#gali build
galiccfinds · 10 months
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maeve and lolla's sweet home
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Hi!! I loved your Sons of Leo and Children of Rapheal stories! Could we maybe see Donnie's version? (P.s. I love all your wirttings sm) <3
Children of Donatello (Fluff/Crack)
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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A/N: The Donnie version is here! Galileo, Marie and Dorothy doing things they’re not allowed to (like so many kids does)💜
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Warnings: Arguing kids😂💜
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If there was one place Galileo liked spending time, finding comfort in the strangest of places, it was in Donnie’s lab. Sitting beside his father as he worked, at times even getting to help him. It was something Gali had loved doing ever since he was little, and as a 13 year old, he still found himself seeking out his father’s comfort in the safety of his lab, often far away from the noises of his cousins and siblings, that at times could overwhelm him.
But just as Gali enjoyed time with his father in the lab, so did his sisters. And none of the three kids wanted to share their alone time with their dad. Not even Marie or Dorothy was willing to share. And of course, it had started a lot of fights between the three kids, often ending with you and Donnie making a decision, setting a time for how long they could be in the lab with their father, before it was one of the other’s turn.
However, you and Donnie soon learned that your kids weren't just interested in the lab, because of the alone time they got to spend with their father. They were just as curious as Donnie, and to them the lab was a land of mystery they wanted to solve. But for many reasons, you and Donnie did not allow your kids to go in there, without parental supervision. You never knew what chemical they could get their hands on, or what machinery they accidentally could break or hurt themself with. And that was not a chance that neither you or Donnie was willing to take.
But that didn’t stop your kids from trying. Sometimes, when they’re curiosity had gotten the better of them, they would try to sneak into Donnie’s lab, thinking that none of you would notice. But of course you did, everytime.
Their curiosity came in waves. There were weeks where you and Donnie would have to keep a constant eye on the entrance to the lab, making sure no children had managed to make their way in, then followed by long periods of time, where none of your kids showed any interest in the lab, what so ever.
However, at the age of 10, Gali started to show a bigger fascination for Donnie’s lab, letting you and your husband know that he also wished to build a lab one day; “just like dad!” It was adorable and warmed Donnie’s heart, but he would still not let Gali walk into the lab without an adult. However, that didn’t stop Gali from trying, and time and time again, you and Donnie would catch him. You would also catch his sisters, as they tried to copy the actions of their big brother.
One day, a 13 year old Gali decided to try to seek into his father’s lab once again. He decided to wait until night, when he was sure his father and uncles would be out on patrol. He waited a little longer, just to be safe that you were soundly asleep inside your room, before he slowly sneaked out of his bed and out of his room. Gali went down the hallway, making sure to stay quiet as he passed you and Donnie’s shared room, staying absolutely silent when he passed his sisters’ rooms. The last thing Gali wanted at that moment was his sisters to bug him while he was trying to sneak into his father’s lab. Something his 8 year old sisters knew he very well wasn’t allowed to do.
Gali went down the metal stairs, cursing under his breath at the metal creaking under his feet, before hurrying through the living area, making sure that none of his cousins, aunts or grandfather heard him, as he made a straight line through the room, heading directly for the lab.
Gali pushed the heavy door open, making his way into the dark room he knew so well. Donnie’s monitors and computer was still on, a map showing where the Gali’s father and uncles was in New York City, making around in the shape of small dots. Machines were humming and small lamps were flickering in the dimp light that flowed in from the living area.
With a smile on his face, Gali did the first thing he could think of - taking a seat in his father’s big nice swivel chair. He looked on at the monitors, his eyes falling on the four colored dots, standing still on top of a building in mid Manhattan.
Looking down on the desk, Gali found his father’s headset, next to an empty cup that once held a strong coffee. It was rare for his father to leave his headset behind before patrol, but it did happen every once in a while, especially after too much strong coffee.
Chuckling to himself, Gali placed the headset onto his own head, moving the microphone down to his mouth, tapping on the keyboard in front of him, imitating what he had seen his father do several times.
“Two streets down”, he said into the microphone, tapping on the mouse, acting like Donnie would while tracking down a car of Purple Dragons of rouge Foot ninjas for Gali’s uncles to stop. “Their heading up generic New York avenue, at the corner that one pizzeria Mikey likes”.
“That’s not a real street!”, a voice sounded, causing Gali to jump in his seat, turning towards the door, where he found Marie and Dorothy standing.
“Get out!”, Gali said, trying to shoo his sisters out of the lab, scrambling with the headphones on his head. “You’re not allowed to be in here!”
“Neither are you”, Dorothy said, crossing her arms, looking very displeased with her brother.
Marie moved up next to Gali, trying to get a look on the screens in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“Helping dad!”, Gali lied. “Now get out of here!”
“I want to help dad too!”, Marie said, trying to move up on the seat Gali was sitting in, but Gali wouldn’t move.
“You can’t! I’m helping him!”
“The screen isn’t even turned on!”, Dorothy pointed out. “You’re lying! You’re not allowed to be in here, and you’re not helping dad!”
“You don’t know anything about that”, Gali said, pushing Marie off once again. “Leave me alone!”
“No! I want to sit in dad’s chair!”, Marie said, trying to shake Gali off the chair.
“Too bad! I was in it first!”, Gali said, trying to push her away again.
“Hey! I want to sit in dad’s chair too!”, Dorothy called out, entering the competition trying to shake Gali off the swivel chair.
A screaming match erupted, the three kids screaming and yelling at each other. Gali telling his little sisters to get out of the lab, that he himself knew he wasn’t allowed to be in, Dorothy and Marie using the broken rule as an excuse, giving them the right to sit in the chair too. They were all so caught up in the argument for their father’s chair, that they hadn't noticed the purple dot leaving the other three, or that it had been moving towards the lair. Therefore none of them noticed when Donnie entered the lair, walking to the lab with fast steps, finding his children still fighting over the chair. Leaning onto the door frame with crossed arms, Donnie waited for his kids to notice his arrival. But to his surprise, none of them did, swatting their arms at each other, Dorothy trying to grab a hold of the headphones that was still resting on Gali’s head. That was when Donnie decided to put an end to their fight.
“Since when have any of you been allowed to sit in that chair without me in the room?”
All three kids froze mid action, their eyes growing wide at the sound of their father’s voice. They turned and saw Donnie in the doorway, realizing that he had been standing there longer than any of them had noticed. They were caught red handed, and there was nothing they could say to get out of it.
“Hey, dad”, Marie said, giving Donnie a shy wave.
Donnie smiled slightly amused at her innocent wave, as if she wasn’t caught being somewhere she wasn’t allowed to be.
“Hey, Marie”, he smiled. “What are you doing to my chair?”
Marie looked at her hands for a moment before looking back at her father. “Shaking it”.
“And why are you shaking it?”, Donnie asked.
“To get Gali to jump off”, she answered slowly.
“Is that a nice thing to do?”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be doing that”, Donnie said with a small smile, watching as she took her hands off the chair. Donnie moved his attention to Dorothy, who still stood with her hand reaching out for the headset on Gali’s head. “And what are you doing, Dorothy?”
“Trying to take the headphones”, Dorothy answered.
“Are those your headphones?”
“Are they laying on the desk?”
“No, they’re on Gali’s head”.
“Is it nice to try to take them off of Gali’s head?”
Dorothy’s hand fell to her side, an irritated pout forming on her face as she knew her father was right. “No”.
“I’m happy that you can see that”, Donnie said, finally turning his attention to Gali. “What are you doing in my chair?”
“I just felt like doing it. No real reason for it”, Gali said, watching Donnie as he made his way over to him. “But how did you know we were in here anyway?”, he asked once Donnie stood by the chair, leaning over Gali in order to make sure he hadn’t accidently clicked on something.
With a chuckle Donnie held a hand out in front of Gali, asking him for the headphones. Gali did as his father asked, taking the headset off his head and handing it to Donnie. Donnie then turned to the computer, pressed a button and spoke into the microphone.
“Do you guys want to tell my kids the headset was on, or should I?”, Donnie asked, followed by the roaring laughter of the kids' uncles through the speaker.
“Gali!”, Mikey called out, Leo and Raph still laughing in the background. “What pizza place did you talk about? Are they still headed that way? Want me to bring back a slice?”
Embarrassed, Gali slides down the chair. Maybe he should have listened to his father and stayed out of the lab. And maybe he should have stayed in his bed.
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stoovano · 5 months
Made a recolor of my Jaller build to make a Gali cause I feel like it works really well for toa mata revamps
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enigma-actual-art · 6 months
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Matoran Macku
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Having made a scuffed lightbox for a different project, I figured it was time to share my matoran gang, starting with my favorite.
My parts choice for this model was to get as much color variety as possible in order to build the characters I wanted, AND, I absolutely wanted to use the mctoran foot for Mata-Nui authenticity.
From there I wanted to get as much poseability as I could, because I love posing figures.
I like juuust a hint of sexual dimorphism in my Bonks, so Macku and other Ga-Matoran I've built have a slightly longer axle and a set of spacers in their hips. The classic Gali chest piece was also used here but that steadily became a non exclusive trait as I built matoran in stranger colors and needed the socket pieces to fill out their schemes.
I consider this body configuration to be the post-bohrok rebuild, with a little Mask of Light mixed in.
I'll post some more later because I built a ton of these gremlins.
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coldgoldlazarus · 10 months
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Given how much I bent normal Lego building and euclidean space into a pretzel with these masks, would you believe me if I said the main purpose of this was just to fiddle with color palettes and placement? Rambling details below:
But yeah, test designs of a more MoL-esque take on the GWP System Matoran design
I figure a proper do of system Bionicle would at least still have custom mask molds, so that's part of why that's so fucky
(Also, apparently it turns out the ball pieces I used for the shoulders and legs are long discontinued by lego and not actually compatible with mixel joints, RIP)
(Like I figured these were physically unbuildable anyway because I quickly gave up on trying to make the masks align with conventional euclidean space, and the coloration of pieces reinforce that further, but the problem goes deeper than I realized ^^; Ah well, this is more an aesthetic exercise at the end of the day.)
Rule was everyone has a primary color, a secondary color, a translucent/glow color, a metallic color, and an eye color
And those can double up in function, it doesn't have to be a full palette of five, but still that idea
And then like, the layout of said colors differs based on team:
For the Metru, the metallic color doubled as the secondary color and the eye and glow colors were also the same, cutting the five down to three, but then of course some Metru Grey at the joints as a pseudo-tertiary. The primary Metru Elemental color as more of a baseline, with the metallic secondary given a fair bit of prominence in reflecting their LomN and turaga designs, and then the glow kept to like, accents with low surface area. (In a more full figure I'd want that as like, basically Tron lines to add just a bit of cyberpunk to the Art Deco/Alien Dieselpunk vibes of Metru Nui.)
Also hadn't gone fully off the rails with the masks yet, so Onewa's Komau and Matau's Mahiki are still pretty simple at least, and the rest aren't too egregious yet. Decided to integrate Nuju's scope as a toa into his noble Matatu design, but it's easily removable if I copy-paste that mask over to others.
The Mata are pretty obviously influenced by their G2 incarnations. Particularly the like, three-pairs of shared metallic colors, (Gali and Pohatu with Gunmetal, Onua and Tahu with Pearl Gold, and Kopaka and Lewa with HF's Flat Silver,) and the like, glow color being the secondary while the secondary was relegated to more of an accent role. I just really love the idea of these six being so powerful compared to typical Toa that it shines out through the seams in their armor. For G2's other faults, I think it was a success on the character design front. (Also added their metallic color to the toes for a more armored look.)
(Decided on pink for Pohatu instead of G2's lime on a whim, but I think it works. Pink bands in a canyon wall, the sunset over a desert, and his love for his friends and villagers.)
Still, also brought things back to their original selves as well, with the eye colors, the use of black as a tertiary the same way I used grey for the Metru, the original brighter shades of their main for Gali, Pohatu, and Lewa, and similarly bringing back lime and tan as the latter two's accents.
As for how the accents were handled, I kinda split the team into two groups of three there; Tahu, Gali, and Onua, where the accent is from their G2 sets and thus goes for more of a high-contrast vibe, I relegated to the small parts again, to stand out without standing out too much. Meanwhile, with Pohatu, Lewa, where I brought back their G1 colors that are more of a light-shade complement to their primary rather than a contrast against it, I let occupy bigger pieces on their limbs, swapping position with the primary on their arms, and with their metallic on the legs. I also applied this layout to Kopaka, despite sticking with the Metru Blue from his G2 design, both for an even team split, and because I felt it wouldn't feel as weird with more prominence due to contrasting with the primary by being darker than it instead of brighter.
I kinda went nuts with the masks lmao. I feel like the Pakari in particular is kinda my crowning achivement, but probably not worth having spent so much time on it alone yesterday, and frustrating because I ultimately can't build it IRL from all the clipping. Still kinda like the moleman/gas mask vibes of how the eyes turned out. (Also went back and changed the Hau and Kakama near the end, to align better with the rest.)
With the Mahri, I was originally going to do the same three-pairs setup with their metallics, but then wound up opting to make those all fully personalized again like the Metru. Their main trick there instead, is being all chrome colors. Idk if it entirely lands for all of them, (I have mixed feelings on Kongu's pink instead of sharing blue with Matoro per original plan, but I didn't want to double up on only two of them and leave the rest more scattered, and I was already too married to my choices for all them) but I kinda like how it turned out.
Instead, the three-pairs setup applied to their glow colors, which I pulled from their Inika forms; the Zamor spheres and the flashing lights on their weapons. The one case where adherence to this also feels like a mixed bag is Hewkii's red going with the green chrome I gave him, giving a bit of accidental christmas vibes instead of the copper patina look I was trying to invoke, but ah well. In general, focused their glow in the shoulders and legs, both as a reference to Jaller and Matoro's translucent Inika "bone" pieces, and as a midpoint between the Metru's subtler use and the Mata's prominence.
Also on that note, in comparison to the prior two teams, I averted using any tertiaries like black or grey, made the metallics the most minimal parts, and really emphasized their flat secondaries as secondaries instead of accents. Same as the Mata, I split them into two different layouts for that, (which wound up falling along the same lines, not intentionally but that's how it worked out) based on whether their elemental color or personal color was the darker/brighter of the two.
(On that note, mostly went back to their Matoran color schemes with the more exotic colors, though for Hahli and Jaller favored their Mahri color schemes instead, and tweaked Kongu's lime to be Apple Green instead. Those, and Hahli's mask, are the cases where I permitted myself to not force an even split among the team, for the sake of everyone looking best individually instead.) For all of them, the brighter color always went to the stripe on the chest, while the darker went to the hands and feet; mainly the arms and masks where they're different.
For the left-hand side, where their personal color was bright and their elemental color was very dark, I opted to downplay the personal a little more on the arms, since it was instead prominent on their masks. Hahli being the exception, because a big block of lime would not have been a good look, and I really wanted its brightness to pop out from the underlayer of her otherwise very dark colors.
Also like what I did with Nuparu, having his orange mask intact overall, but keeping the sort of "internal" area of the sidevents and eyes black for contrast, again a bit of that moleman look to go with his gremlin inventor personality.
Then the other side, where the personal color and the color on the mask was darker, I instead let the brighter elemental one take prominence on their arms and the back of the torso, which also just ties in nice with the original clean mctoran color layout. Not as much to really comment on with them.
Also, I played fast and loose with their eye colors, since those were always homogenized some amount in each of their incarnations but inconsistent across them, and I wanted to maintain everyone having their own separate eye colors like the other two teams. (And the eyes being different from the glow color like the Mata.)
So Jaller now has dark blue and Kongu has azure; Hewkii's supposed to be apple green, (though as with Whenua, I had to use the same color as Onua's dark green, since this was the only green glow shade aside from lime that didn't just look washed out and/or too blue) while Nuparu is lime, since he alone was mostly pretty consistent in that. Hahli got red for her later Barbarian arc, while Matoro got a softer orange, both for contrast with the frosty blues of Nuju and Kopaka, and just cozy vibes to match his kinder personality.
So, yeah. Clearly a good use of the past two and a half days lmao.
May also do Takua and the Chronicler's Company, the Disk Metrutoran, and maybe even the Voya Nui resistance team at some point? Though for now, need to focus on other stuff I'd been distracted from by this.
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matoroblogs · 7 months
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Building: Bionicle
It’s getting tougher to find the “LEGO®” aisle in toy stores these days. Traditional LEGO construc- tion sets are more often than not hidden behind strangely shaped canisters featuring robotic-looking creatures. Shoppers are more likely to stumble upon this “Bionicle” aisle before ever seeing another LEGO set, for the simple reason that LEGO Bionicle has been the company’s biggest selling product line for the last several years.
But what IS this Bionicle invasion, anyway?
To parents, it tends to be a complete mystery. Robotic warriors from a tropi- cal island or ancient city of legends. A lexicon so complex it has its own diction- ary. A layered story involving collectible disks and masks: Toa and Turaga, Makuta and Rahkshi, Vahki and Matoran. Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal. Video games, shoes, backpacks, and party favors. Even Halloween costumes.
To kids (typically 6-12 year old boys, for whom Bionicle is squarely aimed), Bionicle is a richly populated universe with cool LEGO sets, movies, books, an ever-updating storyline, Bionicle comics shipped with their LEGO Club magazine subscriptions (http://club.LEGO.com), its own official website (http://www.bionicle.com), and popular online resources such as BZPower (http://www.bzpower.com) and Bionicle Sector 01 (http://www.bioniclesector01.com).
Bionicle begins as a story set on the island of Mata Nui (recently expanded to the ancient city-island of Metru Nui) that pits several good guy Toa against bad guy Makuta and his minions. The Toa protect the other inhabit- ants of the islands, the Matoran, from the vicious Rahkshi and Visorak, among other nasties. Each is available as a set.
New and updated construction sets have been released at least twice each year since 2001, when Bionicle was widely introduced. The first six color-coded Toa of Mata Nui -- lava red Tahu, icy white Kopaka, sea blue Gali, stone brown Pohatu, deep black Onua, and forest green Lewa -- were an instant hit, winning awards and shattering sales records. Follow-up releases have also been strong, with updated Toa -- Toa Nuva, Toa Metru, and the latest, Toa
Hordika -- continuing the ongoing story. Of course, the Toa need something to protect, so there have been several rounds of Matoran sets released, the first in 2001 McDon- ald kids meals. Those poor Matoran often need help, from wild Rahi (animals) or Makuta’s Rahkshi “sons” to their own Vahki protector machines run amok.
Driving the story (and not coincidentally, LEGO set sales figures) are sev- eral media, primarily the Bionicle comics from DC and a popular series of books from Scholastic, most authored by Greg Farshtey (who also writes the comic). There have also been two well-received com puter-animated films released directly to video/DVD (“Bionicle:
Mask of Light” and “Bionicle: Legends of Metru Nui”), and a third is in the works. The official Bionicle website likewise provides storyline updates using text and animation, and has also included two immensely popular online games.
When you get into Bionicle, you’re not just buying a construction/action set... you’re entering a universe full of dramatic good-vs-evil action. There’s a lot behind those little canisters on the shelf, just waiting to be discovered.
To see many more amazing Bionicle-based creations, visit this creative forum on BZPower: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=175513.
Kelly McKiernan is co-owner and administrator of BZPower.com, the largest and busiest Bionicle fan site on the web.
52 BrickJournal • Issue 1, Volume 1 • Summer 2005
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whiteheartlight · 1 year
at first there is definitely a "you used to be my Matoran" vibe between the Toa Mata and the Toa Mahri, but as the years go on - maybe thousands of them, knowing this universe - I like to think they get closer and closer to just being normal brothers and sisters. Tahu and Jaller complain about leadership difficulties with each other, but then help each other figure things out afterwards. Kongu has developed an unexpected relationship with Kopaka as well as Lewa, because every now and then he likes to drop the necessity to be the joyful upbeat one and just chills in the corner or spars with the only Toa of Ice he's got left, a memento the brother he lost, but not in as bitter a way anymore, as he works on the grief and it starts to resolve. Hahli and Gali are definitely thick as thieves, Pohatu and Hewkii love working on community projects like new buildings or pathways together, and Onua can often be found relaxing in Nuparu's laboratory. over many battles, they learn to fight like one cohesive team too, until eventually Tahu can direct Kongu just as well as Lewa, and Kopaka can press his back against Hahli's and know that she'll give him water to work with. really, with time being what it is there, they are right on each other's heels in terms of time spent learning how to be a Toa.
plus, while they've been Toa longer, the Toa Nuva have actually lived less life than the Mahri! in a new world with (hopefully) less fighting and looming doom, the Mahri end up doing a little mentoring of their own and help the Toa Mata develop more normal lives and hobbies
(but the Toa Mata still remind them they are the babies of the family sometimes, especially if there is any kind of argument. I am your OLDER BROTHER)
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espressobysabrina · 9 days
If we were closeby irl I'd play like a kid with you Da
hide and seek is a game me and my gali wale friends loved playing yk the buildings were so closeby we used to like go to the terrace and switch from one building to another
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
ISRAEL REALTIME - "Connecting the World to Israel in Realtime"
Morning - Nov. 28
🔸CEASEFIRE / HOSTAGES…. 2 day extension, list of hostages to be returned already received.  The ‘red headed’ family is “lost”, per Hamas, mother and 2 young children.  And remember Kfir, the youngest baby hostage at 10 months?  (Though assuming the pregnant hostage survived, there is a newborn who is now the youngest.)  Missing In Action!
9 children remain in captivity:
Kfir Biebs is 10 months old
Ariel Biebs is 4 years old
Gali Tarshansky is 13 years old
Amit Shani is 16 years old
Maya Leimberg is 17 years old
Ofir Engel is 17 years old
Aisha Alziadna is 17 years old
Liam Orr is 18 years old
Itai Regev is 18 years old
🔸PER THE AGREEMENT, RED CROSS VISITS… on day 4, did not happen.  Status of remaining hostages, unknown.
🔸Testimony: Women held captive by Hamas spent most of the time in cages.
‼️EMERGENCY SERVICES PHONE LINES DOWN OVERNIGHT… the emergency numbers in Israel, 100 for police, 101 for ambulance, etc, failed overnight - not an attack, systems failure.  If they fail again, here are alternate numbers that were set up:
Police - 052-202-0-100
Ambulance - 052-700-0-101
Homefront Command - 052-9-104-104
Fire - 050-596-0735
◾️FIREFIGHT OR WARNING, NORTH GAZA… (enemy report) Firefight in Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in the Gaza Strip.  Around 06:00 IDF forces encountered terrorists.  According to the reporters, our forces responded with tank fire and gunfire.  The IDF claims that it was warning shots and not an encounter.
◾️ISRAELI POLITICS… war budget approved by full cabinet, which included some allocation of coalition funds.  National Unity (MK Gantz) abstains.
◾️QALQILYA - SAMARIA…(over the Green Line near Kfar Saba) IDF security forces operated in this Arab city overnight.
◾️BEITUNIA - SAMARIA… (near Ramallah) Clashes / semi-riot between IDF security forces and locals.  The forces responded by firing, killing two terrorists and wounding others.
◾️TUBAS, - SAMARIA… terrorist chased into a building, firefight.  Arab reports indicate that our forces are being reinforced. Happening now.  Arab sources report that our forces fired a shoulder-fired missile at the besieged house.
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randomwriteronline · 4 months
Hello! This is my main blog! (I'm legend-as-old-as-time.)
So, I've got a favorite. But the other two AUs also fascinate me. I'd love to know what the story is for your G3 of Bionicle? What's the atmosphere like?
as mentioned i have a post in drafts thats meant to be like. a vague skeleton of thoughts and ideas and shit that ive talked about to and with @cantankerouscanuck, mainly introducing the various character groups n the environment slightly, but it does NOT touch on the story much (more the backstory and again only vaguely) so GREAT QUESTION LET ME TELL YOU
thinking of like uhhhh diving this in like. cartoon seasons but old school ones yknow, so LONG ones bc oh boy ADVENTURES
Season 1 starts with that Classic Bionicle Beginning of the toa mata crashlanding on the archipelago of Okoto each on a different island not knowing what the Fuck to do and being welcomed in the villages. like in g2 theyre first tasked with finding some golden relics but instead of being accompanied by the protectors/village elders they go with the local Weird Kids (the chronicler's company) who were the first people they actually met; getting the things lets them reach the island of the mask makers and meet Ekimu (and takua!!!! his apprentice!!!!!!!) and theyre like "so what do we do with these btw" and ekimu looks at the pieces and goes. FUCK
TURNS OUT THOSE RELICS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GOLDEN MASKS BUT SOME MF JUST BROKE THEM INTO PIECES and wouldnt you fucking believe it it was the Children Of Makuta, the spirit of death and animals and darkness, who live each on one of the islands except spiriah the baby of the family who roams around bothering literally everybody and ofc dont want the toa to reawaken the Great Spirit whom their parent put to sleep, AND SO BEGINS THE FETCH QUEST OF THE OTHER FIVE PIECES OF EACH MASK WHILE FIGHTING OFF THESE FREAKS OF NATURE WHO ARE TRYING TO EAT THEM AND BUILDING CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THEMSELVES & EKIMU & TAKUA N HIS POSSE & THE VILLAGERS AND SLOWLY BECOMING A PROPER TEAM N FAMILY which is why they need to be many episodes. i will fucking recreate almost verbatim the tale of the mask kopaka-pohatu story because its already perfect and you will Fucking See It if i have to Kill For It
closes off with a cliffhanger after getting all the masks: during an ambush by Mutran Gali gets dragged off into the sea between the islands to get crushed by the water pressure but whats this??, the pressure suddenly lifts enough to let her breathe as she loses consciousness while strange silhouettes drive off the child of Makuta and catch her in his stead, sinking deeper...
tahu and pohatu decide to look for her in a ball of tempered glass while kopaka, onua and lewa hurry back to ekimu to tell him what happened. back to gali, she awakens to a bunch of... toa???? who know her and her brothers???? personally, apparently????? three of them are like super mad at them for leaving them during their time of need??????? what the FUCK are you people talking about. who are u. how are you breathing under water. why is tHERE A WHOLE FUCKING CITY UNDER THE WATER-
ENTER: THE TOA MAHRI. as it slowly turns out inbetween rounds of beating the shit out of sapient polyamorous seafood that keeps trying to nibble the villagers and the air bubble domes for their crops, they were TRAINED by the mata a few hundreds years ago and were fighting off the cataclysm that broke the continent of okoto into islands and sunk the city of Iniri into the sea together with them before they just Fucking Left, Apparently - which ofc they didnt do for no reason but they essentially got shoved back into the stars against their will. this rightfully rattles the shit out of the mata because What Do You Mean We Have Been Here Before. What Do You Mean You Had Records Of Us Being Here Even Earlier Than That. How Many Times Have We Done This. How Many Times Have We Discovered Kinship And Affection And Had That Stripped Away From Us. I Think I'm Going To Throw Up
while theyre handling THAT they also fill in the mahri on whats been going on and the mahri go oh shit, the great spirit is in a coma and the children of makuta are against you??? bro those guys are super powerful theyve got Crabs, you cant fight em alone. but also if we try to leave the sea the water pressure Will Fucking Destroy Us, so they figure out a way to get out of there and back up and jaller is super anxious bc his mom might be there but like... based on what they said... she might be evil... he doesnt wanna fight her... shes the only family he still has...
S3 AND WE GO BACK TO SEE WHAT KOPAKA ONUA AND LEWA ARE DOING, and theyre off searching the more ruined parts of the city of the mask makers on takua's suggestion - these are the parts of the city that werent very lucky during the cataclysm and are now sacred ground prowled by Krika, daughter of Makuta
at last they find a strange underground chamber with six breathing statues, which, of course, freaky; they manage to thaw one and out tumbles a toa (?) who immediately recognizes onua and starts talking to him excitedly (??) saying that its so good to see him in person for the first time (???) and asking him about the continent (????) and being genuinely distraught that they dont know who he is. same reactions from the other five toa that also get thawed out. ok something is Clearly Amiss pls explain
its time for LOMN...... 2!!!!!! where we learn from vakama abt how Lhikan, who previously filled in ekimu's position, finds out theres Some Shit going down with the great spirit and makuta and tries to call the mata, who however get stuck due to the aformentioned Some Shit. as such she picks out six lads in the city of the mask makers and bestows masks upon them to make them become toa, but on their way to handle the current problem they get werebeast'd and Krika goes oh? free kids? free kids for me? and Lhikan goes NO but its too late. they already have joint custody of the metru. and might be blossoming a lesbian romance but unfortunately due to lhikan being lhikan i have to kill her to protect vakama, leaving krika with him AND his little brother jaller who will inherit lhikan's mask. the metru figure out the way to get the mata in this case is to attempt to contact them themselves, which they manage to do by entering a trance that however slowly turns them into statues: in this trance they are able to speak and train the mata, who also promise to free them once the whole situation is handled
anyways thats A Lot as you can imagine and the time to process it is Not Much bc the other three mata and the mahri are here and (after a round of MASSIVE HUGS for the metru and mahri reuniting and also the metru and Krika) theyve got a plan to beat the shit out of makuta
problem: the children of makuta have realized this is happening and decided to break out The Crabs to beat the shit out of THEM
mahri, metru and krika (and the chronicler's company much to everybody else's heart attacks) hold them off while the mata manage to fight against makuta after being briefly overwhelmed, uniting their powers to uh. Kill Him. which! IS NOT ACTUALLY GOOD. YOU KNOW. BALANCE AND ALL THAT. makuta is saved in the end by The Great Fucking Spirit who wakes up just in time to stop the mata before they murder his brother
the mata awaken before the Great Spirit and after a moment of "where are we? who are you? why didn't you let us kill makuta?" and getting their answers, they realize OH FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO PUT US IN THE STARS AGAIN? AND GIVE US AMNESIA? FUCK YOU YOURE NOT TAKING OUR FRIENDS AND SIBLINGS FROM US
Great Spirit, lovingly: ok :)
and tahu wakes up to ekimu working at the forge and none of his siblings around and he Shits His Pants, but ekimu quickly reassures him that everythings good and its been like, maybe a day or two since they managed to reawaken the Great Spirit. his siblings woke up before him and are probably down at the beach, and Makuta got driven off, all of his children following suit to take care of him, krika included. the mahri and the metru are catching up on the mata's tales from the chronicler's company. things are fine. they wont be like this forever, ekimu tells tahu, but they dont have to live in fear every second of their lives. rest a while. go see your siblings.
and it ends with the mata having a very sweet nap pile on the beach because they FUCKING deserve it after TWO whole generations ending with them not getting to just fucking sleep after EVERYTHING THEY GO THROUGH EVERY TIME
as you can see i have. Enormous Holes in this and theres things i havent explained and stuff (like how i unfortunately had to sacrifice hewkii x macku due to a Very Big age difference but they are still a power pair, just in this case its like older cousin acting as a mentor to the worlds most bloodthirsty weird little girl) but yes. have this. for now. please keep asking questions i love you
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joompheart · 7 months
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My Mistika mateys! Special guests the Mahri Nui Mackerels!
Gali has always been a standout of the Toa Mata/Nuva and she retains that position now. She holds her Nynrah Ghostblaster in the best way for posability, and has the Coolest mask EVER! This is her defining look for me. Shame that she's also the least blue in this case, but that's ok. The Mistika Toa as a whole are super super cool.
I think I'll build Trinuma soon, that would be really fun! One of the better looking Combiners I say!
Gorast is ostensibly my favorite of the swamp Makuta, but unfortunately my set is really delicate. Her ankle is fractured so she has a lot of trouble keeping herself from falling on her face unless I balance her just right. Surprisingly Bitil is probably the most fun to actually play with, even though hes a slimeball :)
Hydraxon is great and Dekar has got lovely colors. Shame Defilak is so dark, because I can't really put him any further forward so he blends right in to the shadows. Morak and Thulox are baller.
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opercot · 8 months
HEYYYYYY, it's bening a long time, i know, but eh, i was dealing with a ton of university stuff, but don't worry, i was doing some stuff this october. There's a challenge in twitter, called Bonktober, that it's doing some builts in some specific themes for 31 days.
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I'm doing it, and in here i'm gonna show the first 10 days, i will do this every 10 days (forget that it's day 15 :v), well, Hope ya like it:
Also, as a bonus, did my sona in Halloween colors, and Pop Team Epic pose :v
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Well, let's start:
Day 1: Evil
In here, i recreated the scene where Karzahni confronts the Inika before becoming Toa, before they escape from the island
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Day 2: Creature
I made a cool creature reunion, with the lengedary Fikou, a Kinloka, and a Ice Vermin, hope ya like it
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Day 3: Mutation
In here, i depict Matau mid-transformation in the 2005 story-line (i know it happen in the cocoon, but let an Oper dream :,v)
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Day 4: Brother
Made two of my Toa from my original story (one day i will share it :,v) talk in a normal day. As all Toa, they are the best of brothers (Their names are Ku'draka y O'truca btw). Also: O'ruca = The earth Toa; Ku'draka = The fire Toa
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Day 5: Stone
Made an aproximate to the Miles and Peter meme, i thought it would be funny if those 2 interact in a point like that (Also, Onewa in the back :v) (Btw, the Inika are SOOOOOO BIG, LIKE, ALMOST A TORSO OF DIFFERENCE)
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Day 6: Defeat
Made the one scene i really like in the Mask of light, when Takanuva throws the Kolhii ball to Makuta Teridax
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Day 7: Army
I imagine that Nuparu needed to build at least some of the first batch of Vahki, so, i made him in the middle of building the last one of the first generation of the police robots
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Day 8: Leader
While Vakama talks with Tahu again, he gets a faint memory of a similar situation that he was in Tahu's position long time ago with one of his heroes
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Day 9: Team
I did in, this time, about my own team in my story that i'm making, they are the Toa Mortrax. They work for an unusual figure, the Makuta of their island. One day i will finish it, for the moment, hope ya like it. Also: Toa of Gravity (Purple)-Klatuu; Toa of Plasma (Light Orange)-Kata; Toa of Magnetism (Dark Gray)-Kiva; Toa of Jungle (Dark Green)-Gyabbu; Toa of Iron (Dark Orange)-Shaci; Toa of Sound (Light Gray)-Tuuñi.
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Day 10: Water
I made one of the first fights that you see in MNOG, that is the Tarakava vs Gali. My good friend @wammiearts help me out with some photoshop tricks. Hope you like it
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Well, for the moment, that's gonna be it, hope all of ya like it, and stay put, because in few days, i would put more in here. Have a nice week Bv
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titanic-toa · 5 months
So, there were six of them in total it seemed. Having spoken with the Turaga Nokama, Gali was directed towards the center of the island where she encountered a strange temple like shrine building, where five similarly sized being awaited her. She was told there were probably be six of them in total but she hadn't expected to be the only woman of the group, though it didn't seem like that made an impact on their treatment of her.
It looked like she was the last one to arrive, the red one and the white one seemed to be arguing with each other about... something, possibly deciding who might be the leader of the group? Approaching the group they paused for a moment to acknowledge her presence and then immediately resumed their bickering. The other three were Brown, Black, and Green, seemingly talking among themselves and trying to ignore the fight going on. The Toa colored a midnight black would turn to her and flash a beaming smile as she approached, clapping strong on her shoulder almost making her stumble. "Sister! I was wondering when you would arrive! My Turaga told me there would be six of us, so nice of you to join us. Ignore those two, they've been at this for half an hour now." He gestured towards the Red one. "Tahu there, our hot headed brother, has determined that HE ought the be in charge." He then gestured towards the snow white Toa. "Whereas Kopaka, our ice cold sibling here, is suggesting we each just our own way."
Gali immediately brought her hands to her head and rubbed her temple, this was going to be long and tiring introduction. The black Toa released her shoulder but kept smiling as he spoke. "I'm Onua! Toa of Earth and guardian of the archives of Onu-Koro! And this is..." With that he'd stand aside and sweep an arm out to the other two Toa, the Green one stepping forth enthusiastically to introduce himself. "Well said! Happy to see you're not as prone to anger-shouting like the firespitter there!" He also gestured to Tahu. "I'm Lewa, Toa-Hero of Le-Koro and guardian of the Tree-Bright!" He stepped forward and gave Gali an firm hug. While embraced, Gali shot a look towards Onua who returned the same look, neither one seemed to understand what Lewa was saying.
As soon as Lewa released her, he stepped aside and let the brown Toa approach, he seemed just happy and confident as Onua. "Ah our sister of water, pleasure to meet you! I'm Pohatu, the Toa of Stone and sprinter across the plains of the badlands, if you ever need news spread Po-koro has your back." Wow his hand shake was strong, made sense for someone who worked with stone. "Though I don't think I'll be visiting your Koro too much, stones and water don't exactly mix you know."
Gali giggled softly at the joke, nodding in understanding. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you all as well, including..." She looked towards Tahu and Kopaka, whose argument seemed to have peaked at a point where they were about ready to just storm off. "Our two predisposed brothers." With a heavy sigh, she stepped past the trio that welcomed her and walked up between her fire and ice brothers. "Alright, I don't know what started this argument but it ends now. I've seen enough to know that each of us cares for our Koro and our people and we ALL want to help." She emphasized this staring at Kopaka. "However, we should do this as a TEAM, working TOGETHER." She raised her voice, eyes locked with Tahu and then back to Kopaka. "In fighting when we first gets us nowhere closer to doing anything to better ourselves or our people. Agreed?"
There was a silence between the six, but Onua, Lewa, and Pohatu were looking on with a combination of amazement and smug satisfaction at their sister's negotiation ability. Eventually Tahu and Kopaka would grumble and nod in agreement with Gali's words before walking over to join the others. With another sigh Gali was relieved that her gamble worked. This was going to be quite the tight she'd have to walk, and our job as mediator was only just beginning.
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herora-nuva · 2 years
Toa Mata's Second Favorite Masks
So even after the Mata collected all of their various Great masks they clearly all preferred using their first masks primarily. But which of the other masks did they enjoy using? Here's my ideas for it, from most to least canon consistent.
Lewa- Mask of Speed. I think Lewa really enjoys using the mask of speed, he loves moving around quickly. This one actaully has some canon support, as the Kakama is the secondary mask we actually see him use the most. I think he'd really enjoy using the Kakama to build up speed, then launch into the air and switch to levitation to get real flight.
Kopaka- Mask of Shielding. Maybe its because its the first mask he after washing ashore, maybe its because of his first adventure with Pohatu, maybe subtle rivalry with Tahu, or maybe he just likes extra protection considering his shield, but I think Kopaka might like using the Hau. (I'll bet he's also tried using the Miru to get some alone time up in the air, but he found out this is a surefire way to attract Lewa's attention, who comes floating up to him at high speed)
Onua- Mask of X-Ray Vision. He'd use it to be able to see through the tunnel walls of Onu-Wahi. Very useful, especially for rescuing Matoran who might get trapped in the mines! (Might also enjoy the Kaukau, to navigate underground streams and rivers, or to explore sea caves).
Pohatu- Mask of Levitation. Maybe kind of ironic for a Toa whose element is rooted to the ground, but I think with the amount that Pohatu goes rock climbing on cliffs, having a Miru on as backup probably appeals to him. (He might also like the mask of strength, if for no other reason than to see if he can clear the whole island with 1 bounder kick)
Gali- Mask of Strength. I think she might enjoy using the Pakari's strength increase in creative ways, such as boosting her swimming, cliff climbing, and agility. She did once wish she had a Pakari when fighting a giant squid. Also, can't you totally see her coming up to a beached whale and just picking it up to gently carry it to the water? (I also think she might enjoy the mask of speed, just to become a motorboat)
Tahu- Controversial pick I know, but I'm going to say Mask of Water Breathing. After famously proclaiming "water is for wimps" when it comes to surfing Gali challenges him on that, and Tahu, who can't back down from a challenge to save his life, tries out water surfing. Its harder than he realized, but also surprisingly fun. During his regular lava surfing trips where he redirects the lava to flow into the sea, he's taken to just surfing straight from the lava rivers into the ocean, switching to the Kaukau as he goes. (This one is by far the most speculative, but I had to give SOMEONE the Kaukau. Sorry Gali, but not many people would really like your mask. At least this idea does have a little canon, as Tahu was actually shown surfing on a wave with Gali during the Rahkshi comics).
These are just some of my ideas, I'd love to hear if you guys have any, this was kinda fun an cute to think about.
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cometsans67 · 7 months
got my first toa mata!
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lewa is here! and smoking weed! i ended up modding my lewa to give him some neck movement
im actually really proud of the bong build! i think i got it close to the scale of a minikit
i really like the toa mata build! im getting gali soon too im rly excited for that :)))
also dont roast me for only having tahu stars!!! im lucky to have any tahu at all lmao
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wordsandrobots · 7 months
So I had reason to look at the Dort Riot episodes from Iron-Blooded Orphans today and I've been tracking the fates of the unfortunate mobile suit pilots. Of the three we see boarding when the workers seize the Spinner Rodis, I believe we see two get killed on screen.
This guy for certain:
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And I *think* these are meant to be the same guy as well, based on the voice lines, though since there are dozens of Rodis shown, that might not be the intention.
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This leaves the first pilot shown, the one who brags about using the 'suits every day to build walls. This is, I think, the one and only mention in IBO-proper of mobile suits having civilian uses, which is interesting. The Urdr Hunt game further mentions their use in colony-maintenance and demonstrates they can be used in mining.
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Finally, there's the pilot Mikazuki saves with seconds to spare. We might assume him to be one of the few to survive, since Tekkadan's entrance into the fight redirects the Gjallarhorn forces quite quickly. That said, this whole thing is basically a massacre from beginning to end, so we can't guarantee that's the case.
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(Nevertheless, I was trying to find a relative for a character in a fanfic so this guy is therefore being designated Joshua's Uncle.)
Honourable mention to the Gjallarhorn pilot Gali-Gali collides with on his way into the fight. Bloody boy racers, am I right?
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Though at least it looks like this pilot survives with his cockpit intact, which is more than I can say about the other time Gaelio thrusts his lance without due care and attention.
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Good grief.
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