#featuring adora's big gay realization
malachi-walker · 3 years
Happy birthday, Mal! I love your fics, they evoke so much emotion in me and have made me cry many a time. I don't often reread fics, but i've reread multiple chapters of Rhythm and Blues because they're stuck with me so much. You capture the emotional pain of their trauma and the catharsis that comes with their growth so beautifully. You also write some brilliant meta and just consistently post some fantastic thoughts. Also your love for swords is very appreciated. <3 have a lovely day!
First of all, my apologies for not replying sooner. I was making my mind up about something that would definitely require the use of a read more and thus necessitate dragging myself to desktop (which I hate because my laptop predates the dinosaurs.)
But seriously. Thank you so much. This is honestly one of the sweetest comments I've ever gotten and definitely made my already pretty sweet bday even better.
So about that read more. In honor of you, @metalesbo, my friends @n7punk and @jem-jarrett and everyone else who sent me well wishes or just really loves my work... Here's the opening section of the next chapter of R&B. Enjoy. It's a long one.
Adora Eternia is about two months shy of her fourteenth birthday when she first realizes she's in love with her best friend.
Though--if asked--she would hasten to explain that it wasn't when she fell in love. But trying to pinpoint the exact moment is an exercise in catching mist: the more she tries to grasp it in her hands the more it spreads out and covers everything. It just is: pure and simple and very, very complicated.
It's the beginning of December and the whole town is covered in a thick blanket of snow. Winterfest will be here in a few weeks, so to help out the kids who want to get gifts for their friends the Right Zone administration has shuffled around the groups that usually take their monthly trips on the third and fourth Sundays of the month to double up with the other two. As part of group three, she and Catra got the first week (the other three members of their crew are week two folks anyway and thus outside the reorganization.)
It's still kinda weird to think that: their crew. For so long, it was just Catra and Adora. Adora and Catra. One unit bound together, just them against the world. But there's also something nice about being part of a small cluster, their "scrappy little lone wolf pack" as Catra had once put it with a wry grin before Lonnie shoved her over with an, "Excuse you, I'm a great people person when I'm not busy making sure you idiots haven't set yourselves on fire!"
They all got a good laugh out of that one.
But regardless, the holidays are coming up and this is the first year that any of their group has felt like actually doing anything for it, aside from wrangling together a sleepover and seeing if they can convince the kitchen staff to slip them some leftover eggnog.
They made each other promise not to go too extravagant and keep each person's gift to ten dollars or lower. Even though their quarterly stipend has increased from three hundred to four hundred to match with inflation over the past eight years, it still isn't a whole lot for three month's worth of expenses, especially when they also have to budget regularly for clothes to keep up with the seemingly endless growth spurts.
There's also the usual budgetary concern of keeping her and Catra's first aid kit well supplied...
Adora shakes her head to dislodge the intrusive thought and continues marching onward through the snow. This trip is a good thing. She won't let all the awful realities of their life taint it.
With so many kids running around and wanting to shop on their own to surprise their giftees, Right Zone had to negotiate with both the local police and whatever other civic authorities they could get ahold of to come out en masse and keep an eye on them all. The kids had still come with their usual teachers, of course, but doubling the load and also splitting up was a logistical nightmare. Which is just a convoluted way to say the town is positively crawling with uniformed officers, off duty members of the fire brigade, emergency personnel, and other such authority figures quietly keeping watch and making sure no one tries anything.
Adora knows that somewhere in the press of bodies, Grizzlor's busy wrangling two new "brats" (seven and nine, respectively, and definitely not friends.) Somewhere, a certain Magicat is probably grumbling over the indignity of being forced to wear shoes and kicking every snowpile she can, like she can send a direct message to whatever cosmic force is responsible for her current frustration.
On an ordinary month she and Catra--being old enough to be allowed a bit more freedom to do what they want--would buddy up to watch each other's backs while they did their shopping. But this isn't an ordinary month, so once they'd each gotten gifts for the other three they'd split up on opposite ends of Main Street with an agreement to move clockwise to avoid running into each other. Afterwards, the entire group would rendezvous at the small clock tower in the park a block over before heading back to Right Zone.
Ten dollars wasn't a lot to work with, but Adora had done her best: a new stress ball for Kyle, some moisturizing oil for Rogelio since the early winter shed had wiped out his supply and he'd been too busy to pick up some more, a twelve pound kettle weight for Lonnie now that their shared exercise routine was getting a bit too easy for her... Utilitarian choices, to be sure, but she's been paying attention and that has to count for something.
Catra's the difficult one, of course. Partly because Adora doesn't want to just get her something practical, but also because they share nearly everything between them already. About the only thing that is definitively off limits is Catra's guitar, and she's told Adora enough about her time with Tao over the years that Adora wouldn't even ask. Beyond that... Well, there's a reason why most of Adora's day off hoodies have small strands of orange fur stuck to them.
Still. I want to get her something that's hers. Something she'll like. Something she doesn't have to share with anyone, not even me.
In the end, she nearly walks past it. In one of the artisanal shops that dot small towns like liver spots, she finds a display of hand stamped necklace pendants, with a design sheet beside it. There are a lot of the usual nature designs and such, but the one that catches her eye is a treble clef with the five staff lines bleeding out from it. They ring the edge of the pendant in a half circle, and scattered haphazardly along the lines are the other music notes.
The lack of proper order would drive Adora insane. She understands that it's just meant to look pretty, not be an accurate representation of musical notation, but still... She knows her own (broken) brain well enough to know that.
It suits Catra, though.
"Hey," Mismatched eyes looked down at Adora as her head draped backwards over the back of their desk chair, the throbbing behind her left eye threatening to escalate into a migraine. "Guess I don't have to ask how the composing's going."
"It sucks," Adora groused back, sitting up and gesturing Catra over. She jabbed at two particular spots with the half chewed off eraser end of her pencil, two hard jabs each, like she was filing a complaint. "Most of it is just what I'm going for, but these two places here... They aren't sounding right. I've been going back and forth over structure all afternoon, but nothing I do helps."
"Hmmm..." Catra stroked her chin and nudged Adora over so she could sit on the arm of the chair (they'd never gotten around to requesting a second, mostly because Adora didn't want to risk Shadow Weaver suspecting they were getting too chummy.) "Got any scratch paper?"
Adora pointed to the pile of half crumpled notebook paper she used when making adjustments and Catra snorted. "Ok, dumb question. Just let me see here..."
Grabbing a pen, she quickly inked a fresh set of staff lines and copied the notes Adora had already put down, making sure to leave space to work. Glancing between the two, she drummed her fingers on the desk, playing along in her head.
"Hmm..." Catra murmured, worrying at her lower lip with a fang in a manner that was... Oddly distracting. "Ok, how 'bout this?"
Adora jolted, tearing her gaze from Catra's face to look at the sequence of notes scribbled onto the scratch paper. She paused, brow furrowing as she played them over in her mind's eye. It was a little unorthodox, veering away from the path she had carefully laid out... But also blending well with the next part. Almost like the notes took a quick detour and then lead the listener back to where she wanted them.
"Yeah..." Adora replied thoughtfully, the tension all over her body starting to smooth out. "Yeah, that could work."
"Awesome. Let's take a look at the next part."
They ultimately ended up spending several hours going over the entire piece, sussing out every place where Adora was having even the slightest niggle of unease. She didn't accept all of Catra's changes and Catra didn't push the matter, but the ones she did...
They felt right. More right than they had ever felt when it was just Adora running circles around herself.
When they finally finished up she looked over at Catra, tail waving sedately in that way it got when she was simultaneously engaged but relaxed, and asked, "Umm... Do you want to learn with me? I like doing this."
'I like making music with you.'
Catra paused, looking over at Adora searchingly, almost like she couldn't believe the question had come up. No matter how many years had passed between them, that look never really went away, and every time she saw it Adora's chest ached in a way that was hard for her to process.
"I'd like that."
Catra's composing style is very different from Adora's. More wild, more willing to bend and break the rules if it means maintaining audience engagement, but there's always an underlying order to the chaos. To her surprise and pleasure, Adora found herself learning just as much from Catra as Catra was learning from her. Their styles brought out the best in each other.
The jingle of a bell kicks her out of the memory. Mind made up even though it's nearly double her budget, Adora scans the stand of necklaces for the one with the treble clef pattern.
It isn't there. Adora swallows down the disappointment, though she can't help the sigh. Of course. The town was well aware of the large population of music students a short drive away and catered to them accordingly. But there are also dozens of kids out on the street tonight. It isn't that big of a surprise that the design sold out.
Not surprising, but disheartening nonetheless.
She's just begun to turn away when a voice calls from the back. "Hang on a sec there, little miss."
Adora jumps, but remains where she is as a large Taurian man with a massive snow white beard trundles out from a door behind the counter, wiping his hands on his apron. "Was there a particular design you were interested in?"
Adora points at the treble clef, hope rising. "This one. But it looks like it's already sold out."
"Hmm..." The man scratchs at his chin. "Well with Winterfest coming up, I'm out of blank pendants-"
Adora's shoulders slump.
"-But," The man continues with a smile. "I can double stamp it onto the back of another. Ordinarily I'd charge extra for that, but it's my fault for not ordering enough blanks. Rookie move. Besides, it's the holidays. Now would that be all right by you?"
Nodding frantically in case he changes his mind, Adora scans the other designs, quickly alighting on one in particular. "That one!"
"The claw marks? Bit of an odd combination, but the customer is always right," The old man winked as he reached out to take the necklace from her. "My jig and press is in the corner over here if you wanna watch."
Adora was glad he specified, because as nice as the man seemed there was no way in hell she was going into a back room with a stranger. But she stood next to the window beside a display of miscellaneous knick knacks and puzzles, watching him carefully place the pendant in a cushioned stand to avoid damaging the already printed side and tighten it into place before moving beside the machine.
"You're gonna want to cover your ears," He tells her, patting the machine with one massive hand. "Had to switch to a steam press when the arthritis caught up to me. Used to do it all by hammer. This boy's okay, but he gets loud."
Adora nods, glad for the warning when he bellows "Clear!" and the machine's hammer comes down once, twice, three times with a sound like the ringing of an enormous bell. Once the machine is stopped and carefully turned off, the old man removes the pendant from the press and hands it over to Adora for inspection. "What do you think? Does it pass muster?"
Adora runs her fingertips over the impressions in the metal, memorizing the feel of it, the leftover warmth of the impact. "Perfect."
"Good. Now let's get you rung up."
Counting the five dollars she attempted to surreptitiously slip into the tip jar (the old man winked as he turned back around, so stealth fail) Adora went very over budget, but the others would have to put a gun to her head for her to admit it.
Besides, it's Catra. They already know she's the sole exception to all of Adora's carefully maintained rules.
With everything finished, she continues trudging through the snow toward the park, breathing a sign of relief as she moves away from the shopping district and the people thin out; no one wanting to go to the park in the middle of such bleak weather. Angling around a clustered group of bare trees, she spots the small clock tower in the distance, as well as the figure already standing beside it. Grinning, Adora picks up the pace a bit until she can see Catra clearly and--
Her breath catches.
Since her only experience with this kind of thing has been through books, Adora always expected this moment would be more dramatic. Like back to back in the middle of a fight, or eyes locking from up on stage. Something spectacular, like fireworks, lime explosions, like the feeling of playing a song without a single mistake for the first time. It's always seemed like such a big deal in the stories, and in a way, it is.
Because there's Catra, lost in her own world as she gazes up at the streetlight that's just come on, her left hand extended to let the snowflakes fall into her palm and the light catches the orange of her fur just right to make a blaze of color against the black of her coat. She looks so small, standing in that space all alone on a cold winter's night, but Adora knows deep down that she could never be that small, not when she's Catra, not when she means so much...
Pretty much everything about the past hour--about her entire life since they met if she's being honest--snaps into crystal clear focus.
Oh. I get it now. I'm in love with you.
It's a bad idea. Adora knows that. Shadow Weaver is enough of a menace while believing Catra is simply her roommate, her sometime tool--and Catra had ended up being all too right about the torture not stopping, even after years of Adora trying to direct Weaver's attentions away from her. If the evil old bitch figures out Adora's feelings run deeper, so much deeper...
Her heart beats double time. This whole thing is an unmitigated disaster.
But it's still the best worst thing that's ever happened to her.
She must make a noise, because Catra's ear twitches in her direction, snapping her out of that distant contemplation. She turns her head and looks at Adora, lips curling in a lopsided grin. "Hey, Adora. Wow, you look like you've seen a ghost."
Adora blinks, coming back to herself and mumbling the first excuse that springs to mind. "... Just cold."
"Well no shit. C'mere."
When she closes the distance Catra glances around warily, making sure they're the only ones around, before reaching up and retying the scarf around Adora's neck, patting it once when she's done. "There. I know I make it look good, but you don't have the advantage of fur like me."
Adora looks down at the thin AC/DC t-shirt that Catra's wearing beneath her half open coat, the line of her collarbones and neck, and makes a snap decision. "Is it okay if I give you your present now?"
Catra blinks, a little thrown by the non sequitur. "I mean... Sure? Do you want me to give you yours?"
"I'm good with either," Adora shrugs, trying to ignore how fast her heart is beating, how much she wants to do this before this moment slips away. "I just want to."
There's a long moment of silence as they each examine the other, equally searching. What Catra's looking for, Adora doesn't know. She isn't sure she wants to know.
Breathing deep, Adora reaches into her pocket and pulls out the necklace on its leather cord. Careful to keep the pendant hidden in her hand, she passes it over, fingertips sparking as it's taken. Catra brings it close to her face, running her fingers over the four parallel slashes on the side facing her.
"Why the claw marks?"
Adora laughs, nervous butterflies positively rioting in her stomach. "Because you're a badass. Duh."
"True," Catra smirks, flipping it over and squinting at the other side. "And this?"
"Badass, loves music with all your heart. Not mutually exclusive concepts," Adora says, trying not to give away how much she thinks about this, how much she wants to take that hand in hers. She settles for a playful shoulder bump instead. "Plus we all know you're secretly a big softie."
"Excuse you, I am all sharp edges," Catra giggles, lightly elbowing her before transitioning into a soft little smile. "... Just not with everyone."
Oh God oh God oh God. That smile will absolutely be the death of her.
Swallowing past her horrible awareness of that softness, Adora asks, "So you like it?"
"I love it. Good luck ever getting me to take it off," Catra laughs, then frowns, flexing her fingers. "Hands have gone a little numb, though. Help me put it on?"
Adora.exe promptly crashes to desktop. But she still somehow manages to move, helping Catra hold back her mane so she can slip the leather cord over her head and tuck it beneath her hair. If she hesitates a moment too long in letting go, at least Catra only shoots her an amused glance. "How's it look?"
"Great," Adora manages to croak out, trying to swallow past the sudden dryness in her throat. "You look great. Umm... Happy early Winterfest, I guess?"
"Well, I'm gonna hold onto yours a little longer," Catra laughs, playfully sticking out her tongue before reaching out. "C'mere, you big dork."
Adora shuffles closer, mind and heart both screaming as Catra draws her into a hug, nuzzling her head against the side of her neck. A little whisper. "Thank you."
Adora swallows again, even harder. "You're welcome."
Between them, the necklace rests, the music side pressed right up against Catra's heart.
Fun fact: the shopkeep is based off a cool old dude selling machine pressed necklaces I ran into at a Scottish festival when I was 13, and he made such an impression I never forgot him. Anyway, happy Valentine's! Have a Big Gay Realization!
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moonshinesapphic · 4 years
Books and Graphic Novels to curb the She-Ra s5 hangover (Pt.1/?)
So, I've been wallowing in the She-Ra feels for the past few days. Mostly reading fanfics, swimming in Tumblr and rewatching s5 (as most of us are). And, because I'm a big reader, I started thinking about books I've read that remind me of spop. I came up with a handful of books/graphic novels that I’ve already read and made this lil list for my fellow She-Ra loving readers out there. As I read more I will most likely add to this list. (Especially with #prideathon coming up next month!!!) So keep an eye out for part 2...
1) Cosmoknights by Hannah Templer
Okay! So I read this graphic novel semi-recently and freaking loved it! Plot-wise it doesn’t have a whole lot of similarities (except for childhood BFFs... these one are long lost and in need of a reunion though, not at each others throats) to She-Ra. But the art style and queer themes/characters are very She-Ra. Not to mention it’s all about sapphic space knights fighting the patriarchal galactic empire; what more could you want! Literally all of the characters in this book are queer women... and most of them are badass knights or sexy spies and it’s GREAT! I need more people to read this book!!! Also this GN was written by a queer woman! I honestly think the only con to Cosmoknights is that it’s quite new so only Vol. 1 is out right now.
Synopsis: “Pan's life used to be very small. Work in her dad's body shop, sneak out with her friend Tara to go dancing, and watch the skies for freighter ships. It didn't even matter that Tara was a princess... until one day it very much did matter, and Pan had to say goodbye forever. Years later, when a charismatic pair of off-world gladiators show up on her doorstep, she finds that life may not be as small as she thought. On the run and off the galactic grid, Pan discovers the astonishing secrets of her neo-medieval world... and the intoxicating possibility of burning it all down.”
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2) Paper Girls by Brian K. Vaughan (Author), Cliff Chiang (Illustrator), Matthew Wilson (Colorist), Jared K. Fletcher (Lettering)
Paper Girls is hard to explain but it’s essentially about a group of papergirls in the 1980s who get caught up in a inter-dimensional, time-space tear in the fabric of the universe that lands them and others in different points in time and they must work together to get home. I seriously loved this GN series. The girl gang/girl power aspect and many of the characters and relationship dynamic reminds me of She-Ra. Once again it’s not exactly the same plot but the chaotic sci-fi elements are there. There are cool space monsters, complicated bag guys, gay aliens, and snarky ladies who will smack you over the head with their hockey stick. Its also queer as hell and features a prominent wlw relationship (a relationship that has some delicious catradora vibes if you ask me...)! It’s also a completed series so it’s ready for you to totally binge in this quarantine time! 
Synopsis: “Paper Girls follows the story of four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls (Erin, MacKenzie, KJ, and Tiffany) set in Stony Stream, a fictional suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.. While out delivering papers on the morning after Halloween, the town is struck by an invasion from a mysterious force from the future. The girls become unwillingly caught up in the conflict between two warring factions of time travelers.”
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3) This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
This is a the book on this list that I’ve read the most recently and it completely blew me away. The prose is stunning and the story is so complex in the most beautiful ways and ties in so wonderfully at the end. Its about two woman on the opposite sides of a time war who are rivals and then fall in love with each other as they send letters back and fourth. If you have already read all the fanfics and are in need of some catradora vibes this is the book for you. It does the enemies to lover trope so so well and I was really impressed by how much emotion El-Mohtar and Gladstone put into their story. Honestly Blue and Red’s romance had me crying at the end (not from sadness!) it was just so moving and heartwarming. Not to mention the world/setting with which this book takes place in is so unique and honestly like nothing I’ve ever read before.
Synopsis:  “ Among the ashes of a dying world, an agent of the Commandant finds a letter. It reads: Burn before reading. . Thus begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents hellbent on securing the best possible future for their warring factions. Now, what began as a taunt, a battlefield boast, grows into something more. Something epic. Something romantic. Something that could change the past and the future. Except the discovery of their bond would mean death for each of them. There’s still a war going on, after all. And someone has to win that war.”
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4) Skyward by Brandon Sanderson
Okay so this book is the wildcard of the bunch. I was originally going to make this a three book long list but as I was thinking back on the books that I’ve read and Skyward popped into my head. It’s a YA Sci-fi book that’s basically Top Gun but in space and with a headstrong and noble teen girl as the protagonist plus a sentient spaceship. I was wracking my brain for why this book made me think of She-Ra because it’s not queer (as far as I know... I’ve yet to read book two), it’s not really the same hero’s journey type plot and nor are any of the relationships similar to those in She-Ra. But then it hit me. Like She-Ra, this book does a really good job a depicting kids and teenagers as soldiers. All of the characters in this book are made into pilots at a young age to fight an unknown foe. Sanderson does a really good job at showing the repercussions of this, as well as the real life risks to being a soldier in a war. This book also has some Fright Zone vibes with the setting and, the more I think about it, the lead character, Spin, shares a lot of qualities with both Catra and Adora. Qualities which make for a fantastic MC who I think, if universes collided, would be a great addition to the Princess Alliance. (Side bar: this book also has some AWESOME action sequences that literally kept me on the edge of my seat.)
Synopsis:  “ Defeated, crushed, and driven almost to extinction, the remnants of the human race are trapped on a planet that is constantly attacked by mysterious alien starfighters. Spensa, a teenage girl living among them, longs to be a pilot. When she discovers the wreckage of an ancient ship, she realizes this dream might be possible—assuming she can repair the ship, navigate flight school, and (perhaps most importantly) persuade the strange machine to help her. Because this ship, uniquely, appears to have a soul.”
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BONUS: (aka the honorable/obvious mentions) Lumberjanes and Nimona both by Noelle Stevenson!
Noelle Stevenson is the creator of spop and also a graphic novelist and artist herself (as many of you may know)! I’ve read and loved both of these graphic novels and you can totally see the essence of Noelle’s storytelling that you see in She-Ra appear in these GNs as well. I highly recommend for a reread if you’ve already read them but also if you’re a She-Ra fan and have never picked up any of Noelle’s other works yet this is a great time to do it! They’re also both really queer regrading both themes and characters, which is no surprise cause it’s our Queen Noelle, you guys!
Lumberjanes Synopsis:  “At Miss Qiunzilla Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet's camp for hard-core lady-types, things are not what they seem. Three-eyed foxes. Secret caves. Anagrams. Luckily, Jo, April, Mal, Molly, and Ripley are five rad, butt-kicking best pals determined to have an awesome summer together... And they're not gonna let a magical quest or an array of supernatural critters get in their way! The mystery keeps getting bigger, and it all begins here.”
Nimona Synopsis:  “Nimona is an impulsive young shapeshifter with a knack for villainy. Lord Ballister Blackheart is a villain with a vendetta. As sidekick and supervillain, Nimona and Lord Blackheart are about to wreak some serious havoc. Their mission: prove to the kingdom that Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin and his buddies at the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics aren't the heroes everyone thinks they are. But as small acts of mischief escalate into a vicious battle, Lord Blackheart realizes that Nimona's powers are as murky and mysterious as her past. And her unpredictable wild side might be more dangerous than he is willing to admit.”
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BTS OT7 Masterlist
BTS Reactions/Scenarios:
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You go into labor at a fansign 
You have a panic attack and the members and your service dog comfort you
You’re a raver
You meet them while out and pretend you don’t know who they are, forgetting you’re wearing merch of theirs
You are asexual
You surprise visit them on tour 
Wolf BTS AU! You get injured in the woods and they find you 
You are a successful CEO
Your relationship is exposed while they are on tour
Your family fights a lot and you’re stuck at home so they comfort you
Cuddling with them
You are their best friend and are pregnant
You wear a rock group’s shirt to their concert and are teased by fans
You are unmotivated/insecure about your dancing
You are Adora’s best friend and they often come to her studio to see you
The first time they are intimate with you 
You love thunderstorms
They teach you how to play an instrument
You reveal you are non-binary
Animals are at ease around you
You end up in the hospital because you eat a dish not knowing it has seafood in it and you’re allergic
You get into a laughing fit
They lose a bet with you and you ask for head pats
You are a famous author
You are their celebrity crush and they meet you backstage
You almost fall over whenever you sneeze
You are a chef and open up your own restaurant
You fall asleep on them and talk in your sleep
They get a call that you are in the hospital and have given birth when neither of you knew you were pregnant
You are on a blind date with them and they see your scars from a past abusive relationship
They see you on date after you two breakup 
You speak French
You overthink everything 
You ask them to caress your cheek because it helps you sleep 
You have Lupus
They’re disappointed you’re a proper eater 
Werewolf BTS: They meet your large and overprotective dog 
Their dominant behavior makes you uncomfortable
You try to stay awake but fall asleep while hanging out with them
You are craving their affection
The members reaction to the shadow comeback trailer
Mafia AU: They are upset on the wedding night of their arranged marriage with you
You are afraid to have kids because you feel you won’t be a good parent
You squeak because of the hiccups 
You have NF1
Taehyung x Jungkook x Reader: They reveal your relationship while on your
Poly Taegi relationship headcanons
Namjoon & Yoongi x reader: You move to Seoul to surprise them while they are on tour
Poly Namseok relationship headcanons
Poly vmin soulmate scenario
They visit you for the first time
They are teased for having a hickey/giving you one
You are self conscious because you are older than them
You get in a fight after someone flirts with them
They fall in love with you at a fan sign
They find out you are having twins
You come home crying from work 
They propose to you at a concert
Poly jikook relationship headcanons
Your friend knows you have a crush on them and dares you to try and seduce them
You have an alcoholic parent
Poly Yoonkook: When you are pregnant headcanons
You are in a musical
Werewolf BTS: You register them as a service dog
Poly Yoonseok relationship head canons
You watch a soccer match together
You go to the beach even though you’re afraid of swimming 
Poly Minjoon relationship head canons
Poly Taejin relationship head canons 
They help you get over a toxic friendship
They ask you to teach them to say something in a foreign language 
They take you out to secretly explore the city
Poly Namgi headcanons
They meet your same sex parents
Werewolf BTS reaction: You boop their nose
They say something flirt to you in Korean not realizing you can understand them 
You’re a cosplayer
Your neighbors are fighting and you worry your relationship is going to end up the same
You become flustered around them
Someone flirts with you
They make you shiver
You ask for their affection
How they would flirt with you if they wanted your attention
On their honeymoon
You need to listen to music to sleep at night
You own exotic animals
You are the singer of a rock/metal band
Poly namkook relationship head canons
You get severe cramps
You are sick and lose your voice
They encourage you when you’re shy in public
They use you as a pillow
You are on the spectrum
You distance yourself from them because you are afraid of getting hurt
How each member would kiss you after getting back from tour
Poly Namjin headcanons
They can tell you’re upset by the songs you are listening to
Mafia AU: You get attacked on your way home
You’re one of their staff members and they fall in love with you
You sprain your ankle
Poly Yoonkook relationship headcanons
You have to hold their hand in order to sleep
Your first time staying the night with them
You cry thinking about how much you love them
You give them eskimo kisses
Their little sister is self harming
You have a ‘queen bee’ type personality
Your towel falls down when you slip in the bathroom
You’re their neighbor and they accidentally reveal they have a crush on you
You are plus sized and proud
You’re a social butterfly
You’re their younger sister and get inappropriate messages from an older guy
Reaction to your baby bump
They do something thoughtful for you and you get emotional
You get drunk and wake up with matching tattoos
Poly vmin relationship headcanons
You are lactose intolerant
You meet them for the first time a few days before they go on tour
You are bluntly honest
They kiss you after not seeing you for a while
Your relationship is a secret so they create a signal to tell you they love you
They’re your first time
You are harassed while out on a date with them
You see the snow for the first time
You’re sick and ask them to sing for you
You flinch during and argument
BTS as secret admirers
You hit your head and have to go to the hospital
Poly Taekook relationship
Werewolf AU! Sharing a bed for the first time
They’re jealous of you spending too much time with TXT
You’re wounded dragon shifter and they help you
Your baby falls off the bed when they aren’t in the room
The other members walk in on you two and they think you’re doing something dirty
Comfort after a nightmare
They wake up their newborn after you just get them to go to sleep
Animals don’t like you and you get upset
You’re a prince/princess
You’re their flight attendant and they think you’re pretty
You’re sensitive towards others
You’re their best friend and are jealous of them spending too much time with another female celebrity
They see you without glasses for the first time
You throw your phone off the balcony when they ask to see it
They see your abusive ex
You insist on being courted
You insist on courting them
You’re insecure about your tall height
You were contemplating suicide, and they don’t find out until later
Vampire AU/ You’re a hunter trying to catch them pt. 2
They fall in love with someone who is the complete opposite of them
You have a lot of pets
You’re a contortionist and they go to see you perform
Werewolf AU where you save them     pt. 2
Vampire AU where they accidentally bite you
You travel the world with them
Talking in between kisses
The type of s.o each member needs
You need to hug something in order to sleep
They spoil you and you feel like you’re taking advantage of them
They ask if you’re pregnant when you’re actually not
You try to learn Korean for them but are getting frustrated until you understand something they say
You’re a struggling actress
You wear an outfit that shows off your figure
They walk in on your singing in the shower
They see a pregnant fan at a fansign
You have an emotional support/service dog
They comfort you after they can tell you are upset, even though you try to hide it
You are skinny and have a small chest and are insecure about it
They meet your large and loud family
You have a personality and fashion sense similar to them
They find out what their contact name is in your phone
They are insecure and you help comfort them
They are wearing your clothes
You’re the big spoon
Their crush is already in a relationship
You two are idols and break up after a 10 year relationship pt. 2
They don’t know you but they save you from suicide pt. 2
Their s.o beats them at overwatch
their s.o is peak ‘dumbass culture’
They notice their s.o’s baby bump before they know they are pregnant
Their s.o is hogging the bathroom
Harry Potter AU
Your both idols and break up after a 10 year relationship
Their crush likes them but doesn’t think they are good enough for them
Their crush can waterbend
They don’t know you but they save you from suicide
They have a crush on you and your boyfriend speaks badly of you behind your back and forgets your name
They are your first relationship and first kiss
Showering with their s.o
You accidentally confess to them
First time meeting your grandma who raised you
You have a child together, but hide it from them and they find out a year later Pt. 2
Their crush has a journal that reveals their true feelings
They are jealous of your male best friend but don’t realize he’s gay
You are wearing the wrong BT21 character pajamas
Their s.o is pregnant and stressed
They come home and find you standing on the counter because you’re too short to see inside the cabinets
You are practicing their songs/trying to learn Korean
You have a crush on a celebrity with rugged features
Having a ‘don’t tell mommy’ secret with their child
You send them a snap of yourself reacting to their songs
You can’t have kids but are open to other options
They are afraid to take their newborn to get shots
Comforting you during a panic attack
Their idol crush performs ‘Hello Bitches’ by CL
How they give heated kisses
Their s/o is on their period and their chest hurts so they cannot lay on it
Their s/o wants to have a matrix movie marathon
The other members find out you are secretly hooking up with each other
They wake up in their bt21 character’s body
Helping you through the birth of your child
You have a child from a previous relationship
Their best friend is in love with them and doesn’t realize they are their ideal type of girl
Their s.o/crush can hit a whistle note
Their normally kind/bubbly s/o roasts someone who is badmouthing them
Sharing a bed with them and your clothes ride up on you
They kiss your body affectionately because you are insecure/like it
Your first kiss with them
They’re feeling down and their crush is affectionate towards them to comfort them
Their s/o nuzzles them
Their attractive significant other has never been in a relationship before
Their crush loves animals/nature
Their crush tells them they want to be an idol pt. 2 (alternate ending where the fame does ruin you)
Their crush tells them they want to be an idol pt. 2
Their crush tells them they want to be an idol
You two are friends and have feelings for each other, but are too afraid to confess pt. 2
You two are friends and having feelings for each other, but are too afraid to confess pt. 1
They find out you can sing powerfully like an opera singer
They realize they are in love with you
Comforting you after a breakup
They come home and find you singing/dancing to one of their songs
Their s/o is caught writing a poem about them
You can’t sleep
First Date
You comforting them
Comforting their sick s/o
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tilbageidanmark · 3 years
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Movies I watched this week - 24
In The Cakemaker ( האופה מברלין‎) a lonely baker moves from Berlin to Jerusalem in order to bond with the widow and young son of his boyfriend, who had died in a car accident. 
A restrained, moving and subversive Israeli film about Identities - what a surprise!. 8+ / 10.
The only trope that annoyed me was the power of “Food” as magic.
2 with Saoirse Ronan:
✳️✳️✳️ In The Lovely Bones, 14 year old Saoirse Ronan is being murdered (brutally, but off screen) by creepy neighbor Stanley Tucci. The first 30 minutes before the murder are bone-chillingly scary, but then it turns into a stupid, unnecessary metaphysical theoretical bullshit. Sad!
✳️✳️✳️ Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig’s directorial debut.
Sensitive, quiet and empathetic, well-paced and beautifully acted. Re-watch.
Best film of the week!
✳️✳️✳️ Bonus: Saoirse Ronan's many accents
In Daniel Clowes’s sad Ghost World, misfit teenage friends, Scarlett Johansson and Thora Birch, prank dorky Steve Buscemi after they find a lonely heart ad he had placed.
Sweet and sensitive about adolescent angst and punk restlessness.
Unfortunately, Terry Zwigoff’s next film after Ghost World was Bad Santa, a terrible, unfunny crime story of a Charles Bukowski-type mall Santa with no redeeming characteristics who robs the stores where he works at the end of the season. 2/10
“Mmm... Whale carcass...”
Luca, the newest Pixar feature, (which is like “Coco but on the Italian Riviera”...), and which is like “Call me by your name”, but without the gay stuff. First feature from the director of La Luna, and pretty much a Vespa product placement.
I like the posters from the old film classics (Roman Holiday, Bicycle Thief) that can be briefly glimpsed on the town’s walls!
2 with Kristen Stewart:
✳️✳️✳️ American Ultra: A goofy underground comix disguised as an action movie where the hero is a loser stoner who loves his stoner girlfriend. Sweet and over the top. With Huell Babineaux in a colorful sweater in a small role.
Terrific end titles done in Mike’s "Apollo Ape" drawing style.
I wrote about it here, giving it “3 Funyons”.
✳️✳️✳️ Personal Shopper starts suggestively with two interesting stories, one of lovely Stewart as a shopper for a super model celebrity who eventually gets murdered, and another of her being a medium who communicates with ghosts. But in the last 30 minutes, she is trying to connect with her dead twin brother, and the whole plot falls apart and ends ‘nowhere’ (literally in a random room in Oman).
It is shot in romantic Paris with a small side connection to Hilda of Klimt (who was also a spiritualist), so it was very appealing to the eye.
Even though it was uneven, I’ll look for other films by prolific French director Olivier Assayas.
The Bothersome Man is a weird Norwegian film about a man who suddenly finds himself in a cold, “perfect” city - but without children or any emotions - and his attempts to escape from there. He is first dropped off - dressed like ‘Paris, Texas’s Harry Dean Stanton - in front of a deserted gas station in the middle of nowhere. It’s a dystopian story without explanations or much direction. 4/10.
Icarus - Amateur cyclist Bryan Fogel’s 2017 investigation into illegal doping in international sport, and his discovery of a massive Russian conspiracy of cheating and cover up. I wonder how he first got the director of Russia's national anti-doping laboratory to help him cheat.
✳️✳️✳️ “Man just wants to forget the bad stuff, and believe in the made-up good stuff. It's easier that way.”
Kurosawa classic 1950′s Rashōmon - I didn’t remember how low budget and simple it was: There are only three settings in the film: Rashōmon gate, the woods, and the courtyard. The black and White filming is symbolic of light and darkness, good and evil. Part of the score is Ravel’s Boléro.
(The Internet Archive copy is haltingly bad, but the only one I could find).
✳️✳️✳️ Sheila Marie Orfano explains The Rashomon effect, where individuals give significantly different but equally believable accounts of the same event.
Kurzgesagt’s short film A Minute by Minute Account of the Day the Dinosaurs Died.
The YouTube channel of Kurzgesagt in general is one of the best.
In the new Fatherhood, Kevin Hart’s wife dies a day after she gives birth, and he stays to raise his daughter by himself. I wanted to like it more but there wasn’t much there.
Also, the newborn baby was a bit too old. 3/10
Errol Morris’s horrifying Standard Operating Procedure shows that we only know about Bush’s war crimes at Abu Ghraib because they were photographed. “American values” never change.
(This copy is pretty grainy)
On the waterfront - Young Brando’s first Oscar performance was truly riveting.
“... It wasn't him, Charley, it was you. Remember that night in the Garden you came down to my dressing room... I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you, Charley..” 
In 2018, before he did ‘‘Another Round", Thomas Vinterberg must have bought a big house in the country, so he had to direct Kursk, about the Russian nuclear submarine that sunk and couldn’t be saved.
Conventional and boring. But I can’t imagine how this story could be told in any interesting way. 
With Lars Brygmann (in a ”normal” person role) and a cameo by Max Von Sydow.
Another unforgettable Max Von Sydow role, as “Joubert”, in my all-time favorite film, Sydney Pollack’s best, Three Days of the Condor.
“...It will happen this way. You may be walking. Maybe the first sunny day of the spring. And a car will slow beside you, and a door will open, and someone you know, maybe even trust, will get out of the car. And he will smile, a becoming smile. But he will leave open the door of the car and offer to give you a lift...”
The perfect thriller which I’ve seen at least 12-15 times, and will probably see again and again. Dave Grusin’s score is superb. It’s also one of the most Christmasy movies I know. 
2 scars:
✳️✳️✳️ The original Pre-Production Code, Howard Hawks Scarface, inspired by Al Capone, and the archetype of the gangster film. “This picture is an indictment of gang rule in America and of the callous indifference of the government to this constantly increasing menace to our safety and our liberty”. I never realized that there was some comedy and (lovely!) cabaret singing in it.
✳️✳️✳️ Oliver Stone’s 1983 Scarface, with Hector Salamanca as “Alberto” and Harris Yulin as Mel Bernstein!
40 years later, it’s just a bit too long - could use a little trim.
You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the bad guy."
A short YT clip of clips from Kubrick’s films, from FilmoteCanet Cinema which has hundreds more.
Woody Allen’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, with Gene Wilder as the doctor who falls in love with an Armenian sheep, Burt Reynolds and Lynn Redgrave. In hindsight, not as lecherous as remembered, but very 1972.
- - - - -
Throw-back to the art project:
Lady Bird Adora.
Daniel Clowes Adora.
La Luna Adora.
Three Days of the Condor Adora.
- - - - -
(My complete movie list is here)
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jennaschererwrites · 4 years
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Inside the Groundbreaking Queer Reboot of ‘She-Ra’ | Rolling Stone
We’re all shaped by the myths we grow up with, whether it’s the stories we learn from holy books or Saturday morning cartoons. Kids who see themselves as the hero learn to center themselves in their own life stories. Kids who see their experiences relegated to the sidelines, or not represented at all, come away with a very different lesson — one that can take years to unlearn.
Which is exactly what makes a show like She-Ra and the Princesses of Power so vital. Since its premiere in 2018, Noelle Stevenson’s reboot of the cult Eighties cartoon has joined a revolution in the world of children’s animation, combining classic genre storytelling with diverse representation and a progressive worldview (see also: Nickelodeon’s The Legend of Korra, Cartoon Network’s Adventure Time and Steven Universe). In its fifth and final season, which dropped on Netflix last month, She-Ra rounded out its 52-episode run by centering a queer romance — specifically, between its hero, Adora, and her best frenemy Catra — and positing that such a love can, quite literally, save the world.
“I knew from the start that it wasn’t going to be easy,” says Stevenson, speaking via phone from Los Angeles. “Because this is She-Ra. To have the culmination of her arc be this lesbian love plot is a big deal! And I understood that. But I also felt that it was really important.”
The original She-Ra: Princess of Power was a 1985 Filmation spin-off of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, which itself was based on a line of Mattel action figures. Set on the planet of Etheria, She-Ra follows a band of magical princesses in their rebellion against the Evil Horde, a totalitarian sci-fi regime bent on global domination. Adora is an ex-Horde soldier who joins the rebellion after she gains the ability to transform into She-Ra, a superpowered Chosen One with glowing blue eyes, a mystical sword, and a very cool outfit.
In 2015, when Stevenson, then 23, found out that DreamWorks Animation was looking for someone to pitch a new take on She-Ra, she jumped at the chance. She was already an Eisner Award-winning cartoonist and writer who had made a name for herself with works like her web comic-turned-graphic novel Nimona and the Boom! Studios series Lumberjanes.
“The world [of She-Ra] is so incredibly vibrant, and has so many powerful female characters. It’s this world that has all my interests rolled into one: It’s got the flying ponies and superpowers and all of these things that, immediately, I was like, ‘I want to do this. I want to be the one to do this,’” she says.
While Stevenson’s reimagination of the world of Etheria pays tribute to its predecessor, it includes some key differences. The reboot transforms the musclebound, scantily-clad grownups of the original series into awkward teens in much more practical (but still very sparkly) clothing. In addition to embracing a diversity of races, genders, and body types, the She-Ra reboot fleshes out the characters and their backstories, giving them fully-fledged arcs and complicating the good/evil binary of the original. The princesses of the rebellion aren’t simply heroic, and the soldiers of the Horde aren’t simply villains; everyone’s just a human being (or scorpion person or alien clone or flying horse, as the case may be) trying to make their way in a world that doesn’t offer easy solutions. It’s also, incidentally, really funny.
For Stevenson, it was crucial that the characters felt three-dimensional, and that it was their choices that guided the direction of the storytelling. “The characters all began with a deep personal flaw, and the process of making the show was kind of giving them the room to process those flaws. But we wanted it to feel organic. We wanted the characters to feel like real people that we knew,” she explains.
From the start, She-Ra’s most compelling tension was always between Adora (Aimee Carrero) and Catra (AJ Michalka), Adora’s childhood best friend who becomes her bitterest rival after Adora leaves the Horde to join the rebellion. In the show’s first four seasons, the two continually fight and reconcile and break apart again, their obsession with each other marking them as something more than frenemies.
“It’s a dynamic that I find really interesting: the attraction and the tension between the villain and the hero, especially when they know each other better than anyone. They love each other, but there’s something between them that cannot be overcome,” Stevenson says.
Stevenson always knew that she wanted the relationship between Catra and Adora to be a romantic one; but she had to walk a fine line, because she didn’t know if the studio would give her the go-ahead to put an explicitly lesbian love story front and center. At first, as in Steven Universe, Rebecca Sugar’s radically progressive series that aired its final episodes earlier this year, she steeped the world of the She-Ra reboot in queerness. The show features multiple side characters in same-sex relationships, characters who flout traditional gender roles, and even a nonbinary character (Double Trouble, voiced by transgender writer and activist Jacob Tobia).
Still, Stevenson, herself a gay woman, wanted young viewers to be able to see a queer relationship that wasn’t just incidental, but central to the plot of the entire series. “I’ve loved these stories my entire life, you know? I was a huge Star Wars and Lord of the Rings fan as a kid. But there weren’t a lot of characters that I felt personally represented by,” she says. “We love what makes these stories classic, but we’ve seen them all culminate in the same kind of romance so many times: The hero gets the girl, he gets the kiss, and then he saves the world. And it’s not just [swapping] the man and the woman for two women. You have to actually approach it from a standpoint of: How do you make these stories, at their roots, queer?
“So that’s what I was trying to do — for little queer kids to see that this is normal, that these are stories that can happen and that exist, and that can center them and make them feel seen and understood.”
Whether or not Adora and Catra’s romance would become canonical was in the hands of the studio, and it was a risk Stevenson couldn’t be sure it would be willing to take. So the show played a long game — hinting at a romantic dynamic between the two without making it explicit, for fear of disappointing fans in the end if they weren’t able to deliver. Fortunately, a groundswell of viewer support for a potential relationship between the characters — a phenomenon known in the fan community as “shipping” — allowed Stevenson to make a case to the studio for supporting the story she wanted to tell with She-Ra.
“Just as I had hoped, people started picking up on this tension and getting really passionate about it,” she says. “It was immediately one of the strongest fandom ships right out of the gate. And that was when I finally showed my hand and was like, ‘Look. We’ve got a bunch of people who, just off Season One, are really, really excited about the gay representation in this show. I have been planning for this. And here’s how it needs to end, and not just because I want a moment that everyone’s gonna talk about. It’s the logical conclusion of both their character arcs. They need each other.’”
Finally, after years of hedging their bets, Stevenson and her collaborators got the go-ahead from DreamWorks. “I really wanted it to be so central to the plot that if at any point they were like, ‘Oh, we changed our minds, we want to take it out again,’ they wouldn’t be able to, because it would be so baked in,” she explains. “The temperature is not always right, and depending on what’s happening in the world, not everyone wants to be the studio that sticks their neck out and makes a statement like this. You will get a flat ‘no’ sometimes. But if you bide your time, or you come at it from another angle, that can change. You just have to keep pushing.”
Feedback for the conclusion of She-Ra has been overwhelmingly positive both from critics and fans. Viewer support has been pouring out in the form of social media posts, YouTube reaction videos, and fan art and fan fiction. Stevenson, who first made a name for herself online with Lord of the Rings and Avengers fan art, has been blown away by the support from She-Ra lovers. “That’s how you know that you’re successful at what you set out to do — if people are getting inspired by the stories that you’re telling. I think that that’s the beauty of fan work, is that it’s an evolution of the genre. We take that inspiration and create something new all the time.”
Unfettered by restrictions, the final season of She-Ra is a tightly plotted, character-driven masterwork, featuring a slow-burn redemption arc, a harrowing villain, and a timely message about the power of love and unity against the forces of repression and tyranny. It’s a show about becoming kinder and more open in the face of unrelenting darkness, about banding together to prepare for the worst, but always hoping for the best in spite of overwhelming odds.
Stevenson says that she and her team began work on She-Ra in the aftermath of the 2016 election. “The veil was ripped off, and we had to reckon with a world that we hadn’t expected. And that theme of relying on each other and being stronger together became so much more relevant,” she recalls. “I remember writing one script after a particularly bad news day where it just felt like nothing was ever going to be OK again. It’s an episode where Adora realizes that there are supposed to be stars in the sky, and there aren’t any more stars. And as Aimee [Carrero] was recording the lines, she was crying, and we were crying, because we were all experiencing this together — the idea that things were changing in maybe irreparable ways.”
The refrain of She-Ra’s catchy-as-hell power-pop theme song is “We must be strong, and we must be brave.” According to Stevenson, that’s easier said than done; but the whole point of the series is that you have to try anyway. It’s a message that rings especially true at this moment in our world when it seems like everything is spinning out of control, and it’s all too easy to feel helpless.
“It always comes back to this — when you realize that there’s a great evil or a great darkness that won’t just go away from one fight,” Stevenson says. “It boils up, and it can be pushed back down, but it’s something that we’ll probably have to be fighting for the rest of our lives. That’s really hard to do, and it makes you really tired sometimes, and it can be really scary. But when you are surrounded by the people that you love, and when you have that love for the people around you, then that strength is possible.”
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demitgibbs · 7 years
Queens We Love: Athena Dion
Q: What was the first drag show you saw? Tell us about the experience?
A: Well, there was a weekend when I was just barely 18 and my good girlfriend decided to take me to a few gay clubs since I had never been to one before. We hit up the Coliseum in Ft. Lauderdale on a Friday and then Azucar in Miami on a Saturday, and all I wanted to do was watch the shows. Shortly after that, I went to Discotekka and saw Vegas Dion perform and completely shut down the club! I think she did Show Me Love. When she finished, she proceeded to grab the microphone and demand the crowd applause louder, and did they ever! I was completely “shook” in my skinny jeans! She terrified me and aroused me all at the same time. I think that’s when the drag bug really sunk its teeth into me. Of course, that night I also saw TP Lords perform and Gina Diangelo, and I was sold! After that I became such a big drag fan and drag junkie, I needed a fix every weekend!
Q: When did you decide you wanted to do drag and when did you realize it would be a profession?
A: Drag was calling my name from birth. In my youth, probably like many other young gay boys, I remember playing dress up in my mom’s clothes, fascinated by her makeup, trying it on when no one was around, kissing the mirror with lipstick, etc. It wasn’t until after the brutality of puberty and the glorious post-coming out era that I realized I could actually play dress-up in real life, too. It was after ending a relationship with a very famous local drag queen that I started to dive into drag myself. Fresh out the gate I got booked at the hottest club in Ft. Lauderdale at the time, Living Room nightclub, as the door hostess. Working that door and interacting with the club-goers came like second nature to me. I loved the attention, I loved the interaction, I loved the persona and the people’s response! I resonated very well with the community and my popularity began to rise. One thing led to another and I was starting to get more work in drag and that’s when I realized I didn’t want to give this new-found hobby up anytime soon.
Q: Who is your drag mother and who is your favorite queen other than your drag mother — and why?
A: My drag parents and biggest mentors and idols are Vegas Dion and Erika Norell. Their creativity, originality, versatility and stage presence are like no other. They are the best in the biz in my eyes and I feel like I’m a good combo of the two of them. We share so much in common on stage and off stage and we really have an amazing family dynamic. I am very proud of them and all of their accomplishments and so thankful to have had their guidance throughout my life. But, my absolute favorite drag queen since my youth has been Adora. She is literally the only drag queen that has ever moved me to tears with a performance. Her aesthetic, her movement, her embodiment and portrayal of the characters she is imitating is always so spot on. She is a living, breathing work of timeless art and I feel she is truly the essence of Miami Beach drag culture. It’s been so surreal in the past few years to have worked with her so much, and we have actually become close friends. Yet, as close as we can be, I am still like a child in awe whenever I see her perform. She’s my fave! I adore Adora!
Q: What’s your favorite number to perform — and why?
A: I have a few faves. I love to perform anything by Pink, although Gloria Estefan has to be my favorite to perform, especially here in Miami. I started drag because of the South Beach drag scene and how fierce it was, so to perform a diva like Gloria on South Beach is like drag heaven for me. I have a great medley of all her songs that I do. I also love her newer stuff like Hotel Nacional and Wepa. Even though Cher is my favorite artist, I really don’t perform her much. My guilty drag pleasure is a good Cher impersonator!
Q: What’s the best thing that has happened to you in drag?
A: This is a tough question. Drag has taught me a lot about myself and what I value personally and in the people around me. I have met tons of celebs in the club scene, and I was even fortunate enough to have Leona Lewis sing happy birthday to me a few years ago. I also got a chance to meet and chat with Chaz Bono. Last year, some of my sisters and I ended up on national TV featured on America’s Got Talent with the opportunity to impersonate the Spice Girls. That was so cool. I mean, there are tons of memories that were awesome, but I feel like the best and most rewarding has been the power I have found though drag to change lives. Recently I worked with Jackson Memorial Hospital’s burn unit and had a “Glam Day” with some of their burn survivors. These girls had suffered from severe burn damage and the center invited me in to show some makeup tips and basically have a fun makeup day. Well, it turned into much more than that. It was an amazing experience that opened my eyes to the power I possess as a drag queen and as a person. It goes beyond the fame and the glamor when I realized I can actually make a real lasting difference in people’s lives with what I do! That realization, inspiration, and motivation has been the best thing to happen to me in drag, to date.
Q: What differentiates you from other Queens (Makes you Unique)?
A: I’m the people’s queen! The main thing that sets me apart is my personality and my love to be a hostess! I really get my thrills from being in a crowd of people, meeting everyone, talking, asking questions, taking shots together. I love to perform and be on stage but much more than that I’m a people’s queen. I love to be in the mix. It’s so bad that my close friends hate going out with me because I never stand in one place, I’m always bouncing around talking to everyone! But I think that makes for a good host, and a good party… to be social, make them feel welcome, and be the person that they want to come out and have a good time with! Thankfully it comes naturally to me.
Q: What does the future hold?
A: The future is so bright! I look back and see the footprints I have left in the sand, and I look forward and see a never-ending shore! I can honestly say I see a shift from my work from the nightlife world onto a more meaningful path. Working with the burn survivors really changed my focus, and I want to use everything I have learned and my platform to expand the visibility onto heavier issues. I feel we have so many talented people in our community and if we focus those talents in the right way, we can change the world together. There’s no better time to change the world than the present!
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/05/31/queens-we-love-athena-dion/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/161281321315
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years
Queens We Love: Athena Dion
Q: What was the first drag show you saw? Tell us about the experience?
 A: Well, there was a weekend when I was just barely 18 and my good girlfriend decided to take me to a few gay clubs since I had never been to one before. We hit up the Coliseum in Ft. Lauderdale on a Friday and then Azucar in Miami on a Saturday, and all I wanted to do was watch the shows. Shortly after that, I went to Discotekka and saw Vegas Dion perform and completely shut down the club! I think she did Show Me Love. When she finished, she proceeded to grab the microphone and demand the crowd applause louder, and did they ever! I was completely “shook” in my skinny jeans! She terrified me and aroused me all at the same time. I think that’s when the drag bug really sunk its teeth into me. Of course, that night I also saw TP Lords perform and Gina Diangelo, and I was sold! After that I became such a big drag fan and drag junkie, I needed a fix every weekend!
Q: When did you decide you wanted to do drag and when did you realize it would be a profession?
A: Drag was calling my name from birth. In my youth, probably like many other young gay boys, I remember playing dress up in my mom’s clothes, fascinated by her makeup, trying it on when no one was around, kissing the mirror with lipstick, etc. It wasn’t until after the brutality of puberty and the glorious post-coming out era that I realized I could actually play dress-up in real life, too. It was after ending a relationship with a very famous local drag queen that I started to dive into drag myself. Fresh out the gate I got booked at the hottest club in Ft. Lauderdale at the time, Living Room nightclub, as the door hostess. Working that door and interacting with the club-goers came like second nature to me. I loved the attention, I loved the interaction, I loved the persona and the people’s response! I resonated very well with the community and my popularity began to rise. One thing led to another and I was starting to get more work in drag and that’s when I realized I didn’t want to give this new-found hobby up anytime soon.
Q: Who is your drag mother and who is your favorite queen other than your drag mother — and why?
A: My drag parents and biggest mentors and idols are Vegas Dion and Erika Norell. Their creativity, originality, versatility and stage presence are like no other. They are the best in the biz in my eyes and I feel like I’m a good combo of the two of them. We share so much in common on stage and off stage and we really have an amazing family dynamic. I am very proud of them and all of their accomplishments and so thankful to have had their guidance throughout my life. But, my absolute favorite drag queen since my youth has been Adora. She is literally the only drag queen that has ever moved me to tears with a performance. Her aesthetic, her movement, her embodiment and portrayal of the characters she is imitating is always so spot on. She is a living, breathing work of timeless art and I feel she is truly the essence of Miami Beach drag culture. It’s been so surreal in the past few years to have worked with her so much, and we have actually become close friends. Yet, as close as we can be, I am still like a child in awe whenever I see her perform. She’s my fave! I adore Adora!
Q: What’s your favorite number to perform — and why?
A: I have a few faves. I love to perform anything by Pink, although Gloria Estefan has to be my favorite to perform, especially here in Miami. I started drag because of the South Beach drag scene and how fierce it was, so to perform a diva like Gloria on South Beach is like drag heaven for me. I have a great medley of all her songs that I do. I also love her newer stuff like Hotel Nacional and Wepa. Even though Cher is my favorite artist, I really don’t perform her much. My guilty drag pleasure is a good Cher impersonator!
Q: What’s the best thing that has happened to you in drag?
A: This is a tough question. Drag has taught me a lot about myself and what I value personally and in the people around me. I have met tons of celebs in the club scene, and I was even fortunate enough to have Leona Lewis sing happy birthday to me a few years ago. I also got a chance to meet and chat with Chaz Bono. Last year, some of my sisters and I ended up on national TV featured on America’s Got Talent with the opportunity to impersonate the Spice Girls. That was so cool. I mean, there are tons of memories that were awesome, but I feel like the best and most rewarding has been the power I have found though drag to change lives. Recently I worked with Jackson Memorial Hospital’s burn unit and had a “Glam Day” with some of their burn survivors. These girls had suffered from severe burn damage and the center invited me in to show some makeup tips and basically have a fun makeup day. Well, it turned into much more than that. It was an amazing experience that opened my eyes to the power I possess as a drag queen and as a person. It goes beyond the fame and the glamor when I realized I can actually make a real lasting difference in people’s lives with what I do! That realization, inspiration, and motivation has been the best thing to happen to me in drag, to date.
Q: What differentiates you from other Queens (Makes you Unique)?
A: I’m the people’s queen! The main thing that sets me apart is my personality and my love to be a hostess! I really get my thrills from being in a crowd of people, meeting everyone, talking, asking questions, taking shots together. I love to perform and be on stage but much more than that I’m a people’s queen. I love to be in the mix. It’s so bad that my close friends hate going out with me because I never stand in one place, I’m always bouncing around talking to everyone! But I think that makes for a good host, and a good party… to be social, make them feel welcome, and be the person that they want to come out and have a good time with! Thankfully it comes naturally to me.
Q: What does the future hold?
A: The future is so bright! I look back and see the footprints I have left in the sand, and I look forward and see a never-ending shore! I can honestly say I see a shift from my work from the nightlife world onto a more meaningful path. Working with the burn survivors really changed my focus, and I want to use everything I have learned and my platform to expand the visibility onto heavier issues. I feel we have so many talented people in our community and if we focus those talents in the right way, we can change the world together. There’s no better time to change the world than the present!
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/05/31/queens-we-love-athena-dion/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/05/queens-we-love-athena-dion.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
Queens We Love: Athena Dion
Q: What was the first drag show you saw? Tell us about the experience?
  A: Well, there was a weekend when I was just barely 18 and my good girlfriend decided to take me to a few gay clubs since I had never been to one before. We hit up the Coliseum in Ft. Lauderdale on a Friday and then Azucar in Miami on a Saturday, and all I wanted to do was watch the shows. Shortly after that, I went to Discotekka and saw Vegas Dion perform and completely shut down the club! I think she did Show Me Love. When she finished, she proceeded to grab the microphone and demand the crowd applause louder, and did they ever! I was completely “shook” in my skinny jeans! She terrified me and aroused me all at the same time. I think that’s when the drag bug really sunk its teeth into me. Of course, that night I also saw TP Lords perform and Gina Diangelo, and I was sold! After that I became such a big drag fan and drag junkie, I needed a fix every weekend!
Q: When did you decide you wanted to do drag and when did you realize it would be a profession?
A: Drag was calling my name from birth. In my youth, probably like many other young gay boys, I remember playing dress up in my mom’s clothes, fascinated by her makeup, trying it on when no one was around, kissing the mirror with lipstick, etc. It wasn’t until after the brutality of puberty and the glorious post-coming out era that I realized I could actually play dress-up in real life, too. It was after ending a relationship with a very famous local drag queen that I started to dive into drag myself. Fresh out the gate I got booked at the hottest club in Ft. Lauderdale at the time, Living Room nightclub, as the door hostess. Working that door and interacting with the club-goers came like second nature to me. I loved the attention, I loved the interaction, I loved the persona and the people’s response! I resonated very well with the community and my popularity began to rise. One thing led to another and I was starting to get more work in drag and that’s when I realized I didn’t want to give this new-found hobby up anytime soon.
Q: Who is your drag mother and who is your favorite queen other than your drag mother — and why?
A: My drag parents and biggest mentors and idols are Vegas Dion and Erika Norell. Their creativity, originality, versatility and stage presence are like no other. They are the best in the biz in my eyes and I feel like I’m a good combo of the two of them. We share so much in common on stage and off stage and we really have an amazing family dynamic. I am very proud of them and all of their accomplishments and so thankful to have had their guidance throughout my life. But, my absolute favorite drag queen since my youth has been Adora. She is literally the only drag queen that has ever moved me to tears with a performance. Her aesthetic, her movement, her embodiment and portrayal of the characters she is imitating is always so spot on. She is a living, breathing work of timeless art and I feel she is truly the essence of Miami Beach drag culture. It’s been so surreal in the past few years to have worked with her so much, and we have actually become close friends. Yet, as close as we can be, I am still like a child in awe whenever I see her perform. She’s my fave! I adore Adora!
Q: What’s your favorite number to perform — and why?
A: I have a few faves. I love to perform anything by Pink, although Gloria Estefan has to be my favorite to perform, especially here in Miami. I started drag because of the South Beach drag scene and how fierce it was, so to perform a diva like Gloria on South Beach is like drag heaven for me. I have a great medley of all her songs that I do. I also love her newer stuff like Hotel Nacional and Wepa. Even though Cher is my favorite artist, I really don’t perform her much. My guilty drag pleasure is a good Cher impersonator!
Q: What’s the best thing that has happened to you in drag?
A: This is a tough question. Drag has taught me a lot about myself and what I value personally and in the people around me. I have met tons of celebs in the club scene, and I was even fortunate enough to have Leona Lewis sing happy birthday to me a few years ago. I also got a chance to meet and chat with Chaz Bono. Last year, some of my sisters and I ended up on national TV featured on America’s Got Talent with the opportunity to impersonate the Spice Girls. That was so cool. I mean, there are tons of memories that were awesome, but I feel like the best and most rewarding has been the power I have found though drag to change lives. Recently I worked with Jackson Memorial Hospital’s burn unit and had a “Glam Day” with some of their burn survivors. These girls had suffered from severe burn damage and the center invited me in to show some makeup tips and basically have a fun makeup day. Well, it turned into much more than that. It was an amazing experience that opened my eyes to the power I possess as a drag queen and as a person. It goes beyond the fame and the glamor when I realized I can actually make a real lasting difference in people’s lives with what I do! That realization, inspiration, and motivation has been the best thing to happen to me in drag, to date.
Q: What differentiates you from other Queens (Makes you Unique)?
A: I’m the people’s queen! The main thing that sets me apart is my personality and my love to be a hostess! I really get my thrills from being in a crowd of people, meeting everyone, talking, asking questions, taking shots together. I love to perform and be on stage but much more than that I’m a people’s queen. I love to be in the mix. It’s so bad that my close friends hate going out with me because I never stand in one place, I’m always bouncing around talking to everyone! But I think that makes for a good host, and a good party… to be social, make them feel welcome, and be the person that they want to come out and have a good time with! Thankfully it comes naturally to me.
Q: What does the future hold?
A: The future is so bright! I look back and see the footprints I have left in the sand, and I look forward and see a never-ending shore! I can honestly say I see a shift from my work from the nightlife world onto a more meaningful path. Working with the burn survivors really changed my focus, and I want to use everything I have learned and my platform to expand the visibility onto heavier issues. I feel we have so many talented people in our community and if we focus those talents in the right way, we can change the world together. There’s no better time to change the world than the present!
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/05/31/queens-we-love-athena-dion/
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