#gbunny collects
gamebunny-advance · 29 days
Core Memory Unlocked
So, for some reason, I suddenly remembered this toy I used to have as a kid: it was an interactive space tablet. You would press buttons on it, and it would light up and give you planet facts and stuff.
I googled it to try and find the exact one I had, but it turns out there are several different versions of this thing. At first, I thought my memory was faulty because I distinctly remembered it being silver and having buttons on the side, while most of the ones I was finding were blue and/or had their buttons at the bottom.
Eventually, I was able to find the exact one I had on eBay, but I can't find any video footage of this particular model.
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I wanted video footage so I could compare the voice clips between this one and the ones I found before it, because I found that all the others used the same voice clips, even if they were different models, so I'm wondering if mine was the same. I recall this (near) exact quote being in it: "If Saturn could fit in a swimming pool, it would float."
But none of the videos I've found have had that line in it. Saturn was my favorite planet at the time, so I remember that voice line very distinctly.
I guess this sounds a little familiar, but I just can't 100% confirm it without hearing that specific quote.
From my meager search efforts, it doesn't seem like these other ones have any specific branding while the one I had was licensed(?) by the Smithsonian, so I don't know if these other ones are "knock-offs" that are using the same voice clips/programming, or if mine was somehow unique.
I'm leaning on the former, since the voice is similar enough to my memory that I can blame any discrepancies on either the video quality or just poor memory. But even though the button layouts are almost identical, mine had a "C" button for the quiz game, and none of the other versions I've found have had a third answer button. If the voices/programming are really the same, would they really go through the trouble of cutting any questions/answers that used the C button? Then again, these other ones that I've found do have a "help" button that mine doesn't have, so it's possible that this is their "C button" and mine just went unlabeled.
Mid-post update, but I did find another version of this thing that actually uses the exact same mold as the one I had, but has different branding/colors.
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It apparently has the same manufacturer (Scientific Toys) as what I was calling the "knock-off" versions, so this seems like conclusive evidence that they're probably all the same on the inside and mine just had that premium branding~ Though, from what I can tell, the Smithsonian version has a different manufacturer (Natural Science Industries), and I've yet to confirm if they're related somehow.
I was able to find that Scientific Toys still makes a version of this space tablet, but with yet another different layout and the omission of Pluto. I couldn't tell ya if the voice samples are the same though, XP. I also confirmed that NSI is still partnered with the Smithsonian and making other branded products, so I think that they are separate entities, but I couldn't say definitively who ripped off who yet. Or maybe even that there's a 3rd actor that I just don't know about.
I don't need the answers that badly, but this was a slightly amusing rabbit hole that I went through~
Anyway, the actual point of this post was that in my memory, the voice was actually pretty similar to DJSS and I thought that was kinda funny.
I guess the video voice is close enough, just more nasally~
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gamebunny-color-sp · 3 years
I'm back~
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I'll probably make a full post about it later, but I did want to make sure I brought this up, because it’s my only “collection” story:
I didn't take many pictures because endless green fields just don't excite me, but during a gas stop in Kansas I found these neat little things. They're called "furry bones" and they really remind me of skelanimals.
Anyway, I was super enamored with that big pink one (naturally). It's just so kitschy: it's a pink octopus with a skeleton face, holding a cookie.
I just absolutely adored it, but it's also a friggin cookie jar. In other words, another useless item that's just gonna take up space. And it was too big and expensive ($25) to let myself buy it, knowing all that.
So I flipped a coin.
Coin said "no".
But I did tell myself that if I happened to find one for cheap on eBay when I got back, that I would go ahead and get it, because I love the hell out of it, but my personal rule is to never spend more than $20 on any "useless" item (unless it's rare).
Wouldn't you know, this thing, at least from the original website, is nearly $44. So yeah. I regret leaving it a *little*, but just having the imagery of something so *specifically strange* is enough to get that serotonin flowing, so I'm still gonna thank fate on this one.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
Strawberry Cow: Final Verdict
Please excuse my inability to take flattering pictures.
Anyways, my Strawberry Cow is here, and I can say with certainty that it is definitely better in person than the stock image. It’s like they chose the worst possible sample for that photo shoot.
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The muzzle seems to take up a little more space than the photos suggested, the silhouette is very much friend shaped, and the light pink is almost a perfect strawberry milk color and the dark pink patches compliment it nicely (not that my photos do it any justice). I especially like that mine has a big patch on the belly that looks like a splash.
That said, even in person I still don’t like the face much, although I could see myself getting used to it with time. I almost wish I had a second one, just so I could keep this one as it is and customize the other one. Alas, despite my celebrations, I still try not to spend needlessly, so this will become a clay-face plush eventually, and now that I have this in my hands, I can start drafting some face ideas.
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Here he is with Mooshka, my other strawberry cow plush that I won from a crane game many years ago. Confetti GAB needs a little maintenance. Living at the foot of my bed has caused some of the ribbon detailing to fall off, so I need to replace it.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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GAB: Neon J. Edition
I've been kinda busy with some IRL stuff lately, so I haven't found much time to draw. In the meantime, I've started using a habit tracker app to try and motivate me to make some more positive changes in my life. Today, I finally decided to add, "draw for at least 1 hour a day" to my dailies list, so hopefully I'll have at least one thing to post a day for a little while, even if it's kinda shitty.
Anyways, as you can probably infer, this is what I did today.
I actually did the sketch for Neon GAB a few weeks ago to go with the Kun3h0 1010s I did, but since I stopped drawing again, I got really rusty (again), and this was one of the simplest sketches I had to try and get back in the groove.
Normally I would post a doodle dump of all the bad sketches I've done since the 1010 oddloop animation, but instead I'm gonna try to use those for my drawing hour for the next few days, so you'll get them eventually, just as a drip feed (and since I'm working on them, they should actually be something worth looking at for 5 seconds).
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gamebunny-advance · 9 months
New Favorite Freak
*Light Pikmin 4 Spoilers*
I still really like Shepherd, but Yonny might be the new fave.
I want to feed him sour cream & onion pringles.
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gamebunny-advance · 10 months
My LGBT+ Headcanons
(Frank discussion about sex and sexuality ahead.)
I have once again neglected to actually think of art to do for pride month, but as a consolation, here's an update on my list of LGBT+ headcanons (except when they're OCs, in which case it's just canon).
*"Genderfucked" just means that their gender identity doesn't easily fit under a specific label, due to complications. It's usually due to the character being non-human and thus existing outside the gender binary by default. In other words, this label means they may not be literally queer depending on your definitions, but they otherwise represent or are informed by a queer identity or experience.
**Bisexuality is trans-inclusive. In the context of this list, I've chosen to use "bisexual" to indicate that the character has some preferences for gender expression, and I'm using "pansexual" to indicate that the character has little to no preference in gender expression. If it's important, then I'll specify what they're attracted to, but it usually isn't.
A character that is attracted exclusively to cismen and transwomen would be listed as bisexual.
A character that has no preference for gender, but is exclusively attracted to feminine expressions would also be listed as "bisexual."
A transfemale character that is only attracted to cismen and transmen would be listed as "straight."
***Not all of the characters listed here are what I'd call "positive" representation. Most (I'd say) are, but a handful aren't. Just remember: Depiction is not necessarily endorsement.
*I'm only listing OCs that I've talked about at least once this year or are important to said OCs), but effectively every OC I have is queer in some fashion.
Kahon (they/them): Genderfucked. As a sentient arcade machine, Kahon doesn't have an assigned gender. They express a feminine identity when acting through Kun3h0, but doesn't particularly identify with any gender. Only attracted to other arcade machines and the characters in them.
Coexistence!Kun3h0 (any pronouns): Genderfucked. In an AU where Kun3h0 is her own character, Kun3h0 is still genderfucked. She was built and designed as a female, but once they gained sentience he said, "fuck that" and went on to do his own thing.
GAB (she/they): Non-binary/Asexual. They're just a little guy.
Carol (he/him): Transman/Asexual. Was gay in life, but becoming a zombie has been a huge damper on his sex life.
The Prince Formerly Known as Frog (us/we): Cisman/Gay. Uses the royal "we" to refer to themselves, but otherwise uses he/him pronouns.
Floats (he/him): Cisman/Gay (closeted). I want to talk more about his relationship with sexuality since it's a core part of his character, but I think explaining it here would be a little too heavy for a list like this.
Spector (he/him and she/her): *Transwoman/Straight. *Identifies as a cismale and uses he/him pronouns at the beginning of the story, but transitions later. This isn't a character I've talked about too much or even really drawn, but she's Floats' business partner and is inspired by the hypermasculine characters you used to find in early FPS games like Doom and Duke Nukem.
Smash Bros/Retro Buddies
Mr. G&W (he/him): Genderfucked/Ace. He's a shape-shifter and normally lacks genitalia, but he was considered male when he was "born" and identifies as male in all forms. Normally, he doesn't go through the trouble of recreating sex organs when he transforms, since his transformations are usually just a means to an end. Consequently, his body doesn't normally produce those kinds of hormones, so his libido is very low. Sex for him is just a bonding activity that he doesn't particularly seek out.
ROB (any pronouns, but usually he/him): Genderfucked/Demisexual. Technically speaking, he was never assigned a gender at "birth." Due to the limited A.I. of the other ROBs making them only capable of addressing people in the first person and Master Hand never needing to address ROB in the third person, ROB effectively had no pronouns while living on the Island of the Ancients. He only answers to he/him pronouns out of convenience since people assumed his pronouns due to his masculine name, but he doesn't particularly identify with any gender. In the human!AU, he would have been born with a vagina, but is still indifferent to gender as a concept for the same reasons. Since he lived on an isolated island surrounded only by people he considered family, and the first new people he ever met tortured and enslaved said family, he grew a great distrust of other people and is only attracted to people with whom he's already bonded with.
Puck (Pac-Man) (he/him): Transman/Pansexual. He was already transitioning when he first met Pepper. Since they started as rivals, he didn't bother ever bringing it up. When they later fell in love, he still forgot to mention he was trans because he figured that he already said it at some point. They later had 2 kids and are happily married to this day.
Pepper (Ms. Pac-Man) (she/her): Transwoman/Bisexual. She met Puck pre-transition, when she still went by "Otto." She left Pac-Land briefly to work on her transition, and when she came back and met Puck again, she forgot to clarify that she and Otto were the same person because she thought he would just put 2 and 2 together. He didn't. They both didn't realize the other was trans until a conversation about having kids came up. They both laughed it off and are happily married to this day.
Blinky (he/him): Cisman/Gay. Has a love-hate thing for Puck and won't admit it, but wouldn't do anything to seriously sabotage Puck's marriage lest their rivalry become legitimately hostile. He acts tough, but he's a hopeless romantic.
Pinky (she/her): Transwoman/Pansexual. Joined the Ghost Gang as a man and transitioned over time. Unlike Blinky, she is an aspiring homewrecker, but the Pacs are too loyal to each other for anything to come of it.
Inky (he/they): Non-binary/Asexual. The inner mechanisms of his mind are an enigma.
Clyde (pronouns vary): Genderfluid/Bisexual. Not much to say about Clyde. He just does whatever is comfortable for her at the moment.
Tabuu (any pronouns): Genderfucked/Pansexual. Same situation as G&W. He's a little more sexually active, but only because he can use it to get what he wants.
Duck Hunt (Human AU only): Both are cismen (he/him) and gay, but not in a romantic relationship with each other.
DJSS (he/him): Non-binary/Ace. AFAB and rejects gender as a limiting concept that he has grown beyond. He's still a little self-conscious about his height though (HRT helped him get wide, but it didn't really help him get tall). Claims to be "sapiosexual" but is actually just uninterested in relationships under most circumstances and sets impossibly high standards just so he doesn't have to deal with it.
Neon J. (he/him): Transman/Gay. He doesn't actually remember that he's trans due to his memory getting corrupted over time. He assumes that he's a cisman and just lost his penis in the war. Is currently pursuing DJSS because he likes a challenge.
Tatiana (she/her): Ciswoman/Lesbian. Was very sexually active during the Goolings era and has only slowed down due to having a lot of other responsibilities now. Originally assumed she was bi and later figured out she was a lesbian. This isn't public knowledge about Tatiana since she's rather reserved about her personal life, but people who know Kul Fyra know. As an aside, she wouldn't date an employee because she's witnessed first hand that having a relationship with someone who is too involved in her business is a disaster waiting to happen.
Kliff (he/him): Cisman/Bisexual (closeted pre-revolution). Believes he's straight because he's only pursued Tatiana romantically, with the excuse that any encounters he had with men were out of desperation from her not reciprocating. He accepts his sexuality post-revolution after he lets go of his fixation on Tatiana. However, he seems to be attracted specifically to people that have similar traits to Tatiana (like big muscular arms and/or fiery personalities), so how "over it" he is about it is debatable.
Mayday (she/her): Ciswoman/Bisexual. She's inexperienced with any kind of romance and has only recently started exploring her attraction to women. Has yet to consider Zuke as a romantic partner, but it could happen.
Zuke (he/him): Cisman/Bisexual. Primarily straight, but could pursue a male love interest if they hit it off. Has considered the possibility of a romantic relationship with Mayday, but is putting it off until they've had more experience as a band (he doesn't want to repeat what happened between him and Eve).
Zam (he/him): Cisman/Gay. I don't have anything to say about it. I just think he's gay.
Yiruk (he/him): Non-binary/Bisexual. Also not much else to say.
Remi (he/him): Demiboy/Straight? He's put a lot of himself into Sayu and is using her as a way to experiment with his feminine side, but he doesn't really feel like a girl. He hasn't had any interest in a relationship yet, so his sexuality is ambiguous right now.
Dodo (he/they): Non-binary/Pansexual. Is very loose with his gender identity. He likes wearing feminine clothes and make-up, but doesn't identify as female. They just like what they like.
Tila (she/her): Demigirl/Bisexual. Is pretty sure she's a girl, but feels ambiguous about it. She has a crush on Remi and generally likes boys, but she thinks girls are really cute too.
Sofa (he/him): Cisman/Gay. Not much to talk about~ He doesn't currently have any crushes.
Sayu (she/her): N/A. "Officially" (as in officially in my headcanon) Sayu is a blank slate so fans can project anything onto her. The most common interpretation with fans is that she's a transgirl lesbian, but other interpretations go around too.
Eve (she/her): Transwoman/Demisexual. She's really attracted to anyone that she thinks could understand her, and is usually disappointed when they aren't. Post-revolution, she hasn't quite opened up to dating again, but at the very least she's healing.
1010 (he/him): Genderfucked/Pansexual. All 1010s are coded without any particular sexual preference, as to make them incapable of rejecting a fan's affection on the basis of sexuality. In this case of "genderfucked" I actually read them as cismen to go with the theme that they are a manufactured product that are not allowed to display any "unmarketable" traits. They'd partake in "rainbow capitalism" but not actually confirm that any of them could be attracted to men or have a non-male identity.
I know I killed DSYNC, but these are the exceptions in the DSYNC!AU:
Kerinting/DSYNC!Green (pronouns vary): Genderfluid. His personality core uses semi-random programming which has leaked into his gender settings, causing her to randomly change gender at random intervals. Sometimes she'll be one gender for a few weeks. Sometimes it only lasts a day. Either way, it throws his sense of self out of whack when her current identity doesn't match his presentation. Kerinting manages this a little better since she's allowed to alter her body more, while this is a major obstacle for Green.
DSYNC!Blue: Gay (closeted). Is in a similar situation to Green. Blue's personality core makes him hyper focus on singular targets. However, this inadvertently affected his sexuality settings, so he became exclusively homosexual. He tries to hide it as to not start controversy for the group (which is easy to do since his emotional expression is a lot more subtle than the others). White is the only one that knows and hasn't told the Captain at Blue's request.
DSYNC!White: Agender/Asexual. In this AU, he has a very negative reaction to being a sex symbol against his will. As a result, he's rejected his sense of sexuality and is sex/touch repulsed. He only keeps up appearances as it pertains to his job. If he had it his way, he would retire alone near the sea and fish for a living.
Moonside (My ACNH Island) (Sorry, these aren't as deep as others. The lore on Moonside isn't actually that strong, so I haven't given it much thought U_U)
Fuchsia (she/her and he/him): Ciswoman/Lesbian. Currently pursuing Syrup, but Syrup isn't ready to reciprocate yet.
Norma (she/her): Transwoman/Bisexual. In a relationship with Merengue.
Merengue (she/her): Ciswoman/Lesbian. In a relationship with Norma.
Dotty (she/her): Transwoman/Lesbian. This is a carry-over from New Leaf. She doesn't have a partner on Moonside, but her original partner was Coco.
Rolf (he/him): Transman/Gay
Raymond (he/him): Cisman/Gay
Mike Hatsune (he/him): Transman/Bisexual. I dunno if it's canon that he's Miku's dad/creator, but I prefer to think of him as future Miku after he retires from being an idol and goes on to be Domino's new overlord CEO.
Roba (he/him): Transman/Asexual. I think that's just actually canon through subtext. That would unfortunately mean that his friends are kinda transphobic as they consistently misgender him, but I'd like to think they get better about it later.
Horace (he/him): Bisexual. Also actually canon since we know he likes girls and has also fucked a bear thinking it was his best friend.
Alfe (he/him): Gay. Probably canon, but I don't have much evidence to back it up.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Candy Paws Puppy Foot Pad Mod
So last month, when I was getting supplies for Yogurt, I also picked up some really pretty pastel rainbow craft fur. I didn’t really have a project in mind for it, but I thought it was cute enough to add to the stash in case I came up with an idea for it. Finally, a few days ago I decided to try modding my Candy Paws Puppy with it, and I think it turned out pretty cute.
I think I’ve said this before, but it kinda bothers me when plush modeled after living things have prints with other living things on them. It’s just a little off-putting to me, so even though I think CPP is really cute, their foot pads have always bothered me and I just kinda lived with it. However, since I’ve gotten more comfortable with modding plushies, I decided to finally swap them out with the craft fur.
Unfortunately, I’m a moron and instead of pinning the pieces before sewing or otherwise marking which way the feet/pads were facing, I just guessed, and they wound up getting reversed. It’s still cute, but it’s gonna bother the heck out of me when I look at em’. I might redo the left foot, but I dunno if I care enough to do that. I lived and learned, and I’ll know to do those little things first if I decide to do this again.
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gamebunny-advance · 1 year
I'm not done queuing, so it'll start going off before I finsh, but we're already at 40+ posts, so I guess I'll bump the queue up to 10 posts a day.
Remember, if you don't want to see my cringe content, the tag is gonna be, "gbunny's greatest hits".
Edit: I didn't realize that this post was queued instead of posting: the queue is now at 100+ posts, so we're still gonna keep it at 10 posts a day. I only went through my art tag, so my essential text posts are probably gonna be shafted, but if you think of any that you absolutely want to see as a part of the collection, then let me know, and I'll throw it in there.
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gamebunny-color-sp · 3 years
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Whoo, to celebrate me finally finding new employment, I decided to get a small gift for myself~
I don’t really know much about the guy, but Rodney Greenblat (the Parappa the Rapper artist) is such an art inspiration for me, and I just found out he still has an online shop~
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gamebunny-color-sp · 3 years
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G.A.B. V-Day Edition
I’ve been wanting to do a custom plushie project like this for a while, and in the middle of the night (or early morning I guess) I decided to make this on a whim. I didn’t do too much pre-planning, so it’s kinda sloppy.
Still, I like how it turned out and there’s something kinda fulfilling about having a physical object of an OC (even if it’s not totally accurate).
More notes under the cut
The Valentine theme is kinda incidental, just because the plush was already Valentines themed (it was originally a Hershey’s kiss bunny) and I collect a lot of things that happen to go with that theme. I do wish I had some white lace though. That probably would have been really nice~
The “screen” was originally inset instead of outset, but because I didn’t plan this out, when I put in the screen, it was set in too deep, so I simplified it by making it outset. I also have some really cute iridescent plastic that I think would have been nice, but changed the colors of the screen too much, making the brown look black. I’ll try to use it for the next one if there is a next one. I’d really like to do this again, but I don’t have too many plushies I’d be willing to do this with ;3;.
I went through the trouble of inserting some armature, so the limbs are poseable, but it doesn’t really matter because it can’t sit without being propped up due to the weight of the face and the arms are too short for them to grasp anything.
I think about this when I draw them too, but it’s become apparent to me how impractical it is for GAB to wear a bow so big when it covers part of their screen XP.
The pictures don’t show it very well, but their face and screen are glittery ^o^.
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gamebunny-color-sp · 4 years
Thinking Outloud
I’m thinking about selling some of my fandom plush collection. A lot of them were impulse buys, and they’re just not jiving with the rest of my set-up.
But I’ve never really done something like this before, so I don’t really know how I’d go about doing it. Should I do it from ebay? Should I do it through DMs here? Should I pay for the shipping, or should the recipient? All questions I could probably google, but haven’t yet.
Anyway, if you’re interested, the plushies I want to get rid of are below. If I ever figure out how I want to do this, I’ll make another post about it.
Pics are from when I first got them, but their condition hasn’t really changed.
TW for blood and mild gore.
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(I might also get rid of my Jyugo and Uno, but I’m still kinda attached to those.)
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This one isn’t really fandom, so I might just leave it at a thrift shop, but who knows, maybe bearobics bear really speaks to you.
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gamebunny-color-sp · 4 years
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Spent the afternoon modding my controller~
It’s my first time doing a complete shell replacement, so I’m pretty pleased with the results~ Mostly I’m just glad I was able to put everything back together properly ^^;
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gamebunny-color-sp · 4 years
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Got this cute My Melody Pez dispenser while I was out today.
I’ve wanted this one of these for a few years now, so I’m pretty happy to have found one in person!
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gamebunny-color-sp · 4 years
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These past few days, I’ve just been painting a bunch of my junk pink.
I wish I knew how to take better pictures, because I think everything came out pretty good, but these pics are pretty terrible ;w;
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gamebunny-color-sp · 4 years
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I recently thrifted this cute cloud shelf, so my problematic faves live on it now.
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gamebunny-color-sp · 4 years
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Found one of those Funko Pakka Pakka machines out in the wild, so I tried it out. They’re pretty neat, but I don’t think I’d really get more than what I got today.
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