#ft. dagny
primpk · 1 year
amorino la rue huchette ( @dagnyss​ )
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tarde, como era habitual en ella, que por más que lo intentaba le resultaba imposible llegar a tiempo. cabello despeinado por el viento y expresión de preocupación en el rostro como carta de presentación cuando entra en la heladería, vaya pésima impresión que se estaría llevando su cita, quien sea que fuere. recorre su mirada por el lugar, preguntándose como iba a reconocer a su acompañante, hasta que detiene en rostro conocido y facciones se ablandan en respuesta.  ‘  ¡dagny!  ’  se acerca a ella, acomodando las correas de su bolsa y ofreciendo cálida sonrisa.  ‘  ¿estás esperando a alguien? ¿también te mandaron el correo de las citas a ciegas?  ’  y entonces, algo hizo clic en su cabeza.  ‘  espera...  ¡¿tú eres mi cita?!  ’
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syniiart · 3 days
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The product of listening to Matilda - Anyone Else ft. Dagny while tidying up the old manga shelf.
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You Could Give That Aspirin the Headache of Its Life
Rating: Mature (3.6k)
Louis had once heard that the chances of being struck by lightning are 1 in 700,000. He wonders now, how those odds compare to randomly being seated next to your ex boyfriend on a 10 hour flight.
Honestly, if the universe is going to insist on ruining his life, he really would have preferred the lightning thing.
(Or the one where Louis is a football player who gets stuck on a flight with his ex-boyfriend Harry. The universe might be conspiring against him, or is it?)
Title and inspiration from Turn by The Wombats ft. Dagny
Read on AO3!
I wrote this ages ago but it’s one of my favorites so I’m posting it here :)
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kotaromita · 5 months
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Breathlessly, Kotaro drops his head to Akito's shoulder. Akito's hand slides along his jaw and into his hair. He trembles, feebly wrapping his arms around Akito. Akito isn't much for hugging, but he'll accept it in this context. He rests his cheek on Kotaro's head. "I've shared my dreams with you, so you don't have to be scared to share your dreams with me. I want to keep you by my side, on stage and off."
Angsty Kotaro/Akito art I made which somewhat inspired this fanfic.
Kotaro's lack of confidence is really interesting to explore and consider the reasons as to why he feels such strong negative feelings towards himself.
I also made a playlist and some follow up drawings too. Below the cut.
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Omar Apollo - Useless
mr.kitty - habits
Beach House - Space Song
Joji - Sanctuary
dodie - Sick of Losing Soulmates
Surf Curse - Freaks
Dagny - Love You Like That
The Neighbourhood - You Get Me So High
Mom - Joyfulthought
Fitz and the Tantrums - Out of My League
The Cab - Numbers
NOTD & Astrid S - I Don't Know Why
We Don't We - 8 Letters
Florence + The Machine - Wish That You Were Here
VACATIONS - Telephones
Coldplay - Yellow
Toby Fox & Itoki Hana - Skies Forever Blue
rebzyyx ft. hoshie star - all i want is you
The Kid LAROY & Justin Beiber - STAY
mr.kitty - The Glass Inside Your Skulllorde - ribs
By now I've found a ton more songs that remind me of Kotaro and Kotaro/Akito, but those were the songs I listened to while drawing and writing these.
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cloudjumpervalka · 3 months
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really surprised i haven't posted these?
the first is a lineup of my apprentice for the arcana game in their various outfits. they have since become a big inspiration for my new book project
the second is a lineup of all my ttrpg characters over the years. more info about them below (this is so long i apologize but i love my blorbos)
Dagny - half wood elf druid. he lives alone in a swamp after running away from home. he doesn't much care for people after growing up in a toxic environment. he dedicates himself to preserving the wildlife he's found solace in. Notably has a pet seagull named Gordon and a coral snake named Alton
Beryl Frozenfire (ft. Sapphire Frozenfire) - mountain dwarf barbarian. beryl and sapphire grew up as siblings born into a wealthy mining family (all of their family is named after blue gemstones) beryl grew up more interested in fighting to protect her home while sapphire grew up interested in becoming a powerful wizard. they grew up as the best of friends but long story short, beryl accidentally kills sapphire during a raid on her family's mine. beryl leaves her family home to atone for this, only to return years later with her new traveling party against her wishes. while saving her family's mine which had fell apart after the disappearance of their two children, she finds herself now magically attached to an ax holding the angry soul of her dead sister.
Morgana Thales - dusk elf death cleric. (yes i used Mor for a like month long side campaign i dont remember the exact details but bear with me) morgana loses her wife in a raid against their village. she then makes a deal with the followers of (i dont remember the deity oops but i think?? it was Shar?) to resurrect her wife in exchange of her service
Jullian - fey eladrin bard. he plays the hurdy gurdy. he's a traveling musician that relies on his constant traveling to refrain from forming any good relationships. (and honestly i've tried playing him in two different campaigns but i just can't rp as him lmao so me leaving those campaigns early is very in character actually)
Nanjo - human... doomed superhero... "vape ghost". she was born with powers that allow her to turn her body into vapor to "teleport" (similar to reaper/moira ovw) however every time that she uses her powers, she loses a part of her physical body. she currently does not have either of her arms intact, instead she moves her hands around with clouds of vapor she forms to create "smoky arms". she does not want people to know she is essentially disintegrating for multiple reasons. but the main reason is she is a retired jpop idol. it was too hard to keep her secret on stage so she left her other two group members to be a duo. while she cannot continue performing on stage, she uses her abilities in a modified cosplay of her favorite idol to fight crime
Olive Alberich - android on the run from being disassembled. she was built as a product of a corrupt company. she was purchased by a wealthy family that used her to act as a nanny for their child. she acted essentially as the kid's sole caretaker as well as her homeschool teacher as she had infinite knowledge in her head. one day the kid asks to do a science experiment as her homework for the day, but things go wrong and results in the kid dying from a explosion/fire that burns down that wing of the mansion. this event triggers an empathy chip in olive's brain that was not meant to be installed. olive distraught in that moment can recall her years raising this kid in new light while watching her body burn. her owners after seeing olive's new attitude, call for her recall as they believe she intentionally killed their child. she believes this is unjust and is now on the run. she has since acquired a new "cool girl" look by cutting her hair, changing her wardrobe, and replacing one of her eyes. if anyone asks, she's human
the last one is cheating because its beryl again but from when i tried bringing her back for a new campaign that was abandoned quickly lol
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bananasfosterparent · 4 months
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Since I have a massive 170+ song playlist for my Tav, Efenity and Astarion, I decided to gather the most "important" and relevant ones, for my own reference/index mostly, but also if anyone else's Tav has a similar dynamic with him maybe you can swipe some of these songs :P Maybe it will give you ideas or help expand your TavxAstarion playlists idk! (Obviously I have a lot more for Efenity vs just Astarion, but that's because I'm always inside her head lmao Also, all links lead to Youtube btw. And it's mostly electronic music)
For context of my Tav: Efenity Kelmorn is a half high-elf, Storm Sorcerer (mostly lightning), and criminal. Neutral Evil, ESTP. More about her here.
Here are songs about them falling in love:
⚔⚔⚔ Astarion's POV ⚔⚔⚔ ⚔ Only Want to Be With You - Volbeat ⚔ Love - Simon Curtis ⚔ Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - Ra ⚔ Electric Blue (Extended) - Icehouse ⚔ Everywhere (Babsy. Flip) - Fleetwood Mac
🌩️🌩️🌩️ Efenity's POV 🌩️🌩️🌩️ 🌩️Misery - RUNN 🌩️ One Look - Jason Ross (ft Heather Sommer) 🌩️Anything You Want - HYDEE & MOONZz 🌩️Dangerous (ft Danyka Nadeau) - Televisor 🌩️ Sounds Good To Me - Hanne Mjøen 🌩️ Toes - Lights 🌩️Feels Right (ft RUNN) - Crystal Skies 🌩️ Confetti - Hilary Duff 🌩️ Are You That Somebody? - Aaliyah 🌩️Tension - Dagny 🌩️ Butterflies - Medina 🌩️ Quit U - Tritional
🌩️⚔🌩️ BOTH ⚔🌩️⚔🌩️ 🖤Strange Magic - Evan Rachael Wood & Alan Cumming
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citi-zeni · 10 months
Dārta Stepanova ft. Dagnis Roziņš - Sevi Projām Dot (lyrics video)
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scarlet-it-was · 1 year
tag game: shuffle your library, list 10 songs, and tag 10 people
I love these kinds of tag games (and you'll all be shocked that taylor only appears a couple of times on this list!). Thanks for tagging me, @the-francakes!
"Love You Like That" - Dagny
" Don't Take The Money" - Bleachers
"Easier to Love" - Kississippi
"I Bet You Think About Me" - Taylor Swift ft. Chris Stapleton
"Hoodie" - Hey Violet
"Homemade Dynamite" - Lorde
"Love" - TeZATalks (another fun song by this artist is STFD)
"Glitch" - Taylor Swift
"I Am Antarctica" - Cathedral Ring *Instrumental only, but WILL hurt your feelings.
"100 Moons" - Savannah Saturn, Jonmarco
No pressure tagging; play along if you'd like: @dreamweaving @poisonheart @brisaveloz @snow-in-the-desert @bansheeys @nakedmonkey @takearisk-ao3 @mysdrym @peace-blooms @perfectopposite @anyone else who wants to participate!
Bonus points if you have fandom/ship/character playlists and you shuffle THOSE and post your top 10.
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moodmusicmonday · 2 years
Fall Preview Playlist
I am so, so proud of this playlist y'all created! We have over TWO hours of beautiful music that has inspired new fics by some truly incredible writers! Not only will it get you ready for some AMAZING fanfictions, but it's just an amazing playlist to listen to while you're in the car, doing housework, cooking, or even during your workday. It's also a great list to learn some new favorite songs!
Beautiful job, everyone! Thank you so much for participating in MMM's Fall Preview 2022! We had fun--I hope y'all did to! Next week, we will return to our normal routine. Don't forget to share this list to your friends and followers!
We love y'all dearly!
@sfb123 & @txemrn
“Silta” - Happoradio; Darker Than Night, Chapter 2 [ILITW; Dan Pierce x f!MC (Rikka Yläkorpi)]
“Elämän laulu (olet runo)” - Jonne Aaron; The Gift of Love, future chapter [ILITW; Dan Pierce x f!MC (Rikka Yläkorpi)]
“Meri, tähdet ja kuu” - Jonne Aaron; Sea, Stars and Moon, future chapter [ILITW; Dan Pierce x f!MC (Rikka Yläkorpi)]
“Behind the Crimson Door” - HIM;  Untitled [Veil of Secrets; Flynn O’Malley x f!MC (Jessa Evans)]
“Cigarette Break” - Gavin James; Vancross; future chapter (Multiple Crossover Series; Liam Rys x f!OC)
“Wrecking Ball” - Scars On 45;  Best Kept Secrets; future chapter (TRR; Liam Rys x f!OC)
“Hopeless Romantics” - James TW; Us Again; future part (TRR; Liam Rys x MC)
Don’t Break, future chapters [TRR AU; f!OC (Kelly Carter) x ??)
“Giants” - Dermot Kennedy
“I Hope You Dance” - Lee Ann Womack
“Speeding Cars” - Walking on Cars
“Mission” - Moon Taxi; (Less Than) Noble Intentions, Part 3: Extraction [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Harper Gale)]
“Let It Whip” - SR-71; Sleepless in New York, Chapter 5: Let It Whip [TRR; Drake Walker x f!OC (Harper Gale)]
“You Got a Small Town” - Dalton Dover; Lone Star State, (future Drake series) Chapter 1: You Got a Small Town (TRR; no pairing) 
“Hold On Tight” - Forest Blakk; Written in the Stars; future chapter (TRR AU; Drake Walker x f!OC)
“Fire On Fire (from Watership Down)” - Sam Smith; What I Need To; future chapter (TRR AU; Drake Walker x f!OC)
“When You Were Mine” - Night Terrors of 1927 f/ Tegan & Sara; When You Were Mine; future mini-series (TRR; Drake Walker x MC; Liam Rys x MC) 
“Feel Something” - Landon Austin; Feel Something, one-shot (TRR; Drake Walker x MC)
“Once”- Maren Morris; Once, Chapter 1: Untitled (TNA/OH AU Crossover; m!Sam Dalton x Addison Dalton)
“I Get to Love You” - Ruelle; You make me see in colors, Chapter 1: Untitled [OPH; Bryce Lahela x f!OC (Luna Auclair)]
Untitled, Chapter 1: Wake Up Little Susie [Nightbound/Hänsel & Gretel AU Crossover; m!OC (Grey) x f!OC (Gretel von Andresen)] 
“Prisoner” - Miley Cyris ft/ Dua Lipa; Losing Game [OPH; Bryce Lahela x f!OC (Luna Auclair)] 
“Dream On” - Aerosmith
“Fuck Up the Friendship” - Leah Kate
“Love (Validation)” - CARYS; Untitled WIP (OPH; Tobias Carrick x f!OC)
“the 1” - Taylor Swift;  Willow [working title]; (OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
“I Know Places” - Taylor Swift; Landry Finds Out (OPH; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC)
“Coffee” - beabadoobee; HWU Coffee Shop AU (Untitled) (Hollywood U; Thomas Hunt x f!MC)
“Love You Like That” - Dagny; Irreplaceable, future chapter (TRR/RoE AU; Leo x MC; Liam x Drake)
“I’ll Be Good” - Jaymes Young; Untitled, Human Contact AU One-Shot about Leo’s Mom (TRR AU; Leo x MC)
“evermore” - Taylor Swift ft/ Bon Iver;; Evermore, follow-up to Exile  (TRR AU; Leo x MC; Liam x MC)
“Baby I Would” - O-Town; Untitled, new series (TRR, Liam x Riley)
“That Thing You Do!” - The Wonders; That Thing You Do, one-shot (TRR; Liam x Riley)
“Not Like The Movies” - Katy Perry; Not Like the Movies, one-shot (TRR; Liam x Riley)
 Better In Time [TNA; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Marie Castro); m!OC (Wyatt Kent) x MC (Marie Castro)]
”Hideaway” - Brett Eldredge
“Where Do I Sign” - Brett Eldredge 
“Where The Light Meets the Sea” - Brett Eldredge; [Final Chapter/Epilogue]
“All I Ask” - Adele
“From Where You Are” - Lifehouse; Never Really Over, working title, future chapter [TNA post series; m!Sam Dalton x MC (Brynn Schuyler-Dalton)]
“Brother” - Anna Pancaldi - Ricochet, future chapter [OPH post series; Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson)]
“Only You” - Parmalee - Pour Two Glasses, future chapter (TRR AU; Liam Rys x MC; Drake Walker x MC)
“Would Anyone Care” - Citizen Soldier; Stay, Chapter 5: TBD [TRR AU; f!OC (Reid Ambrose) x ??; Drake Walker x f!OC (Jodi Walker)]
@21-wishes @alj4890 @ao719 @atsuinawa @aussiegurl1234 @axwalker @bebepac @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choicesmonthlychallenge @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @karahalloway @kat-tia801 @lovingchoices14 @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @peonierose @queenrileyrose @quixoticdreamer16 @sfb123 @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @twinkleallnight @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @zaffrenotes
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songs that remind me of summer (60+ song playlist) Spotify | YouTube Music
//tracklist includes// hate my favorite band [explicit] - nightly // Call It Like I See It - Big Time Rush // Bad Boy (English Version) - Red Velvet // Sweet - THE BOYZ // Backbeat - Dagny // Left and Right (ft. Jungkook) - Charlie Puth // Better Than That - Sub Radio // Sunroof - Nicky Youre & dazy // Okinimesumama - Eve // Life's Too Short (English Version) - aespa // No Vacancy - OneRepublic // Converse High - BTS // Lush Life - Zara Larsson // Curiosity - Carly Rae Jepsen // Guillotine - Jon Bellion // and more!
Cover Image
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maggielindemanns · 2 years
thank u el (@fatoujallovv) for taggin meeeee <3 im lov u
put your music on shuffle and put down the songs you got for each category
first song describes 2020: winter of our youth by bastille
second song describes 2021: thank u, next by ariana grande (slay)
third song will play at your wedding: pretty by astrid s ft dagny (welp)
fourth song will play at your funeral: change me by justin bieber (i- too late for change if i’m dead methinks)
fifth song describes your mutuals: crzy by kehlani
sixth describes the energy you give off: last one by savannah ré ft dylan sinclair (dont know what this means but i love this song so slay)
seventh song describes your love life: keep it movin’ by olivia o’brien (L M F A O)
eighth song describes your personality: dying on the inside by nessa barrett (😀ok)
tagging @songsfromfakemovies @theinvisiblemuseum @thegirlyouknow @paperbackism @daydadahlias @calumthoodshands @uservalentine @chamaleonsoul @bandsanitizer @hidden-joy aaaand everyone else that sees this and wants to do it 😋
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Rasputin - Majestic, Boney M. 
REACT - Switch Disco feat. Ella Henderson, Robert Miles
Remember - Becky Hill, David Guetta
Risk - Gracie Abrams
River - Tom Gregory
Rumba (Puro Oro Anthem) - Maluma feat. The Sun
Runaway - OneRepublic
Sad Happy - Circa Waves
Sandman - Tei Verdes
Santa Doesn’t Know You Like I Do - Sabrina Carpenter
Satellite - Bebe Rexha & Snoop Dogg
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd
Secrets - Regard, RAYE
Seventeen Going Under - Sam Fender
She’s All I Wanna Be - Tate McRae
Shivers - Ed Sheeran
SICKO - Felix Jeahn feat. GASHI, FAANGS
Single Soon - Selena Gomez
Small Town Friday Nights - Kaylee Bell
Smooth Talk (Seduction Pt.1) - Le Flex
So Am I - Ava Max
Somebody - Dagny
Space In My Heart - Enrique Iglesias, Miranda Lambert
Stars - PNAU, Bebe Rexha, Ozuna
Stay - The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber
Stay With Me - Calvin Harris feat. J. Timberlake, Halsey & Pharrell
Stick Season - Noah Kahan
Summer Rain - Victoria Nadine
Supernova - aespa
Survivin’ - Bastille
Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max
Sweeter - Cannons
Take You Dancing - Jason Derulo
Talk About Love - Kate Hudson
Talk That Talk - Twice
Tennessee Orange - Megan Moroney
The Business - Tiesto
The Door - Teddy Swims
The Hardest Part - Olivia Dean
The Motto - Tiesto & Ava Max
The Passenger (Lalala) - LUM!X, MOCABI & D.T.E., Gabry Ponte
The Show - Niall Horan
Thinking 'Bout Us - Danii Minogue & Autone
Tomboy - (G)I-DLE
Training Season - Dua Lipa
Trustfall - P!nk
Truth - Godsmack
Unconditional - Molly Burch
Underdog - Alicia Keys
Unhealthy - Anne-Marie, Shania Twain
Use Me (Brutal Hearts) - Diplo ft. Johnny Blue Skies & Dove Cameron
Used To Know Me - Charli XCX
vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
Waffle House - Jonas Brothers
We're Good - Dua Lipa
Wellerman - Sea Shanty - Nathan Evans
What A View - Girl Named Tom
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
What Would You Do? - Tate McRae
When We Were Young (The Logical Song) - David Guetta, Kim Petras
Where Am I - Cha Eun-Woo
Where Are You Now - Lost Frequencies feat. Calum Scott
Where Did You Go - Jax Jones feat. MNEK
Wild Things - LAUREL
With You - Oliver Tree
Yes, and? - Ariana Grande
You broke me first - Tate McRae
You For Me - Sigala, Rita Ora
You Know What I Need - PNAU, Troye Sivan
Your Love (9PM) - ATB, Topic, A7S
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mrobson · 5 months
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it’s my top singles of 2023!
100. Fall Out Boy - Hold Me Like A Grudge
099. YUNGBLUD - Hated
098. Beverley Knight - Systematic Overload
097. Alec Benjamin - Different Kind of Beautiful
096. PNAU. Bebe Rexha & Ozuna - Stars
095. Becky Hill & Chase & Status - Disconnect
094. Ava Max - Choose Your Fighter
093. Maisie Peters - Body Better
092. Måneskin - HONEY (ARE U COMING?)
091. Sigrid - The Hype
090. Sam Fischer - Hard To Love
089. Fred Again… & Obongjayar - adore u
088. Carly Rae Jepsen - Shy Boy
087. Kenya Grace - Strangers
086. Loreen - Is It Love
085. Zara Larsson - End Of Time
084. Zach Bryan & Kacey Musgraves - I Rememeber Everything
083. Tove Lo - Borderline
082. Alessandra - Pretty Devil
081. Paramore - Running Out Of Time
080. Rita Ora - You Only Love Me
079. Nothing But Thieves - Keeping You Around
078. Sam Smith - Man I Am
077. Alessandra - Queen of Kings
076. Maisie Peters - Run
075. Troye Sivan - One Of Your Girls
074. Jason Mraz - You Might Like It
073. Stormzy & RAYE -The Weekend
072. MUNA - One That Got Away
071. Anne-Marie & Shania Twain - UNHEALTHY
070. Jason Mraz - I Feel Like Dancing
069. Mimi Webb - Freezing
068. Jessie Ware - Freak Me Now
067. Jonas Brothers - Waffle House
066. Conan Grey - Never Ending Song
065. Sigala & MNEK - Radio
064. Taylor Swift - All Of The Girls You Loved Before
063. Paramore - C’est Comme Ca
062. Kelly Clarkson - mine
061. Tove Lo - I like u
060. Dylan ft. Bastille - Liar Liar
059. Zara Larsson - Can’t Tame Het
058. Jonas Brothers - Wings
057. Chase & Status & Hedex ft ArrDee - Liqour & Cigarettes
056. Romy - Loveher
055. Tate McRae - greedy
054. Conan Grey - Killing Me
053. Niall Horan - Meltdown
052. Billie Eilish - What Was I Made For?
051. Dagny - Same Again (For Love)
050. Jason Mraz - Feel Good Too
049. Tori Kelly - missin u
048. Becky Hill & Lewis Thompson - Side Effects
047. Kylie Minogue - Padam Padam
046. Leigh-Anne - Don’t Say Love
045.Jessie Ware - Pearls
044. Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding - Miracle
043. Troye Sivan - Got Me Startec
042. Måneskin - BABY SAID
041. Kelly Clarkson - roses
040. Maisie Peters - Lost The Breakup
039. Dopamine & Sigala - Feel It Deep Inside
038. Nathan Dawe & Bebe Rexha - Heart Still Beating
037. Zara Larsson & David Guetta - On My Love
036. Ed Sheeran - F64
035. Ellie Goulding - Like a Saviour
034. Loreen - Tattoo
033. Calvin Harris & Sam Smith - Desire
032. Fall Out Boy - Heartbreak Feels So Good
031. Rita Ora - Don’t Think Twice
030. Purple Disco Machine. Duke Dumont & Nothing But Thieves - Something On My Mind
029. Alec Benjamin - I Sent My Therapist To Therapy
028. Måneskin ft. Tom Morello - GOSSIP
027. Dagny - Heartbreak In The Making
026. Fall Out Boy - Love From The Other Side
025. Doechii - What It Is
024. Bimini - Rodeo
023.Jodie Harsh - Hectic
022. Charli XCX - Speed Drive
021. Alok. the Chainsmokers & Mae Stephens - Jungle
020. Nothing But Thieves - Welcome To The DCC
019. Romy - The Sea
018. Charli XCX & Sam Smith - In The City
017. Joel Corry, Icona Pop & Rain Radio - Desire
016. Regard & Ella Henderson - No Sleep
015. Carly Rae Jepsen - Psychedelic Switch
014. Romy - She’s On My Mind
013. Christine & The Queens - To be honest
012. Cian Ducrot - Heaven
011. cassö, RAYE & D Block Europe - Prada
010. Olivia Rodrigo - vampire
009. Everything Everything - Cold Reactor
008. Bebe Rexha - Call On Me
007. The Blessed Madonna ft. Jacob Lusk - Mercy
006. Taylor Swift - Cruel Summer
005. Swedish House Mafia - Ray Of Solar
004. Troye Sivan - Rush
003. Nothing But Thieves - Overcome
002. Jessie Ware - Begin Again
001. Romy - Enjoy Your Life
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reportsofagrandfuture · 6 months
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putarmusik · 11 months
Doa Putra Ebal Johan Likumahuwa, (1 Agustus 1955 – 13 September 2011) lebih dikenal sebagai Utha Likumahuwa adalah seorang penyanyi Indonesia keturunan Ambon, Maluku.
Utha menikah dengan Debbi Farida Likumahuwa dan dikaruniai dua anak, Inne Likumahuwa dan Abraham Likumahuwa, dan 6 orang cucu, Guruh Eka , Gilang Dwi, Ganang Tri, Gayatri Catur, Drew Likumahuwa, dan Dagny Likumahuwa.
Setelah lama malang melintang di dunia hiburan, Utha lebih banyak aktif dalam dunia pelayanan rohani.
Utha adalah paman dari Barry Likumahuwa dan adik dari Benny Likumahuwa.
Daftar Lagu:
(00:00:00)  1 Akira (00:04:04)  2 Aku pasti datang (00:07:13)  3 Beri setengah saja (00:11:44)  4 Bersatu dalam cinta (00:16:18)  5 Bulan merah (00:21:02)  6 Esok kan masih ada (00:25:12)  7 Gayamu (00:29:08)  8 Hanya dirimu (00:33:35)  9 Kenanganku (00:36:36)  10 Kisah kehidupan Ft Trie Utami (00:41:14)  11 Kita (00:46:12)  12 Kuingin (00:50:45)  13 Kusadari (00:54:28)  14 Maaf (00:59:16)  15 Maafkan kasih Ft Vonnie Sumlang (01:04:57)  16 Masih ada cinta (01:09:22)  17 Masih ada waktu (01:14:25)  18 Mereka bukan damai (01:19:14)  19 Mungkinkah terjadi Ft Tri Utami (01:23:43)  20 Percaya atau tidak (01:28:18)  21 Puncak asmara (01:33:43)  22 Salam rindu (01:37:14)  23 Sesal (01:42:12)  24 Terima kasih Ft Chrisye + Titi DJ (01:45:36)  25 Untuk apa lagi (01:51:02)  26 Yoko
#uthalikumahuwa #uthalikumahua #lagujadul #lagukenangan #lagunostalgia #lagunostalgiapopuler #lagunostalgiaterbaik #lagunostalgiaindonesia #andipratamastudio #putarmusik #lagunostalgiahq #lagukenanganhq #lagujadulhq #albumkenanganterbaik #thegreatestofalltime #lagulawas #tembangkenangan #fullalbum #laguindonesia #laguindonesiahits #laguindonesiapopuler #laguterbaru #laguspotify #lagutiktok #lagutiktokviral #lagutiktokhits #laguviral #laguterpopuler #lagupilihan #lagu60an #lagu70an #lagu80an #lagu90an #lagu2000 #lagu2010 #lagu2020 #akira #akupastidatang #berisetengahsaja #bersatudalamcinta #bulanmerah #esokkanmasihada #gayamu #hanyadirimu #kenanganku #kisahkehidupanfttrieutami #kita #kuingin #kusadari #maaf #maafkankasihftvonniesumlang #masihadacinta #masihadawaktu #merekabukandamai #mungkinkahterjadifttriutami #percayaatautidak #puncakasmara #salamrindu #sesal #terimakasihftchrisye+titidj #untukapalagi #yoko
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neohowphinktams · 1 year
Discovery flavor of Karma ft Ice Spice radio
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