#ghost dragon
gr1nne · 7 months
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Commission for sodavoltage on twitter!
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jnstudios2 · 22 days
Thank you @daily-dose-of-danno for this screencap. I wanted to give it a go and tried my best to mimic it, but I like how it turned out
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The screencap I used as reference
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rowantreesandberries · 8 months
Emily is always out here casually saying the coolest lines like
"if we want to fight the shadow of your misdeeds we need to know the nature of them"
And she just. Talks like that. All the time. Queen behavior for real
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midnight-darkfrost · 1 month
Revenant redesign
I decided to redesign Revenant, my Undead dragon Skylander OC.
Despite her rather spooky appearance, Revenant is actually quite friendly, and enjoys baking during her spare time, especially pastries. She dreams that, one day, she'll open her own patisserie. Right now she's a cadet at the academy, and has even gone on missions with some of the Skylanders
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TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! 🤩💙 This year’s birthday is a VERY SPECIAL one for me!! So I NEEDED to go all out on this for myself! So I drew some of my comfort characters and friends here! 😸 I REALLY wish I could fit more in though, but I wanted to post this by today. I did my best to fit as much as I could within the THREE DAYS I was working on this.
Here’s the speedpaint for it! Trying to brainstorm this was very difficult because there’s just TOO MUCH I needed to include in here. This birthday is incredibly special to me. 🥺💙 With Procreate Dreams and many other AMAZING things too, I JUST HAD TO GO ALL OUT ON THIS!!
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thesoulspulse · 1 year
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At last, here she is in all her glory! Princess Dorathea in her ghostly dragon form! In life, she and her brother were both in fact a golden dragons like their family crest. However, Dorathea mainly enjoyed the freedom transforming into a dragon gave her to fly wherever she wanted to and perch on top of a high mountain peak. The amulet also changes shape to fit snugly around her neck in this form to reduce the risks of it falling off mid-flight.
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psioniciris · 7 months
Creepy Cases of Casper High (Hunters, Dragons, and Damsels In Distress!)
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Hello hello my cherished readers! Sorry its been so long since I shared my last case report. Just been busy with life and doing research in general to make sure I've got my facts straight. Anywho, to anyone who is just joining us now here's a bit of a refresher. Last time I shared a case with you guys we were discussing Casper High's very first major ghost sighting of a huge monster made of meat! Feel free to check out the full details of the case by following the link down below!
The official second sighting looks like it might have been more of a one off thing along with the third but I decided to include them anyway since I feel like all of them are important if we want to get a better picture of just how haunted this town is. It happened to Mikey in the library. He went to use one of the computer's in the school library to work on an assignment and ran into someone he didn't realize at the time was a ghost who turned around and attacked him! Luckily Mikey wasn't hurt, just gagged and hung upside-down by some kind of energy net that vanished into thin air a few seconds later.
According to Mikey once he calmed down enough to remember exactly what the ghost said to him, he referred to himself as Skulker. This might only be a code name though so I'll have to look into this further for another article.
Moving onto the third ghost sighting at Casper High this one is pretty incredible if you as me! Why? Because it was the first close up sighting of Danny Phantom himself and an honest to goodness dragon! A ghost dragon! That can only mean one thing folks, dragons are real is now confirmed! I mean think about it. How could there be a ghost of a dragon if there was never a living one at some point flying around?
But moving on...
Before I dive into our next story I'd like to preface this by saying most of these are based entirely on witness accounts that vary a lot in levels of detail which is totally understandable when you think about it. It's kinda hard to pay attention to the specifics when you're running for your life from a huge gout of green flames from the maw of a ghost dragon! Moving onto the case report itself the first reported sighting of this dragon was apparently at the Amity Park Mall in the Abyss clothing store.
There was a sale on the entire discontinued line of Fleecy-T blouses and somehow or another a customer wound up possessed and transformed in front of the very eyes of the acting manager on call at the time. Paulina said she sorta remembers being there that day too but was too excited about managing to guy the very last shirt they had left in her size to really pay attention to what happened when she left the store.
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The second sighting of the same dragon was on campus that night at Casper High where it destroyed the girls bathroom (although this wasn't discovered until later the next day by the janitor cleaning up the mess left by the first dance of the school year) then flew off to the football field where our next two witnesses, Dash and Tiffanie, saw Danny Phantom rescuing Paulina. My guess is he saved Paulina from the dragon at some point when the bathroom was wrecked which would explain why she was out cold at the time. The dragon was then defeated by our local ghost hero and the rest as they say is history! I also wonder how they replaced that whole row of bleachers...?
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To end things off, I found out there was another ghost sighting the same night by Tucker Foley and the DJ in charge of the school dance's music. Tucker didn't tell me much apart from that he was really taken aback when this ghost girl just floated up to him, insisting on enjoying the last dance with him. As for the DJ, he noticed them while getting ready to pack up his gear once the last song finished and noticed the girl Tucker was dancing with looked out of place in her get-up, aka a medieval styled gown not to mention her feet were literally gliding across the dance floor. Well, assuming they had been ever touching the ground to begin with!
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Tucker tells me she was surprisingly mellow and sweet but at the time his nerves were a bit frazzled from trying to help his best friend Danny Fenton keep his parents from getting too talkative about certain happenings at school. The rest of their little waltz is a bit of blur though so Tucker couldn't tell me any more than that. As for why Danny's parents were chaperoning the dance I'll leave that to your imagination since I doubt it's a very fond memory for the poor guy.
But there you have it! I really wanted to make up for my long absence here's three Creepy Cases of Casper High all rolled up into one! And now that puts our total of ghost encounters so far at 4! First was the meat ghost, second was this ghost hunter guy Skulker, third was the dragon, and fourth was this mysterious ghost girl who according to Tucker's description of her might have been nobility or maybe even a princess! Not only that but she bears a striking similarity to the ghost dragon as far as their color aesthetic so could the two of them be connected somehow? Looks like that is yet another case for me to take a closer look into for a future post!
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paintcapsule · 7 months
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As an Ether Dragon rampages through the halls of Grimwood palace. Young prince Ethan is cornered in his attempt to lure it away from his family. Cover art for one of @brightwitchbrews stories.
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paint-pot-pete · 9 months
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Ghost Dragon 😁
I do love translucent plastic minis - painted this up using a mix of contrast and technical paints. Only using the solid paints on the eyes, teeth, claws and base.
This is about 15cm tall and ready for a band of unfortunate adventurers to encounter 😈
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dp-outtakes · 8 months
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I want to redraw these transformation pics one day - S1E2
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harbors-heart · 8 months
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various nondescript watercolor doodles
Ruse belongs to @mordo-draws
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jnstudios2 · 8 months
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Dora the ghost dragon
Dragon + horns + claws
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lisicaiksiksiks · 3 months
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andiarting · 7 months
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Round 1 - Poll 18
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theeeveefan · 1 year
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Here’s a drawing of Ollie Specter and Danny phantom fighting Princess Dorathea the dragon ghost, so this turns out really good and I like the flames that the dragon ghost is breathing.
This is probably one of my favorite Danny phantom drawings.
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