catsofyore · 9 months
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"When a man loves cats, I am his friend and comrade, without further introduction." - Mark Twain
Happy International Cat Day to all the kitties and the people who love them! These are my perfect babies, Fergus and Francie. ❤️
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lovesnapcats · 7 months
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Frodo is 5 years 9 months-old and sponsored by Cathy Blackstone. SNAP Cats rescued Frodo from Dubai (UAE). Frodo is a big, smart, alpha street cat that lets everyone here know that he’s the boss. He follows human instructions/demands very well, though, sometimes acting more like a dog than a cat. Although we haven’t tried it yet, we think Frodo will do well on a leash (with harness). It might exhaust some of his relentless energy. With this in mind, Frodo would be best as an “only” cat.
If you’re interested in Frodo please fill out an adoption application at https://www.snapcats.org/category/adoption/catsforadoption/. Thanks!
SNAP Cats uses Smart Cat, all natural cat litter.
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arecaceae175 · 1 year
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Also I just got back from the vet and here’s some info about her:
About 4 years old
Currently 7.7 pounds, should be around 8.5
Breed is probably domestic medium hair
FIV positive, so she can never be around other cats, but she’s in the intermediate stage and otherwise healthy so she should live a full life span!
I love her. Very important.
And also look at this adorable cat tree I got for her
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mushroomwillow · 9 months
TW animal death
So a couple years ago I adopted a cat. Named him levi. He had FIV and we knew he was on borrowed time. Already 10yo, had been through hell and back as a stray. But the sweetest, kindest cat. So loving and just a gentle old man.
Today I was FaceTiming with my daughter and her dad. The two of them were playing outside and we were just chatting. My ex’s dad called him frantically to go inside, and my ex found Levi unable to use his back legs, and breathing very heavily. I essentially was hung up on, for good reason.
He took him to the closest animal hospital, about 45 min from where he lives. They put him on oxygen, gave him meds for the pain and fluids. My ex just got the call that there’s nothing they can do for him. He has blood clots possibly caused by the fiv.
Im a mess. I found him at a PetSmart, they had an event going on for adoptable pets through some local humane societies. Tons of kittens and this cage in the back with this lonely white cat that no one would go near. I scooped him up. My soul cat had just died (if you ever see a pic of me I have his face tattooed to my chest) and idk I just felt really drawn to Levi.
In November of 2022 I had to dip. My ex was abusive as all hell to me. (I won’t get into all that and why we have split custody etc. and why I had been living with him for so long before moving) but I had to leave Levi behind. I hated it. And still do. But moving from Kentucky to idaho isn’t exactly easy for a cat who’s 10. So he kept him. I know he took care of him. Just. I hate it. I hate that I can’t do anything.
I’m going to miss my big fluffy baby.
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Avec “Et toi, c’est pour quand ?”, France Télévision nous a offert un téléfilm adorable, qui nous apporte un beau message de sororité. (Et ça parle aussi d’endométriose, d’où le présent article.)
A lire jusqu’au bout, parce que c’est plein de rebondissements !
L’héroïne ne veut pas d’enfant. Le souci c’est que la société n’est pas d’accord avec ça, à commencer par son gynéco, qui lui fait la morale et à qui elle doit quémander une ordonnance de pilule.
Elle finit par dire qu’elle a une endométriose et que c’est pour cela qu’elle n’a “toujours” pas d’enfant, afin d’échapper à la pression sociale. Et là, j’avoue qu’on se dit “mais quelle connasse ! Elle utilise une maladie douloureuse comme alibi, c’est monstrueux.”
Mais les scénaristes voient plus loin. Ils visent même une étude au microscope de notre société. En effet, la société est tellement persuadée qu’une femme n’a de valeur que si elle se reproduit, que sa soi-disant infertilité va transformer tout son entourage !
Ses collègues qui lui mettent la pression, sont soudainement aux petits soins. Sa mère qui n’a à la bouche que des griefs, la dorlote. Son copain qui, en réalité, n’a jamais été éperdument amoureux d’elle, s’intéresse enfin à leur couple. Son *bip* de frère, convaincu qu’il doit être canonisé parce qu’il a assuré la reproduction de l’espèce humaine, cesse de s’en servir comme boniche au prétexte que “bah toi t’as pas d’enfant, donc t’as pas mieux à faire.” Ses copines mamans, cessent de la prendre de haut parce que la maternité leur a permis d’accéder à un autre plan astral (oui je viens de faire un parallèle avec Stargate, les Anciens et l’ascension !) 
Pour autant, il y a un problème : sa nouvelle amie, qui elle souffre réellement d’endométriose et est dans l’enfer de la PMA. Car dans cette relation, ce mensonge devient cruel.
Mais c’est sans compter le scénario merveilleusement bien ficelé, qui est une ode à toutes les femmes : celle qui ne veut pas d’enfant, celle qui se bat pour être mère, celle qui est maman jeune, celle qui a eu des enfants et depuis ne cesse de s’en plaindre, celle qui aime sa belle-fille comme si elle l’avait portée, celle heureuse de montrer la photo de ses petiots, celle qui se bat pour garantir de l’accès à l’IVG.
Du féminisme et une belle déclaration aux femmes : notre corps, notre choix, cela ne nous empêche pas de nous aimer et de nous soutenir.
(Bravo à Blandine Bellavoir qui porte ce rôle, tout en profondeur, à la perfection.) 
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please accept my perfectly photogenic FIV+ kitty who is in active treatment for FIP. this is Cupid 💗
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theincompetentdesi · 1 year
Things I do differently for my senior fiv+ cat -
1. Have one kind of food that is consistent (Royal canin weight care, wet food) - this prevents weight gain which is a problem for any cat, but even more so for senior and/or immunocompromised cats
2. Constantly switch up the other kind of wet food to prevent the flare-up of any allergies
3. Have one premium quality dry food to serve as a snack (Royal canin sterilized 7+, dry food)
4. Clean my cat's ears frequently. I use a cotton ball on a pair of forceps to do it. If you can afford it, use a natural ingredient - based cleaner (I use tea tree oil based ear cleaner). If you cannot, tap water or saline is fine. Immunocompromised cats are at higher risk for infections, and I've found that most of these infections are either in the ears or in the upper respiratory tract.
5. Clean the litterbox thoroughly every 2 weeks and leave it under the sun for a little bit. If you can afford it, fill it up with fresh litter. If you cannot, just preserve the old litter in a cardboard box and fill it back up when the litterbox is dry.
6. "Bathe" my cat using a wet sponge soaked in hot water every once in a while. This is completely optional, depending on how good your cat is at grooming. Mine slacks off sometimes and he also enjoys supervised outdoor time, which gets him dirty.
7. Maintain dental hygiene. Dental diseases are also common in fiv+ cats so brush those teeth frequently if you're able to, otherwise make those dental cleaning appointments.
8. I supplement his diet with 1mL of Immunol (herbal immunomodulator) on days when the air quality is low. Upper respiratory infections are common in fiv+ cats and you want your cat to have some assistance fighting them.
9. Treats - you laugh but this is serious. You can only care for your cat if there's a bond between the two of you. Treats help strengthen your bond.
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whirling-ghost · 2 years
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We went to the vet this evening. I've been dreading this all week. He's not days away from death ( like I have been convinced he was) but we had a good long talk about it. His immune system is absolutely gone. We're trying more medication to increase his appetite, giving him antibiotics to treat whatever is going on at the moment, and got a steroid shot because he hasn't had his prednisolone in two weeks.
Obviously this isn't his cat carrier, this was his attempt at a hiding place. It didn't work.
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cigognesdelespoir · 16 days
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Webinaire « "Don d'embryons ou double don : pour qui ? quand ? Comment ? "
23 avril à 19 H
Webinaire gratuit et ouvert à tous.  Inscription ici https://bit.ly/webinairedoubleinfertilite
Un certain nombre de couples se posent la question du double don ( don d’ovocytes et don de sperme) ou du don d’embryons ( appelé aussi accueil d’embryons ) dans le cadre de double infertilité féminine et masculine.
Ce webinaire organisé avec le concours des cliniques de fertilité Sanus ( Hradeck Kralove  http://www.sanus.fr/ et Pardubice https://www.fiv-donsdovocytes.com/ )  en République Tchèque vous donnera des pistes sur les choix de traitements en cas de double infertilité et des explications sur les deux types de traitements : double don (ovocytes et sperme) ou don d’embryons.
Ce webinaire organisé par l’association d’aide aux personnes infertiles « Les Cigognes de l’Espoir »  https://bit.ly/cigognesdelespoir sera animé par Philippe Roussel , Vice-Président de l’association , Dr Jiří Štěpán, gynécologue en chef de la clinique Sanus et Radka Bandžuchová, coordinatrice en chef en charge des patients francophones des clinique Sanus depuis plus de 10 ans .
Rappelons que la République Tchèque n’autorise les traitements de PMA que pour les couples hétérosexuels.
A l’issue de la présentation, vous pourrez poser vos questions et échanger avec les intervenants.
Webinaire gratuit et ouvert à tous.  Inscription ici https://bit.ly/webinairedoubleinfertilite
PS : pour information , vous pouvez rencontrer en présentiel la clinique Sanus lors de nos réunions de Paris 5 mai 24 https://bit.ly/cigognesparis4mai   ou Caen 4 mai 24 https://bit.ly/reunioncaen4mai
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liliflorida · 1 month
I Want To Learn Animal Languages...🐱🐦
Daily writing promptWhat’s a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had?View all responses I know I am a weird person, but I am an open-minded person and always like discovering new things. In addition, I like learning new languages. I have read other bloggers’ posts every day. Someone might notice that a Like button does not show on my blog. I changed the setting temporally (I will…
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lovesnapcats · 1 month
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This handsome man is Ross. He’s 5 years 4 months-old and sponsored by Amber Wells. SNAP Cats rescued Ross from Fresno, CA. For being 5+ years-old, Ross is a very mellow man. It’s as if he’s practicing for his senior years. Ross is very friendly with people, and most other cats. Only exception are cats who get in his face. Then he’s not so nice. Just defending himself. No stalking or aggressive behavior. Ross will fit in nicely with a family who either has other cats or not.
Please don't be afraid of FIV. It's nothing. Really. Slightly compromised immune system. That's it. Just like a FIV- cat, Ross will live a long, healthy life if you take good care of him.
BTW: Ross is a Cherubim. It’s a breed of Ragamuffin. Look it up.
If you’re interested in Ross please fill out an adoption application at https://www.snapcats.org/category/adoption/catsforadoption/. Thanks.
SNAP Cats uses Smart Cat, all natural cat litter.
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dykedvonte · 2 months
Fallout New Vegas full diplomat run with the exception if you don’t accept my offers I just punch you to death
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irfacilities · 2 months
Dr. Sandeep Sharma and his IR Facilities Team in Tri-City are renowned for their expertise in interventional radiology and neurointerventional radiology procedures. They excel in Varicocele embolization, employing innovative techniques such as glue to ensure more permanent results and minimize the risk of recurrence. Their specialization extends to post-surgery and post-embolization recurrence, attracting patients nationally and internationally seeking relief from various regions.
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esperandoasuachegada · 2 months
FIV de graça?
Sobre o Instituto Ideia Fértil, que se destaca por oferecer tratamentos de fertilização a valores acessíveis para todos, descobri algo interessante durante minha visita à clínica. Há a possibilidade de ganhar parte do tratamento de forma gratuita ou até mesmo obter o tratamento completo sem custos. Para que isso ocorra, você pode optar por doar óvulos, embriões ou espermatozoides. Recomendo agendar uma reunião com a equipe do instituto para se informar melhor sobre os planos disponíveis. Essas informações, foram lidas nas paredes da clínica, não me informei melhore sobre. Pode ser uma excelente oportunidade para quem busca alternativas acessíveis no processo de fertilização, alinhando a possibilidade de ajudar outras pessoas na mesma jornada a realizarem o sonho de formar uma família.
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sailbiz · 3 months
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academiavet · 3 months
Efeitos terapêuticos do interferon ômega felino (rFeIFN-ω) na evolução clínica de gatos naturalmente infectados com imunodeficiência felina (FIV) e vírus da leucemia felina (FeLV)
O rFeIFN-ω mostrou-se útil na melhora da sintomatologia clínica e no controle de infecções virais secundárias em gatos FIV+, FeLV+ e FIV/FeLV+.
Cravo, J.A.P. (2011). Efeito do tratamento por interferão ómega de origem felina (rFeIFN-Ω) na evolução clínica de gatos naturalmente infectados com os vírus da imunodeficiência (FIV) e leucemia felinas (FeLV) e na excreção de vírus respiratórios concomitantes. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Lisboa.
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