#fantasy rpg i wanna try to get the feel of dnd. i mean i want all of these to feel like campaigns but
frenchphobic · 8 months
hmm torn between vampire v werewolf server emphasis on conflict, fantasy rpg with fire and ice and ars noveau, or a zombie apocalypse server
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transdrowned · 3 years
please do i want to hear them
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@salamencerobot @rutilated-quarz 8)
Well lads. The votes are in.
Tiny ones first:
Every living thing is sensitive to Glitches, which are entities that break the laws of their given World, IE Herobrine, Obviously, or someone who has a creative inventory despite being in Survival. Glitches have this sort of unsettling vibe to them, and it makes people avoid or be scared of them.
Illagers are actually extremely organized and cultured, and each World usually has several reigning noble or notable families. Villagers, however, are prone to living in independent communities from one-another, rather than band into full cities or kingdoms or the like.
Endermen call teleporting “blinking”, because that’s how it feels to them. (Get it. Cause pearls can be made into ender eyes. Eyes can blink. Ha.) (Also, I like using DND and other fantasy and RPG terms for Minecraft. Because it’s fun.)
Hostile mobs are intelligent and are having Slamacow parties when we’re not looking. I’m kidding. But seriously, several kinds of hostile mobs also have languages. Endermen who learn playerspeak sound very “fuzzy”, and Spiders and Creepers have some overlap in their very hissing-based languages. I just think it’d be fun for everyone to be at least capable of being friends, alright.
Respawn works for Everyone. Which means, yes, you Are killing the same exact skeleton in your mob grinder. How cruel.
And now. The Big One.
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I think… I think Minecraft should be technofantasy. For fun.
The world is, in fact, a program, The Program, if you will. It’s run by two Administrators, who are the closest things to gods the Program has, and we’re already familiar with them. I choose to think, in a roundabout way, that chapels in villages are meant for them. Mother Moon, Father Sun. Because I think religion is just neat, and so so human.
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The Program is a sprawling mass of redstone and command blocks and computers that hovers in a wide white gridspace, which occupies its own dimension. The Program grows, sometimes in independent parts which it grafts on over time, which is how it updates itself. It does not stop growing. Its goal is to be perpetual, always becoming new, upcycling code and existing forever. The Admins, Poets, whatever you’d like to call them, aid in this by overseeing.
A hot topic in Minecraft worldbuilding theories is the origins of man-made structures that exist in the Overworld and the End. My idea is that it’s upcycled or regrafted code.
Currently, the Program hosts all Worlds on their own separate servers. This was not always the case; there was once one singular world, with an Overworld, an End, a Nether, as well as all the Dimensions from the Infinity Snapshot; the Program could bear the load of hosting all these Dimensions, because it only had to do so once.
The inhabitants of the first World I will dub Worldwalkers; they were adventurers, scholars, a developed people rich in wanderlust and ideas and hungry to know more. They built and explored and lived their lives and wanted to know everything. And so, they managed to stumble upon the Program.
The Program was never meant to be accessed; it was meant to be insular, never tampered by outside unapproved hands, but there are holes in every firewall and the Worldwalkers managed to poke in the right place.
Their falling was the result of foolishness and hubris; destruction of the physical manifestation of the coding of their universe, resulting in the great Fracture.
The World split into thousands upon thousands, and the Program, struggling to bear the load, locked all Worlds into their three core dimensions and generated dedicated servers to host them.
Everything the Worldwalkers built was destroyed, but not deleted. More and more of their relics are grafted into every World as the Program updates. The End Cities have returned, Monuments and Mansions repurposed, and odds and ends scattered all over creations.
And the Worldwalkers themselves turned into something new, since what they were shattered. Something that still feels the call of wanderlust and now can travel almost completely freely. Something that can’t fit into the cities they live around, trying to build. Something that’s hypersensitive to seeing the codes of others, which drives them to rage.
The same is true for the Dragon. She’s forgotten her purpose. She ignores those she was born to protect, but still guards the End as her own, like a guard dog whose owner is long gone. It is her home, even if she is, for the most part, lost in purpose thanks to the breaks in her own memories, her own code. Shulkers are the same, defending empty homes. The worms… The worms are new.
And that’s where reincarnation comes in, too; since the Program never deletes code, especially for entities, it upcycles it into something new. Sometimes, it’s only a string. But sometimes… Sometimes there is enough of the old code to give you feelings, fuzzy memories that you can’t seem to grasp at. Like fog in the wind, curling away. Everyone and everything, when they die, becomes something or someone new. There is no true death of one’s code.
Endermen are especially prone to this feeling.
So! All Worlds are derivative of a single World that was Fractured beyond repair and glitched out so hard it split itself into thousands upon thousands. Worlds are on separate servers and cannot cross over.
Remember the Infinity Snapshot?
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The Program accidentally reloaded old rejected code that it couldn’t get rid of. You can’t give every World uncounted dimensions; the Program would fry.
So the solution is just one. Make each Dimension its own micro-server.
All servers that were not affected by the Infinity Patch [meant to repair this glaring hole in security and functionality] can still contact each-other, swap servers even.
They just need to be on the same Dimension at the same time.
PS: I have a former glitched Worldwalker OC that acts as a Moderator and Antivirus. Her name is Tek. I’m having fun and I’m aware this is all silly.
Sidenote: I will never count N*tch or any Mojang creators in my lore or headcanon ideas, I don’t care, I respect the people who make the game, I just don’t wanna do that. It feels weird.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
March 30th-April 5th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from   March 30th, 2020 to April 5th, 2020.  The chat focused on  Crypts and Cantrips by Kieran Thompson.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Crypts and Cantrips by Kieran Thompson~! (http://cryptsandcantrips.kytri.net/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until April 5th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Just starting the first chapter...hmm, what is the establishment hiding, that they're so against the idea of making new maps?
And I'm intrigued by the idea of a society that's frankly & cheerfully accepting of trans people, but also, doesn't know that lesbians exist? Or has a fixation on a super-narrow PIV-specific idea of virginity. Or both? If the issue was "this person can't be allowed to get pregnant before the arranged marriage or it would be A Scandal," that would be a logical reason to divide up which sexy things are "safe" vs. which aren't, but it isn't framed that way...
Okay, end-of-the-chapter blurb says that is what it's about. It's just odd that the dialogue was coy about "the issue is pregnancy" while being so blunt about other things. (I was just reading another comic with a trans princess character, and wow, what an awkward plot twist that could lead to. "So, the good news is, there wasn't an accidental pregnancy in the direction you were afraid of, but...")
"I made a fantasy trope in this comic work the way I wish it worked in a certain other canon" is such a great motivator.
Geez, this kid's only been adventuring for 5 minutes before someone gets murdered in front of him. Poor guy.
...on the bright side, oh good, the princess is aware that lesbians exist.
Loving this axolotl dragon art. http://cryptsandcantrips.kytri.net/comic/chapter-3-extras-17/
And the orca dragon that follows.
Have now read through the Dramatic Twist. Not gonna go into details for the sake of other first-time readers, but it's more complicated than these plots usually seem to get in fantasy settings, and I'm into it.
I like the comic. The relationships are fun to watch develop. I found the character introductions a little awkward with the announcement of their various types of sexuality. But after establishing them, I found their personalities interesting and was looking forward to reading more.
What I liked about the beginning of the comic is kind of just how quickly it starts world-building with stuff like the issue of discrimination in the market or just the general name dropping of stuff. All of it felt pretty natural, and as I consider world-building vitally important for fantasy, I really liked the comic didn't hide its punches. My favorite moment was actually when the stranger on the road said "please come help my wagon" and then it devolved into them being attacked. This is like one of the most stereotypical fantasy things to happen, but that's kind of why I liked it. It added familiar comfort food with all the new stuff, and I liked just having something like that 100% met my expectations for what was about to happen. My favorite character right now is definitely Taneli. I love just how sweet and accepting she is. But I also kind of like she's just really...not entirely capable because she's lived the sheltered palace life and not gotten out much. Usually that's something I'd find annoying, but something about Taneli just makes it work so I absolutely adore how overall innocent she is even in spite of being stuck in an arranged marriage. I like seeing Kitov and Taneli interact the most. They have a beautiful, touching, and supportive relationship going on and I like how theyre similar in regards to world experience. It doesn't make it feel like either of them is somehow superior or has the upperhand, so it's just communication between equals.
As for the art, I really like the character designs. They aren't overly complicated, but are each very unique as well, and I think overall they got that right fantasy DnD vibe to them that just really suits the story being told. I kind of like that the story is exploring the theme of duty and arranged marriages. Usually when it comes to arranged marriage, 90% of stories write protagonists that do everything in their power to escape and express their individuality and freedom. But I like that this story is kind of exploring the idea of duty and how we as people deal with the concept. I also just in general like it's exploring the political things surrounding it. Like I love that frank conversation Taneli had with the king about marrying him for the kid to become the ruler, and he was completely unoffended seeming. This was just a real refreshing approach since as much as I love freedom, I also love talking about when duty needs to override freedom. As for what I like about the comic's story is that this really feels like a tabletop campaign. So many stories claim to be tabletop rpg-like, but they really deviate from the feel I imagine when I think of such a story. So I kind of like that this comic captures that spirit of adventure perfectly. As for the comic's overall strengths, for me it's just kind of the whole fantasy package. Between the art, the world-building, story's feel of being a tabletop, I think the comic is like the epitome of high fantasy and hits all the notes I personally believe high fantasies need to hit. So if someone said fantasy comic, this would be at the top of the list for a comic I would think of.
Comic Tea Party
9. Why do you think King Rishor was murdered, and why was Taneli seemingly framed in the process? Also, how do you think Leo got involved in everything, and how big of a role do you think he had in the plot?
10. What do you think will happen to Kitov and company as they search for answers and try to avoid capture? Will the group be able to find Leo, and if so, will that be enough to clear their names of suspicion?
11. Given Kitov and Taneli are both similar in regards to their experience levels, how do you think the events of the story will change them and their perspectives on the world? In what ways do you think they’ll remain the same?
12. How do you think the world itself will be affected by King Rishor’s death? Could it escalate into a war, or might Minash Turgal change for the worse? How will this affect characters like Lirre who helps Kitov and company out?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
I get the impression King Rishor was probably murdered for two reasons. Once, to destabilize the country/kingdom/w/e you wanna call it, and two to start some sort of war (hence why you frame Taneli). Leo I think is just the pawn of someone else. In some ways, I kind of feel like Leo is a victim of great pain and that pain was somehow manipulated for nefarious means. As for Kitov and company, I think they'll find Leo, but heck no will that clear them of suspicion. You can't just escape and have no consequences or continued suspicion. That will not play into their favor. SO they're gonna have to just dig deeper and deeper into the plot and still run from the law at every turn. Though I do kind of feel they'll wind up back home at some point and find out things are bad there too somehow. As for the world itself, since I already mentioned this, I do think there's gonna be war brewing. Maybe not get to the point where it happens, but people will be scrambling around to prevent it and there'll probably be lots of angry people causing havoc in Minash Turgal cause these are the sorts of things where people need someone to blame. I think Lirre will probably be fine because I don't want to think about bad things happening to Lirre O_O Finally, regarding Kitov and Taneli changing. I think they're both gonna gain some smarts from this. I feel like Kitov could learn some more street smarts and learn that not every nice seeming person is a good person and that it's okay to distrust people you just met. Meanwhile, I think Taneli is just gonna learn the struggles normal people go through outside of the sheltered life she's lived, and that she'll be much wiser when it comes to politics. However, I think they'll both remain lovely people who are sweet and have that twinkle in their eye.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I feel like the murder of King Rishor was foreshadowed on this page: https://cryptsandcantrips.kytri.net/comic/twelve-4/ With the whole "obviously the people like me, because if they didn't, they'd vote to replace me" bit. Like, sure, that's true on a country-wide scale... but votes are majority rule, not unanimous. And sometimes... the smaller group of people who disagree with you can be very vocal.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Taneli's my favorite too. She's very sheltered, but her heart's in the right place and she's adjusting as fast as she can, and she's active and enthusiastic which is great for plot motion. Plus, she gets the best clothes. I like the worldbuilding of "actually, our country has all kinds of mold-breaking things like non-hereditary elected rulers and public transportation." Here's hoping it catches on more widely. Leo's plotting is...complicated. Escorting the Princess gave him a great opportunity to get close for the assassination, and since he had the stuff in the luggage, it seems like he was plotting it the whole time. But the fact that Taneli was a Princess at all was supposed to be a secret from everyone except Kitov, right? The others were all surprised when it came out. Was it a plan that only came together when he arrived, and the poison was just planted to frame the others? Or was the poison in the luggage all along, and the secrecy of the whole mission was compromised from the beginning? Unrelated, I thought the sexual-orientation references were well-done. It's not like the whole cast sat in a circle and announced a list of identities each -- it came up naturally in one conversation with a few people, and they mentioned the parts of their experience that were relevant. Also really liked "masculinization potion." Some of the trans-related vocabulary stuck out from the rest of the dialogue, but this feels natural -- like, of course, those are the words a Medieval D&D Fantasy Person would use for it.
What I'm most looking forward to seeing in the comic is probably just more of the plot revealed as to why assassinate the king and finding the whole motivation behind everything. Just because I'm hoping it opens up more questions to explore and also helps build the world. My final words are simply that this is a lovely comic with likeable characters and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes in terms of plot since the plot has definitely caught my interest.
Hi, uh this is my first post here. I'm the writer/artist of Crypts and Cantrips. The week is over in about half an hour in my time zone, and I just wanted to stop in and say thanks for including my comic and for everyone's kind words.
My comics tend not to spark much discussion or feedback so it was a really nice change of pace.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Crypts and Cantrips this week! Please also give a special thank you to Kieran Thompson for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Crypts and Cantrips, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://cryptsandcantrips.Kytri.net/
Kieran’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Kytri
Kieran’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/itsKytri
Kieran’s itch.io Store: https://Kytri.itch.io/
Kieran’s Teepublic page: https://www.teepublic.com/user/Kytri
Kieran’s TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Kytri
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