#eventually she's going to have two other siblings but it's just her for now 💜
v-tired-queer · 5 months
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Doodling for an AU I'm working on for VLD and this is the first baby that I've drawn that actually turned out how I envisioned 🤣 Practice does pay off 🩷
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Lucifer Morningstar x Sibling!reader - all this time
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Lucifer x twin! Reader - Reader meets Lucifer after he first comes to LA - @mxacegrey 💜
You hadn’t seen your brother in so long, you wondered if he was still in hell or if he’d thrown in the towel like he always told you he was going to do.
Sitting at the cafe, you took a sip from your drink and turned to your friend as she walked over and smiled with a small wave.
“Hey Chloe.”
“Sorry I’m late.” She sighed.
You smiled and shook your head as you handed her your bank card.
“I can pay you know.” She laughed.
“Yeah but I said this was my treat so take the card and get your drink.” You chuckled.
She rolled her eyes at you but did it regardless, walking back over she handed you the hard back and dropped into the chair with a huge sigh.
“What’s stressing you?”
“Everything.” She sighed.
Nodding your head, you leant back, resting your arm on the back of your chair as you thanked the woman who brought over her drink.
“Well, let’s hear it.”
“Honestly it’s so much don’t worry.” She smiled.
“Chloe Decker spill. Now.”
“Fine! Fine!”
She began to tell you everything to was eating away at her, from the cases, to her new assistant she just couldn’t seem to get rid off who was making things hard.
From Trixie being bullied to Dan and the whole police force, she told you everything.
When she was done you had finished your drink and she looked visibly more relaxed then she did before she sat down.
“Better?” You smiled.
“So much better, thanks.” She sighed.
You guys carried on talking for a while, he phone kept going off but she eventually put it on silent before turning back to you.
Not long after you felt a presence of another celestial being, and you started to look around, your eyes fixed on the man wearing a suit coming closer.
“Detective!” He yelled.
He froze when he saw you sitting in front of her.
“Oh my god.. lucifer! (Y/N) I’m so sorry…” Chloe quickly apologised.
“No, no it’s fine.”
You stood up and looked at the man with a soft smile.
“Hey Luci…” you whispered.
Lucifer rushed forward, crushing you into a hug and you happily hugged him back while laughing, holding on to him tightly.
“I.. I heard rumours but I didn’t think…” he whispered.
He pulled away and got a good look at you.
“You two know each other?” Chloe asked.
You turned around and Chloe looked between you and Lucifer, gaze flicking between the pair of you.
“We’re twin’s Detective!” Lucifer laughed.
He pulled up a chair and sat down with the two of you a huge smile on his face.
“Yes, though we haven’t seen each other in a long, long time.” You smiled.
You guys told her about how you fell out of contact, while he kept mentioning hell and heaven, you tried keeping it a little more normal for her.
She believed you more then she did your twin and you could tell that easily.
“Well if lucifer is the supposed devil, what are you?” She asked.
“(Y/N) is the Angel of tranquility, peace.” Lucifer said.
Chloe looked at you and you laughed sheepishly.
“I suppose if I was an Angel that’s what I would be yeah.”
“At least you’re normal unlike him.” She laughed.
Both of you laughed and Lucifer pouted and you smiled at him.
“Is Maze here?”
“Of course! Come to Lux, she’s always there.”
You immediately agreed because you wanted to know what your brother had been up to all this time you were apart.
You wanted to rebuild that bond you used to have with him, and he wanted nothing more than that as well
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
HELLOOOOO (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
First of all, i love ur content so much holy shit, like just the world building is amazing but also the really well written characters AND THE LORE, so good, just *chef's kiss* and the fact English is not ur first language always takes me by surprise bc your writing is so good 🙏 like I love reading about ocs and the likes, but yours is definitely my favourite :')
Seconly, I'm here on my knees,asking, if perhaps you could write a small fic/more headcanons on how it'll be like to be in a poly relationship with Obie,Mervin, and Ludwig?
You wrote about it slightly before and since then i couldn't take it out of my brain😔
P.S- i wonder, how long did you have the idea about Krulu and Admin, and The Clergy, and the entire wrold-building before you decided to publish it on Tumblr?
[AAAhjldc- Thenk, that genuinely makes me shriek with happiness, I'm glad you're enjoying the stuff! I can't really do ya a fic in a timely manner, so I'm going to ramble if you don't mind. :V]
It's already been discussed that Ludwig is the first one to meet you, and interacting with him on his own is nothing out of ordinary. You'd never expect that he has two other, utterly insane siblings, that he's in fact just as batshit mental, just better at hiding it. Truly, putting all three together is the key to seeing their true nature.
While Lud is the one to introduce you to his brothers, Mervin is actually the first one that'll declare this dynamic a relationship. There will be a lot of confusion for you initially, as you're getting swayed into romantic situations with each of the brothers seemingly behind the other's back. You're likely to reach a breaking point, and confront all three about it- Only to have the fork tell you something among the lines of "What do you mean, dipshit?! We've all been dating you for weeks now." And while it's far from a gentle nudge, if he hadn't told you that to the face, the other brothers would have taken much longer to make a statement.
The most affectionate of the bunch is Obie. Out of the trio, he's got the less hangups about physical touch and will often drape himself over you like a blanket. Lud and Merv definitely think he overdoes it and will make efforts to either join or rip you away from the glutton. This is easier said than done.
Ludwig and Mervin will be investing in your self-defense skill, as you'll eventually be brought into the Common Ring of Hell to meet Katia. Mervin teaches you directly how to fight with or without weapons, and your opponent is almost always Ludwig, because it kind of gets him off to fight you. By the end of this, you'll be able to hopefully buy yourself some time if a more powerful demon attempts to make a victim out of you.
Katia is a very nice lady who's just happy to see her boys found love, you'll be accepted into her heart without issue and you'll definitely get to see the ever elusive baby demon pictures. There's nothing cuter than seeing a picture of baby Ludwig putting Mervin in a chokehold while Obie's standing by their side, casually eating a pillow. That album is a bit cursed... But Katia does want a picture of you four together! Speaking of, she's here when you have trouble with any of them okay? If they start getting any funny ideas, she's just a call away. You're likely to be quickly escorted away by the three heathens when sloth mama starts mentioning grandkids.
Ludwig is the designated piggyback ride giver.
Obie is oftentimes oblivious to your flirts, Mervin has to hit him over the head and whisper the obvious.
It may seem like Mervin has more brain cells, but he does not, that's Ludwig's unwanted privilege. Nonetheless, the prideful demon often spearheads most outings.
Mervin is somehow more easily flustered than Obie by your antics. The hardest to fluster is Ludwig, but when it does happen, he gets quiet and extremely blushy, so pat yourself in the back.
As mentioned before, fighting between them over the smallest thing is common, and even healthy for demons, but some fights will be started purely because they want you to wedge in-between and give them attention.
Obie is the one that lends you clothes the most, although Mervin disagrees with this because the glutton is a "slob" and "has no taste".
The three are trying to decipher how to propose to you and can't reach an agreement. Ludwig argues they should polish the skulls of their enemies and put the wedding ring on one of the horns. Mervin can't afford the ring he wants so he's just going to steal it. With a lot of effort. Obie wants to do it with a massive feast that'll put even Vorticia to shame. Needless to say, it's going to be a very bizarre proposal.
I can't think of more right now, but you can always ask. <:1
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mickimomo · 1 year
In Another Life
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AU where Oni and Killmonger are siblings instead of enemies
Imagine how giddy I felt when I saw an image of KiKi and Michael. I just knew that I had to write this after that. 🥹 (source: just jared)
So, in this AU, Zuri adopts Erik after his father is killed, and he properly explains what happened and why his father died. And instead of abandoning him in the US, he takes him to Wakanda and raises him with his wife, who he was arranged to marry and eventually passes after having Oni due to complications a few years later. In the end, there's never a coup for the throne, and Erik is just eager to serve Wakanda and take care of his family. Maybe he eventually goes off to become a War Dog and then works with T'Challa and Nakia to start a program to help members of the Lost Tribe. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm just spilling my brain.
Here's what I wrote:
"Yeah, Uncle James?"
"Where's Oni?" He arched a brow as his adopted son walked into the Temple of Bast, covered in sweat and grit from all the chores he had been working on outside.
"Where's Oni?"
"She's not in here with you?"
Zuri gave him a fatherly look as he plucked one last yellow leaf from the herb plant he was tending to and got up. "It's almost noon. I assumed she was with you." He furrowed his eyebrows.
A light bulb went off in his head when he realized what might be going on. "Ah. Well. She was." He laughed softly. "I forgot I sent her off to run a small errand earlier."
"A small errand?"
"To get some water from the river for the herbs."
Cebisa's eyes became saucers at the news. "On her own!?!"
"She's fine. She said she could handle it."
The short plump woman scolded the tall man with a few motherly pinches. "I swear, the two of you are the reasons my hairs are turning white."
"That's not our fault."
"It's because you're getting old."
"Old eh? I only look old from all this stress!" She smacked him. "After all I do. I tell you. The children of this world are getting more disrespectful."
"I'm grown."
"You're not grown if you do not respect your elders."
"Now you know I don't believe that bullshit-"
"AH! AH!"
Zuri closed his eyes as Cebisa began to shout at his son in xhosa and dust him with red sand for cursing.
Erik took it like be always did.
A shit eating grin and a few chuckles that earned him more sand and a threat to wash his mouth out with soap.
Cebisa stormed as the young man bit back a chuckle.
"You need to do better." He opened his eyes to look at Erik. "Next time she will use your mouth as a soap mold."
"What about Oni?" He joked.
"It is your fault that she even knows profanity."
"My fault? She's in her 20s, Uncle James."
"Who was it that made Oni's first word a curse word?"
Erik bit his tongue when he recalled his little sister as a baby, casually dropping the f bomb and giving almost everyone in the room a heart attack.
And babies being babies.
She just kept saying it.
And he was the #1 suspect.
Uncle James never put his hands on him before, but he was really worried when that happened.
It took an entire month of learning other words to get that word out of her vocabulary, and curse words were forbidden from then on out.
"It's a sentence enhancer."
Zuri shook his head before waving him off. "Go help Oni, before I enhance you with more work. You know she's probably struggling making her way back in her gown and veil."
"Alright." He offered a small nod before retreating.
Erik found Oni cursing under her breath as she struggled to carry a vibranium pole with four large buckets of water up a hill.
Her lilac dress was soaked, slightly tattered, and the bottom was filthy with mud.
Her veil stuck to face with sweat, and her breath was labored as she slowly journeyed upwards.
"Did I just hear the Vessel of Bast curse?"
"Don't fucking start." She snapped.
"Ooooh. Wait till Uncle James finds out."
"N'Jadaka, I am too tired to argue with you."
"Well, you look like you went through hell." Erik chuckled.
"Victory doesn't always look pretty." She grunted as she slowly made her way towards him.
"I don't get why you always insist on taking the hard route." He moved forward to help. "I sent you off to do this hours ago. How long did you fight to get four buckets balanced on your shoulders instead of taking four trips?"
"All morning." She huffed before growling at his assistance. "I don't need your help!"
"Yes. Yes. You are strong and mighty." He imitated her voice before he poked her forehead. "But you're also soft and fragile."
"I don't like that." She huffed.
"It's called balance, sis. You can't be strong without weakness." He scolded her softly.
"I'm training to be strong. I can't afford to be weak."
"Yes, you can. You don't have to be strong all the time. You got the best big brother in the world. You know I'll fight the wind for you, if you ask me to." He laughed softly before sighing when he noticed her hands were bleeding. "But you have to give yourself breaks and ask for help before you hurt yourself."
"I don't need anyone's help, Erik." She huffed. "Okoye didn't get help when working to become General of the Dora Milaje. She worked hard and denied her weaknesses until she got it."
"Whoever told you that forgot to mention the parts where Okoye was sore and tired and wanted to quit and human." He narrowed his eyes. "And although you're a little different with Bast and shit. You need to remember that you are still human. At the end of the day, we all die, and we all have to go to the ancestral plane." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you trying to train so hard that you wake up with the ancestors?"
"Then you need to take breaks and ask for help. Got it?"
"Got it."
He grabbed two buckets off from each end of the pole before refocusing on her. "I promise, you've trained enough for the day. You need to sit down and smell some flowers or something." He glanced at her. "Something those colonizers do in those cheesy movies you and Shuri make me watch."
Oni snorted before smiling. "Like what? Bake a cake? Paint my nails? Go to the club?"
"The first two sound phenomenal."
"Hey. I'm not the Vessel of Bast."
"And if I wasn't?"
"You still wouldn't be going."
"What!? Why not?"
"I promise, you will not find the love of your life in the club."
"I'm just going there for a good time."
"You won't find a good time there." He joked. "It's just a bunch of sweaty, musty, tipsy, horny, and high people." He wrinkled his nose. "Ever smelled vomit after someone crossed their liquor or urine because someone couldn't make it to the bathroom in time after drinking all night?"
Oni rolled her eyes. "Thank you for that. You somehow made the club sound less fun."
"As your big bro, it's my job to look out for you, annoy you, and kick ass when people try to come for you."
Oni took a deep breath and shook her head. "You say that all the time."
"Because it's true." He grinned. "Now come on. Uncle James was looking for you, and Auntie Cebisa was pressed."
"Pressed? What happened?"
"Dunno." He lied.
"I'm screwed."
"You won't be if we swing home first and get you patched and cleaned up."
Oni began to walk. "Then we better hurry."
He offered a nod before following after her. "I mean, that'll require you to shower quickly and not have a concert singing your little heart out for five hours."
"I do not spend five hours in the shower!"
"You're right. I shoulda said 10."
"It wasn't 10 either! It's always 30 minutes max, 10 minutes minimum!"
"Let me move away-"
"Move away!?"
"Bast will surely strike you down for lying-"
"N'Jadaka I swear-" She took a deep breath as he laughed at her irritation. "I'll be fast." She grumbled.
"How does that song you alway play on your speaker go-?" He arched a brow before he began to sing intentionally off key.  "We be all night- looooooooooOooooovvvEeeee."
"Shuuut uppppp, N'Jadaka!"
She attempted a fast, but hard sweeping kick to his ankles and moved when he attempted to kick her back.
They both laughed and ran back home carefully (but intentionally), trying to trip one another.
Erik in this AU:
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Hi!! Can I request the found family gift giving with Max from stranger things? Maybe reader is an older sibling type ? I’m in need of found family fluff 💜
Pairing:Max Mayfield x Sister Figure Reader
Description:You and Max hang out for the weekend so to show you will always be there for her you surprise her with gifts especially the last one
Welcome to the family
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You and max have been the other's half since you met on your first day at hawkins middle school after moving from kansas,even though you were in 8th grade and her 6th you two were immediately attached to the hip.You would meet up after school going to the arcade to play games,read comics together,have movie nights,or talk about everything,she looked up to you as a sister and you thought of her the same so everyone around knew not to mess with the two of you unless they had a death wish,she looked up to you even more after you stood up for her getting in a fist fight with billy when he was threating her.You have been each other's backbone,rock,shoulder to cry on,and biggest supporter even when you were upset with each other eventually forgiving each other for being upset, "God i am glad i'm gonna be at your house with you instead of being stuck with billy" she says as you two walk to your home together after finishing school for the day and hanging out with Jane or commonly known as El at the mall for the day "I'm just glad that we hung out with Jane today she needed a girl day" you said after you two got pizza as well as snacks and drinks for the weekends with your mom,dad,and younger sister,you joked around with each other saying hello to jane's dad hopper walking by the police station and getting a ride from him the rest of the Way as he had just gotten off his shift for the day.you both thanked him as he drove off and went to your front porch opening the door seeing your mom watching tv in the living room while your dad was in the basement and your 6 year old sister happily coloring at the table in the kitchen eating french fries and a cheeseburger "Hey girls" your mom says as you both walk in taking off your jackets and shoes beside the front door,you talked to your parents for a few minutes also playing with your sister before you and max walk up stairs to your room "You go ahead here are your spare clothes you leave here" you say seeing max go in the bathroom and lock the door,you go into the hallway closet and grabbed the stuff you bought for max a few weeks back after getting paid extra from your job at the local pizzeria place.After setting the gifts on your bed and changing clothes,you get drinks and make a big blanket fort that you finish as max walks out and into your room looking around at everything "What's all this?" she says smiling sitting on your bed as you sit beside her "These are all for you" you say as you look through and put a movie in your vcr letting the previews play as she opens the bags you put the gifts in "You got me comics" she says smiling the biggest you have ever seen and laughing as she nearly flies off the bed hugging you "Thank you thank you!"she says before you both go in the blanket fort watching movies,eating pizza,and deciding what to do for plans "Oh i almost forgot" you say getting up and going to your dresser drawer "Oh come on another gift you didn't have to"max says as you go over to her holding papers and handing them to her watching her read them then looking up at you with tears in her eyes "Really?" she asks bursting into tears and bear hugs you,you follow her down stairs as she hugs your parents and little sister who asked why max was crying,you found out the week before when you and the gang were with max at her house you had went to get a drink when you heard billy telling his friends max was going away permanently you yell and scream at him and their parents demanding to know what was gonna happen to her "She's the state's problem now" his dad says as billy laughs pulling your hair,you tackle billy punching him then cussing out his parents going home telling your parents what happened "She's apart of the family now" your mom says as all of you go upstairs opening the door of max's new bedroom "I love you guys" max says walking in putting all her gifts down putting the adoption papers above her bed knowing her new home is filled with honesty,compassion,and unconditional love with not just her best friend but her real family.
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
UHHHH not many, just two
First is the typical post-game/next gen AU a lot of people make
The other one is based on my sims 4 playthrough (I learned how to use blender and make custom CC specifically bc I couldn't find a good one for Lamb's hair plus I wanted to make the crowns. They're just re-colours of existing accessories in game but I'm still happy with them)
Basically, most characters are humans, save for the bishops and some characters like Forneus. The bishops are gods that the human/mortals worship, and in their dimension gods are born and have to fight their way to the top, and currently these 5 are on the top (does that make sense???).
It goes similarly as it did in canon, Narinder becomes power-hungry, his siblings try to put a stop to it which leads to a fight, which leads to them trying to imprison Narinder but instead he manages to break free and flees to the human realm where he takes on a human disguise and now has to try and fit in. He can't return home, or he'd be killed or imprisoned for his crimes.
Lamb ends up being his weird neighbour who's very into the occult and is for whatever reason hellbent on making friends with him.
Ratau was a crime lord but turned his life around after he died and was shown mercy and given a second chance by Narinder, in exchange his loyalty. He leaves that life, goes into hiding with some of his old friends, becomes very devoted to the god of death and also eventually even ends up adopting little Lambert and raising them on his own. When he first sees Narinder it basically goes "Hmm that guy looks awfully familiar.....well, anyway-"
Fox is Ratau's ex crime partner and ex husband, and he's hellbent on hunting Ratau down for what he percieves as a slight to him.
Also Baal and Aym are Narinder's kids because dadrinder my beloved 💜 He and Forneus aren't together, she just wanted kids and he provided, but on the account of having his kids she goes with him to the human realm because she worries her sons won't be safe. Thankfully the other bishops don't know of their existence.
I decided to make Aym and Baal just a little unhinged as teens. They mellow out with age but they gave their parents many, many heart attacks when they were young
Also, the crowns are their own beings, so Narinder has a little buddy with him
I think Narinder's fake name was Nathaniel, or something like that?
Oh, also, at some point Lambert dies because of Fox, and Narinder already got attached to the weirdo so he risks his own hide to go get them from the afterlife, which us also how it comes out that he's the god of death. Lambert is surprisingly chill with it
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I don't know how many people still look at this account, but I thought I would give a bit of a life update :]
Im turning 21 in June and i'm doing much better than I was when I was on here, I'm still disordered and anxious, but less than I was. I ended up going to counselling summer last year 2 days before my birthday for my mental health as my anxiety was getting to the point where I had started developing agoraphobia, through that I ended up on Sertraline for the anxiety and depression as I was also still incredibly suicidal.
Things have been going a lot better since then, R (previously E), someone I had posted about alot, and I are best friends still, I accepted through counselling and improving myself that what I felt for him was actually infatuation caused by my mental health and a need to feel loved, they've done a lot of self improvement as well, and addressed the things they said to me, I forgave him a long time ago and things have settled now, sometimes when you put two mentally ill ND queers in a close friendship from a young age, shit gets messy and then you mature and become best friends who can trust eachother again.
Someone else I posted about, F who was my ex at the time, came back into my life and I realised she was the only person I had genuinely ever felt a romantic connection to, which sounds silly when you read everything I said about R before, but as I said, mental illness is wild lmao I was convinced I had to end up with R or I would be alone, he was the only other openly lesbian/queer person I knew from the age of 12 with similar experiences to me. F came back into my life and things have been going so much better since then, we spent over a year talking again and eventually confessed to eachother, she helped me leave my abusive mums house and we currently live together with our 2 cats and her emotional support dog, I love her more than I can express on here, I never thought I would get to be in a relationship like this where things are so calm and and loving, instead of blowing up at eachother over things, we sit down and talk about why something has upset us and how we can change it in the future, she's my whole world and even though it's not even a year being together again, I'd gladly spend the rest of my life with her 💜
As for things with my mum, she has just recently gotten out of a toxic relationship, things blew up a while back before I left, she got violent and police were called, so I left with a lot of encouragement from F and others. A lot of the cause of her becoming even more shitty than she already was, was her at the time new bf, she was drinking every day with him, abandoning my younger siblings and leaving them to me days at a time to drink with him, being homophobic, and was getting more and more physical and while she has hit me before, she hit me and my brother for being gay, which honestly hurt so much more than any punch or slap or shove she had thrown before. She was also doing a lot of shit to me mentally still that I had just had enough of. Through it all I kept trying to support her and help her leave her dickhead bf, in the end it was better for my own sake to leave, i think if i hadn't i wouldn't be here right now despite my MH doing much better than it had been. She recently had to call the police on him for causing her physical harm, and she reached out to me, while I'm still wary of her intentions, it seems like she's on the road to healing as well, she apologised for making me feel how she did for most of my life and says she's going to start counselling and wants to rebuild our relationship when I'm ready. Even though she was a big part of why I am the way I am, I'm proud of her for getting help and the fact that she has addressed how she treated me has given me a lot of closure.
I'm not sure why I'm posting this, I know "it gets better" stories are cringe and annoying, but it genuinely does get better. I still have my down days but much less of them and less intensely. I still have derealisation and dissociation episodes, but I don't think of my CSA trauma much anymore or have as many nightmares, I'm with someone who relates to and understands my traumas and mental health, theres no pressure to be intimate bc she's also ace, I'm a few months clean of SH and F reminds me how proud she is of me being clean, I don't abuse substances like alcohol or my sleeping meds or drugs that are offered to me and haven't in a very long time, apart from nic maybe but it's not in a self destructive way and I love my fruity air, don't judge, at least I'm not still smoking weed every day or snorting MDMA or downing pills offered to me in the woods at night to feel like a real alive human 😭💀 I've cut out a lot of toxic people and friend groups, and my dad and I are talking again and he's so supportive of me, things really do get better when you give them a chance 💜 I hope ya'll are doing well too :]
Oh! And F bought me a binder, so now I'm a lot less dysphoric too, she's honestly the best :']
That's all I have to say really, ik I'm just ranting to the void rn but i hope this inspires at least one person who sees it :D
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xo-alie-xo · 3 years
Suppose the writers want me to ship Portwell till Rina endgame. Nope.
But I have something else in mind.
From an unbiased POV, I just see two very good looking BFFs. If you look at Rini, Rina, Redlyn, Seblos, Kourt x Howie, they all have romantic chemistry.😍🔥
EJ acknowledges how amazing Gina is and puts her 1st. Healthy friendship is what I see. And my Gina being so loved by another Caswell. 💜
And no, it's not just because of their actors' ages. They are professionals. Even Delena, the actors were 10 years apart. But their on screen chemistry was very romantic. Even Stelena. So, this isn't about age. They just don't emanate romantic fire.
The most I can see is a sophmore finding a senior who is attractive (because EJ is smoking hot) and feeling a little sidelined and lonely. And a senior seeing a sophmore as an underrated dazzling star with a heart of gold.💛
If any thing, it's to show that someone SEES Gina. She probably feels so out of place and hurt by Ricky. It's not about receiving validation from a man, but it's to let Gina know there are others who get her. EJ needs to show what it's like to be treated well and let Gina raise her standards when it comes to being loved. He needs to get rid of her confusion whether or not she's wanted and to stop her 'disappearing Gina act'.
Most of all, Ricky needs to see how well EJ treats Gina and how special she is. So in the future, he will treat her well as a boyfriend once this boy sorts out his own issues. EJ needs to be that constant best friend to Gina, not a sibling but not more than friends either. Just playful besties who make jokes and flirts a little to uplift each other. 🤗😎
No romantic energy here. Just Team Wonderstudy besties. 😌
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If Gina is going to have a love interest, it would be Jack.
I'm undoubtedly Muffy stan, but Buffy and Jonah had a little chemistry. I think it would definetely work. Jack is described as a smooth talking, charming flirt. And who else is single at the East High for him to have a thing with? Gina!
Here is a gif I made. Here they are just best buds on Andi Mack but I can see them playing romantic characters in HSMTMTS. 😍
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He's also described as having a 'wanderlust'. Perhaps it's him Gina will meet at the airport because he seems to travel a lot. A stranger who changes her mind and eventually becomes a forbidden romance once she gets to know he's from North High. Jealous Ricky incoming! Last episode also mentions Ricky re-evaluating a party crasher.🤔
Why would Gina bring a North High student to an East high party? Maybe because he got her to stay!
Season three can dive into whether Gina wants to switch schools after Jack's persuasion because she seems so impressed with their dance studio right now. Time for Ricky to start pining, competing and hating on Jack for no reason.
And Jack not being happy that Gina and Ricky are playing romantic interests on stage, and then asks her to play the lead with him in his school. Ricky taking every opportunity to serenade Gina under the pretense of his character while Jack also does the same on his guitar. Gonna be so funny. 😂
Here's a preview! Jack, someone who is in par with Ricky, serenading Gina. Oh boy!😅
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Ricky meanwhile....
"He's a little pitchy. And completely off beat. I can do it so much better. Jack, nope. More like Jack-ASS!" 😒
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Everyone noticing that Ricky hates Jack not because he's from North High (or plotting to destroy them), but because Ricky likes Gina. A lot. And him finally admitting that.
Ricky trying to get Gina back in his arms with the whole, "I wouldn't quit on us even if you moved away." "Even if everything changes, my feelings for you will never change." "I'm not scared of change as much as I'm scared of losing you." "Please stay, and I promise to never quit on us again."
And Gina, who's heart was and is still with Ricky, stays for love. And season three ends with them kissing on stage, playing each other's love interests and being real life lovers too.
Season four will show their relationship. Fluff and angst. It's ups and downs. Them truly falling for each other. And them confessing their love for each other.
Season five will have them getting over their honey moon phase and having quarrels. And life getting in the way. Breaking up momentarily. Season 5b will be about them hurting badly without each other and having minor slip ups and kissing each other despite being broken up.
Season six will show them getting back together with the incoming RAIN KISS!!! The season will end with this.
Ricky- I have a proposal to run past you
Gina- Oh no (laughing) Is Nini okay?
Ricky- Since we are dating and I went behind your back but for a good reason. Would you be flattered?
Gina- Yes Ricky, I'd be flattered.
Then Ricky takes her to a room full of flowers and sings her a love song, and gets down on one knee and proposes to her full on Fifty Shades style. She says yes but they'll officially marry only when they are ready and older. But till then, she becomes his fiance. Each other's homes.
Eventually move in together in Ricky's apartment. Though I don't think we'll get any spicy Rina scenes considering this is PG Disney.
The End. (Unless they move to freeform which I doubt).
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
“Shall we go together?” (10/24) | A Taishirou Christmas drabble countdown
Just a little Taishirou-centric Christmas fic I’ve been meaning to write all year long, so here we are. The plan was to post 12-24 drabbles to complete telling the story and the Christmas spirit succeeded in the end.
Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Characters: Taichi Yagami, Hikari Yagami, Koushirou Izumi, Sora Takenouchi, Agumon, Tailmon, Tentomon (mentions of other Chosen Children)
Main POV: Taichi Yagami
Genre: Friendship (& romance)
Rating: K
Wordcount: 710
December 24th, 02:43 PM
 “Give Sora-san and Yamato-san my regards – I hope they’ll like their variants”, Hikari beamed as she handed the gift bags to her brother, looking particularly proud of the way she managed to bake crest shaped cookies among all the trees, stars and angels.
 Taichi, Hikari, Koushirou, as well as their partners, were already on their way to the Motomiya residence, after Yuuko had insisted on them taking as many cookie gift bags as possible. She almost didn’t seem willing to let them go already, but Taichi and Koushirou still had to ride by train to meet Sora at the concert hall in Nerima, so they had to hurry.
 “You know they will”, Taichi patted her head while taking the bags, “And yeah, I won’t forget to ask Sora about the fabrics.”
 “Thanks!”, she beamed even more – Sora, while still tending to deny it, was still pretty invested in fashion and had spent quite some time teaching Hikari to sew recently. Taichi knew Sora would have prepared a gift for his little sister, it was almost embarrassingly cute how enthusiastic those two could get together.
 “Please give Miyako-kun and the others our regards too”, Koushirou added, still hearing Hikari replying a cheerful “I will!”, before he got distracted by the vibration sound of his phone.
 As he turned away to take a look at it, Taichi pulled his sister into a side hug to bid her goodbye. Before she walked towards the entrance of the condominium, she leaned in again, with Tailmon sitting comfortably on her shoulder – and he was not prepared for more of her cheekiness:
 “Takeru-kun should be here soon”, Hikari whispered, making sure only Taichi would hear her, “So there’s nobody getting in the way of your date.”
 “Hikari…!”, he growled, eyes flickering over to Koushirou, who was apparently texting someone right now.
 “What? You’ll be four friends spending Christmas Eve together, it’s at least double date worthy.”
 “We’ll be three friends with our partners watching another friend singing cheesy Christmas songs.”
 “If that’s not romantic, I don’t know what is”, Tailmon replied instead of Hikari, who just added a giggled “Have fun and see you tonight!”. With that, she patted Taichi’s shoulder and bowed towards Koushirou – who, again, returned the gesture politely, unaware of the exchange that just took place. She eventually disappeared into the building.
 “What do you think, is ‘sibling teasing’ a typical thing for humans to do?”, Tentomon whispered towards Agumon, who just shrugged and chuckled.
 “Taichi and Hikari were always like this, so I don’t know! It’s new that Taichi’s getting red like this so often though…”
 “I’m not red!”, Taichi attempted to counter, then turned towards Koushirou, trying to not let the conversation dwell too much on his mind. “Who texted you?”
 “Sora-san, she is still stuck in traffic, it seems. She said she texted you too?”
 Taichi immediately fished for his phone in his coat. He absolutely hadn’t noticed anything before, too occupied with his own thoughts and worries, so when he read the ‘I’m still at Odaiba station, trains are getting here irregularly, don’t think it’s connected to any electrical fallouts this morning, but who knows. 😔 When will you be here?’, he felt a little guilty.
 “Oh man, so she was out early, huh?”, he thought out loud, scratching his neck. “Could be that her mother made her run errands again, even on Christmas Eve.”
 “Probably”, Koushirou agreed, trying to check further news reports on whether there had been more disturbances. “I’ve programmed an app for her, so she could have an overview on all the things on her time table, but…”
 Taichi took a close look at Koushirou once again – knowing him the way he did, he could tell what was going through his mind. One of the many things that made his heart swell even more. He was still convinced that this wouldn’t turn out to be date worthy, so the least he could do was making sure all of them would have a good time – with none of them left alone at a cold train station.
 “You’re thinking what I’m thinking?”, Taichi asked with a cheeky grin, which Koushirou almost automatically returned.
 “Let’s see if we can catch up to her.”
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