#gabriel story
cherubytes · 4 months
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noah-islands · 10 months
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It's missing Minecraft Story Mode hours
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whaleshake · 25 days
Oh darn… I have finally finished this 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Next time I should learn how to use a program before doing an animation…… 😔
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tivix · 2 months
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they deserved more screen time
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undeadgoonie · 17 days
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this still lingers in people’s heads right ??
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zhezhy · 4 months
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My sketches
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shriekinghavoc · 3 months
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ayenah-ayenah · 10 months
U ever just sit down and think— oh what a great love story Good Omens is.
Adam, the antichrist himself, loved his parents, his *real* parents, the ones that loved and raised him. He denied his destiny bc he knew what love is, and it isn't whatever the fck Satan is to him. He loved his friends, his family, and the world— love altered reality.
Beelzebub and Gabriel found each other. An angel and a demon who has known nothing but to obey what they thought they were made for. Choosing sides was their thing, but now, they found something worth more than that. They fell in love and suddenly, nothing else but them made sense.
Then, there's Nina and Maggie, defining a love that is new, and exciting, and difficult— makes you wonder if it would be worth it. In the end, Nina needs to heal and Maggie swears to wait. And I just wonder if it would work. I wonder if they'll be able to fall in love with each other, without outside forces pushing them together. Will they find their way to each other? But I think of Good Omens and I remember, it's a love story, so, maybe, they will.
Finally, there's Aziraphale and Crowley— the old love. Azi & Crow stopped Armageddon bc they love the world, and each other.
I keep thinking about their love, the way they reciprocate it so well.
S1, "Even if this all ends up in a pile of burning goo, we can go off together," that line made proof of Crowley's love, and it was directed to Aziraphale. He didn't need Heaven nor Hell, and he loves Earth, but when he said that line, that was him declaring that if they can't save Earth, then it doesn't matter— as long as Aziraphale is with him. That's his love, his truth, and it's them, Aziraphale and Crowley together.
Then, s2 (one of many reasons I love s2), Aziraphale proved to reciprocate Crowley's sentiment. "Nothing lasts forever," he said. He loved Earth, the bookshop was proof of this, he made a life for himself on Earth out of love. But, all that, meant little compared to Crowley. Aziraphale has been disobeying Heaven for as long as we have all witnessed, and he wouldn't have stopped Armageddon if he didn't know any better. And yet, here he is, willing to leave the life he's built on Earth with humanity, to be in Heaven with Crowley.
Aziraphale has been loyal, to the best of his ability, towards Heaven. He believed in the ineffable plan, but look at him now, going back to Heaven fully determined to change it because he knows that it will never be safe for them to be together unless they fix this. Heaven and Hell will always want their war, and unless they do something about it, it's not going to be a happily ever after for Aziraphale and Crowley.
And Crowley was hurt, has felt abandoned, and rejected. Because he just wants to grab Aziraphale and escape, but Aziraphale walked away.
And Aziraphale, too, was hurt, has felt abandoned, and rejected. He wanted to work on their happily ever after together, but Crowley walked away.
And after watching to the end, I wondered if they would work, if they would find each other again. But this is Good Omens, it's a love story, and in this love story, Aziraphale and Crowley have always been able to find each other.
And it's amazing. I have been thinking of love everytime I watch Good Omens. It just radiates so much love.
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 2 months
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Start reading Episode 1
Dialogue transcripts:
Panel 1
Godfrey: And do not tell Irene, but I am certainly going to commission you for a portrait of her.
Basil: I’d be glad to! As soon as I have completed Sir Murgatroyd’s, I am at your service.
Panel 2
Godfrey: Please, take your time. No matter when, it is a thrill to show your gift to the one you love!
Basil: Indeed, it is…
Panel 3
Irene: …Well, Mr. Gray, we shall keep that in mind. We do owe Mr. Hallward, as well as yourself, credit for giving us the first clue. Above all, we trust Lord Godalming having referred you.
Panel 4
Dorian: Ah, indeed, good old Basil…Anyway. I am glad Lord Godalming has put my little joke behind him. He’s a bit of a humorless sort, sometimes.
Panel 5
Mina: Oh, rest assured, Arthur is quite mirthful.
Panel 6
Mina: He does, however, have his limits when it comes to love.
Mina (white text): We, however, shall suffer no mockery of Love.
Panel 7
Background text (left side): “How long will you like me? Till I have my first wrinkle, I suppose.” “I love her, and I must make her love me.” “I have had the arms of Rosalind around me, and kissed Juliet on the mouth.”
Background text (right side): “I would give my soul for that!” “To-night she is Imogen, and to-morrow night she will be Juliet.” “When is she Sibyl Vane?” “Never.” “You have spoiled the romance of my life. How little you can know of love, if you say it mars your art! Without your art, you are nothing.”
Background text (white): Mockery of Love (x3)
Panel 8
Mina: …Is everything quite alright, Mr. Gray?
Panel 9
Dorian: Oh! Yes—I was just saying—We would be delighted to keep in touch with such…ahem…intriguing company. But for now I am afraid we must bid you adieu, erm, if you’ll excuse me…
Panel 10
Basil: Dorian! Are we leaving already?
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trix1erose · 8 days
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no, to YOU it’s a bad game mechanic where the choices you make don’t actually effect the plot despite that being the whole point - to ME its interactive storytelling where youre stuck to play out whatever destiny was set for you no matter how desperately you may try to change it. doomed by the narrative, if you will
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elderwisp · 6 days
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here, have some random headshots
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muzzleroars · 9 months
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new college semester somewhere in the mirage universe
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theotherhappyplace · 14 days
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Gabriel had bad chronic pain, his version of flares are really bad. Being held helps him feel a little better. Mercy likes to be able to help at all but wishes she could do more.
She's usually not the type who can sit still but will stay with him for hours when it's bad.
(Some people can't stand to be touched during pain flares but it always helped me. Maybe it's the heat or compression or just knowing someone cares)
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tivix · 6 months
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here they are like 5-10 older than in episode 4 and by the way I adore them bye
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whenfatecollides · 1 year
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Gabrielle going against her beliefs and deviating from the path she wanted to take in life in order to save Xena | bonus:
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zhezhy · 5 months
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Finished version✨
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