#fat stronk
ricemilkyart · 1 year
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A very early concept of my human music man :D
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ohninefive · 8 months
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rate the new glasses 1-10
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tappy-tutu · 2 months
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don't think I've posted this yet
One of the only times I ever made a comic
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shadesofnavy · 5 months
and yes this was made by phantom arcade himself
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samuelroukin · 1 year
if i ever find a gym that isn't scary it's over for you hoes*
*my sad weak muscles
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cake-nastyy · 1 year
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HERE SHE IS! My Tinkaton Gijinka/OC!
God i love this mon so much and just like the real thing, Minnie was born a hater for flying metal birds <3 She also does welding and makes metal sculptures.
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boobootheslutty · 7 months
Lord Gortash with the feedism/wg fetish :') not even going on anon bc it would be too obvious
SWAG!!! <- voice of a very excited guy, who definitely isn't lurking in anyone's inboxes
ALRIGHT! Let's get down into Gort himself. Be warned, I have consumed so much of your content today so there will be bias sdfkljhgshkljdf
I think he would be so fucking sloppy <3 love him and he puts on an appearance, but it screams that this man is throwing it all on- or not taking it off after a long night working. (He totally has grease stains everywhere, sue me)
To me he is a finger eater, using his hands to pick up these filling but also fattening foods to just shove them in his awaiting maw. He fs has plates besides his workstation that never seem to disappear, yet always refill.
Before his work as a lord, it would be just something easily accessible and cheap, but now he's a lord, it can be delivered to him in excess- something to be taken advantage of. He grew up to shit parents and Raphael, so for many years he likely had this disconnect with food- but now? Fuck it we ball, he is gorging on that shit like there is no tomorrow, filling up on everything he hadn't ever before.
The first time he had a genuinely filled belly was like a sacrilegious experience, thats mainly where his sexual interest for it came in. For once in his life he didn't have hunger pains- while yes, pains of another kind- he was still *full*, no longer seen as some random rat picked off the street. He had the capacity to do things he couldn't before.
To say he enjoys it is an understatement- it is empowering to him. Also we love an enabled king, absolutely blissfully enabled by those hedonists around him in the nobility, sure they are worried about their weight, but why should he? Fuck them.
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blujayonthewing · 11 months
the problem with exercise is that I want to do fun things like parkour, but I'm so out of shape that I'd need to to ten thousand pushups before I have enough of a foundation to even start doing anything fun
'oh well, the trick is, don't think of it as ten thousand pushups and overwhelm yourself: just do three pushups every day until you can do four, and so on and it'll get easier and easier over time'
you misunderstand. I don't want to do three pushups. I want to climb trees and vault over obstacles right now
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zz-chikorita · 1 year
Thought of a random idea/ au sort of dealio where post sun/moon, after Team Skull gets disbanded, Guzma goes and lives as a recluse on Mount Lanakila because fuck people and also the ultra beasts aren't able to sense him there for some reason. His pokemon don't come out of their balls often, all being bugs and unadapted for the cold so his day to day life is going out into the snow by himself to gather/chop wood, forage, etc. He only rarely goes to the mountain's pokécenter for supplies since it's like a full day's hike from his cabin.
He keeps himself mostly covered up so people don't realize it's him, but they still avoid and are cautious of him because he's just this very large, scary, hermit.
Anyways, blah, blah, blah, insert your favorite blorbo here gets lost/injured in the snow and wakes up in a cabin, roaring fire, is offered a mug of tapu cocoa by the person who rescued them yada yada yada- Oh this guy is kinda cute, he doesn't talk much but he's very kind- something, something takes off his many layers of warm, winter clothes and he's covered in gang tattoos and other ink OH NO HE'S HOT (and also a former crime lord which is a little terrifying but like he's really just a chill dude and wants to be left alone why is everyone afraid of him?)
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autisticirishgoodbye · 9 months
My ass is too fat to use the rowing machines truly god gives his toughest challenges to his sweetest warriors or whatever the saying is 😔
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jacqcrisis · 1 year
One of my favorite things in fanfiction about video games is how people work in game mechanics, which is what I would find interesting in a stardew valley fic. Like magic exists, and the farmer engages in it with the totems and the monsters and the junimos and the talking to fucking bears and getting a special boy sword in the desert with a cool rock. That's fascinating to include for a story about a character who comes to town where THE LOCALS DONT SEEM ALL THAT BOTHERED OR THEY JUST DONT NOTICE.
So the character of the farmer is a trans guy who's always been bigger, more chubby, and working a few years in an office job has only exacerbated that even if he tries to eat well and exercise when he can. He generally aloof, kind of weird, absolutely had adhd, nice once the social awkwardness around new people fades, an absolute nerd, and determinedly hard working. Despite doing okay in life, the ennui of the corporate world takes hold and something about his late grandpa's old farm has always captivated and called to him in a way he can't explain so when he finally opens that letter, he quits and buys a ticket to Pelican Town on the spot.
Obviously, the farm is a dump and barely has working plumbing but with a mindset of 'its either this or go back to the office', he sets himself to work, clearing out the overgrown fields and planting what little he can. This is his chance to remake himself after all; no one here knows he's trans, no one here knows he's kind of a goober, and no one here has to know anything more about him than what he lets them know. So he decides to present himself as the cool quiet type when he goes into town instead of the talkative annoying, red headed dweeb he actually is.
During his first month, the locals are kind of meh about him, the junimos make their appearance, the wizard makes him drink the Dank Soup, and some interesting things happen to the farmer's...physique in the following months that is both impossible and has him scared and then jazzed. After the first change, he goes to the wizard for help who calms him down and assures him its probably some kind of thanks/incentive from the forest spirits to keep him on track with helping them. With that, the farmer is even more determined to meets the junimos demands.
While the place is weird and weird shit keeps happening, he’s more than happy he moved out here as the first of his crops come in. The farmer gets settled into the town, meets all the locals, and that is where the second part of 'trouble' starts...(this the self indulgent part which is going under a read more)
It's during the first summer that the attitude of the local bachelors starts to change around the farmer. He's always been reserved, quiet, and yet nice around most of them, so for that first season, most didn't notice much. Yet, as if by magic, the farmer gets a bit taller, broader, stronger, and it becomes a lot harder to ignore him when he's hurriedly walking through town, trying to make it to Pierre's before it closes because he forgot to buy more seeds AGAIN.
Shane is the first to have a new opinion on the farmer. He gets kicked out of Marnies on one of his days off for being a depressive little shit and so he takes a walk half drunk into the woods but ends up on the path to the farm up north. Suddenly, he's doing this every Sunday, starting out sometime at noon with a six pack and all hushed up about what he's doing when Marnie asks which is, in fact, spending a few hours drinking and watching his aloof quiet neighbor work under the hot sun, often times shirtless. It's a late Sunday night in early fall after an awful work week when he works up the liquid courage to hop the fence and see if the farmer needs some kind of hand that has nothing to do with his crops.
Harvey starts having to see a lot of the farmer, especially when he starts going into the mines cause he's getting the shit beat out of him by slimes and bugs. So doc sees him in all states of wear and tear and undress and dear God is it something for the awkward doctor man who's finding out his exact type is muscular and chubby and happy to follow the doctor upstairs for a special kind of exam.
Elliott is listless in his search for inspiration but becomes fascinated by the burly new farmer who comes to the beach every few days to fish and check his traps. An odd man reminiscent of a romantic interest in a bodice ripper who rebuilds the broken bridge and gives Elliot any extra fish or crabs he's caught and who doesn't seem to mind when Elliott sits close by with pen and paper, covertly observing. A storm surprises them one fishing session in the winter and its out of the kindness in Elliott’s heart to offer a dry place to stay until the worst of it passes and if he asks for some personal assistance in garnering a different kind of inspiration, well that’s neither here nor there.
The farmer is seen a lot throughout the town, and someone as athletically conscious as Alex has had a wide range of judgements passed onto the farmer. First, a smug mocking opinion about this overweight, out of shape dude taking over a farm, and then one of amazement as the dude works hard at his job and gains more muscle and then finally, at the spa, something a bit more conflicted as he keeps stumbling upon the farmer disrobed and relaxing from a hard day’s work. Alex discovers a few things, most importantly that sound carries extremely well in the spa, but, thankfully, its just the two of them around to hear it.
Or so they think, as there’s one blonde who’s accidentally stumbled across a few illicit meetings of the farmer's and this latest one at the spa is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Sam bitches about it to Sebastian the next time they hang out, ranting and raving about how many times he’s seen the farmer inside some guy around Pelican Town. It’s not like he’s homophobic or anything, but holy shit, why is this always happening to him? Sebastian is kind of weird after hearing this, and actually leaves early because, well...
For Sebastian, he's gotten a very different side of the farmer than most everyone else. He's goofy, he's awkward, he's anxious, he can't sit still, he doesn't stop talking, and he seems to love dropping by and handing things off to Sebastian, whether it's food or something neat from down in the mines. At first, Seb thought he was kind of weird but they've become friends due to shared interests and he's slowly realized he's had a crush on the farmer for a while now and has been trying to figure out how to broach that topic or even just find out if the guy is into dudes at all.
Hearing from an annoyed Sam the farmer has literally fucked every other eligible bachelor in the Valley except him is soul crushing. He doesn't know how to take it and kind of avoids the farmer as he goes around to confirm that his friend and crush is indeed kind of a manwhore. The other four dudes confirm it, all of having hooked up with him anywhere from a few times (Alex) to several (Elliot) to a *shrugs* 'I stopped counting two hands ago' (Shane). Harvey isn't forthcoming with a number but it's somewhere close to Shane given how he mumbles something about ‘bi-weekly’.
His confidence somewhere in hell, Sebastian pretends not to care, realizes he cares a lot, gets a little drunk, and goes to confront the farmer...
And yeah. It's story that would incorporate the forest magic and the inherent weirdness of the game mechanics while also being smutty cause why the fuck not. Idk if I'll ever write it, but I think about and refine it whenever I play stardew valley.
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cassiefisherdrake · 1 year
Nothing has helped me get over as much internalized fatphobia (of the 'anyone can be fat and that's fine... except for ME' variety) like having an OC who is fat that I am obsessed with. My main Guardian, Nova-3, is fat and also strong as FUCK, and like, damn. That shit is so powerful that it's contagious. If this character who lives in my brain can be fat and strong and love her body to the point that she decided to have her exo body built the same way, then maybe I can love the fat on my body too.
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hungryhyena · 2 years
h. how does one start working out. especially when one has bad knees and also intense anxiety abt doing so bc they are fat and have been made fun of for trying in the past. i dont know what im doing and my knees hurt
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causticcontemplation · 4 months
45 pounds from maxing out this hip abduction machine and 30 pounds away on the glute machine 💪
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beast-of-gluttony · 10 months
I am reminded of how strong I am when I decide to reanarage my whole bedroom by myself and I start just moving furniture with almost no struggle.
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Taking nudes and having to remind myself that my thighs are mostly muscle to stop myself from amputating them
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