#excellent news wonderful news
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#galarian slowpoke#picture this. this was the first pokémon revealed from the new DLCs for pokémon sword and shield. the pokémon company#up until this point‚ has never done DLC for a pokémon game before. you‚ having been jaded by shitty DLCs for other games in the past#now have a distaste for the phrase‚ and imagine this can't be good. then‚ in their teaser for the new DLC‚ they add a little event#into the game where they reveal one of the new pokémon that is going to be added in the DLC#and it is a galarian form. that is identical to the original pokémon. but with a yellow head#are you imagining it. now how fucking disappointed are you. how little faith do you have in that DLC that it's going to be as good as it wa#for the most part‚ the pokémon company has demonstrated that they do absolutely excellent DLCs. proper expansions#basically an entire other game on top of the game you already have. and they typically take up the release cycle of a full game#scarlet/violet's especially. WONDERFUL dlc. i never really properly finished the crown tundra just because i was so late to the party#because i avoided buying the dlc for so long because of this experience that i've just described to you#that by the time i bought it and played it‚ it was just because SV had been announced and i wanted more pokémon to tide me over#and i never finished it. one of these days‚ i'd like to go back and finish it‚ but i'm playing through pokémon xd gale of darkness right no#and i prefer to play. one game at a time. and i don't know when i'll ever really get back to it#or if i'll ever get back to it! 'cause without resetting my save file all the way i'll just have to Remember what it is that already happen#which i'm. notoriously bad at when it comes to coming back to games that i haven't played in a while#plus i know sv is like shitty performance or whatever but the movement in that game is so much better#it feels so much more freeing than going back to gen 8 where you can still just. run. and that's it#i know nobody likes scarlet/violet but i still. like it. performance aside. like yes the performance is terrible but i still had a great#time with it. i just praised its DLC for fuck's sake! its DLC was fuckin wonderful! it has kieran in it so it like can't be bad
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
Randomly thinking about “tolerate it” (narrator voice: it was not random) and how under the cloak of fiction it is ostensibly inspired by works like “Rebecca” (which Taylor said she read during the 2020 lockdowns I believe?), with the line of “you’re so much older and wiser” indicating that the speaker is significantly younger and inexperienced compared to the person she’s speaking to and a pretty direct reference to the plot of the book.
But I saw something somewhere once that stuck with me about how it might not be referring to relative age between the characters but chronological age as in the passage of time in a relationship. And that made me think about how in a contemporary context, it might not necessarily be referencing an actual age gap between the two characters, but rather a sarcastic or cynical response to the man’s claims that he has matured (“you’re so much older and wiser [than you were before/than you were when we met/etc.]”), which then made me think about that line in relation to the woman. And that it could be taken like, “you act like you’ve matured so much in our time together and like you know everything, while I’m supposedly still stuck as the girl I was when we first met.”
Which then made me think of the “right where you left me” of it all and did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen time went on for everyone else she won’t know it and the bit in Miss Americana where she talks about how celebrities get frozen at the age at which they got famous, and how she’s had to play catch up in a lot of ways not just in her emotional growth but kind of in general. (Which also made me wonder if she’s ever been called out for immaturity/lack of curiosity/lack of education about things in her life…)
Which then made me think about the rest of the song, and @taylortruther’s posts yesterday about “seven” and “Daylight” and the way Taylor idealizes her youth yet contrasts it with an almost sinister reality in its wake, and the line, “I sit by the door like I’m just a kid,” because the discussion raised that her relationship let her recapture some of the childlike joy and wonder she’d lost. So this line is a double-edged sword: the speaker sits by the door with childlike hope that the person will come home and cherish her, but on the darker side, feels like the child dealing with the monsters she doesn’t have names for yet and the feelings of isolation she felt as she aged.
I’m not saying the song is necessarily autobiographical; like most of the songs on folkmore, it’s clearly a fictionalized story based on media she’d consumed and created, but we know a lot of the fictional songs were infused with her own feelings and experiences and… This idea swirling in my head picked up steam and now I kind of can’t stop thinking about it. Sorry but I’m a little obsessed now.
Like maybe it might start to shed light on why she identified so strongly with the novel in the first place…
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senditothemoonn · 9 months
I don't know if you've done other vintage outfits before, but your recent post just made me think of France in a 50s dress, maybe the Christian Dior style from back then with the cinched waist and the full skirt! He'd look so classy 😌🩷
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“It was as if Europe had tired of dropping bombs and now wanted to let off a few fireworks” 🎇 🎆
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wilderflcwers · 5 months
"For both bonobos and chimpanzees, the bodies of the dead evoke many emotions. Even if the process often begins with trauma and confusion, typically corpses shift to a liminal status; not alive, but equally not a lump of meat. They're more intensively manipulated than hunted animals, and carried for longer. In some – if not all – cases, the eaters must know what and who they're consuming. Cannibalism is very probably a powerful means by which individuals and groups process the impact not only of killings carried out on emotional impulses, but other deaths too. In other words, it's about grieving. [...] "Shift these scenarios to Neanderthals, and add into the mix their far greater cognitive sophistication, and lives that revolved around using lithics. Suddenly it's not difficult to envision how skills in carefully taking apart hunted carcasses might be transposed into a grieving process that involved butchery and cannibalism as acts of intimacy, not violation."
Rebecca Wragg Sykes, Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art
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pushing500 · 2 months
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Four-year-old Night Stalker wakes up, dons a flophat, begins working at the crematorium, and chooses violence. Big day for such a little guy!
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Speaking of violence, Magic Man and Fracturedivine did some damage of their own to poor Flea, who wound up in our small hospital with a few bitten-off toes. Nice work, M.M.?
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Buckeye is being strange, and it made me wonder if she has some sort of psychic link to her un-sprouted child that gives her pregnant lady mood swings.
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Euclid continues to be the best tailor I've ever had in a colony.
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I imagine cooking back-to-back with someone who has massive wings and a long prehensile tail is uncomfortable at best, and downright impossible at worst. Blackdragon seems to be making the best of it, though.
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I've been doodling the mechanitor from the next run on everything, and getting the Archonexus popup in the wrong colony amused me.
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Then finally, we had some heartfelt reunions as visitors came to see us. We're going to see if we can recruit Mr Zannakos (Vasso's dad) and Synesthete (Socks' wife) before the guests leave. It will upset their faction, but family reunions are more important, dammit!!
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solradguy · 23 days
I love the concept of werewolves but honestly there's just so much bad werewolf media out there to sift through. Vampires won out with a bajillion stellar Dracula adaptations, Carmilla, Nosferatu, Interview With The Vampire, and Lost Boys, and werewolves got, like, Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones, An American Werewolf In London, and a side bit in the last half of that Hugh Jackman Van Helsing movie
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amiharana · 10 months
and even more revalink hcs from this post part 6
previous hc part 5 x i'm too lazy to tag the other ones, just go through this one 😭 i haven't done one of these in a bit so i'm doing this for funsies 😹
who's the primary protector of the two?
hard to say, since they're both warriors with protective instincts, and link had to have learned some survival skills & instincts in botw
neither of them ever rest really, constantly on their guard because they're not letting anyone get the slip on them
i imagine that maybe they bicker over who gets to protect the other, always insisting that they'll be the one to save the other 😹
who sleeps in and who is the early bird?
i think we should know by now where i stand on this 😹
i am the self-proclaimed #1 sleepy link x coddler revali enthusiast. you know damn well i am tucking that blond twunk into a soft comfy bed (the bed being revali)
who is the least patient?
hard to pin down as a generalization, because it's circumstantial between the two of them imo
like we all know link would stare into a campfire all night just to be able to hunt the best game at the exact crack of dawn
but revali is very thoughtful and methodical to me. i just reviewed his diary and the cb memory, and it's clear that his dedication to the craft warrants a lot of strategy, perseverance, and patience. he can be incredibly patient for the things that matter most to him
(i also really like the idea that revali would be very patient with fledglings 🥺 gordon ramsey type beat)
that being said, both revali and link will have a breakdown trying to assemble a single chair from ikea. they insist that the furniture is cursed but zelda assembles it in less than five minutes
which of the two listens to old music and which one is more into the newer stuff?
to me, revali seems like he would enjoy classical music, and classic pop & rock in general. anything before the 2000's, revali can get into
projecting a portion of my own music taste onto revali, he fucks with songs like 'stitches and burns' by fra lippo lippi, 'i melt with you' by modern english, and 'true' by spandau ballet. i will not be taking any criticism at this time 🙏
meanwhile link's playlist is jumping from 'good lookin'' dixon dallas to 'planet of the bass' to 'ETA' newjeans. and he finds all of it unironically genius
who's the first one to quit a new hobby because they're not great at it on the first try?
my instinct was to say revali, but the thing is, revali holds a great insecurity in wanting to be the best, and it's difficult to do that when you're dating Mr. Link Master-At-Everything-He-Tries over here
so if he's not automatically good at it but link is, you better bet your entire ass that revali is learning that shit out of spite to be better or at least just as good at it as link is
bitches can't even have like a couple hobby, everything turns into a competition if it's revali and link ✋😭
who holds a grudge the longest?
revali of course
a while ago, i made a post about how i hc'd revali to be a capricorn sun virgo rising, and i kinda still stand by that. he'll take anything to be a personal slight against him, will block you on everything, and talk shit about you to anyone. petty ahh mf
link just doesn't seem like the type to hold grudges, he's kinda goldfish brain. he'll forget he was even mad at you 15 minutes later
who secretly knows all the lyrics to the other's favorite songs but refuses to expose themselves?
revali actually 🥺
link soaks up melodies and lyrics like a sponge, so he has no problem picking any one of revali's playlists and knowing every single song on there, he will sing his heart out to each song on that damned playlist
revali is a bit of a music snob and isn't always the biggest fan of link's taste in music (as per #4 in this list LOL)
but he tries really hard to memorize link's favorites even if he fucking hates the song, which results in revali practicing korean just to be able to sing fucking 'gangnam style' psy with link 😭
who's more likely to cry about a plant dying?
link hands down. this guy gets overly attached to inanimate objects fr
bro is the type to bump into the corner of a table and be like "oops, sorry mr. table, didn't mean to hit you"
zelda once sent link a bouquet of flowers she had grown herself, and link put them in a nice little vase, made sure they got sunlight and water every day, and gave each flower names
when one of the flowers started wilting, link was about to have a whole breakdown
revali comes home to link trying to perform surgery on a flower, like why it got a whole iv drip bag now???
which of the two is the most outspoken? which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
these were actually two separate questions but i decided to mix them, bc i think it's pretty clear who's who
revali is more outspoken and quick to speak, he's confidently opinionated and will mansplain to you unfortunately. he's not afraid to tell you what he thinks, because he thinks he's always right. very much the type to tell you he's just being brutally honest as an excuse to a dick skjdhfkdj
link is soft-spoken, reserved, and a listener, he'll let you take the lead on the conversation or listen you out completely before saying anything.
as such, revali is the one berating the cashier for putting pickles on link's burger when he said he didn't want any 😹
and honestly? link just likes hearing revali's voice, so he's content with letting revali talk his head off as long as they get to cuddle or hold hands.
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toyherb · 11 months
feel free to reblog!
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
i just wanted to drop in and say that i am so sorry that you’re dealing with so much health and baby stress right now. i am just a lurker, but i keep you and your baby in my thoughts and i am always hoping that things will be okay for you.
thank you friend - this is really, really kind of you. i am in a weird season of life right now but i remain optimistic that i will pass through it... someday... melting face emoji. but thank you, again <3
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ereborne · 21 days
Song of the Day: May 19
"Big Deal” by LeAnn Rimes
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sysig · 5 months
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I remember this game (Patreon)
#Doodles#Terrible news: My hair has gotten long enough that it's trying to center-part all on its own#I need a haircut so bad I don't care how cold it is#Anyway lol onto what this is Actually about#Namely of refixating on Handplates lol - I totally called it ♪ Not that it was hard to guess pfft#When I think about it - I don't think I've ever talked about how I found Vargas through Handplates? :0#Which is weird to me looking back lol they were both very pivotal moments in my life! One affects the other affects the other on loop#It's a very interesting dance inside my head haha#Being So back on Handplates now really throws that into relief for me#Not to be cheesy Immediately lol but I'm just- so happy that I get to experience these stories ♥ That I get to Keep experiencing them :)#It's only gotten better with time I wonder if it'll ever stop haha - I keep falling more in love with them!#It's really unlike anything else I could compare them to - holistically excellent across the board#If there was just One Thing that I could pin down and say ''This Right Here is the The Thing that I like so much and am so inspired by''#But there isn't - there isn't just one thing it's everything!#If it wasn't everything I wouldn't be so inspired by Handplates to make Vargas stuff and so inspired by Vargas to appreciate Handplates#And everything in between! Helix and RespectAWoman and just- It's everything! It's holistic excellence!#Even when I first transferred over from Handplates to Vargas it was everything - up to that point anyway haha#I'm just....always having a good time when I'm reading ♥ It's my favourite-favourite#I feel very lucky :)#Handplates#I mean - ostensibly anyway lol
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cakesandfail · 1 year
I made my 'patricianblogging' and 'gem rereads the watch' tags because I wanted it to be easy for people to block them if I was being annoying but actually you're all being lovely and I'm having a ton of fun so. thank you. I picked up these books again because I'd been having a fucking awful time and being able to engage with people over stupid shit (and occasionally serious shit!) has been a huge help <3
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stevethehairington · 1 year
ohohoho that First Use of a brand new scent of bodywash really Hits Different
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dutybcrne · 5 months
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laurent-ofvere · 1 year
Maya spill the hot hot tea of what you think of Shadow & Bone series (I’ll say it cz I’m evil, it sucks—-except the cast, the crows in particular really look the part)
I mean listen ive only seen 5 eps of the second season, I haven't read the shadow and bone books to compare and im watching this season with maca who's the worlds biggest hater and we cant get through 2 minutes without her finding things to bitch about and it CLOUDS MY OPINIONS bc I try and think of a scene and all I can hear is her YAPPING
that being said okay mmm I really truly dont give a fuck about the shadow and bone plot, like I just dont care and borderline skim lmao the special effects when she does her light stuff make me violent + does ANYONE like her and mal?? anyone??
I hear nikolai is meant to be hot and charming and all that? physically he bores me lol he's just giving baby face frat boy and im not about it but like, I get it, I guess he does the job (I say as someone who's unfamiliar with his written character and dont know what the job is)
ben barns is hot hes HOT he's so hot and I would rather watch him sit in his dark vibey room and be mute and pissed off for 45 minutes than watch another scene of alina whine about thinks I dont care about and thats really the situation. also, I love genya and david is a punk ass bitch and I wish they went more into her trauma and fucked up past lmao
I so agree on the cast! I really think the crows are FANTASTIC, a way better portrayal than I would have expected. I just, like, we're all on the same page regarding the crows being the more enjoyable part of this show? yes?
im really enjoying how this season seems to be more about their actual book events (unless im remembering wrong? I feel like s1 was mainly made up stuff and backgrounds to tie them into the show and s2 is more book 1 stuff?) and for a story where so much of the oomf is in between the lines and in the "you need to read 600 pages of so many small things that alone mean nothing but together have such an impact" of it, I do think theyre doing a solid enough job. I do think that a lot of it can be quite cringey, but personally I feel like this kinda story and some of these finer dynamics are inherently cringey when on screen and more palatable when its on paper so thats not really a critique on them, more so just is what it is. I also appreciate and am endlessly surprised by how much screen time the crows get given its not technically theyre show. but thats probably bc its just the better story :)
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canadachronicles · 1 year
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