#euge rambles
ecstarry · 2 months
sometimes you just have to write for yourself and for those two boys who love each other so deeply, that they find themelves in enough universes that they eventually become their own
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malchai · 28 days
alright i admit it, the gay people in my phone were right. challengers was great
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tw1nkitty · 1 year
mean girls in movies will spread rumors and shi and mean girls irl will literally eye roll at u because u read their 'sEcrEt noTE' which was on the literal FLOOORRRRRR @trxshm8i knows she knows
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daenerys-targaryen · 1 year
not j*free st*r calling colle*n a bad person 😭
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ninety-two-bees · 4 months
i have a seemingly endless list of WIPs currently (some on ao3, some still hidden away🤭) so i’m going to dump them here in case anyone wants to ask about them and listen to me ramble (my asks are always open for anyone who wants to discuss the marauders)
already on ao3
• be good to me (i beg of him) — first chapter is on ao3, and it’s also known as the dilf of the century fic
• inertia — first four chapters already on ao3, dystopian jegulus and wolfstar !!!
still to come
• yet broken, still you breathe (you aren’t getting any details about this one yet unfortunately)
• the james potter love letters
• the jegulus dads disneyland oneshot
• country radio (aka the wolfstar cowboy fic)
• until one of us forgets (the lego batman jegulus raising harry au that’s actually really depressing)
• the angel in my living room (wolfstar religious trauma fic)
• spit on my grave (another secret project)
• jegulus biochemistry phd project academic rivals thing
• marauders titanic au (thank you maggie and euge)
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
New photo of QE with her great grandkids + Louise and James has been released by KP to mark what would’ve been her 97th birthday taken at Balmoral weeks before she passed. It features all of them except August, Sienna, Archie/Lily. It’s interesting to me since everyone was in London in June and a “complete” photo could’ve been taken at BP (even if the last two were taken at BC, the 2016 photo was taken in BP but not by Kate) 1/2
Sorry my ask got too long 😅 Sienna is actually pictured in the background on the right it’s a photo from her christening and it seems that Edo is holding her. but August and Lili both born in 2021 aren’t on the photo but Lucas is (with his sister) so maybe Eug didn’t arrive at Balmoral on time like Beatrice? I’m just rambling trying to understand why the York sisters’ kids aren’t on the photo since for Archie and Lily it’s more understandable they’re in CA. What do you think Celta? 2/2
Hi Nonny,
I think that the exclusion of the York babies from the photograph means no more than Beatrice and Eugenie were not at Balmoral at the time the photograph was taken. It is possible that the Queen's health was not up to having a large photograph taken during the Platinum Jubilee, or maybe not everyone was visiting the Queen at the same time for a photograph to be taken of all the great grandchildren together. We don't know what happened; all we know is that The Queen was in poor health and that she struggled with her limited appearances at the events. I am sure that there are photographs of the Queen with all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren, some individual families and some in groups. This may be the largest group photo from that time. I'm not reading anything into it until I see evidence that the Queen wasn't willing to meet with Eugenie and her family, or Beatrice and her family, and from what I know that was very much not the case.
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coffee-midnights · 5 years
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@cecelivesin1989 and ME! in 
2015 > 2016 > 2017 > 2018
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cuervus-archive · 7 years
a lot of argentinian artists are popping up in my recommendations 💕
posiblemente no me den bola porque este blog es de shitposts y no tengo nada en mi art blog PERO HOLA, TODO PIOLA? ahr
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freebooter4ever · 3 years
Sequel to Caboose
@s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r requested “desperate train sex” after reading this slightly enemies to lovers fic about Eugene building up the sexual tension with Snafu on the Caboose during their train ride home. The first part of this next chapter is all awkward feelings and shower sex on a train. I might have made it a tad over dramatic, you’ll have to let me know. The very end part with the parrot has already been posted here but I thought I would repost it all together. Read on to let Snafu and Gene finally resolve that tension!
Snafu lies on the floor of the caboose deck for longer than he probably should. He feels drained, and he's desperately waiting, hoping for Eugene to return.
Eugene doesn't return.
Snafu drags himself off the floor, and finally goes inside alone.
"You okay, Snaf?" Burgie asks when Snafu slinks into the seat opposite him, "You disappeared for a bit there."
Snafu sneaks a quick look at the culprit he's sitting beside.
Eugene refuses to make eye contact and conspires to appear completely innocent. As if Snafu isn't still wearing the taste of whatever lip balm Eugene uses.
"I'm fine," Snafu mumbles. He 'accidentally' kicks Eugene's foot when he settles into his seat.
Eugene doesn't even glance up from his journal.
"What're you writing?" Snafu asks him. Snafu swipes his tongue across his bottom lip. The residue there is sticky, and sweet.
"A letter," Eugene blatantly lies. He stares at Snafu's tongue for a minute too long.
"You're writing a letter in a journal?" Snafu asks, "What are you gonna do...rip the pages out when you're done or something? Or mail the whole book?"
"Leave me alone, Snafu," Eugene sighs.
"Leave you alone, leave the girls alone…is there anyone I'm allowed to talk to?" Snafu prods.
This question is what drives Eugene to finally make eye contact with Snafu. And when he does, he glares.
Snafu grins in return and sinks further into his seat. He stares idly out the window for a minute, but Eugene's pen going 'scritch scritch scritch' in the corner of his vision is too distracting. Of course Eugene would claim the window seat and spend the time scribbling away.
"I can't look out the window with you writing like that," Snafu complains.
"I'm not gonna stop writing," Eugene snaps, "So quit your complaining."
"You could at least give me the window seat, so I could enjoy the view uninterrupted," Snafu points out.
"I need the window for better light," Eugene argues.
"Your eyes already going bad, old man?" Snafu grins.
"I'm two years younger than you…" Eugene sighs.
"Yeah but I don't do all that reading," Snafu says wisely, "They say reading destroys your eyesight."
"That's a myth," Eugene claims, "As bad as your heebie-jeebies."
"Says who?" Snafu lifts his chin in defiance.
"My father's a doctor, Snafu," Eugene sighs again.
"Yeah, an internist," Snafu says, "Not an eye doctor."
Eugene looks sharp at him again.
"See, told ya I pay attention to all your ramblings," Snafu shakes his head gravely.
"I'm not giving you the window seat," Eugene concludes stubbornly.
Snafu opens his mouth to start the argument again but Burgie interrupts him first.
"Snafu there is a perfectly good window seat right here beside me," Burgie pats the bench next to him, "You don't need to antagonize Eugene."
Both Snafu and Eugene abruptly turn guiltily towards Burgie after he drops that particular word.  Earlier Eugene had accused Snafu of antagonizing every girl on the train. And now here Snafu is again...antagonizing Eugene. Snafu shuts up, feeling caught. He eyes Eugene furtively and watches Eugene's face go from shock to embarrassment. Eugene is clearly realizing that he could be considered one of "Snafu's girls".
Of course, Eugene is easily the most feisty out of anyone Snafu has met...ever. Eugene's got the best reactions to Snafu riling him up. Not that Snafu can openly tell Gene this with Burgie sitting right there.
"He's not antagonizing me," Eugene insists quietly and then buries his nose back in his journal.
"I'm good. Sitting here," Snafu agrees with a shrug, "Don't need to move." And he pushes further into his seat, as if he can become an immovable part of the cushion.
Except Snafu is not 'good'. Snafu is restless. Eugene is there beside him...all stiff and sitting properly, his beautifully long neck arched like a swan, with singular focus on his writing. Snaf is barely two inches away, but is unable to touch him. He wants to run his mouth up that neck. And now that Snafu knows exactly how pliant Eugene's stupid thin lips are, he finds them impossible to resist.
Imagine being able to spend the whole train ride making out. Three whole days, with nothing to do but kiss Gene. Snafu closes his eyes and briefly indulges in this fantasy. Then Eugene coughs and shifts restlessly in his seat till his thigh budges up against Snafu's and Snafu is drawn out of his idle daydreams.
Clearly he's not the only one itching over not being able to touch.
Snafu starts jiggling his leg up and down involuntarily. He runs a hand through his hair, forgetting that he had styled it earlier. His hand comes out slightly wet and he can feel his hair poke out at odd angles.
'Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle,' goes Snafu's anxious knee.
Eugene's hand clamps down on Snafu's thigh and forces Snafu's foot flat to the ground. He effectively stops the jiggling.
They stare at each other as if both of them are surprised that Eugene had the gall to do that.
Burgie clears his throat.
Snafu hastily stands from his seat and knocks Eugene's hand off.
"Gonna sit by the window," Snafu explains and he scoots between Burgie's and Eugene's legs to sit in the spot across from Eugene. Maybe if he can stare at Eugene longingly with an unobstructed view, it will calm his need to touch.
Snafu lasts for all of five minutes before he realizes the view only makes it worse.
Eugene keeps glancing at Snafu from under his eyelashes in between fevered writing stints, so Snafu knows he really, really isn't the only one having this problem.
Snafu decides to solve it with a nap. He wiggles out of his jacket and props it against the window as a pillow.
"Why move to the window if you're only going to sleep rather than enjoy the view?" Eugene asks snidely.
Snafu glares at him and sits upright again. "Too damn cold against the glass, anyway," Snafu says. He looks around the car, desperate for an idea - something, anything.
Meanwhile Burgie peacefully reads his book, oblivious.
In a fit of inspiration, Snafu notes that everywhere in the passenger car Marines are sleeping on one another haphazardly. He doesn't know why he didn't think of this earlier. Eugene's used Snafu as a pillow plenty of times before, and Snafu's slept on Burgie more times than he can count.
Snafu shoots up from his seat. "Need a nap," he says and scoots back through Burgie and Eugene's legs. He plops down next to Eugene and shoves his wadded jacket into the crook of Eugene's neck. Then, before Eugene can protest, Snafu leans against the other guy, lays his head down on Eugene's shoulder, and pretends to go to sleep.
Burgie continues to read quietly.
"It's cold," Snafu whines and snuggles closer into Eugene's side. His hand slips enough that his pinky makes contact with Eugene's belt. Snafu wants to dig underneath that belt and push his fingers possessively inside Eugene's pants, and fall asleep like that, just because he can. Because Eugene would let him.
"I thought you were boiling hot?" Eugene reminds him.
Snafu glares at him. Whose side is he on, anyway?
Burgie hops up, grabs a blanket from the overhead rack, and tosses it at Snafu's head. "Sleep," Burgie orders, "Maybe then we will have some peace."
Snafu gratefully catches the blanket and throws it over himself. A corner of the blanket lands across Eugene's journal.
Eugene sighs heavily. He twitches the blanket away.
But that leaves a gap for cold air to seep through. Snafu twitches the blanket back in place.
"Well," Eugene says with resignation, "Guess we are napping now." He neatly stows away his journal and tugs the blanket to cover himself as well.
Securely hidden under the blanket, Snafu reaches blindly for Gene's hands. Eugene reaches back and they find each other somewhere around Eugene's left thigh. They twine their hands together and hold on tight.
There's no questioning, there's no shyness when they grab hold. Each of them knew exactly what the other wanted. That calming, quiet security of knowing the other person is feeling equally as much. Too much to hold it all in. Every bit of Snafu's riled up emotions are pouring into Eugene through his hands, and Snafu swears he can feel Eugene's coming back to him.
Eugene settles his head against the seat with a contented sigh, looking relaxed for the first time since Snafu sat down. Snafu cautiously looks up at him to see a small smile on Gene's face.
Carefully, so as not to move the blanket too much, Snafu turns Eugene's arm over and wiggles his fingers free from Gene's grasp. He spreads Eugene's hand out and then uses his own finger to draw a heart on Eugene's warm palm. He traces the heart a couple times to make sure Eugene gets the idea.
Eugene's hand closes around Snafu's finger and gives it an answering squeeze. Eugene then takes hold of Snafu's arm and draws a heart of his own on Snafu's palm.
Satisfied, Snafu goes back to holding both Eugene's hands and tries desperately to keep a stupid smile off his face. "Got you to stop writing," Snafu says triumphantly with his head resting next to Eugene's ear.
Eugene pinches Snafu hard in the tender flesh between thumb and fingers. It's extra painful since Eugene's fingernails have grown a little long post VJ day.
All Snafu can do is wince and wiggle in his seat, trying not to give away the fact that their hands are interlocked under the blanket.
Eugene squeezes his hand again as if to forgive Snafu for his annoying neverending pastime of trying to rile Eugene up, and then they settle comfortably into one another.
"Don't drool on my uniform," Eugene requests before Snafu drifts off to sleep.
Guess what Snafu does.
He wakes with a jerk as the train lurches over an uneven track. A thin trail of drool stretches from Snafu's chin to Eugene's shoulder. Snafu must have been sleeping extremely heavily.
"Morning sleeping beauty," Burgie says.
"It's morning?" Snafu asks groggily.
"Yup, you two slept through the night," Burgie says, a twinkle in his eye, "Almost twelve hours. I think you set a record."
"Fuck," Snafu drops his head back onto Eugene's shoulder. If he sits up any farther he'll have to let go of Eugene's hands still entwined in his.
Eugene sleeps on, like a rock.
"Eugene snores," Burgie announces. He seems to be sharing an inside joke with himself, "That's what woke you up. A particularly loud snore."
"Huh," Snafu says, "I thought the train went over a rock maybe."
"Nope, Eugene made that noise," Burgie tells him.
"Huh," Snafu says.
"Guess you guys'll have to suss out a solution to that once you two get your own place together," Burgie says.
It takes a minute for Burgie's words to set in. Then Snafu glances at him sharply. But Burgie simply sits there with his book, looking as sweet as ever. Snafu decides he's gonna go back to sleep and he snuggles comfortably back into Eugene's side.
And of course Eugene chooses that minute to wake up. Eugene doesn't move, he doesn't open his eyes, but he caresses Snafu's hand in a way that has Snafu wide awake instantly. And then he slowly, excruciatingly slowly, moves their clasped hands further down into Eugene's lap under the blanket. Where Eugene is rock hard.
"Jesus," Snafu breathes.
"What?" Burgie asks.
Snafu remembers that for all appearances Eugene is still asleep. And not secretly pressing Snafu's palm to his morning wood. Snafu snatches his hand back and hastily detangles himself from both Eugene and the blanket. "Nothing," Snafu says grumpily.
Eugene makes a show of "waking up" and calmly stretching. He keeps the blanket covering his lap.
Snafu draws his knees up to his chest and forces his mind to concentrate on anything other than the man sitting next to him.
"Snafu you drooled on me, didn't you," Eugene accuses. He pokes at the wet spot on his uniform.
"It was either that or drool over you," Snafu comments fairly. He lolls his head back on his seat, rolls his eyes to the ceiling and tries to look bored.
"Ugh. I hate waking up without fresh clothes to change into," Eugene wrinkles that perfect nose of his, "Thought those days were behind us."
"Still one more," Burgie says brightly.
"Yeah, one day for you," Snafu laughs, "We've got two."
"Two and a half on the train for me," Eugene sighs, "Three more mornings in this smelly uniform."
"I don't smell anything," Snafu reassures him.
"That's cause your stench covers everything within a half mile radius, Snaf," Eugene says.
Snafu scowls at Eugene, "You weren't complaining 'bout it on the back of the caboose."
"The breeze helped there," Eugene counters, quick as if he had it ready on the tip of his tongue.
Snafu can see a tiny grin under his casually blank expression. Eugene knows he is ticking Snafu off, and Eugene is enjoying it. But Snafu bets that if he helped Eugene out with his morning wood situation, Eugene wouldn't be half so picky about his smell.
Like a lightning bolt, Snafu is hit with inspiration. "You know...I hear the sleeper cars got showers," he says slyly, trying not to make eye contact with Gene.
"Really?" Eugene asks eagerly. Maybe a bit more eager than he normally would be. More eager than he should be.
"Yeah," Snafu smiles broadly, "We're moving up in the world. We're on one of those fancy trains. Running water and everything."
"Do you know which direction the sleeper cars are?" Eugene asks. He's already sitting up and looking perky, despite the morning hour.
"Towards the front, I think," Snafu replies.
Eugene stands and moves to the center aisle. And then pauses, rethinks his goal, and leans down towards Snafu, resting his arm behind Snaf's shoulders. "Hey," Eugene muses, "Maybe you should come with me. I might get lost."
"Snafu is not the one I would look to for directions," Burgie warns casually.
"Hey!" Snafu protests.
"You forget, I went through bootcamp with you, Snaf," Burgie says, "Where everyone learned to never leave you in charge of a map."
"It's a train," Snafu scowls, "You go one way and if you hit the end, you turn around and go the other way. How hard can it be?"
"Guess Sledgehammer can find his way on his own, then," Burgie says.
This leaves both Snafu and Sledge speechless. They stay in awkward silence while Snafu tries to come up with an excuse.
"Well yes. Except...," Eugene says as he gazes soulfully down at Snafu, "...now that I'm standing here, getting pretty close to him, I can honestly say Snaf smells awful, if anyone needs a shower, it's him," Eugene points out, "He should come with me."
Snafu sniffs his armpit. He makes a face. "Sledgehammer's right."
"C'mon, we'll find the sleeper cars," Eugene announces and drags Snafu along behind him by the sleeve of his uniform.
Luckily it doesn't actually take them long to find the sleeper car at the very front of the train. And it takes even less time to locate the blessedly empty shower compartment. Eugene shoves Snafu into the changing room space and squeezes in behind him. There's barely enough room for one man, let alone two.
The tight squeeze isn't too much of a hardship as Snafu doesn't mind being squished up between the wall and Gene's body as Eugene boldly rips Snafu's uniform off him.
"Better not actually tear my shirt, I do have to wear it two more days," Snafu warns him with false sincerity.
"Oh, like you care," Eugene says sarcastically and pushes Snafu's pants down around his ankles.
And it's true, Snafu does not care about a few rips in his button holes. Definitely not when Eugene is touching him, and kissing his bare chest.
"You don't eat enough," Eugene comments in between kisses. He runs his thumb down Snafu's side, hitting each individual rib as he goes. He crouches down and kisses Snafu's stomach, right below his sternum, between the apex of his ribs.
"I smoke too much," Snafu counters, his voice husky. He gets his hands in Eugene's hair and nudges Eugene's head down further. "A little lower, Sledge," he says and throws Eugene a smile and wink. He tries to put a bit of distance in his voice, as if all he wants out of this is Eugene's mouth on his dick.
Eugene looks up at Snafu from under his lashes. Rather than following Snafu's suggestion, Eugene playfully changes course and mouths over to Snafu's nipple. One tweak of Eugene's lips and Snafu is reflexively jutting his hips into Eugene's body. "I'll have to help you quit," Eugene mumbles, "The smoking, I mean."
"You stickin around for that long?" Snafu asks, well aware that his type tends to leave once the sex is over with.
Eugene takes his mouth off Snafu's nipple, and straightens up to look Snafu in the eye. "Of course," he says, "Why wouldn't I?"
Suddenly feeling flustered at Eugene's very serious and easily given commitment, Snafu ducks his head and focuses on kicking his boots off. "Sure you will," Snafu says disbelievingly.
"Snafu," Eugene sighs, "We've been together this long, might as well see it through to the end. I lied to Burgie back there. I've spent so long living with your constant presence, I don't even smell you anymore." Eugene sounds slightly grossed out by this fact. He pushes his face into Snafu's neck and takes a deep breath. At the same time he gets his hands around Snafu's ass and grinds their hips together. "I can certainly feel you," Gene says with a smirk.
Snafu tries to respond in kind. His leg bounces forward on it's own accord, giving Gene more access to rut against him. Caught up in his own enthusiasm, Snafu's foot catches on his pants hanging loose around his ankles, and he almost falls over. Luckily the shower dressing room is cramped enough he simply rams into the wall.
Eugene chuckles at him and holds Snafu's elbows to keep Snafu upright while he angrily shakes his foot out of his stupidly tight uniform.
"Why are you still dressed while I'm butt naked?" Snafu glares at Eugene.
"Cause you havent taken anything off me yet," Eugene answers, smug.
"That's my responsibility now?" Snafu asks.
"Mhmm," Eugene hums as he leans in close once more and rests their foreheads together. Eugene's hands run up around Snafu's ribcage, to his shoulders, and down to his waist again rhythmically as if Eugene is trying to memorize his form.
"You sure took my clothes off fast," Snafu notes. He initially thought Eugene was gonna take him in a rush, with the way Gene fought to free Snafu from his pants.
"I wanted to admire you," Eugene says, with his gentle hands doing every bit of that admiring.
Damn artist boy. "We've been naked together in the showers plenty of times, Gene," Snafu whines, ready to get down to the good stuff, "Nothing you haven't seen before."
"Not like this," Eugene argues. He runs his hand down Snafu's stomach, and finally to his groin. "I couldn't take my time to look then. I couldn't touch you then. You know, I never told you, but I find Snafu's pecker awfully beautiful," Eugene adds, as if Snafu's dick should be framed and hung in a museum rather than hung between his legs or hung as stars in the sky.
Snafu swells with pride. He puffs up his chest and bucks his hips against Eugene's. "Looks like Snafu's pecker is angling up again," he announces, "All for you this time."
"I can tell," Eugene grins and he kisses a sensitive spot on Snafu's neck that almost sends Snafu's senseless.
Snafu kinda wishes Eugene complimenting his dick didn't make him as weak as he feels. Like putty in Eugene's hands. Like if Eugene jerks him off right now, it won't even take too long and then Eugene can go back to admiring Snafu all he damn well pleases.
Eugene laughs in Snafu's ear and Snafu realizes he might have been babbling out loud.
"What if I enjoy admiring you like this? Maybe I don't want it to end just yet," Eugene teases and pauses his hand's movement over Snafu's dick, "You act all haughty like you don't need anyone, but now…"
"Fuck, Gene," Snafu groans, canting his hips desperately, willing to do almost anything, "You're right..."
"Right about what?" Eugene asks with his know-it-all smirk. He moves his hands around to Snafu's ass and leans on him, pressing him into the wall.
"I need you…" Snafu admits, grinding against Gene's leg.
Eugene's fingers dig into the flesh of Snafu's butt and he holds Snafu tight against his body, not allowing him to move even a tiny wiggle.
"Gene…" Snafu groans, "How many times do I have to…?"
"Beg," Eugene orders, his voice and warm breath on Snafu's ear.
That sends an odd chill down Snafu's spine. "Fuck," Snafu complains, "No!" He pushes out of Eugene's grip and shoves Eugene against the opposite wall. "Asshole," Snafu tells him.
But Eugene is smiling. He's got such an innocent, teasing smile. His smile knows something Snafu doesn't. Almost as if this is some inside joke between them. Except if there is a joke, it's gone over Snafu's head.
Eugene's eyes glitter as he looks at Snafu. In fact, his entire body lights up, like he worships the ground Snafu walks on. A truth Snafu is painfully aware of given the number of times Eugene unquestionably obeyed Snafu's orders during the war. He'd follow Snafu into anything, even this. Whatever this is.
Eugene's erection is outlined in his pants. He wants this as much as Snafu does. If it is true that Snafu corrupted Eugene, he's corrupted him fully.
"Show me how you do it," Eugene suggests.
"What?" Snafu asks with confusion. He's about ready to gather his clothes and leave - abandon Eugene hard and wanting in the bathroom just like Eugene left him on the caboose floor.
"I want to make you feel good, so…show me what you do," Eugene gestures to Snafu's dick.
"It's not rocket science," Snafu shakes his head.
"I know, but I want to watch you," Eugene says.
So Snafu saunters over closer to Eugene. He lifts his chin high and places one hand against the wall over Eugene's shoulder. Snafu's other hand takes hold of his dick and starts to masturbate. All while staring Eugene straight in the eye. To Snafu's surprise, Eugene doesn't look away.
"Thought you were gonna watch and learn," Snafu gripes and nods down at his crotch, where Eugene's eyes should be.
"I am learning," Eugene says. He places his hands tenderly on either side of Snafu's cheeks and cradles his head. He keeps gazing into Snafu's eyes which somehow makes Snafu even more fucking turned on than he already is.
"Oh hell," Snafu whines.
Eugene kisses him. Gene kisses him and then slides his hands down Snafu's body and takes over in jerking Snafu off just as Snafu is about to come.
"Ohhhh," Snafu moans. He grabs Eugene's head and fucking devours him, pouring every bit of unreleased sexual tension into the kiss.
Gene inches Snafu closer and closer to the edge till…"Sledgehammer, I'm gonna…"
Eugene smiles proudly and speeds up with encouragement from Snafu, but he warns, "If you dare get my uniform dirty…"
"Fuck you, Sledge," Snafu bites his lip and fumbles Eugene's hands out of the way. Snafu gets there just in time. He comes with gusto, spilling all over his own hands. But thankfully, only in his hands. He drops his head to Eugene's shoulder and pants. He feels a bit stunned.
Eugene rubs his back comfortingly, but Snafu barely feels it.
Once Snafu's collected himself, he leans back and holds his hands up for inspection. "See, not a single drop on your precious jacket," Snafu brags obnoxiously.
Eugene laughs and drags him into another kiss.
"Jesus, Gene!" Snafu protests, "Let me wash my hands first so I can touch you again and not smear cum everywhere!"
But Eugene won't take his lips off him.
Again, not that Snafu is complaining or anything. But it's a bit of a struggle to slide under Eugene's arm and grope for the sink faucets. His face still suctioned to Eugene's, Snafu blindly shoves his hands under the water and slaps them around to get all his spunk off.
Eugene wraps a hug around Snaf from behind, kissing his neck and chuckling at their reflection. "You cut the finest figure I have ever seen," Eugene whispers. He runs his hands down Snafu's abdominal V, and rests them right over his groin.
"Yeah, and how many figures have you seen?" Snafu is sarcastic, "One?"
"I've made quite the study of it," Eugene insists.
"Oh yeah?"
"Mhmm," Eugene says, "I've studied all the old masters' anatomy sketches - Da Vinci, Michelangelo…"
"That gay painter?" Snafu pipes up.
"What?" Eugene asks.
"Michelangelo, the guy who wrote love poems to his male nude models?" Snafu says.
"I don't know anything about that…"
"Da Vinci was gay too…" Snafu says, relishing in Eugene's obvious discomfort.
"How can you be sure of any of this?" Eugene asks.
"Oh please, you think gay erotica is easy to come by in New Orleans?" Snafu laughs, "You weren't the only one reading books on the 'Old Masters' anatomy studies. But for me it wasn't so much reading as it was a lot of looking. Checked 'em out from the library all the time, just not for your reasons." He leans back into Eugene's touch and smirks at Gene in the mirror, "Or maybe exactly for your reasons?"
"I…" Eugene is blushing, "I thought it was a coincidence."
"What? That these raunchy old dudes filled up pages and pages of meticulously detailed male nude drawings? Drawings that maybe turned you on?" Snafu asks.
"I never thought of art that way," Eugene argues.
"You trying to tell me studying those never made you hot?" Snafu teases.
"Well, there was one…."
"Ooooh!" Snafu coos. He comfortably wraps Eugene's arms in front of his stomach, and settles in as if to hear a story, smiling at Gene's blushing face all the while.
"I once saw a slide depicting a portion of the Sistine Chapel paintings..." Eugene confesses.
"Getting hot in church!" Snafu crows.
"The slide was shown in college, not in church!" Eugene protests, "Anyway, one of the male figures was sitting with his torso elegantly twisted and the cloth behind him was draped so it appeared to fall between his naked legs…" Eugene slides his hands down Snafu's body and onto his thigh, "...like the fabric was caressing him sensuously...like…" Eugene trails off and dips his hand between Snafu's own legs. He grips the soft slack muscle of Snafu's inner thigh. "Adductor group" Eugene whispers. He runs his hands down the inside of Snafu's leg, tracing a long line of muscle and disappearing out of sight in the mirror. "Sartorius," Gene names the muscle anatomy on Snafu's body as he goes, "Vastus Medialis. Internal oblique. External oblique."
Snafu closes his eyes. He can't see the muscles Eugene is referencing, but he can feel Eugene's fingers dig deep almost to the bone, massaging the different areas. "Fuck Sledge. Only you could make Latin hot."
Eugene laughs quietly behind Snafu's head. "Only you would think me benignly listing anatomical names was hot," he says.
"Everything you do is hot," Snafu's grin widens.
"Scrubbing barrels?"
"The hottest!" Snafu exclaims.
Eugene chuckles again.
Snafu opens his eyes to watch Sledgehammer giggle. Eugene's whole body trembles, and his mouth forms a wide 'V'. His laugh is pretty hot too.
The door knocks.
They both freeze. Snafu guiltily turns the sink faucet off.
The door knocks again.
"Busy," Snafu yells.
"Hurry it up!" a voice calls, "You're hogging it!"
"No chance!" Snafu retorts.
This time the door bangs as the man on the other side takes his angry fist to it.
Snafu starts to feel nervous. He's unsure how they're gonna get out of this one if the guy outside waits for them to leave.
"Ignore it, we're paying customers," Eugene whispers to Snafu.
"Not in the sleeper car," Snafu points out. The ticket crumpled on the floor in his pants back pocket is for coach only.
"Turn the shower on," Eugene says softly in his ear.
Snafu reaches past the shower curtain and does as he's told. The water drowns out the outside voices, but they still hear footsteps as the guy goes away.
"Get in. I'll get undressed and join you in a minute," Eugene orders.
Eugene being bossy is a bit of a turn on.
"Sure," Snafu drawls. He pinches Gene on the ass and adds, "Gluteus maximus," before he squeezes past the curtain into the shower.
"You pinched the Gemellus muscles, actually," Eugene catches his hand and yanks him into a quick kiss before letting him go.
Snafu slides the curtain shut to let Eugene change, and starts to wrestle with the dumb shower knobs. None of them seem to work the way one might expect. "What the fuck?" Snafu complains and punches the stupid thing. Water comes out. In squirts.
"The shower head's ejaculating," Snafu tells Eugene on the other side of the curtain, "We might need to give it some privacy before we start." Another few squirts and the water eases into a steady stream.
"You forgot the soap," Gene's still clothed arm sticks into the shower between the tile edge and the curtain, and waves the bar at Snafu.
"Don't need soap," Snafu says haughtily.
"Yes you do," Eugene counters and waggles the soap at him again.
"Fresh water and a lil spit shine are all a man needs," Snafu insists.
Eugene shoves the soap into Snafu's chest, "Use the damn soap, Snaf. You filthy grimlin."
Rolling his eyes, Snafu does as he's told and grabs the soap. But he also grabs Gene's arm, and yanks both into the shower with him.
Eugene yelps when the water hits his chest and dribbles all over his uniform. "Shelton!" Eugene sputters, "Three more days! In this uniform!" He can't even get a proper sentence out, he's so angry.
Snafu gives him a better reason for speechlessness by putting his mouth over Eugene's.
Gene immediately forgets about his wet uniform woes and melts into the kiss. He corners Snafu and braces himself on the tile floor using the rubber soles of his boots. His strong stance keeps the two of them steady despite the shaking train. Whatever gunk Eugene styles his hair with melts away too and the long strands over his forehead slowly droop into Snafu's face.
Snafu breaks the kiss, leans his forehead against Gene's and fumbles to get all of Eugene's buttons open. In his haste, he doesn't even bother to pull the shirt out of Gene's pants. He just shoves the open shirt to the side as best as he can and drags Eugene in. The first touch of Eugene's bare skin against Snafu's own chest fulfills almost every secret wish Snafu had for this moment.
Snafu holds him there without kissing without even looking, and just feels it. He thinks he maybe understands now what Eugene meant by simply admiring.
Then Eugene ruins the mood by whispering, "My boots are filling up with water."
Snafu snorts, "Least it's not sweat?"
"You gonna let me take them off this time?" Eugene asks with a smirk.
"Only if you take the rest of it off too," Snafu tugs at Eugene's shirt.
The stream of water slows to a trickle and then stops altogether
"You turned the shower off?" Eugene asks, "Thanks…?" He sounds slightly befuddled. Probably because both of Snafu's hands are gripping Gene's clothes.
"I didn't touch it," Snafu remarks, "Its push button. The thing stops on it's own."
“Push button,” Snafu demonstrates by leaning over to press the shower knob again. Water spurts out and hits Gene in the back of the head.
“Who makes a push button shower?” Eugene complains. He ducks away to avoid the water stream that starts steadily trickling down.
“Santa fe railroad company apparently,” Snafu comments.
“I will have to remember to file a complaint," Eugene scowls at the little plastic knob.
"Don't know how you're gonna remember that, you already forgot to get undressed," Snafu tells him, and then playfully pushes Gene back out of the shower, "And don't come back till you're naked, you filthy grimlin."
"My ruined uniform is your fault, Snafu," Gene points out, "You pulled me in."
"Yeah, yeah," Snafu taunts, "it ain't ruined. It just got a free wash."
Gene doesn't say anything else, but if Snafu listens carefully he can hear the titillating sounds of Eugene's belt being unbuckled. A few thuds signify when the boots come off and another quiet jingle as Eugene's pants and belt fall to the floor.
Eugene will be stepping into the shower any minute. Snafu figures he had better turn the water back on, give it a chance to heat up before Eugene joins him.
Despite Snafu's reassurances to Eugene about how they've seen each other naked in many innocuous circumstances, Snafu feels nervous as hell. Eugene is rather flighty and embarrassed when it comes to sex and the last thing Snafu wants to do is scare him off. And this stupid train is making that a tall order.
Snafu slams his hand down on the shower knob and pushes it repeatedly, taking his stress out on the poor thing more than it  deserves. The water comes out of the nozzle in spurts, and after twenty or so pushes, finally turns warm. Snafu breathes a sigh of relief and turns his face into the stream.
"Snaf?" Eugene asks softly from behind the shower curtain.
"Yeah?" Snafu asks back.
Eugene doesn't answer.
Snafu moves to peek behind the curtain but Eugene holds it closed.
"You coming in?" Snafu asks.
No response.
Still no response.
The water trickles to a stop, Snafu doesn't bother to turn it back on again. "Gene, if you want me to use this soap, you're gonna have to come in and make me," Snafu challenges.
"What if you don't like it?" Eugene asks.
"What is there to like about a bar of soap? Soap is soap!" Snafu is confused, "You know I don't do flowers and shit. I'll end up smelling like a hat box." His mother had a Sunday hat she kept on the top shelf of the broom closet in a beat up old cardboard box with a satchel of lavender stored inside. 'Looks nice, smells nice, and no bugs,' was her mantra.
"No...I mean…" Eugene sighs, "I'm not built like those…" he stops, hesitates, and starts again, "Those other guys, with their steel band muscles. The military men who could've stepped out of an anatomical study - all chiseled jaws, and broad chests, and sculpted arms…what if you don't like...me?"
"Sledgehammer, I've wanted to fuck you since the first day you walked into my tent," Snafu says through the curtain, "And you were more freckles than muscle then."
"Yeah I figured, but…"
"But nothing," Snafu laughs, "get your butt in here!"
Again the other side of the curtain goes quiet. Snafu starts to realize that Gene might be serious about this.
Snafu changes his tone, to something a little kinder, and adds further compelling facts to his argument, "I've seen you naked. Many times."
"Not like this," Eugene says again, a stubborn note in his voice.
"I've jerked myself off to the thought of you naked, many times," Snafu offers, "How about that?" He's confident this will boost Eugene's confidence.
"I...don't think anyone's ever said that to me before," Eugene says with mild skepticism in his voice.
Snafu presses his hand to Eugene's on the opposite side of the curtain and the thin, opaque sheet of plastic between them is almost as bad as only being able to hold hands under a damn blanket. "Okay, Gene. I won't pressure you," Snafu says softly, "This stupid shower has enough pressure issues as it is," -in that instant the water pressure changes yet again and spurts of it slap Snafu in the face. He shakes his head free of water and tells Eugene, "Just give me a few to finish here, and then I'll let you have the shower to yourself. All right?" He steps away from the curtain and pushes the knob to fix the stream.
Snafu runs his hair under the shower to wet it fully. A difficult task given that with every bump in the tracks, the stream cuts off briefly. Not to mention Snafu keeps stumbling into the damn wall. He opens the cardboard carton of soap and successfully pulls the soap free, but the minute he tries to scrub his hair with it, the train jostles his hand and out pops the soap bar. Like a weasel. Or Eugene's dick if Snafu could just yank those dungarees off him.
Snafu catches the damn thing, but barely. He rubs it against his head a few times, and then a particularly nasty jostle careens his elbow into the wall and sends the soap skittering to the floor. Snafu grumbles at it, picks it up, and tries again.
This song and dance with the soap continues for a while longer before Snafu gets fed up.
"I'm not coming out..." Snafu announces to Eugene, "...just let me reach…" He thrusts his hand between the wall and the curtain and tosses the soap out of the shower, "Take it! It's worse than a damn jumping bean." The soap collides with the wall and bounces into the sink.
Snafu can hear Eugene swearing behind the curtain as he tries to catch the soap.
"It landed on your clothes," Eugene says, "So if your pants smell like flowers, you've only yourself to blame."
"Better than whatever the hell they smelled like before," Snafu says. He hurriedly runs his hands under his armpits and prepares to exit the treacherous shower.
"Snaf, wait," Eugene says quickly.
"Yeah?" Snafu freezes.
"I changed my mind. Can I…" Eugene's fingers appear around the edge of the curtain. It opens a crack.
It's as if Snafu has been given a second chance at life. The ball is in his court again. Snafu isn't used to the side of Eugene who feels insecure and uncertain. But this? Snafu knows exactly how to handle this.
"Only if you say the magic word," Snafu answers in a tease.
"Please?" Eugene says incredulously, like he suspects Snafu is pulling his leg.
"Nope, wrong word," Snafu insists. He turns around and tilts his head back to let the trickle of water seep into his already drying hair again. Better get ready for when Eugene finally breaks down that curtain. Snafu needs to be wet, and shiny, and vivacious.
"A magic word, Shelton, seriously?" Eugene asks, the annoyance slipping so easily into his countenance.
"Nope, still not the right word," Snafu repeats. He shakes his head, flinging his wet curls out of his eyes.
"You expect me to just start saying random words?" Eugene asks.
"I'll let you know when you get it right," Snafu says.
"Asshole," Eugene grumbles.
"Wrong!" Snafu exclaims.
There's silence on the other side of the curtain. Eugene is really bad at this.
"Are you really going to stand out there alone and bare ass-ed instead of continuing to guess?" Snafu taunts.
"Snafu, just let me in," Eugene sighs.
"Yup, that's the one," Snafu bends his head back again.
Eugene lets out a frustrated mumble. The curtain jerks open. "Close your eyes," Eugene orders.
Snafu closes his eyes and lets the water fill his ears, so for a minute it's just him and solitude. He stops thinking about Eugene, he stops thinking about himself. The only thing he focuses is on is the sound of his own heartbeat...and how difficult it is to stay standing in one place while the train tries to throw him in all directions.
"Well, this is narrow," Eugene observes when he steps into the shower. The metal shower curtain rod squeaks as Gene closes it behind himself.
Snafu hums.
Gene's hands press against Snafu's stomach. They are warmer than the outside air but wet when he slides them around Snafu's waist. The next thing Snafu feels is Eugene's lips kissing his neck, sucking at the water running down his skin. Eugene is dying of thirst and it might be Snafu's fault.
And then the train rattles extra hard, and Snafu is thrown into Eugene and Eugene is thrown into the wall.
Giggles abound.
Snafu opens his eyes.
Eugene looks at him, and Snafu looks at Eugene. Eugene is fucking beautiful, as always. Snafu makes sure to tell him so.
Eugene seems satisfied by Snafu's sincerity.
And finally, they come together and get down to the good stuff.
It isn't easy. Everything - including the inconsistent water spray, the constant need to pound on the button to make water come out, and the occasional bumps in the railroad track - combines to try and kill the mood.
But nevertheless Snafu persists, because Eugene is nude, and wet, and slippery due to Gene bringing the damn soap back into the shower with him. And he insists on using it on Snafu.
Both of them perpetually get too distracted to remember to hit the water button, and eventually they leave it off. But this also means that when Eugene lathers them up with soap, there is nowhere for that soap to go except down. Things get extremely slippery underfoot.
"Should've kept the boots on," Snafu suggests snidely, "Better grip in the soles."
Eugene snorts into Snafu's shoulder and grips Snafu's hips harder to make up for the slick slide of his feet on the shower floor. "Just hold onto me, I'll keep you upright," He says, and smiles adoringly at Snafu's antics.
"You kidding me? You're more unsteady on your feet than I am, soap boy!" Snafu laughs.
It's worth it though, because the glide of Eugene's bare thigh between Snafu's legs is to die for. Their bodies become one single undulating soapy mass. And Eugene's body, for all his insecurities and shyness, feels fucking amazing. Everything is amazing. Snafu hopes no one else needs the shower anytime soon, because Snafu intends to stay in it for the rest of the train ride. All three days.
Snafu is riding high on pleasure till he tries to get his mouth on Eugene's nipple and tastes soap. Snafu chokes, and spits, and Eugene looks insulted. "We need to wash off," Snafu explains. He slams his fist against the stupid button.
"Maybe if we had sex against the water knob, we'd keep pressing it naturally…" Eugene suggests, "That's how sex works, right?" He pantomimes a hammer motion with his hips and Snafu almost loses it then and there.
"Pretty sure we'd break our heads if we tried that in the shower, Sledgehammer," Snafu warns.
They try it anyway.
Sure enough, just as Eugene's dick successfully penetrates an inch into Snafu's ass, the train jiggles again and throws them off balance. Snafu slides under Gene and falls to his butt, and Eugene braces his hands against the wall, straddling over Snafu and looking alarmed.
"Makes it easier," Snafu shrugs and takes Gene's cock into his mouth instead.
Eugene gasps and almost buckles to the floor.
Snafu wraps his arms around Eugene's body and helps him stand.
Eugene leans his shoulder against the shower wall and winds his fingers into Snafu's hair. "Merriell," Eugene pants, "Mer…"
Snafu simply grins and works Eugene closer and closer to the edge. Eugene's arousal is a little hard for Snafu to read. Eugene isn't particularly physically expressive. Eugene's body grows tighter, like he's almost afraid of the point he's nearly about to hit. There's so much visible tension built up in Eugene's shoulders, all Snafu wants is to see that relax - to be the person who can make Eugene's taught string snap.
The only way Snafu knows Eugene is close is by the noises Gene makes. As Eugene loses his control, his moans grow almost too loud for the precarious situation they're in.
Eugene's eyes close, his breaths quicken, and he rolls his hips in one last desperate push.
Everything comes crashing to a climax. The train hits a bump. Eugene moans, his muscles shake. Snafu involuntarily pops off Eugene's dick (like the soap out of Snafu's hand) and is thrown backwards. Eugene slips, having lost total control of his legs. Cum squirts everywhere, all over the blue tile shower wall like Eugene's some sort of Jackson Pollock. He falls and his knee lands on top of Snafu's groin. Snafu stifles his cry of agony and doubles over. Eugene immediately turns from blissed out to worried and apologetic and in his haste to help Snafu, he instead falls in Snafu's lap.
They sit there together in the aftermath and watch the water turn off. The shower walls are still painted in Gene's cum.
"You're a real artist now, Gene," Snafu says, observing the mess. His voice is tight and he's still crouched in pain.
Eugene blinks at Snafu, lets the words sink in, and then rolls his eyes, "Oh god. Don't even start." He slowly gets back on his feet again. He stretches his legs, flexes his feet to grip the tile better.
Snafu grins.
"Snaf?" Eugene says, taking deep breaths as his heart rate goes down.
"Yeah?" Snafu stares up at him, anxious to hear how Gene's taking all this. And not wanting to influence him with Snafu's own commentary.
Eugene swallows a gulp of air, closes his eyes, and leans his head against the cool tile. He accidentally puts his hand in a wet smear of his own cum and doesn't even notice. "Can we do that again?" Gene asks.
Snafu's grin widens, "Anytime."
Gene huffs a laugh. He tries to stand straight, his left foot hits a soapy patch, and Eugene's leg almost goes out from underneath him. Again.
Snafu chuckles as he lifts his arms to prop up Gene's ass and prevent him from falling.
"Sorry!" Eugene gives up on standing and instead slowly lowers himself backwards down into Snafu's lap. The round globe of Eugene's bare butt grows bigger and bigger in Snafu's field of vision.
Snafu is not complaining. He guides Eugene's ass safely down to his level. "I fucking love you," he says.
Eugene spins around to stare at him in surprise. He almost drops his knee onto Snafu's groin a second time, “What?”
The smile drops from Snafu's face and he tries to stop Gene from moving around so much, “Careful!”
“You said you loved me," Eugene says stubbornly.
Snafu scowls, “Yeah to your ass. As it came crashing down onto my face.”
Eugene glares at Snafu, challenging him to refute Eugene's earlier statement.
Snafu refuses to say anything related to the dumbass words that slipped out of his mouth easier than Eugene's soapy feet slipping on wet tile.
Eugene stares him down, clearly stubborn enough to believe that he can win this contest. He underestimates Snafu's ability to go deadfaced. Their staredown lasts for at least five minutes.
Until finally Eugene caves, "Love you too, Snaf." He gives Snafu's knee a friendly push.
Snafu pushes Eugene's face away so his back is to Snafu once again.
Eugene tries to stand on wobbly feet, more determined this time.
Snafu leans forward, wraps his arms around Eugene's waist, and presses his face to Eugene's right butt cheek.
"Snafu, you're gonna make me fall again…" Eugene warns. He braces himself on either side of the shower.
"Right, sorry…balance," Snafu mumbles and switches to Eugene's left butt cheek. To even things out.
"Okay…" Eugene laughs and turns himself around, "Let me help you up now."
Snafu takes Eugene's offered hand but when he tries to get up, the pain in his groin and shoulder where Gene accidentally crushed him flares up in agony. "Give me a minute," Snafu says and tries to hide his grimace. He drops back down to the tile and leans against the wall, pulling his legs close to his chest.
"Snaf?" Eugene sounds concerned.
"I'm fine," Snafu replies with a smile. He wishes Eugene wouldn't stare at him so much, "Just let me sit."
"Snaf…" Eugene sounds increasingly frustrated.
Snafu closes his eyes and wills the pain away.
A gentle hand takes hold of Snafu's wrist and lifts Snafu's hand from where it's covering his shoulder. Eugene replaces it with his own. "Snaf, don't do this," Eugene says.
"What?" Snafu cracks an eye open.
"Make yourself small," Eugene says, "You are allowed to take up space. Even if right now inside this inhumanely cramped shower the only space I have to give you is in my heart."
Snafu blinks at him, "Holy shit Sledgehammer, how long did it take you to come up with that one?"
Eugene grins, "Been thinking about it since you pulled me in with all my clothes on. I'm gonna write it down when we're finished. In my journal. Next to my lengthy descriptions of your pillowed lips."
"We oughta get out of this cursed shower so you can put those clothes back on," Snafu comments. He tries to hold onto the shower curtain to pull himself up.
"Snaf, that cheap plastic will rip right down if you put your weight on it," Eugene warns, "Hold onto me instead."
Snafu does as told and leans half his weight on Eugene's chest. "I don't need you," Snafu insists, staring into Gene's face defiantly.
"I know," Eugene smiles, "But I also know you want me. So...."
Snafu kisses him gently to shut Gene up.
Without all the acrobatics they kept trying before, it's suddenly pretty easy for them both to lean against the shower wall and let the train rock them side to side as they make out.
Snafu is freezing cold. The water stopped spurting long ago, and his toes feel like individual icicles. But every place on his body where Gene puts his hands is warm, and as long as Eugene keeps his lips on him, Snafu doesn't care about all the rest.
"I dreamt we could spend the entire train ride kissing like this," Snafu whispers to Gene.
"Yeah?" Eugene's eyes light up. He trails a finger down the muscle of Snafu's neck, "I'd do it." Eugene leans in and replaces his finger with his lips, "If i thought we could get away with it, I would sit right in the middle of that passenger car, necking with you till we reach Mobile."
Snafu latches on to the last few words of Eugene's sentence: 'till we reach Mobile.' 'We.'
"Fuck, Gene," Snafu says softly.
They kiss till the train starts to slow. "Where the fuck do you think we are now?" Snafu asks, knowing they probably aren't even in Texas yet.
"Tucson probably," Eugene mumbles. He unsticks Snafu's bare skin from the shower wall and pushes him toward the center of the stall, "C'mon we only have a few minutes before everybody is aboard."
They end up getting twenty. Twenty blissful minutes of a perfectly still, unmoving train. The rush from the beginning of their tryst returns. Snafu slams his hand against the shower knob and honest-to-god hot water comes out, melting their fingers and toes, and putting Snafu in a languid, sensual mood. His entire body is nothing but sensation and Eugene is a goddamn dream.
As long as Snafu keeps his hand behind his back covering the shower knob, the rocking of their bodies does exactly as Eugene had originally intended and keeps the water flowing. Eugene laughs a little at how much easier everything is all of a sudden. How they fit together so well now.
Snafu laughs with him. He's genuinely sharing this with Eugene, instead of focusing on how to take what little pleasure he can from this and get it over with as fast as possible.
He's actually disappointed when the train starts moving again. He nearly slides out of Eugene's embrace, but Eugene grabs Snafu's hands and holds him in place.
"We're getting all prune-y," Eugene comments as he examines the wrinkled pads of Snafu's fingers.
"Turnin' into raisins," Snafu grins.
"We should probably get out. Return to our seats. They're bound to be wondering where we got to," Eugene replies.
"Burgie probably thinks we jumped ship," Snafu agrees.
"Do you think Burgie knows?" Eugene asks, his voice turning serious.
Snafu snorts, "What you think he'd be jealous? Florence has your same hair color, Sledgehammer, but she also has a couple of other things I think Burgie'd miss." And he pantomimes two large jugs hanging in front of his chest.
"Snaf," Eugene admonishes, "Do you think he knows?"
"Of course he knows," Snafu rolls his eyes and leans against the shower wall as the train picks up speed.
Eugene sways into him and grabs Snafu around the waist. "We need to keep this secret. We can't tell anyone else," he insists.
Snafu nods. He knows the drill. He saw this coming a mile away, probably far sooner than Eugene did. Eugene with his lofty ideals and blind romance.
Eugene nods in return. He turns towards the shower curtain and yanks it open. Something makes him pause though. Snafu can see the indecision in his hunched shoulders. Eugene looks back at Snafu. And then lunges towards him for one more kiss.
"Fuck you're good at that," Snafu mutters when Gene finally releases him.
"At what?" Eugene asks.
"Final kisses," Snafu says, unable to keep the melancholy out of his own voice.
"That's not a final kiss," Eugene counters, looking confused, "That's a promise."
"A promise for what?" Snafu asks.
"You know...," Eugene shrugs. He turns his back on Snafu and steps out of the shower.
"So that's not you saying goodbye?" Snafu follows him.
"No, Snafu, that's me saying 'hold that thought until I can do it again'," Eugene explains with a wry smile, "Hopefully soon."
"Huh," Snafu scratches the nape of his neck and wonders what else he might've read wrong about Eugene's behavior.
Eugene holds up his still sopping wet uniform with a look of dismay. "It's been hours," he complains, "And still…"
"Wanna trade?" Snafu asks with a gleam in his eye.
"Yeah and have Burgie ask why I've suddenly gone up in rank?" Eugene retorts sarcastically.
Snafu chuckles and turns his attention to the bathroom air vent while Eugene struggles to put on his wet pants.
"What are you doing?" Eugene asks. He sounds tired. He leans against the wall, his pants only halfway up his legs.
Snafu ignores the question. Instead he climbs onto the sink, stands, and braces himself against the wall to reach the small air vent intended to keep the room fresh. He cleverly pops open the vent, catches it before it falls into the little changing room, and sets it down in the sink. "Figure we'll be here awhile," Snafu shrugs, "Give you some chance to dry off." He digs out a cigarette and his lighter.
"I can't get the pants to go over my thighs," Eugene complains, "They're...clinging."
Snafu grins and gestures for Eugene to step closer. With his cigarette hanging out his mouth, Snafu concentrates whole-heartedly on helping stuff Eugene back into his uncomfortably wet slacks.
"I'm gonna be cold for hours," Eugene says mournfully.
"S'why we should stay here," Snafu comments and gestures at him, "C'mere I'll help keep you warm."
Eugene smiles sardonically at him and lets Snafu drape his arms around Eugene's shoulders.
Snafu smokes, and lets the breeze carry it away out of the train.
Eugene reclines into Snafu's arms - his bare back against Snafu's bare chest. Eugene doesn't smoke with Snafu, but he does reach over for Snafu's free hand and starts picking at Snafu's fingernails. Once Gene finishes cleaning the left hand, Snafu obligingly switches his cigarette into that one so Eugene can do the other. Snafu's fingernails have never been so clean.
In the end they hold out their hands to compare.
"Think your nails are nicer than mine," Eugene notes.
"All that milk I don't drink," Snafu jokes.
Eugene takes Snafu's hand in his and kisses his palm.
"Gene, what you said...about stickin around….did you mean it?" Snafu asks quietly, maybe a little skeptically.
Eugene stiffens, like maybe Snafu's question surprised him a little. He turns in Snafu's arms and looks up at him.
Snafu blinks back. He brings his hand holding the cigarette back inside from hanging out the air vent.
Eugene silently gestures for Snafu to come closer.
Snaf balances his cigarette between his lips and carefully eases himself into a precarious crouch on the sink shelf. Fortunately if he falls, he will fall into Eugene. Who will catch him. Hopefully.
Eugene grips Snafu's hips tightly and stares into his face.
Snafu's not sure what he's looking for.
Whatever Gene's looking for, he finds it. He calmly takes the cigarette out of Snafu's mouth, tosses it out the window, and puts his open lips there instead.
Snafu gives himself over to the kiss and lets his butt drop onto the sink. The faucet is a little uncomfortable, but Eugene solves that problem too by shifting his hands underneath Snafu's thighs and lifting him a few inches above the shelf. Once again, Snafu is squished into a corner.
If it were anyone else he'd be nervous, and he'd already be running. Even now, Gene's clothes are so cold and wet that at first Snafu shrinks away from Eugene's hold. But gradually Snafu's skin becomes used to the temperature and when he wraps his legs around Eugene's waist, the heat from their bodies makes the damp bearable.
Snafu wants to stay in this shower cubicle, but he can't think up an excuse for it besides his insatiable thirst for touching Gene. Snafu runs his hands up and down Eugene's arms and asks, "Have I warmed you up yet?"
"Nope, think you had better continue trying…" Gene says and smiles when Snafu draws him into another kiss.
The sky outside the air vent is dark by the time they finally leave the little room. They're driven out by hunger. Eugene's stomach growls incredibly loudly, and they giggle together over how soft they've gone now that they eat three full meals a day.
"Burgie'll never believe me if I tell him your gut is louder than your snore," Snafu says as he helpfully rebuttons Gene's pants and buckles Gene's belt.
Eugene is completely unhelpful in that he refuses to keep his lips off Snafu even for a minute.
"I love you," Gene whispers in Snafu's ear and Snafu worries he's going to turn the words into a new mantra. "Merriell," Eugene sighs as he untucks Snafu's shirt from his pants for the third time that day.
"Gene, we gotta go back," Snafu hastily stuffs his shirt into his pants yet again, without bothering to smooth it.
"Thought you said we could spend the rest of the train ride necking…" Eugene argues and starts unbuttoning the shirt Snafu just buttoned five minutes ago.
"Yeah, in my dream…" Snafu retorts.
"I'm making your dreams come true…"
"Sledgehammer," Snafu finally puts his foot down and pushes Eugene an arm's length away, "We can't stay in here. Burgie's leaving tomorrow."
Eugene stops, and nods, "I know."
"You know?" Snafu mocks.
"Snaf, I…"
"You don't give a shit," Snafu argues, "By this time tomorrow you'll likely never see any of us all together ever again, and you don't care…"
"Snafu, what the hell…"
Snafu elbows Eugene out of the way and forces the door open. He stomps into the sleeper car and down the hall. Eugene catches up to him just as Snafu opens the divider doors.
"Snafu, slow down, I'm coming…!" Eugene says right before Snafu closes the sleeper car door on his face.
Eugene wrenches it open, grabs Snafu's wrist and prevents him from opening the next divider door. They stand there awkwardly, swaying with the train, the tracks especially loud here in the space between cars without any padding to buffer the racket.
"I'm fucking freezing," Eugene shivers at the wind blowing between the cracks and metal joints.
"You stink too," Snafu points out kindly, "Like flowers."
"Snafu, say it," Eugene demands, "Say it, and we can go sit with Burgie for the rest of the way, and I swear I'll be good."
"Why?" Snafu stubbornly asks.
"Because I need…" Eugene braces himself against the moving connector walls.
Snafu pries Eugene's hands off the shifting metal before the dumbass gets his fingers chopped.
"I need reassurance," Eugene admits.
Snafu holds Gene's hands tightly in his own and stares him down. He scowls and keeps his voice as low as possible, "I don't even know what love is, Sledge."
Eugene deflates.
Snafu drops his hands and opens the passenger car door. He walks through and can feel Eugene following him a good step or two behind. Neither of them say much more than a cursory hello to Burgie when they reach their seats.
"How is it you guys look even worse for the wear after going to freshen up?" Burgie asks.
"Shitty shower," Snafu says and slumps in his seat beside Burgie. He props his feet on the cushion across from him.
"No towels, no shampoo, no brush," Eugene says. He glares at Snafu's boots and shifts so he's sitting as far away from them as possible.
"Sledgehammer, why are you wet?" Burgie asks.
"Snafu pushed me into the shower, fully clothed," Eugene deadpans.
"He stunk," Snafu adds.
Neither of them can look Burgie in the eye.  
Burgie is Snafu's best friend, and Burgie is leaving. And Snafu can't even tell him about any of this.
The last remaining night and half day is numbing. Eugene still sleeps the soundest when Snafu is there. Gene stretches his legs out as he snores and puts his feet between Snafu's - just to keep some contact. Snafu doesn't sleep. He just watches Gene.
They're all awake, but no one is bright eyed the afternoon the train pulls into Jewett.
Snafu almost feels guilty. Because when he watches Burgie leave, he isn't seeing Burgie, he's seeing Gene. He's going to miss Burgie in a way that will probably be a distant ache the rest of his life. Snafu can imagine living with that ache. He's been through that type of loss before. The real unknown is how in the hell will Snafu  miss Sledge.
Burgie never talked about his family much during the war. Snafu once asked him about them. It was in the middle of the fighting back on Gloucester, before Sledge even walked into the picture. And Burgie only shook his head and refused the question. "If I think about them, I'll dream about them. Nightmares where they're dying in my place. It's worse, seeing that, than dying for them myself," Burgie explained. Snafu nodded, knowing Burgie was wise beyond his years. "I don't have that problem," Snafu replied, "Mine are already dead."
Burgie stuck to Snafu like glue after that. They were already friends, in that easy-going way of two people who get along naturally. But Burgie intentionally seemed to keep Snafu a little closer than the other guys. "If my little brother went off to war overseas where I can't protect him, I'd sure as hell hope he'd find someone to take my place for a while," Burgie offered as explanation.
Now Snafu watches Burgie tearfully embrace his real little brother at the train station and Snafu thinks about Eugene's brother, who came home from the European front months ago, who will be in Mobile waiting for Eugene. And about Snafu's baby sister. Who won't be.
These two Marines - Burgie and Sledgehammer - are the two reasons Snafu took himself seriously in this war. When it came down to it, day-to-day, Snafu was never fighting for much other than to preserve the life of the guy next to him. And when it was Burgie and Gene, all that fucked up effort felt worth it. Getting to witness this Burgin family reunion felt worth it.
Now Snafu just has to figure out what to do next.
Sledge claims to have no plans but the truth is Eugene is the kind of person who doesn't even know the meaning of 'no plans'. Eugene organizes every hour of his day, from work detail to meticulously researched cultural experiences. His idea of no plans consists of a financial safety net, parents who will steer him in the proper nuclear family direction, and a whole home full of people who love him.
Snafu glances over at Sledge. Their eyes meet briefly. Snafu is the one to look away.
"She'll come," Eugene says calmly, sure as ever, "It's like you said...it'll take Florence a while to get to Texas. But I'm sure the wait will be worth it."
Snafu clunks his head against the window glass and watches Burgie and his family climb into their dirty old truck - a proper farming truck. "I just said that to make him feel better. I didn't mean it," Snafu mutters.
"Well, I mean it," Eugene says firmly, "I believe it."
Burgie's truck starts driving off as the train picks up steam again. The truck turns onto the frontage road running parallel to the tracks. It almost seems to follow them as the train speeds away.
"You'll probably end up dancing at his wedding," Snafu says sourly.
"Only if you dance with me," Eugene retorts.
"I don't dance with gingers," Snafu complains, "Too hot-footed."
"Have you ever even danced with a redhead?" Eugene scoffs.
"No, but I've seen almost all of those Ginger Rogers movies…" Snafu replies.
"She doesn't even have red hair!" Eugene exclaims, incredulous.
"But she sure as hell can lift her feet," Snafu argues, "Wear a guy out, just watching her."
"You won't dance with me?" Eugene sounds crushed.
Snafu ignores the question and cranes his neck to keep his eye on the truck driving down the road. It's falling behind the train now, unable to keep up with the speed. Soon all Snafu will be able to see is a cloud of dust where his best friend should be. At least it's not a heap of mud.
Snafu remembers the first day he met Burgie in bootcamp. They were assigned as bunk mates, so when rotation happened no matter where they were sleeping - in a tent, on the open ground, barracks, whatever - they stayed together. Snafu had been so blown away by Burgie's sharp eyes, and his stocky compact beautifully built frame, that Snafu had announced to the man point blank, "If you weren't so goddamn straight, I'd be way into you." And Burgie's response, a mildly sarcastic, "Pity me" only cemented their friendship.
Snafu thought Burgie was the most impressive person in the world. Till a silly ginger boot walked into his tent on a godforsaken island and turned Snafu's world upside down.
The cloud of dust on the road beside the train becomes a distant haze. Snafu straightens and turns his face forward, only to fall into those same hooded dark eyes that entranced him the first day they met.
"Scoot over," Eugene orders.
"What?" Snafu furrows his brow at him.
"Scoot over, I want the window," Eugene demands.
Snafu does as he's told.
Eugene props his duffle against the window and leans on it. He spreads a blanket over himself and flicks the corner of it at Snafu. It hits Snafu in the face.
"Hey!" Snafu bats it away.
Eugene flicks it back.
"Fuck you, Sledge," Snafu grumbles. He gives in and rests his head on Eugene's shoulder.
"Fuck you too, Shelton," Eugene replies affectionately.
"You already did that," Snafu whispers lowly, only for Eugene to hear.
"Only almost," Eugene corrects.
"Yeah," Snafu admits, "But an inch in almost counts."
"Next time," Eugene assures him, with a devious smile, "When we're not on a rocking train."
"We'll provide the rocking," Snafu agrees, "No train needed."
"And preferably on a comfortable mattress," Eugene adds.
Snafu laughs, "Think I forgot what those even feel like."
"You shouldn't need to complain…" Eugene says and pats his chest where Snafu is leaning.
"You saying you're even more comfortable than a mattress?" Snafu smiles.
"Sure am," Gene says.
Snafu would have to agree. He can think of a million better reasons to be on top of Gene than comfort, though.
Eugene falls asleep because Eugene is Eugene and he can turn himself on or off at will. But Snafu sits there and stirs. His thoughts circle round and round about what he's going to do about the guy cuddled up with him.
The way he sees it there's two options: the Sledge family receives the questionable joy of having Snafu dropped on their doorstep like a stray cat, or Eugene doesn't show up in Mobile at all and everyone hates Snafu for keeping him away. Neither option is particularly appealing to Snafu.
He has to leave. He's not meant to witness Eugene's family reunion. He knows it.
It's like Burgie and his nightmares. If Snafu watches Eugene go back to his family, then that might start to feel more real than Snafu's connection to Sledgehammer. Better to end it on a high note. Stop it here and in Snafu's memory Eugene will stay Snafu's forever.
/~*~/   We all know what happens next, insert lots of angst and sadness as time goes by, I wrote this next goofy part to fix the end and not leave this fic hanging like Snaf did Eugene on the train.   /~*~/
A year later Snafu is living in his lonely godforsaken apartment in New Orleans. The shithole is located on the fourth floor next to a copse of palm trees, which is great for feeling like a person is living in a treehouse, but not so great on the knees. All those stairs.
He sits down at his shitty folding table, propped against the window to give him a good view of the sunset as he eats his shitty meals alone, and rattles a few shredded wheat hunks into his cereal bowl. He mournfully pours the milk on top and slaps at the gigantic mass with his spoon. The milk will seep in and eventually the slapping will turn to chipping, and then the damn thing will become edible.
The window's open and there's a light breeze, something Snafu wouldn't normally notice except for what happens next. A parrot swoops in and drops a letter in his cereal.
It's a good thing his shredded wheat hadn't yet passed the chipping stage, because it takes up enough space in the bowl to prevent the letter from getting soaked. Snafu's ruined more than his fair share of correspondence that way on accident. And no one ever believes him when he explains he couldn't respond to the person's letter because a bird soaked it in milk. They never react well to his suggestion that they write in pencil rather than ink either (ink bleeds more when submerged).
Snafu feeds the parrot its well earned treat before he does anything else. Snafu doesn't do stairs, so he trained the parrots nesting in the palm tree outside his window to collect his mail for him. Well, he trained the parrots to collect everybody's mail. Any mail that doesn't belong to him he takes downstairs or leaves in front of his door. He is not popular among his neighbors.
Once the parrot has its treat, Snafu idly pets its head as he rips open the envelope and unfolds the letter. He recognized the writing the minute he saw the name on the envelope. He knows exactly what is coming:
Snafu you goddamn idiot,
Sledgehammer came to my wedding alone. So tell me: what the hell did you do? I told you not to do anything stupid. Sledgehammer is graciously not saying nothing about anything, so I'm writing to you instead. I don't know what's going on in that fool head of yours, but if you think Gene has forgotten you, think again. You of all people know how hard it was for me to risk my pride, and put my heart on the line, and ask Florence to marry me - someone half a world away who she barely just met. But I knew, and I knew she knew, and we built a life on that. I think the least you could do is afford Eugene that same trust. Make it right, Snafu. Or I will drive to New Orleans and drag you to Mobile myself. Kicking and screaming if necessary.
Love, Burgie
Snafu jumps when suddenly his door bangs. The hinges rattle with the force of whoever is knocking. Snafu has a bad premonition about this.
The door bangs again. The person is not giving up.
Snafu sets the letter down on the table and stands. The parrot flies to his shoulder and hops until it presses against his neck. It stretches and picks at Snafu's hair. The parrots always seem to like curls. Snafu swears fifty percent of their nest comes from off his head.
More banging from his door. Snafu is living in a cheap place, he's fairly certain his poor flimsy door can't take much more of this. So he opens it.
An irate redhead stands on the other side.
Eugene's eyes zero in on Snafu's parrot friend, "Of course you have birds delivering your mail for you, you lazy sonofabitch."
Snafu stands stunned.
"I had that letter in my hand," Eugene points to Snafu's table, "All ready to bring it to you personally after driving all the way to New Orleans to do so…" Eugene takes a deep breath, he is panting from climbing all those stairs, "...when suddenly the rare monk parrot I was casually admiring in the palm tree nearby screeched at me holy murder and dove straight for me. I ducked, held my hands up to protect my eyes, and the bird plucked Burgie's letter right out of my grasp. And then," another frustrated breath for emphasis on his next statement, "I watched it fly through your fourth story window."
"There's a lotta steps," Snafu shrugs, "I don't do steps."
"Merriell," Eugene pleads. He's desperate, out of breath, with tired pretty eyes. He's never looked prettier, yet somehow Snafu always knew he was this pretty. He's Eugene - of course he's still pretty.
"Gene," Snafu drawls, and the name feels the same in his mouth as it always did, all that love and affection right at the tip of his tongue.
Eugene storms through the door and wraps his hands around Snafu's head, and kisses him. He dislodges the parrot on Snafu's shoulder in the process. At first the parrot protests with shrieks, till it moves to Eugene's shoulder, and gets a good look at his hair, and then decides to perch inside it.
Eugene ignores the bird. He kicks the door closed and drags Snafu against his body with all his strength. Eugene is softer than he was in the war, and it's a hell of a lot more comfortable to be engulfed by him. Snafu barely pays attention to the kiss, he's too busy touching. He missed Eugene's neck, his hips, his hands.
All these years...Snafu's finally home again. The bird certainly seems to be making itself at home too - in Eugene's hair. Snafu supposes the parrots must be partial to gingers. He sympathizes.
Snafu starts pulling at Eugene's clothes, trying to drag him further into the room.
"Uhhh, Snaf?" Eugene asks.
"Yeah?" Snafu freezes, his nerves on edge.
"Will the bird stay in my hair...the whole time…?"
Snafu stares at Gene. "You don't like the parrot?"
Eugene backtracks quickly. "Not that I don't appreciate the beauty of being able to observe such a rare species up close…"
Snafu smirks, "Pulling your leg, Sledgehammer." He lets go of Gene and beckons for him to follow. "C'mon, this is a one bedroom. If we feed the parrot a treat and go running into the bedroom it'll be too distracted to follow."
Eugene holds open the bedroom door while Snafu prepares a handful of treats. The parrot knows what's coming. It picks up the already opened envelope and cocks its head beguilingly.
"Looks like you when you want something from me," Eugene observes from a distance.
"Shut up, Gene," Snafu says. He tactfully apologizes to the bird for not being able to give it the attention it deserves right now, but if it will humbly accept his offer of a treat, Snafu would be so grateful.
"Talking to birds now?" Eugene asks, "When did that start? Before or after you broke my heart?"
"Gene, I swear to god I will throw this treat into the bedroom, let the bird follow, push you in, and lock you both there," Snafu snaps.
"More time to study the creature," Eugene counters. He pulls a notebook from his pocket and waggles it at Snafu.
Snafu carefully drops the treat on the plate, and then runs for Eugene, yelling, "Go, go go!" Snafu dives through the bedroom doorway and lands on his bed.
Eugene calmly steps in behind him and shuts the door. "I think you've gone a little crazy," he commented as he climbs onto the bed beside Snafu.
"Loneliness'll do that to a guy," Snafu says with his arms lazily behind his head, looking for all the world like he wasn't fleeing from a parrot five seconds ago.
Eugene lays alongside him and places his hand on Snafu's cheek. "Are you even going to apologize?" he asks.
"I love you," Snafu says instead.
Eugene groans and tips his whole body into Snafu's. They interlock together like puzzle pieces, and Eugene nuzzles his nose against Snafu's neck. "I'd have thought you'd given up on manufacturing chaos by now."
"I gave up alcohol, not chaos," Snafu grins, "S'why I talk to birds."
"I haven't slept in months," Eugene sighs.
"You look it," Snafu agrees. He rubs Eugene's back softly. Up and down, in a soothing manner. Every time his hand slides along Eugene's spine is a treat. Another reassurance that Eugene is alive, and well, and here.
Gene moans and turns his head into the pillow to block out the light.
"The only food I got in the house is shredded wheat and parrot treats, so if you're planning to stay we oughta go to the store before we go to sleep," Snafu comments.
Eugene snores deeply.
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ecstarry · 2 months
i might start adding condomns, and lube and much more explicitly talked about conscent when i write sexy time on my fics asdhfjdhfhd like damn i might even make james explain how to check that a condomn is still safe and effective to use and how/where to store them correctly
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phoenixvinyl · 4 years
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This year was a rollercoaster of emotions. I had my highest highs and my lowest lows but I wouldn't change it for anything because it was, all in all, one of the best years or my life. Some people left, but so many wonderful people stayed and new ones came along to make me so so happy.
I'll keep this short and sweet:
@louisandthedagger thank you for still keeping up with me after all this years. I know (I know!!!) I'm an pain in the ass and i complain about everything and I am an annoying little bitch but you're still next to me after all these years. I cherish your friendship so much and I would never take you for granted. I always say that meeting you was the best thing this stupid band gave me and I still stay behind that. You're more than my best friend you're family and I love you so much. Thanks for listening to me talk shit all day every day (also your mum texted me something super sweet so, step up your game). Love you.
@ltyear my!!!!!! Queen!!!!!!! Meeting you in person this year was insane and lovely and wonderful and I love that I got to experience the best moment of my life (Louis in Madrid) with you. I still have so many memories from those few days together and I'm so so happy it happened. You're a wonderful person, so good and loyal and fierce and a wonderful friend and I love you so much. I'm very very lucky to have you, and I trust you so much, thanks for listening to my 5 minute long vn at 3 am. I'm very lucky to get to call you my friend. I love you ma'am.
@avocadotommo lauraaaaaa you're a gem and you made this year such a good one. our WhatsApp chat it's so funny it's all 8 minute long voice notes talking about Louis ijfkdowowow I'm so grateful to have you as a friend. You can count on me always. I love you lots and lots. You're an angel and you deserve all the good things in this world.
@emohl mery!!!!! I'm so happy and thankful we've met this year. You're a wonderful person, so lovely and smart and nice and funny and I love you so so much. Thanks for bringing our Latino power to the top alongside @sunflowrlouis @tomlinsun and @actionlou. Latin power is the best power and I love you all so much. Emos pero con estilo.
@finelinee @louisinmadrid angels!!! I'm so happy we met in Madrid and so sorry you had to put up with my annoying ass but I think you're both so so wonderful that I'm still in awe of you both. I'm so happy to have you and can't wait to see you next year. You're amazing and loving people and I wish only the best for you, always.
@theystudyrainbows (+Elly) oh mags!!! Meeting you this year was such a pleasure and a joy, you're both so pure and kind and thoughtful and generous and just amazing!!! Mags thanks for listening to me ramble in the middle of the night. You're so funny and smart and lovely and I'm so lucky to call you my friend. I love you lots! And I'll be sending Elly a message later. Both absolute angels.
my dear @dnd (@2ofusmp4​, @rosesau ​, @sunflowrsix​, @kissyhl ​, @godisalarrie ​, @tomlinsun ​, @onmeown ​, @curlyhairedprince, @sunflowrlouis ​, @amsterdamwithoutlarry ​, @ltyear ​, @tattooedlovers ​, @canyonemoon ​, @emohl  @queersue ​, @givemewalls ​, @louislegend ​) you're the best bunch of people I could have stumbled upon and I'm so so lucky to have you. You're always there for the good and the bad and for serious time and for meme time and I love that for us. We're a little family and I love every single one of you sooooo much. You have me, always.
Another shout-out to @buscandoelparaiso @thepachanga @haznlou @princeofyorkshire @suburbanlarrie you make me laugh and happy and I'm so grateful for you. Have the best cause you the deserve only the best.
To all the people I forgot: it's probably your fault for having an url I can't remember fiieowow but if I love you, you know it.
Thanks to everyone that was part of this year's adventures. It was a great one and the next one will be even better.
All the love, Euge.
Stream Walls.
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fullmoonfireball · 7 years
and halfway done, with one potential Addition bc i like being self-indulgent but im at the same time im getting sore
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king-wens-king · 5 years
Random Ramble
So I just finished binging stranger things 3 and like-
I can't I'm broken I just I ju- I can't I ca-
Right now I'm just-
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Heads up cause I'll be reblogging a tidal wave of posts from here on out don't even touch me I'm too fragile atm eugh N O eug gH h.. .
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fuchsiasea · 5 years
"I miss the ☀ gc" iconic moments
1. That whole posse (the demons)
2. When we made people angry about geography
3. Sharing baby pics
4. Learning each other's languages (dying every time Kat sends a vm in danish)
5. Exchanging our addresses to send each other gifts
6. Continuously kicking Kat out because she doesn't like wolves
7. The multiple marriages and divorces
8. Euge killing us all THAT day
9. Arguing about rntm
10. Skype call in which Jocy and Toby were the stars
11. Bullying Maddie for being a ******
12. Nicolle rambling about Julia and Hulk
13. People hating on avocado and me almost leaving the gc because of it
14. Cristal reading the word stickers and going crazy
15. Being proud of each other and loving us to death
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lupienne · 6 years
Watched the new episode. Just some thoughts, probably spoiler-ish to those who don’t read the comics.
It was cool to see the time jump. Visually, I like looking at things on this show. The setting of Alexandria, etc. It’s cool to see the comic come to life at least in a sense of setting.
Magna’s group has arrived. Maybe they’ll actually have more purpose on the show XD (this isn’t a knock on her group, they were just never given much (yet) in the comics, although I’m loving the new Magna/Yumiko dynamic)
The entire time Judith talked to TVNegan I was thinking ‘nobody tells her to get away from there?’ It makes me miss Carl’s interactions. Also, Carl snuck down to see him. TVNeg I still haven’t forgotten when you threw a man into a fucking furnace...
Speaking of... Carol has lost me. I always liked Carol but when she burned the Saviors alive back in Season 6 (?) it was hard for me to tolerate. To me, burning someone alive is one of the cruelest, most heartless deaths you can inflict. (hence my high displeasure with the writers having TVNeg do it.) Back in Season 6 Maggie/Carol had time to get away but they were still in danger of being tracked, so yeah... ok, maybe it was self-defense. (Questionable.) This here was just flat-out evil murder. The Saviors let her live, yeah, they stole her stuff and her ring but burning people alive....? Nope. You can do better, Ezekiel. Maybe that sexy Alexandria leader?
Speaking of... holy shit does Michonne look good. I love her new hair. Ugh!! Michonne has always been one of my faves, show or comic (and I actually like show Michonne better) 
Aaron looks so much like Comic Rick, it’s kind of freaking me out. Lmao.
Gabriel is such a fucking player. Also he’s got the radio.
I thought Eugene was going to end up like (comic) Gabriel when he started climbing down that tower/antenna thing. I love Euge’s new hair too.
Judith is almost too precious, it’s kind of sickening. ‘It was my decision,’ says the eight-year old guru. *eye roll*
I love Michonne’s ‘I don’t trust Magna’s group so let’s just make them another community’s problem’.... LOL WOT
Prison Bitch Magna is a new thing...
At first when people were screaming for help, I thought Henry (I hate that fucking kid btw) was going to run into Lydia.
6 years later and shampoo still has not touched Daryl’s hair. That includes his pubes.
Wow, I haven’t rambled about an episode in a long time. It’s almost like the old pre-TVNegan days. If I try to put previous seasons out of my mind and pretend this is like a whole new show, like a retcon maybe I can semi-enjoy it. Lol.
It’s gonna be funny to see short Beta... (I’m aware 6′4″ isn’t ‘short’ but for Beta it is...) Also TVNeg is like 80 years old now so... that’ll be an awesome fight...
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
Get to know me!
Hi! I go by Iisuya on this blog. Iisuya is a shipping personality I created in high school as an extension of myself (kind of like a Sanders Sides thing)
I started this as a prompt blog at the end of high school cause that was popular at the time I guess. But I eventually got busy and abandoned it. (Lack of motivation too)
I was never good at math, science or english student in school. (I still got a ways to go) but I always loved to write as a hobby from a young age so I think this blog will help my writing skills. I'm an arts kid baybee. And it's awesome to interact with people! I don't have a lot of self-esteem but I'm working on that too! :')
I'm rambling...
But yeah I like writing as a hobby but irl I'm a video game composer! I don't work for a studio or anything yet. Though I hope soon I'll be able to join a small studio and write music for a good game.
If you guys wanna hear some of my music I'll link it later.
I graduated college a few years ago doing music arts and that really helped develop my composition and theory skills. I've worked on a few game jams as well. Which I can also link later
Why did I choose to be a composer?
I wanted to be a fashion designer since I was a kid but gave up because I can't draw or sew...haha (I like to cross-stitch tho!)
Music has always played a big role in my life and I just wanna make songs that well get people pumped up or feel feels :p
Musical inspirations
Being a musician/composer I like to listen to a bunch of different genres. My favorites being
Classical - Rachmaninoff
Orchestral video game music - (legit anything but my fav soundtrack is Xenoblade Chronicles)
J-rock/J-pop! - LiSA is my QUEEN! (Legit I could go off about her forever shes just so talented) My fav J-rock Band is Mrs.GREENAPPLE (gosh they're so good)
Jazz - I've always liked smooth jazz artists like Peter White, Paul Hardcastle, Euge Groove (and of course the OGs like Chet Baker, Duke Ellington and Herbie Hancock) I can't fit them all into this post there are too many
My favorite video game composer of all times is Yoko Shimomura. I hope I can be at most half as great as her someday :")
I am not a fan of Country or Blues at all... (that's another rant for another time)
I'm a Disney nerd of course! (Fav is Aladdin)
Though my favorite movie overall is The Prince of Egypt
My favorite games are Animal Crossing, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Xenoblade Chronicles (+ many others)
I got into anime pretty late (my mom wouldn't let me watch it was a kid cause it was "evil")
But my top 5 are probably
Assassination classroom
Uta no prince sama
Akagami no shirayukihime
(Gah again so many to choose from)
I started Clannad in the middle of high school and it's been my favorite ever since. I got into J-rock my first year of college (Rockin battle themes and anime openings are some of my favorite things to write)
I watch a lot of YouTube as my go-to entertainment (besides anime)
I like watching
Game Grumps
And many others...
Random things
🎹🇨🇦🌶🍔🍝🍦🍫🐶👩🏽‍🤝‍👨🏾♍ She/her INFP-T
My favorite color is Blue! (It was pink for years tho)
I love spaghetti, mustard and dark chocolate!
My favorite game to play is Animal crossing!
I'm learning Japanese! (my friends and I are planning to go to Japan when it's safe)
My favorite webtoons? I'll save that for another post
My favorite ships?? I'll save that for another post...
I'll do a Q&A or something if yall want XD
Sorry if this was a lot 😅
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