joysmercer · 2 years
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
I’ve got a love-hate relationship with this guy so maybe that, or any of my fics on my old ffnet account i deleted because they were too embarrassing lol
fanfic writer emoji asks
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thebohoblog · 2 years
Little rent asks made by @fezzle
Here we go lol ~~
1. Favorite song?
One Song Glory
2. Favorite character?
3. What do you think your fave's best quality is?
i feel like her confidence and outspokenness is great
4. What do you think your fave's biggest weakness is?
i mean, prob the constant cheating. she can also be selfish and self absorbed
5. Favorite lyrics?
How'd I let you slip away
When I'm longing so to hold you
Now I'd die for one more day
6. Favorite cast member from any production?
They’re all great but prob, Idina Menzel, i grew up with her
7. Original Broadway Cast recording or movie soundtrack?
that’s pretty hard, i started with the movie BUT i’ve recently listened to the obc more. prob obc (but i prefer rosario and tracie, daphne and fredi are still amazingly talented)
8. How did you discover Rent?
i first listend to the hope mill theater because of millie and maiya, and then got into by that.
9. Song that makes you laugh?
over the moon, hands down
10. Song that makes you cry?
i’ll cover you reprise
11. Song that makes you happy?
la vie boheme
12. Favorite canon pairing?
roger and mimi
13. Favoring non-canon pairing?
i’m not the biggest non canon shipper in rent for some reason, but roger x mark is pretty cute
14. Do you have an interesting/favorite headcanon?
collins started up a bakery named ‘angels’, mark and roger have matching tattoos (the only tattoo mark has), and mark maureen and roger were all childhood buddies.
15. If you could be roommates with any of the characters, who would it be?
mimi, i feel like we’d have a lot of fun
16. If you're familiar with the NYTW version of Rent, what's something that you like or dislike about it?
not really familiar with it, but i heard somewhere that marks kinda a jerk in it, dunno if that true or not but i like good friend mark
17. If all of the characters were alive today, what do you think they'd be doing?
Mark - a small filmmaker in his community, maybe picked up journalism.
Roger - tattoo artist, idk why lol i feel like he’d enjoy it. also songwriting for people and released some music here and there.
Mimi - she’d be a dance teacher! she loves kids and dancing so it’d be the perfect fit.
Collins - after his teaching gig is gone he’d become an activist. pretty big on twitter.
Angel - an influencer, gets TONS of pr packages. has a clothing line.
Maureen - she’d be a drama youtuber 100% with some activism with collins here and there too.
Joanne - a lawyer! she’s also maureen’s manager for her channel.
18. If you could swap lives with any of the characters, not accounting for HIV status, who would it be?
maureen hands down, i think we’re pretty similar already and i relate to her a ton. i also won’t cheat on joanne.
19. What part of the show gives you chills/makes you totally overwhelmed?
goodbye love, all the fighting, not to mention it was right after angels funeral.
20. In what way(s) did RENT change your life?
helped me understand what lots of people did and are going through, and to be more mindful and kind to others. o and to live like everyday is your last, you never know when you’re going, NO DAY BUT TODAY FUCKAS!!
BONUS: Most under appreciated character?
EVITA!! poor lil guy
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elsaclack · 5 years
I wish you would write a fic in the Jake-can-feel-Amy’s-emotions universe that entails the warehouse raid and their first kiss that occurs after because I AM TRASH
i did have something posted once upon a time in the original iteration of this universe butttttt i rewrote/repurposed parts of it to this, bc i like this one better but the first one had good bones
also this is a reference to two one-shots i posted a million years ago from a soulmate au i…developed? created? something like that lmao. you don’t necessarily have to have read either one of them but here they are just in case you want to: one and two
in the event that you don’t want to read them, the only thing you need to know is that in this au, soulmates can feel each other’s emotions. prior to their first kiss as soulmates, only one can feel the other - after the first kiss, they can both feel each other. so. in this setting, jake could feel amy, but amy couldn’t feel jake, and then they kissed, and now amy can feel jake. clear as mud :-)
So here’s the thing: it’s two o’clock in the morning, Jake’s smells like trash, and he’s about two-and-a-half minutes away from completely losing his mind. It should be noted, of course, that his teetering on the precipice of madness is entirely unrelated to the ungodly hour and his ungodly stench (though, to be fair, neither are helping) except by the furthest, narrowest of circumstances - that is to say, he could be fresh out of the shower at nine in the morning and still feel the tendrils of panic squeezing ever tighter round his heart.
So, here’s the thing: he’s panicking, and panicking some more, because for all of his feelings of panic stifling each inhale, Amy’s poorly-restrained anxiety rears up tenfold from the deepest dredges of his chest. It’s just his luck, he supposes, that his soulmate is such an anxious person by nature; normally it’s nothing he can’t handle, but with his current state of mind and his inherent inability to regulate his own emotions, Amy’s pretty much on her own.
Except that isn’t entirely true, is it, because here’s the thing: he’s panicking, and she can feel it. She can exactly how piss-poor he truly is at managing his panic, so it’s really no wonder that she’s panicking, because she always seems more panicky when he seems panicky and now she can feel exactly how panicky he is and god, who thought of this whole sharing-emotions-with-your-soulmate bullshit?
He didn’t ask for this, for the record. He was perfectly happy keeping their connection a secret and carrying it all the way to his grave, probably. Amy kissed him, not the other way around, thank you very much.
(He was probably going to tell her soon, anyways, because it’s been eating away at him like a virus and he’s pretty sure there’s science to prove that being around your soulmate without telling them they’re your soulmate for as long as he has been around Amy has physical side-effects in addition to being, like, a massive bummer.)
It seems wherever she is (somewhere in the back of the precinct in this very floor, he’s pretty sure, like either the evidence lockup or the bathroom or something) she’s at least partially aware of the effect her anxiety is having on Jake - he can feel her familiar attempts at tamping it all down, probably the result of her doing a breathing exercise he’s coached her through in the past. It works, if only a little; he can feel his own head clearing, his racing thoughts slowing, until the blurriness to his vision sharpens and he can hear himself breathe over the blood pounding in his ears.
He’s not even fully aware of his own thankfulness until he feels Amy’s bewilderment - and of course she’s bewildered, why wouldn’t she be bewildered at his thankfulness invading her mind like alien baby chest-bursters.
His newly-cleared vision lands on a slightly crumpled post-it taped to the bottom of his computer monitor - get a grip tonto, it tells him in Rosa’s scrawl - and he inhales deeply through his nose, letting the words reverberate around his skull. Get a grip, get a grip, get a grip.
It’s probably more of a reflection on him than it is on her that, despite his somewhat-diminished sense of world-ending panic, he can’t quite get the unevolved caveman part of his brain to stop replaying their first kiss. It’s not his fault - Amy Santiago is a good kisser, even under all the duress and pressure of an undercover mission seconds away from going sideways. She’s a good kisser when she’s sporting a gruesome black eye, a good kisser when she’s out of breath, a good kisser when she’s falling, a good kisser at the bottom of one of the nastiest dumpsters Jake’s ever had the misfortune of smelling in his life. Even if nothing else ever happens and he spends the rest of his life replaying this one memory on a loop, he’ll get it tattooed to his forehead:
Amy Santiago is a good, good kisser.
But, the fact still remains: he never asked for this.
He definitely hoped for this, but he never asked for it.
He kind of asked for it.
It’s not his fault.
It was a natural reaction - anyone who was in his place would have done the same thing, dammit! She’s his partner and she was in danger - and, okay, maybe the only reason he knew that in the moment was because he felt her sudden spike of shock and fear more than he heard knuckles connecting with flesh and her responding gasp of pain in the room he’d just crept out of. But the fact still stands - he would have gone and thrown that jerk off of any of his fellow detectives.
He would have gotten just as much savage, feral pleasure at punching that perp’s lights out. He would have yanked any of his fellow detectives into a bone-crushing hug. Just as Amy would have pulled any of the other detectives into a panic undercover kiss upon hearing their other perps coming back toward them at the commotion.
Amy Santiago is a good kisser, even when she’s unwittingly establishing their soulmate connection and feeling every last ounce of his emotion flood her nervous system for the very first time.
(He tries not to think about the fact that she’d gasped into his mouth or that she’d gone stiff as a board in his arms for all of one-second - tries to chalk it up to the sound of their perps storming in somewhere behind them and wolf-whistling at their display, too distracted by them to notice their companion out cold on the floor at their feet.)
And he really tries not to think about his stupid, fumbling attempts at leading them out the back door into the alley behind the warehouse before the perps caught on - about how he’d misjudged the distance, sending them both toppling over the edge of the loading dock and straight into the open dumpster below.
(And the weight of her settling over them even as they’d both grunted on impact - how she’d pulled back for a second, eyes blown wide, before leaning back in - how he’s still not sure if the desperation he’d seen in her eyes was case-related or them-related.)
It was messy, and stupid, and so completely and utterly them - and the fact that they managed to make all of their arrests gives him hope that someday, they might be able to laugh about this.
Of course, the fact that she did not speak one word directly to him and studiously avoided his gaze the whole way back to the precinct gives him severe anxiety.
It’s two-o’clock in the morning and his connection to Amy is a living, breathing entity - what was a soothing glimmer as delicate as spider’s silk glows bright an overwhelming now, rearing up and glittering like ocean waves beneath a setting sun. She’s everywhere, she’s everything, and he’s certain now that he won’t be able to live without her, and maybe that’s not the best thing to be thinking at two o’clock in the morning when he smells like a dumpster and there are half-finished arrest reports strewn about his desk, but it doesn’t matter.
Because the hailstorm of emotions originating from Amy suddenly taper off into a quiet and firm kind of resolution - and Jake’s stomach bottoms out at the feeling. He can’t tell around his own stupid anxiety if she’s happy or sad or angry or anything other than calm - it’s the exact opposite of the way he feels, only more so when his phone buzzes with a new text.
Will you please meet me in the evidence lockup?
She doesn’t have to ask if he’s still at the precinct, he notes with a certain amount of trepidation as he pockets his phone and slowly stands from his desk. She’s only felt his emotions for a matter of hours, now, and already she can read them well enough to deduce that he’s been paralyzed at his desk since they got back.
It would be comforting, if he wasn’t so freaked out.
She’s tucked toward the back of the evidence lockup when he slowly edges inside, leaned back against the shelves, arms crossed loosely over her chest. She straightens a little when the door squeaks on its hinges; he winces, both at the sound and at the fact that her face is entirely unreadable. She’s pulled her hair up into a low, loose bun in the time that has passed since he last saw her - a move he recognizes from her previous panic attacks, a half-conscious effort to allow cool air to touch the back of her neck. He forces himself to keep moving toward her for as long as he can stand it - all in, he stops about five feet short from where she’s standing, hands jammed so deep in his pockets he’s at risk of ripping holes through the seams.
Amy stares at him for a long moment, the only sound in the room the quiet mechanical whir of the precinct’s computer servers against the wall to his left. He tries to hold her gaze, really - it proves to be too much, the way the blinking server lights reflect off the molten brown chocolate of her irises, seconds away from piercing the very foundation of his soul. He focuses instead of her hands - on the way her fingers twist around her grandmother’s ring, knotting together in a way that reminds him of the knots in his own stomach. He inhales through his nose, holds it for a beat, and slowly releases it through barely-parted lips.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Her voice is soft, curious; not an ounce of accusation colors her words. His heart leaps unbidden at the sound of her voice and her eyes practically double in circumference. “Jake, I…” she trails, her fingers pressing briefly over her heart. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He rocks back on his heels, fighting his flight instinct urging him to shrug. “I don’t, um…I just, I didn’t want you to, y’know, feel…obligated.”
Her swell of affection is undeniable; he peers up at her through his lashes to find her gaze soft and a little bit sad.
Boldness sweeps through him.
“I mean, you were right about all of this - the choice part of it, I mean. I knew you were my soulmate the day I met you, but -”
He’s nearly knocked breathless at the sudden punch of disbelief from Amy. “Eight years?” she whispers, and he bites the inside of his cheek. “You’ve known for eight years?”
“Uh-huh,” he curls his fingers inside his pockets, twisting the fabric of his jacket between his nails. “I mean, it was rough at first - we weren’t exactly best friends, remember? And I thought I was wrong for a while, too, but I - I wasn’t. And, I dunno, I was starting to come around to the idea of telling you about it when -”
He stops, drops his chin, stares at the fraying seams of his sneakers. “When, what?” Amy prompts him after a moment.
“You were right that morning in the break room,” he says quietly. “When you were talking about, uh, the nature of free will. I didn’t realize how important it was to me until after we talked, but -”
“The morning my brother found his soulmate,” she interrupts suddenly, understanding washing through her. “Oh, Jake,” she says softly, “I was such an ass about it -”
“No, you were right,” he insists. “I had never really thought about it that way. It made me rethink a lot of things, actually. I realized I had been planning my whole life around - well, around you. But I didn’t even know you. It’s like you said, some cosmic force just decided that that’s how things were gonna be for me, and I never questioned it. But after we talked that morning, I realized that I wanted to want this. I wanted to want you. Not because someone else said I should, but because I chose to. And I - I wanted you to, uh, choose me. So…” he sucks in a deep breath, and Amy’s chin ticks up a degree. “You don’t have any obligation to me, Ames.” he says, pleasantly surprised to find his voice unwavering. “If this isn’t what you want, I…I get it. Really.” He tries to ignore the sharp ache in his chest as the words leave his lips, but based on the way her face crumbles he’s certain he’s done a terrible job. “Okay, eventually. I’ll get it eventually.” A half-smile quirks the corner of her mouth upward, and he feels himself steadying. “But if…if this is something you want…I’m yours. I want you. I choose you.”
It’s strange - up until now, he thought he’d felt every single one of Amy Santiago’s emotions. This one - this swelling, morphing mass of something - is entirely new to him, though. It’s bubbling up and folding in on itself, growing faster than he can comprehend, intensifying tenfold with each slow, tentative step Amy takes closer to him, and now her molten gaze has him pinned in place all the moisture in his mouth evaporating in an instant -
Her hands are warm and steady where they brush against his jaw and curl around the back of his neck, firm when they tug him down two inches, soft where they gently skate up into his hair. Her lips are pliant against his, coaxing and inviting, moving with him in perfect synchronization.
Amy Santiago is an excellent kisser.
But above everything else, Jake feels radiant acceptance swelling like a warm hug around his tripping heart. She wants him, too, it’s in her hands and her lips and her steady, steady heartbeat. He all but melts against her, releasing an involuntary hum as the tension leaks from his joints and his hands slide up the gentle slope of her spine. She lets out a little hum of her own when his fingers spread and flex over the space between her shoulder blades, and he tucks the sound away, fully intent on figuring out exactly how to make her do it again.
She pulls away first, pressing a hand to the side of his face when he momentarily strains to follow, and for a long moment they stand foreheads flush together, trying to catch their breaths. Her left arm flexes where it’s wrapped around his neck and he slowly curls his fingers around the curve of her waist, smiling at her quiet, breathless laugh.
“You really meant that, didn’t you?” she whispers.
He swallows thickly, reveling in the warmth of her skin seeping through his shirt, ignoring the now-distant ache in his chest at the thought of her not wanting this. “Yeah,” he breathes, and it’s the strangest thing - it’s like his conviction is echoing back to him.
She pulls away to look him in the eye, though her grip around his neck never falters; he bites back a smile at the feeling of her fingers curling into the material of his hoodie. “This is - it’s - a lot,” she mumbles, eyes briefly squeezing shut. “Like, a lot to process - is it usually this intense?”
“Never,” he says quickly. “I mean, like, sometimes if emotions were running high - like if you were really pissed off about something, or, like, having a panic attack - but that was before you could - I mean, that was when it was just me. I don’t - I don’t really know what happens now.”
She nods slowly, eyes darting down to his lips for the barest second before meeting his gaze again. “I…really want to find out,” she whispers.
It takes all of one nanosecond before the joy comes blazing in - a tsunami of it, all-encompassing and all-consuming. He yanks her back to him sharply, her responding laughter little more than a muffled buzz against his lips and a pleasant simmer in his belly. Fear and dread and panic are nothing more than distant memories now, and through it all Jake finds himself wondering why on earth he didn’t do this sooner.
“Jake -” he cuts her off with another kiss, earning yet another muffled laugh, pressing against her over and over again until he’s effectively smothering her. “Jake - Jake, let’s - Jake!”
He’s laughing when he pulls away, biting his lip, reaching up to touch the tendrils of hair fallen from her bun. “Sorry,” he mumbles, not sorry at all, “I’ve just been waiting for a really long time to do that -”
“I’m not saying we have to stop,” she says, “just - let’s go somewhere, anywhere else. I don’t even care where, just - together.”
“I smell like a dumpster, so -”
“Me too.”
“- shower? And then somewhere? I can pick you up at your apartment -”
“Or we could just…both go somewhere that has a shower.”
There’s mischief in her eyes and excitement in her veins and he can’t tamp down the grin on his face if he tried. “I think I know a place,” he says pseudo-thoughtfully, and this time it’s Amy pressing her lips to his to smother his laughter.
“Let’s go together,” she says when she pulls away too soon. “We can come back for the other car tomorrow, but let’s go together.”
“Yeah,” he says, an absurd hitch in his voice. “Together.”
She steps back and the loss of her heat against him is jarring until her fingers lace through his and gently squeeze; her affection and adoration is an undeniable hearth in his heart glowing in her eyes. “Together,” she whispers, chin briefly touching his shoulder.
There’s an urge somewhere deep to tack something stupid like ‘forever’ on the end, but he ignores it in favor of a broad, blinding grin.
(That hearth has grown to a wildfire still raging by morning, when he emerges from his bedroom dazed from sleep and everything else to find Amy padding around his kitchen, hair tousled, grin soft with the same affection he feels in her stuttering heart.)
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macperalta · 4 years
Your new url is absolute GODTIER
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amy-santiagos · 4 years
14, 17, and 18 :)
already answered 14!
17: canon-compliant or canon, what canon?
can i say both? lmao like i thank dan goor every day because canon is so good to jake and amy, but i do like reading different get together fics for them
18: have you ever read fics you would not confess to reading?
maybe? i can’t think of any off the top of my head besides all the smut fics i read for jake/amy lmao
ask me fanfic reader asks!
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peraltasames · 4 years
6, 20 :)
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
physical: i think my eyes are nice, my hair is very soft and thick and i like my nose!
non-physical: i’m a very dependable, i have a wide variety of interests so i get along with lots of people and i’m often told i’m the “funny friend” which makes me very happy 💛
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
honestly i’m just very looking forward to summer so i can be home w my family and chill by the pool and read 😌
send me soft asks 
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peterbishop · 4 years
Your tags in the push-ups post made me feel so 🥺🥺 Imagine Jake taking preconception health seriously and that’s how Amy helps motivates him to exercise!
amy finds jake doing pushups in their bedroom. “what are you doing?” she asks, bemused, and he flops down to the floor with a sigh, “i want to be the dad who carries around his baby all day. i’ll even try sports with them. but i need to get into better shape first.”
she sits down on the floor, then lays on her back, smirking. “let me motivate you then.”
he gets her tone and climbs over her. every time he goes down, he gives her a peck on the lips. he makes it to 100 pushups in no time.
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amystiago · 5 years
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vernonfielding · 4 years
K, X, and Y for the fanfic ask meme 💕
Thank you!  ❤️❤️
K. Do you have guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing). I answered this one already, but short answer is I used to feel some shame reading and writing hurt/comfort but not anymore! But fanfic as a whole is kind of a guilty pleasure for me, which I hate (I should not feel guilty!) but alas. For the most part, though, I’m very comfortable with all of the weird tropes I like to read and write. (Bring on the mpreg please!)
X. How would you categorize your fanfic reading? Are you a voracious reader? Do you carefully pick and choose? Something in between? In between, I think. I definitely read A LOT, especially in a fandom I’m just starting to explore. But I’m also a somewhat picky reader. I will generally only read fics with the pairings/characters I like best, unless I see something from a writer I already love. (I’m not usually going to click on a Rosa/Gina story for example, but if I know the author I’ll give it a try.) I also avoid WIPs unless I know and trust the writer. I will for sure stop reading a story if the writing is bad enough that I’m getting annoyed. I can tolerate quite a bit of, um, sloppiness in writing but I have my limits. Oh, and this is maybe weird but I won’t read stories under 1,000 words (again, unless I know/enjoy the writer).
But pretty much if a B99 fic has Jake in it and if the writing isn’t atrocious and the story is complete, I’m good. Absurd AU, 80K slow burn, 1K fluff, 10K Jake hurt/comfort (YES PLEASE) -- I’ll take it all.
Y. What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories? Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories? You know I have thoughts on this, though it’s tough to decide what to make public because I don’t want to sound whiny LOL. Basically I try very hard not to get too invested in a story’s popularity (or lack thereof). I’ve for sure written things in this fandom that got very little attention and I didn’t understand why (and others where I knew exactly why -- sorry, Charles/Vivian fic!). My missing scene series was a really interesting experiment in this regard, because all of those fics were on a roughly even playing field (they were posted about the same time every day, about the same length, with consistent tags here and on AO3). To some extent I wasn’t surprised by which ones were most popular, but there were a few I was especially proud of that didn’t get as much attention. What can you do?
For me the much harder thing to deal with in terms of “popularity” is how I hold up against others, and I try VERY hard not to think about that. Life Writes Its Own Stories is my most popular fic (it’s also like 10 times longer than most of my other stories) and it’s the one I like best and am most proud of. So yay! I honestly was and remain so pleased by the response to that story. The feedback was wonderful. But at the same time, that story is not popular compared to a lot of other B99 fic, here or on AO3. Again, I try not to focus on that and for the most part succeed. But every now I do think about it. (I hope that doesn’t make me sound awful and petty!)
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kamekamelea · 5 years
16, 29, and 44 for the B99 asks :)
First of all I AM SO SORRY I SOMEHOW MISSED THIS ASK, I didn't notice it in my notifications and as I don't receive much asks I rarely go to my asks inbox and I saw it yesterday and I don't know when you've send this but I assume it must've been at least few days ago and I'm really sorry for getting to it so late.
Thank you SO MUCH for sending these questions and I hope there is still hope for us to be friends 💕💕💕
16. Why do you watch it?Because it's a great show with a bunch of funny plots and lines, and the characters are great and I really like the way they touch uncomfortable subjects (and I also have a crush on andy samberg)
29. Favorite cold open?That's a hard one but I think the one with Holt tasting the marshmallow :D
44. Your favorite fic based on the show?There are just too many to pick just 1. or 10. or even 100 I guess. (I specifically looked at my bookmarks list and there is 100 b99 fics... and that's definitely not all of them cause there was a time I didn't bookmark fics so... I guess the number is huge)
my absolute favs are on my bookmarks list on ao3, if anyone would be interested :)
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amyscascadingtabs · 5 years
Heart - for the WIP guessing game!
hahahah you got a good one there! six hearts! we’ll go with this one
 “Oh,” he says, in such a caring and affectionate tone it melts her heart again. “Do you need anything? Painkillers? Hugs? A massage?”
send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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winchestee-shirt · 5 years
I love seeing the same person spam my account with likes. Genuinely my favorite thing. Hope you’re having a good day, new friend!
!!! Oh good! I always get caught up in someone's blog doing that sometimes, ahah! I love it too! I hope you have a good day, too!! :D
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elsaclack · 5 years
Hi again!!! I just wanted to say howdy, I am also from Texas!!! I have a lot of family from DFW, but I’m from the south, very very close to the border. I do go to school in yeehaw land though!
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joysmercer · 4 years
M for the fanfic ask meme!
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
There’s this one, which I started over the summer but am nowhere near finished with. I’ve only written and published one other AU; until recently, it wasn’t something I ever considered writing myself (even though I loved reading them!)
Fanfic Writer Ask Meme
0 notes
2 and 9 for Brooklyn!
Ahh, Brooklyn ♥️ my first AU and my heart of hearts
2: What scene did you first put down?
You know, I think the first scene I put down was (sort of) the first scene of the fic … the two of them literally crashing into each other.  Except initially, there was a slightly different theme in their interactions, which brings me to question 9 …
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Absolutely!  Originally, I had this whole wealthy girl/not so wealthy guy theme going on (very ‘Love Story’-esque, a classic film from the 70s that is still great to watch!).  It was going to be all about Amy discovering the other side of life, where things weren’t necessarily guaranteed and there’s a certain satisfaction in working hard and seeing the rewards.  But, no matter how I tried, I just couldn’t bring myself to write Amy as that type of character - and that may be because it was literally my first AU for this fandom, but even now I’m not sure that I could write her in that light.  
Ironically, I ended up doing something kinda ‘Notting Hill’-esque instead for the beginning, which actually wasn’t deliberate and I’m not sure I’d put that together until today 😅
Regardless, I’m really happy I ended up going in the direction I did! 
Thank you for these! 💕💕
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peraltasames · 5 years
Hi I found your blog and your ao3 and now I’m in love
aww thank you!!!
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