#foxes are my spiritual animal 🥰
hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
Queen Bee-lzebub
Ke$ha (speaking)
Rochelle Diamanté (singing)
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Fave quote:
“What's that supposed to mean, you got a problem or somethin', Sour Cream? Don't fuck with me!"
— Beezlebub to Loona when she transforms
• Gluttony 🍔🍺
• Lust (via Asmodeus) 💋💕
Species: Demon (fox/bee)
Goetia (via Asmodeus)
Type of relationship: Open (implied)
Sexuality: Pansexual (theorised)
Nationality: American 🇺🇸
Sex: Female
* Queen of Sin (Gluttony)
* Hostess of her parties
* Princess of Lust (😜)
• People having a good time at her parties
• Loona’s eccentricity and bluntness
• Feeding people food/drinks
• Spending time with Vortex
• Sweet / junk food
• “Being a jackass”
• Honesty
• Drinking
• Partying
• Singing
• Belphegor not letting Bee use her “party drugs”
• People who insult her
• Vortex being upset
• Bad vibes
Verosika Mayday & her bad vibes
• ADHD (implied)
* Specifically chatty to the point of oversharing information with Loona 😂
• Temperamental >>> especially when insulted
• Acknowledges when she’s gone too far (or thinks she has) in regards of fighting or even something as simple as using “too much confetti” 😆
• Prideful >>> can acknowledge and be proud that she’s beautiful without being “vain” or “slutty” about it
• Confrontation >>> has the assertiveness to tell someone (Loona) when to pull their head in
• Family oriented (implied)
• Compassionate
• Gracious winner
• Aphrodisiac
* I mean… come on… how can Bee NOT be the Queen of Gluttony and it NOT be food or drink related 😆)
• Feeder
* Normally I don’t put this here, but again, it’s Gluttony what’d you think would happen (🤣)
Romantic interests:
• Vortex (boyfriend)
AU / RP:
• T.J. of the Ars Goetia (exclusively)
• Loona Buckzo (exclusively)
• T.J. & Vortex (determinant)
• Nimona of the Ars Goetia
(imminent) Husband: Vortex
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Father: King Asmodeus
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(adoptive) Daughter: Sugarcane Mayday (OC)
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• Satan (brother figure)
• Belphegor
• Buckzo family (acquainted)
* Loona
* Blitz
• T.J. of the Ars Goetia (determinant)
• Octavia of the Ars Goetia
• Charlie Morningstar
• Beezle (by Moxxie in the song “House of Asmodeus”)
• Queen Bee / The Queen Bee of Gluttony (title)
• H.P.I.C (by herself in “Monster’s Ball)
• Queen Bee-Izebub (end credits)
• Bee (by Vortex)
• Bee-Bee (by T.J. >>> RP)
* Honeybee/ Honeycomb
* Mother of the Hive
* Magma/Mags
* Apple Pie
* Beezy
• Demonic Transformation
• Object Materialisation
• Prehensile hair & tail
• Honey manipulation
• Food enlargement
• Size manipulation
• Empathetic Taste
• Performing arts
• Flight
• Musical talent
• Night vision
(Cuz y’know she’s part fox 😂)
Appearance & personality
Beelzebub is a tall, fox-like demon with bee-like features, such as multiple arms, a pair of antennae attached to her ears, and a small pair of insect wings. She has yellow and pink striped fur like a bee, and black markings on her arms and legs.
Her hair and tail seem to be made of either honey or lava lamp fluid and glow bright pink, blue, and orange, with her stomach also being a lava lamp. She has a pink stripe on her head that opens up into a third eye when she becomes angry.
Her outfit consists of a pink sleeveless crop top with a heart-shaped cutout, white markings underneath turning into a paw with claws, and a white pair of short shorts.
How would you describe Bee’s personality?
(Pretty much a copycat of Verosika Mayday — to an extent — in regards of appearance and hostility 🤣)
• Concerned - doesn’t like her guests getting drunk for the wrong reasons
* ie: Blitz drinking his emotions away in regards of the event earlier that night at Ozzie’s (Part 1)
• Seductive >>> Bee can have a sensual aura without putting herself down as a “slut” (she owns her beauty) or hurting her & Vortex’s relationship
• Respectful (especially after she lost a game)
• Highly extroverted
• Feisty (selective)
• Self-confident
• Competitive
• Energetic
• Maternal
• Faux meanness
* Even though Bee can be perceived as a “Valley Girl”, — like a Regina George from Mean Girls — and yet she’s compassionate and likes to make sure her partygoers are having a good time
• Childlike
* Seen when describing when Belphegor wouldn’t allow Beezlebub to use her party drugs and how “so fuckin lame” it was
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unusual-uraniidae · 2 years
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Trying something new today! I’m in love with my tarot deck and thought I might take a daily photo of whatever I pull. I’ll always take pictures of the cards in their upright position (even if I pull them reversed) and I won’t explain what my question was because that’s what my journal is for, but I think this could still be fun 🥰
This deck is the Spiritsong Tarot, and it combines guardian/spiritual helper animals with the Rider Waite 78 card format. The suits in this deck are: Acorns (Wands - Fire), Feathers (Swords - Air), Shells (Cups - Water), and Crystals (Pentacles - Earth).
Todays Pull: Fox. Page of Crystals. Keywords: setting goals, consistent productivity, new ideas, opportunity, study, discipline, meeting success.
Fox is an encourager. He is clever and ambitious, and offers wisdom into how to achieve your goals. He knows success can either come from dumb luck, or you can work hard towards your goals and feel all the better for it. Remember Fox when you feel unmotivated or unfocused; he’ll remind you that your goals and dreams are worth the effort!
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the-wild-candy · 3 years
(I had the dream on october 13) in my dream .. (I forget the staring but) me and my mom traveling in small boat, just two of us. My mom was the one who drives the boat ( in my dream, she doesn't how to drive boat in reality)
That lake we traveled in my dream was so beautiful and there is a beautiful forest, I was really admiring that so much, I look around lot to see more beautifulness of the place, it was so so beautiful to me but soon I got kinda dizzy feelings and kinda feels there's something wrong about that place, I don't tell that to my mom, I don't want to fall off the boat cuz of my dizzy feelings and i want admire the place so i throw the feelings away and once we land there.. later i kinda note that there is something like rope in my way but i don't care about that.. but soon there's a lot of snakes but none of them attack us but I try to push them off of my way and try go somewhere safe.. and there's place besides a window (I don't know how and why there is window in that kinda forest 😅 but the window is not like old creep one, it was normal and good quality window) i move to that place, I try to grip the window for balance but there's red fox sleeping peacefully but I dedicate to move other side cuz i don't want to disturb it.. (I forget most part of the dream but at the end) i try kill a small snake with hot pan or something but that snake started to attacks me multiple times so I just ran from that.. I was so scared and I run from that and i wake up by jumping in own bed because of the dream that I had..
None of them try to attack us, that all was so clam.. and I had snake dreams like this two times before.. I don't why these dreams are struck in my head, especially the snake parts..
And i had some questions 😅
Do you had dreams like this before?
Snake dreams?
What do you think about my dream?
@the-wild-candy thank you so much for listened my dream 🥺❣️❣️❣️ you are really sweet and loving, sweetie 🥰 I love you 💞💞
(also to everyone that who see this post in my bae account.. do you guys also had dreams like this? If you have then comment or text me or reblog and tag me cuz i really like- no, LOVE to know your dream)
Thank you @devil-child-710 for telling me about your dream🌙
Okay this is solely based on my interpretations.
You see, snakes in dreams (spiritually speaking) represent growth, renewal and transformation. (I was seeing the cobra card from the wild unknown animal spirit deck). But it can also be a garter snake since they are harmless. You and your mum were crossing a lake which had quite a good view. Here too, it's like you were crossing one way to go to the other (one phase of life from another) (cycles ending and beginning). If you have been hurt in the past, just know that your spirit guides are watching over you and no harm will come to you now. Neither the fox nor the snake hurt you in any way. It's weird that I have 2 cards in my personal deck with the same images.
A fox in the forest protecting a little girl who is sleeping on it's back and a snake coiled around a man's arm in a dingy yet beautiful place.
I think this could be a message that your guides are trying to convey to you, everything will be okay even if they looks sketchy. Don't run away.
♤ no I haven't had dreams related to snakes before...I think. But I do have dreams and visions. Mostly when I need a warning. This happens when something is either gonna hurt me physically or mentally. I believe that one of those visions literally saved my life from getting into a near death experience accident.
♤ @devil-child-710 I loved listening to your dream, boo. I love you too❤
If anybody has any other interpretations then feel free to talk about it!
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