#esp if they're meant to be long term
burned-lariat · 1 year
I know you're a brook lynn and chase fan. Just wanted to cheer you up some. Their scenes from last week when they were at the gate house babysitting wiley, what did they remind you of? The beach house!
From the moment chase saw brook lynn handle wiley, helping him to understand what was going on with willow. It took him back to a year ago to the beach house. It made him nostalgic thinking back to when he had so much fun co-parenting with brook lynn caring for bailey louise. They were completely in their element caring for wiley the same way. It reminded the audience that he is as much in love with her now as he was falling for her back then. Yes, chase is hurt and angry for being blindside by brook lynn's selfishness and lies. So much so he refuses to talk to anyone about how he really feels about her, not sasha or even finn. He's holding it in and protecting his heart masking his true pain. He has a lot he wants to say to her still while still nursing a broken heart, but only time will tell. All the while brook lynn is going through her own metamorphosis that's caught her by surprise. This is a huge leap forward as she's scared and that's good. The intensity of her love for chase is making her feel in such a way she's never felt before and that's okay. I like that she's recognizing her mistakes and fixing them to keep the good in her life from slipping away again. She'll fight for what she wants, no matter how much chase protests. He knows he loves her deeply and visa verse. Their "strictly business policy" will show their strengths as to how deeply connected they are just I mentioned above. Hopefully this second act of their story will turn out better for you. It's not been the greatest but the bottom line is their endgame will be well worth the wait.
Hope this helps.
Wow. This was amazing, truly. It really does help, Anon. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. ❤️
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nothorses · 1 year
following ur post abt 'masculinity' vs 'patriarchal manhood' i think we also need to be working on saying 'gender-/bioessentialism' instead of 'terf rhetoric' re intracommunity issues. esp if the person you're accusing of spouting 'terf rhetoric' is a trans woman. like, a large part of 'terf rhetoric' is wanting trans people dead. the issue that's spilling over is the gender essentialism, not the genocidal aspirations. call a spade a spade.
I very much agree about the "terf rhetoric" thing being applied to shit that is very much not terf rhetoric- like, regular-ass transphobia- but I think we sorely underutilize the term "radical feminism", too.
like there absolutely are people who are just "terfs but for trans people", and even people openly calling themselves "tirfs (trans-inclusive radical feminists)". these are radical feminists. we should be calling them radical feminists, and we should be pointing out the flaws in radical feminism, because too many people seem to think it's a good thing as long as you also say "trans women are women".
and radical feminism is built on gender-essentialism/bio-essentialism! that's the core of the ideology!
but it's different when a conservative is espousing those ideas vs. a radical feminist; it's the difference between "women are meant to make babies and serve men" vs. "women are perfect perma-victims who are in danger every time they interact with or see any man". Both of these are gender-essentialism or bio-essentialism (or both), but they're not the same ideology.
there's this idea floating around that actually, trans people can't be radfems, and radfems are never trans-inclusive. radical feminism is built on gender-essentialism, after all, which is inherently hostile to transness.
and I'd agree that radfeminism is hostile to transness; "trans-inclusive" radfems are not really trans-inclusive in any meaningful way, because their ideology fundamentally disagrees with a myriad of ideas essential to understanding transness: that gender is neither binary nor immutable, and that gender does not necessarily determine your experiences, or who you are.
but they do exist, and they have for a long time. see "baeddelism": it was and has been pretty niche, but the central idea behind it was that trans women are universally and necessarily more oppressed than any other trans person, and that trans women are oppressed by other trans people. specifically trans men, as the original movement generally didn't believe nonbinary people could or did exist. and this was in close relationship with the other core idea that these gendered experiences necessarily determine the kind of person you are: trans women are victims and therefore inherently safe (as long as they look and act a certain way- otherwise they aren't really women at all), and trans men are oppressors and therefore inherently violent and dangerous.
all of this relies on the idea that gender is binary, and determines your experiences and the person you are. it's gender-essentialism, but it's also very much a radfem-flavored kind of gender-essentialism, and the theory was built on and around radical feminist theory.
I don't think you disagree with any of that either, I'm just bringing it up because I think it's important to acknowledge how radical feminism has led to both TERF ideology, and "trans-inclusve" ideologies that, because they are rooted in radfeminism, are also harmful to and exclusive of trans people. it's not just gender-/bio-essentialism, it's the way those things are used, and why they've been successful in certain communities.
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spoonsandsporks · 23 days
HI <3 polite invitation to talk about your godtier and land thoughts for your characters if you want to!! i am sitting and listening intently :3 <3
Oh my god asfdgdgifgdb you don't know what you've done,,,,,
Long post incoming!!
So quick plug of an old blog that established a lot of my HS godtier opinions early on dahniwitchoflight so you can see a lot of where my context originates (esp. the godtier aspect masterpost) but with that out the way here we go
In terms of godtier opinions, I don't believe in gendered classes. I think that, socially, there may be a bias certain genders may have to certain classes (Muse and Lord, for example). But I don't believe that's an absolute. For one, there are more genders than the binary and people don't always identify as one forever. Secondly, I think to say that, for example, Lord is always aggressive and therefore only men can be Lords is uhhhhhhh,,, very stereotypical and simply doesn't encapsulate the range of human expression. Besides, isn't it more fun for the classes to be non-gendered using gendered human words? Who's to say the game mechanics of SBURB/sgrub are in english? There's gotta be some kind of translation errors or approximations going on in lore lmao
Related to this is that a godtier is meant to be a culmination of a character arc, the end reward of the 'ideal self' a character can be. This is not referring to 'ultimate' selves (i sincerely don't want to touch that concept at all) or even 'morally correct' selves - merely the best kind of self a character would want to be. The best you that you wanna be! Whether that means embracing your flaws or overcoming them, the godtier is the symbol of your growth as a person. Hence why to 'go godtier' you have to fuse your dreamself and awake self together, finally bringing together the two separate experiences you've lived as a player before this; your 'normal' life and your SBURB life. This also follows why death is a consistent theme and in fact needed for godtier ascension. You are killing or accepting the death of your former self in order to ascend into your new self, via combining everything you've learned into everything you'll be. It's supposed to be a positive, if traumatic, experience. Like changing and growing in life already is! Just faster lol
On a brief design point, I do think godtier outfits should also therefore change to fit the wearer and what they're comfortable with. I don't necessarily think that it should be like, witch skirt for girls but trousers for boys, I think that if a godtier outfit is your ideal self it should automatically change into whatever you'd be comfortable wearing. So if someone is a Witch, but doesn't mind wearing a skirt, then they'd ascend into the default Witch outfit. If they then wanted to change it they could through a thought. But if a Witch ascends and they hate skirts or maybe just cannot imagine wearing one then maybe it changes into shorts or something lol. I've actually done some alternate designs of godtiers along this line as it happens which you'll see in this post.
I also like the Aspect counterparts, that each one has an opposite, and while in canon that doesn't have much of an effect on the godtier design beyond the kids, I actually like the accessories and shoes on godtiers taking on the colours of their opposite Aspect. I like that it symbolises that even their opposite has an affect on the Aspect in question.
Now, this is all some lovely prose but what am I going on about? So, like all great and real scientists, I'll use myself as an example first.
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Me - Sylph of Heart
So I've gone through many, many iterations of godtier introspection (started in Hope, have moved to Heart, Sylph has stayed pretty consistent but I still have doubts) and, of course, being a real life person this is the one that's evolved and changed the most as I have evolved and changed throughout my teens and adult life. But for the sake of analysis, I'll give my 'sona' or 'self-insert' the godtier to separate myself from the analysis and come at this more honestly.
Heart as an Aspect is all about Emotion and the Soul. As the opposite counterpart to the Aspect Mind (which is concerned with the brain, reason and, y'know, the mind lol), Heart players are more impulsive and driven by personal goals. It's all about the Inner Self, the Individual, what makes You Unique as opposed to everyone else in the world. It's Passion, it's Empathy, it's Understanding - about people, mostly. It's about Knowing Yourself and what you like or dislike. Your Heart, in a lot of ways, is the emotional centre and Heart players follow it to a T - and often to the detriment of everything else. It's not inaccurate to say Heart players come across as self-obsessed b/c they are concerned with discovering themselves and their own identity. None of these things come without drawbacks of course and none of this means Heart players don't care about others. They simply assume everyone else is just as obsessed with Finding themselves as they are. I mean, at their best, Heart players are compassionate, imaginative and a steady presence in life. But, uh, at their worst they can come across as dismissive, rigid or nosy lol Personally, as someone very driven by emotion and with a tendancy for introspection, to the point of contantly overthinking my feelings and second guessing my impulses, I feel comfortable in the Heart Aspect.
So Sylphs are talkers. Chatterboxes you could say. They're also one of two 'healer' classes and the active counterpart to Maid. Which yeah I'm aware I have a tendency to ramble. Sylphs are known to love talking about their interests to an audience, whether the audience is interested or not lmao. For a Sylph of Heart, that's mostly concentrated into the subject of Love and Relationships. Sylphs are also nosy little meddlers and so one interpretation of Heart could be a cupid-like matchmaker of sorts. I don't personally see that for myself but it's a valid interpretation.
Personally, I see myself as a person obsessed with Connection and the Relationships that make these connections stable. Friendship, romantic, QPR, you name it, I'm interested in the dynamics. In fiction and in fandom, this makes me a prolific shipper yes haha but most of all I love character interactions. I love filler episodes! And beach episodes! And regency romance! And slice of life isekai anime! B/c all those things prioritise character interaction and personal character arcs over plot or action or whatever haha. I love gentle drama and harmless gossip, I love watching two people get to know each other and be forever changed for having met one another and! I!! Love!!! My!!!! Friends!!!!!!!
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Also the sylph outfit is cool af actually. In this image I've actually redesigned it to be a little more gender neutral hence the billowing trousers but I love the no sleeves and the curled shoes and the ribbon-y capelet thing lol. And the bangles!!
I have some ideas for godtier powers but they're not fleshed out yet, but for Sylph of Heart I imagine they'd have to power to 'heal the soul/heart' so to speak. To keep emotions steady in the heat of battle and to help heal mental or emotional wounds. They sound like a support class, like a buffer or healer.
Oh god this got long, I have some ideas for lands but I'll be honest it's almost entirely based on this post from dahni years ago (literally 10 years ago oh gods how long have I been here) b/c i really vibe with it so I have nothing new to really add lol. Maybe there'd be like pink lakes or maybe i'd have a coastal type planet with rough seas that symbolise riding the waves of emotion or something lmao
Hope you enjoyed this brief foray! I'll probably reblog this with a breakdown of the godtiers I've assigned to 4 of my dnd characters I did for fun so you can see my opinions on the Space, Time, Mind and Heart (again) aspects as well as the Maid, Page, Mage and Knight classes too. But for now I need to cook dinner lol
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subconwoods · 1 year
re:tag on last post
a lot of hat fans aren't american and i've been told this trope isn't super common in many other places so i don't blame anyone for not picking up on it, but there's a REALLY long tradition of villains esp in animation and children's media being queer-coded here.
(i say queer bc the most egregious examples of the trope often ride the line between offensive caricature of a gay man and offensive caricature of a trans woman, so gay-coded isn't quite correct and queer is the easiest alternative.)
it was originally to contrast an effeminate and cowardly villain with an idealistically masculine and heroic protagonist (or vice versa w the gender roles reversed if the characters are women), but it became so culturally embedded that the stock cartoon villain is flamboyant no matter who the protagonist is, especially if they're meant to be entertaining instead of just intimidating.
snatcher is written 1:1 as a textbook camp villain. he's not an offensive stereotype or anything, but the cultural context of the trope automatically queer-codes him. this is actual "coding," not me misusing the term to talk about headcanons, so the pushback against people reading him as bi/trans/whatever when it's an objective element of the character is super weird
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gulfportofficial · 4 months
Is anyone interested in Pig Lore? Because I am just taking a break from writing about the pig and just sort of organizing my thoughts about the pig and I like to write things like that out.
First of all, while the little dude they keep seeing may be an island pig, it is absolutely not a "native" pig. Just like those tall skinny pines, called Cook Pines (of course they are) are not native pines. It's something a bit more sinister, actually, whether or not it's in any way mystical. And in fact, the fact that Hickey is seeing it in the forest is the major clue. That alone is an indication that the projection Hickey is making that our porcine friend is somehow like, welcoming him to the land like a Tuunbaq that likes him for REAL this time, is entirely erroneous. But let me explain.
So: from my reading, this is all debated, but what isn't is that Polynesian settlers brought pigs to the Hawai'ian islands, in best guess 400CE according to most sources. They were called Pua‘a (pigs still are), current thinking suggests that the relationship those pigs had with people and land was really different. According to this summary, they were domesticated as pets, and the tradition of hunting pigs, esp. in forests, did not really begin until our best friend Captain James Cook, of course, deposited English pigs on the islands and the two species immediately began interbreeding, leading to an increasingly destructive forest-based feral pig population that necessitated culling.
I was driven to write about this because there's a really similar history in Aotearoa (NZ), where I'm from. There, we also have Kunekune pigs, which were introduced by Polynesian settlers and who are also mostly kept as pets, and we also have hybrid feral pigs we call, wait for it, what fucking else: "Captain Cookers". Yeah. Lol. People hunt Captain Cookers recreationally but farmers also hunt them because in addition to ripping shit up in the general environment, they will also ravage crops and eat ANYTHING. Seriously, below is how they're depicted in Kiwi cultural mainstay Footrot Flats (Murray Ball) and below that is how they're described on a website about things in the world it's fun to kill if you're the sort of person who travels about doing that.
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"A big boar Cooker easily weighs 440lbs, can be 6 feet long, and has razor sharp ivory tusks that can be as long as six inches. With excellent hearing and a keen sense of smell, the boar is a formidable foe and challenging quarry." (source) My point is, that little guy they keep seeing? Hmmmmmmm. HMMMMMMM. Whether or not the pig in fact means anything beyond the fact that our boy believes (or needs to believe) that he is blessed by destiny remains to be seen, but even if it does, it doesn't mean what he thinks it means. (ETA, and I can't believe it took me so long to make this horrible joke: I mean, he is blessed by destiny. Manifest Destiny.) Something which is VERY much related in this instance but that I'm barely equipped to discuss is the history of the term "long pig." I've had real trouble so far sourcing if this term was ever actually translated from something people really said, or if occupiers just sort of invented it out of stereotypes - you can see from this link that all the sources listed here are Colonial, and this is always the kind of thing you need to verify in Oceania, because there is just so much bullshit. (Like, very much relatedly, the term Pākehā, which is literally just the Te Reo Māori word for "white person" has been ruthlessly etymologized in ways that make it mean all manner of negative things, up to and including "pig", which in my childhood lead to constant lengthy speculation in our serious for real media about whether or not it ACTUALLY meant "long pig". These arguments were very much made by people looking for excuses not to use Te Reo, and especially by people who won't use Te Reo placenames or call themselves Pākehā ("I'm a New Zealander." Shut up, that's not better lol. You're Pākehā. I'm Pākehā. I promise you it's super fine.) But also you can easily see those interpretations have a really sinister undertone, so you see why I would be driven to verify.) However, I am familiar with examples such as Titokowaru's Taranaki campaign (against the British in Aotearoa), in which the embrace of older traditional practices, including ritualistic cannibalism, was deeply entwined with making exaggerated references to them in hopes of scaring the shit out of the British, so it's easy for me to believe it's something people did say. Either about said practices or with the direct intention of wanting invaders to go away. Suffice it to say, whether or not the term was generated from any actual translation, the way Pākehā and other Pacific whites talk about it often repeats a very specific Colonial fear, and one that follows that specific pattern of projecting the Colonizer's own worst onto the Colonized (Said; Fanon; Bhabha). Lest we forget the intellectual champions who survived the wreck of the Essex and were so afraid of South Seas cannibals that they sailed away from islands that could have saved them and out into the expanse of an ocean that had them eating each other. Franklin Expedition-ass motherfuckers. (Seriously, why is EVERY Colonial cannibalism story like this? There are so many practices of cannibalism throughout the expanse and history of the world, but Colonial whites are the only people who ever just go fucking feral on it. I'm still not over the Donner Party and how I was always told about them as brave pioneers beset by circumstance instead of what they actually were, which was woefully unequipped occupiers who didn't even share the remaining resources they had with each other before they started first price-gouging each other (like wtf?????? PRIORITIES) and then chomping each others' bones.) Well, I've got way off track here, but anyway. Having written that all out, maybe now I can finish this fucking chapter lmao. Important note: Like, this fanfiction is not that deep or anything, I'm no The Terror writer, I'm just here to have a good time while also being super autistic*, but like, just in case you were interested. Also here's another Footrot Flats pig. Shit's wild.
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*Not a euphemism.
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heathtalbot · 5 months
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( EMILIO SAKRAYA, 21, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM ) Is that HEATH TALBOT? A SENIOR originally from SAN JOSE, CA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study COMMUNICATIONS. They're THE MALINGERER on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer's disappearance.
FULL NAME: Heath James Talbot
NICKNAMES: None, he's just Heath
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 21 & March 24, 2002
ZODIAC: ☼ Aries ☾ Leo ↑ Pisces + full chart
+ TRAITS: Intrepid, Optimistic, Honest, Sociable
- TRAITS: Temperamental, Obtuse, Unreliable, Domineering
MAJOR: Communications
EXTRACURRICULARS: Member of SAE, Golf, Powerlifting Team, Rock Climbing Team
THREE SKILLS: excellent at picking out apology gifts, can successfully parallel park anywhere, weirdly good at walking on his hands
LINKS: Pinterest / Playlist / Tasks
Heath couldn't say exactly when or where he met Greer, all the finnicky details lost to the chaotic blur that had been rush week, but when he woke up with her contact info in his phone one morning, it definitely felt like it was meant to be. Both freshmen, both rich and pretty -- what more motivation did they need? C'mon, it would've been weirder if they weren't friends! Just like the rest of the Ogden masses, Heath was dragged into Greer Morrison's gravitational pull, and he went willingly. They started linking up on the regular, meeting up at parties or catching each other on down days around campus, building a strong friendship that he's never once thought to second-guess.
Everyone has known a Heath. The no-show with a great excuse. The guy that never fails to charm his way into the group project with the smartest student. A person who's probably never seriously been told 'no' even once in their life. And it's not luck, either; it's privilege. Heath can rest on his laurels all thanks to the Talbot family name and the achievements of those around him. The third son, he's never felt the pressure of expectation. His mother babies him while simple participation trophies earn him congratulations from his father, allowing him every easy win that he chooses to take. And if he ever faces a roadblock? Heath's positive that there's a way around it. A check to write, a phone call to make, red tape to ignore. Everyone else has always pulled the strings for him, anyway, so why should he start worrying now? Life's a breeze when you don't have to seriously think about anything!
heath was an unexpected baby, the product of a long-term (and still on-going) affair of his mother's. his parents privately maintain a pseudo-open relationship while publicly playing house for the sake of each of their careers. needless to say, family dinners have a tendency to get Weird
his dad is a venture capitalist, very much in the same vein as gavin belson of silicon valley -- he's long since lost touch with his coder roots and mostly just throws his money around to keep his name relevant in tech circles.
heath interns frequently at the companies his dad owns, true nepo baby shit 🥰 but lbr all he does is go on coffee runs and clocks in for 4 hour work weeks
he's currently majoring in communications bc he legit googled "easiest college majors" and it was near the top of the list
started out trying to major in engineering??? who let him do that?? freshman year was rough 😔
anyway yeah, heath's..... not that smart. and to make matters worse, he's sensitive about it!! gets mean when he's confused or frustrated, esp when he feels like he's being teased and not in on the joke. he's got a short fuse after a lifetime of his older brothers picking on him. he'd rather be perceived as rude than dumb
big time gym bro (obviously) and v competitive -- tends to favor solo sports bc at least when he loses it's no one's fault but his own
has a terrible habit of making big promises and not keeping them
he was soooooooo obsessed w/ uncut gems when it came out, i just FEEL it
julia fox = dream woman
brings a certain "haha.. okay" energy to the function
both of his older brothers previously attended ogden (5+ years ago, i'm still iffy on exact ages) and pledged SAE. naturally, heath had to do the same <3
ngl he's very easily swayed by public opinion. critical thinking?? we don't know her!
lowkey has a childhood dream to one day climb mount everest. pls don't try to explain to him how it negatively impacts the environment, he doesn't wanna hear it and won't understand (or care rip)
probably pre-games while listening to drake lmfao
people who have been saddled with him for group projects, study groups, etc.
heath doesn't do drugs (he's a keg stand champ tho), so someone to smoke him out for the first time! fs would be a hilar thread
with ogden being full of bad daddies, i'd love for him to have this energy with someone xx
..... also this
anyone he fucked around with over the summer!! i'd luv to hc some juicy goss for him from the break
someone who always calls him keith lmfaooo
maaaaaaaybe his baby sister?? she'd be going into her sophomore year and i have many family hc's to discuss, so <3
an ex who made him paranoid abt astrology stuff sjdjsdkn
someone that he's using and/or leading on
flip the script - someone who's using and/or leading him on!
literally anything else ur heart desires 💖 this will be heath's fourth year at ogden, so we have plenty of wiggle room to plot some crash-and-burn relationships, seething rivalries, situationships, etc. -- i'm down for it all!!
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
I genuinely can never thank you enough for the past year. I can't express how much it's meant to me to be understood and have my energy reciprocated with someone on the same wavelength. Although I've been in the fandom for quite a bit longer than most people writing in, and longer than you, even, I can't remember the last time I felt this welcome and motivated. A TRULY embarrassing amount of my work's just been fueled by "oh Snap's gonna wanna see that," and of course that circle's expanded since then, but it probably wouldn't have had I not met stream chat through you, aaaaaand if I'm honest you're still up there... lol...
It's always, always a highlight of my day to see your your work, your posts, and your responses, whether they're to me or to others, and it's always a highlight of my week to be able to make it to streams! You're a huge inspiration for me, particularly in terms of your work ethic across the board. I always come out of streams energized and feeling like I can actually finish things, and usually this is hubris, but it's gotta count for something.
Not to be dramatic, but you kinda changed my life, no exaggeration. I still really can't see myself the way I was two or three years ago not just calling it quits after some of my Gaiden experiences... lol... but I'm still around, and like always, I wanna be able to write in and interact as much as I used to sometime soon. Thanks for everything! I hope RGGS continues to deliver so we can stay in touch :3
i cant thank YOOOOU enough for the past Xsome months or so. feelins ABSOLUTELY mutual in that i wasnt sure anyone else would really be into talkin bout rgg as you and i have (or would be willing to read my. miles-long scrolls of bullshit LMAO) so it's been real fun gettin to know you an everyone and chattin !!
most bafflin thin to ever to think i have good work ethic, i feel like ive been behind everyone for the past couple weeks and even with the things i do make it's really not up to snuff. it's always nice to hear that's not supposedly exactly the case :) I Suppose :^)
rgg community (like any community lbr) can be. An Experience, esp for someone with a position like yours. so im glad i can make it worth to hang around somewhat LOL
regardless, i always look forward to you next ask or the next time you leave tags on a post i make. if i ever bother making a post again ☠️☠️
#fave#snap chats#I DID SIT ON THIS ALL DAY OOPS#i got a bit busy with some stuff...... also i always try my best to write a sufficient response cause ill feel bad if i dont </3#mad funny youre stoked for me to see stuff And I Am Always Stoked To See Stuff cause i got a similar sentiment towards you#i mean i TRYYYY not to get too in my head bout it since then i get paranoid but i always do hope on the downlow like#'ah man. hope this is funny. hope masu likes it. hope im shot for this one' VERY NORMAL things to want :)#so funny tho. funny timin of this ask i feel like ive been disappointin people an particularly yous#which 'snap that doesnt make sense please be happy with yourself for three seconds' which. NO?? no. impossible#but i do get worried im disappointing or being too annoying or yk. just being a pest or not being adequate#so it's fun/ny gettin this ask today all that considered LOL#I MEAN I KNOW EVERYONE BEEN NICE THE PAST DAY OR SO YK SO NO REASON TO THINK IT#i cant avoid thinkin a it... my number one bully is myself he Will Not leave me alone no matter how hard i try to complain to the board#the board also bein myself. i cant excommunicate myself from myself--#REGARDLESS. very cool that i give you motivation :) esp after streams :)#every time i finish a stream i feel like i made an ass out of myself. ALWAYS HAVE FUN. but i feel at the cost of bein obnoxious#tho i guess theres no point stayin round if i was. lest its like Last Resort kinda deal then TRULY i am sorry im The Last Resort#ILL STOP WHINING FOR FIVE SECONDS TO SAY thank you :) for everythin :) both just chattin with me an all the work you do for the community#it truly is a lot and indescribable and its very cool i have someone like that who likes what i do. you do be the beyonce in walmart to me#to reference that post i rb'd last night LOL its still hard for me to understand but ig i dont have to understand it#i think i mentioned this before but i remember when id draw for persona (cringe ik) id mostly draw adachi (this is relevant Trust)#and this one mate one day was just 'snap its really nice how much. love you bring to the adachi community'#which is a hilarious thing to say since adachi sucks but POINT IS im glad i. i THINK im kinda doing the same thing now still#thats the consensus ive gotten the past couple asks.. lol.. its nice bringin people together and havin a fun and welcomin space :)#ILL WRAP IT UP HERE THO before i make people throw up. i kept this ask hoarded long nuff.. ill just hoard it in my chest cavity instead#once more thank you forever and always :) when we inevitability branch off to other things i'll always treasure all you've done for me
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alexihawleys · 6 months
Sorry bout your judgy anon. I don't think they get what you probably meant by "break them up." (Or at least how I took it anyway.) All the couples on the show have broken up at one point. I think the Wopez breakup might have lasted 2 episodes, Nolan/Bailey lasted one episode, and Jyla lasted half an episode. Chenford are still pretty early in their relationship. Sure, if they had been together for years and they broke up, I would be disappointed. But we're talking a few months here. They are still figuring things out. They are coming out of their honeymoon faze and are due for some serious angst. I agree that facing something that could end them would force them to make those hard choices that will make or break a relationship. I have faith that they will work things out and come out stronger, but they'll never know for sure if they never have to contemplate life without each other. Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion. Folks need to learn to chill.
thank you for saying this! i can handle some rudeness but you are so right lol. they're still figuring things out and idk...why would anyone just want to watch chenford make each other pancakes and discuss their future for seasons upon seasons when you could see their relationship bend, stretch, grow, and change?
the real energy for me in chenford is the fact that they've always been able to communicate with one another in a way that's super seamless and easy for them. that doesn't always translate from a non-romantic relationship to a romantic one - and it shouldn't, necessarily! they should have to work on it, and why not like...idk. be adults who take a breather if they want to make themselves stronger.
domestic bliss isn't it for me in the long term when i'm watching a tv show...esp when it's not a sitcom. it gets stale, and honestly it gives the actors very little to do. i'd much rather see them get to bite into something weighty and emotional than watch them be...frankly, boring.
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roobylavender · 1 year
So I'm pretty new to comics and the DC comics fandom and I've been noticing this interesting parallel in the cultural ideas and fandom discussions with the star trek fandom, specifically the concept of Kirk Drift. In brief the term was coined by an article talking about how the cultural perception and modern conception of Jim Kirk is completely made up and utterly divorced from the Kirk we actually see in the original series. And your analyses of male characters as they were portrayed in the 70s and 80s (Hal Jordan and Bruce Wayne in particular) really reminded me of this article.
It's interesting how similar the warping of these massive cultural icons is given the similarities (being a part of a decades old property and having been written by multiple writers over a long stretch of time) and the differences (the sheer volume of material that dc characters get as opposed to 3 seasons of a tv show plus some movies, the mediums, different industries, and being a part of a genre that kind of espouses different ideals). Another interesting commonality is that they're both media that everyone knows about but very few people have actually engaged with.
I don't know how much of star trek you've watched but the idea of a hotheaded, rash, womanizing dick is wildly different from the canon Kirk who was a nerd, pretty by the book, utterly devoted to his ship and his duty to his crew as a starfleet officer, was on really good terms with his exes who were all accomplished and intelligent women with lives and aspirations of their own, sensitive, and extremely professional.
The reason why I'm explaining that is that it's really striking how the imagined version of Kirk and various superhero characters ends up diminishing the point of these stories and the progressive themes that they actually did have and ends up creating a version of the story that is significantly more regressive than the source material. This not only affects the character in question but often also ends up flattening and erasing female characters that actually existed. For instance the whole purpose of star trek is to imagine a better future, a world where we've moved beyond the issues of today. It wasn't always great at it but the intent was always clear. Similarly the superhero comics genre to my limited understanding is meant to inspire the idea of regular heroism in the readers, to make you feel like you could be a hero too. And I get that these male characters get treated significantly better than their female counterparts but the destruction of their characters doesn't just affect them it also affects the overall story and the world of the story and ends up destroying anything good these stories had to say in the first place.
I don't really have anything to conclude this with just noticed this similarity and thought you might find it interesting given your interest in looking at stories within their cultural context and would love to know your thoughts. Have a nice week!
i unfortunately never got into star trek! i do think i've watched the first chris pine movie but i imagine going off of what you're saying here that it wasn't entirely accurate to who kirk is as a persongjkdfjlhdf. still though, this totally resonates and i couldn't agree more! i really believe there is a huge issue with with the life span of various media allowing their core message to deteriorate over time, esp bc that life span means they evolve in response to political changes in the real world. we are progressively moving into a very conservative time period in our history right now and that could not be reflected more than in what is being propagated via popular, long-standing source material. it's a very worrisome and disheartening phenomenon and i imagine much won't change unless the public political spectrum changes first :/
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hesitationss · 8 months
it should be said that when protecting against both state actors and non-state actors against doxxing, it is important know your enemy. and not just generally, because the police in every city has their own tactics.
more details and info.
(these are loosely based on the experience of various comrades in other cities) in mtl they are prone to tear gassing protesters, this doesn't really happen in ottawa, toronto, or vancouver, etc. mtl is prob the most outwardly aggressive cities toward protesters and i heard j Trudeau's riding is an absolute shitstain with little social resources LOL
in toronto and other cities in ONT, protest arrests are the primary way in which they identify protesters so it is ESP important in that city to have a lawyers number on hand, to hide your identity, and to avoid arrest. they also do this really insidious thing where they move protesters from one precinct to the next in discreet civilian black vans when people protest outside of their buildings. they do this so that they can announce that the prisoner in which protesters are seeking to be released is no long at that location. they will be buying time for HOURS to do this. it's a divide and conquer strategy. it's meant to disrupt protest and organizing but it's primary purpose it to ID + impose restrictions rather than actually incarcerate anyone.
winnipeg has the second highest police budget in canada, they have a helicopter that they fly over a predominantly indigenous community every night, and they frequently racially profile so that they can beat any native man or women or child without impunity. they do not use tear gas, because they don't need to. they can mobilize white supremacist communities to commit crimes instead. i learned in like 2018(?) that most of the employed police in winnipeg are undercover and that many of them have never even been seen in uniform (since they're duty is as plain clothes officers) i also learned from s worker community members that it is a common occurrence for police to send reports of all the details of their surveillance something that not even my communist student organizer friends at one of the universities didn't know in terms of their deep level of surveillance. the police their are more likely to straight up steal from you too.
in vancouver, the police show up in huge numbers to intimidate. their mayor is sponsored by fucking white supremacists ?? and i have heard about SO many bad faith actors within the movements like more so than the average chauvinism issues... the police presence in vancouver is actually insane. like a public park without protests happening are filled with officers looking to hit homeless people. vancouver police are notorious for wrecking property and acting violently in hopes of baiting protestors and then lying about who did the damage. the entirety of north vancouver is so racist that you will get kkk level hostility there.
also if you are worried about doxxing, similarly with stalking, it is always going to be someone who knows you or has access to you in some way! like yeah you can lock down your social media and be relatively anonymous. but the ppl who are most likely going to fuck with your life by is going to be like a bad faith actor/devil's advocate, zionist, or white supremacists you went to school with or has worked with you in some capacity... and the scary thing is that it is all too easy for these people to access your full name, email, phone number, and address. like there is so much to think about in terms of security and privacy but mostly you need to know what you are up against, and figure out the best preventative and safety measures.
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thatdesklamp · 8 months
Oh my goodness! Hello!
I wanted to pop in and say that I absolutely adore Intrinsic Warmth. I honestly requested an AO3 account so I can stay updated with whenever you post. I literally read Intrinsic Warmth for the better part of my Wednesday. Chapter 12 was so heartbreaking, I really hope Gojo and Hebi figure things out stat.
If you dont mind, I have a few questions regarding Gojo (i dont know if you’ll expand on later or just leaving it be - so absolutely no pressure to answer this).
Number one is in the 2007 oneshot Gojo thinks about one time before the big fight where he thought of Hebi in a romantic light - will we ever figure out what that moment was?
and then my second question is: did Gojo ever speak to Jin Hebi in chapter 10 when Hebi left to go have a bit of a panic attack in the other room. I’d be super curious in what their interaction would be like now Gojo is an adult.
No pressure at all with these questions! You’ve created such an amazing character and I love how Hebi interacts with everyone in the story, I can’t wait for chapter 13.
Hello!! Thank you so much :( That's so cool and crazy--and bingeing a fic that's nearing 150k words in one day is absolutely insane, and you're stronger than me. IW is reaching my usual cut-off point for fics, lmao, in terms of word count--and I just know it's so likely we'll be reaching 200k at some point, which just gets a bit long for me LOL. So you're braver than me!! Huzzah!
And questions! For sure! I love getting questions because I either 100% know the answer and get to be like, oooh! they noticed!, or it's something I literally hadn't even considered and now I'm like, ooh! I've got to think about this some more!
The first one is somewhere in the middle. I've got one irl friend who properly knows about IW, and she's my first port of call when I have random questions about characterisation or how things come across in my writing (she's awesome), and something she said ages ago was actually the inspiration for the 2007 oneshot, about Gojo having dreams about Hebi without really understanding what it meant. Anyway, she's mentioned that she's always thought 15yo Gojo would've had the tiniest little inkling of some feelings, which honestly was why I put that in there.
Also, honestly because I thought it was pretty funny to put a reference in there without any elaboration. Will they notice? What will they think? ha ha ha he he he.
I can't say at the moment whether I'll circle back to it! If it comes up in IW then I might talk about it as a nudge-nudge-wink-wink to the tumblr people over here, but I also can't see myself writing a oneshot about it just because I do think the ambiguity is really really funny. tldr, I'm not sure! Maybe. It's up to future me.
Your second question falls squarely in the realm of, oh shit, I didn't even think about that but now I absolutely have to. I too would be super curious about their dynamic! Damn. I hadn't thought about what Gojo was doing when Hebi was off, not with any specifics, but I absolutely do want to explore how an interaction between him and her dad would work now they're adults.
Okay, after thinking about it for a little more: when he was younger, Gojo would have never missed an opportunity to talk to the Hebi family, esp. Jin, my girl's father. Usually to taunt them, show off, pretty ostentatious and superior. It'd stem from his hatred of them from what they did to Hebi, but also from the more immature desire to prove his superiority over everyone.
I think when he'd get older and more mature, when Hebi was retreating from her family, he'd see speaking with her family as somewhat of a betrayal of her, a la 2005. If she's not talking to them, he shouldn't either, to show solidarity. Also, it'd be politically wise: excluding the family from the company of Satoru Gojo is an intentional slight, and one that would have been felt throughout all of the society. But I can't see politics being Gojo's main motivator; it'd have to be his loyalty to Hebi. His hatred of her family wouldn't have changed, probably just getting stronger to be fair, but there would be less of that childish need to assert himself as the 'best' over her family.
But I think, at some point, he would have spoken to them, and properly gone off on them. I can't think at the moment as to when, specifically, but I just have a feeling he would have, as an adult. Maybe when she wasn't speaking to him? Not sure. But this is something I want to circle back to. If you see it in future IW chapters, you know why!!!!
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FTF thoughts
hookay FTF thoughts here we go! It's long so it's under a read more hah! There are parts about FTF I liked but a lot...also not really. I will say as a disclaimer I do understand that due Disney cutting the show things changed and things that were planned or set up had to be altered or dropped entirely. But there are so many choices in terms of writting and some personal biases from the crew that really just make me wonder "BUT WHY" Philip! Augh again an episode where he spends doing....nothing. Though this is more a general complaint of mine in the series over all esp now I've watched trough toh a couple times is that as a villain Philip doesn't really do all that much. Anything intresting he does do is either cut short, or we only learn about it via flashbacks/background info. I know Dana said she hates writing him and it shows! Which is honestly a shame because even if you dislike him, he's not just a cut and dry villain there's a lot of substance to him. And it's really sad to watch that go to waste.
I DID like the scene with Ghost Caleb, I had theorized for a long time that he was being haunted by the ghost of his brother/previous GGs and it's nice to see I was correct about that. And him saying "Oh, shut up." to them was funny, AND I WAS RIGHT ABOUT HIM HAVING ONE FINAL GRIMWALKER, but sadly much like anything intresting it wasn't meant to be. And now he's possesing Raine.
Which I apolgize for anyone who likes Raine, I really don't. And I'm sad that I don't but Raine just has such little substance, take away the fact they're Eda's ex and...there's not a lot there. Now of course Raine isn't the only character who suffers from this issue but Raine is more in your face because being Eda's ex means they're supposed to be more revelant but there's just not a whole lot there. Raine roleplayers I beg of you, PLEASE help me like Raine! I know they have potential but the show will not provide!
And to close my thoughts off on Philip so far, I'm sad they're just having him do the same thing, all signs point to him going to restart the draining spell, which kinda makes the whole DOU thing feel pretty moot. Sadly the way things are just makes so that there is just not a lot they can do with him in general. I've been expecting him to die by the end of the show since Hollow Mind and I figured he was going to kick the bucket by the end of King's tide so they could give all the attention to the collector (we'll get to him next). But guess he'll still be there for the finale. Regardless RIP Philip Wittebane, you were a great villain but you wound up being wasted.
Now onto The Collector....
Oh boy. Now given he was included because of the cut I was already a little iffy on him since Philip WAS already a great villain for the show, but ok fine, lets see what they'll do with him.
OOF. They pretty much declawed him instantly, compare to how TC acts in season 2 vs how he is in FTF. We got some intresting tidbits such as the collectors having been an entire species, who as their name suggests collect. But if something prevents them from collecting they'd go nuclear and kill everything, except we are shown TC doesn't like this. Which honestly is stupid as hell given HE LITTERALLY HELPED PHILIP TO PLOT GENOCIDE, but no, he gets excused of that because he's "uwu baby" ugh. I am willing to bet that the collector who caught the owl beast will be a different collector and not the one we know (it was a nice nod to see the Owl beast act up when seeing the collector, poor creature was tortured basically)
I also wasn't impressed by the Weirdmageddon but watered down. (The bit with Terra was funny) And Odalia...well she's there...yay? They said they were going to go ham,but fail at going ham F
So The collector so far is just a watered down Bill Chiper and not even a good one at that.
Huntlow, fucking hate it, sorry not sorry. As a trauma survivor I'm honestly so tired of the trope that we need romance to be "fixed" I don't give a shit if "Plus sized girls should see they can get the hot guy too" as a plus sized person, there are different ways they could've done that. Body positivity is important yes but this isn't the way to do it. Did we really need half the episode spend on Boscha and Kikimora? I don’t think so Stringbean? Her design is hella adorable but her being a “shifter” just feels like fan service to me, since many people have been speculating what her palisman was going to be Dana just said “Oh, she’ll be ALL the things so nobody is wrong” they should’ve just been her base snake form. woof, I really don’t want to be so negative but it’s hard to ignore bad writing when I see it, to quote what someone said in my discord server “So far, TTT and FTF really just feel like nothing more than afterthoughts” and honestly, I agree. I will be excited to watch the Finale in April (provided Itunes doesn’t fucking leak it again) but my hopes are all but gone, I don’t have much if any expectations 
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godtier · 11 months
and now for something completely different—
so I'm playing through ffxvi and I wanted to Rant about my experience so far so spoilers
so firstly, and not actually spoilers lmao, idk why this game makes my ps5 so warm. it's honestly not... *that* impressive graphically? which isn't necessarily a dig at it; I'll play anything as long as I can tell wtf is going on and it's fun to play. so idk if it's just yet another AAA game that isn't optimized well or what, though typically console games are *more* optimized... idk! just a gripe.
other than that, I'm seeing some Issues developing narratively... I'm not what I'd call an Expert Writer but yknow it's been noticeable so far. here are few thoughts and gripes with the story:
the inconsistencies in the story. the biggest one so far, and this is what I'd consider p big spoilers, is clive's whole "I gotta come to terms with the fact I killed Joshua" which is like... okay *fair* I suppose, but once he figured out that he was ifrit, yknow after killing benedikta, he... I mean he kinda *did* immediately accept it?? so... the whole "I gotta accept this" part was odd. I have heard tell that it was meant to represent a jungian acceptance of the shadow, or at least that's what people are alluding to in their own theories (and this is all secondhand btw bc I have the tags blocked til I finish)
to elaborate on what jung's interpretation of the shadow is for those who don't know: the shadow is essentially the suppressed subconscious, the things you don't want to acknowledge, for better or worse. it's most typically applied to things like traumatic events, but jung specifically does not commit to the idea that the shadow is *only* bad things. when you confront the shadow, the next step is to integrate the shadow to the conscious mind or ego, which you could argue was why they may have written it the way they did; clive isn't just acknowledging that he did do that (which he pretty readily did when he figured out he was ifrit's dominant) but he's also accepting it as irrefutable fact and integrating it to the ego so it cannot be repressed again.
now... having said that, the *problem* narratively that I'm seeing is that... well. Joshua isn't dead. clearly if Joshua had died... well, that'd be one thing. now they're saying "well ACKCHUALLY 🤓 he didn't die at all!" so that, to me, renders the entire "journey" pointless. what exactly is he accepting? if he didn't actually do it, why or how could he feasibly accept ifrit in that context? wouldn't his subconscious mind, his shadow (ifrit in this case) remain unincorporated? it's just very clunky and I think it was meant to show Clive as an unreliable narrator.... but there's really no one there but Joshua to confront this false accusation. and Joshua is MIA currently at the point I'm in so! who knows!
moving on, Jill is currently nearly a non-character at this point. what I mean by that is she's always just sort of... there. the only times she's shown depth is her speaking about hating herself for what she did with her powers while in captivity. even then, it doesn't appear to be given the attention smth like that deserves; we see a handful of flashbacks from when we fight her at the very beginning... and that's really it. I would like to see more but I have a feeling they will not be showing us
benedikta died way too early. she seemed like she was going to be a character of mild intrigue, but she was killed so very quickly. her and cid's past relationship (whatever that might have been) was only just elaborated on (we know cid saved her from slavery but little else), but I feel it could have been fleshed out beyond that. they spoke in broad terms about how she was and then what she became... but nothing I would consider to be substantial enough, given her connection to a major character. we also don't see enough of her and hugo, just that scene where they practically dry hump in the hallway. we know he cared a lot about her, esp during the scene with her uh. severed head? which... who did that, exactly? they blame it on cid, but we know he would not have done that. but anyway, fleshing out their relationship would have been nice
cid's death. now, it's not that I'm saying something as basics as "he could have lived" which, maybe? and it's not even that they did the whole "oh [mystery person] (it's Joshua) shows up to save them but he's too late!" trope crap. what bothers me the most about his death from a character perspective is his lack of *any* mention of the daughter he supposedly loved so much as he lay dying. now yes, up til that point, we only know that cid has a daughter via a sidequest that people could miss. but that in and of itself is an issue. why introduce that aspect of his character... and then never do anything with it while he was alive? why did they feel it sidequest worthy? they could have just slipped it in as banter or something, maybe gav teasing him or something?? anything?? basically the fact that he dies without nary an utterance of his so beloved daughter, not even her name, was a huge sour point to me. sure, you could argue that he wanted to get pertinent information to Clive as quickly as possible since he knew he was dying, but I would have been satisfied with just a whisper of her name (which I don't remember them mentioning during the sidequest?) and they could elaborate on it later, maybe in a follow-up sidequest??? maybe you find the letter he meant to send her back?? anything??? it just seems so weird from a characterization standpoint to introduce this concept of him melting for his daughter, his daughter being such a soft spot, etc, and then... never addressing it in a meaningful way when he's on death's doorstep
OK this is a dumb thing and not necessarily a negative thing but how the fuck did tomes, a geriatric librarian, survive the raid on the hideout but a bunch of younger, much more spry characters just croaked and couldn't escape lmao. IDK I LOVE TOMES DONT GET ME WRONG but it was just so... idk. funny? I also get it's a game mechanics contrivance as well, given that they built an entire mechanic around him, but idk I wanted to mention it bc it makes me laugh
that's about it for now. if you message me about this tho, pls no spoilers beyond the iron kingdom crystal raid. thank. 🙏
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
Spice for the autumnal asks, because I miss hearing about your haunted/cursed house experiences!
ohohoho thank you juliette <333
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
(general spooky cw's apply here but i'll put more specific ones if needed)
so i lived in two haunted houses growing up. and when i say haunted houses i mean legit 100% definitely haunted to the degree of i would absolutely not believe in ghosts otherwise but i would be so stupid and willfully obtuse to not believe in ghosts after living in these houses. like other people have been ghost deniers and then i tell them all the stories of my extremely haunted family and they're like "i both believe in and am afraid of ghosts now"
so some background
my moms side of the family is Very haunted. lots of people in their family have had Experiences but the ones ive heard the most about have been from my mom and her siblings. my uncle very frequently saw a native american woman with long black hair walking around their house, most often sitting in his room and brushing her hair. the entire sibling squad and their cousins saw a person walking down the street and stop and fly over a ditch and then land and walk up to a house. my mom has had photographs talk to her. theyve all had prophetic dreams and frequently have family-oriented esp (like calling a family member they havent spoken to in four months at the exact moment that family member is calling them, or knowing when bad things have happened to family members. or even knowing i had a dream about a specific family member even though i hadnt told anyone)
the house that we lived in when i was a baby was so haunted that we had to move because no one would babysit me
the most common thing that happened was people hearing things that werent there. for example, my mom would be home with me, the garage door would open, the keys would jangle, the house door would open and shut, she would hear my dad whistling and then setting his keys down on the counter. then she would walk in and no one would be there because my dad was actually still at work. or if someone was babysitting me, they could hear my parents come home and talking as they walked in, but they weren't actually there, and when they would call my parents they would still be 30 minutes away. this exclusively happened when someone was alone with me so no one ever wanted to be alone with me anymore
also while living at this house, when i was about 1 1/2 or not quite 2, i told my mother i remembered when i used to be her mother. when she questioned me what i meant i got too angry and wouldnt respond to her anymore even though i was a very docile toddler usually
(pregnancy/miscarriage cw) at another house, my mom had her first of two very late term miscarriages. she woke up in the middle of the night but didn't know what had woken her up. she was lying on her back. then suddenly a cloudy black shape bubbled up out of her stomach, paused for a moment hovering over her, and then shot up through the ceiling. she had a miscarriage the next day
the house that i lived in from ages 8 to 18 was also extremely haunted. lots and lots of stuff happened at that house
very frequently there would be the unmistakable sound of feet running up the stairs. it was a brand new house and the stairs didn't make noise otherwise. just feet running up them every once in a while. the dogs would always go crazy barking and run to the stairs looking for who was there but no one ever was. this happened a lot when i was home alone
this also only happened on my bedroom door but i had one of the long handles not the round one, and very often the handle would push down, pause for a moment, the door would push open and stop halfway, pause, and then close again. i thought maybe it was just me but my parents were in my bedroom one time when it happened and were like jesus christ you were telling the truth
this only happened with me and my mom but we heard piano music in the house all the time
one time my mom was home alone and walked into the foyer and there was a girl sitting on the stairs. my mom freaked a little but thought she was from the neighborhood and came in through the backdoor (we didnt keep it locked) and said "hello?" and the girl looked at her and then vanished
also not totally sure this one counts bc sleeping, but once a woman in a tattered white wedding dress with long black hair woke me up in the middle of the night and told me to get out of my bed and go sleep in a different one. i didnt question it at the time but i woke up later like. wait wtf. found out the next day that this woman is a very common ghost to see
i think the one i've been personally present for that had the most participants was when me, my mom, and 5 of the baby cousins were playing in the backyard. they were all between ages 7 and 12, i was 16 or 17. i had to pee so i told them i was going inside and would be right back, and when i came back out they were all laughing. i asked what they were laughing about and my mom kind of rolled her eyes and was like they thought it was really funny you were waving to them from your bedroom window. i was like oh haha yeah just trying to be silly :) and then pulled my mom aside and was like i literally was not in my bedroom. she got very serious and was like dont lie to me we literally ALL saw you very clearly waving to us from the window. i was like i went in and peed and came right back and i never even went upstairs. we're the only ones home there's no one upstairs. she got very mad and told me to stop trying to scare her. when i was still speaking to her a few years ago she still didnt believe i hadnt gone upstairs and still believed i was lying because they "all saw me so clearly"
i do wonder if "ghosts" are just places where the multiverse overlaps with itself a little bit? all my supernatural encounters are just totally normal things that shouldn't be happening when they're happening. people who WOULD be there but arent right now. doors opening in the exact way i walk through them but im just not walking through them right then. people seeing me waving through a window when that IS something i would do, i just didnt do it
i've never had a "malicious" ghost encounter save for one incident that i never got an answer about. it was pretty simple. i woke up with the shape of a hand bruised around my knee. like someone had grabbed my leg while i was sleeping. my parents were the only ones home and neither of them had done it. their hands didnt even line up with the bruise. and no matter how much i contorted i couldnt twist my hand to fit onto it. but it was unmistakably four fingers and a thumb grabbing my knee. i dont remember if i had any dreams that night, but i never "heard from" that ghost again
so thats. why i believe in ghosts. lol. it would be dumb of me not too. i dont inherently think ghosts are dead people, like i said above. i think its just some spacetime fabric getting all ruffled up. but theres a lot about the universe we dont understand. why not some thats a little spooky?
now does that explain why my moms family is also definitely werewolves and just refused to tell me? maybe a little. but thats a whole other story
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gogetyrshovel · 2 years
hi sorry what does "patsocs" mean? something socialists i imagine but i cant figure out the first part
patsoc means patriotic socialist but it's kind of a loaded term.
so historically "socialist patriotism" has meant that people living in socialist countries (e.g. Cuba, Vietnam, the USSR) should be patriotic in the sense that they are proud of the gains made by their respective revolutionary governments and want to continue the revolutionary restructuring of their societies etc
this is contrasted w nationalism, which is the type of patriotism that you'd see in capitalist countries such as the united states. nationalism is a fundamentally bourgeois ideology (e.g. maga chud who hates mexicans cuz fox news says that they're taking all the jobs. fox news says this to distract from class conflict)
the major diff here is that socialist patriotism goes hand in hand w proletarian internationalism which stresses global proletarian unity and liberation + self-determination for nations under imperial rule lenin's written a bit abt this if u are interested
so today and esp online patsocs are usually people from the imperial core (the us, western europe) who have v reactionary social views (esp. relating to women and poc)
sorry that is so long lmao i am also still learning and if anyone sees got anything wrong please let me know
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jostenneil · 3 years
🔥 sns
i hope it's ok if i mention ss here too bc some of the same things apply but i think my main point would be that people seem to read naruto in hopes of sns settling down somewhere and being permanently attached to each other without realizing that what the set-up and the follow through more or less entails is the exact opposite. their conclusions are more about reaching a mutual emotional understanding rather than physically being together. it's something i've talked about before but realistically naruto would never leave konoha to be with sasuke (remember that the crux of his promise was to bring sasuke back or die trying, not to leave with him) and sasuke could never feel home enough in konoha just to be with naruto. the same more or less applies to sakura, just along slightly different parameters. naruto's journey builds up a huge attachment in himself to konoha whereas sasuke's journey progressively drives him away from it bc of piled on disillusionment with what the village stands for. obv the post canon ties this all up neatly with a bow and acts otherwise but i don't think post canon particularly takes anyone's growth over the series into account. the beauty of sns's relationship to me is in the symbolism and development of mutual understanding and trust. they don't have to necessarily be attached at the hip to know what they mean to each other, how they inspire each other, what they've taught each other, etc. they're always going to be on somewhat different paths due to where their growth and trauma has taken them as individuals in terms of their own world views and responsibilities, but they'll always know each other in their hearts and that's what counts and what naruto in particular has wanted all along. he wants sasuke to know that he's loved and that bonds are worth having and that there is no life lived alone. he wants sasuke to know that what they do in this world matters and means something better for the people to come after them. i could def see naruto (or sakura) accompany sasuke occasionally on his travels when particular missions demand it but as a whole the ending of naruto to me is about like. team seven reaching this stage of maturity where they're each doing their own things but their trust in each other is rock solid and they have a shared vision, as opposed to their childhood where they were together all of the time but almost always on the verge of falling apart. like admittedly i could maybe see sasuke settling down years later but i don't think the immediate conclusions to naruto rly warrant it and that sasuke setting off with his own things to sort out and naruto and sakura having their own things to sort out in konoha makes a lot of sense. they've grown up and they love each other and that's impermeable and it's with that trust in each other that they feel confident to do what's right in the best way that each of them as an individual can
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