#er. back to the uryu thing though
snurtle · 3 years
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I got randomly struck by the idea of a genderbent karakura town gang and sketched some pictures out for fun! Sado and Orihime are pretty straightforward, but rereading Ichigo and Uryu’s early interactions reminded me of how hilariously aggro their meeting was.. I swear I’ll draw them getting along someday.. someday! > >
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bleachluna · 4 years
Grocery List
A oneshot for @ishihimeweek day 2! Also on AO3
“Are you adding things to my shopping list?”
He said it with laughter in his voice but Orihime looked over at Uryu anyway to check it didn't actually bother him. Seeing a smile on his face she went back to writing on the small piece of paper stuck on his fridge, a smile on her face as well. “Well I used up your eggs when I made the omelettes for lunch so I wanted to make sure you'd remember to get more!”
“Uh huh,” Uryu made his way over to where she was, stopping just behind her and reading over her shoulder, “and what about the grapes?”
Orihime shrugged. “It's supposed to be going really hot in a couple of days, fruit is always a good snack when it's warm.” She turned round to face him, surprised to find him mere inches away from her, but didn't let it stop her excitement. “Plus you've never tried frozen grapes! Which is like the best summer snack ever so I figured it wouldn't hurt to put them on your list.”
He nodded, it was fair enough logic. “Sure. The breakfast cereal though? I don't even eat it, it's far too sweet for early in the morning.”
“Well you know you don't have to eat cereal in the morning, it's great as a snack anytime,” her cheeks tinted pink, “and besides, I eat it for breakfast sometimes.”
Uryu raised an eyebrow at her. “You want me to get breakfast food for you? Are you planning on staying overnight?” He said it as a joke, a cheeky smile on his face while teasing her, but faltered when he saw her go bright red. “Wait really?”
She looked away, shaking her head, “Not-Not necessarily?” She looked back up at him, still blushing fiercely but with a genuine look in her eyes. “You remember last week when we had that deadline that we were both struggling with? And I ended up coming over at like 7 in the morning and we just worked all day? We didn't even talk much except for when one of us needed help because we just needed to get the assignment done you know? And it took us until like half 10 at night to finish it?”
“I really liked being with you all day.” Orihime smiled as she saw Uryu's face soften at her words. “It was just really nice you know? Don't get me wrong I love the dates we go on but it was nice to just sit around and spend time with you while doing other stuff. It was comfy...if that makes sense?”
Uryu nodded, gentle smile on his face. “I know what you mean, it was nice having you here next to me even if we weren't interacting much.”
“Exactly! So yeah, I was thinking we could maybe do that more often? Like spend the whole day with each other even if we don't have anything planned? Or even if we have uni work to do?” She blushed deeper again. “And to be clear, I wasn't thinking about staying overnight specifically, just more coming over early but er, I mean, staying overnight isn't not a possibility? At least on my side anyway?”
She said the last part all in one breath, clearly embarrassed, and Uryu didn't really trust himself to respond sensibly so he sidestepped it for now. “Well,” he cleared his throat, finding it drier than he expected, “if that's the case, would you wanna just come grocery shopping with me? Make sure that I've got food and ingredients you'd like to have for if you do end up spending all day here?”
Orihime nodded slowly as she processed his words. “Sure, I could come with you, that makes sense.”
“I usually shop early on Saturdays if you're free then?”
“Sure! I can do early morning on Saturday. Should I meet you here or at the supermarket?”
“Whatever works for you really, I don't mind.”
 - - - - -
Uryu stared at the freshly cut set of house keys, feeling nervous about the whole thing. Hearing that Orihime had wanted to spend more time with him and seeing her be comfortable enough in his home to start adding things to his shopping list had awakened something in him. Something very domestic and probably cliché but something. A part of him worried if it was too soon to give her a set of keys to his flat, having only been dating for 7 and a half months. But he wanted to spend more time with her too, and frankly he wanted her to feel like she could come and go as she pleased. The thought of coming home to finding her already there in particular made his heart swell, but he didn't want them to move in with each other yet, that was certainly too early. But this, he thought as he looked at the house keys, felt like a good medium.
Uryu jumped when he heard knocking on his front door. He quickly but carefully filled the inside of the small box he left on his kitchen worktop earlier with tissue paper to create a sort of cushion and placed the new set of house keys in there. He put the lid on the box and slipped it into his pocket as he went to open the door. Sure enough Orihime was on the other side, smiling brightly as ever. “Hi!” She noticed he was already wearing a jacket. “Are you pretty much ready to go?”
“Yeah, just need to grab the bags. Come in for now, drop your laptop off here.”
He closed the door in behind her as she walked in so he could grab the couple of tote bags hanging on the back of it. He picked up his wallet from the kitchen and went to put it into his trouser pocket when he realised it wouldn't fit with the new set of keys in there. He watched Orihime closely and waited for her to turn her back, moving the gift over to his left pocket and putting his wallet in his right as she gently put her laptop bag on his sofa. He grabbed the shopping list from the fridge and turned to her. “All ready?”
Orihime made sure her usual handbag was secured across her shoulder to the opposite hip. “Yep!”
He held his hand out towards her, which she quickly took and interlaced with her own, smiling happily as she pulled him gently towards the door. “Let's go!”
She opened the door and closed it behind Uryu, waiting for him to lock it. He paused and looked between Orihime and the door. He was actually planning to give her the keys later, but this felt like as good as any other opportunity. Orihime's eyebrows furrowed at his hesitance, “Oh gosh, you didn't leave the keys inside did you?”
Uryu smiled at her concern. “No, it's just, I have something to give you, if you'll accept it that is,” he said as he pulled out the gift box, holding it in an open hand for her to take. She looked up curiously at him before carefully taking the box from him and opening the lid. Her head cocked to the side slightly. “Keys?” She looked back up at him, eyes widening and looking back at his flat door. “Wait oh my god keys? To your flat?” She took the set of keys out by the ring. “Are you sure?”
“I'm sure. I want you to feel at home here, I want you to feel like you can come over whenever you'd like to. Plus hey this way if you want cereal you can just drop it off here whenever you want.”
Orihime laughed and kissed him, only pulling away a few centimetres before speaking. “I can think of a lot more fun reasons for using these.”
Uryu's cheeks warmed as he stammered slightly. “O-Oh?”
“Yeah,” she grinned impishly, “First thing that came to mind was filling one of your cupboards with those ball pit balls to prank you.”
“Oh god, I've made a grave mistake haven't I?” He said it with a serious expression on his face, but the amusement in his eyes gave away his real feelings.
She laughed again and went to lock his front door before interlacing her hand with his once more. “Come on, let's go before the supermarket gets really busy.”
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Hey Lord Grimmjow, I've seen you in some pretty cool threads on this blog, where do you shop?
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Uryu: “Okay…. Grimmjow, was it? Mr. Urahara lent us some money for this spree, so let’s start by getting you some new clothes. You already have a pretty good figure and a complexion that works with a lot of colors, so this shouldn’t be hard. I plan on experimenting with a few avant-garde ideas on you. Time to try some stuff out!”Grimmjow: “…You know, Kisuke could have just killed me back in the war instead of this shit….”
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Uryu: “This one fits you pretty well. Shows off your personality and suits you. Buuut…. a little too predictable.”Neliel: “HAHAH. You look like a rejected boy band member.”Grimmjow: “I’m not afraid to throw a Gran Rey Cero in the middle of this fucking mall, Nel.”
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Uryu: “YES! There we go, we’re starting to find themes that work with you! I think the fur-collar frames your shoulders well, and the green is surprisingly a good color on you.”Grimmjow: “…You know what, four eyes?? I think you’re onto something. THIS I like.”Neliel: “Er, actually Ishida… this makes him look kinda rough. Remember, Mr. Urahara wants something that looks… approachable!”Uryu: “Of course, my mistake. Let’s get risky for a second, go off the beaten path…”
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Neliel: “Oh, WOW, Grimmjow. This outfits makes me almost want to tolerate you!”Grimmjow: “Har-hee-fuckin-har. Now can I take this one off? Its hard to move in and I don’t like wearing this thing on my head. It better not mess up my hair.”Uryu: “Dammit. I thought this one for sure. Hmm… OH! Miss Neliel, I have a fantastic idea!”
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Neliel: “Wow wow WOW! This one is perfect, Ishida! Goodness, you can hardly tell what an asshole he is! Mr. Urahara is going to love this, and so will the customers!”Uryu: “Heheh. What can I say? Glasses improve any look. There’s a magic to them.”Grimmjow: “I will sooner tear this off my body and walk around town naked than wear this fucking trash.”Uryu: “OH COME ON– You know what? I haven’t been going avant-garde enough on you, Grimmjow. Let’s go back to the clearance rack, I think this final outfit might FINALLY sell you.”
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Grimmjow: “….”Uryu: “YES! THIS is the one! It looks amazing on you and it fits you better than the others!”Neliel: “Whoooa…. it’s definitely you, Grimmjow. I mean… I’m not  fan, but Mr. Urahara will approve!”Grimmjow: “…Good. I like this one. This is the outfit we’re getting. Now let’s GO.”Neliel and Uryu: “NO, we’re getting some of the OTHER outfits, too!!”
“I don’t really have a specific place.... sadly it’s wherever Nel and the Quincy drag me to. I hate being a dress-up doll, though.”
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hoshikonobleach · 6 years
19 Rukia/Hoshi please! Maybe late 1800s? Honestly whatever speaks to you I'm into it
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GASP. Y’all, here it is… the first Ruki/Hoshi on this blog. Enjoy it. 
19. historical AU (historical period of your choice)37. arranged marriage AU49. psychic connection
watch me FAIL lmao. This one is LONG. And I hope I did it justice. Rukia’s a lot closer to her personality when she’s with Ichigo & the others. And Ichigo is a sweetheart someone pls love him (besides me)
From a young age, whenever Rukia went to visit her grandfather in the summer, she knew never to go to the Urahara Manor. It was just something that you didn’t do. When she was allowed out to play with the other children, they would always dare each other to go and touch the front gate of the Urahara Manor, and some would report back saying they heard a noise or saw a figure, and that would cement Rukia’s fear even more.
There was something about that place that made her senses act up. And it was on her way home, so she would pass by it. Normally, she would uphold the Kuchiki Ideals. Walk, not run, through anything that scared you. But now, she only ran. She knew Renji wouldn’t tell on her. They would make a game of it—whoever ran past the Manor the fastest had to by the other ice cream next time.
Rukia hadn’t bought Renji one single ice cream.
But today, Renji and the other kids couldn’t play something about summer homework. And Grandpa Ginrei had given Rukia money to buy ice cream on that hot summer day for them both, hoping that she’d hurry before his son got back and scolded them for not doing any of Rukia’s extravagant list of activities. Rukia had the two ice creams—an ice cream sandwich for her grandfather and a weird looking character ice cream for herself—in hand as she walked by the house, excited to eat, when she heard it.
“I-I-Is someone there?” Her little voice quaked with fear. She was across the street, but the cries sounded like they were only a foot or so away from her. Despite everything, Rukia took slow steps across the empty street and stood in front of the house. “H-H-Hello?”
The street in front of the Urahara Manor was mostly deserted. The town was about a mile in the direction Rukia came and her own home was about a quarter mile away from this place. All the other houses were rundown around it.
“Why won’t anybody play with me?” The voice, much clearer, cried. Rukia peered in through the gates. A young girl, about her age stood there, hands rubbing against her eyes as she cried.
“You have a scary house.” Rukia blurted out before she could stop herself, then slapped her hand against her mouth. The girl pauses, looking up at Rukia. Her eyes are red and puffy, but lighter than her bright red hair. “U-Uh, I’m… I gotta go.”
“Wait!” The girl reaches out, running towards the gate and slams into it. The look on her face is pleading. “Y-You can hear me?”
Rukia tilts her head. “Y-Yeah?” She says, blinking. “You’re talkin’ real loud. Crying loud too.”
“D-Do you wanna play with me?” The girl asks, hope filling her silver eyes and Rukia almost says yes, then she feels the ice cream dripping down her hand.
“I can’t!” She yelps, which startles the girl into falling back. “B-But, tomorrow! Tomorrow I’ll come back!”
“You promise?” The girl stands again. Rukia nods, sticking her pinky through the bars of the gate.
“Yeah, pinky promise. You do it like this.” Rukia gestures for the girl to copy her, which she does, “I pinky promise to come back tomorrow or I’ll stick a thousand needles in my armpits! Or that’s what Renji says anyway.” The girl giggles, wiping excess tears from her eyes.
“Then it’s a promise.” The girl grins.
“I’m Rukia.” Rukia finally says, pulling away.
Rukia awakes with a jolt, sitting up and startling her maid. Momo jumps, almost dropping the tea tray she had been carrying. “L-Lady Rukia!” She yelps, her eyes wide, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes,” Rukia replies, her voice breathless, “I just… I had a dream—more like a memory, I guess.”
“Oh?” Momo puts the tea try down on the cart, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. “Is it the nerves?”
“Maybe,” She replies, “I dreamt about the summer home, when we would visit Grandfather Ginrei. And my friends from that town.”
“Hm,” Momo hummed, “Your husband-to-be is from that town, so maybe it resurfaced some memories. It has been some time since you’ve been there, right?”
“Yes,” Rukia finally pushed back the duvet and swung her feet over the edge, “Grandfather became too sick to live on his own when I turned sixteen. We haven’t been there since, now I am twenty-one.”
Momo pours Rukia’s tea while Rukia herself moves around the room, opening the curtains and windows, letting in the fresh air. “Well, today is a happy day, is it not?”
“It’s certainly a sunny one.” Rukia replies. Her fingers pause on the back of her sitting chair. “Momo,” Momo looks up, setting down the tea pot. “Do you think I’ll like him?”
“He seems very likable.” Momo replied, “From all the stories I’ve heard… it seems he has an easy time befriending people.”
Rukia feels a ghost of a touch on her skin, and in her mind, she sees red hair and a bright smile. Somehow, she doesn’t think she’ll like her suitor much.
Her dress is large, nearly taking up more room than it should as she stares out the window for the tenth time. Her grandfather chuckles, sipping at his mid-morning tea while Rukia huffs, sitting down on the sofa. “Are you hoping, perhaps, they’ve gotten lost?”
“If I said that, Byakuya-nii-sama would surely had my head.” Rukia replies, “So instead of saying it, I shall think it and think it loudly.” At this, Ginrei laughs, and one of the attendants enters the room, “They’re pulling their carriage around to the front!”
Rukia tenses, her hands freezing where they are and her eyes go wide. “I was just as nervous,” Ginrei says, “Meeting your grandmother. Though, we did come to love each other.”
“I’m already in love.” Rukia blurts out, then slaps her hands against her mouth. Ginrei chuckles.
“I know. As was I, at that time.” Ginrei sounds wistful, and the look on his face is far off. “Maybe you should make yours eternal.”
Byakuya is already outside when Ginrei and Rukia arrive. The carriage pulls to a stop and it’s quiet for a moment, before the door is slammed open and a boy flies out, landing right at Rukia’s feet.
“Guys, we’re supposed to be making a good first impression.” Another voice says. Rukia notes that the horses aren’t startled and the driver looks bored.
“My son should be more prepared to meet his new fiancé! Instead he’s playing around!” At this, two more people come falling out of the carriage. A large man with facial hair and a much younger man with glasses, dressed in white. Two girls follow him, then another man, much larger and tanner than the rest. And then finally, another girl.
Before she can get a clear look at the girl, the boy on the ground finally stands up, blocking Rukia’s view of her. He is tall and well-built and his bright orange hair is exactly as she’d imagined it and Rukia blinks. He acts as if he hadn’t been tossed five feet from a carriage. Really, the only thing noting he had been tossed was probably the dirt marks on his clothing. “Sorry about this lot. I’m Ichigo Kurosaki. You’re Rukia?”
“Yes.” Rukia finally says, “R-Rukia…. Um, Kuchiki. Please to make your acquaintance.” She bows and he laughs.
“We’re to be married, but you act so distant. I hope we’ll be good friends.” Ichigo then says, “I brought my entourage, I hope this is alright?” He turns to Byakuya who merely nods. “That’s my dad and sisters, that’s Uryu, and that’s Sado, and the girl is—“
“Hoshiko.” Rukia breathes out, startling Ichigo.
“Er, yeah, do you know each other?” He steps out of the way when Hoshiko comes barreling towards them and slams into Rukia, sending them both to the ground.
“Rukia! Rukia! I was so worried when you didn’t come back! I thought you hated me!” The girl cries, hands gripping onto Rukia’s dress.
“Of course I don’t hate you!” Rukia yelps back, “I could never! I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to you when we left.”
“I’m so glad we’re reunited!” Hoshiko cries, sitting up and pulling Rukia with her. She then hugs Rukia around the neck, “Don’t leave like that again!”
“Not to, um, break this up,” Ichigo cuts in, “But, Hoshiko, how do you know Rukia—er, Lady Rukia?” Hoshiko pulls away for a moment, standing and pulling Rukia with her, though she doesn’t let go of the girl at all.
‘Rukia’s a friend of mine from childhood. I met you guys the summer she stopped coming to Karakura Town.’ Rukia watched, puzzled at the hand movements Hoshiko made.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Lady Rukia, friend of Hoshiko.” Ichigo finally says, though it sounds a little odd to Rukia. Hoshiko looks at him, and Ichigo nods, “Let us have fun tonight.”
“I’m confused.” Rukia says at the banquet that night. She and Ichigo are dancing across the ballroom floor. “What was Hoshiko doing with her hands? All that.. stuff, and how you guys did it back or... just spoke.=”
“You don’t know?” Ichigo raises an eyebrow. “She was signing. It’s what people who can’t hear or speak—or don’t want to speak—do to communicate.”
“Hoshiko can speak just fine.” Rukia argues, her eyes gliding across the room to where Hoshiko dances with Ichigo’s father. The two laugh as he spins her around much more aggressively than any other dancing pair. “I’ve heard her voice, it’s lovely. She can sing as well, and that’s divine.”
“She can’t.” Ichigo says, “She had a disease at birth, which muted her for life. I don’t know how you manage to figure out everything she’s saying when she doesn’t speak.”
“Because she is speaking.” Rukia gets a little louder, before coughing and lowering her voice. Her cheeks tinge pink and she looks down.
“They say,” Ichigo changes the subject, “That how you know someone is your soulmate… you’re able to hear their voice even when they don’t speak. Like some kind of mind connection or something.”
Rukia hums, but Ichigo continues speaking, “When I saw you two in the garden earlier, all I heard was you speaking—and Hoshiko wasn’t signing. She was just sitting there, listening and nodding and making wild gestures. It made me really think about my decision tonight. I knew there was nothing else I could do.”
“Decision?” Rukia echoes. Ichigo nods and they stop near the middle of the dance floor, coincidentally near Hoshiko and Ichigo’s father. “What do you mean?”
“I’m breaking off the engagement.” Ichigo says loudly, and without preamble. The look of shock on Rukia’s face is enough to make Ichigo laugh. He motions Hoshiko over and breaks away from Rukia. “I’d very much rather not fight Hoshiko for your hand in marriage. So, it was nice meeting you, Lady Rukia, but I’ll take my chances elsewhere.”
Ichigo bows to her, before signing at Hoshiko and then walking away with his father. Hoshiko takes Rukia’s hands and they begin dancing as if they had never stopped. “Ichigo’s always like that, don’t mind him.” Hoshiko grins, “He’ll find someone someday. Did you know this was his third broken engagement? That’s why I was surprised when such a noble house sent a letter.”
“To be honest, it’s because I’ve had just as many broken engagements.” Rukia replies, “I must confess, Hoshiko, I have often thought about you and longed to return to you.” The words make both of the girls blush and Hoshiko looks away.
“I was supposed to be the one laying down all of these cheesy lines.” Hoshiko pouts, then laughs. “I wonder if your brother will allow this. If he is looking for benefits, House Urahara has much to offer. I handle business with many people from different lands and my father is a very bright inventor. We have many allies and much to offer.”
“I don’t care if he doesn’t.” Rukia surprised herself. What surprised her even more was that she meant it. “I want to be with you, I… I love you, Hoshiko.”
“And I love you, Rukia.”
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