#fnac randy
iekeejkeek · 9 days
Blue boys! 💙🧊📘💎🩻✨⭐️🔪🫐
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Also randy is growing mint light:) and Yellow next I guess ⭐️💛🍋
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Since Vincent and Calem have already gotten things, how about Randy x male reader? Perhaps reader was supposed to work out the machinery around the theater or something. Reader later ends up as a night guard at Candy's and encounters RAT once again. I assume they kept this a secret since it was the 60s or something.
Ever since Rat's malfunction that ended up hurting a kid, somebody had to be called in to make sure future incidents like that didn't happen again.
Soon you came into the picture: a young man fresh out of college with an engineering degree.
Turns out you got more than you bargained for--as suddenly technical problems sprung up left and right in the low-budget theater, so you were showed how to fix them all.
Nothing was too difficult, but it's all such tedious work.
Your favorite form of work was animatronic maintenance, where you fixed up Rat and Cat (though Rat was your favorite out of the two).
Randy met you first day on the job and personally showed you how the characters functioned as suits and animatronics.
He shares a special connection with Rat, so when the latter needs repairing he’s gonna watch you work (even when he’s on break).
You struck up a friendship with him, though his alcoholism and ego are both rather off-putting.
He offers you a beer while shining Rat’s teeth and you look at him like he's stupid.
"What? It helps me give him a goofy voice and the kids love it!"
You’re concerned about why he feels the need to get plastered in order to put on a convincing act for children.
But you just go back to work. Maybe he’s got a rough home life and this place was his escape. You couldn’t judge.
Fast-forward to when the theater is shutdown and you receive a notice of termination along with your final paycheck. The reason was apparently due to a “plethora of health and safety violations” but that was extremely vague.
It’s a shame, you thought Randy was a cool guy. You hoped he got help somewhere, though you haven’t seen him around town at all.
Years later more restaurants themed around animatronics pop up and you worked at a few of them, but you never stayed long at Freddy’s.
It felt like they were trying to copy R&CT. Nothing would ever have the charm like that place once did.
So when you learned Candy’s Burgers & Fries was opening up, you were psyched to see the company spring up in ads again and applied immediately.
Unfortunately all the dayshift/mechanic positions were full, and you ended up taking on the nightshift as a guard.
Just watching animatronics for a week didn’t seem so bad. But they had some glitch that made them quite aggressive.
Besides that, it wasn’t too bad...until the 5th night.
You see Rat--or at least you think you did--hiding in the shadows, though you’re too distracted by the other animatronics to really pay attention.
Later in the night, you hear the sound of whirring machinery and think it’s Old Candy, but the raspy call of your name definitely didn’t sound like him.
So you shine your flashlight and see none other than Rat himself...your old friend.
His head twitches, and he leans into the office to look at you. 
Bringing the light up to his face, you were shocked to find that in his eyesockets were...
Glowing human eyes. Glazed-over and lifeless.
In that moment you connect the dots. He wasn’t glitching like the others, and he was a wire animatronic that shouldn’t be able to move from room to room on his own. 
Not to mention the awful smell coming from him that none of the others had..
So there was only one other possible explanation.
“Have you...been stuck in that suit all these years?” You ask. “What happened to the theater that day?”
Apparently that was a touchy subject.
Rat’s twitching gets more violent as he lashes out at you, scratching your arm, but you manage to flee from your office and evade the other animatronics, escaping the restaurant just as 6 AM arrives.
You see Rat claw at the door, unable to leave, though you could tell from the way his shoulders slumped that he regretted hurting you.
For a moment you thought you saw oil leaking from his eyesockets, but you just left, needing to treat your wound.
You wondered what you were going to do now.
Was that...really him?
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thingismyson · 4 years
Me: Can I rest
My brain: Fnac
Me: Please-
My brain: Vinnie FNaC. Except he’s not possessed by Puppeteer/Vincent he’s just his own animatronic but everyone THINKS he’s Vincent because if Rat and Cat are Randy and Callum (The Rat and Cat actors respectively) then why wouldn’t he be Vincent but he has no idea who that is he’s just trying to vibe with his lack of height
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outerspacecandy · 7 years
It just clicked in my mind.
The kid who thinks the Cat’s name is Carl offhand suggests that maybe the Rat has a name that rhymes with his partner’s. (Which doesn’t make much sense. ‘Rarl’...?)
A few nights later we find out the original Cat’s name was, in fact, Candy.
The kid’s comment didn’t seem to have any significance at first, but...
Is the implication that the Rat’s name was Randy?
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rollingstonemag · 5 years
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Un nouvel article a été publié sur https://www.rollingstone.fr/rock-legends-2019-annonce/
Les soirées Rock Legends vous feront revivre les plus grands moments de Woodstock !
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Rendez-vous le 22 octobre à Lille et le 23 à l’Olympia de Paris pour revivre un bout de la légende
Pinacle de la culture hippie américaine, théâtre de certains des plus grands moments de l’histoire du rock’n’roll, le légendaire festival Woodstock fête cette année ses 50 ans (non sans quelques heurts).
Une belle occasion de se replonger dans des concerts mythiques par l’intermédiaire de tribute bands prestigieux ; c’est ce que propose la soirée Rock Legends, qui se tiendra le 22 octobre 2019 au Théâtre Sébastopol de Lille et le lendemain à l’Olympia de Paris. Cette année, l’événement innove, puisqu’il réunira sur scène deux mastodontes du rock, dont un qui ne produisit jamais sur la scène de Woodstock pour d’obscures raisons financières (« une erreur de l’histoire » pour Richard Walter, producteur des Rock Legends) : Led Zeppelin ! Le quatuor formé par Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones et John Bonham sera à l’honneur avec le groupe Letz Zep, qui reprendra quelques uns de ses plus grands standards.
L’autre grand nom de la soirée, c’est The Jimi Hendrix Revolution, groupe hommage à The Jimi Hendrix Experience mené par Randy Hansen, qui n’a pas peur d’y mettre les dents, comme en témoigne le trailer de la soirée :
La soirée Rock Legends avec Letz Zep et The Jimi Hendrix Revolution, ça se passe le 22 octobre au Théâtre Sébastopol (Lille) et le 23 à l’Olympia (Paris). Pour vous procurer vos places (via la Fnac) :
Lille – Paris
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diegoricol · 5 years
Diego Ricol Freyre recomienda:Diego Ricol recomienda: Las mejores fotografías de 2018 premiadas en los concursos del año
Y no porque lo digamos nosotros, sino porque así lo han dicho prestigiosos jurados internacionales a lo largo del año que ya se acaba. Porque, dejando aparte posibles polémicas, se supone que en los concursos se eligen las mejores fotografías. Así, por lógica, no se nos ocurre una mejor manera de mostrar las mejores fotos de 2018 que recordando quienes han ganado en las principales competiciones de fotografía de este año.
Y es que, como ya sabéis, solemos estar atentos para mostraros las imágenes ganadoras de los concursos más prestigiosos, porque es una excelente manera de ver buenas fotografías y sabemos que os gusta. Así que vamos a repasar lo que han dado de sí los últimos 365 días en materia de concursos fotográficos para tratar de obtener “una foto” (nunca mejor dicho) de cuáles han sido las mejores imágenes de 2018 (sin incluir, como es lógico, los concursos cuyos resultados fueron publicados este año pero se referían a la edición del año anterior). Empezamos.
Y empezamos (como no podía ser de otro modo) remontándonos a enero cuando se hicieron públicos los ganadores del concurso Hasselblad Masters, un certamen bianual de gran prestigio (no en vano lo organiza la conocida marca sueca) y que en su XVII edición premió a once fotógrafos de igual numero de categorías, entre las que destacaba Maria Svarbova por su trabajo ‘Swimming pool’ que ya os mostramos.
De la serie ‘Swimming pool’ de Maria Svarbova, premiada en la categoría Arte del Hasselblad Master Awards 2018
Poco después conocimos a los ganadores del ‘2018 Underwater Photographer of the Year Awards’, que eligió como “Fotógrafo submarino del año” al alemán Tobias Friedrich por su imagen ‘Cycle War’, una foto panorámica captada en el interior de un barco naufragado en el Mar Rojo.
‘Cycle-War’ de Tobias Friedrich (Alemania) / Fotógrafo del año según los 2018 Underwater Photographer of the Year Awards.
Finalizando febrero se dieron a conocer los ICP 2018 Infinity Awards, premios en el ámbito del fotoperiodismo, el arte, la fotografía de moda y la editorial. Unos galardones otorgados por el prestigioso International Center of Photography de Nueva York, y en los que destacamos el premio al colectivo de fotoperiodistas Women Photograph en la categoría “Online Platform and New Media”.
De Maya Levin, del colectivo Women Photograph, premio en categoría “*Online Platform and New Media*” de los ICP 2018 Infinity Awards.
Como un mes después se desvelaron los ganadores del concurso BJP International Photography 2018, otorgado por la prestigiosa revista British Journal of Photography a un colectivo con sede en Copenhague formado por Sara Galbiati, Peter Eriksen y Tobias Markussen, gracias a su serie ‘The Merge’ que ofrece una exploración visual sobre la robótica y la inteligencia artificial.
De la serie ‘The Merge’ de Sara, Peter & Tobias, premiada en el BJP International Photography 2018.
Ya entrando en la primavera se hicieron públicos los resultados de la tercera edición del Premio de Fotografía Zeiss 2018, que organizado por Zeiss y la Organización Mundial de la Fotografía premió al belga Nick Hannes por ‘Garden of Delight’, trabajo que el jurado consideró se ajustaba más al lema propuesto: “Seeing Beyond – Untold Stories”.
‘Chill-out Ice Lounge, Dubai 2016’, de la serie ‘Garden of Delight’ De Nick Hannes (Bélgica), Ganador del Zeiss Photography Award 2018.
Y el 12 de abril se dio a conocer al ganador del concurso de fotoperiodismo World Press Photo 2018. Se trata de uno de los premios más populares, del que suele surgir la imagen que normalmente consideramos como foto del año (y por eso la hemos puesto en portada). Y en esta ocasión el honor se lo llevó Ronaldo Schemidt por su impactante foto titulada ‘Venezuela Crisis’, y cuya historia pudimos conocer de primera mano posteriormente.
‘Venezuela Crisis’ de Ronaldo Schemidt (Venezuela), ganadora del premio “The World Press Photo of the Year”.
Apenas unos días después asistimos al “nacimiento” de un premio de nuevo cuño organizado por la plataforma para fotógrafos y artistas visuales One Eyeland. Se trata del ‘TOP 10 Black & White Photographers 2018’, concurso que quiere premiar a los mejores fotógrafos en blanco y negro del mundo. Y entre ellos tenemos que destacar, cómo no, al único español de entre estos diez elegidos: Adolfo Enríquez, por ‘Ray Lights’.
‘Ray Lights’, de Adolfo Enríquez. ‘TOP 10 Black & White Photographers 2018’.
Lens Culture, otra plataforma de fotógrafos (más conocida eso sí), organiza durante el año varios concursos normalmente dirigidos a una disciplina concreta. Así, en ese mismo mes de abril se hicieron públicos los ganadores de los LensCulture Portrait Awards 2018. Quinta edición de un concurso de foto de retrato que tuvo como ganador principal al holandés Robin de Puy con su proyecto ‘Randy’.
‘Randy’ de Robin de Puy. 1st Place, Series, LensCulture Portrait Awards 2018.
Ya entrados en mayo se hicieron públicos los ganadores del Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2018, seguramente el concurso de foto gastronómica más importante (que incluía a nuestro Ferrán Adriá como jurado), y que eligió a Noor Ahmed Gelal como “Mejor fotógrafo gastronómico del año” por ‘Praying with Food’.
‘Praying with Food’ de Noor Ahmed Gelal. Ganador del Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year 2018.
Llegamos a junio donde se dio a conocer el nombre de la ganadora de la XVII edición del premio Nuevo Talento Fnac de Fotografía, otorgado a Liza Ambrossio por su serie fotográfica ‘Naranja de Sangre’.
‘Demonio Rosa’, de la serie ‘Naranja de Sangre’ de Liza Ambrossio. Ganadora del Nuevo Talento Fnac de Fotografía 2018.
El siguiente concurso que conocimos fue la versión dedicada a la fotografía callejera de los premios de Lens Culture. Así, el vencedor principal en los Lens Culture Street Photography Awards 2018 fue Somrav Das (Bangladesh) por su serie ‘Floating Heroes’.
De la serie ‘Floating Heroes’ de Somrav Das (Bangladesh). 1st place, Series, LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2018.
Aún en el mes de junio os enseñamos las imágenes ganadoras de los premios PX3 Prix de la Photographie, prestigioso concurso parisino que eligió a Laureen Greenfield como “Fotógrafa del año” por su serie ‘Generation Wealth’, una historia con forma de fotolibro sobre el lujo y el derroche.
De la serie ‘Generation Wealth’ de Laureen Greenfield. “Fotógrafa del año” en los premios PX3 Prix de la Photographie 2018.
El día que los norteamericanos celebraron su independencia (el cuatro de julio), conocimos los resultados del Certamen Internacional de Fotografía Signo editores, que en su tercera edición premió a los ganadores de las nueve categorías a concurso con especial mención para el cántabro Olmo Calvo, como Premio Especial del Jurado por su trabajo ‘Rohingyas escapando del genocidio’.
De la serie ‘Rohingyas escapando del genocidio’ de Olmo Calvo, Premio Especial del Jurado en el III Certamen Internacional de Fotografía Signo editores.
Esta misma etnia (los rohingyas) fue también protagonista del siguiente concurso: Los iPhone Photography Awards 2018, que premian las mejores fotos hechas con el popular teléfono de Apple. El ganador fue Jashim Salam, fotógrafo de Bangladesh, que venció gracias a la foto titulada ‘Displaced’ que muestra a niños de la etnia rohingya asistiendo a una proyección en un campo de refugiados.
‘Displaced’ de Jashim Salam (Bangladesh). Fotógrafo del Año en los premios iPhone Photography Awards 2018.
Y si lo de un concurso de fotos hechas con móviles os parece novedoso aún lo es más uno de imágenes tomadas con drones. Hablamos del Drone Awards 2018, un certamen recién nacido bajo el auspicio de la asociación italiana Art Photo Travel (responsable también de los Siena International Photo Awards). Pues bien, en esta primera edición el ganador absoluto fue Florian Ledoux por la foto ‘Above the polar bear’ que le dio el título de “Fotógrafo de drones del año”.
‘Above the polar bear’ de Florian Ledoux. “Fotógrafo del año” según el concurso Drone Awards 2018.
El siguiente concurso que os mostramos, ya rozando agosto, fue el Dog Photographer of the Year, certamen que elige las que podemos considerar mejores fotografías de perros del año. Y en este ocasión, la “Fotógrafa canina del año” fue la holandesa Monica Van der Maden por la foto ‘The lady of the mystery forest’.
‘The lady of the mystery forest’, de Monica van der Maden (Holanda). Ganadora absoluta del Dog Photographer of the Year 2018.
El siguiente concurso que publicó sus resultados (a finales de agosto) fue el Bird Photographer of the Year, evento dedicado a las aves que otorgó su premio principal al peruano Pedro Jarque Krebs por su imagen denominada ‘Black Friday‘.
‘Black Friday’, de Pedro Jarque Krebs. Bird Photographer of the Year 2018.
Ya superado el verano, los concursos de fotografía volvieron a nuestras páginas comenzando con el fallo del popular certamen ‘Caminos de hierro’, en donde venció la foto ‘Cuaderno de Vinh a Hue‘ de Cristina Bezanilla.
‘Cuaderno de Vinh a Hue’, de Cristina Bezanilla Echeverría. Primer Premio en el concurso ‘Caminos de hierro’ edición 2018.
A comienzos de octubre se falló el Alfred Fried Photography Award, premio a las mejores imágenes relacionadas con la Paz. Pues bien, el título honorífico de ‘Peace Image of the Year 2018‘ fue a parar a la norteamericana Anna Boyiazis por su proyecto ‘Finding freedom in the water’ sobre las mujeres de la isla de Zanzibar (Tanzania) que desafían la Ley islámica que no les permite nadar simplemente por su sexo.
‘Finding freedom in the water’ © Anna Boyiazis / Alfred Fried Photography Award 2018.
Apenas un par de días después del anterior conocimos los ganadores de un nuevo concurso que se ha venido a denominar Photobox Instagram Photography Awards (PIPA) y se presentaba como “una celebración de la mejor fotografía publicada en la red de fotos favorita en el mundo en los últimos 12 meses”. Es decir, un certamen basado en las imágenes publicadas en Instagram y que otorgó el título de “Instagram Photograph of the Year 2018” a Darren Hall por una foto de su perro atrapando una pelota titulada ‘Ted the Poodle‘.
‘Ted the Poodle’ de Darren Hall – @darrenwilliamhall. Ganador absoluto de los Photobox Instagram Photography Awards 2018.
También en octubre se dieron a conocer a los vencedores de todo un clásico en el panorama nacional: el Concurso internacional de Fotografía MontPhoto, que en su 22 edición premió a lo mejor en fotografía de naturaleza con Miguel Ángel Rubio Robles en cabeza al llevarse el “Premio de Honor MontPhoto 2018” por su imagen ‘Opresión’.
‘Opresión’ de Miguel Ángel Rubio Robles (España).Ganador absoluto del Premio de Honor MontPhoto 2018.
Y aún en este concurrido octubre os enseñamos las fascinantes fotos ganadoras del Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year, prestigioso concurso de fotografía astronómica. Y este año el fotógrafo más destacado fue Brad Goldpaint (EE.UU) que con la imagen titulada ‘Transport the Soul’ se hizo con el título honorífico de “Astronomy Photographer of the Year”.
‘Transport the Soul’ de Brad Goldpaint (EE.UU). Ganador absoluto del hizo con el título honorífico del “Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2018”.
Y por fin llegamos al mes de noviembre que prácticamente inauguramos con un artículo sobre los vencedores de la cuarta edición del certamen Siena International Photo Awards (SIPA). Se trata de uno de los concursos de fotografía más prestigiosos de Italia (organizado por los mismos que el Drone Awards 2018) y que eligió las mejores fotos del año en diez categorías. Y el vencedor fue K M Asad (Bangladesh) que ganó el título ‘SIPA Contest Photo of the Year’ con su imagen ‘Battle Victim’, que muestra la tristeza en el rostro de una niña rohingya.
‘Battle Victim’ de K M Asad. SIPA Contest Photo of the Year.
Muy poco después conocimos a los ganadores de los International Photography Awards (IPA), también conocidos como los Óscars de la fotografía al recibir los premiados (en una gala que se celebra en Nueva York) una estatuilla denominada Premio Lucie. Este concurso elige a los mejores fotógrafos (profesionales y aficionados y a escala global) en distintas disciplinas y nombra a un ‘Fotógrafo Internacional del Año’ (en categoría profesional) que en su 16 edición fue el estadounidense Tawny Chatmon por su serie ‘The Awakening’ sobre los lazos familiares, la maternidad, la paternidad y la celebración de la infancia.
De la serie ‘The Awakening’ de Tawny Chatmon (EE.UU). Ganador premio ‘International Photographer of the Year 2018’.
Aunque aquí también hay que citar el premio al mejor fotógrafo en la edición para España que fue para el fotoperiodista Aitor Garmendia por su trabajo ‘Tras los muros’ sobre los mataderos de animales mexicanos.
De la serie ‘Tras los muros’ de Aitor Garmendia. Ganador del premio Photographer of the Year en edición latina de los IPA 2018.
A mediados de noviembre se anunciaron los vencedores de los ‘The Epson International Pano Awards 2018’, novena edición de un concurso patrocinado por la conocida marca de impresoras que premia las mejores fotos panorámicas del año. Este año, el ganador absoluto fue el búlgaro Veselin Atanasov que con la foto ‘Combing the Sunlight’ se llevó el premio ‘2018 Epson International Pano Awards Open Photographer of the Year’.
‘Combing the Sunlight’ de Veselin Atanasov (Bulgaria). ‘2018 Epson International Pano Awards Open Photographer of the Year’.
Finalizando el mes conocimos las fotos premiadas en la 26 edición de los Premios LUX 2018, que otorga la Asociación de Fotógrafos Profesionales de España (AFPE) a los mejores profesionales del año en once categorías. Aquí no hay un ganador absoluto, pero podemos destacar por ejemplo a Jorge López Muñoz, ganador del LUX de oro en categoría Proyecto Personal con su trabajo “El Clot [2013/2018]”.
De la serie “El Clot [2013/2018]” de Jorge López Muñoz, ganador del LUX de oro en categoría Proyecto Personal.
Comenzamos diciembre con la buena noticia de que un español resultó vencedor del trofeo al mejor fotógrafo de atletismo de 2018 según la IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations). El elegido fue Félix Sánchez Arrazola con una llamativa foto de la cual pudimos conocer más detalles en esta reciente entrevista.
Selemon Barega celebrando la victoria en el Cross de Elgóibar. Foto de Félix Sánchez Arrazola ganadora del premio al mejor fotógrafo de atletismo de 2018 según la IAAF.
Apenas unos días después se dio a conocer el fallo del Premio Internacional de Fotografía Humanitaria Luis Valtueña 2018, XXII edición del concurso de Médicos del Mundo que fue a parar a las manos del fotoperiodista argentino (afincado en España) Juan Medina por su serie ‘Vida y muerte en el Mediterráneo’.
De la serie ‘Vida y muerte en el Mediterráneo’ de Juan Medina (Argentina). Ganador del Premio Internacional de Fotografía Humanitaria Luis Valtueña 2018.
El 10 de diciembre, ya con la Navidad acercándose peligrosamente, se hicieron públicos los ganadores de un clásico: el Concurso de Fotografía National Geographic 2018 que otorga la conocida publicación a las mejores fotos del año en tres grandes categorías Gente, Lugares y Naturaleza. Pues bien, el ganador de la segunda fue elegido como ganador absoluto del concurso por la imagen denominada ‘Unreal‘ realizada por el estadounidense Jassen Todorov y que muestra a miles de coches abandonados en el desierto de Mojave.
‘Unreal’ de Jassen Todorov. Ganador absoluto del 2018 National Geographic Photo Contest.
Y por fin llegamos al que fue el último concurso cuyo fallo conocimos este año (aunque seguro habrá más en los próximos meses que premien fotos de 2018): LensCulture Black & White Awards. Se trata de la primera vez que esta conocida plataforma (de la que ya hemos mostrado otros concursos en este mismo artículo) elige a las mejores imágenes en blanco y negro del año, divididas en tres premios para la categoría Series y otros tres para Individual. Pues bien, en la primera, el vencedor fue Camillo Pasquarelli (Italia) por su proyecto ‘The Valley of Shadows’.
De la serie ‘The Valley of Shadows’ de Camillo Pasquarelli. 1st Place, Series, LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2018.
Foto de portada | ‘Venezuela Crisis’ de Ronaldo Schemidt (Venezuela), ganadora del premio “The World Press Photo of the Year 2018”
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iekeejkeek · 1 month
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The sky is beautiful isn’t it~?❤️✨
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iekeejkeek · 1 month
I still here mf>:) here some animation I make
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iekeejkeek · 5 months
look at the sky and you will see the wonderful thing
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iekeejkeek · 4 months
oh you here for dinner party just in time
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Mother, may we have some Rat custom night pretty please?
If ya’ll need to catch up here’s the rest of the HC series!
Meeting Rat/Randy at the Theater & again during FNAC 1
Night 6
'Night seven..here we go.’
Once again you risked certain death coming back to Candy’s, but this time you got more answers.
Randy needed to know that you understood what happened to him now. So you hoped he was still here.
Upon arriving to your office, you found your monitor was already on and it was showing some kind of customization menu.
Something told you that you’re not meant to see this, but you were curious and looked it over, learning you could change the AI aggression of certain characters, including Rat’s.
After poking around some more, you found a gallery of static animatronic models, old retro swing music playing on the speakers.
When you observed Rat’s, however, the music cut out rather suddenly.
It left a nervous feeling in your stomach.
The speakers probably malfunctioned, but you weren’t sure. So you zoomed in on his face, realizing you couldn’t see his eyes on his model.
Was the monitor haunted? It honestly wouldn’t surprise you that much considering all the dark secrets you learned of this place.
Then the whole screen turns red, and Rat starts violently twitching his head. All the while, you see different numbers fade into view, arranged in a pattern similar to the AI menu, along with the message "CAM-13".
So apparently there's a hidden camera you never checked..
You wrote down the numbers quickly, noting how Rat’s was at 20 while the others were very low.
And when you were finished, the screen went back to normal, playing that same music from before.
As bewildering as it was, you wondered if Randy was trying to communicate something to you this way. So you input the numbers into the AI menu before starting the animatronics up.
Immediately he shows up, barely after midnight. He’s more irate than ever, but recognizes you long enough to calm down.
And in a brave act you stand up and..hug him, not caring about what happened next.
“I understand everything now, Randy. I’m so sorry, my friend.” You feel your voice tremble, with both grief and relief that you got the closure that's been eating away at you for far too long.
You can hear his motors whirring like crazy, feeling his own arms wrap around you tight.
“S-S-Sorry...[y/n]....” He shudders, before suddenly pushing you away from him and pointing to your tablet. “C-Cam...13...”
Remembering that, you checked the cameras and saw nobody else around the restaurant.
Except for a shadow-like Candy animatronic standing on the stage.
All of the sudden it teleports into the office, shaking violently before it lunges out to grab you.
But of course Randy isn’t gonna let that happen as he keeps you behind him, ready to fight tooth and nail to protect you.
The shadow still attacks with a ghostly howl, yet it doesn't hurt you.
Instead it takes you both to a strange realm, one that held an identical office with purple lights.
This was...
The Null dimension.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Platonic FNAC Pupeteer, CAT actor, and RAT actor (It's a popular headcanon that their names are Vincent, Calem, and Randy respectively if you want a name for them) x Child reader who's very good at making origami stuff? So the reader made a origami Vinnie/CAT/RAT and gave it to them.
Oooo okay! I didn’t know those were popular names but I’ll use them too ^^
Making origami shapes is impressive, but a humanoid origami? That takes talent.
So Vincent was surprised when you presented an origami Vinnie to him after the show, including its own little strings to control!
He absolutely loves the attention and gifts from kids, so yours becomes a prized asset to his collection.
First he thanks you himself, before bringing out Vinnie and making him shake your hand, showing that they both appreciate it a lot.
Even when his career falls into ruins and he throws away all evidence of his affiliation with R&CT, he hangs onto Origami Vinnie, unwilling to let go of the one thing that proves he’s not a failure.
Calem finds your origami CAT to be pretty cool, thanking you for the kind gesture.
He’ll carry it around with him so it doesn’t get lost--or even hold it during a show so everyone can see the gift you made!
Of course, he won’t point out you, though seeing the gift in his paw makes you beam with pride.
He treasures it forever, even in death, as CAT still never lets go of it.
He’ll show it off to the other animatronics, too, especially RAT who may or not be a little bit jealous.
Despite the incident where Randy accidentally hurt a kid, thus ruining his reputation, you showed him forgiveness by making an origami rat for him.
Usually he tells kids to stay far away but..you were brave for walking right up to him with no fear and presenting such a thoughtful gift.
But sometime later it ends up lost after his death and becomes a new office decoration for Candy’s B&F.
RAT recognizes it as he barges in to kill Mary and...suddenly Randy’s spirit awakens and remembers..
The guilt creeps up on him, knowing how many kids he lead to their deaths--kids that were your age when you offered him that gift.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Ooh! Ooh! I know! How about some headcanons where (child) reader is the child of the person who owns the Rat&Cat Theater, and after school they're always there and love the 3 characters and the actors that play them. Eventually the actors warm up to them and come to see them as one of their own. (Also, I imagine the events of FNAC 3 and FNAC in general didn't happen since everyone is much more stable here and Randy has likely given up drinking after a lot of work.)
Randy strives to impress the child of the theater’s owner: you. This place was founded all thanks to your creative mind, and it helped him find a new purpose in life.
But it didn't exactly do the best background checks, as he was still struggling with alcoholism and drinking on the job.
When Rat malfunctioned one day and hurt someone, Randy was worried about what you'd think. He's convinced he just ruined your favorite character even though the accident wasn't his fault.
So he tries getting help, slowly stopping the temptation to drink any booze left by other employees.
You’re old enough to know what alcohol is and how it affects peolle, so when you overhear him telling the Puppeteer he was trying hard to quit for your sake, you catch him when he comes out of the staff room.
And you tell him he’s doing great and he'll always be your favorite--as both Rat and Randy. 
Thank goodness the costume head hides his tears.
Finally, he's making someone proud.
Cat was always happy to see you, the theater owner’s child.
Though for a while Calem himself was worried about ruining the “magic” of the characters if you knew he was really just a guy in a costume.
But you overheard his name from a worker and started calling him ���Cal”.
He thought you meant Cat but no you clearly knew his actual name.
You promise to keep that a secret for the sake of the younger kids, pinky-swearing on it.
Since then he’s able to act more like himself. He’s just as friendly as Cat--nearly indistinguishable from him.
Everyday after school you visit just in time for his show and smile as you watch either of them perform.
Calem couldn't be happier. He’s glad to make you and your family proud. At this point he considers himself a family friend.
Vincent knew he wouldn't be as popular as Rat and Cat. It wasn't his theater but he couldn't help but wonder if this was worth it. 
In the beginning he thought his degree would get him something better than this. He considered quitting a few times.
Then you, the owner's child, came to see his first show and were amazed.
You asked him questions, shook Vinnie’s hand, etc.
Soon other kids stopped by his mini-theater because you talked to them about him all the time, sharing your drawings.
He didn't expect so much attention, but he soaked it all in like a sponge. At one point he ran out of stories he wrote on a script and had to make some up to keep his growing audience entertained.
Now he has no plans to quit. He's here to stay and put on the best damn show, even if it doesn't outshine Rat or Cat.
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thingismyson · 5 years
Deaths in my AU
Whoop here we go-
Caroline Darell, Rodger Lee, Kamy Harold, and Ralph Harold:
The og four missing children, all dying from stab wounds from William's knife. Simple as that. Caroline got stabbed in the stomach, Rodger in the neck, Kamy in the head, and Ralph in the eye.
Charlie Miller:
Stabbed in the gut, William's first human kill. All she wanted was to be let back inside.
Luis Afton:
Bitten by Fredbear. His older brother, Micheal, and his gang of bully friends shoved his face into the springlock suit's mouth. Causing a month long coma and eventually... death
Elizabeth Afton:
She should’ve listen to her daddy. She went to Circus Baby's room, only to be clawed in the stomach and killed on the spot. She never did get to eat her ice cream.
Ellie Afton:
A wife and mother of three children, she got a terminal illness and sadly passed away from it. This was inbetween Elizabeth's and Luis's death.
Camden Afton:
Adopted child of Mr. William Afton, he had no idea what he was coming into. Two years he stayed with the man, and when he was 13 he was stabbed, and killed in his sleep.
Jeremy Fitzgerald:
Working as a day shift guard was Jeremy's best option, considering he feared for his life at night. Yet, when Mangle glitched out, Jeremy didn’t exactly survive a vicious bite to the head. The bite of 87 was a terrible time.
Scott Dial:
Phone guy, you beautiful man. A man who cared for his two children, but had some lustrous affairs. Mr. Afton, you sly, manipulative, flirtatious dog. Scott thought his friendship (and possible relationship) with William would keep him alive, but when William turned his back on him, it went down hill. Scott's favorite Animatronic, Foxy, attacked him. With William in his control.
Randy Mitchell and Calem Briers:
Randy was killed by being shoved into the table, his head hitting the corner, shattering his skull. Calem was suffocated by having the mask of his suit held over his mouth.
Vincent Monroe:
After committing a heinous crime, he waited many months. Only to go to court, and found guilty of the crime. But before his sentencing, he went back to the theater, the police found out and went to get him. But, he snapped. Taking an officers gun and shooting himself with it, out of guilt and desperation.
Brendan and Brooklyn Jones:
Twins who were dared to enter a robot factory. No one knows what happened there, but they someone got onto the machinery, getting themselves chopped into pieces. Brooklyn got her head and legs chopped off from the machine, Brendan was sliced right in the middle. They were holding Candy and Cindy dolls when they died.
Phil Coleman:
What happens when you emotionally manipulate robots, who view you as a parent, to the point of depression and anxiety? Well, one certain robot’s best friend confronts you, and they act impulsively. Thing didn’t want to kill his creator, he wanted to teach him a lesson, what he was doing was wrong and that he should be a better man. But push came to shove, and Coleman was struck with a baseball bat multiple times in the head and face, slowly killing him.
Bonnie Fitzgerald:
Such a sweet girl, too bad she fell victim to her dad's experiments. Told to wear a Toy Bonnie mask, she was struck by an axe. Chopping off her arms, legs, and head. The wielder of the axe being her own father.
Jackson Fitzgerald:
Another sad fate. He searched for his sister's killer, and found him. The price? His own life. Same Axe, sliced straight into the back and the gut. He bled out on the floor.
Simon ‘Jermey’ Fitzgerald:
After years of holding his creation, Simon, captive, the robot snapped. Once he broke his chains, his first motive was to kill his creator. And he succeeded. That axe was very helpful in that situation...
Felix Wermin:
The high school drop out did his best to support his family. So he worked on repairing roofs of chimneys. A basic job. If he hadn’t been so clumsy. The one day, his big job, he slipped and fell. Breaking his spine upon impact with the ground. Stephen and the home owner found him dead.
Ozzi Lewis-Wermin:
Poor kid. Who knew hanging out on a bridge with your three best friends would be so dangerous? He surly didn’t. But when you slip and fall into the water, there’s a chance you won’t make it out. Those swimming lessons would’ve been great, Ozzi, if you took the time to do them.
Stephen Wermin:
When two of your siblings die, what do you do? Dad’s gone, mom’s still at work, the eldest, and the closet thing you have to a guardian and role model is dead, your younger half brother is dead... what’s there to life? Stephen got bad, depression and anxiety was killing him on the inside. If only mom stayed awake at night to hear him cry. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he tied the rope and did it, hanging himself. The blood from the self-inflicted cuts on his arms dropped to the floor.
Mickey Wermin:
Everyone you love is gone. Mom doesn’t pay attention to you. She never did. Dad was a scumbag, so he left. Your older siblings? Dead. All dead. Mickey was alone, and his diagnosis with Leukemia didn’t help. He didn’t want to die, but he knew there was a slim chance of him surviving. The doctors told his mom he was going to die, and he did. He was going to meet his brothers, his only wish in his now broken world.
Jeanette Smith:
Grocery shopping at night generally isn’t a good idea. Especially if you’re a woman. Pulled into an alley and mugged, Jeanette gave the man everything he wanted. But he accidentally pulled the trigger.
Hansen Smith:
When it’s just you and your son, you try your best to make him happy. A trip to a Disney theme park was in order. Hansen just wanted to use the bathroom. But instead, he was apart of a mass killing. This murder killing off five single parents, one of which was Hansen. Pulled aside, stabbed, and then hung on the meat hooks inside one of the kitchens. Worst part? Jake ran over and got to see Hansen's hanging body, the last time he would see his dad again for 10 years.
Henry González:
When your in desperate need of work experience, you get an internship. That’s what Henry did. He was a fine intern, until he had to stay and watch over the abandoned site. It was boring, and Henry decided to explore. Pirates Cavern was a basement like area, and he had the key. Too bad he didn’t know someone lurked there. Hansen, now known as Undying, found Henry, and mistook him for his son. He was happy to see Jake again, but soon realized that it wasn’t him. Out of pure anger and restlessness, he attacked him. Leaving Henry to die. He didn’t mean to hurt him that much, but his key out of the place came in handy...
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