#every donation will go to the transgender law center!! <3
dizzydennis · 2 years
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We can all be heroes as we help the Transgender Law Center! Come join us for the Sonic Movie 2 Recitation Charity Stream! I'll be reciting the whole film from start to finish from memory! I’ll be playing Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles during it too! Every donation, sub, & cheer bit earned will go to the cause! http://twitch.tv/dizzydennis <-- I hope I can see you there!
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riverdamien · 1 year
Crack the Shell Open!
"Cracking A Part the Shell to  Open Hearts!"
Luke 1:26-38
Meister Echart wisely said, "Do not cling to the symbols, but GET TO THE INNER TRUTH. ."What good is it if Mary is full of grace IF WE ARE NOT FULL OF GRACE? And what good is it if Mary is the Mother of God? IF WE ARE NOT ALSO THE MOTHERS OF GOD?"
    Yesterday I completed the "Forty Mile Challenge" of the Trevor Project, by walking out to the center of the Golden Gate Bridge, where it was breezy and freezing cold.
 Praying the words of the Office of the Dead over the ashes in my hand of my young transgender friend I cast them over the Bridge into the Sea, and wondering at the same time if there was hypocrisy in doing so because those words come from the prayer book of a branch of religion he felt rejected him.
Looking at the "inner truth of the Gospels," we see a Jesus who loved the poorest of the poor, the most broken, and never condemned anyone because of their sexual gender, in fact, he never mentioned it, calling each one of us into becoming "mothers of God".
Redemption is not being "saved" from our "outward sin" but the liberation of our hearts from within to remove discrimination, hatred, and injustice from our hearts.
"Redemption is the journey of being reconnected to the light of God within. It is a journey home that takes us through what seems like unknown land. Redemption is not the bringing of light into a creation that is essentially dark, but rather the liberating of light from the heart of life."
J. Phillip Newell
Rather than telling me "how sorry" you are for my feelings, donate to the Trevor Project, double my donation of $500.00.
This Christmas go out on the streets, and look, look closely and you will find Transgender individuals, go to the Trangsgencer bar in your community, and take one individual out to lunch or dinner. We do not understand what we do not know!  Push aside your taught beliefs by homophobes, and transphobes, and crack open the shell to new understanding and new life! Deo Gratias!
"Together, we can make sure that LGBTQ young people who need support know they are not alone. Your support will help us provide them with the affirmation and love they deserve--every single one. Your gift also helps Trevor to:
Advocate against anti-LGBTQ laws and work with policymakers to pass legislation to protect LGBTQ youth
Connect LGBTQ peers through TrevorSpace, our safe space social networking site
Conduct original research to capture the unique experiences of LGBTQ young people
Will you consider a monthly gift? By giving each month, this will help us ensure we’re able to reach every single one of the young LGBTQ people who reach out to us all year round.
For questions about giving or website issues, please contact us at [email protected] or (212) 695-8650. 
The Trevor Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and your gift is tax-deductible!
Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
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vodid · 2 years
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happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈 here is a preview of my piece for the Spectrum Zine on twitter
pre-order here ✨
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Thanks for 1500 Followers! (Charity Event!)
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In honor of reaching 1500 followers, I’m going to start doing a reoccurring charity event every 500 followers! Basically, every 500 followers I gain, I will hold a similar event to this one and it will run for about a week to a month (length of time will be dependent on how busy I am).
How this is going to work:
You will send me a screenshot of your donation receipt (from any of the organization I have listed below) to my blog email [[email protected]] along with a prompt request, I will write you prompts at different tier levels!
All important information below the cut:
Prompt Request Rules:
Your donation image MUST show 1) how much you donated, 2) that the donation was actually sent (you may want to screenshot every page in the process just in case a charity doesn’t tell you how much you donated afterwards). [You can provide multiple images if you can’t get both those requirements in one. It can be a screenshot of your donation receipt email too.]
You CAN donate multiple times or to several of the organizations on my list (or to the same one a few times with different requests for each). Prompt requests will be PER DONATION, so you can send in multiple screenshots of your different donations and a prompt request for each one.
For 25 or more prompt tiers, if you send in a very specific request, your reward prompts may start to not 100% fit your request, but use just a few of the aspects. Be prepared for this IF YOU SEND IN A VERY SPECIFIC REQUEST AT THESE TIERS. So I would PREFER if you send in characters + their dynamics for me to build prompts around instead of a more traditional prompt request for those reward tiers. (If you do this: please include a brief description of the important parts of each character [job, species, etc.] AND the dynamic you want the characters to have. You ARE allowed multiple characters with varying dynamics, you are not limited to just two. You can also send in characters/ships from media/fandoms, just tell me the media/fandom so I can better research the characters.)
I will ONLY accept NSFW requests for priority charity donations (and please send in a SFW request too, since only half your prompts will be NSFW max).
PRIORITY CHARITIES will be marked with a *** before the name. (Information on Priority charity rewards: - You can request half your prompts be NSFW/Smut OR - You can request character concepts! Just give me a category (species, job, etc. - basically whatever specifics you want these character concepts to definitely include, you can include multiple) and I’ll flesh out a set amount of detailed character concepts (this will include personality, a brief backstory, hobbies, and likes/dislikes but NOT APPEARANCE except for potentially backstory related scars or other backstory related details!). At higher donation tiers, I will even include a “supporting cast” (friends, family, rivals, enemies, coworkers, etc.) for the character concepts (supporting cast will not be as fleshed out)! Also, the prizes for priority charity donations only will NOT be posted to the blog, they will ONLY be emailed to the email that I received the entry picture and request from (unless the requester specifies that they want the SFW prompts to be posted to the blog, but the character concepts and NSFW prompts will be only provided via email). Basic rewards prizes will be emailed AND posted to the blog.
Tier Levels (USD):
(Don’t worry about donating in USD, if you donate in another currency, as long as it is the equivalent of a minimum $5 USD, you will get prompts.)
$5 - $10 = 10+ prompts $11 - $25 = 25+ prompts $26 - $50 = 50+ prompts $51+ = 100+ prompts
$5 - $10 = 10+ prompts + 1 character concept OR Half NSFW/Half SFW 10+ prompts (5/5) $11 - $25 = 25+ prompts + 3 character concepts OR Half NSFW/Half SFW 25+ prompts (13/13) $26 - $50 = 50+ prompts + 5 character concepts OR Half NSFW/Half SFW 50+ prompts (25/25) $51+ = 100+ prompts + 5 character concepts + 10~ supporting cast characters (1-3 per concept) OR Half NSFW/Half SFW 100+ prompts  (50/50)
Organizations (International or Non-United States Focus):
[Some accept only specific currencies]
***Manitou Mounds Historical Center (preserving Ojibwe culture, heritage, and lands in Canada)
Survival International (helps indigenous people globally)
Rainforest Action Network (helps protect the environment while working with indigenous people globally)
World Wildlife Foundation (works towards protecting endangered species and the environment globally)
Sierra Club Foundation (helps protect the environment)
Heifer International (works towards ending poverty globally while being environmentally conscious)
Association for American Indian Affairs (provides support for various Native American issues)
Doctors Without Borders (provides medical care globally)
(Only accepts USD) Project C.U.R.E. (provides medical supplies to under-resourced countries)
International Rescue Committee (helps refugees globally)
Planned Parenthood (provides reproductive health care globally)
Amnesty International (protects human rights globally)
Human Rights Watch (protects human rights globally)
Liberty in North Korea (helps North Koreans escape)
Organizations (United States Specific):
The Trevor Project (provides mental health support to LGBTQ youths)
The Okra Project (provides food and support for Black Trans people in New Jersey, New York, and Philadelphia)
NAACP (civil rights organization)
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women (helps protect Native American women)
Americans for Immigrant Justice (provides legal support to immigrants)
The Transgender Law Center (provides support for trans individuals)
American Indian College Fund (financial aid for Native American students)
Harlem Children’s Zone (provides support for Black families in New York)
The delivery time for the prizes will be decided after I see how many people participate in this event. The rough estimate is a week to a month depending on donation amount/prize size and how many I receive, but depending on different factors, that might change. The BASIC REWARDS prizes will be posted to the blog AND sent to the email I received the initial entry (donation pic(s) + prompt request) from, UNLESS THEY ARE PRIORITY CHARITY PRIZES: those will only be sent to the email I received the entry from and not posted to the blog (unless the requester specifically asks them to be posted to the blog)!
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Pride 2020 & Beyond: The Journey of a Female Transgender Software Engineer
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2020 has been quite the year so far. From the recent black lives matter protests to the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, which has put quite a damper on the yearly pride parades in city streets around the world. We wanted to look inside of the up-and-coming beauty tech startup, Mira, the world’s largest catalogue of skincare & cosmetics products, ratings & reviews covering thousands of beauty brands, and gather some feedback from their team about their take on Pride in 2020 and the future of it.
Below is an enlightening, must-read Q&A with Jess, Mira’s first senior female engineer.
Tell us more about yourself?
My name is Jess and I’m a software engineer here at Mira. I was one of the first developers to join the team, and their first senior female engineer. I am a transgender woman, who has been transitioning for just under 3 years. I am passionate about both data and beauty and feel lucky I have found a place where I can live up these two passions at the same time. I believe in the transformative and empowering power of makeup, because it’s brought me the confidence boost that I needed.
Do you think virtual Pride parades are here to stay post COVID-19?
I hope so. A large part of Pride is to be visible, be seen, to get out there, and let people know that we members of the LGBTIQ+ community exist, matter, and are here to stay. Some of us still can’t get out of our towns to go celebrate in person, and with COVID19, virtual events are an opportunity to provide greater access to educational and allyship resources to all. I am confident virtual pride events will find their purpose, separate from physical parades and celebrations which are as important to the community.
How much do you think Pride events will grow to 2021 worldwide?
It will grow every year, especially as more and more allies become aware of the importance of LGBTIQ+ rights. Until we are all recognized as equals under the eyes of the law, we can expect more people to come out in support of the community. While acceptance grows for some, we are still facing major challenges in the United States. The overall homicide and suicide rates of transgender Americans is higher than that of cisgender individuals. Three in ten young trans people attempt suicide in the country, and the average lifespan of a Black transwoman in America is about 40 years old. Violence against trans individuals is increasing, and it’s not helping that trans rights are under perpetual attack by the Trump administration. This is what the world needs an LGBTIQ+ Pride Month for, more than ever.
Tips for beauty brands to engage customers during Pride?
As a transwoman, one of the biggest hurdles I encountered was having little experience or education in applying makeup and beauty products; I had never been taught at an early age, unlike most women. More education, acknowledgment and accessibility would massively improve the experience of trans and gender non-conforming people in navigating various beauty products. A good example is beauty classes and tutorial sessions with makeup artists. There is no need for custom trans makeup – I am a woman, like any other woman. The only difference is that I didn’t have access to beauty education until I became my true self in and out. So, I have a heck of a lot to learn! We here at Mira are achieving this by improving access to information on all things beauty, regardless of how you self-identify. And we offer the most supportive and inclusive community.
Tips for business to engage and encourage employees to support Pride?
Raise your voice. Or seize opportunities to have one. Some formal diversity and inclusion training is absolutely necessary, and NOT just because it’s Pride Month. We are all different, we all respond to things differently, and it’s important to acknowledge that. Pride isn’t just the time to show off your rainbow logo, it’s not just a time to show your values externally. It’s a time to show your values internally, including normalising name tags / pronoun pins for everyone, not just those who request them, and protecting LGBTIQA+ people from being “outed” or exposed. Coming out is a personal experience and process, and to each their own time.
Any Pride makeup tips for virtual event participants?
Be creative, be fearless, be you. Wear your colors proudly. I personally love seeing pride flags and colors around the eyes, particularly on the eyelid, crease, and brow. I would do this, but unfortunately me trying to do any makeup around the eyes scares me because I’m so terrible at it! Need more practice, practice, practice!
How can a novice support Pride online this year and next?
Pride is for everyone: every marginalized group – and there are quite a lot! Join in, positively support and talk about it within and outside their social group and donate to affiliated charities. I have seen first-hand the kind of work these charities (namely the San Francisco LGBT Center) do for the community, and it is nothing short of incredible. Donations can impact so many lives.
Thoughts on the Pride movement the past few years?
I hope 2020 Pride will be remembered for the Black trans community. And I hope it will stay that way: Pride is about giving visibility to those who need it most, which hasn’t always been the case in recent years. I think much of Pride has become too corporate and too much about partying and sponsorships, rather than being seen and heard. While it is a step forward that companies are willing to advertise to us and with us in the LGBTIQA+ community, where even a decade ago this would be seen as financial suicide, it’s still little more than tokenism in many cases and does not really give anything back to the community. Much of the advertising ignores smaller parts of the community, in favor of more “accepted” segments. This needs to change.
What do you think Pride parades will look like in 5 years from now?
More inclusivity. Much larger crowds and more allies I would hope too. As misinformation about the transgender and non-binary community continues to clear up, I would expect to see a greater proportion of those groups represented within Pride. It’s actually what the LGBTQIA+ community is expecting from brands: Be part of leading the charge on true inclusivity, just not the politically correct one.
Cheers to Jess for providing such a great take on the pride movement and helpful feedback for other transgender professionals too. Although Pride is very different this year, it will be celebrated with much love virtually around the world. So, if you’re looking for some ideas for your virtual pride parade with friends, family, and supporters everywhere, Mira has provided an amazing list of pride makeup looks for 2020 to consider using for your upcoming virtual Pride Parade this year.
Source: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/pride-2020-beyond-the-journey-of-a-female-transgender-software-engineer/ 
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drewwwbydoobydoo · 4 years
If you're feeling up to it, why not just answer all of the 65 questions from the ask list?
Ok here goes haha
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Yeah for sure, but at this point I just figure I can’t do a whole lot about it so I’m just rolling with whatever is the truth (basically the same thing as us maybe being in a simulation, I don’t think the answer really matters)
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Like 4 or 5, I’m very scared of the dark tbh I get super paranoid sometimes
3. The person you would never want to meet? Mike Pence
4. What is your favorite word? Exuberance or effulgent
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? A maple tree
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? Bleh
7. What shirt are you wearing? A gray shirt from a hackathon I did last year
8. What do you label yourself as? A creative, a student, a future teacher, a lesbian, a human
9. Bright room or dark room? Bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Talking to my dad about child psychology
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? 18
12. Who told you they loved you last? My mom
13. Your worst enemy? The US government
14. What is your current desktop picture? A drawing that someone did of a mountain landscape
15. Do you like someone? Yeee my partner!
16. The last song you listened to? Rollercoaster by The Orion Experience
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? The dictator of the US
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? Same as #17
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? Same as #17, and I would just try to fix as many things that he’s done as I could lol
20. What is your best physical attribute? I really like my eyes! They’re gray and I think that’s pretty cool
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? I feel like honestly I would look approximately the same, or like my brother lol though we already look pretty similar. I’d just continue existing, idk I don’t think I’d do anything differently cause gender is funky
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Yes! I can write in a whole bunch of different fonts by hand really easily (like I can switch between fonts without having to write slower or think too much about it)
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Ok so like I’m really afraid of small heights but not big heights. For some reason heights like doing a ropes course or trapeze absolutely terrify me but I’m totally fine like on a tall mountain or in a plane
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. Maple tempeh with hummus, avocado, tomato and lettuce on wheat bread sounds 10/10 rn
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? I’d donate it to the Transgender Law Center
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Hmmmmm I wouldn’t go on a plane because we’re still in a pandemic but theoretically if this were a normal time I’d probably go somewhere in Canada
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? I don’t drink alcohol so I’m good!
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Freedom of speech (with the exception of hate speech)
29. What is your favorite expletive? Asshat, mainly cause I think it’s kinda funny
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? My laptop, I have too many photos and files that I don’t want to lose
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Getting blackmailed by my brother
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Canada here we come!
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? My cat, Clara. She was the absolute sweetest being that has ever graced this planet, and she was my only true friend for many years
34. What was your last dream about? The commune that I lived at last summer
35. Are you a good listener? I think so? I try to be, especially since I took some workshops in nonviolent communication and how to be a better listener and I think those were really helpful!
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? No but I probably should have been
37. Have you ever built a snowman? Yeah
38. What is the color of your socks? Light blue
39. What type of music do you like? Idk a lot of stuff I guess? Musical soundtracks, indie rock, pop-rock, etc.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets!!!
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Vanilla (boring, I know lol)
42. What football team do you support? Idk any sports teams :/
43. Do you have any scars? Yeah, many
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I mean like theoretically I would love to be a painter but realistically I’m gonna become an elementary school teacher
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Bruh how tf do I choose just one??? Uhhhhhh honestly I would get rid of my uterus I don’t want it and it just causes pain
46. Are you reliable? Yeah, very
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? Which career path do I end up on?
48. Do you hold grudges? Yeah, only about big things though
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? I’d breed cats and rabbits together to create: cabbits
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? One time me and one of my friends were laying on the floor of our dorm’s common room and we were talking about a bunch of fucked up stuff we’ve done (like not necessarily bad things, but just like those weird, “are you ok?” kind of things)
51. Are you a good liar? Yeah actually! I don’t know how, but I'm a really good liar if I genuinely want to lie about something. 
52. How long could you go without talking? A very long time. Singing would be a drastically different answer though
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? When I first cut my hair short when I was 16, it was just a very awkward length and I didn’t know what was happening
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? Yeah I actually baked one yesterday
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? I can kinda do a southern accent
56. What do you like on your toast? Vegan butter and roasted garlic mmmmm
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? Roman Sanders lol
58. What would be you dream car? I’ve always wanted a light blue convertible, like as long as I can remember I’ve had this very specific car in mind that I know I’d never actually buy but in theory would be very cool
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. Sometimes I sing in the shower, also I used to sit down while showering lol
60. Do you believe in aliens? Yeah, I don’t have any specific theories but I think there’s probably some other intelligent life out there
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Not really
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? E
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Dragons
64. What do you think about babies? Amazing, I was one once
This was fun! Kinda therapeutic tbh lol
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tsgdenvercolorado · 6 years
December Scouted Calendar
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Tell Them SCOUT Sent You
9News PARADE OF LIGHTS  Saturday, Dec. 1st | CIVIC CENTER PARK | click for details The 9NEWS Parade of Lights is a magical nighttime event, which features more than 40 units including extravagantly illuminated floats, giant helium-filled character balloons, magnificent marching bands, traditional equestrian units and vibrant cultural entries. Join us at Civic Center Park!
RED ROCKS LOCAL SET DINNER Saturday, Dec. 1st, 6pm | RED ROCKS AMPHITHEATER | click for tickets Calling all music lovers! Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre excitedly presents our 2nd annual Local Set Series with double the music and double the fun. Local Set featuring Mike Heuer & Elder Grown
ASPEN HIGHLANDS OPENS Saturday, Dec. 1st | ASPEN HIGHLANDS Aspen Highlands opens for the season
ONLINE HOLIDAY DECOR SALE Dec. 1-3rd | HOMEFEST DECOR | click for details
VIVIAN LOU NEW CUSTOMER DISCOUNT Dec. 1-31st | VIVIAN LOU | click for details Vivian Lou Insolia weight-shifting insoles were created for every woman who wants to wear high heels without the hurt.
KITTO KATTO SKINCARE DECEMBER DEALS Dec. 1-31st | KITTO KATTO SKINCARE | click to book appointment Microneedling - buy a 3 treatment package for $700, a $140 savings        Prodigy Peels - P2 peels $140, a $25 savings | P3 peels $215, a $50 savings
PLUM SAGE FLOWERS MONTHLY FLOWER SUBSCRIPTION Dec. 1-31st | PLUM SAGE FLOWERS | click for details Give the gift of a fresh flower subscription this holiday season! Plum Sage Flowers’ arrangements feature seasonal blooms designed in a stylish vessel that we can select to complement your space. The arrangements are available for pickup or delivery - once every week or once a month.
COLLABORATIVE SHOW BETWEEN ARTISTS RALPH WIEGMANN AND SUZANNE TRUMAN Dec. 1-Jan. 5th | VISIONS WEST CONTEMPORARY | click for details The patterns, sensations, and rhythms of nature have been an early influence on the art of both Wiegmann and Truman, compelling them to create intuitive works that reflect experiences within the natural world. The works that appear in their upcoming show continue to meditate on these notions of pattern, color, and texture in nature. This in-depth collaboration has led the artists to a particular essence in their works that are focused on the elemental interplay of fire and water and the destructive as well as the regenerative nature of these two things. 
ONLINE SEASONAL FLORAL SALE Dec. 4-10th | HOMEFEST DECOR | click for details
ALL IS BOTOX & BRIGHT Thursday, Dec. 6th, 10-12pm | Featuring DENVER MOBILE TEETH WHITENING at Women In Kind | click for details Join Denver Mobile Teeth Whitening and Aspire Medical Spa for a raffle, special discounts, snacks, and refreshments while starting the holiday season by doing something for you!
DONATIONS DRIVE for DENVER HOMELESS Saturday, Dec. 8th, 3pm | ATC | DEN Gallery | click for details Stop by ATC DEN from noon to 3pm on Saturday and bring any of the following items: non-perishable foods, warm clothes, sleeping bags, toiletries, socks and hand warmers. Complimentary mimosas and doughnuts will be served. This is a kid-friendly event. Let’s all get together to uplift our community this holiday season.
BUTTERMILK OPENS Saturday, Dec. 8th | BUTTERMILK Buttermilk opens for the season
LGTBQ FAMILY-BUILDING EVENT December 12th, 6-7:30pm | CCRM | click for details CCRM is proud to help gay, lesbian and transgender individuals and couples become parents. Join us for a free, informal event with a panel of experts in LGBTQ family-building. The panelists will discuss various fertility options, challenges and will answer questions submitted by attendees.
HOLLY, JOLLY, JINGLE & MINGLE December 13-14th, 10-6pm | PERCH DENVER | Come celebrate the holiday season Perch style with mimosas, bubbly, wine & cheese.  Bring in a new, unused toy to support Kenzies Causes. Receive a $50 credit to your Perch account when you spend $500.  Complimentary valet parking.
HIPSTER SANTA at THE SOURCE  Saturday, Dec. 15th, 11-6pm | Featuring JENNIFER OLSON PHOTOGRAPHY If he's hanging out in RiNo, you know Santa is probably a hipster. Come to see for yourself. Jennifer Olson Photography will be snapping photos with the RiNo Hipster Santa all day.
BRUNCH WITH SANTA at RED ROCKS Sunday, Dec. 16th, 9:30am | RED ROCKS AMPHITHEATER | click for tickets Come enjoy a delicious brunch ‘On the Rocks’ and snap a picture with Santa himself! Our Brunch with Santa features holiday games and crafts for kids, including a specialty kids buffet, a made-to-order omelet station, and waffle bar, ham and prime rib carvery station, a hot chocolate bar and more of your brunch favorites! Holiday adult beverages will also be available for purchase. We also hear Mrs. Claus will be making a special appearance!
TREAT YO SELF Sunday, Dec. 16th, 11-1:30pm | Featuring DENVER MOBILE TEETH WHITENING at Regatta Apartments | click for tickets Treat Yo Self before the holiday crazies with a 30-min Pilates class (bring your own mat) by Club Pilates Edgewater, 5-min body scan, 10-min chair massage, Brow or lash tint from Aspire Medical Spa, Appetizers & beverages + 60-min teeth whitening session by Denver Mobile Teeth Whitening = $75 (savings of $55) Botox by Aspire Medical Spa for $11/Unit
VISION BOARD WORKSHOP & SOLSTICE INTENTION SETTING Tuesday, Dec. 18th, 6:30-8:30pm | ATC | DEN Gallery | click for tickets Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and do something for yourself. Go into the new year with a clear vision for what you want to bring into your life. Join artist, lifestyle blogger and gallery owner Laura Moretz for a special evening of creativity and manifestation. Laura will lead us through the process of creating a vision board, the basic principles of manifestation and the law of attraction as well as a guided meditation for intent setting for the upcoming Winter Solstice. ATC will provide magazines, poster board, some scissors and glue sticks. Please note a $5 donation towards non-profit organization the Trevor Project is included in the ticket price. 
MURANO MOSAICS - PERSISTENCE AND EVOLUTION, ANN NORTON SCULPTURE GARDENS Wednesday, Dec. 19-Feb. 3rd | TANSEY CONTEMPORARY | click for details Venice, specifically the island of Murano, has remained the center of decorative glass art for the last 5,000 years. Venetian techniques evolved from mosaics and have influenced artists around the globe for centuries. After the second World War, interest in glass resurged and deeply influenced the contemporary studio glass art movement. From the classic works of the Murano “maestro” Lino Tagliapietra through the “cane” and “murini” work of leading Australian artists Clare Belfrage and Giles Bettison to the exciting works by emerging artist Kazuki Takizawa, glass artists continue to develop and evolve traditional Venetian techniques for contemporary practice.
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mykidsgay · 6 years
Yes, You Can Still Be a Grandparent: On LGBTQ Family Formation
By Trystan Reese, Director of Family Formation at Family Equality Council
As a parent, there are so many things you want for your children. A good education, a partner that treats them well, a fulfilling job, hobbies that spark their passion… and a family of their own one day (when and if they are really ready). When a parent learns that their child is LGBTQ, their most common fear is that their child won’t become a parent themselves. But more and more LGBTQ people ARE able to form families if they wish, and we hope your child is no different if that is what they choose!
Unfortunately, there are some barriers for LGBTQ people who want to form families of their own: legal, social, financial, and medical. It can be heartbreaking to imagine that your child may not have the choice to one day become a parent—the good news, though, is that the number of LGBTQ parents grows every year. Statewide laws are increasingly trending toward support for LGBTQ parenting and many options exist for family-building within our community.
Here are some ways LGBTQ people are currently able to become parents.
1. Adoption. When a biological connection to a child isn’t paramount, many LGBTQ people choose to adopt. There are thousands of sweet, funny, smart, amazing kids out there who would love to have you as their grandparent. Yes, the prospect of raising a child born into difficult circumstances can seem like a big task—and it is—but it’s also extremely rewarding. If your LGBTQ child chooses to adopt, they are, in many cases, literally saving a life. My two older kids are adopted, and my parents ADORE them. They are extremely proud of our decision to become parents in this way and are known to spoil our kids as much as they possibly can.
2. Fostering. If your child feels open to parenting temporarily, or parenting in a situation that might be temporary, becoming a foster parent is a unique and powerful way to forever impact the life of a young person in need of a safe place. Foster grandparents get the experience of spoiling multiple grandchildren, in addition to the incredible experience of knowing that your adult child is making a difference in many lives. While it can be heartbreaking to imagine saying goodbye to a child you’ve grown attached to, you will always know that their life has been made better because of their relationship with you. LGBTQ people make great foster parents—many of us have experienced adversity in our lives, which means we can more easily relate to children in the foster care system and can serve as models for overcoming difficult circumstances.
3. Biologically using sperm donation. If your child has a uterus but doesn’t end up having a partner who produces sperm, they may utilize a known or anonymous donor to help make their family dream come true. They should always work with an experienced lawyer to protect everyone involved, but in general the process is not too difficult. This process can happen less formally, using a friend and at-home insemination, or with a fertility center. In some cases, partners would like to each have a physical connection to the intended baby. In those cases, they may choose to harvest one partner’s eggs and work with a clinic to fertilize those eggs and implant them in the other partner’s uterus for the pregnancy and birth. In this way, the child will be genetically related to one and will also have a physical connection to the other. This is also a way to have stronger legal protections for each partner, as sometimes the law favors genetic/biological connections.
4. Surrogacy. If your child doesn’t have a uterus, having a child biologically is a tad more complicated because pregnancy and childbirth are really the hardest parts of making a baby. It’s often hard to find someone willing to go through that process on someone else’s behalf, but it’s not impossible. A surrogate may be a friend, or they may be someone secured through an agency. As with utilizing a donor like above, it is critical for everyone to work with a lawyer to make sure things don’t get messy at any point. Surrogacy is the most expensive way to become a parent: the intended parent(s) are responsible for all medical bills, in addition to dozens of other categories of fees. Some states have restrictions on surrogacy, so couples sometimes have to work with an out-of-state (or even out-of-country) agency to help a surrogacy happen.
5. Transgender parenting. If you have a transgender or gender non-conforming child, there are still lots of ways for them to become a parent to a child who shares a genetic connection to them.
If your transgender child plans to transition to the point of losing their reproductive capability (through having a hysterectomy, oophorectomy, or other bottom surgery), they can go through fertility preservation beforehand. A trained physician will extract eggs or collect sperm and save it at a cryobank for later use. Reproductive cells like this can last literally decades (maybe even centuries!), so a transgender person can undergo surgical transition and decide later if they’d like to use that tissue to make a child. This is a good option if your child wants the freedom to pursue their transition without worrying about long-term reproductive ability. There are two drawbacks to this option: most insurance plans won’t cover it (and it is incredibly costly!); and for egg retrieval, the patient must undergo hormone treatments designed to stimulate egg release and then have a procedure guided by an internal ultrasound wand. This can feel invasive to some transmasculine people, and they may opt out of the process on this basis alone.
If your child has a uterus and doesn’t plan to transition to the point of losing reproductive capability, they still may be able to have a baby when they’re ready. Contrary to historical understanding of the uterus, recent data clearly shows that taking testosterone will not seriously impact uterus or egg health. Even after many years of testosterone use, trans pregnancy and birth outcomes are the same as for non-transgender pregnancies. While it may not be common for transgender men to give birth, it has been done hundreds of times and is perfectly safe when done according to medical instruction. However, most transgender men may not feel comfortable being pregnant and giving birth; if a transgender person is committed to having a biological child but doesn’t want to carry the baby themselves, they can harvest their eggs and a surrogate or partner can go through the pregnancy process.
If your child’s body produces sperm and they don’t end up having procedures to remove their body’s ability to produce sperm, they may be able to stop taking their hormones and regain sperm production down the road. Sperm collection can be mentally stressful for some transgender women (or gender non-conforming people whose bodies produce sperm), but it isn’t painful. If they have a partner with a uterus, they can undergo the procreation process through intercourse or at-home insemination or they can go to a clinic to ensure a higher success rate through intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF). If they end up going the IUI or IVF route, good insurance will cover some, if not all, of the costs, but they are pretty expensive out-of-pocket.
As you can see, there are many ways for an LGBTQ person to become a parent. Personally, I have two children who were adopted by us when a relative couldn’t take care of them, and I gave birth to my baby, Leo, in 2017. It’s important to remember that there’s no “right” way to become a parent (or grandparent!)—it’s all about your child’s vision for their family, in conjunction with what’s allowed legally in their state and what their financial realities are.
Feel free to stay engaged and involved with Family Equality Council in the coming years. We exist to make the path to parenthood easier for LGBTQ people, and will continue to be a resource for you and your family for years to come.
Keep in touch, and good luck!
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Yea, we’re headed out with our wallets open in the wind this weekend too. But as we did previously in 2016 and 2015, we suggest, if you’re comfortable enough as a vagabond of the western world, please consider donating a fraction of this week’s discretionary income to one of the worthy organizations listed below…that way, when you scroll your uglies into Fuckin’ Record Reviews’ BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2017 and revisit BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2016, BEST REASONS TO WRITE FUCKIN’ RECORD REVIEWS IN 2015 and 2014 and 2013, you won’t feel as bad about yourself as you normally do. Someone, somewhere will give thanks.  Thanks!
Fuckin’ Record Reviews endorses the agendas of the following organizations, each of which includes localized links after the respective jump:
BATTLE FOR NET NEUTRALITY: Imagine you’d have to pay extra for access to Fuckin’ Record Reviews! Egads!!! “Net neutrality is the principle that Internet providers like Comcast & Verizon should not control what we see and do online. In 2015, startups, Internet freedom groups, and 3.7 million commenters won strong net neutrality rules from the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The rules prohibit Internet providers from blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization—"fast lanes" for sites that pay, and slow lanes for everyone else.”
SAVE DACA LIVES via HERE TO STAY:  “On September 5th, Donald Trump ended any renewals and new applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, taking away work permits and deportation protection from almost 1 million immigrant youth. Congress must pass a clean Dream Act before going home in December! Tweet these stories to Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and demand a clean Dream Act by December 2017.
COALITION TO STOP GUN VIOLENCE: “CSGV’s guiding principle is simple. We believe that all Americans have a right to live in communities free from gun violence.”
SECULAR COALITION OF AMERICA: “Our mission is to increase the visibility of and respect for nontheistic viewpoints in the United States, and to protect and strengthen the secular character of our government as the best guarantee of freedom for all.”
NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS: “What started as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table in 1979 has blossomed into the nation’s leading voice on mental health. Today, we are an association of hundreds of local affiliates, state organizations and volunteers who work in your community to raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need.”
PLANNED PARENTHOOD: “In October 2016, Planned Parenthood turned 100 years strong. Planned Parenthood was founded on the revolutionary idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams — no ceilings, no limits. Learn more about how 100 years of care, education, and activism have changed everything. Today, Planned Parenthood is a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide.”
CLINIC VEST PROJECT: “The mission of the Clinic Vest Project is to provide FREE clinic escort vests to groups that service facilities that support the full range of reproductive health options including safe and legal abortion.”
U.S. COMMITTEE FOR REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS (USCRI): “For over 100 years, we have advanced the rights and lives of those who have lost or left their homes. We believe we have a shared responsibility to clear obstacles and uncover opportunities for people everywhere. So, when lives are uprooted by force or by choice, we fight alongside those on the path to independence.”
THE TREVOR PROJECT: “The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.”
AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION (ACLU): “The ACLU is non-profit and non-partisan. We do not receive any government funding. Member dues and contributions and grants from private foundations and individuals pay for the work we do. The ACLU, with headquarters in New York City, litigates across the nation and all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Our Washington, D.C., legislative office lobbies the U.S. Congress. We use strategic communications to educate the public about issues. And the ACLU has expanded its reach by applying international human rights standards in our complex Post 9/11 world. A number of national projects address specific civil liberties issues: AIDS, capital punishment, lesbian and gay rights, immigrants’ rights, prisoners’ rights, reproductive freedom, voting rights, women’s rights and workplace rights.”
NATIONAL ABORTION AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS ACTION LEAGUE (NARAL PRO-CHOICE AMERICA): “NARAL Pro-Choice America uses numerous tactics to lobby for liberalized access to abortion, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. It sponsors lawsuits against governments and hospitals, donates money to politicians supportive of abortion rights through its political action committee, and organizes its members to contact members of Congress and urge them to support NARAL’s positions.”
THE JEREMY WILSON FOUNDATION MUSICIANS’ EMERGENCY HEALTHCARE FUND: “…a safety net for musicians and their families when facing debilitating medical crisis. The JWF creates better access to resources and information to help improve the state of musicians’ health and healthcare, and, in turn, their careers and financial and overall well-being.”
SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER: “Your gift will help win justice on behalf of those who have no other champion, expose and fight the hate that thrives in our country, and provide tolerance education materials free of charge to schools across our nation.”
NATIONAL NETWORK OF ABORTION FUNDS: “The National Network of Abortion Funds works to make sure that all people can get the abortions they seek. If you are seeking help paying for an abortion, we are here today to help you get what you need. The local abortion funds in our organization help people pay for abortions they can’t otherwise afford.”
EMILY’S LIST: “We elect pro-choice Democratic women to office.”
BRADY CAMPAIGN TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE: “The mission of the Brady organization is to create a safer America for all of us that will lead to a dramatic reduction in gun deaths and injuries. Of the 32,000 people who die from gun violence in this country each year, how many could be saved? Brady has announced the bold goal to cut the number of U.S. gun deaths in half by 2025, based on an innovative and exciting strategy that centers on the idea of keeping guns out of the wrong hands through three impact-driven, broadly engaging campaigns: (1) a policy focus to “Finish the Job” so that life-saving Brady background checks are applied to all gun sales; (2) to “Stop ‘Bad Apple’ Gun Dealers” – the 5 percent of gun dealers that supply 90 percent of all crime guns; and (3) to lead a new national conversation and change social norms around the real dangers of guns in the home, to prevent the homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings that happen every day as a result.”
WFMU: the premier “…listener-supported, non-commercial radio station broadcasting at 91.1 Mhz FM in Jersey City, NJ, right across the Hudson from lower Manhattan. It is currently the longest running freeform radio station in the United States.”
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morganbelarus · 6 years
5 Ways To Be An Ally Even After LGBTQ+ History Month
Tristan Billet / Unsplash
June is Pride Month, but did you know October is LGBTQ+ History Month? It is. And even if you don’t identify as LGBTQ+, there are plenty of ways you can celebrate the month and beyond as an ally. All are welcome.
Being an ally isn’t as simple as just assigning yourself that label or going to Pride events, however. Allyship is accepting your privilege as someone who is not part of a marginalized group — and also accepting that you likely don’t fully understand the experience of someone who is. As Emery Vela, a GLSEN student ambassador, put it, “there is not a template for an ally that fits every queer person you meet, and each person will need something different from you.” Always remind yourself that every LGBTQ+ person is unique, and every LGBTQ+ person’s experience is unique. Never make assumptions, ask how you can help, and be as supportive as you can to a group that needs it in today’s political climate. After all, 1 in 5 LGBTQ+ people experience homophobia on a daily basis.
LGBTQ+ History Month is a great time to support LGBTQ+ individuals and work on being an ally, but it’s also something that is important to do year-round. Here are 5 ways to support the community this month and beyond.
1. Acknowledge LGBTQ+ History Month and all other important dates for the community
This might seem too obvious upon first reading it, but seriously, it’s important. Just acknowledging the fact that it’s happening is a form of support, and it can encourage others to show their support as well. This can be as simple as a tweet, a Facebook post, a conversation in the office, etc. If you aren’t sure what to write, find a great quote from an LGBTQ+ person, share an article, or, better yet, ask an LGBTQ+ friend what would mean most to them. LGBTQ+ history is part of everyone’s history, so let’s talk about it.
2. Read up on issues or just generally educate yourself
Even if you consider yourself well-educated about the current issues that the LGBTQ+ community faces, try to see if there’s something new you can learn. If you aren’t sure where to start, ask someone in the community what in society is concerning them most. Then, go learn about it. Alternatively, you can use the guide to Coming Out as a Supporter from the Human Rights Campaign as a starting point.
3. Donate to an LGBTQ+ cause
There are a lot of organizations in the United States and around the world doing amazing things for the LGBTQ+ community — and you can support them. The Trevor Project provides “crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning youth.” The Transgender Law Center “is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people.” CenterLink “develops strong, sustainable LGBT community centers and builds a thriving center network that creates healthy, vibrant communities.” You can also look for a local organization near you and see how you can support their efforts in your area.
4. Make purchases to support organizations or LGBTQ-owned businesses
This can take many forms, so it’s really up to you. You can look at the local chapters of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce to find businesses certified as majority owned by LGBTQ+ individuals. Alternatively, you can make a purchase to support GLSEN, a K-12 focused organization, or purchase this wine that supports The Trevor Project.
5. Participate in a local event or get involved in an organization
Never feel like you can’t participate in an LGBTQ-focused event because you aren’t part of the community. Unless the description explicitly states that it’s meant for LGBTQ+ individuals only, you can always come to show your support at an event. Look for advertised happenings around your area or on Facebook, or look for a local organization to get involved in. PFLAG “is the extended family of the LGBTQ community. We’re made up of LGBTQ individuals, family members and allies. Because together, we’re stronger.” Find your local chapter and see how you can be an ally to their efforts.
Let’s celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month now as well as the LGBTQ+ community, no matter the month.
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Looking At Surrogacy to Begin or Expand Your Loved ones? Tips to Make Sure a Productive Surrogacy Partnership
Looking At Surrogacy to Begin or Expand Your Loved ones? Tips to Make Sure a Productive Surrogacy Partnership
 For married couples having problem with the inability to conceive where the girl is actually not able to lug a little one, surrogacy is a wonderful option to create a family members. Prior to beginning your surrogacy trip, it is actually necessary to possess a simple understanding of the process. It is actually necessary to understand the various kinds of surrogacy agreements, the methods entailed, as well as the legal ramifications of each style. https://www.mysurrogatemom.com/
 Furthermore, to make your Surrogacy In Canada journey as soft as possible, you need to possess an excellent understanding of the following:
 1) exactly how to thoroughly shield your civil rights,
 2) the prospective prices related to your surrogacy trip in USA, as well as
 3) the importance of possessing the support as well as guidance you need throughout your surrogacy adventure in United States.
 Surrogacy is actually an arrangement where a female provides a little one and carries for another individual (designated moms and dad) or married couple (intended moms and dads). The woman who will lug the child is called the surrogate mother.
 There are actually 2 forms of surrogacy: gestational and also conventional. Traditional surrogacy is actually where the Surrogate Mother Cost donates her personal egg and brings the kid for the desired moms and dads. The surrogate mommy can easily be inseminated with either the designated daddy's sperm or contributed sperm in a procedure named intrauterine insemination. Yet another alternative entails developing embryos making use of in vitro fertilizing (IVF) and after that moving several eggs into the surrogate mama's uterus. With conventional surrogacy, the surrogate mom is actually genetically associated with the child.
 Gestational surrogacy is wherean embryo is actually made by means of IVF and afterwards moved into the surrogate mama's uterus. This is actually the absolute most typical kind of surrogacy. With gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mama is actually not genetically pertaining to the youngster.
 Extra gestational surrogacy or Egg Donors arrangements include using an egg given coming from another lady (contributor egg) and/or the usage of semen given away coming from another man (donor sperm).
 The legal elements of surrogacy are several, sophisticated as well as condition specific. It is critical that each individual involved in your surrogacy plan has their personal attorney who is trained in procreative rule. On top of that, before an embryo is actually transmitted right into the surrogate mommy, it is important that the particulars of your surrogacy agreement are actually hardened in a composed contract.
 Having actually a written contract not simply defends your civil liberties yet also shields the surrogate mommy in Canada. It is essential that the deal is actually outlined as well as point out the legal rights, obligations and requirements of each gathering. Some factors to consider feature the objective of the surrogacy setup, where the youngster will definitely be birthed, dietary worries, selective reduction, desires after the childbirth of the little one, as well as courthouse operations for putting the planned parents' names on the childbirth certificate.
 If complications develop, your ideal defense will be your agreement, which must also give support for solving prospective concerns. Some intended parents as well as surrogates are actually lured to experience the surrogacy journey without a legal representative; having said that, accomplishing this is actually an error.
 Due to the fact that each surrogacy experience is different, it is actually challenging to provide a particular dollar quantity of what your trip will set you back. Based on expertise, your surrogacy adventure can easily set you back roughly $60,000 to $110,000, along with $110,000 being the worst-case scenario with optimum expenses being produced.
 Having sufficient help as well as assistance can create all the difference in between a incredibly difficult as well as heartbreaking surrogacy journey as well as an even more calm surrogacy experience.
 In the course of your surrogacy journey, you prefer to be capable to center on one trait, the appearance of your kid. Consequently, possessing somebody that can support you in finding the most effective surrogate, work with the different parts of your quest as well as function as a negotiator in between you and also your surrogate mama (if needed to have) will definitely aid take out a number of the stress and anxiety and stress. You will certainly likewise need an attorney who is actually competent in procreative law to deliver the lawful advice that you will certainly need. It will be actually favorable if you possessed somebody on your staff that possesses personal adventure along with surrogacy. This person will certainly have the ability to inform you what to expect as well as assist you handle certain scenarios that might develop in between you and also your surrogate mommy.
 Surrogacy has actually come to be thus well-liked due largely to the enhancing inability to conceive costs blended along with an increasing amount of LGBT (homosexual, gay, bisexual, transgender) population all over the world.
 Surrogacy prospers for those childless pairs that are actually certainly not in an opening to hold a maternity on their own, because of infertility or some other ovulation condition.
 The inability to conceive influences greater than 7 million men and also ladies in the United States, and regarding 12 percent of females of childbearing grow older are actually thought about infertile. The majority of unable to have children individuals conquer their problem with the inability to conceive with health center procedure, consisting of drug or even hormone therapies or surgery, yet for some no quantity of clinical procedure can easily assist.
 This is actually where surrogacy functions and also comes like a magic.
 Surrogacy could be described as an arrangement where a female voluntarily accepts to carry a pregnancy as well as give childbirth to a child for an additional pair or individual.
 All surrogacy arrangements include a lady, referred to as a surrogate, and also a specific or couple, normally knowned as the designated moms and dads.
 The phrase "surrogate" means an individual that functions alternatively or even substitute for an additional individual. A surrogate mommy thus is actually a woman that rents out her tummy to an additional pair in order that they can easily have their personal biological baby.
 The surrogate mom conceives typically through man-made insemination, using the sperm of either the designated papa or even a sperm benefactor, or operative implantation of an enriched egg with the intent of providing the kid she becomes pregnant along with to an individual else to bring up.
 There are 2 essential forms of surrogacy alternatives- Full surrogacy (likewise known as Host or even Gestational surrogacy) as well as Partial surrogacy (likewise understood Straight or even Traditional surrogacy).
 Gestational surrogacy - It is the best usual of type of surrogacy. Within this kind of plans are actually involved the designated moms and dads of the youngster and also the surrogate mom who agrees to carry the embryo( s) produced either coming from:
 1. the egg( s) and also semen of the planned moms and dads.
2. a given away egg fertilized along with semen coming from the planned daddy just before implantation, via a process employed vitro fertilizing or IVF.
3. an egg generated making use of benefactor eggs and benefactor semen selected due to the designated moms and dads.
 In this particular kind of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is actually not naturally or genetically associated whatsoever to the coming kid.
 Standard Surrogacy - With this sort of arrangement, a surrogate girl serves as both egg benefactor and surrogate. In this surrogacy setup, a typical surrogate concedes to give her egg( s) to be synthetically inseminated along with the sperm of either the designated papa or even a sperm benefactor.
 In conventional surrogacy process, the surrogate girl is fertilized through intratubal insemination or intrauterine insemination (IUI), and also is actually genetically connected to the child she brings because her personal eggs are utilized while doing so.
 These two simple forms of surrogacy are further grouped right into 2 kinds - office and also altruistic.
 For business styles of surrogacy, the surrogate mother is generally paid due to the desired parents to compensate her for her function as an unborn child carrier. In industrial surrogacy setups, the intended parents or even people pay for cost to the chosen surrogate in swap of accomplishing their desire for being parents. The cash is paid for to the surrogate if you want to cover her clinical expenses and also every other pregnancy associated expenses, consisting of travel arrangements, along with to recompense for her opportunity and also effort.
 Along with altruistic arrangement, the surrogate mama accepts hold a child to maturity in her tummy for another individual or even pair with no financial compensation. She acquires no monetary reward for her maternity. She is actually still paid by the planned moms and dads for all costs related to her pregnancy as well as birth.
 When going into a surrogacy plan a lot of pairs are actually amazed at the financial demands. The inquiries that many inquire on their own are actually: Why is it so expensive? Is this a technique for surrogacy agencies to put a rate on parent? Are actually surrogates as well as firms simply performing this commercial?
The surrogacy organization is actually certainly not making an effort to gouge you or even deceive you with their charges. Many of the costs that you pay for surrogacy organizations do not be honorable into the company or even surrogate's pockets.
 Some decide on to foster as well as some turn in the direction of surrogacy. Lots of people investigating surrogacy are shocked at the cost to go through the process.
 An effective surrogacy end result requires several teams of professionals and also skilled staffs and when one begins to take a closer check out these teams, why they are needed, and the function they play in ensuring Intended Parents that they have a beneficial and also productive surrogacy expertise, the prices included start to create sense. The surrogacy firm should have a plan in position that attends to risk monitoring in essentially all facets of the procedure from reviewing a surrogacy company prospect to health treatment costs. A group of specialists is vital to understanding, evaluating, and also replying to the several dangers presented due to the method as well as protecting Intended Parents to the level feasible. The following is actually a recap of the groups that must reside in place in a surrogacy agreement:
 Emotional Support Team - This team delivers initial examination of each designated moms and dads as well as surrogates to guarantee that each parties have managed the large number of problems encompassing surrogacy. As an example, a married couple that encountered years of the inability to conceive has actually sustained numerous excruciating as well as frustrating seconds. Problems that might require to become checked out just before beginning the surrogacy procedure. In situations where contributor semen or eggs are needed to have therefore suggesting that of the parents will certainly not genetically associated to the kid may imply that necessity to become totally explored. Exactly how will the planned mama feel when the Surrogate is actually expecting? What are the appropriate limits for the surrogacy partnership in between Intended Parents and Surrogates? Why possess you selected to work toward surrogate parenting? Possess you informed any individual of your programs to function along with a surrogate, and also if thus what were their responses? Do you need assist in explaining surrogacy to a family participant or close friend? What high qualities perform you desire your surrogate to have? What kind of get in touch with do you wish to have along with your surrogate throughout the pregnancy and also after childbirth?
 Health care Team - The productivity experts on your crew are the basis of the method. Without a superb group of productivity professionals there certainly may not be actually an effective ending. If needed, meant Parents may use the productivity experts that they have been functioning along with or their surrogacy organization may aid in recognizing a fertility center.
 Legal Team - Laws differ through condition as well as it is actually necessary that a legal staff is actually constructed to ensure that the rules of the surrogate's state, the Intended Parent's state and any sort of needed donor's states are actually reviewed to ensure the finest feasible end result. The Agreements in between the Intended Parents and Surrogates develops the structure of one of the most notable ventures both parties could possibly ever engage in.
 Management Team - Surrogacy is actually a sophisticated method that should be dealt with from starting to finish. Employment and matching, conferences, visits, financial processes, trip coordination, clinical method balance, and legal procedure sychronisation. Each of this is performed through company personnel that are expert as well as may provide invaluable help as well as experience throughout the process.
 Insurance Policy Team - Intended Parents need to have to know what health care liabilities they deal with in the surrogacy agreement. Carries out the surrogate have health plan? If thus, performs that insurance cover surrogacy plans? If not, what are the alternatives? This is one of the best essential danger administration evaluations Intended Parents invite the surrogacy process. Ought to issues come up, healthcare costs can sky spacecraft so Intended Parents should possess a comprehensive assessment of these threat elements and insurance coverage choices to secure all of them coming from danger.
 Control Team -A surrogacy firm should possess experienced, credentialed specialists looking after the procedure that are actually compassionate as well as delicate to the needs of surrogates as well as planned moms and dads and also who additionally deliver professional capabilities to the process to guarantee that the several issues and also processes that are actually component any kind of surrogacy setup are actually properly dealt with. When there are actually concerns in any of the different phases of the method, Intended Parents have to possess a trustworthy as well as qualified conciliator as well as manager to ravel and also improve the complications.
 Exactly how a lot are you willing to risk through opting for the a lot less expensive brief cuts or plans that don't provide best notch qualified assistance in all these locations? The monetary as well as psychological threats of a surrogacy plan are also excellent to leave it up to opportunity.
 Surrogate motherhood is modifying the nature of duplication for some modern American families. Couples and also ladies currently possess a variety of choices that enable them to obtain a much desired pregnancy when all hope seems to become lost, however surrogacy uses even the absolute most difficult of situations the option to experience a pregnancy. The only variation is that they are certainly not really holding the kid. In instruction to know the nature of being a parent in America today, one should consider surrogate parenting amongst the range of reproductive choices.
 There are pair of substitute formats of surrogacy: standard surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. Standard surrogacy is actually where the surrogate donates her egg cell and also is synthetically inseminated along with the sperm of the male that will certainly come to be the custodial father. In gestational surrogacy, the egg (often leading coming from the sperm as well as egg of the future tutelary moms and dads) is implanted in the surrogate.
 Commercial surrogacy began in the United States in the overdue 1970s. A lawyer called Noel Keane organized the very first third-party arranged surrogacies and opened a surrogacy agency. The phrase itself carries out certainly not seem to be to have actually appeared up until 1981.
 Surrogacy rapidly reared an amount of lawful as well as honest predicaments. Opponents declare that surrogacy is absolutely nothing additional than a type of little one farming, where females are lessened to breeders, made use of literally as well as mentally through rich married couples that take conveniences of the surrogate's monetary requirement.
 Certainly not up until the mid 1980s performed surrogacy become a national talking factor with the Baby M situation entering into the media limelight. In 1985, William Stern and his better half Elizabeth, chose that, as opposed to face the dangers of maternity, they would find a surrogate to make sure that Mr. Stern could possess a child genetically pertaining to him. He contracted with Mary-Beth Whitehead, a working-class mama of two. The deal stated that, upon the birth of the child, Whitehead, in swap for $10,000, was actually to end all adult rights to the kid, allowing Elizabeth Stern to foster. A child was birthed in 1986 but Whitehead made a decision that she could possibly certainly not go through along with the contract. A legal battle observed in which the courthouses concluded the surrogacy arrangement authentic, thereby approving guardianship to the Sterns. A beauty later on ruled the arrangement illegal and invalid, however it was actually made a decision that Baby M should remain in the custody of the Sterns, along with Whitehead being rewarded visiting civil rights. The instance led to energetic public debate concerning the legality of surrogacy, as well as the differing definitions of parenthood. To today, surrogacy remains unlawful in New Jersey, where the instance happened.
 Given that the 1970s, an estimated 35,000 youngsters have actually been actually born with surrogate plans. Surrogacy gives the unable to have children, the single, lesbian and homosexual pairs, and also much more, the option to become parents. Surrogate moms come from a variety of backgrounds. They may be actually married or even single mamas. Because of ask for, they are actually often Caucasian, although there is actually enhancing requirement for surrogates of various other ethnicities. Surrogacy has actually been criticized as capitalizing on bad, females of colour, and also without a doubt the common surrogate mama is from a lower-income history, and, in the case of gestational surrogacy, might be actually of a different race to the genetic moms and dads (the opinion being that a lady will definitely be less very likely to alter her mind or be actually rewarded safekeeping of a youngster that is a various race).
 There are actually still several problems about staying clear of profiteering of the surrogates, protecting against a bootleg market of baby service providers, and also defending the rate of interests of all parties involved, but some states are placing techniques right into location to secure surrogacy agreements. Despite the media conflict neighboring surrogacy, just an extremely little amount of surrogate deals have actually ever before been actually contested in the courtrooms. The a large number of surrogacy arrangements are actually satisfied to the complete satisfaction of all involved. Surrogacy has provided several married couples along with the chance to experience maternity and childbirth, albeit from an ultramodern perspective.
0 notes
gaymusicchart · 7 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 40
 As a new additionnal rule for making this chart, we also use now the ranking of the number of views in our previous weekly playlist.  
Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Jeffery Austin - Bulletproof (Official Audio) (LW: 29 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 29)
OUT : Benny - Boys Will Be Boys (LW: 30 / WO: 38 / PEAK: 02)
OUT : Namuel - Yugoslavia (LW: 32 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 16)
OUT : Macklemore feat. Kesha - Good Old Days (LW: 33 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33)
OUT : Chester Lockhart - Save Me from Myself (LW: 36 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 32)
OUT : Superfruit - How You Feeling? (LW: 37 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 30)
OUT : Bjartmar Thordarson - Hringd´í mig (LW: 38 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 38)
OUT : MUNA - I Know A Place (LW: 39 / WO: 33 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
OUT : Greyson Chance - Back on the Wall (LW: 40 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
OUT : Rainbow Riots - Freedom (LW: 41 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 12)
OUT : Perfume Genius - Wreath (LW: 42 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 42)
OUT : Marc Devigne - Çà va (LW: 45 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 20)
OUT : Pabllo Vittar feat. Mateus Carrilho - Corpo Sensual (LW: 47 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 18)
OUT : Brockhampton - Junky (LW: 48 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 34)
OUT : Michael Perry - Perfect Love (LW: 49 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 49)
  01 (+ 4) : P!nk - What About Us (LW: 05 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
The music video includes audio contents from the tragic events in Charlottesville for denouncing the hate speeches from the supremacist movements, and shows several people dancing under the intimidating eye of the authorities, including two men together.
 02 (+ 14) : Alfie Arcuri - If They Only Knew (LW: 16 / WO: 13 / PEAK: 02)
This is the new music video of the winner of The Voice Australia 2016. What must do a gay man when he's in love with his best male friend, who's dating his best female friend?
 03 (- 1) : Logic feat. Alessia Cara, Khalid - 1-800-273-8255 (LW: 02 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This powerful music video, which is also a promotion for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, follows a gay teen couple and is the incarnation of the "It Gets Better" slogan.
 04 (- 3) : Kevin Chomat - Sens Interdit (LW: 01 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This new single of the French singer reached the top 10 YouTube trending in France. His first album will be released next September 25, 2017.
 05 (+ 7) : Zayn feat. Sia - Dusk Till Dawn (LW: 12 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 05)
This is the new collab of Sia.
 06 (+ 4) : Wrabel - The Village (LW: 10 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 04)
This engaging song was written the day after US President Trump removed new federal protections for trans students in public schools last February. Trans actor August Aiden plays the role of a young transgender who tries to be himself despite the hostility of his father in the music video.
 07 (- 1) : Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video) (LW: 06 / WO: 16 / PEAK: 02)
The British singer has recently came out on Facebook.
 08 (- 5) : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 03 / WO: 34 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
For his third single, the French singer is talking about infidelity, with his boyfriend who cheated on him.
 09 (+ 13) : Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (LW: 22 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 09)
The British singer is back with a new upcoming album.
 10 (+ 24) : Neon Trees - Feel Good (LW: 34 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 10)
After a break for his first solo album "Excommunication", Tyler Glenn goes back with his band for a new song.
 11 (- 4) : Lizzo - Good As Hell (LW: 07 / WO: 42 / PEAK: 02)
This is taken from the EP "Coconut Oil".
 12 (- 4) : Harel Skaat - Radio (LW: 08 / WO: 22 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The Israeli singer has uploaded on his channel a full concert. Go check it!
 13 (+ 33) : Paris Bang Bang - Poseída (LW: 46 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 13)
The drag queen is from Mexico City.
 14 (- 10) : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 04 / WO: 53 / PEAK: 01 (x4))
The first single of the 24 years old singer is talking about a romantic gay love story. The title means "he said".
 15 (+ 12) : Myckael SG - Strong or Best (alternate version) (LW: 27 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 04)
 16 (RE-ENTRY) : Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert - Same Love (LW: - / WO: 23 / PEAK: 02)
Australia’s ex-prime minister Tony Abbott called for Macklemore’s “Same Love” to be censored from Australia’s National Rugby League (NRL) Grand Final, because of the debate in the society due to the organisation of the Marriage Law Postal Survey, to know if the country must open a parlementary debate about marriage equality. After that, the track became #1 in the Australian iTunes chart.
 17 (- 4) : Superfruit - Worth it (LW: 13 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 02)
This is the third single of the duo taken from the "Future Friends - Part One" EP. The music video breaks down gender norms with these two young dancers.
 18 (NEW) : Nakhane - Clairvoyant (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 18)
The South African singer is back with a new track, after a break for cinema, where he was featuring a lead role in the gay movie "Inxeba", also known as "The Wound", which wons two awards at the 2017 Durban film festival, including the one for Best Actor for his interpretation of Xolani.
 19 (+ 1) : Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (LW: 20 / WO: 18 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
 20 (- 3) : Eli Lieb - Shangri La (LW: 17 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 03)
Eli Lieb is completely bare in his new music video.
 21 (+ 5) : La Prohibida - Baloncesto (LW: 26 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 03)
 22 (NEW) : A JAY - Asammatha Pemak (Rathu Thol) රතු තොල් (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 22)
An unexpected music video from Sri Lanka about homosexuality.
 23 (NEW) : Сергей Лазарев / Sergey Lazarev - Так красиво / So Beautiful (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 23)
The new music video about love of the famous Russian singer represents several couples, including a lesbian couple.
 24 (+ 11) : Superfruit - Hurry Up (LW: 35 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 24)
This is the ninth single taken from their first album "Future Friends". Mitch and Scott almost kissed at the end of the video.
 25 (+ 3) : Mr John - Neon (LW: 28 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
Instead of covers, this time, the Brazilian singer delivers an original song.
 26 (NEW) : Harel Skaat - אהבה זו אהבה / Love is Love (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26)
The new track of the Israeli singer is promoting IGY (Israeli Gay Youth), a professional organization dedicated to serving all LGBT youth in Israel.
 27 (NEW) : อ๊อฟ ปองศักดิ์ / Aof Pongsak - รอปาฏิหาริย์ / Wait for the Miracle (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 27)
The Thai singer is back with a new music video which tells a tragic love story at war.
 28 (- 4) : Ria Mae - Bend (LW: 24 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 07)
This is the new single of the Canadian singer.
 29 (NEW) : CRIMER - Badface (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 29)
This is the third single of the EP "Preach" from the Swiss singer.
 30 (NEW) : Big Freedia and Mannie Fresh - Dive (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30)
It's #1 in the top 40 LGBT Urban Chart.
 31 (+ 19) : PVRIS - Anyone Else (LW: 50 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 31)
A portion of every ticket sold for their upcoming fall tour will be donated to The Ally Coalition in support of LGBTQ equality.
 32 (+ 12) : Cub Sport - O Lord (LW: 44 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 17)
This is the debut single of the Australian band from Brisbane, taken from their album "Bats".
 33 (- 24) : Autoheart - My Hallelujah (LW: 09 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 09)
 34 (NEW) : Sam Tsui - Cameo (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 34)
Finally, a new original song!
 35 (- 4) : Michele Bravi - Diamanti (LW: 31 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 31)
This is the third single from the Italian singer taken from the album “Anime Di Carta”.
 36 (- 22) : GAREK - Stray (LW: 14 / WO: 51 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
The single taken from the album "Take the King" is a conversation with his 8-year-old self about accepting who he is, the talk he wishes he had as a child, because he "spent so many years hating [himself] because [he] listened to the voices around [him] saying that people like [him] were disgusting".
 37 (NEW) : Osvaldo Supino - Fire (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37)
The Italian singer flirts with a man and a woman in his new music video.
 38 (- 23) : Maggie Szabo - Don't Give Up (LW: 15 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 15)
In this Canadian music video, a teen couple is going to prom, but one of them isn't really excited about it, until the other let his transgender lover to dress as a men. Part of the proceeds will be donated to the Ali Forney Center which helps LGBTQ youths.
 39 (- 18) : Charlotte Gainsbourg - Deadly Valentine (LW: 21 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 21)
Charlotte Gainsbourg & Dev Hynes are lifelong lovers for this music video from the French actress and singer.
  40 (- 29) : Michele Bravi - Solo Per Un Po' (LW: 11 / WO: 20 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
The Italian singer has came out earlier this year, just before coming fourth in the San Remo 2017 music festival in the Champion category. This single is the second single of his album  "Anime di carta" which reached #1 in the top album in Italy.
 41 (- 18) : Cassandre - Paris la nuit (LW: 23 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 23)
The French duo sings a love declaration to the city of love. It's perhaps a little cliché, but, as Parisians, we are probably not really objective. Sorry not sorry :)
 42 (NEW) : Peaches - Dumb Fuck (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 42)
Taken from the album "RUB". These masks in this music video will perhaps give you inspiration for your next Halloween costume.
 43 (=) : Sia - Rainbow ("My Little Pony: The Movie" OST) (LW: 43 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 43)
Team Bronies: paws up!
 44 (NEW) : Huntington - Love Is Love (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 44)
Three years after "Secret", this is his new original song.
 45 (- 26) : Mainland - I Found God (LW: 19 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19)
This music video shows people running to found their love. Several real LGBT couples are featuring in it.
 46 (NEW) : Les Funambules - Rentrer Chez Moi (live @ Studio Hébertot) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 46)
A song about the hope for a future without prejudice.
 47 (- 29) : Beth Ditto - We Could Run (LW: 18 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 10)
This is taken from her first solo album "Fake Sugar."
 48 (NEW) : Johnny Robinson - Flames Of Love (Matt Pop Mix) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 48)
The British drag queen is back with a new track.
 49 (- 24) : Pierre Lapointe - Sais-tu vraiment qui tu es (LW: 25 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
This is the new single of the new album "La science du cœur" from the famous Canadian singer.
 50 (RE-ENTRY) : LP - No Witness (LW: - / WO: 4 / PEAK: 18)
This is the sixth single taken from the album "Lost on You".
 Grizzly Bear - Losing All Sense
Taken from the album "Painted Ruins". Aunt Freckle is featuring in this music video.
 Ezra Furman - Driving Down To L.A.
Ezra and his angel are escaping from modern-day Nazis in this music video, dedicated to Heather Heyer, who was killed in Charlottesville protesting neo-Nazis this past August.
 Kyle Motsinger - Nothing Stays the Same
 Lizzo - Truth Hurts
Lizzo is marrying herself in her new music video. Taken from the EP "Coconut Oil".
 Titica - Sobra Raiva
This is the new single of the Angolan transgender singer.
 Smashby - Birthday Suit
This is the first original song of the British singer.
 Jaro Smejkal feat. Andílci - The Scientist (Cover)
The Czech singer made a beautiful cover of Coldplay.
 Justin Gerhard (The Gay Men Channel) - I’m Every Gay Man
 Hoàng Dũng -  Yếu Đuối / Weakness ("Tao Không Xa Mày" OST)
This is the OST of a new Vietnamese movie.
 Páll Óskar - Einn Dans (360° VR music video)
 Raphael - Keep in Touch (d4rk w3b v3r510n)
 Austin Strange - People Are People
  Sean Smith - Turn Me On
 Geez & Dik - Freelove
 AB Soto - LATINX - Visibility Part 1
 Mila Jam - Black Star
"This film is a love letter to black women, a tribute made up of four elements- lullaby, reflection, fear and defiance." Michael Williams, dir.
 Linn da Quebrada - Bomba Pra Caralho (Áudio-Vídeo Oficial)
 FLETCHER - You Should Talk (Official Audio)
 Lostchild - Skin (Audio)
This is a cover of Madonna.
 P!nk - Beautiful Trauma (Audio)
 مشروع ليلى  Mashrou' Leila - مريخ Marrikh (live @ AUB Assembly Hall)
7 people were arrested by the Egyptian police for flying rainbow flags during the concert of the Lebanon band in Cairo.
 Charli XCX - Boys (live @ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)
 Chris Weaver - Try a Little Tenderness (live @ The Voice 2017 Blind Audition)
The four jurors tried to convince Chris, who told he's also a drag queen, to join their team.
 Kevin Olsson - Hold My Hand (live @ Idol Sverige 2017)
 Will & Grace Cast Performs Their Theme Song with Lyrics (live @ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)
 South Park - Put It Down
In the episode 21x2 "Put it Down" of the satirical animation, which is about the relations between North Korea and the United States and the tweets of Donald Trump, Tweek and Craig are now officially a couple ! It also parodies the message of rapper Logic with his song about suicide prevention.
 Randy Rainbow - How Do You Solve A Problem Like Korea? (Parody)
 Bryan Hawn - Thunder (Imagine Dragons Parody)
 Shirtless Violinist - Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Wizard of Oz (Violin Cover)
 Casey Breves - Across The Universe (The Beatles Cover)
 Knife & Fork + Leo Frappier feat BeBe Sweetbriar - Unity (Dirty Disco Mainroom Remix) (Lyric Video)
  See you next week and don’t forget to vote for your best LGBTQA music videos ! Here are the rules :
1 ) You can vote for many videos as you want under the videos on YouTube in the comment section. It could be recent or past music videos, which must provide at least one among the following conditions:
- the music video has LGBTQA related content, in the lyrics or the music video
- the artist is LGBTQA, an LGBTQA icon or eventually ally
- LGBTQA medias talked about it.
2 ) You can’t vote more than 3 songs of a same artist per week.
3 ) In case of an artist who receive votes mostly by a fan base, we will count only one song, in a limited time of 10 weeks of presence in the top.
4 ) You can vote with only one account.
5 ) If you make 5 votes or less, your first vote will represent 5 points, your second vote 4 points, etc… until your last vote and following 1 point. If you make 6 to 10 votes, your first vote will represent 10 points, your second vote 9 points, etc… If you make more than 10 votes, your first vote will represent 20 points, your second vote 19 points, etc…
6 ) People who make 1 to 5 votes form the amateur ranking, those who make 6 to 10 votes form the fan ranking, those who make more than 10 votes form the expert ranking. We form the jury ranking. And we count now the ranking of minutes of views of our weekly playlist of the previous week. The Gay Music Chart is the addition of the five charts. In case of equality, the number of votes and the dates of votes will count.
7 ) The votes will close on Thursday, 8 PM, European time.
0 notes
vernicle · 7 years
It's time to stand up for trans people. Here are 21 ways to show your support.
Transgender people in this region are in the battle of their life. This is no exaggeration.
In between battling for safe spaces in colleges, pushing back versus hurtful bathroom expenditures, railing versus bigoted regional procedures disguised as spiritual flexibility, support users getting pushed back into the closet, and the consistent danger of harassment, sexual assault, and violence, transgender people are definitely battling for their life.
Now a lot more than at any time, we have to have to stand with transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Right here are 21 approaches to do just that.
one. Use chosen pronouns and names.
It's not tricky and it reveals that you respect and admit someone's identification. If you are not absolutely sure which pronouns a person takes advantage of, inquire.
Photograph by Scott Olson/Getty Photos.
two. Need a new reserve or podcast? Guidance transgender creatives.
Textbooks, essays, content, or podcasts are an uncomplicated, cost-effective position to start. This is not only a way to listen to abundant first-human being accounts of some of the challenges impacting the transgender local community, but getting publications or downloading podcasts is a fantastic way to assist trans creators fiscally.
Here's an magnificent list of transgender authors by genre to get you started out.
3. It's time to start contacting people out. Stand up — even when it is really challenging.
Really don't permit your pals or household get away cruel "jokes" or snide remarks. It's not constantly uncomplicated, but getting an ally just isn't a spectator activity. A basic, "That's not Ok" in conversation can remind people that terms have effects.
4. Set your funds in which your coronary heart is and assist companies showing up for trans people.
If you have any extra funds, look at donating it to teams like TransLifeline or the Trevor Challenge. These companies are on the front traces supporting transgender youth and grownups in crisis. If funds is tight, look at preserving up or donating your future birthday to the hard work.
Photograph by Mark Makela/Getty Photos.
five. Stick to, read through, and share transgender voices on social media.
In addition to go-tos like Janet Mock and Laverne Cox, voices like Chris Mosier, Dominick Evans, Katelyn Burns, Emily Gorcenski, and Upworthy's personal Parker Molloy are a fantastic position to start.
six. Back Sam, the first academic transgender toy, on Kickstarter.
This sweet toy aids youngsters investigate what it suggests to grow up transgender. It's fantastic for all youngsters, not just youngsters who might be checking out distinct elements of their gender identification. Observe this sweet video introducing Sam to the environment.
Sam's Story
Meet Sam, the inspiration behind the world's first academic transgender toy. Observe Sam's Story then assist our mission to stop transphobia in advance of it starts off by pledging on our Kickstarter: http://ift.tt/2tXa4xd
Posted by Enfants transgenres Canada/ Gender Imaginative Youngsters Canada on Wednesday, June 14, 2017
seven. Trans gals of coloration are getting murdered at an alarming amount. They have to have your assist a lot more than at any time.
If you do not know about this epidemic, here are the information. In 2016, at minimum 22 transgender people died as a final result of violence. In 2017, fifteen have now been killed by violent suggests.
Check with your town council, law enforcement department, and all people jogging for regional office environment what they program to do to prevent these tragedies. Really don't settle for non-solutions. Lives are at stake.
eight. With that in mind, converse out versus the gay and trans worry protection.
In 48 states, alleged murderers can defend their steps in courtroom by suggesting the victim's sexual or gender identification brought on their crime. California and Illinois are the only states that have banned this protection. Converse to your state legislators to discover out what you can do to progress laws banning this protection in your state.
nine. Volunteer to enable transgender-supportive candidates, in your region or nationally.
Bigoted procedures do not achieve the governor or the president's desk in a vacuum — bigoted people place them there. Support candidates who stand with transgender people get elected or hold their seats.
People get there to listen to Democratic prospect Jon Ossoff converse through a rally to thank volunteers and supporters. Photograph by Joe Raedle/Getty Photos.
10. Make absolutely sure the places you recurrent are inclusive.
Verify out the procedures or bylaws at your workplace, health club, or local community center to make absolutely sure they are welcoming and inclusive of transgender and gender-nonconforming people. If not, communicate to the powers that be about how to create or make improvements to the nondiscrimination plan.
11. Get out in the local community and volunteer.
Use the United Way's search software to discover prospects supporting the LGTBQ local community in your region.
Volunteers guy the phones at the Trevor Challenge Call Center in West Hollywood. Photograph by Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Photos.  
twelve. Too active to volunteer? Guidance the helpers.
You may well not have the time to commit to a weekly or regular volunteer opportunity, but look at dropping off bagels, espresso, or a thoughtful card to these who do. Fall off the goodies at your regional crisis center or LGBTQ local community house.
thirteen. Go to LGBTQ occasions, rallies, and pursuits.
This won't indicate co-decide safe LGBTQ safe spaces as your personal, but rather, go to Pleasure and Trans Day of Remembrance occasions as an ally. Glimpse in your local community calendar for LGBTQ film festivals, gallery exhibitions, comedy reveals, or demonstrations to go to.
Photograph by Drew Angerer/Getty Photos.
14. Fund a working day of self-treatment for a transgender human being.
Being continuously attacked and scrutinized by your personal government is exhausting and a little self-treatment can go a extended way. Brilliant folks on line are bringing allies jointly to fund evenings out at the movies, co-pays for therapists, or just encouraging notes. Guidance their hard work or donate immediately to a buddy in have to have.
Supplied the news from forty five that will deeply have an impact on the trans local community these days, we, as allies, accomplices, and...
Posted by Jerilyn Hassell Pool on Wednesday, July 26, 2017
fifteen. Access out to the transgender people you know.
A type phrase, mobile phone phone, or basic textual content can indicate a ton. Enable them know you stand with them these days and constantly.
sixteen. Listen, watch, and share tales from transgender people and their families.
There are so several fantastic first-hand accounts that ought to have to be listened to, like this story of a father talking up for his trans son, this Republican, Christian mom staring down bigots to stand up for her daughter, or this story of a woman's coworkers surprising her with a celebration soon after her transition. These tales have to have to be listened to.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdtyOPi0O20?wmode=clear&showinfo=&controls=one&enablejsapi=one&rel=&model=3&coloration=white&w=640&h=390]
seventeen. Guidance trans troops and veterans.
Trans people have served this region proudly in each individual branch of the armed forces. When procedures and declarations attempt to force them back into the closet, phone your senator and representative to make absolutely sure they are standing on the side of equality. Contemplate supporting the Transgender American Veterans Association also.
eighteen. Rethink how you use gendered language.
Even though some trans people have no trouble getting referred to by gender-distinct phrases like "girls and gentlemen," inclusive language is just as welcoming and leaves no a person out. Just lately, the transportation program in London deserted "Ladies and Gentlemen" in announcements for the reason that "Hello, all people" will work just as nicely.
Photograph by Carl Court docket/Getty Photos.
19. Design how to stand and assist trans people for the youngsters in your lifestyle.
Youngsters are constantly observing. Enable your youngsters, or the youngsters in your lifestyle, know that you stand up for transgender and gender-nonconforming people, including them. Really encourage the youngsters in your lifestyle to stand up for their pals and do what is actually right, even when it is really challenging.
Photograph by David McNew/Getty Photos.
20. Glimpse up in which the businesses you like tumble on the Human Rights Campaign Company Equality Index.
Absolutely sure they make fantastic burgers or T-shirts, but does your beloved brand name treat its LGBTQ employees fairly? Do they obtain items and agreement expert services from LGBTQ suppliers? If not, look at modifying your loyalty.
21. Vote.
If you are sick and tired of the mistreatment of transgender people and other historically underrepresented teams by their personal government, then don't forget to do your study and vote. Every single election — each individual time.
Now, a lot more than at any time, transgender people have to have our assist.
Stand with them, sign raise their voices and tales, and permit your elected officials know that discrimination will not be tolerated. Transgender people are battling for their life. It's time for some backup.
Photograph by Mark Makela/Getty Photos.
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tragicbooks · 7 years
You don't have to march in Pride to make a difference for LGBTQ people. Here's how.
You don't have to be at a Pride march to make a difference.
In June 1969, a group of New Yorkers decided they'd had enough.
Patrons of the Stonewall Inn, an LGBTQ bar in Greenwich Village, stood up to police officers who'd reportedly been repeatedly harassing and targeting them for their sexual orientations and gender identities. The demonstrations that ensued sparked the beginning of the modern LGBTQ civil rights movement.
The exterior of the Stonewall Inn in New York City. Photo by Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images.
The Stonewall Inn riots inspired President Clinton to declare June "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month" in 1998. In 2009, President Obama expanded on the recognition, deeming it "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month," as it remains today.
This June feels different though.
After years of having an ally in the White House, President Trump's administration — unchecked by a GOP Congress — is threatening to roll back rights for LGBTQ people. It's crucial we stand in solidarity.
If you can make it out to a Pride march in your area, excellent. But even if you can't (or just despise big crowds), you can still support the movement.
1. Help buy a bus ticket for a friend so they can go to the March for Equality in Washington, D.C.
LGBTQ Pride marches are happening in cities from coast to coast. But the most notable one this year will unfold in the nation's capital on June 11. The Equality March for Unity and Pride is mobilizing queer people and their allies in support of LGBTQ rights under a new administration that wants to take us backward.
You can do this anywhere, but if you happen to know someone in New York City who is interested in going but doesn't have the travel funds, you can buy them a bus ticket on Grindr's "Pride Ride" to D.C.
2. If you're visiting the East Coast this summer, treat yo'self to a scoop of big, gay ice cream.
There's nothing explicitly gay about the tasty treats at the Big Gay Ice Cream Shops in New York City and Philadelphia, of course. But the company, which started as a food truck in 2009 before expanding into storefronts, has been a proud supporter of the Ali Forney Center, a nonprofit that helps homeless LGBTQ youth.
Check this out. @trainerbob isn't *exactly* saying it but my take-away is that it's totally ok to eat 2 pints a day. Repost from @trainerbob. ・・・ I can't tell you the last time I had an ice cream cone...it was really GOOD! Hahaha @biggayicecream
A post shared by Big. Gay. Ice. Cream. (@biggayicecream) on May 3, 2017 at 8:33am PDT
When you scream for (big, gay) ice cream, you're also helping the business raise awareness and resources for young people in need. And that's a big, gay win-win.
3. Snatch up one of these glorious Pride shirts in support of LGBTQ youth in need.
In celebration of #Pride🌈, we're excited to bring you our exclusive #StandForPride collection. 100% of profits will be donated to #LGBTQ charities! ☀️🌈
A post shared by Represent (@represent) on Jun 3, 2017 at 1:32pm PDT
Through an initiative created by Represent, 100% of profits from these shirts will benefit The Trevor Project, which focuses on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ youth, as well as the NOH8 campaign, which utilizes social media platforms to promote equality.
4. Or, if you're a basketball fan, maybe these Pride shirts are more up your alley.
Photo courtesy of the NBA/WNBA.
The NBA and WNBA partnered with GLSEN, an organization helping to make our schools safer and more inclusive for LGBTQ students, to create Pride shirts for every pro team. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the nonprofit.
A critical component in ensuring classrooms are inclusive is recognizing the accomplishments of LGBTQ people throughout history.
5. Commit this month to reading just one Wikipedia entry a day on LGBTQ history and queer pioneers.
School curriculums often gloss over the history of, and challenges faced by, marginalized groups. The LGBTQ community is no different.
It makes sense that many of us haven't learned about people like Marsha P. Johnson, Dan Choi, Edith Windsor, and Harvey Milk — some of the trailblazers who helped us get to where we are today.
Lt. Dan Choi, who came out as gay in 2009 while serving in the armed forces, became a pioneer in ending the military's homophobic "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.  Photo by Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images.
Each day in June, take 10 minutes to read up on a famous LGBTQ figure or moment in history. Your teammates at the next trivia night will thank you for it.
6. Now that you're up on your queer history, email a local school or school district and ask that the students there are too.
Last year, California became the first state to mandate LGBTQ-inclusive curriculums in its history and social science requirements. As Vice reported, it may set off a chain reaction too, as other states look to include more diverse perspectives and historical figures in their classroom instructions.
Send an email — or attend a school board meeting or bring it up at the next PTA meeting — to get this issue on the radar in your city, if it's not already.
7. Drop in to a restaurant or store that supports its LGBTQ employees — and avoid the places that don't.
The Human Rights Campaign releases a Corporate Equality Index each year studying and ranking businesses based on how supportive their workplace policies are for LGBTQ people.
Many different factors — including if a company highlights LGBTQ protections in its anti-discrimination policies or if it offers transgender-inclusive health care benefits — are considered in the index.
Thank you @Target for taking pride in all of the @CityofPhoenixAZ! @PhoenixPrideAZ #takepride http://pic.twitter.com/TJPm1Jtkqy
— Doug Mings (@douglasmings) June 1, 2017
Target — which adopted pro-LGBTQ policies and created specific Pride products for customers in recent years — was a top-rated company for its inclusive workplace in 2017.
Even if you're not marching in Pride, the way you spend your dollars makes a difference.
8. If you're not LGBTQ and new to this whole Pride thing, set aside 30 minutes to start learning about being a good ally.
Is your child — or your mom or dad — LGBTQ? What about a colleague or friend at school? Do you want to be there for transgender people in your community, but not sure where to start? GLAAD compiled helpful guides for allies to do their best supporting the LGBTQ people they know and love.
Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty Images.
Pro tip: Do this before breaking out any rainbow attire.
9. Drink some delicious wine while supporting queer artists and LGBTQ youth in need of stable housing.
In honor of Pride month, City Winery Chicago worked with four LGBTQ artists — Kelly Boner, James Schwab, Tennessee Loveless, and Sierra Berquist — to design the labels for its "Playing with Labels" campaign.
Photo courtesy of Dustin DuBois/City Winery Chicago.
With each bottle purchased, $10 goes toward Project Fierce Chicago, a nonprofit that provides supportive transitional housing to homeless LGBTQ youth in the Windy City. Can't make it to a Pride march in person? Drink up!
10. Paint your nails rainbow colors.
They'll serve as a great conversation starter with family or friends. You can mention Pride and what the month means to you.
Plus, they'll look great.
its copenhagen pride week so i made rainbow nails http://pic.twitter.com/FHv6tkqzQX
— oline (@olllline) August 16, 2016
11. Choose one lesser known LGBTQ advocacy group and commit a monthly gift to support its work.
National organizations like the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD are helping to save and better the lives of LGBTQ people across the country. Supporting them makes a difference.
But there are many other groups working under the radar that deserve our attention too.
Excited to send out surveys to @sylviariveralawproject Prisoner Advisory Committee (PAC) members as part of SRLP's 2017 reboot of It's War in Here. To read more about SRLP's Prisoner Justice work and PAC, visit http://ift.tt/2rURIwN
A post shared by Sylvia Rivera Law Project (@sylviariveralawproject) on May 23, 2017 at 5:43pm PDT
If you're interesting in making donations, consider contributing to organizations like Fierce, Trans Lifeline, ACT UP, and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, focused on more niche (but still crucial) issues facing the LGBTQ community, often with much smaller budgets.
12. There's a decent chance you have at least one Facebook friend who's in the closet. Write a supportive post noting that you're there for them, any time.
When you aren't open about your sexuality or gender identity, coming out can be a very scary thing for many LGBTQ people — especially if you have few (or no) accepting family members or friends.
Sharing a Facebook status letting any of your friends who are in the closet know that you're a person they can talk to really could change their life.
13. Set your calendars: Most midterm elections are Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, and the LGBTQ community needs you to show up.
Midterms never get the same media fanfare as presidential election years, even though, in many ways, they're of equal consequence. You'll have to do some digging on the candidates in your state vying for office in order to get a good understanding of who they are and what they'll fight for.
Mayor Peter Buttigieg is the first openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Photo by Derek Henkle/AFP/Getty Images.
There are many crucial issues that need our attention — climate change, fighting poverty, creating jobs, criminal justice reform — but LGBTQ rights is an issue on the ballot too. If you can't make it to a march, the least you can do is commit to learning about how your candidates plan to help (or harm) LGBTQ people in your area and keep their stances in mind on Nov. 6, 2018.
14. Make it a goal: For the next kid's birthday on your calendar, buy them a book or movie that's LGBTQ-inclusive.
The entertainment and toy selections available for kids need to get better at diversity, particularly when it comes to LGBTQ representation.
Reading fairy tales like "Promised Land" and watching short films like "In a Heartbeat" and "Rosaline" — all stories for kids that feature same-sex love interests — will help young queer people understand they have a place in this world, while teaching straight and cisgender kids that their LGBTQ peers are deserving of love and respect.
Photo courtesy of "Promised Land."
15. Learn about a pressing LGBTQ rights issue in your own backyard and follow a local Facebook group to stay up to speed.
Think local: What challenges does the LGBTQ community face in your city or state?
Just last month, legislators in Texas approved a bill that would deny trans students the right to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender. Lawmakers in North Carolina recently tried to reverse marriage equality in the Tar Heel state. Across the country, LGBTQ rights issues are being sorted out and decided by local school boards.
It only takes a few minutes to find some local LGBTQ Facebook groups and follow them so you can stay plugged in to what's happening in your area and fight for what's right.
16. Share this powerful video about a transgender girl and her loving family.
Some of your friends on Facebook might be more hesitant (or outright against) watching it. But that's the whole point.
When we elevate stories that put ourselves in the shoes of someone with different life experiences, we tend to build bridges. It makes sense that when someone knows an LGBTQ person and hears their story, they're far more likely to support LGBTQ rights.
17. If you live in a state that's debating a bathroom bill, make sure to call your rep — preferably more than once.
So-called "bathroom bills" — which stop trans children and adults from using the restroom that corresponds to their gender — puts people who are already more at-risk of violence in even more uncomfortable and dangerous situations. These bills are born from fearmongering and myths about transgender people.
If you live in one of the 15 states where a bathroom bill is in the works, call your representatives in Washington and voice your concerns.
Rainbow flags and festive parades are important in unifying the LGBTQ community every June. But they're only one component of what it means to celebrate Pride.
This June, acknowledge all the positive change that's happened since those first rioters fought back outside the Stonewall Inn nearly 50 years ago. Then, commit to helping push that progress forward while fighting the forces trying to stall it, however you can.
We all play a part in ensuring equality.
Photo by Wojtek Radwanski/AFP/Getty Images.
0 notes
socialviralnews · 7 years
You don't have to march in Pride to make a difference for LGBTQ people. Here's how.
You don't have to be at a Pride march to make a difference.
In June 1969, a group of New Yorkers decided they'd had enough.
Patrons of the Stonewall Inn, an LGBTQ bar in Greenwich Village, stood up to police officers who'd reportedly been repeatedly harassing and targeting them for their sexual orientations and gender identities. The demonstrations that ensued sparked the beginning of the modern LGBTQ civil rights movement.
The exterior of the Stonewall Inn in New York City. Photo by Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images.
The Stonewall Inn riots inspired President Clinton to declare June "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month" in 1998. In 2009, President Obama expanded on the recognition, deeming it "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month," as it remains today.
This June feels different though.
After years of having an ally in the White House, President Trump's administration — unchecked by a GOP Congress — is threatening to roll back rights for LGBTQ people. It's crucial we stand in solidarity.
If you can make it out to a Pride march in your area, excellent. But even if you can't (or just despise big crowds), you can still support the movement.
1. Help buy a bus ticket for a friend so they can go to the March for Equality in Washington, D.C.
LGBTQ Pride marches are happening in cities from coast to coast. But the most notable one this year will unfold in the nation's capital on June 11. The Equality March for Unity and Pride is mobilizing queer people and their allies in support of LGBTQ rights under a new administration that wants to take us backward.
You can do this anywhere, but if you happen to know someone in New York City who is interested in going but doesn't have the travel funds, you can buy them a bus ticket on Grindr's "Pride Ride" to D.C.
2. If you're visiting the East Coast this summer, treat yo'self to a scoop of big, gay ice cream.
There's nothing explicitly gay about the tasty treats at the Big Gay Ice Cream Shops in New York City and Philadelphia, of course. But the company, which started as a food truck in 2009 before expanding into storefronts, has been a proud supporter of the Ali Forney Center, a nonprofit that helps homeless LGBTQ youth.
Check this out. @trainerbob isn't *exactly* saying it but my take-away is that it's totally ok to eat 2 pints a day. Repost from @trainerbob. ・・・ I can't tell you the last time I had an ice cream cone...it was really GOOD! Hahaha @biggayicecream
A post shared by Big. Gay. Ice. Cream. (@biggayicecream) on May 3, 2017 at 8:33am PDT
When you scream for (big, gay) ice cream, you're also helping the business raise awareness and resources for young people in need. And that's a big, gay win-win.
3. Snatch up one of these glorious Pride shirts in support of LGBTQ youth in need.
In celebration of #Pride🌈, we're excited to bring you our exclusive #StandForPride collection. 100% of profits will be donated to #LGBTQ charities! ☀️🌈
A post shared by Represent (@represent) on Jun 3, 2017 at 1:32pm PDT
Through an initiative created by Represent, 100% of profits from these shirts will benefit The Trevor Project, which focuses on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ youth, as well as the NOH8 campaign, which utilizes social media platforms to promote equality.
4. Or, if you're a basketball fan, maybe these Pride shirts are more up your alley.
Photo courtesy of the NBA/WNBA.
The NBA and WNBA partnered with GLSEN, an organization helping to make our schools safer and more inclusive for LGBTQ students, to create Pride shirts for every pro team. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the nonprofit.
A critical component in ensuring classrooms are inclusive is recognizing the accomplishments of LGBTQ people throughout history.
5. Commit this month to reading just one Wikipedia entry a day on LGBTQ history and queer pioneers.
School curriculums often gloss over the history of, and challenges faced by, marginalized groups. The LGBTQ community is no different.
It makes sense that many of us haven't learned about people like Marsha P. Johnson, Dan Choi, Edith Windsor, and Harvey Milk — some of the trailblazers who helped us get to where we are today.
Lt. Dan Choi, who came out as gay in 2009 while serving in the armed forces, became a pioneer in ending the military's homophobic "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.  Photo by Mark Ralston/AFP/Getty Images.
Each day in June, take 10 minutes to read up on a famous LGBTQ figure or moment in history. Your teammates at the next trivia night will thank you for it.
6. Now that you're up on your queer history, email a local school or school district and ask that the students there are too.
Last year, California became the first state to mandate LGBTQ-inclusive curriculums in its history and social science requirements. As Vice reported, it may set off a chain reaction too, as other states look to include more diverse perspectives and historical figures in their classroom instructions.
Send an email — or attend a school board meeting or bring it up at the next PTA meeting — to get this issue on the radar in your city, if it's not already.
7. Drop in to a restaurant or store that supports its LGBTQ employees — and avoid the places that don't.
The Human Rights Campaign releases a Corporate Equality Index each year studying and ranking businesses based on how supportive their workplace policies are for LGBTQ people.
Many different factors — including if a company highlights LGBTQ protections in its anti-discrimination policies or if it offers transgender-inclusive health care benefits — are considered in the index.
Thank you @Target for taking pride in all of the @CityofPhoenixAZ! @PhoenixPrideAZ #takepride http://pic.twitter.com/TJPm1Jtkqy
— Doug Mings (@douglasmings) June 1, 2017
Target — which adopted pro-LGBTQ policies and created specific Pride products for customers in recent years — was a top-rated company for its inclusive workplace in 2017.
Even if you're not marching in Pride, the way you spend your dollars makes a difference.
8. If you're not LGBTQ and new to this whole Pride thing, set aside 30 minutes to start learning about being a good ally.
Is your child — or your mom or dad — LGBTQ? What about a colleague or friend at school? Do you want to be there for transgender people in your community, but not sure where to start? GLAAD compiled helpful guides for allies to do their best supporting the LGBTQ people they know and love.
Photo by Yana Paskova/Getty Images.
Pro tip: Do this before breaking out any rainbow attire.
9. Drink some delicious wine while supporting queer artists and LGBTQ youth in need of stable housing.
In honor of Pride month, City Winery Chicago worked with four LGBTQ artists — Kelly Boner, James Schwab, Tennessee Loveless, and Sierra Berquist — to design the labels for its "Playing with Labels" campaign.
Photo courtesy of Dustin DuBois/City Winery Chicago.
With each bottle purchased, $10 goes toward Project Fierce Chicago, a nonprofit that provides supportive transitional housing to homeless LGBTQ youth in the Windy City. Can't make it to a Pride march in person? Drink up!
10. Paint your nails rainbow colors.
They'll serve as a great conversation starter with family or friends. You can mention Pride and what the month means to you.
Plus, they'll look great.
its copenhagen pride week so i made rainbow nails http://pic.twitter.com/FHv6tkqzQX
— oline (@olllline) August 16, 2016
11. Choose one lesser known LGBTQ advocacy group and commit a monthly gift to support its work.
National organizations like the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD are helping to save and better the lives of LGBTQ people across the country. Supporting them makes a difference.
But there are many other groups working under the radar that deserve our attention too.
Excited to send out surveys to @sylviariveralawproject Prisoner Advisory Committee (PAC) members as part of SRLP's 2017 reboot of It's War in Here. To read more about SRLP's Prisoner Justice work and PAC, visit http://ift.tt/2rURIwN
A post shared by Sylvia Rivera Law Project (@sylviariveralawproject) on May 23, 2017 at 5:43pm PDT
If you're interesting in making donations, consider contributing to organizations like Fierce, Trans Lifeline, ACT UP, and the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, focused on more niche (but still crucial) issues facing the LGBTQ community, often with much smaller budgets.
12. There's a decent chance you have at least one Facebook friend who's in the closet. Write a supportive post noting that you're there for them, any time.
When you aren't open about your sexuality or gender identity, coming out can be a very scary thing for many LGBTQ people — especially if you have few (or no) accepting family members or friends.
Sharing a Facebook status letting any of your friends who are in the closet know that you're a person they can talk to really could change their life.
13. Set your calendars: Most midterm elections are Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018, and the LGBTQ community needs you to show up.
Midterms never get the same media fanfare as presidential election years, even though, in many ways, they're of equal consequence. You'll have to do some digging on the candidates in your state vying for office in order to get a good understanding of who they are and what they'll fight for.
Mayor Peter Buttigieg is the first openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Photo by Derek Henkle/AFP/Getty Images.
There are many crucial issues that need our attention — climate change, fighting poverty, creating jobs, criminal justice reform — but LGBTQ rights is an issue on the ballot too. If you can't make it to a march, the least you can do is commit to learning about how your candidates plan to help (or harm) LGBTQ people in your area and keep their stances in mind on Nov. 6, 2018.
14. Make it a goal: For the next kid's birthday on your calendar, buy them a book or movie that's LGBTQ-inclusive.
The entertainment and toy selections available for kids need to get better at diversity, particularly when it comes to LGBTQ representation.
Reading fairy tales like "Promised Land" and watching short films like "In a Heartbeat" and "Rosaline" — all stories for kids that feature same-sex love interests — will help young queer people understand they have a place in this world, while teaching straight and cisgender kids that their LGBTQ peers are deserving of love and respect.
Photo courtesy of "Promised Land."
15. Learn about a pressing LGBTQ rights issue in your own backyard and follow a local Facebook group to stay up to speed.
Think local: What challenges does the LGBTQ community face in your city or state?
Just last month, legislators in Texas approved a bill that would deny trans students the right to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender. Lawmakers in North Carolina recently tried to reverse marriage equality in the Tar Heel state. Across the country, LGBTQ rights issues are being sorted out and decided by local school boards.
It only takes a few minutes to find some local LGBTQ Facebook groups and follow them so you can stay plugged in to what's happening in your area and fight for what's right.
16. Share this powerful video about a transgender girl and her loving family.
Some of your friends on Facebook might be more hesitant (or outright against) watching it. But that's the whole point.
When we elevate stories that put ourselves in the shoes of someone with different life experiences, we tend to build bridges. It makes sense that when someone knows an LGBTQ person and hears their story, they're far more likely to support LGBTQ rights.
17. If you live in a state that's debating a bathroom bill, make sure to call your rep — preferably more than once.
So-called "bathroom bills" — which stop trans children and adults from using the restroom that corresponds to their gender — puts people who are already more at-risk of violence in even more uncomfortable and dangerous situations. These bills are born from fearmongering and myths about transgender people.
If you live in one of the 15 states where a bathroom bill is in the works, call your representatives in Washington and voice your concerns.
Rainbow flags and festive parades are important in unifying the LGBTQ community every June. But they're only one component of what it means to celebrate Pride.
This June, acknowledge all the positive change that's happened since those first rioters fought back outside the Stonewall Inn nearly 50 years ago. Then, commit to helping push that progress forward while fighting the forces trying to stall it, however you can.
We all play a part in ensuring equality.
Photo by Wojtek Radwanski/AFP/Getty Images.
from Upworthy http://ift.tt/2sLRJDw via cheap web hosting
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Bathrooms just became less safe for trans students. Here’s what to do now.
The path toward justice for transgender people in America is not a straight one.
Since the Trump administration seized the steering wheel in the White House, setbacks have halted and even reversed progress for transgender Americans when it comes to accessing safe bathrooms. Theres no sign these setbacks will stop in the months and years ahead.
If you believe in transgender rights, don’t feel helpless. The transgender community needs us now more than ever.
Here are 15 ways to show trans people you’re in their corner:
1. Know the facts.
On one hand, research finds many transgender people are harassed or physically assaulted while being forced to use a restroom that doesn’t correspond with their gender. On the other hand, the idea that ensuring trans people equal bathroom access will somehow legalize the right for a predator to wander into a women’s bathroom is a classic case of fear-mongering born from a myth.
Use the facts to make your case when discussing trans rights with those who want to learn more.
2. Know what policies are in place in your own community’s school district.
Trump’s reversal on trans students’ bathroom rights will likely leave schools making more decisions about restroom regulations. Find out what (if any) policies are in place at the schools near you and advocate for trans students who need you in your own backyard.
3. Become a Trevor ambassador for the Trevor Project, the nation’s leading LGBTQ youth suicide prevention organization.
As calls to their 24/7 hotline surged in the aftermath of the election, the Trevor Project was one of the critical groups providing aid to young people in desperate need.
Many young trans people will rely on them in the months ahead, and volunteers will be crucial. You can become a Trevor ambassador in a city near you and spare some time to help the group do its life-changing work.
4. If you know a transgender kid, reach out to their parents to see if it’s OK for you to send your love.
A sweet card, a warm hug, or a trip to the ice cream parlor just to say “You are loved” can make all the difference. If you know a transgender adult, reach out to them and see how you, as an ally, can best help efforts toward equality in your own community.
5. Fund the resistance through Lambda Legal, a group using the law to help protect trans kids from Trump’s policies.
“While the Trump-Pence administration wages its war on children, we at Lambda Legal will redouble our efforts to protect transgender and other vulnerable kids,” the group said in a statement. “We are already in court fighting for transgender students, and we are prepared to sue any school district that discriminates in the wake of the Trump administrations actions.”
6. Write a reassuring message to trans students online using the #ProtectTransKids hashtag.
The hashtag, which began trending Feb. 22, is being used to send notes of love and solidarity to anyone who could use it.
trans youth: you are loved, you are supported, you are valid, and you are not alone in this. we are right here beside you. #protecttranskids
con (@ConnorFranta) February 23, 2017
7. And while you’re on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, share this image to let everyone know where you stand.
1 in 3 transgender youth has tried to commit suicide. These kids need more protection, not less. #ProtectTransKids
A post shared by Liz Plank (@feministabulous) on Feb 22, 2017 at 8:50pm PST
8. If it’s the right fit for you, become a member of Fierce, or tell someone else about the opportunity.
A New York City-based group, Fierce runs youth-led campaigns and leadership development programs so more young, queer people of color feel empowered to influence the world around them today and in the years ahead.
9. Get involved with the Human Rights Campaign.
HRC is the nation’s leading political advocacy group for LGBTQ rights, and equal bathroom access is one of its most important issues.
10. Find out if the schools in your community have a Gay-Straight Alliance.
Again, Trump’s decision will give state and local school districts more room to discriminate when it comes to bathroom access. This makes it even more crucial that you know what’s happening in the schools in your own neighborhood.
The Gay-Straight Alliance is one group that operates at the local level, helping build bridges between straight, cisgender students and their LGBTQ peers.
Every student deserves a restroom they can use safely & comfortably. #GSAResistChat #ItsJustABathroom #ProtectTransKids http://bit.ly/2nROYgb
GSA Network (@GSANetwork) February 23, 2017
Find out if there’s a GSA program in your own school district. If there’s not, help start one.
11. Take part in a local or national event held by GLSEN, a group committed to making sure every grade school in America is safe for LGBTQ students.
Among many services, the nonprofit does extensive research on how and why schools are failing queer kids and provides resources to educators to help fix the problems.
“While the Trump administration may abandon transgender students, GLSEN wont,” the group’s executive director, Dr. Eliza Byard, said in a statement.
12. Buy a shirt from Trans Lifeline and help save lives.
Similarly to the Trevor Project, Trans Lifeline runs a hotline for any transgender person in need. Trans Lifeline, however, is operated solely by trans staffers for trans people, which can make a difference to those seeking help.
Fight for Trans Lives! A new twist on our classic design to support trans people in crisis. http://bit.ly/2nRZ8xd http://pic.twitter.com/16ylnCPyEy
Trans Lifeline (@Translifeline) November 15, 2016
If you purchase a shirt from their online store, proceeds go toward helping the group fulfill and expand its mission of saving and bettering lives.
13. Learn more about the causes of LGBTQ youth homelessness, and fight for change.
It’s vital we fight for transgender rights when it comes to bathrooms, but we also can’t forget about the thousands of trans youth across the country made homeless simply because of their gender identity. Groups like the Ali Forney Center, the Happy Hippie Foundation, My Friend’s Place, and the True Colors Fund are fighting every day to help homeless LGBTQ youth access stable housing, employment, and an education.
14. Watch and share this powerful video featuring a trans girl and her loving family on Facebook.
The more people see it, the more hearts and minds will open.
15. Donate to the Hetrick-Martin Institute.
The nonprofit, which began as a grassroots effort in 1979, now provides social programs like arts and culture, job readiness, and health and wellness initiatives for LGBTQ people ages 13-24 in and around New York City. It does great work, but it needs your help.
Transgender people have always needed our love and support, but this is a particularly critical moment when each one of us can make a difference.
Whether it’s donating what you can, sharing a note online, or simply giving a warm hug, you might be the person a student maybe in your own community needs this very moment. Show them you care.
This article was updated on March 6, 2017.
Read more: http://u.pw/2nvs7ff
from Bathrooms just became less safe for trans students. Here’s what to do now.
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