#except this isnt main but shhh
naughtynutboy · 5 years
i have drawn SO MUCH MORE since i started this blog that it is literally unreal
im a little nerd who loves to do math only when it’s completely unnecessary, so i quickly counted up all the drawings in my 2019 art folder to put it into perspective:
i have completed 25 drawings total all year so far (excluding wips)
11 of the 25 were drawn in this month alone (july)
this means that i have drawn 14 other drawings in 6 months, averaging about 2 drawings per month before this
it also means that i have nearly doubled the amount of art i made all year in one month alone
that is INSANE for me. i struggle constantly with motivation and the urge to draw something strikes me once in a blue moon, but this blog and sanders sides in general has seriously helped inspire me and help me to draw more
and i know numbers and stuff isn’t important and it shouldn’t be what you base your worth as an artist off of, but i think seeing people reacting to my art the same way i react to other people’s art was a big factor in my motivation this month and it just makes drawing all the more rewarding. i love making people happy and making people laugh and seeing that my art is doing that, even if i’m not particularly proud of it, just makes me want to keep doing it!!
i dont really know the point of this post, but i guess it’s just to say thank you to everyone who has been liking/reblogging/keysmashing in the tags of my stuff, it’s really really nice to see and has gotten me back into drawing after a HUGE dry spell <3
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Ive been thinking about your “sam is jack’s dad but dean isnt”-ish posts just now & I want to propose something, maybe a little tragic. I do think that jack favors dean more because of his connection to castiel and it’s not just out of shipping destiel, but because by the time he was born cas was gone and he had been giving him visions of dean’s approval so he knew it meant something to have. I think Sam is jack’s bobby, dean is John, cas is his Mary (bc he died to leave him alone w dean lol)
I mean you're not wrong; my headcanon is that the reason Jack likes Dean so much/wants his approval more than anything is because Cas thinks so highly of him and their relationship. And Jack wants to have that same approval from Dean that he gives to Cas.
So here's my personal take on Jack's relationships with their caretakers (as of now. i tend to be all over the place with my feelings):
- Castiel is their main parent, he's the one Jack goes to for advice, comfort and just to have someone to be around. Cas is Jack's safety blanket, which also means that whenever they're feeling some type of way, or whenever they're upset, they know that arguing about things with Cas will have the least consequences since they know Cas loves them more than anything. However, Cas is only second favorite next to their mom, Kelly. Jack might be Cascoded but they are and always will be a mommy's child, and Cas couldn't love them more for it. They hug and tell eachother that they love eachother a lot, because they know they both deserve it.
- Sam is their uncle/secondary father figure. They go to Sam mostly for advice and to learn more about the stuff around him. Sam is very knowledgeable in certain areas so Jack knows that he's the best person to go to if they have questions. He also helps reassure them that they're good and they're going to be okay. He's not always the best at emotions, but he always tries for Jack because he knows they deserve that reassurance. Sam probably hugs them the most after Cas. It's not even close, but still. Jack likes them because Sam has long arms that wrap all around them.
- Dean is the cool uncle, the one that teaches them random stuff about everything. Basically, Jack knows that whenever they've been working too hard and need to take a break, Dean is who they need to go to to have a bit of fun. It goes without saying that their relationship was fucked, but Dean is actively working towards being a better guardian to Jack, and whenever the kid needs help he'll do anything to give it to them. Jack sees this and appreciates this a lot. They don't often hug, but when they do it fills them both with so much delight.
- Eileen is the cooler aunt, and one of Jack's favorites (shhh) because she also does the same things that Dean does, except Eileen is batsh*t insane and will probably let the kid openly drive a monstertruck or a tank if she had access to it. She also helps with advice whenever Jack comes over to the Leahy household (yes its Sam Leahy now), and she's also very knowledgeable so it works out. They don't hug but have their own fair share of handshakes that only they're allowed to do together.
- Mary is his great-auntie (she refuses to be called grandma), and after Jack becomes God, one of the first things they try to do is rekindle with Mary and apologize for her death, not knowing that she's forgiven them the second it happened. She is at peace, and now that they're both in Heaven together, she wants nothing more than to keep being a good influence in their life. She gives some advice, great hugs and headpats. They love her a lot. :)
And Kelly goes without saying. That's their mom, their everything, their reason to exist and nothing and no one compares to how much they love her. (Except Cas. Cas gets very close.)
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