#female spiritual gurus in india
bharatmata01 · 22 days
Kaikai's Untold Story | kaikeyi ka anutap | कैकई का सत्य 
अविरल गति से बहती और जन जन के मानस में अंकित राम कथा की सबसे मूल पात्र माता कैकेयी का जब भी नाम आता है ,उन्हें नकारात्मक और निष्ठुरता से ही याद किया जाता है |  इस चरित्र ने सदा से निंदा और आलोचना ही सही है| 
उनके जीवन के सकारात्मक पक्ष को प्रायः विस्तृत किया जाता रहा है| यदि संक्षेप में अतीत के पृष्ठो को देखे तो सर्वविदित कथा के अनुसार देवी सरस्वती द्वारा उनकी मति को भ्रमित किया गया था| जो एक प्रकार से विधि का विधान था|
महाराजाधिराज अश्वपति की पुत्री और महान ऋषि दुर्वासा द्वारा  शिक्षा प्राप्त तथा राजपुरोहित रत्नऋषि के संरक्षण में युद्ध कौशल में निपुण माता कैकेयी का दासी मंथरा के द्वारा भ्रमित हो जाना भी तर्कसंगत नहीं है|
मां कैकेयी जैसा प्रेम राम से किसी ने नहीं किया | The truth of Kaikeyi
सच तो यह है की बालक राम को माता कौशल्या से भी कही अधिक स्नेह माता कैकेयी का प्राप्त था| माँ कैकेयी को अपने पुत्र भरत से भी अधिक राम प्रिय थे| उनका प्रयास था की राम ( Shri Ram Janam katha )केवल कौशल नरेश न बनकर जन जन द्वारा युगो युगो तक पूजित रहे, विश्व उन्हें मानवता के उद्धारक और दानवता के संहारक के रूप में स्वीकारे और उनके वास्तविक स्वरुप जगत नियन्ता को पहचाने|
वह राम को एक ऐसा परम पद देना चाहती थी जहां उनकी प्रतिष्ठा शुभ आचरणों के उद्गम और श्रोत के रूप में हो| उन्होंने वेदना और उपेक्षा सहकर भी केवल परमार्थ के लिए कठोर निर्णय लिया और किसी भी नारी के लिए वैधव्य जैसे कठोरतम निर्णय को सहजता से स्वीकार किया|
माता कैकेयी - The Untold Story of Ramayana | Kaikeyi Demands Shree Ram's Exile 
यह सत्य है कि वह राजभवन से राम के निर्वासन का कारण बनी परन्तु उन्होंने जन मानस के ह्रदय में युगो युगो तक मर्यादा पुरषोत्तम के रूप में सुवास भी दिया| देवत्व लोकहित और  एक प्रकार से देवत्व की रक्षा के लिए उनका यह निर्णय वंदनीय माना जा सकता है| भगवन श्री राम, जो की त्रिलोक स्वामी श्री हरी विष्णु का अवतार थे , इस धरती पर अयोध्या पर राज करने के लिए अवतरित नहीं हुए थे| प्रायः यह समझा जाता है की उनके आने का उद्देश्य रावण वध था, परन्तु रावण का वध एक इतना छोटा काम था जिसे महावीर हनुमंत भी कर सकते थे, जामवंत भी इसके सक्षम थे, किन्तु दण्डकवन को श्राप से मुक्ति और शबरी की लम्बी प्रतीक्षा का सुफल तो केवल श्री राम द्वारा ही संभव था|
To Continue Reading:- Kaikeyi in Ramayana
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burst-of-iridescent · 3 months
South Asian and Hindu Influences in ATLA (Part 2)
disclaimer: i was raised culturally and religiously hindu, and though i've tried to do my research for this post and pair it with my own cultural knowledge, i'm not an expert on hinduism by any means. should i mess up, please let me know.
please also be aware that many of the concepts discussed in this post overlap heavily with religions such as buddhism and jainism, which might have different interpretations and representations. as i'm not from those religions or cultures, i don't want to speak on them, but if anyone with that knowledge wishes to add on, please feel free.
Part 1
In the previous post, I discussed some of the things ATLA got right in its depictions of desi and hindu cultures. unfortunately, they also got plenty of things wrong - often in ways that leaned towards racist caricatures - so let's break them down, starting with...
Guru Pathik
both the word "guru" and name "pathik" come from sanskrit. pathik means "traveler" or "he who knows the way" while guru is a term for a guide or mentor, similar to a teacher.
gurus were responsible for the very first education systems in ancient india, setting up institutions called gurukuls. students, referred to as disciples, would often spend years living with and learning from their gurus in these gurukuls, studying vedic and buddhist texts, philosophy, music and even martial arts.
however, their learning was not limited merely to academic study, as gurus were also responsible for guiding the spiritual evolution of their disciples. it was common for disciples to meditate, practice yoga, fast for days or weeks, and complete mundane household chores every day in order to instill them with self-discipline and help them achieve enlightenment and spiritual awareness. the relationship between a guru and his disciple was considered a sacred, holy bond, far exceeding that of a mere teacher and student.
aang's training with guru pathik mirrors some of these elements. similar to real gurus, pathik takes on the role of aang's spiritual mentor. he guides aang in unblocking his chakras and mastering the avatar state through meditation, fasting, and self-reflection - all of which are practices that would have likely been encouraged in disciples by their gurus.
pathik's design also takes inspiration from sadhus, holy men who renounced their worldly ties to follow a path of spiritual discipline. the guru's simple, nondescript clothing and hair are reflective of the ascetic lifestyle sadhus are expected to lead, giving up material belongings and desires in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and, ultimately, liberation from the reincarnation cycle.
unfortunately, this is where the respectful references end because everything else about guru pathik was insensitive at best and stereotypical at worst.
it is extremely distasteful that the guru speaks with an overexaggerated indian accent, even though the iranian-indian actor who plays him has a naturally british accent. why not just hire an actual indian voice actor if the intention was to make pathik sound authentic? besides, i doubt authenticity was the sole intention, given that the purposeful distortion of indian accents was a common racist trope played for comedy in early 2000s children's media (see: phineas and ferb, diary of a wimpy kid, jessie... the list goes on).
furthermore, while pathik is presented a wise and respected figure within this episode, his next (and last) appearance in the show is entirely the opposite.
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in the episode nightmares and daydreams, pathik appears in aang's nightmare with six hands, holding what appears to be a veena (a classical indian music instrument). this references the iconography of the hindu deity Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. the embodiment of divine enlightenment, learning, insight and truth, Saraswati is a member of the Tridevi (the female version of the Trimurti), one of the most respected and revered goddesses in the Hindu pantheon... and her likeness is used for a cheap laugh on a character who's already treated as a caricature.
that's bad enough on its own, but when you consider that guru pathik is the only explicitly south asian coded character in the entire show, it's downright insulting. for a show that took so many of its foundational concepts from south asia and hinduism and yet provided almost no desi representation in return, this is just rubbing salt in the wound.
"chakra", meaning "circle" or "wheel of life" in sanskrit, refers to sources of energy found in the human body. chakra points are aligned along the spine, with energy flowing from the lowest to the highest point. the energy pooled at the lowest chakra is called kundalini, and the aim is to release this energy to the highest chakra in order to achieve spiritual enlightenment and consciousness.
the number of chakras varies in different religions, with buddhism referencing five chakras while hinduism has seven. atla draws from the latter influence, so let's take a look at the seven chakras:
Muladhara (the Root Chakra). located at the base of the spine, this chakra deals with our basest instincts and is linked to the element of earth.
Swadhisthana (the Sacral Chakra). located just below the navel, this chakra deals with emotional intensity and pleasure and is linked to the element of water.
Manipura (the Solar Plexus Chakra). located in the stomach, this chakra deals with willpower and self-acceptance and is linked to the element of fire.
Anahata (the Heart Chakra). located in the heart, this chakra deals with love, compassion and forgiveness and is linked to the element of air. in the show, this chakra is blocked by aang's grief over the loss of the air nomads, which is a nice elemental allusion.
Vishudda (the Throat Chakra). located at the base of the throat, this chakra deals with communication and honesty and is linked to the fifth classical element of space. the show calls this the Sound Chakra, though i'm unsure where they got that from.
Ajna (the Third Eye Chakra). located in the centre of the forehead, this chakra deals with spirituality and insight and is also linked to the element of space. the show calls it the Light Chakra, which is fairly close.
Sahasrara (the Crown Chakra). located at the very top of the head, this chakra deals with pure cosmic consciousness and is also linked to the element of space. it makes perfect sense that this would be the final chakra aang has to unblock in order to connect with the avatar spirit, since the crown chakra is meant to be the point of communion with one's deepest, truest self.
the show follows these associations and descriptions almost verbatim, and does a good job linking the individual chakras to their associated struggles in aang's arc.
Cosmic Energy
the idea of chakras is associated with the concept of shakti, which refers to the life-giving energy that flows throughout the universe and within every individual.
the idea of shakti is a fundamentally unifying one, stating that all living beings are connected to one another and the universe through the cosmic energy that flows through us all. this philosophy is referenced both in the swamp episode and in guru pathik telling aang that the greatest illusion in the world is that of separation - after all, how can there be any real separation when every life is sustained by the same force?
this is also why aang needing to let go of katara did not, as he mistakenly assumed, mean he had to stop loving her. rather, the point of shedding earthly attachment is to allow one to become more attuned to shakti, both within oneself and others. ironically, in letting go of katara and allowing himself to commune with the divine energy of the universe instead, aang would have been more connected to her - not less.
The Avatar State
according to hinduism, there are five classical elements known as pancha bhuta that form the foundations of all creation: air, water, earth, fire, and space/atmosphere.
obviously, atla borrows this concept in making a world entirely based on the four classical elements. but looking at how the avatar spirit is portrayed as a giant version of aang suspended in mid-air, far above the earth, it's possible that this could reference the fifth liminal element of space as well.
admittedly this might be a bit of a reach, but personally i find it a neat piece of worldbuilding that could further explain the power of the avatar. compared to anyone else who might be able to master only one element, mastering all five means having control of every building block of the world. this would allow the avatar to be far more attuned to the spiritual energy within the universe - and themselves - as a result, setting in motion the endless cycle of death and rebirth that would connect their soul even across lifetimes.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 5 months
The male body has to make pilgrimages to sit at the feet of men, the masters and gurus. The only thing that the female has to do is to keep communication open to nature and come home to her body. --India Ame'ye, Author
This is absolutely no shade to men or male bodies. Men and male bodies are valuable, beautiful, and necessary. However, it's a reminder that what we've been taught to believe is real and true around spirituality ( and pretty much everything else) was born from the male mind and never meant for us in the first place. Please consider no longer prioritizing the advice or perspectives of men. You can consider it if you like, but do not center it until you filter what's being said or exemplified through the channels of your own female body. Even with yoga, the female body works best with more flowy practices as oppose to sharp rigidity. Come home to your body and trust your heart and soul.
Since the beginning of time, most gynecologists have been men. Men have been writing women's stories for centuries. We became less and less embodied and trapped and stagnated in our root and sacral chakras, looking for daddy doctor to save us, which did one of three things: 1. caused us to attract lovers who only want to fuck but don't want to love on or care for us 2. made us sexually confused, sexually performative, or incompetent/stuck in our heads, dissociated from our bodies and libidos, and see our bodies as tools/containers for male pleasure. 3. made it difficult for to us to relax comfortable in our grown bodies and just be without stimulants and entertainment.
Now we love the root and sacral chakras. No chakra heirarchy is allowed in this work. Just know though that when your energy is not moving, it's impossible for you to feel good in your body. That is one of the biggest issues I find. Many women just do not feel good in their bodies. When you don't feel good, you constantly reach out into the external world for its distractions, subjected to its bullshit and lies because you haven't learned to cultivate your own energy. You must begin to midwife yourself through the chronic over-stimulation and boredom and begin to script your life consciously. Such a profound version of love. Self-love.
This work is not a quick-fix. It is journey that won't happen overnight at first until suddenly, one day, there is a quantum leap, then another one. It calls for us to be more available to SIMPLE activities like "belly breathing" or "breast stroking with emotion" to begin the masterful process of raising our energy up and beyond the root and sacral, allowing it infuse into our heart. This is one of many ways we open up our hearts, Loved Ones. You no longer need to blame men or women or any relationship style for what is going on within you because you can just go inside and penetrate your breasts, eyes, etc. with more loving energy that projects out to create a higher frequency and quality of magnetism. This is what I will teach you when it's time.
It may sound too good to be true, but when women (and other womb holders) start prioritizing our health and happiness through simple acts like "feet work," it changes the world, men included. That's because the male body is primally-wired to be influenced and impacted by the happiness of the female. If women are happy, generally men (children, animals, and the natural world) get on board and become happier. Start listening to your female body more and developing a more inward focus in these times so that you can cultivate your energy and orbit this magic to recalibrate the world. The microcosmic orbit.
Care for your nervous system and cultivate greater inner peace so that you can create a more peaceful impact upon the world. What are you letting go off? What's is your heart's deepest desire when you truly get quieter and really listen? What does it look and feel like to create a life of your highest wellbeing?
One Loveliness,India
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mahayanapilgrim · 3 months
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The Multifaceted Role of the Dakini in Tantric Buddhism
The dakini is so central to the requirements for a practitioner to attain full enlightenment as a Buddha that she appears in a tantric formulation of the Buddhist Three Jewels refuge formula known as the Three Roots.
Most commonly she appears as the protector, alongside a guru and yidam, but Judith Simmer-Brown points out that:
The dakini, in her various guises, serves as each of the Three Roots. She may be a human guru, a vajra master who transmits the Vajrayana teachings to her disciples and joins them in samaya commitments.
The wisdom dakini may be a yidam, a meditational deity; female deity yogas such as Vajrayogini are common in Tibetan Buddhism.
Or she may be a protector; the wisdom dakinis have special power and responsibility to protect the integrity of oral transmissions.
As a key tantric figure the dakini also appears in other forms of tantric Buddhism such as the Japanese Shingon school from where she disseminated into Japanese culture, evolving into Dakini-ten and becoming linked to the kitsune iconography.
The origins of the dakini symbol are uncertain but she continues to this day as a part of Indian folklore, generally in wrathful forms, and remains a part of Hindu tantra. Do a complete article with clear explanations
In the rich tapestry of Tantric Buddhism, the dakini emerges as a pivotal figure, embodying the profound interconnectedness of the spiritual path toward enlightenment. The dakini's roles are as diverse as they are critical, serving as a guardian, teacher, and deity within the esoteric practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. This article delves into the dakini's multifaceted roles, her significance in the tantric tradition, and her influence beyond the confines of Tibetan Buddhism.
The Dakini as the Three Roots
The Three Roots, a core tantric formulation, traditionally comprise the guru, the yidam (meditational deity), and the protector. The dakini's unique position allows her to manifest in each of these roles, offering guidance, protection, and spiritual empowerment to practitioners.
The Dakini as Guru
In her role as a guru or vajra master, the dakini acts as a spiritual mentor, transmitting the profound teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism to her disciples. This transmission is not merely academic; it is a profound spiritual connection, sealed with samaya commitments—sacred vows that bind the teacher and student in a deep spiritual relationship. The dakini as guru embodies wisdom and compassion, guiding practitioners on their path to enlightenment.
The Dakini as Yidam
As a yidam, the dakini serves as a meditational deity, a focus for practitioners' meditation practices. Female deity yogas, such as those centered on Vajrayogini, are prevalent within Tibetan Buddhism, highlighting the importance of the feminine divine. The wisdom dakini, in her yidam form, represents the practitioner's own buddha nature, a direct path to realizing one's innate enlightenment.
The Dakini as Protector
In her protective role, the dakini guards the integrity of the oral transmissions and esoteric teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism. Her wrathful forms are not expressions of malevolence but are symbolic of her power to overcome obstacles and protect the Dharma and its practitioners from spiritual and worldly hindrances.
The Dakini Beyond Tibetan Buddhism
The dakini's influence extends beyond Tibetan Buddhism into other forms of tantric practice, such as the Japanese Shingon school. Here, she evolved into Dakini-ten, becoming intertwined with local deities and iconography, such as the kitsune (fox), reflecting the adaptability and syncretic nature of tantric Buddhist practices as they spread across cultures.
Origins and Continuing Influence
The origins of the dakini symbol are shrouded in mystery, with roots possibly stretching back to ancient Indian folklore and Hindu tantra, where she continues to be venerated in various forms. Often depicted in wrathful aspects within Indian traditions, the dakini symbolizes the transformative power of the divine feminine, capable of both creation and destruction.
The dakini stands as a testament to the dynamic and transformative nature of Tantric Buddhism, embodying the spiritual journey's complexity and depth. As guru, yidam, and protector, she guides practitioners through the intricate pathways of Vajrayana practice, ensuring the teachings' integrity and the spiritual progress of those who seek enlightenment. Her enduring presence in both Buddhist and Hindu traditions underscores the dakini's profound significance in the spiritual heritage of Asia and beyond, continuing to inspire and protect those on the path to awakening.
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lgbtqiamuslimpedia · 1 year
Hijra (South Asia)
Hijra (Arabic: ہیجڑا) is a south asian subcultural identity for transgender women, transvestites (MTF), androgynous male, intersex & non-binary folks. Many Hijras lives in well-organized communities, led by a guru (leader) in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India & some parts of Nepal. Traditionally, hijras are recognized as a “distinct gender” which is different from the normative male & female genders. Most of them are assigned “male” at birth, while a small number of hijras are born intersex and later develop a feminine gender identity or gender ambiguity. Hijras usually present themselves in feminine attire, use feminine names & pronouns for themselves. Some hijras may present themselves in masculine outfits, may use masculine names or vice-versa. Both Izak & Hijragaan are equivalents of the term “Hijra” in Afghanistan. Afghani vernacular term Izak refers to eunuch or people of ambiguous gender/sex. Izak is also used as a slurr against LGBTQI+ community.
Hijra Culture
Hijras has their own traditions, rituals, cults, language & festivities. Hijras typically earn a living through various means, including participating in toli–badhai (ritual blessings), collecting alms, begging, prostitution, dancing & singing at different occasions. These activities serve as common sources of income within the hijra community. Most of the Hijra communities follows a kinship known as guru-chela or guru-shishyaa. This kinship is based on hierarchal relationships of discipleship among hijras, organizing themselves into different dera/gharanas (house). These dera/gharanas serve as social units, provide a sense of belonging and support to gender-diverse folks. Many hijras try to maintain matrilineal relationships within their communities; these relationships include guru ma or ma (mother), daughter, maasi or mausi (aunty), sister, niece, nani or naniguru (grandmother). In hijra community, gurus are revered as mother, parent, guardian & sometimes brother. Chelas are revered as son or daughter of guru. In hijra community, individuals can become members through an ritual ceremony or reet which is very much common within Hijra community. Many transgendered hijras & kothis do castration, emasculation before joining the community. However, community membership is not solely dependent on genital mutilation.
The governing bodies within the hijra/kinner community play a central role in maintaining their cultural practices and traditions. These governing bodies hold influential positions on decision-making and community affairs within communities. They contribute to the overall structure and organization of the hijra/kinner/third gender communities.
The spiritual status of hijras is publicly acknowledged & accepted as a part of their gender identity, entitling them to attain a spiritual level referred to as “others” non-hijras. Prior to arrival of Islam in South Asia, kinners (hindu hijra folks) were elevated to the status of demi-god in Indian subcontinent. They were believed to possess supernatural powers that could bestow fertility and good luck upon those who sought kinner's blessings. Upon their conversion to Islam, kinners adopted the label “hijra” which means spiritual migration, transformation, transcend, liminality. Hijras became great devotees of Sufi saints, such as Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, Lal Shahbaz Qalaander, Baba Bulleh Shah. Most of the hijra folks incorporated their Hindu beliefs into their practice of Islam after their conversion. They visits Sufi shrines, temples, and mosques, as well as participate in pilgrimages. Muslim hijras also maintain a belief in the Goddess Bahuchara Maa. Bahuchara Maa is patron of hijra, kinner, transgender woman, eunuch, transvestite, kothi communities. She is also known as Mai Nandi in Pakistan.
The word Kothi is common across India & Bangladesh. Other local equivalents of Kothi are Durani (Kolkata), Meti (Nepal), Zenana/Zanana (Pakistan). While Kothis are often distinguished from Hijras, they often dress as women and act in a feminine manner in public spaces, even using feminine language to refer to themselves and each-other. Sometimes the term Kothi is regarded as person who play passive or submissive role in homosexual relationships. In India, the term Kothi refers to effeminate homosexuals & transvestite homosexuals who take feminine role in homosexual relationship with Panthi (a south asian term for masculine gay/bisexual/straight man, who dates hijras & kothis). Majority of kothis don't live in intentional communities that hijras usually lives in. Some argued that term “Kothi” is an all-encompassing term for homosexual bottoms, effeminate males, trans-feminines, transvestites, trans woman, who do not conform to societal, normative gender roles. So the term Kothi would include the identity of Hijra, among others.
Religious Practices
Many hijra communities practice a form of syncretism that draws on multiple religions, including islam, hinduism, buddhism, sikhism, etc. Both Indian hindu hijras/kinners and muslim hijras are devotee of Goddess Bahuchara Maa. Majority of gurus in hijra community are muslim in Indian subcontinent. Annually they pay homage to Hazrat Khawaja Gharib Nawaz in Ajmer Sharif.According to Gayatri Reddy, Indian muslim hijras do not practice Islam differently from other muslims. Their religious syncretism doesn't make them any less muslim. Reddy also documents an example of how this syncretism manifests: In Hyderabad of India a group of muslim converts were circumcised, something seen as the quintessential marker of Muslim identity.
Guru-chela system is very similar to Pir-Mureed discipleship of Sufism. In Sufi traditions, a Pir/Guru (spiritual guider) takes on disciples known as Mureeds, forming a deep and spiritual relationship. Some believes that south asian hijras adopted this system of mentorship & spiritual guidance within their own community.
In Pakistan, most hijras do not practice religious syncretism. But they have great tolerance & compassion for other religions. Pakistani hijras are more connected with sufi cultures & Mughal cultures. Some prefers the term Khawaja Sara for themselves instead of Hijra, Khusra. They pay homage to sufi dargahs, pray at mosque or dargah (in male outfit). Hijras also perform Islamic Hajj & Umrah in Mecca, until 2017 when saudi authorities ban religious pilgrimage for transgender & third gender folks.
Hijra Farsi Language
Hijra Farsi/Farsi Kalaam is a secret code language of hijra, khwaja sara, & zennana communities. It is also spoken among non-hijra LGBTQ+ members. Hijra Farsi was originated during the Mughal Era. Hijra Farsi is widely spoken among muslim hijras, khwajasaras & zennanas. Hindu hijras/kinner speaks Gupti language. known as Hijra Farsi, Farsi Kalaam. Some parts of India & in Bangladesh, it is known as Ulti Bhasha.
Hijra identity & culture are documented to have evolved during the Delhi Sultanate (1226-1526) and Mughal Empire (1526-1707), where they held positions as guardian of royal harems, court officials, entertainers, servant for elite households, manual laborers, political advisors, etc. They had been guardians of many sufi shrines in medieval era.
Since 19th century, hijras were targeted by British colonial authorities who sought to eradicate them, criminalised them under Section 377 (1860) & Criminal Tribe Act (1870). This encouraged anti-hijra sentiments throughout the Indian subcontinent, the legacies of which continued in later days. As a result, people started to viewing Hijras differently. Beginning in the 1850s with the British Raj, colonial authorities deployed various strategies to eradicate hijras, whom they saw as "a breach of public decency." The British viewed hijras as incapable of "moral transformation" & assimilation and therefore subjected them to eliminatory policies. In 1860, hijras became subjected to Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which allowed British authorities to prosecute hijras for their sexuality. Even though they were already criminalized under the Section 377, authorities of the North-Western Provinces (NWP) sought to enact a 'Special law' against hijras in 1861.
By 1870, no high-ranking British officials argued against the implementation of special legislation to address the 'hijra problem,' thus solidifying a violent anti-hijra campaign all across the Indian subcontinent. Anti-hijra laws were enacted; whereas a law outlawing castration (a central part of the hijra community, although not required for community membership), crossdressing, community gathering, ritual practices. Hijras were included in the Criminal Tribes Act (1871) and labelled a "criminal tribe", now subjected to compulsory registration, strict monitoring, and stigmatization. Because of economic costs, which were the main impetus behind British colonialism, Hijras and other so-called "criminal tribes" were unable to be collectively sequestered from colonial society.
Furthermore, Child Removal Projects, which had already begun elsewhere in the British Empire, like Colonial Australia with the forced removal of aboriginal children for assimilation into white settler society, were brought to India for all 'criminal tribes' officially in 1911. Child removal was already in de-facto practice against hijras since the passage of the Criminal Tribes Act (1871) to initiate the extermination of hijra communities by preventing initiation, since the dominant colonial narrative was that all trans & intersex children were "kidnapped and enslaved". Researcher Jessica Hinchy notes that the elimination oriented tactics carried out toward hijras during the colonial era were comparable to what Patrick Wolfe called the 'logic of elimination' in British settler colonies, such as the USA and Australia, as well as the anti-joya campaigns executed by Spanish colonial authorities against gender-diverse people centuries earlier in the establishment of New Spain (1535-1821). After the independence, hijras survived these barbaric colonial extermination. But the centuries-old stigma & shame continues as a legacy of British colonialism in modern days. In the late 20th & early 21st centuries, hijras became the subject of more attention, being the focus of numerous news features, films, literature, documentaries, ethnographies, monographs, dissertations. Since the late 20th century some NGOs & rights groups lobbied for official recognition of the hijra community.
Legal Recognition in South Asia
Hijra rights in India:
Hijra community is known by different names in Indian subcontinent.For example: Khusra,Khusaraa,Jankha,Zennani in Punjab; Pavaiyaa in Gujrat;Hinjida in Odisha;Dhurani, Brihonnala,Hijre in West Bengal;Khawajasera in Urdu;Ali,Aravani in Tamil Nadu,Khadra in Sindhi,etc.
Hijra is a pejorative term, most transgenders consider hijra as derogatory & some transgenders does not consider it as a derogatory.Indian transgenders often prefer the term ''Kinner'' for themselves.
In 1994, Hijras were legally granted voting rights as a third sex.Due to alleged legal ambiguity of the procedure,Indian hijras has difficulties accessing safe medical facilities for surgery.In 1998 Shabnam Mausi (a muslim hijra) was elected as India's first transgender MLA.
In April, 2014 Indian Supreme Court recognised hijra,transgender,eunuch, & intersex people as a "third gender" in law.The Court ruled that hijras,transgender people have a fundamental constitutional right to change their gender without any sort of surgery, and called on the Union Government to ensure equal treatment for hijra people.The Court also ruled that the Indian Constitution mandates the recognition of a third gender on official documents and that Article 15 bans discrimination based on gender identity.In light of the ruling,government documents, such as voter ID cards, passports & bank forms, have started providing a third gender option alongside male (M) & female (F), usually designated as "other" (O),"third gender" (TG) or "transgender" (T).
The states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala were the 1st Indian states to introduce a Transgender Welfare Policy.According to the policy, transgender & hijra people can access free sex-reassignment surgery in govt. hospitals (only for Male to Female),free housing,various citizenship documents, admission in government colleges with full scholarship for higher studies,alternative sources of livelihood through formation of self-help groups(for savings) and initiating income-generation programmes (IGP).
On 24 April 2015, the Rajya Sabha unanimously passed the Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, guaranteeing rights and entitlements,reservations in education,jobs,unemployment allowances, pensions,legal aids & skill development for Hijras.It also contained provisions to prohibit discrimination in employment as well as prevent abuse,violence and exploitation of Hijra people.Social Justice & Empowerment Minister Thaawar Chand Gehlot stated on 11 June 2015 that the Union Government would introduce a new comprehensive bill for trans rights in the Monsoon session of Parliament. The bill would be based on the study on trans issues conducted by a committee appointed on 27 January 2014.According to Thaawar Chand Gehlot, the Government sought to provide trans & hijra people with all rights and entitlements currently enjoyed by scheduled castes & scheduled tribes.
The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill,2016, which was initially introduced to Parliament in August 2016, was reintroduced to Parliament in late 2017. Some LGBTQ+ & hijra activists have opposed the bill because it does not address issues such as marriage,adoption & divorce for trans people.It was passed by the Lok Sabha on 17 December 2018, with 27 amendments, including a controversial clause prohibiting hijras from begging.
In April 2017, the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation instructed states to allow transgender people to use the public toilet of their choice.In October 2017, the Karnataka Government issued the "State Policy for Transgenders, 2017", with the aim of raising awareness of transgender people within all educational institutions in the state. Educational institutions will address issues of violence & discrimination against trans people.
On 28 November 2017, N. Chandrababu Naidu, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, announced the enactment of pension plans for transgender people.On 16 December 2017, the Andhra Pradesh Cabinet passed the policy. According to the policy, the State Government will provide an amount of ₹1,500 per month to each trans person above the age of 18 for social security pensions.The Govt. will also construct Transgender toilets in public places.
In early 2019, the Social Welfare Department of Assam published a draft "transgender policy" with numerous objectives, including providing transgender people access to educational institutions, providing shelter and sanitation for the homeless, raising awareness, and issuing self-identification identity cards.
Hijra rights in Pakistan
In Pakistan hijra & khawaja sara community has a vibrant culture (both are culturally & historically different identities). In Pakistan, Hijras are sometimes referred to as eunuch, shemale, mukhannath, transvestite, khusra, moorat/murat, khadra, chakka, khawaja sara/sera, intersex, teesri zins (third gender), etc. Hijras faces humiliation & violence on daily basis in Pakistan. Surprisingly, they enjoy a certain level of acceptance & respect due to their position in pre-colonial Islamic empires & spiritual status. Their presence in Pakistani muslim society is usually tolerated. Many khawaja sara & hijras called themselves cultural heirs of the Mughal eunuchs & mukhannaths.
Pakistani society has a common myth regarding the hijra that they are born with congenital conditions, sexual ambiguities & they are incapable of procreation. In 2009, the Pakistan's Supreme Court officially recognized hijra's gender. The landmark ruling stated that as citizens they were entitled to the equal benefit from the federal and provincial governments' financial support schemes. In 2010, the court ordered the full recognition of the hijra/khawaja sara community, including the provision of free medical & educational facilities, microcredit schemes and job quotas for hijras in every government department. But court did not say anything about their protections from discrimination in public services or housing.
On 8 May 2018, the National Assembly of Pakistan passed country's first historic Transgender Person (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018 (مُتَجَنَّس افراد کے لیے (تحفظ حقوق) قانون 2018ء). Transgender Person Act ensure the right of self-identification of one's gender Pakistani gender diverse people may express their gender according to their own preferences, & they may have their gender identity of choice reflected on their documents (including NICs, passports, driver's licenses,education certificates) The act ensures transgender people's "fundamental rights to inheritance, education, employment, vote, hold public office, health, assembly, and access to public spaces and property.
Hijra rights in Bangladesh
When Bangladesh was under Pakistani rule, the state used to provide pensions to the elder hijra community during their old age. This subsidy was initially continued after Bangladesh gained independence, but was later discontinued. In November 2013, Bangladesh officially recognized Hijras as a third gender. Bangladeshi Hijras are often discriminated, harassed due to public exposure of their ‘inappropriate’ gender & sexual expression which trangresses gender normativity and heterosexual dimensions of muslim society. Despite this, Bangladesh does not have policies outlining measures individuals must undergo to legally change their gender on their official documents,nor is there clarity about who may qualify as a “Hijra”.
A 2013 survey by the Bangladesh's Ministry of Social Welfare showed that, there are 10,000 registered hijras in the country.But some trans activists argued that the actual number of hijras is more than 10,000. In December 2014, the Ministry of Social Welfare invited hijras for the governmental jobs. Some hijras applied for governmental jobs (many of them were trans woman). But later they were humiliated by Social Welfare Department officials during the initial interviews, which were conducted in December 2014. Many reported that they were harassed & asked inappropriate questions about their gender identity & sex life. In January 2015 the health ministry issued a memorandum requesting that “necessary steps are taken to identify authentic intersexual by conducting a thorough medical check-up.” In June 2015, the dozen hijras who were selected from the initial interviews were examined in a government hospital. During the medical examinations, physicians ordered non-medical hospital staff such as custodians to touch their genitals, while groups of staff and other patients observed and jeered — sometimes in private rooms, sometimes in public spaces. Eventually they were identified as Male by doctors. Thus, they lost their jobs. In addition, their photos were published in the newspaper with their real names. Some hijras reported that publication of the photos sparked increased harassment from the general public and economic hardship for hijra individuals.
In July 2015, a hijra named Labannya witnessed the murder of a secular blogger, and helped in the arrest of the criminals. For Labannya's bravery Bangladeshi government announced plans to recruit and enlist hijras as ''Traffic Police.'' In April 2019, Bangladesh allowed the "hijras" to vote under their third gender identity.In that same year, Bangladesh opened its first Islamic school for Hijras. More than 150 students were initially expected to study Islamic and vocational subjects for free.
Hijras in Nepal
A landmark 2007 ruling by Nepal’s Supreme Court ordered the government to end discriminatory practices against the estimated 350,000 people who make up the LGBTQ+ community & paved the way for equal rights legislation. Nepal became the first south asian country to decriminalize colonial penal code section 377. At that same year, Nepal legally recognized Hijra & Methi community as third gender. In 2011 Nepal added third gender category to it national census. However, hijras faced difficulties to change their name & gender.
Since 2015, Nepal authorized a third gender category ''Others'' for passport holders. LGBTQI+ Nepali activists have criticized this step of goverment. Activists advocated for recognition of one's self-identified gender, instead of gender trinary. In 2019, trans activist Rukshana Kapali took an open stand against labeling herself as "third gender". She has taken legal steps to amend her gender identity to "female". On 31 October of 2021, 29 LGBTQ+ organizations, 2 federations and others have collectively proposed a bill regarding gender identity.
List of notable hijras:
Shabnam Mausi - South Asia first hijra & intersex politician
Laxmi Narayan Tripathi - Hijra & LGBTQ+ rights activist
Joya Sikder - Transgender rights activist. She is a pioneer of activist of hijra rights in Bangladesh
Pinky Sikder
Sanam Fakhir - First Pakistani hijra candidate to contest in election
Lubna lal
Parboty Hijra
Boby Hijra/Bobby Hijra
Salma Sheikh
Rani Chaudhury
Sammi Hijra
Khushi Sheikh
Grace Banu
Gauri Sawant
Zoya Khan
Alina Khan
Shehzadi Rai
Bindiya Rana
Almas Boby
Rimal Ali
Maya Jaffer
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SATSANG NOTES With Gurudev...
Bangalore Ashram
04.11 2023
Q. You have mentioned earlier that soul is the same size for ant as well as am elephant. What really is the size of soul?
G: Sun is so big, yet it gets reflected fully in a small mirror as well as a big mirror. Size, shape, form don't pertain to the soul.
Q. What do I do if I start enjoying negativity?
G: You must be getting some pleasure out of it, it's a distortion. It's not very healthy for you.
Q. In world cup, India played Pakistan. People say that we should not play when there's so much terrorism from Pakistan. What's your opinion?
G: We should not mix culture, sports, spirituality etc with politics.
Don't brand that all the people of Pakistan are bad.
We had 150 people from Pakistan participate in WCF. They did a very good performance. We should minimise conflict.
This doesn't mean we're keeping quiet or get complacent with terrorism or wrong doings. When there's wrong doing, we should take a strong stand against it.
Q. Can Sanyaas and Sansaar coexist?
G: Sanyaas is being centered and making the whole world as part of you. It's not running away from responsibility.
Q. What's your opinion about gender fluidity debate?
G: Gender is determined by nature, we must honor that. In every individual, there's qualities of both male and female. Some times, mother aspect is stronger, some times father aspect. You should move to spirituality and develop a higher identity than confining your identity only to gender.
And then, it's up to an individual.
Q. What is Kaaran body? Is it different for a devotee and Guru?
G: First understand about the gross body, then the subtle body, then you can think about Kaaran body.
It's same as well as different. Like how the space in one pot is same as any other pot, yet, it's different too.
Q. How do I make myself more useful to Guru?
G: Let this thought stay in the mind, let it flourish. Automatically, what is needed will get done.
Q. What's the best and the easiest way to make you happy?
G: why should I tell you, you should think 😀
Q. Different elements have been associated with different shapes, what's the significance or meanings of these associations?
G: Looking at the formless within the form of the elements is the wisdom. The five elements are all not complete. Something that is within the elements is what completes them. Like the body has no value without the soul.
Q. Is there any Shaastra that recommends women to do all the Household work? How to make males do Household work?
G: There are so many ladies here who make their husbands do all the work at home. Exchange ideas with them. Anyways, you're so good in high speed data transfer.
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nijjhar · 7 months
As the Gospel Truth exposes the Hypocrites that deliver sugarcoated serm... As the Gospel Truth exposes the Hypocrites that deliver sugarcoated sermons, most people hate Gospel https://youtu.be/VHTkm9KwNzo Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in Punjabi we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within His Most Beautiful Living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according to Christ Rajinder:- Hi Brethren, I hail from Punjab, India where the Second Coming of Jesus took place in 1469 in the name of Satguru = Christ Nanak. I have explained almost all the Parables and my views are very deep and most people do not understand. Gospel is for one in 1000 and two in 10000. Gospel Truth exposes the hypocrite Blasphemers and most people love sugarcoated sermons. You remove my videos and I request you to please think logically to understand my views. I have learnt the Gospel Truth through "Intuition" in which God teaches you and not these Professors dead in the dead letters. Let me see if anyone of these Professors could explain to me why John, the Baptist never baptised a woman, Gentile or a Samaritan but only the Jewish men of Age. Oxford University Professors have no idea of what I know. They are taught by men and not by God through intuition. That is why the Good News of the Birth of Jesus was broken to the Shepherds and not to the Temple High Priest, dead in the letters that binds people. Jesus came to set us FREE of the dead letters that finished with John - Luke 16v16. Very Bitter Gospel Truth that Jesus preached in the Temple that annoyed the Temple Priests very much. so the simple-minded people get annoyed with me. As I said earlier, Gospel Truth is for those who long for the Gospel Truth and they are very few indeed. Many are called but very few outspoken are chosen. God blesses everyone with Agape. the Divine Love of our Supernatural Father. Living Islam of Living Allah is of the “Al-Kitab” that gets written over your own heart through "Logical Reasoning" by the Grace of our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “Soul” Al-Ilah = Allah. No son of your tribal father, Qom, "Ilah" no son of Supernatural Father Allah. Only “fools” will believe in me and not in Allah. ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK. REAL SHARIAH-FREE ISLAM OF ALLAH - NOOR IN HONOUR OF ROYAL SHAH SHAMS TABRIZI. HUKUM RAZIAN CHALNA; NANAK LIKHYA NAAL. Sants of the Fourth Panth = Millatt are “Dass” and the Khalsas of the Third Panth are “Singh” surnames, Gotras. And Nanak was the Second Coming of Jesus, the “Christ = Satguru” and not a Brahmin “Guru”. The greedy Khatris messed up the devotees so much that they did not know the First and the Second Panths. http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/tenlights.htm  For the full article, visit:- http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/JattIslam.htm Real Islam is the knowledge of our spiritual Father Allah (Pakka Peo) for the twice-born "Seekers" of age who are faithful and have the knowledge of their tribal Father "Ilah" (Kacha Peo) learnt from the Mullah - Matt 13v52. Thus, no born of water “Ilah”; no born of the Spirit “Al-Ilah”. The Root of Allah (Al-Ilah) is "Ilah" as that of the Disciple is disciplined by the moral laws taught by a Rabbi, Brahmin, Maulvi, etc. For this reason, Christ Jesus had two sets of Labourers; 70 Outer-circle in the name of John, the Baptist, and Prophet Elijah (My god is demiurge creator of male and female Yahweh), the Corner-Stone of the Temple but ousted by the crook hypocrite Temple Priests that delivered sugar-coated sermons of "falsehoods" that are sweeter than honey to catch their prey and the 12 inner-circle made up of 7 of Menorah for the full knowledge of Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and 5 of heart, the 5 spiritual Husbands of the Samaritan Woman, St. Photina for the Full Knowledge of Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. but the men of dead letters call her a “sinner” woman marrying one husband after the other because they have no "common “Messianic Jews” and corrupted the New Testament too. Messianic Jews keep all the 7 Candles of Menorah at the same level that Christ has not come yet – GREAT HYPOCRITES LIKE THEIR TEMPLE PRIESTS – Matt 12v43-45 is fulfilled in them. AL FATHER “ILAH” = NISAFF EEMAN AND BE TRUTHFUL, CONTENT (HAQ HALLAL) AND MERCIFUL = FULL EEMAN = MUSSALLMAN = GURMUKH SIKH. https://youtu.be/7VmQG3ew19E   Sufi Islam T-Shirt:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Sufi.pdf REAL SHARIAH-FREE ISLAM OF ALLAH – NOOR.My ebook by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO Private Bitter Gospel Truth videos:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/nobility.htm www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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blogynews · 8 months
"Unleashing India's Global Supremacy: Visionaries Declare its Rise to Power within a Decade, Reveals Social Media Gathering"
Indore, Madhya Pradesh: The Social Media Conclave 2023, organized by Vishwa Samvad Kendra, Malwa, took place on Sunday at the DAVV auditorium. The event saw the participation of numerous social media activists from the Malwa-Nimar region. Keynote speakers included Yana Mir, the first female YouTube blogger from Kashmir, spiritual guru Swami Suryadev, senior editor Padmaja Joshi, social political…
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blogynewz · 8 months
"Unleashing India's Global Supremacy: Visionaries Declare its Rise to Power within a Decade, Reveals Social Media Gathering"
Indore, Madhya Pradesh: The Social Media Conclave 2023, organized by Vishwa Samvad Kendra, Malwa, took place on Sunday at the DAVV auditorium. The event saw the participation of numerous social media activists from the Malwa-Nimar region. Keynote speakers included Yana Mir, the first female YouTube blogger from Kashmir, spiritual guru Swami Suryadev, senior editor Padmaja Joshi, social political…
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fancallindia · 11 months
Who are the Best Youtubers Whom Everyone Must Follow?
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In recent years, YouTube has become an essential platform for content creators, offering a stage for talented individuals to showcase their creativity and connect with audiences worldwide. India, in particular, has seen a surge in talented emerging YouTubers whose fresh perspectives and unique content have captured the hearts of millions.
Today, we will look closely at some of the emerging YouTubers in India whom everyone must follow. These creators bring a breath of fresh air to the YouTube landscape and are sure to leave you entertained and inspired.
The Brainiac: Tanmay Bhat
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Tanmay Bhat is a name synonymous with comedy and wit. His channel, “Tanmay Bhat,” offers a blend of humor, satire, and thought-provoking content. Tanmay’s razor-sharp commentary on current affairs and hilarious sketches have gained him a massive following. His ability to address social issues light-heartedly makes him a must-follow YouTuber for those who appreciate intelligent humor.
The Feminist Voice: Prajakta Koli
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Prajakta Koli, known as “MostlySane” on YouTube, is an emerging force representing female empowerment. Her content revolves around relatable situations faced by Indian women, tackling stereotypes with her trademark humor. Prajakta’s ability to connect with her audience through storytelling has earned her a loyal fanbase. Her channel is a go-to destination for those seeking a fresh perspective on women’s issues in India.
The Travel Enthusiast: Mumbiker Nikhil
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Nikhil Sharma, popularly known as “Mumbiker Nikhil,” takes his viewers on breathtaking journeys across India and beyond. With his motorcycling adventures, Nikhil captures the essence of each destination, giving viewers a glimpse into the beauty and diversity of India.
His vlogs provide travel inspiration and insights into the local culture, making him a must-follow for travel enthusiasts and adventure seekers.
The Foodie Delight: Ranveer Brar
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Ranveer Brar, a renowned chef and culinary expert, has embraced YouTube to share his gastronomic expertise. With his channel “Ranveer Brar,” he tantalizes the taste buds of his viewers by showcasing mouth-watering recipes, food stories, and culinary tips.
Ranveer’s charismatic personality and passion for food make his channel a haven for food lovers who want to explore the diverse flavors of India.
The Musical Maverick: Jonita Gandhi
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Jonita Gandhi, an exceptional talent in the music industry, has found a home on YouTube. Her channel features soulful renditions of popular songs and original compositions, showcasing her melodious voice and incredible range.
Jonita’s ability to infuse emotion into her performances has garnered her a substantial fanbase, making her a must-follow YouTuber for music enthusiasts seeking a captivating auditory experience.
The Tech Guru: Technical Guruji
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Gaurav Chaudhary, known as “Technical Guruji,” has become a go-to source for tech-related content. His channel offers insightful reviews, gadget unboxings, and technology news in Hindi.
With his simplified explanations, Gaurav caters to a broad audience, making complex tech concepts accessible to everyone. Technical Guruji is the YouTuber to follow for the latest tech updates and gadget recommendations.
The Inspiration: BeerBiceps
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Ranveer Allahbadia, popularly known as “BeerBiceps,” is a fitness enthusiast on a mission to inspire others to lead a healthier lifestyle. Earlier, his channel provided fitness tips, workout routines, and nutrition advice, empowering viewers to achieve their fitness goals.
But recently, it has changed its course to podcast talks where he talks to his guests about their journey, spiritual journey and other aspects of life. Ranveer’s authenticity and relatability make his channel a valuable resource for those seeking guidance on their life journey.
India’s YouTube scene is teeming with talent, and these emerging YouTubers have managed to carve a niche for themselves with their unique content and passionate storytelling. They offer everything from comedy to travel, food, music, technology, and fitness.
These aspiring YouTubers that one must follow to understand different spectrums of life. If you wish to connect with YouTubers in a more personalized way, then fancall app is the right choice for you. Fancall app allows learners/fans to connect with YouTubers via videocall. Download the app now!
Article Source : https://www.fancall.in/who-are-the-best-youtubers-whom-everyone-must-follow/
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bottheologian · 1 year
Exploring the Role of Women in Religious Traditions: From Christianity to Buddhism
The role of women in religious traditions has been a topic of controversy for centuries. While some religious traditions view women as equal partners to men, others have historically relegated women to a subordinate status. In this text, we'll explore how different religious traditions view the role of women.
Starting with Christianity, we find that it is a diverse religion, and views on the role of women can vary significantly. While some conservative Christian denominations still believe that women should be subservient to men, others have embraced more egalitarian views. In some Christian traditions, women are allowed to be ministers, priests, and even bishops. However, in others, they are not allowed to hold any leadership positions within the church.
In Islam, women have historically been viewed as equal to men, although some interpret the Quran differently. In some conservative Muslim societies, women's roles are limited to homemaking and child-rearing. However, in more progressive societies, women are free to pursue careers and leadership roles.
In Judaism, women have always played important roles, including as leaders and prophets. However, Orthodox Judaism has traditionally relegated women to a subordinate position, limiting their participation in religious services. Nevertheless, many progressive Jewish movements have embraced egalitarianism, allowing women to participate in all aspects of religious life.
In Hinduism, women have played important roles as spiritual leaders, gurus, and saints. However, in some parts of India, women are still oppressed, and their roles are limited to domestic chores. Nevertheless, many Hindu reformers have advocated for gender equality, and there has been progress in women's rights in recent years.
Finally, in Buddhism, women have historically played significant roles as nuns and lay practitioners. However, in some Buddhist countries, such as Thailand, women are still excluded from the monkhood. Nevertheless, there are many female Buddhist teachers and scholars, and Buddhism has a strong tradition of promoting gender equality.
In conclusion, the role of women in religious traditions is complex and varied. While some religious traditions still limit women's participation and leadership, others have embraced more egalitarian views. It is essential to continue to promote gender equality in all religious traditions and to ensure that women have equal opportunities to participate fully in religious life.
women #religion #Christianity #Islam #Judaism #Hinduism #Buddhism #gender equality #leadership
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bharatmata01 · 29 days
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nityarawal · 2 years
Morning Songs
Burnt Hair
How Does It Smell?
Did 59 Officers
Enjoy Aroma?
Are You Going
To Have
An Anne Hech "Musk?
For #Epstein Whistleblowers
To Show Their Love?
An Undertone 
Of Jasmine,
Ylang Ylang,
Amma's Flowers,
Healing Hearts,
From India?
Tulsi Basil,
Bringing Peace
From Hawaii,
Put It In Your Baths,
And Tea!
Lower Your Blood Sugars,
Red Faced Attys,
Will Kill 'Ya!
As Cancer…
Sugars Eating
Government Brains
Aren't Our Way!
Children Sing,
"Nifty  Nifty!"
Having First 
Female Vice President
Not Enough,
Need 50%
Of Global Defense
Rise Queen's!
Showed His Cards!
Kings Are Down
In #Epstein Lot!
"Minor Attracted People!"
Brits want To Be
Called! United Kingdom
Hunting Indigenous
From Abroad!
No More Mistresses
In Royal Palace!
Iran Wouldn't 
Have Allowed This!
Prudent Moms,
Bring Prudence Back,
Prudential Realty
Encinitas Beach Homes
Need Mediation;
Mediators, Truth
No More Lying Attys!
They Created A "Civil"
We Have So Many
About "Courts!"
And I!
Children Scream
"50/50 - Nifty Nifty,"
From Divorce Courts!
All The Time!
When Will You Listen?
Oh, Great Podcasters?
Bring Back Matriarchical
Global Queens,
And Titled Daughter's!
Need Back Moezzi
Assets From '70's Revolution
10 Harems!
My Bappas
Were Beat In
IRS, California!
We Moved To Iowa
To Get Autonomy,
Ripped Off In Kansas,
And Guru
At Spiritual Center;
Heavenly Mountain
T.M. Exers
Stole Our Properties,
Raped Our Clans,
So Many "Clark
From Presiding Judge
To Idyllwild Town Crier,
Paying $15 An Article!
Taking Bribes!
Court Daughter's
Groomed To Lie,
Moms Suicided!
Why Are My 
Sisters Working
For Boys' Club?
Don't You Know
That's The "Dick?"
Hold Onto Your Power!
Hold Onto Your Grace!
Ladies Listen!
50% Ownership
Is Queen's Choice!
75% Better,
For We're The Kids Mothers!
No One Can Replace
Not Even Dad's!
With Militia,
Making Children
Call Them "Mom,"
Sex-Changing Grooming
Transing Elon's Son!
We Need A 
For Children
Are Emancipating Too!
They've Had Enough
Of Estrangement!
And Have A Voice Too!
Don't Want 
Cheatin' Fathers,
Like Errol Musk
Sleeping With 2 Year Old
Step Daughter's!
Or Christian
Walker's Emerging
Clan! Siblings From 4 Moms!
"Wear A Condom Dads!"
He Says!
"Wear A Condom!"
Don't Spread 
Germ Warfare!
"Wear A Condom!"
Clean Your Colon,
And Stop
You'll Murder A
That's Not 
What We Elected
You To Do! 
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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4 Greatest Teachers Who Redefined The Idea Of Education In Ancient India
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Summary: On the occasion of Teacher’s Day, let us celebrate the most celebrated teachers of India who have redefined the meaning of education.
“Knowledge gives us power, love gives us fullness."- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Every year on the 5th of September, India celebrates the teachers and the essence of their direct contribution to building the nation’s future. But do you know why we celebrate this day?
Though teacher’s day is celebrated across the globe on different dates, India celebrates it on the 5th of September every year as a tribute to the contribution of India’s former President- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was knighted in 1931 and was made an honorary member of the British Royal Order of Merit in 1963.
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was born on September 5. He was a great philosopher and scholar and was conferred with Bharat Ratna. Born in a poor family in Andhra Pradesh’s Tiruttani, he was a bright student and continued to pursue his studies through scholarships.
When he became the President of India, his students approached him and requested him to celebrate his birthday. To this, he replied, “instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege, if 5th September is observed as Teachers' day." From then onwards, India celebrates the 5th of September as Teacher’s day every year.
Along with Dr. Radhakrishnan, India has been blessed to have a lot of other legendary teachers who have given valuable lessons without being preachy. And their lessons can still be implemented in today’s world.
1.            Savitribai Phule
“Sit idle no more. Go get an education.”
Whenever education is mentioned, Savitribai Phule is the name that deserves to be known as one of the best teachers who has ever walked on Indian soil. Savitribai Phule is also known as India’s first female teacher. In 1848, when the country was under colonial rule and facing various caste issues, she along with her husband opened a school for girls who were tagged as “untouchable.”
It was not an easy decision as she faced extreme opposition and criticism from her community. But she did not give up on something she truly believed in and continued to teach girls in her school. Later, she even opened five more schools and her efforts were appreciated by the British Government. Throughout her life, she stood up for women’s rights and raised her voice against the atrocities inflicted upon women.
2.            Chanakya
The list of best teachers in India is incomplete without mentioning the name of Chanakya. Also known as Kautilya and Vishnugupta from the 4th century, he was an ancient Indian polymath who was active as a teacher, author, philosopher, strategist, jurist, economist, and royal advisor.
He was a royal advisor to the emperor Chandragupta Maurya of the Mauryan Dynasty. His two books Nitishastra which is popularly known as Chanakya Niti and Arthashashtra are still perceived as the best books of ancient times as they consist of thought-provoking ideas which are still applicable. Both books reflect his wisdom as it mentions a lot of experiential realities from his time.
3.            Swami Vivekanand
Swami Vivekanand needs no introduction. His unparalleled intellect has made him one of the great Indian reformers. Many people think he was just another spiritual leader. However, he was much more than that. He was a prolific thinker, a great orator, and a passionate patriot. Born on January 12, 1863, as Narendranath Dutta, into an affluent Bengali family in Calcutta, Vivekananda was one of the eight children of Vishwanath Dutta and Bhuvaneshwari Devi.
He carried on the baton of the free-thinking philosophy of his guru- Ramakrishna Paramhansa and worked tirelessly towards  betterment of the society. His message of universal brotherhood and self-awakening remains relevant even today. His birthday is celebrated as the National Youth Day in India.
4.            Gautam Buddha
 Born in 480 BC, Gautam Buddha was born as a prince to king Buddha. He was the founder of the greatest religion on earth. In a constant search for freedom, purpose, and peace, he renounced his kingdom and luxurious life. He followed a strict penance under a Bodhi tree and later founded Buddhism. He then went on to spread the teachings of Buddhism across the world and went on to educate humanity through his Eightfold Path.
Teachers are the pillar of strength and the guiding force in a student’s life. They are not only responsible for building their student’s future, but also contribute in a great way to building a nation and its society. Teachers pass on values to children and prepare them for further education. They influence students and students learn from them.
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Source: https://news.badabusiness.com/motivational/4-greatest-teachers-who-redefined-the-idea-of-education-in-ancient-india-11233.html
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shadytalesalad · 3 years
The Female spiritual guru in india and Yoginis have been changing the dynamics of The spiritual leadership for ages. The following are the Top 10 female spiritual gurus who have been.
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aristotles-denial · 2 years
tfeb ch38 cultural notes
the end notes were getting too long so i’m posting them here!
i provided sources for non-english words & cultural tidbits that aren't the first results that come up when you search them And for ones i had very specific sources for
jinbei: a set of matching shirt and short trousers worn in japan — wikipedia
chang pong: a cambodian top — a source
sarashi: a length of white cloth wrapped around the body in a variety of ways in japan
pa’u: a hawaiian skirt worn for dancing and ceremonies — some sources 
according to the first source above, no one else should wear someone else’s sacred pa’u (their sacred pa’u being the specially dyed one they receive after completion of ‘uniki rites (‘uniki being graduation exercises)), which is why hoshi says theirs is off limits for chai son to wear
longyi: a burmese sarong (aka a long length of fabric tied around the waist)
mo hom: a short-sleeved, round-necked thai shirt made from fabric dyed w/ indigo  
dudou: a traditional chinese undershirt
aqlitek: central yup’ik; pair of earrings — source
according to the same source, letting ear piercings close up ruins your eyesight
i’d also like to point out that so far i’ve only been using inuktitut for swt words, but b/c the water tribes are based off of inuit, yup’ik, mongolian, & chinese culture, i’ve decided to switch it up a bit just like i do w/ the fire nation :)
erdang: ancient chinese earrings — some sources 
tianzhu and bharata are both alternative names for india. tianzhu is the historical east asian name for india, and Wutianzhu means “Five Indias” b/c there were five geographical regions of india known to the chinese, so i used that to refer to the group as a whole. though bharata also refers to india as a whole irl, i have it referring to the group closest to the fire islands b/c, according to wikipedia, Bharata was originally an epithet of Agni (+ the sanskrit root bhr literally means to be maintained (of fire)). so like remember Guru Pathik from canon? in this he’d be tianzhu. but not necessarily bharata b/c he lives in the Eastern air temple, not near the Western. taka is half bharata b/c a) atla has a lotta hindu & indian cultural influence yet guru pathik and combustion man are the only ppl who are indian-coded (that i remember), so why not actually have some indian ppl and b) my face claim for her — shivani persad — is trinidadian with indian roots :) i Completely made up their history of being nomadic and then settling and all that tho; i didn't necessarily base that part off of india. i just based it off of guru pathik’s statement of his people being spiritual brothers of the air nomads. i hope this all makes sense so pls tell me if you need any clarification. tho im doing this all outta appreciation and respect pls also tell me if anything comes off as insensitive :)
noong chaii: thai; younger brother 
pii saao: thai; older sister
according to this source, in thailand, “People may also address close friends and relatives using honorifics based on their gender, status and relationship to one another. For example, someone may refer to a younger male friend as ‘noong chaai’ (younger brother) and an older female friend as ‘pii saao’ (older sister). Such terms often indicate closeness and endearment.”
phaw: thai; dad
seimei handan: a japanese naming practice in which, “given names are chosen so that the number of strokes of the kanji in the child’s name are an auspicious number.” -- source
chue len: thai; nickname
Fire Nation naming practices are a mixture of Japanese and Thai practices. some things i mentioned:
in thailand, “Children are not always named immediately after birth in Thai culture. It is common for children to be given a nickname [...] before their official name is decided.” -- source
thailand: “It is common for parents to consult with a monk, fortune teller, or other respected person in society in order to choose the most appropriate or auspicious name for their child.” -- same source as above
reading up on this i realized that the naming practices in japan and thailand are like way different. like in japan names go surname given name, while in thailand it’s the other way around. also in japan it’s more common to refer to someone using their surname -- w/ a few exceptions -- while in thailand personal names are preferred.
in japan nicknames are (usually) formed by adding -chan to the full given name or to a shortened version of the given name. in thailand nicknames are super important and everyone gets one. kids are first given short nicknames that’re used in everyday life and then they’re given their longer formal names that’re mostly used for stuff like paperwork. nicknames can range from shortened versions of the given name, to animals, to food, to english words
i sorta meshed these ideas together: not everybody gets a nickname (which is japanese) + the thai formation of nicknames
thailand: “In later times, babies were given two names to confuse malevolent spirits who may want to steal the baby away or interfere with the person’s life. It was felt that by having two names the spirits would be less likely to meddle in people’s affairs.” -- source
zabuton: a japanese cushion for sitting
zaisu: a japanese chair with no legs
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