rayraygo1267 · 18 days
Gabenath Memes because I’m Bored
Note: Featuring Adrien bc he’s pookie
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rayraygo1267 · 8 months
A Gabenath Fanfiction: Admiration in Disguise Chapter Five
Note: Ahhh it's the last chapter you guys!
Rated: T
Warnings: Minor Language
Word Count: 3,716
Link to Chapter Four
Chapter Five
I greatly appreciate the opportunity you have given me—
Nathalie huffed, pressing a pointed finger to the backspace key of her keyboard. She could already feel a migraine beginning to form behind her eyes — pricking like sharp needles insistently into the crevices of her brain. She knew it would soon develop into a full fledged dizzy spell if not mitigated, but her focus was too captivated by her current objective to make any moves to do so.
This was her fifth attempt at a rough draft and once again she was staring at a blank white screen, the mouse cursor silently blinking back at her, daunting her as if they were in a silent standoff, the absence of words on her computer screen edging her on. 
It had been five days since she had tested the waters with Gabriel, crossing over the boundary line that she herself had set firmly in place, and five days since she'd made the decision that would alter her life in a way that she could have never anticipated, much less with permanent ramifications. 
Nonetheless, the decision had to be made and she knew it was the best option. It was the option that would give the Agreste family their best chance at being reunited with Emilie — their best chance at happiness. 
Nathalie  knew if she stayed with them any longer, she'd get in the way of that. Her feelings for Gabriel were only growing and getting profusely out of hand and if she pursued them any further she'd hinder any chances Gabriel had at accomplishing his goal. Her impending illness also didn't help matters, as it was seemingly only getting worse as the days went on.
She didn't know where she'd be going from here, for the Agreste's had been the closest thing she had obtained to any kind of family for the past decade. The mere thought of starting anew without them was akin to the feeling of a piece of dried up sandpaper being torn apart and shredded, like her own heart was being forcefully ripped from her chest. But regardless of how much it would pain her, she knew it was what had to be done.
Luckily, she loved the Agreste’s enough to let them go.
Gabriel Agreste was nearly finished with the spring's new clothing line. He just had to read over a few more documents and sign a few more waivers and then the line would be selling in stores worldwide, just in time for the beginning of April. The main features consisted of flowy spring dresses with the hem passing just below a woman's knees and brightly colored shirts with the Agreste brand logo printed across the front. Most critics would perhaps consider the design  to be overworked but Gabriel knew it would sell out like wildfire. 
And if he were being honest with himself, he couldn't wait to be done with this whole ordeal. It had been taking up too much of his time, and time wasn’t something he always had available to him — what with having another life as Hawkmoth? 
In spite of that, he wanted nothing more than to be rid of the fashionable obligation. Having a double life was far from easy and if he could take one burden off his plate then he’d also be able to turn his focus to more vital affairs. 
Just the thought of having such a weight lifted off his shoulders, made a small smile lift up from the corners of his lips as he took a sip of his miraculously still piping black coffee. As he swallowed, the warm liquid descending down his throat with a scorching aftertaste, Gabriel felt a small tinge waver through him, causing his tongue to go numb. He stared down into the mostly filled mug, then upward as his eyes reflected off the ceiling’s light fixtures then back down into the dark caffeinated fluid.
It was coffee, coffee that Nathalie had brought him just this morning. Her attitude had been stoic, permitting no comment other than regular pleasantries.
She had been, for lack of a better term, quite reserved these last few days, only assisting him when asked and of course firmly sticking to addressing him with respectable mannerisms.
Gabriel didn't enjoy the tension that was building up between them. It almost felt like two strangers living together in one house, only speaking when necessary and keeping to themselves their own personal lives. They had never previously held each other at such a distance and although they hadn't been as close as Gabriel wished for them to be, their friendship was better than this — than nothing. 
Friendship, Gabriel pondered, his eyes momentarily darting back to his design pad. It seemed they didn't even share that anymore. Not since that day, not since Nathalie had changed the wavelengths of their relationship to a more open ended setting.
He had wanted to talk to her about all this, in fact his brain started churning out speeches and scenarios — some with better outcomes than others — but how did one tell another of their desperate need for a closeness without opening their heart to them? Gabriel was not a social person, most people were aware of that. He didn't like overly drawn out conversations, or any sort of unnecessary intimate relations, he much preferred to keep to himself.
Just last night he had gone to see Emilie, asking her for her advice seemed like the best course of action to take. He felt foolish thinking back on it now, for Emilie seemed to be the only way he knew how to deal with his problems. Nevertheless, he had to inquire with her one last time and even without hearing her voice, he knew what she would say. He knew she would tell him to be honest with himself — with Nathalie — and he knew she was right.
Yet a problem still remained, one that had kept him up at night tossing and turning in frustration. 
He didn’t know how to proceed. He felt as though things were already set in stone, like even if he were to give Nathalie the world, she’d just hand it back to him with a simple but clipped, “No thank you sir.” 
Gabriel's forehead creased as he suddenly remembered his current task at hand and the time parameters that were in place along with it. He couldn't think of Nathalie right now, no matter how much his mind yearned to. He couldn’t… not when he had work to do, plus what most would call the ‘universe’ seemed to have a different agenda as a soft knock echoed from outside his office door.
"Sir," came Nathalie's voice, as velvety and soft as ever. Gabriel felt his sternum contract, his middle thumping soundly against his chest.
"I know you're very busy but may I please come in for a moment? There is something I'd like to discuss."
Gabriel stared down at the documents in front of him, frowning as a wet, brown smudge marked one of the pages, the remainder of a tiny droplet that had fallen from the rim of his coffee cup.
The knocking returned, though this time with a more forceful reverberation. Gabriel  jolted, the blood flowing back into his veins as he moved, hurriedly tidying up his mess of a workspace, suddenly self conscious of his cluttered surroundings. 
"Sir?" Nathalie called again, this time not accompanied with a knock.
Gabriel blew out a breath, forcing himself to remember how to speak.
"Erm, yes Nathalie, come in." He spluttered, mushing his work documents into somewhat of a neat pile.
Nathalie opened the door, her stance stiff and her gaze fixed. In her hands she held a manila envelope that her hands seemed to like fidgeting with the corners of.
"Hello, sir." She murmured, her tone vacant. Gabriel peaked up at her over the rim of his glasses, frowning.
"Is something wrong Nathalie? Are you feeling alright?” He spoke calmly, despite the soft yet consistent pound of his heart, “Is everything okay with Adrien?"
Nathalie blinked, "Your son is fine sir. He is currently at his fencing lesson."
Gabriel nodded, scanning her, trying to find an explanation for her unusual behavior, though this behavior had been rearing its ugly head for the last five days. 
Nathalie could see that Gabriel was trying to figure her out and rather than leave him in the dark, she pressed on, knowing that if she didn’t do this now, she wouldn’t be able to make herself do it at all.
"I'm resigning, sir."
The words were thick in her throat, yet somehow she had managed. Nathalie placed her letter of resignation on top of Gabriel's desk, not daring to meet his eyes.
Gabriel was stunned to say the very least. Perhaps he’d misheard her, for what she had just said had to have been a mistake. He couldn't bring himself to even acknowledge her words let alone some fruitless letter of resignation.
If he acknowledged it, it would take a presence as reality and he couldn't accept that. He could not accept Nathalie leaving. Not when he needed her — not when her presence was the one thing that brought him any amount of joy anymore. He wouldn't stand for this. He refused.
"What are you going on about Nathalie? I don’t think I understand," Gabriel snapped, voice shrilling as he bolted to his feet, his movements so haste that a splash of coffee flew from his white mug and landed in a nice little splotch onto one of his documents.
Nathalie sighed. She had anticipated this reaction but that did not take away from the fact that she didn't particularly want to witness it.
"I can no longer work for you, sir. I've come to realize that I am no longer a decent candidate in helping you achieve your quest in saving Emilie. Due to my illness and...other circumstances I know I will only restrict you."
Gabriel scoffed, scowling, color rising in his cheeks."Don't be ridiculous Nathalie. You know this is all pointless without you. I need you." As the words left his mouth, he could  feel all the emotion dripping from his voice like the ends of a drippy umbrella.
Nathalie's heart swelled at Gabriel’s words, though tinted with what felt close to a seething burning sensation. She really hoped Gabriel wouldn't beg her to stay. If he pushed too much she didn't think she'd have the strength to deny him.
"Please don't make this harder than it has to be sir. You know I only want what's best for you and Adrien—"
"You are what's best for me and Adrien!" Gabriel lashed, pounding his fist to his desk, causing his coffee cup to take a full tumble to the ground.
Out of instinct, Nathalie made a move to retrieve it but stopped short when Gabriel only kicked it farther out of reach, causing it to roll against the wall and crack on its side.
"Sir!" Nathalie yelped, "You need to get ahold of yourself!”
Gabriel’s cheeks burned, his eyes bulging, "How can I Nathalie?” He snapped.
“How can I? Huh? My assistant—” he paused, stumbling over his choice of phrasing, “my friend who has stood by my side for years suddenly decides to get up and leave? No notice, no explanation—"
Nathalie could practically palpate the sharp pang reverberating throughout her. She could feel a fervent heat building behind her eyes.
"I told you sir. I'm holding you back."
Gabriel huffed, crossing his arms,"You're not—"
"I'm sick aren't I?" Nathalie interrupted, causing Gabriel to hesitate. She was right. He had been taking precautions when it came to fighting for the miraculous and handling her illness, but he wouldn't say she was holding him back.
He needed Nathalie if he ever wanted to be reunited with Emilie. He needed Nathalie because without her his heart wouldn't be beating and oh how he missed that beat. The beat and thrum of loving another was something most only got to experience once, yet somehow he’d been fortunate enough to get to experience it for a second time. He was far too selfish to give it up now. 
Gabriel's telling silence had been enough of an explanation for Nathalie and a good decoy to shield him from the truth.
"I'll only make things harder. With me around, you won't be able to focus on saving Emilie, not if you have to constantly worry about keeping my health in check."
Gabriel's face twisted up into a bitter sneer, his eyes narrowed, "Your health can be dealt with. As long as you don't use the peacock miraculous—"
"But you need Mayura, don't you?" Nathalie reasoned, hands resting firmly on her hips.
Gabriel's eyes flickered, considering.
"Yes...which is exactly why you need to stay. I can't do this without you."
It was like being stabbed, her body leaking out from the inside. Those words confirmed it. That was all she was good for. She was his assistant, she was Mayura and nothing more.
Nathalie could feel her insides burn, her face heating with a flush of anger. Why couldn't she be good enough? Why did he beg for Mayura to stay? Why couldn't he beg for her? 
"I'm sure you can find a way to fix the peacock miraculous, sir. And then you'll be able to use it yourself. You'll no longer need me—“ she wavered, “er…or Mayura.” 
Nathalie sucked in a breath, prepared for Gabriel to have another outburst but all he did was sigh. A deep, wearied sound, his pointer finger and thumb resting over the bridge of his nose.
"Why are you doing this Nathalie? What have I done that has caused you to want to leave so badly? If you don't want to help Emilie, fine. I don't expect you to but I do want you here. You are my assistant after all."
The air in Nathalie’s lungs grew thick, her mouth parting. Sometimes one had to be more careful when it came to their desires.  "Sir..." her will power was crumbling before her like cracked plaster. 
Gabriel stared her down, his previous defeated demeanor glossing over.
"Is it a raise? Is that it? Is that what you want?" Gabriel hurled. He knew he was being unethical but his anger was getting the best of him — taking reign over anything else.
It was like being slapped, an abrupt showering burst of cold water while lying in the sun. A pang of hurt washed over Nathalie, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Are you serious?" She muttered, her voice hoarse and full of disbelief.
Gabriel cocked an eyebrow, testing her, despite his inner conscience trying to reign him back in.
Nathalie scoffed, her guilt for trying to let him down gently, washing away like dust on a surface.
"You really think I'm doing all this because...because I want your money?"
The fierce punctuation of Nathalie’s words halted Gabriel in his tracks. He immediately knew he'd overstepped, but he also knew it was too late to turn back, "Nathalie..."
"No!" Nathalie barked, raising a pointer finger. She was more than just angry now, she was pissed.
"I've known you for years, Gabriel. I was there when you were at your lowest, barely making damned near ends meet and you have the gall to think I, of all people, who has continuously stood by your side in all this," she paused, gesturing wildly, "madness? You really think that all I want out of this is your damn money? Are you kidding me?"
Gabriel felt himself unravel, even if he was aware that he was being illogical, he couldn't think of anything else to go off of, he was skin deep in this. 
"Then why Nathalie? Explain it to me! Why are you doing this?!"
Nathalie's eyes flared, red lights curving around the edges of her sight as she let out an enraged cry.
"Because I'm in love with you!"
The words hung in the air, potent and true and both parties were still in awe of them even after several moments. Nathalie's vision was fuzzy, shrouded by her tears. She imagined her face was blotchy, her glasses fogged, but she had to think fast, she had to say something. She had to make sure Gabriel understood. She hadn't wanted him to find out this way or rather at all but now that he has she had to regain control of the situation.
"And..." she breathed, voice choked and uneven, "that conflicts with your objective and this will only make things even more complicated."  She kept her gaze trained on the floor, not wanting to face the man she'd just admitted to loving.
Gabriel was dumbfounded. He felt like all the muscles in his body had turned to mush. His head spun, his heart raced. Was it true? Was Nathalie truly in love with him? Even after all he's done? Could she still have found a way to see the good in him? He wasn’t a fool, he was well aware that he was quite a difficult man to love but somehow, some way Nathalie managed.
Gabriel’s mouth parted, then closed again, words clogged in his throat, fighting desperately for release.
"Nathalie..." he breathed.
Nathalie didn't need to hear him say it. She didn't need his rejection when she was already planning to leave anyway.
"I'm going. You don't need to say anything." Nathalie said, moving back from his desk.
Gabriel tensed, his shoulders going rigid.
 "Nathalie—" he stammered again, trying to form words other than her name. He took a hesitant step towards her.
"Gabriel?" Nathalie questioned as she watched him move closer. His steps were slow and measured, as if he were a hunter approaching its prey.
"Nathalie," he raised his hands, gently cupping the side of her face, something he only dreamed about doing. Nathalie shuddered, for this was far more painful than any amount of rejection. Why couldn't he just scream at her and tell her to go, things would be so much easier then — painful — but easier.
Her eyes watered, tears spilling over, falling lazily down her cheeks. She trembled lightly as she felt Gabriel's thumb brush away the moisture dribbling down her chin.
"What are you doing?" She asked, breath eluding her.
Gabriel smiled softly, his eyes locking with hers, the fury in them completely evaporated.
"I thought you knew."
Nathalie frowned, "Knew what?"
Gabriel chuckled lightly, like an echo in a cathedral, his warm breath blowing against her face. Nathalie knew he wasn’t mocking her, Gabriel could be cruel but he wouldn’t do that to her. Nathalie took a step back, the step of her heel in time with Gabriel’s chuckle. Gabriel continued to laugh, a rare scarce sound. His hand took her own, pulling her back towards him, gently enough to give her enough room to object if she wished to. Nathalie let him guide her, her resolve completely abolished. 
Gabriel squeezed her hand, his smile giddy, "That I'm in love with you too."
Nathalie's heart jumped, her eyes dilating, a gasp escaping her. This couldn't be right. This had to be a faux pas of some sort. She couldn't let herself fall, not when all of this could crumble so easily.
"No...you…” She bit her lip, “What about Emilie?"
Gabriel smiled again, though bittersweet, his hand still holding her close.
 "I will always love Emilie,” He murmured, his eyes lighting with a misty-like haze.
“She was once the reason for all I did in life,” he paused and Nathalie watched as he let the nostalgia of his love for his wife consume him. Nathalie imagined that all those memories were flashing before his eyes, as people say they do when they are faced with accepting a loss. 
After a moment of this his focus returned to her, that smile that Nathalie had not seen in years returning once more, “but I've since found a new reason." He reached down to take both her hands in his, running his fingers over her knuckles.
"You, Nathalie. You are my reason. You are the reason I try so hard everyday in everything I do. I know I've made mistakes but I do truly want to be a better man for you...for Adrien. And although you may not believe me now, I promise I will prove it to you. I will not stop until you know just how much I love you."
Nathalie was full-on crying now, her lower lip trembling. She never thought she'd ever hear such words come from Gabriel's mouth, especially such words attuning to her.
"You...you...love me?" Nathalie murmured, still somewhat in denial.
Gabriel laughed softly, pulling Nathalie even closer, their chests pressed up against one anothers, foreheads nearly touching.
"Yes, my dear Nathalie." He replied. Nathalie’s heart pulsed as his gaze fell to her lips. Nathalie stared up at those grayish-blue eyes that resembled a hurricane once more. She could see the question there — that one small fragment of hesitation. She could only think of one answer.
Nathalie let her hands travel along the sides of his face, feeling the soft skin and crevices. She closed her eyes to him, allowing him to guide her.
The kiss was soft and gentle, almost as if he were asking her permission. Nathalie felt herself slipping away, not knowing where she'd land as she let herself fall. She'd never kissed a man like this. It was exhilarating and she couldn’t get enough of it — she couldn’t get enough of him.
Eventually Gabriel pulled back, his hands still cupping her face, his eyes studying her flushed cheeks and wet lips, his breath coming out rashly. He noticed that her glasses were fogged, similar to a murky sea. He removed them, setting them to the side. He used his thumb to push a strand of her auburn hair behind her ear, his lips landing in a soft caress against her forehead. 
"Do you understand me now Nathalie?" He whispered against her skin, his question reminiscent of the one he asked her in her room all that while ago.
Nathalie leaned back, letting her gaze fully take in the man she loved. Her heart was rising, her features easing as she finally let herself go, “Yes Gabriel.” 
A/N: Eeeek! I hope you guys enjoyed the final installment of Admiration in Disguise! Please don't hesitate to let me know what y'all think. I'm really excited to start some new fanfic projects now that I've completed this one. Next up will be a short gabenath drabble, so keep an eye out for that! And as always if you have any requests for fanfics or anything gabenath related please let me know! I'll be able to attend to them much more frequently now, seeing as I've completed this project. Finally, sorry for any grammatical errors I'm not the best editor.
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