#ghostspider headcanons
fun-k-board · 10 months
Spider-Man Into / Across The Spiderverse Gwen Stacy Headcanons!
Note(s): This is a complete projection on my part, if you disagree then you do you
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Gwen in my head is transgender, mainly because I dislike the Gwen's Peter Parker is transgender headcanon as it's only basis is 'skinny boy is bullied so must be trans', despite the fact that every single Peter Parker was bullied and skinny before the spider bite?*
Gwen doesn't like many holidays, especially birthdays, she's just never been much of a fan because of the pressure to love and accept every gift given even if it's something she hates.
She gets along with Spiderbyte really well, they both like video games and have frequent gaming sessions even though Margo is way better than her at them.
She's not Christian but she still prays every dinner with her dad, it's just something that brings them closer together.
Sometimes when drumming Gwen gets too into her feelings, forgets she has super strength, and completely breaks the drum kit. This happens so often people think she's too destructive to be in their bands, she's unfortunately well known after a leaked video of her completely demolishing a drum set.
When she was younger she had a very promising ballet and modeling career, she was even about to get professional jobs, but then the spider bite happened and she had to quit. Sometimes, Gwen wishes she didn't, because she really enjoyed and still enjoys both of them.
Gwen hates visiting the spider HQ because most of them have lost a Gwen Stacy, she doesn't feel like herself when speaking to most Peter's and avoids a lot of them. Not only that, but she can't speak to most Peter's because she lost hers, most spiders can't relate to that, and she's only been able to bond with Miles over it.
Her dad is on the fence with Hobie, as much as he agrees that the system is corrupt, heck he even left because of how much it negatively affected his relationship with his daughter, he also feels that Hobie is too 'radical' in his beliefs. Gwen disagrees heavily and this spawns some arguments between them.
Her dad thinks Miles is great for her, him and Jefferson are sort of friends and chat over barbeque, he also has a tense friendship with Rio and they talk about Gwen a lot, for the better or worse.
Gwen really wanted to impress Miles' parents and tried to learn Spanish to do so, her pronunciation was way off and her sentences were all over the place, Rio may or may not like her less after that.
She's never had many friends besides the Spiders and Peter, so she struggles a lot with speaking to anybody's parents or functioning properly in other people's houses, she's more used to people at her house.
Peter used to stay at her place almost every night and she misses having him at her house, she always stays at Margo, Pavitr, Hobie or Miles' house, and vice versa.
She collects pins, random ones, pretty much any that look pretty. She has an 'i eat kids' one with bibble from the Barbie fairy movie on it, she wears it to family gatherings and her dad side eyes it constantly.
Gwen isn't too good at art, she's horrible at anatomy and the only reason she wants to learn is so her and Miles can spend more time together.
She really likes the taste of some spicy food, but can't handle the heat. The aftertaste is always supreme but she turns into a tomato after one bite and coughs if she eats any more.
Gwen looks up to the MJ of Peter B Parkers universe, she also likes to babysit Mayday even if it always ends in total chaos.
*I don't hate thinking Peter is trans in general, heck I think he's trans in all universes, I only have a problem when people get annoyed at the headcanon of Spider-Man Peter and in general Gwen being trans, and are only fine if it's Spider-Gwen's Peter because he's dead.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Hobie stans being Gwen antis is ratio to begin with(and an oxymoron)but the ones who headcanon Hobie as transfem really do it for it."UwU The iconic female character who's been around for decades and coded as transfem since the 2010s but made canon for the movie is a horrible evil bitch and this canonically male character is our REAL trans queen!!!"Headass
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willowshimmer · 2 years
But it's just Syntax and some Toxicinsanity
- Syntax doesn't need much sleep or food but he still needs to eat and sleep just not as much (since you know half spider/human)
- the Mayor will come and visit Syntax sometimes and bring him flowers or he will pick him up and teleport him to their room and cuddle with him so he can get sleep
- Syntax wears a hoodie and some jeans whenever he goes outside and keeps his hoodie on cause he's scared people will judge him or say bad stuff about him
- Whenever Syntax goes to a museum or a tech convention Mayor will lose him in 0.1 seconds cause he LOVES history and tech
- Whenever The Mayor talks with Syntax, he can listen to Syntax talk about tech for hours and hours while he stares into Syntax's emerald eyes
- The Mayor keeps his relationship with Syntax a secret from LBD, cause he's scared what she might do to his little Spider
- The Mayor DEFINITELY uses pet names on Syntax and Syntax definitely gets flustered whenever the Mayor uses these pet names Hot stuff, honey, Spiderling and my love
- Syntax definitely has nightmares of him waking up just to see everything destroyed, the Mayor dead and LBD destroying everything.
- Huntsman and Syntax definitely have sibling like fights like whenever they walk into the kitchen and there's only one cookie left they fight like it's WWll and Goliath walks in and takes the last cookie
- The Spider Queen is supportive of Huntsman's relationship with Sandy and Syntax's relationship with The Mayor just she doesn't trust the Mayor cause you know he works with LBD but she's happy that Syntax found someone
- The Mayor definitely shows A LOT of affection towards Syntax like giving him kisses, flowers, hugs, and a good time in the bedroom😏😏😏😏😏😏
WOOO this took a long time but it was worth it I hope you all are having a good day
Btw I not in school today cause my mom and dad are very busy so yeah
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gwenzellez · 25 days
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𝐆𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐘𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐘 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : this is a private mutuals only blog for my own version of gwen stacy , primarily using aspects from the amazing spiderman movies , comics and my own headcanons. [ written as my own original character ] ╾ written after the events of her death, being resurrected and becoming ghostspider.
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skellebonez · 2 years
Hello! Mystic Mayor.
*cracks knuckles* Ok, let's answer this CORRECTLY this time dkjflasjf.
favorite thing about them: Honestly? I love how mysterious he is. We know so little about this guy. Where did he come from? Where did he go? (Where'd ya come from Cotton Eye Joe)
least favorite thing about them: HE HURT. MY BOY SYNTAX. HOW DARE. /j (Actually, ironically, I hate how little we know about him. THROW US A BONE.)
favorite line: "Lady Bone Demon would like a word." (there's something about the delivery that is just so good.)
brOTP: Him and LBD, best evil friends for life. BEFLs.
OTP: I don't really have one? There is GhostSpider/ToxicInsanity, which I like in passing in specific scenarios, so I guess that sort of counts.
nOTP: Not a fan of shipping him with LBD.
random headcanon: I headcanon that he was a completely normal human, once, but LBD saved him by giving him a spark of her power and granting him immortality as long as she was around.
unpopular opinion: If he was styled outside of Lego he would be a silver fox of an old man. I feel it in my bones. He would be the LMK version of Eda Owl House meets Alfred Batman as a fusion. This is how it should be.
song i associate with them: They're Only Human from the Death Note musical (Ryuk's part, of course).
favorite picture of them:
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willowshimmer · 2 years
- Huntsman was the second spider to get infected from the venom (just so you know Goliath was first, Huntsman was second and Syntax was last)
- Huntsman has a bet with Syntax that he is the Spider Queens favorite
- Huntsman loves going on dates with Sandy they're always better then the last
- Whenever Sandy and Huntsman go to the store Sandy always loses Huntsman cause he probably got distracted by a piece of clothing or fruit or anything that catches his eye
- Huntsman's bisexual and trans, Goliath is trans and aroace, Syntax is gay and a demiboy and Spider Queen is lesbian
- Huntsman, Syntax and Spider Queen argue who has the better partner like Huntsman argues that Sandy is the best boyfriend cause he's kind sweet and funny, Syntax argues that Mayor is the best cause he's supportive, kind, makes sure Syntax is comfortable and helps him if he needs help and Spider Queen argues that Scorpion Deamoness is the best cause she's sweet, kind, funny, makes sure she doesn't feel alone and has two kids(Jin and Yin) meanwhile Goliath in the background like "uh I got cookies?"
- Sandy loves to braid Huntsman's hair and Sandy cats play with the braid with Huntsman's braid that Sandy made
- Huntsman has anger issues
- Huntsman is ALWAYS the victim of Jin and Yins shenanigans
- Huntsman doesn't like to admit he needs help
- Sandy sneaks into the spiders lair just to his Boyfriend Huntsman
- When Huntsman first met Sandy he felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside of him and he was embarrassing about how he developed feelings for the Blue Giant
- Huntsman's favorite fruit are kiwis
This took a long time but it was worth it 🥰
I hope you all are having a good day bye❤️
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punkeropercyjackson · 22 days
Bluepunk(Familial Hobie and Percy)headcanons
Percy is an afro-dominican third gen inmigrant New Yorker and Hobie is jamaican-english and was born and raised in Camden Town
Percy is transfem bigender and uses she/he/they and a hoard of neos(including blue/blues,sea/seas and cookie/cookies ofc)and Hobie is transmasc unlabeled and dosen't care about pronouns as long as you switch up instead of staying consistent
They're autistic and can't mask and have never been able to and are on the same ends of the spectrum even besides that
They even look almost the exact same too with the only real differences-which aren't even easy to tell-is Percy's sea green eyes and Hobie's dark brown eyes and Hobie's 6'5 to Percy's 6'4.Percy's got dreads and different kinds of piercings but Hobie's wicks being a similar hairstyle dosen't help in telling them apart at all
This,in addition to many other things,is because they're Variants of eachother the same way Gwen and Gayatri are!Percy is Earth 27 Spiderpunk and not relevant rn but Earth 137 Hobie is the Son of Poseidon
Percy is 22 and Hobie's a good deal younger and that with the rest of the Spiderband being explicitly teenagers means Spidermomdad Percy.He's close to the whole team and is their mentor but Hobie and him met eachother first so they have a special connection and i was gonna say something about Percy being like Hobie's weird ass uncle but then i remembered Hobie's a Spiderperson so i shan't risk it
Similarly to Miles and Miles G,this bond leads to them becoming interdimensional siblings despite technically being Variants.Eldest sister and oldest younger brother typa energy
Hobie has adultification trauma through a mix of shitty older brothers,no positive adult figures as a kid except his mom who due to complex circumstances couldn't help him as much as either of them wanted to and dissapeared when he was 12(not dead btw but he thinks she is),his deadbeat dad and the dystopian world he origins from and Percy's Canon Event was Sally dying when he was 12 too so that left him with Smelly Gabe and 7 year old Nico and 6 year old Hazel leaving him no choice but to self-parentify for survival and protection of his younger siblings so they balance out by Percy giving Hobie special treatment and encouraging him to be vulnerable and he gets her to feel 22,not 32 by bringing her goofy and emotional sides back out rather than just fake unbotheredness on both sides
Hobie is Peter Pan,Percy is Wendy(Matching names + I do not care for Peter and Wendy as a romantic ship)and Percy is Perseo,Hobie is Perseus(iykyk)
Hobie teaches Percy how to play guitar and hers is covered in cutesy stickers,ranging from cat themed motivational ones to video game ones and ovbs the dominican and trans flags too
Percy taught him how to surf and Hobie's surfboard is an almost black blue with white shark designs.They have diy'd matching Spiderpunk themed swimsuits that blend in through superhero logic
They have the same taste in music-Punk rock obvs but also heavy metal,rap,hipop and jazz
Hobie loves leaning onto Percy/having his arms hung around her shoulders from behind and her head tucked under his chin/holding hands with her/etc.Love is stored in the Hobie <3
Percy learned to make jamaican food but in blue to make Hobie eat it since her latina pseudo-mom ass wouldn't stand for him staying that scrawny and half dead looking(Nico flashbacks though).His favorite kind is it's sea food
I am just.Keep picturing Percy giving Hobie a big sisterly smooch on his forehead and him walking around with a blue lipstick mark on it
Hobie does the same back but his lipstick is black
Girlypop Percy,Edgecase Hobie.Solidarity and bonding and sharing
Percy has a Gwen Stacy Variant who's Ghostspider and Earth 27's Anomaly because of this and his childhood best friend who's afrolatina and autistic like him and pastel punk like 65 Gwen but dosen't share a namesake with her!They're officially together for a long time by Atsv and Hobie pokes fun at him over them all the time even pre actual meeting
They love fucking with Miguel together and Percy in particular gets on his nerves since she encouraged Hobie to even more and taught him new ways to.Lyla has a whole photo album of them pissing him off and Jessica only pretends to try to stop them because she also thinks it's hilarious.She hangs out with them whenever they can all find time to too!!!She brought Percy into Spider Society and she reminds her of Sally :')
Spidermutt and Mrs O'Leary have playdates
They're pretty much unoficially mission partners and Riri hacked their watches so they give false info to Miguel's database
Hobie calls Percy 'Sea Wees' like the kinds of mermaid dolls and Percy calls Hobie 'Cachorro' because it's spanish for Puppy(If y'all make nsfw jokes about this I Will Fucking Get You,i call my littlest brother that)
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