#fuck chuck fletcher
dumbasssportsboys · 2 years
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it’s what he deserves
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morgansyorkie · 1 year
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corbincarroll · 1 year
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sethjarvy · 2 years
okay no but i just can't stop thinking about this because it's like. you're one of the best forwards in the league, was one of the top point scorers this past season, so many teams offering you more than $10M because they all want you, but you want to play for /one/ team, a team that DESPERATELY needs a star player like you, the team you've been rooting for since you were a child. and then you're told. that team doesn't want you because "clearing cap space for you, one of the best players in the league, is just too much effort"
chuck fletcher you will not know peace in the afterlife.
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infidelady · 1 year
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1000roughdrafts · 1 month
If You're Gonna Lie...
Summary: Y/N and Dean have been seeing each other for quite a while, but when Dean keeps disappearing on Y/N, it leaves her confused on where they stand. Dean, not wanting to give away his secret line of work, continues to lie to Y/N about why he keeps showing up late. When she confronts him, will he continue to lie or will he tell her the truth?
A/N: This is a fic inspired by the song If You're Gonna Lie by Fletcher
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: mild language, alcohol mentioned, implied infidelity, sex mentioned, slight angst, relationship conflict
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Y/N's eyes stare blankly at the lipstick stained wine glass on the table in front of her. In the pit of her stomach brews regret and shame that she had spent all damn day preparing dinner and picking out a wine for Dean's seven o'clock arrival. Now at ten she sits alone with untouched plates and an empty bottle of wine.
The ticking of the clock mocks her, reminding her of the little voice inside of her that screamed not to trust him. Tightening her lips, she licks them, collecting the final drops of wine that replace the red lipstick she had been wearing. Her body buzzes in a Merlot induced high so she places her hand on the table to steady herself as she stands. She collects the plates and glasses slowly, fighting the urge to shatter them across the floor. 
Her nose crinkles as she scrapes the cold food into the trash aggressively with her fork. She sets the dishes into the dishwasher and starts it before swaying over to sit on the couch. Pulling out her phone she types a message about not appreciating being stood up for the fourth fucking time, but she deletes it and swipes down to click on the location icon.
She scoffs with a smile of disbelief, "oh, great! A motel near the strip club!" Y/N chucks her phone at the carpet before bringing her hands up to her face as soft sobs rock her body. She feels herself sinking more and more into the leather couch as she cries, and she must've dozed off at some point because she's jolted awake by a knock on the door.
The pounding of her heart is all she can hear as she quickly wipes her face. She's slow to bring herself to her feet, and once she does she glances at the clock. She groans. Midnight. Great. She thinks, rolling her eyes.
There's another knock, more anxious and loud now. "Hold on!" she shouts, using the furniture to keep her steady as she walks towards the banging.
Her head falls back against her neck when she sees Dean through the peephole. She lets out a soft, quiet breath and brings her head back up, resting her forehead in her hand. Her eyes close tight and she debates whether or not to let him in. He knocks again, more aggressively now.
She growls, shaking her hands out next to her. Suddenly, her ears ring and she swears she could even hear the buzzing of the lights above her. She takes another deep breath as she slowly unlocks the chain. She moves down to unlock the door, and then rests her hand on the door knob for a moment.
With a hand on her hip, she whips the door open and tries to make it very clear to Dean that she's pissed, but damnit she'd be lying if she said she wasn't excited to see him.
"Y/N! Thank you, I am so sorry!" he says, holding up his hands. There’s a slight bend to his knees as if to make him appear smaller. His eyebrows furrow, enhancing the shallow wrinkles on his forehead. She knows he's just going to feed her another story, and she stopped believing them a while ago, but she'd rather hear his lies than to have to hear him say goodbye.
So she says nothing, but leaves the door open as she turns around to walk back to her living room. He rushes in after her, closing the door behind him. When she plops onto the couch, he drops next to her, hands on her knees as he faces her.
"Y/N, please let me explain," he pleads, and she shrugs for him to go ahead, "I was shooting the shit with the guys at this bar, and," he starts.
"Let me guess, 'time just slipped away from you', right?" Y/N scoffs, her cheeks and jaw tighten as she fights the tears that plead to be released.
His face relaxes, and he swallows hard before allowing his mouth to hang open slightly. "Yeah," he says softly.
"You know, Dean," she says, and he focuses intently on her face, lit partially by the TV. His eyes flutter between hers, the way the light glimmers in her eyes nearly distracts him from her words, "you're starting to get repetitive," she says, eyes trained to the floor.
His body tenses, and his lips form a flat line. "Yeah," he nods. "I know. And I’m sorry," he says.
There's a long pause between them as she collects her conflicted thoughts; on the one hand, better late than never but on the other, she knows he's lying and that kind of pain cuts deep.
"Are you?" she squeaks out before she can stop herself, eyes darting at him. "Cause you say you were out with friends, but I know you were with another girl."
"What are you talking about,Y/N?" he says, eyes squinting. “I’m only seeing you.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, heat filling her chest, "I checked your location, but good fucking try." She takes in a deep breath. "I don't wanna fight, Dean," she slurs, "can we just lay down?"
Dean pushes his hands onto his thighs to bring himself to his feet, looking down at her for a moment before holding his hand out to her.
"Come on," he says gingerly. When she places her hand in his, he helps her to her feet, "get your shoes on," he adds.
"What? Why?" she asks, wide eyes.
With raised eyebrows, he sighs, "because I wanna show you something."
Y/N sits in the passenger seat of Dean's Impala with her arms crossed for the entirety of their near silent drive. She watches the window fog as Dean slows to round the corner of the motel parking lot.
"This where you saw me? My location?" he asks.
Uncrossing her arms, Y/N winds around in the seat to look for the strip club, falling back in her seat when she spots it, "yup."
Turning off the engine, he rolls out of the car and jogs to her side to help her out. Dean guides her to the door and Y/N feels like her heart could jump out of her chest. She listens to the howl of the wind as he inserts the key. When he opens the door, she immediately sees a tall, dark haired man in the room. Confused, she looks over at Dean.
"This is my brother, Sam," he says quickly, placing a hand on the small of her back to guide her into the room. "And, uh," he closes the door behind him, quickly raising his eyebrows at Sam's perplexed expression. "We have a pretty… ridiculous job," he adds.
She squints one eye, "Yeah, I remember you telling me that, but you wouldn't tell me what the job is," she snaps.
"Yeah," Sam says, shutting his book with one hand, holding the other out with a finger pointed at his brother, "and for good reason.” Dean brushes him off with a wave of his hand. "Dean, what are you doing?" Sam forces a quick, curt smile at Y/N, and takes a few steps closer to him, "can I talk to you? Outside," he says through gritted teeth.
Dean turns the corners of his lips down and shakes his head. He couldn't bear to see Y/N as hurt as she was tonight, and knowing that it was because of him and his lies made him realize he needed to come clean. And if that meant she thought he was crazy and never wanted to see him again, well... at least she would finally have the truth.
Taking her hands in his, he guides her to the bed and gestures for her to sit. He glances over at Sam, who utters under his breath "this better be worth it." Dean shrugs before sitting on the bed across from her, ignoring its whine under his weight.
"Listen Y/N, the truth is that Sam and I are-" he stops, shaking his head as he looks down into his folded hands. The leaky faucet from the bathroom drips a few times before he carries on, "listen, this is gonna sound nuts, so I need you to just... just hear me out, please."
She nods, "okay..."
He lets out a shaky breath, "ghosts, demons, vampires... it's all real," he begins, watching her face carefully for any signs of disgust or fear, "and the short story is that Sam and I... we, uh... we hunt and kill them."
Y/N's silent for a while, not exactly sure how to take this so-called confession. As far as she's concerned it's yet another lie. She glances over at Sam and he looks down at the ground, his face scrunched in a frown.
"Is this true?" she asks Sam, and his eyes dart at Dean and then her.
He brings a hand to his mouth, sweeping it down and around his bottom lip. He sighs, throwing his hands out and sits on the bed next to Dean. "Yeah, 'fraid so," he says.
Turning her attention to Dean now, she says, "so... what, you drive around the country fighting bad guys with your brother like some fucking superhero and come into my town when you want... what, a good fuck or something?"
Dean scoots closer to Y/N, grabbing her hands in his, "no, no, no. It's nothing like that," he pauses, "I mean, we do drive around the country ‘fighting bad guys’, I guess but..." he stalls again, trying to find the right words.
"Well, what is it like, then? Because this feels like it’s either an elaborate way of trying to get rid of me, or you're trying to manipulate me into being okay with the way things have been so far. And I'm not. I need someone who's going to show up on time. Someone who won't lie to me."
"I swear to you, the lies are over," Dean pleads. "At least let me prove it to you."
"How? How're you gonna do that?" Y/N asks, arms crossed.
Dean glances at Sam, begging for his help with his eyes. Sam rolls his eyes, boots clacking against the hardwood floor as he walks over to grab the book he'd been reading.
He takes it to sit back down with Dean and Y/N. He flips the book around to show Y/N the page he was on, and his voice echoes in the room as he explains the monster they're hunting and how it's about an hour south of her town, but Dean wanted to stop by to see Y/N first.
Y/N's hesitant, but not willing to lose Dean, not yet, so she takes the chance. "You're not in the clear yet, Dean, but I'm tired and I just wanna go to bed. Can I sleep here and we'll figure the rest out in the morning?"
"Yeah, of course," he says, bringing himself to his feet, "uh, you can take my bed and I'll sleep on the couch."
"No. If you're gonna lie, at least do it in the bed."
If you liked my story, please remember to heart, comment or reblog. Or if you'd like, you can add yourself to a tag list here if you wish :) Thank you for reading!! :)
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Dean <3
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bisexualfbiagents · 3 months
me when i started watching better call saul: oh it's morris fletcher!
me rewatching dreamland now: oh fuck it's chuck
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st-louis · 11 months
but seriously this tony d*angelo trade is just a summary of how fucking bad a gm chuck fletcher is in a nutshell. we paid so much for him and then have to retain salary and basically give him away for nothing to get him off of the fucking team. thanks charles
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dumbasssportsboys · 1 year
ottawa vs columbus, both teams with a player who wanted to be in philly this season
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morgansyorkie · 1 year
and you really think that we will still make a playoff push and that you deserve your gm position…
yeah go fuck yourself chuck…you deserve shit
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fangedtracks · 1 year
ok one last horny post: i need to be fucked by kyle fletcher, mark davis, chris brookes, and chuck taylor
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broadstflyers · 1 year
I’m gonna beat the fucking shit out of chuck fletcher. furious is an understatement.
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Hi additional info/propaganda for Erin because I found stuff I wrote about her
I thought I just never gave her a surname but turns out her surname's Fletcher. There was probably very little meaning going into it but I guess someone who makes arrows + she "makes" weapons?
The people who captured her were sort of SCP themed but the extent of supernatural stuff was People With Magic so it was basically just a bunch of kids locked up for no reason that was explained in the tiny bit I wrote
Also if I did consider her as a schemer playing mind games for fun at the time I sure didn't write that down. In the like 3 pages of story I effectively established her as a colossal idiot who did not consider that imaginary guns would not intimidate someone who's ALSO ARMED that well. Like I think she was supposed to be pretty cool to me at the time but I never wrote her using her powers well and the way she talks about her powers can seem either Cool Mysterious and Cryptic or like she just doesn't know shit about fuck.
a good chunk of that is the fact that I was writing all this at age 12 and had a warped understanding of... everything, but also i find it really funny to characterize her as being That Dense. She definitely knows how to do other things she's just kind of dumb and has not properly thought through the options she has and I love that tbh.
Oh and as with several of my ocs at the time her age was either "my age when writing her" or "my age when writing her plus a year or two because she's Cool and Mature".
(idk if you want to post stuff people add in asks or just chuck it in with the propaganda)
ANYWAY your tournament is really cool and it'll be great to see everyone's ocs!
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blueonwrestling · 11 months
Death Before Dishonor 2023 Best of for Blue Review
Gravity vs. Komander- 3.5 stars
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Dalton Castle TV Title - 3.5 stars
The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix) (w/Alex Abrahantes) (c) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta) vs. The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (w/Maria Kanellis-Bennett) vs. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) ROH Tag title - 4 stars
Katsuyori Shibata (c) vs. Daniel Garcia Pure Title - 4 stars
Stu Grayson & The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno & John Silver) Fight Without Honor - 4 stars
Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. PAC ROH World Title - 4.25 stars
Athena (c) vs. Willow Nightingale ROH Women’s title - 4.75 stars
A great night, everything was absolutely solid, no misses, no stinkers, all just fucking fun and absolutely go out of your way to watch Athena vs Willow is you’re someone who cries about women’s wrestling on weekly tv.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
oskar deserves better. fuck chuck fletcher.
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iwantahockeyhimbo · 2 years
i hope chuck fletcher has a fucking HORRIBLE week. i know oskar is gonna thrive wherever he does end up, i just hate that it won’t be philly. he’s been an absolute STAR the past couple of seasons and i am going to miss him so incredibly much. and if you are a fan of wherever he ends up please take care of him, he deserves all of your love.
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