#ep: father dearest
theinfinitedivides · 7 months
every time Ryang Eum kneels in front of someone in power and begs them to save Jang Hyun's life i lose six years off of mine bc i start crying on command. that's maliciousness and bad mindedness you can't do that to me
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astarlightmonbebe · 11 months
episode five of dearest has me on the verge. daiki’s ‘i loved you both,’ rio forced to accept truths she always knew in her heart, but was avoiding, yu’s frantic denial....
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
First Act: Episode One
In which, [Name], the one and only son of Sakamaki Richter strives to make his dearest cousin's lives a living hell. Or; In which yearns for what can never be his own and will do just about anything to yank it within his reach.
First Act | Ep. One | Ep. Two
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"Father? They're Uncle Karlheinz's boys, aren't they?"  
A boy with steel-grey tresses that faded into a pale silver asks his father; his soft voice catching the older man's attention.
The boy was seated at a beautifully carved, dark wood dining table; his father on the opposite side. Atop the table sat a lovely white, silken tablecloth with lace edges; and atop that sat a beautiful porcelain tea set. Said set was from France, according to what his father had told him, a gift from some noble in a futile attempt to curry favor with him some time ago.
Under the glossy varnish finish was painted a breathtakingly intricate pattern in the color of glacial blue. The rims, handles, spouts, and flat bottoms of the set were dipped in gold that shimmered whenever the light caught it. A lovely piece indeed, but certainly not the boy's favorite by any means.
The amber liquid inside the cup was telling enough, It was Darjeeling. Tasteful but boring. 
The boy lifts his teacup to his lips; taking a quiet sip and taking in the taste as it rolls over his tongue. His large, round e/c eyes looked up at the man across from him expectantly; clawed fingers drummed gently on the table with impatience and curiosity that bubbled just under his pale skin.
"You are correct. Why do you ask, dearest [Name]?"  
The charcoal-blonde-haired man answered, turning his tired eyes from the book in hand toward his beloved son. 
[Name] smiled eerily, the corners of his mouth stretching so far it almost looked as if his face was split in two. He leaned forward, sitting the teacup gently onto its platter and leaning on his forearms.
"Can I play with them?"  
He asks cheerily in his saccharine voice, innocent eyes wide with hidden depravity.
The man's sharp burgundy eyes narrow at the steel-grey-headed child. He really is just like her, isn't he? The joy they got in tormenting others, the twisted grins and psychotic glint that hid just behind their eyes was so similar, sometimes far too similar. 
He closed his eyes; now is not the time. 
"I suppose you can. Don't break them, though. Karlheinz would have my head."  
The older man warns, picking up his teacup.
Ah... the tea is cold.
[Name] now sat in his favorite spot, a large tree overlooking the Sakamaki mansion. Far enough away from the structure to where he won't be noticed, yet close enough to observe. He sat on one of the thicker branches; choosing this one in particular after making sure it wouldn't snap under his body weight. The steelhead came here fairly often; every day. He would sit and wait and watch. A repeating cycle that he never grew bored of.
Out of all the ones he liked to watch, there were preferred ones by now. The eldest two's one-sided bickering was always a small threat, the triplets fighting over various objects in the residence was another endeavor, and then there was the youngest, Subaru. 
The snarling, hollering, wall punching, fight-instigating youngest child of the Sakamakis. With snow-white hair, dazzling sorrow-filled scarlet eyes with thick lashes overhanging them, and pale skin. A true figment of melancholic beauty. A white rose.
Subaru was by far his favorite. Definitely.
Poor, poor Subaru. [Name] always thought that he'd gotten it the worst. Inbred, scorned and ignored. All culminating in violent outbursts to keep himself afloat. The air of suffering just radiated off of him in waves and the vampiric boy found is simply intoxicating.
It was all just so funny. His cousin's suffering was all so fun to watch. It's not [Name]'s fault that his uncle was a child-abandoning whore of a man. He just so happened to stumble upon their residence on his nightly stroll and had some intense sadistic tendencies.
Just like her... just like—
A sudden light caught his eyes. A car? No, a taxi. The vehicle pulled in front of the rundown mansion and slowed to a halt.
The back right door opened after a few seconds and out stepped a girl. The light from the car bounced off her brown hair and lit up the side of her face, displaying her prominent scowl and narrowed almond eyes.
She walked around to the trunk and pulled out a few suitcases as it began to rain. The girl groaned in annoyance and dragged her luggage into the building, seemingly before anyone answered the door.
[Name]'s e/c eyes stare into the door intensely.
Just who was that girl? Surely not another child of Karlheinz's, right? Do they get a sister now too? That's so... unfair.
The wind blew violently through the trees, and [Name] disappeared with the sway of branches; a scowl on his face.
[Name] had always been the curious type. That was something Richter had known since the boy had been birthed. But now.... he couldn't help but be concerned about his only child.
When he was young, [Name] was so gentle and meek; a quiet and impressionable boy who kept to himself most time. Though, that may have to do with the fact that Richter kept his existence from everyone. Almost everyone.
[Name] was only ten years old when Richter introduced the two, but he didn't expect his son to grow so attached. The young boy liked her so much, that he had turned to his father and asked him, "Papa, is this my mother?". And the look of utter despair when he had to tell him no. That she was already wed with her children that she had with the boy's very uncle. [Name] looked so utterly defeated. His heart completely shattered into millions of tiny pieces.
The charcoal-blonde-haired man tried his absolute best to comfort his son. He should've known not to let them meet; [Name] never had a mother figure after all. He had a mother, yes. A beautiful vampire noblewoman of the family Lucifuge whom Richter had fallen head over heels in love with. One he had made sure not to introduce to Karlheinz for fear that she would be taken by his status as the king and his promiscuous ways.  
The two had a long-running fling, though it ended shortly after his love became pregnant and birthed their child. She had then informed him that she was promised to someone else, that the two would be wed the next year and he would certainly reject her if he had discovered that she had carried and bore the child of another man.
She rejected her newborn son, "If only he was never born, we could continue our forbidden union. But with pity, I shall grace him with a name.". That's what she said to him as she gathered all of the gifts of lavish gowns and glittering jewels that he had once so selflessly given her. "[Name]. That is what he shall be called." Were the last words she had ever uttered in their general direction.
Richter thought he would never love again, but he always was quite faint of heart and it continued to beat longingly as it hung on his sleeve.
There's something glittering in the trees...
A key....How interesting....
Return to the Cathedral?
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Mommy Dearest
Moonlight Chicken, Ep. 7 is all about parent/child relationships. And I for one could not be more grateful to P'Aof and the other writers, cast, and crew involved in highlighting that. As I've gotten older my appreciation for slice of life style stories has continued to grow, and I think that stems from finding comfort and catharsis in seeing other people portray my reality. Especially when it is treated with empathy and understanding.
Which is why I was so happy to see Li Ming's interactions with his mother this episode. Cause the second they meet face to face, I knew I would be relating hard to Li Ming's feelings towards his mother.
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It is vitally, vitally important to me that Jam is introduced in this way. That she is always being shown throughout this entire episode to be kind. She is nice, she is expressing interest in her son, she is cooking for him, she is asking him to come home. Even when she is expressing her thoughts on Li Ming being gay to Jim, ones that are harmful, she is not doing so maliciously. She is allowed to be seen as not inherently evil, and Li Ming is still allowed to feel no love for her.
And this is very important to me specifically because it the way she engages with Li Ming is nearly identical to the way my father is currently trying to engage with me. He's started calling me more, started asking me more questions about my life, started inviting me over for dinner when I'm in town. And the reason why I'm so invested in this scene is because, I recognize the deadness in Li Ming's eyes, we know from later on in the episode that Li Ming isn't sure that he loves his mother, and as a result we have a colder, more stand-offish, and unusually quiet Li Ming. He is not capable of engaging with his mother in a loving way, and it radiates out of him. Before we've had more than ten seconds of a conversation between them, we can already tell that Li Ming is incapable of buying in to her pleasantries.
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Even worse for Li Ming, this is a surprise. He did not know she was coming, and now she is here, giving him no time to emotionally or mentally prepare to interact with her.
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And this statement speaks volumes to me, probably does to Li Ming too. She didn't come here to see Li Ming, she didn't come here because she missed Li Ming, she came here because her boyfriend was coming here, she just happened to be in town. It's understandable if the expense to travel is a burden, but we know pretty soon after she says this line that she is currently living comfortably.
Crucially, Jam doesn't say this to be cruel, she is not trying to hurt Li Ming. She's just telling him information, but if my father said this to me after an extended time apart, I know I certainly would be thinking of course. of course you only come when it's convenient for you.
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Love this line. Because it establishes a fact. Li Ming and Jam do not talk to each other. Li Ming has no idea who Uncle Tong is in relation to his mother.
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Li Ming's entire character centers around connection and disconnection. And if his body language wasn't a neon sign in and of itself to the disconnect he has between himself and his mother, everything she has said and continues to say puts further distance between them. "That uncle who took you fishing when you were small," when you were small. She hasn't seen Li Ming in years, she has no idea who he is as a person now, no idea what memories he's made since living in Pattaya. Li Ming is her child, so he will always be a child, and his current likes and interests and memories must surely still be tied to his childhood. Because she only knows Li Ming has he was, before she lost left him
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Ok, I know I say this every time, but Fourth is such a good actor, there is so much more darkness and anger in Li Ming than in Gun and I always have to remind myself he's playing both characters. And right here, I want to ask Fourth what Li Ming is feeling. Is he lying or is he telling the truth? Is he scared of what is coming next? He knows what will happen, he knows what is coming. Does he lie about not remembering P'Tong to try to drive the knife in a little? Or does he genuinely not remember and it's a good indication that Jam will have to work very very hard to brighten up the relationship between her and her son?
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We love the incredibly human characters that are in this show. Li Ming's mother does actually care about her son's opinion here. She wants him to know that she is thinking of marrying P'Tong. I do genuinely believe that, that she is seeking permission here from Li Ming, regardless of whether P'Tong was the one who suggested it or not.
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Zero tolerance for bullshit.
I know Li Ming as a character is very willing and able to call out the injustices he sees, anywhere, anytime, with anyone in any position of power. But God, (sorry this is getting too personal) it feels so satisfying some times to deliver a cut like this to a parent.
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Li Ming is still not buying in to it, so Jam is being more intentional about what she is feeling. Jam wants Li Ming's opinion, or...she wants Li Ming to absolve her of some of her guilt and her hesitations and her worries.
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God. His face in this whole scene is great, so detached from everything, he is giving her as few emotions as possible. It's cold, it's distant, his physicality bears the emotional distance between them. It is so so different from his confrontations with Jim. Someone he is also very clearly willing and able to talk back to. To get punchy with.
When Li Ming is mad at Jim he gets close, as close to him as possible, right up in to his face.
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When Jim gives him a command "don't raise your voice at me," "I said stop." it does take a few attempts but Li Ming does listen. Does calm down. Does apologize. And even after his uncle has constantly, sometimes unintentionally, and sometimes for safety, over-stepped Li Ming's boundaries and autonomy, Li Ming still often checks in with Jim. In the confrontation with Heart's parents when Heart runs upstairs, Li Ming looks to Jim (in my mind seeking permission) before he runs up after him.
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But crucially, Li Ming trusts Jim, Li Ming loves Jim, Li Ming knows Jim cares about him and as a result, he gives Jim his whole self. He calms himself down when Jim tells him he's crossed the line, he goes to Jim's birthday party, he apologizes to Jim. He tells Jim what is bothering him, and while that often ends in an argument, Li Ming is fully willing to be honest with him.
"If you want me to say it's okay, just say it,"
Jam does not get the same honesty. Whatever he can do to just finish this conversation sooner, he will do. Whatever Jam wants him to say so she can feel better and he can get more distance between them, he will say.
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Oh. I can see how easy it would be for Li Ming to fully believe it was P'Tong who actually decided to consider Li Ming's feelings. Not hers.
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Straight to the point. Just say what you mean, just tell me what you want, stop dragging this conversation out.
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He looks...absolutely the same. No emotion. Closed off. There is no excitement, no hope, no joy. This is not good news to him. This does not change anything between them. This does not make him love his mother more, or make him feel more loved by his mother in return.
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"My life is more comfortable now, you know? You're about to graduate from high school. Maybe we can be together again." Now, we all know that Li Ming is not interested in going to college, he wants to leave, to do work and travel. But his mother doesn't know that, we'll get to the sentence immediately following this one in a second but I just...I can't help thinking about whether or not Li Ming would even live at home if he did go to college. How much parenting would she really have to do. How much of a time commitment would she really be putting in?
We know Li Ming has desperately been seeking freedom and understanding. He has found understanding by way of Heart. But the freedom from poverty? He now has that if he goes to live with his Mom. She's living a comfortable life. But he doesn't want it. Because fundamentally, more than anything else, Li Ming wants freedom to make his own choices.
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And see, here is the thing. "IF YOU WANT to continue your studies," she's giving him a choice here...technically. But Jim and Li Ming have had this conversation already. Jim and Li Ming have already had this fight. Going back with his mother would not solve any of his problems, and in fact creates more because it separates him from the community he has here.
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"Why do you all decide for me? Nobody bothers to ask me first."
Now, in the first place we know there is no way in Hell Li Ming is going back with his mother. There is not a second in this entire interaction that Li Ming even entertains the idea. He does not love his mother, he does not want to live with his mother, his mother has no clue who he even is as a person at this point.
And in the second place, he would be facing the same exact problem he has right now. People aren't asking him what he wants. They aren't treating him like an adult. And yes, as you get older, you realize that people were doing their best, and as you get older you realize that it's difficult to successfully balance when you need to protect or guide young adults and when you need to let them make their own decisions. In the conversation Li Ming has with Jim at the end of Episode 5 after they return home. Jim asks "What if something more serious occurs to [Heart]?" and Li Ming replies with "I never think it would happen," and that is what Jim is trying to shield Li Ming from. And all Li Ming is asking for is to be allowed to learn from those moments.
Okay, tangent over, back to Li Ming and Jam. Where we have seen Li Ming be cold, near dissociative, and definitely detached through most of the conversation with his mother. But this, the lack of autonomy he is constantly facing by his family, is Li Ming's biggest sore spot. And he has been bravely trudging along through a conversation he does not want to be in, where he is being met with just so much kindness that lacks so much understanding of him, that he is ready to be done.
But this is not the reaction his mother is expecting of Li Ming, again, because she hasn't been here for this. We have. Jim has. We know that this is a sore spot, and we know that Li Ming has already been in a very emotionally charged argument about this with his uncle before, and I doubt he really wants to do it again.
"Isn't it good to have options?" because she is confused. Because she doesn't know that Li Ming has chosen his option already. That his choice is to leave. And this question is double edged, though I don't think Jam realizes it. Isn't is good to have options? To have college as a back up if you decide you want to go. To have me as a backup if you are tired of living with Uncle Jim. If you are tired of living here in poverty, in a community that accepts you, in a place where you have friends and you have love and you have connection. You can come back with me to live in a comfortable home, with a man that I don't really want to marry but will anyway, away from all your friends, away from the man that raised you, away from your community.
No wonder Li Ming hits her back immediately with "What do you want me to be happy about first?"
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The face of a man who is very much not happy about any of this. "About your breakup with Uncle Sith, about your new boyfriend, or about you being well-off and having a comfortable life, and wanting to take me back with you?"
If anyone can remind me of the timeline with Beam, I would really love to know, because I want to know if Li Ming knew Beam, if Li Ming met Beam. How many people has he lost? How often is his mother breaking up with people? How out of the loop does Li Ming feel?
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Babes, you didn't come here for Li Ming at all. The list of reasons you gave for coming to Pattaya, in order:
"P'Tong was in town running errands"
"P'Tong wanted me to ask you if it was okay if he married me,"
"I want to be with you,"
The reason you actually came to Pattaya:
Jim called and asked for a title, and you want to use it to get him to try to help you get your son to move back with you.
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The face of a man who is absolutely done compromising his own feelings for his mother's.
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And God, okay it is time to talk about Li Ming and eye contact. Because we know he is so so capable of keeping eye contact. When he fights with Jim his eyes are always always right on him. When he's with Heart, he's making as much eye contact as possible.
When he is with Jam, it is completely reversed, he makes eye contact with his mother as little as possible. Physically turning himself away from her at the end here. And she tries to be physically affectionate with him, to show her love for him, but Li Ming does not love his mother, and so he just sits there unable to reciprocate.
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Lmao, me when my Dad tries to hug me.
Okay, so I started this whole thing by saying that I was incredibly grateful to this show for making Li Ming's mother kind, and for allowing Li Ming to treat her this way anyway, and for that to be okay. Warning, personal story ahead...when I was sixteen, in a fit of anger, my father said he could live perfectly happily without me, and it did irreparable harm to our already extremely tenuous relationship. The thing that even made me tolerate him was going to college and getting thousands of miles between us. And by the end of college our relationship broke down further, and then even distance couldn't save it. But, my father is incredibly charming and charismatic to the outside world. I do not love my father. And that is something I have never said out loud. Because I feel guilty about it. But, I do not love my father, and unfortunately, that's clear to anyone that sees us interact. Because I am Li Ming in my own situation. I am detached, emotionless, giving the shortest possible replies with no extra information. When my father ends his phone calls with "I love you" I do not say it back, because I can't and because I don't believe him. When my father hugs me, I do not hug him back. When my father invites me to dinner, and his girlfriend is there, I can't shake the feeling that it was her who suggested we all get together in the first place. Or if it wasn't, that he's just trying to show himself off as a good father to impress her.
And from the outside looking in, to strangers who do not know the history that has come between us, the history that has gotten us to that point, I look like the asshole. And it is something that I am painfully aware of. So this scene means a lot to me, because I have not seen this type of relationship between a parent and a child in any media before. Either the parents are great, or the parents are abusive, or the parents have been cut off because they are asking too much of their kids. I haven't seen my relationship to my parent accurately represented, and humanely represented. I do not think that Li Ming is being unfair here, I do not think that he is being cruel. And that brings me such relief.
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myechoecho · 10 months
My Dearest, ep 6
This show keeps on going at full steam.
It's interesting, because Jang Hyun saying he hates Joseon is not entirely a lie. I think he has a general disdain for how the society functions and he certainly has no love for the king.
The show really doesn't shy away the the brutality of this invasion. Jang Hyun and the singer are in a dangerous situation with the General testing them in various ways.
It also drives home how women are treated in war and the fear they all have
It's somewhat difficult to watch the court scenes with the king or even the fights because this is a war that ends in utter defeat, from the little knowledge I have of this time period. They are unprepared, out gunned (literally as they are fighting with swords and arrows vs guns and cannons), under manned and the king has been surrounded and cut off from provisions
The Khan also has a similar disdain for the king that Jang Hyun has. He notes how illogical it is for the king's court to be so blindly loyal when he's not fighting the war. Yes, he is ill and weak but he's also not doing anything.
A smallpox outbreak?!? What next?
The Crown Prince may be obnoxious about he people he deems unworthy (ie: the monks) but he is right in what he is telling his father. He knows that this will end badly if the king does not leave the fortress. They really have little options if they want to survive. The Khan is there. They might actually invade Ganghwa island. But the king would rather die (and all his people die) than be "humiliated".
It's not an easy situation but if this is historically accurate, the refusal further doomed them and the country.
Now they are invading Ganghwa island, where Gil Chae was supposed to be safe. Gil Chae springs into action and warns everyone that the invaders are coming. She tells the one man who doesn't believe her that he can just die instead of listening to this girl
The choice for the women: get captured and raped, never to be accepted by your family/society again, be killed or
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The invasion is brutal all around.
Gil Che is smart enough to know who they are chasing and how she can use that to get on the boat. She's brave enough to get him and run like crazy. And she knew exactly how to bargain to get on the boat.
How BRUTAL the scene was where Gil Chae stops the mother from grabbing to Jong Jong. The mother who only asked that her child be saved. Then they watched from the safety of the boat while those left behind were slaughtered.
In a short time, Gil Chae has gone though so many trumas and while I don't think she knows it yet, she's and extraordinarily strong person
Jang Hyun after finding out they invaded Ganghwa Island, the place he told Gil Chae to go for safety, and then almost right after seeing the knife that he gave her on that solider is just pure anger, guilt, angst and grief.
Gil Chae knows that the soldier is sending them to their death. He's sending them alone, with a vague idea of where to go. Hope the little prince doesn't starve to death.
Gil Chae and Jang Hyun are on the same island but now he has measles smallpox. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
But the look he gives her when he sees her is full of longing and love. He takes a step towards her but knows he can't. He saves her from the leader. Then fights everyone else while coughing up blood from measles smallpox.
Gil Chae realizes that it was him that she saw and runs back
I swear, this show does not know how to let us have a breather.
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theforgottenmcrmy · 2 years
Spring~ Part 1/2 (Ser Harwin Strong x Reader)
᯽ Please note that this is an overall Part 6 of the series “Growing Strong”, the masterlist of which can be found on the pinned post on my blog. For some reason Tumblr doesn’t like me posting it here lately.᯽
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Pairing: Ser Harwin Strong x Tyrell! Female Reader
Warnings: GOT typical sexism, canon divergence, suggestive themes, mentions of pregnancy, death of minor character.
Summary: A few months of wedded bliss has been abruptly ended by another raven bringing grim news from Highgarden. As you try to come to terms with how the news will impact your life, someone familiar approaches you with an offer to lessen your burden... But are their motives genuine?
A/N: Thank you all so so so much!🖤🖤🖤 I’ve got a few more parts planned for this series, and I hope you all continue to enjoy reading it as I much as I have writing it. This chapter made me low key sad to write, but it had to be done for character development and future plot...💔 Maybe I’ll go back and write more light hearted stuff when this main series is over.
Fun fact, when I had planned this series, it was only going to have about 3 parts, and this would have been the last part. If I went that route, this part would’ve been named “Growing Strong” ... take from that what you will about what’s to come. Part 2 should be up on Thursday 10/20.🖤
PS, if anyone, and I mean anyone, wants to chat about last night’s ep, please hit a girl up. Shoot me a message. Send me an ask (shoutout to the anon who did so last time). Anything. I’m dying to talk about this stuff. 
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Ravens frequenting the skies between King’s Landing and Highgarden had become commonplace once more.
Dearest Brother,
Though you suggested you have been feeling less than well as of late, as I suspect is largely due in part to the cold weather, I beg you to take heart. The arrival of spring is upon us once more. With the improvement of the weather, I pray that you shall improve as well.
In the spirit of that happy news, I hope you will forgive me for what I am about to ask of you.
As I have before, I must continue to urge you to muster your physical and mental strength in order to finalize the negotiations with Lord Jason. The marriage between you and Lady Cerelle would be most advantageous for our House, and Lady Cerelle will be a fine Lady of Highgarden.
If not for the best interest of our House, I beg you to come to an agreement for your own sake. I have known nothing but pure happiness since I was wed some months ago. And for you, Brother, I would wish for nothing less.
As planned, my husband and I, along with my Good Sisters, shall see you for a visit in a few short weeks. If I do not receive a raven from you before we depart King’s Landing, I trust we shall speak further of this matter in person.
I hope this visit will benefit us both. Though I have come to think of King’s Landing as my new home, I fear that a part of myself will always long for the Reach, and for Highgarden even more still. Father always said that House Tyrell is at our strongest when we are not divided.
Take care, Brother. Despite the nature of this letter, I sincerely hope you are feeling more favorable than when you last wrote. I look forward to seeing you again.
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It was the warmest day of the year in recent memory. Though the winter had been short, and very forgiving, the warmer months were always heavily favored by those in King’s Landing.
Despite the small winter chill that still clung in the air, Princess Rhaenyra had requested to spend some time out in the gardens. You, Lady Lilyan, and Lady Eyla had joined her happily. 
The four of you made yourselves comfortably seated at a table. Various trees and shrubs surrounded you, giving just enough of an illusion of privacy to placate the Princess. The sun shone upon the gardens, bathing the brightening greenery and blooming flowers in rays. Without any canvas overhead, the sun’s rays fell upon all four of your crowns as well. Though it was warm, it felt quite pleasant in contrast to the cool breeze.
“Under the Dragon’s eye…”
Samwell the Bard concluded his song, and the soothing chords faded away into nothingness.
Not but a moment later, Princess Rhaenyra requested, “Again.”
You saw Samwell’s complacent facial expression shift into an exasperated one, but fortunately, the Princess did not. As the bard began to strum the opening chords of the song once more, you exchanged amused looks with Lilyan and Eyla.
“Here you are, Princess.”
A serving girl placed a platter of candied lemons upon the table.
“Ah, yes!” Princess Rhaenyra gleamed, looking at the lemons with hungry eyes. “Thank you very much.”
As the serving girl excused herself, the Princess dug right in, grabbing several of the candied lemons at once. Before she ate the first one, she gestured down to the platter, and looked between the three of you. “Please, I insist- have some.”
Lilyan and Eyla grabbed a few for themselves, but the thought of the typically delicious sweets sound less than appealing to you at that particular moment. “Perhaps I shall have some later, Your Grace.”
“As you wish,” the Princess smiled with a nonchalant shrug. Placing her hand on her stomach absentmindedly, she added, “That just means there is more for me to enjoy now.”
The candied lemons were the latest of her cravings. Princess Rhaenyra, less than a year into her marriage, was with child.
It was a most welcomed development.
Since their marriage, Ser Laenor had been absent from King’s Landing more often than he had been present. It was not aided by the fact that winter had roughened the waters significantly, making sailing between Driftmark to Blackwater Bay and back a more difficult feat than it usually was. Thankfully, the news of Princess Rhaenyra’s pregnancy had quelled the more nefarious rumors about him and the nature of their marriage.
King Viserys was overjoyed with the news. If he had doted upon his daughter before, it was nowhere near comparable to the attention Princess Rhaenyra received from him now. Only the best maesters would be permitted to see to the new needs of his daughter. In fact, those said maesters had recommended against the Princess taking air outside in the gardens that day, citing that it was still too cold.
In response, Princess Rhaenyra had quipped, “When my mother was with child, she listened to every advice and suggestion you gave. But in the end, what effect did your words of wisdom have upon her wellbeing?”
The maesters were awfully quiet after that.
“Did you hear that Lord Hawick means to bring his daughter to Court in a few weeks time?” Lilyan asked the group conversationally.
With the warmer weather, it was not uncommon for ladies of noble houses to start flocking to King’s Landing. Though their fathers and brothers would do so under the guise of paying respects to and discussing business with King Viserys, you knew that it was really a means to flaunt their daughters about in the capital in the hopes of securing a worthy match for them. Various noble lords, their sons, and even knights were not a rarity in King’s Landing, nor the Red Keep.
You and Princess Rhaenyra merely hummed in response to Lilyan’s statement. Now that the two of you were each wed, neither of you were nearly as invested in the gossip pertaining to romantic intrigue of others at Court as you once might have been. You were satisfied with your own lives, in your own ways. However, neither of you would dare crush the spirits of Lilyan or Eyla, as the young girls had reached the age where they seldom talked about anything else but chivalrous pursuits.
“It is unfair,” Eyla sighed, downtrodden, “that as soon as we are to leave for Highgarden, countless others shall be arriving in King’s Landing.”
“There are plenty of interesting people of the Reach to meet, I promise you,” you assured her patiently. If only she knew.
“Lady Y/N is right,” Lilyan agreed firmly. “Besides, I believe that just as many will be departing King’s Landing as those arriving. Ser Royce, for example. I heard Lord Boremond ordered his grandson to depart for Storm’s End by next week.”
You eyes flickered over to Princess Rhaenyra upon the mentioning of Ser Royce’s name.
But Princess Rhaenyra was a good actress. A great one, even. There was absolutely no indication that there was any particular fondness between the Heir to the Iron Throne and the future Heir to Storm’s End.
But you knew there was.
Since the tourney in celebration of Princess Helaena’s second name day, Ser Royce had stayed in the capital city. His grandsire, Lord Boremond, in accordance with his father, Lord Borros, had asked the King if he would be willing to host Ser Royce for a time, hoping that it would enable the young lord to become better acquainted with the business dealings of his House that he would be expected to manage one day. As Lord Boremond had been blessed with longevity, and his son, Lord Borros, was also of good health, Ser Royce had not received the same guidance and tutorage he otherwise would have. But should anything happen to Lord Boremond or Lord Borros, Ser Royce would have to rise to the occasion.
King Viserys agreed to Lord Boremond’s request, and he, Ser Royce, and Princess Rhaenyra had spent quite some time discussing trade to and from the Stormlands over the past few months.
You supposed that’s where the fondness began for Princess Rhaenyra. Whatever it had started as, you suspected that the relationship between the Princess and Ser Royce had developed beyond what one might expect between a future monarch and a future lord pledged to them.
But that was entirely speculation. Princess Rhaenyra knew how grave even a whisper of such insinuations would be. You doubted she would be willing to take the chance of causing such stirrings, despite how inadequate she found certain aspects of her marriage to be.
And when the babe was born with the silvery white Targaryen hair, you would happily wallow in your guilt for ever having doubted the Princess for even a moment.
“It’s about time,” Eyla declared. “He has been in King’s Landing for months… How many trade details could there possibly have been to discuss?”
The Princess looked suddenly alert upon the other young woman’s quandary, but you intervened, knowing that she was not likely to.
“The Stormlands have many forests,” you reminded Lady Eyla tactfully. “Ser Royce has been overseeing the wood traded to the Crownlands throughout the winter. But now that spring has arrived, he is able to return home.”
Lady Eyla accepted your answer on the surface, but there was a small look on her face that suggested she didn’t entirely believe you, or perhaps, merely found your answer dissatisfactory.
“Good day, Your Grace, Sisters… My Lady.”
The four of you looked up at the sound of a fifth voice joining you.
“Ser Harwin!” Princess Rhaenyra greeted, putting the candied lemons she had in her hand back onto the serving dish. “It is a lovely day. Perhaps you would care to join us?”
The clothes and armor your husband wore suggested to you that Harwin had just come from the training yard. Confirming your suspicions was the fact that part of his hair was tied up and away from his face, which would have granted him better visibility. Despite his nickname of Breakbones, it still surprised you just how natural the ensemble looked on him. Some men had the appearance that suggested they were more fitted to scholarly pursuits, but not Harwin.
The gods could mourn that someone of his size, stature, and strength was not likely to ever see true war in his lifetime. But you would not. Just the thought of watching your husband ride off into battle was almost too painful to imagine.
“It is a lovely day, Your Grace,” Harwin affirmed. “Though, I regret that I must decline your invitation to partake in it.”
“Might I be granted permission to steal my wife away for a short stroll?” Harwin asked Princess Rhaenyra. His eyes finally landed on you, and when they did, a conspiring smile played on his lips.
“Granted permission?” Princess Rhaenyra echoed. “No- I insist!” She turned to you with a knowing look. “Go now, Y/N. Take a stroll with your husband on this fine day… So that I may live vicariously through you.”
Despite your marriage to Harwin, Princess Rhaenyra still found plenty of amusement in forcing you to spend quality time with your husband. Had she not been destined to rule the Seven Kingdoms one day, you ventured to dare whether she would have had a propensity for matchmaking.
“Very well, Your Grace,” you complied, rising from your seat and walking over to your husband.
“And take your time!” Lady Lilyan called from behind you, causing Lady Eyla and Princess Rhaenyra to giggle.
Harwin ignored them, though without having taken offense, and offered you his arm. You took it, and the two of you walked away, waiting until you were out of earshot of the other women before speaking.
“It is a lovely day,” you noted conversationally.
“Yes,” Harwin agreed readily. “Though not as lovely as you.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, and tightened your grip on his arm. “You have already won my hand, Dearest. There is little need for such flattery.”
“And yet, you are no less deserving of compliments simply because we are wed,” Harwin challenged playfully. “Aye, I am your Husband now. But that means that I am the only one who is properly allowed to bestow such words upon you.” He sighed then, and the gesture bordered on being dramatic. But you knew it was merely a jest. “It is a heavy burden, ensuring that you are showered with such praise, but it is one that I chose to bear...”
You rolled your eyes at his antics and lightly slapped his arm in mock discipline. Before you could chide him, your eyes widened in surprise as you passed a familiar face along the garden path. “Ah, My Lord!”
Your cousin, Lord Garrett Redwyne, greeted both you and Harwin with a pleasant smile and cordial nod.
“Do my eyes deceive me, or is that really you?” you teased him. “I heard you had arrived at the Red Keep a few days past, and yet, as you did not pay me a visit, I did not dare to believe it.”
Garrett gave you a sheepish smile, and bore your jibes good-naturedly. “My sincerest apologies, dear Cousin. I had some urgent business to attend to upon my arrival, though calling upon you was the next very thing I planned to see through.”
That was not surprising to you. Garrett, a son of your late father’s sister, was the second son of his family. As such, Garrett had frequently been charged to act as an envoy on behalf of many Redwyne matters across the Reach and Crownlands. Though only a few years your senior, it was indisputable that Garrett was far more-traveled, and you’d always looked forward to his tales at family gatherings for that very purpose.
“No apologies needed, Cousin,” you assured him truthfully, before looking up at Harwin with a hopeful look in your eyes. “Though, should you still feel the need to make amends, perhaps you would care to dine with us some evening before you depart for the Arbor?”
“Well,” your cousin began hesitantly, eyeing Harwin somewhat nervously, “if you insist…”
It was no secret to you that Garrett was frightened of your husband. Perhaps it was Harwin’s rather notorious nickname that put fear into the young lord’s mind. But his fear was unwarranted. You enjoyed your cousin’s company, and were even closer with his mother, who had acted as a mother figure for you throughout your life.
As long as Garrett did not cross you, he had no reason to fear Harwin. And Harwin was aware of your cousin’s reservations, too. He’d done his best at the wedding feast to reassure Garrett that he was not the monster his nickname suggested, but it had all been to little avail. At least Garrett had seemed to get along well with Harwin’s younger brother, Lord Larys.
Still, your husband was not one to be defeated so easily. Harwin gave your cousin his most approachable smile, and confirmed, “We insist, My Lord. It would be an honor to share your company.”
You couldn’t tell if Lord Garrett was affected by Harwin’s effort to appease him, as he made no facial or verbal acknowledgement of it. Instead, your cousin gave you one last smile, before heading about his way. As he passed you, he said, “We shall work out the details of when at a later time, so that may leave the two of you to your stroll. Good day to you, Cousin… Ser Harwin.”
Your cousin all but scurried off into the gardens along the path from whence you and Harwin had just come. You fought the urge to laugh as your focus returned to your husband, and why he had decided to “steal” you away from Princess Rhaenyra and his sisters a short while ago.
“Now, my dear Husband, what is it that you wish to speak with me about?”
“My father has suggested two more men. I was hoping to hear your thoughts about them?”
“Of course. Whom did he name?”
“Lord Graige of House Graceford and Lord Cerran of House Leygood.”
You frowned involuntarily, though quickly recovered, hoping to spare Harwin further cause for concern. “Lord George Graceford is known to be quite cruel… though perhaps his son has learned from his father’s misgivings. And as for Lord Cerran, I’m afraid I have not heard much about him… Though, perhaps no news is good news?”
Harwin hung his head in dismay.
Lord Lyonel Strong had been more proactive in seeking matches for his two daughters as of late. With your upcoming visit to the Reach, the Lord Hand had begun to look into eligible lords from your homeland, with the hopes that you might be able to arrange a meeting between them and his daughters. Though Harwin was less than thrilled with the idea in general, you were honored when your Good Father had asked for your advice on the matter. You’d come to love Lady Lilyan and Lady Eyla as younger sisters of your own, and you loathed the idea of them being wedded off to less-than-honorable men.
You patted Harwin’s arm reassuringly. “Do not fret. I trust that you and your father will find a more than suitable match for each of your sisters.”
“Are we certain they must marry at all?” Harwin questioned, only half-seriously.
“Gods forbid, what if something should happen to you and the Lord Hand?” you proposed. “You will have wished your sisters were married then. Their husbands will see that they are well taken care of. They will be safe and secure, and have households of their own to run, instead of being resigned to your father’s.”
“But Larys-”
“I know you love your brother, but Larys would have his hands full simply by inheriting your family’s seat and lordship. Would it be kind to worsen his burden by forcing him to secure matches for his sisters as well?”
Harwin fell silent, knowing that you made several valid points. Though he adored his sisters, and was fiercely protective of them, he was aware of the reality of their situations. He had a castle and title of his own to inherit someday; his sisters were not so fortunate.
You stood on your toes, and placed a chaste, comforting kiss upon his cheek. “I know your father would only agree to marriages for your sisters with fine, decent men. And, if those men are from Houses in the Reach, we would be able to visit your sisters as often as you’d like whenever we are in Highgarden.”
Harwin’s spirits were immediately uplifted at the idea of that.
“My Lady!”
Harwin came to a stop, as did you, at the sight of a messenger headed your way with the utmost haste. When the young man finally reached you, you noticed he was rather disheveled, and nearly out of breath. He heaved heavily, attempting to recompose himself.
“Gods,” Harwin frowned, very concerned. “What is the matter?”
“There was a raven from Highgarden, My Lord.”
It was your turn to frown, though yours was out of confusion. “Already?”
Your last correspondence to your brother, Lord Derron Tyrell, had been sent by raven just a few days before. Hardly enough time had passed for him to have received your letter and returned his response.
The messenger dug into his coat, and revealed the small scroll of a message.
Your eyes glazed over the scroll, awaiting in the messenger’s open palm, before raising to his face. The young man’s expression was a sorrowful one.
Your gut sank.
“What is it?” you demanded, in as level a tone as you could manage.
The messenger said nothing, and merely held out the scroll to you even further with a pained look in his eyes.
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Another chill wind blew through the air. Though spring was on the precipice, it seemed that winter was still desperately trying to cling on. You weren’t displeased with it, despite the lovely day you’d experienced several days before.
The colder weather was far more attuned to your mood.
You and your husband’s shared quarters, which had once felt alive with joy and love, now felt cold and empty. But then again, the whole world felt that way.
You sat at the small table in silence. A grand view of the setting sun over King’s Landing was visible from the balcony, which was only a short ways away, but you couldn't find the strength to venture out there yourself. Besides, you could see it all well enough from where you sat.
The soft shuffling of armor and rustling of a cloak could be heard in the background. The noises gradually grew louder, and suddenly, you realized the bearer of both was now standing behind you.
“I must go now,” Harwin informed you, speaking softly.
Normally, you would bid him the warmest of farewells, and make him promise to keep himself safe. Though Harwin was no stranger to the streets of King’s Landing, every night he had to depart for his rounds for the City Watch, you feared greatly for his safety.
But that night, you said nothing. Though you wanted to, you feared what your voice would sound like. Disuse and sorrow would have wreaked havoc upon it. As it was, you could not even bring yourself to look at him. He’d been so patient with you… But you couldn’t help but feel as though he deserved a wife who was able to pull herself together more quickly.
You could tell Harwin was waiting on a response. Though your eyes were fixed over the city, you offered him a small nod in compromise.
You half-expected him to leave without another word, and confirm your worries that he was beginning to pull away from you.
But Harwin’s fingers suddenly brushed across your neck. The gesture would have normally made you shiver from another feeling altogether, but this time, it made you shiver from surprise. He silently adjusted the black shawl you hadn’t even realized had fallen to rest up and over your shoulders once more. Once he was satisfied that you were better protected from the chill, he moved to rest his hands upon your shoulders. The gesture was hardly an embrace, but it still left you feeling protected. Loved.
Harwin leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to your temple. As he withdrew his hands, he suggested gently, “Try to get some rest, My Love. I shall be back in the morning.”
With those last words, your husband walked across the room and exited your chambers. The door shut softly behind him, but once he was gone, you felt no more relief.
You would not be getting any rest.
Your brother was gone.
Between your fits over mourning over the past few days, your mind tore itself apart with questions. How does a young man in perfectly good health be so abruptly struck down by some sickness?
When your father had taken ill, you had a far easier time making sense of it. Your father, though he was not what you would have considered to be old, had lived a large part of his life. He’d gotten married, had children, and served your House, the Reach, and the realm dutifully. But your brother…
The maesters thought it was odd, but seeing as Derron had passed in his sleep, and that your brother was loved by most who knew him, they did not look into the nature of his death any further. You wished that they had, so that you could reassure yourself that nothing foul had been amiss, but you’d lost your chance. The silent sisters would have already begun to see to him by now.
Derron was but a young man, only a few years older than you. He had just inherited your father’s seat, and was robbed of the time he deserved to fully grow into the role and make it in his own right. He had no children. He wasn’t even wed.
You frowned even deeper.
The thought of Lady Cerelle, whom, despite the lack of an official betrothal, you knew cared for your brother so very deeply, disturbed you. How was she taking the news? … You dared to wonder if, had she been present, you might be able to offer comfort to each other in this difficult time.
Sometime later, there was a knock on the door.
Despite the fact that you would much rather be silent in the hopes that whoever it was would assume you were not there, you knew that it would be futile. Word about your brother’s passing had spread quickly throughout the Red Keep. If you were not seen out and about, it could only be assumed that you confined yourself to your chambers.
Princess Rhaenyra had visited you several times already, offering her kind words. Though you wanted to be alone, you had to admit that her presence offered you some peace. You were heartened that the woman you had been chosen to serve had become more of a companion to you than you would have ever dared to hope for.
The fact that it was most likely Princess Rhaenyra knocking on the door now encouraged you to call out, “Come in.”
The door to your chambers opened, and closed a moment later. The entrant was silent, but you heard their gentle footsteps upon the stone floor as they approached you from behind.
At this, you finally tore your eyes away from the city.
Lord Garrett looked down upon you with sympathy. He was donned in black doublet, and matching trousers. You weren’t sure if you took comfort in the knowledge that you were not alone in your grief, or if it was just a painful reminder of the loss that you both suffered.
Slowly, your cousin took a seat in the chair opposite of you. He looked upon you carefully for a few moments, before saying, “I apologize for not calling upon you sooner. I suspected you might have wanted some time alone.”
A correct assumption. Your focus had returned to the view of King’s Landing.
“I wanted to offer you my deepest condolences for the loss of Lord Derron,” Garrett continued, not dissuaded at all by your lack of response. “My cousin was a great man, and he will be deeply missed.”
Still, you said nothing.
“It is a small blessing that we are here, in King’s Landing, together. At the very least, perhaps we may take comfort in one another.”
At this, you turned your head and gave your cousin a blank look. After a moment, you let out a single, dry laugh.
Your cousin gave you a small smile, evidently relieved to have finally gotten some sort of response out of you.
Now that he had your attention, you inquired, “What brings you here, Cousin?”
Garrett’s smile faltered. “I would have called upon you sooner,” he repeated carefully, “but I wanted to give you a few days of reprieve.” He pursed his lips, clearly deciding how best to phrase his next words. “Though I wish to be delicate at this time, there is a pressing matter that I wanted to discuss with you.”
Ah, of course, you realized. “You are more than welcome to travel with myself and my husband back to Highgarden for my brother’s service, My Lord. The rest of your family may meet us there, if they wish. I shall be happy to see them.”
Garret’s lips twitched uncomfortably. “While that is a generous offer, and one I shall seriously consider, that is not the matter of which I speak.”
“Oh… Then what is it, Cousin?”
Guilt, pity, and a sense of resolve twisted upon Lord Garrett’s face, which resulted in a very conflicted expression. Your entire focus was upon him now, and you were greatly intrigued by whatever subject he had deemed pressing enough to visit you at this late hour of the night.
“I have requested an audience with King Viserys and the small council. I plan to petition them to declare myself as Derron’s legal heir. This would encompass my inheritance of the lordship’s titles, entitlement to Highgarden, and all of House Tyrell’s other holdings.”
Your mind went blank.
Your father had been Lord of Highgarden. You had just come around to processing and accepting the reality that your brother was Lord of Highgarden now… or, was. Having anyone else, no matter the individual, assume their place felt… wrong.
In the middle of grieving the loss of Derron, you had somehow overlooked the daunting question that his passing had left. Who was to inherit your family’s seat?
Your cousin was unbothered by your silence. In fact, he seemed to interpret it for his own purposes. “I hope you can forgive me for speaking of such a trivial matter at this time, but, as I said, I do believe this to be a pressing matter.”
You were too stunned to speak.
“I have seen how well married life treats you, My Lady,” Lord Garrett said then, his tone shifting from apologetic to persuasive. “I would not wish to burden you with the responsibilities that plagued your father and brother. If it is your desire, I shall take up lordship of Highgarden, as our grandsire once did, and spare you from any further distress. You and Ser Harwin shall be free to travel the realm as you please, without the weight of responsibility bearing down heavily upon you… Of course, I give you my word that you shall be well taken care of. Any allowances for you currently in existence shall not cease, and, should you require funding for anything else in your lifetime, you would need only to ask it of me.”
Still trying to make sense of anything and everything that Lord Garrett was alluding to, you pursed your lips.
“The meeting with the King and small council is in two days,” he informed you then. “Though you are welcome to attend, that will not be necessary. Your absence will be understood as support of my claim. I am sure everyone will understand your wish to mourn privately.”
Your brows furrowed as your mind began to race.
Lord Garrett took that as his having been dismissed. He rose from his seat, and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder as he passed. “I bid you a good night, Cousin. Fear not, these dark times shall pass.”
Once the door to your chambers closed behind him, you cursed.
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The sound of birds chirping filled your ears.
The opening and closing of the chamber doors, followed by quickened footsteps, stirred you.
But it was the sound of your extremely concerned husband that completely woke you.
“Gods, Y/N!” he muttered, though it was loud enough for you to catch in the otherwise silent room.
You forced our eyes open, lifted up your head, and looked about your surroundings. But as you did so, you winced in pain. You very quickly realized that you had fallen asleep right there, still seated at the table in front of the balcony.
Harwin was at your side immediately. As he was still wearing his armor and gold cloak, you knew he had only just arrived back from his watch. Despite his evident tiredness, the concern in his eyes shone through, making you feel more guilty than you already did.
After rising from your seat with a small pained groan, Harwin offered you support immediately. His hands fell to your waist, and he slowly maneuvered you away from the table and chair.
As he gently guided you across the room, he asked, “Were seated there the whole night?” One of his hands rose, and he pressed it softly upon your forehead and cheeks. “Gods, you’re chilled!”
He was probably right. And though your guilt had begun to eat away at you, there was something more pressing. “We need to talk.”
Harwin, though he had always been courteous to you, had grown impatient, and he was forced to put his foot down. “Whatever it is, we can discuss it later, My Love. For now, you need to rest,” he insisted. His tone left little room for argument as he continued to lead you over towards your shared bed. Then he added, “Proper rest.”
You shook your head in protest, though allowed him to seat you upon the mattress nonetheless. “No, it cannot wait. It is about my cousin.”
“Lord Garrett?” After Harwin was satisfied that you were not going to move from your spot, he turned and walked over towards the fireplace. Once there, he added a few more logs to the dying fire. As he began to stir the flames, he asked, “What of him?”
“He wants the lordship.”
Harwin froze.
When he said nothing, you turned over your shoulder to look at him. He turned away from the fire and headed back over towards you slowly, looking as though he didn’t understand, or perhaps hadn’t quite heard, what you had said.
“Forgive me, My Love… What did you say?”
“He wants Highgarden, the titles, the coffers… everything. He is going to petition the King and the small council to be declared my brother’s legal heir.”
A mixed array of emotions flooded your husband’s face. Before you could think of your next words, several knocks sounded on the door.
You attempted to rise, but Harwin was already on the move. As he passed, he calmly gestured at you to stay put. “Rest.”
You did as he bid. Rest finally was beginning to sound like an appealing option. Now that you had confided to Harwin about the matter that had kept you awake most of the night, you could afford a few hours of sleep.
Harwin answered the door, opening it just far enough for you to catch a glimpse of who it was.
Lady Bethany Hightower, the Queen’s cousin, and also, one of her ladies in waiting.
“Forgive me for the early hour, My Lord.”
“What can I assist you with, Lady Bethany?”
“The Queen has requested an audience with Lady Y/N.”
Harwin hesitated. With one hand resting upon the door, he looked over his shoulder towards you. You weren’t sure what your expression conveyed- it could have been tiredness, distaste, or even fear.
Whatever it was, your husband interpreted it well enough. Harwin turned back to face the Queen’s cousin with purpose. “I’m afraid My Lady Wife is resting. As she has just lost her dear brother not but a few days past, I am sure the Queen can understand why her request must be denied at this time.”
“She understands, My Lord,” Lady Bethany claimed, “But she still insists upon an audience with Lady Y/N at once.”
You could see the muscles along your husband’s back and shoulders tense, despite the armor and cloak that covered them.
“Very well,” he said, through slightly gritted teeth. “I shall accompany her then.”
“The Queen wishes to speak with Lady Y/N alone,” Lady Bethany protested disapprovingly.
“And she shall,” Harwin promised haughtily. “The Queen may command me to leave a room in order for her to speak with my wife alone. But she shall not forbid me from waiting for her just outside the door, nor from walking her through the halls, for only Lady Y/N may command that of me.”
Once you knew that it was inevitable, you rose from the bed, and put on your best face to disguise your true fatigue. “Come now, Dearest,” you told Harwin sweetly, placing a light hand on his arm as you approached him. You gave Lady Bethany a stiff nod in greeting. You looked up at Harwin and stated airily, “We mustn't keep the Queen waiting.”
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A/N: Thank you for reading! TO BE CONTINUED in Part 2, which is planned to be posted on Thursday 10/20.🖤🖤🖤
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 30: University Blues
It wasn’t just time spent with Tess that Hunter loved about living in the townhouse. Freed from his neat freak roommate, free from his overbearing parents, and free to pursue any hobby or project he liked, Hunter loved everything about college… except college itself.
Hunter had always enjoyed school but slogging through the major his parents had pressured him into “for his future” had slowly made him resent classwork more and more every day until it became almost an unbearable burden threatening all the other joys in his new life.
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In his heart he knew he wanted to quit, but he couldn’t make a big life decision like that without getting advice from the Sims who knew him best.
His nearest and dearest Tess had casually dropped out of college herself, and her advice to him was just as pragmatic… if it wasn’t making him happy, he didn’t need to keep doing it. No job in SimNation required a college degree, and there was no shame in starting at the bottom of a career and working his way up. He was so good at woodworking too; she was sure he could make a go of selling his creations for money to help pay the bills.
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Hunter and Luigi had become very close since that harrowing night when Hunter had found him passed out in the hallway. Luigi’s seeming ability to “do it all” and continued good cheer in the face of two chronic, often uncomfortable, medical conditions left Hunter a bit in awe of the other sim.
Luigi’s advice mirrored Tess’s – Hunter should feel free to make the choices that let him live his best life, because they all only had one life to live. If it was his parents that worried him, Luigi was happy to go home with him and draw some of that heat. Even at his strictest Peachy had never made Luigi feel like he couldn’t pursue his dreams and Luigi would defend Hunters right to choose to anyone who needed to hear it.
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He was still scared, but with the support of sims whose opinions he valued Hunter finally had the courage to drop out of college.
He’d been fantasizing about it since practically the first day of the semester and he found himself grinning from ear to ear as he hung up with the Britechester enrollment office. Finally, he was free to pursue his passions and figure out what he wanted to do with his life, on his own terms.
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Hunter knew he’d made the right decision, but he definitely wanted backup when he saw his parents at Harvestfest and broke the news.
He knew there was nothing he would be able to say that would make them anything other than deeply unhappy about his choice. Even worse than his mother’s disappointment would be his father’s anger. Manny never let them forget how hard he’d worked to allow Toni to be a stay-at-home mom or how much he wanted to see Hunter “succeed in life” and avoid his “mistakes”. If only Manny’s definition of success wasn’t so very narrow…
Hunter was grateful that Luigi’s interest in being his wingman for that conversation remained strong. At least he wouldn’t be facing his family alone.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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cryingatships · 11 months
Parents in BMF
Sooo, Be My Favorite has been hitting too close to my heart since ep 1. But this ep topped it off ahaha I did not sign up for this where's the cutesy show I can watch without feeling anything
There's already been a lot of (frankly wonderful) discussions about it, but this stuff hits close to home so I had to write a bit, too. Prior warnings for (mostly) personal thoughts, disorderly ramblings, and discussions of homophobia.
About Kawi
We start off the series with saving Kawi's family as one of the goals. But what is 'family' to Kawi? Kawi gives us a lot of info about his background - He is poor (one of his main insecurities that plays into his sense of self), his mother has remarried and moved away, and his father is mortally ill.
From Kawi's words, it's clear that he is not at all close to his mother. So, he probably did not have a mother figure growing up. Did he even have a feminine figure he was close to throughout his childhood and adolescence? A playmate, a neighbour, an aunt? (Not really, I think)
Is that why he values his 'crush' so much?
A woman showed him kindness and interest for perhaps a very, very long time, in a foreign setting where he feels vulnerable, and he latched to it. Can't blame him for that. But that brings up an interesting possibility—The feelings Kawi has for Pear, are they of an inherently romantic nature? Or are they of some other kind, but which Kawi chooses to label as romantic, because he has little to no experience with female affection whatsoever?
Anyway, I was supposed to talk about Kawi's dad and got derailed.
So, Kawi's father.
Someone who loves Kawi a lot, as evident from his unwillingness to touch the fixed deposit he has because it is saved for Kawi's future. He refuses to get expensive treatment that is crucial for him to live him because he does not want to land Kawi in debt. (He also refused to talk about his disease in the initial eps, perhaps because he does not want his son to worry about him and affect his studies.)
So, Kawi at least had a positive father figure in his life. (who evetually becomes the reason why Kawi starts chasing his dreams!! Woot to healthy fathers in bls and in reality!)
But, it also makes me wonder, would Kawi's father accept the fact of him being a part of the queer community? Since BMF is a bl show, the answer is perhaps yes. (Though BMF is giving so many surprises each week I feel that this may just be hmmm... not true... hm... deep in delulu) But if this was in the real world, would he, an aged asian person with perhaps negligible knowledge about the queer community, learns that his so-far-straight son has suddenly 'turned gay' (using this term cause this is what I've heard ppl use irl when talking about their kids coming out...), be ok with it? Would he accept Kawi?
(I REALLY really wanna see Kawi coming out to his dad. LIke. Give it to meeee gmmtv.)
About Pisaeng
Contrasting Kawi's openness about his family (despite his insecurities about it), we have Pisaeng, who gives us no info about his family.
In all the prev eps, we got little mention of Pisaeng's family. And when we did, it was from Pear, saying that Pisaeng had a lonely childhood with no friends other than her and Not. (Which struck me as weird, cause Pisaeng, with his friendliness, ought to have many. making assumption about extroverts...i'm sorry. Ofc, we later learn the reason for this.)
Anyway, Pisaeng *does not* bring his family up, ever. He refuses to talk of the past. What could have happened back then?
In ep 6, finally, we get an idea.
It's Max, dearest Tired Queer who never fails us, who brings it up (the irony!)
But, even faced with the direct question, Pisaeng clams up and refuses to talk. (At this point I didn't realize what was happening it, just thought we were hating on politicians like we always ought to. And that Pisaeng's last name is very common in Thailand.)
And this wannabe politician lady is liberal enough on the media to have an out and proud queer person like Max follow her because he likes "what she says."
I need a breather cause this is so close to reality that it's nauseating
We later know that liberal politician lady is Pisaeng's mum. And all her liberal thoughts are just for the show. She employs people who are from the queer community but then uses them to spy on her son. (another breather needed asap)
Now, I wouldn't have realized this part if @bengiyo hadn't pointed this out in their post about how Pisaeng has been forced into the closet by his *liberal queer-supportive* mother, who also insists on controlling his life, his sexuality, and even his friends. Look at @jjsanguine's post on Pisaeng's mother and her view of frivolous friendships! It's soo... TwT. There *are* parents who insist their children don't make friends cause according to them the wrong sort of friends will get them into trouble in their future life (aka employment/career. Frick society and its- everything, actually.)
As much as I hate her for her horrible parenting, for her blatant lies about acceptability, and for using queers to hunt down their own community, and for being a politician (there's smt inherently wrong with ppl in politics, smt or the other, you can't convince me otherwise), I can't help but marvel how real her character is. Cause yeah, this stuff happens every day. I've seen others experience it, and I've experienced it myself.
That said, I can also see *where* Pisaeng's mum is coming from. (His name is so long I wanna call him Saeng but we got soo many Saeng's in bls recently ueue). As in the thought that drives their behaviour.
I think Pisaeng's mother operates on this—It's ok as long as it's not one of ours aka queerness in fine, as long as it's other people, as long as it does not affect our children.
I dunno about Thailand, but in my part of Asia, this is the often the *most* acceptability queers get. This, or outright homophobia. (breaths.)
Parents (ie the 'cool' ones) are ok with lgbt+ as long as their kids don't come out one day, or heavens forbid, bring a partner home. I do believe there are some parents who accept lgbt freely, but like, in my 19 yrs of experience, none of the parents (the ones who were ok enough to hold such a talk with in the first place) were. I hope some parents out there are more accepting :')
If you belong to a particularly liberal upper/upper middle class family, and you show your parent an lgbt ad, talk about the latest legislature that decriminalized homosexual relationships, or the ongoing court case about legalizing same sex marriage, they'll be ok with that. They'll nod their head and say 'progress'. (Though a lot more parents would beat you/inflict other kinds of abuse on you. Also honour killing.)
But heaven forbid their child becomes a part of that community. Then, there are talks of soothsayers, 'treatments', "it's just a phase", cutting off the child's friends and their access to phone cause they've been "badly influenced".
At the end, if the person still insists on being a part of queer community, the parents will force them to hide it. Not to tell anyone about it, to go back to the closet. Which is exactly what happened with Pisaeng. Only, Pisaeng's mother makes it worse (should there be a difference in levels of homophobia?) by using this pseudo acceptance for profit.
Their worry? The person's future. Their career, jobs, social standing. Because yes, even with legislatures, being queer can hamper one's access to education, health, and job opportunities, among many many other things. (To say nothing about the recent rise in hate crimes in my country...)
Often, this behaviour comes from parental love (a very twisted love that is), because most parents do not want their children to suffer, which they inevitably would if they lived their queer lives openly in the current social conditions.
But it also comes from prejudice, hate, and as urge to control. In many cases, parents refuse to accept their children have grown up, and are in a place to make their own decisions. Instead, they try to dictate every thought and every behaviour, including the choice of marital partners. (Ik arranged marriage au is often a thing of joke in the bl circle but, it's so real, guys. It happens way too often and tho it's mostly not a coercive thing... it sometimes is).
Also, surveillance. Parents often pry on phones, it's uncomfortably common place. I know a (not lgbt) friend whose parent had hired a private detective to spy on them cause they were afraid said friend would go into bars and get into drugs after entering uni.
So yeah. It's a circus. It'd be a funny one if this wasn't real life. >.>
So anyway anyway, Pisaeng's mother and her words made me think a lot sooo... I thought-dumped!
When I started watching BMF I thought it'd be a funny little show that would help me relax after a hectic week. Who knew it'd make me write so much about so many things. (I also blame Tumblr.)
This got wayy too personal at the end so like, congrats if you read till here. I kudos your patience for reading my disorganized mess of thoughts. Have a cookie/cupcake/chicken fritters(they are so! good!)/other food of your choice and I hope your weekend goes reallyy well!
ALso I hope Pisaeng's mother gets her just desserts. Even if she accepts him in the end, her past behaviour is horrible. And who knows if she won't use her financial and political power to harm the queer society later? People in power always under suspicion tbh
Also I just realized we have got nothing about Pisaeng's father...
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azlrse · 2 years
Hello! I was just wondering if you could do a scenario with Dark Choco, the reader and Ruby Choco cookie. Lets say it's the future and everything is solved and the curse has been lifted and Dark Choco is welcomed back. Well what if we see Dark Cacao reacts that not only does his son have wife but they have a child and he is a grandfather.
The Dark Prince and His Family (Dark Choco Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader ft. Dark Cacao Cookie)
CW: ep 14 spoilers, overall contains fluff!!
A/N: I'll only refer reader cookie here as Dark Choco's spouse since I strictly write for GN readers but thanks for the request!
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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
"Where are we going? Why do we wear those thick clothes? And why do we bring so much stuff on Papa's bag, Mama/Daddy?" Your daughter, Ruby Choco Cookie, asked as she holds both of her petite hands between yours and your husband's hand. Ruby Choco Cookie had asked so many questions since the three of you are moving back to his homeland. The environment of the Dark Cacao Kingdom may not be very safe for your little girl but she loved the snow itself.
In fact, she dreamed on seeing and playing on the white blanket of snow together with her friends. Upon finding out the reason why she needs to move back to her father's homeland, she became ecstatic and excited at the same time. For she heard lots and lots of stories about the great Dark Cacao Kingdom, a place where the strongest warriors are trained to protect not only the wall but also their very own kingdom, the very same place where her grandfather established this stronghold kingdom.
Yes that's right. The great king, Dark Cacao Cookie was her own grandpapa.
You look at her eyes and gave the small cookie a heartfelt smile, ignoring the cold breeze of air surrounding your little family. "We're going to visit your father's homeland, Ruby and you're about to meet your grandpapa for the first time." As you heard your daughter's voice, filled with happiness and excitement, you look to your left and saw the nonchalant expression of your husband. Dark Choco felt a bit nervous, even before he made the decision to move back to the Dark Cacao Kingdom together with his small family and to establish the once broken relationship between him and his father.
Your husband turned his head towards you and you gave him a small smile as you grasp his cheek. He leaned towards your touch, warmth was all he felt upon sensing your warm and soft hands. "I can sense that you're feeling not good, my dearest. Are you sure you wanted to move back here? After everything what happened?" Dark Choco only gave you a soft and small smile as he gave you a nod, a sign that he made the right decision to return his position as the long lost prince.
Which makes you and his daughter the new members of the royal family and one day, might inherit the throne once his father retires his position as king.
The moment the three of you arrived at the top of high mountains which overlooks the whole kingdom itself. The sight itself had brought so many memories for Dark Choco Cookie. The same place where he grew up to be a fine and just warrior and as his father began to descend from the throne, he too shall bare the name of king. The same king who abandoned the cursed sword that drove him to the depths of darkness and regain his senses for the actions he took under the influence of Dark Enchantress Cookie.
Dark Choco took a grasp of your hand and held it tightly, showing that despite his stoic expression, you know on how nervous he was upon returning home to his homeland. "Don't worry, sweetie. You aren't alone in this situation for you have me and Ruby here. We'll face this hard situation together." As the prince heard those words, he gave one of those rarest smiles that only he shows to his own spouse. The same, sweet smile he gave you during your wedding and during the birth of his own daughter.
At first, you thought that most of his former people would whisper harsh words towards the formerly dark prince. How he abandoned his own people and attempted to assassinate his own father but to his surprise, most of his father's people and warriors welcomed him home, how most of the cookies sang praises on how the prince changed his destiny; from a prince who was consumed by the curse and wrath of the strawberry jam sword to becoming the prince they all knew and loved.
The warmest welcome he recieved is from Caramel Arrow Cookie herself and was surprised when Dark Choco Cookie introduced you and Ruby Choco Cookie as his spouse and daughter. She never knew that the same cookie who taught her to wield the bow had a family of his own. However, the welcoming was cut short when the king makes his presence in front of the throne room. This makes everyone bow down, including you and your husband.
As Dark Cacao saw his own son returning to his kingdom, his eyes widen for a bit when he saw you and a small cookie hiding in his long cape. "Leave, I want to speak to my son alone." Everyone in the room eventually leaves, including you and your daughter when all of the sudden, Dark Cacao Cookie called for your attention. "That includes my son's own family. Please, stay behind."
You began to feel your hands sweating, gripping your own husband's hand as a way to tell him that you're quite nervous yet scared to meet your father in law. "It's great to see you again, father." He spoke, giving the king a hug as tears began to slide off his eyes. Same goes for the king, he gave his son a huge hug and a pat on his back, showing on how much he misses his own son. The last time the both of them saw each other is when he and his former teammates invaded the Black Citadel to finish what he started years ago. "It's great to see you back, my son. And who's this lovely cookie on your side?"
"G-good evening, your majesty. Thank you for inviting us here at the kingdom where my husband was born and raised." You slightly bowed in respect, only for the king to lay an arm on your shoulder. "There's no need for such endearments, Reader Cookie. I must thank you for bringing happiness to my son's love. Let alone all the love he lacks in his childhood, which I apologize for due to my negligence."
You were about to speak your thanks when all of the sudden, Ruby Choco sprang out from her father's cloak and towards Dark Cacao's leg, hugging it while giggling softly. "Hello king grandpapa! You really do look like my papa!" The first glance of Dark Cacao Cookie to the small toddler clinging to his leg reminds him the time when his own son was just like her; small, adorable and rambunctious. The way she smiled towards him makes his heart swell up and began to feel a small smile on his face. "I- I have a granddaughter of my own?" The both of you only nodded in affirmation as he carries the little girl into his arms. He couldn't believe it! Not only his son has a spouse of his own but also a daughter? His own granddaughter? He felt so much happiness right now and it looks like Hollyberry Cookie isn't the only cookie who had grandchildren of her own.
The small cookie he held on his arms began to play his crown. "And what's your name, my granddaughter?" She looks at him, same red eyes stared into his own purples colored ones. His own granddaughter was the splitting image of Dark Choco Cookie. "My name is Ruby Choco Cookie! And my mama/daddy said that my name is the most unique in all of Earthbread!"
She giggled, wrapping both of her hands around his face in an attempt to give her grandfather a hug, which he accepted. "I'm so glad to see you all. Welcome home, my son."
Home, he finally returned home. Together with his own spouse and daughter.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
watching Leverage: ep 7
we back at it! later this time bc i have uni
anyway! no pre-game thoughts today sorry 😔
ok so the reaction was a longer one tonight, so i'm just gonna have all of that be under the cut and save your dash some space 😅
Le Reaction: spoilers, obviously
thumbnail shows parker in a pink dress???? are they heist a birthday party or something????
awww no ray :((((
nathan? why are you so disgruntled? sophie wants to help her friend? what am i missing???? is he bothered because he wasn't in the know????
sir you are always ragging on about your team doing good things but now you're so put off about it???
why does this bother me lol
what, is there gonna be a parallel nathan will see between himself and the mob and he'll realize 'ah shit, i was being an ass sorry about that'? idk nathan's attitude bothers me
she wants help????
parker you have bettered my mood. damn 6 seconds, that kid might rival her in the future
alec...your arms???? that shirt does wonders my dude, 10/10, you would give the best hugs
they make the fbi so gullible omfg beautiful
"the bug....singular?.....good-good work *dying inside*" i'm in love with him
it pains him that they are so incompetent. like 'these are the guys who are supposed to be investigating federal crimes??? i've been scared of these fools???'
oh ho ho, the site i'm using is being a little bitch so i'm going back to my pirating roots and playing the buffer game with it! you think you can beat me fmovies? me? a child who was there when kissanime and kisscartoon were my bitch?
"she smells like jasmine" *frantically gets my notebook* DOES SHE???? TELL ME MORE AGENT MAN!
ohhhhhh lordie, ELIOT'S IN THE FBI BUILDING???? stress levels have peaked! but he's got alec so hopefully all goes well
eliot's so nervous awww bb ("i just plug it in, right?" "if i have to say yes again, i will hurt you" i love them your honor)
oh....oh this just got hilarious
eliot and alec are so funny ("how do i exit the fucking fbi with a box of tapes????" "idk punch a dude" "......i'll punch someone" bless)
ok yeah, fire alarm could work
alec, you blessed human being <3
i think your sass is a damn treasure! don't listen to them, alec. nathan just has a stick up his ass this episode
lmao sophie, i love you "it's a bit like an opera" and the couple is just yelling at each other
awwww poor maria. she just wants a nice wedding but her mom has taken over :( i'm on maria's side! i don't care if she'll turn out to be someone the gang has to fight i am on her side!
sophie, sweetie, sweetheart, baby, darling, dearest....you good?
EY ELIOT'S THE CHEF! AND LOOKS LIKE HE'S A PRO look at him with his bandana and jacket, so cute
eliot's stress cooking could rival ramsey's methinks
correct my bandana man, everything's in context, knives are very cool, please do that flip thing again
nathan: did ya find the money? everyone: no bitch we're stressed af
how dare she spit out that food. that sounded good af. food court??? where have you been where the food court is nasty? she probably hates mushrooms doesn't she. yeah, that's it. she has no taste
you should have let him shank her nathan
alec doing more than the fbi AS HE SHOULD
not the fat shaming i WILL cry AH NO IT'S BECOME TOO PERSONAL
the bridesmaid's face T^T
parker stop it :( no you've already gone too far
ah yes...."misconceptions" how vague mister mob sir
nathan "i went to seminary school but now i am the leader for a band of thieves" ford pretending to be a priest is the funniest thing
omg the groom is too pure RUN SIR RUN AWAY
me everytime the mob dude says reverend: "father. it's father! no, SAY FATHER DAMNIT!"
"hardison, office phone!" he yells, loudly, in the echo-y hallway
ok, seriously, what is up with nathan? why is he so worked up over this? is it because it's a wedding and his previous marriage didn't work out? nah, seriously, man, what is up your ass this episode???
you dare hurt sophie. you dare upset her. you dare dismiss her anger and disappointment with you. shame for nathan! jail for nathan for 50 years!
ok alec and eliot's convo is super confusing when i've already seen the horse girl episode. "what was her name?" alec, you met her in ep3???? her name is amy, she's a firecracker and is upset at eliot for leaving her nothing but a promise ring, keep up my good sir
ok double checked bestie's dvd list and yeah so THIS was allegedly ep3 which makes so much more sense with the continuity
imma just ignore that i've already seen The Horse Job for the sake of alec and eliot's heart to heart
awwww alec and parker little moment! she looks cute in the bridesmaid dress
of course alec's the dj, what a brilliant cover
leverage's clue for spotting crime lords: they wear a thick gold necklace with high collar undershirts
maria noooooooo! don't cry deary! yes sophie comfort her!!
ok sophie that's not what i meant, but if it makes you happy, i guess....? also are you still on the comms? can nathan hear you? oh shit he can (you deserve it tho, nate, you've been mean)
sophie....you are not going to make maria a runaway bride, right???
"what is it? i got bacon on!" he's like a soft spoken but still pissed of gordon ramsey
oh no the fbi is gonna crash the party? <- this is an assumption
"i'm gonna pull the plug!" you've said that like 3 times already this season and every time y'all are able to think outside the box. your faith is too low, methinks, father nathaniel. maybe if you just took a breather you'll be fine
oop sophie's staying! well, well, well what will our crew do?
"is it the russian mob, or is it the fear of intimacy?" oh she cut DEEP they all felt that lmao
and how quickly nathan switched up! can't let sophie go at it alone!
oh my lord i still have 20 minutes????
oh no he's gonna ramble about contracts. there are two ways this could go
oh no, i really hoped his ramble was option 2
tell me you got divorced without telling me you got divorced!
ok, ok, i can work with this speech? .....nope, nope, nope, i'm getting second hand embarrassment
question: would you have nathan officiate your wedding? for me? no, i'd rather it be sophie. maybe eliot, he'd be awkward about it, but it'd be genuine
oh? the plot thickens.....and it thickens more!!! AND IT THICKENS MORE????? HOW MANY LAYERS????
oh...dear, run eliot!!! too late for you!
"now, i will kill you," he says, waving his knives like a clown. what is this? the cha cha from cha cha slide?
smart thinking parker. also i see you, "i was going to meet the dj here" i know who you meant
no :( don't interrupt the maid of honor :( she's a sweetheart :( she's done nothing wrong. alec, don't you dare! but you complimented her, so we're cool again
parker you have no shame. i love you
yay someone complimented eliot's cooking!!! and it was alec!!! my ot3 heart is thriving
oh the irony
oh that's cold nathan
they got the restaurant back!
General thoughts
sooooooooo looks like i over did the word limit for the reaction block....woops
anyway, i had a lot to say about this episode and i think it is very easy to understand my sentiments over it (though how coherent is debatable). this episode was nice and i liked that we got to do a heist with the mob!
however, i was really bothered with nathan this episode. maybe it has to do with the mis-mashed continuity and maybe this nathan is just an earlier characterization of him. but yeah after the horse job and the miracle job, the nathan for the episode just confused me and annoyed me. he got better towards the end, but just...idk i wasn't of fan of him today.
overall, i did enjoy the episode and i liked how they played on cliches when it came to the mob (the italian restaurant, the daughter's wedding, the voice™️).
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elmendea · 2 years
the Episode of Unnumbered Tears
 semi-personal Ep 7 thoughts.
I spent the majority of this episode bursting into tears, which is...not like me at all. I think the only TV show that ever made me cry while watching it was Eleven’s seasons of Doctor Who (I literally wept into a pillow for three hours the Christmas that Eleven regenerated and ended up getting a migraine from it. Second most embarrassing nerd-fact about me. Most embarrassing nerd fact is that apparently I yelled “I WANNA BE IN LOTHLORIEN!” in my sleep once.) ROP has managed to make me either tear up or outright sob at least once every episode, so far.
Key moments, that may or may not have involved tears, you’ll never hear it from me (images and spoilers beneath the jump):
- the devastation of the Southlands was chillingly familiar on two fronts: firstly, it looked like what happens to bush and country towns during my country’s bushfire season, which hit a note of terror so deep in me it’s practically innate. But as Galadriel wandered around the desolation, I was reminded very sharply of the scene from “Threads” where (TW for the following link: animal death and general absolute nightmare fuel, I am so serious about this) Ruth wanders through what was Sheffield. Either way, it horrified me on every level.
- Isildur’s horrified bewildered numbness at Ontamo’s death; the fact that he could barely walk away...
- the Stranger trying so desperately to help with a power he can’t control, and causing peril again, completely by accident
- Elrond pleading with King Durin...just pleading. and being desperate enough to, well, de-elf himself. god I got some “that boy probably is thinking about Elros rn” vibes from that scene.
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- the tears in Dísa’s eyes when begging Prince Durin to do something. she’s just. she is everything. I love her.
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- the questioning look and then the broken realisation on Elrond’s face, that barely-there trembling
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- the “namárië” exchange and both Elrond and Durin’s utter devastation; Elrond’s forced smile feels like a knife to the heart
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- the look on Galadriel’s face as she realised while talking to Theo that she could see too much of her own situation in his, her insistence that this was her fault and drowning in that guilt
- Elendil’s soft, adamant “Where is my son?”
- the horrifying, stomach-dropping moment of realisation that Míriel had been struck blind, and her begging Elendil to keep walking
- Nori handing the Stranger an apple and just...the both of them, not being able to say anything, the emotion trapped in their eyes. The way Nori set her jaw and lifted her chin against her own sorrow as she watched him walk away. And the numbness that set into her later on. That was painful to watch.
- (also, the little flower that sprouted up from the tree...I thought it was an elanor blossom, at first! Wrong number of petals, though.)
- Theo’s questioning Galadriel, especially asking what the hell the divine plan is in losing his home -- that hit me where it hurt; I absolutely lost it at that point. I’ll elaborate on why someday. not today.
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- Durin attempting to tell Elrond his secret name, and Elrond insisting he save it “for the far side”. I wanted to scream at that point. Elerondonya, dearest heart, wisest one, you of all people should KNOW that reaching the far side may never be an option! don’t be foolish!
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- the look on Elrond’s face when he was cast out of Khazad-Dum. fuck, if he ever cries onscreen, that’s it, I will be obliterated. you’ll have to pick pieces of my heart up for days.
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I can’t believe that I was so worried for bloody months about Elrond’s portrayal. Rob Aramayo is killing it. what a waste of life that was. I love him.
- Durin’s conversation with his father was horrific for me to watch. the fact that sometimes, just sometimes...your parents can be wrong...is such a heavy burden. especially if it seems they’ll never realise it. especially if you still love them despite that. that whole damn scene was wonderfully awful.
- the way the Dweller moves is sinister. She hasn’t even uttered a word and she’s dripping with malice. She terrifies me.
- Elendil pleading with Beric, the pain in his voice. the absolute flatness in Valandil’s response and the resignation in his eyes when Elendil curses picking Galadriel up. that boy gets it, he gets the guilt and the pain and the rage -- he’s the perfect lieutenant, really.
- the medical tent scene ALSO gave me the screaming horrors “Threads” vibes...this time, the (TW: same deal: absolute nightmare fuel) hospital scene. damn, I’d love to pick Charlotte Brändström‘s brain about her film influences; it would be so fascinating.
- Theo hugging Bronwyn...then hugging Arondir. and being the one to initiate the hug. and the look on Arondir’s face as he hugged him back. I am a sucker for chosen families. I am a sucker for chosen families that are absolutely bound by love.
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- the naked, raw pain on Galadriel’s face upon seeing Míriel, eyes bound, still upright and proud.
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- Míriel touching Galadriel’s face and NOT breaking, drawing strength from her and vice versa.
- Elendil turning away and breaking down just ripped my heart in two. we all know Isildur isn’t dead, but I hurt so much for him anyway.
- Poppy stepping up without hesitation when Nori makes to leave. without a moment’s hesitation. friendship goals, right there. Plus Marigold becoming a real mama bear, and Malva being hilariously blunt and not half as much of a cow as we thought she was. I can’t help it, I do love the Harfoots.
- yes, I know the leaks say Halbrand is Sauron, but...I just can’t see it. it’s too odiously obvious if it’s true. (and, y’know. leakers CAN tell lies.)
- okay, but can we talk about the big helping of character development we got from Dísa the Glorious this episode? she has no��qualms about disagreeing with the king, whatsoever. we can also see her...I want to say greed, but I don’t think that’s the right word -- more the hunger she has for her husband to rule, and I think it’s out of love for him, and for the hope she has to move her people forwards. We’ve seen the steel in her since we first met her, now we are shown the fire.
- I literally yelped out “ohhhh SHIT!” when the Balrog flamed up. Durin’s bane is in the house. well. in the mansions of the dwarves. :(
- screw Adar and all his murderous little children. screw Mordor. we hates it, precious. but...just...who is he, really? 
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cherrylite17 · 2 years
Between us ep3
ep 3, head empty, no thoughts :)
So first off, Team skipping class because he was scared to be confronted by Win is literally the most relatable thing ever. Especially when Team later said “He’s not my father, nor my mother, why should I be afraid of him”. Like Team dearest, the audience can see right through that. 
Also, I really liked that this episode seemed to (at least in the beginning half) slow down the story. We we’re given the chance to actually explore characters and their stories rather than a bunch of information being thrown at you left and right. I enjoyed that because I would much rather have a bunch of slower episodes spread through the show over a bunch of slow episodes at the end.
Even though the novel progressed quite fast, I wasn’t looking forward to watching them pad out the show to twelve episodes, so I think I am not alone in saying that I would rather have a bunch of slower episodes evenly spread. 
Also, ABC gang being scared of Win and dropping Team TWICE might have actually been the funniest thing to come out of this show thus far. I actually liked how it played out lol. Also, there was only like ONE sound effect!!! This is proof that BLs can do funny things without sound effects!! (And then they turned around and played like a million sound effects through the rest of the episode *sigh*) 
Anyways, no deep thoughts this time around lol (But aside, now that I have seen people mention Wins roots I cant help but notice it in every scene lol. Also, whoever decided that Win needs to have his hair tied back is criminal, Boun looks SO DAMN FINE with his hair down)
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angryikalgo · 1 year
I made a Trigun Stampede playlist! First track is the OP and the last track is the end theme. All songs in between correspond to episodes with 3 songs per episode (tracklist and EP guide under the cut).
Run Time 2 Hours 44 Min
Music genres include;
Post/Prog Rock, Metal, Emo, and Math Rock Instrumentals.
This one goes out to FIRICHERRY and Touma AMV on youtube. Your AMVs inspired this.
Feel free to let me know your thoughts on the playlist or the series! Love and Peace 🤞
[keep reading]
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EP 1 (Noman's Land)
Let's Go – Stuck in the Sound
Fear – CommonWealth
Deafening - Solence
- - -
EP 2 (The Running Man)
Corrode - Dearest
RatKing – Boston Manor
Synthetic Sympathy – Trash Boat
- - -
EP 3 (Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness)
3days – Mitchel Dae
Are We Brothers? – Paper Rival
Lux - The Surrealist
- - -
EP 4 (Hungry!)
Native Tongue – My Kid Brother
The March – The Dear Hunter
Wormhole Traveler – I Built the Sky
- - -
EP 5 (Child of Blessing)
Becoming Closer to Closure – Of Machines
Try – Olly Steele
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EP 6 (Once Upon a Time in Hopeland)
Almost Human - Maraton
Sword - Sufferer
Writhen - Soen
- - -
EP 7 (Wolfwood)
Everything Will Rust – Misery Signals
001 – Lop Abuse on Somebody
Open Water – Assuming We Survive
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EP 8 (Our Home)
Waltz for Lilly – 3nd
In the Garden – Red Vox
Bloody Shirt – To Kill a King
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EP 9 (Millions Knives)
Human Target Practice – Hail the Sun Teratology – The Physics House Band Camp Adventure – Delta Sleep
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EP 10 (Humanity)
In Shallow Seas We Sail - Emery
Shelter – pg.lost
Ensom – Parting Gift
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EP 11 (To the New World)
Killed by an Angel – Sunny Day Real Estate
Our Father is Missing – From Indian Lakes
Early Grave – The Contortionist
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EP 12 (High Noon at July)
Singularity – Black Orchard Empire
Anything – From Indian Lakes
Stranded – Red Vox
- - -
Hoshi no Kuzu α - Salyu
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
First Act: "The Boy in the Woods"
In which, [Name], the one and only son of Sakamaki Richter strives to make his dearest cousin's lives a living hell. Or; In which yearns for what can never be his own and will do just about anything to yank it within his reach.
Prologue | First Act | Ep. One
Tumblr media
It shall be then...
When the moon turns that ethereal crimson and casts a downpour of blood across the landscape of hell...
When the maiden with a wicked heart reaches her innocent stainless hands into ten chests and mercilessly hollows them out...
When the flaming mistress claims the unwilling body and crawls from the ashes towards her salvation...
When Adam and Eve finally habe their holy reunion and dance as one under the oppressive light of the blood moon...
That the lonesome vampire will have everything he's always longed for.
Only a few more pieces must fall into place.
• C A S T •
Lucifuge [Name] -> the Main Character
Sakamaki Richter -> the Father
Sakamaki Karlheinz -> the Uncle
Sakamaki Shuu -> the Slothful Toy
Sakamaki Reiji -> the Envious Toy
Sakamaki Ayato -> the Prideful Toy
Sakamaki Kanato -> the Gluttonous Toy
Sakamaki Laito -> the Lustful Toy
Sakamaki Subaru -> the Wrathful Toy
Komori Yui -> the Eve
There's something glittering near the stream...
A key.... How interesting....
Return to the Cathedral?
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Well, that's it for Lupin Zero. It certainly was a ride... (spoilers)
What I liked best was easily Lupin's skirmish with his dad. That was excellent, top notch. And I think I was pretty right about Lupin II being complex but not "bad" (in a sense that works for Lupin stories I mean, lol). Obviously he considers his son something he lost by choosing the life of a thief and feels some regret over it. The Walther being a memento of daddy dearest is something I really like as well.
I'm kicking myself because last week I totally thought Shinobu on the roof was Lupin II in disguise, because 1) he was supposed to be on the ground floor, and 2) "Shinobu" was wearing pink socks. I'll have to go back and check, but this week I didn't see the pink socks... but turns out I was somehow still kind of right bc Lupin sees through the disguise because of panty type :P of course. (Yeeeeeah I could do without the nonconsensual peeping tom bits but.) Point is I thought it had to be Dad Lupin bc why should Shinobu get to overhear that rooftop convo anyway haha.
After that the rest of the finale is predictable. Predictable is ok in this sort of story, but it still needs to also be fun. It's not. It has a couple good moments but mostly suffers from underdevelopment. Lupin does have a couple good "becoming Lupin" moments which I appreciate.
But there are also a bunch of stupid things I can't get past, like how pointless Jigen was. Yes, it was fun to see him shoot the cannon. Yes, someone had to fight the mob while Lupin went after Gaucho. Still. Pretty forgettable - although I figured that would be the case for Jigen since he and Lupin had their "moment" already in ep 5. The finale is pretty much a solo thing for Lupin to officially become Lupin III.
Also can't get past how silly it is that two thirteen year olds took out all these revolutionaries who have literally defeated entire armies. If it had been done Part 2-style, I don't think I'd complain, because there'd be enough humor and excitement to make it ridiculous in a fun way, rather than in a head-scratching way. But Lupin Zero took a much more serious tone from the start, and while it has lots of comedic moments, the finale is undeniably a somber affair. I mean, Lupin kills someone for the first time, and then the girl he likes commits suicide... so no, I don't think it's reasonable to expect me to be like "but it's Lupin! Of course he beat Gaucho at 13! :D"
An speaking of Gaucho and Youko. Fine, Gaucho was gonna do something awful. Does that justify Lupin killing him at a time when it didn't appear he had any card left to play? Even if it does, there should have been some actual reaction from Lupin. He killed someone for the first time in his life. I don't expect him to lose his shit over it, but I honestly think that even in Part 2, had they done something like that in a flashback, we'd have seen Lupin distraught a little.
And Youko. Someone who was a lot of fun in her debut episode! And then continued to exist mainly to be a sexual violence victim and just a really sad, depressing character. I don't understand her. I thought she was gonna be the woman who gave Lupin his type, but Fujiko is nothing like Youko. And why do I have to watch a show about a woman who is kicked around by men and then dies because one of them dies. She threw her lot in with Gaucho? He didn't abuse her himself, but sent her into abusive situations "for the revolution"? I don't give a shit. He wasn't worth dying for. Even if Youko was that helpless without him, I don't understand what the point of her dying is story-wise. What does it do for Lupin? As his father put it, a thief loses as much as he acquires. So obviously we're meant to view Youko as Lupin's first loss. I appreciate that Lupin was faced with that, but I don't like how it was done - with Youko being such a passive, helpless character. I don't know if it's meant to justify Lupin being so easily amenable to whatever women want in the future, but if so, I think that's silly - it's not chivalry now and it wasn't chivalry back in retro Lupin either. Chivalry would have been the writers making Youko a better character, haha.
Seriously, when you've written a character, esp a female one, who spends most of her scenes getting kicked around by men, turns out to be totally dependent on one, and saved by another - and then KILLS HERSELF - you really need to stop and ask yourself if you even like women at all. And then get therapy. Please.
So yeah very not cool about Youko's story. Buuuut the moment where Lupin sees her wearing his necklace was adorable af.
The final bit on the school roof took me completely by surprise. My guess for the ending was that Lupin and Jigen would ditch school forever to start their career as partners in crime. Instead they apparently just... went home again? They are gonna start doing crime lol, somehow, but i guess they still want a degree x'D School is mandatory through jr high in Japan after all. (Which is one reason I was surprised Zero didn't take place in their high school years instead. And I still don't get why this show had to be in their middle school years at all.)
It was a nice little scene, just not what I expected, and hard to appreciate fully coming right after Youko's freaking suicide.
I really needed a lot more from this episode than I got. Including Lupin I and Albert was like, good to see you, but I know you won't have enough screen time to do anything. Shinobu turned out to be hella boring (but not sleeping with Daddy Lupin, lol, the one new detail about her we learned!). I needed Jigen to run out and grab Lupin's arm while he reached for Youko. I needed Youko to not die, or to die in a less pathetic way. Yes, pathetic - not tragic, which I know is what they're going for. Sorry, Shakespeare did it better. I needed less tragedy in general, and a lot more Lupin becoming Lupin and making trouble. Just throwing an atomic missile into the equation does not an interesting adventure make.
So while there were parts of this episode I did enjoy, overall it was a bust for me. Which means the short series itself is a bust. I'm gonna watch it again start to finish and maybe write some final thoughts, but yeah. I'm not mad about it - Zero did give us some cool scenes and the whole "how Lupin III became Lupin III" concept was great. It just couldn't stick the landing. There are basic storytelling mishaps that scream it was rushed and probably underfunded and not fully realized... but I'll harp on that later.
Despite that, Zero is 'still a nice sort of "What if?" to have.
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myechoecho · 9 months
My Dearest, ep 7
Gil Chae returning to Jang Hyun only to have to leave him on the field dying...the angst.
Since the king leave the fortress, the main part the war appears to be over, but there must more hardship coming as the winners of war are often not kind to the losers.
Gil Chae and Eun Ae returning back to their broken village was heartbreaking. But did Gil Chae's father lose his mind? Just like Scarlett's father?? I'm really trying not to compare it to compare it to Gone with the Wind but it keeps hitting plot points (in essentially the same order) as the book/film. Don't get me wrong, the show is definitely its own thing.
Yeon Jun is now working in court but I think he is becoming more and more disillusioned.
It's a bit cheesy, but I liked how Jang Hyun had a dream choice of him as child crying outside his father's house and then of Gil Chae chastising him for leaving her to have him make his choice. I'm ignoring the fact that he should probably be dead because of the smallpox + sliced open shoulder + left out alone in the elements for who knows how long.
Gil Chae and Jang Hyun finally meet after all they have been through and the first thing they do is bicker. Though did find Gil Chae questioning why he's using a fan in winter and Jang Hyun reaction to that funny.
Interesting that Yeon Jun not only knows about Gil Chae's feelings for him but know precisely what they are. One the one hand, it is a bit annoying that he's dismissing her feelings but still he's not wrong. And we know who Gil Chae really cares for.
Now Jang Hyun is going to Qing all because he saw Gil Chae and Yeon Jun on the bridge. Jang Hyun saying that Gil Chae needs to mature a bit is not exactly wrong except, where Gil Chae is concerned he is almost more immature than she is. He's like a teenage boy who has a crush on a girl he likes and does not know how to handle it.
Further evidenced by the ribbon teases her about, holds it away from here when she tries to get it back and then of course they fall over together. Still, I do love how their first kiss is shot. And while he does fall back on his teasing at first, he actually finally is serious about how he feels.
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