#esteban nightvale
artbyifer · 6 months
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Esteban & Koshekh for @Koschei_B for the multifandom Solstice Informal Holiday Exchange 2022
Also can be seen on AO3, along with an image description.
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maxl-quaxl · 1 year
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[ID: Night Vale fanart of Cecil, a tall brown man who has a third eye and a “#1” crown floating over his head. “Cecil SWEEP” is written above him in big purple letters.  Cecil is wearing a crop top, furry pants, and cat ears and has Esteban, his baby, strapped to his chest. and is talking on the phone with a smile, and
He chats cheerfully, “Hm? Yes, of course dear, I’ll go get groceries on my way home! Esteban needs a nap, after all! OH! And before I forget, I just ran into a live SKELETON! Pretty neat, huh? What a silly little guy!” In the background, San is in the dead Family Guy pose, captioned “#sanssleep / he deserves to rest.”  Three floating eyes look down at him and say “lol loser.” End ID]
[Plain text: Cecil fucking sweep]
ID created by princess-of-purple-prose
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mellowmaidenhairs · 7 months
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yaaaaaay halloweeen yaaaaaay yaaaay
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brandonwashere · 2 months
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vortex-vipers · 10 months
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Oh yeah, he's totally fine about everything, y'all
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nickel-nicnac · 2 months
So, I'm now caught up with wtnv
Don't talk to me I'm not ok over this
But uh, here, have these
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I need worse outfits for Cecil but I also just HAD to draw Esteban
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intern-joey · 1 year
Not sure when I'll finish these, but just some quick doodles❤️
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ihaveapodcastproblem · 11 months
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I would unironically die for Esteban
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flamefran · 1 year
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The fandom deserves a win, honestly
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
The man in his bed isn’t his husband.
He looks almost like his husband, more than even Kevin did, an almost perfect copy except there’s clearly something wrong - something “normal” , the end of the wonder. He sounds like his husband as well, the perfect honey voice he felt in love with. He had the looks, the voice and the ring and therefore it would make more sense for him to be his husband than not but just like the house that didn’t exist the man that came back from the radio station that day defied logic.
Carlos had missed the radio broadcast busy with scientific discoveries and tik tok videos and the series of small anxious breakdowns that the presence of Janet and the presence of the University of What It Is in Nightvale, his home, was causing. He had left home early to take Esteban to kindergarten and when he came back Cecil had already gone to work. And if it was a little early, Cecil had mentioned he wanted to check something up for a possible very important news report. 
So Carlos went to work and got distracted and missed the radio show. At the time he thought it would just mean that Cecil would mention it at dinner, pretend to not be disappointed that Carlos missed it and need some extra cuddles. He doesn’t know what he would have done if he had listened to it. If he had noticed how un-nightvale the program had been. Just a normal radio show.  Straight up from anywhere else.
A small voice in his brain screamed that maybe if he had just listened to Janet, if he had helped her, if he hadn’t been avoiding her calls like the plague, her arguments and insults and how she seemed to not realize how her science was poison instead of the pure thing they loved, maybe he would had been able to plead, to beg, to offer anything so she would just let Cecil go. But deep down he knows it is a lie. There is no debating with Lubelle and her people. The moment Cecil attracted her curiosity it was done. She was poison like that. A truer intrusive thought screamed that if he wasn’t so afraid of his past, so sure it would never come back to bite him he could maybe have helped Nightvale to get ready for if or when the university finally came. It was harder to ignore this voice but the memory of Cecil talking about how everyone had things that they regretted and there was no pointing in dwelling on it helped. 
Carlos missed the radio show. 
He didn't listen to the abnormal normalcy and instead he went home unconcerned, believing that a nice dinner with his family would just take the anxiety and stress away. It was his day to cook just like it was Cecil's day to pick Esteban back from school. And he had extra time to make dinner and be oblivious to the end of his perfectly imperfect little world. 
But eventually Cecil came home. Carlos heard his voice talking a little bit too condecently with Esteban and tried to ignore the alarm bells, Cecil likely just had a bad day, it happens. It doesn’t justify being mean to their son but he can understand it. He isn’t the only one affected by Janet's presence in Nightvale and the death that it caused. Until:
“And that’s why you shouldn’t have any feelings towards the moon, Esteban, don’t be stupid, darling, it’s just a rock in the sky. Honestly, Carlos, you should have already given some basic science lessons to our son.” 
And that was it.
The end of the world.
Carlos laughed nervously. Maybe it was a bad prank? He knew better of course but denial wasn’t just a very scientifically fascinating river in Egypt.
But still he served dinner and tried to pretend everything was okay. A soft peck on the lips, some nice dinner and a classic “how was the work”. Cecil called his food exotic and Carlos wanted to kill someone. So of course when Cecil said he had made a visit to Doctor Lubelle before work and she had run some tests on him and “it was totally normal, I don’t understand why I was so fused about it” , Carlos knew who he wanted to kill and was deeply regretting telling Cecil that violence wasn’t the answer days ago. 
The rest of the night was just a long terrifying disaster and Carlos had no idea what to do. They talked about normal boring things that neither he nor Cecil cared before and Cecil throwed away the food they usually left for the Faceless Old Woman because it was a silly superstition and ignored her whispers as if he just couldn’t hear her. Not even when she did the annoying nails on a chalkboard noise she did when extra angry with them. Carlos whispered he was sorry. 
When it got to Esteban’s bedtime it was Carlos who read him to sleep, even though it used to be one Cecil’s favorite activities, as his husband, no, the empty person using his husband’s face, was judging all of their toddlers books as weird and inappropriate. 
And as soon as he came back from his son’s room he discovered that Cecil was starting to pull the sheets of the mirror’s because it was a “silly superstition” and “normal people don’t do that”. The memory of what happened last time Cecil was in front of an uncovered mirror, of finding his husband on his knees in the middle of a panic attack, hands inexplicably bloodied would never leave him. It took so long to convince Cecil that he was real and while the man pulling the sheets wasn’t really Cecil, not when it mattered, Carlos knew this wouldn’t stop another episode or something even worse if he did that.  So he stopped it. There was no point in arguing with Janet and therefore there was no point in arguing with the Cecil she created. But he could ask, he could mutter “I know it doesn’t make sense but please keep them covered, for me” with the certainty that Cecil’s love for him was one of the few things that Janet couldn’t explain away no matter how hard she tried. It still hurts to see Cecil’s confused expression marred with implanted consdecession. And it hurted even more when his face became soft and to see that for a second he was being himself again and saying “of course, my lovely Carlos”.
They go to sleep and Cecil mentions a wardrobe change as he looks for sleeping clothes and Carlos has to hold himself from just going without any plan to the University of What It Is improvised location and give Lubelle a very violent piece of his mind. 
But he is a scientist and scientists always prepare themselves first. 
So he smiles and nods and tries to not think about how Janet for sure will call him tonight and how he doesn’t think he will be able to ignore her today. Tries not to hurt this fake version of Cecil, because it isn’t his husband's fault and Cecil has always been more fragile than he wants people to know and he doubts Lubelle's shitty transformation changed that. 
The man who isn’t his husband sleeps soundly at his side. But Carlos doesn’t sleep. He cries and he regrets and he starts to plan. Because he is going to get his husband back and he is going to make sure that Lubelle and her gooms (because they aren’t scientists, not really) will give all the wonder they took before leaving Nightvale once and for all. 
Is time to confront his past. And Carlos is afraid. But scientists never cower towards adversity. And Carlos is above all a scientist.
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mothmans-gender · 1 year
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[ID: Cecil Gershwin Palmer from wtnv is standing over Reagan Arataka from mob psycho 100 who is bent over sobbing. Cecil is wearing cat ears, a blue t shirt with glittery “Tumblr’s gay uncle” text on the front, salmon short shorts, pink and purple thigh highs, a feather boa hanging from his arms, and purple platform crocs. He is holding his son Esteban on his hip in one hand and a microphone in the other. He speaks in purple text that reads:
“Well listeners there you have it! Reigen put up a good fight but the public has spoken and public radio wins again! It’s like I told my dear husband Carlos-“ his speech is cut off into unintelligible scribbles.
Esteban is holding a purple eye and a purple shirt with “all hail” and a picture of the glow cloud on it. He has on arm around Cecil and is smiling.
Behind them Sans stands ominously with one eye lit and has a thought cloud with a picture of a hotdog on it.
End Id]
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mellowmaidenhairs · 2 years
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the sitter cancelled !!!!
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arthurtaylorlester · 2 years
wtnv ep 218 liveblog
right off the bat I'm betting on esteban based on the title
avenues do in fact loop back
carlos is a tiktoker???
streamer carlos real !?
yeah and city council has good reason to be afraid
oh the way he snaps out of it
the pumpkin spice beef jerky is a need not a want
I dont watch doctor who and I never will
oh she a corpse
oh she speaks
notwilcox huh?
evil gays fr fr
I feel bad for lizard alan
damn cecil
yeah you will cecil
yes bedtime stories :)
goodmorning nigh vale
moon hate js the worst night vale take
no you didn't it
girl please i want to know what's going on
in the bathtub, which is the atlantic ocean, I am holding crime and punishment
so I gotta empty the ocean
oh I like this segment
like a lot
dream a+
what in audio format
the Smethwick house perhaps?
narrow path? like the distant prince?
esteban ily but the news
the floor is larvas
can cecil be my father please
ah yes the day of reckoning
labor day haunted houses should be real
the whispering woods?
I hope tgif man has a nice holiday
fuck I only have Sundays off how will I do without them
the weather time
as usual, it slaps
wait when were rabbits mentioned before
I feel like theyre important
these children's story slap holy shit
it's like the dream vs lucifer scene in the sandman
oh that was spooky
esteban is very sweet
good night night vale
good night <2
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creation-sideblog · 1 year
Right so I'm working on a little Palmer-Scientist family drawing because wtnv brainrit is strong
And I was scrolling through Google images for a science pun t-shirt for Carlos to have under the labcoat
Well I found this
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So I think I found what I'm drawing Cecil in
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smidgen-of-hotboy · 2 years
snippet of the nightvale fic i'll never write
(Plus, Esteban doesn’t know where he would even look for information about the Erikas. It seems like it would be as easy as looking through the Night Vale records and pulling out the file on the Erikas. But, that file got moved years ago to a forbidden section in the library heavily guarded by a herd of librarians. And, again, librarians are dangerous. Just ask Tamika Flynn. It’s a fact.
And even though the Erikas have been acknowledged for well over a decade, no one has entered the library to move the file back out of the forbidden section. The Erikas have approached City Council and their response was, "Uhh- that's not our problem. Take it up with the librarians. We just enforce the rules around here man. The librarians do not like to be disturbed all that much by us. Now, we have a very important vacation to get to, out of town on the edge of town, in the distant yet close, existent but nonexistent Appalachian Mountains. We're taking Station Management from the Radio Station out with us and we're going to have– so much fun." 
The Erikas did not care for City Council's reasoning and left halfway through their explanation as to why they won't enforce the acknowledgment of the Angels upon the Night Vale librarians. They merely rolled their eyes and went, "Ugh. Whatever.")
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intern-joey · 1 year
Hey if you're still taking wtnv requests could u draw cecilos with Esteban :0? Have a good day!
Yes of course💕 I'm always up for requests!
Here you go! (Click for better quality) we're gonna ignore the weird leg proportions, I drew this in my Photoshop class
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