#fnafhs aiden
valtoiddd · 21 days
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tough guy !!
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omgafhsfanin2024 · 2 months
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nightmaretherabbit · 6 months
Hello Fnafhs fandom-
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dinosaurs-go-rawr · 1 year
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kelwelmelspell · 2 years
Do you think ann calls aiden "bbg"/J
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mayhemlovesenvy · 1 month
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And PNGs!!
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Yasss!!!! Girlfriends time
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camo1000le · 10 months
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cinnabundolly12 · 9 months
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xioyume · 3 months
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I went on vacation and my sweetheart missed me 🥰💛
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✨✨ Best Friends ✨✨
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valtoiddd · 7 months
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fnafhstober #6
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omgafhsfanin2024 · 24 days
Bonnie and Aiden of my Lobbo AU are just a grumpy wolf and dumbass fox duo and I love them
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2nd Part of PFJ
Aiden Fox
FVLE, Goethe
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The Nobility - 2nd Volition
Guys, I'm cooking something with this. Fox has never been a character who ever cared about what people thought. He was always chilling with himself and others. Yes, even with the Nightmares, whom he was going to beat in the face for Bonnie. Fox never really has enemies and treats everyone as equals. If someone violates this principle, then he interferes with it. The guy openly despises those who take advantage of weak people. Fox strives to protect the people around him. His problem with will is that he can give a lot and take responsibility for others. This is characteristic of 2V. He has a savior complex that is hard for him to get rid of and dreams about being a hero to people he knows. The subjectivity of his function is expressed in the fact that he likes to influence others. He is even capable of frightening people with his will, but in the most adequate measures. Fox has a natural sense of responsibility. Despite his often gentle demeanor, he still has a strong core within him. These are reasons that make Fox a person who will easily become someone's friend. The one who motivates Meg to pursue her dreams no matter what and doesn’t believe that there are stupid dreams with helping her to qualify her team too.
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The Possessor - 1st Physics
What kind of person looks at this character and doesn’t say to himself: “Yes, this is just the spitting image of the 1F”? Laziness is a character trait that we immediately recognize when Fox first appears. But this laziness does not come from the fact that he doesn’t care about physics, but from introverted performance. He enjoys physical comfort, playing the simplest instrument, and eating in general. He couldn’t even resist taking a bite of the donut with which he wanted to negotiate with Towntrap. Don't get me started on his constant love for pudding. He is very confident in his physics and is always ready to throw his fists at someone.
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The Skeptic - 3rd Logic
Fox's problem is his extreme skepticism. He absolutely does not accept information that will seem like a lie to him. This is a person who will not be penetrated by any argument, but inside himself will also be unsure of his judgment. Likes to argue from time to time. Has problems trusting new people.
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The Onlooker - 4th Emotion
Emotions are of minor importance to Fox. He is completely dependent on his surroundings to express his emotions. He does not have deep problems with expressing emotions, and if he has them, the guy, due to the effectiveness of the function, easily gets rid of them. Has a simple interest in this function. It could be his 4th emotion that make feel attraction to Chica.
Ann Chica
EFVL, Pushkin
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The Middle Class - 3rd Volition
Ann Chica's will can easily be revealed after watching episode 19. The episode "Chica's Dream" easily reveals the essence of her will. She strives to realize her ambitions, but her core personality is also fragile. Chica may doubt the actions she took to achieve her goal. By combining 3V with her first emotion, Anne's "mental breakdowns" become huge drama, as they did after Toddy's decisive humiliation. The girl immediately broke down from a deep emotional cut and was already preparing to completely give up on her dream. Once she was supported by her mother, her will rose again to the top of Everest. In her song, Chica wants a lot and more, if you read the song's lyrics. She wants to be beautiful and ideal, to be accepted by everyone, to be recognized and respected. Wants to be “different from everyone else.” Dreams of finding perseverance in himself, which is also what 3Vs usually desire. She is ready to fight with the whole world. Just an incredible amount of desire, which emphasizes the overly fantasizing 3V. Although only recently, one humiliating shot made her want to quit all my activities and plunge into complete whining. Her 3rd will can also be seen in the rest of the series. Ann Chica treats people with sharp aggression who seem to her to not respect her. She has a deep hatred for her rivals (Meg is the most obvious). To realize her own dream in the process, she usually uses connections with her friends, which emphasizes the objectivity of the function.
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The Romantic - 1st Emotion
The already mentioned first emotion makes Chica scary with the 3V combination, which is why her classmates most likely try to avoid her. She does not adjust her emotional behavior with others. Pure rage, deep sadness or extreme joy are not filtered at all. Throughout the series there are overly dramatic moments of her. She behaves truly with everyone and usually wears his soul open. Chica expresses her emotions vividly.
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The Toiler - 2nd Physics
Ann Chica can be called the true hard worker of the group, because she constantly uses physics for its sake. The girl confidently takes on the role of a designer and wants to improve her professional skills. Sewing is also pretty processing physical activitiy. She is always busy making costumes for her friends. Chica is also the band's guitarist, highlighting her desire for a variety of physical activities. She strongly cares about people's physical condition. The is girl is confident in her physics.
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The Scholar - 4th Logic
Logic is the most unimportant function for Chica. She is not interested in long discussions or mastering her speech, but just has an idle curiosity. The girl asily believes any information and starts to thinks only in tense moments. She usually uses its logic to operate other functions in real world.
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nightmaretherabbit · 1 year
Fox, Bonnie, and Chica (Ann)!
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The sillies
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tr4sh-u · 1 year
I'm SICK and TIRED of seeing people drawing fox as this tall strong dude. Ik it's his canon design in fnafhs and shit but you people need to LET. IT. GO.
His official design by eddo is a deceive made by her because she just made him to be hot in her eyes, she's hiding the true potential he could've had design wise.
I need people to start drawing fox shorter with longer hair and make him more of a loser!!!! Eddo made him wrong cuz the real more fnaf inspired version of fox would've been more pirate like and would've been more tism' filled!!!! The official fnafhs fox is a scam and a deceive they are hiding the silly billy fox who is hyperfixated on pirates from us!!!
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kelwelmelspell · 2 years
why did there had to be a love triangle of ann, aiden, and golden. Couldn't they have been in a poly relationship I think it would have been hilarious but also terrible/hj
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