#fantastical multiverse mod
flibbertiigibbet · 9 months
Running around as a kobold artificer (dark urge) named Bones is such a small thing that fills me with so much joy actually
They're a menace and craves violence and is just a little silly :3
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shittyutmv · 6 months
Ello there
Can I give killer a shitty hawaiian button up? I think he would pull off the look
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is it befitting ? killer by rahafwabas
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soupandsorcery · 9 months
In the morning, her neck hurts. It's like a bruise, throbbing and irritated, and whenever she turns her head, it flares up, reminding her of what she let Astarion do last night. Probably not one of her better ideas, but it worked out in the end. Which was for the best, because it would have been a pity to have to stake him. Astarion's funny.
Vesper stretches and then winces, getting dressed quickly. She checks her appearance in the little mirror she keeps on her, and there on her neck are two little fang marks. They're dully red and neat, evidence of the clean bite. When she presses her fingers to them, they feel warm, and the pain flares just a bit.
Hopefully they'll behave like any other scars. They'll trouble her for a bit and then fade away in time.
"Good morning."
Astarion's voice makes her turn. There's a brightness to his eyes that wasn't there before, but there's something guarded too. Like he's waiting for the other shoe to drop.
"Good morning," Vesper says back. "How do you feel?"
"I was going to ask you the same question."
She shrugs. "My neck hurts. How do you think I feel?"
His eyes look her over from head to toe, but for once, it lacks all the flirtatious teasing he's been pulling for the last week or so. It's just...curiosity. A different sort of interest.
"There's something...different about you," Astarion says. "About your blood."
Vesper raises an eyebrow, keeping her face neutral. Now that is something she didn't consider. It's been easy enough to hide her true nature from her new companions, and any slips she might have made have gone unnoticed with the tadpoles and the ticking time bomb they represent taking priority. But Astarion has been closer to her than anyone else. Intimately close, one could say.
"Different from rats and boars you mean?" they ask, affecting lightness.
Astarion picks up on it instantly. Takes a liar to know one, Vesper supposes. "No," he says, lifting an eyebrow. "Well, yes. But that's not what I mean. Your blood was...intense. Almost spicy in a way."
"Well, I don't know how else to describe it! It burned, but it wasn't an unpleasant heat. In fact, it was downright delicious. But definitely not normal."
"And how would you know? You said yourself you've never fed on a person before. Maybe this is just what humans taste like."
It's a poor attempt at deflecting, and Astarion brushes it aside easily. "It isn't. I can smell it now that I know what I'm looking for. You don't smell anything like Wyll or Shadowheart or even Lae'zel. A bit closer to Lae'zel, now that I think about it, but still. You're hiding something."
He sounds almost gleeful to say it, one hand on his hip, the other pointing at her with all the sass at Astarion's considerable command.
And all of a sudden, Vesper is tired. Tired of hiding, tired of the subtle disguise spell that changes certain parts of her. This far from Waterdeep, no one's heard of her, and while she'd been worried about Gale knowing, even he hadn't shown any sign of recognition. They'd relished the chance to shake off the mantle of their old life and be someone else for once, but she hadn't considered the burden of hiding so constantly.
She sighs and rolls her shoulders, the bite on her neck twinging with pain again. It keeps her head clear as she regards Astarion and makes a snap decision.
"You're right," they say. "And I suppose fair is fair. Come with me." They turn on their heel and start walking, pacing away from camp.
"I--wait!" Astarion calls after her, then scrambles to catch up. "You can't just say that and then walk away."
"I'm not doing this here," Vesper hisses. "Not where everyone can see."
"See what?" Astarion asks.
Vesper doesn't answer. They just keep walking with purpose towards a little cluster of trees, far enough away from the camp that they don't have to worry about anyone seeing this. She can only imagine what Shadowheart would have to say, if she knew. No, that's a bridge to be crossed later. Maybe much later, depending on how this goes with Astarion.
Astarion, who is waiting, tapping his foot with impatience that seems at odds with the rampant curiosity in his eyes.
"Well?" he drawls. "What have you dragged me out here to see? Oh--is this where you reveal that you've been in disguise all this time? Because I did wonder, you know."
"Naturally. No one is that beautiful. Except me, but that's different."
Honestly, Vesper can't help but laugh. It tickles her down to her bones, and she goes with it, letting the spell she's had up almost constantly since being abducted finally drop.
It feels like breathing. Like taking the first true, deep breath she's had in days. Her wings spread out behind her, shimmering iridescent and white in the morning sun. She flaps them once, twice, and then lets them fall closed against her back. Her eyes shift from the plain, muddy brown they were magicked into, glowing silvery pale with radiant fire. Everything else, her face, her hair, her stature, remains the same.
Some people, apparently, are just that beautiful.
Astarion stares at her, mouth slightly agape. It's the most stunned she's ever seen him, and she grins, feeling suddenly, incredibly amazing.
"I think this is the longest you've gone without saying anything, Astarion. No witty quips?"
"You're an aasimar," Astarion breathes, and he sounds well and truly shocked. "Gods below."
"It's not as exciting as it seems," Vesper tells him. "I'm not some celestial messenger or anything. I'm from Waterdeep, and I was snatched out of a fighting pen by a bunch of mind flayers. The wings are the coolest part, honestly."
"They are quite impressive." Astarion is still staring, but he shakes himself, letting some of the wonder retreat behind his usual haughty pout. "Well, well, we are an interesting group, aren't we? At least that ship full of tentacled freaks had taste in their victims."
Vesper snorts. "Small comfort, but I guess you're right."
"My question is why trust me with this?"
"You trusted me."
Red eyes roll as Astarion scoffs. "That's different. You caught me in the act, and I got something out of it. What do you get out of this?"
"Last night you said you felt happy after feeding on me. Was that just because of the blood?"
There's a pause as Astarion thinks that over. "Mostly the blood, I suppose. Although, there is something to be said for not having to hide it anymore."
Vesper inclines their head to him. "Exactly. I just want to be me."
"It would be hypocritical of me to argue with that."
"It would," Vesper agrees cheerfully.
"I don't suppose you're feeling in a sharing enough mood to explain the fighting pen thing?"
She laughs at that, shaking her head. "Not right now. Maybe next time I let you feed off of me, I'll tell you."
"I'll hold you to that. Am I right in assuming you don't want the rest of our cohort to know about this just yet?"
"You are. I'll tell them eventually, but for now, you're the only one who can know."
"Dangerous, trusting the vampire spawn with a secret."
"Why, Astarion, just last night you told me I could trust you," Vesper says, pressing a hand over their chest dramatically.
He rolls his eyes again. "And I don't think you believed me for a moment."
"Not true. You're here, aren't you? Seeing this." She spreads her wings once more, enjoying the freedom to stretch them out while she can.
Astarion blinks and then glances away. "So I am. Well." He doesn't seem to know what to say to that, and Vesper figures she's pushed him enough for one moment.
She sighs and works her spell once more, hiding the wings, turning her eyes back to mundane brown. It feels worse now, than it did before, and she resolves that she's going to tell the rest of the group soon. And anyone else they encounter will just have to deal with it.
She's free of the pens now, and she doesn't plan to spend the rest of her life hiding. However long that might be. But for today, they have things to do. A druid to find, goblins to kill, and who knows what else.
It feels good to have someone know, though. To have at least one person see her. Vesper would not have assumed it would be Astarion, but somehow it works. It feels right in an odd way.
They're not going to delude themself that this is going to be some kind of turning point where she and Astarion become best friends and start sharing all their secrets, but...it's a start. It's something.
And Vesper has learned to take what she can get.
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ilikedetectives · 3 months
Hi! Will you create your Dark Urge in Baldur's Gate 3?
I really really really want to, so badly you have no idea. Though in order to bring Lily (Bỉ Ngạn) into Baldur's Gate 3 I need a few things (1) this Asian head mod (x) for Body Type 3, (2) make snake scales on body (likely with Unique Tav mod), (3) radial lighting strike scar around the eye like what my Nioh 2 Lily has, and (4) Nioh 2 Lily's hair because I tried Body Type 1 w the head mod but I couldn't find a hairstyle that I like, (6) custom horns mod, and (6) this is optional but I having her wear the Vietnamese áo yếm like in the concept art I recently commissioned (x) (and comic, ahem) is also what I want.
Now, to get started with modding *whimpering cat noises*
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zenjestrr · 9 months
I'm in a loop where I'm making a shit ton of characters in BG3 but not really progressing past the tutorial lol (I'm mainly waiting for some Act 3 patches that are almost guaranteed to be coming)
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and here are some Guardians:
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dandenbo · 2 months
spec reqs recs
so much good work this year, i've been trying to make my way through as many as i can. below are some of my favourites. authors are still anonymous and summaries are my own. thanks to the mods at @spectre-requisitions-exchange
my gifts
be gentle - E, nonbinary shepard/thane
it's art! it's explicit! it's OTTO!! there's dick here, be warned, all the more reason to go look at it. i'm blown away by this, it's so gorgeous, and i'm extremely touched that someone drew my oc. i love you i love you 🫶
make me a home even as i wander - T, nonbinary shepard clone/jack
postwar, the clone shows up at her doorstep and asks for her help. a great exploration of the ways jack does and doesn't change, and how bonds grow between hard-edged people. i'm in love with this clone, btw.
other recs
on the shore (from a distance) - M, kaidan alenko/male citadel doctor
really touching examination of trauma and healing. told from the oc pov, fascinating outside look at kaidan's story. really have to praise this one for its structure too, great use of flashbacks.
seeing a salarian about a ship - T, kaidan alenko/major coats
short, sweet slice of spectre life, a little peek at what things are like for both of them postwar. delightful and funny prose.
astronomy in reverse - G, female shepard/male shepard
not exactly a ship fic. and yet! heh. post-control ending, big existential questions, multiverse something or other. this one really got my gears turning, an inspiring piece of writing.
tell me when - E, samantha traynor/ashley williams
great premise that really delivers on conflict and resolution - ashley and sam are both on horizon and ashley's having a bad time. really strong characterisation, fantastic dialogue. also features a gay bar, which i don't see enough in ME fic.
out on the town - T, miranda lawson/liara t'soni
art in a very distinctive style that i always love. i'm studying the textures and colours, they're so cool. also, fashion!
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deaths · 7 months
could u link the bg3 mods u use? i want cunty tav
extra faces:
meadow heads, the painted elf, addys head presets, ghouls customization compendium, faces of faerun
misc head stuff:
bit tired 'round the eyes, less veins on face, new eye colours, covenelf's tattoo and makeup collection,
dissidia hair, astralities' hair color supplement, vessnelle's hair collection, tav's hair salon
flower power dyes, tc dyes
extra gear, more mage gear, basket full of equipment NSFW + basket full of equipment to camp clothes, druu's clothes and armours,
misc mods i play with i find useful:
transmog enhanced, everyone in dialogue, wild magic d100 table, cleric subclasses, deity tag activator, appearance edit enhanced, show approval ratings in dialogue, 5e spells, playable satyr, drop all the loot
i sometimes play with fantastical multiverse but its INCREDIBLY glitchy but it added a few faces i like.
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irradiatedsnakes · 7 months
omg HOW are you playing a kobold… is there a mod finally??
the fantastical multiverse mod yes!! https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/215
it adds about fifty races- i've only messed with the kobold so far. them being so short (shorter than a goblin!) and digigrade fucks with some of the cutscene animations-
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-astarion biting the air- but overall it looks REALLY good for what it is. the kobolds have facial animations so the expressions and stuff are conserved. also teh head tracking means that in every conversation the other person has to really crane their neck down while my guy's too tiny to even be on screen and it's SO funny to me
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that's the spear on their back just poking up. the walking/fighting/etc animations all look good since they're just the actual kobold animations.
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marveltrumpshate · 2 years
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As we said in our closing message at the end of this year’s auction, you may wonder how much of an impact you can have when you're "just" you, but when one person shows up, a community will come out to support them. You become a part of something bigger, and you achieve something that you wouldn't have been able to do alone. MTH 2022 was proof of that.
This year, 205 "Marvel"-ous creators came forward to offer 343 auctions.
And this year, we raised…
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NICE. 😎 But in all seriousness, that's a number that we would have never imagined reaching when the event began in 2018; back then, we were thrilled with $19,262.52—and this is over $22,800 more than that! 😮💖🎉
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We never thought we'd hit over $40k this year, and we're unbelievably grateful and proud of what we accomplished together. Through the five MTH auctions we've run, we raised a grand total of $178,800.43.
We're floored to say the least although maybe we shouldn't have been surprised. Every year, you manage to surprise us and set records, and this year was no different. You came out of the gate running and somehow you blazed right past our expectations, continued to make us adjust our stretch goals as bids and donations came in, and hit a number we weren't sure we'd reach even as we began to hope for it.
It’s been an incredible journey, with the mod chat pinging at all hours with excited gifs, effusive heart emojis, and inarticulate keyboard smashes as we expressed our love for the wonderful people in our fandom. It’s been very hard not blurting out the milestones as we reached them when we desperately wanted to share these amazing results with you all.
Creators, we couldn't have started this auction without you. We loved seeing so many veteran creators sign up again and were pleasantly surprised by how many new faces showed up to the party.
Bidders, as crazy as it sounds, most donations were small ones including a lot of those crazily high winning bids—so many of them were the result of people pooling their five dollars together! This has been consistently the case since MTH began. It just goes to show how much of an impact you can have when you’re part of something bigger than yourself. Each donation has a ripple effect, and enough ripples can cause a wave. You matter, and you can make a difference.
We also owe our success to our amazing signal boosters. There can’t be an auction without any participants, so to every fandom community Tumblr that agreed to reblog our posts, every Discord server mod who let us post announcements, and every person who shared our posts and encouraged their fandom friends to sign up and/or bid, thank you so much! Together, we reached hundreds of fantastic creators and bidders from all corners of the Marvel fandom, many of whom we didn't know and some who were hearing about us for the first time.
Thank you all. We’re so touched by the massive number of people who donated above and beyond their pledged amount, creators who took on multiple auctions and offered multiple winner slots, and bidders who accepted their second-place wins with such eagerness! We also had people make donations in the spirit of MTH even though they didn’t win an auction, which was beyond generous.
In addition to the astounding amount of money we were able to raise for charity, MTH was successful in other ways. We strove to be as inclusive as possible, determined to make this event a fandom-wide effort. Considering that the auctions covered over 425 unique platonic and romantic relationships and character-centric options (if we include "all ships/gen"-inclusive relationships, this number is even higher) across 36 universes within the Marvel multiverse, we can safely say that we accomplished our goal.
This spirit of inclusion also applies to our auctions and charities. Every one of 343 auctions was bid on, and every one of our 30 supported charities received donations. We’re in awe of your commitment to supporting all our creators and charities and thrilled that you spread all the love around, bidders!
Here’s our breakdown of the donations (to enlarge the image, click here and hover to see the donation amount per charity). More than half of the charities received at least $1,000 this year!
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We’ve also listed the amount raised per charity on our 2022 auction results page.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for helping us turn our fifth Marvel Trumps Hate auction into such a fantastic experience. We cherish every single message of love and support that we received and continue to receive on our Discord server and through DMs, Tumblr messages, emails, tweets, etc. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!
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To remember or learn why we created this auction in the first place, please check out our 2018 "thank you" post to all of our creators, bidders, signal boosters, and supporters.
If you'd like to stay updated on all of the 2022 Marvel Trumps Hate fills, follow us and/or check out the "mth 2022" tag on our Tumblr. You’ll also be able to find works posted on AO3 in our Marvel Trumps Hate 2022 collection and links to fills in our Discord server, which you can join to brainstorm prompts, chat about fills, and find out about other fandom events.
Thank you once again to everyone who volunteered their services, time, money, and platforms to spread the word. These are tough times we live in, and it's easy to believe that there's only so much you can do as an individual.
Like Kamala and Nakia, however, many of us feel that if it's in our power to help, if we feel like we should help even if we're not sure what we can change, then the very least we can do is get involved. And as they saw through their actions and we all saw through this year's auction, if enough people feel the same way and rise to the occasion, our impact can be far-reaching and life-changing. You may have "just" chipped in $5, offered something "small" for auction, or "only" cheered people on and spread the word about the event…but without you, we wouldn't have raised over $178,800 to help make this world better for everyone.
And with that, MTH 2022 has officially come to a close. We're so beyond grateful to you all and can’t wait to see all of your fanworks over the coming year!
Lots of love and gratitude, Your 2022 MTH mods
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alongtidesoflight · 10 months
so 🥺
is anyone gonna mod the aasimar into bg3 so i can run a playthrough with my nwn2 character 👉👈
for everyone coming from the tags, there's the fantastical multiverse mod now! i recreated my shardbearer/durge with it:
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asstarionancunin · 8 months
Truly, I can't believe no one has created a mod that lets you play as a Myconid. The designs are some of the most captivating I've ever seen. Admittedly, I'm entirely clueless about mod creation, but I imagine it would fall under the same umbrella as Fantastical Multiverse?
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elsternwick-rp · 1 year
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“Gracious friend, you have been chosen to visit our lovely city… come to Wondrous Elsternwick, near the nexus point of the multiverse!”
No matter who, what, where, or when you are in the wider multiverse, you have received a fine written letter, inviting you to take a vacation to Elsternwick, a beautiful riverside town!
In this amazing place, Magic and technology have come together to make all sorts of fantastic inventions, and its proximity to the “Nexus Point” has caused all sorts of strange things to pop up in the nearby forest… you can choose to help with the research of these anomalies, go on adventures unrelated to them, go on your own journey to understand the strange things that populate these lands, seek your own fortune, or simply unwind in the beautiful town of Elsternwick as a place to relax! You’re free to leave and return home at any time as well, no strings attached!
The town is always changing with the seasons, and its many events, given all the strange things that can happen with the multiverse!
Given their pride, they have invited everyone, even rough types and villains are allowed in town! So long as they behave, of course...
Elsternwick is a Discord RP server, we allow all sorts of fun plots & events to happen, and there are many interesting places to visit and explore!  All the while you’ll be having your own kind of unique happenings with your character, be they an original character, a fan character for something already else set up, or a canon character!
We’re a group that focuses on the lighter aspects of roleplaying (as well as crossovers), the fun and adventure that can come about from unique interactions in a wondrous setting, while also allowing for the potential of some more serious plots, and allowing you take your own pace in both reply speed and plot progression! We are also very laid back, chill, and friendly to practically everyone!
Some other features include…
Canon characters,Original Characters & Fan Characters, and maybe even some self-inserts (if done well) accepted!
PG-13 Group!
Events ran by both players and mods/admins,  can feature original settings and stories, as well as visits or takes on canon plots & locations! You’re also free to DM regular threads if you want, just be sure to run it by the team first <:
NPCs can be played by the moderator team, or even just regular players as long as they fit and can have fun stuff done with them! You can even promote an NPC to a full player character if you like them well enough
Get your muse a job! Elsternwick is always hiring with many jobs, some simple, some complicated, and some inspired by places from across the many different universes! You can do these to help inspire threads, get rewards for your muses, or simply add flavor to other RPs!
“Dungeon Runs” of varying flavors semi-regularly, have your character investigate the mysterious ruins for the thrill of combat and loot! You never know what might be lurking down there!
“Expeditions” that take you beyond Elsternwick, to other towns, and even worlds beyond your own, and other places beyond your wildest dreams!
Dedicated dice rolling bot allows for combat with some stakes, and outcomes one might not expect! (Dice aren’t used for every action!)
Not a fighter? No problem! There’s plenty of odd jobs around the city waiting for you! You could also always help with puzzles and negotiations!
All formats of Roleplaying Accepted! (Text/Script, Paragraph, even long form!)
Many types of plots & developments accepted, be it fun and carefree, or serious with some high stakes behind it!
New areas and locations being added constantly, some depending on characters coming in, and some being “unlocked” for completing events!
Buildings and new locations are added semi-regularly, and sometimes depend on player input and choices, be careful, you could help or hinder all player characters present!
Laid back environment with friendly people, while also allowing a wide variety of developments and changes!
Meet tons of new, friendly, and creative people!
Spectating is an option as well if you simply want to take a peek before joining
Plenty of options for OoC chatter and bonding!
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(New Promo post with slight updates!)
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*sighs whistfully as i gaze at the fantastical multiverse mod*
harengon are planned but maaan. when are they gonna add it orz
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elfyourmother · 9 months
there's a mod for BG3 called 'Fantastical Multiverse' that allows you to play an Eorzean elf, thought you might like to look at that :D it gives you modifiers and different dialogue choices from the basic preliminary look I saw
that sounds great for people into that sort of thing but that is absolutely not me. if I wanted to play an Eorzean I would just log into FFXIV and save myself some steps instead of doing Elezen mods and Scion tattoo mods and similar silliness like I see on the Nexus. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Playing a Faerûnian drow in the Forgotten Realms setting is the entire point to me
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zenjestrr · 9 months
Fantastical Multiverse at Baldur's Gate 3 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)
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theharlotofferelden · 9 months
Haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but figured it was worth making a post about since there's new players to BG3.
Fantastical Multiverse is a mod that adds 54 races to the CC. The mod was updated yesterday to work with full release. This is a really great mod so if you want more races, give it a download, and give the mod author some love if you can.
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