#francesca ashby
potionboy3 · 10 months
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rory & frannie | fbawtft
aesthetic trade with @unfortunate-arrow
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unfortunate-arrow · 5 months
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𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠 𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔰 𝔈𝔯𝔞 | oc eras
Rory Patrick O’Neill → b. may 8, 1894 • gryffindor • istj • irish • second youngest • seeker • professional quidditch player • quidditch coach • widower
Francesca Jane “Frannie” O’Neill née Ashby → b. may 8, 1894 • d. april 20, 1918 • hufflepuff • english • youngest • prefect • headgirl • owlet trainer
Miles Ashby O’Neill → b. april 17, 1918 • hufflepuff • rory & francesca’s son • irish • english • firstborn • eldest • seeker • archivist
Ethel Lucilia Malinda → b. august 20, 1896 • gryffindor • esfj • english • eldest • journalist • belongs to @gaygryffindorgal
Aisling Maeve Lynch → b. april 22, 1907 • hufflepuff • isfp • irish • tadhg lynch & niamh kelly’s daughter • eldest • prefect • headgirl • aurologist
Joseph Victor “Jojo” Sapieha → b. april 7, 1901 • gryffindor • gabriel sapieha’s son • eldest • beater • cursebreaker • belongs to @slytherindisaster
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Today’s Sailing Notables During the Golden Generation Timeframe
(Let’s try this again, since my old blogs were suspended just after I posted my previous attempt…)
Many of the Albatross’s supporting cast in The Golden Generation are based (some more heavily than others) on real people (sometimes several at a time) who were involved in the professional sailing world of the mid-1980s, especially in the Whitbread Round the World Race and the America's Cup.
As the RP thus far depicts the year 1986 as the beginning of an age of publicly known superheroes, villains, and other general weirdness, it seems likely that the decades to come in this timeline will be a very interesting time indeed. So, where would some sailing figures who became famous in later decades be at the time the story starts in 1986, and what might their lives be like growing up in this altered timeline?
At the start of the story in 1986:
27 years old: Jean Le Cam (did the previous Whitbread, it’s not clear exactly what he was doing in 1986.)
25 years old: Ken Read
23 years old: Bouwe Bekking (doing his first Whitbread! His fictional counterpart could be part of the Zeerover III crew.)
22 years old: Dawn Riley, Adrienne Cahalan
21 years old: Ernesto Bertarelli
19 years old: Kojiro Shiraishi, Neal Petersen
18 years old: Terry Hutchinson, Shirley Robertson, Dona Bertarelli, Pascal Bidégorry, John Kostecki
15 years old: David Witt, Max Sirena
14 years old: Franck Cammas
13 years old: Dee Caffari, Carolijn Brouwer, Francesco Bruni, Dean Barker (although Barker’s actual GG-verse analogue, Declan McKnight, is 15 at the time the story begins because the faceclaim art looked older and we can’t have PCs under 14.)
12 years old: Sam Davies, Alex Thomson, Charles Caudrelier
10 years old: Ellen MacArthur
9 years old: Glenn Ashby, Ben Ainslie
8 years old: Charles Caudrelier
7 years old: Liz Wardley, Jimmy Spithill (one of his neighbors growing up was part of the Australia II crew, so this could also be true for the fictional Spirit of Perth.)
6 years old: Annie Lush, Sally Barkow
5 years old: Boris Herrmann, Marie Riou
4 years old: Simeon Tienpont
3 years old: François Gabart
2 years old: Tom Slingsby, Charlie Enright
Will be born this year: Nathan Outteridge
Will be born in 2 years: Francesca Clapcich
Will be born in 3 years: Blair Tuke, Kyle Langford, Rome Kirby (his dad’s training for his first America’s Cup in Fremantle!)
Will be born in 4 years: Yang ‘Wolf’ Jiru
Will be born in 5 years: Peter Burling, Martine Grael (her dad won a silver medal at the LA Olympics and is training for Seoul.)
Will be born in 6 years: Chen “Horace” Jinhao
Anyone from the Southern Hemisphere who’s 15 or younger could have an origin as an “ozone mutant” with inherent strange powers because of the greater penetration of cosmic rays over the Antarctic during the 1960s-90s as a result of CFC damage. (This is both topical for 1986 and an excellent excuse for having a disproportionate percentage of Australian and New Zealand superheroes and villains!)
(This is not to say everyone must be super— even in the GG-verse, the vast majority of people in the sailing world are perfectly mundane.)
It is likely that supertechnology may cause changes in sport sailing by the turn of the 21st century. In one possible flash-forward to 2001, we saw multihulls similar to the AC-45 being tested ahead of the 2003 America’s Cup.
Tori Lovell is Brad Butterworth’s kinda-sorta analogue, meaning that a Māori woman is navigator and meteorologist for the team leading the 1985 Whitbread and probably winning in 1989. Hopefully her presence as a role model leads to greater inclusion in pro sailing in subsequent decades.
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wespersdaughter · 2 years
i hope you're happy - bridgerton sister reader
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SOUR series | masterlist
Summary: When Anthony’s favourite little sister has her heart broken, he tries to help her feel better.
Warnings: reader is sad because of a man
A/N: Hope you enjoy, love you.
Lady Whistledown was a great source of entertainment for you and your sisters, especially Eloise. But you were quite certain you hated the woman. Well ‘hate’ is a strong word, you were very upset with her.
And to be fair, it wasn’t her that you were truly upset with. She was after all just the messenger.
You were actually incredibly heartbroken by Lord Ashby. The man who promised you the world in his poems. Who painted the most beautiful love story in his flower arrangements. Who charmed your mama at every party.
On the morning of 18 August 1815, she published the beautiful tale of Lord Ashby’s engagement to a beautiful young debutante, not by the name of Y/N Bridgerton.
Most mornings, Eloise would snatch the pamphlet first, skimming through it quickly before she brought it to you and your sisters. This particular morning, she skimmed through it only to stop and call for Francesca.
She pointed something out to her sister.
“What? What does it say?” You frowned, greeting your mama with a soft kiss on the cheek.
Violet looked to her other girls, “Enough of that gossip, it’s time for tea.”
“Mama, I need to show you something.” Eloise waved her closer while Francesca approached your brothers who’d entered the room.
“What’s happening?” Benedict sat down next to you, stealing a sip of your tea.
“I’m not sure they won’t tell me.”
“WHAT?!” Your oldest brother cried.
“Anthony!” Francesca chastised, trying to soothe him.
Finally, your mama turned to you, a soft smile on her face. The one she used when you’d fallen down the stairs years ago. The one that said ‘you’re about to be in pain but your mama’s here to help’.
“Will someone please tell me what’s going on?” You handed your tea to Benedict, stomach churning.
Eloise looked at your mama, then at Frannie and Anthony, then at you.
“Lord Ashby’s engaged.”
“What do you mean engaged?” You practically ran at her, grabbing the pamphlet from her.
When you reached the portion where she wrote about his announcement your heart broke.
“The Earl of Suffolk was absolutely smitten with his new fiancée, a Miss Charlotte Templeton. This Author was rather surprised it was not the young Miss Y/N Bridgerton, considering their season-long courtship.”
You couldn’t read any further, handing the pamphlet back to Eloise. Your mama placed a gentle hand on your shoulder and whispered your name.
The wash of emotions running over you were confusing, you were heartbroken and bitter, but a small part of you was relieved. Another part of you hoped he was happy. You knew Charlotte, she would make a most wonderful wife and mother.
But the mix of everything plus your family’s concerned calls of your name led you to brush your mama’s hand away and run from the drawing room.
You bolted all the way to your room, ignoring the staff or your brothers or your mama and diving straight under your covers.
And you cried. Unable to express yourself in any other way, you sobbed and screamed and gave yourself a headache for the better part of an hour.
Once you’d calmed down a little, you heard a housekeeper peek her head in, then duck out and say something to someone outside.
Then the door closed.
“Sister, are you alright?” It was Anthony.
“Well, I have some water for you, some tea as well.” When you made no sound or movement, he placed what sounded like a tray on your dresser. “Gregory offered some sweets if that will entice you.”
You buried yourself even further into your blankets, “I am perfectly content to stay here for the rest of my life. Tell Mama I love her.” The joke would have landed if you weren’t fresh off a crying session, voice still clogged with tears.
“First heartbreaks are difficult, I know.” He began, sitting near your feet. “I thought I would never get over my first.”
Your face poked out from your little burrow, “How did you?”
“I was treating myself and everyone around me poorly, because I was angry and I didn’t know how to deal with it. And once I realised how wrong I was, I worked through it. Then I met Kate and everything changed again.”
You smiled at hearing the genuine love in his voice. You sat up, “Now what’s this about Gregory’s sweets?”
“I knew that would work!”
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memoire2cite · 3 years
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Le temps des cites modernes et souvent d'HLM....Domy z panelu (1959) - 1er court métrage du cinéaste tchèque Jiří Menzel - Un documentaire sur la construction des logements préfabriqués Paneláky Prefabricated Houses. A student work by Jiří Menzel, filmed during his second year at the FAMU film school. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-2hXxJUn74" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-2hXxJUn74</a> Domy z panelu (Jirí Menzel, 1959) Prefabricated Houses. A student work by Jiří Menzel, filmed during his second year at the FAMU film school.  les grands chantiers 1955 1960s En France, la préfabrication va tout d'abord se développer dans le contexte de pénurie générale de la Libération. Dans un second temps, l'opération des « 4 000 logements de la région parisienne » en 1953 inaugure la généralisation de la préfabrication pour la construction des grands ensembles de logements en France. Le Bonheur est dans le béton - 2015 Documentaire réalisé par Lorenz Findeisen produit par Les Films du Tambour de Soie Le logement préfabriqué, victime de son succès en France, fut exporté en Europe de l’Est. Qui se souvient aujourd’hui que ces logements symboles de progrès devinrent, en pleine guerre froide, la marque de fabrique du collectivisme ? Jacqueline a 50 ans et vit à la cité des Courtillières à Pantin. Elle se souvient lorsque, enfant, elle quitta avec ses parents le « une pièce parisien » sans commodités pour un appartement spacieux et moderne dans cette cité. La cité des Courtillières est alors une cité pilote, censée réaliser le rêve d’une vie nouvelle dans une France qui manquait à la Libération cruellement de logements. Comme tant d’autres Jacqueline enfant ignorait qu’elle devait à Raymond Camus architecte génial, créateur du panneau en béton préfabriqué, cette invention qui promettait un futur radieux pour tous. Sydney, voisin de Jacqueline, se remémore lui, les bus remplis d’architectes venus d’Union soviétique pour visiter sa cité… La marque de fabrique du collectivisme Le logement préfabriqué victime de son succès en France est exporté en Europe de l’Est. Qui se souvient aujourd’hui que ces logements symboles de progrès devinrent en pleine guerre froide, la marque de fabrique du collectivisme ? Pour Julie, à Prague, ou Susanna à Berlin Est, l’arrivée du préfabriqué dans leur vie revêt une toute autre signification. Utopies sociales, idéologies politiques et avant-garde architecturale commencent à se mélanger. Le rêve du bonheur tourne vite au cauchemar… En République tchèque, l’antique ville de Most est détruite pour des raisons économiques pour être reconstruite grâce au panneau de béton. Au travers d’archives inédites et de témoignages des habitants, l’histoire incroyable de panneau en béton se raconte pour la première fois de Paris à Moscou, de 1950 à nos jours. Documentaire réalisé par Lorenz Findeisen, produit par Les Films du Tambour de Soie <a href="https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x413amo" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.dailymotion.com/video/x413amo</a> @ Petite histoire de la préfabrication Les violentes destructions de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ont contraint une bonne partie des pays européens à trouver des solutions inédites concernant la reconstruction. « Les guerres sont par exemple d’importants accélérateurs de l’industrialisation du bâtiment pour deux raisons au moins. La première est que l’industrie d’armement se recycle logiquement dans la production civile après les conflits ; la deuxième est que les territoires dévastés par les destructions, comprenant des villes entières, sont à reconstruire. » Franz Graf L’originalité de la première phase de ces reconstructions réside dans la dynamique expérimentale initiée par les gouvernements européens autour de la préfabrication, ainsi que l’explique Franz Graf [2] dans l’introduction référencée de l’ouvrage. Elain Harwood met en lumière les programmes de logements publics préfabriqués en Angleterre et Nick Bullock présente un focus sur les maisons-témoins préfabriquées de Northolt aux apparences ordinaires. Ce sont ces dernières qui vont inspirer le Ministère de la Reconstruction et de l’Urbanisme français pour ces chantiers expérimentaux de maisons préfabriquées. L’Italie, de son côté, se basera sur les maisons de Northolt et la cité expérimentale de Noisy-le-Sec pour concevoir le QT8 à Milan, laboratoire où sont construits des maisons-prototypes en relation avec la Triennale, ainsi que l’explique Francesca Albani. Les deux contributions consacrées à l’Allemagne de Steeve Sabatto et Silke Langenberg s’attachent plus spécifiquement à la dimension technique et aux systèmes constructifs inventés par Konrad Wachsmann en collaboration avec Walter Gropius et Helmut Spieker, semble-t-il sans lien avec les autres pays européens. Suite aux expérimentations, chacun des pays prend des voies sensiblement différentes vers le logement de masse. Si les prefabs anglais demeurent un élément caractéristique du paysage national, la construction traditionnelle, tout aussi rentable économiquement sera préférée. Le recours à la préfabrication concernera, avec davantage de bonheur, les écoles anglaises. En France, à partir de 1954, l’État fixe aussi sa doctrine : la solution au manque de logement se trouve dans la préfabrication lourde, ouvrant la voie aux grands ensembles. Et l’Italie prendra finalement un tournant bien différent en opérant un retour décisif à des techniques artisanales, exécutées à pied d’œuvre, afin d’augmenter l’occupation ouvrière. Mais un défi, tant collectif que particulier, est aujourd’hui à relever : comment rénover le bâti préfabriqué existant ? Les solutions dépendront forcément « de la valeur que l’on attribue à un patrimoine, surtout s’il est considéré comme ordinaire et diffus » [3]. Ainsi que le démontrent les cas particuliers ici étudiés, il n’y a pas de réponse préfabriquée, mais des réflexions et des histoires captivantes autant que singulières. Les héros de l’industrialisation face à la patrimonialisation Si les histoires architecturales racontées sont principalement européennes, il aurait été impensable, à propos de préfabrication, de ne pas mentionner les États-Unis et notamment un de ses représentants les plus populaires : Buckminster Fuller. Le texte de James Ashby [4] retrace l’aventure de la restauration de la maison Dymaxion (contraction en anglais de dynamic-maximum-tension), aujourd’hui exposée au musée Ford à Détroit. Cette maison devait « révolutionner l’industrie du logement après la Seconde Guerre mondiale » en proposant aux familles des habitations qui ne devaient pas dépasser le prix d’une Cadillac. Mais l’entreprise de Fuller fit faillite et il ne resta qu’un prototype, récupéré et transformé par l’un des investisseurs afin d’en faire son logement. Des décennies après, la maison est abandonnée et le bâti se dégrade : les héritiers finissent par faire don de la maison au musée en 1991. Mais six années vont encore s’écouler avant que le musée ne s’engage dans la restauration de la maison Dymaxion. Une équipe pluridisciplinaire va être constituée dans une démarche scientifique, avec pour défi complexe d’être au plus proche de l’authenticité d’une expérience architecturale inachevée. Portes du pavillon du centenaire de l’aluminium, page 107 du catalogue de vente Artcurial des 23 et 24 novembre 2010 Autre héros de la préfabrication, notre Jean Prouvé hexagonal. L’article de Richard Klein [5], « Le pavillon du centenaire de l’aluminium, un patrimoine en pièce », présente différents paradoxes patrimoniaux lié à cet édifice nomade, le caractère véhiculaire était bien souvent intrinsèque aux constructions de Prouvé. L’auteur part ici de la controverse apparue suite à la mise en vente d’un ensemble de portes et d’un panneau provenant du pavillon du centenaire de l’aluminium, construction protégée au titre des Monuments historiques. Outre les remarques concernant la place des collectionneurs de Prouvé, la question de l’intégrité de l’édifice est passionnante. En effet, le bâtiment, tel qu’il a été remonté à Villepinte, a été réduit par rapport à son implantation initiale. Dès lors, Richard Klein pose la question : « comment envisager la question de l’intégrité d’un édifice dont les dimensions peuvent être considérées comme variables ? » Les problèmes patrimoniaux liés à ce pavillon semblent sans fin, reflétant la complexité de la situation. Un dernier exemple : l’édifice s’étant déplacé de Lille à Villepinte, son périmètre de protection s’est-il déplacé avec lui ? Parmi les autres cas d’études intelligemment présentés : la construction inachevée de Claude Prouvé, véritable ruine de science-fiction ou encore les péripéties patrimoniales de la CAF du XVe arrondissement à Paris, « l’unique bâtiment en France qui a fait l’objet d’un déclassement du statut de Monument historique ». Dénouement Face à des bâtiments qui ne correspondent plus aux besoins contemporains ou qui se sont dégradés avec le temps, la dernière partie de l’ouvrage présente des projets de réhabilitation, transformation, rénovation, adaptation et sauvegarde. Le SHAPE Village de la Faisanderie à Fontainebleau, la transformation de la tour Bois-le-Prêtre à Paris, la cité d’habitation de Droixhe en Belgique, les bâtiments des frères Honegger à Genève, les immeubles de Triemli à Zurich : autant de témoignages d’une nouvelle réception de cette architecture préfabriquée qui eut longtemps mauvaise presse mais dont les qualités architecturales sont désormais reconnues par les architectes. Beaucoup militent pour les transformer en respectant les projets initiaux. Ces derniers textes, plus courts et moins réflexifs ont néanmoins leur place, présentant les directions actuelles et les problématiques quant aux projets de transformations. À la fin de ce copieux ouvrage bien documenté, si les auteurs n’ont pas épuisé la question de la sauvegarde de l’architecture préfabriquée, certaines énigmes de cette histoire architecturale qui parcourt le XXe siècle jusqu’à aujourd’hui piquent la curiosité. Des contributions passionnantes et une grande cohérence dans le contenu donnent à l’histoire de la préfabrication des allures d’épopée architecturale. GRAF, Franz et DELEMONTEY, Yvan (dir.), Architecture industrialisée et préfabriquée : connaissance et sauvegarde, Éditions des Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Laboratoire des Techniques de la Sauvegarde de l’Architecture Moderne, textes en anglais et en français, 2012 le Logement Collectif* dans tous ses états..Histoire & Mémoire de l'Habitat / Archives ANRU / Rétro Banlieue / Renouvellement Urbain / Urbanisme / HLM <a href="https://twitter.com/Memoire2cite" rel="noreferrer nofollow">twitter.com/Memoire2cite</a>
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katsbookcornerreads · 3 years
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When a Rogue Falls by Sasha Cottman: For Sir Stephen Moore, love will never be on the cards. But Cupid is not without a sense of humor. After helping her family deal with a dangerous blackmailer, Lady Bridget Dyson and Sir Stephen celebrate. A little wine and some wicked flirting leads to a night of passion. Bridget now has to break the news of impending fatherhood to a man determined to avoid commitment at all costs. Escaping the Earl by Lauren Smith: Sabrina Talleyrand is desperate to avoid a forced marriage and the only way out is to be compromised. The best man for the job is a handsome stranger she meets at a ball. Unbeknownst to her, the man she chooses as her lover is Peregrine Ashby, the dashing new Earl of Rutland. When Sabrina and Peregrine's one night of passion has more consequences than simply stopping an unwanted marriage, Peregrine must win back Sabrina's broken heart. This Rogue of Mine by Amanda Mariel: Lady Cordelia Daventry may be a spinster, but she has not given up all hope. When she finds herself alone with the well-known rogue Nathaniel Lowell, Viscount Wolverton, she embraces her chance to experience desire. Now they must face the consequences of their actions. Loving My Wicked Rogue by Dawn Brower: When Lady Francesca finds herself in a delicate condition she has a decision to make, and nothing seems quite right. Instead of discerning what she should do on her own she pays Mathew, the Duke of Lindsey a call and unburdens her troubles on him. Hoping, he will do the gentlemanly thing and take responsibility for the dilemma he helped create. The Trouble with Rogues by Nadine Millard: Ophelia Delacourt has made it her life's mission to teach poor, unsuspecting ladies about the dangers of rogues, rakes, and rapscallions. When one of her protégés faces ruin, Ophelia rushes to her rescue. And right into the path of one such troublesome rogue. Caleb Feldman, Marquess of Guilford is growing bored of his hedonistic lifestyle. Not that he plans to change it any time soon. When he sees a mysterious, dark-haired siren floating through his party, for the first time in a long time, Caleb feels the excitement of the hunt.Their encounter is not w https://www.instagram.com/p/CQd2oXetm9-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Hey ! Is it possible to have a family template for Madelaine Petsch please ? thank you so much ;)
Kaitlyn Alexander - Non binary sibling
Elly Jackson - Non binary sibling
Cameron Monaghan
Danny Worsnop
Luke Cutforth
Rupert Grint
Ed Sheeran
Adam Hicks
Will Merrick
Alan Ashby
Katherine McNamara
Evan Rachel Wood
Camren Bicondova
Francesca Capaldi
Deborah Ann Woll
Brooklynn Proulx
Ebba Zingmark
Lindsay Lohan
Sophie Turner
Mary Lambert
Emma Stone
Karen Gillan
Clare Foley
Isla Fisher
Drew Barrymore
Michelle Fairley
Molly Ringwald
Melinda Clarke
Nicole Kidman
Catherine Tate
Cynthia Nixon
Kate Mulgrew
Nathalie Boltt
Marcia Cross
Dana Delany
Miranda Otto
Janet Wright 
Kate Walsh
Benedict Cumberbatch
Stellan Skarsgård
Viggo Mortensen
Raphael Sbarge
Greg Germann
Marc Warren
Paul Bettany
Mark Strong
Simon Pegg
Mark Gatiss
Jeff Bridges
Val Kilmer
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ashbygirlsrugby · 6 years
Parents Always Cheat by Francesca Hessey
Since the end of the rugby season the Ashby Girls Rugby FC have been keeping fit and practicising every Tuesday night at the club fields on Nottingham Road. The Under 13 and Under 15 teams meet up at 6.30pm and we play for the next 90 minutes. Lloyd is our main coach and has some assistants to help him such as Lee, who is one of the parents. We have started to have one Tuesday where we have just the girls playing and then the next week the parents have a team and we play tag rugby against them – but we always win, because our parents cheat. Some weeks we have skills training such as how to kick the ball and the different kicks that we use in rugby, but this week we played touch rugby and then played rugby rounders, to keep our fitness up and help with our running and catching and passing.
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years
Emma Roberts Height Weight Measurements
New Post has been published on http://hollywoodages.com/emma-roberts-height-weight-measurements/
Emma Roberts Height Weight Measurements
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Emma Roberts Biography
Emma Rose Roberts born February 10, 1991 is an American performing artist and vocalist. After little parts in movies, for example, Blow (2001), she rose to conspicuousness with her part as Addie Singer in the Nickelodeon TV arrangement Unfabulous (2004–07), for which she was designated for a Teen Choice Award and six Young Artist Awards. She discharged her introduction collection, which likewise served as the show’s soundtrack, Unfabulous and More in 2005. After Unfabulous finished, Roberts featured in movies including Aquamarine (2006), as the title character in Nancy Drew (2007) and Wild Child (2008). Searching for more develop parts, she showed up in the dramatization Lymelife (2009). She was a piece of the acting group with her close relative Julia Roberts in Valentine’s Day (2010), and had lead parts in the wrongdoing thriller (2010), the blood and guts movie Scream 4 (2011), the satire We’re the Millers (2013), the parody Adult World (2013), and the show Palo Alto (2013). Additionally in 2013, she came back to TV, playing Madison Montgomery in American Horror Story’s third season, Coven, and as Maggie Esmerelda in season four, Freak Show. Roberts started showing up as Chanel Oberlin in Fox’s repulsiveness drama arrangement Scream Queens in September 2015. Emma Roberts Height Weight, Body
Emma Roberts Personal Info.
Full Name: Emma Rose Roberts
Nick Name: Em, Emma
Family: Kelly Nickels – (Step-Father) Eric Roberts – (Father) Kelly Cunningham – (Mother) Eliza Roberts – (Step-Mother) Morgan Simons – (Step-Sister) Keaton Simons – (Step-Brother) Grace Nickels – (Half-Sister) Julia Roberts – (Aunt)
Education: Roberts went to Archer School for Girls, Brentwood region of Los Angeles, California, from 2004–2005 for seventh and eighth grade. She, then, began going to Sarah Lawrence College in September, 2011 for her crafts degree. In any case, she needed to left it in January, 2012 because of her bustling work routine.
Date of Birth: 10 February, 1991
Birthplace: Rhinebeck, New York, USA
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Religion: Christian
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Profession: Actress, Model, Singer
Measurements: 32-23-30 in or 81-58.5-76 cm
Bra Size: 32A
Height: 5′ 3″ (160 cm)
Weight: 113 lbs (51.3 kg)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light Brown
Dress Size: 0
Shoe Size: 06
Friends: Dianna Agron, Jessica Szohr, Ashley Greene, Lily Collins, Carter Jenkins, Francesca Eastwood, Hayden Panetierre, Miley Cyrus, Michelle Trachtenberg, Jenna Ushkowitz, Nicky Hilton, Evan Rachel Wood, Chloe Moretz, Sarah Hyland, Emma Watson, Taylor Swift, Shenae Grimes, Ashley Benson, Rory Culkin, Selena Gomez, Rumer Willis, Slater Trout, Anna Kendrick, Jojo, Sara Paxton
Boyfriend/Dating History:
Alex Pettyfer (2007-2008) – The two dated together for at some point from August 2007 until mid of 2008. Alex is an English on-screen character and model, who couldn’t keep this relationship sufficiently long with Roberts.
Max Thieriot (2008) – American on-screen character, Max was reputed to be with Roberts in 2008 as they were shooting together 2007 film Nancy Drew.
Ryan Sheckler (November 2008 – April 2009) – Ryan is an American proficient skateboarder, who dated Roberts for around 5 months.
Dathan Kuppin (2009-October 2010) – Tennis player, Dathan and performing artist Emma dated for 1 complete year before calling it quit. They were shot together amid the summers of 2010.
Chace Crawford (February 2011 – March 2011) – Chace, an American performing artist was supposed to be with Emma Roberts amid 2011. They were captured together at Vanity Fair’s yearly post Oscar party.
Harmony Overstreet (April 2011 – May 2012) – Chord is an artist, artist and on-screen character, who is dating excellent Emma since April 2011. It is gossip as they have not affirmed their relationship. In any case, as per the sources, they have been getting a charge out of each second of being as one. They have been shot at Coachella occasion.
Evan Peters (July 2012-Present) – After meeting at a supper party, Emma began dating American performing artist Evan in July 2012. Emma claims that Peters disliked her at first meeting and declined to converse with her. Yet, continuously the things went effectively. In December 2013, the team got ready for marriage.
Known For: She is best known for his excellent performance in “Unfabulous” (2004-07) and in the movie “Nancy” (2007)
Active Year: 2001 (present)
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite TV Programs: Gossip Girl (2007)
Favorite Movies: The Notebook (2004), My Sister’s Keeper (2009)
Favorite People: Julia Roberts, Jodie Foster, Kirsten Dunst
Favorite Bands: Paramore, Fun
Favorite Color: Brown
Favorite Accessory: Bracelet, Purse
Favorite Holiday Destination: Malibu
Favorite Actor: Rupert Grint
Favorite Role Model: Anne Hathaway
Favorite Workout: Pole Dancing
Favorite Books: Elsewhere (by Gabrielle Zevin), A-List novels (by Zoey Dean)
  Official Twitter: Twitter Account
Official Facebook: FB Account
Emma Roberts Filmography:
Year Title 2001 Blow 2001 bigLove 2001 America’s Sweethearts 2002 Grand Champion 2003 Spymate 2006 Aquamarine 2007 Nancy Drew 2008 The Flight Before Christmas 2008 Wild Child 2008 Lymelife 2009 Hotel for Dogs 2009 The Winning Season 2010 Valentine’s Day 2010 Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac 2010 Twelve 2010 2010 It’s Kind of a Funny Story 2010 Virginia 2011 Scream 4 2011 The Art of Getting By 2012 Celeste and Jesse Forever 2013 Empire State 2013 We’re the Millers 2014 Adult World 2014 Palo Alto 2015 I Am Michael 2015 Ashby 2015 February 2016 Nerve 2016 Billionaire Boys Club
Year Title 2004–07 Unfabulous 2004 Drake & Josh 2007 The Hills 2010 Jonas 2010 Take Two with Phineas and Ferb 2011 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition 2013 Family Guy 2013–15 American Horror Story
See Also: Eva Longoria Body Measurements
Search Terms Emma Roberts Height Weight:
Emma Roberts Age. Emma Roberts And Evan Peters.Emma Roberts Sister. Emma Roberts Siblings. Emma Roberts Height Weight. Emma Roberts Dress Size. Emma Roberts Dad. Emma Roberts Dress. Emma Roberts Dated. Emma Roberts Father. Emma Roberts Fiance. Emma Roberts Family. Emma Roberts Height Weight. Emma Roberts Filmography. Emma Roberts Facebook. Emma Roberts First Movie. Emma Roberts Husband. Emma Roberts Harry Potter. Emma Roberts Wiki. Emma Roberts Engaged. Emma Roberts Relationship. Emma Roberts Relatives. Emma Roberts Twitter. Emma Roberts Tv Show. Emma Roberts Unfabulous. Emma Roberts Upcoming Movies. Emma Roberts Parents. Emma Roberts Zodiac. Emma Roberts College. Emma Roberts Birthday. Emma Roberts Height Weight. Emma Roberts Brown Hair. Emma Roberts Movies. Emma Roberts Mom. Emma Roberts Married
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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𝐑𝐨𝐫𝐲 & 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐎’𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐥 | m. May 12, 1916
➥ Left a widower on April 20, 1918
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
Tales of the Unexpected
Day 5: Tales of the unexpected (focusing on romances) for @cursebreakerfarrier’s Back to School Challenge
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— Rory O’Neill x Francesca “Frannie” Ashby
Rory O’Neill had entered Hogwarts as a guarded eleven-year-old. He’d kept a gruff and aloof demeanor throughout most of his time at Hogwarts, the trauma of living on the streets and becoming estranged from his only living relatives caused him to be wary of letting people in. People generally avoided him… except for a Hufflepuff named Francesca Ashby, whom Rory called Frannie. She was beautiful and somehow wriggled underneath all of his walls, making Rory want to tell her everything. At seventeen and falling in love, Rory had no idea what the future would hold but he would cherish whatever time he had with Frannie.
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— Camila Valdez x Jasper Kingsley
When Camila Valdez returned to Hogwarts to teach astronomy, she never imagined that she’d find the love of her life in those halls. And yet, as she caught the eye of the new transfiguration professor and they shared a smirk over the headmistress’s ridiculous speech, Camila could feel her heart start to flutter. Over the next few years, bets would flow between students, arguing over when Professor Valdez and Professor Kingsley would finally stop dancing around their obvious feelings for one another. 
Professor Jasper Kingsley @cursebreakerfarrier
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 months
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FBAWTFT Era | hp ship eras
Rory O’Neill x Francesca Ashby
Rory O’Neill x Ethel Malinda
⤷ @gaygryffindorgal
Aisling Lynch x Jojo Sapieha
⤷ @slytherindisaster
Harry Pembroke x Lucy Devlin
Oliver Battersea x Cecilia Kennedy
Jude Dubois x Caspar Brokenshire
⤷ @endlessly-cursed • @cursebreakerfarrier
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unfortunate-arrow · 8 months
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general disclaimer: do not support or agree with jkr’s views or actions, but not here to explicitly discuss my personal or political views
OC x OC Connections: 1870s-1950s • 1960s-2000s
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general disclaimer: these guys have no connection to the actual hogwarts legacy game. they just happen to be around the same time as the hphl mc.
Orla O’Rourke
Cillian Lynch
Tadhg Lynch
Niamh Kelly
Vincent Fitzroy
Brianna O’Rourke
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Maxwell Pembroke
Georgie Parsons
Edmund Kennedy
Minerva Kennedy
Simon Battersea
William Devlin
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Ophelia Lovell
Linus Sullivan
Colm O’Shea
Minor OCs
⤷ Eugene Lovell • Ralph Myers
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general disclaimer: these ocs only have tangential ties to the movies and are not involved in anything that has to do with the movies.
Rory O’Neill
Aisling Lynch
Minor OCs
⤷ Francesca Ashby
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Ruth Lyman
Ryan O’Donnell
Cara O’Donnell
Sara O’Donnell
Conor O’Donnell
Minor OC
⤷ Cian Jacob O’Donnell
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Camila Valdez
Nicholas Wraxall
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Finn MacKade
Nate MacKade
Jack Whitten
Benedict Whitten
Thea Whitten
Minor OCs
⤷ Paddy MacKade • Owen MacKade
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Sophie Pembroke
Luke Battersea
Declan O’Donnell-Lee
Quinn Power
Jude Cozens
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Hogwarts Legacy & Victorian Era | part 1 • part 2
Fantastic Beasts & WW1
Hogwarts Mystery
Magic Awakened & Next Gen | part 1 • part 2
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HP 12 Months of Magic (2023) one-shots
30 Day (2020) OTP Challenge
Valentine’s Day 2022 Challenge
Spring Break 2022 Challenge
Summer Break 2022 Challenge
Back to School 2022
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unfortunate-arrow · 10 months
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AISLING, SAOIRSE, and OSCAR LYNCH are the children of Tadhg Lynch and Niamh Kelly. Saoirse and Oscar are twins, five years younger than Aisling. They’ve generally got a good relationship, which is quite the antithesis to their father’s own sibling relationship. The three of them get on quite well, although Saoirse has a tendency to compare herself to her older sister and the twins are a bit closer to each other than they are to Aisling.
GIO, ENZO, and REVA ROVERE-PARSONS are the children of Georgie Parsons and Angelo della Rovere (@potionboy3). They usually get along alright, although the similarities between Gio and Reva can cause them to butt head and both of them are closer to Enzo than to each other. The Rovere-Parsons kids do have a good relationship, which is something their parents tried to foster in them… especially because there’s no extenuating circumstances that can cause too much damage to their sibling relationships.
MILES, JANE, and KATE O’NEILL are the children of Rory O’Neill. Miles is Rory’s son with his late first wife, Francesca Ashby, while Jane and Kate, are his twin daughters with his second wife, Ethel Malinda (@gaygryffindorgal). There’s a fourteen year age gap between Miles and the girls, which precludes a lot of chances for closeness between them during Jane and Kate’s childhood. However, as the girls grow up, their relationship with Miles grows closer and they’re able to find more in common with one another.
MAGGIE, RICHARD, and AUDREY SAPIEHA are the children of Aisling Lynch and Jojo Sapieha (@slytherindisaster). These three, in many ways, subvert expectations. Maggie’s the troublemaker, while Richard, who looks like his maternal grandfather, is the serious and responsible one and Audrey is the carefree animal lover. They generally get along, although Maggie is a bit older than Richard and Audrey. They do have a tendency to bicker a bit, but well, there’s genes from two of the Gryffindorks in these kids.
SETH, NAOMI, and CIARAN O’DONNELL are the triplet children of Conor O’Donnell and Ruth Lyman. Born shortly after Christmas, the triplets generally have a good relationship with one another. Seth, Naomi, and Ciaran are quite close and typically, their relationship is similar to their father’s relationship with his siblings. They’re rather similar to their parents and each other, which can cause some heads to butt. They’re also the youngest of the O’Donnell cousins.
WYATT, JONAH, and ZOEY MACKADE are the children of Nate MacKade and Nova Hartley (@gaygryffindorgal). Wyatt might be five years older than the twins, Jonah and Zoey, and a lot more carefree than either of them ever were, but he’s their big brother and he loves them. Jonah and Zoey love him too, even if they find him too obnoxious. Meanwhile, the twins have a strong relationship that’s prone to bickering as Zoey acts like the big sister and Jonah gets annoyed by it. Wyatt, Jonah, and Zoey love each other a lot, but like their cousins, they don’t always like each other.
LYLA, AMELIA, and TOMMY WHITTEN-MARCH are the adopted children of Thea Whitten and Noa March (@thatravenpuffwitch), although Lyla and Amelia are identical twins. Tommy joined the family last, at the age of four after the death of his father, while the twins, Lyla and Amelia were adopted as babies. Thus, it took them awhile to start forming a bond as Lyla and Amelia are also six years older than Tommy. However, they did eventually have a good relationship and prove that sibling bonds can transcend blood.
ASHER, HAZEL, and HUGH WHITTEN are the children of Jack Whitten and Sage Carridan (@kc-and-co). They have a good relationship, with Asher taking after their mother and Hazel and Hugh taking after their father. Hazel and Hugh have a slightly closer relationship than either of them have with Asher. However, this doesn’t stop a close bond from forming, as the siblings found ways to connect… commonly golf as they often accompanied their maternal grandfather to the golf course.
↳ for @endlessly-cursed’s fankid appreciation event
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 months
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 & 𝐖𝐖𝟏: 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬
𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗔𝘀𝗵𝗯𝘆 𝗢’𝗡𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗹
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Nicknames: Buddy, bud, sport
Name Meanings: Miles → English, “soldier or merciful” ; Ashby → British, “ash tree home” ; O’Neill → Irish, “descendant of Niall.” 
Date of Birth: April 17, 1918 
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual 
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 
Faceclaims: Jude Hill & Jack Lowden
Parents: Rory O’Neill and Francesca “Frannie” O’Neill née Ashby [deceased]
Step-Mother: Ethel Malinda (@gaygryffindorgal)
Sisters: Jane Augusta and Catherine Edith “Kate” O’Neill
Patronus: Brown hare
Favorite Subjects: Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Flying 
Least Favorite Subjects: Transfiguration, potions 
Extracurriculars: Seeker on his house quidditch team
Hobbies: Quidditch, reading, flying, rugby, hurling, football/soccer
Personality: Kind, intelligent, reserved, stubborn, kind hearted, hardworking, loyal, responsible, athletic, observant, dependable, fair, cautious 
About Miles: As the only child of Rory and Frannie O’Neill, Miles was born on April 17, 1918. At birth, he weighed five pounds and seven ounces, as he was born four weeks prematurely, causing his father to marvel at how tiny Miles was. He inherited his mother’s blonde hair and his father’s blue eyes, although his father usually only saw the aspects of his mother in him. He is his father’s pride and joy and has been ever since he was born. He has no memories of his mother, though, as she passed away shortly after he was born. 
His father eventually got married for a second time, to Ethel Malinda. Miles liked Ethel. He liked that she never asked him to call her “ma” or “mum.” He liked that his dad was lighter, more playful. He liked the little sisters he got in 1932, when he was 14. The age gap and time away at Hogwarts made it a bit difficult to form relationships with Jane and Kate, but he did his best. Miles liked his new family, even as he wished that he could have been able to know his mother.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Miles was sorted into Hufflepuff, just like his mother had been. He liked being in Hufflepuff. It gave him that connection to his mother and he felt at home in the house. In his third year, Miles made the Hufflepuff quidditch team as their newest seeker. He enjoyed following his father’s footsteps when it came to quidditch, even though he never wanted to go and play professionally.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Miles went on to become an archivist. 
As a teenager, Miles had a bit of guilt related to his mother’s death. His father quickly reminded him that it wasn’t his fault. It was never his fault.
Miles has always had a close relationship with his father, who raised Miles by himself for over a decade. Miles knows that he can turn to his father for anything. 
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𝗖𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶��𝗲 𝗘𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗢’𝗡𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗹
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Nicknames: Kate, Katie 
Name Meanings: Catherine → Greek, “pure” ; Edith → English, “prosperous in war” ; O’Neill → Irish, “descendant of Niall.” 
Date of Birth: August 15, 1932 (at 4:15 am, thirteen minutes after her twin sister)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Demisexual 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Faceclaim: Malia Baker 
Parents: Rory O’Neill and Ethel Malinda (@gaygryffindorgal)
Siblings: Miles Ashby and Jane Augusta O’Neill
Patronus: Robin
Favorite Subjects: Charms, potions, flying
Least Favorite Subjects: History of magic, transfiguration 
Extracurriculars: Chaser on her house quidditch team
Hobbies: Reading, writing, flying, painting, photography 
Personality: Outspoken, intelligent, strong-willed, responsible, courageous, stubborn, direct, organized, private, kind, thoughtful, cautious
About Kate: As the younger daughter, Kate generally takes after her father more so than her mother… except that Kate is extroverted like her mother. She’s got her father’s more cautious nature, except when it comes to matters that she’s passionate about. Then, she’ll throw caution to the wind in favor of standing up for what she believes in. Kate’s got a close relationship with her twin sister and has a pretty good relationship with her older brother too. In addition, her relationships with her parents are also good and close. She knows that she can trust them.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Kate was sorted into Gryffindor, just like her parents had been. She found it easy to feel comfortable in Gryffindor and Hogwarts. She had her twin to turn to when she got homesick, which was nice and helped her to feel comfortable. In her fourth year, Kate made the decision to try out for the Gryffindor quidditch team and earned the position of chaser. There was always a slight pressure to perform as well as her father, but it never came from him. Instead, it came from her peers but it helped to confirm that Kate wasn’t interested in playing quidditch professionally.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Kate decided to follow her mother’s footsteps and became a journalist, her passions leading her to more complicated stories and she was also inspired by the muckraker journalists that she read about in the muggle books.  
Kate is thirteen minutes younger than her twin sister, Jane.
Kate’s middle name, Edith, is after one of her father’s sisters. 
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𝗥𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝗧𝗮𝗱𝗵𝗴 𝗦𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗵𝗮
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Nicknames: Rich, Richie, Rick, Dick
Name Meanings: Richard → German, “dominant ruler” ; Tadhg → Irish, “poet” ; Sapieha → Polish, “wheeze.” 
Date of Birth: June 20, 1942
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Faceclaim: Harry Collett
Parents: Aisling Lynch and Joseph “Jojo” Sapieha (@slytherindisaster)
Siblings: Margaret Brigid “Maggie” and Audrey Callidora Sapieha 
Grandparents: Tadhg Lynch and Niamh Kelly ; Gabriel Saiepha and Roxie Haley (@mjs-oc-corner)
Patronus: Irish wolfhound 
Favorite Subjects: Charms, flying, history of magic, astronomy 
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions, herbology, transfiguration 
Extracurriculars: Seeker on the Gryffindor quidditch team, prefect 
Hobbies: Quidditch, flying, reading, stamp collecting, building models, photography 
Personality: Quiet, reserved, kind, loyal, intelligent, private, practical, stubborn, responsible, observant, competitive, sarcastic, curious, organized
About Richard: As the only son and middle child, Richard is never what anyone expects. Everyone expects him to be just like his father and grandfathers. A troublemaker. Only that’s never been Richard. He likes to fly under the radar, focusing on what he considers important. He prefers to keep his things organized and would rather not get into trouble. Richard hates the way that everyone immediately turns to him when trouble happens, even after he’s proved that he’s not a troublemaker. If anyone’s a troublemaker in the family, it’s Richard’s older sister, Maggie. 
In regards to his family, Richard is probably the closest to his younger sister, Audrey. They just seem to click a bit better. He also has good relationships with both sets of grandparents, although he’s probably the closest with his maternal grandmother. She seems to get him fairly well. He has a good relationship with both of his parents, too, although he’s not sure who he’s closer to.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Richard was sorted into Gryffindor. He enjoyed the house, even if he felt like all anyone could see were his grandfathers sometimes. In his second year, he made the Gryffindor quidditch in the position of seeker. He fell in love with the sport, just like his father had. He also was made a prefect in his fifth year. He enjoyed his time at Hogwarts.
After graduating from Hogwarts, Richard went on to become a wandmaker. He had never intended to go into that field, but stumbled into it after other plans fell apart. 
Richard looks a lot like his grandfather, Tadhg. His middle name is also after his grandfather. He also has a decent bit in common with his Granda Tadhg, but Richard is a lot more responsible than Tadhg ever was. 
Richard is a dog lover. He begs his parents for a dog as a child. 
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𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗠𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗢𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮 𝗢’𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗮
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Nicknames: None
Name Meanings: Willa → German, “resolute protection” ; Millicent → German, “Strong in work” ; Odessa → Greek, “wrathful, the one who receives pain, fiery, long journey” ; O’Shea → Irish, “hawk-like” or “fine.” 
Date of Birth: March 21, 1929
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Faceclaim: Willow Shields
Parents: Colm O’Shea and Ione Avery (@cursed-herbalist)
Siblings: Mabel Lunette Joan, Delton Alistair Michael “Del,” and Arden Colm Curtis O’Shea
Patronus: Robin
Favorite Subjects: Defense against the dark arts, charms, herbology 
Least Favorite Subjects: Potions, astronomy 
Extracurriculars: Prefect, headgirl 
Hobbies: Embroidery, gardening, scrapbooking, reading, skating
Personality: Intelligent, kind, rational, reserved, private, loyal, thoughtful, fair, perceptive, conflict averse, stubborn, idealistic, hardworking, caring, warm, sensitive, chatty 
About Willa: Willa is very much her mother’s daughter, sensitive and kind hearted. She’s thoughtful and careful, with a tendency to be rather particular about what’s going on with her stuff. In addition, Willa’s responsible and intelligent. The main thing she got from her father was a tendency to talk incessantly. Willa’s an extrovert who likes to talk and be around people. Unlike either of her parents, though, Willa is not guarded. She’s pretty open and tends to wear her heart on her sleeve. 
As the third born, Willa’s pretty content with her spot in the family. She’s six years younger than her eldest sister, four years younger than her older brother, and four years older than her younger brother. It’s a pretty good spot to be and Willa likes getting to be both an older and a younger sister. She’s closest to Arden, by virtue of being together the longest. She also deeply admired Mabel and spent a few years trying to be just like her sister. 
Upon starting Hogwarts, Willa was sorted into Hufflepuff. She instantly fell in love with Hogwarts and Hufflepuff. She loved being around her peers, learning, and everything about the magic of Hogwarts. She liked having both of her older siblings at Hogwarts with her, with Mabel being in her last year and Del in his fourth year due to his late birthday. In her fifth year, she was named a Hufflepuff prefect and two years later, Willa became Hogwarts’s headgirl. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Willa went on to a healer. She worked at several different hospitals throughout her life including St. Mungo’s in London and Leighis in Dublin. 
Willa is named after her Aunt Odessa. 
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𝗔𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗺 𝗖𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀 𝗢’𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗮
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Nicknames: None 
Name Meanings: Arden → English, “valley of the eagle; high” ; Colm → Irish, “dove” ; Curtis → French, “courteous, polite” ; O’Shea → Irish, “hawk-like; fine”
Date of Birth: October 14, 1933
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Faceclaim: Dylan Kingwell
Parents: Colm O’Shea and Ione Avery (@cursed-herbalist)
Siblings: Mabel Lunette Joan, Delton Michael Alistair “Del,” and Willa Millicent Odessa O’Shea
Patronus: Mongrel dog
Favorite Subjects: Charms, defense against the dark arts, flying, transfiguration
Least Favorite Subjects: Herbology, potions
Extracurriculars: Seeker on the Ravenclaw quidditch team
Hobbies: Quidditch, fishing, rugby, hurling, football/soccer, reading, skating, board games, movies
Personality: Quiet, intelligent, rational, practical, stubborn, competitive, risk-prone, reserved, independent, kind, reliable 
About Arden: In many ways, Arden is the exact copy of his father. He and Colm have the same risk-prone qualities. They’re both competitive and stubborn and practical. However, Arden is a lot more reserved than his father. He doesn’t talk incessantly. He pauses and considers how and when he wants to contribute to a conversation. Arden is still as private as Colm, he just doesn’t talk as much. 
As the youngest, Arden is very much the baby of the family. After all, he’s a full decade younger than his sister, Mabel. He’s closest to his sister, Willa, although there’s still a four year age gap between the two of them. Due to these large age gaps, Arden often finds himself being babied by his older siblings. He’s not the biggest fan of that, especially as he gets older. In addition, Arden often finds himself feeling a little jealous when Mabel and Del and then Willa go off to Hogwarts without him.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Arden was sorted into Ravenclaw without much hassle. He finds that Hogwarts is pretty enjoyable and he loves how much he can learn. However, the first month or so each year, Arden feels quite homesick. He misses his parents and their home and their dog. Arden always gets over it, it just takes a while. He also feels a little awkward about it because it always seems to him like no one else is homesick. Plus, by the time Arden arrives at Hogwarts, Mabel and Del have graduated and Willa’s in her fourth year. He feels a little alone at the beginning of his years at Hogwarts. In his third year, Arden makes the Ravenclaw quidditch earning the position of seeker. It makes the loneliness disappear a bit. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Arden pursues history. He worked as an archivist for a few years before becoming a full fledged historian. He eventually writes a book about the history of quidditch in Ireland. 
Arden is named after his father. 
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𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝘀 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗻
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Nicknames: Mal, Chi (pronounced like Kai)
Name Meanings: Malachi → Hebrew, “my messenger” ; Francis → Latin, “Frenchman or free man” ; Sullivan → Irish, “dark eyes or hawk eyes.” 
Date of Birth: November 26, 1935 
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff 
Faceclaim: Jack Fisher 
Parents: Linus Sullivan and Maritza Krum (@potionboy3)
Brother: Constantine Marinus Sullivan 
Patronus: Wolf 
Favorite Subjects: Charms, astronomy, and transfiguration
Least Favorite Subjects: Defense against the dark arts and herbology 
Extracurriculars: Prefect, chess club, back-up keeper on the Hufflepuff quidditch team 
Hobbies: Chess, reading, writing, sketching, drawing, baseball, ice skating 
Personality: Creative, insightful, stubborn, passionate, responsible, sensitive, perfectionistic, kind, fair, caring, loyal, nervous, anxious 
About Malachi: Malachi is very much his parents’ child. He’s on the quieter side, preferring to keep to himself. In addition, Malachi is quite private and he likes to be creative. He enjoys sketching and drawing and dabbling with paints. He also loves playing wizard’s chess. He can beat pretty much every member of his family at the game.
As the youngest, by nearly a decade, Malachi has spent a lot of time as basically an only child. His older brother, Constantine, had spent most of Malachi’s childhood at Hogwarts, leaving him to spend time alone with their parents. Thus, Malachi doesn’t have a close relationship with Constantine. He deeply admired his older brother, but they’ve never had a close relationship due to their age difference.
Upon starting Hogwarts, Malachi was sorted into Hufflepuff. It took him a few weeks to grow comfortable at Hogwarts and being away from home for the first time. Eventually, Malachi grew to love Hogwarts. In his fourth year, he tried for the Hufflepuff quidditch team on a whim. And while he didn’t make the official team, he was reserve keeper from that moment on, and only played in a total of ten games. In his fifth year, Malachi was named prefect. He liked the responsibility that the position gave him. 
After graduating from Hogwarts, Malachi went on to become an arthimancer and comic strip artist. He followed his gut and after tiring of his career as an arthimancer, he made the gut decision to try his hand at comic strips. Much to his surprise, he was able to make a career out of being a comic strip artist. 
Malachi shares a birthday with his father. He was born at 12:03 am on November 26, 1935, while Linus was born in the afternoon on the same date 41 years prior. 
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𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗔𝘂𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗮 𝗢’𝗡𝗲𝗶𝗹𝗹
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𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗱 “𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗲” 𝗦𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗵𝗮 • 𝗔𝘂𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘆 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗦𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗵𝗮
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𝗠𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗹 𝗟𝘂𝗻𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲 𝗝𝗼𝗮𝗻 𝗢’𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗮 • 𝗗𝗲𝗹𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 “𝗗𝗲𝗹” 𝗢’𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗮
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𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘀 𝗦𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗻
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
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Introducing— Rory O’Neill!
Born in Belfast in 1893, Rory Patrick O’Neill was the only son in a poor, working class family. His father worked in construction, rarely having a steady income to support the seven mouths waiting for him at home, while his mother worked in a dress shop as a seamstress. Rory had five sisters.
However, when he was four, both of Rory’s parents passed away. For the next year, his eldest sister tried to raise her younger siblings, but ultimately it was too much for her. She desperately wanted to marry the man she was in love with and even then, they could not afford to keep the O’Neill siblings together.
By the age of seven, Rory was alone. He had no knowledge of where his sisters had gone and he refused to stay with his guardians. Thus, Rory spent the next years roaming the streets of Belfast, gaining a few temporary partners but never keeping any for more than a few months. Then, to his immense surprise, Rory received his Hogwarts letter.
At Hogwarts, Rory found a lot of things he didn’t expect. He found a love for quidditch… and even more miraculously, he found a girl who breeched the walls that had been built around his heart. Francesca “Frannie” Ashby captured all of Rory’s attention. He fell hard for Frannie.
On February 29, 1916, Frannie proposed to Rory in a pub. They married three months later in May. Two years later, Rory and Frannie had their only child, a boy they named Miles. Unfortunately, due to complications with Miles’s birth, Frannie passed away two days after her son was born. Rory was a devoted father to his son. Miles was all he had left of his wife and he would do anything for his boy.
A taciturn man, Rory’s walls grew even thicker after the loss of his wife. He refused to let most people in and often fretted about the welfare of his son. In fact, most people are surprised to see how soft Rory acts with Miles. His son is the one person that he fully lets into his heart.
Rory’s faceclaim is Jamie Dornan.
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