knife. She leaned forward slightly. "I can..."
Gil looked at her, curious as to what she could do and what it would entail. But he nodded, scooting forward as the more mobile of the two of them. He chuckled as Thena pulled his ankle right up to her face in her curiosity. "Don't get to see 'em often, I guess?"
She ran her fingers along the bones in his ankle with a certain fascination. "I've heard some can split their tails into legs to go on land. But I've never had a pair to examine for myself."
Gil blushed faintly as she tried to slide her hand further up his pant leg. It was fine, if a little ticklish. "Uh, Thena?"
"Sorry," she murmured, although he got the impression she didn't know what she was apologising for. She pressed her palm to his cuts. Her skin was amazingly soft and smooth, and his cuts closed themselves up before his very eyes.
Gil blinked, but the cuts were grown over and without even a scar left afterwards. He looked up at her, "can anyone do this?"
Thena released his leg back to his control and nodded, her fins moving idly almost how a human might fidget with their hands or wiggle their toes. "Most."
Gil just nodded, not pressing her about the mysteries of her ways of life. He settled on the deck again, still soaked to the bone, and freezing cold. But he couldn't pass up the once in a lifetime opportunity to hallucinate such a beautiful creature. "You've read a lot about humans?"
Thena's eyes drifted back to the waters, although she remained seated on the deck a short distance from him. "My friend and I. She comes up to the surface quite often to spy on them, although we tell her it will get her caught one day. Have you ever thought you'd seen a red snapper of inordinate size?"
Gil's eyes flashed and Thena nodded at his recognition. "It's basically a legend around here. People say there's a red snapper the size of a human child in the waters here. That's why so many fishermen have come over the last few years."
Thena sighed. "Makkari is the fastest swimmer in the seven seas, but she's a little brazen, swimming up to any ship she thinks has a funny name."
Gil couldn't help but note the irony of that, coming from the woman currently on a human ship. He looked down at that shimmering tail again, "is it safe for you to be above water like this?"
Thena flipped the end of her tail a few times. "Short amounts of time are fine. Those who can sprout legs can go entire days before needing to swim again. I have always wanted to try it."
Gil grinned. She was fearless, this Angelfish. "Well, I can't help you grow legs I guess, but, uh, if you want to know anything else about humans-"
Thena's eyes lit up and she leaned forward, pressing her palms to the deck and letting her tail stretch out behind her. "Truly?"
"Y-Yeah," Gil nodded. She was even more beautiful up close, all sparkling green eyes and glowing skin and pearly teeth...with little fangs. They were still kind of cute, though. "Anything you wanna know."
Thena leaned back as best she could, although she just wasn't made for manoeuvring herself on flat surfaces. "Could I...come see you again?"
Gil blushed. It was the first time he'd ever heard that from such a pretty girl, and it was so far from its usual meaning. He nodded, though. "Think you can find my ship again?"
Thena smiled, "yes, she's quite a lovely thing. You take much better care of her than the other fishermen out here."
Gil couldn't help the pride in him. Damn right he did! He polished and scraped her after every run!
"Would you," Thena paused, looking towards the water again. She waved her tail at him.
"O-Oh, uh, y-yeah," he stuttered, moving to his knees and holding his arms out. His hands hovered, unsure of where was safe to grab. "How should I-"
"Hey!" Thena squirmed as his hand landed on the scales at the top of her tail. He snapped the hand back, apologising. He supposed it was about where a human hip might be, maybe a little lower. Thena pulled him down by the shirt.
Gil held still, letting her clamber up to him until her arms were looped around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, careful of any possible fins on her back. It seemed to be quite human, though--just an expanse of soft skin.
Thena nudged her forehead against his jaw, "ahem?"
Gil cleared his throat, thoroughly flustered and red to his ears. He moved them to the railing of the deck, which had just failed him, but whatever. He lifted Thena from the small of her back, helping her perch on the rail with her tail stretched out and her hands on his shoulders. He reached up, placing his hands over hers. "Will you be okay?"
Thena smiled down at him, holding onto his shoulders as the ship bobbed lightly. "I'm just going home, Gil. I'll come and find you tomorrow."
Gil nodded, a vague panic welling up inside of him. She was saying herself that she could come and find him again, and he didn't doubt her ability to find him among any of the other boats in these parts. But he blurted out, "the island!"
Thena tilted her head at him, her tail twitching.
"I, uh, live on the island just off the mainland," he continued more sheepishly. "I have a little dock where I park the boat and stuff. If you're ever...swimming around over there."
Thena, amused by his humanness, laughed. It brought out a faint pink in her skin and he could see a little more of the fangs she had. They were indeed pretty cute. "I suppose I'll keep that in mind."
"Okay," Gil nodded as Thena leaned back. She held his eyes as her hands slipped from his. He watched as she threw herself back, twisting in the air so her hands could cut the water for her and her tail could follow last.
She turned on a dime, poking her head out of the water again to look at him with a cute smile. "Tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow!" Gil waved, watching her wave back before disappearing into the completely endless waters around him. He stood for a few more minutes against the railing, thinking about his day.
He still had plenty to do. It wasn't as if he'd caught anything to take to market, and he had to examine the net and see if it was salvageable after the cuts he'd made. And he was soaking wet, and really needed a good, real shower, and to get into some clean clothes.
But all he could think about were the things he could show Thena tomorrow.
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sweatersexual · 2 years
in the nebulous postcanon future I feel like Agatha would tell Gil “you want another kid? YOU carry it” and he would be like “okay BET”
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wcdonaldo · 1 year
i lied btw. my largest character flaw is that i think shinji matou is one of my favorite fsn characters and i hold his writing in relatively high regard among the already stacked cast of the vn
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runawaymun · 5 days
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Ask me about my not-yet-written-fics from this list
Okay, so this is something I was talking over with @metatomatoes because I wanted Celebrimbor to survive so badly but like, I just could not see how it was possible, and then we got to talking and fucking around with Elvish biology and I think I can make it work.
this is all based on the foundation that Elrond and Celebrimbor were very close in the second age, and/or it piggybacks on the To Partake universe. Either way, they have an Osanwe bond. Not quite a marriage bond. It's a bit weaker than that, but a bond nonetheless.
there are human burn victims who have lost a tremendous amount of skin with medical care and survived, right?
and obviously the greatest risks here are blood loss, infection, and hypothermia
It's reasonable to me to assume that elves have pretty good blood clotting.
We also know from canon that they're better at regulating their temp than we are
If elves are pretty much immune to infection, we can knock that out.
With some sketchy research the general consensus is that a human IRL could, after being flayed, last 36 hours, or perhaps up to a week (if given fluids and semi cared for).
Reasonable to me to assume because Sauron is Sauron that he might continue to toy with Celebrimbor post-flaying, which means he has a vested interest in keeping him alive a bit longer.
Also reasonable to assume that elvish bodies can withstand quite a lot, considering Maedhros survived torture and being hung off a mountainside for a really long time while captured by Morgoth.
So, the final kicker here IIRC was @metatomatoes' idea - which is, what if elves are essentially able to drop into a stasis state? Like where everything slowly shuts down to minimal functions in order to survive extreme conditions? Explains a lot of things, really.
With that, what if rather than dying, Celebrimbor drops into stasis.
Stasis is no fun for Sauron :( Celebrimbor's not making fun noises anymore when he gets hurt.
So at this point Sauron has him shot full of arrows (assuming that he'll be dead soon) and hangs him up to taunt Elrond and Gil-Galad, per the canon events.
Everyone at this point is pretty confident that Celebrimbor is dead as a doornail,
Because he can absolutely feel through their Osanwe bond that there's something left there, and post-siege of Eregion when they finally recapture everything and pull Celebrimbor down, everyone is like "Elrond he's dead, we promise he's dead" and Elrond is like "I promise he's not!!!!!!!!! he's in stasis!!!!!!!!!!!!"
And Elrond by now has Vilya, which enhances his already incredibly strong healing.
Also I have already established within my own universe that Elrond is a bit of a necromancer, so long as someone is only mostly dead (re Princess Bride hehe).
SO, he manages to bring Celebrimbor back from the grave.
And granted, Celebrimbor is like, severely fucked up and perhaps does not even want to continue living, but Elrond is determined.
Once Celebrimbor has recovered (it is a long, slow road) he winds up just living with Elrond in Rivendell, possibly under an alias idk. But hey everyone talks about that weirdly good smith in Rivendell. Like uncannily good smith.
I like to imagine that he's the one who reforged Anduril :3
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Gilbert vs. Azel
(crack but also contains some main story and sequel route spoilers)
Azel: (standing saint-like and unbothered at the end of Gilbert’s pointed cane)
Azel: And now that you’ve learned that little factoid, feel free to donate this—(skewers a receipt onto the cane)—exact amount to me. You know my contact information, right?
Azel: [email protected]. I’m telling you that free of charge, of course. It’s common knowledge, but it’s okay to be embarrassed if you didn’t know.
Gilbert: Hehe. As it happens, all of your other contact information is also common knowledge. (Retracts his cane to glance at the receipt) To me, anyway.
Azel: I’m happy for you. That means there’s no need to send any more rando princes to my country. It must be gratifying for a mortal to be so creepy, I mean knowledgeable.
Gilbert: Oh no! I’m not the one mystically window-watching into every bedroom ever, am I, Mister [email protected]?
Azel: May I ask why you seem so envious about that? Your current god complex isn’t lacking by any means.
Gilbert: Well, as you know, you can never know too much. Hehe.
Azel: You’d be surprised. By the way I also charge interest on any pledged donations that aren’t paid off in a timely manner. You will find my rates are completely reasonable.
Gilbert: For a prince.
Azel: For a man with eclectic means.
Gilbert: Ah. (smile deepens) While I’m not Silvio, it’s not a bad idea to attack me through my investments. But unfortunately for you, I don’t pay any bills I can’t read.
Azel: Tsk, tsk. It’s not a good look to lie to an omniscient character.
Gilbert: (pouts) I’m not lying. I mean, this handwriting is pen vomit. It looks like a tiny animal tried to imitate what it thinks a human being writes like.
Azel: (maintains his generous smile even though his eye is twitching) I wrote the receipt out in front of you not even ten seconds ago. Had I known you suffered from such catastrophic lapses in memory, I’d have gone to Prince Chevalier first.
Gilbert: Ahaha! Maybe you should have. He’d have ended this conversation much earlier. With much more blood.
Azel: (grimace) I’m happy we can agree on that much, at least. So in the interest of parting ways as soon as possible… (points at the receipt)
Gilbert: How shameless. So you think you get to order an Obsidianite prince around? I almost admire your foolhardy levels of courage. But I think there’s something that needs to be made clear.
Gilbert: Tigers, you see, are at the top of the food chain. They answer to no man. No god.
Gilbert: Sometimes to bunnies, but that’s the exception, not the rule.
Azel: I don’t contest that. But unicorns, you see…
Azel: (appears to glow under the mid-day sun) …are not even on the food chain.
Azel: (eyes sparkling) They prance-fly in their own pastel dimension, unfettered by this world’s foolish ways and uncivilized biologies.
Gilbert: Hehe, that’s a creative way of saying you’ve noped out of reality.
Azel: (under his breath) Your face is a creative way of saying ‘punch me’.
Gilbert: Hm? What was that?
Azel: (saintly smile) Nothing, nothing. Just praying for you.
Azel: (scribbles an extra surcharge to the receipt) You’re learning so many new things today, Gil. I’m sure you’ll achieve a grown-up’s level of knowledge long before you reach a grown-up’s level of physical stature.
Gilbert: You know, you shouldn’t directly plagiarize insults from whatever is popular at the moment. If it’s too mainstream, it loses its bite.
Gilbert: (dramatic shrug) I really thought a living god would be much more inspired than that, but I guess I was wrong.
Azel: I have better things to do with my time than murder normies, stalk bunnies, and brainstorm funnies.
Gilbert: Are you sure about that? That second point, I mean. A little bunny told me about some very interesting dreams she’s been having as of late.
Azel: (serious expression) I’m glad you brought that up. Can you tell your pet to quit stalking me? I’m a very busy man and I have no interest in starting a harem.
Gilbert: (tilts his head with an evil smile) Tell her yourself.
Azel: …..?
That night in the rosy dream world…
Azel: Oh, goddammit, not this goddamn stupid dream again! (kicks one of the columns) Urgh, that hurts!
Emma: Um, A….zel? Oh hey, I remembered your name this time! Azel, are you here today?
Azel: Of course I’m here. If I’m here, you’re here. If you’re here, I’m here. If you have a cure, I’m all ears.
Emma: Aw, that’s a cute poem.
Azel: Shut-up.
Emma: Right, anyway, I’m sorry about this. (points a gun at him)
Azel: …
Azel: …….
Azel: (watches the crystalized rose on the table begin to rot)
Azel: (sighs)
Azel: Does he want a discount on the bill, is that what this is about?
Emma: (realizes what she’s pointing and scampers to put the gun away) Oh shi… I’m sorry!
Crystalized Rose: (goes back to being uwu)
Emma: I meant to hold out my hand in a truce!
Azel: Truce? I don’t remember being at war with you.
Emma: Apparently we are? Stuff gets twisted around in Gil’s head all the time. Although usually there’s at least a grain of truth to it. But basically I’ll stop stalking your dreams if you stop stalking mine. I don’t know how, but I figure this is a good start.
Emma: (looks up at the dreamy clouds) See, Gil? We’re talking it out. Stop strapping your gun to my thigh while I sleep, please? It tickles and it makes me want to pee!
Azel: This is our dream. He can’t hear you.
Emma: I know, but I heard that if you shout stuff in your dreams, it's more likely you'll remember it when you wake up.
Azel: (covering his ears) You're the reason I wake up with seven hundred bags under my eyes.
Emma: So... truce?
Azel: Yeah, sure, truce, whatever. (goes to shake her hand)
Emma: (points gun at him again) I'm sorry, I can't let you actually physically touch my hand or Gil will literally kill you.
Azel: I’m not even going to tell you that your love is cursed. Your entire man is cursed.
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tiktokonaclock · 4 months
The Siren and The Demon Chapter 6
“On behalf of the Royal Gundalian Academy of Sciences, I wish to convey to you our warmest congratulations. May I now ask you to step Forward and recieve your Minerva Award From the hands of his majesty, the emperor?
Kazarina looked ravishing. He would give her that.
She lifted her skirts up slightly and took a few graceful steps, walk of a confident scientist who knew she deserved to win. It was the quite constrast of the vulnerable state she was in between his arms last night.
He looked at her with a bright Smile. Had she really gathered herself back that quickly? Or was she Just good at acting? His eyes wandered towards the other end of the stage. The emperor was standing with her plaque in his hands, smiling politely.
He looked perfect, he acted perfect. As if he had put on the proud friend mask along with his classic tuxedo. Even the smile he had on his face was micro-calculated, he Knew.
And both he and his date were dumb enough to forget that it was the monarch who would troditionailly hand out the Minerva Awards each year.
Barodius and Kazarina met in the middle. She put her hands on the other side of the plaque as they both Posed for the flashing cameras. They looked like they were were introducing their baby to the public. Gill wanted to Chuckle, but held himself. Only he could sense the tension and nervousness between the two, after all, only he knew what Happened between them Just last night.
Barodius took a step back to let Kazarina have the stage for her speech. She leaned down for her towards the microphone.
Her eyes met with Gill's to ease her fright of stage. He Smiled to reassure her. She smiled bock.
“Hi everyone. I'm honored to be given the Minerva Award for Biology this year. I would like to thank the Royal Academy for seeing me worthy of this. I also would like to thank his majesty the emperor and his partner in battle, because it was them who... served as an inspiration For the project that won me this award tonight. " She had turned to Barodius while saying the last sentence. Barodius smiled politely upon hearing his title mentioned. Gill realized that she deliberately chose not to Use his name.
Then she turned her head to the audience. Her eyes found his once again.
“And lastly, I would like to thank my colleagues, for impassionating me and being there for me when I need it. Thank you”
The round of applause brought Gil back to his senses as Barodius Offered her his hand his hand to help her get down from the rostrum. Once she got dawn, he pulled her to himself slowly and placed a kiss on her cheek. She smiled brightly.
Their facade looked perfect. Almost. But he knew better than to believe them.
"So.” Kazarina said when she sat down on her seat next to his. "Are my classmates treating you well?”
They were sharing a table with Kaxarina's Friends from collage. "Yes." Gill said. "They try their best to include me to their conversations.”
“Good good. ." She said and turned her attention to her friends. “I am so glad we Could finally get together!"
“Me too!" The woman with warm brown eyes shrugged. "It's not as easy to make plans anymore. I miss Thursday nights!"
The whole table laughed at this statement. Gill turned to Kazarina with a little smile on. “Thursday nights?"
“At the last semester there was a class Thursday afternoon. There was only one section so we were all taking it at the same tme. We used to go out after that class, with the whole crew. " She laughed. “And we had another class on friday at 9 am, so we would leave the bar and Come to that class directly.”
The brunethe leaned towards them. Gill could not remember her name, maybe it was... Denise? Danielle? "And Sometimes we would still be drunk.”
One of the male classmates added: "Good thing Mr. Chapel was too old to See how wasted We were!”
“We grew up to be good scientists though, I take that as a win." Kazarina responded. “Some of us even got the Minerva Award.”
Gill laughed and rased his glass. "I 'll drink to that!”
“So, Gill.” Danielle said afler the hob-nob was over. “Did you go to university ?"
“Yes, I have."
"What was your major ?
“I Studied political sciences.” He showed the stage. “Emperor Barodius and I were classmates as well, actually.”
“Oh so you met in college?”
“No, we have been friends since childhood.” Gill took a sip from his drink. "We Just wanted to study the same major, he was a year ahead at me but we took some of the classes together."
“That's great!" Danielle said and smiled politely. "Could us for a you boys excuse us Second, please ? She asked as she got up from her seat. "Let's go to the bathroom, Kaz.”
“I Think he likes you." Danielle said as soon as they walked into the ladies restroom.
Kazarina walked over to the glass decoration on the wall and leaned on to the alcove there, crossing her legs. "Don't be ridiculous.”
“Kaz, when you were on hat stage, the guy was looking at you the Same way my monkeys look at me when I inject them Oxytocin." She took out two cigarettes and offered her one.
“And why did you do that? Kazarina asked as she lit her cigarette.
“I am working on a drug that can be Used on animals going, extinct."
"Oh." Kazarina said. "Well; you should find a way to make them look at each other You know." She reached up to touch Danielle's hair in a Flirtatious manner. "Unless you are willing to do anything for the experiment to succeed.”
Danielle laughed as her head slowly fell on Kazarina’s shoulder for a second. “On a more serious note. " She lifled her head. "You need to start observing him more. I don' think he hates you as much as you said he does.”
Kazarina looked at the Floor. "Or maybe he changed his mind about me.” She dragged the smoke in. "Because we bully each other like, all the time. We have this constant rivalry between us.
“Maybe it created some sort of tension.”
"Maybe. And he also helped me out when… when I was in a low point.”
"Oh, then he is definitely into you. She smiled. “Men love to play the savior.”
Smiled he put out her cigarette and gave her a lipstick from her hand bag.
Kazarina looked at herself in the mirror as she applied her lipstick: She was looking good tonight, but it took her hours to get ready. She was starting to get old, too old to get so excited about a little crush.
But Gill Wasn’t getting any younger either. And neither was Barodius. Soon, they would be as old as Nurzak ! The thought Frightened her.
She Sighed and tumed to Danielle. "Let's grab drinks on our way back.”
Kazarina's feet stopped her when she realized the purple haired man sitting next to her date. She exhaled as she physically Forced herself to Walk towards the table.
Danielle twalked towards the man first, holding his hand while making a Small Curtsy. “Welcome, your majesty. It is honor to meet you.” She put her hand on her chest. “My name is Danielle."
“Hello Danielle.” Barodius smiled charmingly. Then he turned towards Kazarina. He made a small gesture to the chair next to Gill's. "We gave a fifteen-minute break so I thought I would see my Favorite mad scientist and her date.”
“He laughed and turned to Gill. "How did she convince you anyway?”
“She didn't need to. I offered to be her date.”
“Oh, I see. Barodius put his hand on and drew a little circle. "So you are having a small break from all that rivalry?”
"Apparently.” Kazarina smiled.
“Oh, Kazarina." Danielle said, catching her attention. "Sorry to interrupt your Conversation but I will definetely forget it if I don't tell you this." She clapped her hands on the table and leaned Forward. "So. HillsBrooke wants to form a new y department within the university, and they want you to do it.”
Kazarina couldn’t' dare to check the expression on Barodius' face as Danielle continued to talk up a storm: "They asked for my opinion at the meeting and I told them that you are perfect for the Job. Since you are are such ab expert on the field, and you have experience working with youngsters on your current job.. (Kazarina wanted to wheeze at this) And you are gonna be the founding chairman, so we can be colleges!”
Her eyes turned to Barodius, realizing the awkwardness. "I am not causing you any uneasiness, do I? I mean, I know how happy she is to be a part of the Twelve Orders.”
Barodius laughed smitely. “I mean, it is a bit awkward.” He put his hand up. “But don't Worry, you are not causing any uneasiness.”
He turned his head to Kazarina and continued with a lower voice: "Especially since I know that she is not going to except this generous Offer.”
“And why wouldn’t I?” She asked as she crossed her legs.
“Because it will not satisfy you." Barodlus leaned towards her direction. "You love the power, you crave it. You love everyone to fear you, to be ready serve you like little minions, whenever you want. Being a professor at a university will deprive you of that. The best thing you'll get is a tired "good morning professor." in the morning, if you are lucky, that is.”
Kazarina’s legs were trembling. She could not control it. She hoped the emperor could not feel it. She hid her arms under the table to stop them from doing the same thing.
It was on that moment that she felt Gill's hand reaching up to her knee, holding her leg in a solid, reassuring manner.
It gave her confidence.
“I might decline it with an appropriate manner.” She said, with a small smile on her lips. "But it will be cause I know you will not able to win this war without me and I would not want to let Gundalia down." Her hand went to her chest dramatically For a Second before leaning to hold Barodius’ hand, which was resting on the table. "Thank you so much for always reminding me my worth."
A young girl approched to the emperor shyly. "Your majesty, we need you backstage, we are about to continue." "Sure." Barodius murmured as he got up.
"We will leave as well. " Kazarina Said. Gill Followed her suit and they got up as well. Kazarina laughed. "I got what I came For." She said as she took her award in her hand, and took Gill's arm with the other.
“Get me a drink.”
Barodius ordered the as soon as they put a foot on bockstage. “But, your majesty, You will get back on stage in a few minutes."
The look he gave her was enough to make her change her mind: "I'm on it, your majesty.”
“Let's drop You off at yor house first." Gill said. "And I’ll continue to mine."
“Can you send the driver off? I can call you a taxi." Kazarina responed. "I need to give back your cape, and we can drink something while we are at it. Peacefully.”Gill Smiled. "I wouldn’t say no to that.”
"To our prize winning scientist." Gill raised his glass. "You deserved to win that award."
"Being able to make you say this is the greatest award. "She giggled as she sipped on her drink. "But seriously, thank you for being my date for the award ceremony."
"Well, the Food was great, and the people were better looking than I thought Science nerds would look like"
Her voice went lover as it took an alluring tone. "Oh, trust me, science nerds can be way more promising than you give us credit for." She leaned on his chest slowly. Her right hand went on his knee, her fingers drawing a circle on it. She felt the familiar feeling on her upper legs and groin come back to her once again, now that she was at his presence. "Kazarina, you need to stop doing that. Gill's voice was raucity.
"Because you'll get us in trouble."
She lifted herself up. "Let's get in trouble then," She said, enthusiastically. "I want to live a little, don't you? We've done nothing but working and bickering since the beginning of the war." Her eyes widened, her heart beating at her chest. "This is my night, let me have this."
Gill's eyes wandered on her, up and down.  "But there is no returning back from that."
Kazarina turned around to put her glass on the coffee table, "Okay, you are right. Sorry if I made you uncomfort- "
Her words were cut short as he took her hand and pulled her to himself. Their lips met at the middle. His kiss was fierce, and demanding. She melted into it.
The next thing she knew, they were making out on the couch. She laid on her back, pulling him on top of her. He pulled the hem of her dress up and up, stroking her upper leg. Her legs wrapped around his body, caging him. As his lips made their way her neck, she pressed herself on to him,
Finally, she spoke after kissing his lips two times. Let's gо to the bedroom."
"No." He replied, trying to catch his breath. "I want you now."
But she was already getting on her feet. She held his hands and pulled him closer as she whispered: "But I need a big space for the things I am gonna do to you."
It was an enough motivation for Gill. He got up and picked her up like his bride, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She moaned into his mouth once their lips  met again.
"Kazarina." Gill whispered in the dark. His breath made her long neck tickle as she took in a shivered breath. She could feel the dampness on the pillow.
"Kazarina." He whispered again, this time more harshly. His fingers made their way on her skin, finally being able to touch the curves he had been memorizing for years. His extasy was beyond words. He tried and failed to suppress a moan by biting into her shoulder. "Kazarina." He said to her once again. "Talk to me sweetheart. I'll do anything you want."
She sighed. "Anything?"
"Look at me." She said as she cupped his cheeks. "Look at me in the eyes."
"Will you hypnotize me too?"
"Do I need hypnosis to put a spell on you?"
"No." His sly smirk appeared on his lips. "No you don't."
"If I were a mythologic creature, what do you think I would be?" Asked Kazarina as they cuddled. Gill kept playing with her soft blonde tufts lazily. "Hmm." He thought. He remembered the first time she walked into the room. It was Barodius' birthday and a party was being held. He introduced her as the final member of the Twelve Orders and the new director of the Biological Research Lab. He remembered the black dress she had on that wasn't showing off much skin yet made his mouth water. He remembered thinking to himself that she would be his rival and he needed to stop lusting over her. He remembered being unable to do so. " A Siren." He answered.
"Because you are beautiful and witty, you attract poor men to pull to the sea and eat, or hypnotize in that case."
She curled her lips. "Yeah, that's fair. And you would be a demon."
"No reason. That's just how I feel. And also you are associated with fire, maybe that's why."
"Maybe I should drag you to hell."
"I wouldn't expect anything less from you."
Gill woke up with pain on his waist and back. God, he was old, wasnt he?
He looke around. He had also woken up alone. Where was she? Had she left? Where had she gone? Why did he Feel so gloomy that he couldn't find her next to him?
He pushed the white blanket aside and put his trousers back on. The sheets still had her floral scent on them, when he looked at the bed, he saw now messy it looked.
He opened the bedroom door and the smell of fresh coffee reached up to him instantly. He followed it to the kitchen.
And there she was. She put her hands on the kitchen bench, waiting on the coffee machine. She had a short, white and satin robe on. Her long, blonde hair was down; this was the first time he had seen her hair without the usually ponytail on. He had never realized how long it actually was until now.
Then she tumed around.
"Hey" She smiled. "I was Just brewing us coffee." Her hand got up and showed the machine. "I normally don't eat breakfast but I can prepare something for you if you want."
Gill looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on his face. His eyes were wide and his lips were left slightly open. "Uh, no." He finally said, after realixing that she was waiting for an answer. "I don't eat breakfast either."
"Okay then." She said softly as she showed him the kitchen island. "Take a seat."
As he sat dawn, she reached up to the kitchen cupboards on her toes and took out two mugs. She was so light on her feet that it looked like she was walking on air. Her robe and nightgown were twirling around as she moved. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a slight smile on her face, if he saw it correctly.
This was not the woman he knew. The worman he knew was tough, tense and agressive; especially when she was treated agressively, mostly by him.
On that moment, the woman that he knew would be screaming at him, threatening him to accuse him of rape if he doesn't keep his mouth shut.
She would be crying because of her anger, not towards him, but towards herself. She would hate herself for being so "vulnerable" with him. For presenting her body to him, for allowing him to see it, and fauch it. For giving hin pleasure.
And the man that he knew would prove her point by making fun of her, and degrading her every way Possible.
But that woman and that man were left at the door last night. This woman was offering him breakfast and making him coffee, a treatment he hadn't seen from anyone.
She put his mug in front of him. Locks of her hair fell on his face, filling his lungs with her fresh, floral scent once again. "Here." She slowly said.
It was just a stupid coffee. But the presence of this woman serving him coffee with ease in her every move was such a relief from his chaotic life that he felt like crying.
But he didn't. Instead, he turned his head up and gazed at her. She realized it and gazed him back.
"You don't regret it" He said slowly.
"I don't." She replied, her tone of voice was so delicate, as if she was afraid of ruining that moment.
He held her hand. "Come" He said as he gently pulled her to his lap. She put her left arm around his neck as she crossed her legs. Her other hand gently rested on his chest. One of his hands grasped her by the waist, while the other went to her hair.
"Your hair is so soft," He said, gliding his fingers between her strands.
"You Seem so... surprised that I'm here.."She said as her fingers drew a small circle on his chest. "Do the girls you sleep with run away the next day?"
"I thought you ran away when I first woke up."
"I wouldn't."
"I'm So glad that you are here, my dear."
A soft smile graced her lips. He started to smile as well, unable to erase the expression off his face. Then the realization hit him like a brick.
He had Fallen in love with her last night.
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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but what is the full extent of a Gallifreyan's psychic abilities? I know they have basic telepathy and telekinesis. Could they have “Jedi-like” powers if they really wanted?
On a side note, do the "Powers of Creation" and the Master's lighting/electricity powers count as psychic abilities? If not, what are they?
Gallifreyan Psychic Abilities
🧠 Gallifreyan Psychic Abilities
Telepathy: Every Gallifreyan possesses these abilities to some extent, though most are low-level telepaths. They can communicate mind-to-mind, especially with other Gallifreyans.
Telepathic Signature Recognition: Each Gallifreyan has a unique psycho-kinetic signature, enabling them to recognise each other even in different bodies.
Psychic Bridge/Entrelacement Formation: They can establish intense telepathic links, known as Psychic Bridges or entrelacement, with other Gallifreyans, transferring large amounts of information and emotions in a short amount of time.
Hypnotism and Memory Manipulation: They can hypnotise others and block, alter, erase, or implant memories. This is enhanced by intense eye contact. So if a Gallifreyan is closing their eyes while reading your mind, they're respecting your boundaries and signalling they're (probably) not trying to rearrange your mind.
Astral Projection: Advanced Gallifreyans can project their minds through the Astral Vortex over vast distances and through time. This form of psychic ability is particularly strong when contacting different incarnations of themselves.
Soul Catching: A way more esoteric ability is to absorb memories from a dying Gallifreyan, preserving their experiences and knowledge, which is useful for plot, I'm sure.
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🚫 Limitations and Extended Abilities
No Telekinesis: Typically, Gallifreyans don't possess strong telekinesis as part of their standard psychic skill set, only minor telekinesis for moving tiny objects, such as pieces in board games. However, specific instances demonstrate that under certain conditions, they can manifest proper telekinetic abilities:
Caleera: Caleera, a Time Lord Academy student, had profound psychic abilities that included telekinesis. Her case was so unique that it was 'controlled' via medical intervention.
The Tenth Doctor: The Tenth Doctor showed some telekinetic ability when he channelled the collective psychic energy of Earth.
Jedi-like Powers: While their psychic abilities are pretty darn impressive, it's a stretch to say they could do Jedi powers on the hoof. Gallifreyan telekinesis isn't about lifting starships or blasting you with the Force into a wall. These abilities, while powerful, are exceptional. They require specific circumstances or an inherent level of talent that's not common among Gallifreyans.
✨Powers of Creation and The Master’s Thor-like Thang
Powers of Creation: This is likely not a psychic ability but an advanced manipulation of physics and cosmic laws. It's more about an in-depth understanding of the universe and an ability to manipulate its fundamental aspects rather than anything psionic.
The Master's Abilities: The lightning/electricity powers of the Master likely resulted from his botched regeneration process, where excess artron energy was harnessed as a weapon. This is different from typical psychic powers and more related to a 'whoopsie' in the regeneration process.
Hope that helped! 😃
→🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (WIP) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine/Monitoring Guides →📝Source list (WIP)
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ghost-fucker · 1 year
Hey what if. Fnc. But like. Post fight. They just lie on the deck together. Tracing each others scars. Gillion traces the inked map on chips back, grimacing at the niklaus trampstamp. Chip traces gils markings and marvel at his novel biology. They trade quick quips between every touch, jokes slotted inbetween the tenderness of the act. Im going insane.
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S3 go to Auradon au but this is what they get into to start their little ‘maybe it isnt so bad’ thing like in canon
Uma; swim team, marine biology class/marine life club, aka being surrounded who love and apricate the things she does/ who she is (cough sea goddess)
Harry; ROAR,  sailing club, sneaking into the kitchen to bake (yes im straight up stealing from @hanas-headcanons​, Ms. Potts becomes one of Harry’s parental figures and none of you can stop us) mostly the same arc as Jay but Harry takes just a bit longer to flow into it/realize he doesn't have to constantly watch his back in Auradon
Gil; cheerleading, catches one of the cheerleader's (maybe audrey to kickstart her own little ‘maybe not so bad’ arc) during a failed stunt/tourney practice (coach wanted him to try out cuz Gil is a fukin unit, Gil ended up fitting in better with Cheer), just happy to be there and be supportive (he’s a base duh) just imagine Gil in as a cheerleader, please.  hypes up his team and realized his muscles/strength can be used in ways of support and not to hurt people. 
and where is Ben in all of this? just encouraging them to branch out and explore themselves/Auradon, not letting Gil be shamed for joining the cheer team (cuz you know chad is an asshole like that for some reason) mans just an extra supportive bean that wiggles his way into the sea 3′s group
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Hello beautiful! ✨🖤
I have an idea for a new AU with Thena and Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh starts at an elite culinary school where the food in each lesson is judged by strict critics.
The students in the higher classes warn the new ones that one specific critic (Thena) can never be satisfied and never gives a good review. Many students have dropped out of school because of this. But Gilgamesh wants to see for himself.
🖤✨ Hgs and Love! ✨🖤
"I heard she made everyone in her class cry in their first lesson."
"I heard that she subs in for real food critics sometimes."
"I heard that the dean himself gave her a full-ride scholarship she's so good."
Gil rolls his eyes at the classmates of his whispering - loudly - about their expected panel of judges. He doesn't think this critic can possibly be as frightening as people are making her out to be. She's just a student, like them, right?
"Can't they just put us out of our misery?" Druig grumbles next to him, shifting nervously on his feet as he looks down at his dish.
"Hey," Gil nudges his shorter, more nervous friend, "don't look so freaked out. "It's a great dish."
Druig sighs, "thanks, man. But it's not you I gotta impress, is it? It's 'em."
The door opens and three senior students step into the room.
Sersi is the top student in the Molecular Gastronomy course. She makes creations that seem transmuted right down to the atomic level, it seems sometimes. They look stunning, they're always delicious, and the way she can make one thing taste entirely different from how it looks is always a showstopper.
Phastos all but wrote the bible by which the school acts. He doesn't cook, but his knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics--is so all-encompassing that there's basically nothing he doesn't know. It is just a rumour, but supposedly he has written all the recipes the courses use for instructing students since he arrived.
Thena is last, and by far the scariest. She looks like she's never seen the sun or eaten a morsel of food, at that. Her reputation precedes her, and her perfect palette is as terrifying as it is rare. She doesn't cook either, but if there is any sort of flaw in any way, she will detect it. And she won't have the smile on her face that Sersi does when she breaks the news.
Thena stands between the other two, eyeing the class with an expression that already screams that she's not looking forward to this. "Please present your dishes."
The first two come up, their trays rattling from their nerves.
Gil watches from his table a little further in the back. Sersi and Phastos try first, giving their praise as well as gentle critiques and advice. Once Thena is done sniffing it, she takes a bite.
"You lack identity."
The whole class practically keels over. It may seem small, and maybe even nitpicky. But to hear that you - as a chef - have no identity in your food?--it's devastating.
"I would say you lack creativity, but that is not what this is," she states and sets her spoon down after the one bite. "You have replicated a family recipe in the hopes that it would convey an emotion. But the balance has been put off by your muddled intentions. It's over-seasoned, and the flavours battling for dominance has overpowered what would actually make it shine if you weren't so clumsy."
The class is practically crying for their fallen comrade. And this is round one!
Druig blows out a breath as they watch their fellow student shuffle back to his table in shame (borderline in tears). "And the Ice Queen strikes again."
Gil stares straight ahead. He shrugs, "she did give him advice, though."
Druig looks at him with wide eyes. "If I shove you into a lion's den and tell you not to die, that's advice, I s'pose."
Gil chuckles just a little, still watching eagerly, "shut up."
The critique goes on, many falling to the Ice Queen's sharp words along the way. It's not that she has nothing nice to say at all, it's just that the bad seems to always outweigh the good for her.
Sersi and Phastos offer sympathetic smiles and waves; obviously they're used to this.
Gil and Druig approach with their trays, a plate for each judge. Druig goes first.
He clears his throat, "I-I've made a confit salmon with swiss chard gelee and potato mousseline."
Sersi smiles brightly at them, showing off what's made her such a darling of the culinary world already. "That's very impressive, Druig!"
"A lot of technique," Phastos murmurs as he takes a bite. "The textures are right, although it's maybe a little soft overall."
Druig nods, taking the criticism at face value, "thank you."
"You have too much to prove."
Gil keeps a careful eye on his tablemate. Druig is stubborn, and younger than the rest of them. She's right, she just doesn't have to say it like that.
Druig stands tall against it, though. He looks the Ice Queen in the eye as he says, "and?"
Thena raises her eyes to him. Gil sees that they're green for the first time. "You've selected the most advanced techniques you've mastered thus far, but as Phastos said, there is no cohesion to the presentation of all of them in one dish. You didn't have to make a mousse of the potatoes--in fact, potatoes are not what I would have served with salmon in the first place."
Druig crosses his arms.
"The salmon is cooked perfectly," Thena says just as cut and dry as the negative stuff. She places her fork down, again, needing only one bite of each element to make her assessment. "It only brings out that, had you leaned into your strengths instead of showcasing your weaknesses, this could be perfect."
Druig has his arguing face on, and Gil almost wonders if he should drag him back from the judging table to cool off. He rolls his eyes, though, going back into his dismissive and pouty shell for the time being. He huffs, "I'll take it."
Gil is left alone as Druig moves back to the table.
Sersi smiles, "and what have you made today?"
"Chicken and dumplings!"
A poor man's dish. Chicken stew with dumplings in it: something that needs no technique to put forth. The whole room is silent, not even trying to hide the overall horror that has descended over them.
Even Sersi strains a little to smile at him as they pull their bowls closer. "How...interesting."
"I know, I know," Gil laughs, watching as Thena draws her spoon up to smell everything. "Just hear me out."
"I made a really quick chicken stock and let it simmer while I was preparing everything else. I made it more ramen style than country chicken soup style, but I also added some cinnamon and star anise to kind of have an element of what makes pho so comforting."
"Then while that was simmering I was roasting some veg with the other half of the carcass. I mashed up and then pan fried some potatoes and there's actually a little something in those dumplings."
"Well, that certainly sounds..." Sersi trails off, looking to her left as she holds a dumpling in hand, "impressive."
Thena is smiling.
She licks her lips as she puts her spoon down, still smiling at the shimmering bowl of broth. She picks up a dumpling and her eyes spark.
"You already know, don't you?" Gil smiles sheepishly. She looks at him as she takes a bite, pulling out the cheese he put in the centre. He snickers at the look on her face. "I made a simple mash and then turned it in to a dough with some flour and a little duck egg for some bite to it. Then I added a little more potato with some butter and the little piece of cheese curd for some chew. Like a-"
Phastos pushes his glasses up his nose as Thena utters something that isn't a direct review of the food.
Gil beams, his whole chest swelling with warmth from the inside out. "You order them for lunch all the time, right? You must have made them when you were little."
Thena smiles, taking a second bite of the fried mashed potatoes and their filling. "I did."
Gil celebrates to himself a little, clenching his fist. He looks over his shoulder and gives Druig a big thumb's up.
Thena takes another bite of the soup, too, her lashes fluttering as she savours the small but deliberate spoonful. "Hm."
Gil inches forward.
"It's not...perfect."
The class lets out a collective sigh.
"But," Thena is still smiling, taking a third bite. "I think it's about as close as I've ever had."
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 16, 2023
Sleep deprivation and hippocampal ripple disruption after one-session learning eliminate memory expression the next day. Aleman-Zapata, A., Morris, R. G. M., & Genzel, L. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123424119.
Aversive memory formation in humans involves an amygdala-hippocampus phase code. Costa, M., Lozano-Soldevilla, D., Gil-Nagel, A., Toledano, R., Oehrn, C. R., Kunz, L., … Strange, B. A. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6403.
Sleep preferentially consolidates negative aspects of human memory: Well-powered evidence from two large online experiments. Denis, D., Sanders, K. E. G., Kensinger, E. A., & Payne, J. D. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2202657119.
How do (perceptual) distracters distract? Dumbalska, T., Rudzka, K., Smithson, H. E., & Summerfield, C. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(10), e1010609.
The induced motion effect is a high-level visual phenomenon: Psychophysical evidence. Falconbridge, M., Hewitt, K., Haille, J., Badcock, D. R., & Edwards, M. (2022). I-Perception, 13(5), 204166952211181.
Salience memories formed by value, novelty and aversiveness jointly shape object responses in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. Ghazizadeh, A., & Hikosaka, O. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6338.
Recurrent Hippocampo-neocortical sleep-state divergence in humans. Jang, R. S., Ciliberti, D., Mankin, E. A., & Poe, G. R. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123427119.
Cone opponent functional domains in primary visual cortex combine signals for color appearance mechanisms. Li, P., Garg, A. K., Zhang, L. A., Rashid, M. S., & Callaway, E. M. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6344.
Hippocampal gamma and sharp wave/ripples mediate bidirectional interactions with cortical networks during sleep. Pedrosa, R., Nazari, M., Mohajerani, M. H., Knöpfel, T., Stella, F., & Battaglia, F. P. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2204959119.
Generalizing the control architecture of the lateral prefrontal cortex. Pitts, M., & Nee, D. E. (2022). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 195, 107688.
Natural scene sampling reveals reliable coarse-scale orientation tuning in human V1. Roth, Z. N., Kay, K., & Merriam, E. P. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6469.
Stable Working Memory and Perceptual Representations in Macaque Lateral Prefrontal Cortex during Naturalistic Vision. Roussy, M., Corrigan, B., Luna, R., Gulli, R. A., Sachs, A. J., Palaniyappan, L., & Martinez-Trujillo, J. C. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(44), 8328–8342.
A Midbrain Inspired Recurrent Neural Network Model for Robust Change Detection. Sawant, Y., Kundu, J. N., Radhakrishnan, V. B., & Sridharan, D. (2022). Journal of Neuroscience, 42(44), 8262–8283.
Distinct organization of two cortico-cortical feedback pathways. Shen, S., Jiang, X., Scala, F., Fu, J., Fahey, P., Kobak, D., … Tolias, A. S. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6389.
Predictive coding, multisensory integration, and attentional control: A multicomponent framework for lucid dreaming. Simor, P., Bogdány, T., & Peigneux, P. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123418119.
A model of autonomous interactions between hippocampus and neocortex driving sleep-dependent memory consolidation. Singh, D., Norman, K. A., & Schapiro, A. C. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123432119.
A robust core architecture of functional brain networks supports topological resilience and cognitive performance in middle- and old-aged adults. Stanford, W. C., Mucha, P. J., & Dayan, E. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2203682119.
Optimal noise level for coding with tightly balanced networks of spiking neurons in the presence of transmission delays. Timcheck, J., Kadmon, J., Boahen, K., & Ganguli, S. (2022). PLOS Computational Biology, 18(10), e1010593.
Dissociating the involvement of muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors in object memory destabilization and reconsolidation. Wideman, C. E., Minard, E. P., Zakaria, J. M., Capistrano, J. D. R., Scott, G. A., & Winters, B. D. (2022). Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 195, 107686.
Inducing forgetting of unwanted memories through subliminal reactivation. Zhu, Z., Anderson, M. C., & Wang, Y. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 6496.
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iztarshi · 2 years
It occurs to me that Gil and Zeetha are sort of a Jäger between them. Klaus has replicated a bunch of Jäger biology in Gil but wouldn't have had access to the draught or known about the Dyne. Zeetha had the draught but nothing else.
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m4tthewsgf · 3 months
TEA: karma (my ex guy bsf) blocked me and then unblocked me and got mad at me bcs my friend made up a lie, and then him and addy (my ex gf) broke up (idk when e just texted me today) and i said "k" bcs im fucking done with his ass and he didnt repsong to me , which im fine with bcs i could gaf less but like... girl... and then my gf broke up with me bcs i was going on a mental health break, and i said i would be back in a year, knowin i would be back in a onth or 2, and she said "if ur gonna be gone then we need to break up" but then she turned it into me being too sexual, did i. made a few dirty jokes? yeah. but thats just who i am. but then she said "well ur mental health is way too fucking much for me to handle so! i just cant do this anymore!" and then said "maybe dont be fucking depressed and maybe ill wanna be with you" so ... is that bad... like is she in trhe wrong or me??, but then i have guys in my message requests asking for nudes and im like bitch im 11 gtfo and then their like "game is game" and prison is prison honey, and just UGH and i have a crush on my freidn but im too scared to admit it, BUT THEN SOME GUY WROTE A WHOLE FUCKING FANFIC ABT ME AND IM LIKE GIRL GTFO BUT THEN HE SAID "im just playin" GIRL WHAT GTFO?!??!?!?!?!? like ugh, and then my friend came out as trans and is being a bitch bcs i didnt see his message. LIKE GIRL!?!?!?!?!? UGH and then blah blah blah AND THEN I WAS AT A SCHOOL EVENT AND THIS BITCH JUST COMES UP TO ME AND STARTS SPILLIN TEA AND SAYS "so I was just thinking about that meme where it’s like “Jessica how could you sleep with your biology teacher” and my biology teacher in high school literally looked like live action burnt out adult jimmy neutron. He also really liked telling us fun facts about the digestive system like we would just be sitting there and he would just out of nowhere be like “do you guys wanna know why some farts are warm” and we’re all just like no thanks but he ignores us and tells us anyways. Once he was telling us his theory about how cavemen came from angels or whatever (being forced to learn about evolution in religious school things) and obviously me and my friends stoped paying attention to him the moment he started speaking and decided to draw borzois with highlighters instead. The ‘punishment’ for this was that he made the whole class watch these maggot removal videos which were basically like wow this kid has so many maggots in their ear. Oh and this was right before lunch too! So yeah I failed biology that year lol" LIKE GIL WHAT!?!?!? THAT WAS SO RANDOM!?!?!?!?! anyway 😇
I honestly lost quite a few braincells reading this BUT
Your ex can go fuck herself, she didn't deserve you. Your mental health should be your top priority and if she genuinely cared about you, it would be hers as well.
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