#genre: survival horror
camellia-smile · 1 year
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ridley or shallow | early 20s | horror sideblog
🔪 interacts from @malewifehenrycooldown
🔪 this blog covers wide range of horror media, includes movies, tv shows, music videos, video games, books, fan art, contemporary art, manga (etc.) that are labelled as or fall under the genre of 'horror'.
🔪 tags triggers as [insert trigger here] tw
🔪 pr*ship/fa*a/c*mpsh*p dni
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cemeterything · 8 months
we need an all-women polar expedition that encounters something terrible in the arctic and dies badly #feminism
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Thinking about how Leo says he uses his jokes to cope and y’know, thinking harder on it I think it may very well be because of what else uses one-liners and puns and that type of humor.
Specifically, 80’s action movies and campy sci-fi. Even more specifically, the protagonists of these.
So I can imagine why, exactly, Leo leans toward this brand of humor. It’s directly linked to things he loves! But even more than that is why I think it’s used as a coping mechanism.
In these genres, these quips tend to be said by the winner - or, if not a winner, then someone who will stay alive. So there’s a confidence behind them, an assurance, almost, that even if things go wrong, things aren’t ever too serious. There’s no bad endings here! It’s all good fun, even if the stakes seem high.
Leo canonically has been known to steer his brothers away from the more brutal villains and toward more fun, lighthearted activities and not-so-dangerous criminals. So for Leo, these jokes definitely make things less heavy, make the situations they find themselves in less intense.
It’s kinda not just coping, but also can be seen as a form of escapism. A safety blanket. A way for Leo to defuse the tension of knowing just how dangerous their lives are and replace that with a levity which implies that things will be okay.
Unfortunately, levity alone does not alter reality.
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viriv · 2 months
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Ren wanted to be in a sci fi film, guess none mentioned to him that sci fi horror was also a genre.
kudos once again to @kingtheghast cause now I have the perfect space sit to put ren in for these scenes XD
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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horror sub-genres • survival horror
a survival horror storyline usually involves the investigation and confrontation of horrific forces and the character’s fight to stay alive.
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badolmen · 8 months
On the topic of ‘bad mascot horror video games for kids’ the exception to the rule (or rather, something that understood the assignment) would be My Friendly Neighborhood.
I don’t want to spoil anything if you haven’t booted up the game before, but just…don’t be fooled by jumpscare compilations or the character design. From the opening cutscene this game grabs you by the fucking throat. The mechanics have thought put into them, the voice acting is top notch, and christ the fucking story - a complete story, one that has an end that isn’t promised in future ‘chapters’ or left ambiguous.
Yes, it has jumpscares from goofy muppet monsters, but they’re not cheap tricks. Once you learn how the game works they’re easy to avoid or at the very least anticipate - not to mention they’re survivable with the healing mechanic. And just when you think the scares are done, when you’re well into the game and have all the tools you need to navigate around potential jumpscares, the final act dunks you into the deep-end with the actual horror and nightmare fuel puppets.
I’m not sure how much the game as a whole qualifies as ‘horror,’ but it’s certainly being lumped in with the Whatever-Mascot Horror Game of the Week genre. Which is a shame because My Friendly Neighborhood is leagues ahead of those other games. It has more in common with survival horror than it does with mascot horror in terms of gameplay and tropes. It’s literally just the ‘monster’ designs leading people to assume its another Poppy Playtime clone complete with half baked story and repetitive, unimaginative gameplay loops. And that’s so far from the truth -
My Friendly Neighborhood is like if Sesame Street and Resident Evil had a beautiful muppet baby that opened its eyes to have an existential crisis when confronted with the horrors and apathy of modern capitalism.
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hezekiahwakely · 5 days
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clamsjams · 8 months
philza wants what pol has (a complete immunity to lore)
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snackleggg · 5 months
A little headcanon I have about the Heart Pirates is that Law never asked a single one of them to join. They just did it of their own accord.
Usually, pirate captains have to seek out their crew and actively ask people to join them, but Law is an antisocial loner with a whole mountain of personal baggage and would probably avoid adding new people to his crew as much as possible.
Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo all joined the crew at the beginning. They found out Law was leaving to be a pirate and they were like "Not without us :)" so Law was like "Okay whatever, I needed a crew anyway and I've known them for a while so it's not a problem"
But I like to think this just... kept on happening.
Like, the Hearts show up somewhere. Their actions either directly or indirectly help someone, and then that someone just comes up to Law like "I'm on your crew now, deal with it" and Law just has to accept this. He never actually ends up asking a single member of the Hearts to join. They just decided they live there now. It's like the cat distribution system but with crew members. Just a bunch of strays meeting Law, going "Hey, this little weirdo is actually pretty alright" and adding themselves to his family.
This would also make Law's alliance with Luffy ten times more funny because its literally the exact same thing (Law crew member formula: Law helps them -> Law tries to insist it wasn't a big deal(frequently is a big deal like saving their life through surgery (Shachi, Penguin, Luffy) or being freed from enslavement (Jean Bart)) -> they decide that Law is a cool guy and adopt him) except this time is the only time Law actually ASKED. He was the one who proposed the alliance. He is literally not allowed to be grumpy about cause it was his idea. Of course Luffy would see the exact same thing the rest of Law's crew saw in him, only this time Luffy already has a crew and is the captain so of course he keeps going "he's part of my crew now!".
I swear Law is the most adoptable girly in One Piece, that sopping wet cat and potato sack princess vibe does not do him favours in the intimidation front. Law himself is not at all intimidating. it's pretty much all his Devil Fruit being OP. The man behind that Devil Fruit is a huge dork that likes collecting coins and reading comic books and has a soft spot for anything cute. This is not feared pirate behaviour Law, but your crew (and now a separate crew by extension) love you for it.
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grayintogreen · 7 months
Your post for travis surviving the candela obscura finale is very good (made me chuckle / almost spit my coffee in the morning) but I would LOVE to point out that it would be a three for three Travis surviving a brutal tragedy. It's been a while, but Travis was one of the three surviving peeps in the talesin one shot for call of cthulhu after all!
I FORGOT ABOUT THAT ONE. Mostly because the only person I remember clearly dying in that one was Liam, aka the origin of my "Liam O'Brien comes to one-shots just to die" joke, which is the antithesis of "Travis Willingham, Actual Final Girl."
At this rate the next TPK Probable story that involves Travis is going to be the DM and all the players specifically trying to KILL HIM.
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mumbledramblings · 5 months
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Survival Horror Vash who i met in a dream
i had a dream last night where a group of people and i were trying to escape this weird and spooky abandoned facility that kept changing around us as we moved forward and partway through vash showed up and joined us. he was kinda weird, though. he looked a little different and he kept saying morbid things and acting like he knew us well and was always part of the group, and no one seemed to think that was suspicious except me.
at one point he found a couch and kept asking this guy to sit and have drinks with him, but the guy was convinced that if he did he'd get cursed and die.
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the one time i interacted with him myself near the end of my dream (i think he was avoiding me) he was taking a knife to the bottom half of his coat, cutting it lengthwise and taking apart the layers. i asked him why he was doing that and he just said that he needed it [like that] and wouldn't elaborate and i couldn't investigate further bc i somehow found myself leading the group.
suspicious and inexplicable behaviour aside, i don't think he was ~secretly a bad guy~ or anything. just kinda weird and lonely and. maybe not entirely human. i do think he was genuinely trying to help us get out and maybe get himself out, too. but god he was kinda unnerving to be around.
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cherrme3 · 2 months
Fatal frame
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erstwhile-elster · 5 months
finally beat signalis
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haveyoureadthispoll · 23 days
Be warned, dear reader: The Black girls survive in this one. Celebrating a new generation of bestselling and acclaimed Black writers, The Black Girl Survives in This One makes space for Black girls in horror. Fifteen chilling and thought-provoking stories place Black girls front and center as heroes and survivors who slay monsters, battle spirits, and face down death. Prepare to be terrified and left breathless by the pieces in this anthology. The bestselling and acclaimed authors include Erin E. Adams, Monica Brashears, Charlotte Nicole Davis, Desiree S. Evans, Saraciea J. Fennell, Zakiya Dalila Harris, Daka Hermon, Justina Ireland, L. L. McKinney, Brittney Morris, Maritza & Maika Moulite, Eden Royce, and Vincent Tirado, with a foreword by Tananarive Due.
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patiann345 · 5 days
I'm gonna be honest; I don't think it's fair to blame a single game (BATIM in this case) for the state of Modern Mascot Horror...
That's giving Bendy WAY too much credit hj/
But seriously though; to say that BATIM is at fault for the state of mascot horror and that it started/popularized all the overused trends is just. really really unfair to it. And that's coming from someone who is extremely critical of the series, I WISH I could blame Bendy for everything but alas, I am unable 😔
I think my biggest issue with blaming Bendy, or really any big horror like Fnaf or Poppy, is that.. so many of those trends aren't unique to those games? Bendy takes SO MUCH from games like Bioshock, but we're not blaming Bioshock for mascot horror trends, are we? And yeah, you can say "Well Bioshock isn't indie and it's not mascot horror" but,, where do you think people are drawing inspiration? Yeah, a lotta games may be inspired by Bendy, but a lot of others, INCLUDING Bendy, are inspired by the classics before it.
To talk about some arguments I've seen; saying Bendy popularized "exploring an abandoned facility" feels almost silly considering how many popular horror games and media have done that before. It's been a horror staple for forever, so of course a lot of mascot and/or indie games would follow suit. There's the first Resident Evil, I think Silent Hill COULD count, RPG maker games such as Ao Oni.. And as for film; technically The Blair Witch falls into this category. And the same goes for "cute mascot turned scary" like.. I'm sorry but plenty of games alone were doing that before Bendy. Ever played Tattletail? You could argue FNAF has done this too. Spooky's jumpscare mansion perhaps? And if you wanna look past just games; Gremlins. And yes, I'm counting Gremlins as horror. If you don't, then consider Chucky or Annabelle (though maybe Annabelle is to a lesser extent since she's.. pretty freaky looking before the possession stuff in the film) I'm not. even going to address "free roam gameplay" because. I mean, do I have to? I should not have to go over a list of free roam horror games to tell you why that's 1. not even a trend? and 2. not.. Bendy specific.
All this also isn't considering a lot of other media you could take inspiration from; Creepypastas and ARGs and Books and so on and so forth. A lot of those have contributed to Mascot Horror, ESPECIALLY creepypasta.. Most of the popular ones do fall under the "cute-to-scary" trope such as Cupcakes, Sonic.EXE, the Tails Doll curse, and a lot of lost episodes and haunted gaming creepypastas. You can't tell me some of the big games now aren't slightly inspired.
Also also, a lotta popular mascot horror recently has followed certain tropes and trends, yeah, but that doesn't mean they're necessarily good or bad. People hear "Cliche" and think negatively, but you CAN do a cliche really REALLY well, you can put a super strong spin on it if you try and make it feel new and fresh, even if it's been done over and over before by other pieces of media. Yes, BATIM has "cute-to-scary" mascots, it has abandoned location exploration, and it released in chapters, and so on and so forth. But we're not considering HOW it uses these tropes and if they're done well. We're just saying "Well, it has them so.. blame Bendy ig" and that's, again, not fair! It's not fair to BATIM and it's not fair to other horror media, some of which has served as big inspirations and the sort of "building blocks" for modern horror.
To make something clear, and I know this may upset some people to hear; BATIM is not unique as a piece of horror media. The only thing that sets it apart is the artstyle, and even then, with the release of BATDR, we've been inching away from that rubberhose-1930s style for a more generic look and feel. Bendy is not special, and it's not special as a mascot horror, even by the standards of 2017 when it came out. There were other games doing what it was doing, and there will continue to be games that do what it did.
It is not fair to blame Bendy, and it's not fair to blame any one single game or piece of media. Tropes and trends and cliches come and they go, and whether or not you like the current state of mascot horror, if you agree or disagree that it's a problem (I personally don't think it is and don't. really care tbh?) You cannot blame a single piece of media for the problems you have with a genre.
(Sorry this is so ramble-y!! And if it's not super well structured, I just really wanted to get my thoughts out there akjagsdhljgadslh,, also, I'd love to hear other people's thoughts, if you agree or disagree or are unsure. Think it'd be cool to start a discussion ^^)
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cardentist · 1 year
between jay marble hornets and jon magnus archives I think a lot of people really do just take offense to characters in horror movies being People and not action heroes
paranoia and fear are considered character flaws (stupidity or cowardice or a lack of humanity). they're supposed to strong enough to survive but anything they do for survival has to be Socially Acceptable.
you can't have a horror protagonist be Smart without also being paranoid, otherwise it's not good horror. asking a character to always make the right decisions and always know when they're in danger but Also holding them accountable when they're distrustful of the characters that You know are safe is silly.
sometimes not being crazy murdered means doing a little stalking. wanting to live when you know For Sure that there's someone (or something) out there that is completely willing to kill you means choosing Survival over social convention
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