chaos-cauldron · 8 months
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Translation by Miss Dream
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nakamorijuan · 2 years
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第124話 「話迫り来る闇の恐怖!苦戦の8戦士」
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mercurypower · 7 months
SM Villains Week Day 7
"Free"? What about a crossover between the four antagonist organizations of the series?
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bluehairlaunch · 1 year
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sailormoonandme · 1 year
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I think the above scene raises some interesting questions about the nature of Germatoid’s possession of Professor Souichi Tomoe.
Like the Daimons, Germatoid needed to possess a physical body, so presumably in the Tau Nebula that he and Mistress 9 hail from he did not have, nor need a physical form. So how could he have kissed anybody? The only explanation is that he is referring to kissing someone using Tomoe’s body.
But, the series heavily implies that from the time Tomoe and Hotaru were possessed, they have been working steadily towards their end goal of finding the Holy Grail, which is what they are doing when we first meet the characters. In other words, what reason would Germatoid have had to kiss anyone? Clearly he isn’t snogging Kaolinite as she is rather keen for his affections. The casualness with which she reacts (or rather, doesn’t react) to his cackling over not having kissed anyone in so long I think also speaks to how they hadn’t been making out in the past or anything.
So...what’s the deal?*
Well, I think this is in fact an interesting peek inside Germatoid’s mind. It stands to reason that, whilst possessing Tomoe’s body, he also has access to his mind and memories. So, Germatoid could be in a sense mocking the poor Souichi whose body he has hijacked. 
Alternatively, perhaps there is some kind of melding of their minds. That would also make sense as Germatoid must have had a reason for possessing a scientist and then using scientific skills to create Daimon eggs. If Germatoid had no body to speak of in the Tau Nebula, how would he have been a scientist himself? It therefore adds up that he possessed a scientist to make use of his mind and skills. In other words, whilst Tomoe himself is a nice man, whilst possessed by Germatoid, on a mental level they have become a singular being, one that simultaneously considers itself Germatoid and Souichi Tomoe. Therefore, when this merged entity talks about kissing someone years ago, it is referring specifically to Tomoe’s past because that is his past as much as life in the Tau Nebula was for the part of his that is Germatoid.
However, my personal preferred interpretation is that this is simply Germatoid speaking. He has possessed Tomoe for so long, lived his life, drawn upon his scientific skills, in a sense raised his daughter and had access to his memories, that Germatoid has come to consider himself Tomoe in effect. It is a little bit like he’s a method actor who has gone a bit too deep into the role. So Tomoe kissing someone, to Germatoid, is tantamount to him having kissed someone. Until he catches himself and laughs his ass off about it because of course he knows he isn’t truly Tomoe. 
*Besides the fact that the anime staff maybe/probably hadn’t come up with the idea of Tomoe being possessed yet, lol.
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smvillainsweek · 8 months
Favorite Death Busters member
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sailorheadcanons · 1 year
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All Witches 5 were orphans who could not do what they liked because of their diseases. They serve Germatoid because he healed them. For example, Viluy  could not engage in IT, because she was blinded, and Mimete had terrible scars on her face.
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fouralignments · 11 months
So I'm at a basketball game right. And they're selling these booze in test tube things. And I don't know why but it doesn't appeal to me. Maybe it's because my parents are both doctors
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Plus...when has drinking from a test tube lead to anything GOOD?
Anyway I want to know YOUR opinion on this. You know because you also got some smart bitches in your family as well
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I'm a person who doesn't drink alcohol like teetotal, except in the flavoring of food where all the alcohol, because it messy with me sensory wise. But I do enjoy me some virgin Piña colada.
My parents are also in the medical field; but I also majored in chemistry so my first thought: One does drink lab chemicals! Agreed, specially in pop culture when has it EVER led to something good?
Hollow man (2000 movies with Kevin Bacon as dr. Sebastian Caine basically the Invisible man remake), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr. Connors/ Lizard from Amazing spiderman also Peter Parker from Gwen Stacy from Earth-65B in Across the Spiderverse, Norman Osborn from Spiderman with the Goblin Super serum in Spiderman (2002), you also have Harry Osborn from The Spectacular Spiderman. Dr. Anton Mercer from Power Ranger: Dino Thunder, which turns him into Mesogog. Paul Stamets from Star Trek: Discovery. Professor Souichi Tomoe/Germatoid from the Death Buster Arc from Sailor Moon. Hank McCoy from First Class, he gets what he deserve in his karmic transformation into a blue furball
I'm also counting like jabbing yourself, aerosol, swallowing it, transfusing it with untested science/medicine or otherwise same trope, just different method of delivery.
the only case that I know of where this leads to a good outcome is when its the curing of the plague or illness like in the case of the Star Trek episode Miri, where Dr. McCoy doesn't know which test is the antidote so Spock tests it out on himself; but this more of a case not being able to communicate with the ship's computer that could tell with a time clock running out.
Perhaps we can also count Static and Virgil from Static Shock in the event of The Big Bang; but for nearly the rest its um not so much; Miguel O'Hara with his backstory of bad corporate mad science and exploitation (which totally fits with what the fuck Elon Musk is doing with neuralink).
But other than that your in for a fucking world of PAIN. It just shows why we need high ethical standards in medicine and even a higher threshold for human testing; informing those who participate full information about the risks before they consent, what researchers hope to achieve etc.
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
A preview of the upcoming chapter of The Stars In Their Courses
"We have discussed, at great length the prospects of what it is to capture a Silver Crystal and why Master Pharaoh 90 spoke of a Silver Crystal and not the Silver Crystal. Clearly there is more than one, and more than one particular person we can focus on. Past this we have little idea which of these various magical soldiers might possess them, save one we are clear does not."
An image was conjured by the arts of Viluy of a girl with hands that blazed with bright blue fire and wolf-golden eyes.
"This one wields powers that are not of our world, nor the great force that animates us. Neither are they altogether of those of the Great Enemy from the Heart of All That Is."
The Witches Five nodded as one.
"So we know, broadly, what the nature of our enemies are and the course of wisdom is to evade the stronger ones and to focus on the weaker ones and to hammer them with sufficient force until they break, allowing us in turn to overwhelm the stronger without reinforcements. That is, at least, the course that a general would do. The problems we face are still there. And this one is one of the greatest."
He turned his gaze to Eudial, the eyes of the man who had been Tomoe Souichi merging with the cracked gaze of the entity that was Germatoid.
So then that leaves you with a simple task, Eudial. Draw out the Outer Senshi, orchestrating a sufficiently large ambush to keep them distracted. There is a connection between them and the housing building owned by Tenoh Industries. It is equally clear that they reside, somewhere, within that building.
He steepled his hands.
Take the weapons you've seized from the carcasses of two fallen empires and arrange an ambush. See what the child of blue fire and lightning can do against these human weapons. It will be the kind of ambush that will disguise the fuller weight of our power as well as your own. It might even, if we are lucky, seem nothing more than ordinary criminality.
He leaned back.
If she survives, we will have the final proof of the nature of our enemies and then we will try all three of Eudial's schemes first, entrusting her to execute them. If she does not then we have eliminated an annoyance that does not belong here to begin with and events will take their rightful course.
Eudial knelt before Gematoid.
By the will of Master Pharaoh 90, so shall it be done.
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sulan1809 · 27 days
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Hotaru Tomoe - Curiosidades sobre a herdeira de Saturno
Sailor Moon é uma obra que obteve bastante popularidade na década de 1990, revolucionou o estilo Mahou Shoujo e inspirou obras como Magical Knight Rayearth, Card Captor Sakura e Futari wa Precure. A adaptação mais recente, Sailor Moon Crystal, teve o enredo desenvolvido às pressas para se manter fiel ao material base do mangá de Naoko Takeuchi. Usagi Tsukino é a protagonista central da obra, mas este artigo é dedicado a Hotaru Tomoe, uma garota que viveu como sofredora até os momentos de estrelato como Sailor Saturn. Embora ela tenha um grande carisma como Sailor Senshi, a história de Hotaru é muito triste, com elementos sombrios e jornada de superação. Qual segredo Hotaru tanto esconde? Veremos.
Hotaru foi forçada a ser o hospedeiro de Mistress 9
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Hotaru vivia uma vida normal e descomplicada, até o dia do acidente desconhecido que aconteceu com ela quando estava com o pai dela, Souichi Tomoe em um laboratório de experimentos científicos. Em Sailor Moon Crystal, Hotaru já vivia com ambos os pais dela antes da morte da mãe dela, causada por um fogo durante uma tempestade furiosa. Hotaru também morreria, mas o pai dela a salvou usando um Daimon no corpo dela, conhecido como Mistress 9, sob ordens de Pharaoh 90, já no anime dos anos 1990, a mãe de Hotaru já estava falecida, Hotaru também morreu, mas foi durante a chegada de um Daimon chamado Germatoid. Desesperado, Souichi pedia a Pharaoh 90 que salvasse a filha dele. Em vez de Souichi, foi Pharaoh 90 que teve responsabilidade na transformação de Hotaru em Mistress 9.
Hotaru foi transformada em uma Cyborg
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Em Sailor Moon Crystal, além de tornar Hotaru como a hospedeira de Mistress 9, Souichi salvou a filha dele, alterando o corpo dela com partes cyborg. Sem querer que os outros descobrissem, Hotaru usou a versão de mangas compridas do uniforme dela, mesmo durante o verão, e fora da escola, usava roupas mais escuras. Devido ao fato de Hotaru ser a hospedeira de Mistress 9, ela sempre sofria de convulsões misteriosas. Ironicamente, no anime original da década de 1990, Hotaru nunca foi transformada em uma cyborg, mas ela ainda assim sofria de convulsões, e o amuleto que Hotaru recebeu do pai dela parecia manter o mal estar de Hotaru sob controle.
Hotaru sofria de ostracismo na escola
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Antes de conhecer Chibiusa, Hotaru não era mostrada tendo quaisquer amigos. Na escola, ela sofria bullying das outras pessoas por causa da doença dela, além de não usar a versão de verão do uniforme dela quando o tempo exigia. A natureza introvertida e tímida de Hotaru também não ajudava nisso. No anime original, Hotaru estava ciente de que outra pessoa residia no corpo dela. Mistress 9 teve um papel maior em fazer os colegas de Hotaru a evitar, já que às vezes ela tinha mudanças dramáticas de humor que não podiam ser explicadas. Hotaru também tinha poderes de cura, o que infelizmente apenas adicionava para o bullying que ela recebia diariamente dos colegas dela, sem falar do lado sombrio que tentava dominá-la.
O pai de Hotaru era muito diferente em Sailor Moon Crystal
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Antes do acidente, Souichi Tomoe era um cientista obcecado com a possibilidade de formas de vida alienígenas, e experimentos desumanos, o que causaram que ele fosse banido da comunidade científica da qual ele fazia parte. Ele foi ainda mais desprezado quando ele usou os experimentos dele na filha dele, Hotaru, para transformá-la em uma cyborg. Para adicionar insulto à injúria, ele não viu nenhum problema em implantar a semente de Mistress 9 em Hotaru, uma vez que isso significava mais poder para ele em retorno. No anime original, Souchi mostrou ser um pai mais amável para Hotaru. Este fato se provou verdadeiro quando ele implorou a Pharaoh 90 que salvasse a vida da filha dele. Ele até afirma não se importar com o que acontecesse com ele, desde que Hotaru estivesse segura. Embora ele estivesse ciente do que estava por vir, indubitavelmente Souichi estava mais preocupado com Hotaru do que com ele mesmo.
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Como Sailor Saturn, Hotaru adquiriu o título de Guardiã da Destruição e Renovação, ou seja, ela tem grande poder para destruir um planeta inteiro. Por causa desse fato, Sailor Uranus e Sailor Neptune tentaram matar Sailor Saturn, pois acreditavam que se Hotaru despertasse como Sailor Saturn ela levaria o mundo para a destruição total. Hotaru teve um papel fundamental no despertar de Usagi Tsukino como Eternal Sailor Moon durante o conflito com a temida Queen Nehellenia, que queria levar o mundo a uma nova era de trevas.
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prettyguardiancaps · 3 years
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nakamorijuan · 2 years
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第124話 「話迫り来る闇の恐怖!苦戦の8戦士」
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mk-wizard · 3 years
The number one thing fans get wrong about the 90s Sailor Moon S anime is that it wasn’t Prof. Tomoe who was in control or even the man Kaolinite fell in love with. It was Germatoid creating the Daimons, in charge of the Witches 5, who create Kaolinite and wanted to help Pharoah 90 take over Earth. Germatoid took over Prof. Tomoe’s body and was the personality in complete and total control while his host was in a comatose state. That is why Prof. Tomoe could not remember anything after Germatoid left his body or the people Germatoid solely interacted with. And also why Germatoid didn’t seem to care for Hotaru’s life.
So yeah, it was never Prof. Tomoe. It was all Germatoid and he got his. With that said, I still don’t know if it ever would have worked out between him and Kaolinite, but... I am not holding my breath that Germatoid loved her back anymore than Tomoe did because the guy was completely oblivious to her feelings. And in my experience, when someone is that oblivious to your feelings after you drop every hint and bend that far backwards for them, it’s because they don’t care. Not that in that way at least. I think he at least liked her as a friend as Germatoid (for a villain), did like his colleagues and was nice to them, but I really doubt that he reciprocated any romantic feelings for her. At least not in the time they had together. Maybe just maybe they would have developed with time if they had the time.
So those are two Sailor Moon myths debunked.
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With that said, I just have one question for all of you fans now. Suppose Kaolinite had lived to see the real Germatoid, would she have still loved him?
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Who knows. Love is weird and some women have very... specific tastes.
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gabriel-gabdiel · 4 years
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And let's call that day, "Prof. Tomoe Day" 
Where are my fellow Sailor Moon fans at?
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The two faces of the evil Germatoid possessed Souichi tomoe.
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sailormoonandme · 4 years
Why I think Wiseman is so cool
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I think in a lot of ways he's underrated.
First of all, whilst his visual design is pretty basic Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies proved how this simplicity can be extremely effective. Indeed, as a 8 year old kid Wiseman and the Ringwraiths terrified me.
I think what makes the design work is that it encapsulates a classic lesson from horror. The scariest thing is the human imagination. You can tell Wiseman is bad news, but because you usually never saw what was under that hood (and even when you did it was mere glimpses) your mind fills in the gaps. In a sense Wiseman's design personifies the human fear of the dark.
Then you have the fact that his most effective weapon isn't his evil energy, the black crystal or anything physical. It's his powers of manipulation. In this sense he's rather unique as SM villains go, at least among the 'Final Boss' villains.
Of course we could argue Nephrite was manipulative of Naru, Jaedite manipulative of groups of people with his schemes and various other characters manipulated their underlings with threats (see Zirconia and the Amazon Trio/Galaxia and the Sailor Animates) or with hints of romance (Rubeus and the Phantom Sisters arguably Professor Tomoe and Kaorinite+the Witches 5). However, Wiseman was altogether comparatively more machiavellian about it.*
He was cut from the same cloth as Metalia, PHaraoh 90 and Nehelenia and yet he never positioned himself as the ultimate authority within the Black Moon Clan the way those guys did with their own evil organizations. Unlike Queen Beryl, Zirconia or Tomoe/Germatoid, Prince Demand genuinely believed he was in control and in charge of the Black Moon clan when in reality he was merely Wiseman's unwitting puppet. I don't think this was intentional on the part of Takeuchi or the anime staff, but it's almost like Wiseman was a sort of Evil merlin figure to the Black Moon Clan's would-be Camelot Court. He shows up out of nowhere, gives them the means and the guidance to rise to greatness and plays their humble servant, but really they are marching to his tune.
This manipulative streak though is never more poignant than with the corruption of Chibi-Usa. I'm sure some fans could draw analogies to real life child predators with this one, but I'll leave that topic for others. I just think it added a lot to the character that he pulled the same trick as Beryl with Endymion from the prior season but he was way more 'realistic' with it. He didn't just erase her memories, give her new ones and inject her with evil energy.
He took the far more subtle and insidious approach of taking memories she really had and reframing them in such a way that she'd serve his purposes. At times (like her birthday party) that was literally tweaking her memories by changing what she saw and heard. But with the memory of her parents when she tripped he simply nudged her into seeing that situation as an act of cruelty. He didn't need to put words into her parents mouths or add a sinister look to their faces. He just told her 'Boy, wasn't that cruel, remember how you felt when they did that. That proves they didn't love you...But I do...' Creepy as this is, in terms of being an effective villain and antagonist for the story he deserves major kudos for that stuff. He was smart enough to spin his lie around a grain of truth, thereby making it more convincing. This would thereby make reversing the brainwashing a lot harder than it was with Endymion. It's easier to undo brainwashing when everything you think you are has been a lie vs. the truth and the lies are more tangled up.
What made Wiseman's targeting of Chibi-Usa all the more ingenious (in the manga anyway) was that his corruption of her granted her something she wanted. She wanted to be an adult and he gave that to her meaning that even if the Senshi could reverse the brainwashing they'd have an uphill struggle as it'd involve taking away something Chibi-Usa desperately wanted.
Finally I love the fact that Wiseman is technically speaking the final villain of the series given that he is from the future and that fact played into the manga as he was integral in Galaxia's corruption, indirectly rendering him sort of the final foe in terms of publication order. One might even argue he is perhaps the most powerful villain of the whole anime considering it took 2 Silver Crystals (plus support from Mamoru and the Inner Senshi's powers) to defeat him and he was literally an entire planet.**
For these reasons he is ultimately my personal favourite SM villain.*Obviously within the context of Sailor Moon's standards. I'm not saying he'd be all that effective in House of Cards or whatever.
**Does that mean he was his own planetary guardian?
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