#genderlocked book edit
kal-down · 2 years
Arthurian IFs
This is an extensive list of all the Arthurian inspired IFs out there for all of you who, like me, can't get enough. This list will be periodically edited to be as up to date as possible.
With Demo
Arthurian Tale: Camelot
Heavy is the Crown
The Bastard of Camelot
The King's Hound
Arthurian Tale: Camelot by Cain_Abel
Play as: Guinevere - customizable
ROs: King Arthur/Queen Elaine, Sir Kay, Lancelot, Lady Morgana, Sar Lunete
Status: chapter two complete
Du Lac by @dulac-if (blog deleted)
Play as: Lancelot - customizable
ROs: Arthur, Guinevere, Gawain, Galehaut
Status: Demo TBA -> indefinite Hiatus
From the Ashes by @fromtheashes-if
Play as: Viking MC
ROs: Arthur/Arthura/Artur, Frey/Freya, Lancelot, Morgana, Percival
Status: Demo TBA
Gates of Avalon by @gates-of-avalon-if
Play as: Lancelot - customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Gawaine, Morgaine le Fay, Gwynnever (Gwyn)
Status: Demo TBA
Guinevere by @newarcana
Play as: Guinevere - genderlocked female
ROs: Arthur, Lancelot, Morgana
Status: Book 1 (complete), Book 2 (ongoing) -> link
Guinevere by @guinevere-if
Play as: Guinevere - gender customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Lancelot du Lac, Morgana le Fay, Argante
Status: Demo TBA
Heavy is the Crown by @heavy-is-the-crown-if
Play as: a student of Arthurian's mytys
ROs: Arthur Pendragon/Le Fay, Morgana Pendragon/Le Fay, Merlin, Guinevere
Status: Prologue
In her Shadow by @in-her-shadow-if
Play as: Guinevere's younger sibling
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Lancelot Du Lac, Merlin Emrys, Kay Ectorius, Morgana le Fay
Status: Demo TBA
Once & Future by @kaiwrites-if
Play as: Merlin - customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Morgana le Fay, Lancelot Du Lac, Guinevere, Gwaine (introduced in book 2)
Status: Demo TBA
Queen of Camelot by @queenofcamelot-if (blog deleted)
Play as: Guinevere - genderlocked female
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Lancelot Du Lac, Henry/Henrietta
Status: Demo TBA
The Bastard of Camelot by @llamagirl28
Play as: Mordred - customizable
ROs: Gawain Alistair, Elaine Beauregard, Galahad du Lac, Nimue Wyllt, Isac Meier, Sophie Ezzo, Agravain Rivlin
Status: ch.4 complete
The Dance of Dragons by @thedanceofdragons-if
Play as: Arthur's younger sibling
ROs: Lancelot du Lac, Elaine Moriath, Gwion/Gwiyn, Caelum/Caelya, Kieran/Kiera
Status: Demo TBA
The Red and White Knight by @theredandwhiteknight-if
Play as: Lancelot - customizable
ROs: Guinevere, Gawain of Orkney, Galehaut of Far Isles, Morgan le Fay, Agravaine of Orkney, Sybil of Far Isles
Status: Demo TBA
The Sword of Avalon by @theswordofavalon-if
Play as: Excalibur - customizable
ROs: Arthur Pendragon, Vivien Lunete, Morgan/Morgana Le Fay, Emrys/Emrya Wyllt, Caelian/Caelia Aphelion
Status: Demo TBA
The King's Hound by @the-kingshound
Play as: Guinevere (loosely) - customizable
ROs: Arthur, Evaine, Yniol, Morien, Gwyar
Status: Chapter Two part 1
Touched by Fire by @touchedbyfire-if
Play as: Morgan(a) - customizable
ROs: Lancelot, Guinevere, Joseph/Josephine, Isaac/Isolde, Caelian/Caelia
Status: Demo TBA
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cadybear420 · 13 days
Cadybear's MC Wardrobes: Jo Hunter, ILITW. Featuring some edits by me!
How this series goes: With each book, for a MC I'm invested in, I'll assess each of their in-game outfits. How much do I like or dislike the outfit? Is this something that suits my MC's style, or does it make me go "My MC would NOT wear/own this"? And for the outfits that my MC would not wear or own, how would I alter or replace them? I'm not going to use screenshots from the actual game because I can't be arsed. Also I want to use the different sprite expressions to express how my MC would feel about each outfit.
I like to think this is a good opportunity to elaborate on my MCs' dress styles, and show off some edits :D
Now it's time to give the spotlight to the wardrobe of a different MC from Evie! Let's see how the outfts of ILITW live up to her standards!
Ch 1: Pajamas
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I like them, they suit her. Tank top and sweatpants are perfect for her.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
Ch 1: "Paint it Black" Premium Starter Casual Outfit
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This outfit is pretty stylish. But for Jo, it's probably a bit too much, as much as she loves a good rebellious look. Plus she would noooooot like that short skirt. With very very few exceptions, I don't think she'd care for dresses or skirts unless they were maxi or floor length and fairly loose.
Verdict: Not quite a part of Jo's wardrobe. Maybe save some of the jewelry pieces, but ditch the rest.
Ch 1: "Da Bomb" Free Starter Outfit
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Sooooooo PB has this terrible habit that I really hate where whenever they give the f!version of a GOC character (usually MC) an outfit with a cool/tough-looking jacket, they almost always have to pair it with a crop top. Looking at you: Cas Harlow, ID MC, Channing Lowe, TH:M MC (double offender), HSS:CA MC, KND MC (even though she's genderlocked but still), Kaine Bell. I mean, it's pretty par for the course for GOC character outfits in general, but it's especially annoying in this particular case.
I wouldn't mind it so much if they did the same to the m!versions, but of course they don't because "wimin must show skin beecuze wimin sexee, must be sexee because wimin, but mehn can not show off thighs or hips or tummi beecuze mehn being sexee in ways that aren't about muscles and strength is ghey, har de har har har".
I know I already bitch about this issue a lot, but I bring it up because you can expect me to de-croptopify each of these sort of outfits whenever they come up.
Of the four starter outfits, this is the overall style I find the most fitting to Jo's character in the ILITW timeline: a tough but chill "cool guy". Luckily. not only does the cropped part not really show in the dialogue window, but I also don't have to spend diamonds on it. So I can in good faith use the outfit in the game.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by lengthening the top, then use as her default casual outfit for ILITW.
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Here's the outfit in Jo's style. This is her official casual outfit for ILITW.
Ch 1: "Sweater Weather" Free Starter Outfit
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It's a decent outfit, but again, Jo does not like skirts that are higher than maxi-length and are form-fitting.
Even that aside, the overall style isn't quite for her.
Verdict: Not quite a part of Jo's wardrobe. Save the belt, but ditch the rest.
Ch 1: "Rock N' Roll High School" Starter Outfit
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Everything about this one is awesome (the shirts especially), except for the short shorts. I think the tights do improve the look, but still, it's just not her thing. Guess PB decided if they couldn't have a croptoppified tough f!outfit, they'll make it shortshortsified instead lul.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the shorts and tights (and save for ILB/ILW).
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Here's what this outfit would look more like in Jo's style. This is what I think would be her casual outfit in ILB and ILW.
Ch 8: "All That Glitters" Premium Outfit for Britney's Party
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The dress fabric? Very nice. The heart choker necklace? Cute, though it's not quite Jo's favorite style... but she probably wouldn't be against wearing it. The purse addition? It looks very stylish, and is a very unique touch for a Choices outfit too. The dress length? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by turning the dress into a top and adding pants.
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This is how the outfit would look in Jo's style. Though I think she'd also be fine with going to the party in her regular clothes like everyone else does.
Ch 12: "Lovely in Lace" Premium Homecoming Dress
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Definitely not for her at all.
Verdict: Jo would not own this. Ditch it.
Ch 12: "Coming Up Roses" Premium Homecoming Dress
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God I love that shade of pink. I think Jo would like it too. I do think the net-looking thing around the chest is a bit odd, but overall it's a neat dress. And it meets Jo's skirt criteria perfectly.
However, it feels a lot more like a prom dress rather than a homecoming dress. I'm gonna headcanon she wears this for senior prom. With also maybe a little addition...
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is (but save it for prom headcanons, and maybe add some form of blazer to it).
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Although she wouldn't mind the dress as it is, she'd prefer it with a blazer. She likes wearing formal/suit jackets over long dresses.
Ch 12: "Casual-Tee" Free Homecoming Outfit
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Apparently some people found this ugly. IDK why. I quite like this style of top, and I find it fairly fitting to Jo's preferred style for homecoming.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is, and use as her official homecoming outfit.
BONUS ROUND: Unused Underwear
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Definitely one of the better f!underwears PB has given us. Personally I like it, but Jo on the other hand isn't really a panties girl.
Verdict: Only partly in Jo's wardrobe. Alter by replacing the panties.
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Here's the underwear in Jo's style.
ILB: Stealthy Hoodie
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Unlike Evie's 2 outfits in HSS:CA, I don't think it's worth it to make a new post just for this one outfit Jo wears in ILB.
Anyways, I like this outfit, it's cool. Looks very cozy.
Verdict: Part of Jo's wardrobe. Keep it as is.
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itlivesproject · 1 year
will you guys be willing to do goc edits of genderlocked books
No, we won’t be doing any other Choices sequels/remakes/etc.
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libergardia-if · 1 year
Just a quick little faq to sort of explain whats with my story, I’ll be doing lore for the different races and some other stuff in another post. And I will most likely be doing a playlist for the RO’s as well.
Also I think asks are open so if yall have anymore questions feel free to ask!
Why is this game genderlocked and MLM only? Because that is simply how I conceived Liber Gardia, as a gay trans man I wanted to create something for myself. This mainly was just to be a indulgent game for only me but some friends really liked the premise and convinced me to share it. Also as I am extremely new to IF novels and coding in general I wanted to do something a bit easy. That said I do want to share the world of Liber Gardia and I hope people like it!
Are the other games also genderlocked? No Liber Gardia is the only one that is strictly genderlocked and MLM, but I wanted to get a bit more experience under my belt before I did the other two stories.
Do you have an exact date when you’re going to release the demo? Unfortunately no, as I stated before I am extremely new to coding and along with having ADD and a visual processing disorder actually figuring out choicescript is a bit hard for me. I am working on it but it’s slow going.
Are the other two games going to be sequels or a trilogy? Nope while they do take place in the same world they are mainly unconnected though there will be mention of events that happened in the previous book.
I may wind up editing this later but I hope I got at least most of the general questions out of the way.
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griffinshoodie · 4 years
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oh my god i love him so much
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raydanlykel · 5 years
what do you think about the gender-locked discourse? this sounds baity but i swear it’s not
I think it’s all ridiculous and blown out of proportion. Why don’t the men in the fandom respect women and maybe then they’ll calm down 😳 I remember reading that choices was made for the “underserved” audience of women and I agree with that! There’s nothing wrong with being able to choose your gender in choices books - I always thought that was cool and sometimes I play as a dude for funsies (aka depending on how attractive the mcs are LMFAO) BUT! the men in the fandom are acting like they’re being oppressed for having to play as women and bro…. it’s an app game. Made for women. Books have reasons to be genderlocked and claiming men and women don’t experience differences in life is just willful ignorance. I’m sure I got this ask because I said fuck historical accuracy when it comes to tropes that are racist, but you really can’t compare that to men not being catered to. Most of the time people arguing for books where you can choose your gender push women out of narratives that were created specifically for them, use misogynistic language, and say ridiculous shit like “books are genderlocked so pb can put scenes where the female mc is assaulted lol” which is… ugly! Also they’ll jump to say genderlocked books suck but suddenly books where you can play as a man are the pinnacle of choices writing 🤩 So yeah I’m on the women’s side of this argument and my mind definitely won’t be changed 🤘🏾
here’s some other good posts i agree with thank u and goodnight: (x) (x) (x)
#why'd this turn out so long.. n e way#me linkjng shit like this is some article lol i just wanted to be thorough ig#anyway like it was never meant to be that deep pb made some books with men and women mcs and yall went wild#and for WHAT?#why cant they just play the damn game and go please how do they even have time to fight over the same thing every time a book comes out!!#remember when this discourse didnt exist i miss that#and im not talking abt gbt men bc when im on the wiki it’s all str8 men being ugly and yelling abt it#+ ppl saying yes to books where u can play as men bc the romances with women are better.. that’s SAD#it shouldnt be better just bc you can be a man romancing a woman#honestly being able to choose the lis gender is great#and seeing men be like yeah i care abt wlw but then they shit on these books too like... they only care abt themselves be honest#by push women out of narratives im also talking abt the men in this fandom who say some books are shit and trash on them#but suddenly those books are amazing when they turn the woman mc into a man with their 'genderlocked book' edits#i cant believe that's a thing but yeah!#yes i have Opinions but aside from this i rly dont want to be involved in discourse with other people abt this anymore bc#it’s a waste of time and effort since theyre stubborn and never learn and are often times extremely shitty to the women theyre arguing with#ask#anonymous#misc#no beef with you anon you're good#i talk too damn much aight im boutta head out
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scapingfromchoices · 5 years
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i stan (2) two dorks
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shepherds-of-haven · 4 years
hi miss lena, do you have any cog wips or games to recomend?
Hi anon! And sure, I can give it a try, though it’s harder for me to recommend without knowing what games you already like! :) Also, I haven’t had much time to read many HG WIPs unfortunately, but I’ll attach another reading list at the bottom of this post that has a ton! 
On my list, ⭐ means I bet you’d like this if you like ShoH!
COG Recommendations:
Creme de la Creme (I have it downloaded but haven’t played yet--but I’m confident in the glowing reviews!)
The Fog Knows Your Name (really captures that IT/Stephen King/Stranger Things small-town vibe that I love)
Choice of Rebels: Uprising (fantastic world-building and complex fantasy, and lovely prose) ⭐
The Eagle’s Heir (loved the characters and the fantastical historical AU setting)
Saga of the North Wind (very epic, lots of choices! I always get a bad ending though lol 🙁)
Choice of the Deathless (and its sequel, Deathless: The City’s Thirst) (this is exactly the kind of fantasy world-building I enjoy and the author’s prose is a big inspiration to me)! ⭐
Choice of the Vampire (and its sequel: CoTV: Fall of Memphis)
Heart’s Choice Recommendations:
A Pirate’s Pleasure (I really enjoyed this one: beware, though, it’s female!MC-genderlocked with male ROs!)
Hosted Games Recommendations:
Unfortunately, I haven’t had the time to read many of these in the last year, so my recommendations are the old standbys that I’m sure everyone knows about, like The Wayhaven Chronicles (no spoilers for Book 2 please :’)), Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Community College Hero, or the Lost Heir. I read The War for the West when it was a WIP and really enjoyed it, and I’m excited to play Fallen Hero: Rebirth but need to be emotionally-ready for it lol!
Hosted Games WIP Recommendations:
The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia by @fantasyfawkes (fantasy/court intrigue)
Arcana of the Lost by @arcanaofthelost (dark fantasy)
A Thousand Miles of Sky by @athousandmilesofsky (space-frontier science fiction)
A Crack in the Spyglass by @ignifexgames (high fantasy)
Son of Satan: The Mortal Coil by @dae-kalina (urban modern fantasy/angels and religious mythology)
A Witch’s Curse by @rosemaryandsage (modern fantasy/witches)
God of the Red Mountain by @friendlybowlofsoup (Asian-inspired mythology/fantasy)
Ghost Simulator by Morton Newberry (modern cozy horror/fantasy)
If these aren’t enough for you to comb through, check out the master list of HG Tumblrs I assembled (that anyone can edit and add to of course) some time ago, and this amazing and detailed reading list made and written by the fantastic @feather-x-crown! 
Enjoy! :) 
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moonbintang · 4 years
Choices upcoming books that seems will making the playchoices fandom alive again
A mystery book
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a mystery book! and because of this is a mystery book playchoices have been keeping this book a mystery AKA a secret cause we still have zero idea what is this book is, the only thing I know is that its look good, its gender of choice and they better released this soon like seriously
Based on the fandom wiki "On September 30, 2019, PB stated that this book is still in the early planning stages, but they teased that the current plot for the book is about a murder mystery focusing on investigating who is murdering an elite society in New York. They teased an "unlikely pair of crime-solvers", thereby hinting at a dual lead story like Most Wanted." So its looking good so far
Wolf bride
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A werewolf book thats VIP? At first glance you will be like "oh my god I need that book" but looking at the title.... its kinda making me considering it. From the title of the book this is what we know:
Thanks to @starberrybliss pointing that it says "bride" which mean its.... genderlocked, how dissapointing
By just looking at the title a have a strong feeling that its a single LI
Most likely its a romance book between a werewolf LI and mc, but the thing is we don't know that if mc is also a werewolf or a human.
So based on this the only way this book is gonna be good is the plot so, let's hope they manage to do it (I had hopes just because its VIP)
Foreign affairs
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Honestly this book excited me the most, looking at it this is probably the story between this two country (I search on goggle and there is no country using this flag) and mc is like the international minister or something idk how this kind of thing works
We still don't know the plot of the book but this is just my guess, this two country hated each other and mc is the one whose gonna fixed it
Thats all that we know (I think so) soo hope y'all have a great day
Edit: before I edited this i thought the first picture in foreign affairs (the one that seems like an office) i thought that was for the mystery book but apparently the picture is showed in foreign affairs sneak peeks so I changed it.
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Choices Predictions
-Bachelorette Party, Sunkissed, and (unfortunately) Platinum will all be standalones.  The only one I can see becoming a series is Bachelorette Party, where there’s a different Bachelorette Party for each person in the friend group.  Book one’s is Diana, book two’s could be Courtney, and book three’s could either be Aisha or MC.
-Bloodbound will get a third book which will once again take place in New York and focus mainly on trying to kill Gaius and stop his associates/allies.  Because let’s be honest, the Bloodbound stans are honestly probably about 50% of PB’s profit right now.
-Big Sky Country will get a third book, because the second book will focus on the election for mayor of Sweetridge and trying to win the Smalltown, USA contest.  The third book will be reality TV-central, and let’s be honest, we’re probably going to have to marry somebody, because it wouldn't be a proper book 3 without a wedding.
-Desire & Decorum book 3 will end with MC marrying her LI. The epilogue will be something like TC&TF’s, where MC determinantly has a child with her spouse after a time skip.
-RCD will end after book 3. Seeing as a large part of the fandom has believed this series to be a train wreck from the start, there’s not much of a surprise there.
-America’s Most Eligible will be getting just a few more sequels. 
America's Most Eligible: Honeymoon Edition
America's Most Eligible: Babies
America's Most Eligible: Finding the Right Babysitter
 America's Most Eligible: The Empty Nest
America's Most Eligible: Midlife Crisis Edition
America's Most Eligible: Senior Years
America's Most Eligible: Beyond the Grave
Nah, just kidding.  They’ll probably end it after book 3.
-HSS:CA will, unfortunately, probably suffer the same fate as The Freshman series.  It’ll get dragged out for four years (in game) and the quality will gradually decline as it goes on.  For some unexplainable reason, Pixelberry made EVERYONE in the OG gang of HSS seniors, even though all of them but Maria and Aiden should’ve been juniors by the time HSS:CA rolled around, so we’re almost certainly not getting to play as the OG MC again.
-The pirate book will probably be genderlocked, and PB will probably provide some lame excuse about us having to play as a female because “it follows this pirate captain’s story and how she faces discrimination because she’s a female”.  Seriously, they’ve used this tactic several times. Maybe I don’t want to experience sexism in-game like I do in real life.  Or, maybe some people just want to play as a male?
-Mother of the Year and Save The Date (cough, STD!) will almost certainly be standalones.  I just can’t see how they could turn them into ongoing series.
-Open Heart book 2 will suffer the same fate as TE2 and will end after the second book, because unfortunately, I’m not sure just how long Pixelberry can keep reusing the basic plot formula for OPH without the players eventually getting bored.
-Ride or Die will get a third book...whoopee.
-The untitled fantasy book and the untitled renaissance book will also probably be standalones, because unfortunately, the more effort the books require nowadays, the less willing PB is to carry on with them.  But I have a good feeling about the fantasy book.
-Hero vol. 2 will get a third book (even though vol. 2 releases in frickin’ 2020), and as many have theorized, it will have direct connections to Endless Summer.
-And...unfortunately for myself and other longtime Choices players, I don't think we’ll EVER get Most Wanted book 2, and if it is released, it’ll be full of plot inconsistencies, plot holes, and it will almost certainly be a far cry from book 1.
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gvnbreaker · 5 years
@yascaret​ edited/removed some of the questions to make this more FFXIV-friendly. I made a few of my own changes as well.
RULES.  Repost, don’t reblog! Tag 10! Good luck!
TAGGED BY.  @yascaret​ and @wood-warder​
TAGGING. If you’re reading this, you’re tagged!
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BASICS. FULL  NAME :   Aja Hyskaris
NICKNAME :  None (yet?)
AGE :  Appears around late 20s/30 by hyur standards
BIRTHDAY :   Midsummer
GENDER : Non-binary; she/they
ETHNIC  GROUP : Viera (Rava)
NATIONALITY :  Ivalician (?)
LANGUAGE / S : Common
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  In a relationship with Lofn Yascaret & Pjel Qoet
HOME  TOWN / AREA :  The Hyskarian Deepwood, Golmore
CURRENT  HOME :  A small house in Shirogane.
PROFESSION : Mercenary. Bounty/monster hunter & occasional bodyguard.
PHYSICAL. HAIR : Vibrant red, wild, curly, falling to mid-back; undercut. Sideburns and widow’s peak.
EYES :  Amber.
FACE :   Square with a sharp jawline. High cheekbones, thick, arched eyebrows, and a prominent, aquiline nose. Often smirking insufferably or flirtatiously, prone to great expressiveness and wide smiles but just as easily brooding. Sharp teeth.
LIPS :  Full. Her smiles are crooked to begin with and deadened nerves on the left side of her mouth add to the effect.
COMPLEXION : Deep brown with warm undertones, lighter palms and soles of her feet, a lighter smudge underneath her nose and around her nostrils. Freckling around her shoulders, arm, the tops of her thighs and her lower back.
BLEMISHES : None of note.
SCARS :  Covered in scattered scars of varying age, depth, and severity, particularly on her left side and near her prosthetic arm. Ceruleum burns on torso; old, ringed scar around throat; vertical scar on left corner of mouth; small scar across nose; edge of left eyebrow; three scars beneath right eye.
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS :  Blackwork tattoos around forearm and legs, among others (design with art to come); white tattoos (curve, three dots) beneath eyes; Several gold rings along outer shells of ears; gold septum ring
HEIGHT :   Just under six fulms, not counting her ears.
WEIGHT :   Average.
BUILD :   Muscular and stocky, with broad shoulders tapering to a strong waist and thighs. [body type reference]
FEATURES :  Her left arm, from the start of the bicep, is a mechanical prosthetic, appearing to be of magitek-or-close make.
ALLERGIES :   None that she knows of.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Worn loose and wild, not so much a style as a thick mane.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Bare-faced, wearing tinted red pince nez. Smirking, grinning, flirting--generally looking like a complete asshole.
USUAL  CLOTHING :  Loose, open shirts, trousers, long coats, heavy, knee-high boots, leather jackets.
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : Imprisonment, isolation, drowning, Garlean war machina.
ASPIRATION / S :  Stability, helping others, belonging. In her younger years, she had romantic visions of knighthood, but those have since quieted with the years.
POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Adventurous, Passionate, Brave, Charismatic, Strong, Empathic
NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Cocky, Bull-headed, Self-destructive, Reckless, Impulsive
SOUL  TYPE / S :   Warrior
ANIMALS :   Wolf
VICE HABIT / S :   Brooding, drinking to excess, recklessness, impulsive decisions, using sex as validation.
FAITH :  She spares it little thought.
GHOSTS ? :  Yes.
AFTERLIFE ? :  Maybe.
REINCARNATION ? : Hopefully.
ALIENS ? :   When she met her first hyur man, she knew aliens were real.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : Garlemald bad, fuck cops.
EDUCATION  LEVEL :  Average for a viera of her village. She's taught herself to read between the lines better after being conned out of a full hunt reward once or twice in her early days in Rabanastre.
FAMILY. FATHER :   Fleeting contact a lifetime ago.
MOTHERS :  Still in the Wood.
SIBLINGS :   Several, no contact. She was close with one, but has made peace with never seeing any of them again.
EXTENDED  FAMILY :  Still in the Wood--as far as she knows.
NAME MEANING / S :  Aja, from the Hyskarian Deepwood
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : She was born in Golmore, but as far as she knows her name has little meaning.
FAVORITES. BOOK :  Adventure stories and romance novels. She’d never admit it, but they can be found hidden in her satchel or underneath or inside other things.
DEITY :  She tries not to think about them.
HOLIDAY :  Moonfire Faire, ????
MONTH :  Summer
SEASON :  Summer & Fall
PLACE :  A grassy field. The back of a cycle. On top of someone or between someone's legs.
WEATHER :  Thunderstorms, rain showers, clear skies and bright sun overhead.
SOUND / S:  Rain, thunder in the distance, the soft breathing of a woman asleep.
SCENT / S :  Metal, cedar, rain, leather, girlfriend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
TASTE / S :  Meat, whiskey, curry, girlfriend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
FEEL / S :  Furs, leather, grass, rain, girlfriend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ANIMAL / S :  Cats, coeurls, dogs.
COLORS :  Red, browns, black, gunmetal
EXTRA. TALENTS :  She's a blunt instrument, so beating the shit out of things. Flirting. Fixing things, usually the mechanical variety. Making friends. Diffusing social conflicts as often as she creates them. She's a good cook, but it's suitable really nowhere else but over a fire with a beast's flank in one hand and a metal spit in the other.
BAD  AT :  Love. Understanding and accepting her feelings. Has a chronic case of Foot-in-Mouth Disease. Has a long fuse, but her temper can spin out of control when pressed. Terrible at restraint and not being reckless and impulsive.
TURN  ONS :  Stockings, especially with the seam up the back. The nape of a woman's neck. Banter. Compliments. Smiles. Give her a smile and a coquettish eyelash flutter or make her feel strong and she's useless putty in your hands.
TURN  OFFS : Flirtatious men, cowards, cruelty, Garleans.
HOBBIES : Fishing, tinkering, gambling, trying new foods, sparring and training, exercise.
TROPES :  You Can’t Go Home Again, Badass Longcoat, Dark-Skinned Readhead, Cannot Spit It Out, Hot-Blooded, Scars Are Forever, Everyone Can See It, Artificial Limbs, Berserk Button, Unusual Eyebrows, Dark and Troubled Past, Rage Breaking Point, Cool Bike, Hot-Blooded Sideburns, Fiery Redhead, Red Oni Blue Oni, Gun Blade, La Résistance, Spell Blade, Love Epiphany, Bruiser with a Soft Center, Didn’t Think This Through (Gonna stop now or I’ll be here all night)
QUOTES : “Ah, fuck.”
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1 :   If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  John Wick mixed with Final Fantasy VIII mixed with Drive but with Garlean soldiers, turncoats, gay bro content, a sorceress, and also heaps of gay in general.
Q2 :   What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Chromatic rock, Nightrun, hair metal, a lot of Deftones, Tool, the Weeknd, indie and acoustic rock for angst.
Q3 :   Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :   When viera were teased at Fanfest, I lost my mind and have been unable to concentrate on any other character since. Aja was actually going to be a hrothgar, but when they genderlocked them and the model and general design didn’t fit her body type, well… plans changed.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :   Much like @yascaret’s answer, getting my gay hands on viera in FFTA and being obsessed since then. I wanted to write a warrior, a little battered but unbroken despite everything. She came out differently than originally planned, but in a good way. She’s just an even bigger himbo now.
Q5 :   Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :   I worry about Flanderizing her too hard, because while she is a big flirtatious himbo idiot I also want it to come across that she has depth.
Q6 :   What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   Not a lot. I guess we're both stubborn idiots with very long fuses that nonetheless eventually explode and/or destroy whatever is on the receiving end. Also what's gender precious
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   She probably wouldn’t acknowledge me at all, but we might bond over spicy noodles.
Q8 :   What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :   Lofn and Pjel are the obvious choice, but… Lofn and Pjel. I really love writing her alongside and against them because their personality traits both complement and chafe against one another, often in the same scene. Also I love their chemistry and look forward to how that plays out.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Q9 :   What gives  you inspiration  to write  your muse ?        
A9 :    B u n y  d e a t h  s q u a d. Just in general seeing my RP partners and roleplayers I haven’t interacted with yet writing and posting content for their characters really inspires me. As far as writing Aja, I take a handful of aesthetics, design elements, and themes and smash them together until something clicks. Listening to music and rolling through a prompt generator usually kick starts me into writing a drabble or developing something, and the FFXIV Write challenge has been great for that this month.
Q10 :  How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 :  About an afternoon and part of an evening. I fell into TV Tropes a little too hard near the end.
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heartschoicegames · 5 years
Heart’s Choice Author Interview: David Monster & Jim Dattilo, “All World Pro Wrestling”
You’re a trainee in the male Erotic Professional Wrestling Federation... and you’re reader to take on all comers. Training includes sparring, matches in the ring against the other trainees, tag team competitions, a battle royal, antics in the showers and locker room, and even ringside seats at the Championship Match.
All World Pro Wrestling is a 310,000-word interactive erotic gay novel by David Monster and Jim Dattilo, one of the first set of games releasing with the launch of Heart’s Choice. I sat down with the authors to talk about writing interactive romance. Heart’s Choice games release December 2nd.
All World Pro Wrestling is part of the first launch of Heart's Choice games and it's the first gender and sexuality locked game we're releasing for gay men. Jim you've written non-genderlocked games as well. Can you talk a little about the difference?
JIM: Writing a gender and sexuality locked game certainly has some advantages. The most obvious first advantage is that we don’t have to code gender pronouns, which saves time in coding and editing.
The next major advantage is in creating the characters. As a writer of choice games you want to give players lots of options. As a writer of fiction you want to give the reader highly specific characters. So in a game like Zombie Exodus, I need to have a huge variety of characters which are all open to various sexualities. Hopefully every player can find someone they are interested in or identify with. It is a phenomenal amount of work. However in All World Pro Wrestling, we can focus on a smaller set of characters, making them highly detailed.
Wrestling is also having a little cultural moment right now, it seems. What informed your decision to write wrestling fetish interactive fiction?
DAVID: There’s currently a great climate in independent pro wrestling. They seem to be embracing diversity, especially LGBT, in a way that major federations are not. The independents are a lot more entertaining because they have a great sense of humor, especially guys like Joey Ryan, RJ Skinner, Brian Cage, The Golden Lovers, and Jervis Cottonbelly. It’s a lot more appealing to me, because through the humor, they are acknowledging the homoerotic aspect of the sport in a way that’s exciting, amusing, and not derogatory.
After I published my first book, Service, people contacted me to tell me they loved it but wanted more sex and erotica. So, I wrote a gay erotic pro wrestling novel. It’s such a natural, because beyond being a sport, pro wrestling is really a fetish, and along with the homoeroticism, there’s a brotherhood that naturally lends itself to man-on-man romance.
JIM: I have a lot of gay male fans through my other writing and they provide some of the best feedback on romance. There are so few choice games or forms of interactive fiction focused on LGBT characters that players are more willing to voice their support and criticism. As game designers we need both forms of feedback.
When David and I decided to collaborate, we thought to convert his gay male erotica novel into a choice driven story. His novel already had a rich setting, plot, and set of characters. This is why we wanted to pitch it.
Are you fans of regular wrestling?
DAVID: Yes, I watch all different kinds of wrestling, mainly on YouTube. I like vintage pro wrestling, like AWA and GWF from the 50s to the 80s. When it comes to current wrestling, I’m a big fan of the independents. They’ve evolved as much more entertaining than WWE, currently the largest federation. I can’t watch WWE anymore. I’ll tune in every ten years or so, and it’s always the same storylines, same choreography. The guys are great-looking, but I need more than that.
I’m also a fan of Collegiate Wrestling. I wish I would have trained in amateur wrestling and grappling. All the great MMA fighters say it’s a necessary foundation for their sport.
JIM: As a kid I was a big fan of wrestling, back in the early days of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. I stopped watching at the time the WWF became the WWE, because as David said, the storylines became recycled. I don’t fault anyone for enjoying it now. Sometimes I’ll see a commercial for a large event and it will pique my interest.
This game is full of different romanceable characters. Tell me about some of them and which ones you enjoyed writing most.
DAVID: To tell you the truth, I love them all. They all have different attributes that make them special. Rory is an extremely cute blond boy. He’s sweet and kind, but he has the heart of a fighter. He always wants to win but wants all his friends to win, too. Bravon’s a real man, the best athlete in the facility, and a good friend to have. He’s a handsome muscle stud with the most extreme abs. Mandrew’s a cute jock boy and the class clown. He’s funny and always a good time, although he’s straight (or at least he says he is). Marcos is a big, hairy bear, and a total pushover. If you’re a power top, he’s your guy. He’s truly up for almost anything.
Finally there’s Stan. He’s a short little mountain of muscles, and, by far, the toughest guy in the training facility. He’s built is solidly as a wall of concrete which also represents the walls he built around himself to hide his vulnerabilities. He’s a loyal warrior, who is devoted to training but always searching for love.
Beyond these characters, you can have flings with lots of other characters.
Could you talk a little about your collaborative writing process?
DAVID: It was a learning process for me. I’ve never written a multiple choice game before, and Jim had already done three. He was my teacher and mentor, and taught me things about making a game you can’t learn from a tutorial. Jim’s guidance made me a much better writer.
JIM: David was the primary writer while I was the developer and coder. After writing a very extensive outline based on his book, we went through several rounds of drafts and edits until we came up with the shell of the game. David would write a chapter in a form of pseudocode, and I would take that document and convert it to ChoiceScript. Along the way we would talk about adding new content and deleting certain parts that weren’t working. David was always willing to do rewrites or punch up some text if needed. Since this was really his subject matter, I had to lean on him for the majority of the content. And he never made me feel like I was working for him. We were always collaborative and equal.
And what's next for you guys?
DAVID: I released the book this game is based on, called Rowdy Armstrong 2 – Pro Wrestling Rookie. It’s available on Amazon, and you can check out the website for pics of all the characters in the book: RowdyArmstrong.com    
I hope Jim and I can work on the sequel to this game, very soon. He’s so busy with Zombie Exodus. His fans are constantly demanding more of that story, because he has created a really cool world there.
I have another game, with accompanying book, I hope Choice of Games or Heart’s Choice will host. It’s a non-genderlocked fantasy story that will not involve wrestling.
I have a podcast, called Unimaginary Friendcast, and will continue to talk about this game on it. We have interviewed Jim twice, so search for that. It’s worth a listen, for sure.
Here’s my webpage, if you want to know more: DavidMonster.com
JIM: I’m continuing to work on Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 3 primarily. I’m also currently working on a new title for Choice of Games. It’s a secret project, and I hope to share some details on this game early next year.
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cadybear420 · 30 days
My HSS Edits Masterlist (NOTE: List is subject to frequent updates)
I've now relocated all HSS edits into a new separate masterlist from my original Choices Edits Masterlist because of the Tumblr 100-link limits. Chances are I'll be doing this again.
You can also see all my edits by searching #cadybear's edits on my profile or on Tumblr, but it'll be a very incomplete list because Tumblr's search functions are ass. Plus a handful of the posts on my profile are just my own reblogs of my stuff. So, here's a more collective and organized list.
I do indeed accept requests/suggestions for edits! However, they can take a while, and I do reserve the right to turn down a request if it's something I'm uncomfortable with editing or is way out of my league of editing skills.
Aiden Zhou Edits (focusing mostly on canon events and outfits)
Aiden in OG HSS f!MC's Premium Pool Party Outfit
Aiden in a OG HSS f!MC Premium Homecoming Dress
Casual Beach Party Outfit for Aiden
Aiden if he didn't have a six-pack
Aiden in OG HSS f!MC's Premium Prom Dress
Aiden in ID m!MC's Hunter Outfit from Book 2
Aiden in a MTFL MC Premium Outfit
Aiden in a ROD MC Premium Outfit
Attempting Eyeliner on Aiden
Aiden in a premium suit outfit for MC from TNA (plus alternate colors)
Aiden in a premium suit outfit for MC from TNA (plus alternate colors)- Eyeliner Versions
Cunt Era Aiden Compilation
The Evolution of Aiden's Cunt Era
Aiden in DLS m!MC's potluck outfit
Aiden in a FR MC outfit
Bad Boy(?) Aiden
Aiden in a TCH MC Premium Outfit
Evie Ayana (my f!MC) Edits
Original Evie intro, ft. Evie in a "Kiss My Abs" crop top
Evie wearing the Jade Necklace from Aiden
Evie x Aiden Edits
Prom Photo Edits
Halloween 2023 Couples Costumes
Power Couple Crop Tops
Wedding Headcanons, includes edits for their Wedding Outfits
Misc. Characters Edits
Michael in a ILW m!MC Outfit
Myra Khandaar: Full-Body Casual Sprite plus an Alternate Version
Sydney Kym: Full-Body Sprites
Misc. MC Edits
Alan Parke Outfit Prototypes
Group Edits
Winter Casual Outfits for Aiden, Caleb, and Michael
OG HSS Gang: Pajamas
Aiden, Caleb, and Michael in some fancy upscale-ish dresses
Evie, Emma, and Maria in some fancy upscale-ish suits
The Guys' Squad: Original Photo + Proper Formation
HSS Prime Character Edits
HSS Prime Katherine if she was in Choices HSS
Choices HSS Julian Castillo: Full-Body Sprites
Choices HSS Koh Sunya: Full-Body Sprite
Choices HSS Mia Warren: Full-Body Sprites
Choices HSS Mia Warren in her old Hearst cheer uniform
Choices HSS Nishan Khandaar: Full-Body Sprites
Choices HSS Payton Saunders: Full-Body Sprites
Choices HSS Sakura Watanabe: Full-Body Sprite, plus how I made this and other half-body-sprite-to-full-body-sprite edits
HSS Prime MC Gala + Gala/Julian, request fulfilled for @rosesnink
General MC Edits
HSS f!MC if she had a buff bodytype option
HSS MCs with un-Genderlocked Hairstyles
CG/Yearbook Photo Edits
Genderswapped Poses for Cheerleader MC Yearbook Photo
Prom Photos: Maria x Michael
HSS:CA Edits
Cher (HSS:CA f!MC) but if she could choose to be the witch in the Enchanted Kingdom play
Cher (HSS:CA f!MC) and Rory swap Tempest musical roles
Misc. HSS Crossover Edits
OG HSS x ILITW: The gangs at homecoming together
OG HSS x ROD: Aiden and Adelaide Cousins Photos
HSS x ID: Aiden and nb!MC Luca's Outfit Shopping Trip (Luca belongs to @aria-ashryver)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5, featuring tattoos
Part 6: The Beach Episode, Part 1 and The Transparent Files for their Swimsuits
Part 7: The Beach Episode, Part 2
Part 8
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Date Night - Project Drabble #1
Bryce notes: Yesterday I saw something on my dash that angered me and so I ask @dr-beatrice-jones and a number of fan fiction writers to help me out with a little project.
The OP of the post I saw seemed to think that Choices books would be better if they were genderlocked in the feminine. I disagree vehemently with this. So here is the first edit by my beautiful friend @dr-beatrice-jones and the first drabble by my equally beautiful friend @maria-lahela. I’ll be posting more over the course of the next few weeks.
Pairing: Dr. Bryce Lahela x Dr. Alex Woods
Words: ~ 900 (average 5 minutes)
Rating: General Audience
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Summary: Bryce and Alex are dating each other for a while now, and after an exhausting day at work, they decide to calm down in a beautiful restaurant with a view at Boston Skylines.
It was a very exhausting day, not only for Bryce but also for Alex. Both men are very ambitious to always be better the next day. They are fully aware that it can’t be that way every day, but that doesn’t mean they will stop living this way. 
  When their day got very stressful after a massive car accident took over all their strength and time in the hospital, and there was no way for them to see each other during their shifts, Bryce decided to take him out after the shift, to a beautiful place barely anyone knows about.
  At first Alex thought he exaggerated but when Bryce and Alex arrived in the restaurant with a calm balcony area, Alex can’t believe the view in front of him. Boston’s skyline is far in the background, which makes the busy streets of Boston to fade away and all the stress they had over the day, forgotten. Beautiful lights are lined onto the ceiling along with different colours which make the air around them smell so beautifully – a mixture between flowers and salt from the water around them. A beautiful table with waits for them in the corner, near the flowers and with a chance to overlook the water and skyline. 
  “This is beautiful. I really thought you just exaggerate again.” Alex admits, chuckling. 
  Bryce acts offended. “What! I would never do that.” 
  Alex laughs and walks over to the table that waits for them. The gentleman Bryce is, holds the chair for him, smiling at Alex.
  When both are seated, they can’t stop smiling at each other. “Thank you for bringing me here, Bryce. This is really one of the most breath-taking places I have ever seen.” 
  “I am glad you like it. After the day we both had, I am sure we need a few hours away from the noisy streets of Boston.” Bryce takes Alex hand. 
  “And you are completely right with this.” Alex squeezes Bryce hand. “And now I really want to see what is on the menu.” Alex adds. 
  Bryce chuckles. “Well, I thought I surprise you once more? This restaurant serves my favourite food from back in Hawaii, and I thought I show you?” Bryce asks, rather shyly instead of his usual confident self.
  “Oh, that sounds like a lovely idea.” Alex nods. “We do that.” Alex looks into Bryce beautiful brown eyes, that mirrors the lights behind Alex. “Did I tell you that you look lovely today?” 
  “Just today?” Bryce smirks. 
  “Always, Bryce. Always. But today you look a bit more handsome than usual.” 
  “Thank you, and I see you wear the jacket I gave you? I assume you like it then?” Bryce caresses Alex hand with his thumb. 
  “Like? I love it. Blue is my favourite colour.” Alex beams. 
  “I know, that is why I thought of you when I saw that jacket.” Bryce tells. 
  “I am glad you do, Bryce.” Alex muses. “But really, don’t give me so many presents.” 
  “Oh, I will spoil you and even if you tell me not to, I won’t stop.” Bryce leans forward, kissing Alex cheek. “Just enjoy my spoiling. You deserve.” Bryce whispers into his ear before leaning back as the food gets served. 
  “This is called Hawaiian Plate.” Bryce starts to clarify. “Poi, Laulau, Mac Salad, Rice, Kalua Pig and three kinds of poke.” Bryce chuckles at the confused face of Alex. “Just trust me and try it.” 
  “I trust you with my life, Bryce.” Alex says before trying the food, realising that the food is amazing. He has no idea what Bryce just said, but he doesn’t want to know because this is heavenly. “Bryce, this is delicious! Don’t tell me what it is, I want to savour this.” 
  “Well, I am quiet and honoured you like it.” Bryce grins. 
    After they finished to eat, they look out over the sea, into the direction of Boston. “You know, when I came to Edenbrook I would have never thought I meet someone I fall in love with.” Alex looks away from the town over to Bryce who meets his gaze. “But I am grateful I did. You show me the world from your view, your favourite place, your favourite food and you even showed me your favourite place in the hospital.” Alex chuckled at the memory.
  “Well, I can tell you that I wouldn’t have imagined meeting you and fall in love. I came to Edenbrook to become a surgeon and focus on that. But now? Now I have you too. I was scared at first, but I am happy that I asked you out.” Bryce intertwines his hand with Alex’s.
  “Is it bad that I don’t want to leave this place?” Alex admits after a short silence. 
  Bryce laughs. “Eventually we have to leave. But for now, we can stay here and enjoy the rest of the night? We can get a cab back but later, now I want to enjoy the rest of the date with you.” 
  “I won’t argue with that.” Alex leans his head on Bryce’s shoulder, while Bryce leans his head onto Alex’s to enjoy the sunset at the horizon and listening to the wave on the shore. 
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writingonjorvik · 5 years
If I Could Ask the Devs 10 Questions: A WOJ Interview
I think if you’ve known me for a while, you probably know I would jump at the idea of getting to interview the SSO devs, particularly because they tend to have internalized or cherry picked interviews that only focus on what they want to tell us, and not on the questions the players tend to have about the game. So if I could have an interview with the devs, these are the 10 questions I would ask.
Sidenote: I have 10 core topic questions with some brief follow-up questions for clarity. If you counted, yes, there would be more than ten, but there are ten core areas.
What kind of updates can we expect for this year; in terms of new areas, horses, features, etc.?
When can we expect the return of bigger area expansions with full side quests prepared for them and secrets like in the Harvest Counties and Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur launches?
Speaking of updates, about 80% of SSO community wants to see the older Gen 1 & Gen 1.5 models updated across the board like with the update to Gen 1.5. Considering that this is a super majority, and these horses are paid for content, what does SSO intend to do to meet this request from its player base?
Again, since this content is already been paid for, would an “upgrade” feature for purchased old models require additional payment, making player pay to make already purchased content playable again?
If opposed to updating earlier gen models, why does SSO ignore something a super majority of their players want that seems it would also benefit the devs work load?
How does SSO plan to counter price bloat, like what’s happened on the upgraded pets?
Expected counterpoint: SSO has said that the walking pets are more expensive because of “all the hard work that went into them.” This is both a sunken cost and false equivalence fallacy. It’s the developers’ job to continue to make SSO better, and make better content for the game. That should not result in bloated prices for players, but rather more product that they can spend their money on. Saying that “all that hard work” just went into making expensive content diminishes the rest of the work made on the game and it trivializes the job the devs are supposed to be doing. It’s your job to make content for the game. We should not have to pay extra for something we already paid for, and certainly not at a bloat of 4-5x the initial cost for a few bonus animations.
On the note of purchased content, over 70% of SSO’s player base thinks that the game is overpriced, but 90%, regardless of their opinions on fairness, say they would buy more often if the prices were lowered. Is there any intention to lower the prices around SSO to make it more accessible?
Is there any intention is making supplementary content, like more unique items in the merch store that aren’t simply designs with your logo on them?
Would SSO be able to release the comic in English any time soon?
Are there any plans to rerelease the Starshine Legacy games on Steam or the teams merch store?
SSO prides itself for being a narrative oriented story. Are there any plans to establish an official writing team on SSO?
What about a canon wiki about the series?
One of the things the devs have stated about the genderlock on SSO is that it’s to create a space for women in gaming. Does SSO donate to any charities that support girls to play video games like Child’s Play, Code Liberation, or Games For Change, or charities that help women in general like National Women’s Law Center, Dress For Success Worldwide, Girls Not Brides, or Futures Without Violence?
What actions outside of having female leads and job equality is SSO pursuing to promote gender equality?
Can we expect the ability to get magic powers that we can use outside of cutscenes?
Would this involve the “power-up” system the devs have discussed before?
What kind of new customization can we expect in the future of the game?
Would this include the return of the housing function?
Will this provide more options for other gender presenting players besides femme?
Would SSO consider letting the player input their own pronouns into the game without changing the story in any other way?
Would SSO ever consider switching to an expansion based system over the weekly release schedule?
If not, why is the weekly release better for the game than having larger, less frequent updates?
If they would, what would this mean for daily content, in terms of daily quests and achievements, as well as the payment system for an expansion?
Would SSO ever bring back more fan generated content, like the T-Shirt contest?
With SSO branching out to more unique types of story telling, would SSO hold contests for writing companion short stories or producing audio stories like Texas Bluebells?
Will SSO release a public list of community guidelines, so both players and moderators know what is correct behavior, and so also ensure that moderators are upholding SSO’s rules and not personal ones?
What about an internal reporting system to simplify reporting?
Question I Think Would Be Asked Of Me
1. Why are you so critical of the game?
Ok. Here’s the essay.
I suppose it would be easy to say that it’s out of spite. And there’s probably some of that in there. Some innate bitterness over the fact that the PR team, for a period, actively deleted anything critical, regardless of content. The fact that they outright lied about empirical data the players were giving the devs (see the AQH release). Sure, there’s the fact that I’ve seen and had SSO’s dev team do a 180 on me from offering me a space on the mod team for trying to promote a better community to having their devs and outreach insult and demean me on the basis of my comments being “critical.”
And it does drive me a little nutty to see the devs so successfully have turned their player base on anyone who might critique the game. To see my hard work trying to get players to be decent people in the game turned on its head when I say one word crosswise about something that might make the game better. And I’ve be wrong to say I don’t get frustrated when I talk about changes SSO could apply with after being a gamer for way longer than most of the people debating me, with enough research done on my own to be the basis for a master’s thesis, only to be told by someone who SSO is their first video game telling me how the industry works. But that’s really not it. 
So, here it is:
Star Stable is one of the only non-combat MMOs in the world.
Let me repeat that; Star Stable is one of the only non-combat MMOs in the world. And I imagine that invokes a sense of pride, like you’ve hit some kind of niche. But that’s not a truth because of some lucky chance.
Non-combat MMOs survive on small niche markets, before consistently dying off because of failure to expand beyond their initial targets. And it’s not for lack of trying. People love non-combat games; Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, Nintendogs, Roller Coaster and Zoo Tycoon, the Myst series, so on. But when those games refuse to look passed their niche, to expand and improve, they have historically failed as MMOs because one niche cannot fund an MMO.
And where SSO has survived on the niche market of “horse girl fantasy,” it is most certainly not expanding. SSO talks about its overall player count being in the millions, but ignores that fact that for every unique player there are five duplicate accounts, which is a metric that continues to bloat. That out of 12 million players, only 3% of those players are regularly active, compared to most MMOs which will hit 15-25% of their player base regularly between expansions. And no matter how you swing those numbers, no matter how much more you bloat the prices, that is not a long term lifespan. You can’t survive on that niche.
I genuinely believe SSO could help influence the industry. And I don’t mean that in a “if you follow all my ideas, everything will end up perfectly.” I’m not always right, and I’m willing to admit that. But the fact that SSO has been so resistant to any criticism results in a mob mentality with its core player base and it ostracizes anyone who can’t put up with that attitude any longer. Not only does it put the developers into an echo chamber where they can’t improve, it continues to push away the people who care enough to sit down and explain why they’re frustrated. You tighten that niche. You limit your market. You run out of resources.
And I do think SSO has already made leaps ahead for parts of the industry. The number of people who say SSO was their first MMO, their first game, is amazing. It’s great to see a game helping young people get into gaming, particularly girls who, when I was their age, were bullied for even liking video games. So for SSO to make that platform is amazing. But they cannot abuse that by taking advantage of new gamers who don’t know any better about how games are made or sold. I feel, and I feel this of every company, not just SSO, that there is a moral obligation to do right by people, and not to take advantage of their ignorance. And with such a powerful platform to invite young people into this sphere, into making new games and telling new stories, it is imperative that SSO does right by people.
I’m hard on SSO because I care, immensely. You could say I have a fixation on the game, really. I am invested in the survival of this game. But you can’t survive without getting better. Not to mention, the criticism SSO gets is free! From thousands of people. When I edited my book, I paid over $2,000 for my two editors I worked with, and that’s not even getting into beta readers and reviewers. I would love to be able to get feedback for free like SSO does. Because it’s an opportunity to improve because we are never going to be perfect. And if SSO wants to survive the trends surrounding their genre, then they can leave no room for quarter to people like me. Not out of oppression of people’s voices, but by listening and making a better game.
Thanks for your time.
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griffinshoodie · 4 years
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just two dudes huggin each other & plannin to see each other again. nothin to see here.
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