#fili x nell x kili
Dwarrowdam Warrior Masterlist
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Summary: Nell wants to join them on the quest, but Fili and Kili are against it. After they finally give in see what happens as the three travel with friends and family to reclaim a homeland and hopefully survive the obstacles they must face
Convincing Them
Best Part of Arguing
Meeting The Hobbit
Thorin is Here
Cliffside Stories
Oh Goody Trolls
Not Built For This
A Nice Rest
Yay Goblins
Thank Mahal for Eagles
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
The Bear-Man
Spiders and Elves Oh My
The Great Escape
Mending Things
Reaching Erebor
We Have To Fight
Keep Marching On
Life After Death (Final Chapter)
118 notes · View notes
merrowloghain · 3 years
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17.12.76 Bagno dei Prefetti - Hogwarts
N: « Gnn » mugugna allargando le labbra in orizzontale. « Ho scoperto la parola » e picchietta sulla porta, giusto per far capire che si sta riferendo a quella necessaria per aprirla. « Dai andiamo che devo lavarmi » esclama, sempre apatico, e rimarcando l’ovvio, dal momento che tutti possono accertarselo standogli vicino. « Vermicoli morti » dice poi, quasi solenne, aspettando che la porta si apra. E se non vuole andare prima lei, entra lui, senza problemi di galanteria.
M: Lui le apre la porta, dopo quel dire che è davvero strano, e mentre va a precederlo, la destra si appoggia quasi casualmente sull`impugnatura della bacchetta «Credevo non volessi più parlarmi, o quasi.» glielo dice sinceramente, voltandosi praticamente subito per non rimanere troppo senza nulla da guardare. Il bagno oramai lo conosce, alla festa di Ciaran c`erano entrambi, ma ciò non toglie che è un`occhiata superficiale quella che dona al luogo, tornando con le iridi grigio-verdi, su di lui «Cambiato idea?» domanda, in tono neutro.
N: « Gnn » le risponde così « volevi che scoprissi la parola.. ed eccoci » dice, sorridendole in modo furbo. E visto che lui non ha alcun tipo di problema, ecco che slaccia il fiocco, facendo scivolare a terra il mantello, dopo che ha lasciato la borsona con dentro le cose per lavarsi e cambiarsi. Porta quindi le mani ai fianchi, e tira via il maglione, che è tipo più peso di cinque kili. E lo alza, senza esibirsi troppo, con la canotta che esce dai pantaloni e si alza pure quella, palesando un addominale, secco, ma che si sta amplificando nella sua massa muscolare. Ci vuole poco, a quest’età, anche se i cambiamenti possono essere pochi. Si toglie quindi il maglione, e lo fa cadere, producendo pure rumore. La canotta, si riabbassa comunque, lasciando visibili solo le spalle più larghe dello standard dei suoi coetanei. « Che ci facevi l’altro giorno con quelli di classe mia?» chiede ora, riferendosi al gioco della bottiglia.
M: Lui comincia a spogliarsi, e lei in tutta risposta va a sedersi a bordo vasca spizzandolo solo di tanto in tanto, più interessata a tirare fuori dalla sacca il suo pacchetto di Merlino`s sgualcito, andandosene ad accenderne una tenendola tra indice e medio della destra chiusi a forbice sul filtrino, con le unghie curate e laccate di nero a condurre la sigaretta alle labbra e fare un paio di tiri, mentre la mancina porta il fiammifero runico acceso alla punta della stessa, infiammandola ad intermittenza in concomitanza con ogni tirare di fiato. Ripone il tutto, incrociando le gambe così da mostrare le ginocchia ossute tra gli spacchi dei jeans aderenti, inclinando il busto all`indietro, con la mancina a sorreggere la posa mentre la destra allontana la Merlino`s dalla bocca, assieme ad una voluta blu di fumo. Tace, ora lo guarda ma in viso, ignorando vestiti a terra o addominali in vista «Sembrava qualcosa di diverso. In questo posto si muore di noia, almeno quello faceva passare il tempo.»
X: Lui, in quel box chiuso sale lentamente sulla tavoletta abbassata del WC, mentre la mano libera e nonché la dominante non fa altro che recuperare il proprio catalizzatore impugnandolo, permettendo alla mente di focalizzarsi sul bersaglio, o meglio, sui bersagli. Saranno due. Ha già previsto le complicanze del caso, sarà decisamente più complicato colpire entrambi nello stesso preciso momento, ma crede nelle sue capacità di riuscita. E’ lì che la mente focalizza i due, sollevandosi al contempo in piedi per far spuntare appena un ciuffo scuro di capelli e poter avere una piccola visuale sulla situazione dei due. Ed è lì che li può vedere, memorizza le loro posizioni, la loro vicinanza, i loro movimenti e crea con la mente l’immagine di una corda, non troppo spessa e aggrovigliata su se stessa da grandi fili che non vogliono essere realmente potenti. Una corda che li avvolge di colpo, senza che nessuno dei due se ne possa realmente accorgere, legandoli, imprigionandoli uno contro il corpo dell’altro. La bacchetta fuoriesce dal box, verso l’alto, mentre il polso va rivoltarsi nella creazione un piccolo nodo per far sì che quel « Incarceràmus. » pronunciato ad alta, e sicura, voce termini il suo gioco ed esaudisca il tutto. O almeno, ci spera, con tutte le complicanze del caso. Uscirebbe, comunque, da quel bagno scivolando giù dalla tavoletta, che l’incantesimo fosse o no riuscito con una piccola risata che non riesce nemmeno a controllare.
N: Muove poi le gambe per togliersi gli stivali, dopo che si è tolto le bacchette e averle messe a terra, perché sì, non gli servono. Sbottona pure il bottone dei pantaloni, e la ascolta comunque. « Se ti annoi, vattene » ecco, semplice no? Ma resta quindi col bottone slacciato, anche perché ecco un incanto che lo porta ad avvicinarsi alla Merrow seduta. Si avvicina perché avvinghiato in effetti, e non ci sarebbe da stupirsi se la testa della Grifondoro a questo punto, si trovasse vicinissima a quella zona ancora nascosta. Ma Niall non si preoccupa, anzi, inclina il capo verso il basso e inizia a sghignazzare. Il suo equilibrio è sicuramente precario, e il fatto che si sbilanci, forse volutamente verso la vasca riempita e piene di bolle.. beh. Che stia cercando di cadere, insieme a lei, nell’acqua è proprio chiarissimo. Uno sguardo ai box, e nulla di più, solo risate.
M: Al suo invito lei rialza gli occhi al cielo, vocalizzando esasperata «Ma non ti rompi mai ad essere così respingente?» ah, il bue che da del cornuto al? All`incarceramus. Perchè quello lo sente, ed il fumo che segue l`incanto alle sue spalle è solo giallo ed argento, con qualche striatura d`indaco, prima che la sigaretta le cada a terra e rotoli nella vasca, proprio mentre si vede caracollare addosso il corpo di Niall. E Merlino è Gramo davvero, e deve solo ringraziare d`essere più alta della media, dato che non finisce premuta sulla sua "bacchetta di Platano", ma si ritrova a schiaffare la guancia sinistra contro l`addome contratto del ragazzo, le braccia bloccate dalle corde ed un «UHF!» che le sfugge in un contrarsi d`espressione nel ritrovarsi troppo vicina, troppo costretta, con quell`odore di sudore che le si spalma addosso ed una risata di sottofondo. Peccato che non riesca a voltarsi per individuare chi sia stato, non ora almeno, data la posa ed il suicidio di Niall verso la vasca piena d`acqua. Verso. Cui. Affondano. Di male in peggio. Segue per forza di cose il movimento, impattando oltre il pelo d`acqua ancora appiccicata così al Serpeverde. E` un dimenarsi feroce quello che applica lei, dopo aver trattenuto il fiato giusto in tempo per evitarsi l`annegamento, tentando d`allentare le corde quanto basta a sgusciare via da lui, via da quella stretta, e riemergere magari, con un prendere d`aria rumoroso e violento.
X: Lui rimane con il catalizzatore ancora in mano, facendo piccoli e lenti passi che lo portano lì al bordo vasca dove può godere della scena che si ritrova davanti mentre loro finiscono sempre più in basso, sempre più in contatto con l’acqua. Una risata davvero fragorosa la sua, che porta la vicinanza del catalizzatore appena sotto il mento e l’appoggio del gomito sul braccio opposto, il busto appena inarcato all’indietro e un leggero ciondolare del corpo per perdere il tempo necessario alla loro risalita verso l’alto. Di certo non affondano, non possono annegare contando che le corde faranno in modo di slegarsi e finire nel nulla, quel che è certo però è che tornando verso l’alto lo troveranno ancora lì, fermo e immobile, in piedi a bordo vasca ancora sorridente e divertito dalla scenetta che lui stesso ha provato a creare – con Niall che poi ha facilitato la cosa – ritrovandosi per prima cosa a spostare le iridi cristalline su Merrow facendole un rapido occhiolino prima di passare a Niall, con lo sguardo, e infine prendersi la panoramica di entrambi con un passetto indietro pronunciando un «E ora che ho fatto il TimoCupido della situazione, vi lascio soli a cincischiare. »
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N: E lui non si imbarazza di certo, e ridendo si lancia dentro l’acqua, senza aver timore di annegare o altro. L’Acqua è il suo elemento, e di certo non muore dentro una vasca, profonda o meno che sia. Ci pensano comunque le corde a slacciarsi, e quindi risale, con l’unica novità che pure i suoi pantaloni iniziano a galleggiare. Sì, si sono tolti sotto l’acqua, ma comunque non è un suo problema. Riemerge quindi, con l’acqua che viene portata via dal volto con un gesto della mano, e osserva e sente Xavier che ride. « No dai » cerca di fermarlo sì « vieni a lavarti » gli dice, avvicinandosi al bordo della vasca. « E poi lei si annoia » come a dire che se ne andrà ben presto. « … insieme » e questa, viene detta un po’, come una piccola parola chiave, con una complicità e un tono di voce, quasi dolce, e gli occhi che guardano proprio Xavier.
M: Riemerge quindi, con quel riprendere fiato nervoso, le mani che s`alzano e vanno a togliersi con entrambi i palmi l`acqua dal viso, scivolando poi all`indietro per portare i capelli via dalla visuale. Il trucco rimane perfetto ed impeccabile, magicamente reso tale, puntando quindi le iridi grigio-verdi sul colpevole. Niente popò di meno che «Xavier!?» occhiolino che riceve da lui, lei con la mascella molle e l`aria ingramata «Ma io ti ammazzo, brutto co**ione!» però lui continua a ridere e lei semplicemente rimane con un broncio un po` più morbido, completamente zuppa da testa ai piedi, ancora immersa nell`acqua della vasca. Sbuffa, il Prefetto fa un passo all`indietro, ma lei sta già mettendo le mani sul bordo per issarsi con uno scrosciare d`acqua reso enorme dai tessuti che hanno guadagnato litri che l`appesantiscono come un Erumpent «TimoCupido sto ca**o.» replica mentre lo guarda lateralmente in cagnesco, sentendo in ritardo le parole di Niall sul lavarsi. Si ghiaccia sul posto, osservando prima Xavier e poi il Terzino, con quel maglione che oramai le ricade addosso stile sacco di iuta, facendola somigliare ad un animale randagio lasciato sotto il temporale al ciglio della strada. E` vero che la Loghain si stava annoiando eh, ma a quell` "insieme" che pronuncia il terzino, la fronte le si aggrotta pesantemente, ed è uno strano sguardo preoccupato che rivolge in direzione del Prefetto, sgocciolando acqua e sapone da ogni fibra che continua ad avere addosso «Ma vi siete fatti di sviante?!» ma "insieme" COSA!? Avrebbe bisogno di strizzarsi i vestiti, che un Arefacio magari non basta ad asciugare tutto quel disastro, ma invece incrocia le braccia sotto il seno, fissando entrambi in cagnesco.
Penso spesso è l'inizio di tutto questo penso spesso è l'inizio di tutto questo penso spesso alla fine di tutto ma tu puoi darmi di più
X: Il richiamo fa volgere il capo verso di loro, a quell’invito che non può non ignorare. Ed è appunto quel ‘insieme’ di Niall a farlo ridere a crepapelle contrastando alla grande quel modo quasi dolce di rivolgersi, per poi osservare la reazione di Merrow e arricciare il naso ancora di più per poter aumentare la risata. Risata fragorosa con quella vena tipicamente presa da qualche gene non di certo francese. « Eddai, sta scherzando. » Niall. Rivolgendosi alla Grifondoro, passando lentamente lo sguardo su di lei per poter osservare il suo maglione sgocciolante d’acqua e poi passare verso l’alto in direzione dei suoi capelli, capace in tutto questo di fermare la propria camminata verso l’uscita e rimanere lì con loro. « Una bella doccia mi servirebbe, puzzo maledettamente. » e non ha problemi a riferirselo da solo e, in caso, agli altri due. Sia mai che vogliano avvicinarsi a lui e sentire l’odorino di ormoni che sprizza da tutti i pori. « Ma preferisco una doccia calda in solitaria. » e tante altre cose in solitaria, mentre le iridi cristalline passano dalla Loghain a Niall. « Se si annoia, non farla annoiare. » e c’è un altro occhiolino che parte in direzione del serpeverde e finisce, in realtà, verso la Loghain quasi come se con questo volesse stuzzicarla, permettendo alle labbra di trattenere un sorriso mentre la lingua passa rapidamente sull’inferiore sino a raggiungere il palato in uno scocco rumoroso.
N: E lui è ben più pacifico, anche perché si trova dentro l’acqua, quindi sembra ancor di più un fattone. Ma non per questo non serve le parole degli altri, e non osserva le loro reazioni. Ci resta un po’ male in effetti per quello che vuole fare Xavier, ovvero lasciarlo lì, ma per ora non dice nulla. Lo sente ridere, e anche lui tende le labbra, ma è quando parla di doccia da solo che « se te ne vai, vengo anche io » gli dice, recuperando i pantaloni bagnati e lanciandoli dove ha messo pure il maglione sudato. Non gli interessa più, in alcun modo, di Merrow, che infatti non parla di lei, e nemmeno la osserva poi troppo. La sua reazione è così, piena di ira, che lui non ha voglia di amplificarla. Sempre placido, sembra lui ora quello che si sta annoiando, oltre che sembrar uno che c’è rimasto male per qualcosa. Non dice nulla, e capisce anche che ha poco potere sull’uno e sull’altra. E se è nell’acqua, tanto vale rimanerci. Muove le gambe sotto l’acqua, e tira fuori un boxer bianco a righe blu, che cerca di lanciare proprio verso Merrow, o forse verso Xavier. Insomma verso loro due. « Noia » ecco sì, ma se ne sta a mollo, felice e contento.
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M: «Certo, doccia in solitaria. Dillo che ti manca Tristan.» e con una noncuranza incredibile, andrebbe ad afferrare il bordo inferiore del maglione, mentre si volta per dare le spalle ad entrambi e sfilarselo di dosso con un rumore di scialaquio tipico d`un cencio fradicio, frustando il tessuto verso il basso, rivelando così la schiena bianca ed esile, affusolata, coperta per la gran parte dai capelli che le si appiccicano alla pelle nivea. Si piega un poco in avanti per afferrare il maglione e cominciare ad attorcigliarlo per strizzarlo via da quell`acqua che però risulta davvero troppa, rivelando una collana di vertebre bianche ed un poco visibili in quella curva appena accennata, ed il gancetto del reggiseno nero, che appena le tocca girarsi, sarà visibile ad entrambi. Insomma, niente che Niall non abbia già visto negli spogliatoi, ma no, Xavier esulava da tale visione e quindi, eccola lì: addome piatto, allenato, con un ombelico piccolo ed a mandorla, magra e con la curva della vita stretta che accentua una femminilità che tiene sempre nascosta, al pari del seno rinchiuso dalle coppe scure e tenute su dalle bretelline fini. Clavicole sporgenti, collarino ancora addosso e jeans così aderenti e bagnati «Si ecco. Andatevene così qui ci resto io e voi mufloni andate a fare i gemellini Troll da un`altra parte.» Getta il maglione a terra, cominciando a sfilarsi gli anfibi per poterli rovesciare sopra la vasca a levare l`acqua accumulata con quel tuffo in piscina. Un`occhiata di fuoco verso Xavier e quell`invito a non farla annoiare, a cui risponde piccata «Se nemmeno te ci riesci, cosa pretendi da lui.» sorriso sghembo e poco gioioso, ma comunque parzialmente divertito. Peccato che sia in quel momento che vede i boxer di Niall galleggiare a pelo d`acqua, prima di vederli lanciati tra lei ed il Prefetto Serpeverde. Pietrificata. Guarda Xavier, guarda i boxer, rimane incurvata in avanti con sti benedetti anfibi in mano stile velociraptor cristallizzato, ed è un aprire di bocca incredulo che le fa vocalizzare una sorta di pigolio strozzato. Noia? Lei ha raggiunto una colorazione magmatica. Molla gli anfibi a terra con un tonfo e si raddrizza «Devi proprio andare?» chiede a Xavier con un tono quasi supplice, forse dimentica del fatto che potrebbe tranquillamente, o quasi, andarsene di là indenne. Eppure è un chiaro: "Non osare lasciarmi da sola con lo strambo". Che sguazza. Felice.
Il tuo sguardo mi uccide mi ricordi lo Stato sei la cosa giusta ma per l’uomo sbagliato  
Noi che proviamo a fuggire da qua sembrava un film ma era pubblicità amami sottovoce se no ti rubano l'idea
X: La frase di Merrow non passa alquanto inosservata e per quanto potrebbe persino non ribattere ecco che non si fa mai perdere l’occasione. Spalanca appena le braccia prima di farle cozzare entrambe lungo i propri fianchi. « Oh, Tristan mi manca sempre quando non sono con lui. » teatrale il modo con cui viene pronunciato, approfittandosi di una parte che non è proprio sua, risultando però reale tanto da non riuscire a comprendere se stia scherzando o meno. Perché, sta scherzando o no? Flettendo le sopracciglia per dar modo a quella frase di essere più che reale, mentre la mano libera finisce nella tasca della tuta beccandosi così l’uscita di Niall nei suoi riguardi. « Sì, allora dillo che volevi farti un bagno con me. » ammiccando divertito in sua direzione, non volendo per forza di cose catturare quel dispiacere e noia che vengono subito dopo mostrate proprio per non aver accettato di far parte di quella scenetta che si stava godendo esternamente. 
Il problema avviene dopo però perché Niall passa automaticamente inosservato quando la Loghain sceglie di utilizzare i modi babbani per risolvere una questione che poteva velocemente essere risolta – o più o meno – con il catalizzatore. Ed ecco che finisce per osservare la sua spina dorsale visibile in quella posizione che, di spalle, assume permettendo agli occhi di agganciarsi a quel ferretto del reggiseno che man mano finisce sempre più in mostra nell’istante in cui lei si volta. E non vorrebbe realmente rimanere lì immobile con lo sguardo, ma forse colto alla sprovvista o decisamente impreparato, resta fermo. Le iridi cristalline dunque sono proprio in direzione del suo seno ricoperto dalle coppe scure del reggiseno. Osserva la sua pelle bianca e scivola, involontariamente, verso il basso passando per la curva dei suoi fianchi sino a risalire pian piano, dalle bretelline del reggiseno al suo collo nudo. Trattiene il respiro in tutto ciò senza nemmeno rendersene conto, mentre l’espressione rimane in ogni caso piuttosto impassibile, dove sono solo gli occhi a muoversi e cambiare direzione sino a raggiungere il volto di lei.
 Dove qui, sarà rapida l’occhiata e il contatto visivo dei suoi occhi grigio-verdi prima di spostarli rapidamente altrove proprio dove quei boxer finiscono all’aria e lui, con un rapido movimento, si spinge in avanti con la mancina – sfilandola dalla tasca – tentando dunque di agganciarli alle dita. « Hop. » presi. Si spera. E in qual caso « Okay che ti sei emozionato, Bro, ma non farlo notare così tanto. » e lo prende – bonariamente – in giro, dove la risata è piuttosto naturale. Il pantalone comunque finisce sotto il proprio braccio. Quel che fa poi è un « Accio maglione Loghain. » pronunciando scandendo bene le parole, la formula, immaginandosi dunque di richiamare il maglioncino bagnato di lei e… correre. Perché corre. Oh, se corre. Con i muscoli ancora semi-riscaldati. E corre davvero, davvero, veloce. Riusciranno realmente a recuperarlo presi entrambi alla sprovvista? Lo troveranno dopo aver svoltato i vari angoli del castello? Saranno entrambi così rapidi? Certo, Niall è semplicemente senza boxer ma ha tutto l’altro vestiario, la Loghain dovrà trovare altri modi per non uscire in reggiseno. E che vuole fare? Uscire in reggiseno o coprirsi?
E invece restiamo freddi due stanze, due letti ti asciughi i capelli io fumo confetti
N: Assiste alla scena che ha di fronte con Merrow che tira in ballo cose dette da sempre e pure Tristan. Sente la replica, e sospira leggermente. Che sia geloso del rapporto che il prefetto ha con l’altro Serpeverde? Chi lo sa. E gli replica anche in merito all’altro. « Se fossimo rimasti negli spogliatoi, l’avremmo fatto » dice, parlando del bagno insieme eh. Osserva, restando in silenzio, non intromettendosi per nulla in quel discorso tra gli altri due, e notando poi la svestizione di lei. Eh sì, la Grifondoro si sta proprio spogliando, e lui beh, sarebbe scemo a non guardare. Infatti guarda, con gli occhietti chiari di nuovo sul suo corpo, ma senza essere troppo invadente. Ovviamente non dice nulla, la guarda, e sospira. Non guarda nemmeno Xavier che fa la statua, ma insomma, può capire da quel silenzio che anche lui sta facendo la stessa cosa che sta facendo Niall. Lamentele, Grifolagnerie, e insomma, tutti i piccoli spregi che Merrow fa a Xavier, gli arrivano come suoni molto noiosi. E lancia quindi il boxer, con il prefetto che lo blocca e lo provoca. « E non mi ci stava più dentro » e ridacchia, inclinando il capo verso il basso, con il corpo che resta comunque coperto da acqua e schiuma. E dopo questa cosa, Xavier prende la rincorsa, con il maglione di Merrow. E che dovrebbe dire o fare ora? beh, nulla, e quindi fa il bagnetto, perché puzza e ne ha davvero bisogno.
Che spreco disumano non baciarci da un po’
Se non sentiamo male non ci sentiamo vivi prende bene quando vieni e sorridi
Vieni qui che giochiamo mentre fuori diluvia
Non mi passerai mai come l’ultimo tiro fai più scena del crimine.
M: Sbuffa, spazientita nel sentire quanto gli manchi Delation che, anche se non è lì con loro, praticamente aleggia stile boxer di Niall prima di venir tirati. Non sembra fregarle qualcosa del desiderio dell`uno o dell`altro di fare il bagnetto assieme, piuttosto concentrata a strizzarsi il maglione che si, potrà asciugare con l`arefacio dopo che magari ha levato quei due tre litri d`acqua che lo infradiciano. Però si gira, getta il tessuto a terra e rimane un paio d`istanti interdetta nel rendersi conto solo ora che ha lo sguardo di entrambi addosso.
E se Niall la guarda con superficialità e quasi abitudine, è Xavier ad attirare tutta la sua attenzione, beccandosi un`occhiata che sembra neutra poichè sostenuta dall`espressione del viso completamente impassibile, peccato però che il tempo si sospenda d`un paio di battiti. Perchè a lei viene la pelle d`oca ad essere guardata a quella maniera, senza contare che è già parecchio a disagio, ritrovandosi bloccata nella posa per quello strano istinto di fuga o immobilità che in lei, con lui, finisce sempre nella seconda opzione. E lei lo guarda a sua volta, risalendo con le iridi grigio-verdi al suo volto, in quel brevissimo scambio di sguardi che distoglie in fretta a sua volta, dando un colpetto di tosse veloce a schiarirsi le corde vocali, deglutendo a vuoto subito dopo mentre l`impegna a rovesciare acqua nella vasca con gli anfibi. 
Boxer lanciati appunto, con quell`uscita di Niall che le fa sbuffare l`accenno d`una risata, se non fosse che lei non ci sta già più capendo niente, con l`espressione marmorea e la testa leggera, tant`è che nemmeno fa niente nel vedere come lui si sia conquistato il proprio maglione con quell`accio, sbarrando gli occhi a rallentatore prima di vederlo correre via. E Xavier se ne va, e lei rimane come un baccalà ferma, rimanendo a fissare la porta qualche istante di troppo, stile crup quando l`umano si nasconde «Ma...» leggero e roco verso Niall, pur senza guardarlo «Ma siamo scemi?» loro, mica lui che è scappato con il suo bottino. Sospira, l`espressione che si liquefà in una di morte, e passi ciondolanti vengono fatti in direzione della vasca «Senti, ho voglia di annegare in acqua per cinque minuti. Se vengo lì tieni la tua Selma lontana da me, hm?» che tanto oramai l`hanno capito che non si piacciono, no? Circa. Quindi semplicemente si sbottona i jeans, faticando non poco per levarsi quella sorta di seconda pelle, per poi lasciarla tutta rovescia sul bordo della vasca, scivolando all`interno della stessa con le gambe lunghissime e nude, calzini tolti assieme ai pantaloni, intimo total black e semplicissimo. Sparirebbe sotto il pelo dell`acqua per qualche momento, risalendo come un piombino in centro , portandosi i capelli all`indietro e respirando un po` più irregolare. Forse le ci voleva una nuotata nelle acqua gelate del Lago Nero. 
Prende male quando vieni e sorridi Possiamo fare bella storia bella Storia bella storia bella
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Life After Death (Final chapter)
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A/N: I can't believe this is the last chapter guys. I've had so much fun writing this, seeing your reblogs and such. I really hope you all have enjoyed this as much as I have
Summary: the battle is over, the mountain is won, but things still seem bleak until Nell finally wakes
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: a little angst, but then fluff.
Word Count: 1256
Fili, Kili, and Thorin were exhausted. There was so much to be done to restore Erebor to its former glory. Funeral pyres had to be made for those killed during the battle of the five armies; food, clothing, and other supplies had to be found. But most of all, they had to take care of Nell. The three of them took turns watching over her as she slept. Her wound had been severe and the healers weren't sure she would live. But her husbands as well as the rest of the company refused to give up hope.
At one point Fili, Kili, Thorin, and even Dwalin had thought her dead after the fatal blow Azog had given her, but Mahal had been on their side and she still lived. Dwalin carried her back to the mountain after the fighting was over and the healers tended her wound. It was mostly closed up, but she was still pale, her heartbeat was weak, and she was showing no signs of improvement. But that didn't stop the others from coming to her room, talking to her, telling her stories, or bringing flowers. Ori knitted her a blanket and Bilbo told her about Fili becoming exasperated having to deal with the other lords and ladies. Fili and Kili would clean her and make sure to move her so she didn't get bed sores.
It was a month later when most of the rooms had been repaired and letters had been sent to Ered Luin inviting the rest of their kin to the mountain that Nell finally showed signs of life. Fili was resting his head on the bed beside her and holding her hand when he felt it twitch in his. Raising his head up he looked at her with hope filled eyes. “Nell? Gimlelul? Can you hear me?” He asked. Her hand twitched again and her eyes started to slowly open, but she was still too weak to open them all the way.
“I...can...hear you,” she whispered. Her throat was dry and her voice cracked due to lack of use, but she was finally awake. Fili started crying tears of joy and pulled her into a hug. A grunt left Nell as her wound was still tender and her body ached from lack of movement.
It took a week of the others helping her walk around her room before she was finally able to walk on her own, but now she was able to move about even if it was slowly. And tonight she was getting ready for the coronation. Now that Dis and the rest of their kin had made it to Erebor it was time to officially crown Thorin king and crown Fili as his heir along with Nell.
The coronation went smoothly and now Nell was sitting in between her husbands enjoying copious amounts of ale just like they were. Everyone was drunk or at least close to it, songs were being sung, people were dancing, and laughs were being had by everyone. After some time Fili and Kili drug Nell back to their room were they made gentle love to her for the first time in a long time.
Nell had been up and about for over a month now and most of the mountain was restored. A small smile graced her lips as she watched Dwalin train the recruits. She had managed to get a few moments to herself where Thorin wasn't complaining about some trade agreement or some treaty with Mirkwood or something else, so she came to the training grounds in hopes of him not thinking to look for her there. Just because her and Fili were supposed to rule one day didn't mean that Thorin had to overload them with responsibility right now. He had advisors for a reason and Nell wished he would seek them out instead of her and Fili.
“Keep yer shield up or I'm gonna ring yer bell,” Dwalin shouted at one of the young dwarves.
Nell threw her head back in laughter. “I remember when you used to tell me the same thing. Didn't take long for me to learn that lesson,” she said. Dwalin looked over at her with a grin. Something not many people got to see.
“Aye it didn't. And maybe if you had a shield when you went against Azog we wouldn't have been worrying about your death. Tell them how important a shield is.” He nodded his head toward the recruits.
Nell walked over to them and pulled down her tunic just enough to show her scar. “You see that?” The recruits nodded. “I didn't have a shield when I rushed in front of Azog to save my husband and because of that I almost died. So learn to use that shield properly and keep it on you,” she told them. The recruits nodded once more and began working harder.
Dwalin walked over to Nell and rested a hand on his shoulder. “Ya didn't almost die, Nell. You did die. When we got ta ya and Fili yer heart wasn't beating. They took off and I stayed with ya praying to Mahal and pushing on her chest, giving you my own breath until ya came back,” he said. Nell’s brows furrowed and she cocked her head. She hadn't been told that before. Fili and Kili had only told her, she had almost died.
“Why didn't Fili or Kili tell me?”
“They didn't know lass. They were so worried about ya I didn't think I should worry them more, but here ya are alive and healthy,” he said patting her on the shoulder. Nell felt her stomach lurch and turned to the side vomiting.  “Almost healthy,” Dwalin corrected himself.
Nell wiped her mouth clean and smiled at him. “I'm healthy. That's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly normal.” She rested her hand on her belly her smile widening.
Dwalin's eyes went wide. “Yer pregnant?” He asked.
“Yes, but don't say anything. I'm going to tell Fili and Kili tonight,” she told him.
That night Nell made both her husbands’ favorite meals and sat gifts on the table to give them. “I have something to tell you, but first open your gifts.” She pointed at the packages. Fili picked his up first and opened it to find a small wooden sword a child would use to train with. He looked at her in confusion as Kili opened his and pulled out two tunics, one small for a babe and one for him. They both read ‘Durin Archers.’
“Amrálimé are you trying to tell us you're pregnant?” Kili asked as he looked at the items. Nell’s smile was from ear to ear as she nodded her head. Kili sat the tunics down and rushed to hug her. “I can't believe it, you're having a baby,” he said.
Fili was quick to join in on the hug. “This is wonderful news,” he said before kissing her tenderly.
Months later, Nell gave birth to a dark haired little girl. Kili now had a daughter named Gisela. But that wasn't the only child Nell would have. In time she fell pregnant again and gave birth to a perfect blonde haired little boy. Fili now had a son named Frerin after his uncle. And both children were loved dearly. Gisela took up archery much like her father, though she could use a sword and Frerin carried around multiple weapons much like his own father.
It would seem there was hope for life after death after all.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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Convincing Them
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Summary: Nell wants to join them on the quest, but Fili and Kili are against it. After they finally give in see what happens as the three travel with friends and family to reclaim a homeland and hopefully survive the obstacles they must face
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: None this chapter, but for future chapters; smut, fingering, oral(male and female receiving) and possibly more Idk yet
Word count: 1172
If you like this or any of my other works my requests are open 
Fingers ran through black tresses as Nell let out a heavy sigh. Her hand came to rest on her smooth cheek, which was odd since she was a dwarf, but her family never cared that she had no beard like the other dwarrowdams. With another heavy sigh, she steeled her gaze. She wasn’t backing down anytime soon. Nell had been arguing with the two in front of her for over an hour. She wanted to join them on their quest. It pained her to think of being left at home never knowing if they were alive or safe, if they were eating enough, where they were. She couldn’t do it; the mere thought of being separated from them caused a physical pain in her chest.
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Every since they had met as children they had been inseparable. It wasn't strange to find her sword training with them, or running through the woods. They often pulled pranks on the other dwarves together. At night when it was time for them to head home they would cry until their parents gave in and let her stay at their house or them at hers. Eventually instead of trying to seperate them they were just asked which house they would be staying at. They had been dubbed the tricky three. You never saw one without the other two. As they grew they realized the reason they were so close was she was their one, their soulmate. She was always supposed to be with them; love them, take care of them, and them her. However they were now telling her they would be going on a journey, a dangerous one at that, and they didn't want her coming.
Nell was a fighter just like they were. She knew how to wield a sword and fire a bow. Plus she had some skills in healing. Having her along would be helpful. They didn't see it that way. All they saw was her being in danger. Like telling her there would be danger was going to make her want to stay home; she was too protective for that. There was no way she was going to sit at home like some delicate flower that couldn't defend herself while they went off and possibly died. No, she was going. Wild horses wouldn't be able to stop her from joining them.
Dark green eyes met with blue as she locked gazes with her fair haired husband. “I'm going whether you like it or not and that's final,” her tone held no room for argument. Nell knew that wouldn't be enough to actually stop the argument as dwarves were known for their stubbornness and her husbands were no different. Her own stubbornness matched theirs and this argument could go on for sometime unless she found a way to outsmart them.
“You're not going,” they said at the same time. It wasn't odd for them to do this. Sometimes you would catch the three of them talking at once. It was what happened when people grew up together and spent almost every waking moment together.
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Nell stood to her full height of four foot ten trying to look intimidating. “And just how do you two think you're going to stop me?” She quirked a brow and crossed her arms. “Unless you plan to tie me up and leave me and just hope someone finds me before I starve to death you have no choice, but to let me go.” She told them matter-of-factly. They looked to each other and then back to her. Neither could find a way to argue against her last point, but they both tried. They opened and closed their mouths multiple times looking like fish out of water.
With a smirk Nell turned away from them and began heading toward the bedroom to pack her bag. As far as she was concerned she had just won the argument. She grabbed her pack and began shoving clothes, a whetstone, herbs, oils, spare cloth, and a blanket inside. She wanted to be prepared for anything they may encounter. Just as she was putting her last tunic inside a hand landed on her shoulder.
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“Fine you can come. But you get to be the one to tell Thorin why you're there.” Hazel eyes twinkled with mischief as Nell let out a groan. She loved Thorin like a father. He was a brave, strong, noble dwarf whom she had always looked up to. And while he supported her in everything she did, she knew he wouldn't be happy with her tagging along. Not because she couldn't defend herself and not because she was female. Simply because he was overprotective when it came to her.
Nell had lost her parents when she was young. Her mother had died from some type of illness when she was a babe and just before she entered her teenage years she had lost her father in the same mine collapse that had killed many other dwarves. That was when Thorin had taken her in and raised her like family. It was because of this that she knew he wouldn't be happy about her joining. She just hoped he wouldn't send her home. He was her king and if he ordered it she would obey.
“Didn't think about that did you?” The brunette in front of her asked. Nell’s only reply was to stick her tongue out at him. A deep laugh erupted from his chest that resonated around the bedroom. “No obviously I didn't,” Nell replied. That wasn't going to stop her though. She threw her last tunic in the bag and tied it up. “Alright so when do we leave?” She wanted to get on the road as soon as possible. The quicker they reached the Shire the sooner she could convince Thorin.
“I'm guessing the threat of Thorin didn't work?” a voice from the doorway came.
“Unfortunately not brother,” was the reply.
“I love Thorin and I respect him, but if you think for one second the threat of him will stop me from coming you are both wrong. I love you and I'm not being separated from you.” I looked between them as they had a silent conversation. Something they did often. And while she normally knew what was going on between them, this time Nell was at a loss.
“Well, Kili it looks like our wife is coming with us.” Fili shook his head with a sigh and began packing his own bag. Kili shrugged knowing they had lost and began getting his own things ready. They would be leaving first thing in the morning and they had already wasted enough time arguing when they should have been packing. In truth they weren't angry they had lost the argument. They didn't like the idea of being away from Nell either, but they loved her and wanted her safe. That was why they had tried to keep her at home. Now they would just have to do their best to keep her safe on the road.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff  @sdavid09 @sammit-janet
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Mending Things
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Summary: Most of the company has left for Erebor, but Fili, Kili, Nell, Bofur, and Oin are left behind in Laketown where there is a chance for them to finally fix things
Pairing: Fili x wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1436
That night all most all the company was happily eating the feast the master of Laketown had given them. There was plenty of food, ale, and good music going around but Nell wasn't enjoying it. She sat quietly in a corner talking to Bilbo. Fili had tried to get her to join them, but she wasn't in a mood to be around Kili. Which her fair haired husband had understood. It didn't stop him from coming to check on her every so often and she was grateful for it. But she was happy to sit in her little corner and talk with her friend until it was time to go to bed.
Later that night instead of sleeping between her husband's, Fili was in the middle. Kili was still completely lost on why Nell was upset with him as the only thing Fili would tell him was to think about Mirkwood. That wasn't enough to help him understand what was happening between him and his wife.  And it pained him, maybe even more so than his leg. Kili laid awake most the night sweating, pale, and at a loss as to why Nell wouldn't speak to him.
Morning came early and with it the rush to reach the mountain before Durin's day as it was almost upon them. Almost everyone was at the ships preparing to leave except Bofur, Nell wasn't sure where he was. She had just finished putting a package in the boat when she heard Thorin telling Kili he couldn't come. She stopped helping load the boat and turned to see what was going on. She saw how pale and sickly her husband was and felt horrible. But what killed her was the heartbreak she saw in his eyes when Thorin forbid him from coming. She watched as Fili climbed from the boat and Thorin stopped him.
“Don't be a fool Fili. You belong with the company,” Thorin said.
Fili shrugged his uncle off and looked at him coldly. “I belong with my brother.” He made his way to Kili's side helping him to stand. Nell didn't hesitate to follow after them. No matter how upset she was with Kili, she would never abandon him. Especially not with how he looked.
“Nell what are you doing?” Thorin asked.
“My place is with them. It always has been and it always will be,” she replied. Even if Kili wanted another she would not abandon him in his time if need.
Oin made his way off the boat and to their side as well. “I'll stay with the lad. My place is with the wounded,” he said.
And so that was how Nell, Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur(who had overslept and finally showed up) found themselves left behind. They rushed to ask the master of Laketown for help, but he refused and so they went to Bard's home.
“I'm done with dwarves,” Bard said as he went to close the door.
Nell placed her hand on it and stopped him, gazing at him pleadingly. “I know we have no right to ask anything of you, but please Kili is sick and we have nowhere else to go. I fear he will die if you turn us away,” she begged. And because Bard was a kind man who wouldn't wish death upon anyone he let them him. And it helped that his daughters were fond of Nell. Oin and Nell were quick to try and tend to Kili once they got him inside, but nothing seemed to work.
“We need kingsfoil,” Oin said. And Nell knew he was right.
“We feed it to the pigs,” Bard told them. Bofur of course was willing to go and try to find it.
Nell stood next to Kili holding his hand. He gave her a side smile. “I don't know what it is I did to upset, but I am sorry for it. I love you and I would never want to hurt you,” he told her, but his voice was weak. Even so Nell bit her lip and looked at him, unsure. It was hard for her to believe him after the looks she had seen him give Tauriel, but she desperately wanted to. Before she could reply she felt the house shake.
“It's coming from the mountain,” Bain said.
Fili and Nell both looked to Bard. “Take your family and go,” the fair haired prince said. Bard looked at them both sadly.
“Go where? There is nowhere to go,” the bowman replied.
“Are we going to die, da?” Tilda asked. Nell looked to the young girl and shook her head. She would not let that happen. Not after everything the girls had done for her. They helped her bath, loaned her clothes, washed her own (which she had changed back into), and treated her with nothing except kindness. She couldn't let anything happen to them.
“Of course not,” Bard tried to reassure her, but his tone didn't hold the strength he hoped it would.
“The dragon’s going to kill us,” Tilda cried.
“Not if I kill it first.” Bard ripped a black arrow down from under drying herbs. And the others looked at him in surprise as him and Bain left. They didn't think there were anymore of the arrows that could kill Smaug left but yet they had been wrong.
The hour was growing late, Kili was getting worse, Bain had returned without his father, and the others had no idea where Bofur was. Things were beginning to look dire and no one knew what to do. A sound on the roof caught Nell’s attention and she looked up curiously. She then noticed Sigrid standing outside on the balcony and asked her to come in. The young girl agreed but right before she could close the door a orc dropped down, causing her to scream.
The next few minutes were a blur as Nell pulled a knife off the table and began fighting. Sigrid was throwing things and Bain had flipped a table for the girls to hide behind, but their rescue came in the form on Tauriel and Legolas. During the fighting Kili had been pulled to the ground and was now crying out in pain. Legolas left after all the orcs were dispatched and Tauriel went to follow, but something stopped her.
“What are you doing?” Nell heard Bofur ask.
“I'm going to save him,” Tauriel replied walking back in the house carrying the kingsfoil in her hand. She walked over to Kili rubbing it between her hands before pushing it into his wound. Kili began thrashing about and it took all of them to hold him down as the Tauriel chanted, “Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth.” There was a white glow about her that had everyone mesmerized, but Kili seemed to be getting better.
Just as the elf finished he looked at her completely dazed. “Nell, where is my beautiful wife? She is the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth, but she is far from me now. Angry from slight I do not know. I wish I could get her to forgive me. She is my heart and soul and it pains me to know she is hurt because of me.” He sighed and closed his eyes.
Nell moved so that she was right above Kili's face. Hearing him tell Tauriel what he had made her realize that she had been worried for nothing, that he didn't have any feelings for the elf and now she felt guilty. “Oh, Kee. I'm right here my love. And I'm so sorry for ever being angry with you. I should have never doubted your love for me,” she whispered. Kili's eyes opened and they seemed much clearer than they had before.
“Why would you ever doubt it?”
“They way you talked to Tauriel. They way you gazed at her.”
“Oh amrâlimê. What I feel for her is nothing more than gratitude and friendship. She saved my life and I was amazed at her skills. I could never love anyone other than you. You're my one. No one can take me from you.”
“But the trousers thing?”
“A mere jest to see if I could make an elf blush. Though she really should have checked I had a small dagger,” he told Nell with a grin.
“Why didn't you use it against the spiders?”
“Then the elves would have taken it. This way I got to keep it,” Kili explained.
Nell laughed and gave him a kiss. And that easily things were back to normal between them.
amrâlimê- my love
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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Spiders and Elves Oh My!
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Summary: The company has left Beorn's and is now traveling through Mirkwood forest
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC
Warnings: a tiny bit of angst
Word Count: 1192
Nell was not a happy dwarf. Nope, not happy at all. The forest they were in was dark and dank and the very air seemed to suffocate her. There was no sunshine and her head felt funny. It was swimming and she was having a terrible time focusing. She had known as soon as Gandalf left them things would go wrong, they always did. First with the trolls and then the goblins, now this. It seemed every time they went somewhere without the wizard their bad luck turned even worse. She was muttering under her breath as she stumbled along the path, the one thing she was doing her best not to lose.
Gandalf’s warning still rang clear in her head. ‘Do not leave the path or you will never find it again.’ And so she kept her head down watching it with every step she took. “Why couldn't there have been another path….better yet why did Gandalf have to leave?” she grumbled as she tripped again. With a huff she righted herself and looked at the others for a moment; they all seemed to be having the same problem she was. Apparently the forest was messing with all of them.
Noticing everyone had stopped, she made her way to the front of the group and noticed a dark, menacing looking river in front of them with the bridge broken. “How are we to get across?” she asked looking to Throin. He narrowed his eyes and looked around spotting some vines that went all the way across and pointed to them. “There. If those will hold we use them,” he replied. Nell eyed the vines warily, but she knew they didn't really have time to wait. They had to go across. If not they would run out of food and die.
Kili made to move toward the vines more than ready to listen to his uncle's orders, but Thorin stopped him. “We send the lightest first.” He looked to Bilbo causing Nell to lose color. “I'll go. Don't send him first. He's not used to doing stuff like that and I am,” she insisted. It would be just like climbing the trees back home and swinging along the vines there. She could do this. But Thorin wouldn't listen, he was intent on having Bilbo cross. And of course the little hobbit went and then everyone else followed.
Their bad luck seemed to continue as she heard a splash. Turning back she realized Bombur had fallen in the water and was now fast asleep. That wasn't the end of it either.  Not long after they crossed they somehow managed to lose the path. She didn't know how it happened, but it had and now they were lost. She hung her head and let out a sigh. “Mahal help us. Please don't let this forest be the end of us,” she whispered. A hand landed on her shoulder and she looked up. Seeing Fili she smiled softly. “Everything is going to be alright. We'll get out of this forest and we will reclaim Erebor,” he promised her.
However in the next moment she felt a sting in the back of her neck and fell to her knees. She couldn't move and when she looked up she saw why. Spiders were all around them and because of their clouded minds they had all been poisoned and were now being wrapped in silk and drug into the forest and hung from the trees. As she closed her eyes she accepted that this was the end. They would never reach the mountain.
Nell woke as she felt her body hit the ground. She instantly began working to get the spider silk free from her body. A pair of hands grabbed hers and helped her up. “This forest is the worst place. I want out of here,” she grumbled. Fili gave her a small smile, but then they were having to fight against a horde of spiders. She was slashing and stabbing every which way. At one point she rolled under a spider and stabbed it in the gut. When she rolled back out she realized they were surrounded by elves with arrows pointed at them.
Her eyes went wide and she tried to get away, but there was another elf behind her. She was forced forward, but when she looked around she noticed Kili wasn't with them.
“Help!” she heard him scream.
“Kili!” both her and Fili yelled. They tried to get away from the elves to rescue him, but they wouldn't let him. A whimper left her as she became terrified they were going to lose him. Fili took her hand in his trying to console her, but in the next moment it was for a very different reason.
The dark haired prince was pushed forward to join them by a very beautiful redheaded elf. One that Kili couldn't seem to take his eyes off of. Nell was confused. He was her one and she was his; why was he staring at another woman? “Kili?” She asked softly. He turned to her and smiled softly. “I'm alright. She saved me.” He looked back at the beautiful elf who she would soon learn was named Tauriel.
Elves began searching them taking their weapons and other belongings. “Give that back, it's private,” Gloin complained as Legolas took a locket from him. Nell was extremely outraged. It was one thing to take their weapons, it was another to take private belongings that meant something to them. That was why when one elf tried to take the mini anvil she had around her neck she snarled and pushed them away. It was all she had of her mother's.
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“Try again and I won't hesitate to hit you.” Her eyes narrowed into slits and she stared the elf down. Dwalin was standing next to her as Legolas talked to Thorin about his sword. Some elf took the many blades Fili had, and Kili kept glancing at Tauriel, so the tattooed dwarf pulled her into his chest trying to comfort her. The elf realizing that the charm must be important decided to leave her alone. They had other things to worry about. Such as the spiders coming closer and closer to the palace.
Nell pulled away from Dwalin a few moments later and smiled at him. “Thank you, but I'll be alright. It's just this forest messed with my head and then the spiders and now that.” She pointed at the elves. “Not to mention how he stares at her. I don't understand it.” She sighed and looked at Kili. It really made no sense to her. She knew she belonged to him and Fili, but he was acting as if their connection meant nothing. He just kept watching Tauriel. And she could feel her heart breaking at the thought of losing him to another woman and an elf at that.
“I don't know. I'm sure it's nothin’ but if ya want I can knock him about,” Dwalin offered. Nell chuckled and shook her head. “No need. I'm sure it's nothing,” she replied.
“I hope,” she whispered as they were drug toward the palace.
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@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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Summary: the company finally reach Laketown thanks to Bard and his daughters take a liking to Nell
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: still some angst going on
Word Count: 1308
It didn't take long for the current stop pushing them forward at a rapid pace, but at least when it had they had managed to lose the orcs. Something Nell was extremely grateful for as the moved toward shore and she climbed out of the barrel with Fili's help. She was completely soaked and cold, but there was nothing to be done about it at the moment. They had no provisions and by the looks of things no way of collecting any either. “What are we to do now?” She whispered to Fili.
“I don't know, but Kili's leg needs binding.” He looked over to his brother. Nell heard Thorin yell they had two minutes. She rolled her eyes and knowing that Kili wouldn't let anyone else tend his leg went to do so. Her healing skills weren't as good as Oin's and they didn't have any herbs or anything to treat it, but she would do what she could. She squatted in front of Kili and ripped his trousers a bit so she could get a better look at it. She grimaced seeing the black ooze come out of it.
“When we get wherever it is we're going this will need proper treatment,” Nell said as she poured water over the wound and cleaned it to the best of her ability.
“Easy amrâlimê that hurts,” Kili whined as Nell tied a piece of cloth around his leg to staunch the bleeding. She stood up and rubbed her hands on her trousers.
“Of course it hurts you were shot,” she said, her tone completely aloof as she walked away from him. She hated that he was injured and in pain, but she was still hurt, by what he had done and not willing to forgive him just yet. Kili tried to talk to her, figure out what he had done wrong, but nothing he did seemed to get her to open up.
And when they climbed onto Bard's barge she was still not talking to him. She didn't utter a word to him until after they had reached Laketown, and that was only to tell him to stop whining and get back in his barrel. Which she wished they hadn't had to do. Getting covered in fish was probably the nastiest  thing to ever happen to her. The smell was atrocious and she could feel the slime as it went through her clothes and into her skin. She prayed to Mahal it would be over soon.
Nope, take that back, Nell thought. Going through Bard's toliet to get into his house was probably the nastiest thing she had ever had happened to her. Oh how she wanted a bath and clean clothes! She stood soaking wet, freezing, and feeling disgusting in Bard's living room. Hearing a young girl ask if they wold bring luck, she looked up. “Some of us will. Others not so much. They're too grumpy.” She nodded toward Thorin and Dwalin.
Tilda giggled and looked at her. “You're a girl. Oh Sigrid look she's a girl.” She pointed at Nell in excitement.
Nell smiled and nodded her head. She found the young girl adorable. “I am indeed. My name is Nell. It's a pleasure to meet you…”
“Oh my name's Tilda. Come with me and I'll dress you up,” she offered.
The others grumbled as Nell was lead from the living room and to a bedroom. They didn't think it fair that she was going to get clean, dry clothes that didn't smell like fish, while they couldn't. But it wasn't her fault that she was small enough to fit in the girl's clothes while the others couldn't fit in Bard's nor his son Bain's.
Sigrid brought forth a bucket of warm water, a small bottle of oil and some cloth for Nell to clean up with. “Here this should help with the smell.”
Nell stripped out of her nasty clothes and began cleaning herself up. “Thank you for this girls. It's really kind of you to offer your clothes. I'll be sure to find away to repair you,” she told them as she washed her hair.
Tilda came bounding up to her, holding out a few different dresses for her to try on. “No need ta thank us. You're pretty and nice. And you deserve to get out of those smelly clothes.” She saved her hand under her nose causing both Nell and Sigrid to laugh. “You can wear one of these while we wash them for you,” she said. Nell took the dresses and ended up trying on all of them, but Tilda told her the first one looked the best. She changed back into it and gave the sweet young girl a hug.
“I know you said I don't have to thank you, but really I do. A princess always thanks those that help her,” Nell said. Both Sigrid and Tilda looked at her with wide eyes. “Princess?” Tilda asked. Nell nodded her head, finding their awe adorable. “Aye I am,” Nell replied.
The two girls continued asking her all sorts of questions as they made their way back to the living room only to notice the others had left. Nell looked over at Bain hoping to get some answers as to where the others could have taken off to.
“They went to get proper weapons. They haven't been gone long,” he explained.
Nell sighed and shook her head. She couldn't believe those jerks had left her. She was going to go give them all a talking to once she caught up with them. “Thank you, Bain. I hope this isn't the last I see of you three,” she gave them each a hug and took off hoping to catch the others before it was too late. Of course when she finally did find them they were in the town square.
As she walked up to them Thorin was arguing with Bard about entering the mountain. It would seem the bowman had figured out the truth of who they were and what they were planning to do. “So much for secrecy,” she whispered as Thorin began talking to the people once more about sharing in wealth.
Fili heard her and smiled as he ran to her, but Nell held him at arms length. “You left me. All of you just left me behind in Bard's house. If you think for one second you're getting a hug you can forget it. If you thought I was hurt and upset earlier now I'm even more so. What were you thinking?” She asked.
A pout came to the fair haired prince's lips. “We were going to come back for you I swear. I even tried to get Thorin to wait, but he was too impatient. I'm sorry Gimlelul. You know I would never hurt you intentionally,” he explained. Nell bit the inside of her cheek thinking it over before she threw herself in his arms. She believed what he had said; she should have known he wouldn't abandon her. It was just hard for her after what Kili had done.
“I forgive you, Fee,” she muttered into his neck. He held her close and rubbed her back soothingly. “But you don't forgive Kili for what he did, do you?” He asked. She pulled back and looked up at him.
“I love him and I always will, but knowing he has feelings for Tauriel...I don't know if I can ever forgive that. The way he talked to her was like our connection, our marriage, our love didn't matter and that broke my heart,” she said as a few tears leaked down her face.
Fili sighed heavily and ran his fingers through her hair before cupping her cheek. “Talk to him, give him a chance to explain. I'm sure it isn't what you think it is.”
Amrâlimê-my love
Gimlelul-my brightest star
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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Thorin Is Here
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Summary: Thorin arrives at Bag End and Nell has to convince him to let her continue on the quest instead of sending her back home. With as determined as she is will she manage it?
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none this chapter
Word Count: 1657
Nell stood back partially hidden by the other dwarves. It wasn't that she feared Thorin or that she didn't want to see him. On the contrary she was trying to figure out how to word her argument. Because if there was one thing she knew it was how stubborn Thorin could be. It would truly take a great argument to convince him to let her come and not order her back to Ered Luin. And she refused to let that happen. So as Bilbo answered the door she kept to the shadows.
Thorin looked up at the grey wizard. “Ah Gandalf I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way twice, wouldn't have found it at all if it wasn't for that mark on the door.” He took his cloak off and hung it up next to the others.
“Mark? There is no mark on that door it was painted a week ago,” Bilbo exclaimed. He wasn't very happy at the prospect of his door being messed with. Not in the least bit. Gandalf let out an exasperated sigh. “There is a mark I put it there myself, now let me introduce the leader of our company...Thorin Oakenshield.” He looked to the dwarf he was introducing.
Nell could see the scrutinizing look Thorin gave Bilbo from where she stood. “So this is the hobbit.” He circled around him looking him up and down. “Tell me Mr. Baggins have you done much fighting?” Nell rolled her eyes that was a pointless question. “Pardon?” asked Bilbo. “Axe or sword? What's your weapon of choice?” Thorin came to stand in front of Bilbo and looked down at him.
“Well I do have some skills at conkers if you must know, but...I fail to see why that's relevant.” Bilbo had started out so strong in his answer and then just deflated. “I figured as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar.” Thorin looked to the company with a small smile causing them all to laugh. All, but Nell that is. She bristled up as he teased poor Bilbo. No she didn't think he was fit to fight alongside them nor did she think he could defend himself, but after all the dirty looks and snide comments people had sent toward them she felt the hobbit deserved better treatment.
Everyone moved back to the table they had been eating at previously. Nell took her spot between Fili and Kili and looked to Thorin. So far he hadn't noticed she was there, which she was grateful for as she hadn't exactly figured out what to say to him. “What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?” asked Balin. Thorin nodded his head. “Aye convoys from all seven kingdoms,” he replied. “And what did the dwarves of the Iron Hills say? Is Dain with us?” Dwalin questioned.
Thorin let out a heavy sigh. “They will not come. They say this quest is ours and ours alone.” Nell felt her shoulders slump; she had hoped that their kin would join them. “You're going on a quest?” The Hobbit spoke up. This prompted Gandalf to ask for more light as he pulled out a map and unfolded it. “The lonely mountain,” Bilbo said as he looked over the map. Gloin then spoke up saying his brother Oin had read the portents. It was now time for the reign of the beast to end.
Of course when Bilbo asked what beast Bofur had to make a show of it. “That would be a reference to Smaug the Terrible, chiefest and greatest calamity of our age. Airborne firebreather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks. Extremely fond of precious metals.” All of this caused Nell to roll her eyes. They weren't supposed to be scaring Bilbo. They were supposed to be convincing him to come with them.
“Yes I know what a dragon is.” Bilbo could be very sassy when he wanted, causing Nell to smile. She was beginning to like the hobbit quite a bit, but then little Ori spoke up. He was such a sweet little thing and Nell loved him like a little brother despite him being older than her, but he really had no place to talk of not being afraid or shoving dwarvish iron anywhere; he didn't even have a weapon. All he had was a slingshot.
Of course in the next moment Nell was finally pointed out to Thorin. “The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us, but we number just fourteen and not fourteen of the best nor brightest.” While everyone else began making comments about not being dim, Thorin scanned the group and when his eyes landed on her she could see the anger burning in them, the promise that they would speak momentarily. It was very clear in those dark blue depths that he wasn't happy with Nell for being there. A sigh left her, but she kept her head held high. If she backed down now, showed any amount of weakness she knew she would be going home.
Fili spoke up taking the attention of his wife, his voice full of pride. “We may be few in number, but we're fighters, all of us to the last dwarf.” He slammed his hand down on the table. “And you forget we have a wizard in our company, Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time,” Kili added to his brothers argument. Nell looked to the wizard in question and seeing the look on his face wasn't so sure about that statement. Of course this only started another argument as everyone tried to find out the number of dragons he had killed. Nell assumed it was zero.
Thorin stopped the arguing standing up and yelling, “Shazra.” His tone was commanding and all the dwarves stopped yelling. “If we have read these signs, do you not think others will have read them too? Rumors have began to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen for 60 years. Eyes look east to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while others claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor? Du bekar, du bekar.” His speech was moving. Nell felt pride swell within her and the urge to fight reared its head. She could not let Thorin send her back, not now.
A little while later after Bilbo had passed out thanks to Bofur talking about death by Smaug and declined being their burglar, Thorin found Nell. He had already spoken to Balin about the quest and now he was ready to tear into Nell. “Just what in Durin's name do you think you are doing? Why aren't you back in Ered Luin? I can't believe Fili and Kili let you come here."  His voice was filled with anger. "This quest is too dangerous you shouldn't be here.” He was beyond furious that his nephews hadn't stopped her from coming. “You really think they didn't try to stop me? Trust me they did, but as you can see it didn't work,” Nell informed him. Thorin narrowed his eyes. “They clearly didn't try hard enough.” He felt they should have done more to stop her. “I have just as much right to help take back that mountain as any dwarf here,” She replied.
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Thorin stepped closer to her trying to to intimidate her with his size and his status. Neither would work. She was used to people towering over her and having grown up around Thorin, plus being married to princes his status didn't bother her either. “No you do not. You are a princess. You're place is at home with Dis waiting on word from us. Not being reckless, acting fearless, trying to join a quest you have no business joining.” Thorin's tone had dropped, but his voice had somehow gotten louder. He was not pleased with how she kept arguing with him.
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A small snarl left Nell. “I maybe a princess, but I am a warrior first Thorin and you know this. You helped train me along with Dwalin,” her voice turned soft, “And I'm not fearless Thorin. I am very much afraid, but warriors...heroes they aren't fearless. They're brave. Bravery requires fear, and fear is born of loving something enough that its loss would break you.” She looked to her husbands who were talking and laughing quietly together. “I can't lose them Thorin. I can't sit back and wait not knowing if they are alive or dead, not knowing if you are alive or dead. The three of you hold my heart, my husbands, my loves, the other halves to my soul and you the father I needed,” Nell’s voice cracked as she spoke.  She wasn't even looking to be the hero in stories told by others. Nell just wanted to be the hero of her own story, her husbands’ story if need be, and one day her children’s stories.
A heavy sigh left Thorin. Was he happy with her coming? Not at all. He would never be happy with the idea of her being in danger, but even he couldn't deny she had a point. He had trained her and she was a warrior. It would be wrong to make her sit at home and wonder if her husbands lived. And if they died while she could have done something to prevent it, he knew that would break her even more. “Fine you can come, but you stick with them or me or Dwalin do you understand?” He asked. Nell threw her arms around him in a tight hug. “Thank you, Thorin.” Relief flooded through her the moment he agreed. “I said do you understand?” He asked again. She nodded her head again. “I understand,” She replied.
Shazra- silence
Du bekar- to arms
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09
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A Nice Rest
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\A/N: so this chapter actually took a twist I hadn't planned on, but I think it works well
Summary: the company finally gets to rest somewhere that doesn't have danger lurking around every corner
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warning: mentions of smut
Word Count: 1560
Nell was amazed at how beautiful Rivendell was and she hadn't even seen all of it yet. As the company walked across a small bridge and into a courtyard of sorts she looked around with awe. “Ah Lindir,” Gandalf spoke causing her to look forward. She saw an elf making his way down the stairs and watched him curiously. The elf and wizard had a conversation in what she assumed was elvish.
“My Lord Elrond is not here,” said Lindir.
“Not here? Where is he?” Gandalf asked. And then the same horn that had sounded as the company escaped the orcs sounded. Fili and Kili grabbed Nell pulling her close as the elves rode their horses around them in a circle. Her eyes narrowed as she watched what looked to be the Lord of Rivendell speak to Gandalf. Nell didn't like the fact they were speaking in another language. “That's rather rude,” she muttered. Lord Elrond looked to her with a raised brow having heard her and she stuck her tongue out in retaliation. If he was going to be rude then so was she.
“Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone must have drawn them close,” Elrond said.
“Ah yes that might have been us,” Gandalf replied looking toward the company. Thorin stepped forward and exchanged some words with the elf before Elrond spoke in his native language causing the dwarves to become angry. “Does he offer us insult?” Gloin growled and looked like he might attack. “No master Gloin he is offering you food.” Gandalf let out an exasperated sigh. All the dwarves discussed what they should do. And when they decided they would stay and accept the food Gloin told them as such.
“Nice of you to offer, but you could have just said it in a way we all understood,” she sassed.
Nell was taken to another room while the rest of the group was led outside to eat. It was odd that she was granted such a courtesy after the way She had spoken to Elrond, but she appreciated the kindness. She was given clean clothes and some water to clean up with. Of course she would have prefered a bath, but she knew she needed to get back to the others before they started worrying. As she joined the company she couldn't help laughing as Bofur was up on a dias singing and food was being thrown around.
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Nell joined in with the fun. Throwing food and singing along with everyone. When she saw the looks the elves were giving them she simple gave them a cheeky smile in return. Teasing the elves and acting like a child was the most fun she had, had in sometime and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.  It wasn't long after the singing that dinner ended. Fili and Kili came over to her taking one of her arms each. They had plans for her while Thorin, Balin, Gandalf, and Bilbo went to speak with Elrond leaving the rest of them to do what they pleased.
“So we noticed how you were looking around when we first arrived,” started Fili.
“And we thought we would go for a walk,” finished Kili.
Nell let out a chuckle. “I would love to join you on a walk. Have some time alone with my two favorite dwarves.” She squeezed both their arms and let them lead her wherever they chose. Soon enough they found a small spring, slightly hidden by bushes and flowers along with a few trees. “I believe we're in luck.” She began removing her clothes and making her way toward the water. “I do believe you're right, Gimlelul.” Fili took his own clothes off and joined her in the water. Kili laughed and dove in once he was naked causing a splash. Nell giggled and floated on her back with her eyes closed and enjoyed the sun. “This is nice. I didn't think we would get the chance to be alone while on the quest. Nor did I think we would get to rest in such a beautiful place,” she said.
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“I know uncle was against coming here and I know why, but this is much better than the cold water we've been washing with and we won't be sleeping on the hard ground.” Fili moved toward Nell and grabbed her from behind. He nibbled at her neck leaving a small mark. Kili was having fun swimming or at least he made it seem that way. In truth he was moving closer to Nell under the water. He grabbed her hips and teased her with his mouth. She let out a squeal and grabbed onto Fili's arms. When Kili could no longer hold his breath he popped up from under the water. A smirk played on his lips as he looked at Nell’s flushed cheeks. He loved being able to bring color to her face.
“You're such a tease.” She splashed water toward him causing Kili to laugh. “Aye, but you like it when he teases you, don't deny it. You know you can't,” Fili whispered huskily into her ear as he ground his hard cock against her rear. “Fair enough my golden lion, but I like what comes after the teasing even more.” She pushed back on him causing him to groan. Kili moved toward her and pressed his lips to hers in a searing kiss. “You're a tease as well amrâlimê. But like you we enjoy it and what comes after.” Kili gazed at her adoringly and with lust filled eyes.
And until the sun started to set both Fili and Kili made love to her. As the sky began to turn pink and orange the three climbed out of the spring and got dressed. “Here, Nell your braids need fixed.” Kili grabbed her hair and fixed her memorial braid as well as his braid, but he left the other alone for Fili to fix. Which he did right before they made their way back to the others. All the braids were important in some way; one for her father, one showing her marriage to Fili, and one showing her marriage to Kili.
When they joined the others a small fire had been built and everyone was laughing and drinking. “Hey lookie here the princes and princess have finally joined us,” Bofur called out. Fili, Kili, and Nell shook their heads and found a place to sit together. They laughed and joked, ate and drank, and thoroughly enjoyed their evening. For they did not know when they would get the chance to do so again. Erebor was still a long way off and they possibly had a dragon to deal with before they got their home back. But tonight that was forgotten and they relaxed until it was time to go to sleep. Nell nestled in between her husbands letting their warmth relax her. But her dreams were not at all as pleasant as her day had been.
Battle cries and screams of pain were all Nell could hear. Her body felt like she had ran for her life and didn't know if it could move anymore. She looked around not knowing where she was, but then she saw the bodies of those she called family. Fili's leg was twisted in an odd manor and his eyes held no life, Kili was broken and bloody, and Thorin was coughing up blood. She tried to move closer to them, but it was like her feet were covered in lead. No matter how much she struggled she couldn't get her body to move. Nell watched Thorin's mouth move and tried to make out what he was saying. “Run,” he said before breathing his last breath.
All of Nell’s family, the ones she had feared losing were gone. Pain blossomed in her chest and she let out an anguished cry. A sinister laugh sounded behind her and she turned seeing pink eyes right in her face.
“They are all dead and now it's your turn,” whom Nell assumed was Azog snarled. He then shoved a sword through her stomach and left her to bleed out slowly knowing she had failed to protect her family. She looked to her husbands and her surrogate father as tears ran down her face.
“I'm so sorry. I tried to save you,” she cried.
Nell jerked awake when Fili shook her. Seeing him alive she hugged him tightly. “What's going on?” Kili asked. She turned and hugged him as well as tears poured down her face. The dream had been so real she really thought they were gone. “I dreamed Azog killed you both and Thorin before he killed me,” she told them. The brothers looked at each other worried about her dreaming such things. “Nell, amrâlimê, Azog is dead. He can't harm any of us,” Kili assured her. Fili was quick to agree, “He's right. You heard uncle. Azog is dead.” But they hadn't seen the look she had. They didn't know what she believed; the pale orc was alive.
However before she could tell them what she had seen and why she feared for their lives, Thorin showed up telling them they needed to leave. Nell sighed, but got her things ready. She would have to wait to tell them it would seem.
Amrâlimê-my love
Gimlelul-my brightest star
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
19 notes · View notes
The Great Escape
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Summary: With Bilbo's help everyone is able to escape the elven kingdom, but are things alright between Kili and Nell?
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warning: very angsty
Word Count: 1276
Nell slumped to the floor as soon as she was thrown in a cell. She didn't see the point of fighting anymore, it wasn't going to do her any good. The elves had taken her weapons, leaving her completely defenseless. With a heavy sigh she leaned her head back against the wall. “At least in here Azog can't get us,” she whispered to herself. She was having a hard time finding the good in everything they had been through, but she was trying. Nell knew that even in the darkest hour, well nothing seems possible, all options seem to be taken from you, the end is near, and there is no chance of things getting better. That was when you needed to fight the hardest. So she clung to the smallest fraction of hope she had that they would survive this and manage to escape.
“Aren't you going to search me? I could have anything in my trousers,” she heard Kili say. Her head snapped up and she looked out of the cell bars to see him talking to Tauriel. A huff left her as she rolled her eyes. Figures he would be talking to that pretty elf, she thought as she crossed her arms.
“Or nothing,” Tauriel replied.
“Don't worry about him. You know the young lad is bad for saying things without thinking.” Nell looked up and noticed Balin was in the cell with her. Her lips quirked up in a sad sort of smile. After all how could she be happy, when one of her husbands was flirting with someone else? She just didn't understand why he was acting this way. Was he tired of sharing her with his brother? Did he want a love all his own? All these thoughts pained her and she didn't say a word in return. Nell knew if she did her voice would break, her unshed tears would fall, and everyone would know just how small and insignificant she felt in that very moment.
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Closing her eyes Nell decided to try and get some sleep. When she woke up she caught the tail end of a conversation Kili was having with Tauriel. Something about a blood moon and how beautiful it was. A small sigh left her at the memory. It had been a beautiful night and when they saw the bright red moon the three of them had stopped to admire it despite the fact they were part of an escort. Her, Fili, and Kili talked about how it was the embodiment of love, beautiful, bright, and everlasting. And now Kili was sharing the story with someone else. “Just break your wife's heart why don't ya. It's not like I don't have feelings or anything,” she grumbled.
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The only thing Nell wanted right that moment was to get out of the cell and away from what she thought was a blossoming love between her husband and an elf. But there was no way that was going to happen. They were stuck and she knew no matter what she did they weren't getting out anytime soon. And so she resigned herself to listening to the two talk, bond, and fall in love. With each word spoken between the two she felt her heart break just a little bit more.
How wrong she was to think they were stuck however because in the next moment Bilbo popped up out of nowhere with the keys. Nell leapt to her feet and rushed to hug the little hobbit as soon as the door was open. “I should have known you would get us out of this. You seem to always be getting us out of tricky situations and for that I can not think you enough my friend.” She squeezed him just a bit tighter before letting him go. Bilbo smiled up at her and patted her shoulder. He was very observant and despite the fact she was masking her true feelings, he could see the anguish hidden in her dark green orbs, but instead of calling her out he gave her a comforting smile.
As soon as Bilbo led the company into the cellars there was an uproar of complaints. No one could believe the hobbit had led them further into the palace and not out. Nell turned to look at him with a raised brow. “What's the plan here exactly Bilbo? You know I trust you, but this seems a little bit crazy.” She looked around the room as if trying to prove her point.
“You need to get into the barrels. All of you.” Bilbo pointed toward the stacked, empty barrels behind them. Of course no one was willing to listen, thinking it a bad idea, and that they were going to get caught. None of the company was willing to do as instructed until Thorin took over and told them to climb in. Nell uncrossed her arms and walked toward the barrels, all of which were full.
“Get in here with me,” Kili said. She gave him a pointed look walked passed his barrel and got in with Fili causing the younger dwarf to look at her in confusion. He tried asking her what was wrong, but in the next moment Bilbo pulled a lever and they were falling down into the cold river below. They sputtered about for a few minutes as they waited on Bilbo to join them. When he splashed down into the water Nori pulled him up and let him latch onto his barrel and then they were off.
Things seemed to be going well and it looked like they were going to escape, but then the elves spotted them and pulled a lever, closing the gate in front of them. They crashed into it and each other not able to go any further. Nell groaned and leaned her head against Fili's chest. “Well so much for our great escape,” she mumbled. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close until a cry about orcs was heard. The entire company began shoving at the orcs that came too close and stole a few weapons from the ones that fell dead due to the elves.
Nell was in the process of fighting one of her and Fili's barrel when she heard him yell, “Kili!” She shoved a blade through the orc and turned around. Seeing an arrow in Kili's leg her face lost all color, her heart was pounding so loud she was amazed no one else could hear it. Yes, she was angry with him and hurt beyond all belief, but he was still her love, her heart and soul. Nell would never wish harm to come to him. She watched as he pulled the lever freeing all of them and then fell back into his own barrel breaking the arrow.
It was impossible for her to keep an eye on him after that. They were once again careening down the river trying to kill the orcs when they came too close. The company also had to worry about the blasted elves who were following them and fighting off the orcs. At one point Legolas was using the dwarves’ heads as stepping stones. Something Nell did not find amusing. She had been very tempted to shove him in the river when he got near her, but she held back because the blonde elf did kill an orc who had been aiming for her.
After Thorin threw an axe killing an orc sneaking up on Legolas the elves stopped following the company, letting the rapid river lead them away from the Mirkwood kingdom and the orc pack that was following them.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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Not Built For This
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Summary: After getting free from the trolls everyone thinks things are turning around, but are they?
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none
Word count: 1247
Soon all the dwarves were free from the spit or their sacks. Nell stretched and made her away over to a large rock to sit. She stretched trying to get her sore muscles to relax. Being tied up and left in an uncomfortable position on the ground hadn't done her any favors. Leaning back on her arms, she tilts her head back and closes her eyes, soaking up the sun. As she waits on the others to check out the troll cave she began to softly sing to herself. It was a soft tune, but a happy one. One filled with love.
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world
Hearing Nell’s soft sweet voice Fili and Kili join her on the rock. She keeps her eyes closed, head still tilted toward the sky. “Send in the hobbit, it'll be perfectly safe.” She opened her eyes to look at them. “You two dimwits are lucky Bilbo caught on to what the trolls were saying and played for time. If I had gotten eaten I swear I would have come back and beat you both,” she scolded. Both princes looked at her sheepishly. She wasn't mad at them she was just aggravated about how her night had went. She had gotten to spend time with them, sure, but not in the way she had wanted. “It may not have been the brightest plan,” Kili started. “Or even the best, but it all worked out in the end,” Fili finished wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
Kili hugged her from the side and rested his head in the crook of her neck. This right here was why she couldn't stay mad at them. No matter what they did, all they had to do was cuddle up to her and she would forgive them. “Oh I suppose you're right. We all are safe and unharmed.” She turned and kissed Kili's forehead before turning the other way and kissing Fili's chin.
Of course the tender moment was soon shattered by some crazy, wild eyed looking wizard on a sleigh pulled by giant rabbits, crashing into the clearing screaming, “Thieves! Fire! Murder!” Nell, Fili, and Kili joined the others while Gandalf talked privately to Radagast. Nell wasn't sure why he was there, but she was sure it was nothing good with the way he had shown up. She kept her eye on the wizard, but made sure to listen to her surroundings as well. When a howl pierced the air she unsheathed her sword and looked around for the source.
“Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out here?” asked a frightened Bilbo.
“Wolf? That was not a wolf,” Bofur replied just as a warg; a big nasty wolf like creature jumped over them knocking Dwalin to the ground. Thorin was quick to kill it, but then another showed up. Kili shot it and Dwalin and Thorin finished it off. “Wargs. Means an orc pack is not far behind,” Thorin said. “Orc pack?” Bilbo asked. Gandalf stormed over to Thorin. “Who did you tell about your quest beyond your kin?”
“No one.” Thorin looked confused.
“Who did you tell?”
“No one I swear. What in Durin's name is going on?” Thorin didn't like where this was going. “You're being hunted,” Gandalf told him. Nell looked to her husbands, worry evident on her face. Ever since she had heard the story of Azog she had feared for her family and this just made it worse. Fili and Kili grabbed her shoulders and gave them a squeeze saying everything would be alright. She wanted to believe them, but she wasn't sure she could.
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“We have to get out of here,” Dwalin told them. Little Ori killed that idea before it even got anywhere by saying, “We can't. We have no ponies, they bolted.” A collective groan spread through the company. “I'll draw them off,” Radagast suggested. “These are Gundabad wargs they will outrun you,” Gandalf argued. Radagast then gave what Nell thought was a cocky grin. “These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try.”
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The company was then running across rocky plains trying to stay out of sight while Radagast lead the wargs and orcs away. Of course there were a few times when the company had to stop as the hunting party came too close for comfort. Nell welcomed those moments. She wasn't used to running like this. Her lungs hurt with every breath she took, her legs felt like they were on fire, and she had a stitch in her side, but she wouldn't give up. She would keep running to wherever it was Gandalf was leading them. At least she thought he was leading them somewhere, she wasn't really sure since he hadn't answered Thorin, when he asked.
They ran and ran and ran some more. Nell wanted to know when the running was going to end. “I'm not built for this,” she muttered as they came to stop under a large boulder with an overhang. When they didn't start moving again she tried to figure out what was going on. She then heard movement and sniffing above them. An orc rider had found them. Thorin gave the order and Kili shot, but it didn't stop the cries that the creature emitted before they killed both warg and orc. Everyone started running again, but things began to look dire. The orcs now knew where they were and were closing in.
“We're surrounded,” Fili shouted. Nell held her sword tightly as the foul creatures crept closer. Her muscles may ache, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. “Kili shoot them,” Thorin called. And so everyone began fighting. Even Ori with his sling shot, but it wasn't doing any good. If anything the little rocks just made the beasts angrier. But when Nell began to think all was lost Gandalf popped up from behind a rock. “This way you fools,” he told them. She didn't question it nor did the others as they ran forward and slid down into the hole. Thorin stayed at the entrance making sure everyone got inside. “Kili run.” Thorin then jumped in and Kili followed after.
A horn sounded and Nell could hear what sounded like battle. A dead orc slid down to rest in front of them and Thorin pulled the arrow from it. “Elves,” he spat. A sigh left her as she knew they must be near Rivendell. Great Thorin isn't going to be happy, she thought as she walked over to her husbands. They both looked over her to make sure she was safe. Other than being drained of all energy and wanting to sleep for a week she felt fine, she assured them. “I can't see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?” Dwalin asked. “We follow it of course,” Bofur answered. Nell stuck with Fili and Kili as they made their way through the winding, narrow pathway.
“I never want to have to do something like that again. We aren't meant to run like that,” she told them. Both laughed and nodded in agreement. “I'm sure that will be the last time we have to run for a long distance,” Fili told her.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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Reaching Erebor
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Summary: Smaug attacks Laketown forcing Nell, Fili, Kili, and the rest to escape and they finally reach the mountain
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none I can think of
Word Count: 1153
Now that Kili was healed it was time for him, Fili, Nell, Tauriel, and Bard's children to leave. Smaug was coming for the town and if they didn't leave now they would surely die. Even taking a boat and trying to escape didn't mean they would live, but it was much better than waiting for death to claim them. And so they were grabbing their things to make a run for it. Except Bain refused to leave without his and the girls' father.
“If you stay here your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?” Tauriel asked the young boy. Of course that wasn't what Bard would want and Bain knew that, so without further argument they all loaded up in a boat and were trying to leave the town.
They were moving slow trying to avoid the other boats, the burning town, and Smaug. At one point they crashed into the master's boat causing gold to spill over the sides and into the lake. The master cried out and Nell glared at him. “Good for nothing greedy weasel,” she snarled. She had disliked him and his little pet Alfred from the moment she had met them.
As they moved Nell watched their surroundings and she caught sight of Bard moving across the rooftops. And she wasn't the only one. Sigrid and Tilda were yelling for their father as he stood atop the bell tower firing his bow at Smaug. She didn't know where he had been before now, but she was surprised to see him standing against the dragon. But she admired his bravery.
“He hit it,” Nell and Fili yelled over the screaming and crying of the townsfolk.
“No,” Tauriel replied.
“He hit it. I saw him hit it,” Kili said. Tauriel shook her head and Nell understood what she was saying. Nothing would pierce the dragon's hide. But Bain seemed to remember something and took off out of their boat. Nell tried to stop him as did the others, they almost tipped the boat doing so but it didn't work, the young boy was gone and quickly running to his father. Nell hated that she couldn't stop him, but she realized that Bain was just as brave as his father. She knew he would grow into a good man some day.
They watched as Bard killed Smaug and they watched as the dead dragon crashed into the bell tower that the bowman and his son stood upon. A few tears ran down Nell’s face as she thought Bard had to be dead. She hugged his daughters to her and closed her eyes as they sailed along. When they reach the lake's bank they pulled the small boat on shore so that Sigrid and Tilda could go look for their father.
Nell stood watching all the survivors feeling pity for them, but she was worried that when they reached the mountain the others would be dead. As the others began getting the boat ready to sail closer to Erebor Kili and Nell looked at Tauriel.
“You are a lucky woman having two husbands who love you like they do,” Tauriel said.
“I'm even more lucky that you saved Kili. I want to thank you for that. I didn't get the chance when we were back at Bard's.” Nell smiled and looked to Kili glad to see him looking almost fully healed already.
Kili wrapped his arm around Nell’s shoulder and pulled her into his side. “She's right we didn't get the chance to thank you. Surely there is something we can do to repay you,” he said. Tauriel shook her head no.
“Your friendship is payment enough. Knowing that I helped you stay alive so that you could be with Nell is good enough. I see how much you care for one another and I only wanted to help keep you together as you should be” she replied.
Nell bit her lip and looked up at the elf. “Why don't you come with us? Your help would be appreciated and your friendship cherished,” she offered. But before Tauriel could reply Legolas showed up and she left with him. Nell and Kili climbed back in the boat and they finally pushed off heading toward the mountain, their future home. The place where Nell would one day be queen with Fili and she would give both him and Kili children. A future she was looking forward to despite the small bit of fear she held in her heart about the others.
As the gate of Erebor came into view they all stopped and admired it for the beauty it held. “We've finally made it. Our home. We've been through so much I often wondered if we would ever make it here,” Nell said.
Kili took one of Nell’s hand in his and Fili took her other. “Now we're home and we're safe. Let's go find the others,” Fili said. And soon they were walking into the mountain and looking around. Nell wasn't entirely sure danger had passed now that they reached the mountain, but she pushed that to the back of her mind. She forgot about Azog and his son Bolg, she forgot that the two Gundabad orcs were hunting her family. All she could think about was finding Thorin and Bilbo, making sure they along with the rest of company was all safe.
Bofur began calling out, “Bifur! Bombur! Anybody?”
Bilbo came running to meet them as they walked through the halls. “Bilbo!” Nell cried out and ran to the hobbit wrapping him up in a tight hug. “Oh Bilbo I was so worried about you,” she whispered into his neck. Bilbo patted her back and then pulled away from her.
“We must get out of here. All of us,” Bilbo told them.
“But we only just arrived,” Bofur said voicing everyone's confusion.
“He's been down there for days. He doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep,” Bilbo said.
“Who?” Nell asked wondering what it was they were missing.
“Thorin!” Bilbo yelled and then he lowered his voice,  “Thorin. I think there's a sickness that lies on this place.”
Fili, Kili, and Nell all looked at each worried for Thorin and then completely ignoring Bilbo they went running down more stairs and when they saw the great treasure hoard they stopped. Walking over the gold, jewels, and gems was Thorin only he didn't look like the Thorin they knew. He was dressed in fine clothes, a crown upon his head, but there was this strange air about him. There was clearly something wrong with him and it worried Nell.
Thorin looked up and smiled. “Behold the great treasure hoard of Thror.” He tossed a ruby which Fili caught and looked at. “Welcome my sister-son's and Nell to Erebor.” He spread his arms out wide and smiled, but Nell realized that the smile didn't reach his eyes which seemed to be glazed over.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09  @violentmommabear42
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Oh Goody, Trolls
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Summary: It's a miserable day for everyone and just when Nell thinks things can't possibly get worse they do.
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1773
Nell normally liked rain storms. They soothed her as she relaxed inside with a good book and a cup of tea, or as she sat next to a fire sewing and knitting, she even enjoyed lazy sex with her husbands on those days. She just loved the way the earth smelled after a good washing, as if everything was wiped clean and the world could start anew. Today was not like that however. No, today she was soaked clear to the bone and cold even with the extra cloak Kili had given her. She wanted nothing more than for the rain to stop and the sun to come out. And she wasn't the only one in the company who was unhappy about the rain.
“Here Mr.Gandalf can't you do something about this deluge?” Dori spoke up.
Gandalf let out a heavy sigh. “It is raining master dwarf and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard.”
Nell let out a huff. “We'll just get right on that. Not like we're on an important quest or anything,” she muttered. The cold nasty weather had put her in a fowl mood; one she didn't see herself coming out of anytime soon. “It'll be alright amrâlimê. Well make camp soon enough and Fee and I will warm you up,” Kili promised. That did make her smile softly. “That we will. You'll be nice and toasty soon enough,” Fili added. If Nell could she would have kissed them right then. “I do like the sound of that.” Promises of cuddles with her husbands put her in a slightly better mood.
As did little Bilbo a few moments later. After Gandalf finished telling him about Radagast the brown, Bilbo asked, “And is he a great wizard or is he more like you?” Nell couldn't hold the snicker back that left her. Oh how sassy that hobbit was! She truly enjoyed having him along on the quest. He certainly made things interesting. Of course this happy mood that Fili, Kili, and Bilbo had put her in didn't get to last for long. Although now the sun was out and she was able to take off her soaked clothes and hang them near the fire, her husbands were put to watching the ponies by a very grumpy Thorin.
She let out a grumble and sat next to the fire with her arms crossed. Ori came over and joined her looking at her with a small smile. “I know you would rather be with Fili and Kili, but I thought I'd keep you company and bring you this.” He handed her a knitted quilt which she wrapped around her shoulders. “I like your company just as well. And thank you for the quilt.” She sat there talking to Ori about knitting patterns and some of the beautiful sights they had seen so far. But when Bofur asked Bilbo to take food to Fili and Kili she jumped up to join him. She'd use any excuse to see her husbands.
Of course even that went wrong. Nell decided that Mahal just had it out for her today; that had to be it. There was no other reason for the streak of bad luck today had brought. For as they joined Fili and Kili neither of them looked to her or Bilbo. “What's the matter?” Bilbo asked.
“We're supposed to be looking after the ponies.” Kili didn't even bother looking toward Bilbo.
“Only we've encountered a slight problem.” Fili added finally looking at Bilbo and Nell. She really didn't like the sound of that.
“We had 16,” said Kili
“Now there's 14,” Fili finished
“Daisy and Bungo are missing,” Kili informed them as the four began walking through the little group of ponies. Nell let out a groan. “Yep, today can not get any worse.” Of course she had no idea how wrong she was, things were about to get much worse. And she would hate herself for jinxing all of them. “Well that's not good. Ha ha.” Bilbo stated the obvious making Nell look at him as if to say, ‘Ya think?’ They then noticed the uprooted tree and Nell was beginning to wonder just how well the princes had been watching the ponies that something large enough to uproot trees had came in and stolen two of them.
“And that is not good at all. Shouldn't we tell Thorin?” Bilbo asked. Nell looked at him and shook her head. “Nope, nope. Definitely not.” He was in a bad enough mood as it was. No need to make it worse. “Uh, no. Let's not worry him,” Fili quickly agreed. “As our official burglar we thought you might like to look into it,” he added as he looked to Bilbo. Nell looked between the two quickly. “Wait, what?” She wasn't entirely sure that was a good idea.
Bilbo looked at them curiously. “Well uh. Look, something big uprooted these trees.” He pointed toward them still holding the bowls of stew for some strange reason. “That was our thinking,” Kili told him. “Something very big and possibly quite dangerous.” He moved closer to the tree and Fili. Nell stood on the other side next to Kili and looked down at him. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” She whispered to him worried about her little friend. “Of course and he needs to start proving himself if Thorin is to ever accept him,” he replied. Nell let out a sigh. “Fine, but if something happens I'm blaming you two.” Kili just gave her his most dazzling smile at that.
“Hey,” Fili whispered. Why was he whispering? Nell wondered. “There's a light,” he told them answering her thoughts. That made her heart plummet. Perhaps she had spoke too soon earlier. He waved them closer and they stayed low coming to rest behind a log as they stared toward the light. “What is it?” Bilbo asked. Even from here they could hear the grunting and laughing. “Trolls,” Kili answered before him, Fili, and Nell jumped over the log and rushed forward wanting to get a closer look. Bilbo followed moments later still carrying the bowls of stew. Nell lifted her hands up and said, “Why?” As she looked at the bowls. Bilbo looked at them and shrugged. “Didn't think we should leave food behind.”
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One of the trolls walked by carrying two more of the ponies. Yep, things just got worse. “He's got Myrtle and Minty. I think they're gonna eat them. We have to do something,” Bilbo's tone was rushed, but determined. Kili looked up at him from where he was squatted. “Yes, you should,” he said. He stood up and moved behind Bilbo. “Mountain Trolls are slow and stupid, and you're small, they'll never see you.” Bilbo began arguing right away not that Nell blamed him. Even she was giving Kili a pointed look from her place next to Fili. “It's perfectly safe. We'll be right behind you.” Fili then grabbed one bowl of stew while Kili grabbed the other. “If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl and once like a brown owl.” With that they grabbed Nell and pulled her away with them.
Nell crossed her arms and stared them both down. “This isn't going to end well. I doubt he knows how to even hoot like an owl. You two are so ridiculous sometimes,” she scolded. “I'm going to get Thorin, don't worry,” Fili told her. A sigh left her and she nodded her head. “Alright I'll stay with Kee, just in case.” In case Bilbo got caught that was. Which it was a good thing they stayed behind because Bilbo did in fact get caught.
Nell and Kili went running in slashing at the trolls legs in tandem before moving back and glaring up at the three ugly creatures. “Drop him,” they both said at the same time. “You what?” The troll, William, who was holding Bilbo asked. Kili twirled his sword before gripping the hilt with both hands. “We said drop him,” his voice was full of venom. But the troll did as told, well sort of. He threw Bilbo who landed on Kili just as the rest of the company came running into the fray. They all fought bravely and were even beating the trolls, but Bilbo who had managed to get free from the trolls got caught once again and this time there was no way out.
Some of the dwarves were tied on a spit over the fire while others were put into sacks and laid uncomfortably on the ground. Nell was propped up against Thorin giving her a good view of the fire as the trolls argued on how to cook them. Bilbo called out to trolls, “Wait! You are making a terrible mistake.” He hopped up to his feet and Nell watched him with narrowed eyes wondering what he was up to. Many  of the dwarves started making comments, but Bilbo ignored them. “I meant with uh with the with the seasoning,” he stuttered out.
“What about the seasoning?” asked Bert.
“Well, have you smelt them? You're gonna need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up.” None of the dwarves liked that and were now throwing insults at Bilbo. All except Nell. She knew Bilbo wasn't betraying them, she just wasn't entirely sure what he was up to.
“What do you know about cooking dwarf?” William  asked.
“Shut up. Let the flurgaburburhobbit talk,” Bert said moving closer to Bilbo.
“Th-the secret to cooking dwarf is…” Bilbo trailed off.
“Yes? Come on. Tell us the secret.”
“It's, uh...Yes, I'm telling you. The secret is….to skin them first.”
Yep, they were gonna die. Nell was sure of it. She couldn't see a way out of this. Then the trolls started arguing again and almost ate Bombur until Bilbo stopped them. “Not that one. He’s infected. He's got worms in his...tubes. In fact they all have. Infested with parasites. Really nasty business, I wouldn't risk it. I really wouldn't.” Which prompted the dwarves to start yelling until Thorin kicked them. “Mine are the biggest parasites. I've got huge parasites,” yelled Kili. And if the situation wasn't so dire Nell would have laughed. Luckily for all of them moments later Gandalf showed up. “The dawn will take you all.” He slammed his staff down on a bolder causing it to crack and let the sun shine through and hit the trolls turning them to stone.
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The dwarves were saved. And Nell couldn't be happier.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @violentmommabear42
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The Bear-Man
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Summary: after some much needed rest it's time for introductions to be made
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1582
Nell woke up the next morning and stretched. Surprisingly she had slept all through the night, no nightmares and no interruptions. She didn't even think she had moved. Opening her eyes she noticed that she was still laying on her makeshift bed, but she wasn't using Fili as a pillow anymore, nor was Kili's warmth at her back. She was however covered in their cloaks. Standing up, she laid them over her arm to carry them. She could hear talking in the other room and decided to follow it. As she walked in none of the others turned to look at her. They were all too busy staring out a window.
With a frown she began moving closer to try and see what they were looking at. Seeing the extremely large hairy man outside cutting wood her eyes went wide. She hadn't realized that when Gandalf called Beorn a great strong man that he was going to be so large. “So that's the bear-man?” She asked causing the rest of the company to finally notice her. “Aye lass it is. We've been watching him for a while waiting on you and Bilbo to wake up,” Bofur told her. She looked at him curiously not understanding why they had waited on her and the hobbit unless it was because they wanted to introduce everyone at once.
“You and Bilbo will be coming with me to speak to him. The rest are to come out in pairs while Bombur comes out last as he is quite large and counts as two,” Gandalf informed her. Nell crossed her arms and looked at the wizard unhappily. “Bombur maybe bigger than the rest of us, but that was very rude of you to say. I don't like the fact you made fun of my friend. Apologize,” she demanded. Just because he was a wizard and they needed him didn't mean she was going to let him getting away with calling her friend fat. Gandalf gave a huff and turned to Bombur. “I am sorry, but we still stick to the plan,” he said. He paused for a moment. “Wait for my signal,” he told them.
With a roll of her eyes she followed Gandalf out the back door to meet Beorn. She stood beside him and kept her mouth shut for the moment. “I'm Gandalf, Gandalf the grey.”
“Never heard of him.”
“Maybe you heard of my college. Radagast the Brown.”
Beorn turned to look at them and seeing Nell and Bilbo he raised his axe. “Who is this little fellow and lady?”
“This is Bilbo Baggins of the shire.”
“He's not a dwarf is he?”
“No, no. He's a hobbit from a respectable family. Unimpeachable reputation.”
“And her?”
“I'm Nell.”
Gandalf didn't give her a chance to say more. “We wanted to thank you for your hospitality. I'm sure you noticed we sought refuge in your home last night.” Gandalf shifted nervously causing Nell to grin. Oh this was amusing! The wizard actually feared the man. “I did. May I ask why?” Beorn eyed them suspiciously. “Well we've had a rough time of it from goblins in the mountains,” Gandalf replied. Beorn sat his large axe down.
“What did you go near goblins for? Stupid thing to do.”
Nell scoffed. “Trust me it wasn't by choice. A stupid storm, which turned out not to be a storm, forced us to seek a cave and then the floor went bye-bye and then goblins. Nasty little creatures,” she snarled.
Beorn looked at her curiously trying to figure her out. “You're built like a dwarf, but you don't look like a dwarf. What are you?”
“I'm a dwarf. I just never ended up with a beard and before you decide to hack me to pieces know I'm not like most dwarves,” she said hoping to keep her head.
Gandalf moved his hands about as he spoke. “It's true she isn't. She gives things away without wanting anything in return and she always tries to help others in need. But I must admit she isn't the only dwarf in our company.” He smiled sheepishly.
And, so for the next few minutes, the wizard explained their story with more and more of the company coming out every few seconds. A few times Nell interjected adding details that Gandalf forgot. It wasn't long until everyone was outside. Beorn eyed them all warily. He didn't like dwarves, but he was intrigued by their tale and so he decided he would let them stay.
“Come inside you must be hungry.”
Nell moved around helping him pour drinks for the others. Beorn may be their host, but she was going to help him, prove to him that not all dwarves were bad and that they didn't deserve his hatred. “You have a beautiful home and I just love all the little creatures moving about. Such as this one.” She picked up a little white mouse and began petting it. It was so soft and adorable. Unlike most mice that were an ugly brown and destroyed things.
"You're a sweet girl. I like you."
"Yeah? That mean you won't eat me?” She joked.
“No I won't eat you.” Not that he would have done such a thing even if he didn't like her.
Nell smiled and took a seat at the table. She sipped on her milk and munched on honey cakes. The food was delicious and she ate almost like a starved man, but did retain some manners. It was just it had been so long since they had any really food and she wasn't sure when they would get another meal; She was going to enjoy every bit of this one while it lasted.
“So you are the one they call Thorin Oakenshield...tell me why is Azog the defiler hunting you?” Beorn asked. Nell’s hand paused on the way to her mouth and she looked at him. She really didn't like the fact they were talking of that wretched, vile, horrible creature. She wanted to push him as far from her mind as possible, but now he was at the forefront.
“You know Azog? How?” Thorin questioned.
“My people were the first to live in the mountains before the Orcs came down from the North. The Defiler killed most of my family. But some he enslaved. Not for work, you understand...but for sport. Caging skin-changers...and torturing them seemed to amuse him.” And there went Nell’s appetite. She pushed her plate away and her face set into a scowl.
“I should have put an arrow in him when I had a chance. All that foul beast does is hurt people and for no other reason than he gets some sick twisted pleasure out of it.” She hated that she had missed her chance to kill him.
Beorn looked at her sadly. He could tell just by looking at her what it was she feared. And he didn't think a young kind lass such as she should have to suffer such things.
“There are others like you?” Bilbo asked.
“Once there were many.”
“And now?”
“There is only one.”
Nell clenched her fists and sat them on the table. Kili grabbed one of her hands and began rubbing it trying to get her to untense. While Fili rested his hand on her thigh and rubbed soothing circles.
“You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn. Before Durin's day falls.” Beorn changed the subject.
“Yes,” Gandalf replied.
“You are running out of time.”
“That is why we must go through Mirkwood.”
“A darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath those trees. There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. I would not venture there except in great need,” Beorn advised.
Nell groaned and laid her head on the table. Hadn't they dealt with enough already? “We will take the Elven Road. That path is still safe,” Gandalf said. Nell raised her head just enough to look at the wizard. She didn't believe anything on this journey was safe. No path, no place they made camp. Only two places had been relatively safe; Rivendell and here.
“‘Safe’? The Wood Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They're less wise and more dangerous. But it matters not,” Beorn informed them. Nell actually snickered at him calling Thranduil dim, but she didn't like the sound of more danger.
Thorin furrowed his brows and looked at the skin-changer in confusion.  “These lands are crawling with Orcs. Their numbers are growing. And you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive. I don't like Dwarves. Except for Nell.” He picked up the mouse she had been petting earlier and held it gently.  “They're greedy and blind. Blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own. But Orcs I hate more. What do you need?”
Nell smiled up at Beorn. He was a large man and he didn't really like the company, but he was going to help them. She couldn't be more grateful. Getting up she went over to him and gave him a hug catching him off guard. “I like you too, even though you could easily rip my head off. You're a good guy. And I hope to see you again one day.” She pulled away and looked up at him.
“You are always welcome here little one. And should anything happen you can call this your home.”
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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Yay Goblins
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A/N: holy cow only one more chapter and we are at the end of the first movie. Are you guys as excited as I am?
Summary: Nell is finally able to get some sleep without a nightmare, but it is disturbed in the worst way imaginable.
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none
Word Count:1391
Nell shifted and woke up. Her eyes blinked open as she tried to figure out what had disturbed her slumber. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first glance. Then she realized her blanket had slipped and she wasn't as warm as she had been. Not that she was exactly warm seeing as they were still in a cold cave with no fire and their clothes weren't dry yet. A small sigh left her as she pulled the blanket back up and nuzzled into Kili's neck and pulled Fili's arm closer around her. She was glad that it was something simple that woke her as she felt she would be able to go back to sleep easy. If it had been another nightmare she knew sleep wouldn't return anytime soon.
Closing her eyes Nell let out a contented sigh and was just about to go back to sleep when she heard something. Lifting her head she looked around and spotted Bilbo packing his bag. Her brows furrowed as she realized what he was doing. She blamed Thorin for the fact he was about to leave. She looked over at Thorin and noticed he was awake as well. She narrowed her eyes giving him a look that told him she clearly wasn't happy with him.
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Bilbo moved to the entrance of the cave where Bofur stopped him. “Where are you going?”
“Back to Rivendell.”
“No, no, you can't turn back now, eh? You're part of the company. You're one of us,” Bofur told him.
“I'm not, though, am I? Thorin said I should never have come and he was right.” Bilbo paused and looked back toward the rest of the company. “I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have run out my door.” His words made Nell’s heart sink. She considered him a good friend, part of the company, to hear him say he didn't belong hurt her.
“You're homesick I understand.” Bofur nodded his head making his hat bounce.
“No, you don't. You don't understand. None of you do. You're Dwarves. You're used to this life. To living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere,” Bilbo practically shouted. Nell frowned. She didn't think that was entirely true. She belonged somewhere. She belonged with Fili and Kili, with her family.
Bilbo let out a sigh realizing what he said. “Oh I'm sorry I didn't…”
“No you're right.” Bofur looked to the company. “We don't belong anywhere.” He clapped Bilbo on the shoulder. “I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do,” he told the little hobbit. Bilbo smiled sadly and went to leave when the hatted dwarf noticed his sword glowing. Nell’s eyes went wide, but before she could say a word the ground was falling out from under them and she was screaming.
They all landed on a weird looking basket and Nell was squished under Dwalin. She went to shove him off when screeches were heard. Looking up she realized they were surrounded by goblins. The nasty creatures started pulling at them, pushing them this way and that. Nell kicked one when it got a little too handsy and Thorin punched one as it tried to jump on her. The further they were shoved into the tunnels the more aggravated she got. She didn't like having nasty hands all over her. When they were finally shoved in front of what looked to be a throne she shook a goblin off and went to stand with the others.
The giant goblin sitting on the throne narrowed his eyes at them. He was even more grotesque than the others with a gourd that moved resting under his chin. Nell grimaced seeing it and moved closer to Dwalin who was right beside her. “We seem to have the worst luck. Can't catch a break,” she muttered. The tattooed warrior wrapped his arm around her shoulders protectively. “Ah lass we have had a rotten time of it, but it'll be alright,” he assured her.
“Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom?” The goblin king looked them all over critically. “Spies? Thieves? Assassins?” He asked. Nell raised a brow wondering what his deal was. “Dwarves, your Malevolence,” another goblin said.
“Dwarves?” asked the king. Nell shook her head. “Is he blind or something? It's obvious we're dwarves,” she grumbled. Dwalin let out a gruff laugh that he tried to keep hidden.
“We found them on the front porch,” the same goblin as before answered.
“Well don't just stand there. Search them. Every crack. Every crevice,” the king ordered. And once again the dwarves were being shoved around. One goblin reached for Nell’s chest and she growled. Kili shoved the beast away and stood in front of her.
“What are you doing in these parts?” The giant goblin asked the company. Nell huffed. Like they would actually tell him anything. Their quest was a secret one and nothing he said would get them to talk. She was sure of it.
“Speak!” he exclaimed when the dwarves stayed quiet, but it still didn't get him anywhere.
The nasty looking goblin gave them a malicious grin. One that promised horrible things to come. “Very well. If they will not talk, we'll make them squawk. Bring up the mangler. Bring up the bonebreaker,” he told his little minions. His eyes scanned the group and landed on Nell. His eyes lit up with glee. “Start with the girl.” He pointed at her causing her face to lose all color. Fili, Kili, and Dwalin all tried fighting the goblins off that were making a grab for her, but there were more of the goblins than them and the fight was about to be lost.
“Wait.” Thorin pushed his way forward. He wasn't about to let anything happen to her. Especially not torture and whatever other foul things the goblins could think of, even it meant letting the foul creature in on what they were doing.
Narrowed eyes looked at Thorin. “Well, well, well. Look who it is.Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror...King Under the Mountain. Oh, but I'm forgetting. You don't have a mountain. And you're not a king...which makes you nobody, really.” The goblin king taunted as he sat back down on his throne. “I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head. Nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. An old enemy of yours.A pale Orc, astride a white warg.” And with that Nell’s fears were confirmed. She started breathing heavy and looked to her husbands with ashen skin. Her stomach rolled and it took all her will not to vomit.
Fili and Kili locked eyes understanding now why Nell hadn't been sleeping well. They knew the nightmare back in Rivendell hadn't been the only one. But they weren't sure why she had been so worried nor did they understand why she thought Azog alive. Wrapping their arms around her they tried to calm her down.
“Azog the defiler is dead. He was slain in battle long ago,” Thorin snarled. Nell shook her head. “No he wasn't,” she whispered. The goblin king's lip quirked up in a mocking smirk. “So you think his defiling days are done do you?” He pointed at Thorin. Turning the goblin looked at a very tiny messenger in a basket. “Send word to the pale orc. Tell him I have found his prize.” In the next moment the worst singing ever commenced.
From racks you'll be hung
You will die down here
You'll be beaten and battered
Down in the deep of Goblin-town
And never be found
Nell cringed and wanted it to end. She was tired, her nerves were beyond shot and she was so worried about what was going to happen. She blanked out until a bright white light came blasting through the cavern, knocking them all down. In the next moment she was shaking her head and rushing for her weapon as Gandalf yelled at them to take up arms. She was beyond relieved to see the wizard and began fighting with the others to make their way out.
As soon as she breathed fresh air again Nell dropped to her knees and closed her eyes.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
13 notes · View notes
Thank Mahal For Eagles
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A/N: We're at the end of the first movie guys. I can't believe it. Coming up Wednesday will be the first chapter of the 3rd movie
Summary: Everyone makes it out of the goblin tunnels, but they still aren't safe
Pairing: Fili X wife!OC X Kili
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1729
Fili and Kili helped Nell up off the ground comforting her as they did so. Now that they knew what had been plaguing her they hoped to be able to help her move passed it. But both of them knew the fears would not be easily overcome. “I'm alright. I'll be alright,” she told them. And while they were correct in their thinking she honestly felt that she would be alright now that she wasn't carrying her burden alone. They knew what was causing her nightmares even if they didn't believe Azog was still alive; she knew Thorin didn't believe.
Gandalf began counting all of the company and when he realized that Bilbo was missing he grew very upset. “Where is our hobbit?”
“Curse that halfling! Now he's lost?” Dwalin exclaimed making Nell narrow her eyes.
“I thought he was with Dori,” one of the dwarves said. Nell frowned wondering just where her little friend was.
“Don't blame me,” Dori shouted.
“Well, where did you last see him?” Gandalf asked.
“I think I saw him slip away when they first collared us,” Nori said. That helped ease the worry that had been filling the pit of Nell’s stomach. If he had slipped away he was hopefully safe. But then where was he?
“And what happened exactly? Tell me!” the wizard demanded. Thorin moved closer to Gandalf his eyes squinted in an accusing way.
“I'll tell you what happened. Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it,” Thorin said. Nell felt anger swell up inside her. She pushed away from Fili and Kili and stormed over to him. Her eyes narrowed and she poked him in the chest. “If you hadn't been so cruel to him, he would have no reason to want to leave. You've treated him with nothing but disdain ever since he joined us and without cause. He has done nothing to you, Thorin. So maybe if he does come back try treating him with a little more kindness,” she snarled.
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Thorin scoffed. He wasn't willing to listen to her. “He has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door.” He looked up at Gandalf.  “We will not be seeing our Hobbit again. He is long gone,” he told them. Nell wanted to say something more; tell him that she too thought of home and being safe back in Ered Luin with her husbands, but she didn't get the chance because from what seemed like out of nowhere Bilbo showed up.
“No he isn't.” The little hobbit grinned walking further into the midst of the others. Gandalf grinned and looked at Thorin as if to tell him Nell had been right. “Bilbo Baggins. I have never been so glad to see anyone in my life,” he said. Nell just rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him in a hug which he returned one armed. “Bilbo we'd given you up,” Kili said moving closer to his wife and the hobbit. “How on earth did you get passed the goblins?” Fili asked.
“How, indeed.” Thorin looked at Bilbo curiously. Nell let out a little snarl and was about to tear into him again when Fili caught her arm and shook his head. He understood her anger toward Thorin. She was protective and she looked at Bilbo like a little brother. He knew that meant she would do anything to keep him safe even if it meant yelling at someone else she loved because they were being as stubborn as a mule about things. But now wasn't the time to yell at Thorin.
“Well what does it matter? He's back,” Gandalf didn't see the point in worrying about it. Or maybe he had noticed what Nell did; Bilbo slipping something into his pocket.
“It matters. I want to know. Why did you come back?” Thorin's tone wasn't as harsh as it had been earlier and it made Nell think he was possibly starting to see her point. She smiled in triumph.
“Look, I know you doubt me. I know you always have. Nell is the only one to have had faith in me from the beginning.” He smiled over at her in gratitude. “And you're right, I often think of Bag-end. I miss my books. And my armchair and my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home. And that's why I came back. Because...you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can,” Bilbo finished his speech.
Nell cocked a brow at Thorin as if to say I told you, you should be kinder. However her smile fell in the very next second as howls filled the air. The company was now having to run for their lives once again. A task that she was quickly growing tired of. When she decided to come along and keep her family safe she never thought she would be running so much. And yet here she was running to the edge of a cliff where she now had to climb a tree. Something she had never done before.
As she stood in a tree looking back the way they had come she felt her blood run cold and fear begin eating at her nerves. There astride a white warg was the very orc that had plagued her sleep for the past few weeks. Her ears rung and the world fell away as her eyes zeroed in on him. She didn't notice anything else around her, not even the words her husbands spoke. She was lost in her own world wondering if she could put an end to this now. She had a bow strapped to her back that she didn't use often. If she could get a shot off maybe she could kill Azog. She pulled the bow in front of her and notched an arrow, but before she could fire, the tree began to shake.
Looking down she realized the tree was going to fall. With great effort she leapt to the next tree crashing into it. And then she jumped again until they were all in the very last tree, right on the edge of the cliff. And while jumping she had lost the bow. She clenched her teeth in anger knowing she had lost her chance. “Here take this.” Fili handed her a lit pinecone he had gotten from Gandalf. She threw it as hard as she could hitting one of the wargs in the side. The fire was now covering a good portion of the ground and the wargs had backed off. But victory was not theirs. The tree the company was in began to fall over the ledge, but stopped sticking straight out.
Nell clung tightly to a branch and pulled herself up to where she was resting in a less precarious place. “Can things possibly get any worse?” She mumbled. Of course, she should have known better than to ask such things because right after the words left her mouth Thorin was running down the tree and toward Azog. He knocked the dwarf down, but the king wasn't going to be so easily defeated. He got back up only to be grabbed by the white warg. “No, Thorin! You'll pay for this,” she yelled at Azog trying to get her footing. When she was finally able to stand she looked toward Thorin and noticed Bilbo standing in front of him protectively.
With a battle cry Nell, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, and some of the others went charging against the wargs and orcs. They were outnumbered, but that didn't matter. They all wanted to protect Thorin. Nell felt her lack of sleep catching up to her and just as she thought this was the end claws grabbed her and picked her up. She screamed as she went flying through the air and landed on the back of an eagle. She looked around and realized there was a whole group of them. The company was going to make it out of this. With a sigh she closed her eyes and let sleep take her.
Nell didn't wake until they eagles began dropping them off on a rock. She had been so out of it that she hadn't even realized Fili and Kili riding with her. She looked around and noticed Thorin still wasn't awake. A few tears leaked down her face and Kili grabbed her shoulder. They all watched as Gandalf bent over the fallen dwarf and spoke softly. A gasp left Thorin as his eyes flew open. “The halfling?” He asked as Kili and Dwalin went to help him up.
“Bilbo is here. He is quite safe.”
Thorin shoved the others off and rounded on Bilbo. “You!” he stepped closer. “What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the Wild? That you had no place amongst us?” He was almost nose to nose with Bilbo now. And Nell couldn't believe what she was hearing. Bilbo had saved Thorin and yet he was still being cruel. “I have never been so wrong in all my life.” He pulled Bilbo into a hug. Oh, Nell thought. That hadn't been what she was expecting at all, but she was glad for it. “I'm sorry I doubted you.” Thorin let Bilbo go. “No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior. Not even a burglar.” Bilbo looked up at Gandalf.
Nell chuckled and walked over pulling the hobbit into a hug. “You may not be any of those things, but you are my friend, my sassy little hobbit and I'm so glad you are with us.” She kissed the top of his head. “I'm glad I'm with you too,” he replied as they parted. She ruffled his curls and went back to her husbands. They both hugged her and asked if she was okay. “All I can say is thank Mahal for eagles. I don't think we would have made it without them,” she admitted. Fili chuckled and nodded his head. “I believe you may be right,” he agreed.
A small bird went flying over head and as they watched it they noticed the lonely mountain in the distance. “There's our home,” she whispered.
@e-wolf-98 @ambivertedcroissant @thatfanficstuff @sdavid09 @violentmommabear42
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