#fuck Graham lineham
I think what celebrities don’t get about “cancel culture”, or possibly pretend not to get to try and avoid the consequences to their actions, is that we don’t care about them. We did, and then they behaved like an arsehole so we stopped caring. No huge part of our lives, no massive tragedy for us. If they were particularly dear maybe 10 minutes googling and a vague sense of distant mourning.
It’s not prison. They can still live. They can get shitty jobs and live in shitty houses like the rest of us. Because having better lives than us was a privilege that relied on them holding themselves to a decent standard and it doesn’t get actively taken away, it just … goes. When the crowd turns their backs and doesn’t think of you anymore, you aren’t executed, you just … disappear. You didn’t have a right to fame and fortune, it was given to you because we loved you. And now we don’t. Tough shit buddy, time for a semi-detached and the relentless drudgery of an office job. And honestly, these days, that’s still fucking lucky.
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r-rook-studio · 1 year
This bundle wraps up in the wee hours of the morning (6 AM Eastern) on April 8. Don't risk forgetting: pick it up now!
There's a lot of games, and right now, it's the cheapest way to get PDF copies of both Sherwood and My Chivalric Bromance.
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garyfischy · 2 months
theres this artist i know thats been active for 20+ years and all they draw is fucking. Yaoi of weird al and 21/24. And graham lineham (yes, THAT graham lineham.)
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 10 months
just saw nish kumar on a daytime interview show where the host kept bringing up cancel culture (which i think links to his new show?), and mentioned how graham lineham apparently hasnt been able to get a venue for his stand up because of his transphobic views (i know i know i bet you feel REAL sorry for him lol) and nish just kept being like why the fuck is the british media so obsessed with trans people? just leave them alone and i respect him SO much for it lol
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hazel-rah · 10 months
I’m so fucking pissed my little sister made us all dinner tonight and my dad went on this psycho rant about graham lineham getting cancelled and we’re living in a fucking ‘nazi society’ and didn’t stop until she burst into tears and left her table. He couldn’t keep his mouth shut for five fucking minutes, she was cooking all evening and he completely ruined it
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wtdylio · 2 years
Actually dying laughing look at this fucking loser crying after his wife left him because he couldn't stop harassing trans people
Tumblr media
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loki-zen · 3 years
and like
I doubt enough people on here have heard of Graham Lineham for me to get flamed for it, but let me say
Black Books contains the fucking seminal sitcom performances of two of the greatest living comedians the British Isles has to offer, and it only doesn’t additionally contain the seminal sitcom performance of one of the UK’s greatest comic actors because she topped it in Green Wing.
It would be like
an actual crime against art if it was Not Okay to watch it because several decades later some fourth person turned out to be a rancid cunt
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permian-tropos · 3 years
so the hbomberguy patho video is great and got me into the game but it definitely (and, I think, quite unintentionally) caused a lot of the cursed as fuck attitudes about dankovsky bc hbomb’s video about anti-vaxxers came out and one comment that got like a thousand likes said the legitimately real world evil doctor who abused autistic children with unnecessary medical procedures for his fraud study “looks exactly like the Bachelor” (and he doesn’t at all) 
so in other words it’s daniil looks like ben shapiro 2: electric boogaloo and I am literally once again asking people to stop bizarrely equating the bachelor to real world horrible people that hbomberguy has discredited in videos just because hbomb clowns on the fictional character a lot. like what’s next “he looks like graham lineham”? its so uncomfortable jeezus
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meowm1x · 3 years
"fiction doesn't affect reality" right now, the UK is seeing a rise in transphobic violence from hate groups trying to lobby against trans healthcare and their rights, in big part thanks to a woman who was made famous by her book series about a young boy wizard becoming an international phenomenon. if her stories were "just fiction" and had no impact on anyone, she wouldn't have ever even HAD a whole fucking franchise to make bank on and have the huge following and therefore the power behind the transmisogynistic statements she's spouting on social media and news stories. there are real trans people's lives being affected by an uptick in abuse from terfs feeling validated, being funded, and working with right-wing hate groups. rowling is by far not the only one (graham lineham, creator of father ted and it crowd is another loud bigot made famous through his media), and these bigots have always unfortunately existed, but to say she has no influence on current affairs right now is a fucking god damn lie. there IS no "separating the art from the artist", when the art is what gave them the power to hurt people.
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Graham lineham was on a qi episode i thats so fucked up i forgot that wretched freak wasn't some kind of twitter tulpa
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Are you sure the “demand for unambiguous queerness” is the straightest of straight reactions? It seems more like a demand to (often hopefully) celebrate that which has been silenced, undervalued & even prohibited for too long. In forgiving and tolerant spaces where such fandoms are embraced, such as Tumblr. I liked your points about the multi levels ways songs & artists work but this was quite a dismissive phrase, unexpectedly coming from you.
Thanks for your ask anon - the first is the difference between celebrating unambiguously queer culture, and insisting that the ambiguities in ambiguously queer culture don’t exist.  And the second is the specific phrase myself.
I think it’s really important to celebrate out and proud culture.  Pride, rainbows, drag queens, patches that say ‘not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you’, all of it.  And I completely understand seeking that out in mainstream pop culture.
It’s not loving and wanting to celebrate visible and unambiguous representations of that which has been silenced and prohibited that I was objecting to. It was demanding the ambiguous queer culture have all its ambiguities ignored so that people can pretend that it’s unambiguous queer culture.
Ambiguity and finding ways to be visible in plain sight are just as important a part of queer culture as rainbows.  There’s a history of queer culture that is deliberately ambiguous - Polari, the Golden Age of Hollywood, even something as basic as Oscar Wilde.  And to take those traditions and insist that they’re not ambiguous - that in fact that they cannot be understood as straight - is to destroy what they are in a way that erases the homophobic environment they were created them.  To take something ambiguous and insist that it is in fact only capable of being one thing is to totally devalue that whole thread of queer culture and treat queer culture that is out and proud as the only valid way to be clear.
To give some examples very close to my heart - ‘Black Tie’ by Grace Petrie and ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman are both lesbian songs.  Black Tie is incredibly explicit about lesbian culture - the whole point of the song is to celebrate butchness and she talks of fighting TERFS.  The chorus goes:
'Cause I'm in black tie tonight Get a postcard to my Year 11 self In a Year 11 hell Saying everything's gonna be alright No, you won't grow out of it You will find clothes that fit And the images that fucked ya Were a patriarchal structure And you never will surrender To a narrow view of gender And I swear there'll come a day When you won't worry what they say On the labels, on the doors You will figure out what's yours
Fast Car is very different.  It was a top 10 hit in 1988. The other person in the song is never named or gendered.  The audience can believe what they like.  It’s still a lesbian song.
I think it totally devalues what Tracy Chapman did and what is beautiful about the song to erase that ambiguity.  To say (as fandom might unforunately) ‘what straight person ever felt like they didn’t belong - all other interpretations are invalid’ - is to ignore what is beautiful about ‘Fast Car’ and insist that it must be something else in order to be valid.
Harry and Louis are not out, the art that they make is closeted art.  The ambiguity is deliberate, the straight interpretations are there deliberately. That doesn’t make them straight - that makes them part of a hugely important tradition of queer artists.  
As for my claim that the erasure of ambiguity is the straightest of straight reactions - it may be a little bit of an overstatement, but it is one born of genuine distress.  Because I do see so often in this fandom the demand that only unambiguously queer gestures matter and the erasure of everything that isn’t waving a rainbow.  And it seems to fit into a very straight vision of what it means to be LGTBTQ today - either you are or you aren’t and there is no ambiguity or need for it yet (it also does remind me of Graham Lineham declaring who is and isn’t gay on twitter).  The erasure of ambiguity promotes a straight vision of what it means to be queer and all the stress that it creates is place on LGBTQ people.
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werewolf-cuddles · 4 years
Did Graham Lineham make that tweet?
No, not that one specifically. Just fuck him in general.
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nexiraptor · 5 years
You know that EZ PZ guy
you know that guy who made the “Blacklisted cartoonist.” video that had pretty much zero sources and had the feeling of “My dad works at Nintendo.” now he’s doing it again with Hbomberguy and yes he immediately uses one of the T slurs in the beginning of the video he even says in his own damn video that he “says shit to annoy people.” which pretty much means that he’s just saying nonsense and we should not believe him. He also has cited Mail Online which has actual incorrectly reported on the charity before. He also misgendered a trans woman and only cites one article about the founder. (He also doesn’t give us any links or anything which is just great... like if you are going to show internet articles at least give us some fucking links) 
Like I said don’t trust EZ PZ as being a reliable source of information as he “Interviewed.” a blacklisted animator in the cartoon industry and fed him so many lies... (Like Alex Hirsch giving the whole entire animation industry STDs and in that same video EZ PZ also says a lot of homophobic things and uses the R slur)
Edit: I forgot to mention that EZ PZ did not even do his research on Graham Lineham and said that he was Father Ted instead of saying that he was the creator of the show, when people told him this and this is from his own video description:  
 EDIT: People are telling me he didn't play father Ted, he just wrote for it. idk I don't watch tea drinker TV
(Couldn’t even bother to re edit your video with correct information and instead insult people)
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a--bird · 5 years
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his transphobia is insane and awful but also that interview with graham lineham is so fucking funny. adult man blaming everything in his life hes fucked up by making "insane bigot" his identity on TRANS PEOPLE. I SWEAR ITS THE TRANS PEOPLES FAULT MY WIFE LEFT ME! ITS THE TRANS PEOPLES FAULT NO ONE WANTS TO WORK WITH ME! how do you end up with such a complete and utter lack of self awareness or self reflection as an adult. what a cunt
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rattenpelz · 3 years
graham lineham shut the fuck up challenge
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