#ent spoilers
the-lady-general · 11 months
Best Starfleet XO by rowdiness
Ransom. Stabbed the captain's daughter AND tried to eat the ship AND gets on everybody's nerves with tales of his bench press high score. Understood the assignment, A+, no notes.
Burnham. Got so rowdy. Like, SO rowdy. Amazing XO. Ultimately didn't stab her captain, which is good for her, but bad for my personal entertainment.
Kira. Built a kiln and then burned it down. Pointed and laughed at Dukat. Got so rowdy she fought *for* the Cardassians at one point. Should have stabbed more people, mostly Damar.
Spock. The other S'chn T'gai. Tried to kill the captain, and he would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for that lousy doctor. Swordfought that lousy doctor.
Gwyn. Tried to stab multiple people, most of them on purpose.
Una. Knocked out two department heads in the same episode. Heck yes!
Seven. I haven't seen PIC, but I heard Jeri Ryan was in it and I loved her in Leverage, so I hope she got to stab lots of people. <3
Tuvok. Love that guy, the brain cell, trolled the Maquis. I saw like two episodes of Voy, no idea if he stabbed anyone, but I really want him to.
T'Pol. Points deducted for ending more fights than she starts as far as I've seen. Super secret super agent, but sadly, I have yet to see her stab Archer. She should stab Archer. As a treat.
You know, I can't actually remember if Chakotay or Tuvok were XO of Voy and I'm too lazy to look it up, so I would like to encourage someone else to sing his praises and tell me about how cool he was until I get round to it.
Tysess. Politely yet firmly told Janeway no that one time. Boo!
Riker. Got a little pouty that one time when his boss was abducted and his replacement boss made them all work less. Could definitely teach that man tricks with treats and clicker training, which is probably why the psychiatrist was into him.
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entguarde · 4 months
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Something about the inherent anger in optimism.
[Id: A fully rendered digital drawing of Merle Highchurch from The Adventure Zone.
He is a fat, Black dwarf man with long, wavy gray hair and a full beard. He has a nicked ear and a small scar on his shoulder as well as otter-like whiskers and a protruding fang.
He is sitting in an office chair, his elbows resting on a table. He is glaring at an off-screen character (John), pointing down at the table as if to emphasize a point. A text queue underneath him says: “- You can apologize to me and tell me you were wrong”. End description.]
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lukadarkwater · 1 year
Me: casually riding my horse across Hyrule
A random tree:
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Star Trek: Enterprise - The Andorian Incident / Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Charades
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kurisus · 9 months
Chapter 107-2 thoughts
Literally earlier, before the chapter came out, I'd said I'm not believing Hiyori is dead. They'd have to show Yato naming her to get me to believe that. And then this chapter happened. Fuck me, I guess!
It seems like the general reaction to this is that it's sad but I'm not really sad I'm just angry. As it is, we have two options: (1) this is all a fakeout, one last time, or (2) this is actually the intent and the series will end with Hiyori being made Yato's shinki.
Neither is really ideal. A fakeout this late in the game seems pointless and would likely involve an asspull of some sort, but the alternative is something that absolutely spits on the themes of the manga thus far and effectively negates the arcs of both Hiyori and Yato.
So all in all, I really wish they hadn't gone this route in the first place, but I'll take the lesser of two evils at this point. This manga has always been about overcoming tragedy, your past does not define you, the near and far shores cannot survive without one another but too much interaction disrupts the balance, et goddamn cetera. Making Hiyori Yato's shinki makes this story a tragedy, teaches Yato the same lesson he's already learned (HOSPITAL ARC), and eliminates the only near shore major character in the entire series.
Now the question remains: can they still reverse this? Like I'll take anything at this point, but is it even possible within the story's logic? I want to say yes, and I've already seen a few rumors flying--this dimension is all an illusion, the koto no ha is destroyed so the bubble is too, the gods can reverse all the people that have died from the creatures, it could be possible for Hiyori to become a god, etc.... I'm clinging on to that first one personally, but at the same time, I feel a looming dread because...Yato saw Hiyori's memories. He saw memories he didn't personally witness, which kind of makes me think this is the real deal. But I also really don't fucking want it to be?
"Ina wasn't your first fic for the fandom literally this exact concept" YES because what makes a good AU wouldn't always be good in canon, right? This was something I wanted to explore in the concept of fanfiction, because it's a different medium to play with different ideas. At the end of it, I kind of went, "phew, that sure would be bad, wouldn't it!" and went on with my life.
I dunno man. I'm just angry and sad and disappointed, and it's annoying to me as well to look back at all the other things they've resolved perfectly. I think of how flawlessly executed Yukine's arc was, and want to cry. Why can't Hiyori get this same luxury? Fakeout or not, her arc should've been her parting ways, preferably on her own terms, because that's what the story's been leading up to. Yes, her grandma told her to be with the one she loves, but I assumed that was just in the moment, and wasn't actually foreshadowing her death.
THE FUCKING. HOSPITAL ARC. SHE IS SIXTEEN YEARS OLD SHE CAN'T DIE YET. NOT UNTIL SHE'S AN OLD LADY!!!! YATO SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID HE LEARN FROM THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER LOVE ANYTHING I FUCKING GUESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At this point I'm going to deny it either until Adachitoka says sike or the manga ends. But needless to say, my reread's been postponed. I've been putting it off because of being busy irl, but if I reread now I'll just be bitching the whole time, and I don't want to do that to myself, and I don't think you guys want to read that either.
If it ends this way, I'll be bruised and bitter for years. If Adachitoka says sike, and Father dies believing Hiyori is dead (cause what was up with him losing his eyes), I'll at least cherish this one small mercy, but man, this is a sore blow. I'm sorry that normally my thoughts are excited and this one's just angry, but I can't put a positive spin on this yet.
Feel free to send me your theories or copium. I'll devour them all until I get made a clown of once more.
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griffin entrainment: It's Griffin because I'm excited, too. I tried to make a gift to jjingu and found an edgy foot. [2] It's Griffin. Were you surprised?I'll give you one more right away. This is Griffin
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autisticburnham · 13 days
I can't believe I haven't seen more people freaking about the Daniels reveal
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Some Chayanne doodles as he makes a decision
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...to ask for a little help
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...so he can beat up the monster possessing his dad .
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(hee hee hoo hoo I like how enderza turned out for such a low effort doodle)
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lesbiancalkestis · 11 months
The Travis and Hoshi references! I’m 😭
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fazbear-ent-official · 11 months
⭐️More Questions than Answers⭐️
Thats FNAF’s new motto for it’s season 2 content of Rement Boogaloo
didn't we do that first here with the lore? damn
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spockolesbian · 11 months
People acknowledging the existence of travis mayweather? In my star trek episode??? It’s more likely than you think!
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mai-komagata · 10 months
so i rewatched arena last night
they say they don't recognize the ship -- that is fine, they can get different ships in like 8 years, the federation probably doesn't have a catalog of all their vessels.
they don't seem particularly confused as to what the gorn are -- you can read it as "they have never heard of it before" but they don't actually say that. Uhura seems pretty horrified to hear about the gorn. Which tracks.
Colony being destroyed and colonists being in melty face mode tracks with gorn doing what they do to colonies.
This being a weird territorial dispute is not a bad angle -- federation thinks they are to blame, but maybe those are there ritual breeding grounds and we are impinging.
Kirk feels revulsion at the gorn, which tracks our experience of them so far.
Juveniles being super fast and agile and old gorn being lumbering but super strong tracks with a lot of lizard species.
I liked the "these are incomprehensible evil creatures" angle in arena, and I think that meshes with xenomorph experience, in a way simply lizard suit + alien language wouldn't for modern audiences.
Kirk (and Spock) showing compassion for the gorn angle is def interesting. And def more hearfelt if you have all this gorn history, which would make compassion difficult. You'd hope Kirk would generally have compassion for a random alien species. But it makes a more compelling narrative if they have thus far been presented as incomprehensible monsters until Arena, because then the compassion is more radical, and the encounter with the Metrons made them realize otherwise.
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entguarde · 5 months
john hunger in stigmata
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[ID: A lineless digital drawing of John Hunger in a monochrome palette of grays and reds.
He is a lanky, well-kept man with pale skin. He has slicked back dark hair and dark eyes with red irises. He’s wearing a dark suit.
John is shown as if he were stuck inside a box; sitting hunched over with his knees to his chest. One hand is over his face and another is digging into his own hair. He is glaring at the viewer, his eyes wide and wild. In the background there are numerous eyes, all staring at him. End description]
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annikasevenshots · 1 year
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@raffaelamusiker and i having way too much fun with our new action figurines (the crew of the enterprise g)
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artgletic · 2 years
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various bugfable doodles (mostly from page margins in my notebooks LMAO)
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aquarian-queen · 8 months
I loved Daniel in this ep!!! His range is just…. Urgh. Villain. Worry. Fear. Desperation. Will take some time to process it, rewatch the episode and share my thoughts about Troy, and also about the episode in general, but mostly Troy. But some things we were joking about on here was actually true. And also in general our thoughts with the spoilers we had, and I am on his side lol.
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