#fake fans
love-islike-abomb · 3 months
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Everyone criticizes him but he's carried WWE through the thunder dome era all while pushing his body to the limit after battling And beating cancer twice. You don't have to like him but don't downplay his accomplishments like he hasn't made wwe what it is today! Without him we may have gone under during COVID but does the iwc thank him for it? Of course not.
Anyone who speaks out about it is silenced or mocked and quite frankly I'm tired of it! All these fake "fans" out here acting like haters for no reason except to be a bunch of sheeple! Stop following the damn herd and be your fucking self!
If me speaking truth makes me weird so fucking be it! I don't give 2 shits what anyone thinks of me but I'm so sick and fucking tired of the fakes!! Why is it so hard to be genuine in this fandom?
I'm sure someone somewhere will get offended or I'll strike a nerve but that just means I'm right!
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moony-girl7 · 4 months
Guys yk the next series of Hearstopper? I'm actually so scared bc we r getting Michael Holden (YAY!!) but the people who haven't read Solitaire and r fake fans are gonna hate on him for being 'weird' like it's actually sad.
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blackbackedjackal · 8 months
I've seen so many dogs named Kiba (generally after WR and/or Naruto) and maybe one outlying Tsume but never Blue? Hello??
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j-ustkeepgliding · 1 month
luke and jack hughes if you love toronto so much why don't you marry it. why don't you let the TORONTO maple leafs win. hm.
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paddysnuffles · 1 year
People who have never watched a single episode of Star Trek in their lives: Star Trek is so political nowadays to appease the woke SJWs. It was better before!
Original  Star Trek: Women should have the right to access safe and free abortions, women being in positions of power in the workplace is rad, multiculturalism should be celebrated, war is heinous and should be avoided at all costs, the death penalty is wrong, racism is stupid and racists are idiots, women should get to wear whatever they want without worrying about “modesty”, the two main characters are gay for each other, and humanity in the future will become atheist.
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vanalex · 18 days
People who say
they're a Type O Negative fan
but hate Peter Steele (!? I know right ?!)
because, .... - wait for it - according to those ignorant fools, he was :
A racist,
B sexist
and C homophobe...
obviously these people aren't Type O Negative fans.
In the latter case they would have heard and understood the lyrics (which they obviously didn't).
Lyrics written by Peter and noone else. (They love the music and lyrics so much and blablabla... the music and lyrics = Peter)
I'm not even going to try to explain to them why they're wrong. There's no reasoning with people with no IQ and no knowledge of Type O Negative, Peter, the 90s and 2000s zeitgeist, etc.
Everyone's entitled to have their own opinion but do not call yourself a Type O Negative fan 'cause you're obviously clueless and not a fan. Maybe you like a few songs, that's it.
Oh, and they voice their opinion in the weekend that marks Peter's 14th memorial... could you be more disrespectful ?!
I strongly believe Josh, Johnny and Kenny would not want those people in the Type O Negative fan scene. They put a bad stain on Peter's remembrance.
Rest in peace gentle giant 🙏🏻💚 You were and are loved by your true fans and your genius in songwriting and music making will always be missed 💚
PS: if you recognize yourself in the above description of being a fake TON fan please remove yourself from my blog and go FY - Thank you very much.
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sambuchito · 1 month
i said i was on my period and yet i dont see any of you cursing the universe for makin me suffer 🙄 ok…
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 2 months
Why are they such a private couple all of a sudden? Didn’t seem to be so private when they were being filmed for national television. Timothée is ashamed of every woman he dates. It’s like he wants no public association with them as soon a movie of his is freshly out. Every time. Hmm, wonder why.
All of a sudden? You do know they have been dating for over a year and we've barely ever seen them together. How can you think he's "embarrassed" to be seen with her, when they were out on their PRIVATE time, just living their life? If her were embarrassed to be seen or associated with her, then NOT kissing her on public television would have adequate more sense, don't you think?
What about keeping his professional life and private life separate do you guys not get? And please, don't tell me if he was seen all the time out with her, kissing, holding hands, whatever, you wouldn't be calling him out for that too. You can't have it both ways.
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scoliosisrick · 6 months
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love-islike-abomb · 3 months
You know I saw people last year whining about how Seth was defending his title to much and now all of a sudden you change your tune because Roman fired back (they're very good friends outside the ring btw. Which you would know if you didn't have your head buried in the sand like a fucking ostrich) IN KAYFABE even called Seth his little brother!
Now do you wanna keep lying and making up shit that it's not? It's not because of what Roman said it's because y'all are mad that Cody chose Seth and not Roman! When y'all don't get what you want you pitch a bitch and blame everyone you can like a spoiled brat!
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"No one's mad" yet here you are saying "it was pathetic"
But wait there's more!
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He also called Seth his little brother but that part went over your head apparently😒
And using something that people in active psychosis go through as an insult? Abelist!! Do you even know what the definition of delusional (WITHOUT USING GOOGLE) is?
@softambrollins apologize!!
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5-7-9 · 1 month
Here’s the thing (actually I think you’ll like this): The Monster High fandom has never had bigots. (At least not to my knowledge).
Monster High’s generation 3 attracted ragebait by using Frankie’s clip of being nonbinary. Idk what’s going on with the rest of the world, but America has been really into being transphobic lately. Like, alarmingly so? Almost every video I’ve been seeing recently that includes queer topics, has been bombarded with internet trolls and bigots. That includes monster high.
I have actual Gen3 criticism, and plenty of other fans, that keeps being drowned out by the rage mob. It’s honestly really scary how easily everything the fans stood for was replaced by a louder hate group. The exact opposite of what fans were trying to say. It’s ironic, that there’s tons of people claiming that there’s a certain group of monster high fans that are racist. I bet that was the reboot’s intention, to make us fight each other, just like the show.
Monster High Gen1 said it best, the fear between sea water VS salt water, vampires VS werewolves, were all distractions from the humans VS monsters. Because humans were scared of monsters. I wish everyone remembered or at least watched that movie, it’s a message that should be taken to heart.
We’re all being oppressed, so we should be standing together to fight back against who’s truly oppressing us. The people that want us to fight each other.
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lepidopteragirl · 10 months
everyone says they love it when those gay bitches are doomed by the narrative and yet.... honq still losing...... curious
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valleynix · 1 year
it’s the way everyone seems to simultaneously agree Cassandra is autistic BUT NO ONE EVER MENTIONED IT BEFORE?? y’all are some fake fans 😒
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sasudou · 2 years
when people talk about some deep shit dazai has said they always bring up the “do you really think there’s any value in the act of living” line but they never bring up
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fujimilovers · 21 days
no one even knows about raidens alter 🙄
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blackwolfmanx2 · 2 months
You can't reason with these people | X men
It's insane these weirdos think Magneto and Malcolm x are similar. Fake fans need to be kept out of the comic book community.
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