#extraverted thinking
lunaristars · 10 months
The 8 Cognitive Functions Explained
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windudemon · 1 year
difference between infps, infjs and enfps when it comes to extraverted thinking
INFP policy: i will learn about this person, i will understand from where they are coming AND THEN i will customize my suggestions or advices based on that. i won't use basic recipes, i won't objectivify them which is the direct opposite of te. as a result, they will never order people around without first listening what exactly is the problem and gazillion other factors. they do value te though and they are open to te advices themselves.
ENFPs has te in the third slot. they will say it nicely for sure, but they can totally and easily tell you what to do, using te. (te in that slot is bold and mobilizing in socionics). they take initiative when it comes to making things efficient at workplace without anybody giving them that responsibility, without anyone asking their help. they are te catalysts, they make gears START turning with their energy, they do not fall into analysis paralysis but of course their te is not consistently there. it doesn't have long durability but they use their te psychic reserves in bursts and that's the explanation of catalyst analogy.
INFJs, in comparison to these two would almost totally ignore te and instead use ti to explain you how the system works. for example, an infj would tell you “well, if you do this, x happens and if you do that z happens.” and then they leave the choice to you. they imply though, you obviously need to chose x here.
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cuppercogs · 2 years
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so... were shipping cognitive functions now huh (Ti is blue and Te is red)
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flowerybardsblog · 9 months
Hi! I’m an extravert!
I will find you.
I will talk with you.
I will listen intently to you rambling about your interests.
And I will be your friend.
And we shall feed off one another’s presences as we fuel our mortal bodies’ battery as I spend time with you, and part to let you recharge.
You have mere days.
You cannot run.
You cannot hide.
And you will be included.
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cognidoodledoo · 2 years
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At long last......the shadow (ENFP/INFJ) functions make their appearance, and they’re here to lurk in the shadows (heh) until an opportune moment calls for them.....
More info coming soon!
(Based on @cognitivedoodles’s worldbuilding and lore!)
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practicaltyping · 1 year
Exploring Extraverted Thinking (Te)
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“Extraverted Thinking, or Te, is one of the eight cognitive functions laid out by Carl Jung. The cognitive functions are the basic building blocks for each of the 16 personality types. Exploring Extraverted Thinking (Te) is the fourth installment of this series. If you want to read the previous ones, check out...”
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contentgreenearth · 2 years
I have recently took a dive into Socionics, and discovered that a lot of its definitions of the functions are just as out of line with what Jung and Marston said as some theories of MBTI are.
I saw a definition of Ti PoLR in Socionics that basically said People with Ti PoLR were bad with global thinking, big picture thinking and empirical thinking, and that Ti PoLR wants details and evidence to back everything up . My first thought was, "Man, Socionics has this totally backwards." Sadly, most Socionics and MBTI typing methods do
Here's what Jung had to say about Te and Ti, directly from Psychological Types Chapter 10:  
Fragments extracted from Jung's *Psychological Types* about the **Extraverted Thinking** Type 
* Based on objective data, external facts, or generally accepted ideas *...* a man whose constant endeavor is to make all his activities dependent on intellectual conclusions *(in contrast with feelings/emotions)*, always oriented by external facts or generally accepted ideas ... gives one the impression of a certain lack of freedom, of occasional short-sightedness.
* “Oughts” and “musts” bulk large in his programe. Doubtless they are exceptional people who are able to sacrifice their entire life to a particular formula ... elevates objective reality, or an objectively oriented intellectual formula, into the ruling principle not only for himself but for his whole environment ... Because this formula seems to embody the entire meaning of life, it is made into a universal law which must be put into effect everywhere all the time, both individually and collectively ... Just as the extraverted thinking type subordinates himself to his formula, so, for their own good, everybody round him must obey it too, for whoever refuses to obey it is wrong ... Usually it is the nearest relatives who have to taste the unpleasant consequences of the extraverted formula, since they are the first to receive its relentless benefits.
* The first function to be affected by the conscious inhibition is feeling, since it is the most opposed to the rigid intellectual formula and is therefore repressed the most intensely ... all those activities that are dependent on feeling will become repressed in such a type —for instance, aesthetic activities, taste, artistic sense, cultivation of friends, etc ... If the attitude is extreme, all personal considerations are lost sight of, even those affecting the subject’s own person. His health is neglected, his social position deteriorates, the most vital interests of his family —health, finances, morals— are violated for the sake of the ideal ... Magnanimous as he may be in sacrificing himself to his intellectual goal, his feelings are petty, mistrustful, crotchety, and conservative.
* The conscious altruism of this type, which is often quite extraordinary, may be thwarted by a secret self-seeking which gives a selfish twist to actions that in themselves are disinterested ... Their desire to save others leads them to employ means which are calculated to bring about the very thing they wished to avoid. Their sanction is: the end justifies the means ... Personal sympathy with others must in any case suffer unless they too happen to espouse the same ideal. Often the closest members of his family, his own children, know such a father only as a cruel tyrant.
* Because of the highly impersonal character of the conscious attitude, the unconscious feelings are extremely personal and oversensitive, giving rise to secret prejudices —a readiness, for instance, to misconstrue any opposition to his formula as personal ill-will, or a constant tendency to make negative assumptions about other people in order to invalidate their arguments in advance —in defense, naturally, of his own touchiness ... His unconscious sensitivity makes him sharp in tone, acrimonious, aggressive. His feelings have a sultry and resentful character— always a mark of the inferior function.
* ... the practical thinking of the business man ... The thinking of the extraverted type is positive, i.e., productive... One could call this kind of judgment predicative.
* In my experience this type is found chiefly among men, since, in general, thinking tends more often to be a dominant function in men than in women
Fragments extracted from Jung's *Psychological Types* about the **Introverted Thinking** Type 
* It formulates questions and creates theories, it opens up new prospects and insights, but with regard to facts its attitude is one of reserve ... Facts are of secondary importance for this kind of thinking; what seems to it of paramount importance is the development and presentation of the subjective idea, of the initial symbolic image hovering darkly before the mind’s eye ... This kind of thinking easily gets lost in the immense truth of the subjective factor. It creates theories for their own sake, apparently with an eye to real or at least possible facts, but always with a distinct tendency to slip over from the world of ideas into mere imagery ... The introverted thinking type is characterized by the primacy of the kind of thinking I have just described. Like his extraverted counterpart, he is strongly influenced by ideas, though his ideas have their origin not in objective data but in his subjective foundation. He will follow his ideas like the extravert, but in the reverse direction: inwards and not outwards. Intensity is his aim, not extensity.
* Although he will shrink from no danger in building up his world of ideas, and never shrinks from thinking a thought because it might prove to be dangerous, subversive, heretical, or wounding to other people’s feelings, he is none the less beset by the greatest anxiety if ever he has to make it an objective reality. That goes against the grain. And when he does put his ideas into the world, he never introduces them like a mother solicitous for her children, but simply dumps them there and gets extremely annoyed if they fail to thrive on their own account. His amazing unpracticalness and horror of publicity in any form have a hand in this. If in his eyes his product appears correct and true, then it must be so in practice, and others have got to bow to its truth. Hardly ever will he go out of his way to win anyone’s appreciation of it, especially anyone of influence. And if ever he brings himself to do so, he generally sets about it so clumsily that it has just the opposite of the effect intended. In the pursuit of his ideas he is generally stubborn, headstrong, and quite unamenable to influence ... Thus this type tends to vanish behind a cloud of misunderstanding, which gets all the thicker the more he attempts to assume, by way of compensation and with the help of his inferior functions, an air of urbanity which contrasts glaringly with his real nature.
* Because he thinks out his problems to the limit, he complicates them and constantly gets entangled in his own scruples and misgivings. However clear to him the inner structure of his thoughts may be, he is not in the least clear where or how they link up with the world of reality. Only with the greatest difficulty will he bring himself to admit that what is clear to him may not be equally clear to everyone. His style is cluttered with all sorts of adjuncts, accessories, qualifications, retractions, saving clauses, doubts, etc., which all come from his scrupulosity. His work goes slowly and with difficulty ... As a teacher he has little influence, since the mentality of his students is strange to him. Besides, teaching has, at bottom, no interest for him unless it happens to provide him with a theoretical problem. He is a poor teacher, because all the time he is teaching his thought is occupied with the material itself and not with its presentation ... He lets himself be brutalized and exploited in the most ignominious way if only he can be left in peace to pursue his ideas. He simply does not see when he is being plundered behind his back and wronged in practice, for to him the relation to people and things is secondary and the objective evaluation of his product is something he remains unconscious of.
* In his personal relations he is taciturn or else throws himself on people who cannot understand him, and for him this is one more proof of the abysmal stupidity of man. If for once he is understood, he easily succumbs to credulous overestimation of his prowess. Ambitious women have only to know how to take advantage of his cluelessness in practical matters to make an easy prey of him; or he may develop into a misanthropic bachelor with a childlike heart. Often he is gauche in his behavior, painfully anxious to escape notice, or else remarkably unconcerned and childishly naïve ... Casual acquaintances think him inconsiderate and domineering. But the better one knows him, the more favorable one’s judgment becomes, and his closest friends value his intimacy very highly. To outsiders he seems prickly, unapproachable, and arrogant, and sometimes soured as a result of his antisocial prejudices.
* With the intensification of his type, his convictions become all the more rigid and unbending. Outside influences are shut off; as a person, too, he becomes more unsympathetic to his wider circle of acquaintances, and therefore more dependent on his intimates. His tone becomes personal and surly, and though his ideas may gain in profundity they can no longer be adequately expressed in the material at hand. To compensate for this, he falls back on emotionality and touchiness. The outside influences he has brusquely fended off attack him from within, from the unconscious, and in his efforts to defend himself he attacks things that to outsiders seem utterly unimportant. Because of the subjectifization of consciousness resulting from his lack of relationship to the object, what secretly concerns his own person now seems to him of extreme importance. He begins to confuse his subjective truth with his own personality. Although he will not try to press his convictions on anyone personally, he will burst out with vicious, personal retorts against every criticism, however just. Thus his isolation gradually increases. His originally fertilizing ideas become destructive, poisoned by the sediment of bitterness. His struggle against the influences emanating from the unconscious increases with his external isolation, until finally they begin to cripple him. He thinks his withdrawal into ever-increasing solitude will protect him from the unconscious influences, but as a rule it only plunges him deeper into the conflict that is destroying him from within ... The various protective devices and psychological minefields which such people surround themselves with are known to everyone, and I can spare myself a description of them. They all serve as a defense against “magical” influences—and among them is a vague fear of the feminine sex.
Unfortunately, Marston's Emotions of Normal People is out of print, so I can't quote directly from it, but I can tell you this much from the DISC theory that resulted:
A High D (someone with conscious Te) will exhibit the following characteristics in large quantities:
Likes having authority, takes charge, determined, enterprising, competitive, problem solver, productive, bold, decision maker, persistent
A High C (someone with conscious Ti) will exhibit the following characteristics in large quantities:
Likes instructions, accurate, consistent, predictable, practical, factual, conscientious, perfectionistic, detail oriented, analytical
Once you see the obvious parallels between Jung and DISC, it becomes obvious 1. that they were talking about the same thing, if that wasn't obvious already, and 2. both methods define Te as empirical/big picture/global type thinking and Ti as analytical, detailed and evidence based thinking 🙄
Boy do Socionics and many modern day MBTI theororists have those 2 functions on backwards!🙄
Sorry, that's the end of my rant. Back to our regular scheduled program 😂🤣😆 I just had to throw that in there
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pinkacademic · 2 months
How to Spend Time Alone
One important aspect of looking after yourself is being able to not simply exist on your own, but to genuinely enjoy alone time. For the introverts among you, you’re probably already sorted, but I hope this nonetheless gives you some ideas.
But from an extravert, and for my extroverts, here is An Extravert’s Guide to Alone Time.
1. Surround Yourself With People.
Sounds counterintuitive, I know, but here’s an example of where I am right now: sitting alone at a table in the library cafe. No one is on the seat across from me, so I’m technically “alone,” but I can hear the librarians, I can hear the other patrons- all chattering away.
So I don’t feel alone
- go to that restaurant you’ve been meaning to try
- go to the cinema/ movie theatre
- go to the theatre and sing along at the curtain call
- go to a concert and sing along
(Singing. I’m suggesting you sing lol)
2. Make time Alone as Special as Time with Friends.
Whether you’re in public or at home, out energy into time alone. Don’t just read your book; set up candles and fairy lights, make hot chocolate, and make a little nest of cushions.
Don’t just watch Netflix; make popcorn, put on a face mask, and make a solo sleepover of it.
(PS. You don’t have to do maximum effort every time lol)
Ok, that’s kinda it! Hope that helped even the introverts!!
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Me out here exposing myself, I'm like that Fred meme from Scooby Doo
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characterarc · 1 month
Here's something i strongly believe in: everyone is both introverted and extroverted to some extent.
i picture it like this: you have two "batteries" of mental energy. You need both of them to have at least some juice in them to thrive.
Battery A drains when you're alone and charges when you're in social situations.
Battery B drains when you're in social situations and charges when you're alone.
What is different per person is how fast those batteries tend to charge and drain.
Introverts tend to have their battery A drain more slowly and charge more quickly, and their battery B drain more slowly and charge more quickly, while extroverts are the other way around.
For me both of them charge very slowly, but my battery B drains faster than battery A.
So for a long time i thought i was an introvert, but trying to live life as an introvert meant my battery A was always running low. Then I tried to live more like an extrovert but that caused my battery B to completely drain regularly. Now I try to find a balance, to focus on one aspect long enough to charge that battery, but not so long the other gets completely drained.
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
i’ve typed and re-typed this paragraph in my head several times but. just. i am at a complete loss with how i should say anything. your writing is compelling and genuinely cried (when i thought i’d never relearn crying again). on a slightly more articulate note - i love your sylvain. so principled to the end. kudos in the truest sense of the word.
Thank you so much this is so extremely sweet!! ;-; The story really hit at some personal topics for me too...everything I write does, but in a few chapters it'll be most obvious.
Having feelings really is the worst thing in the world. I'm the type of person who's tried many times in in the past to carve out my heart. You have to be a little jealous of Byleth - of her own little world where nothing hurts, where sadness and pain and loneliness cannot penetrate. She can't love, but she can't feel the pain of a broken heart. There's far more pain than joy in the world, so it really seems like she has the better end of the deal. But I think the only way to survive is to be saved, and you have to save others before you can be saved yourself. And in order to save others you have to live in everybody else's world too, where pain and heartbreak is inevitable. It's like forcing yourself to place a hand on a hot stove, and to do it again and again no matter how often it hurts, but doing otherwise means you aren't living at all. You're not saving yourself or anybody else. We only have one life, and I'd rather live it.
Byleth's a fictional character. She can live 20 years without emotions, but we can't. Any attempt to carve out your heart will ultimately be unsuccessful, because we'll always reach back out to touch that stove again. So long as there's a billion assholes out there like me making very small and stupid little attempts to save people, I think we can't lose the ability to cry - I mean, you reached back, didn't you?
UM I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT SYLAIN BUT THIS POST IS ALREADY STUPID...I don't make it obvious but Sylvain is low-key my favorite character, up there with Felix. Like Felix, he does bad things for self-centered reasons. All I'll say right here is that Sylvain is the only one of the childhood friends who fully understands that Dimitri is a prince, and that as a big brother figure he is caught in a bad crossroads of protecting Dimitri and protecting others from Dimitri. Thanks for reading!!
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While I don't know much about it, I would probably bet there are tons of issues with the cruise industry that would make me not actually appreciate it broadly speaking - HOWEVER, I do really love a lot of the interior design of some cruise ships.. How it's almost like a miniature city crammed into one area. Multiple sections with all different aesthetic designs, a variety of shops, restaurants, activity centers, community seating areas, communal use spaces (like gyms, laundry, pools, cafeteria/buffet (which I always love anywhere)), etc. etc. but then also everyone has a little nice clean comfortable looking space of their own to retreat back to if they'd like to be alone. Maybe it's something akin to the idea of 'walkable cities', where everything you could ever want to do is kind of right there just a short walk away? I also especially love how so much stuff is stacked on top of other stuff, a layered cluster of spaces, bright open atriums, and when they're set up with little walkways down the center between a bunch of rooms so it's almost like a mini city street with apartments lining it, etc.. They often seem like they'd be SUCH a cool place to live permanently, IF only something identical was just built on solid land instead lol
#currently watching a channel on youtube where some person is reviews/tours cruise ships or something#and I'm just like wow the whole traveling part would be miserable hell and I would hate trying to get off of the stupid ship everyday#and see seomthing and make it back in time or etc. but OOOOO THE BEDROOMS! love the TINY minifrige!! eeee .. lol#perhaps just an extension of of my obsession with communal spaces. also love hospitals. nursing homes. hotels. AIRPORTS!!!#thats just how humans are meant to live for me. my ideal situation is that sot of thing like big beautiful bright communal places#but i also hate socializing i just like the idea of like. the entire communal world is in front of me but i also have my own little space t#retreat back to. youre not forced to participate. but the world is right outside your window if you WANT to go. ALSO people watching is fun#Plus i think part of what i hate most about Going Places and Doing Things is the commitment of it and traveling#especially in america where its like to get ANYWHERE it's a 3 hour drive or 15 min drive#or 20 min drive or 1 hr bus ride or blah blah. the idea of having plenty of fun little things to do that are all solidified#in ONE single complex that is also where your room is would actually encourage me to do things more because if#my health issues start flaring up or i get overwhelmed or etc. i can literally just... retreat back to my room that is a reasonably short#walk away. instead of like ''UGH now not only do i feel too bad to finish my excursion but ALSO i have a 40 min car ride ahead of me''#etc. Not saying that even in that situation I would become Super Extravert Thing Doer like i still LOOVE a quiet lifestyle mostly alone do#ing the same 5 repetitive tasks over & over again working on specific hobbies. but just that i WOULD go out SLIGHTLY more and do Activities#if the activities were already brought to ME. like a cruise ship layout where you have your little room private space but when you feel#like it on your own terms you could venture out and go to a little cafe or a swimming pool or etc. WITHOUT even having to leave#or get in a car and travel. just walk form your room to The thing. amazing.. ground breaking.. BUT especially the layers are important. I#dont mean just 'have the same features but in a way that theyre on land' I mean LITERALLY translate the EXACT layout of the cruise ship but#on ground instead. Like I want a full community cafeteria on the middle floor of my apartment complex. there should be a pool & waterslide#on the roof. A community games room on the 4th floor. a library right under my bedroom. etc. etc. Though maybe ideally I would say#add a little extra space like most people couldn't live their entire lives in a cruise ship room layout. But maybe just have the rooms expa#nded to the average size of like a 3 bedroom apartment. and then still stack them on top of each other.. More spacious decks so people can#have some plants (but also a community garden somewhere too). ANYWAY... Idk I just always love the aesthetics. I would love to tour a cruis#ship but like NOT go on a cruise EVER lol.. but just.. SEE the space. I love interiors so much. Also makes me think of worldbuilding like.#I think cruise ships could also be good inspiration for underground stacked cities in layers. things like that. OR just actually the fant#asy world version of a cruise ship lol. Though Nanyevimi's oceans are all so treacherous that non-inland water travel is avoided as much as#possible (even if it's more tedious to travel on the land) and would rarely be done for leisure. still.. river cruises could exist.. >:3c#In Nanyevimi the oceans are akin to how Outer Space is on earth (seen as a mysterious unexplored dangerous area etc).. a cruise ship of#rich elves setting out on a Groundbreaking First Ever Ocean Cruise & it just goes Wrong like a sci-fi 'trapped in space' type thriller LOL
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windudemon · 9 months
how to improve extraverted thinking as an extremely lazy person?
easiest and cheapest and ultra practical way would be playing puzzle games that are timed.
you see, extraverted thinking is fast thinking. doing what you need to do without falling into "analysis paralysis".
you are not allowed to think through, you are not allowed to strategize. you will use your common sense, you will use generalized thinking and when you fail you will try again, learning from your mistakes. but most importantly you won't give up first time you fail feeling like uuuh i suck.
even playing tetris should work. pick up any tetris game from googplay and play it as quickly as possible. spin the tetris pieces few times then drop them holding the down arrow key!
just stop playing turn based games. make that brain work. it basically is so used to think think 10 minutes before making a decision.
killing other players in wow should work too. they will attack you back, so you need to outmanevour them however you spell that. you need to use the right skill at the right time. don't play a braindead tank or healer though. play a rogue with stealth and backstab etc.
real time strategy games like starcraft or age of empires would be the best though. don't play zerg though play terrans.
playing tekken would be even better! knowing when to block, when to duck, when to jab, when to sidestep, when to punish. and really fast. just perfect for te training.
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cuppercogs · 2 years
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yeha Ti and Te in a simplistic & very shape-y art style bcs my partner inspired me
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calangkoh · 1 year
ill say it again im a firm believer that ed’s (all versions of him) default state is relaxed, happy, and friendly (as opposed to grumpy, off-putting, jerky, etc). we just see him at his worst/reacting to worst case scenarios. but even 03 ed, who is Depressed Supreme, in his day to day life where we don’t see him as viewers, i firmly believe embodies that kid with a gigantic grin we see in so much official art and occasionally onscreen. and its not just a smile through the pain kind of grin. for a kid who suffers so much, i think it’s nice to headcanon him as a generally happy and optimistic person. he just gets in his moods sometimes that are the result of trauma and being a rebellious snot nosed teenager that give him Bad Mental Health Days. And of course, his hair trigger temper. But default state=happy and energetic and nice to people and quick to bounce back from bad things that happen to him because that’s just life and he likes living it
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cognidoodledoo · 2 years
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We can’t forget about giving these guys their own intro, types and enneagrams, now can we?
More info down below:
From top to bottom function, they get visibly less and less humanoid + the dark sclera compared to the main functions since they aren’t as developed or even expressed/made aware of as often as the first four (especially Te and Si).
In a way they’re all symbolic “opposites” to their functions’ counterparts! More of this will be detailed in their individual bullet points.
The similar color schemes and designs for Ne and Si to @cognitivedoodles​’s still apply here: shadow ENTP/INTJ and ENFP/INFJ have Ne and Si in the same slot, but influenced by different auxiliary/critical and tertiary/trickster functions!
The introverted functions having a more muted palette and the extraverted functions with a more saturated palette still applies.
Introverted functions tend to have longer hair while extraverted functions have shorter hair; I’ll delve into this a little more for each relevant individual function.
Hopefully I delivered with the semi-compensated colors that represent both Fi and Te!
Opposing Ne
Ne’s design is meant to be reminiscent of a spider, since I associate opposing Ne as being “caught up/stuck in a web of possibilities”.
The intuitive functions are the only functions that don’t contrast each other through the “roles” they represent; they do it via imagery alone.
Compared to Ni’s ponytail made of converging the strands of hair, Ne gets twin tails and diverge at the end as a contrast to their way of processing patterns and information!
Another part of the design that points towards this is Ne’s multiple eyes; seeing multiple possibilities in equal weight.
The ribbon-like part of the outfit are supposed to act like extra limbs since I figured the actual extra limbs are reserved for Se. They’re also used to further hammer in the “multiple possibilities” aspect of Ne.
Ne has a bad habit of provoking Ni (re: everyone) when given the opportunity, which further serves Ni’s paranoia of needing to suppress them as much as they can.
Ne has a soft spot for Se though, given that they’re both the only manic functions around.....maybe when Ni finally slips up Ne can make her acquaintance with Se.
For all her teasing, Ne can at least respect Ni’s dedication to the user. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t harbor any hard feelings toward them though....
Critical Fi
Fi’s a ragdoll, which explains the stitches around on her body, fake blush on her cheeks, patches on her dress, and heart motif patched onto it which contrasts with Fe looking more clean and polished as a China doll with porcelain glazed skin and his heart motif as a shiny brooch of sorts separate from his body/outfit.
Also eye contrasts! Fi having buttons for eyes and basically an ‘x’ for pupils while Fe gets “actual” eyes with a pure white heart for pupils.
Not to mention hair contrasts- Fi with her long, lush, and thick hair that touches every inch of her body while Fe has shoulder-length hair and neat bangs.
Fi contrasts Fe’s role as a doting and sociable parent by being the silent and critical parent; she could give Si a run for his money when it comes to who’s the least talkative, given that she generally only speaks when spoken to.
In that same vein, Fi actually more often than not calls out Fe on his bullshit when she gets the opportunity and sees it, much to Fe’s chagrin. But there are also other times where Fi’s the only function to notice and recognize what Fe actually misses when reading others. and himself
Trickster Te
Te’s an automaton, hence the shiny body! (Based on many Te dom characters I love lmao) Also his “glasses” are actually just a visual provided by the screen, they’re not real glasses (or eyes for that matter).
Te contrasts Ti’s role as an innocent, tight-lipped, knowledge-hungry school girl by being the stern, aggressive teacher that always has something to say when everyone else is being inefficient, or worse, unable to make their plans work out.
Te definitely has issues with the entire main function stack being “disorganized” and “inefficient” because of the many notes he’s jotted down about why and how they could improve if they just let him and the other shadow functions take control for one second.
He mostly has issues with Ti, calling her “slow” due to her need to know every single little detail and fact (unbeknownst to Ti of course because of a few strings Ni and Fe managed to pull so a function like Te and the rest can stop threatening to take control of their spots and ruin the user even more than Se could ever dream of)
The whip is also another reason Ni and Fe don’t want him around lmao
Demon Si
Si’s a timekeeper demon that actually hates his face so much he opted to wear a mask so he doesn’t have to face (heh) himself
Si contrasts Se’s role as an eternally youthful, joyful teenager by being the eternally elderly, depressed time demon that would rather be left alone forever but sticks with the shadow functions under the excuse of “keeping them in check”.
The broken off demon horn is to emphasize the fact he’s a demon since the original one whole circle horn is supposed to symbolize him being a timekeeper (eternity). The demon and self-loathing emphasis references how INFJs/INTJs internalize Si negatively more often than not.
Si has only ever interacted with Ni a few times and Ni’s more paranoid about him than any other function; he fuels their anxiety more than everyone else combined, to say the least.
No one admits it, but Si is in some weird way the glue that makes the shadow functions stick together.
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