corvidprompts · 5 years
I would be your undying fan (on Dreamwidth) if you would set up an RSS feed for your WordPress.
i don’t know! what an rss feed is! this is all so confusing!
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sarkywoman · 6 years
Frostiron Ficlet
For @gamesandgoldenapples​ as part of my celebration ficlet offer 
“That’s because you’re adorable.”
Scott hesitated when the voice filtered through his helmet. Sounded like Stark. Who was he hitting on? Wasn’t he the least bit worried about his genocidal boyfriend finding out?
“How adorable? Tell me.”
Oh. Okay, so that was Loki, destroyer of worlds wanting to know how adorable he was. That was perfectly normal for Avengers tower. Yup.
“The absolute cutest.”
The ‘ceiling’ above Scott shifts slightly, but not much. He’s under the sofa with his ants but it’s a sturdy sofa.
“You mean no other can sway you? I am the supreme cuteness?”
“Lover, against other so-called cute people, you make me wanna invent a new word for it because they just don’t seem to fit the category.”
“Such a charmer.”
“I try.”
“Given my position beneath you on a sofa in Avengers Tower despite my previous insistence on villainy, one could say you succeeded.”
“Honestly? I actually feel like a winner when I’m with you like this.”
Scott tried not to throw up in his helmet.
There was quiet for a little while, making him think all was well. Then the sofa shifted above him again. And again. And again.
Holy shit they were…
In a panic he hit the grow button on his suit, catapulting the sofa off of himself and hearing Stark shout “what the f--” “I’M SORRY!” He yelled, already running.
He hit a wall of green magic that suddenly appeared in the doorway and fell on his ass. Both Loki and Tony soon stood over him, looking furious.
Okay, last words time.
“You really are adorable,” he said bravely to the God of Mischief.
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umbraastaff · 6 years
Tomb of Horrors?
Tomb of Horrors: “I expected you to catch a fucking fish in the fish minigame!” – when has something gone ridiculously off the rails? Were you the derailer, the voice of reason, or a bystander?
I can’t think of a real-world answer so here’s a similar d&d experience instead: as an amateur DM (i still am, but it’s been a while since this), I led the party to a goblin cave.
my expected sequence of events: party fights goblins, finds ghost, helps ghost (preferably by doing something illegal), meets wizard
actual sequence of events: party befriends goblins, plays BS with goblins, the cleric romances the goblin leader and then wakes up at 5am to kill the ghost (THUS SKIPPING AN ENTIRE ARC BY KILLING THE QUEST NPC), meets wizard
anyway it was beautiful, and i highly recommended DMs just roll with stuff in story campaigns, bc this ended up inspiring very good major plot changes
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hello-shellhead · 7 years
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@gamesandgoldenapples replied to your post: What should I draw tonight? :)
What if Tony started selling common household appliances, like refrigerators and microwaves?
Ok, so I read your prompt VERY fast and I’m REALLY tired so what my brain put together was “what if tony was a refrigerator” and I drew this before I realised haha
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benevolentgodloki · 6 years
gamesandgoldenapples replied to your post “Someday in a frostiron verse I’d love to have a thread where Peter...”
boleyn13's series "Let's be lonely together" has something similar. You could also look up "smartass family" if you haven't already.
// Thanks! At least if I don’t roleplay it I have some stuff to look up if I fancy it.
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theravenofwynter · 6 years
@gamesandgoldenapples replied to your post “Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever find someone to be my non-platonic...”
I mean, I know almost nothing about your life, but how much of that is because of time and a lack of active searching? People take time and effort. Are you going to let that hold you back?
oh it’s MOST DEFINITELY a lack of time and lack of active search, with a side of ‘i haven’t found anyone interesting’ to engage in active trying to date...
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librariankiss · 7 years
Ask meme: 51
And thank you! Here’s a lil somethin’ from Chapter 20 of Conflicts of Interest.
Actual words written: 88
“You’re kind of a snob, you know that?” said Tony, before he could stop himself.
Loki turned to him, and let out a quiet, “If you’ll excuse me, Mr. Stark.”
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Can the fair folk even interact with computers? On account of metals and such. Is there a space online where you can talk about them (as long as your screen isn't readable)?
The Gentry and electronics Don’t Get Along - in direct contact with electronics, either the device shorts out or the fairy does (and good lord the glamour only flickered for a few seconds but you will be dreaming about teeth for months)
If you have a thick case on your phone/over the screen they would be able to hold it, at the very least, but probably not interact with it. And honestly, even if they could, the logic our computers run on would be antithetical to them. So yeah, if you were somewhere they couldn’t read over your shoulder, it would probably be safe to talk about them online!
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eternal-love-song · 6 years
gamesandgoldenapples replied to your post: This entire month is my Birthday!
Sensible of you.
Why thank you~
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silverdrip · 6 years
Sneak peek on a Tony Stark/Everyone fic I’ve started (unedited):
Thor was feeling restless. All the realm’s ambassadors were gathering in Asgard—Well, all the important countries were gathering. So essentially Midgard and Jotunheim. Vanaheim and Alfheim needn’t send anyone since Asgard ruled them. The volcanic country of Mupelheim was nearly deserted, and only of importance due to their dragon leather trade. And the other ones held no real interest to Thor.
Jotunheim’s ambassador, Prince Loki Laufeyson had arrived earlier in the morning. The blue Jotun seemed to delight in towering over Thor, despite being significantly shorter than the usual frost giant. Loki had known him since boyhood, but when Asgard went to war with Alfheim they didn’t see each other for many years. It was in that time Loki and his ego grew too big.
Thor regarded Loki with minor disdain. He was one of the few in all the realms that didn’t respect him properly. He found Thor’s feats of strength and battle prowess boring! Of all the things, boring did not describe Thor! He was a god! Loki was just a Jotun! And it didn’t help that Loki enjoyed playing tricks on him with his childish illusions and womanly magic.
Thankfully Loki was resting after his long journey across the sea. The icy waters that surrounded the continent of Jotunheim were treacherous to most beings, but the Jotuns had special boats imbued with magic that cut through the ice easily.
The restlessness grew when the traditional Midgardian zeppelin was spotted. The Midgardians were a strange lot. Their country bordered Asgard to the North. They were close allies and similar to Asgardians in form, but instead of focusing on their physical strength and military they specialized in technology and had an army of metal men that fought tirelessly. They were only allies in trade though, and had not participated in Asgard’s recent war with the light elves. They did supply medical goods though and cut back on the number of casualties and probably brought the war to an end years earlier. Mainly, under the rule of their emperor Howard Stark, they had forbid the light elves from fleeing into Midgard.
Thor shifted on his feet, standing on the right side of the throne. He hadn’t realized Lady Sif had been talking to him until her words tapered off. He sent her an apologetic look and she rolled her eyes. Truthfully, they didn’t need to stand by the throne yet, Odin wasn’t even there, but Thor was so eager, eager to see the man his father had finally given him permission to court Anthony Stark.
@jaybarou @gamesandgoldenapples  flyguytri
Feel free to send me ideas/suggestions!
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sarkywoman · 7 years
gamesandgoldenapples replied to your post: In my 20 min breaks at work I began writing...
Honestly, I’ve read excellent one shots that feel like part of a larger whole.
Maybe if I just keep writing them they’ll form a story eventually, lol
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rmh8402 · 6 years
I was tagged by two phenomenal people...@donttake-my-loki and @mykindoflovestories to “Write the last sentence of your current story/WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence” so here goes! (I was gonna do two sentences, one for each tag, but I think this one is long enough for two haha)
“Tony felt the tingling of Loki’s magic wrap around him moments before being teleported to his bedroom.“
Umm...idk if I can think of 17 people to tag! Of course, if I make this count for drabbles, stories, headcanons, or just a random Tumblr post I might be able to lol. Well, here goes! I’m calling out tagging @xx-thedarklord-xx @the-flightoficarus @halcyonfrost @staganddragon @serenefreakgeekao3 @rose-grangerweasleyisbae @callingdrarry @otterly @gamesandgoldenapples @gold-from-straw @rightsidethru @silverdrip @holmesianpose @dorthyanndrarry @frostediron @reallyelegantsharkfish @meredelicious
Ha! I think that is 17, if not that’ll do lol. Also, anyone else who is game go right ahead!! :)
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legendlarkpod · 6 years
THE TRANSCRIPTS PROJECT CONTINUES FORWARD!!!!! Episode 2 is done, and Episode 3 is underway! Thanks again to @camomilafil for getting this started, and thanks a MILLION to @gamesandgoldenapples for joining up to work on this as well!!! THANK YOU BOTH. YOU ARE LIVING DREAM PEOPLE.
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drawbetterart · 6 years
No. It's not just anon. I always have this problem with links on the app. I even updated recently.
That’s the conclusion I have come to basically cause it’s like ??? I have had friends test it on their phones and it’s all clear on their end but it could be due to like..how updated the app is, what phone they use, and what browser. It’s just very strange but at this point I think it’s safe to say it’s tumblr’s fault lol. Sorry this site is such garbage.
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theravenofwynter · 6 years
@gamesandgoldenapples replied to your post “@gamesandgoldenapples replied to your post : ...”
Haha I love the way you phrased that "end a box of chocolates"
i would... don’t even need to give me half-a chance, just the thought of the possibility is enough...
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librariankiss · 7 years
342 (ask meme)
Thank you so much! You really helped me write. 
Actual words written: 355
And here’s an extract from Part 2 of Despite the Constellations. 
“You know,” said Tony, “I keep forgetting that this is your first relationship.” He took Loki’s hand. “But I swear to god, if you do that again…”
Send me a word count (pretty please?) for a WIP extract—and to really help me out!
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