#fantasy dragon au ref
effervescentdragon · 2 years
Let's go with F1 x GoT who's the heir to the iron throne
oh god Gin why do you do this to me my mind is REELING at the moment okay you're getting my unfiltered thoughts it's been so long since ive read asoiaf my god so this is gonna be a mishmash of that and this vague fantasy dragon au ive had in the back of my mind for some time!
charles. fuck it all, charles is the heir to the iron throne, and im not gonna connect it to the asoiaf worldbuilding properly bcs i am a targaryen trash forever and ever idegaf, but like, he's the heir to the iron throne. im sorry he has the most mythological vibes ive ever seen a person have in my LIFE. throw in ferrari (i did a fic on ferrari antrophomorphised as old gods in relation to seb mainly, also kimi and charles and ngl that has been influencing me ever since bcs i have feelings abt ferrari), throw that in as the force behind it all.
throw in mercedes as sorta like the north and the starks (because i love the starks i love them) but with the baratheon role, except i dont like baratheons, so a mishmash of it all kinda, them being on the throne for so long after emerging victorious in the battles from mostly within (brocedes brainrot), sir lewis hamilton, the greatest knight of the realm after ferrari's michael schumacher, blessed by the politheistic gods (mixing of the teams) and blessed in general, whose achievements cannot be rivaled in this life or the next, a myth like man with eyes alternating kindness and coldness thrust upon him.
throw in rbr as a mishmash of the north and the lannisters in the other direction, a once promised, prodigy having dynasty that tries and tries to replicate and take what was once promised to them but failing (because there can only be one sebastian vettel, all the others after him pale in comparison, all the others will never carry the sunshine in their smiles or their hair or their eyes, sunshine that warms and makes you smile, but sunshine that burns you when you come too close), clinging to their laurels and trying to get the throne by any means, and failing failing failing.
there's pierre there, acolyte of rb, maybe a snow or a stone or a storm, but he is childhood friends with this one boy that has gold and destiny in his eyes, that everyone knows about and that is taken up in the fight of the old gods, a dragon rider whose shoulders are heavy with burden and responsibility thrust upon him, by the destinies of other men who were supposed to be where he is now (i have thoughts about jules and rheagar oh my god oh my god i cant) and they were childhood friends, and they loved each other in a way thats unnaceptable to those around him, and they get separated and then life happened but they never really completely forgot about one another, and idk what happens but like imagine them as dany and jon without the stupidity that happened after, and imagine pierre in the night watch, sent away by rbr like jon was sent away, and imagine them reconnecting. imagine charles searching for him when he realised his life wasnt his own and he was just being manipulated, imagine him coming down on a red dragon (like wine like blood like the red of ferrari still) in the middle of the battle with the white walkers for some reason that can make narrative sense somehow, and burning them all, and giving pierre a dragon egg of clearest blue, almost white, and a dragon emerging from within for his rightful rider (im mixing in eragon lore just because i can apparently) and just looking eachother in the eyes with i have searched for you for my whole life without knowing it was you and i know your eyes from my dreams i know them and i know you and just-
oh god fuck. i have more thoughts but like. this is a start, isn't it?
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saltlog · 7 months
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thecarmenstartist · 1 year
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THE ONE AND THE ONLY!! umber my beloved and he FINALLY HAS A REF
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
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u guys can have these very old little doodles of auby dragon form . if u wanted a general idea of what it looks like. the ultimate silly. fucked up cat.
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suugiart · 1 year
What if I redesigned Fantasy AU dragon Dabi?
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What if instead of burns he had markings? (Scales will be added)
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paintedkinzy-88 · 5 months
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Take them. Take them before I regret everything and delete it all— /j
Fbsjfnksnf you have no idea the anxiety I have plowed through to get this out there it has been REALLY HARD FOR SOME REASON. BUT. Here they be. Some kind of intro to a Rise Dragon AU that I’ll definitely need to name one day that is not today.
It won’t be a very big AU. Very Leo Centric if you can’t tell… what can I say I have a favorite and it shows. I just thought it would be something neat I could tamper with in between other things, like Undertale stuff and the Ghost Leo AU. All of which I will come back to. At some point.
ANYWHO yes this is all modern day New York, I liked messing with the plot more than coming up with a whole new fantasy world sue me. I’m thinking Draxum still tried to make an army, but was foiled way before he could really begin. Before that, tho, he was ALSO trying to revive the ancient yokai species of dragons, with two successful specimens so far… but all four were snatched when Splints escaped. One dragon, three eggs.
There’s a lot more to that but that’s the basic bitch summary for now. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Oh and don’t trust the height ref there, this one is more accurate:
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gaiussaidno · 9 months
Hankcon Bingo 2023 - Creature: Dragon.
Things got a little weird here, but i like it! connor's not the most Aesthetic dragon ever, but i based him mostly off a komodo dragon and used bat wings as a ref for his dragon wings. i like to think this au would be like: a dragon keeps popping up in nearby kingdoms bc he's curious about humans and wants to find a home to live. no knight can catch the dragon and kill it bc it seems to disappear into thin air every time. in reality, connor's practicing transforming into a human in each town and learning to blend in as he scopes the place out, dissatisfied for one reason or another, before transforming into a dragon again and moving onto a new place. and eventually, he seems to settle into hank's kingdom. hank used to be a fantastic, happy and accomplished king, but now he's cynical and jaded, many years after the death of his only son, prince cole. the dragon lands in his kingdom and doesn't seem to want to leave, so he offers himself as a sacrifice to it without knowing what connor's like or what he wants. maybe hank hopes to be eaten by the dragon, but the way he phrases it is something like "i give my life to you" and connor's like, "!!! bonding?? MARRIAGE?? :D A HUMAN KING AND ME? i'll get to know what humans are like in this nice kingdom! yippee!!" and hank's like "ah shit- that's not what i meant!", but they're bound by magic at this point. and then connor transforms into his best approximation of himself as a human and hank's endeared to this strange fella who still struggles to keep his form human. and u can easily imagine the angst of dragon hunters chasing connor down too and hank having to show everyone why he was once considered one of the best kings
Square: Square A2 - Creature: Dragon
Rating: Gen
Ship(s): Hank Anderson/Connor RK800
Warnings: (lmk if anything)
Additional Tags: accidental marriage, dragon au, medieval fantasy au, weredragon?, magic, (lmk if anything else)
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skullhaver · 21 days
Night, informal, wardrobe, makeup and alternative for Athren
This set of prompts truly is well-tailored (hah) to Athren's interests. And it gives me an excuse to share the art you created of him!
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wardrobe: How big is your character’s wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
Prior to coming into a small fortune during the events of Dragon Heist, Athren's financial situation was like:
Food $200 Rent $800 Clothing $3,600 Books $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
He definitely spent way disproportionately above his means on both quantity and quality of clothes. Happily made sacrifices in other areas of his life in order to dress better. In his former life as a noble House servant in Menzoberranzan, not only did he have to spend all his working hours in a uniform, but his clothing choices during his non-working hours were heavily restricted by both his finances and his caste. Now that he's on the surface, getting to express himself through clothes is HUGE to him.
Athren likes having a lot of clothes, especially by the standard of renaissance fantasy pre-industrial-manufacturing. For him, clothes are an art collection. He never throws anything out. If something he wears frequently starts wearing thin, he'd mend, modify, or get it re-tailored into something new. For statement outfits (like the outrageous Sean Connery Highlander look worn to the Cassalanters' midsummer ball), it will have a place of honor in his closet forever as an art piece to display and enjoy.
He doesn't have the skill to make his own clothes, but he does know how to mend simple tears, replace buttons, etc. The kind of thing anybody who grows up poor or middle class would know. And he also knows a lot about maintaining clothing to keep things in excellent condition, although he is very happy to have enough money to pay other people to do his laundry these days. And I love watching YouTube videos about historical clothing, so I have definitely thought about how his clothes get washed.
I was having so much fun with these!! I'll put the rest under a readmore.
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Going to take you through my thought process verbatim on this one.
Huh, never thought about this. Even sleeping/in reverie, he'd still want to feel luxurious. But he'd prioritize comfort, too. And what's physically comfortable would be something that's familiar to him. I wonder if spider silk is soft. It would be so funny if he used his Dragon Heist earnings for super special Underdark-imported spider silk pajamas. Hey isn't Rae's Dragon Heist PC Kiarhys from a merchant family specializing in textiles, with business operations both below and aboveground?
Something something I think there is a worldstate where Athren and Kiarhys meet via his quest for fancy pajamas.
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
Rarely, but for special occasions or to coordinate with certain ensembles, sure. I'm quite partial to the way in The Mask of Mirrors men casually wear metallic eyeshadow/eyeliner sometimes. Also I think highlighter on his already nice cheekbones would be devastating. Davil should get to be quietly dazzled on a date where he sees Athren wear makeup for the first time.
informal: What’s your OC’s lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they’re winding down?
Although I devote a lot of time to finding sumptuous Elizabethan outfit refs for Athren, the man does actually own regular, comfortable tunic-and-trouser renaissance fantasy staple clothes.
alternate: What would your OC’s alternate universe look be? If they’re a fantasy character, what’s their modern look?
The best way to capture Athren's sartorial sensibilities in a modern AU would be to put him in a semi-alternative fashion that looks flamboyant but still sharp. I'd dress him in the Black Dandy revival style. Some examples: The Iconic Dandy Wellington:
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From Meet the Black Dandies:
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marashi96art · 1 year
Since I laughed at you for not having the anon asks on, I'll ask you a question. :P
Aside from Titanic, what other movies inspire you when drawing Cleon?
I love Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock so much that I want them to be my celebrity parents. But they are just best friends and always have been this way since they worked on the film Speed (1994), and The Lake House (2006) 12 years later.
When I first got into Cleon, they were the only "couple" in my mind and I have been preaching this ever since. I think they are my core of Cleon, and I rewatch Speed every month lmao.
I've also mentioned a few movies on my AO3 log, and here are MORE honorable mentions:
Action Movies:
Point Break (1991) Someone recommended me to watch Fast & Furious series for RE AU(and I have), but this movie is the OG of F&F series.
The Gray Man (2022) Kickass power couple saving a little girl, together. I use it for RE4 era ref, and I kinda have a reverse AU of Claire being trained to be an FBI agent to follow her brother's steps and Leon is just a random college boy.
Mission Impossible series I was talking with my friend about how Hollywood cliche Capcom can be.
RED (2010) & RED 2 (2013) If RE9 is about the OG team reunion like DI, they will be exactly like these movies, grandpas & grandmas still kicking ass.
Fantasy & Rom-com:
One Day (2011) Friends to lovers…The drama. In fact, my newest art has used this for ref, and you will see it in 2 days.
Now and Then (1995) Teenage Cleon. Childhood neighbors, enemies to friends to crushes lmao.
What Maisie Knew (2012) Spoiler alert I'm planning to draw a series of this. I'm not into Cleon having children but if they are, I'll do it my way ;)
Life as We Know It (2010) Enemies to friends to lovers again. And raising a baby together.
No Strings Attached (2011), Friends with Benefits (2011) Not really into FWB Cleon but you writers kinda like to write this? So I rewatch them recently, well, it could work.
The Mummy (1999) You cannot tell me Rick O'Connell didn't reference Leon's design. Again, gonna draw this soon.
The Huntsman: Winter's War(2016) Pretty average, I only use ref for outfit design but Jessica Chastain is so beautiful in this. (But my ideal live-action Claire is Rebecca Ferguson, just FYI)
Far and Away (1992) LMAO I've always thought of this movie as the prequel of Titanic.
Drive (2011) My favorite movie of all time. And I saw someone already draw it, I reblog it to my main account a few days ago. I will draw another one soon, my fav scene is not the elevator scene so, no worries.
Marriage Story (2019) Literally just rewatched it last night. I love the arguing/fighting scene so much, and it kinda suits my idea of how Claire will leave Leon for his drinking problem.
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) I don't know why this movie got so much hate, but I think the part when Steve came back and later Diana has to let him go…Inspired me to draw Cleon.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Directed by David Fincher. It's more for Claire honestly. But the Scandinavian scenery is something I long for.
Oblivion(2013), Edge of Tomorrow(2014) Both staring Tom Cruise. And I regret that I didn't go to the theater for both of them, at the time I thought the posters were boring, but they turned out to be really good, at least for my taste.
Not gonna put Romeo and Juliet (1996) on the list bc I don't use Leonardo DiCaprio for my Leon when drawing, I use Brad Pitt more, for he has a better fashion sense haha. Claire Danes is already perfect.
Some TV shows as well:
Full House (1987-1995) Uncle Jesse & Aunt Becky, just search them on Pinterest.
My So-Called Life (1994-1995) Angela Chase & Jordan Catalano. I Only use Jared Leto's appearance for ref; characteristically speaking, Leon is more like Brian in this show.
Peaky Blinders (2013-2022) For Noir outfit or Mob AU cuz why not?
Rougue One (2016 movie), Andor (2022) I love Star Wars and fuck…Cassian and Jyn are so Cleon-coded! I'm mostly into SW fashion, they have some dope jackets in Andor. Seriously go watch, Andor is as good as The Last of Us.
Ride with Norman Reedus (2016-) They got some cool bikes in the first season and Cleon bike date on PCH…My beach Cleon is inspired by this show actually.
I didn't even try hard to think about these and can still go on for days…Still, I think it's good enough for one ask for now hehe.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
fantasy dragon au 👀
Hi anon i love you ❤️
It also has one sentence in it, and its this.
He remembers everything he was ever told.
From what i remember, it was a sebchal, maybe. Idk, seb was a dragon, there was some ferrari fuckery personification, charles was the dragon rider, sth sth antrophomorphised dragons that can take human form (im a dragonfucker first and foremost ngl), i had ideas but i lost them in the stupid dump thats my brain. So. I guess i should maybe think abt it sometime, or it will come to me randomly, as things do :)
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pomellon · 7 months
PR1 AUs:
🌌 Dragon AU Takes place in a fantasy setting where a mass extinction event has happened, killing most dragon and magical creatures. What’s left are small settlements and groups dragons fighting to survive in a harsh and hostile world, struggling to stay alive while escaping an ever growing void corruption. Main Tags: PR1 Dragon AU | Character Refs | Lore/Worldbuilding Currently working on: • Refs and au setting • Setting up side blog!
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sp-newkidkris · 7 months
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I'm trying to get back in a south park mood, so here's a doodle of Red and Heidi (mostly just a Reidi drawing) in my fantasy au (Legends of Zaron)
Red's a dragon slayer and Heidi is a witch.
They're not 100% ref accurate but that's only because my phone has low battery.
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ramune-raven-art · 2 years
hey! I need some help with my fanfic, mainly in writing sonic and how the whole multidimensional thing works! I just wanna ask some people who aren't worried about spoilers privately what they think should go down! DM me if you think you know how sonic should act!
oh also Roxy has a ref now
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and I post this under my da posts but I'll post it here too!
hi :)
I'm making a comic lol :)
it's about my sonic ocs, but I will add sonic at some point I just need help writing him idk how to write him 🥺
basic plot: Alternate universe! It's more Fantasy esc, Perytons jackalopes wolpertingers dragons ext ext they exist. Magic is also common place alongside tech.
Samson Aldine is sorta the eggman of this universe,, but make eggman like 10× more willing to kill, no, like homelander style, this guy is crazy. He's a power hungry crazy Cultist who just so happens to be quite the inventor. He wants to rule the multiverse to make everyone follow his god, he's genuinely crazy.
And he'll do anything to get his goal fulfilled, I can't really say much else without spoiling my fanfic :)!!!
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crazysnor1ax · 2 years
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Walani’s design for my fantasy AU (that I’ve decided to call my smoke and mirrors au, at least for now)!
Lore on her, Willow (whose ref you can find here) and the overall AU underneath the cut.
She’s a retired pirate and has settled in a coastal village with the rest of her family. After a dragon started to terrorize her village, she was sent to deal with the problem since she’s an only child and her parents are a bit past their fighting days. She eventually teams up with Willow to solve the mystery behind the dragon attacks.
She’s a dragon that’s spent the past few years of her life living in a cave not far from the village Walani lives in. Though she has no problem with people something seems to be keeping her from becoming a part of society. She claims she enjoys living alone, but this wyvern seems to be hiding some part of her past. After Walani finds her cave Willow agrees to help her solve the mystery behind the dragon attacks.
I have plans for a few other characters to show up, namely Wilson, Wendy, Maxwell, Charlie, and Winona. I might add others later but for now that’s who I’ve got. I don’t wanna spoil too much, since the whole idea I have for this AU is sorta a mystery fantasy thing. It started as a ship thing (which it very much still is lmao), but now I’ve got all these plot ideas and world-building in my head like different magic classes and species and whatnot.
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royal-dusk · 6 months
Hello there! This is @pomellon's PR1 sideblog for my current and future AUs. Art, posts, reblogs, and asks will still be posted on my main and then be reblogged here, but if you only want to see my PR1 content, or quickly see if something has been updated, this is the blog to follow!
Art Tag Ask Tag
🌌 Dragon AU Takes place in a fantasy setting where a mass extinction event has happened, killing most dragon and magical creatures. What’s left are small settlements and groups dragons fighting to survive in a harsh and hostile world, struggling to stay alive while escaping an ever growing void corruption. Main Tags: PR1 Dragon AU | Character Refs | Lore/Worldbuilding Ships: Zeroyalchaos Currently working on: • Refs and au setting
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cleocatrablossy · 9 months
Current project list in chronological order of hopeful completion before it devolves into a general list:
Draw Henbit and Algernon for D&D-tomorrow
Write out Henbits’ backstory- tomorrow
Write out more Road-trip AU stuff in hopes of being able to post it before surgery- Friday
Seasonal life series drawings
Write desert duo fluff(whether or not shipping is to be decided)
Make a ref for Fatalis
Walking animations with hermits and life series folks
General watcher/listener designs as well as those affiliated in form
Pearl PMV
Practice painting & backgrounds
Finally finish or redo my month old HotGuy drawing
Buddy Hollyleaf pmv
Runs in the family! Finally finish it! The dumbasses need some love
Finish some cultural world beholding elements for (unnamed fantasy story)
More dragons for Pandemoneus Ataraxia
Draw fanart for a bunch of fics I like
Begin collecting plants, animals, and biomes to make a wheel for things to work on researching
Ethomoweb world building, culture stuff, and doodles explaining
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